The first owner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Who from Russian writers nominated to the Nobel Prize, but never became a laureate

The first owner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Who from Russian writers nominated to the Nobel Prize, but never became a laureate
The first owner of the Nobel Prize in Literature. Who from Russian writers nominated to the Nobel Prize, but never became a laureate

Vladimir Nabokov

The Nobel Prize in Literature is the most prestigious award, which since 1901 is awarded annually by the Nobel Fund for achievements in the field of literature. The writer, awarded award, appears in the eyes of millions of people as an incomparable talent or genius, who managed to win the heart of readers from all over the world.

However, there are a number of famous writers whom the Nobel Prize for various reasons bypassed the party, but they were worthy of it no less than their colleagues laureates, and sometimes even more. Who are they?


It is believed that Lion Tolstoy himself refused the award. In 1901, the first Nobel Prize in literature was awarded to the French poet of Slyly-Proud - although it would seem how to get around the author "Anna Karenina", "War and Peace"?

Understanding awkwardness, the Swedish academics turned sharply to Tolstoy, calling it the "deep patriarch of modern literature" and "one of those mighty penetrating poets, which in this case should be remembered first of all." However, they wrote, the great writer after all, and himself "never sought such a reward." Tolstoy thanked: "I was very pleased that the Nobel Prize was not awarded to me," he wrote. "It saved me from a lot of difficulties - to dispose of these money, which, like all the money, in my opinion, can only bring evil."

49 Swedish writers led by August Strindberg and Solma Lagerlef wrote a protest letter to Nobel academicians. For the scenes, the opinion of the expert of the Nobel Committee, Professor Alfred Yensen, was left behind: the late Tolstoy philosophy contradicts the will of Alfred Nobel, who dreamed of the "idealistic orientation" of works. And "war and the world" and at all "deprived of understanding of history." The secretary of the Swedish Academy Karl Vissen agreed with this:

"This writer condemned all forms of civilization and insisted in return to accept the primitive lifestyle, torn away from all the establishments of high culture."

Lev Nikolaevich heard this or not, but in 1906, foreseen the next nomination, he asked academics to do everything so that he could not have to give up the prestigious award. They happily agreed and in the list of Nobel laureates Tolstoy never appeared.

Vladimir Nabokov

One of the applicants for the 1963 reward was the famous writer Vladimir Nabokov, the author of the sensational novel "Lolita". This circumstance has become a pleasant surprise for fans of the writer's creativity.

The scandalous novel, the topic of which was unthinkable for that time, was published in 1955 in the Paris Publishing House "Olympia Press". In the 60s, rumors about the nomination of Vladimir Nabokov on the Nobel Prize appeared more than once, but nothing really was clear. A little later, it will be known that Nabokov will never receive the Nobel Prize for excessive immorality.

  • The permanent member of the Swedish Academy Anders Esterling acted against Nabokov's candidature. "The author of the amoral and successful novel" Lolita "under any circumstances cannot be considered as a candidate for a prize," Esterling wrote in 1963.

In 1972, the Sweden Committee applied to the Alexander Solzhenitsyn premium with a recommendation to consider Nabokov's candidate. Subsequently, the authors of many editions (in particular London Times, The Guardian, New York Times) ranged to those writers who were not incompletely included in the list of nominees.

The writer was nominated in 1974, but lost to two Swedish authors, which no one remembers now. But they were members of the Nobel Committee. One American critic was witty said: "Nabokov did not receive" Nobeli "because it does not deserve it, but because the Nobel Prize does not deserve Nabokov."


Since 1918, Maxim Gorky was 5 times nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature - in 1918, 1923, 1928, 1930 and, finally, in 1933.

But in 1933, Nobel wisered by the writer. Among the nominees that year, Bunin and Meriazhkovsky were again. For Bunin, it was a fifth attempt to take Nobel. It turned out to be successful, in contrast to the five-time nominees. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was awarded with the wording "for strict skill with whom he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose."

Until the forties, Russian emigration had a care - to do everything that the award did not fall asleep and did not fall the myth that there was no culture in the territory of Russia without emigrants. Balmont, and Shmelev, but especially nervous - Merezhkovsky were put forward by candidates. I was accompanied by intrigues, Aldanov called Bunin to agree to the "group" nomination, threesome, Merezhkovsky persuaded Bunin to go to a love collusion - who will win, he divides the award in half. Bunin did not agree, and did the right thing - a fighter with the "coming Ham" Merezhkovsky will soon be mastered by a brother with Hitler and Mussolini.

