Bad features of the character of Aries. The main features of the character of Aries

Bad features of the character of Aries. The main features of the character of Aries

In relations with people, in love, at work, a woman-Aries cannot do without a call. It is dynamic, energetic and, as a rule, feels the motive to make a push, create a change. She likes to influence, whether as the head of the family or hostess of its own business, it is usually sociable and has a great taste to life. She is often prone to rivalry counting to be the first and hoping to be the best in any case for which she is taken. She has enough courage to resolve almost any complex situation, "it can turn the fact that others would find failure, in the analysis, useful and necessary for growth.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the cardinal fire, the planet, which he controls is Mars. It seems that the Woman-Aries born in the spring has a solid will of the seed, which will have to break through the frozen earth, survive and give a sprout. Like the other two signs of fire, lion and the shooter, Aries, as a rule, is optimistic and cheerfulness. It is hot-tempered, domineering, daring, prone to pomp, demanding. It is easily falling into boredom, it is distinguished by inconsistency, sometimes it can be stupid and irrational, and usually charming. Different with inexhaustible enthusiasm. Mars, the God of War, put an imprint on a woman-Aries: She feels great as a fighter, is not afraid of rivalry, she copes with the role of a dispute, with ease takes on the role of pioneer. It is often the fact that society is accustomed to consider typical male in behavior, appearance or image of thinking.

A typical example of a woman-Aries - Scarlett O'Hara is optimistic, passionate, at times it is not easy to blame with her. Capable to survive in all circumstances, although in a stupid impulsive, proud to extremes, accepting any challenge, Scarlett shines and rampates, comes and pushes us. You can not love it, you can find it irresistible, but it is impossible to ignore it. She is the worst enemy to itself, but keeps standing and in the end overcomes all the difficulties. She can even convince the public that the tragedy can be a lifestyle that victory is a purely subjective impression. For a woman-aries, there really means a lot of winner.

Woman Aries, as a rule, an eternal optimist, on the path of which there was a lot of exhausting starts and clashes with the force, forcing her to stop. Tomorrow - and in fact another day for her, like Scarlett from the "worn by the wind".

Business Qualities Women Aries

Woman Aries is often able to be controlled simultaneously with five things, and very often it comes. It is usually born with a powerful incentive to succeed, she does not wait to get to the top. She usually experiences the need to show themselves, fully monitor the situation, and together these qualities help her very quickly reach high management posts. Only by Saturn's superchambicious Capricorn with the same sequence seeks to get up to the level of the leader, although it may be done not as fast as Aries.

In order to function with optimal performance, a Woman-Aries must be seen in front of him an intelligent challenge. Intellect, as a rule, is its strongest place, although it can also be strong physically and often very attractive.

Business Qualities Women Aries

Woman Aries rarely happens to be lazy, she often feels the inner motivation to act, complete the started, producing. If she just sits, she may feel unproductive and from this irritated or fall into sad reflections. She must constantly exercise his mind and opportunities for development in society in a broad sense of the word. She needs to know that it can embody his impulse to leadership and action, sooner or later, finding a dynamic exit for its ambitiousness and often extraordinary enterprise.

In privacy, the Woman-Aries also need a challenge to grow and develop. She must learn to free from time to time from its need to control everything and with the same readiness to demonstrate their weaknesses as the strengths.

One in the Aries is no doubt: it will most likely stand out among others thanks to clown clothes, confident of the big steps, the powerful language of the body, or a loud to a voting voice. Whatever the tool, she with its help naturally attracts attention. If it belongs to the rare type of shy ras, it will still find a way to seem quite unusual in order to attract the attention of others.

Her personal magnetism in aggregate with vibrating energy and an indomitable spirit help to overcome difficulties and meet face to face with change, without losing courage. People feel it in it and are often waiting for it to indicate them the direction or take on leadership - the role that she almost certainly accepts.

Woman Aries often creates his luck, as, however, and misfortune. It seems that it has a kind of cosmic, safety mechanism that helps someone who helps themselves. She herself, as it is provided for by luck, makes this mechanism work with careful preparation, as well as through the use of the capabilities.

