Full classification. What are fairy tales? Types and genres of fairy tales

 Full classification. What are fairy tales? Types and genres of fairy tales
Full classification. What are fairy tales? Types and genres of fairy tales

"Tale" - from the word "call". Modern meaning "Tale" has acquired in the XVII century. Prior to that, the word "Basn" was used.

As a rule, fairy tales are designed for children. These are the epic works of a magical character. The end of the fairy tale is usually happy. The fairy tale helps the child in the process of learning the rules and goals of life, the need to protect their family values \u200b\u200bworthy of relation to others.
At the same time, the fairy tale carries in itself huge information transmitted from generation to generation, which helps to form a person's character and is based on respect for their ancestors.
By the origin of the fairy tale is folklore and copyright.

Folklore fairy tales

Folklore fairy tales are created by the people of different countries. This is a prosaic (sometimes poetic) oral story about fictional events at a particular time. The fairy tale does not claim to accurately (in contrast, for example, from myth, epics or legends). The folk tale is historically preceded by literary, it is anonymous (does not have a specific author).
The folk tale has its own specific poetics and cliche (stamps). For example, the beginning "lived - was ...", "in some kingdom, in some state ...", etc.
Since the folk tale is a work of oral folk creativity, the plot of the folklore fairy tale can be repeated in a variety of texts. It allows improvisation of the artist's fairy tale. Therefore, the texts of one fairy tale may have variations.

Literary fairy tales

Literary fairy tales are closely related to the folk fairy tale, but they have a specific author. Their content is new and no options in oral form.

Author's fairy tales

Author's fairy tales on the originality of the plot are close to literary. But they can be the processing of the famous folklore plot, which the author uses at its discretion: changes the course of action, adds characters, etc. Usually the term "author's fairy tale" is used for those fairy tales that have the author, i.e. And for literary.

The main genres of fairy tales

Fairy tales about animals

Cobble. Forged Figures Park (Donetsk)
Posted by: Sigismund von Dobschütz - own work, from Wikipedia
In these fairy tales, beasts, birds, fish, as well as plants, phenomena of nature or objects ("Tereshchka", "Kolobok", "Ryabn", "Teremok", etc.) as the main characters. Often, fairy tales about animals are simultaneously and magical - magic animals are in Russian fairy tales, which can talk and help the chief hero ("Baba Yaga", "Gusi-Swans", "by whining belane", etc.).

Magic fairy tales

V. M. Vasnetsov "Tsarevna-Frog" (1918)
The plot of the magic fairy tale is based on the narration of overcoming some obstacles with the help of wonderful agents or magical helpers. Usually, the magic fairy tale has the following composition: exposition (the beginning of the main events in the work), breaking actions, development of plot, culmination and junction. Culmination - The highest point of development in the work. The culmination of the magic fairy tale is the victory of the hero on the opponent or circumstances ("Ivan-Tsarevich and a gray wolf", "Morozko" and others).

Social and household fairy tales

N. Morodin "Boy-C-Finger" (Postcard)
The fairy tales of this genre have the same composition as magical, but more connected with reality. In them, there is only the earthly world, the fectures of life are realistic, and the main character is an ordinary person fighting for justice and seeking his own with a mixture, dexterity and tricks.

Anecdotal fairy tales

Such fairy tales are an unfolded narration of the joke.

I went to the young man on the crafts, and the wife went to accomplish him; Passed with a mile and cried.

Do not cry, wife, I'll come soon.

Yes, do I cry about that? I got my feet!


Escape (unprecedented) - fairy tales built on nonsense. They are small and often have a kind of rhythmic prose. There are no special genre of folklore, which is found in all nations.
"I lived yes lived, an ax was put on the boss, she was rejected by the actuator, the firewood was cut ... the jora was colorful ... Behind the window I wonder, so three days the dog is lated ..." (fragment from "Nordic fairy tales" N.E. Onchukova).

Oskar Herrfurth "Baron Münhgausen and his splored horse"
In the artistic literature, examples of Nevplezen can be called the adventures of Baron Münhgausen in the presentation of Erich Rake, the adventures of the heroes of Roman Rabl "Gargantua and Pantagruel", the poem of the root of Chukovsky "confusion".

Gatherers of fairy tales

The first collector of folk fairy tales in Europe was the French poet and literary critic Charles Perra (1628-1703).

F. Lalllemad "Portrait of Charles Perro" (1665)
In 1697, he published a collection of "Tales of Mother Goose". The collection included 8 prosaic fairy tales, today worldwide known:

"Puss in Boots"
"Little Red Riding Hood"
"C-finger boy"
"Fairy gifts"
"Sleeping Beauty"
"Blue Beard".

