From what the singer from Ivanushki died. "Friend left": the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev died

From what the singer from Ivanushki died.
From what the singer from Ivanushki died. "Friend left": the ex-soloist of the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev died

In the history of the "Ivanushki International" in the team there were only five people. In 1998, the place of Igor Sirin took Oleg Yakovlev. At the moment, both ex-soloist went away ..

Igor Sirin

The path to the glory of Igor Sorina was a thorny. As a child, the boy was tried to the role of Tom Sawyer, but was rejected by the director Nikita Mikhalkov. The defeat was so painful for the young man that he tried to commit suicide, jumping out of the window - fortunately, due to a small height, the fall ended without consequences. Later, Igor received an education in the radio mechanical technical school, she worked as a working scene, entered Gnesinku. Later threw his studies by going on tour with the Musicom Metro Warsaw Music-Drama Theater. The production failed, but Sorin received an offer to continue his studies in New York. Alas, again failure: For life in America, the guy did not have any money nor connections, therefore I had to go home.

With "Ivanushkami" also noted immediately: a group under the guidance of Igor Matvienko changed the name many times, had to perform in schools, on graduation, casino and clubs. The first clip on the song "The Universe" of admiration did not cause, and the unusual style of Trip-Hop seemed unusual to listeners. The producer was thinking about the dissolution of the collective, but I gave Igor Sorin, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov and Kirill Andreyev, the second chance, removing the clip to the song "Tuchi" - this particular video was the beginning of the popularity of the male trio.

Sorin in a few years decided to leave the group. "Igorka realized that I was tired of being" Ivanushka ", tired of this mad attention and he wants to perform solo. My redheads and I could see him as: "Igor, do not hurry, we have concerts, popularity is all good." And he said: "I'm tired of singing the same thing every day." I objected him: "Well, all the same thing they sing. You will also sing, although your own, but the same thing. "He did not want to listen to anything," recalls Kirill Andreev.

In 1998, at the very beginning of the solo career, Igor left his life. A 28-year-old young man worked with musicians from the group "DSM formation" - the record of its own plate was complete. On September 1, Igor fell out of the Studio window from the sixth floor. With multiple injuries and fractures, Sorina was taken to hospital for an urgent operation. The procedure was successful, but the heart of a man could not stand - on September 4, Igor Sirch died.

The exact cause of death still causes controversy. In the hospital Sorin assured that he jumped himself, but could not be called the reason. The traces of alcohol and drugs in the blood of the young man was found. The official version is suicide as a result of depression, proof of what a found suicide note was. But the relatives refuse to believe in this, assuring that their beloved man was killed: turned her neck and carried out to the street, staged suicide (according to the mother, there were really no bruises on the body of the deceased).

In 1998, Igor Sorina in the group "Ivanushki International" was replaced by Oleg Yakovlev.

Oleg Yakovlev

Oleg from his youth manila music and scene. In Irkutsk, the guy graduated from a music school, sang in the choir, received a red diploma in the specialty "Actor of Puppet Theater". But to be all my life in the shadows, I did not want to shirma. Yakovlev continued to study in Moscow: He graduated from Gitis and entered the service at the Theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. To contain yourself, the guy had to work a lot: Yakovlev recorded advertising, she worked on the radio and even swept the streets. Working with Ivanushki International first was also only in the way to earn: Blonde starred in the clip "Doll" as an actor. A full participant in the collective only in 1998, after Igor's care.

For almost 15 years, Oleg went on stage in a popular male trio, by performing a "poplar fluff", "" "," Light droplet "and other hits, and repeatedly said that" Ivanushki "is his whole life. And in 2013, I decided to leave the group. Versions were a lot: some said that Yakovleva was fired for drunkenness, others believed that the soloists were not a joke, the third associated the decision with the crisis of middle-aged. Oleg himself assured - just chose a solo career. "Life has changed dramatically. I became a solo artist. With what I, please congratulate. For the first time in my life I felt such a magnitude. I stopped dividing life into three parts. It's so great and interesting! My eyes are burning. I did not regret absolutely. Glumber plans, "the artist shared in an interview. Alas, the grand planners were not destined to come true. The musician managed to release only a few own songs: "Dance closed eyes", "6 floor", "mania", a very recently presented single "jeans".

