Original female names list. The most beautiful foreign names for girls - list

Original female names list.  The most beautiful foreign names for girls - list
Original female names list. The most beautiful foreign names for girls - list

Each expectant mother, expecting the birth of her long-awaited daughter, wants to choose the most beautiful name for her, which will not only decorate her, but also bring good luck. If you are in that position, then this article is for you. Here you can find a list of the most unusual and beautiful names for girls.

When choosing a name for a child, each woman is guided by different principles.

Someone considers it necessary to name the child by the name of their close relative, someone wants to give their baby the name of an idol. A very popular and fashionable trend in our time has become to call children by church, old names, because they are rarely found. People who want to emphasize the high social status of the family in the name of a child prefer to call him by the names of Western monarchs.

Some mothers, when choosing a name, are guided by the advice of astrologers, who choose names suitable for babies by date of birth, or by season, as our ancestors did. If a child appeared in a family in a harsh winter, then he was given a soft and sunny name, and if in the spring, then a hard and tough one.

Beautiful names for girls and their meaning

The above list of names in this article is not compiled according to one of the above principles.

The main criterion that was taken into account was the nationality of the newborn girl. After all, a name is a visiting card of any person. Introducing themselves to strangers, they should immediately understand which country you are from.

Now let's move on to top list of the most beautiful names for girls in each in some countries of the world.

Beautiful Russian names for girls

Most modern Russian names for girls that are given to newborn girls are of Greek or Roman origin. Many of them in 2017 will be trending more than ever. Despite the fashion, mothers of Russia prefer to give names to their daughters, guided by the primordially Russian principles in this matter:

  1. Tradition. This includes the names that were borne by representatives of the tsarist and imperial families of Russia. They sound beautiful, noble, go well with any patronymic and are associated with Russian history. Based on this, girls are most often called:

  1. By season

  1. Monthly:

Of course, this list is just a hint for those looking for a name for their child. It is not necessary to adhere strictly to it.

Beautiful vintage names for girls

The beauty of the old names lies in the fact that they denote qualities of character - kindness, hard work, wisdom, generosity. If you want your daughter to be the owner of some such quality, you can call her the appropriate old name.

We have compiled a list of the most popular such names in our time and characterized the meaning of each of them. We suggest you name your princess:

Beautiful church girls names

According to the Orthodox tradition, names of newborns should be given according to the calendar - the list of saints in the church calendar. People have long believed, naming a child after a saint, a strong bond arises between the baby and his guardian angel. The saint will become the patron saint of the baby and will accompany him through life, protecting him from adversity, troubles and bad weather.

Every day, according to the church calendar, we celebrate the name days of the saints. Based on this, you can give your child a name. Just look in the calendar of which saint your daughter was born on, and give her an appropriate name.

There is a more simplified option - to name the girls according to the church calendar, taking into account not her birthday, but only the month. The list of these names is as follows:

Beautiful Muslim names for girls

Muslim female names have Persian, Iranian and Turkic roots. They are very melodic and beautiful. Muslims sacredly honor their traditions and culture, therefore they believe that the name predetermines the fate of a person. Among the many great Muslim names, we have highlighted the top 14 that are most commonly used:

Beautiful Tatar names for girls

Tatars are a very distinctive people. Sometimes young parents even come up with names for their children, composing them from different words in order to emphasize the uniqueness of their child.

However, there is a specific list of Tatar names that are the most popular:

  1. Aigul - "a flower that grows under the moonlight"
  2. Aisylu - "the mystery of the moon"
  3. Guzelia - "a very beautiful girl"
  4. Guzel - "a girl who needs to be admired"
  5. Damira - "a girl with a strong character"
  6. Ilsiyar - "patriot girl"
  7. Yulduz - "a bright star in the sky"

Beautiful Kazakh names for girls

Kazakh female names are in many ways similar to Tatar and Muslim names, therefore the origin of these peoples is historically connected. Most often, Kazakh mothers call their daughters:

Beautiful Arabic names for girls

To the most beautiful foreign names for girls are Arab. Their beauty is not in the way they sound. For the Russian-speaking population, it is sometimes impossible to pronounce them at all. All their beauty is in meaning. For instance:

Beautiful Turkish names for girls

Continuing to list beautiful oriental names for girls, it is impossible not to mention the Turkish ones. Often female Turkish names are associated with the date of birth of a girl or some important holiday of national importance. Here's a list like this as an example:

  1. Names of Quranic origin:

  1. Names for natural phenomena:
  • Eileen - "the light of the moon"
  • Goksel - "rain from the sky"
  • Tan - "the color of the sunset"
  1. Names for flora and fauna:

  1. Names meaning water element:
  • Derya - "ocean"
  • Su - "water"
  • Damlya - "drop"

Beautiful Armenian names for girls

Armenians name their children according to the same traditions as all Muslim peoples. Among the most beautiful Armenian female names are the following:

Beautiful Bashkir names for girls

Among beautiful islamic names for girls include the Bashkir, who, in the same way as the Tatar, praise the beauty and the best qualities of women. Among them:

Beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

When a girl is born in an Azerbaijani family, guests who come to the house where the newborn lives wish her to grow up in accordance with the meaning of her name. Therefore, Azerbaijanis are very attentive to the issue of choosing a name for their daughters. By the way, these names sound similar to the Armenian and Kazakh ones. For instance:

Beautiful Caucasian names for girls

The Caucasian peoples have a lot of different female names that can mean the same thing, but sound differently. This is due to the linguistic characteristics of these peoples. Some of the most popular names for newborn girls in the Caucasus include:

  • Aliya - "sublime girl"
  • Alma - translated from the Turkic language, this name means "apple"
  • Balzhan - "honey sweetness"
  • Malika - "royal person"
  • Sholpan - "bright morning star"

The same names are considered the most beautiful for Uzbek girls.

