Basics of test theory. Presentation of the foundations of the theory of tests in physical culture

Basics of test theory. Presentation of the foundations of the theory of tests in physical culture
Basics of test theory. Presentation of the foundations of the theory of tests in physical culture

What is testing

In accordance with IEEE STD 829-1983 Testing - This is a process for analyzing the software aimed at identifying differences between its actually existing and required properties (defect) and to evaluate the properties of software.

According to the GOST R ISO IEC 12207-99 in the life cycle of software, among other auxiliary processes of verification, certification, joint analysis and audit are determined. The verification process is the process of determining that software products operate in full compliance with the requirements or conditions implemented in previous works. This process may include analysis, verification and testing (testing). The certification process is the process of determining the completeness of the compliance of the established requirements created by the system or software product to be their functional intended. The process of joint analysis is the process of assessing states and, if necessary, the results of work (products) on the project. The audit process is the process of determining compliance with the requirements, plans and conditions of the contract. In the amount of these processes and make up what is commonly called testing.

Testing is based on test procedures with specific input data, initial conditions and expected result developed for a specific purpose, such as checking a separate program or verifying compliance to a certain requirement. Test procedures can check the various aspects of the program functioning - from the proper operation of a separate function before adequate implementation of business requirements.

When executing a project, it is necessary to take into account, in accordance with what standards and the requirements will be tested by the product. What tools will be (if there are) are used to search and document found defects. If you remember testing from the very beginning of the project, the testing of the product being developed will not deliver unpleasant surprises. So, the quality of the product is likely to be quite high.

Product Life Cycle and Testing

In our time, it is used by iterative processes of software development, in particular, technology RUP - Rational Unified Process(Fig. 1). When using this approach, testing ceases to be the "on the sewn" process, which runs after the programmers wrote all the necessary code. Working on tests begins with the very initial stage of identifying the requirements for the future product and closely integrates with the current tasks. And it makes new requirements for testers. Their role is not just reduced to identifying errors as fully as possible and as early as possible. They should participate in the overall process of identifying and eliminating the most significant risks of the project. For this purpose, the purpose of testing and methods for its achievement is determined for each iteration. And at the end of each iteration is determined how much this goal is achieved if additional tests are needed, and whether it is not necessary to change the principles and test tools. In turn, each detected defect must pass through its own life cycle.

Fig. 1. Product Life Cycle on RUP

Testing is usually carried out by cycles, each of which has a specific list of tasks and purposes. The test cycle may coincide with iteration or correspond to its specific part. Typically, the test cycle is carried out for a specific system assembly.

The life cycle of the software product consists of a series of relatively short iterations (Fig. 2). Iteration is a complete development cycle that leads to the release of the final product or some of its abbreviated version, which expands from iteration to iteration so that, in the end, becoming a finished system.

Each iteration includes, as a rule, tasks of work planning, analysis, design, implementation, testing and evaluation of the results achieved. However, the ratios of these tasks can change significantly. In accordance with the ratio of various tasks in iterations, they are grouped into phases. In the first phase - the beginning - the main attention is paid to the tasks of analysis. In the iterations of the second phase - development - the focus is on the design and testing of key project decisions. In the third phase - the construction is the most large share of development and testing tasks. And in the last phase - transmission - are resolved to the highest tasks of testing and transferring the system to the customer.

Fig. 2. Iterations of the life cycle of the software product

Each phase has its own specific goals in the product life cycle and is considered to be made when these goals are achieved. All iterations, except may be, the iterations of the phase start are completed by creating the functioning version of the system being developed.

Test categories

Tests differ significantly in tasks that are solved with their help, and according to the technique used.

Test categories Description Categories Types of testing
Current testing A set of tests performed to determine the performance of the added new features of the system.
  • stress Testing;
  • testing business cycles;
  • stress testing.
Regression testing The purpose of regression testing is to verify that the addition to the system has not reduced its capabilities, i.e. Testing is carried out according to the requirements that have already been completed before adding new features.
  • stress Testing;
  • testing business cycles;
  • stress testing.

