Wednesday and Friday. Why Wednesday and Friday Longches and What You can eat these days

Wednesday and Friday. Why Wednesday and Friday Longches and What You can eat these days
Wednesday and Friday. Why Wednesday and Friday Longches and What You can eat these days

Believers who recently accepted baptism, ask many questions regarding church life. Especially carefully, how to fast on Wednesday and Friday. After all, for the majority it is a completely new life experience. Many do not understand why additional abstinence in food is needed, because in the year so enough long posts. But if a person decides to keep two weekly, how to do it right? The answer to these and many other questions will be found in the article.

What is post

Speaking of church customs, rituals, we should not forget that many were the first to be Jews. This religion had established traditions, which on the rigor of adherence was equated to legal laws. Therefore, followers of the new teaching decided not to eradicate customs, it is better to do so that they smoothly join Christianity.

But before to delve into the historical aspect, we will understand why it is generally necessary to fast every Wednesday and Friday. Is it not enough for the year for abstinence? After all, all in Orthodoxy there are 4 multi-day posts, a total duration of 180 to 212 days (depends on the duration of Petrov's post, which depends on the date of Easter in a concrete year).

  • Most of the holy fathers are firmly confident that abstinence is simply necessary to maintain spiritual health. After all, the devil Chiter, he uses any opportunity to tempt a person, to knock out the way of obedience to God. The post is a kind of spiritual practice, this is an exercise for the soul.
  • On Wednesday, members of the Christian church recall the betrayal of one of the students of Christ, namely, Judah. Friday's Day is dedicated to the Savior's Cross Flocks.

Many parishioners are too focused on what you can eat, and what is impossible.

But these days should not only eliminate certain products from the diet, but also preventing sinful actions:

  • avoid overeating;
  • refrain from unreliable thoughts;
  • not to say evil words;
  • do not work bad affairs;
  • it's time to proceed to the sacrament of repentance.

This aspect is much more important than to bind certain foods. After all, a person consists not only from the body, there is a spiritual, divine beginning. Only many life is subordinate to the veals of the flesh and goes in search of pleasures. It is a weekly post is one of the tools of spiritual increase. It allows a Christian to restore the right hierarchy - the spirit must rise above the body.

Tradition to the emergence of posts

According to the records of the Church Historian of the Ternulda (lived in the 3rd century), the post on Wednesdays and Fridays was indicated by a word, which means "Military Karaul". Similar for no accident - the author compared Christians with the warriors of the Lord. According to the treatise, the abstinence in food continued until the 9th hour (according to modern time - up to 15 hours). These days worship were special.

The choice of time is not accidental - exactly 9 h. On the cross, according to the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 27, poems 45-46). In antiquity, people completely refused not only from food, but even the water did not take. Today the rules have changed somewhat, believers will fast throughout the day, refusing some products. Christians of the first centuries are all products that have not eaten these days, brought their bishop. The priest gave them to those who experienced need.

If in our time the tradition of lean days is quite established, at first it was a voluntary choice of believer. But then the post was completed by the adoption of communion. True, the holy gifts were kept at each house. Gradually, Wednesday and Friday became the days of assembly, when the believers jointly studied the Holy Scripture.

Already in the 4th century St. Epiphany writes that Wednesday and Friday are mandatory launched days, along with a four-man. Those who ignore them opposes themselves, because he fed, showing us an example. In the 5th century, the apostolic rules were recorded, according to which the abstinence is necessarily for all - both clergy and laity, the punishment is for non-fulfillment is excreted from the church and deprivation of the sacred sanator.

How to keep the post on Wednesdays and Fridays

Lowish bustle, confusion in food, drunkenness, harm the human soul. The Christian needs to awaken the will to good, using the abstinence practice. What is eaten on Wednesdays and Fridays depends on the strictness of a certain period of the church year. At any time you need to eliminate meat and dairy products:

There is a more strict degree of abstinence, when the prohibition also fisheries, vegetable oil and all food, which is welded or fire. Such a post is a trunk, during this period a limited amount of products is allowed:

  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • fresh and marinated and sauy vegetables;
  • bread;
  • greens.

To know exactly how to fast on Wednesday and Friday, you should purchase a church calendar. Dates and degree of abstinence are indicated.

