Errors of applicants on the interview and their decision. Main errors in interview

Errors of applicants on the interview and their decision. Main errors in interview
Errors of applicants on the interview and their decision. Main errors in interview

However, often, imperceptibly for themselves, the candidate allows for unforgivable misses capable of inclining the scale of the scales not in his favor. How to pass an interview and at the same time avoid the most common mistakes?

The interview is over, and did not suggest work? Perhaps during the dialogue with the HR-manager, something went wrong and did not forgive this mistake. What?

  1. No motivation. This disadvantage may cause a refusal to even an experienced applicant with a competently compiled summary and extensive experience. After all, what's the point in the skills of the candidate if he does not burn with the desire to work? Therefore, on the eve of the interview, think carefully, what arguments you will lead, answering the question of the recruitor "Why do you want to work in our company?" Your task is to convince the interlocutor that you are interested in the affairs of a potential employer, are configured for long-term cooperation and want to contribute to the success of the enterprise. Human Resources Manager will always appreciate the sincere interest of the applicant, its correct questions and sketches of an approximate work plan at first after the employment.
  2. Cheating. If during the interview you could not confirm the skills described in the summary - you may not wait. The same can be said about things that are not related to professional activities. It happens the applicant, the desire to seem comprehensively developed, talks about himself as an avid theater or an experienced diver. At the same time, he does not take into account the risk to meet this expert in these areas, which will be able to discuss the subtleties of general hobbies with his associate. It is better not to tell something about something to attribute to yourself what is not and deserve a reputation of a deceiver.
  3. Manifestation of disrespect, tactless. Developing, excessive assertion, the desire to see the recruitment in incompetence, constant barcia - you can not doubt that such behavior will be regarded as an uncompatory and lack of tact. And if you start scolding the previous employer, you will also see a fallen packer in you. Think by yourself who will close your eyes on such mistakes on the interview? Punctuality, politeness and tactfulness is the key to success. You must impress not only a qualified specialist, but also a competent cultural person.
  4. Cause of dismissal from the previous job. Experimental recruitors are familiar with all the standard options for answers to this question, so you should not try to convince them that you were not allowed to develop. In most cases, the desire to change the work is associated with corporate culture, working conditions or with the promise of projects. It is about such reasons that need to tell the interviewer to give him the opportunity to compare your answers with the peculiarities of work in the company and its projects.
  5. Ignorance of own salary expectations. Going to the interview must clearly know what kind of remuneration you are counting on. Given its position in the labor market, you can neatly bargain. Nevertheless, it does not want to hear specific numbers from you, so you should be ready to voice your salary fork.
  6. Abstract answers. According to the results of the dialogue, your candidacy will receive a negative assessment if answering the questions of the interviewer, you will enjoy only common phrases, without confirming them with specific examples from your own practice. For example, instead of talking "I have a lot of experience in sales", tell me "I have exceeded the sales plan by 15-20%." Do not say "I can find a common language with customers." Replace this dubious statement by the phrase "I have increased myself for 15-25 customers' database. At the moment, the client portfolio has more than 900 counterparties. "
  7. Mental conversations with cadprovik. Interview - First of all, this is a business meeting, not friendly sitting. Therefore, even if you saw a relative soul in the interlocutor, do not give in to the temptation to complain about life circumstances. Excessive frankness will definitely not help you. Moreover, when you leave the interviewer's office, it will be required to evaluate your qualities not as a potential friend, but as a professional. And then it may be that for spiritual conversations about the vacancies you talked to a little, therefore, and to give an assessment, in fact, there is nothing.
  8. Zingkihood on his thoughts. Your scatleton will certainly be accepted for inattention or arrogance.

Invited to the interview, but did not take a job? Most likely, with your resume, everything is in order, but on an interview something went wrong. We know what errors recruiters do not forgive, - read and look for your!

Did not work show motivation
The main mistake - you could not convince the recruiter in your motivation. For this reason, even the applicants with excellent track record and impressive experience are denied. What is the fact that you have all the necessary skills, if the recruiter does not understand that you are ready to post the maximum? Why rent a person even with 15 years of experience and connections, if he, apparently, does not intend to linger in the company for a long time?

Going to the interview, think in advance how you will answer the question "Why do you want to work with us?" You must show that you are interested in the company's business that you want to contribute to its success and are aimed at long fruitful cooperation. Ask, in advance, examine the history of the company and its latest projects. If the vacancy accompanies the video, be sure to look at it attentively.

