Powership statements about love and joy. The most famous statement of paustovsky about Russian

Powership statements about love and joy. The most famous statement of paustovsky about Russian
Powership statements about love and joy. The most famous statement of paustovsky about Russian

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statements of Constantine Georgievich Powesta: "There is nothing in life in our mind, which could not be conveyed by the Russian word."

Overall-reasoning 1

The statement of K. G. Pouustovsky I understand so. No subject in the universe, for whom I would not have come up with the words of a person. With the help of the word, he called not only objects, but also any action and condition. Especially richly for the designation of the phenomena of the Russian word. I will give examples from the text.

To convey that the children felt close to each other felt, the author uses the conversational word "pumped" (Proposal 2).

And to determine the state of the poor mother, who took the most expensive, letters of the deceased son, in the proposal of 52, the writer uses gradation: "He died, died, died ..." This stylistic figure strengthens the semantic and emotional significance of the fact that the elderly woman felt.

Thus, I can conclude that the rights was K. G. Powesty, who argued that "... There is nothing like that in life and in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed by Russian Word.

Overall-reasoning 2

I can not disagree with the statement of K. Pouustovsky, who dedicated to our native language these lines: "There is nothing in life in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed by the Russian word." Indeed, the Russian language belongs to the number of the most developed and richest languages \u200b\u200bof the world. What is his wealth?

The wealth of any language is determined primarily by the richness of the dictionary. Famous Russian scientist V.I. Dahl included in the "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language" more than 200 thousand words. An important source of speech enrichment is synonymy. Our language is very rich in synonyms - words having a general meaning and differing additional shades or stylistic color. Synonyms attract a writer or speaking that they allow us to express thought with utmost accuracy. So, describing the feelings of Anna Fedotovna, the author uses the synonyms of "bitterness and insult" (Proposal No. 44), "the conversation was disturbed, surprised, offended" (proposal No. 33), which help the writer more fully and multifaceted reveal the mental state of their heroine.

The Russian language has both richest word educational opportunities. Methods for the education of words in Russian are very diverse. One of the most productive methods is a suffix. Take, for example, the word "Tanechka" from Proposition 1. It is formed using a diminutive-laquent suffix-shop, which helps the author to express sympathy for the heroine of his work.

Thus, the Russian word can not only call objects, phenomena and actions, but also to express feelings.

Step-by-step instructions for writing an essay.

Step 1. Get acquainted with the statement

Carefully read Saying about language. Comprehensive his. Highlight keywords.

Step 2. Determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement

Find out what properties of languageabout what language events There is a speech in the statement.

Exemplary Answers:

    about wealth, expressiveness, accuracy of Russian speech;

    on the means of expressing thoughts;

    on the role of epithets, metaphors, personification, comparisons, synonyms, antonyms, phraseologism, etc.;

    on the relationship of vocabulary and grammar;

    on the role of syntax in human communication;

    on the flexibility of the Russian punctuation system and the functions of punctuation signs, etc.

Step 3. We make entry

In the entry you need:

    express his attitude To her.












    refers to...

    stops on ...

    reveals content

    notes the importance




    believes that ...

For expressionof their relationship The following words can be used to the author's position.:



    i fully agree with ...

    forced to agree with ...

Remember that the introduction should consist of approximately of the 2-3 deals.

You can apply citation, eg:

K.G.Pautsky said: "There is nothing in life in our mind, which could not be conveyed by the Russian word." Indeed, the words are most accurate, clear and figuratively express the most difficult thoughts and feelings of people, all the variety of the surrounding world.

You can do I. without quoting, eg:

Language is one of the miracles with which people transmit the finest shades of thoughts. The great Russian writer K. Pouustovsky claimed that he could not only call the items, phenomena and actions, but also to express ideas, thoughts, feelings. I can not disagree with the opinion of the author.

The statement of K. G. Powestament I understand this: there is no subject in the universe, for whom I would not have invented the words of a person. With the help of the word, we call not only objects, but also any action and condition. Especially richly for the designation of the phenomena of the Russian word. I share the point of view of the Russian writer.

In the statement of K. G. Powesta, my attention attracted the idea that in rich Russian, you can find words to express the variety of the world and the inner world of a person.

Step 4. We write the main part

The main part can be started with the following words.

    We will look more closely to words in the text ... (call the name of the author of the text)

    Turn to the text of the Russian writer ... (Surname of the author of the text)

    We prove this idea on examples from the text ...

    We will try to reveal the meaning of the thesis on the examples taken from the text ...

