Paint how to pour the same color. Did you know that in Paint you can make gradient backgrounds? For many it turned out to be discovered

Paint how to pour the same color. Did you know that in Paint you can make gradient backgrounds? For many it turned out to be discovered

With a brush
and color in paint

Brush and color, when working in Paint, interrelated.
And that is why I united the job description
with these tools for one page.

How to work with a brush in Paint

How to work with a brush in Paint

"Brush" tool in Paint,
allows lines of various types and textures.

It is possible to use different artistic brushes.

Using different brushes, you can depict
arbitrary and curves lines of various types.

The "brush" tool is indicated in the screenshot
toolbar in Paint Digital 17.

To open the entire set of brushes - click the arrow at the bottom of the "brush" tool. And the entire set of brushes is available in the Paint program.

To select - just click the desired artistic brush.
And then click the arrow under the "Thickness" section and select
size that determines the brush stall thickness.

Then in the "Color" group, press "Color 1" (color of the foreground), select the color and using the mouse pointer can paint the desired area.

To paint the area "Color 2" (Color Background), click Right
the mouse key and hold it while moving the pointer.

How to work with color in Paint

Working with color in Paint

The color in Paint corresponds to the section "Colors".

Left in this block:

"Color 1" is a color for the foreground.

"Color 2" is a color for the background.

In the central block - the palette of colors.

Two top rows in the palette with filled colors banya.
Lower row with empty cells.

You can get acquainted with the choice of color.

On the right side of the block, the "Changing Flowers" section.

How to change color in Paint palette

How to change color in Paint palette

If you do not pick up the desired color in the Paint
flower palette - you can pick up the color you need yourself.

To do this, click on the "Change Palette" tool,
Which is above the inscription "Change Colors".

A new tab to change the palette opens.

In this tab, you first select a color in the palette, helping to adjust the color of the arrow, which is located to the right of the vertical scale.

For clarity, the color you choose will be reflected below the palette
in the cell "Color | Fill". When the color you need will be selected - click
at the bottom of the right button "Add to Set". And your chosen color will appear
in a free cell, under the inscription "Additional colors".

Now you can press "OK" to the left at the bottom of the tab and picked up
color will take one of the empty cells in the palette on the Paint toolbar.

Mobile, paint, paint

Imagine such a situation. You have a single-color fragment that you would like to repaint in another color. You can, of course, try to paint the desired area with a brush (Brush tool (brush)), but agree, this is not the fastest and not the best option. After all, you have to drive a brush very carefully so as not to climb the area with a different color. If the form of the painted area is complex, you will have to work pretty to harm in order not to push.

Significantly simplify life in such situations allows

paint Bucket tool (Pouring), the button is available on the toolbar. Select it, and the mouse pointer will take the look of the inclined bucket, from which the paint flows. So, hover the tip of the paint stream from the bucket to the area you want to pour into some color (it should be selected in advance), click, and, about a miracle, the whole area will be evenly painted in the selected color.

Fig. 3.20. Paint Bucket tool (Pouring)

Similarly, you can paint a few more image fragments. If you need to use the Paint Bucket tool during the use of the Paint Bucket (Eyedropper) to select other color, you do not need to change the tool, but simply press the "ALT" key. While it is pressed, the Paint Bucket tool will be temporarily replaced with the Eyedropper (pipette) tool. After you finish the pipette to choose the color, release the "ALT" key - and you will automatically return to the mode of working with the fill.

The Paint Bucket (Pulley) tool allows not only to fill the area by any color, but also painted with a specific pattern / sample. To do this, you need to change something in its settings (which and exactly read in the next section of the chapter).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the purpose and possibility of the Paint Bucket tool (fill) is somewhat wider than the coloring of monochrome areas. In principle, Paint Bucket (fill) is designed for painting selected area or layer selected foreground color or sample. Just when nothing on the image is not allocated, the tool itself is trying to determine the borders of the fill and the boundaries of the one-color area takes. Using the selection, if only part of the one-color domain is highlighted, the fill will not distribute beyond the release, despite the fact that the one-color area will extend further. If some region is highlighted on the layer and on this layer under the selection is not drucated at all, then the entire selection area as it is in the pouring.

Additional settings and features of the Paint Bucket tool (Pouring)

The following Paint Bucket tool settings are available on the Parameterbar:

In the Fill list, you can choose what you need to fill: Color or specified sample. If you select a second option, the Pattrns palette (samples) will be available on the parameter panel, in which the desired pattern is selected.