To observe the post optionally

If the believer has health problems, opportunities are possible. It is necessary to inform the doctor about his faith, he will say what degree of post will not harm the body. Pregnant women, old people, physical labor workers, military personnel, athletes during fees, children under 7 years old may not be fast.

If there are doubts, you should consult with the confessor about how you personally comply with weekly posts. Also several times a year they are canceled for everyone, in those periods when the so-called solid weeks pass:

  • After the Nativity of Christ (shints);
  • Before the start of the Great Post (in 14 days, a week of Mytar and Pharisei);
  • All the beloved Maslenitsa (also before the great post, is excluded from the diet only meat, another food of the animal origin can be born);
  • Light saddimians (immediately for Easter);
  • Trinity week (after the Holiday Trinity).

There are also instructions in church calendars.

Lean recipes

Although on Wednesdays and Fridays it is impossible to eat meat, sausages, you can still cook a lot of diverse salads, soups. If the fish is allowed, it acts as the main dish. It can be hung, fry, bake. But if the oil and fish is prohibited, then you have to show fantasy.

As you can see, even in the days of strict abstinence, you can eat delicious and varied.

Spiritual sense of the post

It is sad that many today see a refusal of certain foods as an end in their success. Worst of all, when a man exhausted by the unbearable hunger strike, begins to break up on others. Many spiritual fathers warn about such consequences of non-harmony zeal. If the believer does not withstand strict rules, it is better to retreat a little from them than to afford to shout in the near.

The purpose of any post is to join spiritual perfection. Purified, lung body ceases to be a hindrance for sublime thoughts and feelings. A stomach stomach no longer prevents praying, perceive God's grace. Food abstinence should help in spiritual affairs, and not deprivation of a person's ability to enjoy life.

In a Christian, two spiritual tools - prayer and post, one without another can not be full. This was written by the apostle Matthew in the 17th chapter of his Gospel. He himself called on believers to fight demons with these funds. Therefore, refusing meat, do not refuse from prayer, create mercy affairs, be kind to others. Then the post will become an important step in spiritual growth.

Many Orthodox tormented doubts about whether the post on Wednesday and Friday should be observed.

This article will tell about what it should be done, and how to fast, without breaking church traditions.

Why Wednesday and Friday are considered to be lean days

People who have just recently came to the conscious choice of spiritual life, do not always know for which posts are observed.

But especially, they are tormented by torment about the mandatory post on the third and fifth day of the week, which are considered to be launched, regardless of whether the post is now or not.

On Wednesday, people, the day of the betrayal of Judah of Christ remember their refusal from rapid food. Friday - day when Christ crucified, sentenced to death on the cross.

Thus, mourning for tragic events that happened in the earthly life of Jesus is observed.

But, besides this, these days have a property to save the souls of people, tirelessly showing the devil Fortress and the inviolability of faith. The post strengthens the spirit of the Orthodox man, cleans it, contributes to the development of spirituality. This is a similarity of regular training for an athlete.

Longches allow you to keep in the form, only spiritual, and thus have a beneficial effect on the physical form. Refusal of certain food these days of the week make it possible to think about the strugnure of your existence and refer to prayer again.

How to fast on Wednesday and Friday

When followed, you need to know the rules to be inadvertently, by ignorant not to insult memory of such important days in Christianity.

Day for church time begins not at normal time. The countdown of new church days is from the start of the evening worship in the temple.

In each temple, a similar service can begin at different times, but the arrival should know the timetable of worship and, thus, know what time a new day comes.

Usually, the evening serves in the segment from 4 to 8 pm. Therefore, the countdown of the beginning of a lean day occurs at the same time. A Christian in front of an evening prayer can take ordinary food, and after it is just a lenger. In the same way, a couple day and ends, that is, at the end of worship in the evening.

Based on these rules, it follows that, for example, Friday Post originates from the evening service of Thursday and ends with a divine service in the evening on Friday, regardless of how much she passed.

As for the rigor of lean days, then everything is individually. It will help designate the priest at the temple. If such questions arise, first of all, apply to the abbot for clarification. In some cases, it is not recommended to keep a strict post, as this may adversely affect the physical health of the Orthodox person, and the post does not allow the believing harm in any way.

So, there are relaxation in women who are waiting for a child or breastfeed. People leading labor life in severe physical conditions and children under 7 years old have a easier version of the post, which will be described below. This also applies to athletes who train hard.