The other day, Oleg Yakovlev fell into the hospital, after which he was in serious condition. Doctors diagnosed bilateral inflammation of the lungs with complications and connected the patient to the artificial ventilation apparatus. It is known that the artist also suffered from the liver cirrhosis. Doctors fought for his life, but in vain: June 29 at 7 am, without coming into consciousness, about what fans reported by his girl and producer Alexander Kutsevol. Related assure that Yakovlev was still full of strength and nothing foreshadowed trouble. As it turned out, the man was too inattentively reacted to his health.

"Double-sided pneumonia has become the cause of death, so all this time it has been connected to the device. During this time, he never even came into consciousness. There was a launched stage, he was treated at home himself. Previously, we did not call an ambulance, you know, cough and cough. Everything happened too quickly, none of us had time to come to come, "the artist.

TeleProgramma.Pro expresses condolences to the close and friends of the artist.

Oleg Yakovlev from Ivanushk International

The sad news came from Moscow - today Oleg Yakovlev, soloist of the group "Ivanushki International". Eternal memory to him, condolences to relatives and close to the deceased ...

Clip of the roar of Ivanushki ... Revi - not roar, and Oleg no longer ...

In Moscow, in the 48th year of life, the former soloist of the group "Ivanushki International" Oleg Yakovlev died. The cause of the death of the artist was the stop of the heart. According to the Civilian wife, Yakovleva, the singer could destroy the rejection of timely hospitalization. Colleagues called the care of the artist of life shocking and ridiculous.

Former participant of the Ivanushki International Group Oleg Yakovlev died in Moscow. This was reported by his civilian wife and PR manager Alexander Kutsevol.

"Today at 07:05 did not become the main man of my life, my angel, my happiness ... How are I now without you? .. Fly, Oleg! I am always with you, "she wrote.

She also told TASS that the cause of the singer's death was stopped. According to Kutsevol, the delivery date with Yakovlev has not yet been determined.

"On the date of farewell, we will notify additionally. The funeral will not, there will be cremation, "Kutsevol told.

In an interview with the Moscow Komsomoltsu, she did not confirm the rumors that the ex-soloist "Ivanosha" had cirrhosis of the liver, but noted that he really had "bad diagnoses".

"In one moment, the condition has deteriorated sharply. Because of this, it was emergency and hospitalized, "Kutsevul said.

"He did not want to be treated, although he was long advised to go to the clinic. He stubborn, wished to stay at home. Perhaps if he had been hospitalized before, they would be able to save. "

The day before it became known about the hospitalization of the artist due to the bilateral pneumonia of the lungs. Yakovleva was transferred to intensive care and connected to the device of artificial ventilation lungs, but Kutsevol declared that "the situation is under control."

"Yes, we are very worried, but we hope that everything will be fine, because with him the best doctors," she said.

"Congratulations on the day of the medical worker of all his doctors' friends, thanks to which I am alive and well, as well as all the doctors of our country! Thank you very much, be healthy yourself! " - wrote a singer.

"Veliad death"

One of the first death of the artist commented on the participant of the Ivanushki International Group Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, who said that still could not move from shock in connection with the news about the care of Yakovleva.

"I'm shocked, condolences to friends that he had, and all fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of Ivanushk International. This is a distinguished death, "he said in a conversation with RT.
Another participant of the Kirill Andreev group expressed his condolences.

"Today I did not become my friend. We lived on touring whole 15 years old, traveled and flew off the whole globe together. Sorrow, "wrote Andreev to Instagram.

Soloist group "Hands up!" Sergey Zhukov noted that he often met with Yakovlev at work. The resulting has become a real grief for him.

"It is very sad and scary, in any case, grief, as the family remained, favorite people and friends. Oleg was a kind of kind, absolutely bright, extraterrestrial and forever young, "said Zhukov.

