Ostrovsky a. N.

Ostrovsky a. N.
Ostrovsky a. N.

Catherine's spiritual drama (on the play by A.N. Oostrovsky "Thunderstorm")

Character is the ability to act according to principles. A. N. Ostrovsky wrote a lot of plays from the life of merchants. They are so truthful and bright that Dobrolyubov called them "plays of life." In these works, the life of the merchants is described as the world of slammed, quietly sighing, the world is a stupid, minor pain, the world of prison silence. And if there is a senseless ropot, he stops at his birth. Its an article dedicated to the analysis of Pieces of Ostrovsky, critic N. A. Dobrolyubov called the "Dark Kingdom". He expressed the idea that the Sami-mercy of the merchant was held only on ignorance and humility. But the output will be found, because in person it is impossible to destroy the desire to live decent.

"... who will be able to throw a ray of light into the ugly darkness of the Dark Kingdom?" - asks Dobrolyubov. A response to this question served as a new play of the storm playwright.

Written in 1860, play and his spirit, and the title, as it were, symbolized the process of updating the Company, which shake off from himself from tyranny. Thunderstorm has long been the personification of the struggle for freedom. And in the play, this is not only a phenomenon of nature, but a bright image of the inner struggle, which began in a dark merchant life.

There are many actors in the play. But the main one is Katerina. The image of this woman is not only the most complicated, but it is sharply different from all others. No wonder the critic called her "Light Light in the Dark Kingdom." What is so characterized by Katerina from other "residents" of this "kingdom"?

There are no free people in this world! Neither self-made, nor their victims are not. Here you can deceive, like Barbara, but to live in truth and conscience, not a cry of soul, it is impossible.

Katerina was brought up in a merchant family, she lived at home, there was no other than stealing, exactly the bird in the wild. " But after marriage, this free nature fell into the Iron Cell of Samodor.

In the house of Katerina there was always a lot of strangers and the mantisomas whose stories (and the whole situation in the house) made it very religious, sincerely believing in the commandment of the church. It is not surprising that she perceives her love for Boris as a severe sin. But Katerina in the Poet's religion. It is endowed with a bright imagination and dreametime. Listening to various stories, it seems to see them in reality. She often dreamed of the paradise gardens and birds, and when she entered the church, saw angels. Even the speech of her musical and singing, resembles folk tales and songs.

However, religion, closed life, the absence of an exit for its outstanding sensitivity influenced its character. Therefore, when during a thunderstorm, she heard the curses of a polulous lady, it began to pray. When I saw on the wall a picture of "Gehenna Fire", her nerves could not stand it, and she admitted to Tikhon in his love for Boris.

But religiosity even somehow shads such features of the heroine as the desire for independence and truth, courage and determination. Samodor wild and eternally speaking and hateing native kabanih are never able to understand other people. In comparison with them or with a non-in -iquate quikhon, only sometimes allowing you to thirst for a few days, with her beloved Boris, unable to appreciate the true love, the character of Katerina becomes especially attractive. She does not want and cannot deceive and directly declare: "I don't know how to deceive something; Hide something I could not). "

Love for Boris is all for Katerina: longing for the will, dreams of real life. And in the name of this love, it comes into an unequal duel with the "Dark Kingdom". She does not perceive his protest, as a perturbation against the whole system, not even thinking about it. But the "Dark Kingdom" is so arranged that any manifestation of independence, independence, the dignity of the person is perceived by him as a deadly sin, as an uprising against the foundations of the domination of self-masses. That is why the play ends with the death of the heroine: after all, it is not only alone, but also crushed by the inner consciousness of his "sin".

The death of a bold woman is not a scream of despair. No, this is a moral victory over the "Dark Kingdom" that makes her freedom, will, mind. Suicide, for the teachings of the Church, an unforgivable sin. But Katerina is no longer afraid of this. Having loved, she says Boris: "If I was not afraid of sin for you, was I fighting a human court?" And the last words were: "My friend! My joy! Goodbye!"

You can justify or blame Katerina for its fatal decision, but it is impossible not to admire the integrity of her nature, the thirst for freedom, determination. She shocked her even such scored people as Tikhon, who blames his mother in the death of his wife.

