Proverbs about fear. Russian proverbs about fear: a bright example of brewing the cowardice and the overview of the courage Terrible sayings

Proverbs about fear. Russian proverbs about fear: a bright example of brewing the cowardice and the overview of the courage Terrible sayings
Proverbs about fear. Russian proverbs about fear: a bright example of brewing the cowardice and the overview of the courage Terrible sayings

Folklore is the mass creativity of ordinary people. Literally, this term means: folk knowledge, folk wisdom. Folklore includes various legends, sayings, proverbs. Our article will be discussed about the latter. Special place among them are proverbs about fear.

All such sayings have an instructive meaning. And also have a summary. They do not consist of unnecessary words. Any word of saying has an accurate, weighting value. Each popular statement is rich in a certain meaning. The subjects are different. The most antiques are proverbs about fear and courage.

History of origin

These sayings came to Russian from ancient times. They folded by the people before the diploma appeared. People did not know how to write and read, but have already built their school life. In the best sayings, the people transferred the vital values \u200b\u200bto descendants. The statements consisted of the wisdom of the people. Each saying has learned the children of wisdom, reflected the views of the ancestors to life. For example, proverbs about fear and courage glorify the heroes that defended the people from enemies.

And today, the vintage proverbs are stored in Russian. These sayings make our life figurative and colorful. At one time, many great people appealed to folk wisdom. Russian classics loved to listen to ordinary people, recording folk statements.

Proverbs about fear

Fear is a feeling that is familiar to many people. In his sayings, the people glorified the courage, exposed cowardice, laziness. Proverbs about fear are taught to win their own fear: Wolf fear - not to go to the forest. In them, this feeling is often pronounced: Fearing eyes are great. Proverbs about fear are not devoid of humor, contain sympathy for uniforms and bravests: on a bold dog barks, and a cowardly bites. From the generation to generation, the attitude of the people to the heroes is transmitted: the courage of the city takes. All these sayings contain moral and instructive meaning.

This article presents Russian folk proverbs and sayings about fear, cowardice and courage.

Proverbs and sayings about fear, cowardice and courage

  • Fraging and its shadow is terrible.
  • Go to the bath - a couple is not afraid.
  • Being thieves - do not keep cows.
  • Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest.
  • Who is afraid - half beats.
  • Good sea from the shore.
  • Fear of locusts - not sow bread.
  • Well bear in the window tease.
  • On the cowardly and is a snake.
  • The hero is known in the struggle, and the coward is at home.
  • Over scared falcon and crows play.
  • Who is afraid of fire, runs from smoke.
  • Where fear there and collapse.
  • Gave Mahi from fear.
  • The frightened beast is oppressed.
  • Burnt child dreads the fire.
  • Bitched cat only a vine show.
  • On a bold dog barks, and a cowardly tear.
  • Than fear the devils, so fighting people.
  • For any trouble, fear is not fighting.

These were Russian folk proverbs and sayings about fear, cowardice and courage.

Proverbs about courage and fear.


The courage of the city takes. From bold death runs. On the bold dog barks, and the cowardly biting. Brave there will find where timby will lose. Thieme to be afraid, able to be able to be. Bulls for the horns. For a bold soldier and a mittens - grenade. Bold happiness helps. Happiness is always on the side of brave. Who goes ahead, that fear does not take scared - breaks half. Burnt child dreads the fire. The bridge and bluha bear seems to be. Fear has big eyes. Where is terrible together, one went there. It's not so terrible, how to make him little, for any trouble fear are not fighting. There are a lot of fears, and alone's life. These are the proverbs ...


It is afraid of him as the hell of Ladan.

It is afraid as damn ass.

Wolves fear - to be without fungi.

Be afraid of misfortunes - and happiness will not be.

Go to the bath - a couple are not afraid.

In the plane and the bear cowardly.

In com shame, in fact and fear.

Wolf fear - and flesh from the protein.

Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest.

The throat is wider than the boiler, and the heart is already hare.

Threatens the cat's mouse, and from afar.

