Why according to both Turgenev believes. Brief analysis of poems in prose Turgenev

Why according to both Turgenev believes. Brief analysis of poems in prose Turgenev
Why according to both Turgenev believes. Brief analysis of poems in prose Turgenev

A. N. Ostrovsky

1. Continuing a family tradition, what profession did you choose the Ostrovsky at first?
2. In which courts served by the young Ostrovsky, gaining the experience that he was subsequently useful?
3. What was the contemporaries of Ostrovsky for the opening of the new "land" in Russian literature: "Columbus ..."?
4. Among the early literary experiments of a beginner playwright was the essay in prose in the spirit of a genuine school: "Notes ... ...". Who?
5. How did he initially be the first comedy in the style of the writer, before which leaned?
6. Why, who was it for a long time for a theater presentation for a long time?
7. Whose commendable feedback, written on a piece of paper with a pencil, Island "kept then as a jewel"?
8. Which of the Russian writers, the older contemporaries of Ostrovsky, said: "So far, I still believed in Russia three tragedies:" inexpensive "," grief from the mind "and" auditor ". On "bankrupt" I put the number fourth "? What is the name of the Ostrovsky "bankrupt" afterwards?
9. Which of the heroes "their people will find" you can call "Russian Tartuf"?
10. What kind of groom dreams of a sticky and what other bride from the play predecessor is she reminded?
11. What continuity from the older generation to the younger shows the author in the "Dark Kingdom"?
12. How are the names of biblical heroes are comic on the play?
13. What kind of "fatal" mistake did most?
14. One unscrupulous deceiver calls to the conscience of another and remembers the biblical legend. Who and what?
15. Which of the characters love to insert "noble" words into their speech: "What is he there after the sleeve sentimentalizes?", "... So Ryabit Melancholy in the eyes"?
16. According to what criticism (and in what article), in the comedy "there is no villains, no monsters, and all people are very ordinary": "Little saming and self-smugness", "deceptive humility" and "the slave trick of others"?
17. What kind of comedies Shakespeare translated the young Ostrovsky, studying English, changing her name slightly?
18. In which Moscow journal, the Ostrovsky collaborated, heading the "young edition", which called the chief editor "Stretcher Mikhail"?
19. In the title of their own Pieces, Ostrovsky often used Russian proverbs. Name them.
20. One of the names of his plays repeats the title of the Krylovskaya Basni, the other is the poem of Koltsov. Remember them.
21. In addition to the plays about modern life, Ostrovsky wrote historical chronicles. What kind?
22. The action of many plays takes place on the Volga, although the writer was born in Moscow. Where did he know the Volga cities?
23. In which Volga estate often, Ostrovsky lived for a long time and there was a died there?
24. What kind of play cycle was conceived by the playwright in connection with Volzhsky impressions?
25. What determination (subtitle) gave the author to his dramatic poem "Snow Maiden"?
26. Whose daughter Snow Maiden and what fabulous kingdom she got?
27. Which of the Russian composers wrote Opera to the plot of "Snow Maiden"?
28. What two values \u200b\u200bare combined in the title of the play "Poor Bride"?
29. Good and suffering heroes in the comedy "Poverty is not vice" wear love names and love. What kind of related relationships are they?
30. Among the characters of the play "Poverty is not a vice" there is a self-tailed poet of Koltsovsky type and a disturbed, but noble tramp, the Forerunner of the Gorky Bosyakov. Who are they?
31. Refusing to the 50s. From the "rigid" look at Russian life, Ostrovsky wrote: "Let the Russian man rejoices, seeing herself on stage than herself. Correctors will have without us. " What is the name of this period in the work of the playwright and what plays he wrote at this time?
32. In which plays is revealed by the topic of the "hot heart" - a recalcitable, winsted female soul?
33. Showing a privacy against the background of general, the playwright depicts the city, the streets of the street, rumors, intrigue, the voices of the crowd - a polyphony, as in novels. What plays are the scenes of urban festivities?
34. In which plays is the plot of deceived love?
35. And in what shown buying and selling a poor girl?
36. What a generalization of the type "Oblomeness", "Kleztakovshchy", "Caramascus" (but without support for their own names) is created by Ostrovsky?
37. Why did the Titys and Kitchi Kitichi begin with a light hand of the Ostrovsky merchants?
38. What determination made the plays of Ostrovsky Dobrolyubs?
39. In which plays, the main events occur on the coast of the Volga?
40. Is there an Ostris among the heroine?
41. What is the name of the stray actors who were in Russian wilderness, in the "forest", where all the "beast" are found?
42. Which circle was attended by Ostrovsky in the 60s. And the chairman of which mug was in the 70s.?
43. Which Volga cities argued about what is the action of the Piez "Thunderstorm" and "Dustpannica"?
44. I. A. Goncharov, admiring the courage of the plan "Thunderstorms", in a few words determines the plot canvas of the entire play: "... Passion for the nervous, passionate woman and the struggle with the debt, fall, repentance and serious unceonia of guilt." Can you distribute these "points" on acts?
45. How does the author of the Drama ring composition emphasizes?
46. \u200b\u200bWhat and whose song is singing at the beginning of Kuligin's play - this is a kind of epigraph that predicts the fate of the main character: "Where can I rest in the heart when the thunderstorm goes?", "Where to me, poor, going?"
47. Ostrovsky loved to give his characters meaningful names and surnames. Are there such a "thunderstorm"?
48. Rightly given by Katerina her name? What does "Tikhon mean" mean?
49. Kudryash is a name, nickname or surname? What koltsovsky hero he reminds?
50. Which of the characters are dressed not in Russian?
51. Does Boris be the name of his uncle?
52. Why did Kulizhina give such surname?
53. What does he invent?
54. What modern discoveries and inventions speak playing a play?
55. Who and how hurts the word "electricity"?
56. Whose poems with delight quotes Kuligin?
57. What are the pictures drawn on the walls of the chapel, look at and discuss the inhabitants of Kalinov?
58. What kind of overseas miracles tells FEKLUSH?
59. Who were expressed by two diametrically opposite judgments about the city of Kalinov: "In the promised land, you live" and "all the dogs are lowered", "And how many debauchery and drunkenness"?
60. To whom the monologue of Kuligina is addressed: "Cruel morals, sir, in our city, cruel!"?
61. Which of the characters are frequent remarks "silent", "silence", "thinking"?
62. What unjust reproaches of Katerina says: "... there is nothing to endure someone nice?"
63. What dreams did Katerina dream?
64. Where and when she loved to pray?
65. With whom she compares himself: "I lived, I didn't eat anything, for sure ... in the will," "would fly out in the field and would fly from Vasilka to Vasileuk in the wind, how ..."?
66. Was Catherine native Kalinov, from a rich or poor family?
67. What is it grieving in marriage with a tykon and what kind of premonitions are tormented by her?
68. Compliance with what kind of decency requires Kabaniha at a passing of his wife with her husband before his trip?
69. "How can I love you when you say such words"? What kind?
70. Who recognizes Katerina, what does another love, and does his name call?
71. As she answers the question of the barbarians: "And it does not bother, what will you do?"
72. What kind of child's offense, which she did not sip, tells Katerina?
73. What case did Catherine and Boris and Boris help take off?
74. "If I was not afraid for you for you, I'm afraid ..." What?
75. Who says about the com: "And in the will, he is like connected"?
76. "... I do not know how; ... I can not ". What caterior can not and can not Katerina?
77. What did Tikhon do on the behest of the mother after the public recognition of his wife?
78. How is he protesting in the Final Plays?
79. Katerina is moving between any contrasting states of the soul: whether "I definitely start to live again," or "I am exactly standing over ...", or "Whether the Pigeon is doing", or "Whether" ... in the ears whisper "?
80. What a "natural" metaphor enjoys a heroine, describing his life in the house of Kabanov: "What I was harsh! I have you ... at all "?
81. To whom and what does Katerina appear in the death monologue, reminding the heroine of the previous Russian literature, which appeared to the forces of nature?
82. Who makes you the body of Katerina to people and did he meet with her before her death?
83. Who in the play gives a taking characteristics of self-made: "How from the chain", "everything under the guise of piety"?
84. Is the wild asking for forgiveness?
85. Who sees in the Warrior Warrior, all his life fighting with women?
86. Whose philosophy is philosophy: "And in my opinion: do what you want, if only Shito and covered it was"?
87. According to Katerina, will it be about her, suicide, pray?
88. In the title "Thunderstorm", along with directly shifting allegorical meaning. What? Does Ostrovsky have more plays with similar names?
89. Do you agree that the childhood and youth of Katerina - "dry and monotonous life" that "upbringing and young life gave her anything"? Whose opinion is it?
90. Which critics considered Katerina Protestant, and who is an innocent victim (in which articles)?
91. Why is the Dobrolyubov in Katerina, and not in Olga Ilinskaya and not in Elena Stakhova saw a "new type created by Russian life"?
92. How did Katerina drama and her suicide in Kostroma before the premiere of "thunderstorm" repeated in life?
93. Who belongs to the writer reviews about "thunderstorm": "The new phase of Russian literature" and "the amazing, the most magnificent work of Russian, quite mastered talent"?
94. In which plays the main characters will give bribery and bias of officials, but one stood from the temptation of adaptation, and the other is not?
95. Who and in what comedy in the final claims: "I will wait for the time when the bribe will be afraid of a public court more than a criminal"?
96. Which of the Late Pieces resembles a "thunderstorm" and what?
97. What does the name of "Larisa" mean and is it connected with the heroine "idleness"?
98. When Larisa is twisted, realizing how others include it: "Finally, a word for me is found"? What word?
99. There is a dialogue between whom: "The dear Diamond Dear and Rim requires." - "And a good jeweler"?
100. On the heroes of which writer-contemporary is like Kararandyshev and what?
101. What suit is it dressed in a costume evening?
102. Where does Larisa Knurov want to take?
103. Which of the characters recognize that he studied the Russian language from Burlakov, and the other with contempt about them: "We, that is, educated people", "We" consider them a model of rudeness and ignorance "?
104. There are many shots in the "idleness". One of them is cannon - Larisa frightened. What was it for a shot?
105. Who was the first shot in Larisa, and who tried to shoot himself?
106. What is Larisa, perhaps provokes a shot of a pencils, without drainaged to commit suicide?
107. Who shouts the Parats near the mortally wounded Larisa, Well silence, what she answers: "Let them be having fun who fun"?
108. Who was considered the best executive of the role of Larisa at the end of the XIX - early XX century?
109. What a romance sings the heroine of Ostrovsky, and what V. Commissioner was replaced and why?
110. What number put the author on the first page of the manuscript "Nonmenvnika"?
111. How many places do the "Ostrovsky Theater"?
112. Who owns a review: "But only after you, the Russians, we can say with pride:" We have our own Russian national theater "?
113. Where is the monument to Ostrovsky put in Moscow?
114. What is the name of the film E. Ryazanov based on one of the Pieces of Ostrovsky?