So, the act of Katerina was really the "terrible challenge of Samoga strength." So, in the "Dark Kingdom", bright nature is able to be born, which their life or death can highlight this "kingdom".


To prepare this work, materials from the site http://www.ostrovskiy.org.ru/ were used

Before you, an excellent writing, in which the author analyzes the mental state of Katerina - the main heroine of the "Thunderstorm" plays. I hope this essay will help you prepare for the lesson on Russian literature.

The text of the writings "Catherine's spiritual drama" for the 10th grade.

Piece "Thunderstorm" is written by Ostrovsky in 1859, shortly before the reform of 1861. In this drama, the author brightly shows the social and domestic accounting of Russia of the time. On this background, the central conflict of the play, the conflict of the free soul of the main heroine with the "Samogany force" of the environment, gradually reaches the tragic heat.

In the image of Katerina Kabanova, the main heroine of the play, the author captured all the beauty and wide nature of the freedom-loving Russian soul, its subtle sensitivity, deep conscientiousness, religiosity. From the first scenes of the play, we penetrate into Katerina attention and sympathy. Living in a heavy atmosphere of the Kabanovsky home, she with a quiet longing recalls his free life in the parent house. Katerina was surrounded by maternal love yes caressing, time spent among his favorite colors and for embroidery. From the ornament, she used to read God and follow in his life of his great commandments. Religion for Katerina is the love of the beauty of God's world, and deep inner conscience, which does not allow her to pretend and deceive. With a clean and open soul, with a heart, full of love. Katerina is looking for understanding and retaliatory love in the house of her husband. Katerina, according to Dobrolyubov, does not belong to this world and fully opposed to him.

In the house of Kabani, where long ago, the way of life is already being built according to the principle: " do what you want, if only all the timeline was ", The heroine with his dreamence and fragile romantic soul becomes someone else's lonely.

Tikhon Kabanov is a narrowed man, without character and will. He does not know how and is not able to understand the inner experiences of his wife, and he and once to notice them. Tikhon is always engaged in finding the opportunity to drink. An unfamiliar with spiritual gusts, tomsing the pressure of the mother, without knowing how to change something, slips the younger kabanov in life, slowly sleeping. To listen and understand his wife, he once: he blinded by a happy opportunity to break out of the mother's omnipresent. Katerina remains " tolerate while waiting «.

Katrina embodies the poetic side of the patriarchal text of Russian life, the best qualities of the Russian national nature. But the people who surround it in their mental properties are terribly far from her, especially Kabaniha.

With the help of Barvara, Katerina rises on a path of free love, which, according to Dobrolyubov, above human prejudices.

But this choice is not easy for her, because the fact that for a person with the convictions of Dobrolyubov only " prejudice "For folk heroine - moral law, the basis of patriarchal morality. Violating this law, to abandon your life principles, Katerina is able to cost the price of severe spiritual torments and torments, the price of an insurmountable struggle with shame and fear. Thirst for life and love turns out to be stronger - and the choice is made, and she is recognized by Boris in his forbidden feeling.

The meek and pure soul of Katerina cannot accept their fall, she is in painful discrepancies with conscience. Incessantly crying, she is afraid of every sound, a row, every look in her direction. Katerina, without making suffering, it is eager for repentance, seeks to facilitate conscience with recognition. The thin soul is consonant in nature, and in anxious approximation of thunderstorms travelers the heroine of the threat and the coming penalty. How terrible prophecy sounds the words facing right to Katerina: "The pool is better with beauty ... Where are they hiding, stupid? From God, you will not leave! " . Catherine does not withstand and knees applied to her husband in his sin.

The tragic conflict isolation is determined by the fact that the natural feeling of Katerina is incompatible with life in the Kabanov and Wild Society, it does not withstand the pressure of external circumstances and failing. Boris - the ordinary philistine of the city of Kalinov with a petty and mercantile dying, not worthy

sacrificial love Katerina. Stopping at the last moment, he throws his beloved, leaving the city to save her grandmother's inheritance.

Surrounded by angrily kabani, universal condemnation and contempt, tormented by his own spiritual torments, Katerina finds the only way to death. As with something inexplicably desired, honeying and sliding, she dreams of " mogilush "Under the tree. Cleaning the soul with repentance, Katerina is no longer afraid of death, and the flames wishes it.

