The first product of Karamzin appeared in print. Literary and historical notes of a young technique

The first product of Karamzin appeared in print. Literary and historical notes of a young technique
The first product of Karamzin appeared in print. Literary and historical notes of a young technique

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - The famous Russian writer, historian, the largest representative of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, the reformer of the Russian language, publisher. With his feed, the vocabulary has enriched in a large number of new words-cripples.

The famous writer was born on December 12 (December 1 under Art.) 1766 in the manor located in the Simbirsk district. The father-nobleman took care of his son's home education, after which Nikolai continued to learn first in the Simbirsk noble guest house, then from 1778 - in the House of Professor Shaden (Moscow). For 1781-1782. Karamzin visited university lectures.

Father wanted Nikolai after the guesthouse to enter military service, - the Son fulfilled his desire, in 1781 being in the St. Petersburg Guards Regiment. It was during these years that Karamzin first tried himself at the literary field, in 1783 by making a translation from German. In 1784, after the death of the Father, having resigned in the rank of Lieutenant, finally broke up with the military service. Living in Simbirsk, joined the Masonic Life.

Since 1785, Karamzin's biography is connected with Moscow. In this city, he meets with N.I. Novikov and other writers, entering the "Friendly Society", settled in the house owned by him, in the future cooperates with members of the circle in various publications, in particular, takes part in the release of the journal "Children's reading for the Heart and Reason" magazine, which became the first Russian magazine for kids.

Throughout the year (1789-1790), Karamzin traveled through the countries of Western Europe, where he met not only with prominent figures of the Masonic movement, but also by great thinkers, in particular, with Kant, I. G. G. G. Mermontel. The impressions of the trips formed the basis of the future famous "letters of the Russian traveler". This story (1791-1792) appeared in the Moscow Journal, which N.M. Karamzin began to publish on the arrival of his homeland, and brought the author with great fame. A number of philologists believe that modern Russian literature leads countdown with "letters".

The story "Poor Lisa" (1792) strengthened the literary authority of Karamzin. Subsequently issued compilations and almanaci "Aglaya", "Aonids", "My Beackers", "Pantheon of Foreign Literature" opened the Epoch of Sentimentalism in Russian literature, and it was N.M. Karamzin was at the head of the flow; Under the influence of his works, V.A. wrote Zhukovsky, K.N. Batyushkov, as well as A. S. Pushkin at the beginning of the creative path.

The new period in the biography of Karamzin as a person and writer is connected with the entry into the throne of Alexander I. In October 1803, the emperor appoints a writer by the official historist, and the task of imprinting the history of the Russian state is set in front of Karamzin. About his genuine interest in history, the priority of this topic over all the others testified the nature of the publications of the "Bulletin of Europe" (this first socio-political and literary-art magazine Karamzin published in 1802-1803).

In 1804, literary-artwork was completely minimized, and the writer begins to work on the "history of the Russian state" (1816-1824), which became the main difficulty in his life and the whole phenomenon in Russian history and literature. The first eight volumes saw the light in February 1818. For the month, three thousand copies were sold - such active sales did not have a precedent. The next three volumes published in the following years were quickly translated into several European languages, and the 12th, final, Tom saw the light after the author's death.

Nikolai Mikhailovich was a commitment to conservative views, an absolute monarchy. The death of Alexander I and the uprising of the Decembrists, whose witness he was, became a severe blow to him, who had been deprived of the writer-historian of the latest vitality. On the third of June (May 23 (May 22, under Art.) 1826 Karamzin died, being in St. Petersburg; Buried him in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, at the Tikhvin cemetery.

Biography from Wikipedia

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin (December 1, 1766, Znamenskoye, Symbirian province, Russian Empire - May 22, 1826, St. Petersburg, Russian Empire) - Historian, the largest Russian writer of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, nicknamed "Russian Stern". The creator of the "Story of the Russian State" (Tom 1-12, 1803-1826) is one of the first summarizing works on the history of Russia. Editor of the Moscow Journal (1791-1792) and "European Bulletin" (1802-1803).

Karamzin entered the story as a reformer of the Russian language. His syllable is lung to the Gallian manner, but instead of direct borrowing, Karamzin has enriched tongue with cartridge words, such as "impression" and "influence", "inlentibility", "touching" and "entertaining". It was he who introduced into the use of the word "industry", "focus", "moral", "aesthetic", "epoch", "scene", "harmony", "catastrophe", "future".

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was born 1 (12) December 1766 near Simbirsk. Rose in the estate of the Father - the retired captain Mikhail Egorovich Karamzin (1724-1783), a medium-rate symbirsk nobleman from the genus of Karamzin, originating from Tatar Kara-Murza. Initial education received in a private board in Simbirsk. In 1778, he was sent to Moscow to the House of Professor of Moscow University I. M. Shaden. Simultaneously visited the lectures I. G. Schwartz at the university in 1781-1782.

In 1783, at the insistence of his father, he entered the service to the Preobrazhensky Guards Regiment, but soon resigned. By the time of military service include the first literary experiments. After the resignation, I lived in Simbirsk for some time, and then in Moscow. During his stay in Simbirsk, the Masonic Loop "Golden Crown" joined the Masonic Loop, and after arriving at Moscow for four years (1785-1789) was a member of the "friendly scientist society".

