Staging a wedding dance for beginners. Setting a wedding dance

Staging a wedding dance for beginners. Setting a wedding dance
Staging a wedding dance for beginners. Setting a wedding dance

Waltz is the most popular wedding dance with newlyweds. What can be compared with him on beauty? With the help of our video lessons you can independently master the basic movements and choose musical accompaniment for your dance room. You will learn how the classic Vienna Waltz differs from English and which is preferable for beginners.

It is said that in the good old days, when time flowed slowly and people had enough time to communicate, wedding celebrations were modestly, but mentally. And it does not matter that instead of a stereo stereo system (or DJ with a set of sound well-reproducing equipment) The mood of the guests created an accordionist self-taught or amateur orchestra. Newlyweds, their native, friends and loved ones and such music so that you are happy to dance on the holiday. For almost everyone was able to dance.

Today, a person who knows how to dance good, becomes rare. The proposed dance scheme will allow future spouses not only to feel confidently to feel at the floor, but also to act as a dance managers, organizing for friends and guests first a peculiar express course on Walsa, and then synchronous and spectacular execution of the learned material (today it is called Flash Mob ). The movements of the dance number (the unofficial name "50 grams") are so simple that they are mastered literally for half an hour (especially after 50 grams of a good brandy "for courage").

About waltz very short ("gallop in Europe")

Quick Waltz (more famous under the romantic name of Vienna) - relatively simple dance. However, its speed is often becoming an almost insurmountable obstacle for novice dancers.

You are offered a simple scheme that is performed under moderate rhythm (not as fast as the Vienna Waltz, but also not so damaging as in English). In addition, the main step of the dance bundle is specifically simplified to quickly master the unprepared people.

Rhythm and the tempo of the Waltz

The tempo of the English Waltz - 96 beats per minute, and Vienna - 180.

Basic rhythm - "Once", "Two", "Three", with an emphasis on "times". Most often, the acquaintance of new students with the world of ball choreography begins precisely from a slow waltz, since the Viennese version because of its speed beginners is contraindicated.

The pace of the studied bundle will be faster than English Waltz, but slower in Vienna.

Basic Waltz Step

Dance the main shapes of the Waltz simply, because only one step is performed on every beat. In the ligament studied, the main step is even more simplified. Step will need to do to the strongest beat the clock (the score "times").

About positions in the presented composition

The dance mainly uses the simplest position in the pair - training. Also used training and dance.

As the number is executed, the position alternate. Read more about them can be found here:

Confident keeping

In pair dance, the roles have long been distributed - partner leads, the lady follows. Accordingly, a partner takes a lady by the hand, and not the opposite (the often "sin" is too emancipated by the person).

During the execution of dance numbers and changing positions, the partner intercepts the brush of the ladies in different ways to be more convenient to behave. Partners need to try not to grab each other, as for the rescue circle. So not long and before injuries!

Confidence on the floor is being studied by numerous training.

It is desirable at the end of the preparation to hold several general rehearsals in wedding costumes and shoes (it is desirable to eliminate all noticeable shortcomings), and certainly in the presence of several viewers. After a series of rehearsals, newlyweds will feel freely on a real speech.

Here is the whole composition of the whole:

But her detailed analysis with all the nuances:

About musical accompaniment

Look for the Vienna Waltz at moderate speed. Or specially slow down the melody.

Detailed analysis of the dance composition

First Figure

Source position - a partner holds a lady for the hands of hands in the study position. The position does not change during the execution of the figure:

  1. At the expense of the "times" of the first tact (1-2-3), the partner takes a step towards the left leg, pulling up the right (without transferring the body weight to it).
  2. At the expense of "times" of the second tact (1-2-3) a partner takes a step towards with the right leg, pulling up to it the left (without transferring the body weight).
  3. Then the partner at the expense of "times" the third and fourth clocks walks to the side of the left leg, put the right-handed body weight in the interval.

TOTAL: Aside to the left (l) - to the side to the right (P) - to the side to the left (L) - to put a leg with the transfer of body weight (P) - towards left (L). The lady have all the steps opposite.

Then we do the same on the right side with the right leg: to the side to the right (P) - towards left (L) - to the side to the right (P) - put the leg with the transfer of body weight (L) - right (P).

Second figure

Performed in the school position.