1. Lawyer. Received at the Faculty of Faculty of University, but did not finish it.
2. Common and commercial.
3. "... Zamoskvorechye".
4. "... Zamoskvoretsky resident."
5. "Bankrupt". In the spirit of Gogol.
6. The virtue did not oppose virtue, the villains were not punished. Nikolai I, for 11 years.
7. Gogol, who listened to the comedy in reading the author at the evening at M. Pogodin.
8. V. F. Odoyevsky. "His people will consider."
9. Clauser Podkhaluzin.
10. On the nobleman. Agafy Tikhonne from Gogol "marriage".
11. The merchant is the Bolshai - Clarifier Podkhaluzin - a boy servant Tishka.
12. Samson Large and Lazar Podkhalyuzin: Strength in the hair (money) and the resurrection of Lazarus ("Sing Lazari" - a parable about the nourishes that fell into paradise).
13. Trust Claudist, considering him a reliable person, and transferred his property, declaring bankruptcy.
14. Most: "Judah, because of Christ, too, for the money sold, as we sell conscience for money."
15. Lipochka.
16. Dobrolyubova. "Dark Kingdom".
17. "Taming of the Shrew" - "Taming of an Angry Wife."
18. "Moskvatikan" - editor Professor M. P. Pogodin.
19. "Do not sit down in your sleeves", "do not like, as I want," "Poverty is not a vice", "In someone else's hangover", "not all the carnival cat", "what you go, then you will find" "There was no penny, yes suddenly Altyn," "old friend is better than new two," "on every sage is pretty simplicity," the truth is good, but happiness is better. "
20. "Wolves and Sheep", "Forest".
21. "Kozma Zahorić Minin-Sukhuk", "Dmitry Samorovan and Vasily Shuisky", "Comedian XVII century", "Sleep on the Volga, or Voivo".
22. In the 50s. Traveled the entire upper Volga on behalf of the Maritime Ministry and visited many Volga cities.
23. Schelikovo Kostroma province, where his father bought the estate.
24. "Nights on the Volga".
25. Spring Fairy Tale.
26. Daughter of Frost and Spring. The kingdom of Berendev.
27. Roman Korsakov.
28. The poor and unhappy.
29. Uncle and the niece of the ends.
30. Customer Mitya and love the ends.
31. Moskvatsyansky. "Do not sit down in your sleeves," "Poverty is not a vice" and "do not live like that, as you want."
32. "Pupil", "Thunderstorm", "Hot Heart", "Dustpannica".
33. "Thunderstorm", "Dustpannica", "Last Sacrifice", "Funny Money", "Pacific".
34. "Poor Bride", "Do not sit down in our sleeves", "Thunderstorm", "Dustpannica", "pupil", "without guilt", "on a brisk place."
35. "Talents and fans", "mad money", "last sacrifice", "not all the car carnival", "joker".
36. Samodoria.
37. A merchant Titi Tite Bruckov in the comedy "In someone else's hangover" ninted Kit Kitych.
38. "Pieces of Life."
39. In the "Thunderstorm" and "Nurendannian".
40. NEGINA in "Talents and fans", Kruchinina in "without guilt".
41. Gennady of Unhappiness and Arkady lucky ("Forest").
42. Artistic circle and society of Russian dramatic writers.
43. Kostroma, Tver, Kineshma, Rzhev (Kalins and Bryakhimov).
44. "Hobby" - I Action, "Fighting Duty" - II, "Fall" - III, "Remaining" - IV and "Atonement" - V.
45. Remarque of the last action: "Decoration of I actions", i.e., Katerina dies on the same shore, where he heard the prophecy of the crazy lady.
46. \u200b\u200b"Among the valleys of the flat ..." A. F. Merzlyakova.
47. Kabanova, Wild, Kudryash. Fekla - Greek. "God of Glory."
48. Katerina - Greek. "Clean". Tikhon - "Successful", but most likely due to the Russian words "quiet", "silence" (cf. "Tisch"),
49. Probably nickname, and the name is Vanya. Likhach Kudryavich.
50. Boris.
51. No, he is a wild sister's son.
52. The similarity with the name of the Russian inventor of Kulibin.
53. Perpetuum Mobile - Eternal Engine.
54. "Thunderwrites", "Fiery Snake began to bargain" - "Specity".
55. Wild. "ELESTRACY".
56. Lomonosov. "The abyss opened, the stars are full. There are no numbers of numbers, the abyss of the bottom. "
57. Hell, geenna fiery.
58. About Sultan Makhnut Turkish and Persian, judges of unrighteous and people with pessy heads.
60. To Boris.
61. In Katerina.
62. Kabanika reproaches the Snow that she dries away the son from the mother.
63. The temples are golden, unusual gardens, kiparis smells, sing invisible voices, and she flies through the air - it looks like heaven.
64. In the garden, among trees, herbs and flowers, at sunrise.
65. "Bird", "Butterfly".
66. Obviously, it is from afar, since even thoughts to seek salvation from relatives does not occur. Judging by her childhood and his youth, the alleged family - embroidered in the velvet gold.
67. What no children are. "I will die soon."
68. Go to your feet and put on your knees, and not hug and kiss.
69. "... Do I?". "
70. Varvar. No, but she himself guesses.
71. "I'll finish the window, I will throw it into the Volga. I do not want to live here, and I will not become, even though you cut me! "
72. They offended her at 6 years old, she ran out on the Volga, got into the boat and pushed her away from the coast, and in the morning they found a girl for 10 miles.
73. The key from the wicket, the Katerina juggling is almost forcibly.
74. "... of the Human court."
75. Katerina about Tikhon.
76. "Cheat something", "... Hide something."
77. He broke a little bit.
78. "Mama, you wanted her! You, you, you ... "
79. "... the pleastp", "crazy ...".
80. "... brought ...".
81. To the winds, to transfer it to the longing, to the left beloved. Yaroslavna from the "Word about the regiment of Igor".
82. Kuligin. Not.
83. Kudryash about wild and bubbanis.
84. During the post, Izrupal and almost nailed a man who came for money, and then he asked for forgiveness and bowed to the legs with all the people, that is, pushed his sin before God.
85. Kabaniha.
86. Varvara.
87. "Who loves, he will pray."
88. Natural phenomenon and event that shook everyone and refreshing the default atmosphere. "Forest", "Pacific".
89. Dobrolyubova. It is unlikely that you can agree with this, it was a free life in unity with nature, in hopes and dreams.
90. Dobrolyubov. "Light of Light in the Dark Kingdom", Pisarev. "The motives of Russian drama."
91. Heroine Goncharova and Turgenev - one lives in vulgarity, although it is aware of it, the other is ready for activities, but herself does not dare to start it. The nature of Katerina is decisive and selfless, and it does not change to themselves, preferring the death of a false life.
92. In Kostroma, a 19-year-old daughter-in-law was drowned in a merchant family, who loved the official Maryina. The play was completed on October 9, 1859, the premiere took place on November 16, and suicide - November 10.
93. Herzen and Turgenev.
94. "Profitable place" and "On all sages of pretty simplicity."
95. Zheadov in a "income place".
96. "Nonmennica" - the action takes place in the Volga city, on the climbing shore, "cruel morals", a solid nature of the heroine, eager for love and deceived in it, and the tragic final.
97. In Greek. "Seagull" - white, free bird, loving space.
98. Karandyshev tells her that she was played as a thing, curls and soverees. "Thing".
99. Between the brow and the leader.
100. On the heroes of Dostoevsky with their ambitions, disadvantaged pride, ready to take revenge for their humiliation (ax, pistol).
101. Robber with an ax in hand.
102. In Paris at the World Exhibition.
103. Parats and pencils.
104. According to Karandyshev, "Some merchant-Samodor gets off from his barge, so in honor of him salute."
105. Parats on a dispute, praising with their accuracy, shot in a glass on the head of Larisa. Karandyshev.
106. Announces Karandyshev that she is too expensive for him that it will not be prefers to belong to Knurov.
107. Gypsy Khore.
108. V. Commissionerzhevskaya.
109. "Do not tempt me without need ..." Baratyansky, more suitable for the noble laughter, - "He told me: Whether you are mine ..." In the Gypsy Spirit, accompanying yourself on the guitar.
110. "Opus 40" - the 40th Piez Island.
111. 47 Pieces.
112. I. A. Goncharov.
113. In front of the building of the Small Theater, which is called the "Island House".
114. "Cruel Romance".

I. A. Goncharov

1. As whom more than 40 years of life was forced to serve Goncharov, referring to the literary creativity urabs?
2. "I serve art," the writer says, "as the harness ..." Who?
3. What two brothers, future poet and criticism, taught gonchars literature as a home teacher?
4. Where anonymously placed his first essays of young gonchars?
5. In which Goncharovsky work Belinsky saw a "scary blow to romanticism, dreaminess, sentimentality"?
6. What kind of "ordinary story" happened to the younger and senior Adual?
7. Who kits, leaving the native home, in eternal love Alexander and what keeps her symbol?
8. On what three feelings "was prevented" by young acouuses?
9. What does Alexander his uncle repeat?
10. What kind of "cold and subtle tyranny" above the heart of a woman says in the novel?
11. Who can be called literary predecessors of the Aduev as representatives of two types: romance and skeptics?
12. What is the name of the wife of Peter Ivanovich and what form of the name - the literary and colloquial gave the author of his heroine, perhaps following Pushkin?
13. On what ship did the crossroads travelers and what book the essays wrote?
14. What an "episode of the unfinished novel" published a writer in 1849 10 years before the end of the novel?
15. From what direction, "covered by the whole society and literature" in the 40s., Did Goncharov refused during work on the "broom"?
16. Which of the Goncharovsky heroes can be called honest chischiki?
17. On whose statement about the "family of those people who are not translated into Russia, which were before the names: respect, Liegehogs, Baybaki" relied on Goncharov, thinking of her Oblomov?
18. What two literary heroes on the table lies a book that one reads two years with a bookmark on the 14th page, and the second page of the book was covered with dust and spontaneous?
19. The first impression of these heroes is equally: "What a pleasant and kind person!" And "Dobryak, must be simplicity!", But you feel more closely in the first, you will feel "boredom deadly", and in the second one - you will smile and go away "in pleasant meditation." Who are they?
20. Is the childhood of Oblomov in the novel and in what form?
21. What has become an ideal for him since childhood?
22. Which of the characters own aphorism: "It began with the inability to wear stockings, but ended in inconsistency ..."?
23. Who pronounces the word "Oblomovshchyna" as the key to the randering of the existence of Oblomov?
24. Before the breakdown is a dilemma: "Or I did not understand this life, or nowhere ...". What word is missing?
25. Apathy Oblomov is associated not only with laziness, but also with dissatisfaction with life. What is hiding behind the appearance and behavior of Legembok and Baybak?
26. Finish one of Oblomov's reasoning: "You think that for thought it is not necessary for the heart. No, she fertilizes ... ".
27. What compared the bugs with the "disease like an OPA, measles or hot"?
28. About whom from his heroes, the author self-critical remarked: "He is weak, pale - the idea looks too much from him"?
29. According to Goncharov, two serving female people are caught in two Pushkin heroines - passive, subordinate traditions and distinctive, with "instincts of self-consciousness" (dog and cat). Did he bring these types?
30. Who reminds us Olga Ilinskaya: "In a rare maiden, you will meet such simplicity and natural freedom of view, words, actions ... Neither the hemandsy, nor flirts, no lies, no tinsel, nor intent?
31. Inspired by the goal of the Renaissance of Oblomov and his role the Creator, who compares Olga himself and Him?
32. Goncharov gave a wheat name of one Gogol heroine. What?
33. Who meant Dobrolyubov, saying that one of the Turgenev heroines "as if he serves as a response to questions and doubts" Goncharovskaya Olga, who languishes and whining, not knowing what?
34. Like Turgenev, Goncharov highlighted two types in world literature, which were absorbed "in themselves everything that is comic and tragic in human nature." Who are these types?
35. Goncharova all his life was interested in "one artistic ideal" - the type of idealist and disappointed romance. We encounter such heroes in all his novels. Name them.
36. Who opposed Goncharov to his romance and idealists?
37. Is it possible to set the dates of the life of Oblomov?
38. The features of the character and appearance of what a real woman who knew the gonchars well was reflected in Olga Ilinskaya?
39. Which of the remaining Decembrists did a writer, returning from around the road through Irkutsk and Yakutsk?
40. How did this meeting affect the original intention of the novel "Open"?
41. What title preceded the final name-symbol?
42. In defense of whom the novel thought and to whom was dedicated?
43. Because of what a quarrel of Goncharov happened to Turgenev, which lasted for more than 20 years?
44. The author called two beloved heroines: "Day" and "mysterious night". Who?
45. And who he called that "potential broom", then the "wokeered broom", then the "son of Oblomov"?
46. \u200b\u200bWho indicated the writer as a prototype of Tatiana Markovna Berezhkovaya?
47. What two types of nihilism are combined in the form of Volokhov, leading to its split?
48. Where is the repentable volokhov going at the end of the novel?
49. Who considers faith that "pitiful female" and a cat, then "the executioner in the skirt"?
50. Is there a choice of last name for the groom faith?
51. Which of the literary predecessor heroes can be compared to the paradise with his "hunt for change of places" and to miss the habit?
52. According to him: "There is no quiet pier for me - or burning, or a dream and ...!"
53. What Goncharovsky Hero Chekhov said that he was half open, and "three-quarters wandered", and although the author assures us that "it's great small", but in fact, "this is a blowing beast thinking about itself very well and Sobatnaya "?

