Write Antoine de Saint Exupery. Saint Exupery Biography

Write Antoine de Saint Exupery. Saint Exupery Biography
Write Antoine de Saint Exupery. Saint Exupery Biography

"Too early death is equivalent to robbery: to implement your life vocation, you need to live long," wrote (1900 - 1944) in one of his later articles. The author and as if he simpened his ambulance.

On July 31, 1944, he went to the next combat task and did not return. For a long time, Exupery was listed in the missing lists. Only after half a century after the disappearance, fragments of his aircraft and personal belongings were found. No matter how much he could give humanity if she did not die in that ill-fated July day ...

We selected 20 wonderful quotes from his books:

Working only for the sake of material goods, we will build a prison ourselves. And lock it alone, and all our wealth - dust and ash, they are powerless to deliver to us that is worth living. "Planet of people"

Too much in the world of people who have helped to awaken. "Planet of people"

Friendship I recognize in the absence of disappointments, true love for the impossibility of being offended.

Words only interfere with understanding each other.

In man, I love the light. The thickness of the candle does not care. The flame will tell me whether the candle is good.

Freedom exists only for someone who seeks somewhere. "Military pilot"

Demagogy occurs when, due to the lack of general measures, the principle of equality is degenerated into the principle of identity. "Military pilot"

The order of order is the ugliness of life.

Vain people are deaf to everything except praise.

To judge yourself, much more difficult than others.

Truth is not something that can be proved; This is what makes the world easier. "Meaning of life"

Liberate man, and he wants to create.

Salvation is to take the first step. "Planet of people"

It is impossible to love the woman itself, you can love thanks to her, love with her help. Love through poems, but not the poetry themselves. Love thanks to the scenery that opened from the top of the mountain.

You are forever responsible for all who tamed.

Old friends are not creating. There is no treasure more expensive than so much common memories, so much hard hours experienced together, so much quarrels, reconciliations, spiritual impulses. Such friendship is the fruit of long years. Salting oak, it is funny to dream that soon you will find the shelter in his shadow. So the life is arranged. "Planet of people"

You live in our actions, and not in the body. You are your actions, and there is no other.

The Earth itself knows what kind of grain needed ... "Planet of People"

What is the sense in political teachings that the man's bloom, if we do not know in advance, what kind of person will they grow up? Who makes their celebration? After all, we are not a cattle that you need to refill, and when one poor thing Pascal appears, it is incomparably more important than the birth of a dozen prosperous insignificance. "Planet of people"

Trying to find yourself, you are doomed to find emptiness.



Childhood, adolescence, youth

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was born in the French city of Lyon, originated from the old provincial nobleman, and was the third of the five children of Viscount Jean de Saint-Exupery and his wife Marie de Folomb. At the age of four, he lost his father. Mother was engaged in the upbringing of Little Antoine.

Here he writes his first work - "Southern Postal".

Sorry Saint-Exupery becomes the owner of his own aircraft S.630 "Simun" and on December 29, 1935, it takes an attempt to put a record at Paris - Saigon flight, but tolerates an accident in the Libyan desert, again barely avoiding death. On the first of January, he and the mechanic narrow, having chosen from thirst, were saved by Bedouins.

Saint-Exupery took some combat flights on the block "Bloche 174", performing aerial contact tasks, and was represented by the "Military Cross" award (FR. Croix de Guerre.). In June 1941, after the defeat of France, he moved to the sister into an unequard part of the country, and later went to the United States. He lived in New York, where among other things he wrote his most famous book "Little Prince" (1942, publ. 1943). In 1943, he joined the Air Force "Fighting France" and with great difficulty achieved his enrollment in the combat part. He had to master the piloting of the new speed aircraft "Lighting" P-38.

Saint Exupery in the cabin "Lighting"

"I have a fun craft for my years. Next for me by age younger for six years. But, of course, the current my life is a breakfast at six in the morning, a dining room, a tent or a white lime room, flights at an altitude of ten thousand meters in the forbidden for a person of the world - I prefer an unbearable Algerian idleness ... ... I chose a job for maximum wear and because you need Always squeeze yourself to the end, I will not go to the opponent. I would like only that this vile war is over before I am Ista, like a candle in the oxygen jet. I have something to do after it " (From the letter Jean Pewdeye July 9-10, 1944).

According to the press publications from March 2008, the German veteran of Luftwaffe 88-year-old Horst Rippert, the Squadron Pilot "Yagdgroup 200," said that it was he who was shot down by the Messerschmitt Me-109 fighter, Antoine de Saint-Exupery plane. According to his statements, he did not know who was behind the steering wheel of the opponent's aircraft:

It was Saint-Exupii pilot that the pilot was known for the pilot, the Germans became known in the same days from the radio charts of the negotiations of French airfields, which carried out German troops. The lack of corresponding records in Luftwaffe magazines is due to the fact that in addition to Horast Rippert, there were no other witnesses of air combat, and this aircraft was not officially counted as shot down.


