Parallel life position. Plutarch

Parallel life position. Plutarch
Parallel life position. Plutarch

Plutarch (approx. 45 - approx. 127) - an ancient Greek writer and historian. Everyone written to them can be divided into two groups: "moral essays" ("moralia") and "comparative lives". "Comparative lives" represent biographies of outstanding Greeks and Romans, combined into pairs, and such people are united, in fate or whose characters there is, the opinion of Plutarch, similarity. Until our time, 46 paired biographies have reached, as well as 4 biographies, couples to which are lost. In the introduction to the biography of Alexander Macedonsky, he definitely determines its tasks: "We write no story, but a virtue of virtue or vanity in the most glorious deeds, but often some insignificant deed or a joke better detect the character of a person than Battle ... Just like the artist, a little paying attention to the rest of the body, achieves similarity due to the exact image of the face and expressions of the eyes, in which the character of a person is manifested, and let it be allowed to deepen in the study of signs reflecting the soul of a person and on the basis of This is every biography, providing others to chant the great cases and battles "(Plutarch, Alexander I).

I. In general, none of the stories about Likurg's legislator do not deserve complete trust. About his origin, travel, death, finally, about his laws and political activities there are dismeretting readings; But in particular, there is little similarity in the stories about the time of his life.

Some consider it a contemporary of Iphita, who accepted together with the last participation in establishing a truce during the Olympic Games, is the opinion divided by and philosopher Aristotle, who refers to the inscription on the disk in Olympia, where the name of Likurg is mentioned. Others, adhering to the chronological calculations of the lists of the ancient Spartan kings, for example, Eratosthen and Apollodor, they say that he lived shortly before the first Olympiad. Time takes two likings who lived in Sparta at different times - one of them is attributed to what was made by both. The eldest of them was almost a contemporary of Homer, or, according to some, he also knew Homer personally. By an ancient times, his life and xenophon refer, calling him several times with a modern geraklid. But, probably, under the "Geraklida" he understood the oldest kings, the nearest relatives of Hercules, since "Heraklida" was called the later Spartan kings.

In view of the records of historians's testimony, we will try to describe Likurg's life on the basis of those data that is least contrary to each other, and stories of persons who deserve complete confidence ...

II. From his ancestors, the most famous was Soy, to the reign of which the Spartans told Ilotov to slavery and attached to their possessions a significant part of Arcadia. They say, Soy, surrounded by the clutters in uncomfortable for battle and anhydrous terrain once, offered them to conclude the world and return the land conquered with them, if they allow him to get drunk from the nearest source all of his army. The world was concluded under the oath. Then he collected the army and promised to give the throne to someone who would not drink. But no one could overcome himself, all quenched thirst, only one king, descending down in the eyes of everyone, only splashed on them with water in the presence of enemies. He retreated, but did not return the earth conquered by him, referring to the fact that "not all drank."

Despite all respect for him for his feats, his genus was not called his name, and EurgriDids, named His Son, - probably, Eurripont, joining the people, wanting to acquire the love of Cherni, he came out part of his unlimited monarch. As a result of these posts, the people raised their heads. The following, then the kings were either hated by the people for their rigor to him, or became the subject of ridicule for their fasciance and weakness, so in Sparta, the invincible and the troubles, the victims of whom the king fell and the king, the Father of Likurga. Wanting to split the fight, he was wounded with a kitchen knife and died, leaving the throne to his older son, a halfd.

III. When Paul died, everyone considered the legal heir to the throne of Likurg, and indeed, he ruled the state until he was told that his daughter-in-law is pregnant. Having learned about this, he announced that if the newborn would be a boy, he will give the throne to him, personally will lead to the state as a guardian ...

Likurg reigned for only eight months, but managed to earn deep respect for his fellow citizens. He obeyed not only one by one that he was a royal guardian and had a supreme power in his hands, most of them would have performed his orders, heard him, from respect for his moral qualities. But he had envious.

V. ... Of the many transformations introduced by the Likurg, the first I was the most important institution of the Council of Elders (Georusia), which, holding back in the well-known borders of the royal power and at the same time using the same with her votes in solving the most important issues, served , in terms of the expression of Plato, and anchor of salvation, and delivered the inner world to the state. Until now, it has not had a durable soil, - that the power of the king, which turned into despotism, was the power of the people in the form of democracy. The power of elders (gerons) was presented in the middle and, as it were, balanced them, ensuring full order and its strength. Twenty-eight elders were ascending the king in all those cases when he should have resulted in democratic aspirations. On the other hand, if necessary, they supported the people in his struggle with despotism. According to Aristotle, the number of elders was because of the previous thirty accomplices of Likurg 2 refused to participate in his enterprise from fear. It is, on the contrary, says that the number of licking accomplices was the same that first, it may be, because the number is even, obtained from the multiplication of seven to four, and just like six, equal to the sum of their divisors. At my opinion, the elders were so much so that together with the kings there were generally thirty people.

Vi. Likurga considered this institution as important that he sent an oracle about him to Delphi and received the following answer from him, the so-called retro: "Last church of Zeus-Gellane and Athena-Gellania, we divide the people to Fili and Fili, regarding the Council of Thirty Members, Together with the leaders, and let the people going between Bubic and Knakion from time to time. To offer laws and collect voices you should, the final decision should belong to the people "... Aristotle says that Knakion is a river, Babika - Bridge. Between the two points, folk assembly occurred in Sparta. Neither the portico, nor other building there was: according to Likurga, it not only did not do those present smarter, but even harmed them, giving them a reason to chat, boast and entertained with trivia when they will be admired by statues during the National Assembly Pictures, theater porticels or luxuriously decorated with council building ceiling. In the people's assembly, no one had the right to express his opinion. The people could only take or reject the precepts of gerons and kings. Subsequently, when the people began to distort, pervert proposals made on his discussion, reducing or complementing them, the kings of Polydor and the theopome in the former retro did the following increase: "If the people decide badly, kings and elders leave", in other words, they should not To approve his decisions, but in general dissolve the meeting, declare closed, as it brought harm, distorting and perhaps their suggestions. They even managed to convince citizens that he ordered the oracle ...

VII. Despite the fact that Likurg has not transferred state power into one hand, the oligarchy in its pure form still continued to declare himself, so his successors, noting that she breaks the limit of the possible and becomes unbearable, established for curbing it, as Plato is expressed, position Efors. The first effects, with the Tsar Teopompe, were Elat and his comrades, which took place about a hundred thirty years after Likurg. They say that the theopompa's wife reproached him for transfers to children a smaller power than he got himself. "Yes, smaller," the king answered, - but more durable "...

VIII. The second of the transformations of Likurg, and the strongest of them was dividing the lands. The state inequality was terrible: the mass of the beggars and the poor threatened the country's danger, meanwhile as wealth was in the hands of a few ... He convinced the fellow citizens to abandon the ownership of the land in favor of the state, to make her new section and live all on equal terms, so that no one It was not higher than the other, - giving the palm of the championship with one moral qualities. Inequality, the difference of one of the other should be expressed only in the censure for the bad and praise for good. By approving its plan, he divided the entire loan for thirty thousand land plots for residents of the surroundings of Sparta, Periekov, and nine thousand - the district of Sparta itself: so much was the Spartans who received land. Some say that Likurg highlighted only six thousand sites and that three thousand were added later ... Each site could give annually seventy barley medimans for a man and twelve - for a woman, in addition, a certain amount of wine and oil, which, according to Likurga It was enough to live, do not pain, in good health, and not needing anything else ...

