Presentation on the music "F. Shubert" Forest Tsar ". When Schubert 6 questions about the life and work of Schubert

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Presentation on the music "F. Shubert" Forest Tsar ". When Schubert 6 questions about the life and work of Schubert
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(Questions are distributed over the partary work desks together with various biography variants depending on the individual characteristics of children.) 1. Who is Franz Schubert? 7. What works got the greatest fame during the lifetime of Schubert? 14. The representative of which musical direction was Schubert? Franz Schubert (1797-1828) - Austrian composer. Born in the family of school teacher. In 1808-12 was the singing of the Vienna court chapel. Brought up in the Vienna Convitte. In 1814-18 Assistant teacher at the Father's School. By 1816, Schubert created over 250 songs. Around Schubert there was a circle of friends - fans of his work. Singer I. M. Fogl became the propaganda of his songs. Recognition came to Schubert only in the 20s. In 1828, a few months before the death of Schubert, his author's concert took place in Vienna, which took place with great success. The most important place in the work of Schubert is a song for voice with piano (about 600). One of the largest meloders, Schubert reformed the genre of the song, having endowed it with a deep content. Schubert created a new type of song through development, as well as the first highly artistic samples of the vocal cycle. The poems of about 100 poets are used in Schubert's songs, first of all Goethe (about 70 songs). During the lifetime of Schubert, they received fame mainly his songs. Many large instrumental compositions were fulfilled only after decades after his death ("big" symphony sounded in 1839, under the control of F. Mendelssohn; "Unfined symphony" - in 1865). In the instrumental music of Schubert, based on the traditions of composers of the Vienna classical school, great importance acquired a song type. The composer sought to preserve the singular lyrical theme as a whole, giving it new lighting with tonal repainting, timbre and textured variation. Of the 9 Schubert Symphony 6 Early (1813-18) are close to the writings of Viennese Classics, although they differ in romantic freshness, immediacy. The vertex samples of romantic symphony are a lyric-dramatic 2-bed "unfinished symphony" (1822) and the majestic heroic-epic "big" symphony C-DUR (1825-28). Two in the "Italian style" (1817) are most popular from the Schubert Orchestra. Schubert is the author of deep and significant in the content of chamber instrumental ensembles (one of the best - the piano quintet "Trout"), a number of which is written for home musice. Piano music is an important area of \u200b\u200bSchubert's creativity. Tested the influence of L. Beethoven, Schubert laid the tradition of a free romantic interpretation of the genre of piano sonata. Piano fantasy "Skitalets" also anticipates the "poems" forms of romantics. Express and musical moments of Schubert - the first romantic miniatures close to the writings F. Chopen, R. Shumana, F. Sheet. Schubert is the first major representative of musical romanticism. The work of Schubert is associated with the Austrian folk art, with household music of Vienna, although he rarely used authentic folk-high topics in writings. The composer also crossed the features of the musical folklore of the Hungarians living in the Austrian Empire, Slavs. Of great importance in his music have coloring, the painfulness achieved with the help of orchestration, enrich the harmony by the on-hand sober, rapprochement of the same major and minura, wide use of deviations and modulation, the use of variational development. Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions: 2. When and where Franz Schubert was born? 11. What person was Schubert? 15. When a real success came to Schubert? (Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.) Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in the suburb of Vienna. His father was a school teacher - a person is hardworking and respectable. The older sons went to the footsteps of the Father, the same way was undermined and Schubert. But he sounded in the house and music. On holidays there was a circle of amateurs musicians, the Father himself taught Franz to the violin, and one of the brothers on the key. Soon the surrounding it became clear that an unusually gifted child was in front of them. When Schubert turned 11 years old, he was given to the church-singing school - Convict. There was his student orchestra, where Schubert began to fulfill the party of the first violin, and sometimes even conduct. In 1810, Schubert wrote his first essay. The passion for music covered it more and more and gradually displaced all other interests. He was oppressed by the need to study what was far from music, and in five years, and without finishing the Convict, Schubert left him. This led to a deterioration in relationship with the Father, who still tried to instruct the Son "on the True path." Landing him, Franz entered the teacher seminary, and then performed the responsibilities of the teacher's assistant at the school of his father. But the intentions of the Father make a teacher's son with a reliable earnings and was not destined to come true. It was a small height, dense, chunky, so-hot, shy and distinguished by an extraordinary charm. By this time, the famous "Schubertiada" - the evenings dedicated to exclusively music of Schubert, when he did not move away from the piano, right there, on the go, writing music ... he creates daily, hourly, without tired and stopped, as if he knew that It remains long for him ... Music did not leave him even in a dream - and he threw out in the middle of the night to record her on the pieces of paper. To do not look for glasses every time, he did not part with them. Calusing and naive, he often became a victim of his publishers who made up on it. The author of a huge number of writings, and in particular songs, which in the Burgers circles still became popular with his life, he barely reduced ends with the ends. If Mozart, Beethoven, Leaf, Chopin How beautiful Musicians performers contributed to the growth of the popularity of their works, then Schubert virtuoso was not and decided to act except as in the role of the accompanist of his songs. And there was nothing about the symphony and there is nothing to talk about them under the life of the composer. More and more Schubert is immersed in despair and loneliness: the circle collapsed, his friends became people family, with position in society, and only Schubert remained naively faithful to the ideals of youth, which has already passed. He was timid and did not know how to ask, but at the same time did not want to humiliate in front of influential people - several places he was entitled to count and who would provide him with a comfortable existence, were given to other musicians. He had a lot of life for the last years, disagreened, but his creative activity did not weaken. Still, albeit only once, he learned what real success is. In 1828, his friends organized a concert in Vienna from his works, which exceeded all expectations. Schubert is again full of dazed plans, it is intensively working on new works. But the death remains for several months - Schubert falls like a typhoid. The organism weakened by the years cannot resist, and on November 19, 1828, Franz Schubert dies. Its property is estimated for pennies. Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions: 3. Who were Schubert's parents? 9. What role in the songs of Schubert plays piano escort? 10. Which singer began to promote the work of Schubert? (Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.) Franz Peter Schubert is an outstanding Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. Born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale, a small suburb of Vienna. The son of the school teacher and the daughter of a locksmith. Quartet nights in the Father's House of Schubert played a big role in the Music Development of Schubert: The Schubert Brothers, Ferdinand and Ignac, played the parties of the 1st and 2nd violin, Schubert himself - the party of Alta, and his father - the game of Cello. By participating in the choir of boys of the Lichtental Church, Schubert also acted as a soloist, hitting the votes of voice and expressive singing. In October 1808, Schubert was taken at the "songy boys" of the court chapel. He began to live and study in the Vienna Convitte (the genus of the boarding house and boarding school). Playing in the Student Orchestra of Convict, Schubert in practice met Hydena's music, Mozart and Beethoven. At the age of 13, Schubert was already the author of a number of works. His first major essay - fantasy for piano in 4 hands, written in 1810. After mutation, the voice of Schubert left the convict without finishing medium education. In accordance with family traditions, at the insistence of the Father, in the fall of 1813 he entered the teacher