But, a person, not entitled to determine the degree of severity of a lean day on his own, he must ask for this blessing of the sacred person.

Also, the post is not respected in the shock, the first week after Easter, in the first week after the Trinity and in the days of the Cellular Celebration.

Can Fish on Wednesday and Friday

Posts on Wednesday and Friday for church rules should take place with the same rigor as each post.

These days you need to exclude from your diet such products like: eggs, meat, dairy products. Fish is excluded from the diet.

In the presence or raw food, you can eat vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, honey.

All these rules do not concern those who received from the priest blessing to the light days. Categories of such people were noted above.

In addition to these rules, there are also special days when on Wednesday and Friday is allowed to eat fish.

This is the time when very nightdowns fall on the winter and spring meat. By the period of the winter meatonead, there is a period of time between the Christmas and Great Posts, and the spring meat is the gap between the great holiday of Easter and the Day of Celebration of the Holy Trinity.

Slaves can be eaten during large church holidays. Many church holidays have a property to move from one date to another. And every year is celebrated in a different number. Therefore, it will be best to quantify the Orthodox calendar or learn from the abbot of the temple about the approaching holidays. In these revered Christians, the days in the temples go services and the post is not respected.

Check-in days are necessarily accompanied by reinforced prayer, pious affairs, distribution of alms, repentance. It is extremely important for an Orthodox person. Not only will be removed from the use of rapid food, but also to work on its spiritual awakening.

Orthodox church calendar of posts and trapez for 2019, indicating both a brief description of multi-day and one-day posts and solid weeks.

Church Orthodox calendar of posts and trapez for 2019

Post is not in the belly, but in the spirit
Folk proverb

Nothing in life is not possible. And to celebrate the holiday, you need to prepare to it.
There are four multi-day posts in the Russian Orthodox Church, post on Wednesday and Friday throughout the year (with the exception of several weeks), three one-day posts.

In the first four days the first week of the Great Post (from Monday to Thursday), the Great Canon, the work of the brilliant Byzantine gymnograph of St. Andrei Cretoch (VIII century), is reading for the evening worship service.

ATTENTION! Below you will find information about drying, food without oil and the days of complete abstinence from food. All this is a long-standing monastery tradition, which even in the monasteries can not always be respected in our time. Such a severity of the post is not for the laity, but an ordinary practice is an abstinence from eggs, dairy and meat food in the post and in a strict post - abstinence also from fish. For all possible issues and about your individual post, you need to consult with the confessor.

Dates are indicated by a new style.

Calendar of posts and trapez for 2019

Periods monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday

from March 11 to April 27
xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Spring meatseed a fish a fish

from June 24 to July 11
hot without oil a fish xerophagy a fish xerophagy a fish a fish
Summer meatseed xerophagy xerophagy

from 14 to 27 August
xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Autumn meatseed xerophagy xerophagy
From November 28, 2019 to January 6, 2020 until December 19 hot without oil a fish xerophagy a fish xerophagy a fish a fish
December 20 - January 1 hot without oil hot with butter xerophagy hot with butter xerophagy a fish a fish
January 2-6 xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot without oil xerophagy hot with butter hot with butter
Winter meatseed a fish a fish

In 2019.

The Savior himself was behaved in the desert, forty days crammed by the devil and did not eat anything these days. The savior of the post began the case of our salvation. The great post is the post in honor of the Savior himself, and the last, passionate saddemic of this forty-way post is established in honor of the memories of the last days of earthly life, the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
The post in the first and passionate weeks is observed with special severity.
In Clean Monday, a complete abstinence from food is accepted. Other time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Drying (Water, Bread, Fruits, Vegetables, Compote); Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - Food with vegetable oil.
Fish is allowed to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and in Palm Sunday. In Lazarev Saturday is allowed fish caviar. In Good Friday, you can not eat food before the removal of the shroud.

In 2019.

From Monday, all the saints begin the post of holy apostles, established before the holiday of the Apostles Peter and Paul. This post is called summer. The continuation of the post is different, depending on how sooner or later is Easter.
It constantly starts from Monday all the saints, and stops July 12. The prolonged Petrov The post encompasses six weeks, and the shortest week with the day. This post is established in honor of the Holy Apostles, which the post and prayer were prepared for the world's preaching of the Gospel and prepared successors in the save service.
Strict post (dry) on Wednesday and Friday. On Monday, you can have hot food without oil. On the other days - fish, mushrooms, cereals with vegetable oil.