Beautiful Chechen names for girls

Chechen names are simple words consisting of a couple of syllables. Most often, they have the meanings of precious metals, rare plants, animals, traits of a person and his temperament. For instance:

Beautiful Georgian names for girls

Georgian names are words consisting of a noun and an adjective, that is, they mean an object with a main characteristic. As an example, we will give the most beautiful female names that Georgians call their daughters:

  • Dariko - "a girl given by God"
  • Mamuka - "the rising sun"
  • Manana - "the one who was revealed by the heavens"
  • Endzela - "snow fluff, snowflake"
  • Kekela - "beautiful girl"

Beautiful Japanese names for girls

The Japanese can be called a people who sacredly cherish their traditions and history. But recently, Japanese names have ceased to reflect this trait of the mentality of this Asian people. Modern Japanese families call their daughters by the names of anime characters. We classified the most beautiful of them:

  • Kumiko - "beautiful child"
  • Aika - "love song"
  • Izumi - "fantastic girl"
  • Katsumi - "the victory of beauty"
  • Naomi - "beauty"
  • Harumi - "beauty of spring"

Beautiful English names for girls

In England, for several years in a row, the same female names have remained at the peak of popularity. And all because fashion is set by the royal family, which honors and observes the historical traditions of their homeland, therefore, calls new family members the names of prominent English warriors, monarchs and artists. In the list of the most beautiful female names:

  • Amelia - "hard-working"
  • Jessica - "visionary"
  • Isabella - "beauty"
  • Scarlett - "bright"
  • Charlotte - "free"
  • Hannah - "gracious"
  • Emma - "divine"
  • Julia - "from the Julian clan"
  • Katie - "making everyone happy"

Beautiful American names for girls

American female names are consonant with English. In addition, many of the names inherent in the British, Americans call their daughters. Among the most popular, I can single out several:

  • Abby - "daddy's daughter"
  • Sharyl - "aristocrat"
  • Holly - "close, kindred spirit"
  • Alice - "noble girl"
  • Angelina - "angelic"
  • Chris - "great"
  • Amanda - "nice"
  • Emily is the "rival"

Beautiful French names for girls

French names for girls are the most romantic and sophisticated. They sound melodious. Among them there are those that can be considered originally French, as well as those that were formed from other names, for example, German. Here are some of the original French names for girls:

  • Vivienne - "living"
  • Virginie - "innocent"
  • Jannet - "merciful"
  • Giselle - "impetuous"
  • Josephine - "the one who gives good"
  • Edith - "struggling"
  • Eloise - "in good health"

Beautiful Ukrainian names for girls

Ukrainian names have common roots with Russian names, since both Ukrainians and Russians are Slavic peoples with one ancestor, history up to a certain point and the Orthodox faith. The original Ukrainian names include:

  • Yaryna - "calm"
  • Bogdana - "given by God"
  • Lyubava - "beloved"
  • Chakluna - "magic"
  • Mikhailina - "divine"
  • Solomiya - "light"
  • Odarka - "gift"
  • Marusya - "kind hearted"
  • Orina - "peaceful"

Beautiful Italian names for girls

All Italian names are of Latin origin. Many of them are similar to Russian names - those that call us or our relatives. However, Italians still prefer to name their daughters after their loved ones or great figures in their history. Nowadays, you can often find girls with such Italian names:

  • Gabriella - "endowed with divine power"
  • Conchita - "pure and undefiled"
  • Donna is a "true lady"
  • Bella - "beautiful"
  • Paola - "modest"
  • Staffania - "royal"

Video "Name and Fate"

In this video, you will learn how our name affects our destiny and good luck.

The name is an important part of a person's life and destiny. It determines not only his character, but also how a person will be perceived by society. All over the world there are a huge number of interesting and beautiful female names, some of them are listed in this article.

Each parent strives to name his child the most beautiful and kindest name that will bring him a happy life and only good. A person's name always hides a special meaning, since it was created and invented only under the influence of certain factors:

  • religious beliefs
  • impressions of the events gone
  • love for beautiful nature
  • observing the appearance and behavior of the child
  • wish the child a happy fate

Each name has its deep roots, which go far, far into the ancient customs and traditions, ancient languages ​​and names of the Gods. It is believed that the name given to a child influences the formation of his character and traits that will be present in him until the end of his life.