And Bunin, by the Word, part of the award without any contracts gave to those in need of Russian writers (still redisched), the part was lost in the war, but the Burnin Bunin bought the Radio, which was listening to the battle reports on the Eastern Front - worried.

However, the fact: and then the Swedish newspapers were perplexed. Gorky has much more merit in front of Russian and world literature, Bunin knows only fellow in Peru and rare connoisseurs. And Marina Tsvevaeeva was outraged, by the way, sincerely: "I am not a protest, I just disagree, for incomparably more Bunin: and more, and humane, and more kind of bitter. Gorky - the era, and Bunin - the end of the era. But - as it is a policy, since the King of Sweden can not boot the Order of the Communist of Gorky ... "

Over the scenes remained evil opinions of experts. Listening to them, in 1918, the academics considered that the bitter, nominated by Rollyn, an anarchist and "without a doubt, in no way fits into the framework of the Nobel Prize." Gorky preferred Danchanin H. Pontoppidan (do not remember who it is - and does not matter). In the 30s, the academics were blocked and invented - "cooperates with the Bolsheviks", the award "is becoming interpreted".


Anton Pavlovich, who died in 1904 (award is awarded since 1901), most likely, just did not have time to get it. By the day of his death they knew in Russia, but not very good in the West. In addition, it is more famous there as a playwright. More precisely, in general, only as playwright it is known. And the Nobel Committee of the playwright does not favor.


In addition to the above-mentioned Russian writers among Russian nominees, Anatoly Konstin, Konstantin Balmont, Peter Krasnov, Ivan Shmelev, Nikolai Berdyaev, Mark Aldanov, Leonid Leonov, Boris Zaitsev, Roman Jacobson and Yevgeny Yevtushenko.

And how many geniuses of Russian literature did not even be announced in the number of nominees of Bulgakov, Akhmatov, Tsvetaeva, Mandelstam ... Everyone can continue this brilliant number by the names of their favorite writers and poets.

Is this an accident that four of the five Russian writers who became Nobel laureates were somehow in conflict with the Soviet authorities? Bunin and Brodsky were immigrants, Solzhenitsyn - dissident, Pasternak received a premium for the novel, published abroad. Yes, and quite loyal to Soviet power Sholokhov Nobel Dali "For the artistic strength of the wholeness of the epic on the Don Cossack in a turning point for Russia."

  • It is worthwhile to be surprised that in 1955, the Nobel Prize in Literature was nominated even ... The Igor Guzenko's scandalous Soviet encryption manager Igor Guzenko, in the West, the literature.

And in 1970, the Nobel Committee had to prove for a long time that the prize was awarded Alexander Solzhenitsyn by no means political reasons, but "for the moral strength with which he followed the immutable traditions of Russian literature." After all, by that time, only eight years passed from the moment of the first publication of the writer, and its main works "Archipelag Gulag" and "Red Wheel" were not yet published.

These are the cases, brothers ...

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Briton Kadzuo Isiguro.

According to the will of Alfred Nobel, the award is awarded "to create the most significant literary work of an idealistic orientation."

The editorial office of the TASS dossier has prepared material on the procedure for awarding this premium and its laureates.

Award award and nomination of candidates

The Prize awards the Swedish Academy in Stockholm. It includes 18 academics, which occupy this post for life. The Nobel Committee is being prepared by the Nobel Committee, the members of which (four to five people) are elected by the Academy from its composition for a three-year period. Candidates can put forward members of the Academy and similar institutions of other countries, professors of literature and linguistics, premium winners and chairmen of writing organizations that have received special invitations from the Committee.

The process of nomination of applicants lasts from September to January 31 of the next year. In April, the Committee is a list of 20 of the most worthy writers, then it reduces to five candidates. The laureate is determined by academics in early October by a majority vote. The writer is reported for half an hour before the announcement of his name. In 2017, 195 people were nominated.

The laureates of the five Nobel Prizes become known during the Nobel week, which begins on the first Monday of October. Their names are announced in the following order: physiology and medicine; physics; chemistry; literature; Peace Prize. The owner of the Gosbank Prize of Sweden on the economy of memory Alfred Nobel is called the next Monday. In 2016, the order was broken, the name of the awarded writer was made public late. According to the Swedish media, despite the delay in the beginning of the procedure of elections of the winner, there was no disagreement inside the Swedish Academy.