Let the Earth be Pooh ... Poplar Poor ... Farewell, Oleg!

About how Oleg Yakovlev's funeral was 1.07.17 -

In March 1998, the fans of the Ivanushki International Group found out that Igor Sorin left the team. In his place, she came to anyone then not famous Oleg Yakovlev. The biography of a young soloist at that time included only acting merits. Young fans accepted the appearance of a new artist in the bayonets, and after the tragic death of his predecessor, the singer was real injury.

Life to "Ivanushki"

Oleg was born in an international family. Mother was a Buryat and adhered to Buddhist faith. Father - Uzbek and Muslim. The guy chose his way in religion and confessed Orthodoxy. Sing began in the orphanage and until the end of the school was a soloist of choir. Entered the Irkutsk Theater School, where he studied the art of the doll theater. After graduation, I decided to move to Moscow.


In the capital, he entered Gitis and studied acting for several years. He was lucky to get into the workshop of Lyudmila Kashatkina, and at the end of the institute the guy received a place in the theater of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. His director and mentor considered a close man and until the end of his life called him the "second father." In three roles in successful performances.


The unprecedented success of the boy brought Igor Sorin's love of millions of girls and girls across the country. But popularity has the opposite direction - the guy is tired of endless tours and tours. He wanted a solo career and performing songs that were in his soul. He leaves the group in early 1998, freeing the place with a new soloist.

First difficulties

Oleg had to experience all the hatred of Fanok Igor. He was called the "cheap fake" and when the scene appeared on the stage. Sing in such an atmosphere and look happy was incredibly difficult. Kirov fans did not let the guy sing a single song. During his speech, they shouted and demanded that he retracted from the scene. It seemed to them a little, and after the concert, they beat the guy, attached to the whole crowd. He was insulted on the national basis and ignored the concerts of the group, calling on Matvienko to remove from the "incomprehensible" boy.

But the hardest test was still ahead. After half a year, Sorin dies with unexplained circumstances, and the wave of hatred literally covers Yakovleva. Fans do not want to admit that Igor himself left the group and went into free swimming. It is rumored that he was kicked and he committed suicide, no failure to survive this fact. It was the most difficult period in the biography of Oleg Yakovlev. Now artists perceive "Heyters" as a given and little pay attention to them. But at the end of the last century, such a phenomenon was in a novelty, and it was not possible to survive the aggression of fans.

Time heals

A year after the death of Igor passed, and gradually noise came up. Or the fans matured, or finally could consider the talent of Oleg, but the injury stopped. The group again chase around the country and in the same Kirov took Yakovleva loud applause and the guy was able to reveal in the team and performed several new solo songs. A strong young voice was able to conquer the hearts of young girls, and the soloist was recognized as a full-fledged member of Ivanoshek. He had his own army fans. Let not be so big as Sarina, but they were true and devoted to their idols.

From this point on, the new soloist "Ivanushki" Oleg Yakovleva biography begins to be replenished with new facts. There are regular songs that become hits. In 2001, Alla Pugacheva invites him to shoot a new clip. In the plot, he plays the beloved Renata Litvinova and is experiencing their heavy parting. Primaudonna herself saw in this thin young man a real charisma and acting talent.

The reverse side of glory

Life behind the scene and recording studio also beat the key. In the biography of Ivanoshek and Oleg Yakovlev begin difficult times. Together with Andrei and Kirill, he rested after concerts. Alcohol helped them to remove the tension. In large quantities. Friends slowly, but really grilled health. And if the first two were stopped by his wife, then no one interfered with a free Oleg biased at any time. Yes, many artists suffer from alcoholism, and sometimes they have long been treated after such entertainment. Even more often, Yakovlev starts to start in all serious, and this leads to the breakdowns of rehearsals and records of new songs. He no longer keeps the schedule, and Matvienko threatens him several times with dismissal. Calm and intelligent Oleg understands that his behavior hurts all team members, but can not stop.