IX. In order to finally destroy any inequality and disproportion, he wanted to divide the movable property, but seeing that the owner would hardly lose his property directly, went near the way and managed to deceive his orders of bore-hurried people. First of all, he seized the whole gold and silver coin from the appeal, ordered to use one iron, but it was so heavy, so massive at the low value, which for the savings of the house ten min needed to build a large storage room and carry them on the cart .. . They say that Likurg ordered to lower the hot iron into vinegar. By this, he deprived him of hardness, did not do anything that was not suitable, useless for its fragility for the highlight of any things from it. Then the Likurg was expelled from Sparta all useless, extra crafts. However, if he didn't even cast them out, most of them would still disappear by themselves, along with the introduction of a new coin, since their wheels would not find their sales, - the rail money did not go to other Greek states; They did not give anything for them and laughed at them, as a result of which it was impossible to buy neither foreign goods or luxury goods. For the same reason, alien ships did not enter the Spartan harbor. In Sparta, neither speakers nor the heterlers, nor the masters of gold or silver deeds were not the money there. Thus, luxury, without having more than what could support her, to give her the means to lived, gradually disappeared by itself ... Therefore, all the essentials - beds, chairs, tables - Spartan work was considered far better ... for All this should be thanked the legislator. Craftsmen who have previously worked with luxury objects should have been used since then their talent for the manufacture of essential items.

X. In order to further argue luxury and finally destroy the feeling of a pearly, Likurg has established the third, in all respects the beautiful, institution, joint meals, sissium, - in order for citizens to converge together to dine for a common table and ate meat or flour foods prescribed law ...

XII. ... the table was sitting every time a person fifteen, sometimes more, sometimes less. Each of the Sissites brought a monthly Mediman barley, eight cheeves of wine, five min cheese, two and a half myster wine berries and then some money to buy another provision. In addition, everyone who brought the sacrifice sent to Sissiutia the best part of it. Who was late because of sacrifice or hunt, could have dinner at home, but others had to be obvious ...

Children often walked on Sissiism. They were drove there as a school for the development of the mind. Here they listened to talk about politics and saw mentors in front of them in the best sense of the word. They themselves studied jokes and ridicule, never insult. They were committed and to endure jokes themselves, not offended by others. Coolingly refer to jokes was considered a great honor for Spartan ...

XIII. Likurg's laws were not written, in which one of his "retro" convinces us. All that, in his opinion, it is quite necessary and important for the happiness and moral perfection of citizens, should enter their most arms and lifestyle to stay in them forever, to get silent with them. A goodwill in his eyes made this union tightly, rather than coercion, and this will formed in young people to upbringing, which made each of them the legislator. As for the little lifestyles, for example, the cash, the fact that it changes, depending on the circumstances, - he also considered them for the best not to enter into the framework of the laws and unchanged rules, but he gave the right to make adds or relevant in them, depending on Circumstances and opinions of smart people. In general, all the concerns of it as the legislator were addressed to education.

The roof in each house could be made with only one ax, the doors - the same pilot; Use other tools was prohibited. Later, Epamingond, sitting at his table, said, they say that "for such a dinner will not mind the thoughts on treason," the first one realized that in such a house there could not live a uta, neither the accustomed luxury person. Indeed, nor in whom can not be so little taste and the mind so that he orders, for example, make a bed with silver legs into a simple hut ... and other luxury items ...

The third "retro" of Likurg is also known, where he prohibits warning war with one and the same enemies so that, accustomed to the resistance, they did not become warlike ... "Retras" Likurg called his ordinances in order to convince everyone that they were given Oracle, are his answers.

XIV. Considering the upbringing of the highest and better task for the legislator, he began to implement his plans from afar and first of all drew attention to the marriage and the birth of children. Aristotle is mistaken, saying that he wanted to give reasonable upbringing and women, but refused it, being not able to fight with too much will, which women took themselves, and their power over husbands. The latter was necessary, as a result of frequent hikes, to leave on their hands the whole house and on this basis to obey them, turning out of all sorts and even call them "mistress". But Licharg had due attention and female sex. The girls should have to strengthen the body to run, fight, throw a disc, throw a spear so that their future children were strong in the ward of their healthy mother ... A woman was inspired by a noble image of thought, consciousness that she can join the honor ...

XVI. The child's education did not depend on the will of the Father, - he brought him to the "forest", the place where the senior members of Fili were sitting, who examined the child. If he turned out to be strong and healthy, he gave it "to feed his father, having allocated one of nine thousand land plots, but we threw the weak and ugly children in the" Apotheti ", the abyss near Taigaet ... Kormilitsy went for them very carefully and knew perfectly your business. They were not peeling children ..., they didn't have a lot of them, not to be legible in food, not to be afraid in the dark or not to be afraid, remaining one, not to be capricious and not cry. On this basis, even foreigners discharged Spartan Kormilitz for their children ... All the children who were just seven years old were going together and shared on the detachments, Ageli. They lived and fir together and chased to play and spend time with each other. The head of "Ageli" became the one who turned out to be clearly different and more bold in gymnastic exercises. The rest should have taken an example from him, to fulfill his orders and is unquestioned to punish him, so this school was a school of obedience. The old men looked at the games of children and often deliberately brought to the fight, quarreled them, and perfectly learned the character of everyone - whether he was brave and would not run away from the battlefield. They studied reading and writing, but if necessary, the rest of their upbringing pursued one goal: unquestioned obedience, endurance and science to win. With the years, their upbringing became severely: they were headed heads head, they were taught to walk bare and play together, usually without clothes. At the thirteenth year, they filmed chiton from themselves and received for a year one flood. Their skin was tanned and coarse. They did not take warm baths and never diminited; Only a few days a year was allowed to them this luxury ...

XVII. At this age, the so-called "fans" begin to appear in the most worthy young men. Old people paid more attention to them, more often went to their schools for gymnastic exercises, watched if they fought or laughed alone over another, and they did it not in passing, "they all considered themselves fathers, teachers and mentors of young people, so the guilty young A person could not have to take place anywhere from a moment or punishment. In addition, another tutor, "Pedon,", from among the best, decent citizens, they themselves were chosen from each Agel, always the smartest and bold in the so-called "Irena" ... Twenty-year-old Irene superimposed his subordinates in exemplary battles And ordered cooking for dinner. Adults they ordered to collect firewood, small - vegetables. All that they were brought, was stolen. Some sent to this in the gardens, others proceded in Sissiyti, trying to shoot quite a trick and caution ... Who was caught in theft, he was beaten and forced to starve ...

XIX. Children were taught, besides, to be expressed, but in elegant form and in a few words - much.

XXIV. Education continued to mature age. No one had the right to live as he wanted, on the contrary, the city was similar to the camp, where there was a strictly defined way of life and classes that had in mind only the benefit of everyone. In general, the Spartans considered themselves belonging to themselves personally, but to the Fatherland.

If they were not given other orders, they looked at the children, they taught them something useful, or they themselves studied from old people. One of the advantages provided by Likurg for their citizens, which could be envied, was that they had a lot of free time, - they were strictly prohibited by the crafts, it was strictly forbidden, to save the same wealth, which is conjugate with the mass of work and worries, they had no need. : Nobody envied richness already and did not pay attention to him. The land was treated with Ilota, which paid a certain lifts.

Together with money disappeared in Sparta, of course, and all sorts of charges. Neither pegs, nor poverty there was more space, instead there was an equal distribution of wealth, the simplicity of life had its consequence carelessness. Dancing, feasts, lunches, hunting, gymnastics, conversations in the people's assembly absorbed all their time when they were not in the campaign.

Xxvi. Members of Georusia Likurg, as we said above, appointed first those who participated in his enterprise. Later he made an order that in the event of the death of one of them in his place was elected by any of the respected citizens of more than sixty years from the family. In this case, the greatest competition in the world began, the contest, where everyone fought to the last strength. It was not about being declared the fastest on the run of rapid, the strongest of the strong, and the best and clever between the best and smartest people ... The elections occur as follows. When people managed to gather, the elected locked in one room of a neighboring house, where they could not see anyone, just as nobody could see them. Before them, only the screams of the gathered people could be coming: both in this case, and in others he solved the election of the cry. The elected did not go away at once, but for one, along the lot and walked silently through the entire meeting. Those who sit, locked in the room, were in the hands of a plank for writing, on which they noted only the strength of the cry, not knowing who he belongs to. They should have written only how they shouted heavily to those who were displayed the first, second, third, etc. The one who scream more often and is stronger, declared the chosen ...