In Moscow, Karamzin met writers and writers: N. I. Novikov, A. M. Kutuzov, A. A. Petrov, participated in the publication of the first Russian magazine for children - "Children's reading for the heart and mind."

In 1789-1790, he took a trip to Europe, during which I was visited by Immanuel Kant in Königsberg, was in Paris during the Great French Revolution. As a result of this trip, the famous "letters of the Russian traveler" were written, whose publication immediately made Karamzin to a well-known writer. Some philologists believe that it is from this book that modern Russian literature leads its counts. Be that as it may, in the literature of Russian "travels", Karamzin really became a pioneer - quickly found as imiters (V. V. Izmailov, P. I. Sumarokov, P. I. Shalikov) and decent successors (A. A. Bestuzhev, N. A. Bestuzhev, F. N. Glinka, A. S. Griboedov). It is since then Karamzin is considered one of the main literary figures of Russia.

N. M. Karamzin on the monument "1000th anniversary of Russia" in Veliky Novgorod

Upon returning from a trip to Europe, Karamzin settled in Moscow and began operations as a professional writer and a journalist, starting the publication of the Moscow Journal 1791-1792 (the first Russian literary journal, in which, among other works of Karamzin, there was a factor of his fanish story "poor Liza "), Then released a number of collections and almanachas:" Aglaya "," Aonids "," Pantheon of Foreign Literature "," My Beackers ", which made sentimentalism the main literary current in Russia, and Karamzin - his recognized leader.

In addition to prose and poems, the Moscow Journal systematically published reviews, critical articles and theatrical analysis. In May 1792, the journal was printed by Karamzin's review on the Iroocomic Poem Nikolai Petrovich Osipova " Virgiliyeva Eneida, Feeded inside out

Emperor Alexander I registered decree of October 31, 1803 bestowed the title of historically Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin; To rank at the same time 2 thousand rubles were added. Annual salary. The title of historographer in Russia after the death of Karamzin was not resumed. From the beginning of the 19th century, Karamzin gradually departed from fiction, and from 1804, being appointed Alexander I to the position of historographer, he stopped all literary work, "Running in historians." In this regard, he refused the state posts offered to him, in particular, from the post of Tver Governor. Honorary Member of Moscow University (1806).

In 1811, Karamzin wrote a "note on ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations", which reflected the views of the conservative layers of society, dissatisfied with the liberal reforms of the emperor. He put proof of his task that no transformations were needed in the country. "Possed about the ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations" also played the role of sketches to the subsequent huge work of Nikolai Mikhailovich in Russian history.

In February 1818, Karamzin released the first eight volumes of the "History of the Russian State", the three-year circulation of which was divided during the month. In the following years, three more languages \u200b\u200b"History" came out, a number of translations of it appeared on the most important European languages. The lighting of the Russian historical process brought closer to Karamzin with the courtyard and the king who settled him beside himself in the royal village. The political views of Karamzin evolved gradually, and by the end of his life he was a convinced supporter of the absolute monarchy. Unfinished 12th Tom was issued after his death.

Karamzin died on May 22 (June 3) of 1826 in St. Petersburg. According to legend, his death became a consequence of a cold received on December 14, 1825, when Karamzin watched the sidelines in the Senate Square. He was buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Karamzin - writer

Collected Works N. M. Karamzin at 11 TT. In 1803-1815. It was printed in the printing house of the Moscow Book publisher Selivanovsky.

"The influence of the latter<Карамзина> On literature, you can compare with the influence of Catherine to society: he made literature humane, I wrote to A. I. Herzen.


Publication of Karamzin "Letters of the Russian Traveler" (1791-1792) and the story "Poor Lisa" (1792; A separate Edition of 1796) was opened in Russia the Epoch of Sentimentalism.

Lisa was surprised, dared to look at the young man, - even more flashed and, having filled his eyes to the ground, told him that she would not take the ruble.
- For what?
- I am not needless.
"I think that beautiful lilies, torn by the hands of a beautiful girl, are ruble. When you do not take it, here are five kopecks. I would like to always buy flowers from you; I would like you to rush them only for me.

Dominant "Human Nature" sentimentalism announced a feeling, not a mind that distinguished him from classicism. Sentimentalism The ideal of human activity was not "reasonable" to reorganize the world, but the release and improvement of the "natural" feelings. His hero is more individualized, his inner world is enriched with the ability to empathize, sensible to respond to what is happening around.

The publication of these works had a great success among readers of that time, "poor Lisa" caused many imitation. Sentimentalism Karamzin had a great influence on the development of Russian literature: he was repelled, including Romanticism Zhukovsky, the work of Pushkin.

Poetry Karamzin

Karamzin's poetry, developed in the course of European sentimentalism, was radically different from the traditional poetry of his time brought up on Lomonosov and Derzhavin. The most significant were the following differences:

Karamzin is not interested in an external, physical world, and the inner, spiritual world of man. His poems say "in the Head Language", and not reason. Karamzin poetry object is a "simple life", and for its description, it uses simple poetic forms - poor rhymes, avoids the abundance of metaphors and other paths, so popular in the verses of his predecessors.