At this moment, he begins to understand Sorina. To live in such a rhythm and not to be able to relax with alcohol is simply impossible. But if Igor searched to calm down in the sect, then Oleg found him in love. The years of loneliness ended with the appearance of Alexandra in his life. The journalist did not hide, which is a long-standing fan of the group "Ivanushki" and specifically their soloist Oleg Yakovlev. The biography of the girl did not contain anything remarkable at that time.

Family life

During this period, friends and loved ones celebrate the emotional and spiritual lift of the guy. He became noticeably better and completely surrendered to creativity. Returned to his beloved business - writing poems. It would seem that life was finally improved and now it remains only to wait for the addition of the family. But the couple did not hurry to draw up relations. They attended all the events together, and colleagues were happy with the return of the artist to a full-fledged life.

How the thunder among the clear sky

The civilian spouse loved Oleg and could settle confidence in him. In 2012, he declares his departure from the group. He was not held, because Matvienko was already rather suffered in recent years from an unstable singer. However, no one believed in his success outside the team. In the biography of Oleg Yakovlev "Ivanushki" held a central place, but he considered that time had come to leave Boyband. In 2013, he officially finishes his work with producer and leaves the composition.

Solo career

The first song called "Dance Closed Eyes" was successful at the listeners, but did not become a hit. The clip on this composition turned out to be very beautiful, and he was often put on the air on the music channels. On the wave of the first success, the soloist records several more new songs. But all subsequent compositions do not find a response in the hearts of the listeners. "Dance" and remained the only solo song in the biography of Oleg Yakovlev, which the people accepted.


Having lost a place in the group and remaining without confession, the singer returns to the old habits. This time, alcohol ensured the artist so much that in a couple of years he strongly spoiled his health. Several times he turned out to be on the hospital bed, and even his beloved woman could not affect the situation. For a couple of years, Oleg has a lot, and all familiar noted his depressed state. He was stopped inviting concerts, and this finally finished a talented artist.


On June 29, 2017, the first reports appeared on the Internet that Oleg Yakovlev left his life. The biography of "White Ivanushka" was addressed to the fate. The body did not cope with the abundance of alcohol, and the artist developed bilateral pneumonia. In itself, the disease could be successfully cured, but in a liver cirrhosis, it led to the death of the singer. On the last grades it was noticeable that a man's yellow eye proteins have. They immediately went rumors that the singer had AIDS and it was he who called the pneumonia that became the official cause of the death of Oleg Yakovlev. The biography of the artist did not include drugs or disorderly connections, and this version quickly denied. The funeral was quietly, and some and native people came to say goodbye to the artist. Former colleagues on the workshop commemorated the singer and told many good words about him. According to the will, the Body of Oleg Kremired and 40 days later, burned on the Troecorsk cemetery.

Published 06/30/17 08:28.

Oleg Yakovlev, Latest News: Journalists learned the details of the health of the late former soloist of the group "Ivanushki International".

The cause of Oleg Yakovlev's death is still interested in media

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The ex-participant of the Russian pop group "Ivanushki International Oleg Yakovlev, in the morning of June 29, was sick by AIDS. This is reported by Express Newspaper with reference to the competent source.

According to the singer, Alexandra Kutsevol, the cause of the death of Oleg became the stop of the heart. At the same time, the source of the publication argues that the problems with the heart of the artist became a consequence of immunodeficiency.

Oleg Yakovlev even did not even guess his colleagues. Other participants "Ivanushk International" noted that Oleg is always intkbbch Stay in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit. He was always thin and pale, so no one could even think that the singer was sick. However, Alexander Kutsevol, on the contrary, knew about the unimportant well-being of his beloved and repeatedly recommended him to appeal to doctors, but Yakovlev preferred to do self-medication.

Earlier, the singer's civilian wife said that Oleg had experienced health problems for a long time, and unexpected deterioration of his well-being occurred a few days ago. It was emergency hospitalized and placed in intensive care with bilateral inflammation of the lungs. Doctors have connected it to the apparatus of artificial respiration, but the star cannot be saved.