1. Editor and censor.
2. "... ox."
3. Apollon and Valerian Maikov.
4. In the handwritten almanacs of the "Snowdrop" and "Moon Nights", produced in the Mikey Salon, - the story "Lyhaya Pokhol" and "Happy Error" (1838-1839).
5. In the novel "Ordinary History".
6. One of the romance becomes a practitioner and Delts, and the other, who built life on a sober calculation, crash.
7. Sonchke; Lock and ring.
8. On friendship, love and ambition.
9. Makes a career, riches and ... is experiencing pain in the lower back.
10. On the attitude of Peter Aduyev to his wife, which he subordinated to his will and reason.
11. Vladimir Lensky and Evgeny Onegin.
12. Lizaveta Aleksandrovna (instead of the literary form "Elizabeth"), see the "peak lady" - Lizaveta Ivanovna.
13. On the Fregate "Pallada", "Pallada frigate".
14. "Sleep Oblomov" from the novel "Oblomov".
15. From "Critical" led by Belinsky and Gogol.
16. Peter Aduva and Andrei Stolz.
17. Gogol in the Dead Souls.
18. In Manilov and Oblomov.
19. Manilan and Oblomov.
20. In the form of sleep.
21. Saint and peace.
22. gallery, "... live."
23. At the beginning of the bug, and at the end of the novel gallets.
24. "... not suitable."
25. "Golden Heart", "Humane Heart".
26. "... Love."
27. Love.
28. About Stolz.
29. In Olga and Tatiana ("Eugene Onegin") - Pshenitsyn and Olga Ilinskaya, Marfinka and Faith ("open").
30. Tatyana Larina: "Everything is quiet, it was just in it," "without a gaze, arrogant for everyone, without claims to success, without these little shelters, without imitative clauses."
31. Himself with Pymalion, His with Galatea. (This refers to an antique myth about the sculptor who fell in love with his own creation.)
32. Agafya Matveyevna - Agafya Tikhonovna ("Marriage").
33. Elena Stakhova from the "On the eve".
34. Don Quixote and Hamlet.
35. Alexander Aduev, Ilya Oblomov, Boris Paradisk.
36. Sober-minded realists, business people - Peter Aduva, Andrei Stolz, Ivan Tushina.
37. The action in the novel begins in 1843, when Ilya Ilyich was 32-33 years (born around 1810), and ends in 1851, that is, the obcomments died in 41 years. Epilogue after 5 years - in 1856
38. Ekaterina Pavlovna Maikova, Children's writer.
39. Volkonsky, Trubetsky, Yakushkin.
40. Faith was to repeat the feat of the wing and bride of the Decembrists and go to Siberia with a nihilist.
41. "Paradise" and "Paradisk Artist", "Vera".
42. In defense of women and devoted to Russian women.
43. Because of some Oblings between the "cliff" and the "noble nest" and "on the eve": pedigree heroes, Marta Timofeevna was a grandmother Lisa - redesigned to aunt; The idea to portray a new woman capable of a feat. After the release of the "on the eve" was forced to abandon the initial plot and "analyze the so-called drop".
44. Olga and faith.
45. Paradise.
46. \u200b\u200b"The grandmother embodied some features of their mother's character."
47. Political and household nihilism - protest against violence and injustice and stealing, rudeness, rudeness.
48. In the Caucasus.
49. Paradise.
50. Tushin - so called his hero and L. Tolstoy, modest and brave Russian officer-Patriot ("War and Peace").
51. With Evgeny Onegin.
52. "... boredom."
53. About Stolz.