In all the time of the premium existence, 113 writers became its laureates, among which 14 women. Among the awarded world-famous authors like Rabindranat Tagore (1913), Anatole France (1921), Bernard Show (1925), Thomas Mann (1929), Hermann Hesse (1946), William Falkner (1954), Ernest Hemingway (1954), Pablo Neruda (1971), Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1982).

In 1953, this award "for the high mastery of works of historical and biographical nature, as well as for brilliant spectacular art, with the help of which higher human values \u200b\u200bdefended themselves," the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was noted. Churchill was repeatedly nominated for this premium, in addition, he twice advanced to the Nobel Prize of the world, but did not become its owner.

As a rule, writers receive a premium for the aggregate achievements in the field of literature. However, nine people were awarded for a specific work. For example, Thomas Mann was noted for the novel "Buddenbok"; John Golsuorussi - for "Fursight Sagu" (1932); Ernest Hemingway - for the story "Old man and the sea"; Mikhail Sholokhov - In 1965, for the novel "Quiet Don" ("for the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia").

In addition to Sholokhov, there are also other compatriots among the laureates. So, in 1933 Ivan Bunin received Ivan Bunin "For strict skill with whom he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose," and in 1958 - Boris Pasternak "for outstanding services in modern lyrical poetry and in the field of great Russian prose."

However, Pasternak, who was criticized in the USSR for the novel "Dr. Zhivago", published abroad, refused the award under pressure from the authorities. Medal and diploma were awarded to his son in Stockholm in December 1989. In 1970, Alexander Solzhenitsyn became the premium laureate ("for the moral strength with which he followed the immutable traditions of Russian literature"). In 1987, Joseph Brodsky was noted for a prize "for comprehensive creativity, impregnated with the clarity of thought and passion of poetry" (emigrated in the United States in 1972).

In 2015, the rewards were awarded the Belarusian writer Svetlana Aleksievich for "polyphonic writings, a monument of suffering and courage in our time."

In 2016, the American poet, composer and performer Bob Dylan for "the creation of poetic images in the Great American Song Tradition" became a laureate.


The Nobel site notes that from 113 laureates 12 wrote under pseudonyms. This list includes the French writer and literary critic Anatole France (real name of Francois Anatole Tibo) and Chilean poet and politician Pablo Neruda (Ricardo Elieser Neftali Reyes Basoalto).

The relative majority of awards (28) were awarded to the writers writing in English. For books in French were awarded 14 writers, in German - 13, in Spanish - 11, in Swedish - seven, in Italian - six, in Russian - six (including Svetlana Aleksievich), in Polish - four, in Norwegian and Danish - Three people, and in Greek, Japanese and Chinese - two. The authors of the works in Arabic, Bengal, Hungarian, Icelandic, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, Turkish, Oksitansky (Provencal Dealer of French), Finnish, Czech, and also in Hebrew were noted by the Nobel Prize in Literature one time.

The most often awarded writers who worked in the genre of prose (77), in second place - poetry (34), on the third - dramaturgy (14). For works in the field of history, three writers received a prize, two philosophy - two. At the same time, one author may be awarded for work in several genres. For example, Boris Pasternak received a prize as a prose and as a poet, and Maurice Meterlink (Belgium; 1911) - as a prose and playwright.

In 1901-2016, the award was awarded 109 times (in 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940-1943, academicians could not determine the best writer). Just four times the reward was divided between two writers.

The average age of laureates is 65 years old, the youngest Rudyard Kipling, who received a premium in 42 years (1907), and the most elderly - 88-year-old Doris Lessing (2007).

The second writer (after Boris Pasternak), who abandoned the award, became the French novelist and philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre in 1964. He stated that "he does not want to be transformed into a public institute," and expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that when awarded the Academic Award "ignore the merits of revolutionary writers of the 20th century."

Famous Candidate Writers who have not received a premium

Many great writers nominated for a prize have not received it. Among them, Lion Tolstoy. Our writers as Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Maxim Gorky, Konstantin Balmont, Ivan Shmelev, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Vladimir Nabokov were not awarded. Not laureates and outstanding prosaicists of other countries - Jorge Louis Bruges (Argentina), Mark Twain (USA), Henrik Ibsen (Norway).

