Experience with computer Specify the name of the programs. Computer hold levels for resume

Experience with computer Specify the name of the programs. Computer hold levels for resume
Experience with computer Specify the name of the programs. Computer hold levels for resume

PC knowledge is in a summary Example of additional information that increases the chances of the applicant to receive the desired work. Depending on the post, this item can be both a couple of lines and quite detailed. The main thing is that the information is true.

PC PC Level for Summary

There are often problems with this item. Give an adequate characteristic here is really not easy. Let us turn to the experience of HR specialists. What wordings do they consider competent and informative?

The degree of ownership of the computer in the summary (example)

What is meant

Erroneous judgments


Knowledge of the main operating system functionality (renaming, copying and moving files, work in a text editor, creating and saving documents)

Enabling (shutting down) of the system unit, the availability of a page on the social network

Ownership of Word and Excel office programs, work with email, various browsers

Ability to print 10 fingers


Ownership of all programs from the MS Office package, specialized programs, project management systems

Acquaintance with one specialized program


Ability to eliminate technical problems, software errors, programming skills

Skill to put a program through the installer

Computer programs: list for resume

You need to list them. So the employer will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bwhether to teach a new employee to handle concrete software. Well, if he understands, for example, what CRM is. But what system did he deal with? Obviously, 1C, Bitrix-24 and Trello has its own specificity.

Therefore, you need to list all the well-known PC programs for the summary: the list can be reduced by grouping:

  • office;
  • professional;
  • additional.

With an additional main thing - do not overdo it. We are worth mentioning with those with whom you may encounter in this field of activity (for example, the software for electronic signatures will be useful in trade, and in accounting, and in management). But the translator is to report that, in addition to electronic dictionaries and Translation Memory, he owns CorelDRAW and has a good drawing, it makes no sense.

It is worth mentioning to what extent we own, in the summary; Example: "taxpayer Yul" (advanced user), 1C: Accounting (confident), 1C: Trade and warehouse (medium).

Computer programs for resume

Although each specialist knows his list, we still give the main names for different groups of specialties. It will come in handy in case you worked for a long time with one product and over time I forgot about the other. Nevertheless, the skills remained, and they should not ignore them.

PC possession in summary (examples)

Skills to work on the computer in the summary must be specified, even minimal. After all, little profession is doing without him today.

"Additional skills" is one of the important blocks in which the computer possession is described in summary, the Internet and specialized programs, information on the presence, for example, driver's license, specialized knowledge is indicated. Usually, when filling in this unit, the complexity resumes are very often arising with the definition of computer skills, computer programs, office applications who own the applicant are often not specified in the summary.

  • user, advanced user, programmer, administrator;
  • at the user level, professional level;
  • user, confident user, advanced user, professional level.

Want to get a resume in which your skills are mostly presented?

We have already provided professional assistance to applicants in drawing up a summary. Our clients receive not only competent, but also effective resumes with proper accents.

We offer you in Russian or English. With us, you will significantly increase your chances of employment.

As it is customary to indicate computer skills in Summary - Basic Rules

  • Information about the degree of ownership of the computer in the summary must be specified by a separate section. This improves readability and adds aesthetics resume text. The information must be concise, clear, truthful.
  • In addition to the level of PC ownership, it is recommended to note the knowledge of generally accepted and specialized programs, office applications (for example, Excel, Word, Internet, Power Point, Outlook Express), operating systems, graphic editors, special accounting and personnel programs, programming languages, databases.
  • Immediately it is worth emphasizing that the list of necessary computer programs, the knowledge and skills of working with which it is worth writing in the summary, depending on the profession it can differ significantly. For example, accountants should be said about the ability to work with accounting programs (1C: Accounting), office applications, text editor MS Word, MS Excel. For some posts, there will be important availability of skills to work in MS Access or in Power Point. Web Designers - work in Adobe Photoshop and other graphic editors, experience with various CMS.
  • Listing all programs, if there are features and nuances in their work, you need to describe the level of ownership of the program.
  • If there are high print speeds (from 200 £ / min.) In summary, it is also advisable to specify.

Computers have become an important part of work for any profession. And therefore it is important to know a variety of applications, as well as be able to use them. Today we will see which computer programs for resume are extremely important. Of course, for each profession there is a list of all necessary. Only here are also such applications that are considered universal. That is, they should be able to use everyone. Yes, and some "original" applications for the chosen profession will indeed give you a significant advantage over others. Let's indicate computer programs (names) for a summary, and then we will discuss what they serve for.

Microsoft Office.

So, the first moment, which is mandatory, is an indication of such an application as Microsoft Office. This is a fairly convenient "Collection" of various types of programs that help handle information.

For example, it is impossible to do without Word. With him sign any computer user. This application helps process text information, edit it and print it. So, for example, if you do not specify this tool in your resume, you will be unlikely to communicate with a potential employer. After all, then you can assume that you do not even know how to print text on PC.

We continue to disassemble computer programs for a resume. With the "office" has not yet finished. In addition to the "Word", you need to specify at least Power Point, Excel, Outlook Express, Access. The first program helps to make slides and show presentations. Now it owns every schoolboy. "Excel" is an editor that helps conduct calculations on complex formulas. Of course, they are all present in the "set" with the program. She, too, by the way, knows how to use every schoolboy. Thus, if you do not specify the application data, you will not really want to communicate with you.