According to the steps of the partner, the figure is identical to the first. But the maintenance of the partner is already harder:

  1. At the same time, with a step towards partner, the partner releases the hand, and slightly turns the body to the left.
  2. Returning to the right foot, the partner unfolds the case to the partner. At the same time, the hands of the partner and the ladies rest in each other with palms.
  3. During a double step towards partner, the partner rotates under his right hand, helping the twist left hand.
  4. Then the same movements are performed in the other direction.

At the end of the figure partner, being in front of the partner, shifts her right hand from his left in the right. The left hand of the partner is laid for the waist. The partner with his left hand picks up the edge of his skirt. This position is used in the figure waltz.

Third Figure

  1. The partner and the partner on the top three go to each other (with the right foot to the "Once" account), not holding the leg.
  2. On the second triple - from each other (from the left foot to the account "times").
  3. Then two three more partners move past each other by each other, at the last moment unfolding to each other. From which foot the movement will begin and the number of steps has no importance. Although it is desirable in the first three of the transition to every blow to make one step (partner and partner pass by each other), and the second triple to spend on a turn to each other.
  4. We repeat, only on the second triple the partner shifts the right hand of the partner to his left. And his right hand takes a lady behind the spatula, and she puts his left hand on the partner's shoulder (transition to a dance position).

Fourth figure

Four troops partner makes four steps without prefising and transferring body weight. The beginning of the movement - from the step of the partner with the left foot back. He fascinates a lady, simultaneously turning to the right (four troops, you need to turn around your axis completely).

Then the partner raises his left hand up and turns the partner under it, helping her with his right hand. Two troops - two turns. During turns, the partner is desired to avoid dizziness as long as possible to look at the partner.

Like that:

Then the pair again becomes a dance position.

Four steps on four troops with a full turn of a couple around their axis are repeated. Two turns are also repeated at hand. After them, the partner lowers his left hand and intercepts the right hand of the partner with his right hand (the position of the figure waltz).

Bypassing the lady of a partner and bow

The partner leads to the lady with his hand, encouraging her completely to overtake himself. Performed by four troops. The number and speed of steps are not regulated. The main thing for the partner is convenient and elegantly hit the partner.

The partner is inferior to her the road, making steps to the side without the transfer of body weight:

  • 1-2-3 left;
  • 1-2-3 right;
  • 1-2-3 left;
  • 1-2-3 right

If the dance performs not only young, and also witnesses (enough two or three pairs, although the more - the better), then the partners are warned by the partners, send their ladies to the neighboring partner (which stands on the right). So you can fulfill the bundle several times, each time with another partner. For this, the pair must be as follows:

Partners back to the center, evenly camped in a small circumference.

Ladies face to the center, in front of their partners.

The room can be operated as the first dance of the young, as a pre-reheated room of the newlyweds and bride's girlfriends with their young people. You can also organize something like flash mob for guests. The study of dance will take quite a bit of time, and the joint execution will revive the wedding, and will leave pleasant memories for life.

Beautiful you wedding waltz!

One of the most touching moments at the wedding is the first joint dance of newlyweds that enshrines them in the role of legal spouses. The setting of wedding dance is a popular service, and many are treated in professional studios, but even those couples that are far from choreographic art can descend ordinary movements without the help of teachers, hitting guests at the celebration.

This is a rather difficult task, so you will need to be patient to yourself and your partner, and you can only achieve success with an inexhaustible zeal and a positive setting.

Tradition number of newlyweds

Any wedding consists of modern canons and, which reached our time in the original or modified form. The first dance of young is also a long tradition, which in different interpretations met since the time of the ancient world.

Slavs, for example, the newlyweds danced inside the general dance, and the first prototypes of the modern wedding waltz originated at the rule of Peter I.

It is a beautifully delivered wedding dance of newlyweds during the time of the grand balls opened a gala evening. Initially, it was a classic waltz, but we gradually began to emerge new variations, and now the bride and groom can choose for themselves any like direction.

To some extent, during this stage of the wedding banquet, newlyweds are grateful to guests for their presence at the celebration and warm wishes. However, the main role of the first wedding dance number is the expression of the love of the spouses to each other without the help of words, only movements and emotions. This is a touching and romantic moment telling the history of the couple from the moment of dating and until the wedding.

How to prepare a performance yourself

Earlier at the weddings, the dance was classic - the newlyweds danced Waltz, not seeking to surprise their guests with complex movements. Now, many want to make their celebration original, therefore extraordinary solutions are increasingly found. Make a choice in favor of a particular dance style can be based on the following points.

