Presentation on the theaters for preschoolers. Theatrical activity in kindergarten

Presentation on the theaters for preschoolers. Theatrical activity in kindergarten
Presentation on the theaters for preschoolers. Theatrical activity in kindergarten

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Puppet theater in kindergarten. "Story. Theatre. Children "(reconnaissary group) prepared: Music leader: N.Yu. Morozova. MBDOU Kindergarten №7 "Bell" branch number 1 p. Opole. Yuriev -Polsky district of the Vladimir region

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The theater is the magic region in which the child rejoices playing, and the world knows in the game. S.I. Merzlyakov. Corner of the puppet theater.

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The purpose of the work: the development of the creative abilities of children through theatrical activity. Relevance: pre-school age is the most advanced period for the development of children in theatrical activity, which contributes to the disclosure of the child's personality, its individuality, creative potential.

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disclosure of creative abilities through an artistic image; development of speech and sound culture of the word; Development of personal qualities (friendly and partnerships between children); Communicative skills, respect for adult labor; Prospects for circle work.

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The main directions and objectives of the work mug: "Tale. Theatre. Children, »Theatrical game: Tasks: Teach children navigate the space, evenly posted on the site, build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. Develop the ability to randomly strain and relax individual muscle groups, remember the words of the heroes of performances, develop visual auditory attention, memory, observation, figurative thinking, imagination, imagination, interest in stage art. Rhythmoplasty: Tasks: Develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to the command or music signal, the willingness to act is coordinated, to develop the coordination of movement, learn to memorize the specified postures and form them. Culture of Speech Technology: Tasks: Develop speech breathing, articulation, clear diction, a variety of speech intonation; Learn to compose small stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; Speak and poems, replenish vocabulary. The basics of theatrical culture: tasks: to introduce children with theatrical terminology, with the main types of theatrical art, bring up the culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the performance: Tasks: Learn to compose etudes on fairy tales; develop action skills with imaginary objects; Develop the ability to use intonations expressing a variety of emotional states (sad, joyful, angry, surprised, delighted, complaints, etc.).

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Heating technologies: Dynamic pauses: respiratory gymnastics; Articulating gymnastics; Finger games with words; Gymnastics for the eyes; Fizkultminutka;

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create conditions for the realization of the ability of children to feel, think and express our condition in the game; encourage improvisation using the use of expressiveness to the child (Mimic, gestures, movement); help in mastering the communicative skills and development of the emotional sphere of children; support the desire to speak in front of the audience; The role of the teacher in the organization of circle work in Dow:

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Theatrical game is: a means of socializing a preschooler to a means of developing preschoolers to the development of the emotional child's development to a means of developing mental processes

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An important condition for the effective conduct of theatrical circle in the multi-year group is a systematic and gradual complication of the material .. When planning and organizing a mug, a list of knowledge and skills in the program for children of each year of life is taken into account .. In theatrical games, children are absorbed: speech culture, mathematical, literary , Musical and other knowledge.

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Forms and methods of working with children. An individual approach, the introduction of parents. Work on speech, intonation, diction. Sequential acquaintance of children with the theater species. According to the point of development of creativity by age groups.

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Different development of children in theatrical activity. modeling physical education Artistic literature Drawing Designing and manual labor Music education RAMM Development of speech Theatrical activity

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Development of creative activity of preschoolers. Improvisation Role of costumes, scenery, subject circle Search for expressive means Game Motion Work on Motoric Hands and her movement on shirma intonation, character, dolls familiarity with the basics of dramatization Acquaintance with the basics of the doll theater of the child Meet the basics of acting skills Independent theatrical activities Expressive reading Mimica Expressive movements Staging performances Game- Dramatic tale tale

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Puppet World - Communication without obstacles. Taking into the hands of dolls, you can attract the attention of children and solve many pedagogical tasks, as it is the easiest way to acquaint kids with behavior models. (Dogs offended, dolls, sleep, etc.) Children immediately begin to talk, respond to questions.

