Perspective planning for reading artistic literature Calendar-thematic planning for fiction literature (senior group) on the topic. Reading fiction in the older group reading stories Senior group of card file

Perspective planning for reading artistic literature Calendar-thematic planning for fiction literature (senior group) on the topic. Reading fiction in the older group reading stories Senior group of card file
Perspective planning for reading artistic literature Calendar-thematic planning for fiction literature (senior group) on the topic. Reading fiction in the older group reading stories Senior group of card file

Maria Moochalova
List of works of fiction for reading children on lexical topics. Senior Preschool Age (Part 2)

Topic: Zimovier Beasts

1. S. Kozlov "As a hedgehog with a bear rubbed the stars"

2. N. Sladkov "Bear and Sun"

3. A. Miln "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all"

4. V. Schulzhik "White Bear"

5. V. Bianki "Bashing Bear"

6. E. Charushin "Bear"

7. I. Sokolov-Nikitov "Bear Family", "Bears"

8. R.N. With "Bear Lipovaya Noga"

9. R.N. from. "Old Man and Bear"

10. I. Sokolov-Nikitov "In Berorog"

Subject: trees in winter

1. N. Pavlova "Trees in winter"

2. Kaplan "Trees in winter dream"

3. Pushkin "Winter Morning"

4. Ostrovsky "Winter Forest", "Trees in winter"

5. M. Svarvin "Osinki Cold"

6. S. Yesenin "Birch"

7. Brothers Grimm "Three lucky"

8. R.N. from. Tale of a Molding Apple Table and Living Water "

9. S. Voronin. "Blue Spruce", "Bird Pantry"

10. P. Solovyov "Rowan".

Topic: animals of hot countries. Animals of cold countries.

1. B. Skod "Turtle", "Giraffe."

2. Tajik fairy tale "Tiger and Lisa"

3. K. Chukovsky "Turtle"

4. D. R. Kipling Stories from the book "Jungle Book"

5. B. Zhitkov "About Elephant".

6. N. Sladkov "In Ice".

7. E. Charushin "Elephant", Martyski. "

8. L. Tolstoy "Lion and a dog".

9. L. Rozhkovsky "in Zveznitsa", "Three Crocodile", "Long Neck".

10. V. Stepanov "Tiger".

11. D. Rodovich "Crocodile".

12. M. Moskvin "What happened to the crocodile."

13. Yu. Dmitriev "Camelsonok and Donkey".

14. A. I. Kuprin "Elephant"

15. S. Bajadin "Camel".

16. Khmelnitsky "Caterpillar and Crocodile"

17. B. S. Zhitkov "As an elephant saved the owner from a tiger."

Subject: Tools

1. "Bad hammer and naughty nails."

2. Marshak, "What are the hammers."

1. 3. S. Black "Screwdriver".

2. M. Shapiro "Needle with a thread".

3. The fairy tale "On the needle and a naughty thread."

4. The fairy tale "like fingers argued, who to wear thimbles."

5. R. Boyko "Our army is native"

6. And Sham "On Far Rate"

7. A. Zharov "Border Guard"

8. Fairy Tale "Porridge from the Ax".

Topic: the end of winter1. I. Nikitin "Kudesnitsa Winter". S. Ivanov "What is snow".

2. R. Snegolev "Overnight in winter".

3. V. Sukhomlinsky "Bird Storeroom", "Like a squirrel of Dyatla Pask", "Curious woodpecker", what are the dyatlah. "

4. Sokolov Mikitov "Glukhari".

5. F. Tyutchev "Charger Winter".

6. S. Kozlov "Winter Tale"

7. K. D. Ushinsky "Wind and Sun".

8. N. Nekrasov Not the wind rages over the boron. "Winter fun".

9. S. Marshak "12 months" Tale.

10. I. Surikov "Winter"

11. V. Dal "Old Man Girl"

12. A. S. Pushkin "For the spring of nature" (times

13. B. Grimm "White and Rospek"

Topic: My family. Human.

1. Borylovskaya "Our Moms, our Pope."

2. V. Oseev "just an old woman."

3. I am a segment "How I was my mother."

4. P. Voronko "Boy help"

5. D. Gaby "My Family".

6. And Barto "Vovka - a kind soul"

7. R.N. from. "Sister Alenushka and Brantz Ivanushka."

8. L. N. Tolstoy "Old Grandfather and granddaughters."

9. E. Blaginina "Alenushka".

Topic: House and its parts. Furniture.