Luck the woman-Aries depends only from her itself

The reason for her luck, like its strength, is partly in the inherent optimism inherent in it. Mrs. Aries often happens the winner in the jumps of life. She certainly should have its own bar of obstacles that it will overcome. In the depths of the soul, she is convinced that he can beat almost all records, and often it happens to her. It makes her own sun and, as a rule, can soften the mournful story. Friends often expect that she encourages them, and even finished pessimists tend to look with a smile on her truly children's optimism with which she looks at life.

Character Character Women-Aries

Woman-ray often lack sympathy and sensitivity towards people. Let others care about themselves, she can say. The representative of this sign often finds it difficult to empathize with the concerns and sorrows of other people, instead, she marks them with a hand of hands as temporary obstacles. She may need to respect other people's senses more, soften the inner caitorium in himself and listen to their music.

Its need in stimulation can be so strong that it outweighs the need for security. It can force it extremely easy to risk, but it can also make it a tough, inexcusing to care about the safety of another person. She herself tends to find such thoughts too shy. It is typically hated to hate all kinds of restrictions, and sometimes she rebels against traditional plants that her parents and society are considered necessary to educate a "good girl". She rarely wants to learn how to take care of people from the point of view of a stereotype, adopted worldwide on women's duties.

Character Character Women-Aries

The day of her may be offensively staying at home to the baking pies, do household and calmly support their man. Details are usually not its strong side, just like the desire to keep in the shade and exist only to support someone.

Impulsive, impatient

Woman Aries marching in his own rhythm and often reluctantly recognizes apprenticeship as a prelude to leadership. It is characteristic, especially in youth, jump with a sixth, and not climb. For example, in a queue for a plane ticket or in the hire office, it may be so impatient that it does not take into account who is in line or what are the needs of people.

These actions "I am the first" at first can bring her desired results: she will acquire a ticket or get interviews. But it is likely that in. The result it will push away from yourself those people who may be more important than this ticket. However, her personal shortened needs affect her so much that she forgets about other considerations. Woman Aries can block his progress, under the influence of the pulse, satisfying only its short-term needs and rejecting compromises.

Woman Aries is an excellent leader

Serious danger as a consequence of her impatience is that she jumps too quickly from one experience to another. Especially often it happens in a woman-Aries in youth. It is inclined to remain on the surface and not recognize the depths. From time to time, the Woman-Aries should take more carefully to their emotions and more fully realize the events experienced by it.

Power, responsible

Woman Aries has a powerful organism, a mighty effect of exposure, high frequency vibrations and a great power of will. Her mental horizons are generally quite wide, and she can start scattering. She tends to confront the restrictions that society imposes on women, often preferring to stay free, live without prohibitions and taboos. Almost in all cases, she seeks to communicate with men on an equal footing and to achieve the same level with them. It is characterized by an optimistic look at the world and can consider it as a scenery, against the background of which she will declare themselves in various roles. For her, it is typically wanted to compete and win without playing giveaway. She knows that the games exist, and may consider their empty spending time. And if there are rules to these games, it is more likely to be them.

Woman Aries willingly takes full responsibility for keeping at home, business management or life itself. When she tries to lead not only his own life, but also the life of the people around her, she, without understanding, can create interpersonal problems. However, the same inclination ensures her success in business and the world of great finances.

Always reaches the goal

Classical astrology teaches that the representatives of the Sign of Aries always perform in pioneers, and this is true. But today, the Woman Aries should decide how to cope with this innate quality and live happily in peace with him, managed by men.

The representative of the law is an excellent profession for Aries

It is very important to be able to make a person inherent in a person, both negative and positive. In the case of a woman, it is important that she gives themselves a report in his own impatient and egoism, in his tendency to rush into some phenomenon, and then also rapidly leave it. It is important that she takes these features of its character as part of itself, as the features of his "I", as the qualities of the inheritance from Aries. Accepted once, these properties can be very efficiently used. As an entrepreneur or a pioneer, she can enter the conflict with a traditionally assigned woman role in society, but the Woman Aries also has an enormous potential to complete its own development and achieving high personal results.