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The theater improves the speech of children, since in the process of work on the expressiveness of the replicas of characters, the dictionary is imperceptibly activated by the dictionary, the sound culture of speech is improved, its intonational system. Theater is a source of sense development, deep experiences, comes children to spiritual values. It is no less important that classes in the circle develop the emotional sphere of the guys make them sympathize with the characters, empathize the events. The theater helps to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or a fairy tale for children always has a moral orientation. Favorite characters become samples of behavior to imitate. Theater and children.

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These are glove dolls, consist of a "solid head" and suit attached to it. They act on Shirma, followed by a leading (doll). In our collection there are dolls of factory and own manufacture. For theatrical productions of "Teremok", "Easter bangs", using old toys, made the dolls on the happits. The theater was replenished with masks, costumes, foam dolls. Theater Bibabo.

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A special place in the circle is a miniature theater, where the actors are the fingers of the guys with cone-shaped dolls, dolls - cups. The guys of the senior group produced dolls on their own under the leadership of the teacher V.A. Piskareva. A certain gesture - meaning symbolism contributes to: the development of the muscular apparatus, shallow motility, tactile sensitivity; Enhances the overall level of organization of thinking. Fingering theater.

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Presentation "Theatrical activity in kindergarten" amounted to: Educator Wigvarka T.E.2014

This is a good opportunity to disclose the creative potential of the child, education of the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the surrounding world, embody them, create their own artistic image of the character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, the ability to see unusual moments in everyday. Theatrical activity helps the child to overcome timidity, uncertainty, shyness. Thus, the theater helps the child to evolve comprehensively. Theatrical activity in kindergarten

The value of theatrical activity Theatrical activity helps: to form a proper model of behavior in the modern world; increase the overall culture of the child, to attach to spiritual values; introduce him to children's literature, music, visual art, etiquette, rites, traditions; To give children elementary ideas about the types of theater. Improve the skill to implement certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, encourage to think. Promoting the development of gaming behavior, aesthetic feeling, the ability to creatively relate to any cause, the ability to communicate with peers and adults; promote the development of scenic creativity, the music of the flax and artistic abilities of children; Develop a public speech and creative community skills.

The main directions of work with children Theatrical game Tasks: Teach children to navigate in space, to be placed evenly on the site, build a dialogue with a partner for a given topic. Develop the ability to randomly strain and relax individual muscle groups, remember the words of the heroes of performances, develop visual auditory attention, memory, observation, figurative thinking, imagination, imagination, interest in stage art. Rhythmoplasty Tasks: Develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to a command or music flax signal, willingness to act altered, develop coordination of movement, learn to remember the specified postures and figuratively transmit them. Culture and technique Speech Tasks: develop speech breathing and correctly articulation, clear diction, diverse intonation Speech logic; Learn to compose small stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; Speak and poems, replenish vocabulary. The basics of theatrical culture of the task: to introduce children with theatrical terminology, with the main types of theatrical art, bring up the culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the performance of the problem: Learn to compose etudes on fairy tales; develop action skills with imaginary objects; Develop the ability to use intonations expressing a variety of emotional states (sad, joyful, angry, surprised, delighted, complaints, etc.).

Forms of the organization of theatrical activities Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, theatrical occupation, a theatrical game on holidays and entertainment. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical game in everyday life. Mini-games in classes, theatrical play performances, mini-scenes with dolls during the study of the regional component with children, attracting the main doll - parsley into solving cognitive tasks.