Subcategory Testing

Subcategory Testing Description of the type of testing Subspecies testing
Stress Testing It is used to test everyone without exception of the application functions. In this case, the function testing sequence does not matter.
  • functional testing;
  • interface testing;
  • testing database
Testing business cycles It is used to test the application functions in the sequence of their call by the user. For example, the imitation of all accountant actions for the 1st quarter.
  • unit testing (modular testing);
  • functional testing;
  • interface testing;
  • testing database.
Stress testing

Used for testing

Application performance. The purpose of this test is to determine the framework of the stable operation of the application. With this testing, all available functions are called.

  • unit testing (modular testing);
  • functional testing;
  • interface testing;
  • testing database.

Types of testing

Unit testing (Modular Testing) - This species implies testing of individual application modules. To obtain the maximum result, testing is carried out simultaneously with the development of modules.

Functional testing - The purpose of this test is to ensure the proper functioning of the test object. It is tested correctly navigating an object, as well as input, processing and output of data.

Testing database - Check the performance of the database with the normal operation of the application, at the moments of overload and multiplayer mode.

Unit testing

For OOP, the usual organization of modular testing is to test the methods of each class, then the class of each package I.T.D. Gradually, we turn to testing the entire project, and previous tests are the type of regression.

In the output duties, the test data includes test procedures, input data, code executing test, output. The following is a type of output documentation.

Functional testing

Functional testing of the test object is planned and is carried out on the basis of testing requirements specified in the definition stage. The requirements are the business rules, USE-Case charts, business functions, as well as if there are activity charts. The purpose of the functional tests is to check the compliance of the developed graphic components established requirements.

This type of testing cannot be fully automated. Consequently, it is divided into:

  • Automated Testing (will be used in the case where you can check output information).

Purpose: Test input, processing and output of data;

  • Manual testing (in other cases).

Purpose: Tests the correctness of the execution of user requirements.

It is necessary to execute (play) each of the USE-CASE, using both faithful values \u200b\u200band obviously erroneous, to confirm the correct functioning, according to the following criteria:

  • the product responds adequately to all entered data (the expected results are displayed in response to the correctly entered data);
  • the product adequately responds to incorrectly entered data (appropriate error messages appear).

Testing database

The purpose of this testing is to make sure that the methods of accessing databases are reliable, in their proper execution, without disrupting the integrity of the data.

You must consistently use the maximum possible number of appeals to the database. A approach is used, in which the test is compiled in such a way as to "load" the base with a sequence, both faithful values \u200b\u200band obviously erroneous. The database response on data entry is determined, the time intervals of their processing are estimated.

Mathematical foundations of the theory of testing tests

Types of test tasks

There are two substantially different task forms: closed (when the test options are offered to select) and open (subjects must receive an answer independently). Open tasks, in turn, can be divided into two groups:

    tasks with a brief regulatory response, the wording of which should generate only one planned by the developer, the answer;

    tasks with a freely constructed response that do not have any restrictions on the content and presentation form.

Allocate five basic types of tasks. All other types are variations or combinations of these five types.

    Task with the choice. The text of the task consists of the question. For selection, several answers are offered, of which one or more are correct.

    Task for addition. In the formulation of the task, some fragment of the text, which indicates the underlined (or by several underscores of the same length, if the missed words are somewhat). Skip can be in any part of the text, but it is recommended to do it at the end. In response, the subject must write missed words.

    Setting the correct sequence.

    Task for conformity.The wording of the task contains two list. On the left, as a rule, the elements of the set containing the formulation of the problem are given to the right - elements to be selected. The elements of the left set are numbered, right - denoted by letters. It is desirable that the second set contains a greater number of elements compared to the first set. In this case, each element of the first set corresponds to one or more elements of the second set.

    Task with a detailed answer.

Stages of developing test

    Formulation of the purpose and object of the study.

Who is what and why is subject to testing

    Development of testing.

Studying the requirements of the educational standard, content of textbooks.

Drawing test specification:

    Selection of sections (topics) and their percentage in test

    Selection of types of tasks

    Determining the levels of mastering knowledge and skills:

    Level 1

    Knowledge of the definitions of the basic concepts of discipline, as well as basic allegations of discipline methods

    2 level

    Knowledge of basic formulas and algorithms; Ability to apply them when solving standard tasks

    3 level

    Application of knowledge gained to solve atypical tasks

  1. Determining the approximate number of tasks in the test and the distribution of this number by type of tasks.

    Development of tasks.

