The transfer is actually today's issue discussion. Sabina Pantus: biography, personal life, photo

The transfer is actually today's issue discussion. Sabina Pantus: biography, personal life, photo
The transfer is actually today's issue discussion. Sabina Pantus: biography, personal life, photo

Alexandra Rachel is perhaps the most famous television expert. Procession on the current show she began in the program "Big Wash". Since then, 17 years have passed - already the transfer has changed the name, and the presenter went to another channel. But Alexander is still willing to come to comment on this or that situation, history, problem. Unlike most guests in the studio, money for their comments Rashel never took. And even going to live in Israel, she flew to Moscow on shooting. But the next invitation ended with a grand scandal.


"The program" in fact "with Dmitry Shepelev prepared a release called" Ours in London, "said Alexandra site. - The main heroine was to become Marika Smirnov, to which I have a dirty compromising. With him I had to appear in Studios at Shepelev ".

"Editor Shamil took me a soul with calls, begged to be on the record, he persuaded a lot," said Sasha. "They say, come, we will pay everything. I really reluctantly agreed to it - after the plastic surgery did not really want to go from heat in the frost and Sugettords. But I went, as I felt very much later. For 80 thousand I bought a ticket to the business class of the flight Tel Aviv - Moscow. And at the airport, no one met me. "

"I come to shoot," Rashel continued. "There was placed in a small dressing room, where they kept for four hours without water and food. All this time, as I later learned, the editors died a marikue. And she, at the expense of transferring coming from England to Russia. , settling in a chic hotel, but realizing that she wants to put it on the whole country, refused to shoot. For the first time in the history of the Heroine program, she did not reach the broadcast. The scandal was wild! She rushed everyone! And he returned home, because her editors Just intimidated - very unprofessional worked. Although Mariper had to get about 400 thousand rubles. And since the main character did not come to the studio, then the shooting was canceled. "

"But the most interesting thing started later," Rachel said. "The Marika flew into England for the money of the first channel producers, and no one seems to be money for the arrival of Moscow. Editor Shamil simply stopped to communicate." The situation is extremely difficult, And I think how to get out of it, "he wrote to me. Six days passed. And this is more precisely what the program is paid to all participants, much less famous than me. I asked me to pay me only the passage. I'm in a wild anger from this Situations are just a blow under the breath! "

"Shepelev at the end of the transfer says:" There are enough lies today! "And the creators of the transmission themselves showed themselves false throughout! - Aleksandra was indignant. -" In fact, "this is completely setting and performing. There everyone is sucking from the finger. only viewers, but also, as I already told, guests and participants. I did not expect that the program's leadership will behave so much, especially since I myself made all the work for editors the program I myself. At my own expense called London, even with a deputy, Which sued Marika, personally communicated. "

Recall that the premiere of the program "in fact" took place in July 2017. In the studio arrange a full-time bid to people who were once close, but the lie broke their relationship. Diana Shurygin, Anna Kalashnikova, Ealina Mazur and many other public persons became heroes of the transfer.

Recent revolutionary changes on the first channel continue to remain the topic of hot discussions of specialists and the audience. Among the most controversial innovations of the 2017-2018 season are often referred to as Shepelev's transfer "in fact." Reviews of this TV project can be found in the press and social networks. Among them, there are both positive and exposure, including those made by the participants of the issues that have already entered the air.

Return of Dmitry Shepelev

The tragedy, which happened to Zhanna Friske, made people around her, above all relatives, the object of attention of the public. The yellow press was relentlessly watched her civil husband, who had long before the death of the singer went to rest along with their common son Plato. Moreover, the interest in Shepelev and to the parents Zhanna became even more closely after rumors appeared about the disappearance of a major amount of money collected by fans on her treatment.

The point in this business was put in June 2017, when Dmitry agreed to take a test on a lie detector. If you believe the results of this study, published during one of the last issues of the transfer of Andrei Malakhov "Let them say", the leader did not assign the Rusfund's money to himself and does not prevent Plato meetings with his mother's relatives.