Main works

  • Courrier Sud. Editions Gallimard, 1929. English: Southern Mail. South postal. (Option: "Mail - south"). Novel. Translations into Russian: M. Baranovich (1960), Isaeva T. (1963), Kuzmin D. (2000)
  • Vol de Nuit. Roman. Gallimard, 1931. Préface d'André Gide. English: Night Flight. Night flight. Novel. Awards: December 1931, Femin Prize. Translations into Russian: Vaxcher M. (1962)
  • TERRE DES HOMMES. Roman. Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1938. English: WIND, SAND, AND STARS ("Wind, Sand and Stars"). Planet people. (Option: Land of people.) Roman. Awards: 1939 Greater Prize of the French Academy (05/25/1939). 1940 Nation Book Award USA. Translations into Russian: Vellus G. "Land of People" (1957), Nora Gal "Planet of People" (1963)
  • Pilote de Guerre. Récit. Editions Gallimard, 1942. English: Flight to Arras. Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1942. Military pilot. Tale. Translations into Russian: Tetherovnikova A. (1963)
  • Lettre à un otage. Essai. Editions Gallimard, 1943. English: Letter To a Hostage. Letter to the hostage. Essay. Translations into Russian: Baranovich M. (1960), Grachev R. (1963), Nora Gal (1972)
  • Little Prince (Fr. Le Petit Prince, eng. THE LITTLE PRINCE) (1943). Translation of Nora Gal (1958)
  • Citadelle. Editions Gallimard, 1948. English: The Wisdom of the Sands. Citadel. Translations into Russian: Kozhevnikova M. (1996)

Post-war edition

  • Lettres de Jeunesse. Editions Gallimard, 1953. Préface de Renée de Saussine. Letters of youth.
  • Carnets. Editions Gallimard, 1953. Notebooks.
  • Lettres à sa mère. Editions Gallimard, 1954. PROLOGUE DE MADAME DE SAINT-EXUPERY. Letters to the mother.
  • Un Sens à la vie. Editions 1956. Textes Inédits Recueillis et Présentés Par Claude Reynal. Give life meaning. Unnecessary texts collected by Claude Reynalem.
  • Ecrits de Guerre. Préface de Raymond Aron. Editions Gallimard, 1982. Military notes. 1939-1944
  • Memories of some books. Essay. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.

Small works

  • Who are you, soldiers? Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • A pilot (the first story was published on April 1, 1926 in the magazine "Silver Ship").
  • Moral necessity. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • We must give the meaning of human life. Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Appeal to the Americans. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Pangermanism and its propaganda. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Pilot and elements. Translation into Russian: Grachev R.
  • Message to the American. Translations into Russian: Tsyvyan L. M.
  • Message to young Americans. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.
  • Preface to the book of Ann Morrow-Lindberg "The wind rises." Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Preface to the "Document" magazine number dedicated to the pilot tests. Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Crime and Punishment. Article. Translations into Russian: Kuzmin D.
  • Among the night, the votes of enemies echoes from the trenches. Translations into Russian: Ginzburg Yu. A.
  • Themes "Citadel". Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.
  • France first. Translations into Russian: Baevskaya E. V.
  • The Tale of Tsar Saltan.


  • Saint-Exupery Antoine de. South postal. Night flight. Planet people. Military pilot. Letter to the hostage. Little Prince. Pilot and elements / entry Art. M. Galla. Art. Klodt. - M.: Art. lit., 1983. - 447 p. Circulation 300,000 copies.

Literary premiums

  • - Femina premium - for the novel "Night flight";
  • - Grand Prix du Roman of the French Academy - "Planet of People";
  • 1939 - US National Book Prize - "Wind, Sand and Stars" ("Planet of People").

Military awards

In 1939 he was awarded the war cross of the French Republic.

Titles in honor

  • Left-handed.
  • For the entire career of the Saint Exupery pilot, 15 accidents suffered.
  • During a business trip to the USSR, he flew on board the Ant-20 "Maxim Gorky" aircraft.
  • Saint-Exupery perfectly owned the art of the card focus.
  • He became the author of several inventions in the field of aviation, which was received by patents.
  • In the Dilogy of Sky Seekers, Sergei Lukyanenko appears the character of Antoine Lyon, combining the profession of a pilot with literary experiments.
  • In the story of Vladislav Krapivina "The pilot for special instructions" slipks the connection of this work with the fairy tale of the "Little Prince" and its author.
  • Failed an accident on the aircraft Codron S.630 Simon (register number 7042, on-board - F-Anry) for flight

Antoine Marie Jean-Batist Roger de Saint-Exupery (Fr. Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery) was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyon (France) in the aristocratic family. He was the third child of Graph Jean de Saint-Exupery.

Father died when Antoine was four years old, and mother was engaged in the upbringing of the boy. His childhood passed in the estate Saint-Maurice near Lyon, belonging to his grandmother.

In 1909-1914, Antoine and his younger brother Francois studied at the Jesuit College of Le Mans, then in a private educational institution in Switzerland.

Having received a bachelor's degree in a college, for several years, Antooman studied at the Academy of Arts on the architectural department, then received ordinary in aviation troops. In 1923 he was given a pilot certificate.

In 1926 he was taken to the general company of aviation enterprises belonging to the well-known Lateuer designer. In the same year, the first story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "pilot" appeared in the press.

Saint-Exupii flew on the postal lines of Toulouse - Casablanca, Casablanca - Dakar, then became the head of the airfield in Fort Cap-Jubi to Morocco (part of this territory belonged to the French) - on the border of the Sahara.

In 1929, he returned to France for half a year and signed a contract with a book publishing Gastron Gillimar for the publication of seven novels, in the same year Roman "Southern Postal" was published. In September 1929, Saint-Exupery was appointed director of the French Aircraft Argentine airline in Buenos Aires.

In 1930, he was produced in the Cavalers of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France, and at the end of 1931 he became a laureate of the prestigious literary premium "Femina" for the novel "Night Flight" (1931).

In 1933-1934, he was a pilot test, made a number of long flights, ended the accident, was seriously injured several times.

In 1934, he filed the first application for the invention of a new planting system of aircraft (he had 10 inventions at the level of scientific and technical achievements of his time).

