The difference between the fascists from the Nazis. Fascism and Nazism

The difference between the fascists from the Nazis. Fascism and Nazism
The difference between the fascists from the Nazis. Fascism and Nazism

Just 60 years ago, the world overwhelmed the crushing war, but today the followers of Hitler declare their claims to the political Olympus. They are trying to break through into parliaments and ministers under the guise of nationalists, arguing that they actually behave the interests of the people. What do they differ from the Nazis? Is there a risk of repetition of the war, which will again force all of humanity.


Nazism - The political ideology of national socialism, where the socialist device of the state and society is closely intertwined with nationalist ideas. This allows you to preach the superiority of one people over others, justify racial discrimination and ethnic wars. The most important attributes of such ideology are totalitarianism, the rejection of the market economy, the introduction of universal military service, the atmosphere of total intolerance and unity.

Nationalism - The political course, the most important principle of which is to protect the nation and the primary observance of its interests. At the same time, people can be formed both on the principle of "single blood" and according to the principle of "one land", "one faith". Political ideology persistently protects the interests of the nation, but it does not always preach its superiority over the rest of the peoples.


Healthy nationalism allows you to identify the ethnic or social group against the rest of the rest, keeping its interests, organize effective management. Nazism is more aggressive, its plans include a wide distribution of one biological group, which allegedly has excellence over the others. The ethnic perfection of one people gives him the "right" to coherely to others, up to their complete destruction.

Nationalism more tolerant refers to representatives of other peoples. In addition, it can be formed in the territorial (USA) or religious (Islamist state) principle. Nationalism does not always contradict the market economy, freedom of speech and freedomiff. It is quite capable of cope with constructive criticism and wed up into the legal field. National Socialism is the ideology of a totalitarian state where there can be a speech about personal freedom.

Conclusions Site

  1. Definition of the ethnos. Nazism puts biological origin under the head of the corner, and nationalism is also the unity of views, religion.
  2. Attitude to other peoples. Nationalism more or less tolerant refers to the stranger ethnic groups, but does not seek merging with them. Nazism carries racial discrimination, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe superiority of one people over others.
  3. State device. Nationalism can manifest itself in any political forms: from democracy to authoritarianism, Nazism is always totalitrans and seeks to destroy other parties.

How often are we now hearing the word "fascism". And what comes to mind? Swastika, Hitler, Germany. And what if everything is listed, has nothing to do with fascism? And so bend.

1) Hitler came up with fascism.

There is nothing like. The founder of fascism was Benito Mussolini - Italian fascism, included elements of corporatism, expansionism and anti-communism in combination with censorship and state propaganda. It is worth noting that the author of Fascismism Benito Mussolini rejected a racial theory, so loved by Hitler. Moreover, it is safe to say that Benito Mussolini considered the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dominant race "revealed nonsense, stupid and idiotic", he also said that "... In Italy, there is no national question, since it cannot exist in the country with a reasonable system of state reign." (Hibbert K. Benito Mussolini. M. Phoenix. 1998. p. 98.). We summarize: Fascism invention Mussolini, and he had the features completely different from the ideology of Nazi Germany, we note that with Mussolini, despite the fact that compared to Hitler, and his perverted Nazi ideology, Mussolini was not so tyrant, fate had been cruelly, he He was shot, and after his body was suspended at refueling, to universal consideration, and the face is disfigured to be unrecognizable.

2) Swastika - symbol of fascism.

And not again. The symbols of fascism was fascia. Fascia, originally, the attribute of the power of the kings. Provided, in fact, the ax - with a red cord or linked bunches of leaky or birch rods, which were inserted into the blade (blade). The swastika is the symbolism used by Hitler, for his National Socialist Party (not fascist!), Moreover, he did not come up with it, the swastika existed in various forms in all cultures of the world, and before the war was widespread as an ornament, and the buttons were decorated , scarves, tulle, etc.

3) The fascists shouted "Haile Hitler" and pulled hands to the top.

