The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications. The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications, qualifying discharge

The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications. The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications, qualifying discharge
The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications. The concept of profession, specialty, qualifications, qualifying discharge

Higher education is not the main, but a significant factor in the professional implementation and construction of a successful career. After Russia has adopted the Bologna Convention in 2003, difficulties arose in determining the concepts that brings together a higher education diploma. This article will help to understand important issues.


This term comes from the Latin word Professio, which means "officially specified occupation". The name of the profession is directly related to the following facts:

  • what is a job;
  • what functions are performed;
  • what are the means of labor.

The profession of man is called activities performed in the following social situations:

1) a certain narrow area in which human labor resources are invested;

2) the general activity of a group of people united by socio-useful labor functions;

3) the person performs labor functions in a certain area based on its high level of competence;

4) Professional implementation of someone's labor functions;

5) useful activities committed for remuneration;

6) the social and social status of a person obtained during the occupation of a certain activity.

It is also necessary to understand that the profession and qualification according to the diploma is not always the same. The first of the concepts are directly related to the practical development of any employment.


This is the concept of also Latin origin: Species means "Rod" or "View". The specialty is an integral part of the profession. For example, the profession of the doctor consists of the following specialties: pediatrician, surgeon, oculist, anesthesiologist, obstetrician, etc. The lawyer's profession includes specialty such as investigator, lawyer, prosecutor, notary, judge, etc.

In other words, the specialty can be called a narrow-profile area of \u200b\u200bthe application of labor forces and human skills.


But this concept is difficult to name unequivocal. As applied to the field of work and career, two main definitions can be distinguished.

Qualification in the field of labor relations is the level of ownership of theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills and skills, thanks to which a person successfully carries its career. The more you know and know, the higher your qualifications and, as a rule, wages. Compliance with professional requirements is expressed in various levels: classes, discharges, titles, categories, etc. For example, the turn of the third category, the teacher of the highest category.

Diploma qualification is the name expressing the level of preparation of a graduate of a higher or secondary special educational institution. But how will the name of the qualifications in each particular case, depends on which level of vocational education was obtained.

Specialist, Bachelor, Master

After the ratification of the Bologna Convention, which makes it possible to consider the diplomas of the participating countries by valid abroad, new standards of higher education were adopted in Russia. Now it is carried out by three systems:

  • specialty (at least 5 years of study);
  • undergraduate (at least 4 years of study);
  • master (at least 6 years of study).

In the first case, the university graduate will be called a graduate specialist in the selected profile. For example, qualification by the diploma "lawyer", and the specialty is "jurisprudence". In this case, qualifications denotes who is a graduate in a professional plan, and a specialty - in which area of \u200b\u200bpublic relations. In this case, the first concept is narrower than the second, if they are considered in relation to education.

What is undergraduate? Contrary to popular belief, it is not "abbreviated", but a full-fledged higher education. It is basic, and on the passage of its course you can get a job. In this case, your diploma will be written that you are a bachelor of a certain industry (for example, the economy) at the appropriate area (in this case, "economy").

And you can continue learning by moving onto the second step and starting an academic career. This level of higher education is called a magistracy, the training period will be 6 years, after which the graduate will receive the scientific degree of Master.

Determine what qualifications and specialty in diploma

Thus, in relation to higher education, diploma qualification is the graduate status in the system of vocational education. And if we are talking about a specialty, the qualification echoes the name of the specialty: jurisprudence - lawyer, economics - economist, pedagogy - teacher, etc. But if a person studied under the system of undergraduate or master's system, then in the diploma, the name of his qualifications coincides with the scientific degree assigned. And a diploma on higher education will contain the wording: "Bachelor (Master) of jurisprudence (economics, pedagogy, linguistics, etc.) in the direction of" jurisprudence ", etc.

Diploma qualification is an important thing you need to know and understand, since it is important for completing the documents and the correct positioning of yourself in other official situations.

In the English-speaking environment, the concepts of "Profession" (Profession) and "Occupation) distinguish. The term profession applies only to a small circle of high-willed professional activities. All other activities of professional activities belong to the specialties or types of work, classes.

In the domestic profession study, the concepts of "profession" and "specialty" are bred. Profession - the concept is broader than specialty, its distinguishing features in addition to professional competence are also social and professional competence, professional autonomy, self-control, group norms and values. The profession, as a rule, unites the group of related specialties.