"Who is your sweetheart?"
I'm ashamed; I, right, hurt
Strange sense of my open
And the subject of jokes to be.
Heart in choosing is not free! ..
What to say? She ... she.
Oh! Nimalo is not important
And talents for themselves
Has no;

Lastness of love, or insomnia (1793)

Another difference of Karamzin poetics is that the world is not fundamentally known to him, the poet recognizes the presence of different points of view on the same subject:

One voice
Scary in the grave, cold and dark!
The winds are treated here, the coffins are shaking,
White bones are knocking.
Another voice
Quiet in the grave, soft, deceased.
The winds are here; Sleeping cool;
The grass, flower grow.
Cemetery (1792)

Prose Karamzin

  • Evgeny and Julia, Tale (1789)
  • "Letters of the Russian traveler" (1791-1792)
  • "Poor Lisa", Tale (1792)
  • "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter", Tale (1792)
  • "Beautiful princess and happy karl" (1792)
  • Sierra-Morany, Tale (1793)
  • "Borngolm Island" (1793)
  • "Julia" (1796)
  • "Marfa-Posalman, or the conquest of NOVAGOROD", Tale (1802)
  • "My Confession", a letter to the publisher of the magazine (1802)
  • "Sensitive and cold" (1803)
  • "Knight of our time" (1803)
  • "Fall"
  • Translation - retelling "Words about the regiment of Igor"
  • "On friendship" (1826) Writer A. S. Pushkin.

Reform of the Language of Karamzin

The prose and poetry of Karamzin had a decisive effect on the development of the Russian literary language. Karamzin was purposefully refused to use church Slavic vocabulary and grammar, leading the language of his works to the everyday language of his era and using grammar and syntax of French as a sample.

Karamzin introduced a set of new words to the Russian language - as neologisms ("charity", "inlentibility", "liberty", "Sightseeing", "Responsibility", "Sustaintly", "Industry", "Suspiciousness", "Class", "Human ") And varvarisms (" sidewalk "," Kucher "). He was also one of the first to use the letter E.

Changes in the language offered by Karamzin caused a stormy controversy in the 1810s. The writer A. S. Shishkov, with the assistance of Derzhavin, founded in 1811 the society of the "conversation of lovers of the Russian word", the purpose of which was the propaganda of the "old" language, as well as the critic of Karamzin, Zhukovsky and their followers. In response, in 1815, the Literary Society "Arzamas" was formed, which Ironized the authors of the "conversations" and paroded their works. Many poets of the new generation became members of society, including Batyushkov, Vyazemsky, Davydov, Zhukovsky, Pushkin. The literary victory "Arzamas" over the "conversation" strengthened the victory of the language changes that Karamzine introduced.

Despite this, later there was a rapprochement of Karamzin with Shishkov, and, thanks to the promotion of the latter, Karamzin was elected a member of the Russian Academy in 1818. In the same year, he became a member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.


Interest in history arose from Karamzin from the mid-1790s. He wrote a story on the historical theme - "Marfa-Posalman, or the conquest of Noovagoda" (published in 1803). In the same year, by Decree Alexander I, he was appointed to the position of historographer and until the end of his life was engaged in writing the "history of the Russian state", practically ceased operation of the journalist and writer.

The "history of the Russian state" Karamzin was not the first description of the history of Russia, before him there were works V. N. Tatishchev and M. M. Shcherbatova. But it was Karamzin that opened the history of Russia for a broad educated public. According to A. S. Pushkin, "Everything, even secular women, rushed to read the history of their fatherland, the unknown Dotole. She was for them a new discovery. Ancient Russia seemed to be found by Karamzin as America - Columbus. " This work also caused a wave of imitation and opposition (for example, "History of the Russian People" N. A. Polevoy)

In his work, Karamzin performed more as a writer than a historian - describing historical facts, he cared for the beauty of the tongue, less than all trying to make any conclusions from the events described by it. Nevertheless, high scientific value represent its comments that contain many appointments from manuscripts, mostly published by Karamzin. Some of these manuscripts now do not exist.

In his "History" elegance, simplicity prove to us, without any whiff, the need for selfhood and the charms of the whip.

Karamzin performed with the initiative of the organization of memorials and establish monuments to outstanding figures of domestic history, in particular, K. M. Sukhorukov (minina) and Prince D. M. Pozharsky on Red Square (1818).

N. M. Karamzin opened "walking for the three seas" Athanasius Nikitin in the manuscript of the XVI century and published it in 1821. He wrote:

"Delightened geographers did not know that the honor of one of the oldest, European travel in India belongs to Russia of John the Century ... It (the journey) proves that Russia in the XV century had its Taverns and Sharenes, less enlightened, but equally bold and enterprising; That Indians heard about it before the Portugal, Holland, England. While Vasco Yeah Gama only thought about the opportunity to find the way from Africa to Industan, our tweyanian has already mercy on the coast of Malabara ... "

Karamzin - translator

In 1787, Karamzin was passionate about the work of Shakespeare, Karamzin published his translation of the original text of the tragedy "Julia Caesar". About his assessment of work and own work, as a translator, Karamzin wrote in the preface:

"The tragedy, I'm translated, there is one of the excellent of his creations ... If the reading of the translation will deliver a sufficient concept of participants to Russian literators of literature; If it gives them pleasure, the translator will be awarded for his work. However, he prepared and nasty. "

In early 1790s, this publication, one of the first works of Shakespeare in Russian, was included in the censorship among books for seizures and burning.