Women's names are considered especially beautiful, since they are often the translation of fragrant flowers, natural phenomena, heavenly bodies and feelings. A feminine name should be the embodiment of femininity and tenderness. The name must necessarily be sonorous and soft in order to delight the servants of men and interest them.

The most beautiful foreign names, Top 10 beautiful foreign female names:

  • 10th place: Penelope - the name has deep Greek roots. It is believed that Penelope was the name of the wife of Odysseus, therefore it refers to the divine. The name promises its owner self-confidence and dedication.
  • 9th place: Angelina (variation from Angelina) - also a name with a religious and divine note, as it originates from the word "angel" - "angel". The name promises a woman a gentle character and beauty of the soul.
  • 8th place:Marianne- comes from the ancient Spanish name "Maria". It has a soft sound and promises its owner a kind character and a pure heart, willing to help others
  • 7th place: Patricia - the name comes from the ancient Latin language. The name has a rather aristocratic character, because it literally translates as "noble" or "royal"
  • 6th place: Gloria - another ancient Latin name. It is very strong in its sound and character, as it is intended to "glorify" a person and "glorify God"
  • 5th place: Dominica - another "royal" name because, firstly, it was invented and taken from the Latin language, and secondly, it literally translates as "madam"
  • 4th place: Adriana - if you translate this name literally, then it can be deciphered as "resident of Adria." But nevertheless, it is very strong in its energy and promises its owner a strong position in life.
  • 3rd place:Suzanne- this is a beautiful name of Jewish origin, which in its translation means an open and fragrant "lily"
  • 2nd place: Sofia - the name has deep Greek roots. This name is very strong, not only because it literally translates as "wisdom", but also because it promises its owner self-confidence and strength
  • 1st place:Danielle - the name is also of Jewish origin, which must definitely bring happiness and peace to its owner. It can literally be translated as: "God is my judge"
beautiful names for girls, the most beautiful foreign female names

Arabic beautiful names for girls

There are several Arab countries in the world. Regardless of how a separate state is organized in them and how successful, Arab men have always appreciated and will continue to value their women. The very first thing that every father gives his daughter is a beautiful and unique name that can bring the child happiness and glory.

Arabic names are especially sonorous. Most often they are invented, focusing on the beauty of the surrounding nature. That is why words are hidden in the names, which are translated as: rose, flowers, moon, sky, stars, sea. Some names are religious in nature, while others are based on personal feelings and experiences.

One way or another, Arab female names always hide the fairy tale and mysteries of Arab nights, the smell of flowers and sweets, and passionate feelings.

The most beautiful female Arabic names:

  • Adara
  • Bakhira
  • Galiya
  • Daliyah
  • Itidal
  • Fadriya
  • Farina
  • Halima

beautiful arabic names for girls

Beautiful names for girls oriental

Like Arabic names, all oriental names are fraught with a special touch of romance and mystery. As a rule, oriental names include observing nature: the rising and setting of the moon, the sun, and the blooming of roses. Each parent who gives his daughter a name must choose in advance the one that her future husband should like.

The most beautiful oriental names:

  • Azizi
  • Gulnara
  • Jannat
  • Zulfiya
  • Ilham
  • Maryam
  • Nabil
  • Nadia

Beautiful modern Turkish names for girls

Turkey is one of the modern Muslim countries that has managed to preserve all its ancient traditions and customs, but is invariably moving towards a more favorable European way of life. Turkish men, like most Muslims, are very fond of beautiful women. Beauty for them is not only appearance, but also a woman's ability to teach herself, cook well, speak well, as well as have a sweet, sonorous name similar to music.

The most beautiful Turkish names for girls:

  • Aksan
  • Biersen
  • Damla
  • Essen
  • Cecil
  • Senai
  • Yaldis

Armenian names for girls are rare and beautiful

Armenians value their family very much. They love mothers, sisters and daughters. Every man invariably protects all women in the family until the end of his days, not allowing them to offend or harm them. A mother or father is trying to give her daughter the most beautiful name that will shape her fate in the best way: she will give happiness, a rich husband and many children.

The most beautiful Armenian names for girls:

  • Azatui
  • Arfenia
  • Gayane
  • Zarina
  • Yvette
  • Margaride
  • Narine
  • Siranush
  • Shagan

the most beautiful Armenian names for girls

Beautiful English names for girls

English names do not differ in such a richness of deep meanings and wishes for their child, as, for example, oriental names. However, they have a rather soft sound that is pleasing to the ear. It is believed that having an English name is very noble, because this is one of the few royal states in the world. English names are very popular all over the world and can often be found in any continent of the planet, regardless of religious belief and age.

The most beautiful English names for girls:

  • Alexa
  • Brianna
  • Wilma
  • Gabby
  • Madonna
  • Meidlin
  • Merrelin
  • Scarlet
  • Celeste

Beautiful names for girls French

It seems that there is nothing more pleasant to the ear than gentle French. If you hear it in the original and without an accent, you can understand how affectionate and "purring" it is. Likewise, women's names are distinguished by a special charm, style and quivering rustling of accords. It is believed that the original French name gives its owner a sense of taste, sophistication and tenderness, which is not characteristic of every woman.

