Casual culture of Russia XVIII century. Casual culture of Russia XVIII in the casual culture of St. Petersburgers of the 18th century

Casual culture of Russia XVIII century. Casual culture of Russia XVIII in the casual culture of St. Petersburgers of the 18th century
Casual culture of Russia XVIII century. Casual culture of Russia XVIII in the casual culture of St. Petersburgers of the 18th century

Each Peterburst knows the history of his beloved city - when he was founded, in which years a large flooding, which of famous poets and writers lived in the northern capital. However, few are aware of the life of ordinary citizens of the XVIII-XIXToles: that people ate, how they were entertained, what they dress up, as they caught their house. The Correspondent site visited the historical exhibition, which opened in the Petropavlovsk fortress and found out about the life of St. Petersburgers of that era.

Course on Europe

Immediately after the foundation of St. Petersburg, the European Lifestyle reigned in the city. It manifested itself both in the architecture and in the device of the interior and in the behavior of people. At the beginning of the XVIII century, residents of St. Petersburg were conditionally divided into three types - "bitten", prosperous and famous. "Elevative" Petersburgers were not so literally of the word. In that epoch, this definition was given to all the poor.

The architect Domenico Trezini designed at home for different types of Petersburgers. For "bitten", small one-storey houses were intended, and for eminent - elegant two-storey houses with carved decorations. The interior in the houses was European.

"Petersburgers of the" middle class "decorated rooms with lamps, engravings and mirrors," said Alexander Gordin, head of the Society "History on Neva". - At the tables put the clock, which at that time were more like a casket. Women began to attend Assembly and secular receptions. In 1712, when the royal courtyard moved to St. Petersburg, the theaters and museums appeared in the city. At the Academy of Sciences, the first publicly accessible library was opened. Petersburgers began to actively enlighten, visiting the cultural institutions of the city. "

Desktop watches in the XVIII were similar to the casket. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

The most fashionable city

For 150 years, the population of St. Petersburg has grown three times: by the middle of the XIX century it was more than 500 thousand people. In St. Petersburg lived nobles, merchants, artisans, military, gentlemen, peasants, representatives of the clergy and others. The most popular store in St. Petersburg was the store of merchants Eliseev. Here it was possible to buy everything - from expensive wines to souvenirs: for example, a gift soap in a package stylized under the book.

The store was sold souvenir soap in packaging stylized books. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

In the XIX century, the range of goods became very diverse. Chinese teas appeared on sale, the most popular of which was considered the "Phoenix Tail", "Dragons" and "Sparrow Language".

Petersburg was not only the most cultural, but also the most fashionable city of the country. It was Petersburg that became the leader in the production and provision of fashionable services.

"In the second half of the XIX century, only one Nevsky Prospect was almost a hundred fashion stores," says Alexander Gordin. - And another 50 workshops, where they sewed custom clothes. "

Petersburg became the city of Modnitz. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

In the daily life of a woman dressed as Englishwomen - strict dresses, skirts and jackets. Men wore a white starchy shirt, vest, pants and a hat-bowl. To go outside without an umbrella or cane was considered a bad tone.

Petersburgers observed culture in everything, including in home trapes.

"Cutlery has always been decomposed in a strict order, - Gordin notes. - And for guests always used the best porcelain service. "

The menu in St. Petersburg homes was very diverse, especially on holidays. For example, a fried piglet was usually served for the new year, in Christmas - stuffed turkey, and in Easter, the table was broken from the yoke: the hostesses were preparing cakes, cakes, lamb made of oil, baked chock, cold veal, marinated beef and bumkuchen - traditional German baking. To paint eggs to Easter, the hostess cooked them in a saucepan in the flaps of multicolored silk matter. But the soups were cooked not in the saucepans, but in special boules, similar to small samovars.

The first cinema on Nevsky Prospect

With the advent of the railway communication, Petersburgers began to ride in trains. Usually these travels were exclusively business. Railway tickets at the time looked like a small little book, where the photo of the passenger was pasted and the destination point was indicated. Especially for travelers on typography printed tiny decks of cards in size with matchboxes - so that they do not occupy a lot of space in the suitcase. In the XIX century, cars could afford only the richest people. For comparison, Pooth Bread cost 2 rubles, and the car is 7 thousand rubles.

Railway tickets contained a photo of a passenger. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

The main entertainment in St. Petersburg at the end of the century was photograph and cinema. In the first cinema on Nevsky Prospect, twenty-minute short films depicting workers at the plant arrival trains, scenes with children.

