Congratulations to workers museums. Congratulations on the Day of Museums in prose wishes in your own words Congratulations to the Museum staff for the New Year

Congratulations to workers museums. Congratulations on the Day of Museums in prose wishes in your own words Congratulations to the Museum staff for the New Year
Congratulations to workers museums. Congratulations on the Day of Museums in prose wishes in your own words Congratulations to the Museum staff for the New Year

International Museum Day is celebrated throughout the world since 1977, when 11 ICOM General Conference (International Council of Museums), held in Moscow and Leningrad.

On this day, many museums open their doors for everyone, completely free and happily showing their exhibition halls, new exhibits.

Congratulations on the International Day of Museums! I wish people crowded from museum exhibits, wondering all sorts of expositions, causing their culture and spirituality. Let there always be sponsors and subsidies, visitors and frequent guests. Stretch, develop and always be open to new admiring views!

Today we congratulate on the holiday of those who, by the kind of professional activity or in the call of the soul, are somehow connected with museums. Museums Day is celebrated worldwide. Thanks to the museums, each of us becomes available cultural and material values: masterpieces of painting, archaeological finds, unique items. We wish museum workers to never be empty, and visitors are to go to the museum to be part of the cultural program.

On International Museums Day I want to wish everyone without exception a lot of interest in history, art, life and traditions. Let in museums will never be empty, let every trip in this amazing place gives a lot of impressions, positive emotions, exciting adventures and important discoveries.

Congratulations on your wonderful holiday, which urges to appreciate the cultural heritage of the nation, returns us to a glorious historical past, creates a sense of pride for achieving previous generations. We wish you pleasure from visiting museums, new impressions and expansion of your horizons.

Each museum is an opportunity to touch the part of the story and return to hundreds, thousands, and maybe millions of years ago! Attend museums as often as possible, because it's so exciting! I wish you new impressions, amazing discoveries and bright emotions!

Congratulations on the international day of museums and I want to wish that the museum always was and remained a carrier and an enlightener in the history of various spectra and branches of human life. Let them not lose their popularity campaigns in the museums, let everyone know something interesting there, let all we manage to draw in museums the necessary and entertaining information about the most different dates and events.

I congratulate on the international day of museums and sincerely wish to be proud of the rich history of the eyelids, I wish in every subject to find something interesting and wonderful for myself. Let hiking in the museums deliver a lot of pleasures and pleasant impressions, let the new day prepare a new discovery and success.

Congratulations on the international day of museums and I want to wish in the conditions of modernity the importance and importance of the work of museums, so that they can always talk about the most famous facts and incidents so that everyone can learn something interesting here, to learn something unusual and familiarize himself in detail With any question of questions or event.

I congratulate on the international day of museums and I wish to always penetrate the history of the Motherland, individual facts, certain events of social life, the life of any hero, I wish to always remain a tireless enthusiast and, with each day, to discover something new, interesting. And let the museum for each of us be a good faithful friend.

Happy International Days of Museums Congratulations to all! It will always be one of the components in the development of each of us. We wish you all harmonious growth, wealth of the soul and mutual understanding.

[in prose]

Wishes Happy Museums in Prose

Dear friends! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday! For all of us, this day is another wonderful reason to express sincere respect for the professionalism of museum workers, whose work lies at the junction of the past and present, thereby determining the future. You do not always have easily, but the more valuable your efforts and your achievements, and our congratulations are quite appropriate. Happy Museums!

The Museum is a calling, because not everyone will endure such a big burden of responsibility. It is also a huge excerpt, love for past times, world art, history. For such a need to have a broad soul, an open heart and a light head. You are one of these people! I wish the day of the museums of smiles on the faces of visitors, interested views on exhibits, kindness, health and wonderful mood! Let everything succeed in life! Let it work easily and calmly! Happy holiday!

Today, in the momentous day of the museums, you and all your colleagues want to wish that your works are appreciated by dignity and brought not only joy, but also profits! I wish you a lot of interesting new exhibits that you fascinate and please! Let an increasingly more and more people attach to the secrets that are stored by exhibits, because it is very important to remember and know their history and history of other countries of the world!

Day Museums is a holiday for those who understand that the museum is a special world with its inner rich atmosphere, an oasis of culture and history. The museum is the focus of the richest experience of past generations, spiritual and material wealth, without which the further development of the people, nation, nation is impossible. With the holiday of you, expensive workers of museums - the keepers of our history as the collateral of the future.

The importance of culture and history should not even argue, because everything is aware of it, from Mala to Great. But about the importance of people who store culture and history, you need to speak loudly and often, especially, on the day of museums! I wish you in this holiday so that your work is always appreciated high, I am respectable and decently rewarded. Happiness to you, health, love, joy and just as long years of life, like your exhibits. Happy Museums!

Congratulations to Museum Workers with their professional holiday - World Museum Day! This is a solemn and important day, for it was the museum that is the main storage of our history - from prehistoric times to modern times. And only thanks to the painstaking daily work of the Museums employees, we have the opportunity to fully experience the course of history and evolution. Health to you and inexhaustible enthusiasm in your challenging work!