In 1792-1793 N. M. Karamzin translated a monument of Indian literature (from English) - Drama "Sakuntala", the author of which is Kalidas. In the preface to translation, he wrote:

"The creative spirit does not live in one Europe; He is a citizen of the universe. Man everywhere - man; Everywhere he has a sensitive heart, and in the mirror of the imagination of his heaven and earth. Everywhere Natura is his mentor and the main source of his pleasure.

I felt a very vibrant, reading Soutainal, drama found in Indian language, for 1900 years in front of SIM, Asian poet Kalidas, and recently translated on English William Jones, Bengali judge ... "

A family

N. M. Karamzin was married twice and had 10 children:

  • First wife (from April 1801) - Elizabeth Ivanovna Protasova (1767-1802), sister A. I. Pleshcheyev and A. I. Protasova, Father A. A. Wayek and M. A. Moyer. According to Karamzin Elizabeth he "Thirteen knew and loved". She was a woman a very educated and active assistant to her husband. Having weak health, in March 1802 gave birth to a daughter, and in April, died from postpartum hot. Some researchers believe that it is in her honor that the heroine "Poor Lisa" is named.
    • Sophia Nikolaevna (03.03.1802-4.07.1856), since 1821, Freilin, a close friend of Pushkin and his friend Lermontov.
  • Second wife (from 01/08/1804) - Ekaterina Andreevna Kolyvanov (1780-1851), the extramarital daughter of Prince A. I. Vyazemsky and Countess Elizabeth Karlovna Siversa, the only sister of the poet P. A. Vyazemsky.
    • Natalia. (30.10.1804-05.05.1810)
    • Ekaterina Nikolaevna (1806-1867), St. Petersburg familiar Pushkin; From April 27, 1828, he was married to the retired lieutenant colonel of Guard Prince Peter Ivanovich Meshchersky (1802-1876), married to her the second marriage. Their Son Writer and Publicist Vladimir Meshchersky (1839-1914)
    • Andrew (20.10.1807-13.05.1813)
    • Natalia. (06.05.1812-06.10.1815)
    • Andrey Nikolaevich (1814-1854), after the end of the Derpt University, was forced to be healthy abroad, later - the retired colonel. He was married to Aurora Karlovna Demidova. From the extramarital connection with Edochi, Petrovna Sushkova had children.
    • Alexander Nikolaevich (1815-1888), after the end of the Derpt University served in equestrian artillery, in his youth was a great dancer and a merry, was close to Pushkin's family in his last year of life. Married at Princess Natalia Vasilyevna Obolenskaya (1827-1892), there were no children.
    • Nikolai (03.08.1817-21.04.1833)
    • Vladimir Nikolayevich (06/05/1819 - 7.08.1879), a member of consultation with the Minister of Justice, Senator, the owner of the estate of Ivne. Different witty and resourcefulness. He was married to Baroness Alexander Ilinichnoy Duka (1820-1871), the daughter of General I. M. Duka. The offspring did not leave.
    • Elizabeth Nikolaevna (1821-1891), since 1839, Freillus was not married. Having a state, he lived on a retirement, which he received as the daughter of Karamzin. After the death of the mother lived together with the older sister of Sofia, in the family of the Sister of Princess Catherine Meshcherskaya. It was distinguished by the mind and endless kindness, taking all the strangers of sorrows and joy close to the heart. Writer L. N. Tolstoy

      The Karamzin Public Library in Simbirsk, created in honor of the famous countryman, opened for readers on April 18, 1848.

      In Filateli

      Postage stamp of the USSR, 1991, 10 kopecks (GF 6378, Scott 6053)

      Postage stamp Russia, 2016


      • St. Petersburg
        • Spring of 1816 - E. F. Muravyova - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 25;
        • spring 1816-1822 - Tsarskoye Village, Garden Street, 12;
        • 1818 - Autumn of 1823 - E. F. Muravyova - Embankment of the Fontanka River, 25;
        • autumn 1823-1826 - Mojuev's Profitable House - Mokhovaya Street, 41;
        • spring - 05/22/1826 - Tavrichesky Palace - Resurrection Street, 47.
      • Moscow
        • The estate of the Vyazemsky-Dolgorukov - the home of his second wife.
        • House on the corner of the Tver and Bruce Lane, where he wrote a "poor lizu" - not preserved

According to one of the versions, he was born in the village of Znamensky Symbirian county (now the Main district of the Ulyanovsk region), on the other - in the village of Mikhailovka Buzuluk district of the Kazan province (now the village of the Orenburg region). Recently, experts had in favor of the "Orenburg" version of the place of the writer's birth.

Karamzin belonged to the nobility, leading his origin from Tatar Murza, named Kara-Murza. Nikolai was the second son of the retired captain, landowner. He quickly lost his mother, she died in 1769. The second marriage Father married Catherine Dmitrieva, aunt of the poet and the Basinista Ivan Dmitriev.

Children's years, Karamzin spent in the estate of his father, studied in Simbirsk in the noble board of Pierre Foviel. At the age of 14, he began to study in the Moscow private board of Professor Johann Shaden, in parallel visiting classes at Moscow University.

Since 1781, Karamzin began served in the Preobrazhensky regiment in St. Petersburg, where he was translated from the army regiments (the service was recorded in 1774), received a rank rank.