Since the first version of the test should identify the deficiencies of tasks (including the proposed distractors), then in each task it was possible for the greatest number of distractors, in order to be sufficiently remained enough.

    Examination of raw dough.

The purpose of the examination is to identify and correct incorrect and incomprehensible wording. As a result, any tasks can be removed from the test (therefore, tasks are recommended).


    Calculation of the characteristics of tasks and test.

According to the results of testing, the following statistical characteristics of tasks and tests are calculated.

Space of individual points Measures the distance within which all values \u200b\u200bof the indicator are changed in the distribution (individual points).

FROM rapidly selective(average) for the combination of individual points H. 1 , H. 2 , …, H. K. Groups K. The subjects are calculated by the formula


Count dispersion Based on calculating the deviations of each value of the indicator from the average arithmetic in the distribution:


Low dispersion indicates low test quality, since a weak variation of the results indicates a weak differentiation of the tests for the level of preparation. Overly high dispersion is characteristic of the case when all students are different in the number of tasks performed, which also requires testing.

Completes the calculation of the test characteristics Evaluation of the dough reliability. To calculate the reliability coefficient, you can use the formula cauder Richardson coefficient (only in the case when all the weights of the tasks are equal to one):


To give a qualitative assessment of the test reliability, use the following table:

The value of the reliability coefficient

Evaluation of reliability




Assessment of the difficulty of the J true task Calculated by the formula


Note that the more easier the task, the more the proportion of the correct answers to it ( p. j.) Therefore, it would be natural to interpret this share as ease of task. In a well-balanced test, the test must have several difficult tasks, several lungs, but the bulk of tasks should have difficulty from 0.3 to 0.7; At the same time, it is desirable that in order to be located in the order of the WA result of their difficulties.

Task validity test Determined by the degree of compliance of the task of the purpose of differentiation of the subjects. For this, the coefficients of the correlation rating for the task with the score throughout the test are determined. This is done using the correlation coefficient by the formula


where X. i.  Test score i.-Ho test Y. i.  Ball i.-Ho tested for the task. Note that in the case of dichotomous estimation of the task, the calculation of the coefficient is somewhat simplified. If a r.< 0, то задание следует удалить из теста, т. к. в нем побеждают слабые ученики, а сильные выбирают неверный ответ либо пропускают задание при выполнении теста. Положительные значения, но близкие к нулю (незначимые), указывают на низкую прогностическую способность задания теста; такие задания требуют доработки содержания.

The ability to differentiate the subjects on the best and worst shows the coefficient of differentiating ability (or discrimination index) tasks. The easiest way to calculate such an index is called the method of contrasting groups and is as follows. From the entire group of subjects, some of the best tests are allocated to the test test (will be called them a strong subgroup) and the same worst (weak subgroup). Then, for each of these subgroups, the proportion of correct answers in the subgroup is calculated. Denote by p. 1 j. the proportion of correct answers to j.-E-task in a strong subgroup, and through p. 0 j. - The proportion of the correct answers in a weak subgroup. Then the discrimination index i.The task is determined by the formula:

(r. dis) j. \u003d P. 1 j.p. 0 j. .

For the task with which all the strong testes coped and no weak, the discrimination index did not cope r. disk will be 1; In this case, the task has the maximum differentiating effect. For the task, with which all weak testes coped, not a single strong, the discrimination index will be equal to -1. In other cases, the index will take values \u200b\u200bbetween -1 and 1. Tasks with zero and negative value of the discriminatory index are poorly differentiated students, so they must be removed from the test. If the index is positive, but less than 0.2, then such a task requires careful analysis of the content.

According to these characteristics, some tasks can be removed from the test, which are subject to correction. After that, steps 5, 6 must be repeated.

Formulas for calculating the likelihood of guessing

When drawing up the test, it is necessary to determine how many answers should be offered to each question so that the likelihood of successfully passing testing is simply guessing the correct answers, it was less than 0.05 (i.e. less than 5%). Testing will be considered successfully passed if the test is true in no less than Q.% questions. If the test includes N. questions, then the following formula is used to calculate the likelihood of "successful guessing":


where m. - The number of answers offered to each question.