seminary. Despite the big employment, Schubert composed a lot and continuously, improving his skills. Working a school teacher, he devoted all his free clocks. The central place in the work of Schubert is the vocal-song lyrics. About 600 songs wrote Schubert. The subject of the personality in Schubert's songs is combined with the challenge of nature characteristic. Images of Nature (Creek, Forest, Field, Flowers) found a bright artistic embodiment in their music. In Schubert's songs, a clear, simple and very sincere melody dominates. Piano accompaniment is often a vector image, but at the same time the pictusivity is combined with deep psychological expressiveness. The piano party on equal vocal rights participates in the creation of a music and poetic image. Schubert can rightly be considered the founder of romantic vocal lyrics. Attempts by Schubert and his friends to make the edition of his writings during these years were not successful, only a narrow circle of friends and admirers knew about his creative achievements. Only after the magnificent singer was interested in the songs in 1817, the artist of the Vienna opera Michael Fogl, who began to fulfill them, the name of Schubert began to acquire increasing fame in Vienna. Often in the evenings, friends have fun dancing under the sounds of Schubert waltz, which he immediately improvised. From time to time, evenings were arranged in a friendly circle, at which the writings of Schubert sounded (these evenings were called "Schubertyad"). Starting from about 1821, Schubert's music becomes the heritage of wider circles of the Vienna society. It was mostly the songs, in propaganda whose role was played by the singer Fogl, as well as small piano plays (dancing). Since 1821, the edition of Schubert's essays has begun - the composer's friends published several his writings on their own funds, after which the Viennese publishers decided to print his works at their own peril and risk. Nevertheless were published mainly songs and piano dancing. More significant instrumental writings of Schubert have long been waiting for their publication. Schubert lived only thirty-one. He died exhausted physically and soulful, exhausted failures in life. None of the nine symphones of the composer was filled with his life. From the six hundred songs was printed about two hundred, and from two tens of piano sonatas - only three. Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions: 4. What how old is Schubert accepted in court chapel? 5. Where is Schubert got a musical education? 6. What how old is Schubert started writing? 16. How many years did Schubert live? (Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.) Franz Peter Schubert is the famous composer. Born in Vienna January 31, 1797, died in the same place November 19, 1828. Ornate Schubert's Gifted Music Nature said very early; This contributed to the surrounding musical environment of his family. In the family, they loved the music and constantly sat down musical evenings. Father played a cello, and brothers on various tools. Having found musical abilities from a little Franz, father and elder brother Ignac began to train his violin and piano. Soon the boy was able to take part in the home execution of string quartets, playing the party of Alta. Franz possessed an excellent voice. He sang in church church, performing difficult solo parties. Father was pleased with the success of the Son. In October 1808, Schubert was among the "songy boys" of the court chapel; He began to live and study in the Vienna Convitte (the genus of the boarding house and boarding school). Leaving a chapel, Schubert lived lessons. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven. In the song Song, Schubert was the last successor. Thanks to Schubert, singing received an art form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of mood, he gave accompaniment more importance, big artistic meaning. Schubert did not try, as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but a national jet was involuntarily reflected in his songs, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote nearly 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life. The amazing musical gift of Schubert affected both the piano and symphonic area. Schubert is the successor of Beethoven. In the field of opera, Schubert was not so apparent; Although they are written about 20, they will add a little to his glory. Schubert's musical performance was enormous. Starting from the 13th year of life, he composed inener. The slightest impulse was enough to awaken the constantly restless spirit of Schubert. The elements of Schubert was a song. In it, he reached unprecedented heights. Her world is the world of ordinary and intimate human feelings, the subtlest and deep psychological experiences. This is the confession of the soul, expressed not in pen and not in a word, and sound. The genre previously considered insignificant, he raised the degree of artistic perfection. In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment to his vocal work, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. Solver about the impotence of Schubert had some reason: he often drank more superfluous and then became hot-tempered and unpleasant for a mug of friends. According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent passed away for 31 years. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful: it was then that he wrote the symphony of C-DUR and Mass ES-DUR. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later seen the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas, etc.). Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions: 8. How many songs wrote Schubert? 12. What was the name of Schubert's musical meetings with friends? 13. What composer Schubert bastville? (Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.) Franz Peter Schubert is an outstanding Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. He wrote about 600 songs, nine symphones (including the famous "unfinished symphony"), liturgical music, operas, as well as a large number of chamber and solo piano music. Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale, a small suburb of Vienna, in the family of a school teacher, amateurly engaged in musice. Of the fifteen children in the family, a decorter died at an early age. Franz showed musical abilities very early. From six years he studied at the parish school, and the household taught him to play the violin and piano. At the age of eleven, Franz was adopted in Convict - a court chapel, where, besides singing, he studied the game on many tools and the theory of music (under the leadership of Antonio Salieri). Leaving a chapel in 1813, Schubert got a job as a teacher to school. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven. The first independent works - Opera "Messenger Castle Satan" and Massa Fa Major - he wrote in 1814 in the field of Song Schubert was the successor of Beethoven. Thanks to Schubert, this genre got an artistic form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. Great importance in vocal literature have large collections of Schubert's songs on Vilhelm Muller - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way", which are a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bBeethoven, expressed in the collection of songs "to a distant beloved." In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of sentiments; He gave accompaniment more important, larger feature. The collection of the Swan Song is also remarkable, from which many songs have acquired worldwide fame (for example, "Serenade", "shelter", "Fisherman", "by the sea". Schubert did not try as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but in his The songs involuntarily reflected the national jet, and they became the property of the country. Schubert wrote almost 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life. The musical performance of Schubert was huge. Since 1813 he composed incentively. In many ways, friends were helped, often their friends Meetings were dedicated entirely to music. The works of Schubert sounded. Sometimes parties were arranged, danced, and Franz sat for hours for the piano and improvised. Such meetings were called "Schubertiads." In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to the accompaniment of his vocal writings, he was extremely restrained, not I was interested in praise and even avoided them; among friends, on the contrary, he highly appreciated approval. According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent died at the age of 31. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later saw the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas and so on.). The composer died of abdominal typhus in Vienna, November 19, 1828, according to the last wishes, Schubert was buried in the cemetery, where the Benthoven's buddler was buried for the year before. The eloquent inscription engraved on the monument: "Death buried here a rich treasure, but even more wonderful hopes." In honor of Schubert, a crater on Mercury was named.