On December 10, 1933, the King of Sweden Gustav V handed the Nobel Prize in the field of literature to Writer Ivan Bunin, who became the first of the Russian writers awarded this high award. In total, a prize established by the inventor of the dynamite Alfred Bernhard Nobel in 1833, received 21 people from Russia and the USSR, five of them in the field of literature. True, historically developed so that the Nobel Prize was fraught with large problems for Russian poets and writers.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin distributed Nobel Prize to friends

In December 1933, the Paris Press wrote: " Out of doubt, I.A. Bunin - in recent years, is the most powerful figure in Russian fiction and poetry», « the king from the literature confidently and equally filled with a wedded monarch" Russian emigration of applause. In Russia, to the news that the Russian emigrant received the Nobel Prize, reacted very hardly. After all, Bunin negatively perceived the events of 1917 and emigrated to France. Ivan Alekseevich himself was very difficult to experienced emigration, was actively interested in the fate of his abandoned homeland and during the second world categorically refused all contacts with the Nazis, having moved in 1939 to the seaside Alps, returned from anywhere in Paris only in 1945.

It is known that the Nobel laureates have the right to decide themselves how to spend the money received. Someone is inserted into the development of science, someone in charity, someone in their own business. Bunin, the man is creative and devoid of "practical smelting", ordered his award, which was 170331 to the crown, completely irrational. The poet and literary critic Zinaida Shakhovskaya recalled: " Returning to France, Ivan Alekseevich ... Not counting the money, I began to arrange a feast, distribute "benefits" with emigrants, sacrifice funds to support various societies. Finally, according to the advice of benevolers, he invested the remaining amount into some kind of "win-win" and remained with anything».

Ivan Bunin is the first of the emigrant writers who began to publish in Russia. True, the first publications of his stories appeared already in the 1950s, after the death of the writer. Some of his works of the story and poems were published in their homeland only in the 1990s.

God is merciful for what you
Gave us passion, duma and care,
Thirst for business, glory and joy?
Joyful cripples, idiots,
Lesse than everyone.
(I.Bunin. September, 1917)

Boris Pasternak refused to Nobel Prize

Boris Pasternak advanced to the Nobel Prize for Literature "For significant achievements in modern lyrical poetry, as well as for the continuation of the traditions of the great Russian epic novel" annually from 1946 to 1950. In 1958, his candidacy again proposed last year's Nobel Laureate Albert Cami, and on October 23, Pasternak became the second Russian writer who was awarded to this premium.

The writing environment in the homeland of the poet this news was extremely negative and already on October 27, Pasternak unanimously excluded from the Union of Writers of the USSR, at the same time submitting a petition to deprive the Pasternak of Soviet citizenship. In the USSR, receiving a premium Pasternak tied only with his novel "Dr. Zhivago". The literary newspaper wrote: "Pasternak received" thirty silvermen ", for which the Nobel Prize was used. He was awarded for having agreed to fulfill the role of bait on rusty crochet of anti-Soviet propaganda ... The inglorious end is waiting for the resurrected Jude, Dr. Zhivago, and his author, whose folk contempt will be.

Mass campaign deployed against Pasternak forced him to abandon the Nobel Prize. The poet sent a telegram in the address of the Swedish Academy, in which he wrote: " By virtue of the value that awarded award-winning award in society, to which I belong, I have to refuse it. Do not consider my voluntary failure for insulting».

It is worth noting that in the USSR until 1989, even in the school program on literature on the work of Pasternak, there were no mentions. The first decided to massively introduce the Soviet people with the creative Pasternak director Eldar Ryazanov. In his comedy, "Irony of Fate, or with a Light Steam!" (1976) He turned on the poem "no one will be in the house", converting it to the city romance, executed who Bard Sergey Nikitin. Later, Ryazanov included in his film "Service Roman" excerpt from another poem of Pasternak - "Loving other - a heavy cross ..." (1931). True, he sounded in a farce context. But it is worth noting that at that time the mention of Pasternak poems was a very bold step.

Easy to wake up and overlook
Sloves sophistic sophisticate
And live without clogging inherent
All this is not a big trick.
(B. Pasternak, 1931)

Mikhail Sholokhov, receiving the Nobel Prize, did not bow the monarch

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov Nobel Prize in literature received in 1965 for his novel "Quiet Don" and entered the story as the only Soviet writer who received this award with the consent of the Soviet leadership. The laureate diploma is "as a sign of the recognition of the artistic strength and honesty, which he showed in his Don epic on the historical phases of the life of the Russian people."