The Mode list sets the brush overlay mode. The default is normal, and the features of all others can be judged by information posted on one of the color tabs.

The OPACITY field is intended to determine the transparency of the fill.

In the Tolerance field (tolerance), a permissible deviation from that shade is set, which is performed by clicking the Paint Bucket tool (Pulley). All shades, the deviation of which will be less specified in the Tolerance field (tolerance) will be perceived as one color and to be pouring. The value is set in the conventional units from 0 to 255. The default is 32. If you want the color coverage when the pouring is greater, increase this value, and if you need to fall into just definite color - reduce it.

The inclusion of the Anti-Aliased flag (smoothing) leads to the fact that the edges of the flooded region will be gently smoothed, soften.

The default is the Contiguous checkbox (adjacent) checkbox. This means that only those pixels of the specified color should be stained, which come into contact with the selected point directly or on a chain through similar pixels. If there are areas of the same color in the image and they are separated from each other inseparable borders of another color, then them, when the Contiguous checkbox is installed (adjacent), it will be necessary to pour each separately. Turning off the checkbox, you can so click on all areas on the image of a specific color.

The Use All Layers checkbox (use all layers) when the editable image consists of several layers. Moreover, some of them are translucent. So when this check box, you specify the Paint Bucket tool (fill) to determine the base color that will be covered not on the basis of only that layer, which is active, and on the basis of all visible layers. The applied color according to any one is applied only to the active layer.

To view the video tutorial, click on the miniature screen.

You will learn:

  • What to perform the fill is not only color, but also texture.
  • As with the help of Define Pattern (define the pattern), create a fill with a pattern.
  • As in CS5, the Content Aware is running (taking into account the contents).
  • How to apply clouds to a photo with a failed sky.
  • How to use the Gradient Editor window (gradient editor).
  • How to add sunset sky and create your own gradients.
  • How to create patterns using a gradient.
  • As with the help of a gradient, add a rainbow to the image.

The Paint Bucket tool (fill) floods the image or the forefront color or texture. Key for quick call - G..

FILL (Fill)- There are two types: Foreground.(Foreground color / main color) - the main color and Pattern. (Sample / Pattern / Regular)- pattern, texture. In Russian CS4 and CS5 for some reason transferred as regular. If you choose this the image parameter will be poured into a pattern that can be selected from the list or download new sets by clicking on the arrow in the upper right corner.

Mode. (Overlay mode)- There is a change in pixels depending on the selected mode. The textbook has five lessons in which it describes in detail every mode. Opacity (Opacity) - opacity of the fill;

Tolerance- from 0 to 255. At 0, only exactly the exact same-color pixels, with 255 - all image.

Anti.- aliased. (Smoothing) - softening the irregularities and roughness of the edges of the fill;

Contiguous. (Related) - If you celebrate this item with a check mark, then only neighboring pixels will be poured. If the tick is removed, then pixels will be hung on the entire image.

If you do not want to fill the transparent layer areas, click on the layers in the palette.

Creating your own pattern.

To create your own pattern, select the rectangular area on the image, select Edit (Edit) - Define Pattern (Define Pattern), Enter any name and click OK. Remove the selection from the area. Created sample can be found at the very end of the list in the pattern selection panel.

Pouring Content Aware (taking into account content).

This tool can be considered one of the main achievements of the version developers. CS.5 . It replaces several actions in one movement, which earlier had to be performed to remove unnecessary areas in the image. In most cases, the background is restored, as if nothing was blocked.

Circle the object you want to remove the Lasso Image to the image. For a better result, the selection must capture the background area slightly.

Menu Edit. (Editing)FILL (Fill). In the appearance
select the window. Replacement occurs by random selection. Therefore, if the result does not suit you, cancel the fill Ctrl + Z.and repeat it again. Or after filling taking into account the content, remove the selection Ctrl + D. And circle a new plot that the program has filled out incorrectly.

Compare, in the middle picture, the removal of a person is performed using the tool Patch. (Patch)And in the picture on the right with the help of fill with the contents:

It often happens that when gluing panoramas remain white and black edges. Highlight them with the Magic Wand tool (magic wand). Then perform the fill with the contents. The program itself typoses the missing pieces.

The possibilities of the new fill are not limitless. For example, you will not manage to remove the heating battery from the photo, if you simply select it and use the Content Aware Pouring tool (taking into account the contents).