"All innovations were precisely in St. Petersburg," says Alexander Gordin. - The first goods from abroad, the first theaters and libraries, the first cinemas. Petersburg was and remains the most modern city of the country. "

You can find out the details of the life of St. Petersburgers until March 31 at a free exhibition in the Commandant House of Petropavlovsk Fortress from 11 to 18 hours. Day off - Wednesday.

Life and population in St. Petersburg in the 18th century

"Life" and residents of the city in the XVIII century.

In 1775, a new St. Petersburg province was created, the territory of which was a little more of the modern Leningrad region. Its chapter since 1781, the Governor-General was appointed, in which the Office, the Casina Chamber and other institutions operated. He was subordinate to the civilian governor, a military garrison, police and self-government bodies. The Cassenaya Chamber was collected and controlled by provincial finances. The renovation led by the police officer led the police. A slender system of a police hierarchy was formed: the city was divided into ten parts led by private bailies, which were subordinate to quarterly warders, and those are city. The province, in turn, was divided into mills, at the head of which stood the bailiffs.

The estate of the city on the "institution about provinces" was engaged in class institutions: noble, merchant and mesh. In 1785, the provincial and county noble meetings were created - the associations of the nobility. The city Duma, who consisted from vowels, who were elected for four years from different estates, played a major role. The Duma was made by the improvement of the city, education, health, charity, city trade and tax collection. Chairman of the Duma - the urban head - elected from rich merchants. Members of the city Duma could choose only wealthy citizens who own their own homes. At the beginning of the XIX century. They accounted for only 1%. In addition, the city did not control the treasury and was forced to constantly ask for money from the central government.

Foreign residents of the city: At 18 - beginning. 20 centuries. - Significant element of the population of St. Petersburg. I. appeared in the city since its foundation. OSN. The mass of them was invited by the king of Peter I experts (military, sailors, scientists, artisans). Suites from the countries of Europe occupied the Split. Posts in the sphere of state. Management, in the army and fleet, played a prominent role in the field of science and arts, were the masters of the factory and Z-Dov, merchants, artisans. The Germans prevailed among I., then the French followed by the French, the British. Lived in St. Petersburg. also Swedes, Dutch, Italians. In 1750 in the city there were approx. 5.6 thousand I. (7.5% of us.), In 1818 - OK. 35 thousand (9% of us.). With gray 19th century Share I. in the composition of us. Spb. Slap with insignificant. Changes in total number: in 1869 - 21.1 thousand people. (3.16%), in 1910 - 22.9 thousand people. (1.2%). Stay means. Numbers I. in St. Petersburg. Reflected in the guise of his streets (it means. The number of signs to foreign language. languages, the presence of cult buildings, etc.). A sharp reduction in the number I., permanently residing in the city, occurred after Oct. 1917. Almost all communities consisting of foreign. Citizens, ceased to exist. The increase in the number I. is newly noted in the 1990s. By 2001 in St. Petersburg. Constantly lived sv. 2 thousand I. (excluding NEG. Immigrants and refugees), 20 thousand foreign cars were trained. Students.

Merchants- Soc. The group in the population of SPb., Persons engaged in bargaining.-Prom. Activity. In the 1st floor. 18 V. K. was part of the landing people. King Peter I was forcibly seen in St. Petersburg. K. from Arkhangelsk and other cities: Decrees 1712 and 1714 provided for the resettlement in St. Petersburg. 300 richest K. - t. N. Guests (actually 186 K.) were moved to 1716). Petersburg. K. traded hemp, leishes, flax, canvas. Among the first K. were I., I. Miklyaev, A. Bolotin, I. Veselovsky, I. Dmitrov, M. Jerinov. In 1786 in St. Petersburg, the province was numbered (with family members) 10 famous citizens. In 1869 to the pit. The class belonged to 22.3 thousand people. (3.3% of us.), In 1897 - 17.4 thousand (1.4% of us.). Russians among them amounted to 77.5% and 80.4%, respectively, Germans - 15.4% and 12%, Jews - 4% and 5%.