In the case where the number of answers offered to questions in different tasks is different, the formula has a more complex look:


where - the probability of guessing answers to j. issues that are calculated as follows. Let all questions in the test can be divided into r. Groups so that the same group combined with the same probability of guessing. Denote p. i. , 0< p. i. <1 - вероятность угадывания и k. i. - the number of questions in i.- that group (
), and


Then for j. from
to n:


where t. r. = j.  (t. 1 + t. 2 +…+ t. r. -1), and if t. r. > k. r. then we will consider
= 0 .


N \u003d 10, q \u003d 2/3: m \u003d 2, p<0,2; m=3, P<0,02; m=4, P<0,004


    Chelyskova M. B. Theory and practice of designing pedagogical tests: Tutorial. - M.: Logos, 2002. - 432 p.

    Malygin A.A., Svettsov V. I., Gsynicina S. V. Practical recommendations for the preparation of control and measuring materials: method. Manual / Ivan. State Him.-tehnol. un-t. - Ivanovo, 2005. - 30 s.

    How to make a test // Sleyer K. Mathematical fantasy. - M.: Mir, 1993. - p.116-118.

Basic questions: Test as a measurement tool. The main theories of testing. Functions, capabilities and limitations of testing. The use of tests in staff assessment. Advantages and disadvantages of use of tests. Forms and types of test tasks. Technology for building a task. Assessment of test quality. Reliability and validity. Software for testing tests. 2.

Test as a measurement tool Basic concepts in testology: measurement, test, content and form of tasks, reliability and validity of measurement results. In addition, testology uses such concepts of statistical science as selective and general aggregate, average indicators, variation, correlation, regression, etc. 4

The test task is a didactically and technologically effective unit of control material, a part of the test, which meets the requirements of the substantive purity of the content (or one-dimension), the content and logical correctness, the correctness of the form, the admissibility of the geometric image image. 6.

The traditional test is a standardized method for diagnosing the level and structure of the preparedness. In such a test, all subjects respond to the same tasks at the same time, under the same conditions and with the same rules for evaluating responses. To achieve the test goal, you can create countless tests, and they can all correspond to the achievement of the task. eight

Professional (from lat. Professio Specialty + Gramma Record) System of features describing this or that profession, as well as includes a list of rules and requirements imposed by this profession or specialty to the employee. In particular, the Professional may include a list of psychological characteristics that representatives of specific professional groups must be configured. nine

The main test of testing The first scientific works on the theory of tests appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century, at the junction of psychology, sociology, pedagogy and other, so-called behavioral sciences. Foreign psychologists call this science with psychometric (Psychometrika), and teachers - pedagogical measurement (Educational Measurement). Unmandant ideology and politics, the interpretation of the title name "Testology" is simple and transparent: science of tests. 10

The first stage is the background - from antiquity until the end of the XIX century, when the daughting forms of knowledge control and abilities were distributed; The second period, the classical, continued from the beginning of the 20th to the end of the 60s, during which the classical theory of tests was created; The third period is the technological - which began from the 70s - the development of adaptive testing and learning methodologies, the methodology for the effective development of tests and test tasks for a parametric assessment of the subjects for measured latent quality. eleven

Functions, ability and limitations of testing used when selecting tests are intended to obtain a psychological portrait of a candidate, evaluate its abilities, as well as professional knowledge and skills. Tests allow you to compare candidates among themselves or with references, that is, an ideal candidate. Tests are used to measure the qualities of the person necessary for the effective performance of the work. Some tests are arranged in such a way that the employer itself adminisses testing and calculated the results. Others require the services of experienced consultants to ensure their proper use. 12

Restrictions on the use of tests are related - with their expensive administration; - with fitness for evaluating human abilities; - Tests are more successful for predicting the success in work, which contains short-time professional tasks, and are not very convenient in cases where tasks solved at work occupy several days or weeks. 13

2. The terminology used must be selected on the specific target audience. It is also necessary to exclude unnecessary articles or articles that include two or more questions, as they sometimes confuse the respondent and make it difficult to interpret. 17.