Oleg Yakovlev and his sudden death became the topic of the program "Let them say"

The late former soloist "Ivanushki" Oleg Yakovlev was devoted to the new release of the current show "First Channel" "Let them say." According to the participants of the program, in 2010 the singer had severely transferred the death of his older sister Svetlana, who had left of his life from the oncological disease. The arrivals of the artist noted that the trouble was submitted by the artist, who was very worried about the loss, but never reached her mind and kept everything in himself ..

The spouse of the Solist "Ivanushk International" Cyril Andreeva Lola said that Oleg Yakovlev was not shared with his problems and experiences, and did not definitely tell about health problems, so his sudden death became a real shock for colleagues in the workshop.

"It is impossible to help a person who keeps everything in himself. He did not say that he was bad, so no one helped him," said the psychologist's invited to the studio as an expert. "I firmly believe that the evil rock in his fate we will create with your own hands," said Kirill Andreeva's wife.

"Let them say", Oleg Yakovlev: video

The artist performed as part of Ivanushki International from 1998 to 2013. Then he left the group and took up the solo career.

Oleg Yakovlev left life at the end of June of this year. He died in the intensive care of one of the Moscow clinics without coming into consciousness. Due to the launched and complicated, bilateral inflammation of the light artist, who could not breathe independently to that time, was connected to the apparatus of artificial respiration, the doctors fought for his life, but in vain.

On the death of a talented singer, the former soloist of the group of Ivanushki International reported his civilian spouse, Alexander Kutsevol.

Colleagues, acquaintances, friends and close singer - many of them did not guessed that Oleg has recently been sick - he never complained about the problems, solved them silently, and therefore no one could help him with advice.

Almost no one, besides his close environment, did not suspect that the health of Yakovlev was shaken so much. Fans of the singer, the former in his latest concerts celebrated the painful pallor and the lethargy of the artist, but he worked out his part of the show to the end and did not refuse to people in Selfie and autographs after. Therefore, the conversations about his illness quickly died - it did not seem serious to anyone. Only on June 28th, the media was ashamed of all the news about the urgent hospitalization of the Contractor, and subsequently - about his sustainable care from life. The artist was incomplete 48 years old.

"He died in resuscitation. Last night I went to him, and in the morning, at 7 am, they called me from the hospital. Doctors reported that the lungs refused. While the exact cause of death they are not called. Maybe it was a heart. Be sure to organize a farewell with Oleg for his friends and fans. As long as we do not understand anything, "said Alexander Kutsevol on that day.

Later, the beloved singer explained that Oleg had suffered from cough for a long time, who did not want to pass. But from the campaign to a doctor, the artist was revealed, counting. What can recover himself. Oleg believed that there is nothing serious in his illness - an ordinary cough. And then a sudden complication occurred and hospitalized was already required. It also turned out that the artist had liver cirrhosis, which also contributed to the weakening of Oleg Yakovlev's health. According to the conclusion of physicians, Oleg died from edema of the lungs.

Relatives, close and friends of the artist never could say goodbye to him: the singer of the last days of his life was unconscious. For some news of hospitalization and death, Yakovlev were completely unexpected. Everything that remains to those who personally knew Oleg are the words of farewell to social networks and visiting the farewell ceremony and the funeral of the artist, who took place on July 1 at the Trocerovsk cemetery. Oleg Yakovlev was cremated, urn with his ashes buried in the cemetery.

"Olezhka did not become today at seven in the morning. I contacted Sasha, she told me. I have seen him last time a month and a half ago, there was a very warm meeting. We discussed his new song and clip. The news that he was lying in resuscitation for about a week, became a real shock for me. We had 15 years of living on tour. Member of the family died. Our big, creative family, "Kirill Andreev said, the second participant of the Ivanushki International group.

Later, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov left the post of condolences in the social network. "Oleg Yakovlev died. My Yasha ... Our "small" Olezhka ... Fly, Snailing, your voice and songs in our heart forever, "wrote a colleague Yakovleva.

Some close and friends of Oleg believe the reason for the deterioration of health has become bad artist habits. Yakovlev smoked from 20 years old, and recently he became increasingly visited to doctors.