Patriarch Kirill: "I saw a unique school. Patriarch Kirill visited Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium

Patriarch Kirill:
Patriarch Kirill: "I saw a unique school. Patriarch Kirill visited Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, accompanied by the Governor of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, Wattsky and Slobodsky Metropolis, head of the administrative secretariat of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Archbishop of Solnechnogorsk Sergius, Head of the Kirov region Igor Vladimirovich Vasilyeva, Director of the Gymnasium Elena Nikolaevna Moshkin and the Cub Gymnasium Archpriest Sergius Gomayunov on June 6 also visited the Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium in the name of the St. Trifon Vyatsky.

The current gymnasium is located in the buildings of the women's gymnasium, which was founded in 1864, and a month later, Mary Alexandrovna, was adopted under the patronage of Empress and began to wear the name of the Vyatka Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium.

Today, the Vyatskaya Orthodox gymnasium in the name of the St. Trifon Vyatsky, formed in 1998, is a unique educational institution. It is a municipal educational institution, in which the title "Orthodox gymnasium" is enshrined. In Russia, schools that have such status have less than a dozen. And among them, HSV is the largest: in 2016 the academic year, more than 560 students sat down for the parties.

The His Holiness Patriarch talked with the gymnasists, including with students of the ninth classes, which the state exam in mathematics was passed on this day.

- For you it is very important to master knowledge: they are needed in life, it is difficult to decide on the profession without them. But the most important thing is that a person does happy, it is not an education. The most important thing is kindness. A kindness in the heart makes a man happy. You can have a gold medal after graduation and two red diplomas, but if in the heart of anger and aggression, then there will never be real love and kindness around you. Good is the key to our happiness. I wish all you were kind and educated, but also capable of meeting with life difficulties, "said His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, referring to students.

Patriarch Kirill also visited the house church of the Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium - the church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine at the gymnasium. Returning in 2011 of the Vyatka diocese of the House Church of the Vyatka Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium (in the building of which the current Orthodox gymnasium is located) in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine became the most important event of recent years and it became possible thanks to the help of regional and urban power.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Churchnoted the importance of state support for the educational institution.

- Here I see a wonderful symbiosis - this is a state structure with state registration and at the same time - the Orthodox gymnasium. You have resumed what was here in the XIX century, when a gymnasium education was the highest level. And now there is everything for the same quality of education: the spirit of the gymnasium, and the beautiful house temple, and qualified teachers.

In the house temple of the Holy Great Martyr Cyril, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill blessed teachers and students of the gymnasium and in memory of his stay presented to the Educational Institution of the icon of Christ the Savior, and the Holy Vladyka asked students to convey the icons of Rev. Sergius Radonezh with Patriarch blessing.

About Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium

An in-depth study of the Russian language and objects of Orthodox culture is enshrined in the educational program of the Russian Federation, the law of God, the Church Slavonic language, the foundations of the ancient Greek and Latin. Special attention is paid to the study of history, literature.

Today, the gymnasium is one of the leading schools of the city and the region. This is evidenced by the results of examinations, participation and victories of students on subject Olympiads, including the All-Russian level, speeches at the student conferences, including international ones. The life of the gymnasium includes the work of numerous creative teams, sports and military-patriotic events, pilgrimage trips, holidays.

According to the results of the past academic year, Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium is among the 500 best schools in Russia. The gymnasium is a methodological base of the city information and methodological center for the management of the formation of the administration of Kirov on the Orthodox pedagogy. On the basis of Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium, training seminars for teachers from Orthodox schools of the Volga Federal District are held.

According to the press center of the Government of the Kirov region
Photos from the official website of the Moscow Patriarchate,
government site of the Kirov region,
press center of Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium

On June 6, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill visited the Vyatskaya Orthodox gymnasium named after the St. Tiffon Vyatsky. Information reported in the Government of the Kirov region.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church was accompanied by the head of the Kirov region Igor Vasilyev. Guests talked with gymnasists - graduates of grade 11.