I. S. Turgenev

1. In early childhood, for affectionate and meek temper, the mother called Vanya "daughter": "My ...". How did she bring his name to the female way? What punishment was subjected to his beloved son of Varvara Petrovna for all trivia and trifles, senoming: "You know, for what"?
2. What a favorite activity was a seven-year-old boy?
3. Who inspired the future writer, what to write poems "either a bitter drunk, or a round fool"?
4. Which of the student friends of Turgenev, the poet and the philosopher, whom he admired, calling the "royal son who did not know about his origin," soon died of consumed?
5. And another friend who was in Hegelian's youth, became an anatomist and engaged in revolutionary activities. Who is he?
6. Whom Turgenev called the "sister and the best one-friendly", but did not want to tie his fate with her?
7. What a random and fleeting meeting, the young man wrote like this: "I only managed to see his white teeth and living fast eyes"?
8. Starting as a poet, Turgenev, one of his early poems called the name of Pushkin heroine in his two poetic works. What is this name? Name the works of Pushkin.
9. Whom a beginner writer considered "father and commander"?
10. What letter to young Turgenev wrote: "Belinsky and his letter, is it all my religion"?
11. Early Turgenev works are signed by the pseudonym "T. L. ". What does he mean?
12. To whom at the beginning of the 40s. Turgenev was presented as "Young Russian landowner, a glorious hunter, an interesting interlocutor and a bad poet"?
13. In the "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin, the mother of Tatiana "called Polino Praskovoy" - a similar story occurred in the life of Turgenev, and the Russian girl not only changed his name, but also turned into a Frenchwoman. Who is she?
14. About someone else's nest told Turgenev: "Fully sit on the edge of someone else's nest"?
15. Who taught Turgenev, noting his first prosaic experiments: "Have you found your real genus"?
16. What kind of "Annibalov oath" gave Turgenev in his youth and followed her all his life?
17. Regarding what events, he said that "in those days the world was in the genital fights"? What a former serf, which became a famous actor, became friends of Turgenev at the end of the 40s, writing a role for him in his two plays?
18. In whom, from his senior contemporaries, Turgenev saw the "great artist" and was fond of him, "even when did not agree with him"?
19. "What Russian soul will not shook these words?!" - exclaimed in despair and shocking Turgenev in March 1852. What are these words?
20. How was Turgenev for a response (obituary) for the death of Gogol?
21. What is the story that has become a hiking, he wrote, sitting under arrest at the police part?
22. About whom from Turgenev Heroes say: "After all, he just has a minina and a fire hand"? What does it mean?
23. About which Turgenev work the author responded as "lept as a treasury of Russian literature", and critic - as a new word: the writer "went to the people from such a part, with whom no one went to him yet"?
24. How do you think, choir and Kalinich are names or surnames?
25. What a nickname and why did the forester got and is his name known?
26. What songs perform singers in the story of the same name and who of them wins?
27. On whom of the characters, we learn that he was a Cossack, a cook, a cook, an actor, a gardener and, finally, a fisherman from a pond, where the fish is not found?
28. What a story wanted to write and include in the "notes ..." Turgenev about the massacre of peasants with a cruel landlord?
29. Who speaks about whom with indignation: "I, of course, immediately ordered her slices, put on a sideways and sry into the village ... Sick member better cut off at once"? What is the "she" punished for?
30. And who listens with pleasure to the sounds of the stables, and imitates them: Chyuki Chyuk?
31. In which story, the hero describes the amazing land, where the meaning of the Bird Hamaun lives, where gold apples grow on silver branches and people live "in contentment and justice"?
32. Whose ironic characteristic: "... French books, drawings and newspapers discharges, but before reading a small hunter ... In the cards playing the workshops. In general ... it is considered one of the educated and enviable grooms of our province; Ladies from him crazy and especially praise his manners "?
33. But another feature: "... The first beauty in our entire palace is high, full, white, ruddy, - huggy, dance, singing!" Who is she and what tragedy happened to her?
34. In which story, the author's thinking about the Russian person is given: "Russian people are so confident in his strength and fortress that he is not off and breaking himself: he is doing a little engaged in his past and boldly looks forward. What is good - then he likes that it is reasonable - to him and give him, and where does it go from, "he doesn't care?"
35. Do you learn Turgenev heroes from "Hunter's Notes": a) good, loving all the living, poetically configured; b) practical and smart, externally similar to Socrates; c) sullen, suffering from loneliness, but not lost kindness; d) a wanderer and the challenger, looking for a better share for everyone; e) a faithful loving and unfortunate peasant girl thrown by complacent, spoiled by the valet Barin?
36. Turgenev is a master landscape, its paintings of nature are plastic, full of movement, rhythmic. Try in the following descriptions to substitute the missed words: "The pale gray sky is lightly, colder, Blue, the stars were blissing the light light, then ..., the earth died, fucked ..., which - where they began to hear ... sound and voices, And liquid, early ... already went to wander and fluttering over the earth. " Do not remember where this passage is taken?
37. Comparative characteristics of the Horrel and Kalinich: "The chorine was a positive person, practical, administrative head, rationalist; Kalinich, on the contrary, belonged to the number of idealists, romantics, people enthusiastic and dreamy. The chorine understood reality, Kalinich walked in the lapties and interrupted something like. Horing broke a large family, submissive and unanimous; Kalinic had once a wife, and the children did not happen at all, "resembles a pair portrait of the heroes of the Russian writer - the predecessor of Turgenev. What are the heroes?
38. And the beginning of the story "First Love": "Guests have long been driving" - Simply with the famous inspired "Guests went to the cottage" of another great predecessor. Who?
39. Which of the geniuses of world literature Turgenev called "a long-terrible core"?
40. What Turgenev works are written on Shakespeare and Goethe?
41. They say that for the Russian literature, Turgenev did the same as Peter I for Russia: "I burned the window to Europe." What does this mean?
42. Which of the Russian writers especially promoted Turgenev in the West?
43. With whom from the French writers, he was friends and communicated?
44. Which of the modern writers, he considered the "genuine Rusak", to which the road is Russia, and not Slavic movie?
45. At what anniversary in 1855, Turgenev was invited and arrived in Moscow?
46. \u200b\u200bFor the words of which Turgenev poems about the "first and recent meetings" was written a popular romance, which is fulfilled so far?
47. In what kind of censorship was offered to turn the author to turn a married woman who was passionate about the student, in the old girl or widow, so as not to insult public morality?
48. How was the originally called Roman "Rudin" and why did Turgenev refused the first title?
49. "When he laughed, his face took a strange, almost senile expression, her eyes were worn, the nose wrinkled ..." Whose portrait is here? But the hero of another Russian writer also had oddity: when he laughed, his eyes were not laughed. What else do these heroes like each other?
50. Confirms or refutes the author of the opinion of Rudin, that his words "will remain in words and never become a deed"?
51. Describing the Student Circle of Poorsky, Turgenev gives tribute to the real leader of such a circle, whose member consisted of himself. Who remembers the writer?
52. Whom contemporaries found out in Rudine?
53. Who throws Rudin the accusation: "Complete! So how do you apply your interpretations about freedom, about the victim?
54. Which of the characters of the novel first accuses Rudin in the actuality, and then changes the opinion of him and says: "There is ... in it ... and this is the most precious quality in our time"? What quality is opposed to the actuality?
55. The protagonist is surrounded by "doubles", which detect or exaggerate (reinforce) its strengths and weaknesses. Name them.
56. Whom Quotes in his speech and letters Rudin: "Blessed, who was young as a smallery" and "What are you, my youth, brought me, Domykala, what a step to step nowhere?" Whom of the literary heroes does he compare himself?
57. Did the Barricade defenders know, who is Rudin?
58. What was the name of Chernyshevsky's article about the story "Asya", in which it was proved that an indecisive, weak hero, grazing in front of her, is to blame for unfortunate love?
59. Which of Turgenev heroes, as a prodigal son, returns to his home and acquires the feeling of the birthplace?
60. What autobiographical motives affected the novel "Noble Nest"?
61. What is the Tolstsky Hero reminds Lavretsky and appearance and character, and some moments of biography?
62. What literary associations causes you to meet Lavretsky at the end of a novel with young people: "Play, having fun, grow young forces ..."?
63. What is the point in put the author in the name "on the eve", and what is the critic who wrote the famous article?
64. Which choice is young Russia in the novel (the choice is symbolized in the images of "Grooms" Elena)? Do you happen to the name of the heroine?
65. Was the prototype at Insarov?
66. What saw insar the key to victory over the conquerors and liberation of Bulgaria?
67. What two figurines cut off Shubin, trying to understand the character of Insarov?
68. How does Nature "participate" in the history of Elena and Insarov?
69. What are the two words, testifying to the dramatic split of the soul, pronounces the dying Insarov in nonsense?
70. Ends the romance letter of Schubin: "And now I am, from here, from my" beautiful distant ", I ask you again ...". Who and what does Shubin ask about? Where does he write a letter and why does it take in quotes of the word "beautiful distant"?
71. What type of Russian woman opened a writer?
72. Which of his heroin leads a diary and records its spiritual dreams and thoughts in it: "Being good - this is not enough; Do good ... Yes ... This is the main thing in life. But how to do good? "
73. And the other at the very bitter minute reveals at random Tomik Pushkin and reads: "Who felt that the ghost of irrevocable days is disturbed." Who is she and from where I read Pushkin rows?
74. Why did Turgenev after many years of friendship with Nekrasov and cooperation in the "contemporary" gone from the magazine and broke the relationship with his editor?
75. Relying on world literature, Turgenev allocates two human types: a decisive enthusiast-fighter and ever doubting thinker. In which Turgenev images are embodied these types?
76. In whom from his heroes, Turgenev saw the "Antipode of Rudin", "independent soul and the pride of the first hand"?
77. Having conceived the novel "Fathers and Children", what preparatory work did the writer done to understand from the inside alien to him?
78. Turgenev loved to signify the exact dates of the events taking place in his novels. When does an action begins in "fathers and children"?
79. In connection with which the novel is mentioned twice 1848?
80. Against anyone, as the author claimed, was his novel?
81. Who was dedicated to?
82. Explaining the worldview of his hero, Turgenev emphasized: "If it is called a nihilist, then you need to read: ...". What word is missing?
83. Who considers the Bazarov "Local" and "Fargia", and who belongs to it as a "juten of pea"?
84. What Basareas Aphorisms you know: "Nature is not a temple ...", "a decent chemist ...", "and Rafael ...", "It is important that twice two four ..."?
85. What epithets are missing in the following descriptions: "His nude snatched firmly ... The hand that he didn't immediately shook" and "Pantalon took her beautiful hand from his pocket with long ... nails"? Whose hands are it?
86. What the Bazarov says: "This is all romanticism, nonsense, rot, art"?
87. Does the bazarov perform its original "love program": if a woman likes, seek her, and will not come out - come out - "the land is not a wedge"? And who followed her?
88. What was called in the province of Nikolai Petrovich and for what?
89. What instrument play and what did Nikolai Petrovich loved?
90. What book did Arkady take away from him?
91. "He loved to dream, the rustic life developed this ability in it." And "he was not born by a romantic, and did not know how to dream of his schists dry and passionate, to the French way - a misantropic soul." Who are they?
92. Whose lines and from where Nikolai Petrovich came from: "How sad is your sense, spring, spring, it's time for love ..."?
93. And twice the mention of the past ten years is repeated: "Ten years passed as a dream" and "ten years has passed, colorless, fruitlessly and quickly, scary quickly." Who does it apply to?
94. Do you know anything about the prototype Pavel Petrovich?
95. What keeps the left abroad at the end of Roman Pavel Petrovich in memory of Russia?
96. In what passion is the author of two heroes antipodes?
97. What jam is stored in the room at Fences with his own inscription on paper on the paper lid?
98. According to what the bazaarov said Arkady: "Oh, my friend, Arkady Nikolayevich! .. About one I ask you - do not say beautifully"?
99. And the Bazarov himself, does it say beautiful, sublime phrases? Finish one of them: "Dunge on the dying lamp ...". Who is she addressed to?
100. Who speaks about the com: "He, that Falcon, wanted - flew, wanted - flew away, and we are with you, like Opels on the hollow, sit row, and not from the place!"?
101. What is the diminutive name Mother calls Bazarov?
102. A month after the start of the action in the novel, the Bazarov recalls the bottom of his angel. When is an angel day at the hero?
103. With which Russian politician began the XIX century. compares himself to the bazaars, mentioning his grandfather-deed, that is, about his Popov origin?
104. The father of Bazarov is proud that during the Patriotic War, the pulse at the famous poet, his aunt. Who?
105. How many love stories described in "fathers and children" can you list?
106. What does Odenty mean, claiming that she and bazaars "are too the same"?
107. What unites caricature emancipated Cushin and Odintsov?
108. How does the Bazaarov reflect on death about who need Russia?
109. Recent Bazavarov words: "Now ... Darkness" - echoing with the last phrase of one Shakespearean hero: "And then ... silence." Who?
110. And the words of another literary hero: "Mind with a heart is not in Lada" - you can define a love drama of Bazarov. Name this hero.
111. "Heavy, lonely tear", which rolled down the cheek of Pavel Petrovich during an explanation with Fenmuschka, reminds "inhuman tears" of the Lermontov Hero: "... from the faded eye a tear is heavy rolling." Who is he?
112. What is the cause of the death of Bazarov and its symbolism?
113. Was the bazaars guess what will grow on his grave?
114. What epithets by the author of the Bazarovsk heart at the end of the novel: "What ...,, ..., ... my heart disappeared into the grave ..."?
115. And the contemporary Turgenev will call the Bazarov "Restless and Tsching", and his heart is "great." Who belongs to this review?
116. About whom from Turgenev Heroes Herzen responded as a "empty man with fragrant mustache"?
117. Which of the critics and in which democratic journal spoke against the "fathers and children", calling them the "caricature of the most malicious" and slander on modern youth?
118. The exact opposite opinion about the novel was another critic, who devoted to him two articles. Who and what?
119. After 60 years, the director V. E. Meyerhold intended to film "fathers and children" and wanted to invite the Bazarov of the Soviet poet to the role. Who?
120. Turgenev novels usually have epilogs that begin: "It took a few more years. There was an autumn cold day, "eight years passed. Spring came again ... "," Since then has passed for about five years, and no one has come more about ... "," six months passed. There was a white winter ... " Name what novels are these epilogs.
121. Turgenev novels end on a tragedy or elegic note, and sometimes with an uncertain-question intonation: "What did you think that they felt both? Who knows? Who will say? There are such moments in life, such feelings ... You can only specify - and pass by "or" Wiss Ivanovich played with fingers and fixed his mysterious gaze in the distance. " What question did not answer the hero and the author?
122. Turgenev believed that the writer should be a psychologist, but not explicitly, but what?
123. Ok Turgenev responded how about the "giant among the rest of the literary brethren", how about the "elephant in the zero"?
124. Whose Roman Turgenev met sharply harmful: "His manner initiates physical disgust in me?"
125. Himself Turgenev considered "one of the writers of transfers - the epoch between ... and the future glad." Who did he mean?
126. "And it, and your memoirs, the truthful picture of Russian life only at its two ends - and from two different points of view," wrote Turgenev Herzen. What memoirs were we talking about?
127. Who visiting Turgenev said that the owners of the future of Russia seem to seem to be a patriarchal and welcoming monastery as their estate Abramtsevo. What was this family?
128. Whom is the "last love" of Turgenev?
129. What kind of romance Turgenev wrote: "All - both red, and white, and on top, and from the bottom, and on the side, especially on the side, may be referred to in mind the negative feedback of" literary brethren "- Tolstoy, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Tyutchev?
130. What two two works of the early 70s. The writer predicted epigraphs: "Happy Years. Happy days, - like hanging waters, they rushed "(from an old romance) and" to raise the new one not superficially moving dry, but deeply taking a plow "(from the names-agronomist)?
131. Later, explaining the last epigraph, Turgenev emphasized that the plow "does not mean the revolution - ...". What did he oppose the revolution?
132. In prior plan of the last novel, the author so described one of the heroes: "The temperament is secluded revolutionary, but not a democratic, tragic nature - and tragic fate." Who is this hero?
133. In a suicide note to a friend, Nezhdan is asked to read in Evgenia Onegin one passage: "The windows with chalk are worn; No mistress. " Why did he remember the hero in the very proud minute?
134. What the ending "Novi": "" Unnamed Rus! "- He finally said," reminds the final of the first Turgenev novel?
135. Looking at his romance creativity and summarizing the results, Turgenev will say: "Of all my literary past, I have the reasons to be satisfied with this particular story." What novel from six allocated the author himself?
136. What title gave Turgenev to his "prose poems"?
137. What a date with the old friend, during which a single word was not uttered, is described in the poem "Last Date"?
138. Two diametrically opposite judgments were expressed about the heroine of which poems: "Dura" and "Holy"?
139. Turgenev admired an amazing Russian woman who during the war for the liberation of Bulgaria went to the sisters of mercy, suffered a lot of harness and dangers, died from Tifa, and dedicated her memory one of his poems in prose. What?
140. The title of three poems are quotes: "You hear a fool's court ...", "How good, how fresh roses were ..." and "Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! " Who cites the author and what inaccuracy allows in the last quotation?
141. In the poem "Russian language", Turgenev calls it with its "support and support" and determines it with several epithets. What?
142. What a poem ends with a centance: "Love, I thought, stronger death and fear of death. "Only she, only love holds and moves life"?
143. Insert the missed words in Turgenev Aphorisms: a) "The first suffering, as the first love, not ..., - and thank God!" ("Rudin"); b) "... in the spring it is easy to part - in the spring and ... pulls in the distance" ("Forest and Step"); c) "EVERYTHING MUCH, one ... will remain"; d) "Russia without each of us ... maybe, but none of us can not ..."; e) "Thanks - debt; Everyone pays his debts, but love is not ... "; e) "Do you want to be happy? Look at the first ... "
144. With which Turgenev was slipped in a letter to Ya. Polonsky before death: "When you will be in Spassky, bow my garden, young ..., ... bow, which I already probably never see"?
145. Dying away from homeland, Turgenev asked to bury him next to his dear grave. Whose?