In December 1935, during a long flight from Paris to Saygon, Antoine de Saint-Exupery plane crashed in the Libyan desert, he was lying alone.

From the mid-1930s, he worked as a journalist: In April 1935, the Pari-Suar newspaper has visited Moscow and described this visit in several essays; In 1936, being a front correspondent, he wrote a series of military reports from Spain, where the civil war went.

In 1939, Antoine de Saint-Exupery was produced in officers of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France. In February, his book "Planet of People" was published (in Russian translation - "Land of people"; American name - "Wind, Sand and Stars"), which is a collection of autobiographical essays. The book was awarded the French Academy Prize and the US National Award.

When the Second World War began, Captain Saint-Exupery was mobilized into the army, but it was recognized by suitable for service on Earth. Using all its connections, Saint-Exupery has achieved appointment to aviation spending.

In May 1940, on the aircraft "Blok-174" he made a flight for exploration over Arras, for which he was awarded the Military Cross "For Martial merit".

After the occupation of France, German-fascist troops in 1940 emigrated to the United States.

In February 1942, his book "Military pilot" entered the United States and had a great success, after which St. Exupery at the end of Spring received an order from Reynal Hichkok publishing house to write a fairy tale. He signed a contract and began working on the philosophical-lyrical fairy tale "Little Prince" with copyright illustrations. In April 1943, the "Little Prince" was published in the United States, in the same year the story "Letter to the hostage" was published. Then Saint Exupery worked on the story "Citadel" (not completed, published in 1948).

In 1943, St. Exupery was left from America to Algeria, where he passed a course of treatment, from where in the summer in his air group, based in Morocco. After large difficulties with obtaining permission for flights, thanks to the support of the influential figures of French resistance, Saint-Exupery was allowed to perform five reconnaissance flights with aerial photography and enemy troops in the area of \u200b\u200bhis native Provence.

On the morning of July 31, 1944, Saint-Exupery on an equipped camera and did not have armared by the aircraft "Lighting P-38" went to an intelligence flight from the Borgo airfield on the island of Corsica. His task in that departure was collecting intelligence in the framework of the preparation of a landing plant in the south of France, occupied by the fascist invaders. The plane did not return to the database, and his pilot was declared missing.

The search for the remains of the aircraft was carried out for many years, only in 1998, Marseille fisherman Jean-Claude Bianco accidentally discovered near Marseille a silver bracelet with the name of the writer and his wife Consuelo.

In May 2000, the professional diver of Luke Vanleyl told the authorities that he discovered the remains of the aircraft on the 70-meter depth, which was performed by Saint-Exupery. From November 2003 to January 2004, a special expedition extracted the remains of the aircraft from the bottom, one of the parts managed to detect the labeling "2374 L", which corresponded to the Saint Exupieri aircraft.

In March 2008, the former pilot "Luftwaffe" 88-year-old Horst Rippert said it he knocked down this aircraft. Rippert's statements are confirmed by some information from other sources, but the same time in the magazines of the German Air Force was not found records of the plane, shot down on the day in the area, where Saint-Exupery disappeared, the found fragments of his aircraft did not have obvious traces of shelling.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was married to the widow of the Argentine journalist Consuelo Suncin (1901-1979). After the disappearance of the writer, she lived in New York, then moved to France, where it was known as a sculptor and artist. A lot of time devoted to the perpetuation of the memory of Saint Exupery.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

Antoine Marie Jean-Batist Roger de Saint-Exupery (Fr. Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger de Saint-Exupery) was born on June 29, 1900 in Lyon (France) in the aristocratic family. He was the third child of Graph Jean de Saint-Exupery.

Father died when Antoine was four years old, and mother was engaged in the upbringing of the boy. His childhood passed in the estate Saint-Maurice near Lyon, belonging to his grandmother.

In 1909-1914, Antoine and his younger brother Francois studied at the Jesuit College of Le Mans, then in a private educational institution in Switzerland.

Having received a bachelor's degree in a college, for several years, Antooman studied at the Academy of Arts on the architectural department, then received ordinary in aviation troops. In 1923 he was given a pilot certificate.

In 1926 he was taken to the general company of aviation enterprises belonging to the well-known Lateuer designer. In the same year, the first story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "pilot" appeared in the press.

Saint-Exupii flew on the postal lines of Toulouse - Casablanca, Casablanca - Dakar, then became the head of the airfield in Fort Cap-Jubi to Morocco (part of this territory belonged to the French) - on the border of the Sahara.

In 1929, he returned to France for half a year and signed a contract with a book publishing Gastron Gillimar for the publication of seven novels, in the same year Roman "Southern Postal" was published. In September 1929, Saint-Exupery was appointed director of the French Aircraft Argentine airline in Buenos Aires.

In 1930, he was produced in the Cavalers of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France, and at the end of 1931 he became a laureate of the prestigious literary premium "Femina" for the novel "Night Flight" (1931).

In 1933-1934, he was a pilot test, made a number of long flights, ended the accident, was seriously injured several times.

In 1934, he filed the first application for the invention of a new planting system of aircraft (he had 10 inventions at the level of scientific and technical achievements of his time).

In December 1935, during a long flight from Paris to Saygon, Antoine de Saint-Exupery plane crashed in the Libyan desert, he was lying alone.

From the mid-1930s, he worked as a journalist: In April 1935, the Pari-Suar newspaper has visited Moscow and described this visit in several essays; In 1936, being a front correspondent, he wrote a series of military reports from Spain, where the civil war went.