Work Forms Theater Games Speech Games Rhythmoplasty Staging Songs, Spots, Horovodov Using various types of theater Dramatization Tales Interaction with parents

Organization of the corner of theatrical activity in the corner are located: various types of theaters: Babaz, Desktop, Theater on Flanhelegram, Shadow Theater, Puppet Theater, etc.; Props for playing scenes and performances: set of dolls, screen for puppet theater, costumes, costume elements, masks; Attributes for various game positions: theatrical props, scenery, scenarios, books, samples Music of flax works, posters, ticket office, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

Development of artistic abilities of children through theatrical activity Diagnosis of the development of artistic abilities of children. 1. Selective acquaintance of children with various types of theater. 2.The attainment of children of various types of creativity. 3. Ensuring the artistic skills of children by experience and the embodiment of the image in fairy tales. 1. Distance to songs. 2.Theatal etudes. 3. Women. 4.Folklore holidays. 5. Signs, musicals, waterville, theatrical representations. 1. Creating a theater team. 2.Mo manufacturing decorations, screen. 3. The acquisition of dolls for the theater. 1. Individual conversations with parents. 2. Consultations for educators. 3, the study of Russian folk games.

Model: Development of the creative activity of preschoolers "Theater - Creativity - Children» Improvisation The role of costumes, scenery, substantive environment Search for expressive equipment game movements Work on the Motoric Hand and its movement on Shirma intonation, character, dolls familiarity with the basics of dramatization Cooking child acquaintance with the basics of acting skills Independent theatrical activities Holidays, entertainment game movements Expressive reading Mimica Expressive movements Staging performances play- dramatization Tale tale

Creating a developing subject-literary environment in a group Terms of illustration to fairy tales "Corner of a fairy tale" Themed crosswords Educational games for tales of audio recordings Fairy tales Children's library video tales

Interaction of the teacher with children directly educational activities in the educational field "Reading fiction" use of etudes on fabulous topics Using elements of talette therapy game-dramatization on fairy tales Production of attributes to fairy tales of interaction form

Showing directly educational activities for the parent hour "Tale on the door knocks out" Information booth "In the fairy tale" entertainment "In the world of fairy tales and adventures" Written advice "The fairy tale is one of the effective means of developing a child" Competitions, exhibitions "Steps in the fabulous world" Master classes "Acceptance of work with a fairy tale" interaction of the teacher with parents of the form of interaction

In our kindergarten, a mug of theatrical activity is organized. Purpose Mug: Comprehensive child development through involving it in theatrical activity. Tasks: develop the ability to create animal images using expressive plastic movements. Rail confidence in their own. Teach children collectively and consistently interacting, showing their individuality. To form an intonational expressiveness of speech, develop a dialogic speech in the process of theatricalization.

Theater is this real game that never borps, because it changes, becomes complicated and develops with children.

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Presentation - the organization of theatrical activity


Text of this presentation

"Dolls can all or almost all of them are creating wonders!"

Consistently acquaint children of all age groups with various types of theater (puppet, dramatic, opera, ballet, musical comedy)
Phased development of children of various types of creativity in age groups
Main goals
Improving the artistic skills of children in terms of experience and embodiment of the image. Modeling social behavior skills in specified conditions.

Types of theater in kindergarten Table Theater Book-Theater Theater of the Five Fingers Theater Masks Theater of Hand Shadows Finger Shadow Theater Theater "Living" Shadows Magnetic Theater

Forms of the organization of theatrical activity Choosing material for drawing, it is necessary to repel from age possibilities, knowledge and abilities of children, to enrich their life experience, encourage interest in new knowledge, expand creative potential: 1. Joint theatrical activities of adults and children, theatrical occupation, theatrical game on Holidays and entertainment. 2. Independent theatrical and artistic activities, theatrical game in everyday life. 3. Mini-games in other activities, theatrical play games, visits to children of theaters in conjunction with parents, mini-scenes with dolls during the study of the regional component with children, attracting the main doll - parsley into the solution of cognitive tasks.

The organization of a corner of theatrical activities in the kindergarten groups organized corners for theatrical representations, performances. They are given a place for directorial games with finger, desktop theater. In the corner are located: - various types of theaters: Babaz, Desktop, Theater on Flanhelegram, etc.; - props for playing scenes and performances: set of dolls, screen for doll theater, costumes, costume elements, masks; - Attributes for various game positions: theater props, scenery, scenarios, books, samples of musical works, posters, cash desk, tickets, pencils, paints, glue, types of paper, natural material.