ATTACHMENT 1. 211-341-130
(Questions are distributed over the partary work desks together with various biography variants depending on the individual characteristics of children.)
1. Who is Franz Schubert?

7. What works got the greatest fame during the lifetime of Schubert?

14. The representative of which musical direction was Schubert?

Franz Schubert (1797-1828) - Austrian composer. Born in the family of school teacher. In 1808-12 was the singing of the Vienna court chapel. Brought up in the Vienna Convitte.
In 1814-18 Assistant teacher at the Father's School. By 1816, Schubert created over 250 songs. Around Schubert there was a circle of friends - fans of his work. Singer I. M. Fogl became the propaganda of his songs. Recognition came to Schubert only in the 20s. In 1828, a few months before the death of Schubert, his author's concert took place in Vienna, which took place with great success.
The most important place in the work of Schubert is a song for voice with piano (about 600). One of the largest meloders, Schubert reformed the genre of the song, having endowed it with a deep content. Schubert created a new type of song through development, as well as the first highly artistic samples of the vocal cycle. The poems of about 100 poets are used in Schubert's songs, first of all Goethe (about 70 songs). During the lifetime of Schubert, they received fame mainly his songs. Many large instrumental compositions were fulfilled only after decades after his death ("big" symphony sounded in 1839, under the control of F. Mendelssohn; "Unfined symphony" - in 1865).

In the instrumental music of Schubert, based on the traditions of composers of the Vienna classical school, great importance acquired a song type. The composer sought to preserve the singular lyrical theme as a whole, giving it new lighting with tonal repainting, timbre and textured variation.

Of the 9 Schubert Symphony 6 Early (1813-18) are close to the writings of Viennese Classics, although they differ in romantic freshness, immediacy. The vertex samples of romantic symphony are a lyric-dramatic 2-bed "unfinished symphony" (1822) and the majestic heroic-epic "big" symphony C-DUR (1825-28). Two in the "Italian style" (1817) are most popular from the Schubert Orchestra. Schubert is the author of deep and significant in the content of chamber instrumental ensembles (one of the best - the piano quintet "Trout"), a number of which is written for home musice.
Piano music is an important area of \u200b\u200bSchubert's creativity. Tested the influence of L. Beethoven, Schubert laid the tradition of a free romantic interpretation of the genre of piano sonata. Piano fantasy "Skitalets" also anticipates the "poems" forms of romantics. The expression and musical moments of Schubert are the first romantic miniatures, close to the writings F. Chopen, R. Shuman, F. Sheet. Schubert is the first major representative of musical romanticism.
The work of Schubert is associated with the Austrian folk art, with household music of Vienna, although he rarely used authentic folk-high topics in writings. The composer also crossed the features of the musical folklore of the Hungarians living in the Austrian Empire, Slavs. Of great importance in his music have coloring, the painfulness achieved with the help of orchestration, enrich the harmony by the on-hand sober, rapprochement of the same major and minura, wide use of deviations and modulation, the use of variational development.

Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:
2. When and where Franz Schubert was born?

11. What person was Schubert?

15. When a real success came to Schubert?
(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)
Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in the suburb of Vienna. His father was a school teacher - a person is hardworking and respectable. The older sons went to the footsteps of the Father, the same way was undermined and Schubert. But he sounded in the house and music. On holidays there was a circle of amateurs musicians, the Father himself taught Franz to the violin, and one of the brothers on the key.
Soon the surrounding it became clear that an unusually gifted child was in front of them. When Schubert turned 11 years old, he was given to the church-singing school - Convict. There was his student orchestra, where Schubert began to fulfill the party of the first violin, and sometimes even conduct.
In 1810, Schubert wrote his first essay. The passion for music covered it more and more and gradually displaced all other interests. He was oppressed by the need to study what was far from music, and in five years, and without finishing the Convict, Schubert left him. This led to a deterioration in relationship with the Father, who still tried to instruct the Son "on the True path." Landing him, Franz entered the teacher seminary, and then performed the responsibilities of the teacher's assistant at the school of his father. But the intentions of the Father make a teacher's son with a reliable earnings and was not destined to come true.
It was a small height, dense, chunky, so-hot, shy and distinguished by an extraordinary charm. By this time, the famous "Schubertiada" - the evenings dedicated to exclusively music of Schubert, when he did not move away from the piano, right there, on the go, writing music ... he creates daily, hourly, without tired and stopped, as if he knew that It remains long for him ... Music did not leave him even in a dream - and he threw out in the middle of the night to record her on the pieces of paper. To do not look for glasses every time, he did not part with them.
Calusing and naive, he often became a victim of his publishers who made up on it. The author of a huge number of writings, and in particular songs, which in the Burgers circles still became popular with his life, he barely reduced ends with the ends. If Mozart, Beethoven, Leaf, Chopin How beautiful Musicians performers contributed to the growth of the popularity of their works, then Schubert virtuoso was not and decided to act except as in the role of the accompanist of his songs. And there was nothing about the symphony and there is nothing to talk about them under the life of the composer.
More and more Schubert is immersed in despair and loneliness: the circle collapsed, his friends became people family, with position in society, and only Schubert remained naively faithful to the ideals of youth, which has already passed. He was timid and did not know how to ask, but at the same time did not want to humiliate in front of influential people - several places he was entitled to count and who would provide him with a comfortable existence, were given to other musicians.
He had a lot of life for the last years, disagreened, but his creative activity did not weaken. Still, albeit only once, he learned what real success is. In 1828, his friends organized a concert in Vienna from his works, which exceeded all expectations. Schubert is again full of dazed plans, it is intensively working on new works. But the death remains for several months - Schubert falls like a typhoid. The organism weakened by the years cannot resist, and on November 19, 1828, Franz Schubert dies. Its property is estimated for pennies.
Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:
3. Who were Schubert's parents?

9. What role in the songs of Schubert plays piano escort?

10. Which singer began to promote the work of Schubert?
(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)
Franz Peter Schubert is an outstanding Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. Born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale, a small suburb of Vienna. The son of the school teacher and the daughter of a locksmith. Quartet nights in the Father's House of Schubert played a big role in the Music Development of Schubert: The Schubert Brothers, Ferdinand and Ignac, played the parties of the 1st and 2nd violin, Schubert himself - the party of Alta, and his father - the game of Cello.
By participating in the choir of boys of the Lichtental Church, Schubert also acted as a soloist, hitting the votes of voice and expressive singing. In October 1808, Schubert was taken at the "songy boys" of the court chapel. He began to live and study in the Vienna Convitte (the genus of the boarding house and boarding school). Playing in the Student Orchestra of Convict, Schubert in practice met Hydena's music, Mozart and Beethoven.
At the age of 13, Schubert was already the author of a number of works. His first major essay - fantasy for piano in 4 hands, written in 1810. After mutation, the voice of Schubert left the convict without finishing medium education. In accordance with family traditions, at the insistence of the Father, in the fall of 1813 he entered the teacher seminary. Despite the big employment, Schubert composed a lot and continuously, improving his skills. Working a school teacher, he devoted all his free clocks.
The central place in the work of Schubert is the vocal-song lyrics. About 600 songs wrote Schubert. The subject of the personality in Schubert's songs is combined with the challenge of nature characteristic. Images of Nature (Creek, Forest, Field, Flowers) found a bright artistic embodiment in their music. In Schubert's songs, a clear, simple and very sincere melody dominates. Piano accompaniment is often a vector image, but at the same time the pictusivity is combined with deep psychological expressiveness. The piano party on equal vocal rights participates in the creation of a music and poetic image. Schubert can rightly be considered the founder of romantic vocal lyrics.
Attempts by Schubert and his friends to make the edition of his writings during these years were not successful, only a narrow circle of friends and admirers knew about his creative achievements. Only after the magnificent singer was interested in the songs in 1817, the artist of the Vienna opera Michael Fogl, who began to fulfill them, the name of Schubert began to acquire increasing fame in Vienna. Often in the evenings, friends have fun dancing under the sounds of Schubert waltz, which he immediately improvised. From time to time, evenings were arranged in a friendly circle, at which the writings of Schubert sounded (these evenings were called "Schubertyad").
Starting from about 1821, Schubert's music becomes the heritage of wider circles of the Vienna society. It was mostly the songs, in propaganda whose role was played by the singer Fogl, as well as small piano plays (dancing). Since 1821, the edition of Schubert's essays has begun - the composer's friends published several his writings on their own funds, after which the Viennese publishers decided to print his works at their own peril and risk. Nevertheless were published mainly songs and piano dancing. More significant instrumental writings of Schubert have long been waiting for their publication.