In 1939, Antoine de Saint-Exupery was produced in officers of the Order of the Honorary Legion of France. In February, his book "Planet of People" was published (in Russian translation - "Land of people"; American name - "Wind, Sand and Stars"), which is a collection of autobiographical essays. The book was awarded the French Academy Prize and the US National Award.

When the Second World War began, Captain Saint-Exupery was mobilized into the army, but it was recognized by suitable for service on Earth. Using all its connections, Saint-Exupery has achieved appointment to aviation spending.

In May 1940, on the aircraft "Blok-174" he made a flight for exploration over Arras, for which he was awarded the Military Cross "For Martial merit".

After the occupation of France, German-fascist troops in 1940 emigrated to the United States.

In February 1942, his book "Military pilot" entered the United States and had a great success, after which St. Exupery at the end of Spring received an order from Reynal Hichkok publishing house to write a fairy tale. He signed a contract and began working on the philosophical-lyrical fairy tale "Little Prince" with copyright illustrations. In April 1943, the "Little Prince" was published in the United States, in the same year the story "Letter to the hostage" was published. Then Saint Exupery worked on the story "Citadel" (not completed, published in 1948).

In 1943, St. Exupery was left from America to Algeria, where he passed a course of treatment, from where in the summer in his air group, based in Morocco. After large difficulties with obtaining permission for flights, thanks to the support of the influential figures of French resistance, Saint-Exupery was allowed to perform five reconnaissance flights with aerial photography and enemy troops in the area of \u200b\u200bhis native Provence.

On the morning of July 31, 1944, Saint-Exupery on an equipped camera and did not have armared by the aircraft "Lighting P-38" went to an intelligence flight from the Borgo airfield on the island of Corsica. His task in that departure was collecting intelligence in the framework of the preparation of a landing plant in the south of France, occupied by the fascist invaders. The plane did not return to the database, and his pilot was declared missing.

The search for the remains of the aircraft was carried out for many years, only in 1998, Marseille fisherman Jean-Claude Bianco accidentally discovered near Marseille a silver bracelet with the name of the writer and his wife Consuelo.

In May 2000, the professional diver of Luke Vanleyl told the authorities that he discovered the remains of the aircraft on the 70-meter depth, which was performed by Saint-Exupery. From November 2003 to January 2004, a special expedition extracted the remains of the aircraft from the bottom, one of the parts managed to detect the labeling "2374 L", which corresponded to the Saint Exupieri aircraft.

In March 2008, the former pilot "Luftwaffe" 88-year-old Horst Rippert said it he knocked down this aircraft. Rippert's statements are confirmed by some information from other sources, but the same time in the magazines of the German Air Force was not found records of the plane, shot down on the day in the area, where Saint-Exupery disappeared, the found fragments of his aircraft did not have obvious traces of shelling.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery was married to the widow of the Argentine journalist Consuelo Suncin (1901-1979). After the disappearance of the writer, she lived in New York, then moved to France, where it was known as a sculptor and artist. A lot of time devoted to the perpetuation of the memory of Saint Exupery.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

"Aviation and poetry bent over his cradle. Probably he was the only modern writer who was touched with genuine glory. His life is a whole series of triumphs. But he never knew rest. "
115 years ago, Antoine de Saint Exupery was born. Aviator, Esseist and Poet. The person who said: "Before writing, you need to live."
"How was it not to love him? - exclaimed Andre Morua. - He possessed simultaneously by force and tenderness, mind and intuition. He fought in the air in 1940 and again fought in 1944. He was lost in the desert and was saved by the lords of the sands; Once he fell into the Mediterranean Sea, and another time - on the mountain chains of Guatemala. From here, the credibility that sounds in every word, from here originates and life stoicism takes place, for the act reveals the best qualities of a person. "
Antoine de Saint-Exupery 1900 - 1944

Antoine de Saint-Exupery (Fully Antoine Marie Jean-Batites Roger de Saint-Exupéry, Fr. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry) was born on June 29, 1900 in the French city of Lyon in the family of provincial graph. At the age of four, he lost his father.

The clan Castle Exupery was complicated in the early Middle Ages from large round boulders, and in the XVIII century it was rebuilt. "Once the Lord de Saint-Exupery looked at the raids of English archers, knights-robbers and their own peasants, and at the beginning of the 20th century, the dilapidated castle sheltered the widowed countess Marie de Saint-Exupery and her five children.

Mother and daughters took the first floor, the boys settled on the third. A huge entrance hall and a mirror living room, portraits of ancestors, knightly lats, precious tapestries, upholstered furniture with short-grained gilding - the old house was full of treasure. Behind the house was Senov, behind the hatching - a huge park, the fields stretched at the park, still belonging to his family.

Mother was engaged in the upbringing of Little Antoine. He studied unevenly, glimpses of genius were manifested in it, but it was noticeable that this student was not created for school sessions. In the family, he is called the king of the sun due to blond hair, crowned head; Comrades called Antoine starvature, because his nose ride to the sky.

Not far from Saint-Maurice, in Amber, was the airfield, and Antooman often traveled there by bike. When he was twelve, he had a chance to fly by plane, and Antoine received "air baptism". This event is customary to communicate with the name of Jules Verge. No one knows how this version was born, for neither one nor another never talked about it. But, it can be seen, it turned out to be quite beautiful: the famous aviator, the hero of war, and indeed a bright person, - and therefore the version began to repeat without checking. Only recently discovered the only documentary evidence, namely the postcard with the image of the first aircraft and the pilot, "giving air baptism." And signed by Antoine itself. The truth was no worse than legends.