Happy Museums! I want to congratulate you with your professional holiday and wish all the best. I know how you love your work, as you tremble to those invaluable exhibits that are in the meeting of your museum! Let the collection are replenished with new artifacts and masterpieces so that people with pleasure come to museums and brought their children there!

Congratulations to all the museum has become a hometown, who depends all their days to rare exhibits, conducts excursions and gladly meets guests. We sincerely wish to love your rare, but very necessary profession, find something beautiful and even unique in the working weekdays! Let your life be filled and happy! Happy Museums, Ladies and Lord!

Dear museum workers, we sincerely congratulate you with your professional day! We want to express your gratitude for the fact that so long and truly save our story, transfer it from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. Thanks to you, the past of our country is alive. We sincerely wish you longevity, good health, love, happiness and prosperity. Let only joyful and good events occur in your life. Create a bright and colorful story of your destiny, which will tell your grandchildren.

Day of museums. What other day carries such a value? Museums keep the history of all mankind and people who work in them, deserve recognition of everyone without exception. It is you who are museum workers - collect and keep the memory of past events, about those who have gone. Congratulations on your holiday, I want to wish new historical finds and faithful assistants in their preservation. Take our appreciation for your work.

May 18 - World Museum Workers Day and all those who work in such establishments celebrate their professional holiday. This significant date concerns not only Museum staff, but also those who are happy to regularly visit various exhibitions and exhibits.

Interestingly, this date was not always noted, but only a few decades. At the annual meeting of the Council of Museums, it was decided to introduce this holiday to the World Calendar. Thus, this wonderful date appeared - the day of the museum worker, it is currently noted in more than 150 countries of the world.

Museums are an integral part of the culture of each city of our country and the world, they are able to educate society and enrich it necessary knowledge about history. Museum exhibits are very diverse and have their topics, therefore, the holiday of the museum worker is held annually under a certain slogan and style.

Some of the latter were days dedicated to the theme of the theft of museum values, as well as the role of museums in the education and enlightenment of society. "Museums and Tourism" - under such a slogan, a celebration of the day of the museum worker in 2009 was held. "Museums in the name of a social guarantee" - such a topic was discussed and analyzed on May 18 in 2010. "Museums and Memory" - this topic was devoted to the celebration in 2011.

The anniversary date of the day of the museum worker accounted for May 18, 2012, on this day the main topic was "museums in a changing world. New challenges and inspiration. " In 2013, the holiday was celebrated under the Slogan "Museums and Social Changes", in 2014 the topic of the Collections available in the museums of the whole world became relevant, and in 2015 museums and the development of society. The day of the museum worker is marked large and thoroughly prepare it. Various lectures, stories, new exhibits and exhibitions, in addition to all the museums of this day the doors are open to all and absolutely free.

Every year increasingly gaining popularity and is in demand holiday called "Night of Museums". In the cities where this event is held, special buses are allocated, and a certain route of visiting exhibitions and museums is drawn up. The main purpose of such an action is to enrich the population with knowledge of existing museums and famous exhibits. It is held on the night from Saturday to Sunday closer to the day of the museum worker who want to visit such objects is constantly increasing, which has a positive effect on the culture of cities.

Postcards with International Day Museums

Every year, museum workers celebrate a professional holiday on May 18. This date is an excellent reason to make a goal in the museum of interest and congratulate his employees with their professional day. Also, all specialists in the field of history, archeology and simply lovers of campaigns in museums are involved in this holiday. People who keep great historical relics worthy of respect and their own holiday. This holiday has been celebrated since 1977, it is interesting that Russia has become the initiator of its institution at the next meeting of the International Council of Museums. Museums play a significant role in cultural and educational work, as well as in the preservation of cultural heritage. Date, celebrate the International Museum Day - May 18.

Without the past, the future is not to create,
Every citizen should know it
We are always attracted by the story,
In museums, we come, as in past centuries.
All employees of the museum today congratulations
We wish you happiness, joy, good,
Let the doors open to you open
Let go lucky throughout, always.

The legacy of our ancestors you are diligent
The history of the country knows perfectly
Each exhibit of the past particle,
Long past days yellowed page.
From the holidays of the Museum workers, we congratulate
We wish life long and happy
Let life give you bright moments,
Let always be excellent.

History, with your help come to life every day,
One hundred times to tell one thing, and also you are not too lazy
Visitors listen to you carefully always,
We get information about the past.
Happy Museum Workers Congratulations
Life and happy life sincerely wish
All the best to you, joy, happiness and good,
Let life flow as a complete river.

To things that melting history in itself
You feel responsibly carefully
About each exhibit, about his fate,
Talk available, wonderful.
Museum workers, take congratulations,
Let work bring you inspiration
Let the past be left where yesterday,
And you about tomorrow, think with optimism always.

You are wise keepers of old days,
We want to know a lot about the past
History with your help always comes to life,
Museum workers are honored with you and praise.
Today is your holiday, congratulations
All the best in life we \u200b\u200bwish
Let every day pleasantly surprise you,
Let the Lord from the misfortune worries.