Carefully read evaluation criteria Examples of arguments:

    examples there must be 2;

    examples should be from the specified text;

    leading example, you need not only call Language phenomenon, but also explain its value and specify a role in the text.

When designing examples, you can use the introductory words "first", "secondly", etc. Do not forget that they are separated comma.

Step 5. We write a conclusion.

In the final part of the essay is done output Of all the above. As a rule, in conclusion it is said about the same thing in joining, but in other words.

You can start the conclusion in the following words and phrases:

    In this way, ...

  • Hence, ...

    As a result, you can come to this conclusion: ...

    In conclusion, we can say that ...

    We are convinced that ...

    Summarizing said, ...

    It follows that...

For example:

Thus, the above examples confirm the thought of KG Poyustovsky that in Russian you can find the necessary words to express the most difficult thoughts and various shades of feelings.

Summing up this, I want to note that epithets play an important role in the artistic text: they contribute to a more complete, accurate, bright and shades of shades of thoughts, feelings and evaluations of the author of the text.

Overall plan:

2. Airguing:

a) argument-example number 1;

b) argument-example number 2.

Each part starts from a red row, toh there is in your essay should be minimum 3 paragraph.BUT better than 4.because The 2nd part can be divided into 2 paragraphs in accordance with the number of arguments of examples.

For the lack of paragraphs remove points.

Take care of love like a precious thing. Once it is bad to hurt with love and the subsequent will be needed with the withdrawal.
The richness of the association speaks of the wealth of the inner world of the writer.
In the true writer's vocation, there are absolutely no those qualities that cheap skeptics are attributed to him - neither the false pathos, nor a pompous consciousness of his exceptional role.

In any field of human knowledge is the abyss of poetry.
The fact that a drunken man becomes worse than the dirty cattle, no excuse for people.
Inspiration - as the first love, when the heart knocks on the premonition of amazing meetings, unimaginably beautiful eyes, smiles and shortcoming.
Inspiration is a strict working condition of a person.
Inspiration is included in us as a shining summer morning, just dropping the fogs of a quiet night, splashing with dew, with thickets of wet foliage. It gently breathes into the face of his healing cool.
The imagination, born of life, in turn receives a different power and over life.
The genius is so internally rich that any topic, any idea, the case or subject cause him an inexhaustible flow of associations.
I deeply love nature, the strength of the human spirit and a real human dream. And she never shrieks ... Never! The more you love her, the deeper they hide in the heart, the stronger it takes.
The voice of conscience and faith in the future do not allow a genuine writer to live on Earth, as a wastewater, and do not convey to people with the full generosity of all the huge variety of thoughts and feelings filling it.
The writer's case is to convey or, as they say, convey its associations to the reader and cause him similar associations.
The artist's work is to resist with all their forces, all his talent.
The artist's work is to give rise to joy.
If you take away the ability to dream of a person, one of the most powerful motivating reasons that born culture, art, science and the desire of the struggle in the name of an excellent future will disappear.
The idea, as well as lightning, arises in the consciousness of a person, saturated with thoughts, feelings and notes of memory. All this is accumulated, slowly, until it reaches the degree of voltage that requires an inevitable discharge. Then all this compressed and a few more chaotic world gives rise to zipper - the plan.
Knowledge of all adjacent areas of art - poetry, painting, architecture, sculptures and music - unusually enriches the inner world of prose and gives a special expressiveness of his prose. The latter is filled with light and paints of painting, capacity and freshness of words, characteristic of poetry, proportionately architecture, bulge and clarity of sculpture lines and rhythm and melodicity of music. All this is the added wealth of prose, as if its additional colors.
Knowledge is organically connected with human imagination. This paradoxical law can be expressed at first glance: the imagination force increases as knowledge grows.
Art creates good people, forms a human soul.
Every minute, every abandoned unstuck word and look, every deep or joking thought, every imperceptible movement of the human heart, as well as the flying fluff of the poplar or the fire of the stars in the night puddle, - all these are crooked gold dust.
Each person at least several times for his life, but survived the state of inspiration - spiritual lift, freshness, lively perception of reality, the completeness of the thought and consciousness of his creative power.
Who did not experience the excitement from the barely audible breath of the sleeping young woman, he will not understand what tenderness is.