Failed to confirm the skills declared in the resume
It happens that the summary seems interesting to the company, but the employer does not in a hurry to make a proposal for employment in the results of the interview. Wasn't your resume too embellished? Did you confirm the stated skills in the course of the conversation? If in the summary you declared about the free ownership of the English language, and at the interview did not understand the questions of the director-expature, you are hardly invited to work. So it is not worth exaggerating - only real skills and experience!

Preserved the disloyalty to the former employer
Recruitors are highly appreciated. Of course, it is difficult to appreciate your love for the future employer, so the recruitment managers listen carefully to your words about the last place of work. "Former boss - non-professional, did not understand the subtleties, and all the work was on me"; "The management leads a company to collapse," refrain from such applications. Thus, you do not discredit not so much the former chef as you like. "What will he tell about us when it comes from this office?" - Recruiter will think and ... will not call you back.

About what can and what can not talk about former work, read.

No etiquette rules were met
You were late for 5 minutes or 25 - in any case, forced the interlocutor to wait, showing disrespect and showing that you can't appreciate the time. Learn Yandex Maps, Build Routes, go to a meeting in advance - in a word, take yourself as a rule not to be late for an interview under any circumstances, and if you still be late, warn on the phone.

Racked out the appearance
About what, we have already written. Not that recruiters together oppose freedom of self-expression as a whole - there is no reason. The main thing is to remember whether your appearance matches the place where you want to go to work. What is allowed to bartender or designer will not be suitable for the bank manager. Dress up appropriate!

Good luck at the interview!

The country is growing the number of unemployed, and so you also turned out to be among them. Have you been appointed interview, but how to pass it with such a huge competition? We will tell you how to avoid mistakes and impress.

Errors when interviewing work: how to avoid?

In fact, the employer will pay attention to absolutely everything, so you must be fully armed. Not only your knowledge and skills are important, but also the ability to contact the person, as well as the style of clothing. Everyone wants to see a successful man who will be able to impress partners, and you should become exactly the same. Thanks to our advice, you can do it and your chances in place will increase in a few dozen times!

How to successfully pass an interview when admission to work: all secrets

Fashion style . One of the key points is the ability to choose the right clothes. There is nothing complicated in this - the main thing is that all things are clean, without spots and stiff. It is advisable to wear a monophonic shirt and a jacket with a pants. And absolutely no matter what work you apply, in any case, the employer will pay attention to your appearance. As they say "Meet the clothes, and they follow the mind."

No need to lie in the summary. Often, candidates for a place are added to their resume infant information in order to impress. We do not advise you to do it, a lie will be easily discovered - you will not be able to cope with the duties or your interlocutor will decide to call the place where you used to supposedly worked.

Do not scold previous employers. No matter how ill did not belong to you previous employers, you do not need to discuss them and tell what they are bad and what good you are. Refrain from comments and incorrect expressions. It is unlikely that you will want to hide, if you will discuss the previous chief from the first minutes of communication.

Politeness . Do not talk to the interlocutor as if he is your close friend. Show respect for him, call by the name of the patronymic and on "you". You should show yourself to a responsible and serious worker.

Do not be afraid to ask questions. The interview must not only tell you about yourself. Also, it would not hurt to ask - what is the company that will be in your duties. If the future employer notices interest in you, it is a huge plus in your favor.

Find out all about the company. Before going to the interview, it is desirable to know everything you need about the company in which you want to work. In the conversation, refer to some facts and information about it, for sure it will appeal to the interlocutor.

Do not focus on salary, prizes and benefits. D.
and, of course, you should know how much you will be paid, but you have not received a place yet. Just ask how much you will pay on a probationary period and after approval, this is quite enough.

Do not rush to leave interview . Even if it was delayed, no need to constantly look at the watch or on a mobile phone. This means that you are not interested in working and communicating with the interlocutor does not bring you pleasure.

Throw down aside. Modesty is certainly good, but it is unlikely that she will help you get dreams of dreams. Tell about your stylish sides and achievements, you do not need to silence about them.

We hope, thanks to our advice, you will be able to go through any interview and necessarily like the future employer.