1. Jeannet. Preduplessly by Rogging, and if he answered that he did not know, the second is secondary.
2. Fishing birds.
3. Mother Varvara Petrovna.
4. Nikolay Stankevich.
5. Mikhail Bakunin.
6. Sister Bakunina Tatiana.
7. With Pushkin.
8. Parasha. "House in Kolomna" and "Copper Horseman".
9. V. G. Belinsky.
10. About "Letter to Gogol" Belinsky.
11. Turgenev-Lutovinov. Lutovinova - Mother's Mother's name, Spassky-Lutovinovo - the name of the generic estate.
12. French singer Polina Viardo.
13. The illegal daughter of Turgenev Pelagei, raised in the Viardo family.
14. About the family of Polina Viardo.
15. Belinsky.
16. Fight fortress right.
17. On the French revolution 1848
18. In Gogol.
19. "Gogol died."
20. Arrested and promoted a month at the police part, and then exiled to his estate.
21. "MUMU".
22. About Gerasima - huge hands, like a monument.
23. About the "Hunter's Notes". Critic - V. G. Belinsky.
24. Chorine is probably nickname, and Kalinich - patronymic.
25. Biryuk - lonely, sullen man. Name is his foma.
26. A row sings a dance "I will break a young young man ...", and Yakov Turkok - "Not alone in the Road field ran ...". Wins the second.
27. Drying in the story of "LRV".
28. "Earthy" - as the peasants forced the landowner there is land for cutting off from them.
29. The landowner of animals about Maid Arin, who dared to love and ask for permission to marriage.
30. Stagunov MARDARY Apollonovich ("Two landlords").
31. "Kasyan with a beautiful sword."
32. Pammy.
33. Luchery from "Living Poles" - for many years lies motionless, broken by paralysis.
34. "Horing and Kalinich".
35. A) Kalinich; b) a chorine; c) Biryuk; d) Kasyan; D) Akulina ("Date").
36. "... disappeared", "... leaves", "... alive", "... breeze." "Bezhin meadow".
37. Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich in the story of Gogol.
38. Pushkin.
39. Shakespeare.
40. "Hamlet Schigrovsky County", "Steppe King Lear" and "Faust".
41. Turgenev introduced Europe with Russian literature and he himself translated into French the work of Russian writers.
42. Pushkin, Gogol, Krylov.
43. With Flaubert, P. Merim, E. Zola, D. Dodé, G. de Maupassan, George Sand, Br. Cutter.
44. A. Ostrovsky.
45. Century Anniversary of Moscow University, in which he studied.
46. \u200b\u200b"Morning Misty, Morning Gray ..." ("On the Road").
47. "Month in the village".
48. "Brilliant Nature" - an ironic sound, especially since Lefne says that if there is a genius in Rudin, then there is no nature.
49. Rudin and Pechorin - "Extra People", who sought the meaning of life, wanderers, everywhere and all strangers, rolling souls, but one enthusiast, and another skeptic.
50. Denies his death on barricades in Paris in 1848
51. About N. Stankevich.
52. M. Bakunina.
53. Natalia Lasunskaya.
54. Lenznev, comrade student years. Enthusiasm.
55. Lenzhevsky, Pandalevsky, bassists.
56. Pushkin. Evgeny Onegin and Koltsov. "Crossroads". With Don Quixote.
57. No, they considered him Pole and did not know his name.
58. "Russian man at" Rendez-Vous ".
59. Lavretsky ("noble nest").
60. Children's years in the village, Spartan education, attitudes with his father, gap with his wife, Russian Parisian, - Splitting with Viardo, the desire to return to Russia and engage in agriculture.
61. Pierre Dunzhanov - a serf peasant, unsuccessful marriage and gap with his wife, new love, dissatisfaction with life, etc.
62. With Pushkinsky "Hello, a young tribe, unfamiliar ..." ("I visited again ...").
63. On the eve of the emergence of "Russian insaroys" and on the eve of the revolution - Dobrolyubs. His article was called "When a real day comes?".
64. Bersenev - Science, Shubin - Art, Kurkinovsky - State activities, Insarov - a civil feat. Elena is beautiful - because of which the Trojan war began.
65. Bulgarian Nikolai Katranes married a Russian girl Larisa, went home, died from tuberculosis in Venice, wrote poems, was a translator.
66. In patriotic union, common goal: "The last beggar in Bulgaria and I - we wish the same".
67. Hero and Baran, raised on the hind legs and the bouncing horn.
68. The explanation in love is preceded by a thunderstorm, Insarov's death occurs against the background of the luxurious nature of Italy.
69. "Chedd and Randich" - the smell of spirits of Elena and compatriot, one of the organizers of the uprising.
70. Will people in Russia, similar to Insarov. From Rome, the words of Gogol, who also lived there.
71. "Turgenev Girl", combining the spiritual purity and the strength of the Spirit, capable of self-sacrifice, seeking not just a lover, but the hero, which will indicate the path to "active good".
72. Elena Stakhova.
73. Natalia Lasunskaya. From Evgeny Onegin.
74. Because of Dobrolyubov's article "When will the real day come?", Dedicated to the novel "On the eve" and published by Nekrasov in the "contemporary", contrary to the request of Turgenev, do not do this.
75. Hamlet and Don Quixote. Insarov - Don Quixote, Rudin - Hamlet.
76. In Bazarov.
77. Vied the diary on the face of Bazarov.
78. May 20, 1859
79. In 1848, after the death of his wife, Nikolai Petrovich went to France and was forced to return. In 1848, Knyagin R. Died, Pavel Petrovich lost his memories.
80. "... against the nobility as an advanced class."
81. V. G. Belinsky.
82. "... revolutionary."
83. The servant of Kirsanov Prokofich and his own serfs.
84. "... workshop, and man in her employee", "... 20 times more useful than a poet", "... a penny is not worth", "... and the rest are all trifles."
85. "... red", "... pink". Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich.
86. About spiritual love.
87. No, he could not move and forget, unlike Arkady.
88. "Red" - a "farm".
89. On cello. "Waiting" of Schubert.
90. Pushkin, Poem "Roma".
91. Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov.
92. Pushkin from Evgenia Onegin.
93. We are talking about the lucky family life of Nikolai Petrovich and about the stay of Pavel Petrovich in Russia after a break from the princess R.
94. Alexey Stalypin-Montgo, relative, friend and second Lermontov, who also enslaved love, who also had its own cult of his own person and who felt abroad in Florence.
95. A ashtray in the shape of a rustic laptaya.
96. In the hobby of Fenochka.
97. "Grew" (gooseberry).
98. Arkady compared the drop in the dry maple leaf with a butterfly flying and concluded: "... The most sad and dead is similar to the smallest and alive."
99. "... And let it go out." To single.
100. Bazarov's mother about her son.
101. Yenyusha, Yeyshechka.
102. June 22, Saint Eugene.
103. With Speransky.
104. Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky.
105. Nikolai Petrovich to his wife and Fenochka, Pavel Petrovich to Princess R. and Beshechka, Bazarov to Odse and Benchka, Arkady to Odse and Kate.
106. What both people are smart and live by reason.
107. Both are childless, devoid of maternity feelings, and Kukshin even says: "... Thank God ... No children."
108. "I need Russia ... No, you can not need. And who needs? "
109. Hamlet.
110. Chatsky.
111. Demon.
112. "Anatom" and "physiologist" of Russian life ruffles themselves when opening a peasant corpse.
113. No, he spoke about Lopukh, and flowers and two trees grow.
114. "... Passionate, sinful, rebellious."
115. Dostoevsky.
116. About P. P. Kirsanov.
117. M. Antonovich in the "contemporary". "Asmodener of our time."
118. D. Pisarev. "Bazarov" and "Thoring Proletariat".
119. Mayakovsky.
120. "Rudin", "noble nest", "On the eve" (about Elena), "fathers and children."
121. "Noble nest" and "On the eve". When new people appear in Russia.
122. "Secret."
123. About L. N. Tolstom.
124. "What to do?" Chernyshevsky.
125. Gogol.
126. About "Was and Things" Herzen and "Family Chronicle" S. T. Aksakova.
127. Aksakov family.
128. Actress M. Savin, which Turgenev saw in the play "Month in the village" in St. Petersburg Aleksandrinsky Theater in 1879
129. "Smoke" (1867).
130. Tale "Wound Waters" and Roman "Novy".
131. "... Enlightenment."
132. Nevozhanov, disappointed in nationality.
133. This is a description of the death of Lensky - "closed shutters, chalk windows are worn. No mistress ... "(empty house).
134. Unnamed dying Rudin on Barricade in Paris.
135. "Fathers and children."
136. "Senilia" - Starikovsky, senile.
137. With dying necris.
138. "Threshold" - about the young revolutionary.
139. "Memory of Yu. P. Vyrevskaya".
140. Pushkin ("Poet"), Matlev (Rosa) and Gogol ("Dead Souls"), but Gogol has "Oh, my youth!".
141. "The Great, Mighty, truthful and free."
142. "Sparrow" - about how Sparrow saved his chick, which dropped out of the nest, tanning him from the dog.
143. a) "... not repeated"; b) "... happy"; c) "... love"; d) "... to do"; e) "... money"; e) "... suffer."
144. "... oak", "... homeland".
145. Belinsky, on a wolf cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev lived in the fight against circumstances and himself. We offer to take a look at how successful was the "battle of the soul", and what price the Russian classics had to pay for their weaknesses?


The despotic barbarian Petrovna was the worst sample not only the Russian landowner, but also the mother. All of her tyrancy suffered from all: from the serfs to the beloved son of Ivan. The peasants were sent in Siberia, and the naughty son, who did not want to serve first, and then did not return from the overseas trip for a long time, deprived of livelihoods. Little Ivan's mother "DRA" personally almost every day. However, for a long time, Turgenev managed to resist the desire to draw up against the parent. She commands and he goes to Germany to continue his studies. Then, again trying to please the mother, not too zealously seeks the place in the Department of Internal Affairs in the Department of Ethnographer Daly. Soon, however, he resigns and receives a punishment for his desire to engage in "papermaking" - the mother reducing the monthly content that he hardly can pay for his own lunch. Before the death of Barbara Petrovna "will" give "two sons to his sons - Nicholas, who lived, and" having lived "and who lived abroad, to Ivan - on the estate, however, without signing the domestic and selling stocks for future sowing. Turgenev will not be able to accept - in the mouth of a quarrel he will throw his mother: "But who are you not tormenting? All! ", To which Petrovna Barvara Petrovna, hear from the malice:" I have no children! " The son will take several attempts to make a mother - in the hope of talking, it will be daily from the little father's father's estate of Turgenevo to pass 18 miles. But the mother will soon die without leaving any orders, and not a disobedient son.

Polina Viardo

For good luck on the literary field, Turgenev will have to pay a high price. Almost 40 years will last his "passion" by the role of the Russian friend. Obsession to Polina Viardo will dictate its rules. He will be submitted to opera diva on November 1, 1843 - and from now on life will not be the same. He will become her the most loyal fan, spending a long clock on the third paw of the White Bear, whose skin was distilled on the floor of the St. Petersburg restroom of his "Angel". Trying to overshadow the more fortunate Viardo rippers, it will be generous on gifts and flowers. In pursuit of personal happiness, with barely flickering hope for reciprocity, he will follow the "inimitable" to Europe. Over time, he will become a good friend of the Viardo family. Testing material difficulties, will live at their expense, and having received inheritance, you can thank friends. Life in the castle Kurtavelel 60 kilometers from the French capital will be the best time for Turgenev: a beloved woman is near, he breathes with her one air, he hears her divine singing every evening. He is happy, although it receives a long time just royal condescension. Turgenev will not be able to defeat this temptation, Hopefully Hope sooner or later fully enjoy this woman. He will get the desired, though, for a very short time.


In a critical situation, Turgenev will not be able to defeat their instinctive fear. For study in Germany, he will go on the ship. The fire began on the vessel and engulfing all panic will make young Turgenev will reveal the cowardice. It will be desperately sweep the passengers, seeking the first to take a place in the saving boat, not noticing among children and women who are confusing. The horror of the fire prejups only one desire - to escape. Later in the autobiographical story "Fire to the Sea" he will write: "I remember that I grabbed the sailor's hand and promised him ten thousand rubles on behalf of Mother, if he succeeds to save me." Fortunately, no one will suffer, but a bitter sense of shame will be mixed with the joy of salvation, which for many years will poison the life of Turgenev.

Copper pipes

Did you want to achieve the glory of the greatest once? Of course, but can you reproach it? The first "wall", written in the imitation of the Baironovsky "Manfred", will show the professor of Russian literature Plenev. Friendly and possessed by the wonderful little ski will find a product mediocre, however, will recommend the author to continue the search and will even invite it to one of the literary evenings. It is in the hallway of the Plenev Turgenev for the first time will be seen Pushkin - his idol. A little earlier, he will visit Gogol's lecture on universal history and will be extremely disappointed, having seen something that whispered something incoherent, a terribly confused person who, who, to all, was weak, weakly understood in the subject that spoke. Later he would like to meet Dostoevsky, who will seem confused, awkward and ridiculous. Dostoevsky will become for Turgenev personification that he did not take in people: Multi-climb, lack of tact, extravagance. Then he will not know what Dostoevsky will become his main rival in a literary career. Turgenev worked at one time with Tolstoy and Nekrasov, Fetom and Dobrolyubov, Emil Zol and Prosper Merim, Flaubert, Gi de Maupassan, James, Tekkrey, Dickens. And he will become a classic of Russian literature by writing "notes of the hunter", "noble nest", "on the eve", "fathers and children". He will translate a lot, opening Russian literature for Europeans and gives the best works of Western classics to compatriots.