Xxvii. ... Likurga had nothing aimlessly, nothing was done without need - all his most important orders were aimed at praising good and porous bad. He filled the city with a plurality of samples for imitation. They constantly had to face, together with them they grew, as a result of which they served for everyone by and an example to achieve virtue.

On this basis, Likurg did not allow to leave the house and travel without a certain goal, adopted by other people's morals and imitating a lifestyle, deprived of order, and a state device that does not have a slender system. Moreover, he even evicted foreigners if they came to Sparta without any purpose and lived in it secretly, but not because Fukidide thinks, that he was afraid, no matter how they have introduced at home of his state device or did not learn something Useful, leading to moral perfection, but simply because not made by teachers of vice.

XXVIII. ... alone "Cryptia" - if it is really established by Likurg, as Aristotel says, - could give a reason, by the way, Plato responds badly as a state-owned device of Likurg and about his personality. Cryptium consisted in the following. From time to time, the Spartan government sent several young people who were issued by their mental abilities, for the city without any purpose. With them there was nothing but short sword and the necessary edible supplies. In the afternoon they hid, having rushed at secret places, and slept, at night - they went on the road and killed Ilotov's hands. Often they ran around the fields and killed the strongest and healthy of them.

Aristotle even says that the EFOs at their entry into office declare the war to be able to be able to kill them without being criminals. Spartans have always been severely and cruel. By the way, they forced them to get enough of her pure wine and then led to Sissites to show young people, which could bring drunkenness. Next, they were ordered to sing indecent songs and perform obscene, immoral dances, forbidding at the same time decent ... The one who says that in Sparta free use the highest measure of freedom, and slaves - slaves in the full sense of the word, understands the difference between with them. But, it seems to me that such inhuman Spartans were taken after, then, in particular, when they had a terrible earthquake, during which Ilota rebelled, they say, together with the messengers, they broke the country and brought the state to the edge of death. At least I do not decide to attribute the establishment of such a terrible custom, like Cryptium, Likurgu, taking into account the softness of his character and his justice in all - qualities witnessed by the Oracle himself.

Plutarch. Likurg // Plutarch. Selected

signatures: in 2 tons. T.1. - M., 1986. - P. 91-125.

Translation S.P. Markisha, Processing for the present Reissing S.S. Averintsev, notes M.L. Gasparova.


Averintsev - Lukull, 1-3 chapters of Kimon.

Botvinnik M.N. - Alexander.

Gasparov M.L. - Mapping Eugene.

KUDAN A.P. - sector.

Lammzakov K.P. - Agecilai, Caesar.

Miller TA - Crassa comparation.

Oshhers S.A. - Sulla and Guy Mari.

Pererelmuter I.A. - Alexander.

Petukhova V.V. - Kimon, Crassus.

Sergeenko M.E. - Lysander.

Smirin V.M. - Sulla.

Sobolevsky: Solon, Feminist, Pericles, Fieldemmen.

Stratanovsky G.A. - Pompey, Caesar.

The publication was prepared by S.S. Averintsev, M.L. Gasparov, S.P. Markish.
Responsive editor S.S. Averintsev.

© Science Publishing House Russian Academy of Sciences, 1994

© Translation, Article, Notes, Name Pointer (Authors), 1994

The transfer of "comparative lives" of Plutarch for the first time was published in the series "Literary monuments" in 1961-1964. (t. 1 subse. S. P. Markisch and S. I. Sobolevsky; t. 2 Pods. M. E. Grabary Passek and S. P. Markisch; t. 3 Subs. S. P. Markish). It was the third full translation of "lives" in Russian. The first were "Plutarchov, comparative life-in-law of glorious husbands / lane. With Greek. S. Destunis. " S. PB, 1814-1821. T. 1-13; The second is "Plutarch. Comparative lives / from Greek. per. V. Alekseev, with the introduction and notes. " S. PB; Ed. A. S. Suvorin, B. G. T. 1-9. (In addition, the collection should be noted: Plutarch. Selected biographies / lane. From Greek. Ed. And with preported. S. Ya. Lurie, M.; L.: Sochekgiz, 1941, with a good historic commentary - especially to the Greek part ; Some of the translations of this collection are reprinted in a recycled form in this edition.)

Translation of S. Dracunis is felt in our time by most readers as "obsolete in the language", the translation of V. Alekseeva more reminds no translation, and the retelling made by the impersonal careless style of the late XIX century. Edition 1961-1964 It was the first one that put a conscious stylistic goal. In the afterword from the translator S. P. Markish himself expressively described its stylistic tasks.

In the current reissue in the translations of 1961-1964. Only minor changes were made - random inaccuracies were corrected, the writing of their own names, etc., was unified, the stylistic installation was left unchanged. The afterword of the patriarch of our classical philology S. I. Sobolevsky was preserved, which is its old-fashionedness of an instructive literary monument. All notes are reopened (of course, taking into account the experience of the former commentators; some notes borrowed from the former editions are accompanied by the names of their authors). The goal of them is only clarifying the text: the question of the historical accuracy of the information reported by Plutarch, about their relationship with the information of other ancient historians, etc. is addressed only occasionally, in the most necessary cases. The most famous mythological names and historical realities were not commented. All the most important dates are deposited in the chronological table, all references about persons - in the name pointer, most geographic names are on the accompanying cards.

Quotes from "Iliad", with the exception of the agreed cases, are given in the translation of N. I. Galdich, from Odyssey - in the translation of V. A. Zhukovsky, from Aristofan - in translations A. I. Piotrovsky. Most of the rest of the poetic quotes are translated by M. E. Grabar Parsec; They also do not specify in notes.

In order to avoid repetitions, here are the basic units of the Greek and Roman system of measures, found at Plutarch. 1 stages ("Olympic"; in different localities, the length of the stage is fluidated) \u003d 185 m; 1 orgy ("Syazhen") \u003d 1.85 m; 1 foot \u003d 30.8 cm; 1 PIDE \u003d 7.7 cm. 1 Roman mile \u003d 1000 steps \u003d 1.48 km. 1 Greek Plephs as a unit of length \u003d 30.8 m, and as a unit of surface \u003d 0.1 hectares; 1 Roman Yuger \u003d 0.25 hectares. 1 talent (60 min) \u003d 26.2 kg; 1 mine (100 drachm) \u003d 436.5 g; 1 drachma (6 oholov) \u003d 4.36 g; 1 Obol \u003d 0.7 g. 1 Medimn (6 hecteeev) \u003d 52.5 l; 1 Gectei (Roman "Modia") \u003d 8.8 l; 1 xya \u003d 9.2 l; 1 quotyl ("Mug") \u003d 0.27 liters. The monetary units served (by weight of silver) the same talent, min, drachma and obol; The most common silver coin was Stater (Tetradrakhma, 4 drachmas), gold coins in the classic era were only the Persian Darik (approx. 20 drachma) and then Macedonian Philipp. The Roman coin of Denarium was equated with Greek drachma (therefore the amount of wealth and the Roman biographies of Plutarch gives in drachmas). The purchasing value of the money changed greatly (from the VI to IV century. In Greece, prices increased every 15), so no direct recalculation of their money is possible.

All dates without reservation "N.E." Mean years before our era. The months of the Roman year corresponded to the months of our year (only July in the era of the republic was called "Quintilis", and Augustilis); An account of days in the Roman month relied on named days - "calendas" (1 number), "non-Nona" (7 Number in March, May, July and October, 5 Number over the remaining months) and "Ida" (15 Number in March, May , July and October, the 13th day during the remaining months). In Greece, the score of months was in every state his own; Plutarch usually uses the Athens Calendar (started in the middle of summer) and only sometimes gives parallel names:

july-August - Hecatombeon (Macember. "Loy"), Panafine's holiday.

august-September - Metaging (Spart. "Karny", Bes. "Pan", Maced. "Mount");

september-October - Boehedromion, Elexian holiday;

october-November - pianopia;

november-December - Memacterion (Beta. "Alalomeniya");

december-January - Posyidone (Bet. "Bukati");

january-February - Gamelion;

february-March - the anfesterion, the holiday of the anfesteria;

march-April - Elafibolion, the holiday of large Dionysius;

april-May - Munyhion;

may-June - Fargelion (Mace. "Desiy");

june-July - Skiroforye.