Everyone at least once in his life was at the interview. In search of work, people undergo dozens of companies, fill the questionnaires and answer the questions of managers. However, few people analyze their mistakes at the interview. If you once again did not wait for a call from a potential employer, then it's time to identify errors on the interview that you allow. To help you in this hard matter, we give the top ten most common flaws of people when a conversation with a potential boss.

The first impression of you will be spoiled by any late for an interview. And the solid organization, the chance of your further employment below.A similar error of the job seeker makes the leader doubt his responsibility and punctuality, how will he then come to work and meet with business partners.Of course, no one seeks to be late for an interview, this is due to external factors (unfamiliar terrain, traffic jams), but it will not be able to justify the future worker.

Tip: After appointment of the meeting, find out on the Internet map how to drive to the designated place. Always have half an hour in the reserve, this will allow you to avoid late when you get into the plug. If it is impossible to avoid late, call and warn that you are delayed.

Wrong style of clothing

By how a person is dressed, one can judge his character and business qualities. It is not even about the dress code, which, by the way, is present in many major organizations. The ability of a person to dress on a business meeting, which is an interview, means his understanding of the status of the organization. This does not mean that there should be a strict business suit on the applicant, you just need to avoid colored pastes, ribbon jeans and open shoes.

Negative stories about past work

The leaders will not stop at your candidacy if you water the mud of the past employer. After all, tomorrow you can tell the same story about it.

Even if you were deceived by the past boss, they did not receive salaries from him, lost all their health at this work - do not say it at the interview.Best of all the question of the previous experience, tell about your duties, about the projects performed and the experience gained. The cause of care should also be truthful, but not tough.It is better to say that you have not found a common language with the bosses or did not agree in opinions, or have not seen the future prospects in the work at the same place.


Before each interview, it is necessary to simulate its process in your head. What questions usually ask? Write them down and find answers on them.Read information about the company in which you are arranged. Examine their website, write down your exciting questions.For example, it can be phrases: "... I saw a service on your website", or "... if I'm not mistaken, you have been in the market for ten years, tell me ...". Managers usually react positively to the awareness of the candidate and their interest in the company's common business. The indifference of a person is estimated usual as its uncertainty (all the same where to work, just to pay), such frames are not needed in serious structures.

Business Communication Errors

There is a category of people who are not aware of the principles of business communication. They incorrectly welcome the future chief (stretch her hand, they say "hello" or "Hello" instead of "Hello", "Good afternoon"), do not look at the interlocutor, they say little. It repels the interviewer from a potential employee, makes him doubt the intellectual and ethical level of the candidate.

It is best to behave restrained, but confident. Runly respond to the questions set, avoiding life stories, support the conversation, show your interest in the selected vacancy.

Tip: Disconnect or put your mobile phone on the vibration, you should not distract anything at the interview.

Chat and excessive discrepancy

Managers are usually looking for a golden middle note as silent and chatty applicants. The problem of a person with excessive zeal to the conversation is that he usually distracts his colleagues with jokes, stories about the evening spent or (which is not allowed at all) singing. Of course, there are vacancies for which the "suspended language" is essential, but even there it will have to hold it.


Do not hide some moments of your life from the employer. It happens that the question is "married if you", a person answers "this is my personal matter." It is impossible to do this, since such behavior will come to the idea that you constantly hide something from the employer, including working moments.Therefore, try to be maximally open and respond to the questions honestly, especially since they are not accidentally.

Invalid answers

There are cases when the candidate is proposed to respond to several logical issues. And he, she hurry to answer, mistakes once again.Such a hasty of solutions will not like the future boss, he will rather prefer to take the thinking employee than Toropaga.

Tip: Listen to interviewer questions, most mistakes come from inattention.

Watch out for the reaction of the head, the top eyebrow or the eye rolling will allow you to realize the fallacy of the selected answer. Also, when specifying important qualities for the selected vacancy, do not voicate that you have something badly comes out of this list.

Personal problems

The candidate should not be in an interview to share his personal experiences with the employer. When a person begins to complain about the lack of money, the presence of children and sick parents, and also to exhibit all this cause of unsuccessful life, the interviewer immediately writes off his bills. The presence of such a number of problems, according to many managers, will interfere with full work. Plus, no one needs a whitic worker, he will strain the team and spoil the working atmosphere all the time.