Beautifully supplied wedding dance folds from many nuances. Special attention should be paid to the physical characteristics of the bride and groom. In particular, you need to pay attention to the difference in growth. Ideally, professional partners are selected in such a way that the man was above a woman not more than 15 cm, and at the same time both were in good physical form.

The bride and groom are rarely suitable for these standards, so you have to invent tricks. Depending on all these factors, setting is chosen. The first wedding dance should look beautiful.


The classic first dance of the newlyweds is still waltz. The formulation of the first wedding dance when choosing the Waltz is possible with little preparation. He can be performed by any couple who had not even thought about choreography. There are several varvas varieties, but for a banquet on the occasion of marriage, one of the three - figured, Vienna and Boston is usually selected.

How to put a simple wedding dance? For this, it is the first version of the Waltz. The newlyweds will need to descend simple, but beautiful movements, resulting in an attractive dance without noticeable errors. Also, the curly waltz is suitable if the wedding dance is planned independently.

Wedding vendor

The first dance of newlyweds is symbolic. They not only admit to love each other in front of loved ones and relatives who are witnesses to their wedding oaths, but also determine the course of their future life. It is believed that how much newlyweds will be shown, such an atmosphere and will reign in their family.

Elena Sokolova


If a man is much higher than the woman, the dance elements will look harmoniously, when the partner in motion goes down, and the partner remains to stand exactly. If the bride is higher than the groom, or they are about one growth, then you can use support for which the girl is deflected, and the young man stands smoothly. If the partner's rotation is envisaged, then the partner is desirable to take it on sideways. From support and complex techniques refuse if the bride has a denser physique than in the groom.

Maria Stoyanov

Viennese Waltz choose those who at least a little choreography, even in childhood, because it is necessary to excerpt, flexibility and plasticity. Boston is a slow version of the Waltz, which is suitable for discreet and romantic agents.

For expressive personalities, which in ordinary life never sit in place, passionate Latin American dances will be suitable. In this case, you can choose from the following options.

Another popular wedding dance is a tango, who has different variations - a strict ball of the direction, passionate Argentine execution or unusual Finnish in its movements. From future newlyweds, the setting of wedding dance Tango will require greater preparation than waltz, but with proper setting and dance, the dance will be spectacular and sensual.

For a couple, which wants to emphasize in their relationship, gentle and warm feelings can come up with Foxtrot. It is a romantic and elegant dance, characterized by ease and elegance, softness, grace and freedom of movement, smoothness and maneuverability. Only after repeated training sessions in the bride and the bride will turn out to make focustta as he wondered initially.

For the triumph in retro style, disco or style you can learn one of the dances that were popular in the last century. It can be energetic bougie worshi, banging rock and roll, crazy Charleston, etc. Future newlyweds can even descend dancing from their favorite films of the last century, including black and white.

Popular recently, the solution is a dance mix, which combines several different dances performed under the appropriate music. For example, first the newlyweds are dancing a classic waltz, then the composition is replaced, and they are already picking up each other in energetic Cha-chara, and then perform sensual tango.

Basic movements

Is it possible to make a wedding dance at home? Without a professional choreographer, the bride and the bride is difficult to learn the wedding dance, so it is easier to you can start with separate basic movements, which will then be chosen in a single picture.. For example, the main movement in the Waltz is a spare spasp counterclockwise. Each side of the square accounts for one big step of both partners and two small, while all movements are performed under an even account.

Another simple movement is as follows: a man, continuing to keep his partner with one hand, removes the second behind his back, and the girl at that moment takes the heap of a lush dress in the liberated hand. About the features of dance in a dress with a train. Then the partners take a step towards each other with the right leg and raise their hands up, and then diverge to its original position, starting with the left leg.

The main movement in is a kind of walk. A man holds a partner by hand with one hand, and the second hugs for the waist. Then makes two steps forward from the left leg, and the girl, respectively, two steps back with the right. At the same time, the second step is not closed, and one leg remains behind the body level, then follow two swinging back and forth.

Then a man takes one step back, the second to the side and closes the last step, and the woman follows him in the same movements. This is a basic figure, which then repeats an unlimited number of times.

Useful videos: examples

How to put a wedding dance yourself? Those who never engaged in choreography is difficult and almost impossible to independently come up with a movement for wedding dance. You can search for tutorial setting a wedding dance. But to avoid difficulties, you can take advantage of ready-made solutions from those newlyweds that have already passed this difficult stage.