1. Y. Tuvim "Table".

2. S. Marshak "Where did the table come from?".

4. The fairy tale in the processing of A. Tolstoy "Three fathers."

5. A. Lindgren "Carlson who lives on the roof" (first chapter)

Topic: Fish

1. A. S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish."

2. N. Nosov "Karasik"

3. R. N. from. "By whining the vein", "Fox-sister and Gray Wolf".

4. G.x. Andersen "Mermaid".

5. E. Permyak "First Fish".

6. L. N. Tolstoy "Shark".

7. V. Danko "Golovastik".

8. O. Grigoriev "Som"

9. B. Skod "Kit and Cat".

Subject: toys. Russian folk toy.

1. B. Zhitkov "What I saw."

2. With Marshak "Ball"

3. A. Barto "Rope", "Toys".

4. V. Kataev "Tsvetics - Semitional"

5. E. Serov "Non-good story."

6. V. Dragunsky "Domestic childhood"

Subject: profession.

1. J. Rodari "What color of the craft?" What smelled crafts? "

2. I am akim "Neuzzy".

3. A. Shibarev "Mailbox".

4. V. V. Mayakovsky "Who to be"

5. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

6. To Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit"

7. R.N. from. Seven semens - seven employees "

8. Sh. Pierre "Cinderella"

9. G. H. Anderson "Sveynbow"

10. G. Grebitsky "Four Artists"

Topic: Defenders of the Fatherland. Military professions.

1. O. Vysotskaya "My brother went on the border", "TV".

2. A. Twardovsky "Tankist's story."

3. Alexandrov "Watch".

4. L. Cassil "Your Defenders".

Subject: Houseplants.

1. V. Kataev "Svetics-Semichetics"

2. S. T. Aksakov "Scarlet Flower".

3. G.x. Andersen "Thumbelina".

1. M. Homeland "Mmins Hands".

2. E. Blaginina "Mother's Day", "Sit in silence", "Dandelion", "Spring"

3. J. Rodari "What the crafts smell?"

4. E. Permyak "Mine Work"

5. V. Sukhomlinsky "My mother smells like bread", "Spring Forest"

6. L. Kwitko "Grandma's Hands".

7. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?".

8. N. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazay and Hares".

9. I. Tyutchev "Winter is no wonder"

10. S. Marshak "all year round"

11. Squetry "April", March.

12. V. Bianki "Three Springs", "April"

13. "History about a snowman"

14. G. Lorders "Spring Assistants

15. I. Sokolov-Mikitov early spring "," Forest pictures "," Spring in the forest "

16. M. Svienne "Spring in the Forest", "What color of spring?", "Trees in captivity"

17. N. Sladkov "Bear and Sun", "Spring Brooks", "Flower Lovers", "Flow Color"

18. V. Stewart "Snowdrop"

19. I. Lopukhina "Assistant"

20. G. Armand - Tkachenko "Start of Spring"

21. P. Radimov "March"

22. N. Plainovistov "Drops, Protinalins"

23. O. High "Conversation with spring", "Mimosa"

24. "Twelve months" (Slavic fairy tale)

25. Fairy Tale "Spring Song"

26. E. Shim "Stone, Creek, Soselka and Sun"

27. I. Tokmakova "Spring"

28. V. Bianki as animals and birds spring meet "

29. "Carlson who lives on the roof, flew again" (chapters in Redz., Per. From the Swede L. Lunkina

30. Russian folk fairy tale "Zayushkina Hut"

31. S. Aksakov "Scarlet Flower"

32. P. Solovyov "Snowdrop"

Subject: bird arrival

1. I. Sokolov-Mikitov "Over the Swamp", "Heron"

2. N. Sladkov "Birds of spring brought", "Serious Bird", "Cukushkina Years"

3. V. Chaplin "Raughters flew", "Birds in our forest"

4. V. Bianki "Masters without an ax", "Grachics opened spring"

5. M. Privine "Talking Grache"

6. V. A. Sukhomlinsky "How the sparrows waited for the Sun"

7. K. Bedding "Cranes", "Sther", "Oriole"

8. A. Prokofiev "Spring Telegram", "Graci"

9. A. Krylov "Cuckoo and Rooster"

10. N. Batzanova "Cuckoo"

12. Grammist "King Drozdovik"

13. R.N. from. Sandy Science »

14. Fairy tale "Spring of white and blue"

15. B. Asanalis "Paints of Spring"

16. V. Stewart "Spring has come"

17. V. Flint. "Birds"

18. V. Permyak "Bird houses"

19. V. Chaplin "Birds in our forest"

20. "Cuckoo" Nenets Fairy Tale

21. Ya. Akim "Spring"

22. A. A. Plescheev "Swallow", "Spring"

23. Glukhov "bird hassle".

24. Slovak fairy tale "Solnya visiting"

25. S. Yesenin Belaya Birch "

26. S. Osipov "Bird Dining Room".

27. Processing S. Marshak "Swallow Prominal"

28. N. Nosov "Tuk-Tuk-Tuk"

29. N. Romanova "Cotka and Bird".

30. "Geese swans" r. n. from

Subject: Mail.