During this period, he became close to the poet Ivan Dmitriev and began literary activities by transferring from the German language "The conversation of the Austrian Mary Teresia with our Empress Yelisvetyu in the Champs Elysees" (not survived). The first printed work of Karamzin was the translation of the Idylli of Solomon Geesner "Wooden Leg" (1783).

In 1784, after the death of Father, Karamzin resigned in the rank of Lieutenant and never served. After a short stay in Simbirsk, where he joined the Masonic Life, Karamzin moved to Moscow, was introduced into the circle of the publisher Nikolai Novikov and settled in the house belonging to the Novikovsky friendly scientist.

In 1787-1789, he was the editor in the new school reading for the heart and mind, which published his first story, "Eugene and Julia" (1789), poems and translations published his first story. Translated into Russian, the tragedy "Julius Caesar" (1787) William Shakespeare and Emilia Galotti (1788) Gothhold Lesing.

In May 1789, Nikolai Mikhailovich went abroad and traveling to Europe, visiting Germany, Switzerland, France and England until September 1790.

Returning to Moscow, Karamzin began to publish the Moscow Journal (1791-1792), where the "Letters of the Russian Traveler" written by him was published, in 1792 the story "Poor Lisa" was published, as well as the story "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter" and "Liodor ", I have become samples of Russian sentimentalism.

Karamzin. The first Russian poetic anthology of "Aonids" (1796-1799) was compiled by Karamzin (1796-1799), he included his own poems, as well as poems of contemporaries - Gabriel Derzhavin, Mikhail Heraskov, Ivan Dmitriev. In "Aonides" for the first time, the letter "E" of the Russian alphabet appeared.

Part of the prosaic translations of Karamzin united in the "Pantheon of foreign literature" (1798), the brief characteristics of Russian writers were given to them for publication "Pantheon of Russian authors, or a meeting of their portraits with comments" (1801-1802). Karamzin's response at the Edema for the throne of Alexander I was the "historical commendable word Catherine of the second" (1802).

In 1802-1803, Nikolai Karamzin published the literary and political magazine "Bulletin of Europe", in which, along with articles on literature and art, issues of foreign and domestic politics of Russia, history and political life of foreign countries were widely covered. In the "messenger of Europe", he published essays on the Russian medieval history "Marfa Posadanny, or the conquest of NOVAROGODA", "Izvestia about Martha Pos., taken from the lives of St. Zosima," "Travel around Moscow", "Historical memories and comments on the path to Trinity " and etc.

Karamzin has developed a language reform aimed at rapprochement of a book language with a spoken speech of an educated society. Limiting the use of satelms, widely using language borrowing and tracing with European languages \u200b\u200b(most advantage of French), introducing new words, Karamzin created a new literary syllable.

November 12 (October 31st style) From that time, until the end of the days he worked on the main labor of his life - "the history of the Russian state." Libraries and archives were opened for him. In 1816-1824, the first 11 volume volumes were published in St. Petersburg, the 12th Tom dedicated to the description of the events of the "Troubles", Karamzin did not have time, he came out after the death of the historian in 1829.

In 1818, Karamzin became a member of the Russian Academy, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. He received a valid Stat adviser and was awarded the Order of the Holy Anna 1st degree.

In the first months of 1826, he suffered the inflammation of the lungs, which undermined his health. June 3 (May 22, on the old style) of 1826, Nikolai Karamzin died in St. Petersburg. He was buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Karamzin was married to the second marriage on Catherine Kolyvanov (1780-1851), the sister of Petra Vyazemsky's poet, who was a hostess of the best literary salon of St. Petersburg, where there were poets Vasily Zhukovsky, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, writer Nikolai Gogol. She helped the historiographer, subtracting the correction of 12-languid "history", and after his death brought until the end of the edition of the last volume.

His first spouse, Elizabeth Protasova, died in 1802. From the first marriage, Karamzin remained the daughter of Sophia (1802-1856), who became Freilina, was the owner of the literary salon, another poets of Alexander Pushkin and Mikhail Lermontov.

In the second marriage, nine children were born at the historicist, they lived five years old. The daughter of Catherine (1806-1867) married Prince Meshchersky, her son - Writer Vladimir Meshchersky (1839-1914).

The daughter of Nicholas Karamzina Elizabeth (1821-1891) became the Freillina of the Imperial Court, the son of Andrei (1814-1854) died in the Crimean War. Alexander Karamzin (1816-1888) served in the guard and at the same time wrote poems that were printed by the magazines "Contemporary" and "Domestic Notes". Junior Son Vladimir (1819-1869)

Nikolai Karamzin is a Russian historian, writer, poet and prose. He is the author of the "History of the Russian State" - one of the first summarizing works on the history of Russia written in 12 volumes.

Karamzin is the largest Russian writer of the Epoch of Sentimentalism, nicknamed "Russian Stern".

In addition, he managed to make many important reforms in Russian, as well as introduce dozens of new words to use dozens.

Feeling confidence in your abilities and worsted first success, Nikolai Karamzin begins to actively engage in writing activities. From under his feather, there are many interesting and instructive stories.

Soon Karamzin becomes the head of the Moscow Journal, which publishes works of different writers and poets. Until this time, there was not a single such edition in the Russian Empire.

Works of Karamzin

It was in the Moscow Journal ", Nikolai Karamzin published the" poor Lisa ", which is considered one of the best works in his biography. After that, from under his pen, the "Aonids", "My Bakery" and "Aglaya" go.