The most beautiful French names for girls:

  • Charlotte
  • Ajelika
  • Julienne
  • Penelope
  • Rosel
  • Cecil
  • Celeste
  • Louise
  • Violet
  • Phyllissi

beautiful french names for girls

Beautiful American names for girls

American names are distinguished by their special meekness and speed of sounding. They rarely have any deep meaning or experience within themselves. They often sound harsh, but beautiful nonetheless. It has become extremely fashionable to have an American foreign name. So, it speaks of its owner as a person “moving forward”, “modern” and “positive”.

The most beautiful female American names:

  • Britney
  • Kimberly
  • Shannon
  • Tracy
  • Glory
  • Merelin
  • Jessica
  • Jennifer
  • Holly
  • Megan
  • Tiffany

Beautiful European names for girls

From all parts of the world and continents, Europe has always been and will be distinguished by exquisite taste in everything: in food habits, dress, the manner of speaking and receiving education. To have a European name means already to take “the first step into Europe”. So you can be absolutely sure that no matter what part of the world you are from, you can always be accepted and understood. European names are often based on Greek names and Latin words.

Beautiful European names for girls:

  • Julie
  • Daniella
  • Lolita
  • Maria
  • Lucia
  • Paula
  • Sofia

Beautiful Japanese names for girls

A feature of Japanese names is that they are all necessarily based on the beauties of nature. The Japanese love to give their children names for life that embody the flowering of trees, the rising of the moon, or secret meanings that are understandable only to a narrow circle of people (relatives). Japanese names are quite short and there are many vowels in them, but it is worth noting that for a familiar ear to the Slavic dialect, they sound quite harsh.

The most beautiful Japanese names:

  • Sakura
  • Amaya
  • Yoshiko
  • Keiko
  • Kumiko
  • Katsumi
  • Midori
  • Mazumi
  • Tomiko

beautiful japanese names for girls

Beautiful Tajik names for girls

Tajikistan is one of the hot eastern countries. It differs in the same way as in most Muslim states: there is a cult of the family, in which a woman is valued as the keeper of the hearth. Parents try to give their daughter the most beautiful name, which by sounding will remind them of the beauty of nature, warm feelings. Some names have religious connotations.

The most beautiful Tajik names for girls:

  • Anzurat
  • Afshona
  • Barfina
  • Laylo
  • Suman
  • Ferdeus
  • Shakhnoza

Beautiful German names for girls

Like most European names, German names have no deep meaning in themselves and are often variations of ancient Greek and Latin names. Perhaps someone will find German names too harsh or harsh for the ear, but nevertheless, they are popular all over the world. It is believed that the German name will give the girl only the best character traits: self-confidence, dedication, cheerfulness and movement towards the goal.

The most beautiful German names for girls:

  • Agnet
  • Adalind
  • Amalia
  • Benedict
  • Wigberg
  • Wilda
  • Volda
  • Gertraud
  • Greta
  • Dietrich
  • Catherine
  • Leonor
  • Odelia
  • raffaella

Beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls

There are many beautiful oriental names and Azerbaijani ones are no exception. In such names, among the notes of religion, there are a lot of comparisons with the beauty of nature and the female body.

The most beautiful Azerbaijani names for girls:

  • Adilya
  • Aigul
  • Valida
  • Gezal
  • Gulnar
  • Denise
  • Zarif
  • Inara
  • Leili
  • Naira
  • Ravana
  • Saadat
  • Sudaba
  • Farida

the most beautiful azeri names for girls

Beautiful names for girls Kazakh

There are many different names in the Kazakh people. Many of them are truly Kazakh, but still most are borrowed from the neighboring peoples and are mainly taken from the Arabic language. Like all oriental names, Kazakh ones reveal the extraordinary beauty of female nature, comparing it with flowers and other phenomena: sunrise, moon, sky, sea, rustle of leaves and music of birds.

The most beautiful Kazakh names for girls:

  • Aguila
  • Aysel
  • Aybibi
  • Venus
  • Dfyana
  • Dameli
  • Take away
  • Cadia
  • Nabia
  • Onege
  • Wasama
  • Shaigul

Beautiful Georgian names for girls

Everyone knows about the ardor of the Georgian people. So in the names, traditions and character of Georgia it was embodied in every woman's name and endowed its owner with an ardent character, beauty of soul and only a kind heart. Georgian names have a very strong energy and therefore are not suitable for every girl. But such a name always brings happiness and raises its owner to a level above all other women.

The most beautiful Georgian female names:

  • Aliko
  • Daria
  • Jamaliya
  • Lamara
  • Maryam
  • Mariko
  • Manana
  • Nellie
  • Suliko
  • Tatia
  • Eliso

Beautiful Polish names for girls

Poland is one of the most popular European countries and therefore you can often find common European names in it. Together with them, a significant part is still occupied by true Polish names, which were based on Slavic languages. Polish names are easy to pronounce and very light in energy.