The specialty is a complex of acquired special knowledge, skills and skills necessary to fulfill a certain type of activity within a particular profession, through vocational education, preparation and in the process of work. Thus, the specialty is one of the types of professional activities within a profession aimed at achieving more private or intermediate results or to achieve common results with specific means.

For example: Profession - doctor, specialty - therapist, pediatrician, oculist, urologist, etc.; Profession - engineer, specialty - designer, technologist, metallurgist, etc.; Profession - locksmith, specialty - plumbing, electric bellarge, instrumental instruments, etc.

Specialization is an even greater detailing of the specialty.

For example: Profession is a psychologist; Specialty - age psychologist; Specialization is an age psychologist working with the elderly.

Qualification is a level of professional skill. Severe two main types:

Formal (reflected in the titles, tariff discharges, etc.)

Real (as a person actually works)

The discrepancy between formal and real qualifications is often found, which generates production conflicts.

In recent years, the concept of "qualification" has been significantly enriched. In addition to knowledge, skills and skills on a specific specialty in the qualification of the employee include professionally important qualities of the person necessary for a wide range of professions.

Professionally important qualities include: responsibility, reliability, communicativeness, cooperation, creativity, ability to independent decisions, etc. The productive implementation of specific professional activities requires, as a rule, the implementation of 5-7 professionally important qualities.

Position - usually used in 2 senses:

Position as a variety of leadership

Position - any officially fixed work.

For example: School Director - and Profession and Profession (manager in the education system); Chemistry teacher - and position (there is a job description), and specialty, and profession.

Labor post is not a specific place. There are components of the labor post (the structure of a good job description):

Fixed labor objective;

Fixed labor result;

Fixed working conditions;

Fixed labor;

Fixed equipment;

Fixed duties (area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility);

Fixed employee rights.

This is all psychological understanding. And there is a bureaucratic understanding. What, in essence, illiterately, but no one wants to fight the bureaucracy.

For example: Faculty of psychology of Moscow State University, when issuing diplomas, write: specialty - psychology; Qualification is a teacher of psychology.

Question 3 Dynamics of the World of Professions.

The division of labor on professional activities is observed already before our era in Egypt, ancient Greece, the Roman Empire and other ancient states. Significant work differentiation occurred in the era of the industrial revolution and the following technical progress He led to a significant increase in the nomenclature of professions. The official handbook of the United States in 1965, the characteristics of 21,741 professions and about 40,000 specialties were given. In 1988, an international standard of classification of professions in 1988 was listed. A single tariff-qualifying reference book in our country unites about 7,000 professions and specialties. These special documents reflect the situation in the time of their compilation, but at the time of entering the light already need adjustment, because The world of professions is very dynamic.

There was a need to revise the established names of professions, the content of the labor of which significantly expanded (the cleaner - "operator of cleaning machines" or "interior technician"; conductor of the passenger carrier; clerk)

There is a group of "extinct" professions, which will still exist in small handicrafts; The names of these professions reflect the craft forms of labor, its workshop division is a prospector, speed, sniff. These professions can be combined into groups of craft work, the profession of folk crafts.

In recent decades, the technique and technology of production have been radically updated:

Intellectualization of labor and production as a whole due to the integration of science, technology and production;

Complication of technology and technology at the expense of high-tech technical systems: electronics, pneumatic engineering, chromotronic, etc.;

The development of the technical and technological basis of modern production and the change of labor, which leads to erasing the faces of the professions and the establishment of integrative ways of activity that go beyond one profession;

Universalization of technical devices on the basis of the latest technologies that increase multiprobility and multi-purpose compatibility of labor instruments.

The new professions are constantly arising, the labor content of the current professions is updated, die away the profession of low-qualified labor, there are combined and integrated professions and specialty, there is a need to introduce names of new professions and determine their characteristics, labor content, qualification levels, contraindications, etc. The nomenclature of new professions is spontaneously, they fall into official directories - manager, promoter, supervisor, merchandiser, etc.

Overcoming the listed deficiencies in the world of professions is possible in the presence of profession designers professioners - they could solve problems on the design of new professions, the definition of the appointment and content of labor, the requirements for education, the level of qualifications, working conditions and contraindications, the design of professors, qualification characteristics, duties, .

Control questions

1. Give the definition of the concepts of "profession", "specialty", "Qualification", "Labor post"?

2. Describe the relationship of concepts: "Profession", "specialty", "Qualification".

Similar information.

