Ornamental image in centuries Presentation. Presentation "Patterns and Ornaments"

Ornamental image in centuries Presentation. Presentation
Ornamental image in centuries Presentation. Presentation "Patterns and Ornaments"

"Beautiful ornaments" - the principles of drawing ornament. Alternation. What are the ornaments. China. Mongolia Kazakhstan. Patterns and ornaments. Different countries ornaments give their meaning. Ornaments of the peoples of the world. Egypt. Symmetric ornament. Ornaments in everyday life. Ornament. Ornaments in architecture. Natural ornament.

"The ornament" Turkish cucumber "" - Eastern motives in the Russian national pattern. Sequence of painting. Indian cucumber. "Turkish cucumber" won popularity in Russia. Persian cypress. The motives of the "Turkish cucumber" in Russia. A circle. Creative work sequence. India. Motive of Turkish cucumber in design.

"Ornaments and patterns" - zoomorphic ornament. XVII-XVIII century (Europe). Heraldic ornament. Oriental ornaments. Castle cast iron casting. Vologda lace. Russian folk suit. The character of the composition on the decorated surface. The main motifs. Ancient world. Shawls from Pavlovsky Posad. Middle Ages. Renaissance. Ornament in Russian folk fishers.

"Embroidery ornament" - a bird is one of the favorite and most common images. Floral ornament. Stylized animal images. Pews are made even at the end of the XIX century. The ornament is taken from the scheme from the free app. Types and symbols of the ornament. Wrapper cheap Brocarovsky soap. Ornamental embroidery in the objects of life and clothing of the Belgorod region.

"Ornaments of peoples" - images of dragons. Ornaments of ancient Egypt. Animal ornament. Mathematics. Russian ornament. Kazakh ornament. The ancient art of Rankoli. Natural ornament. Matryoshka. Ornament as an imprint of the soul of the people. Geometric shapes. Alternation. Khokhloma. Abstract ornament. Indian ornament. Ornament.

"The composition of the ornament" is a chess rhythmic system. Asymmetric location. Types of symmetry. Constructive elements of the ornament. Rules for constructing an ornamental composition. Rhythmic construction of an ornamental composition. Axial symmetry. The ability of the artist to abstract thinking. Composition. Ornamental composition.

Total in the subject of 12 presentations

"Ornament" Prepared: primary school teacher Aristova A. A. Ekaterinburg 2016

What is the subject of excess?

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna


Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna


this is a pattern based on repeating and alternating the components of its elements; intended to decorate various items

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

What unites these patterns?

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

What do these ornaments look like?

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

What elements these patterns consist?

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

Types of ornament


  • Consist of points, lines (straight, broken, etc.), and figures (circles, rhombuses, polyhedra, stars, etc.).

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

Types of ornament


The variety of ornament, the main elements of which are decoratively recycled flowers, leaves, branches of any plants. Its form can be very different from natural forms.

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

Types of ornament

Animal ornament.

A variety of ornament, stylizing figures or parts of real or fantastic animal figures.

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

Types of ornament Tape

This is an ornament with a linear vertical or horizontal motive alternation.

Teacher of primary classes Aristova Angelica Andreevna

Studying learning discipline gives comprehensive knowledge, skills, skills in the field of decorative - applied arts to students, future leaders of visual activities in pre-school educational institutions of various types, schools of arts, studios, introduces students with the techniques and methods for performing various types of decorative work, taking into account modern aesthetic requirements .

The paths of aesthetic and moral education with the help of decorative and applied art are diverse / introduction of students to applied arts, as well as folk art in general, it is important for the following reasons: folk art - a kind of stimulator of creativity, works of folk and applied art contribute to the development and formation of artistic taste, Aesthetic ideal and creative began in person.

: Decorative - applied art art makes it possible to transfer your impressions with the help of such ordinary things, like a pencil, brushes, paints, paper and other materials. This process causes a sense of joy, awareness of their own creative abilities.

Meeting decoratively applied arts, students reveal, aware of the importance of folk art as a powerful means of aesthetic, labor, moral education. Simple and beautiful artistic products of folk masters help to instill people love for their native land, learn to see and love nature, appreciate the traditions of native places. Understanding the rhythm, harmony of color relations, visual equilibrium of forms and colors, obtained by students in the process of decorative work, is then used in various works in painting classes, creating a decorative composition. Transforming activity of applied art wide, it covers a wide variety of items and materials. The main compositional start of decorating these, items are the ornament, as well as the following active elements of the decorative composition: color, plot (theme), a plane or volumetric plastic solution.

To comprehend composite patterns, it is necessary to perceive the image of an artistic thing or a spatial volume composition as a whole. On this topic is given 24 hours.

Separation name Number of audit hours
Total Including
Theory Practice Calm. Work
3 Ornament. Art ornament. Types, structure, styles in ornament. 24 2 14

Students work on the ornament on certain topics.