In 1704-1717 In Paris, the abbreviated publication of Arab fairy tales "thousands and one night", prepared by Antoine Gallean for the King of Louis XIV. But these were single collections. But the beginning of the systematic gathering of the fabulous folklore was laid by representatives of the German mythological school in folkloristic - first of all, members of the Mug of Heidelberg Romantics brothers Grimm: Wilhelm and Jacob.

Elizabeth Jerichu-Bauman "Brothers Grimm"
In 1812-1814 They published a collection of "Home and Family German Fairy Tales", which included the Popular Tales "Snow White", "Bremen Musicians", "Wolf and Seven Kozat" and many others. Psol the appearance of a collection of interest in the native folklore showed writers and scientists from other European countries.
The Grimm brothers had predecessors and Germany itself: back in 1782-1786. German writer Johann Karl Augustus Museus amounted to the 5-Tomny Collection of National Fairy Tales, which was published only in 1811
In Russia, Russian folk fairy tales first began to collect Russian ethnographer Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev.

In fairy tales, as in any other works of the literary genre, there is also its own classification, and not even one. Fairy tales can share for several groups, firstly, in content, secondly, on authorship. In addition, there is also a classification of fairy tales on a national basis, which is transparent and understandable to everyone. For example, "Russian folk tales", "German fairy tales", etc. To say what kind of authorship fairy tales is not so difficult. Everyone knows that there are folk tales, and there are copyright written by a specific person. We will come back to this, but first let's talk about a more difficult classification of fairy tales - in content.

Types of fairy tales

  • household
  • magic
  • fairy tales about animals

Each of these types is divided into another few, which we will talk about in the relevant chapters. And let's start with the fairy tales of household.

Household fairy tales

As it follows from the name, consumer fairy tale refers to those described by the life and everyday life of a native. However, it should be noted that in this kind of fairy tales, the usual description is rare, and most often it is complemented by various humorous and satirical descriptions. For example, any qualities of one or another class of society or class are ridicule. Among the domestic fairy tales, the following types of fairy tales are distinguished (list them with examples):

  • socio-household ("Shemyakin Court", "Delate Goose", "Boltful Old Language")
  • satiriko-domestic ("man and pop", "Barin and a carpenter", "Barin and a man", "as a pop female hired")
  • magic-domestic (with elements from magical fairy tales, bright examples: "Morozko", "Cinderella")

In general, it should be noted that this classification of this literary critic is quite conditionally, since it is not always possible to definitely say what category one category is owned. Many can also be attributed to socio-household, and to Satiriko-domestic, and, for example, in the entire famous Faiport of "Morozko", the well-known share of magic is added to these two peculiarities, therefore it is household, and satirical, and magical at the same time. And this is the case with many fairy tales - it is necessary to take into account this moment when classifying.

Magic fairy tales

The magic fairy tale can be found, first of all, by a surrounding, which, as a rule, is little corresponding to us in the life of reality. Heroes exist in their fantastic world. Often such fairy tales begin with the words "in some kingdom ...". Magic fairy tales can also be divided into several types:

  • heroic fairy tales (with a victory over various mythical creatures or with the adventures, in which the hero goes to find some kind of magical object). From examples: "Moldable apples", "Vasilisa is beautiful";
  • archaic fairy tales (talk about disadvantaged and lonely people and about those who were expelled or they left the family for some reason and their adventures). From examples: "Twelve months", "Children at the cannibal";
  • fairy tales of people endowed with magic abilities. For example: "Marya-Skinnor", "Elena Revision".

Fairy tales about animals

Let's see what animal fairy tales are:

  • fairy tales on ordinary animals (wild and domestic). For example: "Fox and hare", "Lisa and Zhuravl", "Wolf and Seven Cats";
  • fairy tales about magic animals. For example: "Goldfish", "Konon-Gorbok", "Emelya" ("by whining velin").

In addition, fairy tales are also:

  • cumulative (in which there is a repeating plot). For example: "Mitten", "Kolobok", "Rack";
  • basni. As an example, we give all the well-known Basni "Crow and Fox", "Marty and Glasses". Little note: Not all literary critches include the favor to the fabulous genre, highlighting a separate place among the literary genres for her, but for the completeness of the picture I decided to include here and Basni too.

As you probably know, these fables are not folk creativity, they have authors. Thus, fairy tales can be divided into folk and author. "Fox and hare" - a Russian folk fairy tale, and "Konon-Gorbok" - the author, because she was written by P. P. Sheshov. Well, we considered, perhaps, all the main types of fairy tales both in content and on the author's and national affiliation.

