Predictions in the new year cool short. Comic predictions for the new year in the lottery

Predictions in the new year cool short. Comic predictions for the new year in the lottery
Predictions in the new year cool short. Comic predictions for the new year in the lottery

We offer you the most cool and interesting short predictions for the new year 2018 in verse!

The new year is approaching and people are covered with pleasant troubles. They try to complete all projects at work faster, close debts and think over the New Year's menu. Many are going to invite guests, because the company is more fun. For a festive evening, it is worth making an entertainment program. Choose contests, group games. One of the most popular now is "pulling the prediction."

The names of her many, the essence of one. The presenter is looking for short and funny predictions to the new, 2018 in verses and rewrites them gently on pieces of paper. Then twists them or folds the squares. All, now you can bake predictions in cookies or collect them in a hat. Players later in turn will pull out and read notes.

By the way, for truth, we can say that all the prediction data once amounted to the Great Xiao Mao Xin, this is a Chinese astrologer who has lived another 600 years ago (perhaps then there was such a person who knows). And comic predictions were the fault of his student, the Russian stamp, who took up the ancient manuscripts in his own way.

If we talk about serious predictions, the astrologers have made some common forecasts relating to the entire planet:

  1. The dog is distinguished by fairness and friendliness. It will gradually reduce all conflicts including between countries to a minimum. Stabilizes the situation at work, at home, in the courtyard, at school or institute. Relationships of people will become harmonious, increases tolerance.
  2. Dog - generous mistress. Therefore, 2018 will be successful for those who want to start or expand their business. Everyone's work, who is ready to show responsibility and take various decisions, is waiting for success and generous award.
  3. Dog - Animal Collective, Stoy. He appreciates the family, so everyone who has long can not arrange a personal life for a long time, waiting for a magical chance. Marriages, prisoners in 2018, the dog will give friendship and durability.

Options for cool predictions in verses

Choosing predictions, see who they would come. For the corporate, you need special, because in the family circle you can still laugh, and with colleagues it is better to abide by the framework of courtesy.

For your next year

The bridegroom dog will lead!

Stante will be fitting

With money, he is good!

Cook bag, yes more,

The dog carries money!

Ringing coins under the ringing of glasses

Cheerful rustling of green bills,

Drag the bag, you won't lose

Yes, take care of different adventures!

Prediction for the New Year 2018

You will have a road in the future

Far and unfamiliar.

Things collect, sit at the threshold,

A business trip will be unexpected!


There is a danger that your colleagues,

Start a heavy carts to you!

To famously wait

Better to run away quickly!

Forget about the holiday,

Forget about the Christmas tree!

You have a career ahead,

While colleagues "Watch" mess

Think up the path strategy!

To you, love is unexpectedly heated,

Look and sigh will not have time.

Green-eyed, bright blonde,

Violated, sneakbit and take away,

South Coast holiday paradise.

Tell me only "Motherland, goodbye!"

Today you have friends among friends

You can scream: "Plug-pour!"

And so that tomorrow has not become ashamed,

Today be solid!

Today it is very better not to drink,

Otherwise you will admit everything in love

Remember that at work, on your,

It is impossible to copulate with colleagues!

Santa Claus promises you

glory and wealth,

however, in response, he instructs

himself to stay!

Predictions for the new year 2018 should be short and cool! Then it will not matter, they are in verses, or in prose!

You will soon go to the cream of higher society

Perhaps there will find a rich sponsor.

Will be on the limousine you roll,

Golden mountains promise.

Do not hesitate to immediately present

Sponsor list of desired

How to fulfill the wedding declare

Gifts will be as a bold!

From year you do not expect a lot

You love enough!

Even when the house is an incomplete bowl,

But your friendly family is yours.

Loved ones you take care, parents,

Become for family benefactor.

Soon love will decorate all your days

Will become colorful and bright they!

Eyes will be slaughtered, soul sneaks,

And no problem is not afraid!

You will find a soul mate

And we will heal together together.

A year, the coming work is much

Waiting for you ahead!

But a happy outcome,

You will achieve, just wait.

Enhance you get

In the hot countries, then rest

With the beauty there you will meet

And you will get lucky!

You will start to get up early,

Just that you yourself are not late

We will work more and harden,

Then the desire to come true.

Health is strengthened, career will go,

And all the adversity rooster will take!

Mystery prediction

Requires silence!

Remember only you

Skala will raise soon.