Extravert, easily flows into anger

Subconscious suppression of anger, feelings of guilt or fear can lead to illness. No one can truly enjoy life, keep love and seek creative achievements, without reducing and not eliminating negative emotions.

On emotional stress and grace restrictions, different women react differently. Pisces indulge in dreaming or over all measures allow themselves to be alcohol and drugs. Sagittarius can travel. Virgo falls into workolism. Taurus goes into collecting. Cancer will find a consolation in food. Aries in most cases resist. Woman Aries is easily annoyed and angry, very often she comes out of her own.

Aries woman easily annoyed and angry

Woman Aries, as a rule, from the nature of the extravel and is able to produce a couple, which is an advantage when it comes to liberation from negative emotions. She is usually proud and self-confident, who often believes that it is better to demonstrate anger than insult. She suppresses the feeling of guilt over the application of someone's resentment and easily pours irritation, as a child who thinks he will be forgotten, because he did not know or because adults in a good mood.

Has a high self-esteem and a good sense of humor

Woman Aries is usually quite confident in itself, often distinguished by courage and achieves what he wants. Each person is familiar with the attacks of anxiety, suffering from a sense of uncertainty, and it is no exception, but her fears, as a rule, nourish, and do not block her desire to prove themselves. "I will cope" - no matter what price or with what consequences is often its motto. It strengthens its self-esteem through the action and manifestation of leadership qualities. If she makes a choice in favor of a career outside the house, she tends to do this on the basis of its deepest need to conquer absolute self-esteem.

It, as a rule, has a developed sense of humor. She likes to laugh and see the absurd side of life. Existential nightmares are not about her, and she is unlikely to sympathize with a patient character who does not do anything for himself, but only waiting for something. For Aries, it is significantly important to participate in life, and it seems to her impossible to actually achieve something without resorting to the help of laughter. And only her pride can be the obstacle that will not give her the same having fun laugh.

Women Aries possess a good sense of humor

The sense of humor sometimes keeps her from entering the details and from participation in the troubles and concerns of other people. Aries are often distinguished by a considerable arrogance and sense of excellence and can use humor as a shield that departs it from a variety of complications that the world is fraught as a whole.

Egoistical, proud

Woman Aries, like all the signs of fire, as a rule, is very selfish. Cheerfulness and impatience can decrease as it is done more mature.

Intuitive, susceptible and proud, she tends to overestimate their own talents. It can go through life with barely disguised complex of the Lord God and is distinguished by a conveniently blurred memory in relation to the weakness of human nature, primarily its own.

Under the extrovert expressiveness hides the basic property of the character of Aries, which can delay its development, is pride. From a positive point of view, it helps it to resist failures and defeats. With negative - it can manipulate feelings and people to create the impression that it never loses. She must remember that pride is a double-edged weapon, and try to use it a positive way.

Arrogant, cutting to rudeness

Woman Aries can assume that she knows more and better than everyone else that it should be the first that no one should have doubts about her superiority. Seeing himself in a permanent competition with others, evaluating himself from the point of view of the seeming perfection, it puts itself in conditions of significant pressure. She tends to be extremely harsh in relation to itself and demanding to others.

Woman Aries is very arrogant

It is usually frank, cutting to rudeness, says what he thinks. She tolerate can not walk around and about. If you really do not want to get an answer to the question that you ask the Aries, then you are advice: do not ask. She usually answers the most immodest questions, and her answers will damn anyone. So maybe even if the questions were not asked. Make people to blush with your replicas - a favorite pastime of Aries, and restraint does not apply to the number of ways to communicate it prefers. In addition, Aries cannot tolerate secrets, and evasive scorpion is a challenge for her, his behavior just drives her crazy. When a Woman Aries feels that she is not aware of something, she can be completely unbearable with its persistent issues and satirical remarks intended solely in order to extend the desired information.

Woman Aries, as a rule, does not take out at all when they forget about it, and she does not take out boredom. She sometimes passes all borders to stir out some kind of situation that it seems nicely serene, and she suffocates in this situation. It seems that it is physically unable to withstand restrictions, and boredom for a woman-Aries is a spider that sucks its energy.