The most beautiful Polish names for girls:

  • Agnieszka
  • Bertha
  • Bozena
  • Wislava
  • Grasia
  • Danois
  • Swindlers
  • Irenka
  • Kasia
  • Nastusya
  • Roxanne
  • Solomeya
  • Stefia
  • Cheslava
  • Justina

Beautiful Jewish names for girls

Most of the Hebrew names are religious in nature, or they belonged to the wives, mothers and daughters of the Great Prophets. Only a few of the names can be based on some natural beauties: flowers, heavenly bodies, nature. Hebrew names are very common throughout the world and are the origin of other names formed by other countries.

The most beautiful Jewish names for girls:

  • Avital
  • Sharon
  • Naomi
  • Daniella
  • Camel
  • Ariella
  • And bath
  • Josephine
  • Simone
  • Edita

beautiful names for girls of Jewish origin

Beautiful Uzbek names for girls

There are many beautiful Uzbek names for girls:

  • Gulnara
  • Asmira
  • Dinora
  • Ziolla
  • Nigora
  • Zuhra
  • Dilbar
  • Nigora
  • Farhunda

Beautiful Moldovan names for girls

Moldovan female names are often borrowed from nearby Slavic peoples: Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian. However, there are a number of beautiful names to look out for:

  • Adella
  • Agatha
  • Aurica
  • Adrianna
  • Barbara
  • Bianca
  • Carmen
  • Claudia
  • Doina
  • Dorothea
  • Eliza
  • Fabiana

Greek names for girls are rare and beautiful

Greek names have a special nobility, because it is believed that they were worn by the Old Gods. The basis for the creation of these names was the Latin language. In such names there is always a special and secret meaning: faith in God and love for the surrounding nature. Greek names have the strongest noble energy, giving their owner success and happiness.

Beautiful and rare Greek names for girls:

  • Adonijah
  • Ariadne
  • Monica
  • Odette
  • Sabina
  • Theresa
  • Felitsa
  • Lucius

Tibetan beautiful names for girls

Interestingly, most Tibetan names do not have a clear gender distinction. This suggests that one name can be presented to both a newborn boy and a girl. Every name in Tibet is, of course, based on a religious belief - Buddhism, but still includes human observations of nature, the beauty of the surrounding world. Some names are translations of the day of the week or month in which the baby was born.

Beautiful female Tibetan names:

  • Ardana
  • Balma
  • Jolma
  • Lhatse
  • Putskhi
  • Sanmu
  • Yangjian

Beautiful Indian names for girls

Indian names differ in that they contain a certain parting word for the child. So, for example, some can be translated as "brave", "confident" or "happy."

Indian names for girls are not quite familiar to the Slavic ear, but nevertheless, they are distinguished by special sonority and beauty:

  • Amala
  • Bharat
  • Vasanda
  • Devika
  • Jita
  • Canti
  • Lalit
  • Madhavi
  • Malati
  • Neelam
  • The first
  • Radha
  • Rajni
  • Trishna
  • Harsha
  • Shanti

Beautiful Italian names for girls

Italian names are very sonorous by ear. They contain a lot of vowels and beautiful endings. Such a name conceals a soft, but rather hot-tempered character for its owners. In addition, such a name will give the girl a sense of nature, beauty and make a creative person out of the child.

Beautiful Italian names for girls:

  • Alesandra
  • Giovanna
  • Isabel
  • Bella
  • Carlotta
  • Laura
  • Lizabeth
  • Nicoletta
  • Olivie
  • Enrica

beautiful italian names for girls

Beautiful Asian names for girls

Persian female names conceal the mystery and secrets of the East, shrouded in sweet fragrances, ardent feelings and precious stones.

Beautiful Persian names for girls:

  • Abhayat
  • Adiba
  • Daria
  • Tabanda

Beautiful Spanish names for girls

Spanish names are very similar to the usual European ones, but nevertheless they are somewhat different. There is a small religious note in them and a person's desire to “instill: a name, favorable wishes for a happy life to his child.

Beautiful Spanish names for girls:

  • Maria
  • Lucia
  • Letizia
  • Milagros
  • Mercedes
  • Manuela
  • Veronica
  • Dolores
  • Carmen

Beautiful foreign names for girls twins and twins

Often, parents want the names of twin girls to be consonant. To help with choosing a name, the following options can come:

  • Zhanna and Snezhana
  • Polina and Christina
  • Anya and Tanya
  • Christina and Karina
  • Anna and Svetlana
  • Anna and Alla
  • Masha and Dasha
  • Marina and Darina
  • Alina and Polina
  • Xenia and Evgenia
  • Olya and Julia

Video: "Beautiful female names"

The most beautiful names women and men are not just a set of symbols registered in the birth certificate - we are talking about names that are given for life and accompany us on a daily basis. The Slavs believed that the fate of a person depends on the choice, so they tried to choose names for girls and boys that were as consonant with the patronymic as possible. Many adherents of esotericism assure that hard, rough phrases with patronymic, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich promise a difficult life path, while soft and consonant like Mikhail Vasilyevich provide for an easy and condescending fate. For the same reason, some peoples trust the choice of the main word to a woman, believing that the mother will be able to intuitively better choose a suitable name for the child. But everyone, without exception, wants the name to be beautiful.