Some links

This page presents wonderful magical fairy tales.

And you will find several dozen famous fairy tales about animals.

I note that the fairy tales presented on the pages of this site are perhaps the most famous from the partition of Russian folk.

Our life is simply impossible to imagine without fairy tales. We get acquainted with them in early childhood. From the fairy tales, we first find out that there are good and bad, good and evil in the world. Fairy tales will and develop imagination, teach a small little man to distinguish good from bad, think, feel and empathize, gradually preparing him to join adult life. At first, my mother reads us "repka" and "Roach Raboka", then Introduces Pushkin's fairy tales and Charles Perro into the magical world. And there we already read the amazing fairy tales of Nikolai Nosov, Vitaly Bianki and Evgeny Schwartz. And what are fairy tales?

Fairy tales are

  • folk, or folklore;
  • literary, or author.

The folk tale came to us from the depths of centuries. After a hard work day or by long winter evenings, with a burning Lucin, people folded and listened to fairy tales. Then they retell their friend, simplifying or embellishing, enriching new heroes and events. So they were transmitted from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation. But the fairy tales were not only for entertainment, people wanted to express their attitude to life. In folk fairy tales, we see faith in mind, good and justice, the truth of truth over Kryvda, the glorification of courage and courage, disregard for nonsense, hatred of enemies or mockery over them. The folk fairy tale allows you to feel the connection with the past and makes it possible to join the sources of folk culture.

Folk tales, in turn, are divided into three types:

  • fairy tales about animals;
  • magic fairy tales;
  • household fairy tales.

Animals of the time impertons lived next to a person, so it is not surprising that they are often the main characters of folk fairy tales. And in fairy tales, animals often have human qualities. Such a fabulous character immediately becomes a more understandable reader. And the role of a person in the plot of fairy tales may be paramount, secondary or equal. According to the genre there are magical fairy tales of animals and cumulative (tales-regiments). A distinctive feature of a cumulative fairy tale is a multiple repetition of a plot unit, such as in Ryaby and "Ryabe".

Magic fairy tales are distinguished by the fact that their heroes act in a fantastic, unreal world that lives and operates in its special laws other than human. Such a fairy tale is replete with magical events and adventures, Berraja imagination. Magic fairy tales are classified by the plot:

  • heroic fairy tales associated with the struggle and victory over the magical creature - snake, cannibal, a giant, witch, a monster or an evil wizard;
  • fairy tales associated with searching or using a magical subject;
  • fairy tales associated with wedding tests;
  • fairy tales of oppressed in the family (for example, about stepdaughter and evil stepmother).

A feature of household fairy tales is the reflection of everyday folk life and everyday life. Social problems rise in them, negative human qualities and actions are ridicule. Elements of a magical fairy tale may be present in the household fairy tale. In domestic fairy tales, as a rule, greedy priests and stupid landlords are ridiculed, and the hero of the fairy tale (man, soldier) comes out by the winner of everyone.

What is the literary fairy tale?

The literary fairy tale has the author, so it is also called the author. This is an artistic work that can be written in prose or poetic form. The plot of the literary fairy tale can be based on folk sources, and may be exclusively the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. The literary fairy tale is more diverse on the plot, the narrative in it is more saturated, it is replete with various literary techniques. In it, as in the folk fairy tale, there is also fiction and magic. But the predecessor of the author's fairy tale, of course, was a folk tale, she was too connected with the folklore. The author, individual author's fantasy, selection from the treasury of folklore is only what the author needs to express and design his thoughts and feelings is the main difference between the literary fairy tale from folklore.

Excellent examples of literary fairy tales are fairy tales A.S. Pushkin, k.d. Ushinsky, G.Kh. Andersen, Brothers Grimm, E. Schwartz, V. Bianki, J.R. Rolkien and many other wonderful authors of the storytellers.

Despite the difference in species and genres, all fairy tales have one unifying start - good. After all the peripeties and inappropriate in the fairy tale always wins good and justice. There is no evil fairy tales. Fairy tales are only kind. That they are fairy tales.

In student years, this issue was perfectly covered by one of our university teachers from the Department of Preschool Pedagogy.

It's time to blow away dust from suede abstracts, and share the famous classification of fairy tales with you.

The fairy tale is a magical opportunity to penetrate the child's soul, using the full effect of artistic means and imagination of a small man.

Despite its simplicity (which is one of the fabrics of the genius of fabulous art), the classification of them is unexpectedly extensive and multifaceted.