1. S. Marshak "Mail".

2. J. Rodari "What color of the craft?"

3. "What smelled crafts?"

4. I am akim "Neumenta."

5. A. Shibarev "Mailbox".

Topic: Construction. Professions, Machines and Mechanisms.

1. S. Bajadin "Who built this house?"

3. M. Fires "Malariers"

4. Luchanin "Builders"

5. E. Permyak "Mine Work".

Topic: Dishes

1. A. Gaidar "Blue Cup".

2. K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mountain", "Muha-Codotha", "Moydodyr"

3. BR. Grimm "pot of porridge".

4. R.N. from. "Fox and Zhuravl".

5. L. Berg "Pete and Sparrow"

6. R.N. from. "Three Bears"

7. "Tale about a cup"

8. "How Alenka broke a cup"

9. Gorbovsky "For lunch", "Wooden spoon".

10. Z. Alexandrova "On the saucepan", "Large spoon"

Subject: Cosmos. Cosmonautics Day.

1. A. Barto "Rope".

2. S. Ya. Marshak "Story about an unknown hero."

3. Yu. A. Gagarin "I see Earth."

Subject: insects.

1. V. Bianki "Adventure of Murachiki."

2. I. A. Krylov "Dragonfly and ant".

3. K. Ushinsky "Capulate"

4. Yu. Arakcheev "Story about the Green Country".

5. Yu. Moritz "Happy Bug."

6. V. Lunin "Beetle"

7. V. Bruce "Green Worm."

8. N. Sladkov "Homemade Butterfly"

9. I. Maznin "Spider".

Subject: Food.

1. I. Tokmakova "Porridge"

2. Z. Alexandrova "Delicious porridge".

3. E. Moshkovskaya "Masha and Poros"

4. M. Danzkovsky "Who likes what".

5. V. Oseev "Cookies".

6. R.N. from. "Porch pot"

Topic: Victory Day.

1. S. Alekseev "First Night Taran", "House"

2. M Isakovsky "Krasnoamec is buried here."

3. A. Twardovsky "Tankista's story."

4. A. Mityaev "Bag of oatmeal", "Victory Day"

5. M. Isakovsky "Navel Remember".

6. S. Bajadin "Glory".

7. K. Simonov "Son of Artilleryman".

8. L. Serov "Dedova Kalosh"

9. B. Suncharin Gray Star "

10. V. Oseev "Taran", "Forest partisans", "What is easier", direct tip "

11. V. Stepanov "Festive Day"

12. A. Smirnov "Who was in War"

13. V. Lebedev - Kumach "We are brave people"

Topic: Our Motherland Russia. Moscow is capital of Russia.

1. A. Prokofiev "Motherland".

2. Z. Alexandrova "Motherland".

3. M. Yu Lermontov "Motherland"

4. S. Bajadin "For Motherland".

Topic: School. School supplies.

1. V. Berrestov "Reader".

2. L. Voronkova "Girlfriends go to school."

3. S. Ya. Marshak "First Calendar Day".

4. V. Oseev "Magic Word".

5. L. N. Tolstoy "Phillipok".

Topic: Electrical appliances

1. "The fairy tale about how electric appliances quarreled"

2. "History of the Sun and Electric Lamp"

3. Fairy Tale "Iron and Dress"

4. Barsik cat and washing machine. "

5. "Burned Cookies"

6. "Chandelier - Zaknayka"

7. A. Maslennikova "Vacuum cleaner"

8. "I am a kettle - crown"

9. N. Nosov "Phone"

Topic: Summer, Summer Clothing, Shoes, Headwear.