One of the very successful examples can be viewed in the following video: setting the wedding dance tango. The bride and groom organized their own wedding in Mr. and Mrs. Smith, so on the girl tight black dress with a long section. Couple dancing under the popular jazzmin melody Sullivan "Bust Your Windows".

If future newlyweds have enough free time before the wedding, they can learn the classic waltz with the supports that will make it elegant and more interesting. There is just such a dance for the song "Blind" of the Hurts group, and the entourage is an artificial smoke and imitation of snowfall.

Make a dance mix of several compositions will help not only classic movements, but also examples from well-known films. In the next video, the most beautiful wedding dance, the best setting of such a mix: newlyweds dance first the classic waltz to the music of Evgeny Dog from the film "My tender and gentle beast", then make a ligament by the Lasso movement and perform different dances under popular music, for example, from the movie " Criminal Chivo "under the song Chuck Berry" You Never Can Tell ", from the film" Mask "under the song" Hey Pachuco "of the ROYAL CROWN REVUE group, etc.

Preparing wedding dance, bride and groom should give each other good motivation, otherwise even a small disagreement can lead to a quarrel and failure to rehearse. In addition, the following nuances should be taken into account.

  1. Room. It is necessary to put the first dance of newlyweds after the place of the celebration is defined. Choosing certain movements, you need to consider the size of the banquet hall, the placement of tables and chairs, flooring and the height of the ceilings. When setting a house of wedding dance, these moments should also be taken into account.
  2. clothing and shoes. The bridegroom is easier for this, because costumes and shoes are not much different from each other in sensations, the bride is lucky less. If she has not had time to buy a dress and shoes, but rehearsals have already begun, it is recommended to select such an outfit that will be comfortable to dance. It is better to first acquire a dress and shoes and only then choose a dance.
  3. Duration of dance. Even if the bride and groom are performed by perfect honed movements, it is not worth tightening the first dance longer than 2-3 minutes. After that, the guests will already begin to be distracted and will look forward to which the newlyweds are finished.
  4. All movements must be coordinated with changes in the composition. Changing the motive or end of the phrase of the artist suggests that it is desirable to change the figure of the dance.
  5. Singing. Some couples prefer to imitate singing during dance, but on the outside it looks ridiculous. The meaning of the dance is precisely in the expression of emotions without words, one movements.

Rehearsals are best started 2 months before the wedding, while you can train 1-2 times a week. When a full-fledged picture starts, it is recommended to record rehearsals for video to then disassemble errors and determine what looks good, and what you need to work.

Shoes and clothing should be selected as much as possible to wedding. At first, you can decompose on the floor of Watmans with color traces to understand what should be the steps. Gradually, the Watmans are cleaned, and the pair remains only to push the movement.

The first dance of the newlyweds are waiting for all guests at the wedding, although he lasts long. Usually this stage is scheduled for the final part of the evening, so once again demonstrates love and tenderness reigning between newlyweds. Without the help of professional choreographers, newcomers are difficult to put the dance, but, acting together, the bride and groom are capable of much.

How to put a wedding dance of newlyweds yourself, so as not to ruin the holiday? In this article we will talk about the pros and cons of preparation for it without the help of professionals. You will learn when you should start rehearsals to catch everything, about the features of their organization and holding that it is necessary to take into account what kind of music it is better to choose and what movements.

Independent preparation for wedding dance has both its positive ash and negative.


  • If the bride with the bride is not connected with the choreography, they can begin to be shy in the presence of others. As a result, it will not be possible to relax and explore the composition as it should. In the case of independent training, this will not happen and so will get used to the idea that on the day of the wedding will have to speak in public.
  • The marriages will be able to thoroughly disassemble all movements, analyze their mistakes, examine the ability of a partner and pick up the bundles that are most suitable for both. As a result, this exciting and creative process will help fill the dance with life.
  • Cash savings on choreographer.
  • No need to spend time on a trip to the dance studio. Rehearsals can be carried out at home.
  • Houses are available videos with like compositions that can be repeated as much as possible.
  • Studying together a new one, it will be possible to become a full-fledged dance pair on the wedding day.


  • We need a serious motivation, otherwise the slightest misunderstanding between the bride and the groom risks pour into the cessation of classes.
  • It is difficult to calculate your forces yourself, choosing the composition and melody to the physical training of both participants.
  • Many nuances that need to be considered.
  • There is no one to explain what exactly to do and how to perform certain figures. This can lead to a lack of interaction in a pair.
  • Rehearsing at home is not created by the desired atmosphere, which would charge with energy and positive. In such a situation, at the first failures, hands can easily drop.