We must be mastering the art of all times and all countries.
We, the writers, remove them with decades, these millions of grains, we collect unnoticed for ourselves, we turn our "golden rose" from this alloy - a story, a novel or poem from this alloy.
We need dreamers. It's time to get rid of mocking attitude to this word. Many still do not know how to dream, and maybe therefore they cannot be in advance with time.
Our criticism is used to hypertrophic - and good and bad.
Our creativity is intended to ensure that the beauty of the Earth, calling for the struggle for happiness, joy and freedom, the latitude of the human heart and the power of the mind prevailing over the darkness and sparkled as the easid sun.
We will not talk about love, because we still do not know what it is. It may be thick snow, falling all night, or winter streams, where the trout is splashing. Or it is laughter, and singing, and the smell of an old resin before dawn, when the candles do and the stars are pressed against the windows to glisten in the eyes. Who knows? Maybe these are men's tears about what the heart was ever expected: about tenderness, gentleman, incoherent whisper among forest nights. Maybe this is the return of childhood. Who knows?
Ignorance makes a person indifferent to the world, and the indifference grows slowly, but irreversibly, like a cancer tumor.
It is impossible to lose a sense of vocation. It is not replaced by a sober calculation, nor literary experience.
There is no wonderful thing in the world than the consent between loved ones, and nothing is terrible in dying love, - by anyone who is not deserved, inexplicable ...
There are no such sounds, paints, images of thoughts - complex and simple, - for which there would be no accurate expression in our language.
It is necessary to give freedom to its inner world, to open all the gateways for him and suddenly see with amazement that there are much more thoughts, feelings and poetic strength in your consciousness than you assumed.
One of the basics of writing is good memory.
Waiting for happy days is sometimes better than these very days.
The dazzling sun of the imagination lights up only from touching the ground. It can not burn in emptiness. It goes out in it.
The feeling of life as a continuous novelty is that the fertile soil on which the art blooms and matures.
Writers cannot surrender to non-unity and retreat before barriers. Whatever happens, they should continuously do their job, visiting them predecessors and trusted with contemporaries.
The writer who loved the perfection of classical architectural forms will not allow in its prose the heavy and clumsy composition. It will achieve the proportionality of the parts and the rigor of the verbal pattern. It will avoid the abundance of the prose of jewelry - the so-called ornamental style.
Writing is not a craft and not a lesson. Writing - calling.
Gusting to creativity can also fade, as it comes, if you leave it without food.
Poetry has one amazing property. She returns his original, virgin freshness. The most erased, until the end of the "reprimanded" words us, well who lost their figurative qualities for us, living only as a verbal shell, in poetry begin to sparkle, ring, fierce!
The poetic perception of life, everything around us - the greatest gift that we got from the pores of childhood. If a person does not lose this gift over long sober years, he is a poet or writer.

Nature will act on us with all its strength only when we enter into the feeling of its human principle, when our mental state, our love, our joy or sadness will come to full compliance with nature and can not be separated from the morning of the morning. Eye and measuring the noise of the forest from reflection about the lived life.
The rhythm of prose is never achieved by artificially. Rhythm prose depends on talent, from a sense of language, from a good "writing hearing." This good rumor to some extent comes with a hearing musical.
The strongest regret causes us excessive and no longer justified rapidity of time ... You do not have time to come to my senses, how the youth is already fade and dull eyes. Meanwhile, you have not yet seen the hundredth of the charm, what life scattered around.
The heart, imagination and mind - this is the environment where what we call the culture.
Consciousness remains unchanged in its essence, but causes vortices during operation, flows, cascades of new thoughts and images, sensations and words. Therefore, sometimes a person himself is surprised by what he wrote.
The spray and colorlessness of prose are often due to the Cold Writer's Cold Blood, a formidable sign of his death. But sometimes it's just an inability, indicating a lack of culture.
There is a kind of law of the impact of the writer's word on the reader. If the writer, working, does not see the words of what he writes about, then the reader will not see anything about them. But if the writer sees well what he writes about, then the most simple and sometimes even the structures acquire a novel, act on the reader with a stripping force and cause him those thoughts, feelings and states, which writer he wants to convey.
The creative process at most of the current acquires new qualities, becomes complicated and rich.
Only writers possessing the gift of improvisation can write without a prior plan.
He is not a writer who did not add to the vision of a person at least a little dormant.
The one who is deprived of the feeling of sadness is as pitiful as a person who does not know what is joy, or who lost the feeling of funny. Loss of at least one of these properties indicates irreparable spiritual limitations.
Love has thousands of aspects, and in each of them - their own light, their own sadness, their own happiness and their fragrance.
A person must be a smart, simple, fair, bold and kind. Only then he has the right to wear this high title - a person.
The more transparent air, the brighter the sunlight. The more transparent prose, the better her beauty and the stronger it responds in the human heart.

