Full name Misha. The meaning of Mikhail is connected with God? The nature and fate of Mikhail: Is it true that men with this name love children very much

Full name Misha. The meaning of Mikhail is connected with God? The nature and fate of Mikhail: Is it true that men with this name love children very much
Full name Misha. The meaning of Mikhail is connected with God? The nature and fate of Mikhail: Is it true that men with this name love children very much

Mikhail's name is the most interesting monument of Hebrew Culture. It can tell a lot about the principles of world religions, about the emergence of both Christianity.

The name Mikhail is first mentioned in the Old Testament in the Bible. It comes from the Aramaic Mikael, which means "equal to God Yahweh." This name is one of the most common worldwide, as Archangel Mikhail is revered not only by Christians and Jews, but also Muslims, the basis of religion of which biblical legends are also laid.

According to another version, however, the Aramaic phrase "Mi Ka El" literally means a questionnaire "Who is God?", That is, "no one is equal to God." Suppose also another option: "The one who is like email. "EL", or "El" in Russian translations traditionally means "God", but the meaning of this word has historically undergone many changes, and its original value remains a mystery.

In the Old Testament, Mikhail is the Senior Messenger of the Most High and Defender of the Jewish People.

According to the books of the Old and New Testament, Archangel Mikhail is a warrior, a fighter with an universe evil. In the Christian religious tradition, Mikhail is given the role of a judge on a terrible court. According to the Jewish tradition, Mikhail is one of the four angels facing the Lord's throne and guarding the four sides of the world.

In some non-green, recognized heretical, the exercises, Archangel, Mikhail appears the chief enemy of mankind and gentlemen. According to the canonical text, God loved very much and especially allocated one of the Archangels - Lucifer. Lucifer has segged and wanted to rule the world himself. For this, the Lord commanded Mikhail to drive Lucifer from Paradise, and with him and the rest of the rebels. The fallen angels flew to the ground and turned their demons, and Lucifer began to wear Satan's name since then. For the victory over Lucifer, the Lord gave Mikhail's title of archrest, that is, the Supreme Commander. In the non-canonic teachings, Mikhail appears as a lucifer and slander envious, and Lucifer is an innocent angel.

Among the many miracles attributed to Archangel Mikhail, you can highlight two most famous. One of them is the so-called "miracle about the salvation of Novgorod" in 1239 from the invasion of the Batya, described in the Volokolam Catema. According to the source, God and the Mother of God defended the city of Mikhail's phenomenon, who forbade Batye to go to Novgorod. Baty went to Kiev. Seeing in Kiev the fresco with the image of Mikhail, he said: "We have been on this Vzhbrani to the Great Novgorod." Another famous miracle is the help of Archangel Mikhail Heroine France Zhanna D "Ark.

Name Day: January 24, February 27, April 29, May 15, June 28, July 12, July 16, August 11, September 19, October 13, October 14, October 15, December 5, December 31.

Famous Mikhails: Mikhail Lomonosov, scientist; Mikhail Kutuzov, commander; Mikhail Lermontov, poet; Mikhail Vrubel, artist; Mikhail Kalashnikov, gunsmith.

Sources: Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Superanskaya A.V. Features of Russian names of their own. Biblical legends and legends. Old Testament. Orthodox month. Higir B.Yu. Encyclopedia names.
Brief form named after Mikhail. Misha, Mishan, Mishun, Mishut, Mishutka, Mikhaya, Asya, Mikhal, Miki, Mixa, Mina, Minyash, Millusch, Mika, Mikhailushka, Miha, Mihailushka, Mishara, Mishah, Mishuly.
Synonyms named after Mikhail. Michael, Michael, Miguel, Michele, Mihai, Mikhal, Michel, Mikael, Mikhail, Michelangelo, Mikal, Mikael, Mitchell, Mitchell.
The origin of the name Mikhail. Name Mikhail Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic, Jewish.

Mikhail's name in the ancient Language means "equal, similar to God, also exists a transfer option -" Scared of God ". The name Mikhail is widespread in Europe: Michael, Michelle, Miguel, Mihai - this is all the analogues of Mikhail. There is another derivative of the male name, which is more common in Australia. This is the name Mitchell. From the male name, Mikhail was formed by women's names: Mikhail, Michel, Michelle, Michael, Miguel, Mikael, Mighelina, Miklalangel, Mikhela, Mikhailina, Mikhalin, Mikhala.

Mika's diminutive and dull appeal is both an independent name, and a brief form to some female names (for example, Lyudmila, Domnica, Monica). Assiah's affectionate appeal is not only a dimensional appeal to many female and male names (Alexander, Alexander, Anna, Astra, Arseny, Taras, Askold, Joseph, Agnia, Gelacy, Taisia \u200b\u200band others), but also in an independent name.

Christians especially read Mikhail - the main of the seven Archangels, one of the biblical characters. Archangel Mikhail consists of five words: "Arch Angel Mi Ka El", where each of these words is given of particular importance. "ARH" means "senior", "Angel" - "Messenger", "Mi Ka El" - "similar to God." Therefore, it turns out such interpretation of the expression "Archangel Mikhail": "Senior Messenger, endowed with the authority of Ale (one of the names of God)" or "Senior Plenipotentiary Elay". What is very similar to the truth, since it was Archangel Mikhail in the Old Testament and was the Messenger of the Most High, he became a defender of the people of Israel.