In 2019.

From 14 to 27 August in 2019.
A month after the Apostolic post comes a multi-day Assumption post. It lasts two weeks - from 14 to 27 August. By this post, the church calls us to imitate the Mother of God, who in front of the relocation to the sky inexperienced in post and prayer.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Drying. Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil. On Saturday and Sunday, food with vegetable oil is allowed.
On the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 19), fish is allowed. Fish Assumption, if he is on Wednesday or Friday.

In 2019.

Christmas (Philipp) post. At the end of autumn, 40 days before the great feser of the Nativity of Christ, the church calls us to the winter post. It is called Philipp, because it begins after the day dedicated to the memory of the Apostle Philip, and the Christmas, because it happens before the holiday of the Nativity of Christ.
This post is established in order to bring the Lord to the Grateful Sacrifice for the collected earthly fruits and prepare for graceful unity with the Savior's born.
The charter about food coincides with the Charter of Petrov post, until the day of St. Nicholas (December 19).
If the holiday of introducing the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on Wednesday or Friday, the fish is allowed. After the day of the memory of St. Nicholas and before the prevention of Christmas, fish on Saturday and Sunday is allowed. In the pre-sender, it is impossible to eat fish all the days, on Saturday and Sunday - food with butter.
On Christmas Eve, it is impossible to eat food before the appearance of the first star, after which it is customary to eat sochily - boiled grain of wheat or boiled rice with raisins.

Solid saddles in 2019

Sadmitsa - Week from Monday to Sunday. These days the lack of post on Wednesday and Friday.
Solid weeks five:
Sky - from 7 to 17 January,
Mytar and Farisay - 2 weeks before
Cheese (carnival) - Week before (without meat)
Easter (light) - Week after Easter
- Week after the Trinity.

Post wednesday and friday

Weekly launched days are Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, the post was established in the memory of the betrayal of Juda of Christ, on Friday - in memory of the congestion and death of the Savior. These days of the week, the Holy Church prohibits the use of meat and dairy food, and in the period of the week of all saints before the Nativity, Christ should also be abstaining from fish and vegetable oil. Only when on Wednesday and Friday there are days of the celebrated saints, vegetable oil is allowed, and in the biggest holidays, such as cover, fish.
Sick and busy hard work is allowed some relaxation so that Christians have forces on prayers and the necessary work, but the use of fish in the wrong days and the more complete permission of the post is rejected by the charter.

One-day posts

Epiphany Christmas tree - January 18, on the eve of the Baptism of the Lord. On this day, Christians are preparing for cleansing and sanctifying holy water to the feast of baptism.
Condition of Head of John the Forerunner - 11 September. This is the day of memory and the death of the Great Prophet John.
Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord - September 27. The memory of the Savior's suffering on the cross for the sake of salvation of the human race. This day is carried out in prayers, post, crushing about sins.
One-day posts - Days of strict post (except Wednesday and Friday). Fish is prohibited, but food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Orthodox holidays. About meals on holidays

According to the church charter, on the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany, which happened on Wednesday and Friday, the post is not. In the Christmas and Epiphany Christmas Eve and on the Holidays of the Cross of the Lord and the Guard of Head of John the Forerunner, food with vegetable oil is allowed. On holidays, the transformation of the Lord, the Assumption, Christmas and Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the introduction of her to the temple, the Christmas of John the Forerunner, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which happened on Wednesday and Friday, and also in the period from Easter to Trinity on Wednesday and Friday Fish is allowed.

When the marriage is not performed

On the eve of the Wednesday and Friday of the Tuesday (Tuesday and Thursday), Sunday Days (Saturday), the Boxed, Temple and Great Holidays; In continuation of posts: Great, Petrov, Assumption, Christmas; In the continuation of the density, a week meat suite, during the cheese week (Maslenitsa) and a week of cheauceous; During Easter (light), the saddimians and in the days of the erection of the Cross of the Lord - September 27.

  • You just read an article Church Orthodox Calendar for 2019. If you want to know more about orthodox posts, then pay attention to the article.


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Church post

True, truly I tell you: you are looking for me not because you have seen miracles, but because they ate bread and sat down. Try not about the food of the half, but about the food who is in the life of the eternal, which will give you the Son of Man, for the Father, God put in it.