Dynamic, charismatic

Someone may consider that the woman is hard to get along with a woman, but it is usually the most interesting person and a very good friend. The flattering description of it is dynamic, although some may have called her assertive. In any case, the Woman Aries has the definition of the quality that we call charisma. Energetic, lovely, she often attracts people who are bored or in a state of depression, more thanked with routine life than she. Woman Aries can return them to the taste of life.

Often it plays the role of the catalyst even before it learns the meaning of this word. If she is a teacher, she can inspire his disciples in search of new solutions. As a mother, she can grow children independent, capable of original thinking. As a woman, she can choose a lifestyle, and not one who would be far from generally accepted, and challenge social installations.

Hunter, idealist

Woman Aries often loves or even prefers to hunt a conquest. She is also usually not very interested in property, choosing the path of innovator, free spirit and not constrained by generally accepted restrictions. Idealist, she can believe in the offensive of a new life, to what to look forward, and not turn back. Whatever harsh seemed to have a real, Aries are usually able to get out of the Handra, to confront the common philosophy "And for what I need it" and again return to the barricades to fight for your business. Aries, as a rule, follows a positive way and can bring joy to many people.

Offered for reading.

Aries can produce an ambiguous impression, especially at the first meeting. Sometimes they look like modest, shivering, few-seeded people with good manners, but more often we see a very energetic, impulsive, living person, who has a judgment, and does not consider it too much to express it even when he is not asked about it. Visible shyness in the first case is also only a shirma that hides a strong character and incrementable inner rod of the Aries.

Aries about everything have their own judgment and never hide him; They do not care what it can do not like someone or seem unnecessary categorical. Often with their directness they put other people in an awkward position. In the tactlessness of Aries, there is no evil intent, it is the effect of the impulsivity of their character, choleric temperament. On the other hand, the Aries acutely respond to tactlessness to their address, not condescending to other people's mistakes, very easily offended, capricious, like children, and do not try to restrain their feelings.

The characteristic of the sign of the zodiac Aries is impossible without mentioning such features as sincerity, honesty. His representatives may for the sake of the benefits to lie on the little things, but they are not capable of large deception in principle. They do not understand people at all, extremely trusting and are similar to children, so disappointment is their frequent satellite. Because of him, they are able to plunge into depression, but also in this state, as in any other, cannot remain long - emotional stability is not inherent in the nature of the Aries. Despite its impatience and quick temper, under certain circumstances, they are still able to behave calmly and politely, keep emotions under control. Most often it happens in the society of unfamiliar people.

Aries - tireless generators of new ideas and plans that they begin to implement right there as soon as they come up. Alas, a typical feature of the Aries - unwillingness or inability to bring to the end of the started, especially when success does not promise to be soon - they immediately grab something else. The character of the Aries is such that it is ready to simultaneously engage in a lot of different cases, and completely different in a direction, if not mutually exclusive.

Aries - a typical extrovert, it should always be in the center of all attention, in any society to be a leader. And it does not matter whether this leadership recognize the surrounding, most importantly, so that he felt it himself. Obstacles on the way to this status are very annoyed by Aries, and they do not care with all the energetic, but simply sweep them. They absolutely does not care how other people will be treated for their ambitious aspirations, they are confident and self-challenged. However, thanks to a great desire, they really reach the intended positions, but then they can quickly lose interest to them.

If a person was born under the sign of the Zodiac Aries, the characteristic of his personality implies the presence of a huge stock of energy. The state of idleness, the laziness he is completely different, he will never wait by the weather by the sea, and he will begin to achieve the desired. The same behavior of Aries expect from others, being confident that it is the only right. Barriers on the way only wander the Aries, make it act more decisively and boldly, it gives him the pleasure of the process of struggle. Looks are not about Aries: they are not afraid of risk in their character, retreat under the opponent's blows, although they may temporarily come back under pressure from circumstances.

Aries are well acquainted with bad mood, apathy, longing, uncertainty, but none of those surrounding it will see. Aries are too optimistic and temperament to "stick" in the bad location of the Spirit for a long time. Optimism of such people often serves as an engine for everyone else.