"Actually": prehistory of creating

Perhaps it was the story with the test of Shepelev at the polygraph across the producers of the first channel for the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a separate project in which the heroes of scandalous stories will be able to prove their truth with the help of a lie detector. There is another version of the appearance of the transfer "in fact" with Shepelov (see the following). Some viewers believe that the idea originated for a long time, and Malakhov simply offered to make her peculiar scandalous announcement with the future leading as the main character. For this, the release of Dmitry invitations and his testing on the lie detector was invented. By the way, during this transfer, Malakhov voiced the information that the father of Jeanne Friske agreed to the same test, but it did not take place, since the man did not come for this time.


The transfer "in fact" with Shepelov, the reviews about which are very different, is a frank talk show. People come to him as heroes, the problematic relationships of which are not a secret to the public. The presenter acting as a moderator provides both parties to express its point of view. At the same time, the viewer has the opportunity to know whether heroes do not curse, as experts are followed by their answers, which comment on the results of the polygraph.

First edition

The debut transfer "in fact" with Shepelov, the reviews about which many Russian publications were published, was devoted to a relationship with a former civil wife. For 2 years, they are trying to divide the custody over their 9-year-old daughter Anna. In the spring of 2017, a court decision was made, according to which the girl will live with his father and see the mother only from time to time. However, the former civilian wife Panin did not leave attempts to become a sole guardian of the child. The purpose of this release of the transfer "in fact" with Shepelov, the reviews about which were quite different, was an attempt to reconcile the warring parents in the name of the benefit of their minor daughter.

Transmission about Danko family

The release of the transfer "In fact" with Shepelev (reviews are submitted below) with this singer was intended to help deal with the fact that His civilian wife Natalia changed him. Moreover, Danko has repeatedly told in the press and on television about the health problems of his younger daughter Agatha, and in the new program of the First Channel, he expressed doubt in his fatherhood. In order to make a point in this question once and forever, a DNA test was held. His result did not leave any doubts that the girl is Danko's daughter.


After some time, after the air of the Shepelev program "in fact" (see Further, see further), the singer made a statement in which he blamed her authors in deception. He said that he agreed to take part in the project only because he was promised to arrange a collection of funds for the treatment of agate. For the same reason, the Civilian wife of Danko came to the program, which was not easy to put himself as a woman who changes the partner to the right and left with some unknown foreigner millionaire. True, according to the singer, Natalia still paid some amount that allowed her to take Agatu on vacation and treatment in Anapa.

In such a difficult situation, Yana Poplavskaya was supported by Yana Poplavskaya. She published a post in social networks, in which he asked not to blame the singer and his spouse, as a couple in despair because of the child's illness. In addition, the actress raised the question of the inadmissibility of the game on the feelings of unfortunate parents and their frank deception by television drivers, calling these actions by meanness.

Program with Diana Shurygin

The story of this very young girl showed again how easy it is possible to become famous in the modern world. To do this, you do not need to make scientific discoveries, to win competitions or save people, it's enough to go to a party, get drunk and tell everyone on the first channel that you have become a victim of rape. It would seem that with shurgina, "glory", which Malakhov provided her (if you remember, TV star even visited her in the hospital). No! Shepelev and transmission producers decided to continue to piano a girl. Some viewers accused the program that it misinterpreting young people. The appearance of shurgina can strengthen the opinion that the easiest way to fame is a loud teleclusion.

Show "In fact" with Shepelov: Reviews

The overwhelming majority of those who leave their comments on the transmission are dissatisfied with what they are presented from the screen. Among the most frequent claims can be called:

  • choosing as heroes of those whose problems have already been discussed on a talk show on different TV channels;
  • large doubts that experts are real, and in the fact that they do not play their roles according to a pre-developed scenario;
  • the absence of any meaning is to "rinse someone else's underwear, since the situations of heroes are usually so different from those in which ordinary Russians can get that they cannot learn something on their experience.

In addition, initially the purpose of the transmission was announced as a way of reconciling close people. However, it immediately became clear that with this format of the current show, the conflict could only be deepened.

Some viewers even consider the transfer of Schepelev's revenge to colleagues on the workshop and media personnel. In their opinion, he, whom he was thickened thickened in the dirt on the days of a personal tragedy, decided to show that both other strokes in the cannon.

Many spectators do not like and the idea to make Shepelev leading. In their opinion, he lacks a light and he in every sense, including professional, inferior to the same Malakhov.