1. K. Ushinsky "Four Desires".

2. A. Plescheev "Old man"

3. E. Blaginina "Dandelion".

4. Z. Alexandrova "Sarafanchik".

5. V. A. Zhukovsky "Summer Evening".

Topic: Musical Instruments

1. Brothers Grimm "Bremen Musicians"

2. "How many swirls here"

3. "Flute and Wind"

4. Eddi Winseltery "Dudu" "Tuben", Tsimbals "" Chipping "

5. In the seminine "Music lives everywhere"

6. Yu. V. Gurin "Music Cat"

The child is 5-6 years old, according to physiologists, psychologists and teachers, is just at the age when his thinking and perceptions are fully prepared for comprehensive development. He really wants to learn, and physiologically the body of children corresponds to the workloads that are associated with the senior preschool age - the most effective time to start actively mastering not only reading aza, but also to move forward in this direction.

Goals and objectives

Like any program, reading in the senior group of fiction is not a process spontaneous or bruised on a self-shot. The main goal is to upbringing persistent interest in the book. Another one is connected with it, no less significant: the formation of the skills of a runaway, meaningful reading. The goal determines and tasks:

  • Extended acquaintance with the best samples of fiction.
  • Splitness and conscious approach in choosing books.
  • Interested, thoughtful reading. In the elder group of fiction, the widest choice is provided for active familiarization. It is important that the child realizes that it is attracted in a particular book that he knew how
  • Education of the critical approach to the process and the object of reading, the correct assessment of the information that the preschooler draws from the print publications.
  • Reading in the senior group of fiction should not turn into a simple filling of free time, the remedy for boredom or idleness. One of the main tasks of the process is the upbringing of the reader of a creative, feeling and understanding the beauty of a word that can distinguish the fake from the present work.
  • And finally, reading in the older group of fiction pursues such serious, especially those who now stand the tasks as love for the book, caring, careful appeal with her and the active enrichment of the vocabulary of preschoolers, the training of their culture of speech, the ability to express their thoughts accurately, competently and beautiful .

Luggage for school

What skills should form artistic literature in children in preschool age? The senior group is the last link before the transition of students to school training. Therefore, they must have a rather deep idea of \u200b\u200bliterary art genres, analyze the actions of the characters, give them an assessment, retell the content of the entire work or its individual episodes, to build their speech in accordance with the rules of Russian style.

Selection of works

Reading fairy tales in the older group should not occupy prevailing positions. The educator is important to combine the work of different genres affordable by age: poetry, dramatic fragments, etc. If we talk about fairy tales as the main type of works, then children should offer not only Russian, but also other nations of the world, as well as literary. For example:

  • folk tales "Squa-Burk", "Hare Bushnishka";
  • tale of Carlson, the works of Brothers Grimm, Sh.perro, some stories about Mowgli, Pushkin's fairy tales;
  • tolstoy, Bianki, Cassil;
  • poems about nature, homeland, times of the year, friendship, etc., with memorization by heart.

Guided by the general provisions of the program, each teacher may find such a list of works that will be studied by the children of the senior group with pleasure.

Lamuyev Lyudmila Nikolaevna
Plan for the school year in the educational area "Reading fiction" (senior group)

Period topic

Node software content sources


1 week We are pupils senior group goal: Give children the opportunity to experience pride from what they are now senior preschool children. P. 26.

V. V. Herbova


2 weeks Talking Russian folk tales "Hare Busthan" And Square "Our fairy tales begin" purpose: Remember the names of Russian folk fairy tales and introduce them to new work: Fairy Tale "Hare Busthan" And Square "Our fairy tales begin". P. 27.

V. V. Herbova


3 Week Training Tutorial: drawing up stories on the topic "Autumn has come". Reading Early autumn poems

purpose: Teach children to tell, focusing on plan. To attach to the perception of poetic works about nature. P. thirty

V. V. Herbova


4 weeks Merry nose stories purpose: To introduce children with new funny works N. Nosov. P. 35.

V. V. Herbova

1 week lexical exercises. Reading poem S.. Marshaca "Poodle"

purpose: Intensify in the speech of children nouns and adjectives; To acquaint with the work - inverted. P. 35.

V. V. Herbova

2 week Training telling: Description of dolls

purpose: Help children make up dracity description plan; teach preschoolers, making a description on their own, guided plan. P. 38.

V. V. Herbova

3 week lexico-grammatical exercises. Reading fairy tales purpose: Exercise children in the selection of nouns to adjective. Introduce a Russian folk fairy tale "Winged, shaggy and oil", help understand its meaning. P. 42.

V. V. Herbova

4 weeks Literary Kaleidoscope learning: find out in children what literary They remember works. P. 44.

V. V. Herbova

1 Week Reading poems about late autumn. Didactic exercise (Complete offer)

purpose: To acquire children to poetry, develop poetic hearing. Exercise in the preparation of complex proposals. P. 44.