So, until the establishment of the Julian calendar under Cesar, an unordered system of "plug-in months" was kept for coordinating the lunar month with a sunny year, the exact dates of the days of the events mentioned by Plutarch are usually unsist. Since the Greek year began in the summer, then the exact dates of years for the events of Greek history often fluctuate within two adjacent years.

For references to the biographies of Plutarch in notes, the table and the indicator adopted the following abbreviations: AGES (Yilai), Agid, Al (Exandr), Alc (Ivyad), Ant (Oni), AR (ISTU), Arat, ART (Akservs), BR (ut), Guy (marks), Gal (FB), g (Ai) gr (ache), dem (Osfen), Dion d (Emetri) y, Kam (Ille), Kim (ON), CL (EOMEN), K (ATON) ML (adsted), cr (ass), K (ATON) ST (ARSH), LIC (URG), LIS (Andr), Onion (ULL), Mar (IY), MART (ELL), Nick ( ry), numa, oton, sang (opium), per (μel), Pyrr, Pom (Pey), Pop (Licola), Rum (ul), Ser (thorium), Sol (OH), Sul (La), t (Iberii) gr (ache), tes (s), Tim (oleont), tit (Flaminin), Fab (Xi Maxim), Fem (East), Phil (Opemen), Fock (Ion), Cez (ARY), CIC (Erone), computer (en), EM (Ili) P (Abel).

Transfer reconciliation is made by the latest scientific publication of Plutarha's lives: Plutarchi Vitae Parallelae, Recogn. Cl. Lindscog et k. ziegler, Iterum Recents. K. Ziegler, Lipsiae, 1957-1973. V. I-III. From the existing transfers of Plutarch for different languages, the translator predominantly enjoyed publishing: Plutarch. Grosse Griechen und Romer / Eger, und Ubers, u. K. Ziegler. Stuttgart; Zurich, 1954. BD. 1-6 and comments to it. Translation processing for this reissue made S. S. Averintsev, commentary processing - M. L. Gasparov.

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Comparative lives - Likurg and Numa Pubrugi

Comparative lives. Likurg and Numa Publiili

Translation V.Alekseeva.

I. In general, none of the stories about Likurg's legislator deserves complete trust. About his origin, travel, death, finally, about his laws and political activities there are dismeretting readings; But in particular, there is little similarity in the stories about the time of his life.

Some consider it a contemporary of Iphita, who accepted together with the last participation in establishing a truce during the Olympic Games, is the opinion divided by and philosopher Aristotle, who refers to the inscription on the disk in Olympia, where the name of Likurg is mentioned. Others, adhering to the chronological calculations of the lists of the dynasty of the ancient Spartan kings, for example, Eratosthene and Apollodor, they say that he lived shortly before the first Olympiad. Time takes two likings who lived in Sparta at different times, - one of them legend attributes what is done by both. The eldest of them was almost a contemporary of Homer, or, according to some, he also knew Homer personally. By an ancient times, his life and xenophon refer, calling him several times with a modern geraklid. But, probably, under the "Geraklida" he understood the oldest kings, the nearest relatives of Hercules, as the "geraklida" was called the later Spartan kings.

Due to the system of testimony of historians, we will try to describe Likurg's life on the basis of those data that is only less contrary to each other, and the stories of persons deserve complete trust.

The poet Simonide calls, for example, the father of Likurg is not Evan. According to him, Likurg and Enerne were sons of Prutanid. The majority, however, leads another pedigree: if you believe them, Burn, the son of Aristodem, was Soy's father. Soy had the son of Eurripont, the last - Prutanis, this one - Evan, Evan, from the first wife, - Polydepat, from the second, Dionas, is Likurg. Thus, according to the historian, the Dietichid, Likurg is a descendant of a puncture in the sixth knee and Hercules in the eleventh.

II. From his ancestors, the most famous was Soy, to the reign of which the Spartans told Ilotov to slavery and attached to their possessions a significant part of Arcadia. They say, Soy, surrounded by the clutters in uncomfortable for battle and anhydrous terrain once, offered them to conclude the world and return the land conquered with them, if they allow him to get drunk from the nearest source all of his army. The world was concluded under the oath. Then he collected his army and promised to give the throne to someone who would not drink. But no one could overcome himself, all quenched thirst, only one king, descending down in the eyes of everyone, only splashed on them with water in the presence of enemies. He retreated, but did not return the earth conquered by him, referring to the fact that "not all drank."

Despite all respect for him for his feats, his genus was not called his name, and EurgriDids, named His Son, - probably, Eurripont, joining the people, wanting to acquire the love of Cherni, he came out part of his unlimited monarch. As a result of these posts, the people raised their heads. The following, then the kings were either hated by the people for their rigor to him, or became the subject of ridicule for their fasciance and weakness, so in Sparta, the invincible and the troubles, the victims of whom the king fell and the king, the Father of Likurga. Wanting to split the fight, he was wounded with a kitchen knife and died, leaving the throne to his older son, a halfd.

III. When they died soon and the Poledet soon, everyone considered the legal heir to the Likurg's throne, and, indeed, he ruled the state until he was told that his daughter-in-law is pregnant. Having learned about this, he announced that if the newborn would be a boy, he would give the throne to him, personally will lead the state as a guardian. The guardians of the orphan kings Spartans were called "sodes".

Meanwhile, the widowing Queen started with him secret intercourse and said that it was ready to raise her fruit to marry him when he would be king. Likurg horrified her cruelty, but did not respond to her proposal, he said that he was delighted with him, he had nothing against him, only advises her not torturing the fetus, take care of himself, not to root his health at the reception of potent funds and announced that she would try Kill the child immediately after his birth. Thus, he managed to deceive the queen until she had time to resolve from the burden. When he noticed that childbirth is close, he sent several people to the palace, as witnesses to the permission of her from the burden, as well as for the supervision of her, ordering them in the case of the birth of a girl to convey to her women, the boy to bring to him, whatever he did . Queen gave birth. At that time he sat at lunch together with the highest dignitaries. Slaves appeared to him with a baby in her arms. He took him and turned to those present with the words: "Here, Spartans, your king!". He put it on the throne and called Harilam, as everyone was happy and came to delight from his generosity and justice. Likurg reigned for only eight months, but managed to earn deep respect from his fellow citizens. He obeyed not only one by one that he was a royal guardian and had a supreme power in his hands, most of them would have performed his orders, heard him, from respect for his moral qualities. But he had envious, those who became those who became the success of a young man, mainly relatives and approximate Mothers-Queens, who considered themselves offended. Her brother, Leonid, allowed himself once blood offend him, saying, by the way he perfectly understands that whether it was too late, only Likurg would be king, wanting to bring suspicion of Likurg and slander him as a conspirator, if with The king will happen any misfortune. There was a rumome rumored and the queen. Deep offended and did not want to undergo chance, Likurg decided to leave the homeland, reject suspected suspicion and stay on the journey until his nephew will grow up and will have an heir.

IV. Having left, he first visited Crete. Studying his state device and chatting here with the most famous of citizens, he praised some of their laws and paid attention to them to transfer them and introduce into use in his fatherland, but some did not consider it deserving. He fascinated with his kind and friendly appeal and persuaded to move to the Sparta of one of the respected for his mind and the state wisdom of Islanders - Faleta. He heard a lyrical poet, in fact she pursued the same goals that pursued the best of the laws. In his poems, he wanted to awaken love for order and consent. Their melody trait contributed a lot to the establishment of the order and termination of the discord. Listening to them imperceptibly softened their morals; In their hearts, the desire for the wonderful enmity reigned to this between them was deeply treated, so that this person specifically indicated Likurg to the upbringing of his people.