Archangel Mikhail is considered the heavenly patron of Kiev, Northern Russia (in particular, Arkhangelsk, built on the site of the Mikhailo Arkhangels Monastery). In Orthodoxy, Archangel Mikhail is revered as a patron of construction and builders. Also Archangel Mikhail is considered the winner of evil spirits, which in Christianity was considered a source of disease. It is he who is the head of the holy host of angels. In Islam, Archangel Michael mentioned as Mikael.

For the name, Mikhail will be indicated by Orthodox names. Catholic names - see the name Michael.

As a child, Mikhail is charming, gentle, greedy to caress the child, very beautiful and clever, to such an extent that he can use his beauty to achieve its goals from the parents. From the small years it pulls it to the beautiful, and very often from birth he is surrounded by beautiful things, art objects.

Mikhails are especially sensitive to aesthetics, beauty and art. Sometimes they can be narcissified or just beautiful, they want to achieve perfection, even manic, right up to focus on some small details are necessary for them. Mikhail - Extrazers, sociable, but are often influenced, especially from their loved ones and members of their families. Nevertheless, they are active and work, even if the pace of work is uneven, and, as a rule, firm commitment to achieve the goal.

Mikhails are always looking for a soul mate. Of paramount importance for them is the family, they are attentive. Mikhails often become doctors, lawyers, teachers, as they feel personally useful to other people, but not uncommon that they become the leaders of the highest level.

Name Day Mikhaila

Mikhail celebrates the name of January 3, January 7, January 14, January 21, January 24, January 31, February 27, February 28, March 28, March 23, May 29, May 1, May 20, June 1, June 1 June 3, June 4, June 5, June 28, June 29, July 13, July 16, July 17, July 22, July 25, August 4, August 11, August 17, August 25, August 31, 4, 4 September, September 9, September 13, September 15, September 17, September 19, October 1, October 3, October 13, October 14, October 15, October 17, November 20, November 21, November 23, November 27, November 29, December 2, December 5, December 20, December 23, December 31.

In Russian tales, the bear is often called Misha, and respectfully Mikhail Potapich (less often Ivanovich). But why exactly Misha / Mikhailo and how connected with the name Mikhail?

As you know, in the old days the names appeared in people not quite arbitrarily. Babies tried to give names in honor of a subject or animal, in order to "pass" their features to the child, for example, the force of the animal. For example, the force of the bear, which in ancient Russian language was originally called "Music" / "Skat" (so called the bear in a shortened, affectionate form). By the way, the word "Skop" in the meaning of the "Bear" is still preserved in Bulgarian.

In the future, the word "Skop" was transformed into a "bear". By that time, Christianity had already dominated Russia, the name Mikhail and his diminutive Misha had "merged" in everyday life, which "merged" with "Mishka" appeared. So the bear became "Misha", and sometimes in fairy tales he began to give and respectful Mikhail Potapich (since the name Mikhail was uttered with the end of "O").