Give God to our calf and wolf understanding.

Tremble as a sheet on the aspen.

The soul in the heels gone.

Go ahead - better: fear does not take.

Another thunder is not thunder, and the drum is terrible.

Who did not have been in the sea, he did not see fear.

Whom the Bear is Dral, he is afraid of hemp in the forest.

Who is running back, he does not value honor.

Whoever death is not afraid, is small in the bird, but who loves life, that fear ruined.

Onions tight, spear briefly, and the saber is not removed.

Well done - on sheep, and on well done - sheep himself.

For any trouble, fear is not fighting.

On the cowardly and is a snake.

On a cowardly a lot of dogs.

Do not fear, and did not think.

Do not ride duck water.

Not so terrible, like his little.

One is not scary, and two more fun.

He is afraid of his shadow.

Goodbye, do not rush.

Bunny crow bush is afraid.

Punchy beast is far running.

My lapes were scared.

His not talked; And our and so are not afraid.

The heart is false, and the courage of the Voronene.

Smyrna Dog and Komochet beats.

Fear in cockroach legs walks.

Fear stretches, be confused.

There are a lot of fears, and alone's life.

Fear - the first assistant of the enemy.

Fear on the heels for false walks.

Fear will take effect.

Fear is terrible death.

Fear in the eyes look, do not understand, but you will go away - you will disappear.

Fear is worse than death.

Strained sleep, yes gracious God.

It is terribly seen, but will be done - will be wondering.

Term of one who does not mean anything.

Fear has big eyes.

In fear of the eye, that the plates, and do not see neither crumbs.

From a long time, the people made proverbs about fear. At the same time, they had to not intimidate people, but on the contrary, teach them with pride to overcome all the life obstacles. After all, Russian people have always been famous for its courage, and therefore it was necessary to maintain his reputation.

Many proverbs about fear were able to reach this day. And now we can use them in order to otherwise look at the world and thereby strengthen their character. And therefore, let's consider the most vivid examples of proverbs and sayings about fear and courage.

No worse fear

Our ancestors spoke like this: "The hero dies once, and the coward is a hundred times." By this they wanted to show how much fear of fear of human soul. After all, this feeling eats inside, thereby bringing terrible torment. It is this truth first of all that proverbs about fear people want.

In order to prove this statement more clearly, we give examples of such sayings:

  • A coward does not know life, he is only afraid of losing her.
  • Who from the wind trembles, he will run away from the shade.
  • A frightened hare and old stump wolf will continue.
  • Who is afraid of everything, in the eyes of the enemy barks.
  • One coward can destroy all the army.
  • The coward in the eyes everything increases - and difficulties, and troubles.
  • In fear of the eye as a row, but still does not see neither crumbs.

Proverbs about fear and courage

Another way to show the ridiculousness of fear is its comparison with courage. After all, everyone wants to be heroes in the eyes of their loved ones and acquaintances. And it is on this desire that many proverbs about fear and courage are based.

Let us consider the most vivid examples of such comparisons in Russian proverbs and sayings:

  • Heroes do not die, they forever stay in the hearts of the people.
  • At the bold one hundred roads, and the cow is only one, and then the bears walk all the time.
  • One bold seven frivolous stands.
  • The hero will pass there, where the coward will even look causing.
  • On the bold dog barks, but the pant's leg of the leg is.
  • Happiness and luck only pursue.

Fear methods

However, Russian proverbs about fear not only ridicule the cowardice, but also give a delight advice on how to overcome it. Probably, this is their main merit to the people. In order to prove it, we give a few examples of such proverbs and sayings:

  • It is worth throwing out fear of the mind, and he will immediately leave the heart.
  • Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
  • Do not turn into a sheep, because so the wolf is not afraid.
  • There are a lot of fears, but the life is alone.
  • There is no one who fear does not know, but the one who, seeing him, moved forward.
  • Not so terrible, like his little.

The battle love loves.

On a bold dog barks, and a cowardly tear.

Herbrome death is not terrible.