Schubert lived only thirty-one. He died exhausted physically and soulful, exhausted failures in life. None of the nine symphones of the composer was filled with his life. From the six hundred songs was printed about two hundred, and from two tens of piano sonatas - only three.

Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:
4. What how old is Schubert accepted in court chapel?

5. Where is Schubert got a musical education?

6. What how old is Schubert started writing?

16. How many years did Schubert live?

(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)
Franz Peter Schubert is the famous composer. Born in Vienna January 31, 1797, died in the same place November 19, 1828. Ornate Schubert's Gifted Music Nature said very early; This contributed to the surrounding musical environment of his family. In the family, they loved the music and constantly sat down musical evenings. Father played a cello, and brothers on various tools.
Having found musical abilities from a little Franz, father and elder brother Ignac began to train his violin and piano. Soon the boy was able to take part in the home execution of string quartets, playing the party of Alta. Franz possessed an excellent voice. He sang in church church, performing difficult solo parties. Father was pleased with the success of the Son.
In October 1808, Schubert was among the "songy boys" of the court chapel; He began to live and study in the Vienna Convitte (the genus of the boarding house and boarding school). Leaving a chapel, Schubert lived lessons. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven.
In the song Song, Schubert was the last successor. Thanks to Schubert, singing received an art form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of mood, he gave accompaniment more importance, big artistic meaning. Schubert did not try, as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but a national jet was involuntarily reflected in his songs, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote nearly 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life.
The amazing musical gift of Schubert affected both the piano and symphonic area. Schubert is the successor of Beethoven. In the field of opera, Schubert was not so apparent; Although they are written about 20, they will add a little to his glory. Schubert's musical performance was enormous. Starting from the 13th year of life, he composed inener. The slightest impulse was enough to awaken the constantly restless spirit of Schubert.
The elements of Schubert was a song. In it, he reached unprecedented heights. Her world is the world of ordinary and intimate human feelings, the subtlest and deep psychological experiences. This is the confession of the soul, expressed not in pen and not in a word, and sound. The genre previously considered insignificant, he raised the degree of artistic perfection.
In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment to his vocal work, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. Solver about the impotence of Schubert had some reason: he often drank more superfluous and then became hot-tempered and unpleasant for a mug of friends.
According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent passed away for 31 years. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful: it was then that he wrote the symphony of C-DUR and Mass ES-DUR. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later seen the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas, etc.).

Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:
8. How many songs wrote Schubert?

12. What was the name of Schubert's musical meetings with friends?

13. What composer Schubert bastville?
(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)
Franz Peter Schubert is an outstanding Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. He wrote about 600 songs, nine symphones (including the famous "unfinished symphony"), liturgical music, operas, as well as a large number of chamber and solo piano music.
Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale, a small suburb of Vienna, in the family of a school teacher, amateurly engaged in musice. Of the fifteen children in the family, a decorter died at an early age. Franz showed musical abilities very early. From six years he studied at the parish school, and the household taught him to play the violin and piano.
At the age of eleven, Franz was adopted in Convict - a court chapel, where, besides singing, he studied the game on many tools and the theory of music (under the leadership of Antonio Salieri). Leaving a chapel in 1813, Schubert got a job as a teacher to school. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven. The first independent works - the opera "Messenger Castle of Satan" and Mass Fa Major - he wrote in 1814
In the field of the song Schubert was the successor of Beethoven. Thanks to Schubert, this genre got an artistic form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. Great importance in vocal literature have large collections of Schubert's songs on Vilhelm Muller - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way", which are a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bBeethoven, expressed in the collection of songs "to a distant beloved." In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of sentiments; He gave accompaniment more important, larger feature. The collection of the Swan Song is also remarkable, from which many songs have acquired worldwide fame (for example, "Serenade", "shelter", "Fisherman", "by the sea". Schubert did not try as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but in his The songs involuntarily affected the national jet, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote almost 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life. The musical performance of Schubert was huge. Since 1813, he composed incentively.
Many Schubert helped friends, often their meetings were dedicated to the whole music. Schubert works sounded. Sometimes parties were satisfied, danced, and Franz sat for the piano and improvised clock. Such meetings were called "Schubertiad".
In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment of his vocal writings, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent died at the age of 31. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later saw the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas and so on.).
The composer died of abdominal typhus in Vienna, November 19, 1828, according to the last wishes, Schubert was buried in the cemetery, where the Benthoven's buddler was buried for the year before. The eloquent inscription engraved on the monument: "Death buried here a rich treasure, but even more wonderful hopes." In honor of Schubert, a crater on Mercury was named.