What are fairy tales?

Highlight 3 main types of fairy tales:

  1. Fairy tales about animals
  2. Magic fairy tales
  3. Household fairy tales

We will analyze them in order:

Fairy tales about animals

Since ancient times, man existed side by side with animals. There is nothing surprising that such a neighborhood was reflected in folk creativity.

It is noteworthy that animals as such only occasionally become parties to works. For the most part, in fairy tales about animals take "animals" endowed with human features.

Such an image makes a character understandable and attractive at the same time.

Works of this species can be classified:

By the nature of the characters:

  • Wild animals
  • Pets
  • Objects of inanimate nature (sun, wind, frost)
  • Items (oven, lap)
  • Mixed variations

According to the role of a person in the plot:

  • Dominant
  • Equal
  • Minor

By genre:

  • Magic Tale of Animal
  • Cumulative tale of animals (multiple cyclic repetition of plot elements)
  • Fable
  • Satirical

By target audience:

  • For children (for the story of children / for the story of the children themselves)
  • For adults

I note that the above classification is quite conditional and can have many variations.

Let us turn to the next type.

Fairy tale

The peculiarity of this type of fairy tales is that the actors are placed in a fantastic surreal world, which exists in its own different from ours, laws.

As a rule, the action in such fairy tales is built on a specific template. It is based on the similarity of the storylines and their classification is built:

  1. Heroic fairy tales associated with victory over a magical creature (snake, giant)
    • Heroic fairy tales associated with the adventures in search of a magical subject.
  2. Archaic fairy tales
    • Fairy tales of family-striking with mythical elements.
    • Fairy tales of family striking without mythical elements.
  3. Fairy tales about magic spouses
  4. Tales of Magic Items
  5. Magic fairy tales associated with wedding tests

Household fairy tales:

The peculiarity of this type is concluded in the reflection of everyday everyday life, social problems, ridicuing bad human qualities. Allocate:

  • Satiro domestic
  • Socio-domestic
  • Newlistical
  • With elements of the magic fairy tale
  • Mixed type

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Life is a fairy tale - a continuous creative process. In each new era, a partial or complete update of the fabulous plot occurs. When it concerns the permutation of ideological accents, a new fabulous version occurs. This feature of the fairy tale requires a careful study of each fabulous text.

In the fairy tale there are permanent values \u200b\u200bthat have developed as a result of its traditionalness, and variables - resulting from endless retelling.

The most important sign of the fairy tale is a special form of its construction, special poetics. Paturation and plot, planting for fiction and edification, a special form of narration - these signs are found in various genres of the epic cycle.

The fairy tale as an artistic whole exists only as a totality of these signs. The fairy tales were generally one of the most important areas of popular poetic art that had not only ideological and artistic, but also a huge pedagogical and educational significance. The discrepancy in the views on the fairy tale is associated with the fact that it is regarded in it as the main one: the installation for fiction or the desire to reflect validity by fiction.

However, as it often happens in science, the lack of classical definition is completely not reflected in the very phenomenon and is very little affected by life in the public consciousness. The essence and vitality of the fairy tale, the mystery of her magical being in a constant combination of two elements of meaning: fantasy and truth.

On this basis, the classification of fairy tale species arises, although not quite uniform.

Classification of fairy tales (by etc. Zinkevich-Evstigneeva):

· Psychotherapeutic fairy tales;

· Didactic fairy tales;

· Meditative fairy tales.

Classification of fairy tales (by V.Ya. Proppa):

· Magic;

· Adventure;

· Household;

· Tales of animals;

· Cumulative.

The greatest distribution was the classification of fairy tales with a problem-thematic approach that allocates:

· Fairy tales dedicated to animals;

· Magic fairy tales;

· Socially domestic;

· Mixed fairy tales.

There are no sharply defined borders of a group of fairy tales, but, despite the discharge asylum, such a classification allows you to start a substantive conversation about fairy tales in the framework of the conditional "system" - which, of course, facilitates the work of parents, an educator or teacher.
On the fairy tales included in the list of reading younger students can be said to the following.

Fairy tales about animals. Folk poetry hugged the whole world, its object was not only a person, but also all alive on the planet. Depicting animals, the fairy tale gives them human traits, but at the same time fixes and characterizes the habits, "lifestyle", etc. Hence alive, intense text of fairy tales. These are the fairy tales "gray neck" D.Mamin-Sibiryak, "Frog-traveler" V.M. Garshina, "Three Bear" L. Tolstoy, "First Hunt" V. Bianki, "Ricky Tykki Tavi" Kipling, "Lisa-Lapoth "V.I. Dal.