The premium of the premium to the Soviet writer Gustav Adolf VI called it "one of the most prominent writers of our time." Sholokhov king, as prescribed the rules of etiquette, did not bow. Some sources claim what he did it intends to with the words: "We, Cossacks, do not bow to anyone. Here in front of the people - please, but I will not be in front of the king ... "

Alexander Solzhenitsyn because of the Nobel Prize deprived of Soviet citizenship

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, Commander of the Battery of Sound Intelligence, who served during the war of war to the title of captain and awarded by two combat orders, in 1945 he was arrested by front-line counterintelligence for anti-Sovetchist. The sentence is 8 years of camps and a lifetime link. He passed the camp in the Moscow region of Novy Jerusalem, the Marfinskaya "Sharacke" and a special Ekibastuz camp in Kazakhstan. In 1956, Solzhenitsyn rehabilitated, and since 1964, Alexander Solzhenitsyn dedicated himself to literature. At the same time, he worked immediately over 4 large works: "Gulag Archipelago", "Crack Corps", "Red Wheel" and "First". In the USSR in 1964 they published the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", and in 1966 the story of Zakhar-Kalita.

On October 8, 1970, Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize in the tradition of the Great Russian Literature, the Nobel Prize was awarded. This was the reason for the etching of Solzhenicin in the USSR. In 1971, he confiscated all the manuscripts of the writer, and in the next 2 years they destroyed all his publications. In 1974, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was published, which for systematic accomplishments not compatible with the USSR citizenship and damage to the USSR, "Alexander Solzhenitsin deprived of Soviet citizenship and deported from the USSR.

We returned the citizenship to the writer only in 1990, and in 1994 he returned to Russia with his family and actively joined public life.

Laureate of the Nobel Prize Joseph Brodsky in Russia was convicted of tune

Write poems Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky began in 16 years. Anna Akhmatova predicted him a heavy life and a glorious creative destiny. In 1964, in Leningrad against the poet, a criminal case was opened on charges of tune. He was arrested and sent to a link to the Arkhangelsk region, where he spent the year.

In 1972, Brodsky appealed to the Secureku Brezhnev with a request to work in his homeland as a translator, but his request remained unanswered, and he was forced to emigrate. Brodsky first lives in Vienna, in London, and then moved to the United States, where it becomes a professor of New York, Michigan and other universities in the country.

On December 10, 1987, Josephu was handed over to the Nobel Prize in literature "For comprehensive creativity, impregnated with the clarity of thought and passion of poetry." It is worth saying that Brodsky, after Vladimir Nabokova, is the second Russian writer who writes in English as a native.

The sea was not visible. In Belesa Mol
greek from all of us parties, absurd
it was thought that the ship goes to the ground -
if at all this was a vessel,
not a bunch of fog, as if inflowed
who Belil's Milk.
(B. Brodsky, 1972)

Interesting fact
At different times, the Nobel Prize was put forward at different times, but did not get it, such famous personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Franklin Roosevelt, Nikolai Roerich and Lion Tolstoy.

Lovers of literature will surely interest - the book, which is written by the fading ink.

The Nobel Prize in literature began to present in 1901. Several times the awards were not conducted - in 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940-1943. Acting laureates, chairmen of copyrights, professors-literary criticism and members of scientific academies can nominate for the award of other writers. Until 1950, information about the nominees was public, and then began to call only the names of the laureates.

Five years in a row, from 1902 to 1906, the Lion Tolstoy was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In 1906, Tolstoy wrote a letter to the Finnish writer and translator by Arnavid Yarnefelt, in which he asked to convince Swedish colleagues to "try to make me not awarded this award", because "if it happened, I would be very unpleasant to refuse."

As a result, the award in 1906 was handed over to the Italian poet Joseu Cardecci. Tolstoy was glad that he was delivered from the award: "First, it saved me from great difficulty - to dispose of these money, which, like all the money, in my opinion, can only bring evil; And secondly, it gave me the honor and great pleasure to gain expression of sympathy from so many persons, although not familiar to me, but still I am deeply respected. "

In 1902, another Russian - a lawyer, judge, speaker and writer Anatoly Koni had also ran for the prize. By the way, Koni was friends with Tolstoy since 1887, consisted of a graph in the correspondence and many times met with him in Moscow. Based on the memories of Koni about one of the cases, the "Resurrection" was written. And Koni himself wrote a work "Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy".