From Crete Likurg floated to the shores of Asia. He wished, they say, compare the simplicity and severity of the lifestyle of Cityans with the luxury and sparkleness of Ionians - as a doctor compares a sick and painful body with healthy - and thus see the difference between their lifestyle and the state device. Here he probably found out the first time on the existence of Homer's poems, which were kept in the descendants of the creophile. He noticed that between the places, the reading of which could deliver pleasure, pleasant entertainment, there are those that deserve no less attention thanks to them the rules of politics and morality, so willingly chose them and gathered to bring home. There were already vague ideas about these poems. A small number of persons were excerpts from them, meanwhile, as the poems themselves switched from the mouth to the faults that did not have excerpts among themselves. Likurg was the first to whom we must meet them in their full form.

The Egyptians assure that the Likurg is and they have and that he especially liked their separate castes of warriors, as a result of which he introduced the same in Sparta and, forming a separate class of artisans and craftsmen, was the founder of the class of real, pure citizens. Some Greek writers agree with the Egyptians; But, as far as I know, only one Spartan, the aristocrat, the son of Hippark, claims that Likurg was in the north of Africa and in Spain, and that he traveled in India, where he spoke with Himnosophists.

V. Meanwhile, the Spartans regretted the departure of Likurg and was invited to return it. They said that their current kings are different from the title only by the title and the honor they are surrounded, while it is created in order to rule and have the ability to have a moral impact. However, the kings themselves were not against his return, they hoped to keep the crowd's arrogance with it. He returned and immediately began to transform an existing order, to the indigenous reforms of the state device, - in his opinion, individual laws could not have no success, no benefit; As a person with a patient suffering from various diseases, the disease should be completely expelled with a mixture of drugs with a laxative and prescribe a new way of life.

To this end, he first went to Delphi. Bring to God to the victim, he questioned him and returned home with the famous oracle, where Pythia called him the "favorite of the gods" and rather, "God than man". When he asked him to give him the "best" laws, she replied that God promises him that his laws would not have any state.

This answer encouraged him, and he turned to the most influential citizens with a request to provide him with support. But first of all, he opened his friends, then gradually attracted an even greater number of citizens and bowed them to take part in his plans. Choosing a convenient time, he ordered the thirty aristocrats to be armed in the morning on the square, wanting to scare, clean the fear of his opponents, if such were. Herrmipp kept the names of twenty most noble of them; But the most zealous assistant of Likurg in the preparation of new laws was the artmad. At the very beginning of this turmoil, King Harilai ran into the temple of Athens Mednodomnaya - he was frightened that all that happened was a conspiracy against him, "but then leaning his guarantee, he took an oath with citizens, came out and took part in transformations. It was weakly accompanied. They say, for example, his other comrade for the throne, Archelay, said with a pounding young king: "Did you can call a bad man if he is not angry even on the villains."

Of the many transformations introduced by the Lidkurg, the first and most important was the institution of the Council of Elders (Georusia), which, holding back in the well-known borders of the royal power and at the same time using the same with her votes in solving the most important issues, served, on the expression of Plato, And anchor of salvation, and delivered the inner world to the state. Until now, it did not have durable soil, - then the power of the king, who, who, who, in despotism, was increasing, the power of the people in the form of democracy. The power of elders (gerontes) was set in the middle and as it were to balance them, providing full order and its strength. Twenty-eight elders were ascending the king in all those cases when he should have resulted in democratic aspirations. On the other hand, if necessary, they supported the people in his struggle with despotism. According to Aristotle, the number of elders was because of the previous thirty accomplices of Likurg 2 refused to participate in his enterprise from fear. Spheres, on the contrary, says that the number of licking accomplices was the same that first, - perhaps, because the number is even, obtained from the multiplication of seven to four, and just like six, equal to the sum of their divisors. At my opinion, the elders were so much to ensure that together with two kings there were generally thirty people.

Vi. Likurga considered this institution as important that he sent an oracle about him to Delphi and received the following answer from him, the so-called retro: "The desired temple of Zeus-Gellania and Athena-Gellania, we divide the people to Fili and Fili, regarding the Council of Thirty Members, Together with the leaders, and let the people are selected between Bubika and Knakion. To offer laws and you should bring the voices, the final decision should belong to the people. " To establish "films" and "conventions" means to divide the people into small units that Oracle called "Philos", others - "Obami". Under the leaders should be understood by the kings. "Creation of the People's Assembly" is expressed by the word "Apodelladezin" - according to Likurg, the first inspired his thought to publish the laws of Apollo Delphic. Babik and Knakion are currently called Enunte. Aristotle says that Knakion is a river, Babika - Bridge. Between the two points, folk assembly occurred in Sparta. Neither the portico, nor other building there was: according to Likurga, it not only did not do those present smarter, but even harmed them, giving them a reason to chat, boast and entertained with trivia when they will be admired by statues during the National Assembly Pictures, theater porticels or luxuriously decorated with council building ceiling. In the people's assembly, no one had the right to express his opinion. The people could only take or reject the precepts of gerons and kings. Subsequently, when the people began to distort, pervert proposals made to his discussion, reducing or complementing them, the kings of Polandor and the the "retro retro did the following increase:" If the people decide badly, kings and elders to leave ", in other words, they should not have been To approve his decisions, but in general dissolve the meeting, declare closed, as it brought harm, distorting and perhaps their suggestions. They even managed to convince citizens that he ordered the oracle. This is talking about the next place from Tirta:

Those who in the pyph cave heard Feba River,

The wise word of the gods in the house was brought by:

Let the kings that gods commemorate

First will be; let the cute sparta keep

With them elder advisers, behind them - men from the people,

Those that should answer the speech direct to the question.

VII. Despite the fact that Likurg has not transferred state power into one hands, the oligarchy in her pure form still continued to declare himself, so his successors, noticing that it crosses the limit of the possible and becomes unbearable, established to curb it, as Plato is expressed, Position of Ehorms. The first effects, with the Tsar Teopompe, were Elat and his comrades, which took place about a hundred thirty years after Likurg. They say that the theopompa's wife reproached him for telling his children a smaller power than he got himself. "Yes, smaller," the king responded, - but more durable. " Indeed, losing the fact that they were superfluous, the Spartan kings avoided the envy who threatened to them the danger. They did not have to experience the fact that they had to experience the kings of Messensky and Argossky from their subjects, when they did not want to come from any of their rights in favor of democracy. The mind and foresight of the Likurg are made quite understandable then only if you pay attention to the troubles and quarrels that took place at the miniments and the neighbors of Spartans - Messensers and Argossev. They got first in lots even the best sites in comparison with the Spartans; But their happiness lasted shortly. The peculiarities of the kings and disobedience of the people put an end to the existing order of things and made it possible to make sure that the legislator of Spartans, who puts its limits to each power, was for them the true gift of the sky, sent for their happiness. But about this is ahead.

VIII. The second of the transformations of Likurg, and the strongest of them was dividing the lands. The inequality of states was terrible: the mass of the beggars and the poor threatened with the danger of the state, meanwhile as wealth was in the hands of a few. Wanting to destroy pride, envy, crime, luxury and the two oldest and dangerous diseases of the state body - wealth and poverty, he persuaded the fellow citizens to abandon the ownership of the state in favor of the state, to make her new section and live to everyone on equal terms so that no one was Above the other, giving the palm of the championship in one moral qualities. Inequality, the difference of one of the other should be expressed only in the censure for the bad and praise for good. By approving its plan, he divided the rest of the laconium for thirty thousand land plots for residents of the surroundings of Sparta, Periekov and nine thousand - the district of Sparta itself: so much was the Spartans who received land. Some say that Likurgi allocated only six thousand sites and that three thousand others are added later, Polandor, others - that from nine thousand sections, he distributed half, half a likurg. Each site could give annually seventy barley medimans for a man and twelve - for a woman, in addition, a certain amount of wine and oil, which, according to Likurga, was enough to live not pain, in good health, and not needing anything else . They say when he returned then home and passed on Laconia, where he had just ended the harvest, he saw the rows of sheafs of the same magnitude and said with a smile, turning to his companions, that all the laconies seem to him inheritance, which only divided the robust many brothers.