  • The history of the emergence and development of the ornament. The value of the ornament.
  • Symbolism in ornament. Types and structure, ornament. Styles in ornamental art. Mature and unity of ornamental motifs. Basic laws of composite construction of ornamental motives. Integrity, coodes, proportionality, equilibrium, unity. Rhythm, movement, static. Symmetry and asymmetry in ornament. Scalable. Rapport. Motive. Ornamental topic. Principles of building ornaments. Composition of ornaments in a strip, closed form, a net ornament. Mixed, combined ornament.

Students perform practical work on each topic.


Ornament, the branch of art, which is least able to follow the stringent rules. Because in this area, as in no other, instinct, imagination and even the whim of the artist opens the widest perspectives.

But of course, all said does not mean that, the works of ornamentalists are completely free from certain principles, some of the highest laws, which each artistic concept must match. The ornamental composition can be truly beautiful only when it gives rise to the auditor's feeling of peace and satisfaction caused by the perfect balance of all components of the elements. The laws of harmony and proportions, equilibrium and symmetry, the subordination of parts in a whole, diversity in this uniformity - all these aesthetic laws manage the art of ornament, as well as every other.

The ornament occupies an important, albeit not primary, place in the art of art. And if they argue that the impact of this type of art is less significant, forgetting how it raises the mood and awakens the deepest feelings, it remains still undoubted: the ornament meets the urgent need of our nature - to see beautiful around. By adding something for the sake of completeness to other artworks or decorating and enjoying the items of everyday life, the ornament plays the role of a natural link between art and production. Thus, it is one of the most necessary in human activity and flexible forms of creativity.

Ornament, especially color, affects much greater freedom in its, albeit more modest, area. And to achieve its ultimate goal, namely, the harmony and those proportions that give birth to a beautiful feeling, there are many ways. Being able to perceive artistic means inherent in other types of creativity, for example, the generalization of the forms and techniques of the repeat of elements of architecture, the relief of the sculpture, the charm of plots and wonderful paints of painting, the art of the ornament can use all this opportunity, without leaving their own sphere. Because this sphere is truly extensive. It covers the space from the simplest geometric figures - a square, a rhombus or a triangle (the repetition of which or the compound in the counterpoint is sufficient for an interesting composition) - to skillful, intricate patterns, bizarre Arabesque, inventive combinations of lines, colors, animals, and even human figures. Ornamentalist - Lord of the fantastic, delightful world. It is far from ordinary lifefriend and is committed only and exclusively to his imagination. But as this charming freedom would be illusory, if the most time-purpose whims were not controlled by impeccable taste and thorough selection for the desired effect, which, regardless of the tools used, should be in the harmonic unity of shapes and paints!

Intensify the creative potential of students through the use of ICTs (presentations, electronic dictionaries, catalogs, interactive posters, flash animations, educational and Internet resources, etc.).


  • Formation of students' ideas about the spiritual sources of the peoples of their features.
  • Activation of creative activities, the formation of universal competencies.
  • Facilitating the active implementation and use of information technologies in the educational process.


  1. to acquaint with the history of the emergence and development of ornaments, styles, specifics of the language of works of decorative - applied art, with basic laws, principles of composite construction of ornaments;
  2. forming knowledge of students by studying
    the ability to find differences in various ornaments;
  3. to form skills to master the basic principles of composite design of the ornament, perform ornaments of different types, of different structures, use the symbolism of the ornament as a means of artistic expressiveness;
  4. purposefully and consistently work on creating and performing an ornamental composition;
  5. distinguish between traditional ornament constructing schemes;
  6. update the intellectual and creative abilities of students;
  7. form the emotional and value attitude of students to
    Reality through creative tasks.

Presentation Contains 67 slides and is a combination of text and illustrative material. The PowerPoint Computer Presentation is based on the selection, preparation and structuring of the material. During the creation of the presentation, the following materials were used:

  1. Internet resources.
  2. Velichko N. Painting: Techniques. Takes. Products. - M: Act - Press, 1999.
  3. Vlasov V.G. Styles in art. Vocabulary. - SPb.: Art, 1995.
  4. Kozlov V.N. Fundamentals of decoration of textiles. -M.: Pr., 1981.
  5. Kosterin V.P. Training drawing. - M.: Pr., 1976.
  6. Lebedeva E.V., Black P.M. Artist's art - designer. - M.: Pr., 1981.
  7. Milovsky A.S. Jump a good unicorn. - M.: Pr., 1982.
  8. Nesterenko O.I. Brief encyclopedia design. - M.: Pr., 1994.
  9. Basics of artistic craft / V.A. Baradulin. - M.: Pr., 1986.
  10. Selivon V.A. When a child draws. - M.: Pr., 1980.
  11. Sokolnikova N.M. Fine art and methods of his teaching in elementary school: studies. Manual for students ped. universities. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 1999.
  12. Zhigalova S.K. Russian folk painting. - M.: Pr., 1984.
  13. Return to the origins: folk art and children's creativity: studies. Meeting allowance / Ed. С. Spicalova, TA Porovskaya. - M: Humanitarian ed. Center Vlados, 2000.
  14. Shorokhov E.V. Composition. -M.: Pr., 1986.