Sick, do not say anyone,

What raised the salary rate,

Say to whom - everything is gone,

And the addition did not happen!

Waiting for you soon,

So it worked not in vain.

Remember how for the boss all day,

Dragged like the second shadow.

Now the case is for you,

Will you celebrate with a dream.

Dog Symbol Home,

He loves warmth, care and family.

So, you have a maiden on issuing,

It's time to forget the day free yesterday,

The dog promises: "Groom will give!"

Of course, most predictions for the new, 2018 are cool and short greetings in verses, joking wishes. However, they can motivate a person. Especially if you concern career, premiums or long-awaited acquisitions (apartments, cars or adorable fur coats).

In the new year your wish,

Buy a fur coat, mink on the sights!

What will help? Lay the treasure,

Singing the spouse that the year was collected for an aggregate.

Husband joy - no need to think through a gift,

And there will be no swear - the new year!

You are very sharp, in drive, gambling and nothing

Throw into the diviska, where the money will be and the power.

Stars also advise you to call you such friends,

Who will be able to curb you mad horses.

Although you yourself are not a horse, but a complete ram,

That's why you, my friend, all this Balagan?

The rest of the stars are blessed - dare

Only conscience, head and heart in affairs do not lose!

You have been awarded in full.

That's why the bright head and good luck are given to you.

Two posts - stability and wealth from your porch,

For them, always in sweat and soap - with heels to face.

As the bar put, do not regret yourself,

You always work, even when they are sick.

Dear, Santa Claus will give you the ability,

Evaluate your performance.

To not only plow, weekend is not knowing,

But to wait at home resting.

Otherwise your chapter can become

The most common hospital bed!

Prose prediction options

Usually such predictions for the new, 2018 are cool and short, in verses or prose. Like small quatrains. If in prose, then 2-3 sentences.

Moving up your career stairs, try to better look under your feet. Otherwise, you can slip, coming on the pleuts of envious.

Expect an increase in service - your cabinet will soon move to the floor above.

The year of the dog promises a lot - a lot ... work. You will celebrate yourself for 4 years younger and a real horse.

The coming year, promises you add in the family! Finally, neighboring cockroaches will move to live to you.

They say, if you catch a goldfish, you can safely make three desires. You were lucky, for the new year you will get such a fish. That's just ... Liver with greens.

There is no need to chase innovation. New is useful if it helps!

Try now to go to the boss not with the right, but on the left leg. Do not forget to sigh three times and spit over the shoulder. Who knows, may be able to push the moment and talk about raising!

Speak, dog generous. Yes, the new year promises a lot of ... work. Golden Mountains ... Paper and Contracts. Fat wallet ... small bills. And home joyful ... Faces of relatives that you brought a salary!

Congratulations, you're expected long-awaited replenishment in the family - children will be able to score a puppy!

Wait per year. Dogs strong explosion - burst from envy your competitors and envious!

Always smile - let them squeeze from the anger of the faces of your enemies. Always silent - then no one will consider you a fool.

You're lucky! In the year of the dog, you will delete a real treasure. It will be ... The spouse that he collected the entire past year.

As you can see, most predictions on the new, 2018 are short and cool. They can be in verses or in prose themselves. Compound, consider the features of your surroundings. Usually in the family, in the team, the school has its own words, jokes and funny expressions, understandable by "their own".

Comic predictions for the children's holiday is, of course, not serious divination, but merry comic messages. Such fun will be appropriate on the birthday or school matinee of any subject. But, of course, the fortune telling is especially relevant in the New Year! After all, the traditions of guessing about the events of the coming year not one hundred years. And not only to make it up, but also to believe that the predicted will come true. Therefore, the texts of "predictions" for children's holidays must be funny, positive and non-clear. Let them rather be like wishes than predictions!
The basic principle of all the "fortunes" described below is one: on more or less decorated pieces are writing joking texts-predictions. There should be many such pieces of tickets to a minimum one for each participant in the holiday. It is better if the texts are not repeated, but if there are many children, it is almost inevitable. It is clear that it is not necessary to say about the accuracy of such fortunes, and it is not necessary to strive for it. On the contrary! Than the paradoxical and implausible result - the fun!

Possible texts of comic predictions for children's holidays

These comic predictions are suitable for children of younger school age and even 5-6 class. You can come up with your own more suitable for your children who take into account their interests. Here the texts are stamped, but believe me, it is absolutely optional. The main thing is to be funny!
1. All children envy you - you will dance in the ballet!