IX. In order to finally destroy any inequality and disproportion, he wanted to divide the movable property, but seeing that the owner would hardly lose his property directly, went near the way and managed to deceive his orders of bore-hurried people. First of all, he seized the whole gold and silver coin from the appeal, ordered to use one iron, but it was so heavy, so massive at a low value that for the savings of the house ten minus it was necessary to build a large storage room and carry them on the cart. Thanks to such a coin in Nakonia, many crimes disappeared: who would have decided to steal, take a bribe, take away money from another or robbery, if it was impossible to hide their prey, which also did not imagine anything enviable and who didn't even be divided into pieces anything? They say Likurg ordered to lower the hot iron into vinegar. By this, he deprived him of hardness, did not know anything unsuitable, useless for his fragility for the highlight of any things from it. Then the Licharg expelled all useless, extra crafts from Sparta. However, if he did not even cast them out, most of them would still disappear by himself, along with the introduction of a new coin, since their things would not find their sales, - the rail money did not go to other Greek states; They did not give anything for them and laughed at them, as a result of which they could not buy any foreign goods or luxury goods to them. For the same reason, alien ships did not enter the Spartan harbor. In Sparta, neither speakers nor the heterlers, nor the masters of gold or silver deeds were not the money there. Thus, luxury, without having more than what could support her, give her means to live, gradually disappeared by itself. Bogach had no advantage over the poor, as wealth could not boast publicly - it should be kept at home, where it was a dead cargo. Therefore, all the basic necessities are - beds, chairs, tables - Spartan work was considered far from others. In particular, the Spartan Coton was famous, very comfortable, as Krism says, in the campaign, as it had to drink from it, sometimes water, - he hid her unpleasant color, and since the concave edges detained the dirt, then the water that had to drink was Pure. For all this should be thanked the legislator. Craftsmen who have previously worked with luxury objects should have been used since then their talent for the manufacture of essential items.

X. For the purpose of even more arms, the luxury and finally destroy the feeling of the cattle Likurg installed the third, in all respects, the beautiful, institution, joint meals, sissium, - in order for citizens to converge in a shared table and ate meat or flour foods prescribed by law. They did not have the right to lunch at home, lounging on expensive legs behind expensive tables, they did not have to force their excellent cooks to refill themselves in the dark, as voracious animals, harmful to this and the soul, and the body, indulging in all kinds of vicious inclinations and excesses, long sleep , Taking warm baths, without resolutely doing, in a word, needing daily in care, like patients. One thing was important, but even more important was that wealth, expressing the words of the theofora, was not suitable for anything, it was not wealth - as awarding the establishment of a common table and simple food. They could not use it, it could not deliver feelings of joy, in a word, it was impossible to show many of his precious dishes, nor boast of her, since the poor walked one dinner with the rich. That is why in the whole world in the same Sparta found a confirmation of the proverb that "God of wealth is blind and lies without life and movement", as in the picture. In the same way, it was forbidden to be on Sissytius satisfied, having lunch at home. The rest of those present were strictly observed for those who did not drink and did not eat together with others, and called for a non-hewed Spartan, to whom the common table seemed rude.

Xi. They say this custom mainly and restored the rich lives against Likurgga. They surrounded by his crowd and began to scold him loudly. Finally, many of them began to throw on him with stones, as a result of which he had to run from the square. He was ahead of his pursuers and disappeared into the temple. Only one young man, Alcandra, not stupid, but hot and hot-tempered, she chased him, without lagging behind, and when Likurg turned around, hit him with a stick and knocked her eyes. This accident did not make Likurg fall in spirit, - he turned around and showed citizens his bloody face and an urinary eye. At the sight of this, they embraced their feeling of deep shame and embarrassment, and they gave Alcandra Likurg, who was spent to the house, expressing his senses of condolences. Likurg thanked them and said goodbye to them, Alcandra also led to his home. He did not do him, did not say anything wrong and only forced him to serve instead of those people and slaves who served him usually. The young man who was not deprived of a noble feeling, silently performed the orders given to him. Being constantly in the Society of Likurga, he saw him meek, saw his soul of alien passion, saw his strict life, his hot love for work - and the whole soul was attached to him, and he spoke to his friends and friends that the Likurg was not at all Surov or Gord, on the contrary, he is one of its kind a person who is so gentle and condestees to those surrounding. That's how Alcandra was punished! But this punishment made him from a bad, daring young man quite decent and reasonable. In memory of his unfortunately, Likurg built the temple of Athena-Optilide: Spartan Dorians call the eye - "optotul". Some, however, by the way Dioscaride, the writer about the state-owned device Sparta, says that indeed Likurg was wounded, but did not lose his eyes, on the contrary, built the goddess temple in gratitude for healing. Be that as it may, but after this sad case, the Spartans stopped going to folk assemblies with sticks.

XII. Cissiization is called in Crete "Andriyami", in Spartans - "Fidilations", perhaps, because they were friendly among them, and loved each other, "hence, in this case, Lambda is replaced by Delta - or due to That fiditis taught to moderation and leaning. At the same time, it can be assumed that the first syllable of this word, according to some - the prefix and what should be said, actually, "Editia", from the word "Edode" - food.

Behind the table it was fifteen more than a person, sometimes more, sometimes less. Each of the Sissites brought a monthly Mediman barley, eight cheeves of wine, five min cheese, two and a half myster wine berries and then some money to buy another provision. In addition, each sacrifice brought to Sissiutia the best part of it. The hunters also sent part of the game. Who was late because of the sacrifice or hunt, could have dinner at home; But others had to be obvious. Spartans for a long time holy kept customs to dinner together. When, for example, King Agid, who returned from a successful hike against attic, wanted to dine with his wife and sent for his portion, the hemerar did not let her go. The next day, the angry king did not bring the victim appointed under the law and was supposed to pay a fine.

Children often walked on Sissiism. They were drove there as a school for the development of the mind. Here they listened to talk about politics and saw mentors to be mentors in the best sense of the word. They themselves studied jokes and ridicule, never insult. They were committed and to endure jokes themselves, not offended by others. Coolingly refer to jokes was considered a big honor for Spartan. Who did not want to laugh at him, had to ask the other to stop, and the mockery stopped. The eldest of Sissites showed each new visitor to the door and said: "No word should come out for this door!". Everyone who wanted to become a member of Sissii was supposed to say to undergo the next kind of test. Every from the Sissites took a ball from bread and silently threw him, like pebbles when voting, in a cup that slave was on his head and went through those present. Who served a voice for the election, just threw the ball, but who wished to say "no," - preliminarily squeezed him in his hand. The crushed ball meant the same thing that drilled pebbles when voting. If there have been such at least one who asked for his election to refuse his request, wanting all the members of Sissii to like each other, they refused to be elected, called "Caddized", - a bowl, which balls, name "Kaddik".

The most favorite Kushan of Sissites was "black chowder", so the old people refused meat, giving their share with young, and they themselves poured their kushan, chowel. They say one Pontic King even bought himself a Spartan cook exclusively for the preparation of "black chowder", but when I tried it, got angry. "Tsar," said the cook, "before there is this chowder, you need to redeem in Evrote!". They drank sissates not much and got home without fire. To walk down the street with fire, they are strictly forbidden, both in this and in other cases, so that they have learned to walk at night without fearlessly, nothing fear. This orders adhered to Spartans in their common tables.