Bold eyes - a young beauty.

Brave there will find where timby will lose.

Where courage is there victory.

Without courage, the force falls on the forks.

Bold peas are bread, and not seeing to see it.

With sufficiency and courage comes.

About a good deed Speak boldly.

Cheek brings success.

I myself do not fight, but I'm not afraid of seven.

He is not a timid.

Risk is a noble thing.

Courage honey drinks.

Bold happiness helps.

Who brave is alone who rested - that intake.

Bold word supports the heart.

There are not all karasi in Russia - there are also Yershi.

Who resigned, he walked.

Who rested, two ate; Who is promoted, he is pleased.

God will not give out, the pig will not eat.

Sink or swim.

Friendly, and bold all year round - summer.

In fate, as in the struggle, wins brave.

Who is bolder, that lighter.

On the bold dog barks, and the cowardly biting.

The bold world loves.

On the move of the rifle.

Anything for the belt will shut up.

The sea will jump - the heels will not soak.

The victory goes to meet.

A bold attack is not worse than victory.

On the humble God, Bed Schail, and the Big Self will go.

Same comes to bold fame.

Yersh and pike will not take from the tail.
The frost is grazing for your nose, and in front of a prompt hat removes.

The courage to everything leads.

Bold night will not sleep; Brave to victory seeks.

I don't try our bare hands for us!

He will not burn in fire.

Bold death does not take.

Either in the stirrup leg, either in the head of his head. courage death

Success always justifies courage.

Who is safe for the truth, he will achieve his job.

Two one dinner is not waiting, bold and one eats.

Who bold yes racks, it stands ten years.

Bold - honey pyshki, cowel - fir bumps.

Brave jumps, and coward crying.

A bold fighter and in learning, and in battle, well done.

Bold peas are bread, and not to see the robust and empty.

For the population of Bey, boldly.

Bold - respect, a coward - contempt.

Though for an hour, yes to drag.

Who is CMRIT with the eyes of courage, he will be safe.

He does not lead to the mustache.

He leaves chicken from the baked egg.

After rati brave a lot.

Barely better - meditation does not take.

The courage is better than hero.

Bolds always know each other.

Brave always in honor.

A bold attack - half of the victory.

Brave himself creates a fame.

You see happiness - brave ahead.

He knew how the bold - five defeated.

I myself do not fight, but I'm not afraid of seven! Who resigned, he walked.

It went on a piece, and who resigned, Tog and two ate.

Although I did not eat, yes, be bold.

Master of business is bold.

Brave in the dirt face will not hit.

Bold start no worse than victory.

Brave is famous for a failure.

This is what it is necessary to go boldly.

Who looks at the eyes of courage, he will be kissing.

He dare, who sat down at the horse.

Fear has big eyes.

Do not fear, and did not think.

Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest.

Not for fear, but for conscience.

The soul in the heels gone.

There are a lot of fears, and alone's life.

The heart is false, and the courage of the Voronene.

There is nothing to fear who is not afraid of anything.

Wolf fear - and flesh from the protein.

Fear is terrible death.

Where fear, there and shame.

Not so worried damn, like his little.

Who is running back, he does not value honor.

Tremble as a sheet on the aspen.

Fear will take effect.

On the cowardly and is a snake.

Punchy beast is far running.

Strained sleep, yes gracious God.

Fear is worse than death.

Another thunder is not thunder, and the drum is terrible.

He is afraid of his shadow.

Bunny crow bush is afraid.

Fear in the eyes look, do not understand, but you will go away - you will disappear.

Go ahead - better: fear does not take.

Goodbye, do not rush.

It is afraid of him like the features of Ladan.

Smyrna Dog and Komochet beats.

The throat is wider than the boiler, and the heart is already hare.

My lapes were scared.

On a cowardly a lot of dogs.

Who comes forward, that fear does not take.

Where fear is there and coercion.

Country of one who does not mean anything!

Whoever death is not afraid, is small in the bird, but who loves life, that fear ruined.

Well done - on sheep, and on well done - sheep himself.