2. Raise the rod at eight tone and you will be in the sport champion!
3. You will play in the concert hall on the violin, flute and piano! (At the same time!)
4. Your portraits and landscapes Watch We will be in the Hermitage!
5. On the envy of adults and the guys, you will become a deputy in the Duma!
6. Divide the new planet. Get a premium - rocket!
7. Will you play football and score the brazilians goal!
8. Smiles waiting, fans, flowers. Telecommer's star will be!
9. Write a feug and sonatu - all the guys will be survived!
10. In science will conquer the top - we will stand the car!
11. You will be happy, you will be proud, put the world record!
12. For many indirect signs to become a poet!
13. For the exhibition of your paintings you will get a prize - and not alone!
14. Learn for sure one hundred and two non-Russian languages!
15. You will write a romance steep, no worse than the lion itself Tolstoy!

Comic divination at a children's holiday can be organized in different ways. We offer several options.

Predictive phanti - comic fortune telling for the children's holiday

Predictive phantas are a bit like - run-up songs. Here, as in the folk fortune, they collect from all the phantas - personal belongings, toys, anything. If only this items could be accurately defined by the owner. All these are in the box, a bag, a bowl covering the cloth. In another container, predictions will be laid. They can, for example, stick to greeting cards - then predictions can be saved as a souvenir. Or just write texts and roll the paper into the tube.
For comic divination, two oracles are needed. One gets a container with a phanta, and the other with prediction notes. The first presenter pulls out the phanta. In this case, a "magic" formula can be pronounced. For example, such:
Who will come out, it will come true!
Soon will come true, it does not happen!
What falls this phanta?
After that, the second lead pulls out a piece of paper and reads the prediction. The one who "predicted" the fate takes back its phanta and prediction - for memory.

"Magic Pouch" - comic fortune telling for the children's holiday

You can do without predictors-leading. Take the "magic bag" - any opaque package, handbag, better, of course, beautiful. Mold rolled in tight tubes and grace with thread paper with predictions. Now the guys take turns to get them. As they say, "his own hand is Vladyka." What pulled out, I pulled out, not to whom to whom!
Note-predictions can be attached to small gifts or sweets.

Candy with predictions - comic fortune telling for the children's holiday

Candy is a wonderful "asshawable equipment" for the children's holiday. You will unfold candy in advance, put a note and wrap a fantasty back. You can get such "magic" candies and from the magic bag and from an ordinary bowl. Immediately, the candy unfolds, the prediction is read, and the sweetness is eaten.
There will be more fun if sweets hang on the tensioned tape and cut off (or tear) them with tied eyes.

Prediction Cookies - Comic Divination for Children's Holiday

It is quite difficult, but an interesting version of comic fortunes is to place predictions in cookies. The participants of the holiday receive their treat (you can, for example, fold cookies in a basket or a bowl and transferred in a circle), breaks cookies and reads prediction - loud or about yourself, it's like you decide.
We offer you two options for recipes for such a delicacy. The first is to all familiar cookies-nuts with condensed milk. Motherland of the second cookie - China.

Recipe for cookies with predictions of "nut" for comic fortunes

For the preparation of this cookie, you will need:
3 cups of wheat flour,
250 g of butter (margarine),
1/2 cup of powdered sugar or sugar,
2 eggs,
Salt and drinking soda at knife tip, 1
teaspoon lemon juice,
Boiled condensed milk - for bonding halves
And, of course, molds-shells for baking.
Separate egg yolks from proteins. Distribute sugar with butter, add yolks and rub further until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Add soda and lemon juice, salt. Gently interfere with pre-whipped proteins. At the end, add flour and mix again. You should get plastic gentle dough.
Fill the molds on a 1/3 dough and get it so that the dough sticks to the mold. In addition to the molds, the store can use a special form-aunts. The deepening of one half of the yarn fill in 2/3 of the test, then close the second half with the protrusions. Serve dough cut.
Put the molds into the oven and bake until readiness. Give the liver slightly cool. Usually inside such biscuits put boiled condensed milk, but we put a note with predictions. And you can only edge with boiled condensed milk - to glue shells.