XIII. The laws of Likurg were not written, in which one of his "retro" convinces us. All that, in his opinion, it is quite necessary and important for the happiness and moral perfection of citizens, should enter their most arms and lifestyle to stay in them forever, to get silent with them. A goodwill in his eyes made this union tightly, rather than coercion, and this will formed in young people to upbringing, which made each of them the legislator. As for the little things, for example, the cash, the fact that it changes, depending on the circumstances, - he also considered them for the best not to enter into the framework of the laws of laws and unchanged rules, but he gave the right to make add or recess in them, depending on circumstances and the opinion of smart people. In general, all the concerns of it as the legislator were addressed to education.

One of his "retro", as mentioned above, prohibited to have written laws, the other was directed against luxury. The roof in every home could be made only one ax, doors - one pilot; Use other tools was prohibited. Later, the Epamino-ID, sitting at his table, said, they say that "for such a dinner will not mind thoughts about treason," the Likurg first realized that in such a house there could not live like a person, neither the person who was accustomed to luxury. Indeed, nor in whom can not be so little taste and the mind, so that he orders, for example, make a bed with silver legs, purple carpets, gold cups and other luxury items. On the contrary, everyone should try to between his home and a bed, then between the bed and dress, the dress and the rest of the situation and the economy there was a correspondence to meet one another. This habit is explained by the expression of the Leeotikhide of the elder, who, admiring the dinner in Corinth, the luxuriously decorated piece ceiling, asked the owner, do they really grow trees of square shape?

The third "Retra" of Likurg is also known, where he prohibits warning war with one and the same enemies so that, accustomed to resistance, they have not become militant. Later, for that, just more and the king of Agecilaya, he had his frequent, repeated intrinsic invasions and hikes in Besotia, made the Favans worthy opponents of Sparta. Therefore, seeing him with the wounded, Antalkid said: "The fivans pay you perfectly for the lessons. They did not want to fight, but you learned them!" "Retras" Likurg called his rulings in order to convince everyone that they were given by Oracle are his answers.

XIV. Considering the upbringing of the higher and better task for the legislator, he began to implement his plans from afar and first of all drew attention to the marriage and the birth of children. Aristotle is mistaken, saying that he wanted to give reasonable upbringing and women, but refused to be unable to fight too much will, which women took themselves, and their power over husbands. The latter accounted for as a result of frequent hikes, to leave on their hands the whole house and on this basis they obey them, turning out of all sorts of measure, and even call them "mistress". But Licharg had due attention and female sex. Girls had to strengthen the body to run, fight, throw a disc, throw a spear so that their future children were strong in the very wise of their healthy mother so that their development was correct and so that the mother themselves could be resolved from the burden and easily due to the fortress of their body . He forbade them to indulge himself, sit at home and lead a wound lifestyle. They, like boys, had to be during the solemn processions without dresses and dance and sing on some holidays in presence and in sight of young people. They had the right to laugh at anything, deftly using his mistake, on the other hand, to glorify those who deserved those who deserve, and initiate a hot competition and ambition in young people. Whom they praised his moral qualities whom the girls glorified, he left home delighted with praise, but ridicule, at least those spoken, not offensive, Yazvili him as painfully, as a strict reprimand, because on holidays together with Simple citizens were attended by the kings and elders. In the height of the girls there was nothing indecent. They were still shameful and far from temptation, on the contrary, they were taught to simplicity, care for their body. In addition, the woman was inspired by the noble image of thoughts, the consciousness that she could join the valor and honor. That is why they could speak and think so, as they talk about Leonid's wife, Goro. One woman is probably a foreigner, told her: "One you, Spartanki, do what you want, with your husbands." "But alone we give birth to men," the queen answered.

Almost all "comparative lives" of Plutarchs are built approximately in one scheme: it is narrating the origin of the hero, his kind, family, young years, upbringing, his activities and death. Thus, we have passed the entire life of a person drawn in a moral and psychological aspect, with the allocation of some parties important for the author's intent.

Very often, moral reflections finish the biography of the hero and focus in the first chapters. Sometimes the biography closes with a detailed conclusion with the appeal to a friend (", ch. 31), and sometimes the end unexpectedly breaks down (" Alexander ", Ch. 56), as if symbolizing this random and untimely death brilliant, glorious life.

Some life-to-limits are saturated with entertaining jokes and aphorism.

It is worth only to remember the witty replies of Himnosophysts by Plutarch, Alexander Macedonsky ("Alexander", Ch. 64), Demosphen's death words (ch. 29), Callicratic warrior in the battle of charges ("Not death pegs me, but bitter die without going with enemies "," Aristide ", ch. 17) or Crassa (ch. 30), as well as a conversation Bruta with a ghost before the decisive battle ("Caesar", ch. 69), words Caesar About the died Cicerone ("Cicero", Ch. 49) or the words about the honesty of the commander, addressed Aristide to the feminoculation (Aristide ch. 24).

Plutarch Bust in his hometown, Heronee

In "comparative lives", Plutarchs seeks to allocate the brightest features in the character of not only a person, but even the whole people. So, he emphasizes the ability of the alkiviad to adapt to any circumstances ("Alkiviad", ch. 23), the nobility of the young demetry, his resourcefulness of the salted Mithridate ("Demetri", Ch. 4), passionate rivalry of the Greeks after the battle when they were ready Keep each other because of trophies, and then generously gave them to citizens of payments ("Aristide", Ch. 20), the spontaneous rhythm of the Roman crowd, Broa Caesar ("Brut", Ch. 20).

Plutarch is a master of psychological details, memorable and often even symbolic. He appreciates the inner beauty of a man, unfortunate, tortured and losing all his external charm ("Anthony", Ch. 27 and 28 Cleopatra). The whole story of love Cleopatra and Anthony is full of these surprisingly subtle observations (for example, ch. 67, 78, 80, 81). And as it is symbolic, burning the killed Pompey on a fire from drunk boats or the Caesar gesture, which took the ring from the messenger with his head Pompey, but turned away from him ("Pompey", ch. 80). Or the following details: Caesar floats, without releasing notebooks from hand ("Caesar", Ch. 49); He himself ruled his fingers, grabbed the dagger, seeing that Bruut kills him ("Brut", ch. 17), and Cicero himself pulls her neck to the sword's blow, and he, a great writer, cut off not only his head, but also his hands ("Cicero ", Ch. 48).

Plutarch is a sharp observer, but in "comparative lives" he knows how to pour powerful strokes and a wide tragic canvas. Such, for example, the death of Anthony in the tomb of Cleopatra ("Anthony", Ch. 76-77), Mount of the Queen (ibid., Ch. 82-83), its suicide in the luxurious robes of the Master of Egypt (ibid. 85) The death of Caesar (his murderers in ostervenue began to strike each other; "Caesar", ch. 66) and demosphen, with the advantage of the core ("Demosphen", Ch. 29). Plutarchs do not forget to extract the readers that the tragic events are prepared by the gods, because he has so many omen (for example, Anthony implies about his death, since God Dionysus with his retinue left him; "Anthony", Ch. 75), prophetic ghosts (" Caesar ", ch. 63), wonderful signs (" Caesar ", ch. 69 - the phenomenon of comet) and actions (" Alexander ", ch. 27: Crows lead the troops of the Greeks).

The entire tragedy of human life is drawn in the life of Plutarch as a result of the vicissitudes and at the same time the patterns of fate. Thus, the Great Pompei bit two people - his old soldier and a slave discharged ("Pompey", ch. 80). Sometimes it is even stated that a person walking towards death directs not a mind, but a demon (there is also, ch. 76). The fate of Plutarch laughs at the man, and the great dare from the hand of the Nightness (the death of Pompey depends on the eunuha, teachers of rhetoric and hired soldier; ibid, ch. 77); From the one who they themselves succeeded (Cicero kills the Tribune, whom he once defended; "Cicero", ch. 48); The Dead Crassa Parfyan is carried in the mound along with the harlots and heterars, and, as it were, the parody of the triumphal procession of the Roman commander, ahead of this coat is a frightened pastry soldier ("Crass", ch. 32). Anthony, boasting, put the head and hands of the killed Cicero, but the Romans saw in this atrocity "The image of the soul of Anthony" ("Cicero", Ch. 49). That is why in the "comparative lives" of Plutarch, the death of a person, directed by fate, is completely natural, as natural and retribution of fate that pays for an evil case ("Crass", Ch. 33, "Pompey", Ch. 80, "Anthony", Ch. 81, "Cicero", Ch. 49, "Demosphen", Ch. 31, where it is directly referred to justice to the demosphenant).