Positive reviews

Are there any audience who are glad to "actually" with Dmitry Shepelev? Reviews show that yes. However, as already mentioned, such a minority. First of all, this is a fan of Dima, who simply cannot but be a pretty and smart young man like Shepelev. In addition, many ladies cause his attitude towards her son, although there are evil tongues, claiming that the child would be interested in the leading much less if he did not belong to Zhanna's money.

At first glance, it becomes noticeable that among the positive reviews about the show "In fact" (Shepelev - presenter) there are a lot of frankly custom-made, aimed at supporting a new project. However, those who dealt with this type of Piara did not cope with their task, and their sweatings are rather negative effect.

Now you know what the program is "actually" with Shepelov. Reviews of the audience presented above may be subjective, so everyone decides himself, watching or not there is a new current show Channel. Perhaps you will like it. To understand this, you need to see the program.

Sabina Pantus, biography and personal life of which began to be interested after the appearance of the scandalously known transmission "in fact" with Dmitry Shepelev, where she performed as a polygraphologist, known as a certified personnel selection specialist, a successful coach and profiler. A woman is able to define the respondent's lie on such indirectly non-verbal signs as gestures and facial expressions, which allows it to be a brilliant connoisseur of human souls in the field of recruitment.

Polygraphology, as well as profiling, that is, the compilation of a psychological portrait of the subject is the activities of a professional psychologist using special equipment by definition on the basis of psychophysical indicators of various characteristics of the personality of the object under study. The polygraphist, given the various parameters of the emotional state of the checked, is capable of accuracy to 99%, whether the last truth says, or lies. Sabina is engaged in similar activities in the field of personnel selection as a certified specialist.

What is aware of her biography and personal life? Sabina Pantus was born in Baku, her year of her birth was 1982. For some time she lived in Novosibirsk, and since 2004 he moved to the capital. The girl is 35 years old, it has a bright appearance, her growth is 175 cm. Initially, she was a blonde with an asymmetric haircut, at present the woman preferred to radically change the image, reincarnated into the brunette. By the sign of the zodiac - fish.

Given the increased interest of the public to the biography of profileera, the personal life of Sabina Pantus, despite numerous photos on the network, remains under the veil of the mystery. It is only known that she has the sons of Nikita and Daniel twelve and seven years. As the profiler is recognized, it is always easy for her to guess whether children lie, or they say the truth. This professional habit, as a celebrity mentioned, often brings her many problems in his personal life.

From the biography of Sabina, Pantus is clear that the husband is also present in her life, but this topic, as a woman notes, not for public discussion. It does not like to spread about their family relationships.

As for the past celebrity, it is known that before it becomes like a public figure in the transfer "in fact," she managed to produce about three thousand printing inspections. As part of its activities, Sabina was engaged in screening in the field of primary recruiting, that is, when admission to the work of the staff. She was also an expert in conducting official investigations.

Private checks also served as part of its activities. In 2012, the woman became a teacher for detection of lies in the same school in which herself was trained. It is part of the Eurasian Polygraphic Association and is its member.

Sabina Radus: About Culture

The formation of Sabina Pantus, biography and personal life, which is under the sight of public interest, fully meets its special skills and knowledge. So, she passed professional preparation and raised the qualifications in the following areas:

  • in neuro-linguistic programming;
  • profiling;
  • psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

She was trained in various certified educational institutions, starting the business academy and the center of applied psychophysiology, and ending with the Moscow Humanitarian University and the International Academy of Lies.

It is also worth noting its achievements in the metropolitan center of neuro-linguistic programming, as well as a much more statical education in the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

All these regalia allow Sabine to be a successful leader in the Central Psychotechnology Research Bureau.

Among other things, a woman is a developer of a copyright computer polygraph under the trademark "Energy".

At the School of Detection of Lie named after V.V. Cowelle Coroba in 2011 received a certificate confirming its professional qualities and skills. You can get acquainted with him anyone.


In this light, Sabina found himself as a polygraph-profiler, as well as a business coach and personal coach. It helps leadership and evaluate staff on the necessary professional skills, takes part in building harmonious relations between subordinates and managers, contributes to the formation of a healthy environment and an atmosphere in the labor collective.

The girl is a polygraph-profiler in the program "In fact"

Composing the psychological portrait of the respondent, the profiler helps recruiters to decide on the necessary candidates. It is on it that lies the burden of determining the conformity of the profile of the post and personality, to her claiming.