From the destruction and time, you save the exhibits you,
You are the keepers of the past days of history,
Frozen moments always come to life
We learn everything from you that centuries stored.
All Museum workers wish you happiness
Let me be afraid of failure and bad weather
Let your holiday turn out every day
Let your happiness fly in your house.

Thanks to you touch the story is simple,
You, like a guide, lead us through the century,
Every day guests come in halls,
After all, the past concerns everyone always.
Happy Museum workers to congratulate you glad,
Let work for you will be glad
Let go lucky you always
Let the family weather be warm always.

In the museum you are servants and gods:
In laboratories, archives are very strict,
And in the halls with the public are friendly, smart,
We are opening the secrets of old days.
Flying years, the century passes by the century,
Everything created in the world man
Keep, humanity is loving, -
Much vividly, thanks to.
Keepers of ancient old old
Connoisseurs museum silence
Congratulate on the day of museums we want:
The museum is undoubtedly necessary.

Your profession does not compare
Museum employee - another color.
I will listen to you with a heart open
Remember more to become an erudite.
With work, you lived inextricably tied up,
It is impossible for people at least once bored.
I wish you happiness, health, love,
So that all the wishes can come true.

Thank you for keeping memory
About what was in the old year
And that they are always ready to answer
On the most stupid questions.
Who did not serve in the museum, he does not know
What painstaking work
You stand every day, coming there,
Take the time for ragged braids -
And return brilliance and beauty
And listen to the voices of things and letters
And see in the halls ... no, not emptiness,
And eternity, her light and wisdom of thoughts.

Museums Day, Museum Day
Not at all for Rotosheev,
And for those who are thirsty,
It understands everyone!
Come in museums
Visit Gallery!
And big and guys -
Consider exhibits,
Admire the paintings
Take away from the routine!
We will go to the museum now
Congratchi will bring!

So that things are not old
None lay a year
Put them in museums
And the people look at them.

In the silence of museum halls
(Remember everything about that should)
Much is set
Valuable facts of antiquity.

So that their life is longer
And the rich was.
All workers museums
Gratitude and praise!

Congratulations on your wonderful holiday, which urges to appreciate the cultural heritage of the nation, returns us to a glorious historical past, creates a sense of pride for achieving previous generations. We wish you pleasure from visiting museums, new impressions and expansion of your horizons.

You open mysterious doors,
Only here you know about everything.
Go more often the Lord in museums,
We are waiting for you at any time.

Today is the holiday of all museums of the world!
Congratulate their employees in a hurry
They are shining for us
And bright dedication beam!

I tell you, in the museum
Always be happy!
Opened mouth, stub
For each exhibit.

Here the spirit is elusive -
Antiquity of antiquity
Innocent stories
We are standing opposite.

And people in admiration
Stand love
On the beauty of the museum -
Collections of wondrous row.

We wish that rather
Found a patron
In the development of the museum
So that it contributes a generous contribution!

We wish prosperity,
All benefits from year to year,
To become for us in museums
Always free entrance!

I often envy on white -
In the museum you can live, and not work:
You do not need a very time machine,
You have a gate to any era.

Guardian of artifacts and mysteries -
We look at them as Rotosi, -
Let the sky will send you as a gift
Well I sincerely congratulate the Day of Museums!

For the safety of rarities
Aunt Sveta is responsible.
Here she is all the king and God,
After all, the museum knows a lot.

Here are pictures, it's frescoes
These are royal suspensions.
This is an important artifact -
Show the tact museum.

Not shum and do not push
Be cultural try.
Here everyone goes gentle-important
Because everything is fine.

There are many stories in them,
Exhibits of any and paintings,
Rarieties of old Verena
Under the glass of mysterious shop windows.

Museums Day - Holiday Fuck,
He is visual history.
In the sphere of political, military,
Artillery, Connection and Infantry.

Interestingly adults here and children,
Spirit here freezing, in Starne,
It's all the distance lying somewhere
But I gathered the museum of all in myself.

On this day, the wonderful may
I fly to Paris ..., dreaming.
And in Louvra, I am brothering with inspiration,
Enjoying the epoch revival.

Rebupprandt portraits.
And Joconda will open secrets.
Michelangelo "Rab" will not bother
The perfect man's body ...

In general, what should I do there in Paris.
I will see this in Russia!
Not about the body now, about museums:
Hermitage and Moscow Gallery ...

On this day, the wonderful may
Thanks to those congratulations
Who is a friend of the soul of Rada
Keeps masterpieces in museums!

Day of art lovers
And the wonderful thing.
Everyone is familiar with this feeling
The heart is plentiful.

Approaching the sources
Inpire to heaven,
What seems far
Approaches the eyes.

On this day, the picture is closer,
Reproductions are clear
The voice of the ancestors is clearly heard,
Bridges are moved!

"In Valine to the right,
Take the left.
Won chairs glory
But the queen. "

Keep you holy
Centuries property.
For you award
Will be acknowledgment.

Sculptures, paintings,
Masterpieces of art
We cause us
Beautiful feelings!