From the whole of the celebrities, which surrounded Turgenev, the relationship with many turned out from purely business in friendly. However, the wounded and subjective Ivan Sergeevich could strongly stop any intercourse with friends, without realizing the motivation of the act or not accepting the opinion. So, after the publication in the "contemporary" of Dobrolyubov, in which the critic "On the eve", Turgenev will put Nekrasov before the choice, and when he chooses Dobrolyubov, Ivan Sergeevich will leave the "Contemporary" and stop communicating with the best friend. Already for 10 years, Turgenev quarreled for 10 years and with Dostoevsky because of disagreement with the themes and heroes of the novel "Smoke". For many 17 years, Turgenev will cease to communicate with Lv's thick - the quarrel will begin due to the difference of views on the methods of education. In particular, Tolstoy considers the inexperienced situation when the "discharged girl" (the extramarital daughter Turgenev) will repair the clothes of the poor. The remark will extremely hitting Turgenev: he will lose his composure, respond sharply, although it was not typical of his nature, and, allegedly, even rushes to thick with fists. The case could end the duel, but fortunately, the murder did not take place. It is interesting, however, that usually not Turgenev did the first steps to reconcile.

The revolution

The French revolution of 1848 caught Turgenev in Brussels, and after half an hour he was raced to Paris to become a witness to the indigenous change. But when we saw the blood, mass violes, in vain sacrifices, the obsession of his friend Bakunin, who was rejected in the richness of the oppressed masses, Turgenev realized that he was not capable of active struggle, decisive action, and most importantly, he was not ready to go to extremes. Peacefully in their nature and the prone to reflections, he undoubtedly dreamed of the best world and other life for people, however, was not a supporter of revolutionary bloodshed. Contemplation to French events allowed him to clearly realize that his vocation - reflections, love and work. Interestingly, after becoming after the death of the mother's full-fledged owner of the Spasskoy, he will give the opportunity to pay off only by several peasants. Yes, he condemned the serfdom, however, like many people of that time, believed that the men themselves would disappear. Extreme measures and decisive actions were clearly not for Turgenev. He preferred humility and contemplation.


And yet, sometimes he bantched, broke the prohibitions (for example, published a prohibited necrologist for the death of Gogol), there was an inactive circumstances, succumbed to temptations, but climbed and continued the path. A bright illustration of the error correction can serve as the attitude of Turgenev to the extramarital daughter, which he "snatched" from the chain "embraces" of her grandmother, relating to the girl as a servant. Turgenev first crossed Pelagey to St. Petersburg, and then asked Polina Viardo to take the daughter to upbringing. So the Russian girl with the new name of Polinetta (or Polina) was in France. True, after the death of the father, the young lady got into the extremely difficult financial situation, because his state of Turgenev bequeathed Polina Viardo. And he could not win this passion. However, if Turgenev stood before all the temptations, he would not be a man, but holy.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich, the stories, the story and novels of whom they know and love many today, was born on October 28, 1818 in the city of Orel, in the old nobility family. Ivan was the second son of Turgeneva Varvara Petrovna (nee Lutovinova) and Turgenev Sergey Nikolayevich.

Parents of Turgenev

His father was in service in Elisavetgrad Cavalry regiment. After marriage, he was resigned in the rank of colonel. Sergey Nikolaevich belonged to the old nobility. His ancestors are considered to be a tatar. Ivan Sergeevich's mother was not the same informant as his father, but she was superior to wealth. Extensive lands that belong to Varvar Petrovna. Sergey Nikolayevich stood out of the grace of manner and secular sophistication. He had a subtle soul, was beautiful. Number of mother was not like that. This woman quickly lost his father. A terrible shock had to experience her in adolescence when she was trying to seduce her stepfather. Barbara ran out of the house. Ivan's mother, who survived humiliation and oppression, tried to take advantage of the power given to her by law and nature, over sons. This woman was distinguished by the power of will. She despalingly loved her children, and with serfs it was cruel, often for insignificant provinces punished them with spanking.

Case in Bern

In 1822, Turgeneva went to a foreign trip. In Bern, Swiss city, Ivan Sergeevich almost died. The fact is that the Father put the boy on the railing fence, which surrounded a large pit with urban bears, having entertained the audience. Ivan fell from the railing. Sergey Nikolayevich at the last moment grabbed her son's son.

Acquaintance with elegant literature

Turgenevs from the overseas trip returned to Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, the mother estate that was ten versorates from Mtsensk (Oryolsky province). Here Ivan discovered a literature: one courtyard man from the fortress mothers read the boy on an ancient manner, sowing and mernically, the poem "Rossiad" Heraskova. Heraskov in solemn verses challenged the battle for Kazan Tatars and Russian during the reign of Ivan Vasilyevich. Many years later, Turgenev in his tenure of 1874 "Punin and Baburin" endowed one of the heroes of the work with love for "Rossiad".

The first love

The Ivan Sergeevich family from the end of the 1820s to the first half of the 1830s was in Moscow. In 15 years, Turgenev fell in love for the first time in life. At this time, the family was in the country of Engel. The neighbors were with their daughter, Prince Catherine, who was 3 years older than Ivan Turgenev. The first love seemed to Turgenev captivating, beautiful. He was taught before the girl, was afraid to confess in a sweet and volatile feeling, extincting them. However, the end of joys and flour, fear and hopes came suddenly: Ivan Sergeevich accidentally learned that Catherine was his father's beloved. Turgenev has long pursued pain. Her history of love for a young girl he will give a hero of the age of 1860 "First Love". In this work, Catherine became the prototype of the princed zinaida cocked.

Study at universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, death of the father

Biography of Ivan Turgenev continues to study a period. Turgenev in September 1834 entered Moscow University, to the verbal faculty. However, he was not pleased with his studies at the university. He liked the Pogorel, a teacher of mathematics, and Dubensky, who led Russian. Most teachers and courses left completely indifferent student Turgenev. And some teachers caused an obvious antipathy. This is especially true of the victoriousness, which tediously and long argued about literature and could not advance in his preferences further Lomonosov. After 5 years, Turgenev will continue to study in Germany. He will say about Moscow University: "He is full of fools."

Ivan Sergeevich in Moscow studied only a year. In the summer of 1834, he moved to St. Petersburg. Here in military service consisted of his brother Nicholas. Ivan Turgenev continued to study in his father died in October of the same year from the renal disease, right on the hands of Ivan. With his wife, he already lived by this time. Ivan Turgenev's father was in love and quickly cooled to his wife. Varvara Petrovna did not forgive him to betray and, exaggerating his own misfortunes and illnesses, put himself a victim of his heartlessness and irresponsibility.

A deep wound in the soul of Turgenev left he began to think about life and death, about the meaning of being. Turgenev at that time attracted mighty passions, bright characters, throwing and bourgeing of the soul, expressed by an unusual, sublime language. He was reveled by verses V. G. Benedictova and N. V. Kuzkachnik, the leaders A. A. Bestumev-Marlinsky. Ivan Turgenev wrote to the oppression of Byron (the author "Manfreda") his dramatic poem called the "wall". After more than 30 years, he will say that this is "a completely ridiculous work."

Writing poems, Republican ideas

Turgenev in winter 1834-1835. Heavyly fell ill. He had weakness in the body, he could not eat and sleep. Recovery, Ivan Sergeevich greatly changed spiritually and physically. He pulled greatly, and also lost interest in mathematics that attracted him before, and more and more began to be interested in elegant literature. Turgenev began to compose many poems, but still imitative and weak. At the same time, he was carried away by republican ideas. He felt like a shame and the greatest injustice in the country. In Turgenev, the feeling of guilt in front of all the peasants strengthened, because his mother came with them cruel. And he gave himself an oath to do everything so that in Russia there was no class of "slaves."

Acquaintance with Plentnev and Pushkin, Publication of the first poems

Turgenev's student at the third year met with P. A. Pletnev, professor of Russian literature. This is a literary critic, poet, friend A. S. Pushkin, who is dedicated to the novel "Evgeny Onegin". In early 1837, he had a literary evening, Ivan Sergeevich collided with Pushkin himself.

In 1838, two poems of Turgenev were published in the magazine "Contemporary" (first and fourth rooms): "To Venus Medica" and "Evening". Ivan Sergeevich and then published poems. The first samples of the pen, which were printed, did not bring him fame.

Continuing study in Germany

In 1837, Turgenev graduated from St. Petersburg University (verbal branch). He was not satisfied with the resulting education, feeling the failures in his knowledge. German universities were considered the benchmark. And in the spring of 1838, Ivan Sergeevich went to this country. He decided to finish the University of Berlin, in which Hegel's philosophy was taught.

Abroad, Ivan Sergeevich agreed with the thinker and poet N. V. Stankevich, became also friends with M. A. Bakunin, who later became the famous revolutionary. Conversations on historical and philosophical topics, he led from T. N. Granovsky, the future famous historian. Ivan Sergeevich became a convinced Western. Russia, in his opinion, should take an example from Europe, getting rid of unculture, laziness, ignorance.

Public service

Turgenev, returning to Russia in 1841, wanted to teach philosophy. However, it was not destined to the plans: the department, which he wanted to do was not restored. Ivan Sergeevich in June 1843 was enrolled in the Ministry of the Interior. At that time, the issue of the liberation of peasants was studied, so Turgenev treated the service with enthusiasm. However, Ivan Sergeevich briefly served in the ministry: in the utility of his work, he quickly disappointed. It began to have a need to fulfill all the instructions of the authorities. In April 1845, Ivan Sergeevich resigned and no longer consisted of public service.

Turgenev becomes known

Turgenev in the 1840s began to play the role of a secular lion in society: always well-groomed, neat, with aristocrat manners. He wanted success and attention.

In 1843, in April, the poem "Parasha" Turgenev I. S. The plot of her - the touching love of the daughter of the landowner to the neighbor in the estate. The work is a kind of ironic echo "Eugene Onegin". However, unlike Pushkin, in the Poem Turgenev, everything ends with a safely marriage of heroes. Nevertheless, happiness is deceptive, doubtful - it's just ordinary well-being.

The work highly appreciated V. G. Belinsky, the most influential and famous critic of the time. Turgenev met the druzhinin, Panayev, Nekrasov. Following the "pairs", Ivan Sergeevich wrote the following poems: in 1844 - "conversation", in 1845 - "Andrei" and "landowner". Also created Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich Stories and Tale (in 1844 - "Andrei Kolosov", in 1846 - "three portraits" and "Breater", in 1847 - "Petushkov"). In addition, Turgenev wrote in 1846 a comedy "lack of money", and in 1843 - drama "negligence". He followed the principles of the "Natural School" of the writers, to which Grigorovich, Nekrasov, Herzen, Goncharov. Writers belonged to this area depicted "non-efficient" items: the daily lives of people, life, preferential attention was paid to the influence of the circumstances and the environment on the fate and character of a person.

"Hunter's Notes"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in 1847 published an essay "Chorine and Kalinich", created under the impression of the hunting journeys of 1846 in the fields and forests of the Tula, Kaluga and Orlovskaya provinces. Two hero in it - a chorine and Kalinich - are not just represented as Russian peasants. These are the individuals with their own non-easy inner world. On the pages of this work, as well as other essays Ivan Sergeevich, published by the book "Notes of the Hunter" in 1852, the peasants have their own vote, different from the style of the narrator. The author recreated the moral and life of the landlord and peasant Russia. His book was rated as a protest against serfdom. The society took it with enthusiasm.

Relationship with Polina Viardo, Mother Death

1843 arrived with touring young opera singer from France Polina Viardo. She was met enthusiastically. Ivan Turgenev was also admired by her talent. He was captive by this woman for his whole life. Ivan Sergeevich followed France for her and her family (Viardo was married), accompanied Polina in Turne in Europe. His life from now on was divided between France and Russia. Love Ivan Turgenev passed the test of time - Ivan Sergeevich was waiting for the first kisser for two years. And only in June 1849, Polina became his beloved.

Turgenev's mother was categorically against this connection. She refused to give him funds received from revenues from estates. He reconciled their death: Turgenev's mother was hardly died, choking. She died in 1850 on November 16 in Moscow. Ivan was too late was notified of her illness and did not have time to say goodbye to her.