Master classes and webinars Sabina holds regularly, including through the worldwide network. As a personal coach, a woman helps couples to determine psychological compatibility, and as a psychologist sends and adjusts the vector of family relations. Improving self-esteem in everyday and professional life is another topic of popular consultant trainings.

Fame on television

The biography of Sabina Pantus in Wikipedia has not yet been reflected, but with the release of the scandalous program "in fact" this annoying ability should be redeemed, because it is due to the appearance of a polygraphologist on central television, its scale as a specialist has increased many times and acquired universal recognition.

Sabina spoke in the TV show as a psychologist-profiler, which had all the necessary skills and knowledge to recognize lies and imaginary pretense not only in speech, that is, in verbal communication, but also in gestures and facial expressions of those present.

Despite the fact that such an idea is far from Nova on TV, the program received a lot of negative responses from angry and indignant television viewers, as the profiler was very skillfully exposed on the emotional and speech reactions of hot-friendly members of the participants who were invited to the Show's leadership.

It is impossible to deny that such an excitement around the profiler figure only went to her benefit, repeatedly enhancing the popularity of Sabina.

So, in one of the issues, Shalyapin and Kalashnikov were attended as participants. During the conversation with a polygraphist and answers to the questions I set out, it turned out that the publishes of the public are inclined not only to insincerity, but can also attract. These data are based exclusively on polygraph studies, which eliminates their inaccuracy.

On the set of the program "Double standards"

Resenting subscribers expressed Sabine their indignation, recommending her to temper the dust and be somewhat easier, to which the polygraphist objected to her inherent in confidence that she accepts any criticism and that any opinion had the right to exist.

Nevertheless, the response of the public was not one-sided: the profiler was supported by numerous fans. Many of them liked professionalism, excerpt, criticality and rectinence of a psychologist. The same opponents who unflatterly responded about the transfer, the woman answered very categorically: do not publish comments in its account, dearlying both the leadership of the TV show and his heroes.

Although Wikipedia is silent about the personal life of Sabina Pantus, it is necessary to believe that soon a polygraphist will have its own page in this worldwide encyclopedia, since, judging by the ratings of the show Dmitry Shepelev, the woman has significantly increased the popularity of transfer on central television. If we proceed from the same Wikipedia, the share of the show in the etheric space rose from 13.1 to 16.5%. Most likely, it was the participation in the transfer of the "scandalous" profiler. Plusted the interest of the audience to the program "In fact".

The name of Sabina The Pantus became known when the transmission was "actually" to the screens, where she is present as an expert. Pantus professional in his field, so it is not difficult to assess the participants of the program and state some facts from their lives.

It is not surprising that the viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of an expert show.

Biographical data

Sabina does not indicate his nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several children's years. Who is her parents and what they do, the polygraph is silent. For a while, the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having passed training at the International Academy of Lie Studies, as well as in Ano DPO Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During his work, the Pantus also engaged in its qualifications, thanks to which the certificates of such institutions as the Moscow Center for NLP and the American International Institute of Polygraphology were received.

Specialty of Sabina - a certified polygraph-profiler, that is, this is a high-class specialist who can easily draw up a psychological portrait of a person on non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, poses and conversation. It is currently working in the field of lies detection, as well as studying students of the International Center for Detection of Lies and Profiiling, as well as the School of Detection of Lie Korovin. The activities of Pantus are not limited to this: as a psychologist, it suits various trainings and webinars, helping those who want to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relations in the family. Becoming a media person, it is often invited to various programs and projects passing on different TV channels.

Participation in the show "In fact"

In 2017, the polygraphist took part in the show project "in fact" on the first channel, where Dmitry Shepelev became his leading. Sabina spoke in him as a permanent expert. Many famous people managed to visit this project: Star Show "Let them say" - Diana Shurygin, Prokhor Shalyapin, Danko, Alexey Panin, Pierre Narcissus and many others. During the program, the audience learned many family secrets of participants.

In the photo Sabina Pantus.