We often hear the words "profession", "specialty", "education", but it is so difficult to catch the difference between them! It seems as if these concepts are about the same value. Or are they still different? Let's deal with.


So let's start, perhaps, from the profession. What it is?

  1. System of knowledge, skills and skills, which is inherent in a specific individual. Examples of consumption of the term in this context: "He received the profession of engineer," "She has a profession."
  2. Professional community. People employed by a certain type of labor combines nothing more than profession. They have similar interests, knowledge and skills.
  3. Kind of activity. In this context, the profession is identified with the work.
  4. Necessary for society and rather limited (due to the division of labor) the area of \u200b\u200bthe application of physical and spiritual efforts of a person who allows him to live and develop.


The next term is similar to the previous one and corresponds to different types of areas of labor within the framework of professions. Suppose it is impossible to be a teacher in the general sense. This will definitely be a teacher according to a certain discipline: chemistry, physics, literature, history, English, etc. In other professions, in general, the same situation: the doctor is an endocrinologist, anesthesiologist, orthopedist, oculist, obstetrician-gynecologist; Fitter - plumbing, mechanic, instrumental. Profession specialty approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia.

When you choose a college or higher education institution, you will certainly come across such concepts as the "direction of education" and "specialty education". We suggest to consider each of them.

The specialty of education is called a set of knowledge, skills and skills of a graduate acquired by him during training on professional programs of higher education and providing the opportunity to deal with a certain type of professional activity in accordance with the qualified qualifications.

Is there a fundamental difference between the direction and specialty of education? It is worth noting that the direction of education provides a more extensive sphere of professional activity. There are still such concepts as "a group of specialties" and "area of \u200b\u200bknowledge" is the division of sciences into certain types (humanitarian, technical, natural, educational, etc.). However, such differentiation is typical only for higher professional education.

What is meant by the concept of "qualification in the direction or specialty of education"? The level of preparation for the implementation of a specific type of professional activity at a certain direction or specialty. Qualifications establishes the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. The minimum wages depend on the qualifications (if you work in a specialty government agency).


This term should be understood as a concretized combination of knowledge, skills and skills used in a narrow area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity within a certain specialty.

As you know, professions do not stand still - they are constantly changing in connection with the needs of the market, and do it very rapidly. New, united, are separated or the old one is eliminated. The classifier of the specialties responds to the appearance of changes, but with a certain delay. For example, such specialties as "Management" and "Marketing" can be found in the classifier, however, for the "web design", "banking" and "logistics" places have not yet been found. Although educational institutions have the right to create specializations using not only the classifier as a reference. There are specializations such as "Industrial Psychology", "International Journalism". They are indicated in the diploma and allow employers to judge what area the applicant may boast the most broad knowledge. But in the diploma, this narrow specialization is not specified entirely - it is simply "psychology", "journalism". If we talk about professions, you can often find outdated wording ("Agent for the sale" instead of the "Distributor"). It also happens that the profession appeared quite recently, and the term for its instructions is still missing ("editor of the Internet publication"). However, the strict tariff mesh is characteristic mainly for government agencies. Commercial organizations tend to close their eyes to similar inconsistencies between education, profession and position. So all this is usually no more than formalities.

We will reveal such a thing as a "position." These are labor tasks (functions and responsibilities), discharged to the employee. The employment post involves the goal, means, working conditions, and in general, everything that has a certain position in a certain organization.

Second degree

For successful management of the company, it is necessary to understand many mechanisms. Each managers should have knowledge from the field of civil, labor, economic and administrative law, marketing, economics, and even PR. Accordingly, any top manager is desirable to reinforce the basic formation by the second highest.

Recently, the lack of special and highly specialized knowledge, the leaders of Russian medical institutions are particularly acute. In contrast to the West, where managers are managers, our main doctors, heads of departments and health officials have preparations exclusively at the hospitals. Unfortunately, in our universities, as a rule, it is not possible to explore the nuances of the application of legal norms in the medical sphere. For this reason, the most popular modern trend was the requirement of a second diploma, economic or legal, in the field of medical care. And otherwise there is no way!

To build a career in the banking sector a little to be a good financier. Competent financial flow management, the wise bypass of the underwater stones in the current economic situation - all this is extremely difficult. There are deep knowledge of the legislative base, in particular financial law. And if you prefer to work in the lending department of individuals and legal entities, you will have to compile contracts and submit documents. In some cases, it will be necessary to check whether they are consistent with the legal norms, and even track the emergence of new laws. And here will already have to compare newly adopted laws with valid and conduct a comparative analysis. Of course, a person who does not possess relevant knowledge will not be able to sort out such matters.