3. To meet all these requirements, you should view the entire issue of the article by the article for the article and analyze what purpose each of them serves. For example, if the test is developed for measuring the analytical abilities of interns - accountants, it is worth thinking that in this case means the concept of "analytical abilities". eighteen

5. When the questions and formats of counting results are selected, they need to be converted to a user-friendly format, with clearly written instructions and questions - examples; So that the test candidates fully understood that they are required. twenty

6. Very often at this stage, development in the test includes more questions than necessary. According to some estimates, three times more than remain in the final test or measurement system. Then the initial measure will be the test of the test being developed on a relatively wide sample from the number of existing workers to make sure that all questions are easily understood. 21.

7. Tests on the definition of knowledge usually begin with simple questions gradually complicating to the end. When tests are intended to measure social attitudes and personal characteristics, it may be useful to alternate negatively and positively formulated articles to avoid ill-conceived answers. 22.

8. The last step is the use of test on a wide representative sample to establish the rules of execution, reliability and validity even before its use as a selection tool. In addition, it is necessary to determine the justice of the test to make sure that it does not discriminate any subgroups of the population (for example, ethnic differences). 23.

Test quality assessment so that the selection methods were quite effective they should be reliable, valid and reliable. The accuracy of the selection method is characterized by its inconsistency of systematic errors in the measurement, that is, its consistency under different conditions. 24.

In practice, reliability when issuing judgments is achieved by comparing the results of two or more similar tests carried out in different days. Another way to increase reliability is a comparison of the results of several alternative selection methods (for example, a test and conversation). If the results are similar or the same, it can be considered correct. 25.

Reliability means that the measurements performed will give the same result as the previous ones, that is, third-party factors do not affect the results. Validity means that this method measures exactly what it is intended for. The maximum possible accuracy of information obtained by specially developed techniques in scientific research is limited by technical factors and does not exceed 0.8. 26.

In practice, the selection of personnel notes that the reliability of various methods of assessment is located in the intervals: 0.1 - 0.2 - the traditional interview; 0.2 - 0.3 - recommendations; 0.3 - 0.5 - professional tests; 0.5 - 0.6 - a structured interview, an interview in competencies; 0.5 - 0.7 - Cognitive and personal tests; 0.6 - 0.7 - Competence approach (assessment - center). 27.

Under reasonableness is meant, with what degree of accuracy, this result, method or criterion "predicts" the future effectiveness of the human tested. The validity of the methods relates to the conclusions made on the basis of a procedure or another, and not to the procedure itself. That is, the selection method can be in itself reliable, but not to meet a specific task: not measured what is required in this case. 28.

Software for the development of tests in domestic practice presented various integrated programs with the Psychodiagnostic module, for example, the program "1 C: Salary and Personnel Management 8.0" with the Psychodiagnostic Module, developed together with the group of teachers of the Department of Personality Psychology and the General Psychology of the Faculty of Psychology Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov under the leadership of the village of Psych. Sciences, prof. A. N. Guseva. Training simulator for the development of personnel assessment systems and adaptation of test techniques of the Faculty of Psychology TSU, developed also on the basis of "1 C: Enterprise 8.2" by the company's software company. 29.

Literature: Selection and hiring staff: Testing and Evaluation Technologies / Dominic Cooper, Ivan T. Robertson, Gordon Tinline. - M., ed - at the "Top, - 156 p. Psychological support of professional activity: theory and practice / ed. Prof. G. S. Nikiforova. - SPb.: Speech, - 816 p. thirty

Chapter 3. Statistical Processing Test Results

Statistical processing of test results allows on the one hand, objectively define the results of the subjects, on the other - to evaluate the quality of the test itself, test tasks, in particular to evaluate its reliability. The problem of reliability is paid a lot of attention in the classical theory of tests. This theory has not lost its relevance and now. Despite the appearance, more modern theories, the classical theory continues to maintain its position.