When to start training

It all depends on the presence or absence of experience in the bride and groom. If young people have at least a little experience, then learn the wedding dance will be in 1-2 weeks. Rehearsals in this case can be carried out once every 3 days for 1 hour. If there is no dance practice, then the optimal time is 1.5-2 months. During this period, the couple should choose the composition, choose the appropriate music and learn movement, not forgetting to arrange them in a beautiful dance.

If you do not plan to perform some complex support, turns and all other elements at the wedding, then it is quite enough for the preparation of the month.

What wedding dance choose

Dance style is worth choosing as follows:

  • His wishes.
  • The nature of both partners.
  • Physical training.
  • The presence or absence of dance experience.
  • Left before the holiday of time.
  • The style of the wedding itself, for example, if it is classic, then latina will not be completely appropriate.
  • Places where a banquet is planned.
  • Wedding dress.


The most popular dance of the newlyweds is Waltz, who can perform almost all the pairs. It happens 4 species - Vienna, slow (Baston), Tango and figure.

Those who have at least some experience in choreography can pay attention to vienna Waltzrequiring executors of excerpts, flexibility and plasticity.

BastonAs elegant and restrained, it is more suitable for romantic couples.

Tango - A solution for passionate personalities who want the first dance to remember for a long time.

The simplest but at the same time beautiful movements are characteristic figured Waltza. He is especially relevant when the bride plans to marry in a lush wedding dress with a wide chinoline, and the groom in a classic suit.

Here is an example of a classic Vienna Waltz:


For expressive natures, an incendiary Salsa and Bachatt will be an ideal choice, passionate pasteobl and reggeton, romantic Rumba and spectacular cha-cha.

To fulfill beautifully basic their movements, turns and steps, you do not need to be a professional. They will allow newlyweds to show guests the whole range of feelings filling them both.

It is very important that in this case it is possible if one of the partners will forget some figures at the wedding, calmly improvise. There is no such strict requirements for clothes and shoes - comfortable shoes on a low heel, a dress for the bride, as well as an elegant suit for the groom - that's all you need!

On this video example of the wedding dance cha-cha cha:


Fans of unusual can be offered to mix movements from different styles - classics, latina, retro. From the first will be beautiful to take rotation, from the second - steps, and from the last unusual support.

Such a mix will greatly surprise guests and give the wedding a highlight. To be even more original, then just right to use for different shapes the corresponding music on the tempo, which beautifully emphasize the transition from one style to another.

This is what the wedding mix looks like:


Bougie-WGOs, elegant focust and extreme rock and roll - these dances will easily put on their own, if the groom is tall and strong, and the bride is small and slender. In this case, you will need to do a lot, and sometimes very complex, support.

Another obstacle will be the need to constantly be in motion, because such dances are based on jumps, circles, various transitions. But they are relevant only in the presence of a free place in the banquet hall.

Wedding dance in the style of the 20s:

Under what song to fulfill the first wedding dance

Search for suitable music for dance stands after its choice. For the fulfillment of the ball with the most successful compositions, the following will be:

  • SIN TI - Olga Tanon (Samba)
  • Tango_Forte - duplex_inc (tango)
  • Am Who I Am - Lara Fabiani (Rumba)
  • Vom Tod - Das Lied (Pasodobl)
  • OBSession - Aventura (Salsa)
  • ABREME LA PUERTA - Antony Santos (Bachata)

The following melodies will help to preserve beautifully:

  • My tender and gentle beast - Zara
  • Blut - Wiener.
  • Sans Voir Le Jour - Enrico Macias
  • Baston - Alexander Riembaum.

Selectable retro style, it is worth listening to such compositions:

  • Angels - The Baseballs (Rock and Roll)
  • Jailhouse Rock - Elvis Presley (Bogi Vui)
  • Detroit Swing City - Liberation Records (Foxtrot)
  • Great Gatsby - Gunter Noris
  • Candyman - Christina Aguilera.

Making a choice in favor of the "Mix" style, it will be interesting to combine musical compositions from the list of retro, latina and classics.

What should be considered when setting

Room. First of all, attention is paid to the space that will be assigned to this. If the playground is small, then it will not work, as needed, walling, moving from side to side. In this case, it is more appropriate to come up with some more compact movements.

To spoil the dance with high supports, characteristic of latina and rock-n-rollers, can low ceilings indoors. So, the bride will not be able to jump into his arms to the bridegroom, which will lead to the execution of not all elements.