V. V. Herbova

2 weeks completing work on a fairy tale (Ioga)

purpose: To teach children responsibly refer to the tasks of the tutor. fifty

V. V. Herbova

3 weeks Reading the story B.. Zhitkov "How I caught a little man"

purpose: Help children remember famous stories, introduce the story B. Zhitkov "How I caught a little man". P. 51.

V. V. Herbova

4 week retelling story V. Bianki "Swimming Bashing"

purpose: Teach children consistently and logically retell literary text, trying Proper to build offers. P. 51.

V. V. Herbova

Reading poem about winter purpose: To acquaint with the poems of winter, to attach them to a high point.

V. V. Herbova

Reading a fairy tale P.. Bazhova "Silver Kopytz"

purpose: To introduce children with a fairy tale P. Bazhov "Silver Kopytz". P. 60.

V. V. Herbova

Memorizing poem S. Marshak "Melting a month of young" purpose: Recall the works of the work of S. Marshak. Help remember and expressly read poem "Melting a month of young". P. 60.

V. V. Herbova

Conversation on the fairy tale P Bazhov "Silver Kopytz". Hearing poem K. Fofanova "Out of the Christmas tree" purpose: Develop creative the imagination of children, It is logical and meaning to build statements. P. 62.

V. V. Herbova

1 Week Reading the story S.. Georgiev "I saved Santa Claus" purpose: To introduce children with new artistic work, help understand why this is a story, not a fairy tale. P. 65.

V. V. Herbova

2 week training tutorial in the picture "Winter entertainment" purpose: Teach children to targeted painting. P. 66.

V. V. Herbova

3 weeks Reading a fairy tale b Shergin"Rhymes", poem E. Moshkovskaya "Polite word" purpose: To introduce children with an unusual fairy tale b Shergin "Rhymes", poem E. Moshkovskaya "Polite word". Enrich children's dictionary by polite words. P. 67.

V. V. Herbova

4 weeks Reading poems about winter. Memorizing poem I. Surikova "Childhood".

purpose: To acquire children to the perception of poetic works. Help remember and expressively read poems. P. 70.

V. V. Herbova

Reading Russian folk fairy tale "Princess Frog". purpose: To introduce children with a magical fairy tale "Princess Frog". P. 76.

V. V. Herbova

The retelling of Tolstoy fairy tales "Hedgehog" purpose: Teach children retell a fairy tale, keeping some copyright; Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech. P. 77.

V. V. Herbova

Reading the poem Y.. Vladimirov "Cranks" purpose: Improve to expressively read poems by roles. P. 79.

V. V. Herbova

Learning to tell the picture "We are for cute mommy" purpose: Help children to draw up stories by pictures with a consistently developing action. Contribute to improving dialogical speech.

V. V. Herbova

1 week conversation on the topic »Our moms" purpose: Help the children understand how much time and effort takes the work of houses at mothers; point to the need to help mothers; educate kind, attentive, respectful attitude to elders. P. 84.

V. V. Herbova

2 week retelling story from the book of Snegiva "About penguins"

purpose: Teach children freely, without repetition and unnecessary words to retell episodes from the book. P. 87.

V. V. Herbova

3 weeks Reading Story in Dragunsky "Childhood friend"

purpose: He will introduce children with a story, help them evaluate the act of a boy. P. 88.

V. V. Herbova

4 weeks Reading fairy tales"Savka Burk"

purpose: Help children remember the content of familiar magical Russian folk fairy tales, introduce a fairy tale "Savka Burk". P. 90.

V. V. Herbova

1 week Training telling on the topic "My favorite cartoon"

purpose: Help children to make stories on topics from personal experience. P. 94.

V. V. Herbova

2 week retelling "Mysterious stories" (on N. Sladkov)

purpose: Continue to learn children retell. P. 95.

V. V. Herbova

3 weeks Reading the story K.. Powesty "Cat Voruga" purpose: To acquaint children with a story. P. 96.

V. V. Herbova

4 weeks Reading a fairy tale B.. Kataeva "Flower seven specials" purpose: To acquaint children with a fairy tale. P. 97.

V. V. Herbova

1 Week Literary kaleidoscope goal: To find out what works of small folklore forms know children. Will introduce new reading. P. 98.

V. V. Herbova

2 weeks Reading the story B.. Dragunsky "Top down by defrost" purpose: Clarify what a story is; Enter children with a new humorous story.

V. V. Herbova

3 weeks Reading Russian folk fairy tale "Fullist - Clear Falcon"

purpose: Check if children know the main features of a folk tale. Introduce a magical fairy tale "Fullist - Clear Falcon". P. 101.