It is now very important to master knowledge: they are necessary in life, without them it is difficult to decide on the profession, to arrange your life. But the most important thing is that a person does happy, it is not an education. The most important thing is kindness. A kindness in the heart makes a man happy, "said Patriarch, turning to graduates.

Also, Patriarch Kirill visited the house church of the Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium - the church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine at the gymnasium. Returning in 2011 of the Vyatka diocese of the House Church of the Vyatka Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium In the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, thanks to the help of regional and urban power. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church noted the importance of state support for the educational institution.

Here I see a wonderful symbiosis - this is a state structure with state registration and at the same time - the Orthodox gymnasium. You resumed what was here in the 19th century, when a gymnasium education was the highest level. And now there is everything for the same quality of education: the spirit of the gymnasium and the perfect house temple itself, and qualified teachers, - Patriarch added.

He wished the gymnasians and teachers of success in their activities and presented the image of Christ the Savior in the gymnasium in memory of his stay in the gymnasium.

Recall that Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium in the name of the St. Trifon Vyatsky, formed in 1998. It is a municipal educational institution, in which the title "Orthodox gymnasium" is enshrined. In Russia, schools that have such status have less than a dozen. And among them, Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium is the largest: in the 2016 school year, more than 560 students sat down for the parties.

His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill visited the Assumption Trifonov Men's Monastery of Kirov - one of the most ancient monastery of the Vyatka Territory.

Holy Lord accompanied: temporarily acting governor of the Kirov region I.V. Vasiliev, managing the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga Vysonofius, Metropolitan Vyatsky and Slobodskaya Mark, Head of the Administrative Secretariat of the Moscow Patriarchate Archbishop Solnechnogorsky Sergius, head of the press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, the priest Alexander Volkov.

In the Assumption Cathedral, the monastery, which is the oldest of the preserved Vyati stone temples and the Cathedral of the Vyatka Diocese, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church bowed to the honest relics of the St. Tiffon of Vyatsky.

Holy Lord welcomed the Metropolitan of Vyatsky Mark.

The head of the Russian Church appealed to the gathered in the temple with the word and transferred to the gift of the Cathedral of the icon of the Holy Trinity as a gift, and for the churches of the Diocese - the Natural Gospel. Believers were distributed icons of the Holy Trinity with the Patriarch blessing.

Then His Holiness Patriarch Kirill visited the diocesant management of the Vyatka Diocese and Vyatskoy Spiritual School on the territory of the monastery.

Gymnasium named after the St. Trifon Vyatsky was formed in 1998; is a municipal educational institution, in which the title "Orthodox gymnasium" is enshrined; It is one of the leading schools of the city and the region. The Orthodox gymnasium serves as a methodological basis for the city information and methodological center for the management of the formation of the administration of Kirov in the Orthodox pedagogy.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church was accompanied by the director of the gymnasium E.N. Moshkin and the confessor of the gymnasium of Archpriest Sergius Gomayunov.

His Holiness Patriarch examined the classes and talked with students, including the 9th grade students who had passed the state exam on this day.

In the houses of the Holy Martyr Catherine, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill blessed teachers and students of the gymnasium and in memory of the visiting handed over to the educational institution of the icon of Christ the Savior.

In June 1580, King Ivan Grozny gave the reverend Trifon Vyatsky diploma for the construction of the monastery and took the land of the old city cemetery with two dilapidated churches for her. Rich donations and income from land allowed the reverend Trifon to build four temples in the monastery - Blagoveshchensky, Uspensky, John Forestac and Nicolsky. Of these, the Assumption Cathedral, who had six tents differed in particular beauty. Historians suggest that his idea was borrowed from the Cathedral of Vasily Blessed in Moscow, where he repeatedly visited the reverend. In addition to the temples in the monastery, 14 keys for monks, the bell tower, housing construction were built in the monastery for the monasters, the bells, the cook with bread and quasovarny. On the perimeter, the monastery was observed by a wooden fence, which had two entrances from the northern side, one of which was called holy gates. On the east of the Assumption Cathedral stood a wooden chapel over the key. Behind the monastery walls there were stable and livestock yards.