Floor. The material from which Paul Hall was made are of great importance. It will be very difficult to move, if it turns out to be tile. In this case, it is worth thinking about the comfortable shoes without a heel, which is not suitable for all dance styles.

If the flooring is parquet, then you can safely take the shapes and from the latina, and from the waltz, and from retro. But since it can creak, the shoes of both partners are better to graze special compositions. Also, dancing on it, the risks of the lag of newlyweds from each other because of the bad slip.

Footwear.Bride's wedding shoes are better to change the spare steady pair. It can be ballet shoes, and models on a wedge or heel.

To inexperience not to injure your partner, it is better to avoid spills. Do not choose them and then when there is a small difference in the growth between the newlyweds, so that the partner does not turn out to be higher. In this case, it will be very difficult to perform complex choreographic elements.

Guests. Be sure to take into account the location of the guests. If the tables are arranged on one side, then the pair of back to the audience is unacceptable. Then the steps should be made from left to right or in the other way. When they are placed around the perimeter, the hall should be selected circular movements so that everyone can consider the bride with the bride.

Photo and video shooting. Do not forget about the work of the video operator with a photographer. So that they have the opportunity to interesting and qualitatively capture the culprits of the celebration, you need to know in advance about the place of their "deployment" in the banquet hall. But usually photography occurs with the right or on the left side.

Duration. Wedding dance usually lasts no longer than 2-3 minutes. For unprepared performers, it will be difficult for the parquet for the parquet - they will have shortness of breath and sweating will begin. So for a short time and deteriorate to the wedding dress, whose style also plays an important role in setting up a wedding dance.

Clothing. If the outfit is too free, then it can be confused and fall. It will also be inconvenient to make support to the bridegroom, when the bride needs to be circling and take in hand.

However, too narrowed long models are not an option, since they will be difficult to move freely through the hall. So it will not be possible to repeat either elegant maugh legs or sharp transitions in the waltz. In this case, the dance risks turning into standing in place.

Full freedom of fantasy gives a short wedding dress, allowing you to perform absolutely all planned items.

How to organize rehearsals: useful tips

Here are some useful tips to help you correctly organize rehearsals:

Between classes should not pass more 3 daysotherwise commemorating movements may be forgotten.

It is necessary to conduct them in shoes and clothing, as much as possible to the one that will be at the wedding. The groom should be put on a suit and shoes, the bride, if a wedding dress with a wide bottom is chosen - a corset and a skirt with a clothesline and rings. It is better to do the same in the case of a narrow model, to get used to which time you need. Do not forget about the loop, if you have a rehearser, you constantly keep something in your hand.

If you really want to learn to dance beautifully, then you must work on errors. Each rehearsal should be shown on the video. And the subsequent occupation should be started with the analysis of video steps, turns, support, eliminating the allowed missions. It is very important to represent that every training is to exit the scene.

Here are such a feature of independent preparation of a wedding dance, when tiring which it will turn out to be worthy of cope with the task.

Criteria for choosing a wedding dance style. Here are some of them: the amount of time before the wedding, the budget of the first dance of newlyweds, the size of the dance site at the wedding, the physical abilities of the bride and groom, the difference in the growth of newlyweds, the features of the outfits of young, uncompromising musical wishes of the pair.

Before the first lesson in the formulation of the wedding dance, the choreographer finds out all the details described above and offers the options that are most suitable for a particular pair. Immediately after this, direct training begins the main elements of the first dance. The most relevant and popular dance is the wedding waltz, as a rule, is the Vienna Waltz with elements of a figure waltz. Performed both under classical and modern music. Wedding Waltz is always chic, romantic and universally.

Also, the bride and the bride as the first dance can choose Tango, which speaks of their expressive feelings in relation to each other. Wedding Tango - a great option for a passionate burst of emotions and surprise guests at the wedding. Wedding dance of newlyweds Foxtrot, romantic Rumba, incendiary samba or cha-cha, twist or rock and roll, All this allows you to make a highlight to the wedding celebration. Wedding dance-surprise or mix, as it is called, also an interesting choice. As a rule, such a dance of young begins with a slow composition and continues diverse, unlike each other pieces of different dance styles. Their number directly depends on the wishes of the bride and groom.

Whatever dance, as a wedding you choose, no time before the wedding, we are always happy to help and create an unforgettable first dance of newlyweds. Our choreographers will do everything possible so that the lessons of the wedding dance brings you joy, and the result exceeded expectations.

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