3.1. The main provisions of the classical theory of tests

3.2. Matrix test results

3.3. Graphic Presentation of Test Points

3.4. Central tendency measures


3.6. Dispersion test points test

3.7. Correlation Matrix

3.8. Test reliability

3.9. Test validity


The main provisions of the classical theory of tests

The creator of the classical theory of tests (Classical Theory of Mental Tests) is a well-known British psychologist, the author of factor analysis, Challes Edward Spearman (1863-1945) 1. He was born on September 10, 1863, and a quarter of his life was served in the British army. For this reason, he received the degree of doctor of philosophy only at the age of 41 2. The dissertation study of Partspirman was performed in the Leipzig Laboratory of Experimental Psychology under the guidance of Wilhelm Wundt (Wilhelm Wundt). In that period, Francis Galton (Francis Galton) was a strong influence on Ch.Pirman (Francis Galton) for testing human intelligence. Pupils Partspirman were R.Cattell and D.Wechsler. Among his followers, A.anastasi, J. P. Guilford, P.Vernon, C.Burt, A.Jensen can be called.

A great contribution to the development of the classical theory of tests made Louis Guttman, 1916-1987) 3.

Comprehensively and full of classical theory of tests for the first time is set forth in the fundamental work of Harold Gullixen (Gulliksen H., 1950) 4. Since then, the theory has somewhat modified, in particular the mathematical apparatus was improved. The classical test theory in modern presentation is given in the book Crocker L., Aligna J. (1986) 5. From domestic researchers, for the first time, the description of this theory was given V.Avanesis (1989) 6. In the work of the Chelyowkova M.B. (2002) 7 provides information on the statistical substantiation of the quality of the test.

Classical test theory is based on the following five main positions.

1. The empirically obtained measurement result (X) is the sum of the true measurement result (T) and measurement errors (E) 8:

X \u003d T + E (3.1.1)

The values \u200b\u200bT and E are usually unknown.

2. The true measurement result can be expressed as a mathematical expectation E (X):

3. The correlation of true and erroneous components according to a set of subjects is zero, that is, ρ te \u003d 0.

4. The erroneous components of two any tests do not correlate:

5. The erroneous components of one test do not correlate with the true components of any other test:

In addition, the basis of the classical theory of tests is two definitions - parallel and equivalent tests.

Parallel tests must comply with the requirements (1-5), the true components of one test (T 1) must be equal to the true components of another test (T 2) in each sample of the tests that respond to both tests. It is assumed that T 1 \u003d T 2 and, in addition, are equal to the dispersion S 1 2 \u003d S 2 2.

Equivalent tests must comply with the entire requirement of parallel tests with the exception of one: the true components of one test do not have to be equal to the true components of another parallel test, but they should differ on the same constant. from.

The equivalence condition of two tests is recorded in the following form:

where C 12 is the constant of the differences in the results of the first and second tests.

Based on the above provisions, the theory of test reliability is 9.10.

that is, the dispersion of the obtained test points is equal to the sum of the dispersions of the true and erroneous components.

I rewrite this expression as follows:


The right side of this equality is the reliability of the test ( r.). Thus, the reliability of the test can be written in the form:

Based on this formula, there were subsequent expressions for finding the test reliability factor. The reliability of the test is its crucial characteristic. If reliability is unknown, the test results cannot be interpreted. The reliability of the test characterizes its accuracy as a measuring instrument. High reliability means high repeatability of test results in the same conditions.

In the classic test theory, the most important problem is to determine the true test point of the subject (T). The empirical test point (X) depends on many conditions - the level of difficulty of tasks, the level of preparedness of the subjects, the number of tasks, the conditions for conducting testing, etc. In the group of strong, well-trained subjects, test results will be usually better. than in the group weakly prepared subjects. In this regard, the issue of the magnitude of the difficulty of tasks on the general population of the subjects remains an open. The problem lies in the fact that real empirical data is obtained on not at all random samples of the subjects. As a rule, these are educational groups, which are many students of quite strongly interacting among themselves in the process of teachings and students in conditions that are often not repeated for other groups.

Find s E. From equation (3.1.4)

Here explicitly shows the dependence of the measurement accuracy from the standard deviation value. s X. and from the reliability of the test r..


student 137 gr. Ivanova I.

about checking the effectiveness of the training technique
using mathematical statistical methods

The report sections are executed in accordance with the samples given in this manual at the end of each stage of the game. Credited reports are stored at the Department of Biomechanics before consulting before the exam. Students who have not reported to the work done and have not surrendered a notebook with a report to the teacher, are not allowed to the exam in sports metrology.

I Stage Business Game
Control and measurement in sports


1. To familiarize yourself with the theoretical foundations of control and measurements in sports and physical education.