V. V. Herbova

4 week Teamwork on topic "Funny stories from my life". purpose: Check whether children are able to make more and logical stories on topics from personal experience. P. 102.

Software objectives "Fiction" for children 7 years of life

Continue to develop interest in the artistic literature. Learning carefully and interested in listening to fairy tales, stories, poems. With the help of various techniques and specially organized pedagogical situations, contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude to literary works. Improve to talk about your attitude towards a specific act of a literary character. Helping children to understand the hidden motives of the behavior of the heroes of the work. Continue to explain (with a support for the read work) The main genre features of fairy tales, stories, poems. Continue to educate sensitivity to the artistic word; Explore excerpts with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets. Learning to listen in the rhythm and the melon of the poetic text. Help expressively, with natural intonations to read poems, participate in reading text on roles, in dramatitations. Continue to acquaint with books. To draw the attention of children to the design of the book, on the illustration. Compare illustrations of different artists to the same work. Tell children about their favorite children's books, find out their sympathies and preferences.

For reading children
Russian folklore
"Like a granny goat ...",
, "Early early in the morning ...",
"I'm the pegs of Tesh ...", "Nicholya Hussac ...",
"You will knock on the dubbing, the blue chiz departs."
"Ladybug ...", "Swallow-swallow ...",
"You're a Ptashchka, you are flying ...", "rain, rain, fun."
Russian folk tales.
"Hare Busthan", "Fox and a jug", arr. O. Kapitsa;
"Winged, shaggy and oil", arr. I. Karnukhova;
"Tsarevna-Frog", "Squa Burk", arr. M. Bulatova;
"Foreign Salt Falcon", arr. A. Platonova;
"Havroshchka", arr. A. N. Tolstoy;
Rhymes, authorized retelling B. Shergin;
"Nikita Kozheyaka" (from the collection of fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev); "Restrain fairy tales."

Works of poets and writers of Russia
V. Bryusov. "Lullaby";
S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty";
S. Yesenin. "Berez", "Cherry";
A. Mikey. "Summer rain";
N. Nekrasov. "Green noise" (in Sokr.);
A. Plescheev. "My Sadik";
I. Turgenev. "Sparrow";
M. Tsvetaeva. "At the bed";
S. black. "Wolf";
Ya. Akim. "Jadda";
A. Barto. "Rope";
B. Skodok. "Doggybsy grieve", "About Soma", "Pleasant Meeting";
V. Levin. "Chest", "Horse";
S. Marshak. "Mail", "Poodle"; S. Marshak,
D. KHARMS. "Merry readings";
Yu. Moritz. "House with a pipe";
R. SEF. "Council", "endless poems";
D. KHARMS. "I rang, ran, ran ...";
M. Yasnov. "Peaceful Counting".
V. Dmitriev. "Kid and bug" (chapters);
L. Tolstoy. "Lion and a dog", "bone", "jump";
S. black. "Cat on a bicycle";
B. diamonds. "Gorbushka";
M. Borisov. "Do not hurt Zhakona";
A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek" (chapters);
V. Dragunsky. "Childhood friend", "top down, macash";
B. Zhitkov. "White House", "How I caught a little man";
Y. Cossacks. "Greedy Chick and Kat Vaska";
M. Moskvina. "Kroch";
N. Nosov. "Live Hat";
L. Panteleev. "Big Wash" (from "stories about a protein and tamoorh"), "Letter" You ";
K. POUST. "Cat-Woruga";
G. Snegolev. "Penguins Beach", "To the Sea", "brave penguins".
Folklore peoples of the world
"Buckwheat soap", lit., arr. Yu. Grigoriev;
"For each other", Tajiksk., Obr. N. Grebneva (in Sokr.);
"Vessenka", ukr., Arr. Litvaka;
"The house that Jack built", "old woman", English, lane. S. Marshak;
"Happy way!", Dutch., Obr. I. Tokmakova;
"Walked", Schotl, arr. I. Tokmakova.
Fairy tales.
"Cuckoo", Nenets., Obr. K. Shavrova;
"As the paternal treasure brothers found", Mold., Obr. M. Bulatova;
"Forest Virgo", per. With Cache. V. Petrova (from the collection of fairy tales B. Nemtsova);
"Yellow Stork", Kit., Per. F. Yarilina;
"About a mouse, which was a cat, dog and a tiger", Ind., Per. N. Khodzov;
"Wonderful stories about the hare named Leka, the fairy tales of the peoples of West Africa, per. O. Kustova and V. Andreeva;
"Zlatovlask", per. With Cache. K. Poist;
"Three gold hairs grandfather-ousebook", lane. With Cache. N. Arosnieva (from the collection of fairy tales K. Ya. Erbena).