The postcard shows the Lberthaud-W monoplan (Berta - the surname of the industrialist financing the development), created in 1911 by Brothers Peter and Gabriel Wromblevski. This promising structure, alas, not "won the sky." It was not destined to live to the era of the domination of metal monoplas and talented aircraft brothers - March 2, 1912, they died in the test flight on the third and last copy of their car, after which the work on it was discontinued.

Gabriel Wroklevsky (it was he "baptized" Antoine in July 1912) received his pilot diploma just a month before the event entered into history. Diploma had number 891. Saint-Exupii's flight career began only nine years later, after the first world, but it was then, in his first and only "children's" flight, he can say, joined the spirit of "childhood" itself. The ahead of the aircraft of self-taped engineers, pilots, timid flights for the very fact of overcoming the earthly attraction, and, finally, the halo of secrets and the feat - all this could not leave the deepest trace in the young soul.

Childhood ended when the beloved brother Francois died from the fever. He bequeathed Antoine a bike and a gun, became accustomed and went to the world of other - Saint-Exupii forever remembered his calm and strict face. Exupery graduated from the Jesuit School in Le Mane, studied at the Catholic board in Switzerland, and in 1917 he entered the Paris School of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Architecture.
"It's worth growing up, and the merciful God leaves you for the mercy of fate," this sad thought of St. Exupery will express much later when he is thirty years old, but she also belongs to the whole first period of life in Paris. Now he lives the real life of Bohemia. This is the most deaf period of his life - Antoine does not even write a mother, surviving everything that happens to him, deep in herself. He still meets and argues with friends, visits the Lippa restaurant, goes to lectures, reads a lot, causing his knowledge in the literature. Among the books that attract it especially, the books of Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Plato.

And although we do not know what Antoine interpreted then, you can guess that his court was very severe. When many years later, one secular lady, who knew Saint-Exupery at his twenty years, asked to tell about him, she said: "Exupery? Yes, it was a communist!".

Antoine de Saint-Exupery in 1921, interrupting the deferment received by him when entering the Higher Educational Institution, throws classes at the architectural faculty and recorded by a volunteer in the 2nd Aviation Regiment in Strasbourg with the rank of ordinary. First, the volunteer is listed by the aircraft. Fortunately for him, the 2nd Aviation Regiment headed Major Gard - the most charming commander, which you can wish you. In the past, a hiking hurker, who was a pilot-fighter during the war, he was well versed in humans. His officers were in front of him. The discipline in the regiment did not differ in rigor - there was still an atmosphere of a combat squadron partnership, preserved from the time of war. And soon in the Saint Exupieri position there is a significant change. He becomes a civilian pilot, after which he is trained on the pilot of the military. Strange wording, but no error in it. True, to understand this, some comments are required.

This is what Robert Abyg, the first Saint-EXA flight instructor:
"It happened in April 1921, on Sunday, at the Noyhof airfield. Beautiful spring in the morning, we brought out all the planes of Transaeryen from Angara - one" Farman ", three" Svonzon "and one" Salmson. "Five airplanes on the company in which I He was the only pilot ... True, the brothers MossE - Gaston and Victor - the model, were also pilots.

We hoped to get a line of Strasbourg - Brussels - Anver, but competitors were ahead of us. Then the company was transformed and now offered customers flights on applications, baptism, air films. Especially baptized.

Just approached the client. It is not very good - a kepper, a handkerchief on the neck, pants without folds.
- Can I get air baptism ??
- Yes ... But it will cost 50 francs.
- I agree!
And it is arranged in Pharaman. I make a circle with him. Ten minutes, along the usual route. I sit down, steering the hangar, get out of the plane.
- And again?
- But it will cost you in 50 francs!
- Yes Yes! I agree.
And we flew. This time I showed him what he wanted - north and south of Strasbourg, Vozh, Rhine. He was delighted. I have not yet knew his name. After landing asked him to record his name on paper. Then I read: Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He also reported that he was attributed to the 2nd fighter air strike (his hangars were located next to ours) to pass military service.

After some time, he appeared again, but already in military uniform ...
- Do you know me?
- Well, of course.
And without unnecessary prefaces: - Can you fly yourself?
- You can always, but to fly, you need to be able to fly! You need to take training.
- I just wanted to know ... And here it is possible?
- Yes, but under certain conditions. First of all, you need the permission of your commander, because he is responsible for you. And then, you need to agree with the director about the price.

A few days later the commander of the part of the Colonel Gard agreed, against all the rules, in the form of an exception (there was definitely something incredible), to learn how to piloting a young soldier.

June 18, 1921, Saturday. On this day (one can say, it was an almost historical date!), Saint Exupii made his first flight with an instructor on Lfarman-40.

If you believe my flight book, for the second flight on that day, I followed the third ... and the lessons continued to satisfy the student and teacher. We had 21 days exported flights and 2 h. 5 minutes Flight time. Suddenly, we had to leave the "Farman", whose engine gave the soul to God, and I translated my pet to the "Svonvich", more strictly in the piloting machine. On Friday, July 8, I twice took it on this new plane.

The next day at 11 o'clock, I once again removed St. Exupery on the "Sport and one and a half". At 11 h. 10 minutes We were at the start for the second flight. I got out of the front seat.
- take off! One. I release you. When it is time to land, I will mix a green rocket. Went!
It started normally. Roument is smooth, takeoff - impeccable, so he gains height, turns out the right left, passes through the wind, finishes the circle of the strip ... I let the green rocket ... He comes to land, but too high and at too much speed ... five Meters to the Earth, - and now he is either "slipping" the strip, or will lose speed and fall into the corkscrew, "but he makes the only thing that remains in such cases - again gas. St. Exupery confidently starts the second "box," it seems that this small incident did not bring it out of equilibrium, "and when I send a green rocket again, it comes out, it comes beautifully, and a plane returns to the hangar.
After noon, I went to the Colonel Garda and reported that he released the ordinary Saint Exupery. He thought, looked at some papers in the folder, and chose:
- stay on this.
Our joint flights in Transeryen ended.