Ev. from John 6; 26-27.

Church post is a voluntary abstinence of desire from enjoying the received food. This is exactly a voluntary action, since other reasons for food restrictions do not belong to this category (due to illness, poverty, old age, etc.) in the broadest sense of the word, the post for an Orthodox person is a set of good deeds, sincere prayer, abstinence in All, including in food.

Church posts are ubiquitous (four multi-day "big posts", three one-day and "small" posts - every week on Wednesday and Friday). You can also single out the post of the general, which is observed by the entire Church, and the post is private, which a person retains in relation to itself, which is either for any vow, or from obedience to the spiritual father. In the days of the post (days of fields), the church charter is prohibited for rapid food - meat and dairy products; Fish is allowed only in some weekdays. In the days of a strict post, not only fish is not allowed, but every hot food and food cooked on vegetable oil, only drying - bread, water, fruits, boiled vegetables, compote. In the Russian Orthodox Church, four multi-day posts, three one-day and, moreover, post on Wednesday and Friday (with the exception of special weeks) throughout the year. Wednesday and Friday are established as a sign that the Wednesday Christ was devoted to Juda, and on Friday crucified.

There are five degrees of rigor, post:


Hot food with oil (floating);

Hot food without oil;


Full abstinence from food.

The post is composed of three components: time, quantity and quality.

As for the time, according to the Old Testament, the post lasted all the bright time of the day until the evening. The new covenant is not as categorized with respect to the time of day or duration of the post. Therefore, each believer chooses its own abstinence option. Some people refrain from food until the evening, others do not touch food and in the evening, especially in Wednesday and Friday, the Holy Fourth. Other imitate the example of the Apostle Paul, who did not eat and did not drink for three days, and especially believers from love to Christ refuse food in the continuation of five days from Monday to Saturday, rejoicing five ulcers of the suffering Jesus Christ.

The second ownership of the post is determined by the number of food used.
According to church ideas, the food should be used as much as it takes only to maintain forces to strengthen and maintain the forces of the fasting, but not for suggestion. But since one person works at the same time, and the other rests, then they need a different quantity for this. Therefore, the church did not define for all the same measure when adding lented food.

The third belonging of the post is as food. What food should eat fasting whether meat or fish, should it have only vegetables or fruits? As it should be referred to an animal food, i.e. Cheese, cow oil, milk and eggs? On this issue among believers there are big differences. If a person believes deeply believers, then he must definitely clarify his diet during the post or in his confessor, or refer to the works of a designed church authority in this area.

To show how difficult and detailed the instructions for the use of the post, we give an excerpt from the composition of Metropolitan Stephen Yavorsky on this topic concerningGreat post.

"The great post is beginning for seven weeks before the Holy Easter holiday and consists of a four-year-old (forty days) and passionate saddemitsa (preceding Easter). The first is established in honor of the Sorogodinal post of Christ, and the passionate saddemic - in the memoir of the last days of his earthly life. The general continuation of the Great Post along with the passionate week is 48 days. Days from the Nativity of Christ to the Great Post (to Maslenitsa) are called Christmas or winter meat. This period contains three solid weeks - the shints, Mytar and Pharisea, Maslenitsa. After a shield on Wednesdays and Fridays, a fish is allowed, right up to a solid week (when you can eat meat on all days of the week), coming after the "Week of Mytar and Farisay" ("Week" in Church Slavic means "Sunday"). The next one, after a continuous, sadmitsa fish is no longer allowed on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, but vegetable oil is still allowed.

Installation This has the goal of gradual preparations for the great post. The last time before the post of meat is allowed in the "meat-minded week" - Sunday in front of Maslenitsa. In the next saddimitsa - the cheese (carnival) is allowed all week eggs, fish, dairy products, but meat no longer eaten. They speak the great post (the last time they eat the rapid, with the exception of meat, food) on the last day of Maslenitsa - forgiven Sunday. This day is also called the "Syropus Week".