Refusal of test tasks

Some people refuse to pass test tasks. For example, write your vision of the company's development, or the progress of product promotion. They argue them with their genius of ideas that can be used without it. Give a few examples of your ideas and tell me that there is still a dozen sentences that will be voiced when you come to office. The future boss will definitely appreciate it.

The errors presented below include not only the interview as such. Remember that in fact the interview begins as soon as you arrive at the destination, i.e. Even before you speak with the interviewer. Not one candidate failed the event because he had a bad interview or was a bad specialist, but only because of the inappropriate behavior in the reception.

1 Using common phrases and beaten stamps when answering interviewer questions

I recommend you in every way to avoid extensive answers and the surface characteristics of your past work. A good interviewer will never allow you to get rid of shared phrases and vague wording. He needs a specific information. With it, it will be possible to find out if you apply to the position that you are applying for. Therefore, if you are asked, for example, to call your professional or personal qualities, most likely, the question will follow: "Describe the situation in which you had the opportunity to apply them in practice." If you say that they participated in the development of many business projects, you will definitely be asked to clarify what exactly. If you report that thanks to you, the profit of your former company increased by 25%, be sure - the interviewer wishes in detail how you achieved it. Remember that all abstract reasoning you will be forced to reinforce examples from your professional experience. To avoid unpleasant situations, be prepared for such developments.

It seems to many that the more "smart" words they will use, the greatest respect they will immerse them the interviewer.

"In my own position, I was developing a differentiated integrated control system and coordination of the investment budget in order to ensure the most efficient use of the basic characteristics of fixed assets ..."

Do not hope that such phrases are attracted by an interviewer and make him believe in your exceptional professionalism. Again, most likely, you will be asked to reveal this statement on specific examples. Here then lies the trap that you created for yourself. Using too wise words, you risks in them to get confused and lose the thread of the narration. By the way, a good professional distinguishes, among other things, and the ability to explain their work is a simple and understandable language.

2 Excessive frankness in a conversation with an interviewer

Interview when taking a job is not an ordinary "talk of souls." Even if the interviewer causes you sympathy, remember that by and large it is indifferent you and your problems. Not because he is a bad person who knows him, maybe a good ... just a miracle, what kind of man! Just work he rarely allows you to open up this wonderful mental quality. He is most likely no good feelings for you, but just does his job. Are you able to cope with your future responsibilities? Do you come up with a company or department where you will work? That's what interests the interviewer. Therefore, it is stupid to rush to him in a vest and complain about its financial or family problems. By this you only rebuild from myself. Even if the interviewer is sacred and sincerely sympathizes you, you will not get a job. Employers seek to hire winners, not losers. Therefore, pity is not something that should be betted when interviewing. It will be much better if you try to look cheerful, self-confident and full enthusiastic man.

Sometimes the interviewer specifically demonstrates his friendly attitude to the candidate, encouraging him to frankly. Feat you God to catch on this hook! (This is one of the traps, which will be described in detail in the next chapter.) Spiritual striptease at the interview is inappropriaten. One day, a young and promising specialist hired into a large trading company. In the rustling of sincerity, he stated the interviewer that this position is the most suitable option for him to gain practical experience before it opens its own business. What do you think I wanted to create a potential competitor to create a potential competitor?

Try not to say too much about your plans and views on life. Avoid commenting political events, social problems and deeds of other people - your opinion does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of your potential employers.

3 bluffing

To convince the interviewer that you need to learn as soon as possible about the result, because you have any more suggestions, - an old, beaten trick. Do not use such tactics - it will lead to the deplorable results. It is better to show that you are very interested in this work. But at the same time, let me understand that failure will not be unearthly grief for you. You are a high-class specialist who knows the price! However, it is important to observe the measure: You can not look at your future bosses down, but also it is impossible to look a miserable beggar - the organizations seek to hire winners.

4 Attempts by psychological manipulation of the interviewer

It happens, reading cheap guides on the successful passage of interview or books Dale Carnegi, candidates are trying to apply "cunning" psychological techniques. For example, from Arsenal NLP - all sorts of "adjustments" (copying the behavior of the interviewer and its manners to speak), "calibration", "anchoring" and so on. Beware of similar games! This is the case when you can overheat, perhaps itself. Remember that the interviewer usually works a person, very sophisticated in communication. Most likely, with psychological techniques of manipulation, he is familiar to you much better. Therefore, do not seek to hurt sensitive strings in his soul. This will only achieve the fact that there will be no trace from confidence.