In 1689, a stone Assumption Cathedral was erected on the site of the wooden church. In 1690, the relics of the PSP were solemnly postponed there. Trifon.

September 8 (21) September 1918 by order of the Soviet government Assumption male trifons monastery was liquidated. In the walls of the monastery, the hospital, a warehouse of seized church values, a Soviet party school; Monastery bells were given to the smelting.

In 1988, more than 12 thousand signatures were collected in support of the opening of the cathedral. In April 1989, the Assumption Cathedral was transferred to the diocese of free use. In August 1991, a decree was signed on the transfer of the entire ensemble of the Assumption Trifonov Monastery to the Kirov Diocesan Management. Soon after, the Assumption Cathedral was consecrated, which became a cathedral temple, and after another month, September 25, 1991, the Holy Synod blessed the opening of the Assumption Trifon of the Male Monastery in the city of Kirov.

After the transmission of the monastery ensemble, the gate of the Vyatka diocese was renovated by the chambers of the abbot and the fraternal corps, the bell tower was restored, a pendant chapel was cut.

Press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia


During his visit to Vyatka Metropolitan, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, headed the celebrations of the All-Russian Great Handling, and also visited the Assumption Cathedral of the Holy Tronon of the Male Monastery in Kirov.

Also, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, accompanied by the head of the Kirov region, Igor Vasilyeva visited today in the Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium named after the St. Trifon Vyatsky.

The current gymnasium is located in the buildings of the women's gymnasium, which was founded in 1864, and a month later, Mary Alexandrovna, was adopted under the patronage of Empress and began to wear the name of the Vyatka Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium.

Today, Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium in the name of the PRP. Vyatsky trifon, formed in 1998, is a unique educational institution. It is a municipal educational institution, in which the title "Orthodox gymnasium" is enshrined. In Russia, schools that have such status have less than a dozen. And among them, HSV is the largest: in 2016 the academic year, more than 560 students sat down for the parties.

His Holiness Patriarch talked with gymnasists - graduates of graders 11, which currently surrender unified state exams. The results of the first exam are already known - in English: three graduates who passed this exam, they received high points corresponding to the "five".

- For you it is very important to master knowledge: they are needed in life, it is difficult to decide on the profession without them. But the most important thing is that a person does happy, it is not an education. The most important thing is kindness. A kindness in the heart makes a man happy. You can have a gold medal after graduation and two red diplomas, but if in the heart of anger and aggression, then there will never be real love and kindness around you. Good is the key to our happiness. I wish all you were kind and educated, but also capable of meeting with life difficulties, "said Patriarch, turning to graduates.

Patriarch Kirill also visited the house church of the Vyatka Orthodox Gymnasium - the church of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine at the gymnasium. Returning in 2011 of the Vyatka diocese of the House Church of the Vyatka Mariinsky Women's Gymnasium (in the building of which the current Orthodox gymnasium is located) in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine became the most important event of recent years and it became possible thanks to the help of regional and urban power.

The head of the ROC noted the importance of state support for the educational institution.

- Here I see a wonderful symbiosis - this is a state structure with state registration and at the same time - the Orthodox gymnasium. You resumed what was here in the 19th century, when a gymnasium education was the highest level. And now there is everything for the same quality of education: the spirit of the gymnasium and the perfect house temple, and qualified teachers.

Patriarch wished the gymnasists and teachers of success in their activities and presented the image of Christ the Savior in the gymnasium in memory of his stay in the gymnasium.

REFERENCE. An in-depth study of the Russian language and objects of Orthodox culture is enshrined in the educational program of the Russian Federation, the law of God, the Church Slavonic language, the foundations of the ancient Greek and Latin. Special attention is paid to the study of history, literature.

Today, the gymnasium is one of the leading schools of the city and the region. This is evidenced by the results of examinations, participation and victories of students on subject Olympiads, including the All-Russian level, speeches at the student conferences, including international ones. The life of the gymnasium includes the work of numerous creative teams, sports and military-patriotic events, pilgrimage trips, holidays.