Kony himself nominated for a premium for the biographical essay about Dr. Gaaz, who dedicated life to the struggle for improving the lives of prisoners and exiles. Subsequently, some literary critics talked about the nomination of the horses as a "curiosity".

In 1914, the writer and poet Dmitry Merezhkovsky, the husband of Zinaida Himpius, nominated for the first time. Total Merezhkovsky nominated 10 times.

In 1914, Merezhkovsky was put forward on a premium after the release of his 24-volume collected works. However, this year the premium was not awarded due to the World War I began.

Later, Merezhkovsky nominated already as an emigrant writer. In 1930 he again put forward to the Nobel Prize. But here Meriazhkovsky turns out to be a competitor of another outstanding Russian literature-emigrant - Ivan Bunin.

According to one of the legends, Merezhkovsky offered the Bunin to conclude a pact. "If I get a Nobel Prize, I will give you half, if you - you me. We divide it in half. Inside mutual. " Bunin refused. Award Merezhkovsky did not give.

In 1916, Ivan Franco became the nominee - the Ukrainian writer and poet. He died until consideration of the award's presentation. For the rarest exceptions, Nobel Prizes are not posthumously handed.

In 1918, Maxim Gorky put forward to the award, but the award was again decided not to handle.

"Harvest" for Russian and Soviet writers becomes 1923. Ivan Bunin nominated for the prize (for the first time), Konstantin Balmont (in the photo) and again Maxim Gorky. Thanks for this to the writer Romena Rollan, who put forward all three. But the prize is awarded Irish William Gates.

In 1926, the Nominee becomes Russian Emigrant - the royal Cossack General Peter Krasnov. After the revolution, he fought with the Bolsheviks, created the state of the Nailing army Donskoy, but later forced to join the army of Denikin, and then retire. In 1920, he emigrated, until 1923 he lived in Germany, then in Paris.

Since 1936, Krasnov lived in Hitler's Germany. He did not recognize the Bolsheviks, helped anti-Bolshevik organizations. During the war years, collaborated with the fascists, considered their aggression against the USSR, as a war exclusively with the Communists, and not with the people. In 1945, the British was captured, transferred to the Councils and in 1947 heated in the Lefortovo prison.

Among other things, Krasnov was a prolific writer, published 41 books. His most popular novel was the epic "from a double-headed eagle to the Red Banner." The Philologist-Slavist Vladimir Francen nominated the Nobel Prize of Krasnova. Will you imagine if in 1926 he some miracle got a premium? How would you argue about this person and this award?

In 1931 and 1932, in addition to the already familiar nominees of Merezhkovsky and Bunin, Ivan Shmelev was put forward on the prize. In 1931 his Roman "Bogomol" came out.

In 1933, the Nobel Prize for the first time receives a Russian-speaking writer - Ivan Bunin. The wording is "For strict skill with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose." The formulation did not really like the bud, he wanted to be awarded for poems.

On YouTube, you can find a very muddy video on which Ivan Bunin reads its appeal over the presentation of the Nobel Prize.

After the news of receiving a premium, Bunin drove to visit Merezhkovsky and Hippius. "Congratulations," the poetess told him, "and envy." Not everyone was agreed with the decision of the Nobel Committee. Marina Tsvetaeva, for example, wrote that much more premium was worthy of bitter.

Prize, 170331 Kronu, Bunin actually droked. The poet and literary critic Zinaida Shakhovskaya recalled: "Returning to France, Ivan Alekseevich ... Not counting the money, I began to arrange a feast, distribute emigrants to sacrifice funds to support various societies. Finally, according to the advice of the benevolers, he invested the remaining amount into some kind of "win-win case" and remained with anything. "

In 1949, the emigrant Mark Aldanov was nominated for the award (in the photo) and three Soviet writers - Boris Pasternak, Mikhail Sholokhov and Leonid Leonov. Award was given to William Falkneru.

In 1958, Boris Pasternak receives the Nobel Prize "For significant achievements in modern lyrical poetry, as well as for the continuation of the traditions of the Great Russian epic novel."

Pasternak received a premium, before that nominated six times. The last time he nominated Albert Cami.

In the Soviet Union immediately began injury to the writer. At the initiative of Suslov (in the photo), the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU receives a ruling under the vulture of "Strictly Secret" "On the slanderous novel B. Pasternak".