Posal, the name of the applied population of cities (including St. Petersburg) at 17 - beginning. 18 centuries. From 1721 P. officially called "citizens", shared on "regular" - persons who owned capital, artisans or representatives of other professions (merchants, doctors), and "irregular" - people of hired labor or revenue from the processing of land, but the term " P." continued to exist. "Regular citizens" (merchants) were divided into three guilds, depending on consistency, and artisans - on the workshops. In 1775 P. ("Citizens") are divided into 3 estates: merchants, burghers and artisans. Number P. Rus. Origin in the population of the city in the 1st floor. 18 V. was insignificant: in 1737 in St. Petersburg. Lived only 4769 P. Orthodox. Confession of both sexes (all of the righteous. The population was 68 thousand people.). To con. 18 V. The term "P." Gradually disappeared from use. The memory of P. was preserved in the name B. and M. Posad streets (on the Petrograd side).

A lot of new educational institutions appeared in the Golden Age of Catherine II in St. Petersburg. The inspiration of the education reform was a prominent Education Worker Ivan Ivanovich Petskaya. He set the purpose of introducing education from early childhood and make it systematic. With the support of the Empress, Beetsk began to organize the training of women, which at the time were completely not covered by education. In 1764, at the Smolny Monastery, an educational society of noble maiden appeared, which later became known as the Smolny Institute. He was taken by six-year-old girls from noble families. Smolenok was brought up in strictness and isolation from the outside world. They were taught good manners, french, needlework.

The main brainchild of Petsky is rightfully considered an educational house for children of poor people, orphans and illegitimate. He studied in an educational house for six - eight years. The educational house, like the Smolken Institute, ceased existence in 1917. The 3rd Petrograd Pedagogical Institute was created in his building, later became the Leningrad Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen

For children wealthy citizens not far from the educational house in 1817, a noble board was founded, transformed at the beginning of the 30s. In the first city gymnasium. Soon on the 21st line of Vasilyevsky Island, another special educational institution opened - the Mountain Cadet Corps, which at Soviet power renamed the Mountain Institute. Almost all leading Russian specialists also studied here, and the study and practical use of minerals.

the death penalty and only by the grace of Catherine forever Salad to Siberia - in Ilimsky Ostrog.

Lazarevskaya Church, by whose name is called the cemetery, is the generic tomb of Sheremetev's counts. Here, in particular, Praskovna Ivanovna Pearlchugova, the serf actress Sheremetevsky Theater, who became a spouse of one of the richest people in Russia - Count Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetyev. Having born to him the only son, Praskovya Ivanovna died on February 23, 1803 and was buried in the Lazarevian tomb. Marriage became officially known for three weeks before the death of the pearls. According to Countess Sh. K. Liven, the court society was shocked by marrying Sheremetev on "one of his slaves". Count Nikolai Petrovich several times a year sacrificed huge amounts for fancy services and he himself was buried here, near his wife, in 1809

"In St. Petersburg, the capital of the Russian Empire, not only the imperial courtyard and government bodies, but also the best forces of culture, art, science focused. And many famous figures of Russian culture were buried on one, which arose in the first quarter of the 4th century. In the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the cemetery - Tikhvinsky "2.

Petersburg in the number of residents overtook Moscow and took the first place among Russian cities. His population has already been 214 thousand people. If, under Peter I, the left bank of the washing river was a country site, and until 1760, the border of the capital was held on the font plan, then by the beginning of the XIX century. Urban structures approached the modern bypass canal. He was a breakthrough in 1805 and became a new border of the capital. However, by 1828, the city was released in this framework, and its area reached 54 km. sq. In 1833, former suburban areas were attached to St. Petersburg: Elagin Islands, Cross, Stone, etc.

Life of St. Petersburg

Immediately after the foundation of St. Petersburg, the European Lifestyle reigned in the city. It manifested itself both in the architecture and in the device of the interior and in the behavior of people. At the beginning of the XVIII century, residents of St. Petersburg were conditionally divided into three types - "bitten", prosperous and famous. "Elevative" Petersburgers were not so literally of the word. In that epoch, this definition was given to all the poor.

The architect Domenico Trezini designed at home for different types of Petersburgers. For "bitten", small one-storey houses were intended, and for eminent - elegant two-storey houses with carved decorations. The interior in the houses was European.