In love with the sky, the soldiers managed to persuade the commanders to another unprecedented step - allow flying to fly (including on new two-bed fighters SrFD-20 "Erbemon") and study on the air arrow, again, without appointing an appropriate position.
Well, soon, amateur experience was repeated at a new qualitative level and is respectively documented. Having learned about the set of volunteers for service in the 37th fighter airmag, based in Morocco, Saint-Exupery immediately filed a report. There he got to the corporal, but most importantly - he studied on the fighter. The exams are handed over to "excellent," and he is offered to enter the school of officers of the reserve, where he meets his old friend Jean Esko. Provide the word to him ...

"On April 3, 1922, St. Exupery was adopted by a cadet to the School of Officers of the Air Force of the Air Force in Avora. The most urgent business for us was then to know how we could resume flights. Indeed, the program whose crown was a summer diploma, included the theory (navigation, meteorology , Communication, combat application) and flight practice, but it is as a flight. In the end, we were announced that we can fly as pilots before the start of classes, that is, from 6 to 8 in the morning. So our days were filled to refusal. At the end of the internship, high graduation points gave us the opportunity to choose the place of the future service themselves. It turned out that we worked the same reflex - to be closer to the house. And having received the title of younger lieutenants, we went out in our direction - he was in the 34th air strike Bourget, and I am in Lyon-Bron, in the 35th. "

For two years, Saint-Exupery's urgent service received a unique training, it is impossible in others, with the form of more favorable conditions, "mastered the piloting of a wide variety of aircraft, both the navigator and the summer bond, and the shooter, studied the use of aviation. But in addition to all this, he was also a mechanic ...

Thus, the Certificate of the Pilot Exupery receives in 1922.

Soon moved to Paris, he turned to writing works. However, on this field, he initially did not gain the laurels and was forced to take for any job: he traded cars, he was a seller in the bookstore.

In 1926, Saint-Exe again began a pilot's career, now already civil, - from the workshops of the Aeropostal company, which delivered mail on the northern coast of Africa. His first flight on the postal plane took place in October 1926. Two years later, he was appointed by the head of the airport in Cap-Jubi, on the very edge of the Sahara, and there, finally, the inner calm was found, which his late books were fulfilled.

Remembers Didier Dora, Lateoer Airlines:
"I accepted St. Exupery and from the very first of the day made him submit to the regime, common to all his pilots: they were all at first working side by side with mechanics. Just like mechanics, he listened to the motors, pacala. .. Hands with lubricant. He never grumbled, was not afraid of black work, and soon I was convinced that he won the respect of workers ...

School of ground services was useful, Saint Exupery and in his personal life more precisely when his own plane appeared. I will not go into details, but I will say one thing - he lived then not burn, but the airplane owned. At that time, civil aviation barely rase wings; Few predicted her striking flourished. Just at that time, aviators were in honor. The broad public believed that all of them are some eccentrics, adventure craftsors, however, cute, but they drive them and what they want to - is unclear.

Yes, public opinion considered it an adventure, but it required the courage - but was reasonably and based on accurate calculations. Saint-Exupii belonged to the cohort of the most requested people in the then aircraft - those who combine courage and composure, possesses logical thinking. This is how his work was assessed by the authorities in Cap-Jubie:
"Exceptional data, a pilot of a rare courage, an excellent master of his business, showed a wonderful composure and rare dedication. Head of the airfield in Cap-jubie, in the desert, surrounded by hostile tribes, constantly risking her life, fulfilling his duties with devotion, which is above all praise. Held Several brilliant operations. Repeatedly flew over the most dangerous areas, looking for a Ren and Serra pilot tribes taken by hostile tribes. Savior from the region engaged in the extremely militant population, the wounded crew of the Spanish aircraft, almost in the hands of the Moors. without hesitation transferred harsh working conditions in The desert, daily risked life. With its diligence, devotion, noble dedication made a huge contribution to the french airplane, significantly promoted the successes of our civil aviation ... "

In 1929, Exupery headed the separation of his airline in Buenos Aires. In 1931, he marries the widow of the Spanish writer Gomez Carrillo - Consuelo, a native of South America.

In 1931, returned to Europe, again flew on the postal lines, was also a tester pilot.

In 1934-1935, he worked as an official on the special instructions of the company "Er France" in Asia, from Turkey to Vietnam, where he preferred, so to speak, "about and without reason" to move at airplanes. In the books, forced landings in the desert were described many times, a little less emergency engineering of the hydraulic parameters. But in practice there was a completely interesting case.
"His first journey to Cambodia interrupted the accident, - Refused the engine when he flew over the flooded forests in the Mekonga basin. Being a rescue boat, Saint-Exupery and his friend Pierre Godier spent the night among this random mixing of water and sushi, peacefully talking under itching singing Mosquitoes and boiled frogs.