Famous people named Mikhail

  • Mikhail Borisovich ((1453-1505) The last Grand Duke Tverskaya (1461-1485), Shurin Ivan III in the first wife)
  • Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov ((1596-1645) The first Russian king from the Romanov dynasty (Rules from March 24, 1613) was elected to the reign of the Zemsky Cathedral, which closed the period of troubled time. According to the famous Soviet historian, Professor A.L. Stanislavsky, The famous specialist in the history of the Russian Society of the XVI-XVII centuries, the Great Cossacks, free Velic Russian people, whose liberty, the king and his descendants, were played an important role in the topics of Mikhail.
  • Inok Mikhail ((Ser. XVI century) Monk Vladimir Christmas Monastery, Writer, Hymnographer)
  • Archbishop Mikhail ((1912-2000) in the world - Mikhail Mudyugin; The clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church, theologians)
  • Archimandrite Mikhail ((1379-
  • Mikhail VIII Paleologist ((1224/1225-1282) Byzantine Emperor from 1261 (as a Nicene Emperor - from 1259), the founder of the Paleologists' dynasty. Began his way to the throne as a regent under the heir to the Nicene Emperor Feodor II Laskarida - Minor Ioanna IV, which he Dazzled on December 25, 1261, which made it impossible to enter John IV for the throne. Moving the Konstantinopol in the Crusader, who was captured by them during the fourth crusade, and revived the Byzantine Empire. At the same time, Mikhail laid the foundation for further weakening of his country. Finding support in Aristocracy, he turned away from a simple people, which further resulted in two civil wars. In addition, the emperor stopped supporting local trade and craft, which allowed Italian trade republics to strengthen their position in the country.)
  • Mikhail Pwell ((1018-OK.1078) Scientist Byzantine monk, approached by many emperors; author of historical and philosophical works. One of the first put forward to the medieval hobby of the Aristotle's Teaching of Plato, which prepared the flourishing of Platonism during the years of Renaissance.)
  • Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940) Soviet writer, playwright and theatrical director. The author of the age frames, stories, fechens, plays, staging, filmcenereria and opera libretto.)
  • Mikhail Vrubel ((1856-1910) Russian artist of the 19th-20th centuries, who glorified his name in almost all types and genres of fine art: painting, graphics, decorative sculpture and theater art. It was known as the author of picturesque canvases, decorative panels, frescoes and book illustrations. He was married to the famous singer N.I. Garly, whose portraits repeatedly wrote.)
  • Mikhail Glinka ((1804-1857) Russian composer, founder of the national composer school. The compositions of Glinka had a strong influence on the subsequent generations of composers, including A.S.Dargomyzhsky, members of the "mighty bunch", P.I. Tchaikovsky who developed in his music is his idea.)
  • Mikhail (Mikhailo) Lomonosov ((1711-1765) the first Russian scientist-naturalist of world importance, encyclopedist, chemist and physicist; he entered the science as the first chemist, who gave physical chemistry. The definition is very close to modern, and the extensive program of physical Chemical Research; His molecular-kinetic theory of heat largely anticipated the modern idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of matter, - many fundamental laws, including one of the above thermodynamics; laid the foundations of glass science. Astronomer, instrument maid, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, approved The grounds of the modern Russian literary language, the artist, historian, the advocacy of the development of domestic education, science and economy. Developed a project of Moscow University, subsequently named after him. Opened the presence of an atmosphere in the planet Venus. Valid member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts (Physical Adjunction from 1742, Professor of chemistry from 1745).)
  • Mikhail Lermontov (1814-1841) Russian Poet, Prose, playwright, artist, officer)
  • Mikhail Lazarev ((1788-1851) Russian Flotomodette and Maritime, Admiral (1843), Cavalier of the Order of St. George IV class for service (1817), Commander of the Black Sea Fleet and the Antarctica Filter.)
  • Mikhail Gorbachev ((Row.1931) Soviet, Russian and world political and public figure. Head of the CPSU and the Soviet Union. First and last president of the USSR. He has a number of awards and honored ranks, the most famous of which is the Nobel World Prize of 1990. with activities Gorbachev as head of the CPSU and the state in the minds of his contemporaries are inextricably linked: the end of the Cold War, inputs in the USSR, the policies of publicity, freedom of speech and press, the conclusion of the Soviet troops from Afghanistan (1989), a large-scale attempt to reform the USSR ("Perestroika"), the collapse of the USSR , Returns most socialist countries to a market economy and capitalism.)
  • Mikhail Gorschev ((1973-2013) nickname - "pot"; vocalist, author of music and texts, as well as the founder of the punk rock group "King and Jester")
  • Mikhail Boyarsky ((Row.1949) Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, singer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1984), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1990). In the cinema, the actor debuted in the "Bridges" films (1974) and "Straw Hat "(1974), and fame to him came in 1975 - after the role of Silva in the film" Senior Son ". One of the best works Actor became theodoro in the music film Yana Frida" Dog on Seine "(1977) (on the play Lope de Vega ). The star hour of Boyarskaya has come in 1978, with access to the screens of the country's paintings by the city of Jungwald-Hilkevich "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeer", in which he fulfilled the main role - although he was intended to remove him in the role of Rocheria. Thanks to D'Artagnian And popular songs from the film Slava Aktera reached incredible heights, and later he played this role in the sequesters of this film. The actor's work was popular in another series of historical and costume films set by Svetlana Druzhinine "Midhemarines, forward!" (1987) and "Vivat, Midshipmen! "(1991). By The death of Yuri Nikulina in 1997 was one of the leading television shows "White Parrot". Nowadays it leads it to the Benfend organized theater, the play of which in 1997 received a prize at the International Festival "Winter Avignon". In the repertoire of Mikhail Boyarsky about 400 songs. The most loved ones with their songs considers those written by Maxim Dunaevsky, Viktor Reznikov and Gennady Gladkov.)
  • Mikhail Barclay de Tolly ((1761-1818) at birth - Michael Andreas Barclay de Tolly; outstanding Russian commander, General Field Marshal (from 1814), Military Minister, Prince (from 1815), Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, full cavalier The Order of St. George. He commanded the entire Russian army at the initial stage of the Patriotic War of 1812, after which M.I. Kutuzov was substituted. In the foreign campaign of the Russian Army, 1813-1814 commanded the United Russian-Prussian army as part of the Bohemian Army of the Austrian Feldmarshal Prince Schwartzenberg. In the history of military art, according to Western authors, he entered as the architect of the strategy and tactics of the "scorched land" - cutting off the main troops of the enemy from the rear, deprivation of their supply and organization in their rear of the partisan war. In Russian history, he remembered as a commander who is forced I made a strategic retreat before Napoleon in the Patriotic War of 1812 and for this unfairly was subjected to condemnation of contemporaries.)
  • Mikhail Bakunin ((1814-1876) Russian thinker, revolutionary, pincelly, anarchist, one of the ideologues of the nationality)
  • Mikhail Zadornov ((Row.1948) Soviet and Russian Satiri writer, playwright, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Author of more than ten books. Among them - lyrical and satirical stories, humorings, essays, travel notes and plays.)