The reason why Aries may be more stronger than usual and even fall in spirit - this is the need to obey someone. Independence and desire to manage them in the blood, and if the situation does not allow this to do, they are looking for another scope of use of their energy, where you get the opportunity to shine on your own without sailing under anyone.

Despite the fact that in the horoscope of the representatives of this sign of the zodiac there is angry and quick temper surrounding them, as a rule, they like, since the negative emotions of Aries quickly pass and inferior to their ordinary cheerful mood. They never hold stone for the sinus, are not vertigan and generally well-minded towards others. They know how to form those who are in a quarrel, to neutralize the conflict situation, contribute to the removal of tension in the team. In the case of its unuse, the Aries are ready to recognize guilt and sacrifice their own pride for justice.

Aries - people good-natured and disinterested, their own nobility brings them a sense of satisfaction, makes them weighing in their own and strange eyes. They will never give up friends in trouble, will defend other people's interests no less passionately and boldly than their own. Aries act, not counting on gratitude, but if those who have helped, do not express their appreciation, they have an unpleasant precipitate on them. But in this case, Aries will not be angry for a long time - it will take quite a bit of time, and this noble choleric will rush again to help those who were offended yesterday.

Representatives of this sign tend to live, love and seek success here and now. The past of the Aries is released with the world, without folding the carefully memories into a deep chest in order to dig in it. The day of tomorrow is also worried very little: they will think about him when he comes. Aries are not inclined to save money for a black day, live on a wide leg, often allow themselves to be excessive spending, especially since in financial matters, as in many others, are weass.

Aries are sacred in their lucky star, and good luck really patronize them. Moreover, next to these extremely energetic, bright and original personalities acquire representatives and other signs of the zodiac. The very same Awareness of what they make people happier, gives even more strength, inspiring them to the next exploits.

Aries - Secrets of the souls and potential inclinations

The characteristic of the Aries is not deprived of both negative points. Aries may unpleasantly hit surrounding sudden inconsistency and contradictory of their nature - sometimes it happens not clear what to expect from them the next moment. Sometimes the Aries perceive the surrounding people only as a background to demonstrate their own advantages, thereby showing a dismissive attitude towards them. Aries are able to tire anyone with conversations about their outstanding person, prone to self-employment. They are considered excess to delve into understanding other people, on any occasion divided into clear and mutually exclusive categories: their own and strangers, bad and good, friends and enemies - no intermediate nuances. Being creatures are selfish, Aries may not show any interest in the needs, problems and successes of even people close to them.

People of this sign of the zodiac stalls, self-removal and conflict. Their negative attitude towards someone or something may sometimes manifest themselves very unsightly - they become smuggling, the grand scandals are easily rolled. Aries, especially the jetty, is able to arrange a real debaches, behave rudely, scrubby, including actively using an abnormative vocabulary. In the worst of their manifestations, representatives of the Sign of Aries can be extremely fused, primitive, non-evil and mentally inhibited personalities. May be "forget" that someone had been borrowed money.

Recall - these were potential inclinations of Aries.

What are the principles of happiness Aries. Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac Aries.

Secrets of happiness "Aries"

Attractive, domineering and enough passionate man, you are able to completely charm and conquer your chosen one, but soon the gilding is causing your clothes, as if from the Golden Gingerbread Gingerbread. Your relationships with people are worn and stormy, but mainly proceeding at the physical level. Romantic relationships without sex mean not too much for you, and you believe in meeting the bodies than to meet a shower. "Aries" -Muzcha is courageous, decisive and very attractive for a certain type of women, but your congenital rudeness can cause disgust in more sensitive natures. In love "Aries" especially love to surprise their partners; Usually we get wonderful husbands and wives. As a rule, most of its "Aries" are romantic and poetic; Whoever their partner is, he will receive amazing impressions - and will not remember a single boring moment. "Aries" is inherent in love and cool very quickly.

Astrological characteristics of Aries

Aries symbol: Baran.

The ruling planet Aries: Mars.

Characteristic sign of Aries - Fire-cardinal - positive.

The sign of the pioneer, the discoverer.

The character of the "Aries": a spontaneous, enterprising, initiative, impudent and impatient, sensual, restless, active, sometimes even violent.