You will have to additionally protect a person mask. In detail how to work with masks you can explore in the lessons on masks. In my tutorial, three lessons are enlightened to this topic. Now I will only briefly say how to do it: Create a copy of the background layer. Disable the visibility of the background for convenience by clicking on the glazing icon. Click on the miniature mask in the Layers palette (layers). Select the Brush (brush) tool for black. Slide the bottom of the body and hands. Switch to the layer thumbnail. Go to the Edit menu - Fill (Fill). In the window that opens, select CONTENT AWARE (taking into account the contents) and click OK. Turn on the visibility of the bottom layer and make the layers.

The scope of this tool is very large. This is the creation of a shadow, and adding routine colors of the sky, and the creation of a smooth transition from one drawing to another with a gradient mask, etc. etc. Smooth flower transition is created automatically, it is necessary to set extreme colors. These colors are installed as Foreground. (Color front plan) and Backround(Background color). You can find this tool in a pair with Paint Bucket (Pouring).

Consider the parameter panel:

Gradient (gradient)- creates a fill with a smooth transition between several colors.

There are five types of gradients:

Mode (overlay mode) -there is a change in pixels depending on the selected mode. In lessons from 16 to 20, it is described in detail about each.

OPACITY (opacity) -the opacity of the gradient;

DITHER (color dilution) -imitate more colors;

REVERSE (reverse order) -geometrically turn the gradient;

Transparency (transparency) -use transparency.

Many gradients of good and different

Click on the arrow in the upper right corner. A list in which
additional sets of gradients are located. Choose any of them.
A window will appear in which you need to click Add. (Add)If you want to download new gradients, leaving on-site old or click OK and then new ones are loaded instead of old.

Also on this list it is possible to download additional gradients (for example, downloaded from the Internet to the Program Files \\ Adobe \\ Adobe Photoshop CS folder .... \\ Presets \\ Gradient).

Window Gradient Editor (gradient editor)

To call this window you need to click on the gradient sample in the tool parameter menu.

In this window, you can adjust the gradient fill or select from the list PRESETS (sets). Pressing the button Load ... (download ...)You can download the gradient sets (file extension. RRD) or use the Save button. (Save ...) to save your own set of gradients. In order for the gradient you created in the Presets (sets), set the name in the Name field and click on the New button.

Name- This field indicates the name of the selected gradient. If you change the settings, the name will change on the Custom (custom) and can be changed for subsequent saving;

Gradient Type (gradient / gradient type) - Possible selection of two options: Solid (solid) and noise (noise).

Solid (solid) - A smooth transition between colors is created;

Noise (noise) - The gradient will appear as a random combination of lines of any colors. By pressing the button another option, the next random variation of color noise will load. The transitions between colors are obtained and the lower part of the window is modified:

You can adjust smoothness. At zero, the gradient acquires a smooth transition. At 50%, blur is obtained and at 100% the bands of all the rainbow colors are provided to you. There are other settings. You can configure colors via channels in different
color models (RGB, HSB and Lab). You can limit colors and enable transparency.

- The degree of smoothness of the gradient is set.
The lower this value, the sharp transitions between colors;

Color (Color)- set the color of the selected color limiter;

Location (Location / Position) - For the numerical task of the position of the slider. The arrangement of the color limiter (from 0 to 100%). You can set exactly the middle, putting the slider to 50

From above of the colored strip are the gradient transparency slider. In order to add a new marker, lay the mouse cursor to the top of the strip and click the right place. Change the opacity of the gradient at this point, by reducing the corresponding item in the STOPS section. To remove the marker, you need to mark it with the cursor and click on the Delete button. How to determine whether the desired marker is selected for editing? Very simple! The tip of the selected marker is painted black.

Similarly, add the slider at the bottom of the color strip, where the transition sliders between the colors are located. By adding the slider to the color strip, it becomes active, and it can be assigned another color by clicking the Color (color) window. Here are the pointers of medium points (small diamonds). They indicate the place where neighboring colors are mixed in equal proportions. And sliders, and pointers can be moved. You can use any number of sliders. Depending on the choice of color, the type of slider will be different. If the color of the gradient is fixed / customized, then the slider is painted in this color.

When dragging with the Alt key, the slider is duplicated, and a new color transition appears on the strip.

To construct a horizontal gradient, a gradient at an angle of 90 or at an angle of 45 degrees, while moving the cursor, hold the key Shift.pressed. Release the mouse button at the point where you want to complete the gradient transition.

Draw a rainbow

Create a new layer. Choose a rainbow similar gradient. Slide the slider to the right. Click OK.

Spend a small segment tool Linear gradient at an angle of 45 degrees.