"Petersburgers of the" middle class "decorated rooms with lamps, engravings and mirrors," said Alexander Gordin, head of the Society "History on Neva". - At the tables put the clock, which at that time were more like a casket. Women began to attend Assembly and secular receptions. In 1712, when the royal courtyard moved to St. Petersburg, the theaters and museums appeared in the city. At the Academy of Sciences, the first publicly accessible library was opened. Petersburgers began to actively enlighten, visiting the cultural institutions of the city. "

For 150 years, the population of St. Petersburg has grown three times: by the middle of the XIX century it was more than 500 thousand people. In St. Petersburg lived nobles, merchants, artisans, military, gentlemen, peasants, representatives of the clergy and others. The most popular store in St. Petersburg was the store of merchants Eliseev. Here it was possible to buy everything - from expensive wines to souvenirs: for example, a gift soap in a package stylized under the book.

In the XIX century, the range of goods became very diverse. Chinese teas appeared on sale, the most popular of which was considered the "Phoenix Tail", "Dragons" and "Sparrow Language".

Petersburg was not only the most cultural, but also the most fashionable city of the country. It was Petersburg that became the leader in the production and provision of fashionable services.

"In the second half of the XIX century, only one Nevsky Prospect was almost a hundred fashion stores," says Alexander Gordin. - And another 50 workshops, where they sewed custom clothes. "

In the daily life of a woman dressed as Englishwomen - strict dresses, skirts and jackets. Men wore a white starchy shirt, vest, pants and a hat-bowl. To go outside without an umbrella or cane was considered a bad tone.

Petersburgers observed culture in everything, including in home trapes.

"Cutlery has always been decomposed in a strict order, - Gordin notes. - And for guests always used the best porcelain service. "

The menu in St. Petersburg homes was very diverse, especially on holidays. For example, a fried piglet was usually served for the new year, in Christmas - stuffed turkey, and in Easter, the table was broken from the yoke: the hostesses were preparing cakes, cakes, lamb made of oil, baked chock, cold veal, marinated beef and bumkuchen - traditional German baking. To paint eggs to Easter, the hostess cooked them in a saucepan in the flaps of multicolored silk matter. But the soups were cooked not in the saucepans, but in special boules, similar to small samovars.

With the advent of the railway communication, Petersburgers began to ride in trains. Usually these travels were exclusively business. Railway tickets at the time looked like a small little book, where the photo of the passenger was pasted and the destination point was indicated. Especially for travelers on typography printed tiny decks of cards in size with matchboxes - so that they do not occupy a lot of space in the suitcase. In the XIX century, cars could afford only the richest people. For comparison, Pooth Bread cost 2 rubles, and the car is 7 thousand rubles.

The main entertainment in St. Petersburg at the end of the century was photograph and cinema. In the first cinema on Nevsky Prospect, twenty-minute short films depicting workers at the plant arrival trains, scenes with children.

"All innovations were precisely in St. Petersburg," says Alexander Gordin. - The first goods from abroad, the first theaters and libraries, the first cinemas. Petersburg was and remains the most modern city of the country. "

You can find out the details of the life of St. Petersburgers until March 31 at a free exhibition in the Commandant House of Petropavlovsk Fortress from 11 to 18 hours. Day off - Wednesday.

In the middle of the XVIII century. There were about 74.3 thousand people in St. Petersburg, and together with children - 95 thousand. The discharges of the "ordinary people" (owners of real estate - nobles, officials, clergy) and "residents" (not had real estate) covered permanent residents of St. Petersburg; "The visiting" - probably workers in industrial enterprises (while seasonal workers were not taken into account). Among the population. 61% - men, 39% - women, which testified to the bilge into St. Petersburg mostly workers men. In 1764, the population is 150 thousand people, in 1784-192 thousand, by the beginning of the XIX century. - 220 thousand people. The growth rate of the population of the capital was superior to its growth in the country more than 3 times. In the 90s. XVIII century The population occupied in production was 114 thousand people, the rest lived "for salary" (government officials or employees of private enterprises, etc.). In the second half of the XVIII century. Three Admiralty parts were denselylaned (41% of the total population), foundry (10%), Moscow (13.6%), Vasileostrovskaya (11%), St. Petersburg (7.4%); The rest (Kareny-Yamskaya, Vyborg) were few populated. In the central regions in the palaces and mansions, nobles, rich merchants, major officials were settled; Here there were minor artisans, merchants. On the St. Petersburg side in small houses there were minor officials and retired. On the outskirts of St. Petersburg in the shacks, the factory workers (about 5 thousand people) are imposed.