"Recognize that the award of the Nobel Prize to Roman Pasternak, in which the October Socialist Revolution slander is depicted, the Soviet people who committed this revolution and the construction of socialism in the USSR is hostile to our country an act and an international reaction instrument aimed at inciting the Cold War" , - said in the ruling.

From the notes of Suslov on the award of the award: "Organize and publish a collective performance of the most prominent Soviet writers, in which to assess the award of the Pasternak award as the desire to ignite the Cold War."

The injury of the writer in newspapers and numerous meetings began. From the transcript of the general storm assembly of writers: "There is no poet more distant from the people than B. Pasternak, a poet more aesthetic, in whose work there was a pre-revolutionary decadence in the original cleanliness. All poetic creativity B. Pasternak lay out of the real traditions of Russian poetry, which always had a hot responded to all events in the life of their people. "

Writer Sergey Smirnov: "I was finally offended by this novel as a soldier of the Patriotic War, as a person who had to cry over the graves of the dead comrades, as a person who has to write about the heroes of war, about the heroes of the Brest Fortress, about others The wonderful heroes of the war that opened the heroism of our people with an amazing force. "

"Thus, comrades, the novel" Dr. Zhivago ", in my deep conviction, is the apology of betrayal."

Critic Cornelius Zelinsky: "I had a very difficult feeling from reading this novel. I felt literally getting glad. My whole life seemed to me with glanced in this novel. Everything, in which I invests forces for 40 years, creative energy, hope, hopes, - all this was sporn. "

Unfortunately, the Pasternak is not only lack of media. Poet Boris Slutsky (in the photo): "The poet is obliged to seek recognition from his people, and not his enemies. The poet should look for fame in his native land, and not the overseas uncle. Gentlemen Swedish academicians know about the Soviet Earth, only the fact that the Poltava battle is hates there, and the October Revolution still hates them (in the noise hall). What is our literature? "

Writing collections were held throughout the country, on which Pasternak's romance branded as a slanderous, enemy, talentless, etc. At the factories held rallies against Pasternak and his novel.

From the letter of Pasternak to the Presidency of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR: "I thought that my joy about the award of the Nobel Prize would not remain lonely that she would affect the society, the part of which I would make. In my eyes, the honor provided to me, the modern writer who lives in Russia and, therefore, the Soviet, initiated with the whole of the Soviet literature. I am sad, that was so blind and mistaken. "

Under the huge pressure of Pasternak decided to abandon the award. "By virtue of the meaning that award awarded award in society, to which I belong, I have to refuse it. Do not consider my voluntary refusal for insulting, "he wrote in the telegram to the Nobel Committee. Until the death in 1960, Pasternak remained in opal, although not arrested and was sent.

This is now Pasternaka put monuments, his talent is recognized. Then the stored writer was on the verge of suicide. In the poem "Nobel Prize" Pasternak wrote: "What did I do for the accuracy, / I killer and the villain? / I made the whole world to cry / over the Red of My Earth." After the publication of the poem abroad, the Prosecutor General of the USSR Roman Rudenko promised to attract Pasternak under the article "Treason Motherland." But did not attract.

In 1965, the premium received the Soviet writer Mikhail Sholokhov - "For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic on the Don Cossacks in a turning point for Russia."

Soviet authorities considered Sholokhov as a "counterweight" Pasternak in the struggle for the Nobel Prize. In the 1950s, the nominees' lists have not yet been published, but in the USSR they knew that Sholokhov was considered as a possible applicant. According to diplomatic channels, the Swedam hinted that the USSR would have been extremely positive assessed the premium award to this Soviet writer.

In 1964, the award was awarded the Jean-Field of Sartra, but he refused her and regretted (among other things) that the prize was not awarded to Mikhail Sholokhov. This predetermined the decision of the Nobel Committee next year.

During the presentation, Mikhail Sholokhov was not bowed to the king Gustavu Adolf VI, handed over to the award. According to one of the versions, it was done intentionally, and Sholokhov said: "We, Cossacks, do not bow to anyone. Here in front of the people - please, but before the king I will not and everything ... "

1970 - a new blow to the image of the Soviet state. The premium is awarded to the writer-dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Solzhenitsyn - record holder in the speed of literary recognition. Since the first publication before awarding the Prize of the past is only eight years. This was not possible to anyone.

As in the case of Pasternak, Solzhenitsyn immediately began to ride. The magazine "Ogonёk" appeared a letter to the USSR of the American singer Dina Reed, who urged Solzhenitsyn, that in the USSR everything is in order, and in the USA - full seams.