(Questions are distributed over the partary work desks together with various biography variants depending on the individual characteristics of children.)

1. Who is Franz Schubert?

7. What works got the greatest fame during the lifetime of Schubert?

14. The representative of which musical direction was Schubert?

Franz Schubert (1797-1828) - Austrian composer. Born in the family of school teacher. In 1808-12 was the singing of the Vienna court chapel. Brought up in the Vienna Convitte.

In 1814-18 Assistant teacher at the Father's School. By 1816, Schubert created over 250 songs. Around Schubert there was a circle of friends - fans of his work. Singer I. M. Fogl became the propaganda of his songs. Recognition came to Schubert only in the 20s. In 1828, a few months before the death of Schubert, his author's concert took place in Vienna, which took place with great success.

The most important place in the work of Schubert is a song for voice with piano (about 600). One of the largest meloders, Schubert reformed the genre of the song, having endowed it with a deep content. Schubert created a new type of song through development, as well as the first highly artistic samples of the vocal cycle. The poems of about 100 poets are used in Schubert's songs, first of all Goethe (about 70 songs). During the lifetime of Schubert, they received fame mainly his songs. Many large instrumental compositions were fulfilled only after decades after his death ("big" symphony sounded in 1839, under the control of F. Mendelssohn; "Unfined symphony" - in 1865).

In the instrumental music of Schubert, based on the traditions of composers of the Vienna classical school, great importance acquired a song type. The composer sought to preserve the singular lyrical theme as a whole, giving it new lighting with tonal repainting, timbre and textured variation.

Of the 9 Schubert Symphony 6 Early (1813-18) are close to the writings of Viennese Classics, although they differ in romantic freshness, immediacy. The vertex samples of romantic symphony are a lyric-dramatic 2-bed "unfinished symphony" (1822) and the majestic heroic-epic "big" symphony C-DUR (1825-28). Two in the "Italian style" (1817) are most popular from the Schubert Orchestra. Schubert is the author of deep and significant in the content of chamber instrumental ensembles (one of the best - the piano quintet "Trout"), a number of which is written for home musice.

Piano music is an important area of \u200b\u200bSchubert's creativity. Tested the influence of L. Beethoven, Schubert laid the tradition of a free romantic interpretation of the genre of piano sonata. Piano fantasy "Skitalets" also anticipates the "poems" forms of romantics. The expression and musical moments of Schubert are the first romantic miniatures, close to the writings F. Chopen, R. Shuman, F. Sheet. Schubert is the first major representative of musical romanticism.

The work of Schubert is associated with the Austrian folk art, with household music of Vienna, although he rarely used authentic folk-high topics in writings. The composer also crossed the features of the musical folklore of the Hungarians living in the Austrian Empire, Slavs. Of great importance in his music have coloring, the painfulness achieved with the help of orchestration, enrich the harmony by the on-hand sober, rapprochement of the same major and minura, wide use of deviations and modulation, the use of variational development.

Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:

2. When and where Franz Schubert was born?

11. What person was Schubert?

15. When a real success came to Schubert?

(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)

Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in the suburb of Vienna. His father was a school teacher - a person is hardworking and respectable. The older sons went to the footsteps of the Father, the same way was undermined and Schubert. But he sounded in the house and music. On holidays there was a circle of amateurs musicians, the Father himself taught Franz to the violin, and one of the brothers on the key.

Soon the surrounding it became clear that an unusually gifted child was in front of them. When Schubert turned 11 years old, he was given to the church-singing school - Convict. There was his student orchestra, where Schubert began to fulfill the party of the first violin, and sometimes even conduct.

In 1810, Schubert wrote his first essay. The passion for music covered it more and more and gradually displaced all other interests. He was oppressed by the need to study what was far from music, and in five years, and without finishing the Convict, Schubert left him. This led to a deterioration in relationship with the Father, who still tried to instruct the Son "on the True path." Landing him, Franz entered the teacher seminary, and then performed the responsibilities of the teacher's assistant at the school of his father. But the intentions of the Father make a teacher's son with a reliable earnings and was not destined to come true.

It was a small height, dense, chunky, so-hot, shy and distinguished by an extraordinary charm. By this time, the famous "Schubertiada" - the evenings dedicated to exclusively music of Schubert, when he did not move away from the piano, right there, on the go, writing music ... he creates daily, hourly, without tired and stopped, as if he knew that It remains long for him ... Music did not leave him even in a dream - and he threw out in the middle of the night to record her on the pieces of paper. To do not look for glasses every time, he did not part with them.

Calusing and naive, he often became a victim of his publishers who made up on it. The author of a huge number of writings, and in particular songs, which in the Burgers circles still became popular with his life, he barely reduced ends with the ends. If Mozart, Beethoven, Leaf, Chopin How beautiful Musicians performers contributed to the growth of the popularity of their works, then Schubert virtuoso was not and decided to act except as in the role of the accompanist of his songs. And there was nothing about the symphony and there is nothing to talk about them under the life of the composer.