Select on the Edit menu - Transform (Transform) - WARP (deformation). Or press the CTRL + T key combination and in the tool parameter menu, click on the icon. A grid will appear which can be transformed by moving angular dots and tangential vector.

To exit the transformation mode, press ENTER Or click on the icon in the tool parameter menu.

Reduce the opacity of the layer with a rainbow and change the overlay mode on SoftLight (Soft light).


(Correct answer you can learn from the quiz at the end of the video language):

  1. What parameter should be noted at the Paint Bucket (fill) tool so that the selected area is painted with the pattern?

- MODE (overlay mode) - Overlay.

- In the Fill window, select Pattern (sample / regular).

- Tolerance (tolerance) Install on zero.

- Edit (Edit) - Define Pattern (Define Pattern).

- Layers (Layers) - New Fill Layer (New Fill Layer) - Pattern (Pattern).

3. How to protect transparent areas of layer from fill with color or pattern?

- MODE (Exclusion Mode) - Exclusion.

- Talk item Contiguous (adjacent pixels).

- Reduce to zero paragraph OPACITY (opacity) in the Tool Parameters menu.

- Press Lock Transparent Pixels (Fix transparent points) in the layers palette.

- Opacity (opacity) in the palette of layers to reduce to zero.

4. How to open the Gradient Editor window (gradient editor)?

- EDIT menu - Fill (Fill) - Gradient (gradient).

- The context menu of the right mouse button - Define Pattern (define the pattern).

- Click on the gradient sample in the tool parameter menu.

- Click two times on any of the five types of gradient.

5. How to make a black and red and white gradient from a black and white gradient?

- In Gradient Editor (gradient editor), add a red slider on top of a color strip.

- In Gradient Editor (gradient editor) add a red slider at the bottom of the color strip.

- In the gradient editor (editor of the gradient) to look for a ready gradient.

- in Gradient Editor (gradient editor) Select Noise (noise), and 50%Smoothness.


You must either see the hidden text.

purpose lesson:

  • consolidating the knowledge gained on the graphic editor "Paint";
  • get acquainted with the "Filling" tool of the Paint program;
  • learn to apply the "Pouring" tool.

Tasks lesson:

Educational: Formation, systematization and summarization of knowledge on the topic "Graphic editor Paint", master the mouse using the Paint graphics editor, acquaintance with the "Fill" tool.

Development: Development of mental techniques (generalization, analysis, synthesis, assessment), attention, memory, creative activity.

Educational: Development of cognitive interest of students, the basics of communicative communication, self-confidence, accuracy.

Basic concepts and terms: graphic editor, file, open file, create file, file name, toolbar, drawing tools, workspace, menu string.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment - 1-2 minutes

2. Actualization of reference knowledge - 10 minutes.

3. The study of the new material is 10 minutes.

  1. Fill tool Graphic editor Paint
  2. Methods for using the tool.

4. Fizkultminutka - 2 minutes.

5. Fastening and summarizing knowledge. - 12 minutes.

  1. Practical work on PC.
  2. Charging eye.
  3. Discussion of the results obtained.

6. Control of theoretical knowledge - 5 minutes.

7. Homework. Summing up the lesson - 3 minutes.

1. Organizational moment

Today we will get acquainted with the fill tool in the paint editor Paint. Perform a number of works using this tool. Then, accumulating enough drawings, we will collect them in our album, the name you will come up with yourself. Come up with the original name and design - your homework.

2. Actualization of reference knowledge

In the previous lesson, we acquainted with the Paint graphics editor. It is proposed to repeat the learned material on the past lesson: what is a graphic editor, with which graphic editor they met how you can save, open and create a new file.

Question: Let's try to restore the graphics editor interface<Picture 1\u003e. Who wants to do it at the board? Schematically depicts the editor interface on the board, signs the main elements.

Picture 1

Pupils are invited to paint drawing<Figure 2.\u003e With pencils and markers for 5 minutes. The teacher informs the evaluation criteria for this task: accuracy, the color is correctly chosen, complete the task performed. Pupils exchange work with their neighbors and evaluate each other's work according to criteria. After estimation, there is a discussion of the marked marks.

Figure 2.

3. Studying a new material

Before painting painting in the paint editor Paint, students are listening to the explanation of the teacher about choosing and changing the color of the fill. Record the name and purpose of the new tool in the working notebooks.

Pouring - Paints the selected color a closed pattern of the drawing.

Choosing colors - allows you to clarify one or another color in the figure.