Arrest and reference

In 1852, N. V. Gogol died. I. S. Turgenev wrote a necrologist on this occasion. It did not have any reprehensive thoughts. However, it was not customary to remember the duel, which led to and also remind of Lermontov's death. On April 16 of the same year, Ivan Sergeevich was planted under arrest for a month. Then he was referred to Spassky-Lutovinovo, not allowing to leave the Oryol province. After a reference after 1.5 years, he was allowed to leave Spassky, but only in 1856 provided the right to go abroad.

New works

During the years, Ivan Turgenev wrote new works. Books acquired more and more popularity. In 1852, Ivan Sergeyevich created the story "Strength Dvor". In the same year Ivan Turgenev "Mumu", one of the most famous works. In the period from the late 1840s to the middle of the 1850s, he created other stories: in 1850 - "Diary of an extra person", in 1853 - "two buddies", in 1854 - "correspondence" and "calm" , In the 1856th - "Jacob Pasynkova". Their heroes are naive and sublime idealists who fail in their attempts to bring society to benefit or gain happiness in personal life. Criticism made them "superfluous people." Thus, Ivan Turgenev came the creator of a new type of hero. His books were interesting to their novelty and the relevance of the issues.


The glory acquired by the mid-1850s Ivan Sergeyevich strengthened Roman "Rudin". The author wrote it in 1855 for seven weeks. Turgenev in the first novel made an attempt to recreate the type of ideologue and thinker, a modern man. The protagonist is a "extra person", which is also depicted in weakness, and in attractiveness at the same time. The writer, creating it, endowed his hero features Bakunin.

"Noble nest" and new novels

In 1858, the second Roman Turgenev appeared - the "noble nest". His themes is the story of one old nobility; The love of nobleman, by the will of the circumstances hopeless. The poetry of love, executed grace and subtlety, the careful image of the experiences of the characters, spirituality of nature is such a distinctive feature of the style of Turgenev, perhaps most distinctly expressed in the "noble nest". They are peculiar to some of the leaders, such as Faust of 1856, "a trip in Polesie" (the years of creation - 1853-1857), "Asya" and "First Love" (both works are written in 1860). The "noble nest" was kindly welcome. He was praised by many critics, in particular Annenkov, Pisarev, Grigoriev. However, the next novel Turgenev was waiting for a completely different fate.

"On the eve"

In 1860, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was published. Summary of it Next. In the center of the work - Elena Stakhova. This heroine is a bold, decisive, dedicatedly loving girl. She loved the revolutionary Insarov, Bulgarian, who dedicated his life to the liberation of the Motherland from the power of the Turks. The history of their relationship ends, as usual at Ivan Sergeevich, tragically. The revolutionary dies, and his wife Elena decides to continue the case of the late spouse. Such is the plot of the new novel, who created Ivan Turgenev. A brief content of it, of course, we described only in general terms.

Disordant estimates caused this novel. Dobrolyubov, for example, the instructive tone in his article spoke to the author, where he is wrong. Ivan Sergeevich came into rage. Radical-democratic editions published texts with scandalous and echidial hints on the details of the personal life of Turgenev. The writer broke the relationship with the "contemporary", where many years were printed. The younger generation ceased to see in Ivan Sergeevich Kumir.

"Fathers and Sons"

From 1860 to 1861, Ivan Turgenev "Fathers and Children" wrote, a new novel. It was published in the Russian Bulletin in 1862. Most readers and critics did not appreciate it.


In 1862-1864 The story-thumbnail was created "Pretty" (published in 1864). It is imbued with the motives of disappointment in the values \u200b\u200bof life, including art and love, so expensive Turgenev. In the face of an inexorable and blind death, everything loses its meaning.


Written in 1865-1867 The novel "Smoke" also penetrate with a gloomy mood. The work was published in 1867. In it, the author tried to recreate the picture of the modern Russian society that prevailing ideological sentiment in it.


The last Roman Turgenev appeared in the mid-1870s. In 1877, he was printed. Turgenev in it introduced revolutionary populations who are trying to convey their ideas to the peasants. Their actions he appreciated as a sacrificial feat. However, this is a feat of doomed.

The last years of the life of I. S. Turgenev

Since the mid-1860s, Turgenev since the mid-1860s almost constantly lived abroad, only the departures of the day in their homeland. He built himself a house in Baden-Baden, near the Viardo family house. In 1870, after the Franco-Prussian war, Polina and Ivan Sergeevich left the city and settled in France.

In 1882, Turgenev fell ill with a spinal cancer. The last months of his life were heavy, death was hard. The life of Ivan Turgenev broke off on August 22, 1883. He was buried in St. Petersburg on the Volkovsky cemetery, near the grave of Belinsky.

Ivan Turgenev, stories, the story and novels of which are included in the school curriculum and are known to many, one of the greatest Russian writers of the 19th century.

Themes of poems in the prose of Turgenev are completely different. They reflect social problems regarding moral categories and affect universal value. Periodically, these texts are useful to reread, to celebrate something important and significant in them. That is why they are still relevant and in our time. Analysis of poems in prose Turgenev allows you to deeper to understand the problems of its works, imbued with touching texts that are taught good, justice and responsibility.

When you get acquainted with them, the feeling of light bears appears. One of the most interesting and memorable are the short notes of Turgenev. The genre of poem in prose appeared precisely since the creation of these amazing mini-stories. Ivan Sergeevich became its founder. Consider more separate texts.

"Two rich"

Here the author compares among himself examples of generosity of the soul. One person, wealthy in all respects, sacrifices huge amounts of money to help sick and disadvantaged. The other is a poor peasant - refuses to himself in the most needed. The main goal is becoming concern for Sydote niece. He does not regret money on someone else's child and does not even think about how many he has to sacrifice. Turgenev emphasizes the idea that the true benefit always comes from compassion, the ability to abandon something important in the name of the well-being of the other.


In this work there is a reasoning about the noble blowing of the bird, which the author witnessed. He admires the sincere dedication of an adult sparrow, who rushed to protect the chick. It involuntarily passes a comparison with human destinies and needs. The "Sparrow" of Turgenev is aimed at the disclosure of moral values: the ability to sacrifice themselves, to make responsibility for what is happening.

After all, every threatening situation has its own solution. You only need to look good looking inside yourself, detect your internal resources. In many cases, the "Sparrow" of Turgenev is remembered more than other texts. It is included in the school curriculum, quoted, even those who have nothing to do with literature admire.


Very touching story that gives an impression. The author shows the feelings of a simple peasantry - the widow, who died the only son. An elderly woman is barely rests from grief, but faces lack of brownie: that it seems that it is not strong enough. The "coarse feelings" of the peasant women in fact hide under themselves the need to take care of the bread daily daily. While the lady easily got any benefits. Because she could afford to grow for a long time, refusing not only from food, but also any other pleasures. "Sing" is an indicative story that all is different values, and what is the difficulty for one, another gets easily.

"Russian language"

Wonderful text that you want to periodically read and reread. The author praises his native speech, considering it by the standard of beauty and grace. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Russian Language" makes you think about a lot: about choosing your individual path, about where you can always find a support and support. The author feels the consonance of his soul with his own speech, sincerely admits her. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Russian language" is filled with unprecedented tenderness, penetrated by intimate feelings. This text awakens in the heart of good memories.

"Enemy and friend"

The theme of this work is quite ambiguous, which does not allow you to immediately understand what its incredit meaning is concluded. And a friend may accidentally ruin, and the enemy at some point to tell the truth. The author emphasizes the multiplicity of the problem itself.


Awesome life-affirming work that helps to feel how great the variety of life. It is filled with unimaginable love to everything that differs from other poems in the prose of Turgenev. "Pigeons" is a real anthem of life. The work helps to understand how sometimes we are mistaken about some manifestations of reality. According to the author, the most important thing in life is love and compassion.

Watching the behavior of birds, the writer is enthusiastic by their selfless manifestations, the desire to help and be necessary to each other. It is probably comparing this picture with human relationships that are not always so harmonious and beautiful.

"What am I thinking"

The work, received by gloomy configure before the inevitable proximity of death. The writer preds that the end of his life path will come soon and therefore it suffers.

He is scared by the unknown, as well as the prospect of what life lives is not the best way. It seems that there is nothing good in front, and the heart slowly fills the longing. "What I will think" is one big question to which it is impossible to answer, without plunging into the details, without considering concrete circumstances. Analysis of poems in prose Turgenev emphasizes how the person himself, being in old age, can be asked to be seriously issues, thereby depriving itself to peace of mind and confidence.

Summing up, you can not just miss a lot, but also to evaluate it is biased.


The work that bears grief for useless life. The author in each sentence argues that any moment pricelessly, but we spend time on the essential nonsense! In essence, people live him as if they had no other opportunities and alternatives. The vehicles of each individual path complicates the understanding of the meaning of its destination.

"Writer and Critic"

Here we are talking about what is the real talent in life and what it is measured. The writer sees the meaning of life in a genuine dedication and the greatest desire to convey to readers some bright idea, which has a newver value. The critic discovers in such an existence something unworthy, but he can only reason and evaluate. The author shows that the real writer and critic live in each of us. One obsessed with the dream of creativity, the other than him constantly scolds, returning to harsh unsightly reality. Their dispute can continue until someone gives it to another and will not pass their own positions.


In this work, the author tries to comprehend the incredit value of life. The look of the animal seems to reflect his own fears that have become unbearable and too obsessive. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Dog" shows the connection of the life of a pet with the thoughts and feelings of his owner.

If a person has not a very positive arrangement of the Spirit, the animal begins to behave in a similar way: worried, it looks plaintively in the eyes. In all this traced the relationship of close souls. The poem in the prose of Turgenev "Dog" is aimed at the disclosure of the feelings that a man hid from himself, fearing new disappointments.

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow!"

The work that makes think about the meaning of life. People tend to bring tomorrow, building plans, but they miss this moment. Even the one who took place in life, managed to express his talent, undoubtedly, he regrets the unrealized opportunities before death.

Thus, the analysis of poems in prose Turgenev shows that the author reflecting a lot about the essence and value of his being. Own life was represented by a deliberately lost party. Individual experiences of the writer found an embodiment in sophisticated and concise stories that are easily read. Analysis of poems in prose Turgenev shows how difficult the last years of Ivan Sergeyevich's life were. He is constantly referring to his memories and does not find comfort in them. In many individual works, the thought is traced about the meaninglessness of the future life, the topic of disappointment sounds the topic of disappointment. The poems themselves in prose are sufficiently capacious, filled with wisdom, although they are not optimistic.

Vinogradova Elizabeth student MKOU SOSH №3 p. Dynvo



The life and work of Turgenev is a genuine tragedy, still unconscious mankind.

"Real" Turgenev remained, and remains unknown.

Nevertheless, who is such Turgenev? What do we know about him? At best, someone carefully read the biography in the textbook, but there are only dry facts.
With the works of Turgenev I introduced my grandmother, a passionate fan of his creativity. These were the stories from the Hunter Notes.

Landscape sketches, memorable images, expressive and emotional language - all this sank into my soul. I wanted to get acquainted with other works of this great writer.

E. the dynical great love of Turgenev, whom he never changed, was Russian nature, his muse and inspirational.

And indeed, it is difficult not to describe such beauty. Hunter in the soul, Ivan Sergeevich could not remain indifferent to the surrounding areas.

. And this unbearable love delight poured on paper in the form of amazing landscape sketches. For example:
"... With dew, there is a scarlet shine on the glades, even recently lured liquid gold streams ..."