Karamzin was an incredibly workable and talented man. He managed to compose poems, writing reviews and articles, participate in theatrical life, as well as study many historical documents.

Despite the fact that he liked creativity and, he looked at poetry, on the other hand.

Nikolay Karamzin wrote poems in the style of European sentimentalism, thanks to which he became the best Russian poet working in this direction.

In his verses, he first of all paid attention to the spiritual state of a person, and not on his physical shell.

In 1803, a landmark event occurred in Karamzin's biographies: Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, the title of historographer, gave a registered decree of the Emperor; To rank at the same time 2 thousand rubles of annual salary were added.

From that time, Karamzin began to move away from fiction, and began to study historical documents even more diligently, including the most ancient chronicles.

During this period, the biography was constantly offered by various state posts, but except Karamzin did not interest anything.

Then they were written several historical books, which were only a prelude to the main work in his life.

"History of Russian Goverment"

His work was appreciated by all layers of society. Representatives of the elite tried to acquire the "Russian State Status" to get acquainted with a detailed history for the first time in his life.

Meetings with the writer were looking for many prominent people, and the emperor openly admired them. It is worth noting here that as a historian, Nikolai Karamzin was a supporter of an absolute monarchy.

Having received widespread recognition and glory, Karamzin needed silence to continue to work fruitfully. To do this, he was allocated separate accommodation in the royal village, where the historian could engage in its activities in a comfortable environment.

Karamzin's books attracted the reader with clarity and simplicity of presentation of historical events. Describing those or other facts, he did not forget about beauty.

Proceedings of Karamzin

For his biography, Nikolai Karamzin fulfilled many translations, among which was the work of Julius Caesar. However, in this direction he worked for a short time.

It costs to notice that Karamzin managed to radically change the Russian literary language. First of all, the writer sought to get rid of outdated church-Slavic words, as well as modify grammar.

As the basis for its transformations, Karamzin took the syntax and grammar of the French language.

The result of the reforms of Karamzin was the emergence of new words that are still used in everyday life. Here is a brief list of words introduced into the Russian language Karamzin:

Without these and other words, today it is already difficult to submit modern Russian language.

The fact is interesting that it is thanks to the efforts of Nikolai Karamzin, in our alphabet the letter "E" appeared. At the same time, it should be recognized that it's not everyone liked his reforms.

Many criticized him and tried to do everything possible to keep the "old" language.

However, soon Karamzin was elected by a member of the Russian and Imperial Academy of Sciences, thus recognizing his merits to the Fatherland.

Personal life

In the biography of Karamzin there were two women in which he was married. His spouse became Elizabeth Protasov.

She was a very competent and appearance of a girl, but often sick. In 1802, a year after the wedding, Sofia daughter was born.

Ekaterina Andreevna Kolyvanova, the second wife of Karamzin

After childbirth, Elizabeth began to progress the hot, from which she later died. A number of biographers believe that the story "Poor Lisa" was written in honor of Protasovoy.

Interesting the fact that the daughter of Karamzin Sofia was friends with and.

The second wife of Karamzin became Ekaterina Kolyvanov, who was the extramarital daughter of Prince Vyazemsky.

In this marriage they had 9 children, three of whom were died in childhood.

Some of the children have reached certain heights in life.

For example, the son Vladimir was a very witty and promising careerist. Later he became a senator at the Ministry of Justice.

Karamzin's youngest daughter, Elizabeth, was never married, although he had a great mind and was an extremely goody girl.

I buried Karamzin at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Photo of Karamzin

At the end you can see some of the most famous portraits of Karamzin. All are made from paintings, and not from nature.

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Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin Born in the Symbirian province on December 1, 1766 and the deceased in 1826, entered Russian literature as a deeply smelled artist-sentimentalist, master of the publicistic word and the first Russian historiographer.

His father was a medium-rate nobleman descendant of Tatar Murza Kara-Murza. The family of the Simbirsky landowner, living in the village of Mikhailovka, had a generic manor of Znamensky, where children and young years of the boy passed.

Having received the initial home education and consistent with fiction and history, the young Karamzin was given to the frequent Moscow guesthouse. Shaden. In addition to studying in young years, he actively studied foreign languages \u200b\u200band visited university lectures.

In 1781, Karamzin was enrolled for a three-year service in St. Petersburg Transfiguration Regiment, who was considered one of the best at that time and left him by the guarantor. During the service, the first work of the writer saw the world - a translated story "Wooden foot". Here, he met the young poet Dmitriev, spiritual correspondence and a big friendship with which continued during collaboration in the Moscow Journal.

Continuing to actively look for his place in life, faster than new knowledge and acquaintances, Karamzin will soon depart in Moscow, where I get acquainted with N. Novikov, the publisher of the journal "Children's reading for the heart and mind" and a member of the Masonic mug of a golden crown. "Communication with Novikov, And I. P. Turgenev had a significant impact on the views and the direction of the further development of the individuality and creativity of Karamzin. In the Masonic circle, communication with Plescheyev, A. M. Kutuzov and I. S. Gamaley also ties.

In 1787, the translation of the work of Shakespeare - "Julius Caesar" was published, and in 1788 - the translation of the Labor "Emilia Galotti" Lessing. Avenience, the first one's own edition of Karamzin - the story "Eugene and Julia" saw another year.