  • Mikhail Zadornov ((Row.1963) Russian economist and statesman, Minister of Finance of Russia in 1997-1999, deputy of the State Duma of Russia of the first-fourth convocations. Awarded the honorary diploma of the government of Russia.)
  • Mikhail Kalinin ((1875-1946) Soviet state and party figure. In 1919, L.Dtretssky called him "All-Russian Streth", after 1935 he began to call "All-Union Older". Because of the great activity in the subfrollable It was repeatedly subjected to arrests and links, while moving along the party staircase at the same time.)
  • Mikhail Lavrentiev ((1900-1980) mathematician and mechanic, founder of the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (from the USSR Academy of Sciences) and Novosibirsk Academgorodok, Academician (from 1946) and Vice President (1957-1975) of the USSR Academy of Sciences)
  • Mikhail Glenchev-Kutuzov, a bright prince Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky ((1745-1813) Commander-in-chief of Russian armies during the Patriotic War of 1812, the first full cavalier of the Order of St. George. In 1812, rank General Field Marshal and the title of Llesty Prince Smolensky. )
  • Mikhail Tukhachevsky ((1893-1937) Soviet military leader, leadership of the RKKKI of the Civil War, Military Theorist, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1935). Repressed in 1937 on the "Military Case", rehabilitated in 1957.)
  • Mikhail Kasyanov ((Ry.1957) Russian State and Social Policy, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation from 2000 to 2004)
  • Mikhail Zhvanetsky ((Row.1934) Russian Satiri writer and performer of own works. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2012). Speeches and works of Zhvanetsky distinguishes a special "Odessa humor"; human disadvantages and vices of society are subject to ridiculous.)
  • Mikhail Evdokimov ((1957-2005) Artist of pop, humorist, film actor, performer of songs, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1994), Head of the Administration of the Altai Territory (2004-2005))
  • Mikhail Svavin ((1873-1954) Russian Soviet writer, author of works of nature, which has been in them special artistic natural philosophy, hunting stories, works for children. Of particular value is his diaries, which he led throughout life.)
  • Mikhail Prokhorov ((Row.1965) Entrepreneur, billionaire, President of the Public Investment Fund "Group ONEXIM", President of the Union of Biathlonists of Russia. Since 2011, he has been engaged in political activities. In June - September 2011, the chairman of the party "Right case". Member of the Presidential Election 4 March 2012, on which he took 3rd place, having received almost 8% of votes.)
  • Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin ((1826-1889) real last name - Saltykov, pseudonym - Nikolay Shchedrin; Russian writer, Ryazan and Tver Vice-Governor)
  • Mikhail Botvinnik (1911-1995) 6th in the history of Chess and the 1st Soviet world champion (1948-1957, 1958-1960, 1961-1963). Grandmaster of the USSR (1935), International Grandmaster (1950) and Chess Arbiter Compositions (1956); Honored Master of Sport of the USSR (1945), 6-fold USSR Champion (1931, 1933, 1939, 1944, 1945, 1952), Absolute Champion of the USSR (1941). Moscow Champion (1943/44). "Patriarch" Soviet chess school. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1971), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia (1991). Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.)
  • Mikhail Gerasimov (Anthropologist, Archaeologist and Sculptor, Doctor of Historical Sciences)
  • Mikhail Isakovsky (Russian Soviet poet)
  • Mikhail Speransky (Russian State Affairs Director of Alexander I, Reformer)
  • Mikhail Zharov (actor, director)
  • Mikhail Larionov (painter, schedule, theater artist, art theorist)
  • Mikhail Svetlov (poet and playwright)
  • Mikhail Baryshnikov (Russian and American ballet artist (r. 1948))
  • Mikhail Skobeliev ((1843-1882) Outstanding Russian military leader and strategist, General from infanteria (1881), Adjutant General (1878). Member of the Central Asian Conquests of the Russian Empire and the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the liberator of Bulgaria. In history entered with Nickname "White General" (Tour. Ak-Pasha), which is always associated primarily with him, and not only because in battles he participated in white uniform and on a white horse.)
  • Mikhail Frunze ((1885-1925) party pseudonyms - trifones, arseny, literary pseudonyms - Sergey Petrov, A.Shuysky, M. Mimnsky; revolutionary, Soviet state and military leader, one of the largest military leaders of the Red Army during the civil war, military theorist)
  • Mikhail Khodorkovsky ((R.1963) Russian entrepreneur, public figure, publicist. Currently serving a 13-year term of imprisonment in the colony of a common regime in Segezh (Karelia). In 1997-2004. Co-owner and head of the Yukos Oil Company. Arrested in 2003. At the time of the arrest was one of the richest people on the planet. In 2005, he was recognized by Russian justice guilty of fraud and other crimes. Yukos has undergone a bankruptcy procedure. In 2010-2011, it was sentenced under new circumstances. Criminal The persecution of Khodorkovsky received an controversial assessment by the Russian and international community: Some consider Khodorkovsky fairly condemned, others - a prisoner of conscience pursued by political motifs. "International Amnesty" assigned Khodorkovsky and his colleague Platon Lebedev's status "Prisoners of conscience". European Court of Human Rights In his decision made in 2011, examined procedural disorders during the arrest , preliminary detention, privileges of relations with a lawyer, consideration of the Appeals of Khodorkovsky. At the same time, the ECHR found that irrefutable evidence of the political motivation of the authorities in the criminal prosecution of Khodorkovsky was not presented.)
  • Mikhail Color ((1872-1919) Russian botanist-physiologist and biochemist of plants. Created a chromatographic method. Investigated the pigments of plant leaves, received in the pure form of chlorophyll chlorophylls and a number of xanofilla isomers. The opening of the color was widely used and recognition from the beginning of 1930 Things in the separation and identification of various pigments, vitamins, enzymes, hormones and other organic and inorganic compounds and served as the basis for creating a number of new directions of analytical chemistry (gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography). For the physiology of plants, the conclusions of M. with . Colors about the nature of chloroplasts, the condition of chlorophyll in the plant, the mechanism of photosynthesis and others.)
  • Mikhail Sholokhov ((1905-1984) Russian Soviet writer and public figure. Laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature (1965 - "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia"). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), hero Socialist Labor (1967). Classic of Russian Literature.)
  • Prince Mikhail Shcherbatov ((1733-1790) Russian historian, publicist; Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1776, Member of the Russian Academy (1783))
  • Mikhail Friedman ((Row.1964) A large Russian entrepreneur. Co-owner and chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Alpha Group Consortium, a member of the Bureau of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, founder and member of the Bureau of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress, Member of the International Advisory Council for Foreign Relations ( USA). Having a personal state of $ 15.1 billion, in 2011 she took 7 lines in the list of 200 richest businessmen of Russia (according to Forbes magazine).)
  • Mikhail Coribute Vishnevetsky ((1640-1673) King of Polish and Grand Duke Lithuanian since 1669. Representative of the princely kind of Vishenetsky coat of arms Coribute (Gediminovichi). He elected to the throne on June 19, 1669 after the renunciation of Yana II Casimir. The first monarch of the United Speech by the Prospise of Lithuanian Origin. )