Once by. So welcomed each other members of the National Socialist Party. Mussolini was welcomed by bending the sword in the elbow at the chest level, and less often the Roman salute - the hands of the hand to the sun from the heart, palm perpendicular to the earth.

4) The ideological difference between fascism and Nazism is as follows:

Formation of society. If fascism is trying to seize the nationality again through the dominant function of the state, the nationalism only proclaims the superiority of one nationality over others, where the state is a repressive apparatus for the protection of "superluetas".
- Origin. National Socialism is formed on the basis of large number political trends and ideologies, including fascism.
- National question. Nazism is an ideology that postulates as a politics of mansomeness (anti-Semitism, antihitism). The fascist ideology is aimed at strengthening the state and to restore its former power, even if the cost of interaction between various nations and nationalities.

5) In conclusion, we note that the National Socialists disliked Benito Mussolini, and fascism himself, many of the fascism ideas were borrowed and perverted by Hitler. They called the Nazis, National Socialists, with the aim of propaganda, because Soviet socialism was similar, both by the name and in many provisions, with national socialism, and such confusion the state could not afford. It is on this, Nazi Germany and the "National Socialist German Workers Party", were called in the Soviet Union, in honor of the Allies of Germany at the fronts of the Second World War, Fascist.

In modern society, the terms "Nazism", "nationalism" and "fascism" can often be perceived as synonyms, but it is not. The two terms, namely Nazism and fascism, were identified during the Great Patriotic War, since Italy and Germany performed in this war on one side. It was then that the phrase "fascist Germany" appeared, which was not very liked by the captive Germans. Nationalism and Nazism are almost indistinguishable for an ordinary person. But if the meaning of these concepts is one, how to distinguish them and nazism?

Fascism and Frankism

Fascism translated from Italian means "union" or "beam". This term means a generalization of extremely right political movements, as well as their ideology. It also denotes the political regimes of dictatorial type, which are headed by these movements. If we take a narrower concept, then under fascism implies a massive political movement, which existed in the territory of Italy in the 20-40s of the twentieth century under the leadership of Mussolini.

In addition to Italy, fascism also existed in Spain during the rule of General Franco, which he received a somewhat different name - Frankishman. Fascism was both in Portugal, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, as well as in many if you believe the works of Soviet scientists, then the National Socialism, which existed in Germany, should be attributed to the fascism, however, to understand this, it is necessary to understand what Nazism is?

Signs of the fascist state

How to distinguish the fascist state from others? Undoubtedly, he has its own signs that allow him to separate it from other countries where the dictator dominates. The main features of the ideology of fascism is:

  • Leaderism.
  • Corporatism.
  • Militarism.
  • Extremism.
  • Nationalism.
  • Anti-communism.
  • Populism.

The fascist parties, in turn, arise when the country is in a state of economic crisis, moreover, if it affects the state of the political and social sphere.

After the end of World War II, the concept of "fascist" gained a very negative color, therefore, for any political group, it became extremely unpopularly to attribute himself to this area. In the Soviet media, traditionally fascism called all anti-communist military dictatorships. As an example, you can bring the military junt of pinochet in Chile, as well as the stressner modes in Paraguay.

Fascism is not synonymous with the word nationalism, so do not confuse two of these concepts. You just need to figure out, and Nazism.


The next term that should be founded to understand what Nazism is Nationalism. He is one of the directions of politics, as the fundamental principle of which thesis is the absenteeism of the Nation in the state. This political movement seeks to defend the interests of any particular nationality. But this is not always the case. Sometimes nationalism can form people not only on the principle of one blood, but also on the principle of territorial affiliation.

How to distinguish nationalism from Nazism?

The main differences between Nazism from nationalism are that the representatives of the second more tolerant belong to other ethnic groups, but do not seek to converge with them. In addition, they, as already mentioned above, can be formed by territorial or religious grounds. Also less often contradicts the economy, freedomity and freedom of speech. It can qualitatively embed into the legal field of the state and can cope with the one who understands what Nazism should know that under it the state should be totalitarian and there is no place to be free.