At the same time, the writer appears the opportunity to visit Europe due to the resulting hereditary estate. Having laid it, Karamzin decides on this money to go for a year and a half on a journey, which will later allow to get a powerful impetus to its most complete self-determination.

During his trip, Karamzin visited Switzerland, England, France and Germany. On trips, he was a patient listener, a vigilant observer and a thinly sensory person. He gathered a huge number of notes and essays about the nears and characters of people, noticed many characteristic scenes from street life and life of people of different classes. All this became the richest material for his future creativity, including for the "letters of the Russian traveler", mostly printed in the Moscow Journal.

At this time, the poet already provides life to the labor of the writer. During the following years, almanacs "Aonids", "Aglaya" and the collection "My balancing" were published. The famous historically truthful story "Marta-Posadanny" was released in 1802. Karamzin acquired fame and respect as a writer and historiogram not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also throughout the country.

Soon, Karamzin begins to publish a unique socio-political magazine "Bulletin of Europe" at the time, in which he prints his historical stories and works that are preparing for more large-scale work.

The "history of the Russian state" is artistically decorated, the Titanic work of Karamzin-historian, came out in 1817. Twenty-three years of painstaking work made it possible to create a huge impartial and deep in their truthfulness of work, which opened people their true past.

Death found a writer while working on one of the volumes of the "History of the Russian State", which tells about the "troubled time".

Interestingly, there is a first scientific library in 1848 in 1848, the "Karamzinskaya" appeared.

Putting the beginning of the flow of sentimentalism in Russian literature, he revived and deepened the traditional literature of classicism. Thanks to its innovative views, deep thoughts and subtle feelings, Karamzin managed to create an image of a real living and deeply sensitive character. The most vivid examples in this regard are his story "Poor Lisa" first found his readers in the Moscow Journal.