4. Fizkultminutka

Fizkultminutku can be performed based on the repetition of safety regulations. The teacher calls "wrong" rules, students, if agrees - pull hands up, if they do not agree - pull hands in front of them or to the sides.

5. Fastening and summarizing knowledge. Practical work

The next stage will have: students work at a computer. While working at the computer, it is necessary to be extremely attentive. Repetition of safety regulations.

Safety technique

To avoid accidents, electric shock, equipment breakdowns, it is recommended to perform the following rules:

  • Do not include equipment without permission.
  • In case of accident, or breakage equipment to call the older (teacher).
  • Do not touch the wires and connectors (possibly electric shock).
  • Prevent damage to equipment.
  • Do not work in outerwear.
  • Do not jump, do not run (not dust).
  • Keep quiet.
  • The monitor should be located at the level of the eye and perpendicular to the angle of view.

Task 1. Coloring the same drawing<Figure 2.\u003e Using the Paint program tools.

The teacher needs to pre-load the same drawing to the computer so that the students will open it and decompose the means of Paint <Рисунок 2> . Next, they should be saved. The teacher must first create folders for student works on each computer on disks with, for example, under the name 5_class. Students will later remember where the files created by them are and in which folder they must be saved.

Task 2.For strong students, it is proposed to download an additional task <Рисунок 3> .

Figure 3.

It is necessary to find all the triangles and pour them with brown color, and all other pieces should be left unchanged. Students must determine which animal will turn out. (If the task is performed correctly, the camel is obtained).

Students retain the results obtained. Turn off the computer.

After completing the task, you must perform with students charging for the eyes.

6. Control of theoretical knowledge

Answer the test is offered by students on cards, the faithful answers are noted, the cards sign, pass the teacher.

F.I. __________ class _________ Date _________

Choose the correct answer:

1. A graphic editor is a program designed for ...

a) edit type and font drawing

b) text graphic image

c) graphic work

2. PAINT program is started as follows.

a) Start - Standard Programs - Paint Graphic Editor

b) Start - Programs - Paint Graphic Editor

c) Programs - Starting - Standard - Paint Graphic Editor

3. To create a new file in Paint, you must:

a) file - create

b) file - open

c) drawing - Clear

4. To the main operations possible in the graphical editor include ...

a) highlighting, copying, insertion

b) pencil, brush, eraser

c) Color sets (palette)

5. When inserting from the clipboard or from the file, where is the default inserted fragment?

a) in the upper left corner of the screen

b) in the lower left corner of the screen

c) in the lower right corner of the screen

6. When pouring the figure, other areas will sing in the case

a) when the contour of the figure is continuous

b) when the figure of the figure has a gap

c) When the figure of the figure has two consecutive gaps on one straight line

7. Homework

Come up with the original name and design for the album with drawings created in the Paint graphics editor.

8. Summing up the lesson

Note. You can use other drawings to perform practical work.<Рисунок 4>, <Рисунок 5>, <Рисунок 6>, <Рисунок 7>.

Literature: Informatics and ICT. Textbook. First level. Edited by N.V. Makarova.

Figure 4.

Figure 5.

Figure 6.

Many owners of personal computers often faced such software as Paint. This software is the main application that is included with the Windows Operating System. This app is a simple graphic editor that you can edit various pictures with simple tools and much more.

Many novice people who just get acquainted with this program, ask many different questions about this or that actions in this program. This time is a frequent question - how to make fill in Paint. In fact, this is a very simple question. But for beginners, this action is still unknown.

So, before performing the fill, you need to create a new sheet or simply open a graphic editor. If you want to paint the whole sheet, for example, blue, then you need to choose this color to start and only then choose a special tool called the fill and click this instrument on the sheet. As a result, the sheet will fully become blue.

As a result, you should turn out exactly as shown in the picture. With a simple task we coped. Now, let's try to go to the next level and draw the square of the red light. To do this, you need to choose a special tool - a rectangle. But before that, choose a red color and draw this square on the workspace.

If you have happened, as shown in the picture, it means that you did everything right. Now, if you want to paint the inside of this square in another color, for example, green, then you need to make the same actions as on the first drawing, only on the square area. As a result, you should look like this:

Now you have mastered the lesson with the fill. This tool has a property to replace only selected colors. Shades he, unfortunately, will not be able to pour. This applies only to photos and other pictures where there are many colors. To edit similar pictures, you need a more powerful tool that is able to offer more flexible casting options and work with flowers - Adobe Photoshop. With this software, you can make not only colorful images, but also various beautiful abstractions. But first, since you start the user of a personal computer, you need to master to start working with Paint.