Accepted with special severity to observe the first and passionate saddles of the Great Post. On Monday, the first week of fasting (Clean Monday) installed the highest degree of post - complete abstinence from food (pious laity, having ascetic experience, refrain from food and on Tuesday). In the rest of the sediments of the post: on Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Drying (bread, water, fruits, boiled vegetables, compote), Tuesday, Thursday - Hot food without oil (vegetable, cereal, mushroom), on Saturday and Sunday Vegetable oil is allowed and If this is necessary for health, some pure grape wine (but in no case of vodka). If the memory of the Great Sacred happens, then on Tuesday and Thursday - Food with vegetable oil, Monday, Wednesday, Friday - Hot food without butter. Fish is allowed twice for the entire post: to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (if the holiday did not fall on the passionate saddemitus) and on Palm Sunday. Saturday in Lazarev (Saturday before Verbal Sunday) is allowed fish caviar. On Friday, the passionate week is accepted not to eat any food before the removal of the shroud (our ancestors did not take food at all over Friday). Light saddimians (week after Easter) - solid - rapidly permitted on all days of the week. Since the next week, a fish on Wednesdays and Fridays is allowed to continuously up to the Trinity (Spring Meatseed).

In conclusion, it should be noted that according to the review of the church, the post of body, without a spiritual post, does not bring anything to save the soul, even on the contrary, it may be spiritually harmful if a person abstaining from food is penetrated by the consciousness of his own superiority. The true post is associated with a prayer, repentance, with the abstinence of passions and defects, the elimination of evil deeds, forgiveness by offset, with the abstinence in the marital life, with the exception of entertainment and spectacular events, watching TV. The church post is not an end in itself, but to humble his flesh and cleanse from sins. Without prayer and repentance, the post becomes just a diet.

The main task of people in the post, resistance to temptations, unbridled desires. A traditional Christian trains his spirit, teaches him to lead his thoughts, lust, passion. It is quite difficult, you need to make every effort to work out the strength of the Spirit. The post requires a person restraint, refusing to familiar food.

Many people think that the post is hunger. Fast and poor, both rich, and beggars, and prisoners. But this, no relation to the post. The church calls for the post of physical and spiritual. The fasting person comes to a cherished goal only when it combines the rejection of the usual food with the fellow spiritual. He goes to church, reads the appropriate prayers, does not squander, does not lie, helps her neighbors.

On Wednesdays, the death and torment of Jesus also remember and how I was betrayed by Judas.

On Friday, the Savior remembers, his deadly flour and death.

In the teachings of Jesus, it is said that: "Obsession of demons can be expelled only in post and prayer" (MF. 17:21). The post is dove double, one wing is the post, the second prayer. There can be no dove without one wing, so we can not, and we do not have the right to divide one whole.

Holding to lean days all year round, a person strengthens and supports the protection of his soul and the astral body, from the evil eye, damage. This is the only thing that works for a hundred percent and gives the result. Adhering to such simple rules, you will always be fully armed, and the unclean force will not be able to tempt you.

Orthodox, which work exhaustive, very hard, ill, children, women in a position, the church allows not to fast throughout the rigor. Exceptions can be only those days that Orthodox are carried out in full failure of food, the church allows us to use dry food, teas, compotes in the form of an exception to such people.

Post Wednesday and Friday that you can and what can not

If the religious festivity falls for these days, they become not laretch, allowed to prepare fish. If you have such a big and bright holiday as the Christmas of the Savior or the baptism of it, then it is completely canceled.

In the period of summer lean days, which keep their origin from Petrovsky and before the start of Christmas, it is necessary to strictly fast. In the period from the beginning of the Christmas and before the start of the carnival, it lasts not a strict lean period, it is allowed to prepare fish dishes from low-fat varieties.There is no post in the saddime.

Whatever day trips are a comprehensive event that brings to humanity and spirit, and the body to the Savior.

For example, humanity is comparable to the rider on the pioneer of the race. Human soul is the same rider, and the physical body is a purebred horse. The task of the rider lead his hill to a certain goal, but also the horse must also be in the form and do not let the rider. That's about it also with a person. The soul should bring the body to the goal - the kingdom of heaven.

First of all, we must stick to the canons of church. After all, Adam and Eve were punished only for, without causing the post, they were not kept and were tempted, eating a banal apple. This is a lesson for us all number one.

The second one to note is the very philosophy of the post. Restraining from the carnal joy, ordinary food, spending time in prayer and repentance, we rose to the step above. We become closer to God.

If you simply restrict yourself in meals and at the same time eat each other, then nothing else will come out as a banal diet, and for the soul it will not bring any benefit.