Positive qualities: courage, courage and fearlessness, energy, enterprise, immediacy and striving for activities, clarity of thinking.

Negative qualities: egoism, intolerance, pride and vanity, cruelty and tendency to violence, envy and greed, impulsiveness and rudeness.

It is not at all that the constellation of the Zodiac Aries has a symbol - horns, they are donated to him to fit the obstacles on the path, like a sprout of a plant, breaking through any dense soil to the sky.

The first astrological month is born the most sincere, straight, strong people. Their character is the interlacing of love and jealousy, passion and romance, straightness and sensuality.

In any way, this man of fire will seek leadership, and someone obey the flame element is not capable. In bed, a description of the sign of the Aries is a hot element, with an enemy - an incredible destructive power, insatiable and invincible. The huge ego permeates the character of the Aries, who considers himself an emperor of his own destiny, the ruler of all his expectations. Even in the most desperate position of Aries will continue to move toward the intended purpose, handing over all the obstacles by iron. The bright constellation of the zodiac, a symbol of life awakening, fills the month of birth and the nature of the signs of the sign of their strength of creation and destruction.

Invincible optimism, energy, harness, stubbornness is the most accurate characteristics of the zodiac sign of Aries. In the piggy bank of the qualities of the month of birth is added incredible perseverance, self-alignment, uncompromising. Any criticism will be perceived negatively, especially from those who are most of all. Confident with the form of Aries is extremely painful refers to defeats, this fear of failure with some vanity makes it look for permanent approval, attention to his merit.

Emotions and love

Element of fire a month of Aries gives indomitable energy to stubbornly moving forward even contrary to the situation and circumstances around.

This is an obvious advantage. The representative of the zodiac sign is a born fighter, his courage is akin to the recklessness, but sincere character, which is alien to diplomaticity, flexibility, patience, often gives a lot of problems, both the surrounding and owner itself. Forky manifestations of temperament, emotions, explosive character especially harm in adolescence, when there is still lack of experience and wisdom.

Sincere ferventness, passion - a description of how the first constellation of the zodiac fills the radiance of the feeling of representatives of the Sign of Aries.

In bed, their main characteristic is primitive energy, hot element of the continuation of the kind. Few partners can cope with the hot temperament of the fiery sign of the zodiac.

A frantic passion in bed, which is rare, makes a novel or honeymoon really unforgettable.

Aries in love usually perceives more material side and emotions, for him it is rather a physical merger, element of sensations, and not uniting shower. Happy love relationships without bed for such a person are unacceptable.

Decada Aries

Often the characteristic of the Sign of Aries may vary depending on the date and month of birth. New features are added, which makes the description more complete. Conditionally, people who appeared on the days, which illuminates the first constellation of the ecliptic zodiac, are divided into 3 decades:

  1. If the date of birth falls in the last numbers of March, the Aries belongs to the first decade. Such people are impulsive, brave, energetic. The constellation of the zodiac, under which they were born, with their light, though she gives them militancy, aggressiveness, determination, but the nature of the month of March is complemented by reasonableness. The sown head into battle they will not be cluttered, do not accept speaking solutions. In the dispute silence listened to all the important arguments of the enemy and will remain with her opinion. Aries born these days, overly trusting and not understanding people.
  2. The date of birth in the first days of April, up to the 10th, relates Aries to the second decade. Their character becomes irreconcilable, but remains generous and wide. This is the true leader, the fighter, the warrior, which you can meet infrequently. Such Aries will always protect the weak, ready for a desperate struggle for his ideals. Calm perceives as boredom, alive goes to the goal, loves change.
  3. Until the 20th of April, Aries are born with really impressive qualities and scaligence of the individual. These are the days of the third decade. Her happy representatives are always full of ambitious plans and achieve their own with energy and perseverance. Such Aries do not recognize restrictions, freedom-loving and unoccupied. These are true discoverers who manage any business.

Career and profession

Ambitious Aries has a character that will help build any career. Its initiative, independence, the quality of the leader makes them excellent leaders. Money is perceived as a means of achieving goals or independence, the recognition of merit for the signs of the sign is more important. He really knows how to work, but monotonous activities, clear frames, restrictions cause some disgust in Aries. The impatience and hot temper, which gives the element of fire, often interfere with communicating with colleagues.