The most beautiful male and female names in the world

Many have forgotten Slavic traditions, and not only that. Such names as Vitomir, Goluba, Beloslav are already rare. Also, Sbyslav and Tsvetan are among the most beautiful Slavic names. In the days of pre-Christian Russia, they were the most common. Later, Greek and Latin names reached the Slavs from Byzantium. As a result, such beautiful words as Sophia, Konstantin, Anfisa and Taisiya arose. Of course, today Slavic countries rarely use these options. Many years have passed and a huge number of new, more beautiful and interesting solutions have emerged. Don't forget about traditions!

The male name Mark is considered the most common in Europe. This name, which has a Latin origin, has become the standard of beauty among men, which has led to the emergence of many others, including Marseille, Mario, Marco, Martin. Imagine that they are all descended from Mark. Speaking about female European names, it is necessary to highlight Elizabeth. Translated means "honoring the Lord." A very common word in the world, which also has different varieties. In particular, Elisabeth, Isolde, Elzbieta and Ilsé.

The peculiarity of Indian names is that they resemble their traditional songs. If you say a few sequentially, you can record a good song without stopping. Riya and Ayana are among the most interesting and beautiful women. A noteworthy name is Aishwarya, which means tulip.

Speaking of male Indian names, it is worth highlighting Sonu, Arjun and Anil. The latter in translation means "divine wind".

It is worth adding that in many songs there are words that have a divine identity, that is, the translation of which is associated with the spiritual aspects of the lives of Indian citizens.

It should be noted right away that not all relevant and modern Ukrainian names are of Slavic origin. It is for this reason that we have singled out a separate category for such amazing and consonant solutions as Vasyl, Ulyana, Bogomyr, Taras.

Among the most beautiful and popular words in Ukraine are Nadia, Lyubov, Maria for women. Among men, Sergiy, Oleksandr, Dmytro, and also Mykhailo are popular.

Of course, Ukrainian and Russian names are almost equally popular on the territory of both states, but, as you can see, they sound different. By no means, it is almost impossible to determine in what place they first appeared!

It should be noted right away that due to the historical, cultural and linguistic differences between Africa and other peoples, their most beautiful names are seriously different from the names that are familiar to us. For this reason, it may seem that they are not beautiful at all, but Africans think that way. The most beautiful African names:

  • Eyo - joyful;
  • Kamo is a calm warrior;
  • Adisa is an unquestioning warrior;
  • Ankoma is the youngest son;
  • Ajambo - born in the evening.

Thus, at the choice of the parents of a particular person, you can immediately find out some interesting information about him. For example, at what time he was born, or what is the number of children born in his family.

There are stereotypes that American and British names are equally popular in both countries. No, dear friends, and not even close, as in the case of Ukraine and Russia. In fact, in Britain, the most common are Bart, Johnny, Eve, Miranda, Martin, and in the United States, John, Mark, Christopher. To the beautiful female names of America, you must add Milana, Patricia, Louise.

Also noteworthy are the less common but beautiful American words - Born, Eric, Chloe, Michelle.

Currently, there are two languages ​​on the territory of Greece, conventionally called old and new Greek. Accordingly, the names of the "Old Believers" differ from the modern ones. Callisto and John are among the beautiful but old Greek gems of the language. These names can be found even in ancient Greek mythology. Speaking about relatively new, but beautiful names, it is necessary to highlight Kalyas, Cambyses. Also interesting and consonant is Alexia, which translates as protector.

Many names that we consider to be native actually appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and for the most part do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rituals and life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslava - sane; Fun - mischievous, funny; Mstislava is exacting; Snezhana is modest and gentle.

Most popular modern names for girls

According to statistics from the Moscow Civil Registry Office, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alisa, Elizaveta, Alexandra, Daria. Therefore, if you are looking for beautiful yet rare names for girls, pass by this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning of the female name. We are used to believing that whatever you call the ship, so it will float. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of what meanings female names have.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, she is calm, having matured, she becomes decisive and stubborn. He will never commit rash acts, he knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria translated from Latin means "strong, strong". She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and a wonderful imaginative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. She carefully chooses a professional field in which she will become a real specialist.

Dominica translated from Latin means "mistress". Girls with this name have intuition, a masculine manner to lead and rule. Dominica is confident in herself and is able to bring the most difficult and difficult task to the end. Most inclined towards a leadership position, even if it is associated with risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics say that many parents tend to choose a name for their child, which is not very popular now. If you adhere to the same views, then keep in mind that very recently, little Aurora, Lyubava, Leia, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Vesna, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra have already appeared.

Rare female names are heard and remembered more and more today. Forgotten Slavic variants are returning from the past, analogues of familiar Russian names are borrowed from abroad.

Of course, sometimes the old names are just plain dissonant. But still, they often have a strong feminine energy or bring good luck. Therefore, today we have prepared for you a list of rare, but very successful female names.


This rare and beautiful female name, with its soft sound alone, gives some special beauty to its bearers. Most often, you can see that parents are literally ready to collapse the whole world and throw them at the feet of their daughter, but you need to be more careful. Often, Lada grows up very moody because of this.