Russian historian, writer, publicist, founder of Russian sentimentalism. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was born on December 12 (according to the old style - December 1) 1766 in the village of Mikhaylovka Sybirsk province (Orenburg region), in the family of the Simbirsk landlord. He knew German, French, English, Italian. Rose in the village of Father. At the age of 14, Karamzin was brought to Moscow and was given to the private board of Professor Moscow University I.M. Shaden, in which he studied from 1775 to 1781. At the same time attended lectures at the university.
In 1781 (in some sources, 1783) at the insistence of Karamzin was defined in the Life Guard Transfiguration Regiment in St. Petersburg, where he was still unfinished, but at the beginning of 1784 he retired and went to Simbirsk, where he joined the Masonic Loop "Golden Crown ". According to the council I.P. Turgenev, who was one of the founders of the lodge, at the end of 1784 Karamzin moved to Moscow, where he joined the Masonic "friendly scientist", whose member was N.I. Novikov, who had a great influence on the formation of the views of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin. At the same time, he collaborated with Novikova magazine "Children's reading." A member of the Masonic Lodge Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was up to 1788 (1789). From May 1789 to September 1790, he traveled Germany, Switzerland, France, England, visiting Berlin, Leipzig, Geneva, Paris, London. Returning to Moscow, began to publish the Moscow Journal, which had at the time, very significant success: in the first year he had 300 "subskribers". The magazine who had no full-time workers and filled with Karamzin himself existed until December 1792. After the arrest of Novikov and the press of ODD "to mercy", Karamzin was barely fell under the investigation on suspicion that Masons sent him abroad. In 1793-1795 spent most of the time in the village. In 1802, the first wife of Karamzin - Elizabeth Ivanovna Protasova died. In 1802, he founded the first private literary and political magazine "Bulletin of Europe", for the editorial office of which he discharged 12 of the best foreign magazines. To cooperate in the journal Karamzin attracted G. Derzhaskova, Dmitriev, V.L. Pushkin, Brothers A.I. and N.I. Turgenev, A.F. Waikova, V.A. Zhukovsky. Despite the numerous composition of the authors, Karamzin has to work much independently and that his name does not so often flashed before the eyes of readers, it invents the mass of pseudonyms. At the same time, he becomes popularizer of Benjamin Franklin in Russia. "Bulletin of Europe" existed before 1803. October 31, 1803, with a comrade of the Minister of Folk Education M.N. Muravyova, Decree of Emperor Alexander I Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was appointed official historiogram with a salary of 2000 rubles for writing the full history of Russia. In 1804, Karamzin married Prince's adverse daughter A.I. The Vyazemsky Catherine Andreevna Koliwanova and from now on settled in the Moscow House of Princes Vyazemsky, in which he lived to 1810. From 1804, he began working on the "Russian state history", the compilation of which became its main occupation to the end of life. In 1816, the first 8 volumes were published (the second edition was published in 1818-1819), in 1821 the 9th volume was printed, in 1824 - 10 and 11. 12 Tom "History ..." was never completed (after the death of Karamzin, Izal D.N. Bludov). Thanks to the literary form, the "History of the Russian State" became popular among readers and fans of Karamzin, as a writer, but then then deprived her serious scientific significance. All 3000 copies of the first edition went over 25 days. For science of that time, extensive "notes" to the text, which contained many statements from manuscripts, mostly published by Karamzin, had much more importance. Some of these manuscripts now do not exist. Karamzin received almost unlimited access to the archives of government agencies of the Russian Empire: the materials were taken in the Moscow Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (at the time of the board), in the Synodal Storage, in the library of monasteries (Troitskaya Lavra, Volokolamsky Monastery and others), in the private collections of manuscripts Musina Pushkin, Chancellor Rumyantseva and A.I. Turgenev, who made a collection of documents of the Papal Archive. Troitskaya, Lavrentievskaya, Ipatiev Chronicles, Dvinsky diplomas, and judicicity were used. Thanks to the "Story of the State of the Russian" reader's public, the "Word about the regiment of Igor", "Teaching Monomakh" and many other literary works of ancient Russia became known. Despite this, in the life of the writer there were critical work on his "history ...". The historical concept of Karamzin, who was a supporter of the Norman theory of the origin of the Russian state, became official and supported by state power. At a later time, a positive "story ..." was evaluated by A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, Slavophila, Negative - Decembrists, V.G. Belinsky, N.G. Chernyshevsky. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was the initiator of the organization of memorials and establish monuments to outstanding figures of domestic history, one of which was a monument to K.M. Minin and D.M. Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow. Prior to edition of the first eight volumes, Karamzin lived in Moscow, from where he went from 1810 to Tver to the Grand Duchess Ekaterina Pavlovna, in order to transfer his note to the sovereign "about ancient and new Russia", and in the lower, when the French occupied Moscow. Summer Karamzin usually spent in Ostafyevo, the estate - Prince Andrei Ivanovich Vyazemsky. In August 1812, Karamzin lived in the House of Commander-in-Chief of Moscow Graph F. V. Rostopina and left Moscow a few hours before the joining the French. As a result of the Moscow fire, Karamzin's personal library was killed, which he collected a quarter of a century. In June 1813, after the return of the family to Moscow, he settled in the house of the publisher S.A. Selivanovsky, and then - in the house of Moscow Theater F.F. Kokoshkin. In 1816, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin moved to St. Petersburg, where he spent the last 10 years of life and became close to the royal family, although Emperor Alexander I, who did not like the criticism of his actions, belonged to the writer reservedly from the time of filing "notes". Following the desire of Empress Maria Fedorovna and Elizabeth Alekseevna, Summer Nikolai Mikhailovich spent in the royal village. In 1818, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was elected an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In 1824, Karamzin became a valid Stat adviser. The end of Emperor Alexander I shook Karamzin and undermined his health; Halfall, he daily visited the palace, chatting with Empress Maria Fedorovna. In the first months of 1826, Karamzin survived the inflammation of the lungs and decided, on the advice of doctors, to drive in spring to South France and Italy, for which the Emperor Nicholas gave him money and gave it to his union frigate. But Karamzin was already too weak for travel and June 3 (on the old style on May 22), 1826 died in St. Petersburg. Among the works of Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - critical articles, reviews for literary, theatrical, historical topics, letters, stories, odes, poems: "Eugene and Julia" (1789; Tale), "Letters of the Russian Traveler" (1791-1795; a separate publication - In 1801; letters written during a trip to Germany, Switzerland, France and England, and reflecting Europe's life on the eve and during the French Revolution), "Liodor" (1791, Tale), "Poor Lisa" (1792; Tale; Printed in "Moscow journal"), "Natalia, Boyarskaya Daughter" (1792; Tale; printed in the "Moscow journal"), "To the grace" (ODA), "Aglaya" (1794-1795; Almanac), "My bale" (1794 ; 2nd edition - in 1797, 3rd - in 1801; Collection of articles printed earlier in the "Moscow Journal"), "Pantheon of Foreign Literature" (1798; Foreign Literature, which did not pass through censorship forbidden to print demosphen , Cicero, Sailustia, because they were republicans), "Historical Empire Word Imper Atrice Catherine II "(1802)," Marfa Posadanny, or the conquest of Novgorod "(1803; Printed to "Bulletin of Europe; Historical Tale"), "Note about ancient and new Russia in its political and civil relations" (1811; Criticism of projects of state transformations M. M. Speransky), "Possed about Moscow memorability" (1818; The first cultural and historical guide in Moscow and its surroundings), "Knight of our time" (the story-autobiography printed in the "Bulletin of Europe"), "My Confession" (Tale, Lying secular education of the aristocracy), "The History of the Russian State" (1816-1829: T. 1-8 - in 1816-1817, t. 9 - in 1821, t. 10-11 - in 1824, vol. 12 - in 1829; First summary work on the history of Russia), Karamzin's letters to A.F. Malinovsky "(Published in 1860), to I.I. Dmitriev (published in 1866), to N. and Krivtsov, to Prince P.A. Vyazemsky (1810-1826; published in 1897), to A.i Turgenev (1806 -1826; Published in 1899), correspondence with the emperor Nikolai Pavlovich (published in 1906), "Historical memories and comments on the path to Trinity" (article), "On the Moscow Earthquake of 1802" (article), "Notes of the old Moscow resident" (article), "Travel around Moscow" (article), "Russian Starina" (article), "On the lightweight clothing of fashionable beauties of the ninth and impressing century" (article).
__________ Information sources: "Russian Biographical Dictionary" Encyclopedic resource (Big Soviet Encyclopedia, Encyclopedic Dictionary "History of Fatherland", Encyclopedia "Moscow", Encyclopedia of Russian-American Relations, Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary)
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