From the mid-1930s. He also acted as a journalist, in particular, in 1935 visited the correspondent of "Pari-Suar" in Moscow and described this visit in five mischievous essays. On May 20, 1935, an article that says for itself was published in the newspaper "Izvestia": "On the driving force."
I flew on the plane "Maxim Gorky" shortly before his death. These corridors, this salon, these cabins, this powerful hum of eight engines, this internal telephone connection - everything was not like a used air situation. But even more than the technical perfection of the aircraft, I admired the young crew and the impulse that was common to all these people. I admired their seriousness and the inner joy with which they worked ... The feelings that beat these people seemed to me more powerful driving force than the force of eight magnificent giant motors. Deeply shocked, I worry mourning, in which Moscow is shipped today. I also lost friends who had just learned, but who had already seemed infinitely close to me. Alas, they will never laugh to the wind in the face, these young and strong people. I know that this tragedy is not caused by a technical error, not ignorant of builders or the crew's deficiency. This tragedy is not one of those tragedies that can make people doubt their power. There was no giant aircraft. But the country and people who created it will be able to arouse even more amazing ships - miracles of technology.

It was in Antoine's biography, one enterprise that can be called really adventurous. A story about its completion is the accident of 1935 in the Libyan Desert, - entered the "Planet of People", but this is what they say. But the roots ... St. Exca recognized about a major monetary prize for a record of the route Paris Saigon and decided to accept the challenge - at that time he just needed money. True, time (yes, actually, and the means) for the preparation no longer remained, - but he risked. There was even a radio station that was removed to take an excess gasoline canister and if it were not for the random Bedouin ... That's really true fate, which was visible, was pleased to further continue his work!

The second flight of New York - the fiery ground in 1938 was preparing for all the rules, but at the airfield of Guatemala, some "Bedouin" - a fuel fuel fuel in the tanks. The heat, rarefied air (the airfield was located almost 1.5 km above the sea level) and the short strip did not leave chances, - the overwhelmed car collapsed, barely pissed off from the ground. Saint Exupery and its mechanic narrow extracted from under the piles of fragments and hospitalized. There were no guilt of the organizers and the crew. It can be seen again fate.

The correspondent went to war in Spain. In 1937 from Pari-Suar, Saint-Exupery on his own plane arrived in the Spain covered by the Civil War. He was not the "Spanish pilot", but his task was no less important. The great powers were tested there new weapons - the technologies of the "Information War" - and the appearance of unprecedented the number of world famous cultural figures on the fronts (Saint-EX was one of the many famous writers, journalists, film director, etc.) is far from randomly. The tests were successful - never before the word had no such effect on the course of the war, and later St. Exupery would take advantage of this force to attract the United States to liberate France from the Nazis.

In March 1939, Saint Exupery went to the third Reich. "He returned to Paris next after the entry of the Germans in Prague, refusing a meeting promised him with Goering," he no longer wanted to stay in a hostile state, the chapter of which he had already dropped the mask, "Georges wrote." - Whoever produces so many cars and Leaves without shelter, in the rain and wind, if it does not think to put them in the case immediately! A cute friend is war! ".

The little-known page of the life of St. Exupery, associated with the war concerns its activities as an inventor. Even before the start of active hostilities, he developed the principle of night masking of ground objects with ... light.
At the beginning of the war, he wrote a sex, "flewing at night over blackout, he noticed that in a clear night you can discern the layout of the city all, to the slightest details and, it is not difficult to reset the bombs on any purpose. Blackout masked Toulouse very badly. Wrapped in the light of Light Buenos Aires, which he watched in the postal flight, was covered perfectly. It became to disguise the city, it is better not to darken it, but to light up. But it is only at worst. Thus, hide individual details, but you find all the goal. And Saint-ex immediately finds a great way to knock the opponent with a sense: it is necessary to blind him! It never recognizes the city at night and individual goals, if you pour them with a wide strip of very bright, evenly distributed lights. Saint-EX has developed its project comprehensively, to the thinnest technical details ...
His invention was interested in military specialists ... The first practical tests gave excellent results. But this experience could not continue: his German invasion was interrupted. "

It was he who suggested to fight with the freezing of machine guns at large altitudes, using a special lubricant that would absorb condensing couples and prevented, respectively, the encoding of weapons. It is said that he foresaw the future domination of jet engines, the appearance of a radar and even nuclear weapons, but here he played, rather as a deep thinker with engineer's abilities.

By the beginning of the "strange war", 1939, Antoine possessed an authority sufficient to somehow affect its appointment when mobilization. And he asked for fighters - the benefit, the experience of maneuverable air combat was. In addition, the single fighter perfectly complied with his ideas about the fight - one on one, eyes in the eyes with the enemy, when the outcome of the battle depends entirely on the skill of the pilot, his unity with his car ...

However, the age and results of the medical examination (plus the desire of the country's leadership will protect the famous writer) allowed him to get only on bombers, and then the instructor of the educational unit. Of course, it did not satisfy him. In addition, as friends recalled, he did not accept the very concept of bomber aviation, "blindly carrying death, without dismissal." Saint-EXC continues to "get" command and, in the end, it is sent to a combat squadron 2/33, a pilot Bloch B.174-far scout, created on the basis of the bombarder.

But the most interesting thing is that later this situation repeated. After the surrender of Saint-Exhausts, it sought sending to the Eastern Front, to the Squadron "Normandy", but received a refusal.

At the beginning of World War II, St. Exupery made several combat departures and was presented to the award ("Military Cross" (Croix de Guerre)).

In July 1940, when before the truce (so French politicians were preferred to call the capitulation of their country) remained a few days, in group 2/33, in which Saint-Exean fought, they order evacuated to Algeria, and he takes a desperate attempt at least still help continue to combat Nazism.

In Bordeaux, right from the factory, he takes a large four-dimensively "farman-223" and downloading several dozen "irreconcilable" French and Polish Aviators in it, takes a course to the south. But soon a truce is signed in North Africa, and he leaves in the USA.