What is Nazism? The definition of this concept has become widely known to the whole world after the end of World War II. It is the third Reich that is the main example, which can be understood what Nazism is. Under this concept is understood as the form of the state of the state, in which socialism unites with the extreme degree of racism and nationalism.

The goal of Nazism was to combine the generality of racially clean, Aryan people who can lead the country to prosperity over the centuries in the extensive territory.

According to Hitler, Socialism was an ancient Organic tradition. According to the high-ranking persons of the Third Reich, it was their ancestors for the first time began to use land together, diligently developing an idea of \u200b\u200bgeneral good. Communism, according to them, was not socialism, but was only disguised by Marxism.

The main ideas of National Socialism were:

  • Anti Marxism, Anti-Bolshevism.
  • Racism.
  • Militarism.

Thus, it can be understood what fascism and Nazism, as well as nationalism. These are three completely different concepts that, despite some similarities, are not synonymous. But, despite the facts, many people still consider them one to this day.

Many do not understand the difference between fascism and Nazism, and think that this is the same or consider one ideology as a particular case of another. You can hear such dams:
1. "Yes, you call it at least a pot, the essence does not change from this."
Well, if a person wants to appear to be uneducated and be a copy of the "Ellochka-ogwilde" and call all things in one word (a pot, for example), then it is his own democratic law, like any homeless, they are lying on the street and promote their lifestyle.
2. "Nazism is considered as a special case of fascism, reading the same wiki, it is easy to understand. There are practically no difference."
Just in practice there is a difference. By virtue of historical justice, these concepts should be distinguished, and do not interfere with sour with green. Combine on general features, and consider as a special case can be meaninglessly (in the context of the endful goals of ideologies), because under these "cases" there will be another bunch of other "-isms"). For a detailed study, it is necessary to refer to the relevant work, and not to the dictionaries, and even more so not to the media.

Today, in the media, often fascism is called any valid or imaginary manifestations of totalitarianism in combination with the idea of \u200b\u200bnational or racial exclusivity, as well as sympathy for Nazi symbols and aesthetics. Fascism is also called the form of populist ultranationalism, based on addressing the past, romanticization and idealization. In practice, fascism has just become a crucial word in political controversy, losing its concrete content.

Below is a small job (based on "Jewish sources" (!) (What is noticeable), so that there are no claims such as: I do not need the articles of avid nationalists here).

Part 1. The difference between National Socialism and Fascism

Some people do not even know that there is a difference between the fascism of Mussolini and National Socialism Hitler. National Socialism often say fascism, or German or German fascism. Most often, this identification of concepts is observed in an environment brought up on a communist ideology, which called all the manifestations of totalitarianism in Europe with fascism. Often, a person simply did not want to share these ideologies, considering their evil of one root, general, mixing both concepts and not wanting to understand the difference.

In general, there is logic here, since this branch of European totalitarianism was originated in Italy and was called - fascism from the Italian word "Fascio", which means "bundle", "bundle", "union", "Union". And since at that time there was a powerful confrontation of the ideas of communism and fascism, then all such evil was called fascism, which remained in the minds of people, especially old. Somewhat later, Hitler, taking the idea of \u200b\u200bMussolini as a basis, developed it on racist grounds and created already National Socialism or Nazism.

The essential difference between these two teachings is the tone painting of their nationalist ideas. Both ideologies are at the heart of chauvinism, but if this chauvinism is aimed at strengthening the state, the revival of the former Roman Empire and the unity of representatives of this nation, the National Socialism is the theory of superiority of one nation over the other.

Nazis dominates the racial idea brought to anti-Semitism. Attitude towards all other nations also has a connection with the Jews. Everything communicates with the semites. Bolshevism becomes Zhired Bolshevism, the French self-evaluated and hazardous, the British will even build to one of the knees of Israel, whose tracks are considered lost, etc.

Consider the ideological foundations of fascism and national socialism. The fact, but not well known that Hitler and Mussolini were extremely not liked when their doctrines and ideologies were confused. There were fundamental differences: for the situation to the state, on the national issue, in relation to war and the world, on the issues of religion, and some other, less significant.