DIN REID: "After all, America, and not the Soviet Union, leads war and creates a tense situation of possible wars in order to allow its economy to act, and our dictators, the military-industrial complex to build even more wealth and power on the blood of the Vietnamese people, Our own American soldiers and all the freedom-loving peoples of the world! My patient is in my homeland, and not you, Mr. Solzhenitsyn! ".

However, Solzhenitsyn, the past prison, camps and references, the censure in the press is not too scarecrow. He continued literary creativity, dissident work. The authorities hinted him that it was better to leave the country, but he refused. Only in 1974, after the release of the Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn deprived of Soviet citizenship and were forcibly sent from the country.

In 1987, Joseph Brodsky received a prize, at that time a US citizen. The award was presented "for comprehensive creativity, impregnated with the clarity of thought and passion of poetry."

Nobel Speech Citizen USA Iosif Brodsky wrote in Russian. She became part of his literary manifesta. Brodsky spoke more about literature, but there was a place and historical and political comments. Poet, for example, put the Hitler and Stalin modes on one board.

Brodsky: "This generation is a generation that was born exactly when the Auschwitz crematorium worked at full capacity, when Stalin was in the Zenith god-like, absolute, nature itself, seemed to be authorized power, appeared in the world, apparently to continue what Theoretically was to be interrupted in these crematoriums and in the nameless common graves of the Stalin archipelago. "

Since 1987, the Nobel Prize has not been awarded to Russian writers. Among the applicants are usually called Vladimir Sorokina (in the photo), Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Mikhail Shishkin, as well as Zakhar Prilepina and Viktor Pelevin.

In 2015, the Prize sensationally receives the Belarusian writer and journalist Svetlana Aleksievich. She wrote such works as "the war is not a female face", "zinc boys", "enchanted by death", "Chernobyl prayer", "time in Sokond Hand" and others. Pretty rare event in recent years, when the prize was given to a person who writes in Russian.

In 1933, Bunin became the first Russian writer who received the Nobel Prize "For the truthful artistic talent, with whom he recreated in a typical character." The work that influenced the decision of the jury was the autobiographical Roman "Life of Arsenyev". Forced to leave the motherland due to disagreement with the Bolshevik regime, the bunin is a piercing and touching work, full of love for homeland and longing on it. Becoming a witness to the October Revolution, the writer did not accept the changes and the loss of Tsarist Russia. He with sadness recalled the past times, lush noble estates, a measured life in family estates. As a result, Bunin created a large-scale literary cloth, in which he expressed his innermost thoughts.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak - Prize for poetry in prose

Pasternak received an award in 1958 "For outstanding achievements in modern and traditional fields of great Russian prose." Critics was especially marked by the novel "Dr. Zhivago". However, at home, Pasternak was waiting for another reception. A deep work about the life of the intelligentsia was negatively accepted by power. Pasternak was excluded from the Union of Soviet writers and actually forgot about its existence. From the award, Pasternak had to refuse.
Pasternak not only wrote the works himself, but also was a talented translator.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - Singer of Russian Cossacks

In 1965, the prestigious reward was Sholokhov, who created a large-scale Roman-epic "Quiet Don". Until now, it seems incredible, like a young, 23-novice writer was able to create a deep and volumetric work. Regarding the authorship of Sholokhov, there were even disputes with allegedly irrefutable evidence. Despite all this, the novel was translated into several Western and eastern languages, and his personally approved Stalin.
Despite the deafening glory of Sholokhov at an early age, his subsequent works were much weaker.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - inhabited by power

Another Nobel Prize, who has not received recognition in the native country - Solzhenitsyn. He awarded the award in 1970 "for moral strength, asked in the tradition of the Great Russian literature." In prison for political reasons for about 10 years, Solzhenitsyn was completely disappointed in the ideology of the dominant class. He began to publish quickly late, after 40 years, but only 8 years later he was awarded the Nobel Prize - there was no such a writer for such a rapid takeoff.

Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky - the last winner of the award

Brodsky received the Nobel Prize in 1987 "For comprehensive authorship, performed clarity of thought and poetic depths." Poetry Brodsky caused rejection by the Soviet power. He was arrested and was in conclusion. After Brodsky continued to work, he was popular in his homeland and abroad, but the surveillance was kept constantly. In 1972, the poet was raised ultimatum - to leave the USSR. Brodsky's Nobel Prize has already received in the United States, but speech wrote to speak