Now for Saint-Exupyri weapon is only the word. In 1942, "Military pilot" is published. It is curious that this book is immediately prohibited both the Nazis and the Puppet Government of Vichy and ... De Gaulle's supporters. Moreover, the first - for the propaganda of inconsistency and resistance, and the second - for allegedly "affected moods". However, it continues to be published underground.

"I have been on Long Island in the big house, which they shot from Consuelo. Saint-Exupery worked at night. After dinner, he talked, told, showed card tricks, then, closer to midnight, when others went to bed, he sat down For a written table. I fell asleep. Hours at two in the morning I woke my shouts on the stairs: "Consuelo! Consuelo! .. I'm hungry ... Cook to me the scrambled egg. "Consuelo descended from my room. Finally woke up I joined them, and Saint-Exupery said again, and he said very well. Satisfied, he sat down again for the work. We tried To fall asleep again. But the dream was short, for the hour after two all the house was filled with loud cries: "Consuelo! I'm bored. Let's play chess ". Then he read to us just written pages, and Consuelo, the poet itself, suggested skillfully invented episodes."

In New York, among other things, he wrote his most famous book "Little Prince" (1942, publ. 1943).

And in 1943, he again took up the weapon, arriving in North Africa with the American Expeditionary Corps. The Americans were appointed by him by the second pilot on the B-26 bomber - again, in the unit to which active fighting, which is called, "not shone." But the tireless Saint EXC has achieved return to his squadron. This time, the Lokhid aircraft R-38F-4 and R-38F-5 - intelligence options for "Lighting" took place on its weapon. Unlike the low-speed in..174, "Liotnings" felt themselves in the Military Sky of Europe much more rarely. Even the lack of weapons did not interfere - they easily leave any persecution. At least almost from any. Indeed, only a few types of the latest Germanic machines could take them in speed and flight altitude. But Fokke-Wulf FW-190D-9 belonged to such. "Antoine demanded that all the departures to the Ann experiment, where his childhood passed, remained behind him. But none of them passed safely, and the last flight of Major de Saint-Exupery was cut there. For the first time, he barely slipped away from fighters, In the second - she passed the oxygen device and he had to descend the height dangerous for the unarmed intelligence officer, in the third, one of the motors was denied. In front of the fourth departure, the fortune taper predicted that he would die in seawater, and St. Exupery, talking to friends with a laugh, I noticed that she most likely accepted him for the sailor. "

And on July 31, 1944, a pair of German fighters successfully seized a scout type "Lighting" in the French coast, which "... after the battle caught fire and fell into the sea," as the German radio reported. On that day, I set off from the Borgo airfield on the island of Corsica to the intelligence flight and did not return from the task of Major de Saint-Exupery. His route passed just in the area ...

For a long time about his death was nothing known. And only in 1998 in the sea near Marseille, one fisherman discovered a bracelet. It had several inscriptions: "Antoine", "Consuelo" (so called the pilot's wife) and "C / O Reynal & Hitchcock, 386, 4th Ave. NYC USA. It was the address of the publisher in which St. Exupery books were published.

In May 2000, Luke Varlel said that at 70-meter depth he found a wreckage of an aircraft, possibly belonging to St. Exupery. The remains of the aircraft were scattered on a strip of a kilometer long and a width of 400 meters. Almost immediately the French government banned any search in this area. Permission was obtained only in the fall of 2003. Experts raised fragments of the aircraft. One of them turned out to be part of the pilot cabin, the serial number of the aircraft was preserved: 2734-L. According to American military archives, scientists compared all aircraft rooms that have disappeared during this period. Thus, it turned out that the onboard serial number 2734-L corresponds to the aircraft that the US Air Force was set at number 42-68223, that is, the Laymiding Lajid P-38 aircraft, the F-4 modification (Far Photo exploration aircraft), which was ruled by Exupery.

The magazines of the German Air Force do not contain records of aircraft shot down in this area on July 31, 1944, and the fragments themselves do not have obvious traces of shelling. This gave rise to many versions of the crash, including the versions about the technical malfunction and the pilot suicide. According to the press publications from March 2008, the German veteran of Luftwaffe, the 88-year-old Horst Rippert said that it was he who was hit by Antoine Saint Exupery plane. According to his statements, he did not know who was behind the counterpart of the opponent's aircraft: "I didn't see the pilot, only later I learned that it was Saint Exupery."

The books of Antoine de Saint-Exupery, the French aviator and the writer, after 65 years after his death, enjoy well-deserved popularity. Most of the publications, in addition to actually works, contain articles of literary critics and researchers who tell about the life of the "flying prophet of the twentieth century", its character, worldview.

They are almost always, one way or another, it says that "we will not be able to fully understand the work of Saint-Exupii, without realizing how aviation was for him." However, it is precisely the facts from its flight biography that are still among little-known.

Antoine de Saint Exupery lit his star. She will forever shine over the planet of people, serving a beacon on the path of all romantics and truth seekers.

Literary premiums

* 1930 - Femina - for the novel "Night Flight";
* 1939 - Gran Du Roman French Academy - "Wind, Sand and Stars";
* 1939 - US National Book Prize - "Wind, Sand and Stars".

Military awards

In 1939 he was awarded the military cross of the French Republic.

Titles in honor

* Aéroport Lyon-Saint-Exupry in Lyon;
* Asteroid 2578 Saint-Exupry, opened by astronomer Tatyana Smirnova (opened on November 2, 1975 at the number "B612");