Part 2. The attitude of fascism and Nazism to the state to its goals

By definition of Mussolini "The main position of the fascist doctrine is the doctrine of the state, its essence, tasks and purposes. For fascism, the state is represented by the Absolute compared with which individuals and groups are only "relative". Individuals and groups are thought only in the state. "

Thus, Mussolini formulated the main idea and the purpose of fascism. Even more specifically, this idea is marked in the slogan, which proclaimed Mussolini in his speech in the ward of deputies on May 26, 1927: "Everything in the state, nothing against the state and nothing out of the state."

The relationship of national socialists to the state was fundamentally different. If the state is primary for fascists: "The state creates a nation", then for the national socialists, the state is "only a means for conserving the people." Moreover, National Socialism was the goal and the main task not even to maintain this "means", and the refusal of it is the restructuring of the state to society. What was the future society had to be? First, it should have been racial based on the principles of racial inequality. And the main initial goal of this society was to purify the race, in this case Aryan, and then maintaining and maintaining its purity. The state thought as an intermediate stage, which is necessary at first for the construction of such a society. It is noticeable for some similarity with the ideas of Marx and Lenin, who also considered the state by a transitional form towards the construction of another society (communism). For

Mussolini was the main goal of the creation of an absolute state, the revival of the former power of the Roman Empire. The difference becomes clear.

Part 3. Differences on the National Question

For fascists, a corporate approach is characterized in the decision of the National Question. Fascists want by cooperation between nations and classes to achieve their ultimate goal of the absolute state. National Socialism, in the face of Hitler and his other figures, solves the national problem through a racial approach, by subordination of the "Neoraloveks" of one higher race and ensuring its domination over the others.

The above is confirmed by the statements of the leaders of these movements:
B. Mussolini: "Fascism - the concept of historical, in which a person is considered exclusively as an active participant in the spiritual process in a family and social group, in the nation and in history where all nations cooperate."
A. Hitler: "I will never agree that other nations be equal with German, our task is to enslave other nations."

The main thing in the ideology of National Socialism is Race. At the same time, in Hitler Germany, a completely concrete type of people was understood under the race, laws that ensure the purity and preservation of the Aryan race were taken, concrete measures were held to eliminate a certain physiological type.

Mussolini claims that "Race is a feeling, not a reality; 95% feeling. " And this is no longer particular, these are fundamental ideological disagreements. Mussolini does not use the concepts of "race" at all, he operates only with the concept of "nation". Hitler argued that the concept of "nation" is obsolete, "empty" concept: "The concept of the nation has become empty. "Nation" is a political instrument of democracy and liberalism. " Hitler fundamentally rejects the concept of "nation". Moreover, he puts the task to abolish this concept. Mussolini, on the contrary, identifies the concept of "nation" with the basis of the fascist doctrine - the concept of "state".

Anti-Semitism was the cornerstone of National Policy of National Socialism. At the same time, in the fascist Italy, there was no persecution of Jews by, whatever, ideological reasons. Fascism, as an ideology, is generally free from anti-Semitism.

Moreover, Mussolini dramatically condemned the Nazi theory of racism and anti-Semitism. In March 1932, chatting with the German writer Emil Ludwig, he said: "... To date, there are no completely clean races in the world. Even the Jews did not avoid mixing. It is such a mixing that often makes a nation with a strong and beautiful ... I do not believe in any biological experiments who allegedly can determine the purity of the race ... Anti-Semitism in Italy does not exist. Italian Jews have always behaved like real patriots. They bravely fought for Italy during the war. "Please, how the dead and his brave generals saved the poor Jews from the hands of Eichman and Croatian" Thairs "(Brothers-Slavs ... Arrayayayaya !! 1), I already wrote ...

As you can see, Mussolini not only does not condemn the mixture of races, which is fundamentally contradicts not only Hitler and the entire racial theory of national socialism, but even with sympathy speaks of Jews. And it was not just words - at the time in Italy, many important posts in universities and in banks were held by Jews. In the army among the senior officers there were also many Jews.