Most reputable publications love to attract information articles not only writers, but also experts - experts of their business. Agree, the material set out by a professional lawyer, an economist or a psychologist will be much more interesting and useful than the article written by a person who is not particularly dismantled in a particular area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. In any case, do not have to doubt the accuracy of the above. Specialists who have several higher education are especially valued, one of which is basic profile, admissible journalism, philosophy. And the other diploma will allow competently to cover the questions raised on newspaper and magazine pages.

As you can see, an additional secondary education is the most effective way to enhance the professional level for any specialist. Today, legal education is the most popular second highest. Next comes "Accounting and Audit". Following "Management" and "Personnel Management" are located. Moreover, they are often choosing executives of enterprises and top managers with a technical or humanitarian base.




Conclusions to

  1. Preparation. To obtain a specialty, you need to go through training, pass exams.

    Profession, specialty and specialization: What is the difference?

    It is possible to master the profession and in practice (journalist, writer, builder), if it requires either talent or physical skills.

It is not for nothing that labor is engraving a person, especially if work brings pleasure and prosperity. The material side of the profession is determined by such concepts as specialty and qualifications. What do they differ from each other and how to determine the difference? Let's try to figure it out in this matter using reliable information.


Specialty - A complex of knowledge obtained as a result of targeted training and confirmed by the relevant document. Skills and skills are needed in order to successfully cope with the circle of responsibilities performed by them.

Qualification - The level of preparation assigned to the results of the assessment by an independent specialist skills and confirmed documentary. The skill scale is represented by levels (discharges), the movement on which occurs in the vertical direction.


Thus, the specialty is a set of knowledge, skills and skills, and qualifications - the level of skill. The volume of concepts differs significantly. Specialty - The term is extremely wide, which includes qualifications. A person may have several professions, and in each of them - their own level of skill.

The process of their assignment is somewhat different. So, for the specialty it is necessary to undergo training, and then - pass the exam in practice. After professional activity begins, we can talk about the presence of qualifications. At first it is the lowest level (discharge), and then, as the skills improve, it begins to grow.

Summing up, we note: the specialty is a profession, and the qualification is the level of skill.

What is the difference between profession from the specialty?

How to prove that the applicant is really able to cope with the tasks? Confirm the specialty can be a diploma, qualification - only practice.

Conclusions to

  1. The volume of concepts. Specialty - The concept is wider, which includes the level of qualifications.
  2. Getting. The specialty is assigned to the face after it has successfully passed training and exist exams. Qualification is assigned when receiving a profession.
  3. Dynamics. The specialty obtained after training remains forever. The level of qualification may vary: both in the best and worse.

To be or not to be, to work or not work - this question occupies a person many centuries in a row. We can get a promising specialty, but subsequently learn a completely different profession. What are the difference between these categories and why it is so important to understand the difference?


Profession - This is a genus of classes or work, requiring certain training, qualifications, knowledge. The skills can be purchased either in the process of obtaining education, or in practice.

What is the profession different from the specialty?

The circle of professions is extremely wide and combined in the category: Economic, technical, pedagogical, etc.

Specialty - a complex of skills, skills and knowledge acquired in the learning process and confirmed in the appropriate order. They are needed to fulfill specific work and relate to one or more professions. So, a lawyer can become a lawyer, a prosecutor's employee, a police or legal adviser, and may turn into a catering seller.


So, the main difference is in the amount of concept. The specialty is a general term that combines a group of professions. They may require any additional skills or fully fit into those volumes that were obtained during the training. At the same time, the specialty requires special training. Profession can be mastered and without it - in practice (singer, actor).

Conclusions to

  1. The volume of concept. Profession is a private category that means a specific activity, while the specialty is common.
  2. The need to confirm. Profession can comply with human activity and in most cases does not require any certification or exams. But the specialty must be confirmed. It may be the protection of the graduation project, state exams, testing.
  3. Formal expression. The profession brings a person a real income, and its main expression is the demand of the person. Specialization is also confirmed by a state-owned document, which is valid on a certain territory.

To be or not to be, to work or not work - this question occupies a person many centuries in a row. We can get a promising specialty, but subsequently learn a completely different profession. What are the difference between these categories and why it is so important to understand the difference?