Works of poets and writers of different countries
Y. Bzzhab. "On the horizontal islands", per. with Polish. B. NEXER;
A. Miln. "Ballad about the royal sandwicher", per. from English S. Marshak;
J. Rivz. "Noisy ba-bah", per. from English M. Boditsky;
Y. Tuvim. "Letter to all children on one very important case", per. with Polish. S. Mikhalkov;
V. Smith. "About flying cow", per. from English B. NEXER;
D. Chiardy. "About one who has three eyes", per. from English R. Sef.
Literary fairy tales.
R. Kickling. "Elephant", per. from English K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak;
A. Lindgren. "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again" (chapters, in Sokr.), Per. with the Swede L. Lunkina;
X. Mekel. "Mr. Ay" (chapters), per. with Fin. E. Uspensky;
O. Polyusler. "Little Baba Yaga" (chapters), per. with it. Yu. Corinets;
J. Rodari. "Magic drum" (from "fairy tales, which have three end"), per. with ital. I. Konstantinova;
T. Yansson. "On the most recent Dragon in the world," with the Swede
L. Bryud. "Wizard hat" (chapter), lane. V. Smirnova.

For memorization by heart
"He will knock on the dubby ...", Rus. nar. song;
I. Belousov. "Spring Guest";
E. Blaginina. "Sit in silence";
S. Gorodetsky. "Five small puppies";
M. Isakovsky. "Go beyond the sea-Oceans";
M. Karem. "Peaceful Counting", per. With Franz. V. Berestov;
A. Pushkin. "At Lukomorye Oak green ..." (from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila");

For reading in faces
Yu. Vladimirov. "Cranks";
S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty";
V. Orlov. "You tell me, river ...";
E. Asspensky. "Roll".

Literary fairy tales.
A. Pushkin. "The tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son (the glorious and mighty bogatyr Prince Gwidon Saltanovic and the beautiful princess swans";
N. Teshov. "Breeding";
T. Alexandrova. Domenok Kuzka (chapters);
P. Bazhov. "Silver Kopytz";
V. Bianki. "Owl";
A. Volkov. "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (chapters);
B. Skodok. "Gray asterisk";
V. Kataev. "Semisweetics flowers";
A. Mityaev. "Tale about three pirates";
L. Petrushevskaya. "The cat who knew how to sing";
Sapgir. "As a frog was sold," "Mortymena", "non-residents in the faces."

(works for reading and memorizing) in the senior group for children with SPR


"From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veracses, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2010 - 304 p.

Tasks NOD in the educational area

Educational tasks:

1. Expand the presentations of children about the book, its main parts; To talk about the variety of books and form an idea that each book has author and name.

2. Clarify, expand and consolidate knowledge of the environment.

3. To acquaint children with new works, writers and poets, their lives.

4. Learn to learn in the portrait of the writer, poet and call him.

5. To introduce children with the genres of works: the proverb, a mystery, a patter, the belonging, a poem, a fairy tale, a story and learn to recognize them.

6. Learning to consider illustrations for the book.

7. Learn to draw a picture to the work or an excerpt.

8. To acquaint children with new characters, learning to describe them, evaluate their actions.

9. Expand the dictionary of children, enrich the speech expressive speech.

10. Learn to accurately respond to the questions.

11. Learn to make a complete offer.

12. Teach retell and invent continued stories.

13. Learning to dramatize small fairy tales, read on roles.

Correctional and educational tasks:

1. Develop operation of thinking, verbal and logical thinking.

2. Develop auditory, visual perception and attention.

3. Develop a creative imagination.

4. Develop the properties of memory, promote long-term storage of information.

5. Develop a coherent statement, connected on the basis of retelling and making stories and fairy tales.

6. Develop the emotional world of children, feelings empathizing the hero, feelings of joy, pride, etc.

7. Develop the ability to understand the feelings and emotions of the heroes.

8. Develop a rhythm feeling.

9. Develop curiosity.

10. Develop the expressiveness of speech in the process of reading or telling the work.

11. Develop non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, pantomime) in the process of dramatization.

12. Develop a motorcy in the process of dynamic pauses and drawing.

Educational challenges:

1. To educate interest and positive attitude towards the book, to reading.

2. To educate the careful attitude towards the book.

3. To bring up a habit of daily reading.

4. To educate the desire to make positive actions on the example of the heroes of books.

5. Rift patriotic feelings to the native land, country.

6. Risk a humane attitude towards the environment.

First period


A week

Lexical theme


Form of work



A.K. Tolstoy "Autumn. Sick all our poor garden ... "

Reading, conversation.