Recipe "Chinese" cookies with predictions for comic fortunes

For cookie cookies, we will need:
40 g of flour
2 egg whites
60 g of powdered sugar
20 g of butter
Vanillin on the tip of a spoon
This is the number of products approximately a dozen liver. Prepare predictions in advance, write them on narrow strips of paper wide about 1.5 cm. Fold in half.
We start cooking cookies. Soften the creamy oil and scroll it with sugar. Add to the resulting mass of proteins and mix. Now put vanillin and flour. You should get very liquid dough.
Take a leaf of bakery paper and draw on it two or three mug with a diameter of 8-10 cm. To do this, you can circle a cup. Leaf turn over and put on the baking sheet down. Lubricate paper with creamy oil. In the center of each drawn circle pour a bit of the dough and smear it on the borders of the circle. Put the baking sheet in the hot oven (about 200 degrees) and beat 7-10 minutes.
Then get the cookie, and while it is still hot to fold the cookies in half, and inward put a piece of paper. Immediately fold again in half and leave to cool.
The cooled cookie should turn out to be very crispy, so do not keep the cookie in the cellophane package - it will not be criste after that.

Do you want to arrange a cheerful holiday for your work colleagues or friends? They will delight comic predictions to the new 2020, which can be written on leaves or paper snowflakes and put in a hat.

And you can attach notes with predictions to souvenirs that will remain in memory of the guests, or hide in cookies, pack together with sweets, fold into a beautiful bag or box.

Another way is to put papers with New Year's predictions for 2020. White rat in balloons. And adults, and children like to burst them and find funny notes there.

In short, options, how to arrange a comic fortune telling with short prophecies for the new year many. You can also combine the delivery of wishes with gifts. Such texts should be light and interesting, and so as not to offend anyone, wearing a positive character.

Comic New Year's predictions in verse for 2020

We have collected short predictions for 2020 New Year - a year of white rat, which you can use preparing comic New Year's divination.

Your friends and acquaintances will be able to laugh, and take note of funny warnings to avoid various problems in the future. Guests will appreciate your sense of humor, and the holiday will go fun!

Rat luck will bring
And a lot of money in addition.
Be rich for a whole year
Buy car or cottage!

This little rats
This year will arrange cleaning.
All mischief
She sprays quickly!

With the Year of Rats! With new happiness!
Laughter, peace and good!
All the bad weather will be cooled
Life will give you in full!

Cheerful like this evening
Will be the coming year
All you wanted
Rat will bring you.

White Rat New Year
We are going without worries.
He carries with him success,
Happiness and cheerful laughter!

With fireplace beanle and clapper
Hurry to visit us New Year,
You have new love and happiness
Year of white rat will bring!

Rats Year to the door knocks on our door -
Open it soon!
Everything wonderful will happen
There will be many bright days.

All hopes will justify
This best year,
And he will give love,
And the success will bring you!

The rat will bring you a big change:
Good luck awaits you next year.
Let all problems run away from you
And you will catch a happy star for the tail!

With the Year of Rats! Let luck
You will give this year,
Complex will solve the task
And wealth will bring.

Texts of funny predictions for the new 2020

Short cool prophecies for 2020 New Year will have the guests and in the office at work, and at a party at home, in general, anywhere.

For friends, you can prepare such messages:

  • You will not cry all year all year, "luck will hurry to you.
  • There will be a lot of money. Waiting for you a successful way!
  • There will be no care, but most importantly - start working!
  • It will suddenly have a new friend.
  • If you smile more often, all your dreams will start come true.
  • You always have a delicious food in the house.
  • You good luck, happiness, peace! It will be your apartment!
  • You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore all year will be perfectly!
  • Wait for family income and holiday in your favorite season!
  • You can suddenly get stranded, where there is a five-star hotel!

Arrange a comic fortune telling with short predictions for the year of the rat in the company of relatives and friends. You can write on paper the following funny New Year prophecies.

  • Want to get the desired thing? Otte, and let them push back.
  • Superstition is nonsense! But avoid black cats and scattered salt.
  • Everything can change in one day, unless sincerely want.
  • You have everything to fulfill your dream soon.
  • Venus in the second house foreshadows you today's tight dinner with frills and moderate physical activity on the dance floor.
  • This night the stars are located in the sky so that you are shining all that you have long dreamed of getting.
  • According to statistics, 80% of the problems are solved by themselves, and the rest are not solved at all. So forget today about problems and relax!
  • Reaching to the end, do not stop: this is the beginning of something new.
  • Miracles happen, especially if you work well.
  • It's time to open amazing things. Although it is better to open champagne!
  • The new year of the rat is good for amateurs to smoke the future. So pouring good mood and perseverance in achieving goals.
  • White rat will bring you a lot of good change, favorable events and profitable enterprises.
  • The coming year of the White Rat will bring you a lot of positive, and everything bad will remain in the past.
  • At the beginning of the new year you are waiting for a fireworks of bright events. We hope that you purchased Petarda.
  • Exciting adventures are waiting for you soon! Hope and wait.
  • Today is a happy day. However, for you all the days will be happy!