The main directions of work with children
Task Theatrical Game: Teach Children to navigate in space, be equally posted on the site, build a dialogue with a partner on a given topic. Develop the ability to randomly strain and relax individual muscle groups, remember the words of the heroes of performances, develop visual auditory attention, memory, observation, figurative thinking, imagination, imagination, interest in stage art. Rhythmoplasty Tasks: Develop the ability to arbitrarily respond to the command or music signal, the willingness to act is coordinated, developing the coordination of movement, to learn to memorize the specified postures and form them. Culture and technique Speech Tasks: develop speech breathing and correctly articulation, clear diction, diverse intonation Speech logic; Learn to compose small stories and fairy tales, select the simplest rhymes; Speak and poems, replenish vocabulary. The basics of theatrical culture of the task: to introduce children with theatrical terminology, with the main types of theatrical art, bring up the culture of behavior in the theater. Work on the performance of the problem: Learn to compose etudes on fairy tales; develop action skills with imaginary objects; Develop the ability to use intonations expressing a variety of emotional states (sad, joyful, angry, surprised, delighted, complaints, etc.).

Dolls for theater

Funny table actors - you can connect with crochet or on the needles

Eyes. Eye on a spoon can be drawn, stick ready running eyes or make appliqué.

By method of control - dolls are divided into two types:
dolls managed due to shirma glove and cohesive
Outdoor - work on the floor - in front of children

You can begin to acquaint children with 1 ml. Finger-game groups are a wonderful opportunity to play along with the child. Games with finger dolls help the baby better to control movements and their own fingers. Playing with adults, the child masters valuable communication skills, plays various situations with dolls who behave like people, developing a child's imagination

Provide interest in theatrical activity, encourage the participation of children in this kind of activity to teach to navigate in the group room and in the hall. To form skill and transmit facial expressions, gesture, movement, main emotions
The main tasks of the organization of theatrical activity in 1

The educator and senior preschool children are showing small performances, using for this purpose - different types of theater: theater of pictures (flanvegraph)

For children 2 ml. Group The easiest and affordable theater is the puppet theater on the table toys for it can be sewed from pieces: fabrics, fur, skin, foam rubber, they should not be large. In the manufacture, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of toys in size (the cat should be above the mouse) and the texture (all dolls for one performance sew from one material.

In the middle group, proceeds to a more complex theater to familiarize children with theatrical screen and with rigid dolls. But before the children begin to work on the screen, you need to play with a toy
Help, children to master cube techniques

In the senior group, children with puppets should be acquainted with puppet puppet called dolls, which controls most often with the help of threads such dolls are driven in motion with a vague (that is, wooden cross) to bring up sustainable interest in theatrical game activities to bring children to creating an expressive game image in Etudah

Expand the presentation of children about the world to replenish and intensify the dictionary to maintain the initiative in improvisation to consolidate the presentation of children about various types of theaters, be able to distinguish them and call to improve the ability to communicate and expressly retell
The main tasks of the organization of theatrical activity in the senior and preparatory group

Also suitable "performers", winged from clay by the type of Dymkovsky toys, as well as wooden, made by the type of Bogorodsky toys
Interesting dolls can be made of paper cones, boxes of different heights.


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Irina Chechetkin
Presentation for preschool children on the topic "Type of theater"

Children preschool age Very love to watch various theatrical ideas. Artists often come to our kindergarten and show, mostly puppet performances and fairy tales. In the Children group, you like to watch and participate in the table theater Toys and finger theater. In the afternoon, we often try to make tapered dolls and dolls on spoons along with children. It is impossible not to agree with the words of the poem Grigorieva T. Yu. That theater for children is a magical world.

"Magic world - theatre» (Grigorieva Tatyana Yurevna)

Theater The world will open our scenes to us,

And we will see wonders and fairy tales.

There Pinocchio, Cat Basilio, Alice

Heroes, masks change easily.

Magic world of game and adventure,

Any kid here wants to visit.

Suddenly turn into Cinderella Ile in Prince,

And all your talents show.