By nature, Lada usually turns out to be a maximalist in everything, especially in feelings, which is why it is sometimes difficult to come to an agreement with her. This must be taken into account when choosing such an unusual name for a girl. However, Ladas are decisive and persistent, which will help them in their career growth. After all, they almost never abandon their goals.


Beautiful female name Zlata easy enough to interpret even without the help of dictionaries. It is most likely of Jewish origin, but it could have entered the Russian language through Greek. In this name, the root "gold" is easily recognized, of course, reminiscent of gold.

It is not surprising that a woman named Zlata always has her own principles regarding money. She really does not like to borrow, even if she is forced to do so. Also, Zlata is usually quite thrifty, which, of course, will come in handy for her in life. Thanks to their natural caution, these women turn out to be good housewives.

I must say that the family plays a very important role in Zlata's life. A girl with this rather rare name can grow into a homebody. She is intelligent and often wants to look into the future. Usually the name endows them with such qualities as tact and attentiveness to people, but it can also bestow some secrecy.


Vasilisa- a beautiful name for a girl, which was once very common in Russia. It is of Greek origin, and it can be translated into Russian as "royal". It is also the feminine version of the male name Vasily. Sometimes it is shortened to Vasya or they use another option, Vasilena.

Girls with this name most often turn out to be very virtuous and sometimes consider their own and others' problems with the same zeal and desire to help others. They are charming and good-looking, they know how to be there in time when it comes to difficult life situations.

Usually, the shortcomings of these women are attributed to the inability to recognize their weaknesses and excessive stubbornness. Nevertheless, women with the rare name Vasilisa are quite gentle in communication, which makes them very pleasant.

Sophia (Sophia)

Sophia or Sofia considered a Russian Orthodox name, which means "wisdom" and everything associated with it. Also, this name is mentioned in Greece and has the following diminutive forms: Sonya, Sofa, Sofyushka, Sonya, Sofka, Fiya, Fifi.

In Russia, this name was considered so strong that initially only the highest estates could receive it, and it was used only in aristocratic society. In the future, the fashion passed to the nobility. The popularity of such a beautiful and unusual name was constantly growing, and soon the name Sophia began to call girls from any class.

Women with the beautiful name Sophia have a deep inner world that helps them cope with any problem and supports them in difficult times. They bring light, goodness and love into the world, and it is with this that they attract those around them and charge them with a positive. Such women are always open to communication and ready to lend their shoulders. Despite their strong inner core, they are very gentle and passionate natures.

Sophia's temperament in her personal life plays a major role. She is both an excellent hostess and a wonderful wife and mother. Despite the fact that such women dream of becoming the head of the family, they are always pleased when a strong man is nearby who can take full responsibility. Only with such a husband does Sophia feel like behind a stone wall and with great pleasure begin to create home comfort.


Name Angelina so far it is quite rare, although it is present in the calendar. It literally means "messenger." By origin, it is of Greco-Latin origin and has a lot of forms and variations in different languages ​​of the world. Angelina's name can be abbreviated to short form Lina, but do not forget that this option is also independent.

Often, girls with the unusual name Angelina inherit the character of their mother and grow up very stubborn, which can be seen from childhood. Therefore, Angelina has a desire to command. This girl rarely makes concessions. She also wants to achieve everything herself and does not expect help from anyone.

Sometimes Angelina is not very active and may not be at all interested in what is happening at school or even university. But she loves to study on her own. We can say that several male character traits are inherent in her, and it is difficult to find a common language with her. But Angelina is always an interesting and pleasant person.


Diana- This is a Catholic and rather unusual female name for our country. On a worldwide scale, it is more familiar, because the spread of Catholicism greatly affected its popularity. Translated from the Latin language, Diana is translated as "related to God." The Roman goddess was also called, which means that this name is marked by the patronage of higher powers.

Diana is a very kind, bright and pleasant person. If you ask Diana if she is happy, then 100 percent of the time she will answer you “yes”.

For a girl, this rare name in our country means success in relationships with boys, which she preserves throughout her life. Diana may look ordinary, but after meeting them, no man will remain indifferent to them. They are kind, they know how to joke and understand any person, for which they are very much loved in any company.


According to the most common version, name Arina is an obsolete form of the name Irina... Historians believe that earlier in Russia Irin was called that way, after which the name was transformed by replacing the first letter. Now this unusual at first glance female name is back again, gaining popularity.

Arina is always interested in something, and very much. This unusual feminine name gives its owner good composure, endurance and resistance to stress. Arins always know what to say, when to remain silent and when to fight back. Despite her strong character traits, Arina is incredibly attractive to men. This one rare feminine bestows upon those who wear it the gift of easy interaction with the male sex.

Arina often falls in love, but not only with men, but also with her work. A girl with such a name always brings the work started to the end, not backing down at the sight of problems. That is why Arina is successful and adores her work, which is quite often her favorite hobby.


Many have heard of the western name Emily, which, according to many scientists, is almost synonymous Emilia... In Russia, this name sounded like Emilia- it was a female form Omellana... One way or another, but now this form is forgotten. Translated from the Greek language, Emilios means "kind" or "affectionate".