These funny predictions for 2020 new year rats will enjoy women:

  • A lot of doors will appear in front of you. Shops, banks and offices will be glad to your parish!
  • In the coming year, the doors of luxury stores will open for you, and your sponsor wallet will lose weight.
  • This year you will find the treasure - you will find ... the hook of the husband, which he postponed the entire last year.
  • Passion in the new year with cakes and chocolate - to the quick update of the wardrobe.
  • Love will decorate your days, and they will become bright.

But predictions for men:

  • Gifted by his wife for the new year of the pan - to a shishke on his forehead. And beautiful fur coat - to love and mutual understanding in the family.
  • Giving a spouse to the new year of a ring with a diamond, you will provide yourself with a wonderful menu for the next 12 months.

The following short New Year's predictions for 2020 are suitable for colleagues:

  • Merry full will be a year, even though there will be a pavement.
  • Fate gilds to you a handle, saving a huge pay.
  • Live nice and freely, Kohl wallet will nabe the money tight.
  • In the new year, you are waiting for the service: your department will move three floors above.
  • Taking off the career staircase, look under your feet to avoid dizzying effects.
  • The coming year is expected to be a big explosion: all your enemies and competitors will burst with anger.
  • In January, do not pay attention to the loud cotton behind the window - this burst from the anger of your envious!
  • If you get up early every day, then for 12 months you never be late for work.

New Year comic predictions in verse and prose for 2020 White rat will raise your friends, colleagues and relatives.

Choose the most suitable texts for cool predictions on paper to the new 2020 and entertain guests at the holiday!

Source message Svetik_es.

Thank you very much! Worked for registration not enough !!! But unfortunately the text is not readable because of the background. I could read the poems by copying them in Word! Brilliant background "breaks eyes." I advise him to change it. I repeat: Thank you - I use in this new year!

Such a Christmas tree from sweets and tinsel will fit even on a festive table!

Would you like in the new year "snake", was for you successful?

Would you like in the coming year "snake", you have always surrounded happiness?

Then each family, on the eve of the new year, there should be a very tasty and unusually decorated New Year Salad "Snake"! And then the New Year's Spirit snake will be grateful to you)))

And within the course of the year, will bring you happiness and success!

Cooking Site Salad:

1. Sattail on a large grater boiled potatoes, eggs and melted raws.

2. Gorboushka finely cut, garlic to skip across the groove.

3. Add mayonnaise and mix well.

And now the creativity begins!

1. Form the snake from the salad and decorate the scales from thinly sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers.

2. Create a unique pattern using olives and carrot pieces.

On New Year's Eve We write wishes

On leaves and fold them in a beautiful bag,

Let everyone pull out comic

Prediction for the next year!

It will be good for you!

Bucks, jeep, and dacha!

But the diseases are afraid,

Move more sport!

I know for sure, this year

You will be lucky with love!

So that lucky and in the rest

You do not climb on break!

And for you a good year!

Much happiness will bring!

Only Nerves Beregte

And do not go left!

And for you such a forecast:

You keep above your nose!

If they are offended

Do not forget to give!

Believe me! You have this year

Many new carries

But do not walk at night,

More often visiting!

You remember very important

Overload Avoid !!!

To all your finances

For medicines not to give.

I see happiness to you come,

You are waiting for success everywhere!

But do not drink without decree

More than two bottles immediately!

You, my friend, be cheerful,

Forces in work do not regret!

More sleep, read the newspaper,

Beer Pey, and fry the cutlets!

Large shake is waiting for you:

Vodka, beer, songs, dance.

Waiting for fun, a lot of jokes

And ... no neighbor.

In general, you will not disappear!

In happiness, living the world.

There will be love and caress

Yes, not life, but just a fairy tale!

You, beauty, say

Lucky, of course!

In a month or two

He will meet a heartfelt friend.

If you can't be lazy

You can achieve a lot!

With health you will have everything perfectly,

Waiting for you a gift very cute!

Detect you from debt

Eat smaller pies!