In the tragic final, the play of Dobrolyubov sees the manifestation of the highest form of protest, the victory of the heroine over the kingdom of arbitrariness and despotism, the triumph of light above the darkness, and in this you can agree with him.

Hopefully an essay on the topic "Catherine's peace drama" by play a.n. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" you liked and helped writing your own essay.

Drama Katerina

Piece "Thunderstorm"
written by Ostrovsky in 1859, shortly before
reforms 1861 in this drama author bright
dresses social and household and family
Entry of Russia of the time. On this background
ripen and gradually reaches the tragic
Glow central conflict play,
conflict free soul main heroine with "Samog
force "environment.

In the image
Katerina Kabanova - the main heroine of the play,
The author captured all the beauty and wide
Nature of freedom-loving Russian soul, her
Thin sensitivity, deep
conscience religiosity. From the first scenes
plays we penetrate to Katerina attention and
Suspension. Living in a heavy atmosphere

at home she with
Quiet longing recalls his free life
in the parent house. Katerina was surrounded
maternal love yes caress
spent among favorite flowers and for
embroidery. From childhood she is used to
read God and follow in his life
Great Commandments. Religion for Katerina -
This is love for the beauty of God's world, and
deep inner conscience that is not
Allows it to pretend and deceive. FROM
pure and open soul, with a heart full
Love, Katerina is looking for understanding and response
Love in the house of her husband. She tolerates with meekness
Muslim swelling comments, does not hold
insults on weak and submissive in all their
mother of Tikhon, she sincerely in his
prompting to live on conscience and law
moral. But in the house of Kabani, where long ago
Already the way of life is based on the principle: "Do,
What do you want, if only all the Shito covers were ",
Heroine with his dreamence and fragile
romantic soul becomes someone else's and

Kabanov - a person near, without character and
Will. He does not know how and is not able to understand
Internal experiences of his wife, yes to him and
There is no time to notice them: Tikhon is always busy
I find the opportunity to drink. Unfamiliar S.
spiritual gusts, tommer under pressure
mother without knowing and not wanting to change something
Slip the younger boars in life,
Slowly sailing. Listen to and understand
his wife is no time: he is blinded happy
the opportunity to break out from under the omnipresent
an eye mother. Katerina remains "tolerate,
While waiting. "

at night along the Volga), Katerina can not overcome
your god feeption: "I don't die
scary, and how I think that here is sudden
I'm going before God, what I'm here with
you, after that a conversation something, that's what
Scary, "she says Varvar. In this and
The main topic of the heroine is the main topic with
The world and with himself. Soulful conflict
Katerina, gradually grown,
determines the tragic heat and the entire play in

Varvara Katerina rises on a way free
Love, which, according to Dobrolyubov, above
Human prejudices. But such a choice
It is not easy for her. After all, what is for a person
With the convictions of Dobrolyubov only "prejudice",
for folk heroine - moral law,
The basis of patriarchal morality. Disrupt
This law, break your life

It is possible at the price of severe spiritual torment and
torment, price insurmountable combating
shame and fear. Thirst for life and love
It turns out stronger, and the choice is made - she
recognized Boris in his forbidden

Krotkaya I.
Catherine's clean soul cannot accept
his fall, she is in
Mustile breakdown with conscience.
I cry, it is afraid of each
Sound, Yuroha, every look in her direction.
Katerina, without incidents suffering, thirsty
Deceiving, seeks to ease conscience
recognition. The thin soul of her in nature,
and in anxious approximation thunderstorm catches
Heroine threats and upcoming punishment. how
terrible prophecy sounds words
Frames directly to Katerina: "In Omut
Better with beauty ... Where are you hiding, stupid?
From God, you will not leave! "Does not withstand
Katerina and knees of public
He admits her husband in his sin.

The conflict isolation is determined by
that the natural feeling of Katerina
incompatible with life in Kabanov's society
and wild, it does not withstand pressure
external circumstances and fabric. Boris -
ordinary town of Kalinov with
petty and mercantile dying, not
Dosto the sacrificial love of Katerina. Strupp
at the last moment he throws his
Beloved, leaving the city to
Save your grandmother's inheritance.