Theatrelike a magician, wizard,

His wand Magic speaking

And here is a child, modest and shy,

Today suddenly plays the king.

Let the childhood be as if a fairy tale

Let miracles work every moment

And the world around let the good one becomes affectionate,

Good over evil again, let him win!

purpose presentations: expand and specify views children about the types of puppet theaters, be able to distinguish them (desktop theatre, riding dolls, cohesive dolls, puppets, dolls with "Live hand", people-dolls). Develop and improve creativity children by means of theatrical art. This presentation can be used in class theatrical Studios in kindergarten.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for teachers and parents "The reasons and types of deviations in the speech development of preschool children" Speech is one of the most powerful factors and incentives for the development of the child. This is due to an exceptional role that she plays in a person's life.

Consultation presentation for parents "Types of designers for children" Designing accompanies the child from early childhood from elementary toys of liners and rods used in early groups.

Master class: Creation in conjunction with parents for educational conditions for kids communicative abilities with means of theatrical activity.

Gender education of preschoolers in physical culture involves taking into account the polisopic characteristics of children, the difference in exercises, loads.

Presentation for children of preschool age on gender education "Women's and Men's Sports" Children easily assimilate information presented in pictures, so this presentation is a colorful demonstration material for children.

Presentation is designed for children. The purpose of the presentation: Demonstration of children of various berries, which are found in Russia. Via.

Nature is the most important means of upbringing and developing children of preschool age. How many discoveries make a child, communicating with her! Nature.

Petrova Oksana Aleksandrovna
Presentation of theatrical corners "Types of theaters in kindergarten"

Types of theaters in kindergarten

This is a good opportunity to disclose the creative potential of the child, education of the creative orientation of the individual. Children learn to notice interesting ideas in the world around the world, embody them, create their own

artistic image of a character, they develop creative imagination, associative thinking, speech, the ability to see unusual moments in ordinary.

Theatrical Activities helps the child to overcome timidity, uncertainty, shyness.

In this way, theatre It helps the child to develop comprehensively.

Value theatrical activity

IN children's educational institutions can and need to be given, all species children's Theater., because they help:

1) form the correct model of behavior in the modern world;

2) increase the overall culture of the child, to attach to spiritual values;

3) introduce him to children's literature, music, visual art, etiquette rules, rites, traditions, to instill sustainable interest;

4) gives elementary ideas about the types theater.

5) Improve the skill to embody certain experiences in the game, encourage the creation of new images, encourage to think.

6) contribute to the development of gaming behavior, aesthetic feeling, the ability to creatively relate to any cause, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, the development of scenic creativity, musical and artistic abilities of children;

7) Develops the skills of a public speech and a creative community.

Work forms

Theater games

Speech games


Distribution of songs, speakers, dance

Use of various species theater

Tale dramatization

Visit theaters.

Interaction with parents

Types of theater in kindergarten

desktop theatre

theater on flannelhemph

book- theatre

theater of five fingers


theater of hand shadows

finger-shadow theatre

theatre"Live" Shadows

magnetic theatre

puppet theatre

Publications on the topic:

In the Sweet Children's Garden "Chamomile" passed a review competition of theatrical corners in which our group "Smeshariki" took an active part.

Theatre! How much means he is for a kindergarten, with what impatience the children of meeting with him are waiting! And when the revived dolls begin to move,.

Kindergarten is a special institution, almost this is the second home for his employees and children. And your home always want to make cozy and warm.

Presentation "Types of finger theaters aimed at the development of preschoolers" Speech is not only a means of communication, but also an instrument of thinking, creativity, memory media, information, etc. In other words, it is a diverse.

Presentation "Types of theaters" Types of theaters: Mask's Theater Forest Theater Picture Theater Theater Pictures on Flanhelegraf Theater Spoons, Hoods, Shadow Theater.

Presentation "Types of theaters" for children of the second junior group Presentation "Types of theaters" for children 2 younger band prepared a teacher: Korlevskaya E. In Slide 1. Good afternoon Dear colleagues! I imagine.