At the time of the Board of Catherine II, special attention paid to the enlightenment and folk education, in St. Petersburg, in addition to the transformed Hatalya Cadet Cabinet, the Mountain School, the Institute of Noble Maiden, Gymnasium, elementary schools for the lower layers of society. The first School of Empress created its funds in the Admiralty part of the city. She ordered the same schools throughout the city. During these years, special alpine people appear for the elderly and hopelessly sick money, the money for the content of the arrestants began to be released. The medical board was established, without any permission, no one could do medical practice. More than 2000 thousand lanterns appeared in the city, illuminated the streets in the dark. Flashlight Semenova L.N. was pressed to each 20 lanterns Life and population of St. Petersburg (XVIII B). - St. Petersburg: "Blitz", 2005. - p.182.

The police service was fully transformation, the work of which had to be adapted to the needs of a strongly scared city and significantly increased population. Fires were still a misfortune of the city. One of the measures for the early extinguishing of fires was the appointment of an incentive award of the fire team, the first emergence of the emergence of the fire. No less misfortunes have been published by familiar inhabitants of St. Petersburg floods. One of the strongest happened on the night of September 10, 1777, when the water rose more than 3 meters, bringing with them unprecedented destruction, until the flooding of 1824 it was the most significant.

By the end of the XVIII century, the population of the city exceeded 200 thousand people, in the city there are more than 60 Orthodox and 15 innovative churches. There were (1780) more than 1,200 streets and alleys, 3.3 thousand houses, the entire central part of the city is completely packed with a cobblestone and covered with transverse boards.

In the first half of the XIX century. The population has increased almost 2.5 times. As before, it was replenished mainly due to the sedimentary population. The city still attracted men's labor. The share of the female population in 1800-30%, in 1825-28.5%, in 1843-32.4%, in 1853-31.9%. National composition prevailed Russians (85%). In St. Petersburg, the Finns, Latvians, Poles, representatives of other nationalities of Russia lived in St. Petersburg; In addition, foreigners are especially many Germans (in 1818-35 thousand, at the end of the 1840s. - 39 thousand) and French (respectively 4 thousand and over 2.7 thousand), which were engaged in crafts, trade, Hired educators of children.

In St. Petersburg, the beginning of the XIX century movement in the city center was very lively. One of the travelers who visited the city, he recorded in his impressions that "Eave carriages in St. Petersburg is much more numerous than in the largest cities of Europe, the streets are forced by them." The city had more than three hundred special standings - stock exchanges, as they called then for cabidors.

According to the preserved statistics in St. Petersburg in 1815 there were 8102 state-owned, 7519 philistine and 2476 percircuit horses. The streets were jumping along the streets, walked carriages, decorated with coat of arms, sickle strollers and trees, English crashes with umbrellas, Duraza, cabriolets, phaetons, rules, tarantays. Immediately next to them, they rolled the top carts and trucks. In winter, Sano, Sanok and Salazki cried everywhere. There were no pedestrian walkways, and therefore, moving the street, it was necessary to be very careful - that looked at the wheels of some straggle. The cabings were usually from the fortress peasants who came to the city to earn money for the lifts. From the cabers required knowledge of the diplomas so that they could be the name of the street and the house number read. But the requirement was observed with difficulty - there were few competent among the peasants. The passage on the excrement was expensive - 80 kopecks. Approximately the same amount was the daily earnings of a small official. Therefore, the townspeople preferred to walk.

Since the summer of 1830, "Urban carriers, famous in Paris called Omnibus, appeared in St. Petersburg, for delivering poor, that is, the numerous part of our public," with which it was possible to attend country places for a small fee. The Omnibus office opened on the Nevsky Prospect for Anichkov Bridge in the House of the merchant Minayev. Omnibuses went on three routes: from the Kazan Bridge to the Cross Island, from the Kazan Bridge to the Old Village and from the Duma to the end of the new village. Represented by Omnibuses big carriages harnessed by a four horses. 6 people were placed in the carriage on seating places, as many placed on the imperial.

People wealthy, having their departure, neither by Omnibus, did not use the excreeders. The beauty of horses, crew and harness was a subject of special care, and often horses, carriages, kucher, Foretor was worth a lot of money. We went to St. Petersburg very quickly, which was noticed by Gogol. The distances were large, the streets were cobbled, so from the carriage "there was a great strength or permanent supervision of its state" Nekrylova A. F. Russian folk city holidays, entertainment and spectacle. End of XVIII - early XX century. - SPb.: ABC - Classic, 2004. - C.107. Kareny Master's business knew their work and earned a state.