Profession - This is a genus of classes or work, requiring certain training, qualifications, knowledge. The skills can be purchased either in the process of obtaining education, or in practice. The circle of professions is extremely wide and combined in the category: Economic, technical, pedagogical, etc.

Specialty - a complex of skills, skills and knowledge acquired in the learning process and confirmed in the appropriate order.

The difference between profession and specialty

They are needed to fulfill specific work and relate to one or more professions. So, a lawyer can become a lawyer, a prosecutor's employee, a police or legal adviser, and may turn into a catering seller.


So, the main difference is in the amount of concept. The specialty is a general term that combines a group of professions. They may require any additional skills or fully fit into those volumes that were obtained during the training. At the same time, the specialty requires special training. Profession can be mastered and without it - in practice (singer, actor).

Conclusions to

  1. The volume of concept. Profession is a private category that means a specific activity, while the specialty is common.
  2. Preparation. To obtain a specialty, you need to go through training, pass exams. It is possible to master the profession and in practice (journalist, writer, builder), if it requires either talent or physical skills.
  3. The need to confirm. Profession can comply with human activity and in most cases does not require any certification or exams. But the specialty must be confirmed. It may be the protection of the graduation project, state exams, testing.
  4. Formal expression. The profession brings a person a real income, and its main expression is the demand of the person. Specialization is also confirmed by a state-owned document, which is valid on a certain territory.

Social Directivity Overview

Professions of social profile have many advantages. The specialties of this kind, as a rule, make it possible to engage in interesting and diverse activities, provide personal self-realization and constant expansion of the horizon.

Unfortunately, not all of them suggest a worthy level of salary and a convenient work schedule.

Combining fate with humanitarian or economic sciences, consider as many options as possible, healthy evaluate the real advantages and disadvantages of each. This will help you with the proposed article.

Socio-humanitarian professions

Here is a list of examples:

  • social teacher;
  • social worker;
  • sociologist;
  • psychologist, psychoanalyst;
  • coach (Coach);
  • media employee (corrector, television journalist, newspaper correspondent, editor, press attache, etc.);
  • copywriter, rewater;
  • blogger;
  • archaeologist;
  • ethnographer;
  • head Hunter, Recruiter;
  • teacher (supplier, primary school teacher, teacher of the university or technical school);
  • tutor;
  • specterier;
  • political scientist;
  • translator, literary translator;
  • yurfakalingwist;
  • pR, political technologist;
  • artist-illustrator, artist-designer;
  • guide;
  • librarian;
  • museum worker;
  • cultureologist;
  • speech therapist.

It is best to earn humanities that are employed in the okolopolitical sphere (for example, prachier, press attache and spectrants).

However, such work is far from being always safe and stable, but with stresses it is conjugate to the omniscimensional.

Teachers, psychologists, social teachers and speech therapists can qualify for a solid salary, only if they are taken to the staff of a large company, we will admit to some major center of early development. In preschool educational institutions and in schools they get a little.

Professions related to writing texts bring a good income to workaholic payments in most cases can be directly proportional to the volume of the material of the material; The salary is not always assigned. Often, such work implies a strong workload and a non-normalized day.

Ethnographers, archaeologists and other heroes of science often work for the singer of a penny, in the name of his beloved business. Social work is also a lot of people who are capable of everyday self-sacrifice for the sake of a high goal.

Socio-economic and legal specialties

Graduates of the economic departments of universities receive positions:

  • economist;
  • manager (sales, personnel, for procurement, for public relations);
  • marketer;
  • accountant.

There are many specializations in the legal sphere. The graduate of Jurfak can become:

  • notary;
  • civil servants;
  • diplomat;
  • lawyer;
  • prosecutor;
  • investigator;
  • a specialist in resolving legal disputes of a certain type (for example, an autorerist or a family lawyer), etc.

The listed professions are quite attractive in terms of average earnings, but the demand for them is now small. Acceptable vacancies in this field usually get out of young people, but specialists with solid experience and experience.

Profession or profession? How is the word profession written?

Orthography is a delicate matter. It is necessary to remember dozens of rules to write competently. And the "Word" will not always come to the rescue and emphasize the red mistakes. Writing many controversial words is better to get away by heart. This concerns, in particular, the words "profession". Often it is written with errors even excellent students. There are the two most common ways of writing this word: "Professia" or "Profession".