The statements of Konstantin Poist about the greatness of the Russian language.

We are given to possession of the richest, tidy, mighty and truly magical Russian language. -Constantin Powesty

In relation to each person to his language, it is possible to accurately judge not only about its cultural level, but also about civil value. True love for his country is not conceived without love for his language. Man indifferent to his language, savage. Its indifference to the language is explained by the complete indifference to the past and the future of its people. - Konstantin Powesty

The punctuation marks exist to highlight the thought, bring words to the right ratio and give the phrase ease and the correct sound. Ploban signs are like music signs. They hold the text firmly and do not give it to crumble. - Konstantin Powesty

True love for his country is unthinkable without love for her language. - Konstantin Powesty

Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as the precious stones emit a mysterious shine. - Konstantin Powesty

There is nothing disgusting than the indifference of a person to his country, her past, true and future, to her language, everyday life, to its forests and fields, to her settlements and people, whether they are geniuses or village shoemakers. - Konstantin Powesty
Not! A person can not live without his homeland, how can not live without a heart. - Konstantin Powesty

The Russian language opens to the end in his truly magical properties and wealth only to the one who blood loves and knows "to the bone" their people and feels the innermost charm of our Earth.
For everything that exists in nature, water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rains, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and herbs, - in Russian there is a great many good words and titles.
Konstantin Powesty
With the Russian language you can work wonders! - Konstantin Powesty

With Russian, you can work wonders. There is nothing in life in our consciousness, which could not be conveyed by the Russian word. The sound of music, spectral shine of the paints, the game of light, noise and shadow of the gardens, sleepiness of sleep, the grievous rumble, a children's whisper and the rustling of marine gravel. There are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts for which there would be no accurate expression in our language. -Constantin Powesty

The heart, imagination and mind - this is the environment where what we call the culture. -Constantin Powesty

Happiness is given only by knowing. - Konstantin Powesty
He is not a writer who did not add to the vision of a person at least a little dormant. - Konstantin Powesty

I am sure that for complete mastering by the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, it is necessary not only for permanent communication with simple Russian people, but communication with individuals and forests, waters, oldesta, with the casualties of birds and with each flower, What nods heads from under the bush of the slash. - Konstantin Powesty

Konstantin Georgievich Powetsky, born on May 19, 1892 in the city of Moscow. Soviet writer, prose. The author of books - "Kara-Bugaz", "The Fate of Charles Lonsievil", "Kolkhida", "Black Sea", "Constellation of Congues", "Northern Tale", "Golden Rose", and others died on July 14, 1968 in the city of Moscow .

Aphorisms, quotes, statements, phrases - Powesty Konstantin Georgievich.

  • In cancer, the future is behind.
  • The artist's work is to give rise to joy.
  • Genuine prose always has its own rhythm.
  • The more you know, the more interesting to live.
  • One of the basics of writing is good memory.
  • If people have a physique, then I have a physication.
  • And executioners believe that they are fighting for the blood interests of the people.
  • If the poet had dreamed that he had run out of money, it was to poems.
  • Writing is not a craft and not a lesson. Writing - calling.
  • In any field of human knowledge is the abyss of poetry.
  • Art creates good people, forms a human soul.
  • The richness of the Associations speaks of the wealth of the inner world of writers.
  • Waiting for happy days sometimes is much better than these very days.
  • We will not talk about love, because we still do not know what it is.
  • Our criticism is used to hypertrophic - and good and bad.
  • Gusting to creativity can also be easy to fade, as it originated, if you leave it without food.
  • We are given to possession of the richest, tidy, mighty and truly magical Russian language.
  • The famous writer is the one who is printed and weak things. The famous is the one who is praised.
  • Genius is always afraid that he is partly grafoman, Graphoman never doubts that he is a genius.
  • Only writers possessing the gift of improvisation can write without a prior plan.
  • Love has thousands of aspects, and in each of them - their own light, their own sadness, their own happiness and their fragrance.
  • Expired - this is also the property of talent. Some writers should be photographed not from the face, but with the task.
  • Ignorance makes a person indifferent to the world, and the indifference grows slowly, but irreversibly, like a cancer tumor.
  • Always write only by hand. The machine is a witness, and the writer's work is an intimate matter. It requires complete loneliness.
  • Think that your scriptures can change the best life, of course, naively, but it is impossible to write without faith too.
  • There are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts - complex and simple, - for which there would be no accurate expression in our language.
  • A person must be a smart, simple, fair, bold and kind. Only then he has the right to wear this high title - a person.
  • In relation to each person, it is possible to completely judge by their language not only about its cultural level, but also about his civil value.
  • There are no great and small affairs, if a person is striving to the great and fair, because in this case, all the cases have great weight and consequences.
  • In my opinion, the main thing is not to forget the banal truth that you are the same as others, and therefore try not to cause people from what you woof would be.
  • If you take away the ability to dream of a person, one of the most powerful motivating reasons that born culture, art, science and the desire of the struggle in the name of an excellent future will disappear.
  • The one who is deprived of the feeling of sadness is as pitiful as a person who does not know what is joy, or who lost the feeling of funny. Loss of at least one of these properties indicates irreparable spiritual limitations.
  • I do not exchange the average Russia for the most famous and stunning beauty of the globe. All the elegance of the Neapolitan Gulf with its feast feast, I will give for the wet from the rain of a junk bush on the sandy shore of the Oka or for a winding sponge of Tarusk - on her modest shores I am often often and for a long time.