As bright, this landscape is described, colorfully and vividly. Reading these lines, you can easily submit this unique picture. "The singer of Russian Nature, Turgenev with such poetic strength and immediacy showed the captivating beauty and the charm of the Russian landscape, like a none prose to him," the great critic wrote.
"Notes of the Hunter" - truly brilliant creation of the artist of the Peasant Soul, depicting a picture of contrasts and harmony of an amazing Russian character, combining the untouched natural principle, the warmer strength and at the same time sensitivity and vulnerability.
The peasant, whom you can love you can admire who lives by nature, beauty, sincerity and love, which is such Turgenev sees the Russian people, without hiding their feelings, admiring and surprising him, sometimes even dropping a hot tear.
The narrator whose voice we hear from the pages of the Hunter's Notes, gives a description of nature as a person who is finely feeling the beauty of his country. He knows about nature as much as any of the peasants.
The writer opens as a true connoisseur of his characters, he beats each situation so that one or another feature of a popular character manifested itself. Turgenev refuses to generalizations, he draws his heroes as original nation representatives.
Turgenev emphasizes the peasantry in the story "Singers." Here, the eyes of the reader appears the contrast between the reality, household sketches and the beauty and the blamelessness of the spiritual world of a simple man: "To confess to say, at no time of year, the Kolotovka did not imagine a pleasant spectacle, but especially sad feeling excites when the July glittering sun floods with his inexorable rays and floods Brown seamless roofs of houses, and this deep ravine, and burned, dyed pasture, according to which thin, long-legged chicken, and a gray urban log house with holes instead of windows, the rest of the old Barskaya house, the circle of overgrown with nettle, bunoan and wormwood ... " . Against the background of a coarse reality that makes up the external life of the peasants, their inner world reveals, the ability to feel the beautiful and admire the soul of the touching Russian song.
The heroes of the "Bezhin Meadow" merge with nature, feeling her and living in it. The writer shows the children who closest to the natural beginning, Turgenev depicts their bright characters, gives the capacious characteristics, noting the speech of peasant boys, in which everything breathes by the immutable feeling of naturalness and some naivety. On the stories that the boys listen with the fading of hearts, not doubting their truthfulness, even nature responds, as if confirming belief or a mysterious case: "All Smallkley. Suddenly, somewhere in the distance, there was a long, ringing, almost a wall sound, one of those incomprehensible night sounds, which occur sometimes among deep silence, rise, stand in the air and slowly spread in finally, as if driving ... The boys looked around, flinched " . Even the hunter himself, the man is, believes in accepting: so natural is the merger of people and the atmosphere, in which the characters of the story are.
It is impossible to remain indifferent to the sincere world of the soul, which is revealed in every small detail, in speech and actions of Turgenev characters. The writer loves the people, he believes in him, playing the strings of his heart, he proves that it has no darkness and stabbing, blind humility and humility; All that is bad in the Russian man is due to the conditions of existence. On the pages of the "Hunter's Notes", the people live with a soul and heart, able to find outstands in an impenetrable darkness, without being lost in him and not the poor spiritually.

But a completely different nature of the work. Which contains a deep philosophical meaning of the assignment of a person, for the ability to forgive and be farewell.

Story I. S. Turgenev: "Living power" at one time highly appreciated Georges Sand for the plot. Religious and patriotic assessments are dominated in Russian criticism.

Luchery, the yard girl of the village landowner, beauty, singer, dance, clever, in love with the guy, engaged with him, on the eve of the wedding at the age of 21, accidentally fell, got sick, "cruel stone immobility" was sick, and here alone, lies in the old Saraj Loading from the village for seven years, almost nothing eats, the little girl is caressing behind it. Being on the hunt, in the barn to Lucier, her barin went. He saw the "bronze face", "fingers-sticks", "Metal cheeks" - not a person, but an "icon of an old letter", "lively power". Their conversation opens the reader an amazing girl's soul, creating life separately from his dying body. Suffering did not harm her. Like the gift of God she takes torment. Through it, he knows the meaning of his life. And it seems to her that suffering, she repeats the feat of Jesus, Zhanna D`ark. But what truth does she carry? In response to this question the meaning of the story.

The withered, semi-dimensional, she perceives the world, mainly through smells, sounds, color, rarely through the life of animals, plants, people. Lucker's story led almost fun, without Oh, and sigh, not at all complaining and not asking for participation. She won the pain with a poetic feeling, the ability to surprise, appeal, laugh. Extremely voltage of strength even a song could stumble, cry, undergo one. I trained the girl a licker, caring for her, sing songs. She seemed to carry out some kind of debt.

What corresponds to the world of Lucher? Paralyzed Luchery - to live courage. She turns her misfortune into a way to be happy. Through the ability to overcome suffering, she approves life on earth, understands this, and in this understanding of her happiness. In the courage to be happy - her answer to the world.

Matching himself with the world, Luchery believes that he performs some kind of moral debt. What?

It is not particularly concerned about the church god. Alexey's father, the priest, decided not to confess her - not that man; The Christian calendar gave and took, because he sees that it is not enough for a sense. And although she constantly feels the presence of "sky" in his life, her thought focuses not on the "sky", for himself. Lucray's human duty is to live, suffering and overcoming suffering.

She refused to go to the hospital. Does not want her sorry. It prays not much, does not see much sense in this. Not much knows prayers: "Our Father", "Virgin", "Akathist". "Yes, and what am I going to go to the Lord to God? What can I ask him? He knows better than me, what I need ... ". And at the same time he believes that no one will help a person if he does not help himself. Everyone is pleased.

Turgenev here interprets the evangelical idea that Jesus suffered for all people when he voluntarily ascended to the cross. Luchery regrets everyone: And his former groom Vasya, who married a healthy woman, and killed a hunter, and small-earth peasants, and a girl's license, and the whole fortress people. Suffering and sorry, she lives in the world, and not in his pain - in this her moral feat. And happiness. And the Divine Divine.

Luchery is one of the Turgenev interpretations of the image of Jesus. She is a poetic nature. "Only one I am living!", "And it might be sank," the thinking will come as a tuchka "," only a poet can speak in such images "pictures". And in this Turgenev did not move away from the truth - Jesus was a poet. The meaning of Jesus, Luchery, echo is a way to do the debt to which the poet his sacrificial soul calls.

A striking ending story.

In Turgenevsky story, the tragic fate of Jesus, Joan D, Ark, Pushkin, Lermontov, Turgenev, all poets of the world is repeated.

This is a way of understanding a person to find the divine in himself through the sacrificial feat of love for people as through a new measure of Divine. But the feat of love forces only to someone who is able to miss and cross, and the fire, and many years of stone immobility, and the worst thing - "no review!", Through his poetic soul.

Why are Turgenev's works so truthful? Maybe because everything that happened the author survived or saw himself. Turgenev once said: "My whole biography is in my writings." It seems to me that this is true. For example,November 1, 1843 Turgenev meets the singerPolina Viardo (Viardo Garcia), the love of which will largely determine the external course of his life.

Forever and ever tied Turgenev with great artist big, hot love. She brought a lot of happiness to the writer, but happiness and grief, joy and despair went nearby. The wife of Turgenev's beloved woman could not be: she had children and husband. And their relations retained the purity and the charm of true friendship, followed by a high sense of love.

"When I won't be, when everything that was me, I crumble asion," Oh you, my only friend, about you, which I loved so deeply and so gently, you, who will probably survive me, do not go to my grave. . "

This poem in prose was dedicated to the beloved woman - Polina Viardo.

Love is invariably present in Turgenev plots. However, it rarely ends happily: in the love theme, the writer brings a hue of the tragedy. Love in the image of Turgenev - cruel and wayward power playing by human destinies. This is an extraordinary, frantic element that equalizes people, regardless of their position, character, intelligence, internal appearance.

Before the elements, this often turns out to be defenseless people: Democrat Bazarov and Aristocrat Pavel Petrovich equally unhappy ("fathers and children"), it is difficult to reconcile with their fate of the young, naive girl, Liza Kalitina, and an experienced, mature man, nobleman Lavretzky, who is ready was to a new life in the homeland ("noble nest").
Lonely, with a broken hopes and a vain dream of happiness, Lord N.N., the hero of the story "Asya" remains. When you read a story, then it seems, the whole point is concluded in the famous Pushkin phrase - "And happiness was so possible, so close ..." Her says in Evgenia Onegin Tatiana, forever separating its destiny from the fate of his chosen one. In a similar situation, the hero of Turgenev also turns out. Only a farewell note of his unfulfilled dream remains of a farewell note, and the heraie flower, which he holy stores.
After reading the works of Turgenev as the "noble nest", the "day before", the "first love", "hanging waters", I saw how poetically, how thinly paints a writer a sense of love. Love, bringing a person and joy and grief, making it better, cleaned, sublime. So only the one who experienced this feeling in all its beauty and strength could write about love. Most often, the stories and novels of Turgenev love is tragic. Undoubtedly, the vital drama of the writer affected.
I must say that I like the books in which the theme of love is raised, and therefore I would like to devote my work to such works.
One of the first Turgenev novels was the novel "noble nest". He had exceptional success, and it seems to me, not by chance. "Nowhere poetry is a dying noble estate in such a calm and sad light, as in the" noble nest, "- wrote Belinsky. We are in front of us in detail described the life of the good and quiet Russian Barina Fyodor Ivanovich Lavretsky.

Meeting with the beauty of the barbury Pavlovna cool turned over all his fate. He married, but the marriage soon ended the rupture of the fault of Barbara Pavlovna. It was easy for him to survive a family drama. But a new love came, whose history is the story of the novel: Lavretsky met Lisa Kalitin.
Lisa was a girl deeply religious. This formed her inner world. Her attitude to life and people decided to have a bad feeling of a sense of duty, fear of causing anyone's suffering, offend.
The misleading false news about the death of Varvara Pavlovna, Lavretsky is going to marry the second time, but his wife suddenly appears. Sad finals came. Lisa went to the monastery; Lavretsky stopped thinking about his own happiness, dove, aged, closed. The latter Dvoroving his image of the feature remains his bitter appeal to himself: "Hello, lonely old age! Break, useless life! "

Most recently, I read another excellent tale of Turgenev - "Whether Waters". What attracted me in this story? Turgenev as part of the story of love puts broad life questions, raises the important problems of modernity.

I must say that women's types in Turgenev are stronger nature than men.

Turgenev found high words, poetic paints to portray the feelings of lovers. The author comes this beautiful and unique feeling - the first love: "First love is the same revolution ... youth stands on the barricade, her bright banner goes high - and whatever it was waiting for her - death or a new life in everything - everything she sends His enthusiastic hello. "
But Sanin changes this great feeling. He meets the brilliant beauty of Mrs. Polozov, and the attraction to her makes him abandon Jemma. Polozov is shown not only as a depraved woman, but also as a serfdom, like a deft businesswoman. She is a predator and in his business practice, and in love. The world of Gemma is the world of freedom, the world of richness is polozova - the world of slavery. But not one love changes Sanin. He changed both the ideals that were sacred for Gemma. For marriage, Sanin must be mined. And he is solved to sell his own estate. This meant and selling its fortress. But earlier Sanin said that selling live people is immoral.

I would advise our peers to read at least a few leaders of this wonderful writer, and I'm sure these works will not leave them indifferent. In any case, acquaintance with these talented essays has become a turning point in my life. I suddenly discovered what a huge spiritual wealth is lighted in our literature if there are such talents such as Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

It is customary to say that art is checked by time. It's true.

But after all, the very time-thing is not only "unusually long", but also difficult. Now, we know how much relativity in this concept and how this reality is experienced in different ways - time. Absorbed by our daily affairs - large and small, - we can usually notice him. And most often this happens under the influence of genuine art.
Russia, which Turgenev knew, has changed as it did not change, maybe for a whole thousand years before him. In essence, all that we meet in the foreground of its works, irrevocably gone into the past. Time has long been destroyed the last remains of the overwhelming majority of those Barsers who were so often found on the roads of this writer; The unlimited memory of the landowners and the nobility in his whole in our time, he has lost very noticeable in their social severity.

And the Russian village is no longer that.
But it turns out that the fate of his heroes, such distant from our lives, excite the most direct interest in us; It turns out that everything that hated Turgenev, in the end hateful and us; What he believed is good, most often is such and from our point of view. The writer won the time.

That is why native nature, magnificent landscapes, wonderful types of Russian people, life, morals, folklore, inexplicable charm, spilled, as if sunlight, - all this is a lot in the works of Turgenev, and all this is written easily, freely, as if all this is even uncomplicated , and in fact deep and seriously.