Name name Mikhail: The name for the boy means "similar to God." This affects the character and fate of Mikhail.

The origin of the name Mikhail: Jewish.

Reduce form name: Misha, Misha, Mishuta, Mishan, Mishuly, Mishun, Mishuk, Miha, Mihai, Mikhan, Mihasya, Mina, Minka.

What does the name Mikhail mean: The name Mikhail is translated as "God-like". Another meaning of Mikhail is "similar to God." Always and now this name is popular. "A comparison of them with a bear is firmly established for Misha, as well as, on the contrary, the name of this last is a bear. This is the equalization of Mikhail and the Best Beast on the basis of badness, clumsy, some dishevement "(P.A. Florensky). The main features of the interpretation of the name: activity, multiplicity. This is the main among the heavenly angels, therefore a person who under his patronage will always be particularly successful in all endeavors. It seems to many good-natured, bold, courageous - it is.

Middle name: Mikhailovich, Mikhailovna.

Angel Day and Saint Patrons named: Name Mikhail celebrates name day several times a year:

  • Mikhail Archangel, ArchReart. In his honor, the Cathedral of believers was built for the glorification of ArchReart Mikhail and other celestial forces, which he was chaired, 19 (6) September 21 (8).
  • M. Bolgar, equivalent, king (Burgaria Baptist), 15 (2) May.
  • M.Kiyevsky and All Russia, Metropolitan, October 13 (September 30).
  • M. M. Muromsky, Prince, June 3 (May 21).
  • M. Savwit, Institute, Chernorris, Rev. Martyr, June 5 (May 23), August 11 (July 29).
  • M. Tver, Grand Duke, December 5 (November 22).
  • Archangel Mikhail is the chief leader of the heavenly military and the patron saint of earthly commander.

With Mikhail, winter is not worth it, does not frown.

By Mikhail's Day, the day of the frost - expect big snow, and if the day will wipe the fog - to thaw.

If Mikhail will taste the way - do not wait for it to winter Nikola.

From the ArchReart Mikhail Cattle rushes on winter food.

Mikhailov Day - a cheerful and satisfying holiday, because bread is still much, money for hemp and oats, the main works are completed.


  • Zodiac: Scales.
  • Planet: Saturn.
  • Aquamarine.
  • Favorable plant: Linden, strawberry.
  • Patron: Bear.
  • Stone-Talisman Mikhail: Green Jasper.
  • Happy day: Friday.
  • A happy time of the year Mikhail: Summer.

Characteristic named after Mikhail

Positive features: The name Mikhail gives ease of communication, the activity, torture and the logicality of the mind, curiosity, strong will, maximalism. Motto: "Either Pan, or disappeared." Misha has wide interests. In childhood, he can do immediately in several studios, circles. A child with this name is an obedient and good-natured boy does not cause special trouble to parents.

Negative features: A man who is the name Mikhail has varying pride, increased sensitivity to losses and failures. Misha suspects many in evil intent, looking for people a threat to their dignity. A man with this name negatively refers to criticism in his address, prone to defend themselves. For the name Misha is characterized by amarness, passionateness of bold ideas.

Name of Mikhail: What traits of character determines the meaning of Mikhail? Mobility, curiosity, amarness in games are manifested by Misha in early childhood. He cannot focus on the same subject, several classes are attracted immediately. A man with the name Misha loves summer, playing the guitar, participate in the school theatrical circle, draw, care for animals.

The meaning of Mikhail in childhood. It has a special meaning of study. Parents and teachers do not have much trouble with him. Misha has a lot of friends, and just on this occasion are the most experienced his parents, believing that he is not friendly with those who are most suitable for him. However, Misha is devoted to friends, he is associated with them in adulthood, they will not leave him in trouble, and he is always happy to help the advice or act.

Adult man does not like loneliness. The guy with this name is always in humans, with a good sense of humor, but not without irony, sometimes eager.

He has a cold analytical warehouse of the mind. Sometimes Misha closes in itself, watching what is happening from. Then he feels lonely and offended. The feeling of resentment arises from him when, as he thinks, his friends did not appreciate some of his act, or in the team did not accept his ideas, or unsuccessfully joked, vulnerable his pride. Misha is not only a calm, loyal and kind person. He is proud, with a solid character and strong will, may be terrible and just evil, although he controls his feelings. In the soul, he considers himself the best, unsurpassed, so very sensitive to failures. It is unimpressive and non-diplomatic.