Since childhood, Emilia loves difficult tasks and everything that is attractive from the outside. She appreciates beauty in people, but not only external, but also internal. This is an unusual name for a girl living in our country, as it is incredibly rare. This has its advantages, which all female representatives dream of - individuality, beauty and charm.

When Emilia grows up, her life flows along the channel that the girl herself defines for herself. She is not always well versed in people, but she feels them well, so Emilia is happy in marriage.


Anita very often confused with Anna, although there is absolutely no connection between these two names in terms of origin. Anita- This is a rare female name that supposedly appeared in Spain, although it goes back to the old Germanic roots. It means beautiful, graceful, gentle, sweet.

Anita's personality is complex and incomprehensible to most people. It is the poet that Anita has few friends in childhood. If you ask Anita's friend or friend why they are friends with her, you will not hear an intelligible answer. This is a man of mystery, and not only for those around him, but also for himself.

In adulthood, this beautiful and rare female name gives girls and women many advantages over other representatives of the weaker sex, namely: charm, the ability to see what others cannot see, an irresistible craving for beauty. Anita loves not so much life itself as the beauty of its details.


Taisia's name widespread both among the Slavic peoples and in the west. It is a Catholic and Christian name that is of Greek origin. Translated, it means "fertile". This is a very beautiful and unusual female name, however, it is often heard by everyone. In Eastern Europe, it is very popular, but in Russia it is rarely given to girls.

Taisiya is impulsive and very secretive. Perhaps these are the only qualities that can give her problems in life. Otherwise, she has all the makings of a strong leader, as well as a self-sufficient and strong personality. Her analytical mind tells her that there is no rush to get married, and her strong intuition does not argue with this. This is why she has children and ties the knot quite late.

He is a man of contrasts, because such strong ladies always have many friends and many enemies. A very important role in this is played by her character, which is very difficult to call simple. Taisia ​​is secretive and patient, but sometimes her life problems make her explode like an atomic bomb. In this case, it is better to run without looking back.


Cyrus's name has several versions of its origin. Many argue that this word came to us from Greece and is derived from the name Kyros, which was assigned to men. This has a strong meaning and is associated with words such as: "master", "lord", "lord". Others argue that this name came to us from Persia and means "sun", "rays of light" and "carrying heat." The name of Cyrus is assigned an abbreviated name from such names as: Cyril, Kyriakia, Shakira, Kirra.

With age, Kira will have to face injustice, which will only temper her character and bring up restraint and secrecy of nature in her. However, thanks to such lessons of Fate, in women with the beautiful name Kira, directness and determination appear, which helps them to move towards their ideals directly, destroying all obstacles in their path. Such women do an excellent job in leadership positions and know how to combine charm and intelligence.

At home, women and such a rare name as Kira, become excellent housewives. They have warmth and comfort constantly reigning, and the doors are always open for family and close friends. Such women become faithful wives who are able to support their husbands in difficult times and inspire them to heroic deeds. Her choice will fall on an attractive man to lean on. And if Kira does not tolerate competition in her career, then in marriage she is ready to agree to a supporting role. This feature of Kira will create a strong union based on mutual love, respect and understanding.


Yesenia's name unusual in that it has completely opposite meanings in different cultures. According to one version, this is a derivative of the word "autumn" and this is how the girls who were born in the autumn months were called. According to another legend, girls born in the spring were called "spring". It was this word that was later transformed into Yesenia. There are also several other opinions where such a rare name came to us. Some argue that this name became popular after the appearance of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, while others argue that it is a derivative of the Arabic male name Hasan, which means “beautiful”, or from “foreigner” from Greek.

Yenya, by nature, grows up as a very kind and loving girl. She treats animals well and loves everything beautiful. Over the years, Yesenia learns to hide her gentle nature and quite easily achieves her goals. These women make wonderful leaders and mentors. They are fair and very smart. Such women immediately stand out from the crowd with their inexorable zeal to get what they want. If Yesenia is carried away by some business, then she will definitely bring it to the end.

This independent character of women influences Yoshi's family life. These women marry only after they are able to provide for themselves on their own. They value their freedom, but they will not allow themselves to climb on their necks either. That is why Yesenii mostly has late conjunctions. However, this does not have any negative consequences.

Milan (Milena)

This name has many consonant names, such as Milena... However, they have completely different meanings. It is believed that the name Milan originally derived from the word "mil", like other similar names. However, they cannot be called diminutives and considered that they are one and the same name. It is important to understand that Miloslav, Militsa, Milonia, Milena are not forms of each other. But if you want to call Milan affectionately, then the following names are suitable for this: Milanka, Mila, Lana, Milunka.

Adult Milana always does what she says. In her character there is a masculine disposition, which, in spite of everything, does not deprive her of her femininity, but only emphasizes her. Such a rare name rewards its owner with excellent intuition, endurance and craving for everything mystical. Although Milana prefers solitude, noisy company, her interests never make you feel abandoned and useless. Such women feel good about people and always know when they need to be alone with their thoughts.

When we receive a name at birth, we receive character, talents and abilities. This set makes every name ...