Acquaintance with the genre of poem.

Trees and shrubs


A.S. Pushkin "Sky in the autumn breath ..."

Acquaintance with the poet.

Reading completely and conversation.

Explosion passing.

Russian folk fairy tale "Poy"

Reading and conversation.

Acquaintance with the genre of fairy tales.

Russian folk fairy tale "Havroshchka"

arr. Tolstoy A.

Reading and conversation.

Tale V.G. SUYEEVA "Under the mushroom"

Reading - before classes.

Theatricalization, conversation - in class.

Folklore (proverbs, sayings, riddles)

Acquaintance with genres, conversation.


1 proverbs and 1 riddles.

Migratory birds


I. Bunina.

"First snow"

Reading and conversation.

Exhausting passage

Wild animals

Russian folk fairy tale "Hare Baghovan"

Reading and conversation.

Working with a series of pictures to a fairy tale.



S.Ya. Marshaca


Acquaintance with the poet.

Reading and conversation.

Explosion passing.

Our city (regional component)

Tale S. Pisakov

"As a pop worker hired"

Acquaintance with the Northern Writer.

Reading a fairy tale adapted for children with SRR.



Fairy Tale of Andersen "Zadky Duckling"

Reading a fairy tale adapted for children from the CPR - before classes.


Second period


A week

Lexical theme


Form of work


S.A. Yesenin


Reading and conversation.

Explosion passing.

Specify genre features of the poem.

Clothes, Shoes, Headwear

N.Nosov's story

"Live Hat"

Acquaintance with the writer.

Reading, conversation.

Inventing the continuation and end of the story.
Acquaintance with the genre.

Story V. Dragunsky "Friend's friend"

Reading, conversation.

Specify the genre features of the story.

New Year

Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden"

Reading, conversation,

joint retelling.

Specify the genre features of the fairy tale.

Winter birds

Tale V.V. Bianks "Owl"

Reading, conversation,

joint retelling.

Animals of North

Fairy Tale P. Bazhova "Silver Kopytz"

Inventing the continuation of the fairy tale.

Animals of hot countries

Tale of R. Kipling "Elephant", Per. with ang. K. Chukovsky

Reading a fairy tale adapted for children with SPR (in reducing) and conversation.

Flat. House. Furniture.

Tale A. Lindgren

"Carlson who lives on the roof"

(first chapter)

Acquaintance with the hero.

Reading a fairy tale adapted for children with SPR (in reducing) and conversation.


Folklore (proverbs about labor, patterings, counting)

Acquaintance, conversation.


1 proverbs and 1 counting.


Story L.N. Tolstoy "Jump"

Acquaintance with the writer.

Reading and conversation.

Our army


E. Blaginina


Acquaintance with poetess.

Reading and conversation.



The story of V. Dragunsky "Top down, mailing"

Reading and conversation.


Third period


A week

Lexical theme


Form of work


Vier "Mother's Day",

per. with Mold Ya. Akima

Reading and conversation.



Reading and conversation.

Fasten knowledge about genre features of poem.


Russian folktale

"Winged, shaggy and oil"

Reading, conversation.

Fasten knowledge about genre features of the fairy tale.

Russian folktale

"Fox and pitcher"

Reading, conversation.



I. Belousova "Spring Guest"

Reading and conversation.


Cosmonautics Day

Poem of space and cosmonauts

Reading and conversation.

Story L. Tolstoy

Clarify knowledge about the writer and his work. Fasten knowledge about genre characteristics of the story.

Reading, conversation. Retelling.

Electrical devices

N. N. Nosova story


Clarify knowledge about the writer and his work.

Reading the story

(in reducing) and conversation.

Fairy tale V. Kataeva "Flower-seven-seventure"

Reading and conversation.

Inventing continuation of history.

Victory Day

Folklore (proverbs and sayings about the world and friendship, riddles)

Fasten knowledge about genre features of the proverb and riddles.

Acquaintance, conversation.


A.S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan ..."

Reading in reducing - before classes.

Conversation - in class.

Tale V. Dalya

"Old Man - Godovik"

Reading and conversation.

Final lesson on read. Work

Quiz, competition, contests (to choose).