So, the lie detector confirmed that Panin goes to his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted the loyalty of the civil wife, made sure that she did not change him, and his daughter was born from him. But not always the participants arrange the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained to the fact that some issues are not correct and provoking.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides his personal life, however, the viewers want to learn about the mysterious blonde, whether she has her husband and children. According to some data on the network, it is engaged in the upbringing of two sons - Nikita and Daniel, which is 12 and 7 years old. According to the expert show "Let them say", its abilities do not always affect relationships with children, as she immediately sees, the truth they say or lgut.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with son

He does not tell the pantus about his romantic relationships, so she has a beloved - it remains only to guess. The psychologist admits that her unusual profession delivers inconvenience and in personal plan, since the "vision of a person through" sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page in Instagram, where 13.4 thousand subscribers are signed. Sabina publishes there its positive pictures, besides this, she has its own channel on which curious videos can be viewed.

Name: Sabina Pantus

Date of Birth: 26.07.1982

Age:36 years

Place of Birth: City Moscow, Russia

Activity: polygraphist, profiler, coach

Family status: Single

Polygraphology, coach and business coach Sabina Pantus became known after filming in the program "In fact". There, in conjunction with Dmitry Shepelev, she opens the curtain of secrets over the secrets of domestic celebrities. What is aware of the biography and personal life of Sabina Pantus, read in our article.

Biographical reference

Biographical reference about Sabine Pantus, available for Internet users, causes some doubts about their truthfulness. In the sources available for viewing, a different age of the girl is specified. Only some resources converge in the opinion that Sabina Pantus was born in 1982 to Baku. Separate sources indicate that it was born in the Baltic States. Sabina is rather unusual both name and surname. Pantus - the surname is atplicated for Russia, most likely foreign.

A girl does not look like Azerbaijan. Many are in her appearance something Estonian. According to individual sources, Sabina Pantus is still Russian by nationality, but it is possible that not purebred.

Recently, the girl radically changed the image - repainted in another color. The viewers are confident that Sabina began to look much younger.

The popularity of Sabine Pantus brought shooting in the program "In fact". It is known that before the girl received an invitation to take part in the co-host Dmitry Shepelev, she spent more than three thousand printing inspections.

In addition, she has the experience of the recruiter. The girl helped various companies to look for employees based on the requirements described by them. Sabina Pantus helped various organizations to conduct official investigations regarding their employees.


Separate attention in the biography of Sabina Pantus deserves its education (information about the personal life of the girl is looking for below). It is unknown, in which year Sabina received his first diploma. If she was born in 1982, then, most likely, the university she finished in the early 2000s.

Sabina Pantus has increased its qualifications in the following areas:

  • in neuro-linguistic programming;
  • profiling;
  • psychodiagnostics and polygraphology.

Sabina Pantouse Professional polygraphist

Among educational institutions, where Pantus received certificates confirming its qualification level, it is worth noting such as:

  1. Business security Academy.
  2. Center for applied psychophysiology.
  3. Moscow Humanitarian University.
  4. International Academy of Lies.
  5. Linguistic neuroprogramming center.
  6. American International Institute of Printing.

Certificates issued by famous institutions and universities helped Sabine find themselves as a polygraph profiler, as well as a business coach and personal coach.

Sabina at his workplace

Personal life of the famous polygraph

Personal life of the Sabina Polygraph of Sabina Pantus keeps the girlfriend itself in the strictest selection, as his own biography itself.

It is known that she has two sons. The older is 12 years old, the youngest - 7 years (separate sources indicate that the younger child of Sabina is 8 years old). Guys name Nikita and Daniel.

Sabina argues that her ability to "read" a person adversely affects relations with children. She always guess when the boys lie, and when they say the truth. Sons never manage to hide something from her. Sabina always removes them on clean water. Of course, it does not use the polygraph at home. It is enough to watch the verbal and non-verbal communication guys to make sure of their honesty or, on the contrary, in lies.

Sabina hides all his personal life

As for the presence of a husband or a young man in the life of Sabina Pantus, the girl is silent about it. It is not known whether she meets with someone. Perhaps once in the personal life of Sabina was a beloved person, the result of the relationship with which is the birth of children. It is possible that the boys have different fathers. The press could not recognize even hints on those men who could turn out to be fathers (father) Sons of Sabina Pantus.

Becoming a recognizable person, Sabina does not want to be in the center of the scandal and therefore prefers not to disclose facts from personal life. Seeing how the audience responds to the secrets of stars in the show "In fact," a polygraphist known on the Russian television is not in a hurry to reveal itself to the public.

The viewers of the TV show "In fact" are confident that romantic relationships develop between Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev. Famous TV presenters and a polygraphist have not yet confirmed these speculations.

What is aware of the professional activities of Sabina Pantus?

On the professional activities of Sabina Pantus in her biography, it is known much more than about the personal life of the girl and her husband. Sabina is the head of the Central Research Bureau of Psychothechnologies. In addition, she works as a teacher at the School of Printing Korovin.

The professional activity of Sabina Pantus is also known that it is a member of the European Association of Poligrafologov. Did not forget about the pantouse and in Russia. Here the surname of Sabina is entered into a single register of polygraphs.

With other experts on the shooting of the program "In fact"

Another girl offers consultation services based on the International Academy of Lie Research, where also works by the coach. Sabina has invested its knowledge in the field of printing and optimization of a polygraph released called Energy. For those who have to go through an interview using a polygraph, Pantus has released an effective training.

For those who want to normalize relations with the second half and find out whether his beloved person is suitable, Sabina Pantus conducts courses and master classes. She also leads webinars specializing in the formation of self-esteem to the desired level.

Since July 2017, Sabina Pantus has become the co-host Dmitry Shepelev in the show "In fact". The girl analyzes the behavior of the participants and gives them professional comments. Thanks to the participation of Sabina in the program, the viewers have the opportunity to find out whether their idol tells the truth. The polygraphist often criticizes those stars who are trying to hide any facts from personal life, for which those, in turn, are extremely negative.

Sabina Pantouse is a famous personality

Some viewers support their favorites who came to the show, and criticize the leading programs "in fact." Some believe that media personalities have to talk about intimate details from their biography and personal life. Naturally, the pressure on them, first of all, has Sabina Pantus, which skillfully reveals celebrity secrets.

Another part of the viewers, on the contrary, is very impressed with the work of Sabina. They believe that she is really a qualified specialist who helps restore the truth about the life of popular Russian stars. Some nice to realize the fact that the media people of Russian television are not such and ideal as they are presented in the press. After all, only on the show "In fact, they are revealed to truly.

Scandal around the program "In fact"

During the existence of the show "In fact, the audience had time to criticize him. Stay dissatisfied and participants. The characters of the Program believe that Dmitry Shepelev provokes them with his incorrect questions in order to get new facts about their lives. The last, subsequently becomes the scandalous property of the public.

Naturally, the discussion of the show "In fact" does not cost anyone without negative comments to Sabina Pantus, including the address of its biography and personal life.

TV viewers consider unjustified by the fact that Sabina is a secretive person who is not ready to frankly tell the journalists about his life. At the same time, she herself requires the heroes of the program "in fact" answers to intimate questions.

It is worth recalling that famous persons have already managed to comment on participation in the filming "actually" in a negative key. Media personality is convinced that questions are defined incorrectly. Dmitry Shepelev's task and Sabina Pantus - bring them out "on clean water", pulling out the dirty details of their personal life and biography.

In what relations are the Pantus and Shepelev

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev - Colleagues and co-host shows "in fact." TV viewers believe that relations between celebrities are something more than just cooperation under the same program. Sabine Pantus (see photo) is "good" discussion of its biography and personal life with reference to Dmitry Shepelev. The girl becomes more famous in the world of Russian television. It is possible that it will soon begin to invite it to other popular programs.

The audience noted that during the filming of the show "Who wants to become a millionaire" Dmitry specially called a colleague on "you". The girl decided to answer him "reciprocity". During filming, she tried as often as possible to touch Dmitry shoulder or hands.

Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev bind romantic relationships

In addition, Sabina Pantus responded to the scandalous case of Shepelev, associated with the Rusphone and the money of Zhanna Friske. The girl managed to write and publish a whole post addressed to his colleague. So, Sabina says that the accusations are undeserved. She believes that Dmitry is an extremely honest person who has nothing to do with Rusfond's money. He is a wonderful and loving father. She is sure that all charges are unfounded. And therefore, Dmitry is not to blame for anything.

TV viewers of the show "In fact" are confident that colleagues on the set - Sabina Pantus and Dmitry Shepelev - connects something more than solely work. Perhaps young people managed to make friends and began to normally communicate.

Shepelev's fans do not exclude the fact that romantic feelings are born between colleagues. Dmitry no one condemns. After the death of Zhanna Friske, a lot of time passed so that the man began to think about new relationships.

Material prepared by the site editorial site

Published 08.11.2017