The man has long felt the relationship with nature, he really was her particle, struggling with her, looking for her protection, sympathizing and understanding. Obvious and later brought to the fastened, the parable meaning of many fairy tales about animals.

Magic fairy tales. Magic type fairy tales include magic, adventure, heroic. Based on such fairy tales is a wonderful world. Wonderful world is a subject, fantastic, unlimited world. Thanks to unlimited fiction and the wonderful principle of organizing a material in fairy tales with a wonderful world of possible "transformation", striking with its speed (children are not growing by day, and by the hour, every day more and more becomes more or more). Not only the speed of the process is irreval, but also his character itself (from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden"). "Look, at the Snow Maiden's lips polished, the eyes opened. Then she shook off the snow and left the snowdrift of a living girl." "Appeal" in the fairy tales of the wonderful type, as a rule, occur with the help of magic beings or items. So, in the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin, Prince Gvidon appeals for help to his assistant and she turns him into a mosquito, then in a fly, then in the bumblebee.
Mostly magical fairy tales of the oldest others, they carry the traces of a person's primary dating with the world surrounding it. To fairy tales with elements of magic can be attributed to Sh.perro "Boy with a finger", G.H.andersen "Thychchochka", P.P. Bazhov "Firetushka-Pokakushka", S.T. Aksakov "Scarlet Flower".

Household fairy tales. The characteristic admission of household fairy tales becomes reproducing in them everyday life. The conflict of the household fairy tale is often the fact that decency, honesty, nobility under mask of rusticity and naivety opposes those qualities of personality, which have always caused a sharp rejection in the people (greed, evil, envy).
As a rule, in household fairy tales more than irony and self-irony, since good triumphs, but accentuated the accident or one of his victory. These include "Tale of the Pop and his employee of his Bald" A.S. Pushkin, "Masha-Roarsch" L. Doronkova, D. Mamin-Sibiryak "The fairy tale about a brave hare is a long ears, oblique eyes, a short tail."

Characteristic of the "household" fairy tales: social and domestic, satyriko-domestic, novnelistic and others. Unlike magic fairy tales, the household fairy tale contains a more significant element of social and moral criticism, it is definitely in its social preferences. Praise and condemnation in domestic fairy tales sound stronger.

Mixed fairy tales. Recently, information about the new type of fairy tales began to appear in the methodical literature - about mixed type fairy tales. Of course, the fairy tales of this type exist for a long time, but they did not attach much importance, as they forgot how they can help in achieving educational, educational and developing goals. In general, mixed type fairy tales are a tale of a transition type.

They combine signs inherent in fairy tales with a wonderful world, household fairy tales. Elements of wonderful in the form of magical items are also manifested, around which the main action is grouped.
The fairy tale in different forms and scales is committed to the embodiment of the ideal of human existence. For example, the fairy tale of the brothers Grimm "Porch Pot".

The fairy tale fairy tales in the intrinsicness of noble human qualities, the uncompromising preference of good is based on the appeal to wisdom, activity, to genuine humanity. The fairy tales of our blue planet expand the horizons, awaken the interest in the life and work of other peoples, bring up a sense of confidence in all inhabitants of our Earth engaged in honest labor. Often, the literary fairy tale belongs to this type.

In literature, there is still no single definition of the genre of a literary fairy tale, not created and a single classification. There are a large number of definitions of the literary fairy tale, which can be divided into two types. The first type of definitions is the enumeration of individual characteristics, which are usually inherent in a literary fairy tale, but in specific works these characteristics may be absent.

The second type of definitions is an attempt to a generalized universal definition. Yu.F. Bruffles noted that "the literary fairy tale is such a genre of a literary work, in which in the magical and fantastic or allegorical development of events and, as a rule, moral and ethical or aesthetic problems are solved in the original scenes and images in prose, verses and drama."

In the literary fairy tale, elements of fairy tales about animals, household and magic fairy tales, adventure and detective stories, science fiction and parody literature are intertwined.

The textbooks on literary reading 1-4 classes include literary fairy tales of Russian and foreign writers. The task of learning in each class is to deepen the knowledge of children about the works of folk art, expand and enrich readership experience, introduce literary submissions and concepts. The class of reading is expanding from class to class, the level of readiness increases. Gradually, children form a concept about literary (author) fairy tales, types of fairy tales (magical, domestic, about animals), and the comparison of the author's fairy tales of foreign and Russian writers makes it possible to allocate similarities and differences, "similarity" of plots, and the feature of their language.

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