Not less than crews on the streets, in St. Petersburg on rivers and canals there were various boats. Bridges in the city lacked, the floodplain bridges were filmed into rapid weather, and then the message was stopped between the shores. The city had more than 30 carriage. For the provision charged the fee for the dachshund. Military, officials ("civil servants", we would say) and Okhtinsky carpenters from the board were released. In addition to carriage boats on the Neva under the singing of rowers or horny music smoothly slipped the walking vessels of rich citizens, then gold-plated, then upholstered by velvet, then covered with silk tents. The rowers had special clothes. For example, the rowers are "Gondoliers" - Prince Yusupov was dressed in a cherry blossom of jackets and hats with feathers. Singing rowing boats was one of the favorite entertainment of Petersburgers.

For residents of the capital, very important events were freezing and autopsy of the Neva, which to some extent changed the life of the capital. During the freezing of the Neva in the fall, as well as during the opening of the river in the spring for some time - sometimes for several days, and sometimes for several weeks - a message between the left shore - the Admiralty side and the right-handed - Vasilyevsky Island, St. Petersburg and the Vyborg side "to the extreme annoyance of the public. " As for the timing of freezing or opening the Neva, there has always been a lot of sense, disputes that accurate to the "Books" - betting. But when the Neva "got up", looked through ice on the ice on sleds or on foot.

In 1815, Stimot appeared in St. Petersburg. So called American shipping vessels. But in the article of the magazine "Son of the Fatherland" called "Stimples on the Neva" referred to the tests of the first Russian vapor vessel. The Russian stamp was a "ordinary Tikhvin boat", that is, Barge is 60 feet long, with a steam engine installed in the hold.

In the same 1815, the first shipping company was opened in St. Petersburg. The first Russian steamer was called "Elizabeth". Bird steamers were kiced between Petersburg and Kronstadt twice a day. In Kronstadt, residents of the capital wishing to commit a distant sea journey could transfer from the "Bird Machine" to ships going to different ports of Russia and Europe.

In 1820, the first joint-stock company on the device passenger flights between St. Petersburg and Moscow was established. The diligeans were large, comfortable, multi-seat carriages, harvested by the four horses. Diligences immediately became popular. Many began to prefer a trip in the Diligence trip to his carriage, so because of the bad roads, the crews were very shaking, they often broke and also demanded shifts of horses at post stations. When in 1833 the construction of the highway between the two capitals was completed, this type of transport became the usual way to move from one city to another. Soon, the diligeans from St. Petersburg were sent to Revel, Riga, Tsarskoye Village.

The same period is the time of the rapid development of the social and cultural life of St. Petersburg. The first decades of the XIX century - the heyday of Russian literature. The life of Pushkin and many other Russian writers is connected with Petersburg for the first half of the XIX century. V. A. Zhukovsky, N. M. Karamzin, I. A. Krylov, K. N. Batyushkov, A. S. Griboyedov lived and worked at this time in St. Petersburg. A big role in the literary life of the city of that time was played by a mug of Olenin, the literary society "Arzamas", the magazines "Contemporary", "St. Petersburg Mercury", "Son of the Fatherland", the newspaper "Northern Bee".

At the Academy of Arts, the famous Russian artists, sculptors and architects were studied and taught. Names K. P. Bryullova, S. F. Shchedrin, O. A. Kiprensky, A. G. Venetsianova, V. A. Tropinin is closely connected with St. Petersburg of that time.

The city worked in the city, which was headed by the composer D. S. Borttyansky. At this time, M. I. Glinka lived in St. Petersburg. The Opera House was opened, in which the Opera Glinka "life for the king" was first put. Concerts were constantly given in 1802 and located in Engelgardt's house on Nevsky Prospekt Philharmonic Society.

Opened to the public Hermitage and Rumyantsev Museum. In St. Petersburg, for the first time in Russia, opened in 1814 the library for the general public. In 1830-1840, there were already about half a million books in the library. Worked in the library I. A. Krylov, A. N. Olenin, K. N. Batyushkov, A. A. Delvig, N. I. Galotich. After adopting in 1828, 4 gymnasiums were opened in St. Petersburg on the opening of the gymnasiums in St. Petersburg, the teaching in which was designed to prepare students for admission to universities. Several new higher educational institutions opened, mainly technical, several military educational institutions and, finally, was opened by the Tsarskoye Lyceum. For children from the lower classes, initial schools and parish schools at churches were opened. In the first half of the XIX century, the first scientific societies began to appear in St. Petersburg. At the same years, the Pulkovo Observatory was opened, Observatory at the Mountain Institute, Russian Geographical Society.