Evil kabani, .Well condemnation and
contempt for their own
soulful torment, Katerina finds
The only way to death. How about something
inexplicably welcome, honeycomb and lump
Getting rid of she dreams of "grain"
under the tree. Cleaning the soul with repentance,
Katerina is no longer afraid of death, and the flame
Wishes her.

Dobrolyubov sees the tragic final
Manifestation of the highest form of protest, victory
Heroine over the kingdom of arbitrariness and
despotism, triumph of light above darkness, and in
This can agree with him.

Catherine's mental drama was and remains the central part of the play by A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm". A classic work included in the school curriculum did not lose its relevance today. Consider the main elements of the soul drama of Katerina, which is the most important thing in the play.

The main content of the Piez "Thunderstorm"

Catherine's spiritual drama - the central tragedy of the play. The work itself tells about the life of people who represented the old merchants. Unhappy Katerina (the spiritual drama of the girl is noticeable from the very beginning of the work) is in constant nervous voltage from what her life is. Coming out to marry the will of the parents, the young girl is forced to endure her husband, who cannot be reached by the mother, and his mother-in-law, which infinitely humiliates the quiet and modest Katerina.

One day, the girl understands that he does not like her husband at all. Katerina realizes that her heart owns a completely different man. The girl is solved on a very risky meeting, which is persuading her husband's sister.

Having learned that her feelings are mutual, Katerina continues to meet at night with his beloved. After some time, the beautiful and kind Katerina feels guilty before his husband for his deception and infidelity to him.

Soon the novel on the side opens to the public. Katerina is crushed by his personal experiences. In addition, its relatives and all familiar who know quite a little about what is happening for the girl are permanent. All surrounding people do not understand the spiritual drama of Katerina, her flour and doubt. In the end, all this pressure from different sides pushes a young girl to suicide - a jump from the rock in the water.

Heroine Heroine Cardiac Flour

If we talk about the spiritual drama of Katerina (the essay about the experiences of the girl write all schoolchildren), which is a central character, it is important to understand that the girl's suicide was not a manifestation of weakness. Although many are ready to argue here. Despite the various arguments, after all, the Ostrovsky described the state drama of Katerina so that the suicide of the girl is a certain challenge, abandoned by Katya around her society.

School essay

Speaking about the soulful drama of Katerina in the composition of the schoolchildren, you can give a few tips that can help work to become better and give the most detailed answers to the questions.

So, the essay should begin with the fact that the work is relevant and popular today. From the moment of writing the play on the spiritual flour of Katerina, which was an ordinary girl from a good family, the work is regularly put in various theaters of the whole world. The creation of A. Ostrovsky is known for the whole world, because it affects the important problems of the public.

The cause of mental experiences and tragedy

The next step on the way to the goal will be an explanation of the place of Katerina (the spiritual drama in the "thunderstorm" is the main topic) in the work. It is important to say that Katerina is the ray of all society that surrounds the girl. She is the only bright that remained from all mankind, which was prevented on all solely material. The girl could not find his place in the world because of his worldview, which was the main mental drama of Katerina.

The moral qualities of a person have no value. The writing about the spiritual drama Katerina in the "thunderstorm" must contain this aspect. Merchants in itself presented that layer of the population that could solve any problem with money. This is important, because it is not for nothing, Ostrovsky chose this period of Russian history for the events of his play.

The image of Katerina

The image of a girl in the work is a central image around which all events unfold. Katerina symbolizes the purity of the Russian soul, religiosity, honesty and beauty. All this contributed to the development of the spiritual drama in Katerina. The sister of her husband's husband pushed Katerina to a meeting with her beloved, saying that you could, even being married, to do everything that my soul would not know about it. For a long time tormented by doubts, Katerina is decided to meet, saying that if she did not dare to act with her husband, she did not care about what people would say. Despite such an obvious manifestation of spiritual power, the girl still experiences strong flour because of his act: she is ashamed not only in front of her husband, but also in front of him.

Cause of suicide girl

The main heroine could not cope with spiritual experiences regarding his act. Living exclusively according to the laws of conscience, Katerina immediately reproached himself in his love not to her husband, but to a completely different man. This has played an important role in making a decision on suicide. Katerina changed not only her husband, but also to himself, condemning himself for long and tromework and suffering. In addition, she did not have a single friend who could support the girl, and the whole society found out about the secret meetings of the girl and her beloved. The surrounding people condemn it without realizing that Katerina only tried to gain his happiness in this world. In addition, Katerina and before that was very lonely, the only girlfriend of the girl was her sister her husband, who knew about the secret evenings of lovers. Only she alone did not condemn the poor girl who knows nothing about true love and struggling with her desires.