French author F. Fuure in his book "Past of one illusion" said: "Hitler made the word" race "by the main point of his political credo, while Mussolini was not in fact a racist." Russian Sociologist N.V. Untheted (1890-1937): "It is necessary ... It is noted that in the Italian fascism, the racist spirit is missing ... In other words, racism is not a necessary element of fascist ideology."

Only at the last stage of the existence of the fascist regime in Italy had cases of oppression of the Jews. But they did not wear a mass character, and were only caused by the wishes of Mussolini to please Hitler, from which by that time the fate of not only the Italian fascism was largely depended, but also his leader. Consequently, based on the statements of Benito Mussolini, the manifestations of racism and anti-Semitism, which took place at the last stage of the existence of the fascist regime in Italy, carried a conjunctural-political, and not a fundamentally ideal nature. Moreover, they absolutely did not correspond to the views of Mussolini himself and, therefore, did not correspond to the doctrine of fascism. In this regard, it is not possible not to cause doubt the assertion found in the media and wide literature, which, "the most important sign of fascism is the extreme nationalism ... planting intolerance to other peoples, restrictions on their rights up to physical destruction." This sign fully refers to the national-socialist ideology, but not to fascism.

Hitler in his ideology took as a basis how to unite it around pseudo-source ideas, converting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe absolute Italian state of Mussolini in the idea of \u200b\u200bsociety with racial inequality, pointed to anti-Semitism, where the Arteria Race dominated.

Mussolini believed that it was necessary to revive the former power of the Roman Empire, he solved the national question corporately. For Mussolini, it was important to organize equal cooperation of nations, to achieve a unified goal of organizing an absolute state, where the personality would be under full, both spiritual and physical control.

Most, even quite educated people, most often do not know that there is a difference, and quite large, between the fascism of Mussolini and National Socialism of Hitler. About national socialism often say fascism, or German (German) fascism. Most often, this identification of concepts is observed in a medium brought up on a communist ideology, which called the manifestations of totalitarianism in Europe with fascism. Often, a person simply did not want to share these ideologies, considering their evil of one root, general, mixing both concepts and not wanting to understand the difference.

Fascism As the totalitarian movement originated in Italy and got the name from the Italian word "Fascio", which means "beam", "bundle", "union", "Union". Somewhat later, Hitler, taking as a basis the idea of \u200b\u200bMussolini, developed it on racist grounds and created already national Socialism or Nazism.

The essential difference between these two teachings is the tone painting of their nationalist ideas. Both ideologies are at the heart of chauvinism, but If in fascism, this chauvinism is aimed at strengthening the state, revival of the former Roman Empire and the unity of representatives of this nation, then National Socialism - This is the theory of superiority of one nation over the other.

Nazis dominates the racial idea brought to anti-Semitism. Attitude towards all other nations also has a connection with the Jews. Everything communicates with the semites.

By definition of Mussolini " the main position of the fascist doctrine is the doctrine of the state, its essence, tasks and purposes. For fascism, the state seems to be the Absolute, compared to which individuals and groups are only "relative". Individuals and groups are thought only in the state" Even more specifically, this idea is indicated in the slogan, which proclaimed Mussolini in his speech in the House of Deputies on May 26, 1927 : "Everything in the state, nothing against the state and nothing out of the state."

The relationship of national socialists to the state was fundamentally different: it "Only a means to save the people". Moreover, National Socialism was the goal and the main task not even to maintain this "means", and the refusal of it is the restructuring of the state to society. What was the future society had to be? First, it should have been racial based on the principles of racial inequality. And the main initial goal of this society was to purify the race, in this case Aryan, and then maintaining and maintaining its purity. The state thought as an intermediate stage, which is necessary at first for the construction of such a society. It is noticeable for some similarity with the ideas of Marx and Lenin, who also considered the state by a transitional form towards the construction of another society (communism).

For fascists, a corporate approach is characterized in the decision of the National Question. Fascists want by cooperation between nations and classes to achieve their ultimate goal of the absolute state. National Socialism, in the face of Hitler and his other figures, solves the national problem through a racial approach, by subordination of the "Neoraloveks" of one higher race and ensuring its domination over the others.