More and more Schubert is immersed in despair and loneliness: the circle collapsed, his friends became people family, with position in society, and only Schubert remained naively faithful to the ideals of youth, which has already passed. He was timid and did not know how to ask, but at the same time did not want to humiliate in front of influential people - several places he was entitled to count and who would provide him with a comfortable existence, were given to other musicians.

He had a lot of life for the last years, disagreened, but his creative activity did not weaken. Still, albeit only once, he learned what real success is. In 1828, his friends organized a concert in Vienna from his works, which exceeded all expectations. Schubert is again full of dazed plans, it is intensively working on new works. But the death remains for several months - Schubert falls like a typhoid. The organism weakened by the years cannot resist, and on November 19, 1828, Franz Schubert dies. Its property is estimated for pennies.

Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:

3. Who were Schubert's parents?

9. What role in the songs of Schubert plays piano escort?

10. Which singer began to promote the work of Schubert?

(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)

Franz Peter Schubert is an outstanding Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. Born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale, a small suburb of Vienna. The son of the school teacher and the daughter of a locksmith. Quartet nights in the Father's House of Schubert played a big role in the Music Development of Schubert: The Schubert Brothers, Ferdinand and Ignac, played the parties of the 1st and 2nd violin, Schubert himself - the party of Alta, and his father - the game of Cello.

By participating in the choir of boys of the Lichtental Church, Schubert also acted as a soloist, hitting the votes of voice and expressive singing. In October 1808, Schubert was taken at the "songy boys" of the court chapel. He began to live and study in the Vienna Convitte (the genus of the boarding house and boarding school). Playing in the Student Orchestra of Convict, Schubert in practice met Hydena's music, Mozart and Beethoven.

At the age of 13, Schubert was already the author of a number of works. His first major essay - fantasy for piano in 4 hands, written in 1810. After mutation, the voice of Schubert left the convict without finishing medium education. In accordance with family traditions, at the insistence of the Father, in the fall of 1813 he entered the teacher seminary. Despite the big employment, Schubert composed a lot and continuously, improving his skills. Working a school teacher, he devoted all his free clocks.

The central place in the work of Schubert is the vocal-song lyrics. About 600 songs wrote Schubert. The subject of the personality in Schubert's songs is combined with the challenge of nature characteristic. Images of Nature (Creek, Forest, Field, Flowers) found a bright artistic embodiment in their music. In Schubert's songs, a clear, simple and very sincere melody dominates. Piano accompaniment is often a vector image, but at the same time the pictusivity is combined with deep psychological expressiveness. The piano party on equal vocal rights participates in the creation of a music and poetic image. Schubert can rightly be considered the founder of romantic vocal lyrics.

Attempts by Schubert and his friends to make the edition of his writings during these years were not successful, only a narrow circle of friends and admirers knew about his creative achievements. Only after the magnificent singer was interested in the songs in 1817, the artist of the Vienna opera Michael Fogl, who began to fulfill them, the name of Schubert began to acquire increasing fame in Vienna. Often in the evenings, friends have fun dancing under the sounds of Schubert waltz, which he immediately improvised. From time to time, evenings were arranged in a friendly circle, at which the writings of Schubert sounded (these evenings were called "Schubertyad").

Starting from about 1821, Schubert's music becomes the heritage of wider circles of the Vienna society. It was mostly the songs, in propaganda whose role was played by the singer Fogl, as well as small piano plays (dancing). Since 1821, the edition of Schubert's essays has begun - the composer's friends published several his writings on their own funds, after which the Viennese publishers decided to print his works at their own peril and risk. Nevertheless were published mainly songs and piano dancing. More significant instrumental writings of Schubert have long been waiting for their publication.

Schubert lived only thirty-one. He died exhausted physically and soulful, exhausted failures in life. None of the nine symphones of the composer was filled with his life. From the six hundred songs was printed about two hundred, and from two tens of piano sonatas - only three.

Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:

4. What how old is Schubert accepted in court chapel?

5. Where is Schubert got a musical education?

6. What how old is Schubert started writing?

16. How many years did Schubert live?

(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)

Franz Peter Schubert is the famous composer. Born in Vienna January 31, 1797, died in the same place November 19, 1828. Ornate Schubert's Gifted Music Nature said very early; This contributed to the surrounding musical environment of his family. In the family, they loved the music and constantly sat down musical evenings. Father played a cello, and brothers on various tools.

Having found musical abilities from a little Franz, father and elder brother Ignac began to train his violin and piano. Soon the boy was able to take part in the home execution of string quartets, playing the party of Alta. Franz possessed an excellent voice. He sang in church church, performing difficult solo parties. Father was pleased with the success of the Son.

In October 1808, Schubert was among the "songy boys" of the court chapel; He began to live and study in the Vienna Convitte (the genus of the boarding house and boarding school). Leaving a chapel, Schubert lived lessons. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven.

In the song Song, Schubert was the last successor. Thanks to Schubert, singing received an art form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of mood, he gave accompaniment more importance, big artistic meaning. Schubert did not try, as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but a national jet was involuntarily reflected in his songs, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote nearly 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life.