Beauty shine your

In general, there are fun blesses!

You dream about

So that the money is more.

Start Quicks

Wallet is thorough!

You, girlfriend, this year

Would you escape any trouble!

And you will come to each other forgiveness.

Hide from the cellars generous treats!

Traveling you waiting

And a ticket to the aircraft

Sea, palm trees and romance

If this is not a hoax!

You have a new day knowing

Family Rice will provide!

Happy New Year to you !!!

Probably many would like to look into the future. This desire is particularly acutely felt in the magical season of the New Year holidays. After all, even adults want to believe in a miracle and hope that everything will be fine. On and on, during and, during a meeting with friends and business partners, it is possible to become a wizard and to predict people a good future. And let it simply the texts of New Year's predictions, and not real forecasts, but very good and good. They will give a wonderful mood and will strengthen the waiting for a fairy tale. It remains only to print them, minimize the roller and offer the guests of the New Year's Eve to pull out your lucky future. Or maybe it will be, who knows?

20 positive New Year's predictions

  1. The year will be dazzling for you. From bright events and paints sometimes want to close their eyes. Enjoy what this year will bring. Look carefully on the sides not to miss the opportunity to gain your happiness.
  1. The year for you will be prosperous. All reasons to worry will remain in the past. Family and loved ones will delight, work colleagues will help in a new project. Cash will be enough for rest, and on investment in their future.
  2. The year for you will be very profitable. You will not only rush new cash flows, but also will come about profitable investment. Nice shopping will be a new car or a cozy apartment.
  3. Year for you will be filled with passion. You have long been waiting for the butterfly inside the butterfly, and the pleasant warmth was broadcast on the body from the touch of a loved one. A new tide of feelings can completely absorb you. The passion will open in work, where it will want to achieve the targets accounted for earlier.
  4. The year for you will be very effective. All projects and cases that were outlined in the past will easily begin to be implemented. Perhaps you yourself did not believe in it. Big success will be able to achieve on the personal front. Get notepad to fix everything good that has prepared for you next year.
  5. The year for you will be filled with surprises. All of them will be pleasant, so do not fear them. On the contrary, prepare for what a full reboot may be required in life to enjoy the upcoming happiness.
  6. The year for you will be romantic. Open your heart for love and stop being afraid to be a happy person. In response, you will receive the flow of tenderness that you dreamed about. Agree on romantic dates, arrange events and surprises for loved ones. By finding a new meaning in life, everything else is normalized immediately.
  7. Year for you will be sweet. Life in chocolate is fraught with the fact that you can get overweight. Therefore, swimming in his happiness, do not forget to look around in order to correct your behavior in time. Necessary of the rustic people from the environment better remove so that they do not spoil the harmonious picture.
  8. Year for you will be harmonious. Surprisingly, but finally the moment will come when there will be a balance in all spheres. You will arrange everything that will happen at work, on a personal front and at home. The surrounding will notice how your eyes will glow.
  9. The year will be awesome for you. You have already looked off to the fact that fate gives pleasant surprises. It was them that she slipped for the coming year. Even those who you seemed to know how their five fingers would surprise. Even from very adventurous offers this year it is better not to refuse.
  10. Year for you will be stunning. The success that will fall on you, the cash flow and an abundance of new acquaintances will lead to a state of shock. Come to feel and enjoy what the new year has prepared for you.
  11. The year will be filled with communication. Even before you did not like new acquaintances and frequent meetings, this year it will become the basis of your life. It is through communication that you will gain new friends, partners or buyers, as well as find a new scope of applying your head.
  12. The year will be awesome for you. Get ready for the results you get, success in affairs and bright relationships with loved ones can be the subject of envy. In order not to experience sad shocks from the enemies, think over your defense in advance.
  13. The year will be unusual for you. You will discover hidden reserves, which will allow you to decide on the most insane deeds. It's time to make a scheduled parachute jump or go to the rafting on the river, to tell a loved one about how old age would be to meet together. Sometimes it will seem that everything has changed around. In fact, you changed themselves and could open the doors of your happiness.
  14. The year will be active for you. You like to be tone. In contrast, your activity always has a clear rational basis. Act to achieve success: at work, at home, in business, in sports. Your activity will infect others that will make the year rich in results.
  15. Year for you will be unforgettable. You will not tell my grandchildren about him, but you will be happy to remember in deep old age, sitting by the fireplace. Bright relationships, unusual meetings, new discoveries and travel will leave an indelible mark in life history.
  16. Year for you will be cool. A coup in life will allow access to new resources. It will open up opportunities for the implementation of the planned plans and fulfillment of the dream. What used to seem unavailable, suddenly will be in hand.
  17. Year for you will be filled with love. Being the center of attention, maybe unusual, but others will want to often talk about their feelings. Do not be afraid of this attention. Love has not harmed anyone. It is able to overcome any obstacles, so there is no point in hiding your feelings too.
  18. The year will be calm for you. So you want to hurry anywhere, enjoy communication with loved ones, meetings with friends. These features will be in the coming year. Copy the strength, because always the sea of \u200b\u200blife after the calm pleases the storm.
  19. The year for you will be filled with kindness. A kind heart will help to cope even with the most sophisticated goats. Share these feelings with others, get good in response. Some actions will form you with their selflessness and change the structure of your values. As a result, you can understand what is most important for you in this life.