It is terribly seen, but will be done - will be wondering.

Whom the Bear is Dral, he is afraid of hemp in the forest.

For any trouble fear will not be missed.

Do not rustly, and our and so are not afraid.

Do not ride duck water.

Fear stretches, be confused.

Onions tight, spear briefly, and the saber is not removed.

Fear in cockroach legs walks.

In the plane and the bear cowardly.

Give God to our calf and wolf understanding.

Fear - the first assistant of the enemy.

Fear in the eyes looked, do not understand, and the smygrush will disappear.

Country of one who is afraid of everything.

Fear gives wings.

In fear of the eye, that the plates, and do not see neither crumbs.

Threatens the cat's mouse, and from afar.

Fear on the heels for false walks.

Go to the bath - a couple is not afraid.

In com shame, in fact and fear.

Who did not have been in the sea, he did not see fear.

Under the feet of the feet of fragile

It is afraid as damn ass.

Whoever death is not afraid, is a bird's little bird, but who I loved, that fear ruined.

Be afraid of misfortunes - and happiness will not be.

Wolves fear - to be without fungi.

One is not scary, and two more fun.

Folklore is the mass creativity of ordinary people. Literally, this term means: folk knowledge, folk wisdom. Folklore includes various legends, sayings, proverbs. Our article will be discussed about the latter. Special place among them are proverbs about fear.

What it is

Proverbs are entering Russian language of sayings in which the people from generation to generation transferred their experience, summarized its socio-historical culture. They have a peculiar, rhythmic form, important sound design.

All such sayings have an instructive meaning. And also have a summary. They do not consist of unnecessary words. Any word of saying has an accurate, weighting value. Each popular statement is rich in a certain meaning. The subjects are different. The most antiques are proverbs about fear and courage.

History of origin

These sayings came to Russian from ancient times. They folded by the people before the diploma appeared. People did not know how to write and read, but have already built their school life. In the best sayings, the people transferred the vital values \u200b\u200bto descendants. The statements consisted of the wisdom of the people. Each saying has learned the children of wisdom, reflected the views of the ancestors to life. For example, proverbs about fear and courage glorify the heroes that defended the people from enemies.

And today, the vintage proverbs are stored in Russian . These sayings make our life figurative and colorful. At one time, many great people appealed to folk wisdom. Russian classics loved to listen to ordinary people, recording folk statements.

Fear is a feeling that is familiar to many people. In his sayings, the people glorified the courage, exposed cowardice, laziness. Proverbs about fear learn to win their own fear: Wolf fear - not to go to the forest. In them, this feeling is often pronounced: Fear has big eyes. Proverbs about fear are not deprived of humor, contain sympathy for defacts and bravests: On a bold dog barks, and a cowardly bites. From generation to generation, the attitude of the people to the heroes are transmitted: Cheek brings success. All these sayings contain moral and instructive meaning.

Fear - Feeling familiar to all people, even the heroes. But the one who knows how to overcome his fear. Heroes fear of Nottey, "Says the Russian proverb. And Suvorov believed that the coward should be treated with danger (his words were firmly entered into colloquial speech and became the proverb). IN proverbs about fear The people express this feeling figuratively: Fear in the cockroach legs walks, the eyes of the eyes are great, the eyes of the Owli's eyes.Proverb and says: Do not think about fear, so it will not be. The most famous proverbs and sayings with word fearAnd also on the topic of fear you will find on this page.

Proverbs with word fear

Fear in cockroach legs walks.
Scary trouble, until it came.
Scary to mind.
One with fear died, the other came to life.
Fear has big eyes.
In fear of the eye, that the plates, and do not see neither crumbs.
For any trouble, fear is not fighting.
I go ahead, better fear does not take.
Not so terrible, like his little.
Fear on the heels for false walks.
There are a lot of fears, and alone's life.
Heroes fear of Nevyda.
Fear in the eyes look, do not understand, but you will go away - you will disappear.
One is not scary, and two more fun.
Do not fear, and did not think.
Do not rustly, and our and so are not afraid.
In com shame, in fact and fear.
My lapes were scared.
Fear is worse than death.
Fear will take effect.
Fear - the first assistant of the enemy.
There is no salvation in fear.
Where fear there and collapse.
In fear of the eyes of the Council.
Do not think about fear, so it will not be.
Fear has no strength.
It is terribly seen, but will be done - will be wondering.
That fear of unknote, who goes to victories.