Abilities, character, ambition can come in handy in all professions. Often Aries are busy in military service, in politics, sports.

The predisposition to the exact sciences makes a successful career of a programmer or scientist. Success is waiting in the profession of surgeon, sales manager, business. Sometimes happy Aries find themselves in creativity and crafts. Elementing sign makes especially favorable work with metal and fire.

Elements and planets

The control planet of the sign of the zodiac Aries is Mars. He gives him a militant character, stubbornness and strength for a permanent movement forward. Strong, in the exaltation, the Sun opens the quality of the leader in Aries, heats his desire for power, recognition, a good public situation. Weak, in exile, chiron, indicates obvious intransigence and inability to compromise. Saturn in fall is the characteristic of the complex relationship of Aries with restrictions and obligations.

Element of fire gives special energy in the nature of Aries, rapidness, strength. Happy Aries awarded her indomitable power, which helps to always achieve their own, gives a stubborn desire to ahead even in unfavorable life circumstances. They can instantly adapt to change and quickly restore their energy. There is a negative impact. Element is destructive for those who cannot cope with the power of fire within themselves. Weak Aries literally burn themselves, unable to correctly use their aspirations, temperament, talents.


Typical Aries has a character in which there are obvious weaknesses - intransigence, exposure to sudden flashes of anger, no exposure. In order to manage your life, this desperate fighter must learn to own himself. Only then the powerful element of the fire and the sign of the zodiac sign will not break it from the inside. Happy Aries can correctly direct their bright energy of creation and destruction.

Woman Aries energetic and activity. It can be noticed at any event, where it will always be at first roles, someone to teach, with someone to argue, put forward the requirements and control the entire process. She is not typical of the state of dreaminess and vitania in the clouds, it is a person of an endless movement, which always moves only forward.

An Aries woman horoscope shows us an excellent actress capable of pretense in order to achieve the desired. It can easily be in itself, becoming his inspiration and a muse, and can become a destructive swirl, a merciless destroyer of the partner's size life.

For a woman, whose sign of the zodiac Aries, there are only her interests and needs. She considers itself an important figure around which the world should rotate. Based on this belief, its relations with others depend. She is pleasant to warm words and compliments, but to any, even a small criticism, it reaches a big negative, believing that no one has the right to make her comments.

Characteristic Women Aries

The girl born under the sign of the Aries is endowed with a living mind, self-sufficient and vain. Her strong character and imbibeble will help her independently solve all the difficulties that arise on her life path. At the same time, it is always and in everything should be the first. She is not familiar to sit and wait for the best share if she needs something to achieve this by any ways. She will not show that they are tired, that it is difficult for her, and so no one no one will ever see her tears. She does not tend to show weaknesses, while in the surrounding it also does not accept these qualities.

In any business, the Woman Aries will show perseverance and pressure, she always goes to any goal, always seeking the best results. She does not ask anyone about help, because she believes in its superiority over others, including both men. In connection with such confidence, she is not terrible, even the most difficult affairs.

Because of the fact that she is all accustomed to keep on hard control, she is always taking everything to recheck everything, so it will not be able to deceive it to anyone.

In work, it will always be the best in everything. At the same time, it does not matter in which area it works, it will succeed everywhere. It is operational, initiative, responsible and executive, so it is always on a good account of the bosses.

What a woman is loved by

The girl born under the sign of the Aries, despite his strong character, no less than others need care and attention, although it is able to live alone, without a partner. She loves when she admire, fall asleep with compliments, praise. A man never, and under any circumstances should not criticize her or try to lead it. But those who wish to obey partner will be a little, except for a man - a fish, which is ready for everything, just to delight his partner.

Girl - Aries loves to be the center of attention. The admiring public is her element in which she feels most comfortable. It is characterized by frequent change of moods, then it is an active partner, a restless, explosive, then a calm and quiet domestic. True periods of calm are too rare and short, unlike time spent on fun.