30 short predictions that can be written on paper

  1. Happiness is already behind the door.
  2. Be careful to your health.
  3. Listen to the advice of intuition.
  4. People, what is nearby, will help all year.
  5. The desired meeting will happen very soon.
  6. Love smiles and waits for his o'clock.
  7. Luck in monetary issues.
  8. Good luck in any endeavor.
  9. Happiness is somewhere nearby, wrap around.
  10. Year of tears, but only from joy.
  11. You are waiting for a trip to a new country.
  12. This year will drastically change your life.
  13. Perhaps replenishment in the family this year.
  14. Career growth will be rapid and successful.
  15. World and peace in the family all year.
  16. A romantic date will help to find mutual feelings.
  17. Any business is doomed to success.
  18. Traveling for the soul will give the necessary recreation and new impressions.
  19. Open the heart of love this year.
  20. The family will present this support.
  21. This year a lot of new acquaintances are expected.
  22. It's time to relax and go hobbies.
  23. This year you will find a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness.
  24. Fortune will answer yes to any question.
  25. Risk and definitely win.
  26. This year will bring an increase at work.
  27. Desired will be realized in the middle of the year.
  28. This year will bring only happiness and success.
  29. This year love will come to you, do not miss it.
  30. Very good year to start your own business.

20 realistic New Year's predictions

  1. The year will not be simple. You have to fight for your own happiness. Nothing will give hands without hard work, but patience and perseverance will lead to positive results.
  2. This year serious illnesses are possible. Do not be lazy to dress warmer. As a result, health will work out.
  3. This year will bring a lot of entertainment. Do not forget about the main thing in the carnival of fun.
  4. The year promises wonders and enthusiasm outside. Get ready to become the center of the company and gain new friends.
  5. You have a lot of work, but also an increase in income, as a result of hard work. Try new spheres, success awaits you.
  6. It is better to show caution on the roads. Not compliance with the rules can lead to serious problems.
  7. This year a lot of important issues have to be solved. Each decision will affect further life. Be careful.
  8. Year is favorable for self-realization. All conceived will be easily easily like magic. Believe in a fairy tale and accept the gifts of fate.
  9. Year of serious tests. Not all familiar are equally useful. Review your communication circle to avoid trouble.
  10. This year you will have to try to resist afloat. The closest situations will help in a difficult situation. Feel free to ask for help, and be sure to get it.
  11. Waiting for you a huge love. Make the right choice and it will remain with you for a long time.
  12. Year is good for large acquisitions. The new car will not break, and the house will give warm and comfort.
  13. This year pay attention to the family situation. A high probability of quarrels for far-thined reasons.
  14. The year is difficult in terms of love. It is possible to misunderstanding, quarrels and even parting. Pay more attention to the second half. Discuss each exciting moment and you can avoid unwanted consequences.
  15. This year, luck will pursue you in everything. Large winnings and serious finds are likely.
  16. Year of loss of calm. It will seem that everything goes wrong, as you would like. It is worth relaxing, take a vacation and get together with thoughts to overcome the difficult period.
  17. Year of change. Change everything, in any new endeavors you are waiting for success. More decisive, fate rarely gives such chances.
  18. The year clearly will show who a friend, and who is not. In difficult situations, the attitude of acquaintances will manifest themselves especially clearly.
  19. Year for you. Do not be afraid to say "no" and act as you think. Otherwise, fortune will not help.
  20. This year your family will increase. There are several weddings of relatives. Caught bouquet this year - especially effective signs on a close marriage.