According to the results of the past academic year, Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium is among the 500 best schools in Russia. The gymnasium is a methodological base of the city information and methodological center for the management of the formation of the administration of Kirov on the Orthodox pedagogy. On the basis of Vyatka Orthodox gymnasium, training seminars for teachers from Orthodox schools of the Volga Federal District are held.

His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill visited the Assumption Trifonov Men's Monastery of Kirov - one of the most ancient monastery of the Vyatka Territory.

Holy Lord accompanied: temporarily acting governor of the Kirov region I.V. Vasiliev, managing the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, Head of the Administrative Secretariat of the Moscow Patriarchate, Head.

In the Assumption Cathedral, the monastery, which is the oldest of the preserved Vyati stone temples and the Cathedral of the Vyatka Diocese, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church bowed to the honest relics of the St. Tiffon of Vyatsky.

Holy Lord welcomed the Metropolitan of Vyatsky Mark.

The charter of the Russian Church to the congratulated in the temple with the word and transferred to the gift of the Cathedral of the Icon of the Holy Trinity, and for the churches of the Diocese - the Pressulous Gospel. Believers were distributed icons of the Holy Trinity with the Patriarch blessing.

Then His Holiness Patriarch Kirill visited the diocesant management of the Vyatka Diocese and Vyatskoy Spiritual School on the territory of the monastery.

Gymnasium named after the St. Trifon Vyatsky was formed in 1998; is a municipal educational institution, in which the title "Orthodox gymnasium" is enshrined; It is one of the leading schools of the city and the region. The Orthodox gymnasium serves as a methodological basis for the city information and methodological center for the management of the formation of the administration of Kirov in the Orthodox pedagogy.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church was accompanied by the director of the gymnasium E.N. Moshkin and the confessor of the gymnasium of Archpriest Sergius Gomayunov.

His Holiness Patriarch examined the classes and talked with students, including the 9th grade students who had passed the state exam on this day.

In the houses of the Holy Martyr Catherine, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill blessed teachers and students of the gymnasium and in memory of the visiting handed over to the educational institution of the icon of Christ the Savior.

In June 1580, King Ivan Grozny gave the reverend Trifon Vyatsky diploma for the construction of the monastery and took the land of the old city cemetery with two dilapidated churches for her. Rich donations and income from land allowed the reverend Trifon to build four temples in the monastery - Blagoveshchensky, Uspensky, John Forestac and Nicolsky. Of these, the Assumption Cathedral, who had six tents differed in particular beauty. Historians suggest that his idea was borrowed from the Cathedral of Vasily Blessed in Moscow, where he repeatedly visited the reverend. In addition to the temples in the monastery, 14 keys for monks, the bell tower, housing construction were built in the monastery for the monasters, the bells, the cook with bread and quasovarny. On the perimeter, the monastery was observed by a wooden fence, which had two entrances from the northern side, one of which was called holy gates. On the east of the Assumption Cathedral stood a wooden chapel over the key. Behind the monastery walls there were stable and livestock yards.

In 1689, a stone Assumption Cathedral was erected on the site of the wooden church. In 1690, the relics of the PSP were solemnly postponed there. Trifon.

September 8 (21) September 1918 by order of the Soviet government Assumption male trifons monastery was liquidated. In the walls of the monastery, the hospital, a warehouse of seized church values, a Soviet party school; Monastery bells were given to the smelting.

In 1988, more than 12 thousand signatures were collected in support of the opening of the cathedral. In April 1989, the Assumption Cathedral was transferred to the diocese of free use. In August 1991, a decree was signed on the transfer of the entire ensemble of the Assumption Trifonov Monastery to the Kirov Diocesan Management. Soon after, the Assumption Cathedral was consecrated, which became a cathedral temple, and after another month, September 25, 1991, the Holy Synod blessed the opening of the Assumption Trifon of the Male Monastery in the city of Kirov.

After the transmission of the monastery ensemble, the gate of the Vyatka diocese was renovated by the chambers of the abbot and the fraternal corps, the bell tower was restored, a pendant chapel was cut.

Press service of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia