Why should I visit the exhibition of Pictures of Aivazovsky? Aivazovsky has become a test for the Russian Museum. Modern look at the works of the painter.

Why should I visit the exhibition of Pictures of Aivazovsky? Aivazovsky has become a test for the Russian Museum. Modern look at the works of the painter.
Why should I visit the exhibition of Pictures of Aivazovsky? Aivazovsky has become a test for the Russian Museum. Modern look at the works of the painter.


Due to the large number of visitors at the exhibition "IK Aivazovsky. By the 200th anniversary of his birth, "the Russian Museum extends the opening hours of the exposition from March 11 to March 20, 2017 (inclusive) in the Beno'a Corps.

The following mode is set:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday from 10.00 to 21.00
Thursday from 13.00 to 21.00
Tuesday - day off
Casses closes 30 minutes earlier.

For sale of a comprehensive ticket for a visit to the permanent exposition and exhibition "I.K. Ayvazovsky. By the 200th anniversary of the birth, "in the Mikhailovsky Palace and the Benua Corps are carried out until 15.00.

The Russian Museum will open an anniversary exhibition of an outstanding Russian marinist artist Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky. His picturesque canvases have long gained fame among connoisseurs of realistic art worldwide.

In the collection of the Russian Museum there are two masterpieces of Aivazovsky, who consider the top of his creativity, the "ninth tree" and "wave" - \u200b\u200bthese canvases will take a central place in the undergoing exhibition. In addition to famous paintings by the artist from the collection of the Russian Museum, a canvas from other Russian museums and private collections will be presented at the exhibition. Visitors will get acquainted with historical photographs and memorial materials related to the life of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky and his environment.

The picturesque style of Aivazovsky in the image of the marine elements will be recognizable and unique. The artist has achieved perfection in the transfer of any condition on the sea - whether it is a calm or storm, the coloristic palette accurately conveys the mood of the sunrise, day solstice, sunset and night to the sea. Admires his skill in the transfer of the textures of the elements of water and air, when the abyss of the ocean and the irritability of the sky, connected into the raging element on the monumental canvases of the wizard, is physically felt physically felt.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900) for his long life was created by many paintings, which in our time are considered masterpieces and have long been decorations of any collection, a significant part of them will be presented at the exhibition in the Russian Museum.

The Jubilee Intermouse Exhibition for the 200th anniversary of Ivan Aivazovsky begins in the Beno'a Corps. The grand exhibition took both wings, inspireing 250 works - painting, engraving and applied works, as well as the personal belongings of the artist. Among them inaccessible to the previously broad public paintings from Admiralty and work from the gallery in Feodosia. Morrowing about the hype at the Iivazovsky exhibition in Moscow, in the Russian Museum to discovery prepared thoroughly - so much that the "unstilled straw" was branded from everywhere.

The first visitors not only have not yet threatened to break the doors, but did not even go to the museum - since the exhibition for the broad masses will open only on December 22. But the entrance to the Beno'a housing has already appeared yellow metal fences.

Inside the museum also felt excitement. Employees swept the press to pass in the halls, the wardrobe, taking clothes, did not have time to achieve a sandwich, and the seller of souvenirs was angry with her eyes in response to ironic remarks about the covers displayed in the showcase for phones with pictures of Aivazovsky and raincoat "Ninth Val" for incomplete three thousand rubles.

"It doesn't matter where more visitors, and where less, said Russian Museum, Vladimir Gusev, raising an ungrateful topic of comparison of Moscow and St. Petersburg for him. - It is important that the artist wins, who receives the attention of the audience, and won visitors, because it seems to them the opportunity to see different Iivazovsky - in the Tretyakov Gallery and here. "

It is hardly among the visitors to the exhibition, well, except for several art critics, there are such lovers of Aivazovsky, who would have traveled from the city to the city at his exhibitions and could compare which paintings were removed, and which added, and how they put accents. But it was this plot that caused the museum workers (and with their submission of journalists) a special excitement.

Another topic of discussion was the scale of the author's creative person, who, judging by the phrases, someone allegedly intended to divert.

Deputy Director of the Museum on the scientific work of Yevgeny Petrov began to explain that Aivazovsky is reproached in salonity and commercial character of his art, although they are present in the work and other authors. While the masterpieces created by them "justify everything".

"Do not be snobs in relation to this artist!" - in conclusion she called. But why it seemed that this would lead to the opposite effect.

Whether after such an entry, or on objective reasons, but without snobbing somehow no longer succeeded. But he did not touch the artist, but the organization of the exhibition. The fact is that, in addition to the painting Aivazovsky, it presents the items of the ship snap-out from the Central Naval Museum and Admiralty - the markets, lights, flags and anchors, as well as vessel layouts. All of these evidence of the epoch with their impressive sizes, a fair amount and, mostly primitive (by walls), the arrangement push the actual paintings into the background and provoke them too literal perception. They begin to be perceived as illustration, but not as allegorical plots. And just as literally and concretely looks like the real sea on the video in the last hall of the exposure, destroying, and not completing the new meanings of the artistic reality.

But in the pictures of Aivazovsky always hidden an additional image and the meaning - faith in the best, hope for salvation. No wonder the same Evgenia Petrov said, as in 2003, sending the "ninth tree" to a temporary exhibition in Japan, they with colleagues witnessed the literal worship of this picture from the inhabitants of the country, who survived in their history not one natural disaster.

There is no "complaints" to the artist, there is no "complaints": commercial success has long ceased to be a negative characteristic of someone's creativity, and the magic of art is the magic of art. All the transparent sea waves are sitting in the pulp, all the same Tomny views of Constantinople under the tired sun, as well as the "moon nights" - regardless of which the country is rising. But besides other things, paints are striking - no reproduction (including the exhibition catalog) does not transmit their shades, depths and wealth.

Pleasantly surprised the paintings from the Theodosiy Collection. Although specialists led by the head of the painting department of the XVIII - early XIX century Russian Museum Grigory Goldovsky found more valuable in the Crimean Collection of Landscapes "Niagara Falls" and "Ice Mountains", the strongest impression leaves the picture "WATER CONCLUSION" (1897). As well as the Allegoric picture of the "death of the ship Lefort" from the collection of the Central Naval Museum. Glowing translucent images of Christ in both works transmit a feeling of a curly miracle.

Yes, the artist is one or with the help of colleagues - wrote as many as six thousand works. Yes, somewhere in his paintings, the light falls at an incorrect angle, and the image of people is not his horse at all (that Aivazovsky and recognized himself). Yes, someone will not see high art in his gift mini-landscapes, mounted in the artist himself. And someone will tell you if the bike, whether the excellent that Ivazovsky had a whole "roll" written in advance of the Sea, which he wrapped as needed and drew a ship, mountains or that the muse or customer would still be asked.

Today, the views on art have become much wider, a talented person is taken entirely, with much greater sins than greed. And then, is it possible to call the Aivazovsky is notch, if, by collecting all sorts of awards and occupying the second line in the table of ranks (at the level of the admiral), he did not throw art. And most importantly - he was engaged in the protection of the monuments of the Crimea, the building of the Feodosi Museum of Antiquities was built for his money, initiated the construction of the concert hall, the seaport and the Feodosia-Dzhanka railway, and even held a water supply line from the Subash, which was not far from the old Crimea ... Residents of the city have become free to get water, and then built in the park at the Embankment Fountain (according to Konstantinople) now wears the name Aivazovsky.

To consider his work will be worth it in the context of his personality - the scale of which allows us to evaluate the numerous awards, the owner of which he became (the exhibition presents not those specific orders, which wore an artist on his chest, which served as the painter of the Chief Maritime Staff of Russia, but their samples). And also - the picture "Ships on the Feodosian raid. Honoring Aivazovsky on the occasion of his 80th anniversary, "on which the visitor of the exhibition sees many vessels lined up in the harbor before the greatest singer of the sea.

By the way, as announced in the Russian Museum, this parade in Crimea is scheduled to repeat on July 29, 2017 - when the 200th anniversary of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky will be celebrated in Feodosia.

Alina Tsiop, Fontanka.ru

Yesterday, the Russian museum began to dismantle the Aivazovsky exhibition in the Beno'a Corps.

Photo by Alexander Drozdova

On Tuesday, the museum for the public is closed. But a lot of journalists who want to see how the pictures of the famous Marinist will prepare for the dispatch "home" - in St. Petersburg Museums-Reserves, Moscow, Feodosia ...

On the first day, the halls left the paintings from the collection of the Russian Museum. You can touch someone else's works only in the presence of representatives of owners museums. Employees of a special service deftly removed from the wall and carried to the exit of the canvas "Storm of Cape Ayia". Photographers and cameras fixed every step.

The dismantling schedule is scheduled for two weeks. To avoid mistakes, each painting on painting scotch is large letters: Foundation XVIII century, GTG (Tretyakovskaya Gallery), Tsarskoe Village, Feodosia ...


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11:29 - REGNUM.

In St. Petersburg today, December 22, the exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the most famous Russian Marinist artist Ivan Aivazovsky began work. It is deployed in the Beno'a Corps of the State Russian Museum.

Natalia Streltsov © IA REGNUM

In the anniversary exposition called "Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky. By the 200th anniversary of the birth, "there were about two hundred caved from the collection of the Russian Museum, the Central Naval Museum, the Maritime Cadet Corps, the State Tretyakov Gallery, Peterhof Museums and the Tsarskoe Village, as well as other museum and private collections .

In addition to paintings, the exhibition presents memorial materials and photographs related to the life and creative activities of Aivazovsky. Recall that Ivan Aivazovsky was the painter of the Chief Maritime Staff of the Russian Empire.

The cost of tickets for the exhibition: (without a visit to the main exposition of the Russian Museum) for adult visitors will be 300 rubles, for schoolchildren and students of secondary special institutions (over 16 years old), students and pensioners - 150 rubles.

Children under 16 and preferential categories of citizens will receive the right to visit the exhibition, reported in the Russian Museum.

History of the question

On April 26, 1986, an accident with the destruction of the active zone of one of the reactors and the emission of radioactive substances was occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (Chernobyl) near the city in the Kiev Region of the Ukrainian SSR.
The release of long-lived radioactive substances led to long-term pollution of the surrounding area. The city of Pripyat was completely evacuated. From among the number of liquidators, 134 people moved acute radiation disease. The number of victims from the catastrophe is not amenable to evaluation due to the complexity of the connection of the deterioration of the health of each particular person with the effects of irradiation.
Radioactive substances thrown into the atmosphere during an explosion were separated by the wind over long distances, causing the excess of the permissible values \u200b\u200bof radioactivity at the significant territories of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. Before the events at Fukushima Station in Japan in 2011, the Chernobyl disaster was considered the largest incident at nuclear power plants.
To eliminate the consequences of the catastrophe first, radioactive substances were filled with inert materials, after the so-called "sarcophagus" was built - shelter to prevent further radioactive ingredients into the environment.
The Commission, which was investigating a catastrophe concluded that the fault of the staff, later, already during the destruction of the USSR, came to the politicized conclusion about the unsafe design of the reactor. At the same time, there is a huge amount of alternative versions of the causes of the catastrophe.
In connection with the Chernobyl tragedy there are many rumors, political speculations and conspiracy theories. The subject of the catastrophe is played in books, art films and computer games.

Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky (1817-1900) - the world-famous Russian marinist, one of the most successful Russian painters of the XIX century, whose works are the decoration of museum assembly in Russia and abroad and enjoy constant attention and success in the audience. The meeting of the Russian Museum stores 54 pictures of the Great Marinist. Along with these works in the jubilee exposition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Master, the web was included from the Museum-Reserve Museum "Peterhof", the Museum-Reserve "Tsarskoe Village", the Central Naval Museum, the Marine Cadet Corps. The special section of the exhibition, which presents about 200 works, consisted of memorial materials and photos that are acquainted with the iconography of I.K. Ayvazovsky. The basis of the exposure of steel as well-known works, distinguished by a high art level, and a little familiar to the viewer of Aivazovsky from private assembly, as well as various entourage, which is the context of the activities of I.K. Aivazovsky as the painter of the Chief Maritime Staff. The exhibition occupies the entire space of the exhibition halls of the Beno'a Corps and in composition, design and semantic accents The exhibition of the Russian Museum is significantly different from the exposition, open in July-November in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
The exhibition is organized with the support of the System Charitable Foundation.

Video materials:

Advertising video to the exhibition

Installation of the exhibition in the Beno'a Corps

TASS news agency has prepared video dedicated to the anniversary of I.K. Ayvazovsky, with the assistance of the State Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum

Pictures of Aivazovsky from the collection of the Russian Museum are preparing for sending to Moscow - the report of the TV channel "Culture"

Artistic movement: Petersburg museums send the Iivazovsky's canvas to the exhibition in Moscow - the reportage of the TV channel "St. Petersburg"

Aivazovsky goes to Moscow - Report of the TV channel "World 24"

Aivazovsky's masterpieces temporarily move from St. Petersburg to Moscow - reportage of the NTV television channel