One-day post January 2019

One-day January lean days belongs to 1,18,23,25.30. It is allowed to prepare dishes with the addition of refined oil, fish.

CO 2 to 6 continues strict late days.The 18th, the religious celebration of the Epiphany Christmas Eve. It is necessary to conduct it in full rigor, in the refusal of food and all sorts of entertainment programs. Orthodoxy conducts the preparation of his soul to the baptism of the Savior. The entire subsequent day believers are carried out in prayer, visit the temple, sanctify water. At dawn, it is necessary to swim, it is believed that water that flows from the crane is consecrated and has healing properties.

One-day post february 2019

The February month is rich for at night. These include 1,6,8,13,12,27. It is allowed to prepare fish dishes, food with the addition of refined oil.

Orthodox marked the penitution of the Lord, this day will not be satisfied.

Last week of February Cheese saddimians or the people of Oil. During this period, no one will fasten. With the exception of consumption of animal products. Keeps the beginning of preparation for the Easter post.

One-day post March 2019

Select the first number as the only one-day lean period. It is allowed to prepare fish dishes, adding refined oil in the preparation of food. Select 2,23,30 number, to remember the dead relatives.

From 4 to 10, the number you need to strictly fast, it is devoted to the resurrection of the Savior. From 11 to 31, it is allowed to prepare meals with the addition of refined oil and fish products.

One-day post April 2019

Believers will fast on all month. 6 number will be allocated to remember the deceased relatives.

The church allows not to fast 7 and 21 numbers. Since they fall out religious celebrations. The Annunciation of the Virgin and the Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem.

Fishing preparation is allowed, red wine is allowed. Lean period ends with Easter celebration.

One-day post May 2019

The month is rich in larenched days, isolated 8,10,15,17,22,24,29,31. Fish dishes are allowed, refined oil to add to food. Select 7 and 9 numbers to remember the dead relatives.

One-day post June 2019

Select 5,7,12,14 numbers. It is allowed to prepare food with the addition of refined oil, fish products.Allocate the 15th number to remember the deceased relatives.

Orthodoxy notes the Ascension of the Lord and Trinity.

Last week, the believers hold the Petrovsky post. It is allowed to prepare fish products, with the addition of refined oil.

One-day post July 2019

Eliminate 17,19,24,26,31 numbers. It is allowed to prepare food with the addition of refined oil, fish products.From 1 to 11 inclusive lasts Petrovsky post. 3,5,10 numbers will be treated.

Believers celebrate the Christmas of John the Forerunner, Peter and Paul.

One-day post August 2019

Eliminate 2.7,9,30 number. It is allowed to prepare food with the addition of refined oil, fish products.Believers will be treated with C14 on the 27th.

Celebrate the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the Assumption of the Virgin. These days will not be fast.

One-day post September 2019

Eliminate 4,6,11,13,18,20,25,27. It is allowed to prepare food with the addition of refined oil, fish products. The exception is 11 and 27 numbers.

Believers will fall in all of the rigor, devoted to the religious celebration by the care of John the Forerunner andExaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

In the Christmas, the Virgin will not stand.

One-day post October 2019

Allocate 2,4,9,11,16,18,23,25,30. It is allowed to prepare food with the addition of refined oil, fish products. On theThe cover of the Blessed Virgin Mary will not stand.

One-day post November 2019

Eliminate 1,6,8,13,15 number. It is allowed to prepare food with the addition of refined oil, fish products.From the 27th, believers enter Christmas lean period. Select 2 numbers to remember the dead relatives.

One-day post December 2019

All month will be fast. In rigorism is observed 6,11,13,18,20,25,27.On the day of the introduction of the Virgin in the temple of the Lord.

It is allowed to prepare food with the addition of refined oil, fish products, the use of wine.

Diary in the post 2018 - 2019

In 2018 and 2019, 4 large lean periods were allocated: Easter, Petrov, Uspensky, Christmas.

In all rigor, special lean days allocated in the Orthodox calendar are observed. Only the use of dry products, fruits and vegetables in the baked or boiled form, food without oil is allowed. It is allowed to prepare lented liquid and boiled food with the addition of refined oil. As a basis, you can take an approximate menu from the provided diary. The menu can be expanded and improved. But be sure to adhere to the Orthodox calendar.

Diary of food in a very strict Easter and Assumption post.

Diary of food in christmas and petrov post.