A man by name has a good memory, attaches a huge importance of intuition. He is a wonderful entrepreneur, military, teacher, lawyer, turner, driver. It often works in the field of medicine, designing devices. It has an artist, artist, journalist's deposit.

Mikhail and his personal life

Female name compatibility: The name of the name with Alexandra, Barbarian, faith, Diana, Elena, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Klara, Lydia, Marina, Nina, Raisa, Rimma, Tamara is successful. The name Mikhail is also combined with Elvira. Sophisticated name relationships can be with Agata, Angela, Inna, Lubosyl, Claudia.

Love and marriage: Does the happiness promise the meaning of Mikhail? In a woman, a man with the name Misha attracts softness and impairment.

From an early youth sex for him becomes an intrusive idea. Here the possibilities of the name are very large and it never has so-called men's problems. The woman you like immediately seemed to him with him in bed, but he understands that very few people who have reacted positively to such a quick offer.

Misha's wife chooses long and thoroughly, his sexual opportunities in his foreground. In a woman, he also appreciates softness, kindness, the ability to admire her husband, to be in everything and always supported him.

He loves children, always happy to pamper them with sweets, a variety of toys. Patiently and gently he cares for his parents. Sometimes drinks, then becomes sentimental and boastful.

Sexy, but intimate life later knows her peers. He is a squeamy, panically afraid of random connections. Does not like external manifestations of love. In family life, seeks to independence. The wife presents sufficiently high demands, including sexual. The woman appreciates kindness, softness and movement and does not tolerate rudeness. A good family man, dying, generous, not petty, relies on his wife. A man loves children very much. Jealous and hardly hides it.

Talents, Business, Career

Choice of profession: He can use his potential for specific purposes. It is capable of studying the exact sciences, a specialty change even in mature years. Many talented leaders, organizers came from among Mikhailov. In addition, it can be gifted by a sense of beautiful, have "golden" hands, to be a master of his business. Officer manifests itself as a neat and executive worker.

Business and Career: He is lucky in cash, but he often shows some tendency to a luxurious life to "let dust in the eye" by the generosity of his hospitality. Not a careerist, but a logical mind warehouse and the ability to communicate with people provide him with successful promotion on the service staircase. Command positions avoid, but it is on a leadership position, including in the army, its best business qualities are manifested.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Mikhail: The meaning of Mikhail from the point of view of medicine. Misha may have diseases of the nervous system. At times, depression happens, but in attempts to prevent the periods of the depressed mood, it is better to avoid the use of stimulating agents and drugs. Perhaps you will have to transfer surgical operations, injuries are likely. The guy named Misha reaches high professional success in pedagogy, jurisprudence, in military service. He likes to mess around with land, pets. Sometimes it has musical talent. Trouble takes close to heart. He is predisposed by Mikhail to cardiovascular diseases.

Mikhail's fate in history

What does the name Mikhail mean for men's fate?

  1. Mikhail I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov (1745-1813) took place from the ancient nobleman. He dreamed of military service since childhood. Since 1776, Kutuzov fought in Crimea with A.S. Suvorov. 1790 was marked by the victory of Russian troops at the walls of Izmail. The war of 1805 forced him to accept command over Russian troops acting against Napoleon in Austria. He made the famous march maneuver from Brownau to Olmyz, withdrawing Russian troops from under the impact of Napoleon's forces. Unfortunately, the prudent tips of Kutuzov were not accepted and the campaign ended with the ill-fated Austerlitz. Here Kutuzov was again injured on the cheek. In 1811, he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Moldovan army in war with Turkey. On April 28, 1813, Mikhail Kutuzov died in Bunzlau, in Prussia from transferred deprivities and old wounds. His body was concerned and took to Russia.
  2. Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin - (1826-1889) Real Last Name - Saltykov, Pseudonym - Nikolai Shchedrin; Russian writer, Ryazan and Tver Vice-Governor.
  3. Mikhail Botvinnik - (1911-1995) 6th in the history of Chess and 1st Soviet world champion (1948-1957, 1958-1960, 1961-1963). Grossmaster of the USSR (1935), international grandmaster (1950) and the referee of the chess composition (1956); Honored Master of Sport of the USSR (1945), 6-fold USSR Champion (1931, 1933, 1939, 1944, 1945, 1952), Absolute Champion of the USSR (1941). Moscow champion (1943/44). "Patriarch" of the Soviet chess school. Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR (1971), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia (1991). Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
  4. Mikhail Gerasimov - anthropologist, archaeologist and sculptor, doctor of historical sciences.
  5. Mikhail Isakovsky - Russian Soviet poet.
  6. Mikhail Speransky - Russian State Worker of the era of Alexander I, reformer.
  7. Mikhail Zharov - actor, director.
  8. Mikhail Larionov - painter, schedule, theater artist, theorist of art.
  9. Mikhail Svetlov - Poet and playwright.
  10. Mikhail Baryshnikov - Russian and American ballet artist (r. 1948).
  11. Mikhail Skobeliev - (1843-1882) Outstanding Russian military leader and strategist, General from infanteria (1881), Adjutant General (1878). A participant in the Central Asian conquests of the Russian Empire and the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the liberator of Bulgaria. The story entered with the nickname "White General" (Tour. Ak-Pasha), which is always associated primarily with him, and not only because in the battles he participated in white uniform and on a white horse.
  12. Mikhail Frunze - (1885-1925) party pseudonyms - trifones, arseny, literary pseudonyms - Sergey Petrov, A.Shui, Mikhail Mirsky; The revolutionary, the Soviet state and military leader, one of the largest commanders of the Red Army during the Civil War, Military Theorist.