The amazing musical gift of Schubert affected both the piano and symphonic area. Schubert is the successor of Beethoven. In the field of opera, Schubert was not so apparent; Although they are written about 20, they will add a little to his glory. Schubert's musical performance was enormous. Starting from the 13th year of life, he composed inener. The slightest impulse was enough to awaken the constantly restless spirit of Schubert.

The elements of Schubert was a song. In it, he reached unprecedented heights. Her world is the world of ordinary and intimate human feelings, the subtlest and deep psychological experiences. This is the confession of the soul, expressed not in pen and not in a word, and sound. The genre previously considered insignificant, he raised the degree of artistic perfection.

In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment to his vocal work, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. Solver about the impotence of Schubert had some reason: he often drank more superfluous and then became hot-tempered and unpleasant for a mug of friends.

According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent passed away for 31 years. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful: it was then that he wrote the symphony of C-DUR and Mass ES-DUR. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later seen the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas, etc.).

Meet the biography of Franz Schubert and answer the following questions:

8. How many songs wrote Schubert?

12. What was the name of Schubert's musical meetings with friends?

13. What composer Schubert bastville?

(Write down the answers in the notebook, numbers questions in the specified order.)

Franz Peter Schubert is an outstanding Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music. He wrote about 600 songs, nine symphones (including the famous "unfinished symphony"), liturgical music, operas, as well as a large number of chamber and solo piano music.

Franz Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale, a small suburb of Vienna, in the family of a school teacher, amateurly engaged in musice. Of the fifteen children in the family, a decorter died at an early age. Franz showed musical abilities very early. From six years he studied at the parish school, and the household taught him to play the violin and piano.

At the age of eleven, Franz was adopted in Convict - a court chapel, where, besides singing, he studied the game on many tools and the theory of music (under the leadership of Antonio Salieri). Leaving a chapel in 1813, Schubert got a job as a teacher to school. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven. The first independent works - the opera "Messenger Castle of Satan" and Mass Fa Major - he wrote in 1814

In the field of the song Schubert was the successor of Beethoven. Thanks to Schubert, this genre got an artistic form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. Great importance in vocal literature have large collections of Schubert's songs on Vilhelm Muller - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way", which are a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bBeethoven, expressed in the collection of songs "to a distant beloved." In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of sentiments; He gave accompaniment more important, larger feature. The collection of the Swan Song is also remarkable, from which many songs have acquired worldwide fame (for example, "Serenade", "shelter", "Fisherman", "by the sea". Schubert did not try as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but in his The songs involuntarily affected the national jet, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote almost 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life. The musical performance of Schubert was huge. Since 1813, he composed incentively.

Many Schubert helped friends, often their meetings were dedicated to the whole music. Schubert works sounded. Sometimes parties were satisfied, danced, and Franz sat for the piano and improvised clock. Such meetings were called "Schubertiad".

In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment of his vocal writings, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent died at the age of 31. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later saw the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas and so on.).

The composer died of abdominal typhus in Vienna, November 19, 1828, according to the last wishes, Schubert was buried in the cemetery, where the Benthoven's buddler was buried for the year before. The eloquent inscription engraved on the monument: "Death buried here a rich treasure, but even more wonderful hopes." In honor of Schubert, a crater on Mercury was named.

Franz Peter Schubert is an outstanding Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music.

Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale, a small suburb of Vienna, in the family of a school teacher, amateurly engaged in muscy. Mother was a follower of a locksmith. Of the fifteen children in the family, a decorter died at an early age. Franz showed musical abilities very early. From six years he studied at the parish school, and the household taught him to play the violin and piano.

At the age of eleven, Franz was adopted in Convict - a court chapel, where, besides singing, he studied the game on many tools and the theory of music (under the leadership of Antonio Salieri). At the age of 13, Schubert was already the author of a number of works. Leaving a chapel in 1813, Schubert got a job as a teacher to school. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven.

In the field of the song Schubert was the successor of Beethoven. Thanks to Schubert, this genre got an artistic form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. Great importance in vocal literature have large collections of Schubert's songs on Vilhelm Muller - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way", which are a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bBeethoven, expressed in the collection of songs "to a distant beloved." In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of sentiments; He gave accompaniment more important, larger feature. The piano party on equal vocal rights participates in the creation of a music and poetic image. Schubert can rightly be considered the founder of romantic vocal lyrics.
Schubert did not try, as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but a national jet was involuntarily reflected in his songs, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote nearly 600 songs. His songs enjoyed Beethoven in the last days of life. Schubert's musical performance was enormous. Starting from 1813, he composed incentively.

Many Schubert helped friends, often their meetings were dedicated to the whole music. Schubert works sounded. Sometimes parties were satisfied, danced, and Franz sat for the piano and improvised clock. Such meetings were called "Schubertiad".

Starting from about 1821, Schubert's music becomes the property of wider circles of Vienna society. It was mostly songs, in propaganda whose role was played by Singer Fogl.

In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment of his vocal writings, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent died at the age of 31. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later saw the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas and so on.).

The composer died of abdominal typhus in Vienna, November 19, 1828, according to the last wishes, Schubert was buried in the cemetery, where the Benthoven's buddler was buried for the year before. The eloquence of the inscription is engraved on the monument: "Death buried here a rich treasure here, but even more excellent hopes" in honor of Schubert was called Crater on Mercury.