Plutarch is inherent not only to the ability to understand and portray life in the aspect of heroic harsh and gloomy pathetics, he knows how to give his canvas radiance and brilliance of luxurious decorativeness: for example, swimming Cleopatra on Kidna among the use of love, sophistication of feelings and abundance of happiness ("Anthony", Ch. 26) or the magnificence of the triumph of the Roman commander (" Emily Pavel", Ch. 32-34).

However, Plutarch not only enjoys in "comparative life-writings" by decorative painting techniques. He understands (like many writers of the Hellenistic-Roman world, for example, Polybiy, Lukian) The lifetime of a person as a kind of theater representation, when the bloody drama and fun comedies are played by the destruction of fate or case. So, Plutarch emphasizes that Caesar's murder occurred next to the statue of Pompey, once killed due to rivalry with Caesar (Caesar, Ch. 66). Plutarch craft is perhaps and even by almost by chance, ironically becoming a member of a genuine theatrical presentation: Crassa's head is thrown on stage during the production of Euripid's "Vakhanok", and she is perceived by everyone as the head of the Tsarevich Penfhey ("Krass", Ch. 33 ). Demosthenes at Plutarch sees the dream before his death, in which he competes with his pursuer to the Archion in the tragic game. As the subconscious sense of a person who loses his life losing a lifestyle: "And although he (Demosphen) plays perfectly and the whole theater on his side, because of the poverty and the poverty of the posture of the victory goes to the enemy" ("Demosphen", Ch. 29). "Fate and History", according to the author, transfer the action "From the comic scene to tragic" ("Demetriy, Ch. 28), and the completion of one life way and the transition to another Plutarch accompanies such a remark:" So, the Macedonian drama is played, it's time to put On the Roman scene "(ibid., Ch. 53).

- One of the heroes of "comparative lives" Plutarch

Thus, in "comparative lives", the narrative leads a smart and skillful narrator who does not fulfill the reader a moralist, and a kind and indulgent mentor who does not burden his listener with a deep scholarship, but seeks to seize its expressiveness and enormity, a sharp word, in time a tailed anecdote, psychological in time Details, colorfulness and decorativeness of presentation. It is worth adding that Plutarch style is characterized by noble restraint. The author does not fall into rigorous atticism and, as if focusing on the living diversity of the linguistic element, at the same time not immersed in it beless. In this regard, a small sketch of Plutarch "Comparison of Aristofan and Menandra"Where the writer's sympathy is clear to the Menandra style. Words addressed to this favorite Hellenistic Comediographer can be attributed to the Plutarch itself: "Whatever passion, whatever character, the style to nor and to any diverse persons it is applied, it remains always uniform and retains its homogeneity, despite the fact What uses the most common and walking words, those with the words that in all of all ", and this style, being homogeneous," is approaching any less than any character, to any mood, to any age. "

100 Great Books Demin Valery Nikitich

11. Plutarch "Comparative Best"

11. Plutarch

"Comparative life ways"

The name of this ancient Greek writer has long been nominated. There is a series of books with titles: "School Plutarch", "New Plutarch", etc. This is when it comes to the biographies of wonderful people chosen on any principle, and the whole cycle is connected by any rod idea. Of course, most often this idea of \u200b\u200b"good deeds that should remain in the memory of grateful descendants."

Plutarch from Heronee (Beochi) was born in 46 and originated from an old wealthy order. After training in Athens was the Supreme Priest of Apolone Pythius in Delfa. During travel, including Egypt and Italy, sometimes with a political mission entrusted to him, he met and communicated with the outstanding people of his time (among others with the emperors Trojan and Adrian). In a friendly circle, he indulged in exquisite communication, conversations were led to a wide variety of topics, including scientific. This saturated spiritual life was reflected in his writings. From teaching your own children, as well as children of their wealthy fellow citizens, a kind of private academy arose, in which Plutarchs not only taught, but also engaged in creativity. From the huge writer heritage of Plutarch (250 works), only some of its part is preserved - about one third.

In Russian, "comparative lives" occupy more than 1,300 pages of dense text. The content covers the entire history of the ancient world to the II century AD. The author found such living and bright paints that, in general, an unusually realistic picture is created, which is not in any special historical work.

"Comparative lives" are biographies of outstanding historical persons, Greeks and Romans, grouped in pairs, so in each pair one biography of Greek, another - Roman; Each pair is represented by persons between which there are similarities in any respect, after the biography of each pair gives a small summary - "comparison", where their similar features are indicated. 23 pairs of such biographies came to us; In four of them, "comparaises" no. In addition to these 46 paired (parallel) lives, there are 4 more separate biographies. Thus, the whole biographies are 50. Some biographies have not been preserved. In our publications, the biography of Greek commander and state leaders are located for the most part (but not completely) in chronological order; But this order does not correspond to the one in which they were published by Plutarch. The following biographies:

1. Testa and Romulus.

2. Licharg and Numa.

3. Solon and Popalcola.

4. Feminocles and Camill.

5. Pericles and Fabiy Maxim.

6. Guy Marci Coriolian and Alkiviad.

7. Emily Paul and Timoleont.

8. Pelopid and Marcell.

9. Aristide and Caton Senior.

10. Filiphemene and tit.

11. Pyrr and Mari.

12. Lisand and Sulla.

13. Kimon and Lukull.

14. Nikichi and Krasya.


16. Agecilai and Pompeii.

17. Alexander and Caesar.

18. Fokion and Caton Jr..

19-20. Agid and Kleomen and Tiberius and Guy Grakhi.

21. Demosphen and Cicero.

22. Demetrius and Anthony.

23. Dion and Brut.

Separate 4 biographies: Artaxerx, Arat, Galba, Oton.

All biographies are of great importance for historians: many writers who have borrowed information, are not known to us, so in some cases it remains for us the only source. But Plutarch has many inaccuracies. However, for him, in the preparation of a biography, the main goal was not a story, but morality: the persons described by them had to serve as the illustrations of moral principles, partly those who should be imitate, partly to avoid. His attitude to the history of Plutarch himself determined the introduction to the biography of Alexander:

We write no story, but biographies, and not always in the most glorious deeds there is a virtue or vanity, but often some kind of an insignificant act, the word or joke is better revealing the character of a person than the battle with tens of thousands of killed, huge armies and sieges of cities. Therefore, as painters depict the similarity in the face, and in the features of it, in which the character is expressed, very little care about the rest of the body, and we will be allowed to dive more about the manifestations of the soul and through them to portray the life of everyone by providing other descriptions of great cases And battles.

In Nikia's biography (GL.1), Plutarch also indicates that he does not intend to write a detailed history:

The events described by Fuchidide and the Fillycan, of course, can not be completely silent, because they enclose instructions on the nature and the moral appearance of Nikia, darkened by many great misfortunes, but I briefly touch only the fact that it is certainly necessary to have the pass to be attributed to my negligence and laziness. And those events that most people are unknown, about which other writers have only fragmentary information or who are on monuments donated to the temples, or in the resolutions of the people's assembly, those events I tried to connect together, since I do not collect useless historical information, And I transmit facts that serve to understand the moral side of a person and its character.

Perhaps the impression of the personality of Plutarchs is expressed by a making-translator who owns two thirds of the Russian translation of the giant text "Road of kindness of Plutarch, his disgust for cruelty, to bribery, to cunning and injustice, his humanity and humans, his aggravated sense of duty and his own The advantages that he does not get tired of inspiring his readers, his light skepticism of a sober realist, who understands that perfection to expect from nature, including from human, nothing to have to take the world with this need to be amended. "

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