Famous Russian, and then the Soviet writer Paustovsky to most audiences sign by their magnificent works of small forms, like a story and a story, about nature. Moreover, he specialized mostly in the children's audience. However, not everyone knows other important faces of the life of this wonderful person. In addition, some sayings KG are quite interesting. Paustovsky. We will make a certain accent on them, as well as consider his writing career.

short biography

Writer was born in 1892 in Moscow. As his father was a man creative and a dreamy family traveled a lot. Kiev became a stop point for quite a long time for the future writer. Since 1911, a student of Kiev University, then in 1913 translated into Moscow, to the legal. The first world did not allow the future writer to become a lawyer.

At about this time, his writer career begins. Fate throws around cities and weighs, but Returns it to Moscow. Again throws it to Ukraine, then the Caucasus, Batumi, Sukhumi, Baku, Yerevan. In 1923, he returns to Moscow, in 1928 - the first collection of stories. In 1932, he finally becomes a writer from a professional point of view after a significant event: his story "Kara-Bugaz" is published. It can be said, she became a turning point in writing career.

War and constant connectors, as a result, the writer crossed the union along and across. In the 50s comes worldwide fame, he gets the opportunity to travel abroad. In 1965, nominated to the Nobel Prize, but she got Sholokhov. A writer died in 1968, leaving many excellent works and aphorisms. For example, the most famous statement of the paustovsky about Russian: "True love for his country is unthinkable without love for his language," reflects his love for Russia.

Unusual creative way

The very wonderful fact of his career can be called the journalist Jubinsky, who saw that the writer at the time of the abutment patch of Joseph Vissarionovich did not write a word about the great leader. But the statement of the paustovsky about Russian: "In relation to each person, it is possible to completely judge the language not only about its cultural level, but also about his civil value," speaks of a true civil position. Despite the rather principal position in relation to power, the writer never was in the camps, but on the contrary, was overwritten by many state awards.

Analysis of the statement

In fact, the writer left a fairly large number of aphorisms. Consider the reasoning for the statement of K. Powesta: "He is not a writer who did not add to the vision of a person at least a little dormant." The depth of thought is revealed if a person at least thought about writing. Indeed, many people are trying to reveal this talent by placing letters in a certain sequence. But if you look honestly on this activity, it becomes obvious that it should not even be taken for the pen if there is no desire to reveal the reader of the eye for consideration, add its vision to the reader.

About Russian

So, what are the statements about Russian? About two we have already mentioned. However, there is another very important statement of the paustovsky about Russian. "There are no such sounds, paints, images and thoughts - complex and simple, - for which there would be no accurate expression in our language." Indeed, the writer heard the great conversant of the Russian language, denied to his audience the importance of the knowledge and use of all the enormous opportunities of the Great and Mighty. Therefore, the subsequent generations should be heard to simple, but capacious aphorisms of Powest.


So, we considered in the article about Russian. The paustovsky himself never positioned himself as a Russian teacher, however, if we look more attentively, you will find that the most important part of the creative heritage is devoted to love for him. Since this is not only a tool for expressing a writer, this is also one of the most important ways to transfer cultural heritage. Using only it, a talented writer can reveal the eyes of whole generations on the wrongness existing in society. Move people to change the status quo and make the world a little better.

Thus, the most famous statement of the paustovsky about Russian, considered in the biographical section of the article, reflects not only his strong civil position, but also tells us about the huge talent and persistence of the writer, in the difficult times of preserving the devotion not the strong world of this, and the values \u200b\u200bof all time , genuine art.