The ornament is called the pattern built by alternating some drawings or lines. Ornament (from lat. Ornamentum decoration) pattern made from rhythmically alternating elements of plant and animal world, as well as geometric shapes. The main feature of the ornament is that it is associated with a specific subject (building, vessel, carpet, etc.) on scale, rhythm, flavor, proportions and other expressive means of harmonization.

The main source of creating an ornament was nature. A person has long pempolored the nature of the "samples" of the ornament. His rages of the butterflies, the backs of the caterpillars and snakes, and if we talk about the leaves and colors of many different plants about the leaves and colors of many different plants, then the path to the wondrous kingdom of beauty, perfection and the completeness of the forms and lines is just beginning. And the ancient person himself, making primitive vessels from clay, saw that products need some additions, engraving their appearance. And here on the neck or Tulle of the vessel, he has a slightly picked concentric circles, rhombus, zigzag lines.

The use of ornament as a decorative design of products needed to people in everyday life and practical activity is the basis of decorative - applied art. Without the use of the ornament, it is impossible to imagine artworks, ceramics, textiles. The ornament is distinguished by extremely diverse motifs, whose character depends on both natural conditions and national images, ideas, customs, etc.

The following types of ornament are maintained: a ribbon mesh composite - a closed ribbon ornament has the type of tape or strip and resembles the "open two-sided movement". Such an ornament consists of repetitive elements and is limited from above and below. This ornament is divided into frieze, border and kaima. Fries Ornamented composition, designed for decorative design of the top of the wall inside or outside the building. Border strip, emphasizing the edges of any plane or volumetric form. Kaima Patterned band, framing plane (tablecloth, carpet, dishes, etc.).

What are the ornaments of the natural ornament can be made up of images of plants branches, leaves, flowers, seashells, butterflies, birds and animals. The decorative ornament is the same natural forms, only modified, adapted to the form and purpose of the item that it decorates. The geometric ornament consists of various geometric shapes, most often - a circle, square, triangle. An abstract ornament is a combination of distracted forms and color spots, not similar to any specific items.

2. Circuit - a set of rhythms in ornament. The alternation gives the ornament a variety, revives it. You can change not only the shape of the elements of the ornament, but also other signs. Contrast alternation. Changing position Change color. Change of size. Overlay elements.

In different countries, ornaments give their meaning and in different ways are seen the same subject. For example, the Egyptian sun is a point in the circle. And in Russia the sun is an octagonal socket or just a flower. In order for the fields to be generous to the harvest, a man asked for the sky, the Sun and the Lust of Good luck, worked by spells. For this, he repeated patterns. Wavy lines symbolized water; Horizontal - Earth; oblique - rain, crossing the path to the sun; points between them - grains thrown into the ground; The circle was a sunny sign; The cross was often a faith, opposing evil forces.

"Ornament forms" - image of gear strips. Mesh ornaments. An image of the simplest cells. Decoration. Image of the sky. Net ornament. In the ornament used 1 color. An image of strict alternation of rhythmic elements. Ornament properties. Schemes for building ornaments in a circle. Type of ornament, depending on the structure.

"Embroidery ornament" - the plant ornament occupies a prominent place in the ornament. Ornamental embroidery Valui district. The floral ornament is made in the red - black gamma. Types and symbols of the ornament. Oak leaves with acorns personified wisdom, male strength. Stylized animal images. Pews are made even at the end of the XIX century.

"Beautiful ornaments" - types of ornament. Ornaments in the dishes. Mongolia Kazakhstan. Symbol of the sun in different countries. Egypt. China. Natural ornament. Arabs. Ornaments are decorated at home. Ornaments in everyday life. Symmetric ornament. Application of ornament. Borders. Alternation. The source of the creation of the ornament was nature.

"Ornament composition" - structural elements of the ornament. Form of rapport. The ability of the artist to abstract thinking. Asymmetric location. Rhythmic construction of an ornamental composition. Ornamental composition. Axial symmetry. Chess rhythmic system. Types of symmetry. Composition. Rules for constructing an ornamental composition.

"Ornaments of peoples" - images of dragons. Khokhloma. Floral ornament. Principles of ornament drawing. Ornament. Ornaments of Greece. Small bordering patterns. Ornaments of ancient Egypt. Pavlovo shawls. The location of the elements of the ornament on the fabric. Multifier forms. Ornaments of the East. Matryoshka. The ancient art of Rankoli.

"Classification of ornaments" is a floral ornament. Fantastic ornament. The content of the object ornament. Epigraphic (calligraphic) ornament. Classification of ornaments. Landscape ornament. Origin. Animal ornament. Motives. Types of ornament. Symbolic ornament. Geometric ornament.

Total in the subject of 12 presentations