2. Purchase the skills measurement of high-speed performance in athletes.

1. Control in physical
Education and sports

Physical education and sports training is not a spontaneous, but managed process. At each moment of time, the person is in a certain physical condition, which is determined mainly by the health (compliance of the indicators of the vital activity, the degree of sustainability of the organism to adversely sudden influences), the physique and state of physical functions.

It is advisable to manage the physical condition of a person by changing it in the right direction. This management is carried out by means of physical education and sports, which, in particular, treat exercise.

It only seems that the teacher (or coach) manages the physical condition, affecting the behavior of an athlete, i.e. Offering certain exercise, as well as controlling the correctness of their implementation and the results obtained. In fact, the behavior of the athlete does not manage the coach, but the athlete himself. During the sports training, the impact on the self-governing system (human body) is affected. Individual differences in the state of athletes do not give confidence that the same effect will cause the same response. Therefore, the question of feedback is relevant: information on the state of the athlete entering the coach during the control of the training process.

Control in physical education and sports is based on measurements of indicators, selection of the most essential and their mathematical processing.

Management of the training process includes three stages:

1) collecting information;

2) its analysis;

3) decision-making (planning).

Collection of information is usually carried out during comprehensive control, the objects of which are:

1) Competitive activities;

2) training loads;

3) the state of the athlete.

There are three types of states of an athlete depending on the duration of the gap required to move from one state to another.

1. Pharge (permanent) condition. Save relatively long -weeks or months. The comprehensive characteristic of the step state of an athlete, reflecting its capabilities to the demonstration of sports achievements, is called preparedness, and the optimal state (best for this training cycle) of the preparedness - sports form. Obviously, within one or several days, the state of the sports form cannot be achieved or losing it.

2. Current state. Varies under the influence of one or several occupations. Often, the consequences of participation in competitions or at one expense of training work are delayed for several days. In this case, the athlete usually notes the phenomena of both unfavorable nature (for example, muscle pain) and positive (for example, a state of high performance). Such changes are called retractive training effect.

The current state of the athlete determines the nature of the nearest training sessions and the magnitude of the loads in them. A special case of the current state characterized by readiness to perform in the coming days of competitive exercise with a result close to the maximum, called current readiness.

3. Operative state. Changes under influence one-time execution exercise and is temporary (for example, fatigue caused by a single running distance; temporary increase in performance after a warm-up). The operational state of the athlete changes during the training session and should be taken into account when planning recreation intervals between approaches, repeated races, while solving the issue of the feasibility of additional workout, etc. A special case of an operational state characterized by immediate readiness to perform a competitive exercise with a result close to the maximum, called operational readiness.

In accordance with the classified classification allocate three main types of monitoring status:

1) phase control. His goal is to assess the stage (preparedness) of an athlete;

2) current control. Its main task is to identify everyday (current) fluctuations in the athlete;

3) operational control. His goal is the express assessment of the state of the athlete at the moment.

Measurement or testing carried out in order to determine the status or abilities of an athlete is called dough. The measurement or test procedure is called testing.

Any test includes measurement. But not any measurement serves as a test. Only those that satisfy the following metrological can be used as tests. requirements:

2) standardization;

3) availability of the assessment system;

4) reliability and informativeness (goodness) tests;

5) type of control (stage, current or operational).

The test, which is based on motor tasks, is called motor. There are three groups of motor tests:

1. Control exercises by performing an athlete gets a task to show the maximum result. The result of the test is a motor achievement. For example, the time for which the athlete runs a distance of 100 m.

2. Standard functional samples, during which the task, the same for all, is dosed either by the magnitude of the work performed, or by the magnitude of physiological shifts. The result of the test is physiological or biochemical indicators with standard work or motor achievements with the standard magnitude of physiological shifts. For example, the percentage of increasing the heart rate after 20 squats or the speed with which the athlete runs at the fixed value of the heart rate 160 beats per minute.

3. Maximum functional samples, during which the athlete must show the maximum result. The result of the test is physiological or biochemical indicators at maximum operation. For example, the maximum oxygen consumption or the maximum amount of oxygen debt.

High-quality testing involves knowledge of the theory of measurements.