Proverbs about fear

It is better to die in the field than in Babi Podol.
Fear death - not to live in the world.
Wolf fear and not to go to the forest.
Fear wolves - be without mushrooms.
Sink or swim.
Fought you on the ovens with cockroaches.
Warrior: Sits under the bush, yes.
Another thunder is not thunder, and the drum is terrible.
Well bear in the window tease.
Not a string, so I will give the soul.
Threatens the cat's mouse, and from afar.
I do not wash with anyone and I'm not afraid of anyone.
It is afraid of him like the features of Ladan.

He is afraid of his shadow.
Our tricks trembled legs.
And I want to go, and hurts, and Mother does not tell.
To whom it is rowing (it seems), that afraid.
Lucky, how are you afraid: troubles are not passing, but only give up.
Dog, what are you lazy? "I scare! - Dog, what Passed? - Wolves I'm afraid!
For cowardish Afonok and hare - wolf.
What are afraid, it will happen.
Dung on milk and blowing on the water.
Who is flashing on the field, in addition and bullet is met.
Who thinks that is afraid.
Who is running back, he does not value honor.
Onions tight, spear briefly, and the saber is not removed.
Bunny crow bush is afraid.
Punchy beast is far running.
Smyrna Dog and Komochet beats.
From your tail you will not leave.

About fear and courage

The hero is dying once - a coward a thousand times.
Heroes fear of Nevyda.
Whether, or whether, is conceived - do! I decided to run, so there is nothing to lie.
Standing cities will not take (i.e. lettuce).
Bold peas are bread, and not seeing to see it.
The eyes are afraid, and the hands do.
Either colonel or dead man.
Cowals Leach Hazard (A. Suvorov).
Brave after rati, as climbed on the flavors.
The heart is false, and courage (courage) of the rororne.
Every coward about courage talks.
Our field do not rob in the field (do not tremble on the furnace).
You see happiness - you go bolder.
Coward famous for himself with a language, and the brave-pin.
Herbrome of the city to take, and the pant and the native home run.
The bold coward leads, the coward and the enemy comes.
Coward bold not comrade.
On the bold dog barks, and the cowardly biting.
On the humble God, Bed Schail, and the Big Self will go.

Sayings about fear

Squeeze the tail. I'm waiting for you a tail; You will wait for my tail.
Keep at a noble distance (distance).
The nuclei of the Poklons to give (squat when the kernel flies, drowned).
Drive someone to the corner; Drive in a deaf alley, to the bag, close to the wall, press.
It is afraid of him like the features of Ladan.
Looks like a wolf to your tail.
He is afraid of his shadow.
The tooth tooth falls.
From fear of the eye on the forehead climb.
Do not ride duck water.
Warmer measurement (died). Without language became.
Nor alive is dead. Between life and death. As not alive.
Pailed like a canvas. White linen became.
Heart eought. The soul in the heels gone.
With fear of the spirit captured.
It shakes like a sheet on aspen (like an aspen leaf).
It is worth the inserted. Only eyes chluff.
So I have a heart and peaked by a rooster.
The backs of the legs (knees) were sink (lifted, stopped).
For me, legs like rauchinki, knitted.
The language behind the threshold left. Words did not make sure (he made it, swinging).
Sniffing language to larynx.
So the hands and fell off (they fell, faltered).
It is standing on the needle (on fire, on the roaster, on coals).
I stand, exactly fire grief. It is worthwheeling.
Goosebumps went. Goosebumps running around. Grucs sprinkled.
Numbered that the wolf is hortying. Suppressed the tail that the wolf on the psarn.