The emergence of the concept of "profession"

Before any word appears, the concept itself should arise, which this word will be denoted. For example, the word "phone" at the end of the 19th century called the new invention - a device capable of transmitting sound at a distance. Before the appearance of the apparatus itself, there was no need.

How and when did the concept of "profession" arose? The fact is that in the society of the first people there was always a division of duties, which was partly determined by the skills of the person himself, and partly the customs. Men were engaged in hunting, fishing and agriculture, and women were household and children. When the population increased, it was possible to use individual people to produce individual goods. So they began to make up the profession in the modern understanding of this word. Cattlers, weaver, potters, musicians appeared.

One of the first common professions is a blacksmith. He dealt with everything that was associated with iron treatment, made everything: from nails to swords. The joiner, for example, produced any wooden products, ranging from the door and ending with cabinets. At first, the whole family helped the master and was involved in the manufacture of material goods. At the next stage of the division of labor, each master was determined with a specific profile in the framework of one profession. This was determined by the fact that there was a greater demand for individual benefits. For example, some joiners were engaged exclusively by barrels, others - wheels, third - sled, etc. Thus, the concept of a person's profession appeared.

How did the word "profession"

It comes from the Latin word profiteor, which is literally translated "declare". It, in turn, is formed from the Latin Prefix Pro (for, instead of) and the Fateri root (recognize). If you reach the Pyranceo European roots, then we arrive at the ancient * Bha (speak). The values \u200b\u200bof the word profiteor are as follows:

  • loudly and publicly declare, openly talk;
  • to openly declare, recognize yourself;
  • announce anything subject to their classes;
  • promise;
  • judged, give hope for anything;
  • openly, officially declare, show;
  • to come to the service, sign up for military service.

Each meaning of the word "profession" has one general feature: a public statement about something.

Single Professus (explicit, recognized) gave life to the Russian Word "Professor". In ancient Rome, Professae called public women, because they openly declared their kind of activity (the second value of profiteor). Another single Latin word - Confessia (religion), but in our language "profession" and "denomination" are naturally not.

In Russian, the word discussed by the word swore from Latin by means of French (Franz. Profession) in the 18th century. But moving the linguistic border, it acquired a slightly different meaning: "type of activity." In the last century, derivatives arose. Before the appearance of the word "profession", the word "craft" was used to designate the kind of human activity.

Semantics words

Profession is a steady and relatively wide view of labor activities, which provides for a certain combination of theoretical knowledge, practical experience, skills and labor skills and is a source of income. The circle of professions is quite wide, they are divided into major categories: economic, technical, creative, pedagogical, etc.
Examples of individual professions: economist, manager, actor, accountant, builder, assemblyman, teacher, translator. Options for using the word: a programmer by profession, choose a profession, change profession, get a profession, women of an ancient profession. Related lexemes in other languages \u200b\u200bare Czech - Profse, Polish - Profesja.

Writing options

Not everyone knows exactly how the word "profession" is written.

Some write it like this: Profession, others - profession, Third - Profession, and the fourth - profession. The most often use the first two options. Those who have a spelling intuition have understood that the doubling of some consonants still should take place, but should not be excessive, therefore, the third and fourth options are sifted. There are obviously those who, instead of the unstressed "o" writes "A": Prafezension, but for this case there is a test single word - about & acute-fi, which makes clarity.

In this case, one question remains open. Profession or profession? And why so, not otherwise?

How correct?

The main dilemma is as follows: Profession or profession. We must deal with this time and forever. So after all, how is the word profession written?

With one "F" and two "C": Profession.

Why do errors arise?

Misleading introduces, probably, the sound of the word. Someone hears a double "f". This sound in this word is soft and deaf, and some tend to pronounce it long, therefore it seems that the letter must be not alone. This is the reason for doubts about how the word "profession" is written. But it is not always necessary to focus on your own pronunciation.

As for the double "with" when writing, it is indeed due to the long pronunciation of this consonant sound. In general, long consonant efforts can maintain long longitude in articulation in Russian to varying degrees. It depends on their placement in the word. There are weak and strong positions for double consonants. If the sound is in the intervocal position after the impact vowel, then such a position is considered strong, and the longitude is maintained in the letter.

If you compare the English word Profession and the Russian "profession", the consonant with is just in a strong position, and therefore you need to write two letters "C".