The above is confirmed by the statements of the leaders of these movements:
B.Mussolini: "Fascism - the concept of historical, in which a person is considered exclusively as an active participant in the spiritual process in a family and social group, in the nation and in history where all the nations cooperate."
A. Hitler: "I will never agree that other nations be equal with German, our task is to enslave other nations."

The main thing in the ideology of National Socialism is Race. At the same time in Hitler's Germany a complete type of people was understood under the race, laws that ensure the purity and preservation of the Aryan race were taken, concrete measures were carried out to eliminate a certain physiological type.

Mussolini claims that "Race is a feeling, not a reality; 95% feeling. " And this is no longer particular, these are fundamental ideological disagreements. Mussolini does not use the concepts of "race" at all, he operates only with the concept of "nation". Hitler argued that the concept of "nation" is obsolete, "empty" concept: "The concept of the nation has become empty. "Nation" is a political instrument of democracy and liberalism. "

Hitler fundamentally rejects the concept of "nation". Moreover, he puts the task to abolish this concept. Mussolini, on the contrary, identifies the concept of "nation" with the basis of the fascist doctrine - the concept of "state".

Anti-Semitism was the cornerstone of National Policy of National Socialism. At the same time, in the fascist Italy, there was no persecution of Jews by, whatever, ideological reasons. Fascism, as an ideology, is generally free from anti-Semitism.

Moreover, Mussolini dramatically condemned the Nazi theory of racism and anti-Semitism.

Fact but not well known that Hitler and Mussolini were extremely not loved when their doctrines and ideologies were confused.

Hitler in his ideology took as a basis the way to unite it around pseudo-source ideas, converting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe absolute Italian state of Mussolini in the idea of \u200b\u200bsociety with racial inequality, where the Aryan race dominated.

Mussolini believed that it was necessary to revive the former power of the Roman Empire, he solved the national question corporately. For Mussolini, it was important to organize equal cooperation of nations, to achieve a unified goal of organizing an absolute state, where the personality would be under full, both spiritual and physical control.

Hitler, if you can say so, squeezed the juice from the Mussolini doctrine, as well as from the communist ideas, turning them into the monster not only from the inside (total control over the person in the state), but also from the outside, turning the German people into the car of war, destruction and subordination other nations.

Totalitarianism is ideology . As Mussolini, and Hitler wrote their works, which were the doctrines of their regimes. In Italy, this "Doctrine of Fascism", and Hitler is "my struggle." These doctrines were the foundations, with the help of which the people persuaded, and who should have been the Book of "Genesis" of every fascist and the Nazis.

With totalitarianism there is no personality site. Everything is absorbed by the state, in the case of fascismor society, in the case of National Socialism.

Totalitarianism is terror. In Italy, these are black-readers, and in Germany SA, SS, Gestapo, as well as the "People's Tribunal" and other bodies of the fascist justice.

And on these features, the fascist and Nazi regimes specialists belong to the totalitarianism of the twentieth century.

After the collapse of the USSR, and the exit from it of Ukraine, to the profascist in the views, the policy of the violent total Ukrainization of the Russian national-forming indigenous population, it is necessary to include Ruch, "Nu-NA" Yushchenko, BYUT and, as neither regrettable, the current ruling part of the regions ... Come in power with votes The Russians, she rolled back from the democratic ideas and the program to the right, abandoning regionalism, the Russian language, the Union with fraternal Belorussia and Russia, the SEP ... Becoming the clone earlier than its mentioned Russian parties ...

In Ukraine, it is necessary to attribute the "freedom" of Tribunal to the Nazis, and on the basis of decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal to announce it outlawed; The same is not registered anywhere in the address, which means the criminal - the organization of ethnic on ideas, membership and actions in favor of only one nationality - the Tatar of Crimea, the so-called "Majlis". For all the above features, it is an organized criminal group at Nazi ideas about the supremacy over the rest of the peoples in the population of Crimea.