Mikhail in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

The name of the name in different languages \u200b\u200bhas a little different value and sounds a little differently. In English translates as Michael (Michael), in French: Michel (Michel), in German: Michael (Michael), in Italian: Michele (Michele).

At first glance, the simple and dry sound of the name, as well as some chill at all, does not correspond to the characteristic of its carrier.

A man with the name Mikhail is soft, compliant, and in some moments even weak, but it is all about little things. In vital issues, he shows stubbornness and inflexibility. Mikhail was the most popular name in the 1980s, but in our time it is often used, calling children.

Mikhail is often compared with the bear, attributing to him clumsy and badness. Although relative to this you can argue, many Mikhail carriers are pretty tightened and slim.

The meaning of Mikhail, similar to God most suitable under the description of our hero in early childhood. The boy is so cute and beautiful that it seems that the angels came down from heaven. Therefore, this kid is allowed and does not refuse anything. Our hero, knowing this, is trying to manipulate adults to satisfy their needs. In addition, the boy is beautiful, he is also smart. This characteristic is even more attributed by Mikhail's media in the eyes of adults.

Warm and soulful little boy can not do without caress and warm adults. It is important for him to spare him, cherished and guarded.

As Misha improves, its curiosity to many directions is growing. The boy, named after Mikhail, is wondering everything. therefore to school age, our hero is comprehensively developed, smart and active. At the same time, it is amusted and balanced, because it is considered obedient and supple.

The softness and good nature of our hero lead to frequent offended by peers. But if Misha comes out of the state of equilibrium, do not envy the offensive. Cooling a little, the boy begins to regret the deed, trying to conflict in every way.

For our hero, harmony is important in everything, so he tries not to be enjoyed and smoothing the sharp corners of society.

  • The name Mikhail rewards its carrier to the extension and responsibility.
  • All the tasks set, he performs high quality and passes on time, it is completely possible to rely on it.
  • In addition, Mikhail does not expect praise and honors, for him it is an unimportant aspect.
  • It seems that our hero is wounded and good-natured, but if a volitional decision is required, it will become stubborn and harsh.
  • Not alien to the boy and the feeling of the beautiful, he can be captivated by painting, spam.
  • Total characteristic Mikhail in childhood, kindness, calm, society, but at the same time some detachment and closure.

With age, Mikhail melts is melting, it begins to communicate more and more, and over time it does not represent himself alone, without friends. It is quite possible to name the soul of the collective, but not because of the presence of leadership qualities, but because it is a clockwork and cheerful, you will not get bored with Misha.

And at school and in the university our hero perfectly learns, laid out on the full power. In this he is helped by a dozen mental ability and excellent memory. Serious, practical, smart and educated Mikhail acquires friends to become them, with which they are associated with common life interests and hobbies.


The youthful quick temper and the susceptibility of the Mikhail carrier with age are softened, hiding deep inside and manifest quite rarely. Our hero is completely invokamyatien and after a while ceases to keep offense to an offender. For Mikhail, it is important to establish justice, it will always come out for the weak, if it becomes oppressed.

Friends and acquaintances of our hero falls a great honor to have such a person in their own circle as Mikhail. He is responsive, always helps and support both morally and materially. But it is not necessary to clarify the described, even a great patience can miss the dose of anger, which will turn the abrasion on the head of the offender.

Although a man named Mikhail and is a defender of weak and disadvantaged, he is friendly solely with authoritative and strong personalities.

The will and strength present in the character of Mikhail do not deprive his sentimentality and sensitivity. Therefore, our hero is trusted to focus on his own experiences, and this often prevents the tasks to implement the tasks. Pleasant in communication and rather generous Michael attracts many friends, Half of which is trying to get started at his expense. Our hero compresses such unreliable personalities, but it does not cease to communicate with them.

Adult Mikhail

The solidity, practicality and equilibrium of the Mikhail adult carrier do not allow him to get involved in adventures. Before doing something, he struck everything, weighing, and only then it will determine the final decision.

Such a position of things does not allow our hero to quickly walk up, on the career staircase he moves slowly, but confident. If, on the path of Mikhail, obstacles stand through which he suffers fails, our hero is very worried, maybe even for a while fall into depression.

Mikhail can be called a highly moral person, although he will be able to retreat from the rules, using the help of a high-ranking person to achieve his own goal. In many ways, the character of a person named Mikhail depends on the situation in which the boy was grew, as well as from the grouped morals.

  • Some names of the name may themselves encourage their disputes, while their opinion is considered to be decisive and do not accept other outcomes.
  • There are Mikhails who do not represent friendship if their comrades do not obey them unquestioning.
  • From the upbringing and nested qualities will be largely dependent and the choice of the further profession of our hero.
  • It affects the individuality of Mikhail also birth birth and zodiac sign.

Love, marriage and family bonds

Which means name Mikhail for female representatives, so this is a faithful, strong, kind and reliable person. Persistence and intelligence allow our hero to tying dating, and maintain a conversation on any topic. Although Mikhail has no particularly many fans in the youthful years, he probers this plot in student years.