If the interviewer of the opposite sex, some candidates seek to use their sexual attractiveness. Everything is going to move: and compliments, and female (male) coquetry, and flirting with an interviewer. Women often use various parts of their body for small sexual gravity - fleeting hands behind the head to stick his chest forward; Seductive Yerzanya on a chair; Mini skirts demonstrating the beauty of the legs, etc. The lifeless interviewer will never bend on such tricks. Another thing is that he can play a candidate to see how far that is ready to go. But the result of the interview will definitely not be in your favor. In addition, you risk becoming a victim of deception. (As in the anecdote about the singer: "How so? Vocal data on the sofa was checked, and did not take a job.")

It is not naive to believe that the attempts of manipulation will be regarded as your ability to communicate with people. Most likely, it will be the opposite. If the interviewer wants to evaluate your communicative skills, he will not be ashamed to ask you to demonstrate them. (You, of course, heard terrifying stories about how the cunning interviewer offers a candidate: "Sell me pebbles", etc.) to show the initiative himself in this matter categorically contraindicated!

5 Stressing a personal acquaintance with major businessmen, prominent politicians or famous in your professional environment

For some reason, this manner is especially common among Sales managers and applicants for middle managers. Even if you have relatives-oligarchs or ministerial friends, it is not necessary to obsessively demonstrate close relationships with them and, especially, carelessly mention loud surnames during a conversation with an interviewer. The point is not even that such information can easily be checked. It is simply there is a psychological rule: than an insignificant man, the stronger he seeks to show his proximity to the great world of this. In addition, you risk risks on the eidny note: "If you have such powerful friends, why are you looking for work in our modest firm?"

It is quite another thing if you ask a specific question. For example: "Who did you support business contacts while working on the previous post?" Here, the named famous surnames will work in your favor. But, again, it should be avoided an excessive panibrate and absenteeism on the shoulder, somehow: "But yesterday I am in a bath Tolik Chubais and say ..."

6 "cheek inflation"

This includes a variety of tricks of candidates who, in their opinion, should give them additional "weight" and significance. Unfortunately, in practice, everything turns out exactly the opposite. One of my colleague very ulcer calls it "cheek's cheek." In the people, such things have long been called "left pontami".

There are candidates who come for an interview, holding a frown-concerned expression on the face and trying to put out their folder or case. Delivito rustling with their papers, they struggle to show their involvement in "decision-making". An interviewer who has a sense of humor does not premict politely apologize for being taken away from such a busy person. And also politely forgiven him. The interviewer without a sense of humor will do the same using several other expressions ...

Useful advice: Do not stand at every step to emphasize your businesslike and enterprise. You will be able to show them if you are taken to work - then they will be appreciated. It will be much better if during an interview you will demonstrate friendliness, openness and desire to work in the team.

For the same reason, it is not necessary to bring laptops and tablets, and, moreover, open them with a smart species during the interview. In the courtyard of the twentieth century. Today, supermodic and superdowed technical toys are not impressed by anyone. Especially - on employers.

There are still personalities who, coming for an interview to an unfamiliar company, are experiencing an irresistible desire to constantly call somewhere on the phone and solve their problems. What serious (in their opinion) would have been the reasons for such behavior - the need to make an important business call, the desire to cope with the health of the beloved grandmother - the impression of such candidates will be ruled completely and irrevocably.

Especially it should be said about mobile phones. Going to a meeting with the future employer, disconnect your phone and hide it away! Remember: Nothing infuriates the interviewer, as a mobile phone who suddenly calls the candidate and the following conversations behind this, the interrupting challenge. Those times have long passed when the mobile phone in his hands acted on others, like a tambourine of the shaman on the natives of the Mumba-Yamba tribe. This in the early 90s he testified to the "steepness" of his owner and increased influence on people. Today, every second student is over the belt brand smartphone. (Moreover, wears it, exposing a deposit, and with such an expression of a person, with which at the time of the wild West, the cowboys were carried by six-track colts of the 45th caliber. What to do - Fashion on things transient, fashion for "steep" eternal.) However, Different manipulations with mobile gadgets - Nonocases, demonstrative business calls are still common during the interview. This is especially distinguished by applicants for the positions of lower and middle managers. Contrary to their expectations, such actions look only with small jumpers, and not a sign of success or solidity.