Etymology to help

Since the word is borrowed, it is logical to assume that it must match its effort. But it's not always the case. First, many words over time have lost a double letter in Russian. Secondly, the question is that the language is to be considered a source. After all, very often the same word is even written in different ways. Here are examples: Russian "group" in German is written by Gruppe, in French - Groupe, in English - Group. If you are guided only by this rule, how to know what language should I need to navigate?

True, with the word "profession" everything is smooth: in all languages \u200b\u200bit is written with one "F" and doubled "C": Profession (English), Profession "(Franz.), Professio (Lat.). In this particular case Boldly take the source languages \u200b\u200bas the basis. Now the question of how to write is a protesium or profession, finally resolved.

Root of the word

Unlike its Latin analogue, the word discussed consists of two morphemes: the root of "profession" and the end of the "I". The initial letters "about" prefix are not. The ending can be determined by changing the word on cases and numbers: professions, profession, profession, professions, professions. The root of the word Profession is part of the foundation of several other words: professional, professional, professionalism, professor, pros. The first three are formed by the suffix in the latter - the truncation of the base. True, whether the words "Professor" and "Profession" are single-handed - the question is controversial. Some linguists believe that they have long lost the overall meaning.

Similar to the value of the lexeme

Synonym for the word Profession to choose easy. A number of similar words are not poor: specialty, craft, activity, title, occupation, vocation, work, work, qualifications, business, profile. Not all are one hundred percent synonyms. For example, the word specialty implies a set of skills and knowledge obtained in the learning process and confirmed accordingly. That is, in other words, the specialty should be confirmed documented, and the profession can be purchased in practice, without special training. If in a simple way, the specialty says to whom a person has studied, and the profession - who is working at this time, and this can be different areas of activity. But mostly each above lexeme can be used as synonym for the word profession.

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To build a successful career, graduates of the school should understand that in our time there is no way without higher education, which is truly a ticket in adulthood.

Mastering a prestigious profession in the higher educational institution will help in the future find a prestigious, interesting and highly paid job, as well as to realize their plans and dreams.

In 2003, the Russian Federation ratified the Bologna Convention, according to which the European space of a single higher education was created. After that, the diploma received in any Russian university will be officially recognized in each of the 48 European countries that have signed the Declaration. However, with the entry into this space there was some confusion in terminology. Let's try to figure out what kind of qualification according to the diploma.

Profession and specialty

The result of training is the acquisition of knowledge and skills in some area of \u200b\u200bapplication of labor resources. The notion of the profession includes activities in the following situations:

  • some sphere, within the framework of the resources, skills and qualifications of a person are invested;
  • collaboration of a group of employees who are combined with certain functions that complement each other;
  • performing tasks for remuneration;
  • public status purchased in the process of performing work.

It is worth understanding that the concepts of qualifying in diploma and profession is not exactly the same. Profession is the practical application of the knowledge gained earlier, the development of any kind of activity.

Qualification for diploma is the level of knowledge gained, which is necessary for their application when working.

The specialty is a more definite concept, it is considered some part of the profession. For example, at the profession, a lawyer can have a specialty lawyer, notary, prosecutor, judges. That is, the specialty is the narrow use of human skills, any profile use of his forces.


The very definition itself has several blurred meaning, since its acquisition can be both theoretical and practical. Diploma qualification displays the level of human preparation after graduation. And the wording may differ from the quality and degree of preparation obtained in the learning process.

The ratification of the Bologna Convention led to reforms in the Russian education system, which became a three-step. Graduates can now have one of three levels of preparation:

  1. Bachelor (training at least 4 years). The basic form of students' training, which is a full (and not cut down, as it makes an opinion). In this case, the diploma is indicated in which industry is the formation of a bachelor and in which direction. That is, the qualifications for such a diploma coincides with the specialty (for example, the "Bachelor of Economics").
  2. Specialist (training at least 5 years). At the end of the specialist, a qualification is written in the diploma, for example, "Engineer" and specialty - "Electronic Technology". In applied to education and social relations, the first definition is a narrower concept.
  3. Master (training at least 6 years). At the end of the undergraduate, you can get a diploma, graduate learning and go to work, and you can go to the magistracy and continue to get knowledge. However, in the Master's diploma, like the Bachelor, the definition coincides with the specialty.

The concept of qualification in labor relations is completely different, as it implies the acquisition of experience, raising the level of knowledge and skills. Thus, theoretical knowledge is trying in practice, which is displayed in the work of work.