The woman of this sign loves to flatter in all its manifestations, but it should be tied to reality. She believes that many qualities with which it is endowed with sincere admiration and delight. Therefore, wishing something to achieve from a representative of this sign you need to safely praise her talents and then the desired result will not make long wait.

Psychological portrait of a woman - Aries reflects a man who loves to be surrounded by beautiful and sophisticated things. They like to eat deliciously for a skillfully served table, while inherent activity and constant motion prevent the appearance of unnecessary kilograms.

Woman Aries in Love

Aries woman in relation to his spouse will be a terrible draft. She will divide everything with him that he has and will wait for him the same full return in response. Never, for a minute, she should not doubt the partner's loyalty, otherwise she ruins the relationship. Without allowing the partner even a light flirt with other representatives of the opposite sex, she herself happily accepts signs of attention from other men.

There are always a lot of fans and adorable around it. But despite this, she will always be true to her spouse. Her feelings are too valuable, so that she spreads them on every oncoming compliments speaking to her.

Even coming out married, the girl of this sign will not be able to come with his freedom. Therefore, it is not necessary to wait that it will become a caring house, skillfully leading the economy, most likely, with no less diligence will conquer career peaks. A constant movement to the target target is too important for her in life.

An Aries woman in family life will strive to become at the head of the family and subjugate to their tough will of all loved ones, including her husband. But as soon as a man enhanced it, the relationship will fall asleep because of her disappointment in the spouse. But it will not completely obey a man, she will not, too, she is independent and proud. Therefore, both should be prepared for regular combat actions for the leadership in the family. Knowing what she was overlapping in achieving goals, the spouse is better to build relationships based on mutual respect and equality.

A quarrels that occur between spouses will mostly occur due to the unambiguous nature of the partner. But she never recognizes his guilt and will wait that it is the partner who will go first for reconciliation. So she will understand that he really loves her. If a man does not want to play according to her rules and do the way she wants, she, having suffered a little, most likely, will find a new satellite, which will indulge with her whims.

Aries woman is always attentive to her children, they are dressed, shovels, fed. But for excessive care, and even more so in tenderness and affection, it is absolutely not capable. She is waiting for adult behavior from them, requiring the underlying fulfillment of her orders. Everything that happens in their lives is subject to its analysis and control. Very often, such mothers grow children who are not adapted to independent life.

Sexy life woman - Aries

A woman born in the constellation of Aries loves sex. But even in the intimate sphere, it is manifested in all of them to be the main one, therefore, she mainly come across the tender, sensitive partners that can be in good temperament. She, on the contrary, need passionate, strong, a little aggressive man who can deliver her necessary emotions and satisfy her needs.

Woman Aries without constraint will show a partner, which she is waiting with the intimacy what dreams of. She is sexy, feminine, attractive. He likes to have sex in various, sometimes unusual places. The surrounding environment does not matter for it. If she burns from desire, she knows exactly how to achieve the desired one.

The man is better not to obey the fully partner, but try to take the initiative into your hands. In bed, a woman born in the constellation of Aries is insatiable, so the partner must be under it. After all, if it does not receive the desired satisfaction of his needs, it will quickly find a different, more able partner.

She used to control the entire proximity process until the orgasm itself. It is she who prefers to choose a pose and point to the partner that and how to do to like it. She is emotional and passionate, loves to make cries of pleasure, moan and scratch during sex. Many men even like such a demonstration of the received pleasure.

In sex, she does not know the prohibitions, loves to shock the partner. Her intimate life should be diverse and unfastened, because the absence of emotions can lead to the manifestation of sadistic inclinations in it. It will turn into an aggressive lady in black leather clothes, armed with a leaf. Her goal will cause physical pain partner, in order to force her to deliver pleasure. She will strive to humiliate the partner, subordinate it completely to his will. From such a host relationship and servant partner will receive unforgettable orgasms.

Great attention Woman Aries pays sexy outfits. Her clothes should always excite a man, to light the fire of passion in it. If a man was able to surprise her, having delivered a lot of pleasure, she will continue with him close communication. But in this case, the man will have to show all his ingenuity and resourcefulness to keep the bar at a high level every time, then the relationship will be able to last for a long time.

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