Subsequently, there are no problems with interest in the female. The sincerity of the feelings of Mikhail to his chosen is manifested by banal courtship and compliments. Our hero does not commit the grandgets for the sake of her beloved, it is difficult to call him a romantic.

To marriage described relates very responsible, He will not run into the registry office with the first counter, first weigh everything and check my feelings. Most likely, this behavior of Mikhail is determined by the fact that he is responsible and honest, besides, monochief.

He will not change his wife, and in order not to make an invalid step, he thoroughly thinks before making an offer. In most cases, Mikhail's carrier has one marriage, and it will be happy with the right choice of life companion.

  • Our hero does not tolerate coarse and vulgar girls. Prefers in a spouse to see kindness, virtue, softness and impairment.
  • Sexual compatibility with the partner is also very important. After all, he is not going to change his wife, so she must fully satisfy it in this regard.
  • In addition to the listed qualities, the wife of a man with the name Mikhail should be an excellent hostess and mom, loving and conscious wife.
  • To all this, a woman should have an intelligence and be able to maintain a conversation on any subject.

Mikhail, in turn, becomes a wonderful husband and a caring father.

Professional belonging

What is the meaning of Mikhail for professional activities, so it is in hard work, responsibility and skill to lead.

Mikhail Dmitrievich Prokhorov (Russian politician and entrepreneur, billionaire)

  • From our hero will be a worker of intellectual affiliation, this is an analyst, a programmer, mathematician.
  • Also for him is close to organizational work, where he will show his hidden talents.
  • For the name Mikhail, the importance of professional affiliation is not so important. In any field of activity and in the presence of education, he will achieve success.
  • The prospect for our hero and in business, where everything will be laid out on the shelves, without any unforeseen surprises.
  • As a boss, Mikhail is responsible, always enters the position of subordinates. Therefore, it is deeply respected and appreciated in the team.

Name Michael He has ancient European origin and translates as "like God" or "equal to God." It is characterized by a colossal energy potential, therefore it is believed that the person who wears it has special forces.

Mikhail - character traits

Mikhail is a kind and sensitive person, hardworking and dying. It can quickly be mastered in an unfamiliar atmosphere. Loves to interfere in other people's affairs, point out the shortcomings of other people and give advice, however, it reacts painfully to criticism. When Michael is angry, it is difficult to calm himself, especially if he is confident in his right. Nevertheless, people feeling his kindness and generosity, stretch to him, and he never pushes anyone, as it does not tolerate loneliness.

Mikhail is capable of risk, however, impulsive solutions take very rarely. Putting a goal, he can largely refuse to achieve it. As a rule, the owner of this name has a logical mindset and well-developed intuition, which allows him to work successfully in leadership positions both in the scientific and in the manufacturing sector. Mikhailov are excellent doctors, teachers, lawyers, military; Also big success they can achieve in trade.

Choosing a companion of life for himself, Mikhail is looking for a good and priest woman, as independence is of great importance for him. He belongs to those men who see a weak creature in a woman who needs male patronage. At the same time, it makes high demands to their spouse, can be strongly jealous and hardly copes with this feeling. And yet, Mikhail, as a rule, is a good husband and father, he loves children very much, also in his house there are usually pets, which he loves.

Mikhail - Name Compatibility

Mikhail can be happy in marriage if his spouse will call Alexander, Alina, Varvara, Elizabeth, Wanda, Vera, Geleny, Diana, Elena, Dina, Eva, Clara, Lydia, Martha, Marina, Nina, Rimma, Raisa, Seraphim, Tamara, Ella and Elvira. Marrying at the glame, Elizabeth, Inge, Kire, Oksana, Olga, Sophier, Yane, he is unlikely to build a happy family.

Mikhail - famous people who worn this name

In the Christian world, this name is primarily associated with ArchReart Mikhail, as well as with many church and historical figures. For the Jews, it is also considered important, since the Book of Enoch indicates that Archangel Mikhail is the patron saint of the Israeli people.

Mikhail's name was worn and worn by many famous and talented people who left the brightest footprint in many areas: Kutuzov, Lermontov, Bakunin, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Baryshnikov, Glinka, Bulgakov, Frunze, Zoshchenko, Vrubel, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Shchepkin, Tukhachevsky, Isakovsky, Sholokhov, Svetlov, Svzhanin, Mishin, Yanshin, Matusovsky, Heat, Pugovkin, Rumyantsev (famous for a clown pencil), Romm, Ulyanov, Boyarsky, Glovsky, Gorbachev, Tanich, Evdokimov, Tal, Zhvanetsky, Zadornov, Kozakov, Koksonov, Kononov.

Mikhail - Interesting Facts about the name

- Zodiac named after Mikhail - Scales;
- Planet patron - Saturn;
- color talisman - blue, red, sea wave color;
- Totem animals - Tiger, Bear;
- Totem plants - Lipa, Elm, Strawberry;
- Stone Talisman - Green Jasper.


Victoria 04/15/2016

Mikhails are great well done in terms of work. Often, only the whole project is held on them. It is very responsible for work, so in other matters - they are so suitable for everything. In personal relationship, with Michael, it is difficult, all because of jealousy, sometimes unreasonable.

Yaroslav 15.04.2016

Oh, from Mikhail will not wait for a impulsive solution. At first he will explain everything, along and across, and then ... but, if he decided - the point. You can't knock him out! This also applies to work, and personal relationships. Return it if he himself ripped relationships - almost impossible.