General conclusion on the work

Katerina became a model of those human qualities that ceased to be appreciated in the modern world. Without finding an understanding among their friends and others, the girl challenged the whole society, showing that the laws of conscience much more important than all material goods. The situation in society does not have such value what honesty and kindness have. Katerina itself, the spiritual drama of which causes sympathy and compassion in any reader, never wanted to anyone evil, referred to people loyally until the public began to condemn her for trying, finally become happy.

Ostrovsky managed to show the essence of merchant society in all its glory, the remnants of which were still preserved. It is from those years that people are very strongly affected by public opinion, which is often too biased and mistaken. Katerina, who became the main heroine of the play, only acts as a victim, which is unable to resist and resist such pressure around. This is explained by the fact that the girl has no moral and psychological support. The girl, despite the fact that she is the personification of light in the work, completely alone. The mental drama of Katerina in the play is that she never managed to find his place in this world, where any moral qualities of a person have ceased to be valued.

Thunderstorm "- this is the highest achievement of Ostrovsky in the preforming years (1859) - the central conflict of the play, conceived as a socio-household drama, gradually reaches true tragedy. This is due to the image of the central heroine of the Katerina Kabanova's plays.

From the very first scenes of the heroine attracts the attention of the audience. Croplight sounds in a story about her free life in their hometown spent among flowers, icons, prayers. Religion for Katerina is love for beauty. God is for her everywhere, but her simple faith is also filled with sincere motives to live on conscience, according to God's covenants: "I'm not afraid to die, but I'll think that suddenly I am going before God, what I'm here with you, after that conversation , that's what is scary, "says Katya in a conversation with Barbaroi.

In the first scenes, in conversations with Kabaniya, Katerina, Krotko tries to accept the coastal remarks of the mother-in-law. But Kabaniha personifies the whole way and laws of the surrounding world. And immediately it becomes clear that the heroine with his dreamy and romantic soul is strangers in the house of Kabanov.

Katerina is a free soul, poetic nature. The author captured the beauty of the People's Soul in it. "You know, it sometimes seems to me that I am a bird. When you stand on the mountain, it pulls you and pulls you," "she says to Varvar and admits that now it is clear and" climbs some kind of dream. " So it is planned the topic of the heroine of the heroine with the world and with it, associated with the unclear needs of the soul, the desire of love.

The heroine is endowed with such human qualities that are not valued in the world of kabanic and wild. There is neither a drop of falsehood, it is always natural and frank: "I can't deceive something, I can not hide anything." Katya is modest, but not at all badly: "And if I am afraid of it here, so not to keep me any power. I'll throw it into the window, rushes in the Volga."

Why was such a deep and solid person turned out to be broken? Why did her prophetic premonitions come true ("I'll die soon")?

The play is developing at the same time as two conflicts. One of them is caused by social reasons - the conflict of the free soul with "Samogovny Power" plays, according to Dobrolyubov, a major role in the drama. Another - internal affecting moral parties is developing in the soul of the heroine. It determines the tragedy of the plays of Ostrovsky.

Dobrolyubov rights: "In the character of the heroine, the requirement of the right and exposure of life was expressed, it is focused, decisive and selfless", and its nature is "filled with an instinctive feeling of freedom." According to Criticism, Katerina rises on the path of free love, which is higher than prejudice. But soon the heroine is convinced that her feeling is incompatible with the life of society, because the external circumstances are put on it. The tragic finals of Dobrolyubov treats as the highest form of protest as a triumph of light above darkness.

It is impossible to motivate the drama Katerinylli with social reasons. For the playwright, the resolution of moral problems is very important: Catherine's spiritual struggle is the central theme of "thunderstorms".

So, in the first action, in a conversation with Barbara, the heroine admits that he loves someone - this is the plot tower. Already then her soul is filled with confusion and horror. The main topic is accompanied by a thunderstorm. Katerina's soul is consonant with the world around the world - nature is performed by beauty, but also the threat that enhances the alarm of the heroine.