St. Petersburg: Features of tourism and recreation. Useful traveler information about St. Petersburg.

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St. Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia, and this is not a lighted stamp, but the judicial truth, the confirmation of which is easy to find in the very history of the city. The first theaters in St. Petersburg appeared in Petrovsky times. Instituated in 1756 by decree of the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the Dvorvory Theater in 1832 moved to a new building, named by Alexandrinsky Theater, and since then his name is inextricably linked with the world history of scenic art. The theater worked the best Petersburg actors, there were emperors and great princes. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe National Opera and Ballet from the 18th century, the Mariinsky Theater is asked for a tone, opened in 1783 and before 1860 called a large (stone) theater. In the 19th century, among the St. Petersburg aristocrats was considered indecent to miss the premieres in Mariyinka and Alexandrin, the names of the lodge were always filled. Rich merchants and officials sought to imitate the hipperic audience and bought tickets to the partner, and students and journalists, without having enough money, but wanting to follow the course of spiritual life, occupied places on the gallery.

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Did not lag behind the theater and musical culture of St. Petersburg. The orchestra could be heard on all public persisions for nobility. In 1802, a philharmonic society was founded, which launched a stormy concert activity. In the middle of the 19th century, Philharmonic is located in excellent in terms of acoustics hall, in which she is also located, and quickly became the center of the musical life of St. Petersburg.

The works of the art of Petersburgers were difficult to surprise, they were enough them in their daily life. However, the Hermitage and Russian Museum played a considerable role in the formation of public artistic taste. At the beginning of the 20th century, salons acted in the city, which arranged exhibitions and sales of paintings by artists of all directions, and not just a classic school.

With the abolition of the monopoly of the imperial theaters in 1882, private theaters began to emerge in St. Petersburg, having entertained the public with light water wakes and shelters. In 1896, in the garden "Aquarium" for the first time, films of the Lumiere brothers - French inventors of cinema were shown.

36 complex objects uniting about 4,000 monuments of architecture, history and culture, in St. Petersburg are included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

St. Petersburg

After the revolution, art became a tool for propaganda and educational activities. At that time, a large drama theater was founded, there were still popular pop concerts, exhibitions of artists who worked in the spirit of social realism were held. In the 60s. In Leningrad, first arise rock ensembles, in the 80s. Following themselves in full voice and protest against ideologized culture.

Today, St. Petersburg is deservedly proud of its museum collections (in the city more than 200 museums), musical and theatrical traditions (in the city about 200 theaters and concert halls), unique monuments of architecture of the XVIII-XIX centuries, libraries (their almost 2000), art galleries , cinemas. The St. Petersburg ballet school is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. About 350 newspapers and magazines are produced in the city of Neva today. In 1938, the Leningrad television center was broadcast the first television program. From the very beginning, Leningrad television was distinguished by greater freedom than Moscow.

Fragment of the ballet "Swan Lake", Alexandrinsky Theater

Casual culture of Petersburgers (XVIII century)


2. The country, the fashion of which influenced the noble outfits in Russia.

8. Architect building of the city Duma in Nevsky Prospekt, 33/1.

9. Architect of the Armenian Church and the Catholic Cathedral of St. Catherine.

11. Institution created for beggars or people who are unable to feed themselves.

14. Bandwick guarding the night rest of Petersburgers.

15. Architect of the Main Post Office and Church of Kulich and Easter.

16. Club owner for business people.

17. A type of punishment for citizens for non-fulfillment of responsibilities, fraud, theft, public scandals, fights.

18. The meadow, which was located a private theater.

19. Patron of St. Petersburg, which has become a symbol of loyalty, kindness.


1. The owner of the first English club for merchants in Russia.

3. The enterprise, which "the sucked" man could work.

4. The Empress, the first in Russia, who made a vaccination of smallpox.

5. The institution, the discovery of which Catherine II allowed after a fire in the living room.

6. The owner of the first dance hall in St. Petersburg for doubting citizens.

7. Chin, responsible for the order and calm in St. Petersburg.

10. The sphere of activity of urban self-government.

12. A merchant for whose money was laid by the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God on Sennaya Square.

13. The name of the first hospital first in Russia for ordinary Petersburgers.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

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