"Outluk" and "Aksss" is an email and database, respectively. If the first application you must be able to use, then the second is desirable. Databases are important primarily for accountants, economists, lawyers, operators, and so on. In general, their knowledge will give you a slight advantage over others.

But what computer programs indicate in the summary more? Let's try to think and figure it out. And you need to make a bias towards those applications that will always give you an advantage when submitting a resume. Regardless of the chosen profession.

the Internet

Of course, each computer user must, more precisely, is obliged to be able to use the Internet. With all this, it is important to know some functions of browsers. And they should also be indicated.

Do you think about what kind of computer programs for a resume? The list, of course, may be infinite. But here are the tools for working with the Internet (or rather, with virtual information) you must list necessarily. This can be attributed here: "Google Chrome", "Mazila Firefox", "Explorer", "Opera".

If you want to shine with your knowledge of browsers, you can specify what you can do in these applications. For example, export / import bookmarks, install plugins, protect your computer from various spam (here specify the program "adblock") and so on. In principle, this is still obligatory items for all employees. Knowledge of computer programs in the summary shows your professionalism and desire to know the "new expanses". The more different applications you specify, the better. But what else should you advise? Let's try to learn it.


There is another pretty important program. It should be indicated when you want to get into accounting or economy. In general, it is best to always know this program. After all, we are talking about "1C".

This application, to be honest, has also quite a lot of varied "subtypes". Just like the Microsoft Office. All products "1C" are aimed at keeping economy and calculations. For example, you can quickly make a report and reduce the debit with a loan. In other words, this is an excellent tool for accounting.

Possession of computer programs in the resume helps the employer to estimate your value. Yes, and skills too. Agree, in our time it is difficult to submit an accountant, which has no idea about applications in which reports are compiled and consolidated statements are underway. That is why it is worth indicating "1C". But here our list does not end. The point is that we are with you so far we study only the main computer programs for a resume. A little later we will learn more and optional, but we give you some advantages over other candidates for the position.


Yes, the list of computer programs also includes operating systems. Now they are quite a lot. And no one knows what exactly we will have to work on. Maybe with the usual "Windows", and maybe with "exotic" - "Linux". And therefore it is important to know the employer with what "axes" you work.

Be sure to specify all versions (the last predominantly) "WINDOVS". In particular, the "seven" and "eight". After all, it is often necessary to deal with them. In principle, if you have already worked on Windows 10 and figured out in it, then also specify this feature. After all, this operating system is relatively new. And with her already managed torture users.

In addition, there would be a so-called Linux operating system in computer programs for a summary. She, honestly, will be unusual to the usual user who is accustomed to "Visnovs". But her knowledge will give you a weighty advantage over the rest. However, if you are suitable for the position of any system administrator, then Linux must be in the list of important and necessary applications. Otherwise, his knowledge will raise you over other candidates.

Computer programs in the summary, examples of which we led is still not the entire minimum. Let us try to figure out what else should be in your list from the compulsory category. After all, the computer and its applications are diverse. And the better the user knows them, the easier it will work in the future. Thus, we continue our conversation with you.


Of course, if you know how to work with text and information, then you should also be able to control and with computer graphics. Yes, it is not particularly important for an accountant or a lawyer, but nevertheless now even schoolchildren are mastering a variety of applications for working with graphic data.

What indicate computer programs for resume in this case? Of course, there are two unsurpassed leader - "Photoshop" and "Korel Dro".

Let's start, perhaps, from the second. Corel Draw is a special application that serves to process graphics. Here you can edit, redraw, change the color, create a collage and so on. In general, if you, for example, have conceived edit the photo or glue them, then this idea will be carried out in a matter of minutes.

"Photoshop" is the main competitor "Korel Dro". In general, this application, in truth, performs the same functions. Only has another creator and interface. Many users really easier to handle Photoshop. Nevertheless, it is better to specify two programs together. This will help you demonstrate your versatility. Computer programs for a summary that everyone is obliged to know, in principle, ended. Now we will learn from you that give advantages over other candidates, regardless of your profession.


In principle, modern teens and the younger generation are familiar with such an application as FRAPS. You can specify it in your resume. It is not so important for work, but his mention will demonstrate your desire for learning a variety of computer capabilities.

The thing is that FRAPS is a special application to capture the "Pictures" from the screen. In other words, it helps to make screenshots, as well as shoot a video from your monitor. Moreover, both with system sound and from your microphone. And, of course, at the same time from the system, and from the "reality". True, there are few people at work this opportunity now. Is that to track what the employee is engaged in the computer.

But what other computer programs for a resume will help you? In fact, their very and very much. Nevertheless, we will give some more pretty busy examples. Let's get asleep as soon as possible.

3ds Max

Well, another pretty busy application is 3DS MAX. What is it necessary for? To create 3D models. This item is especially important for designers and computer game developers.

The thing is that 3D modeling is now a lot where used. So, you can also make a "virtual" room, and demonstrate it, as well as develop something your own and show it "from all sides" to customers. For example, this application is very useful for those who create furniture. You can discuss the order with the buyer, and then make it virtually. Next, shown, finalize and get maximum compliance with the requirements.

For an ordinary employee, 3DS MAX knowledge is not so important. Nevertheless, the presence of this application will help draw the attention of the employer at you. Maybe you will be offered another position, more interesting and appropriate to your skills. As a rule, such "places" are also paid better. There are also computer programs for resume. And now we will get acquainted with them.

For communication

Well, do not forget about a variety of applications that serve to communicate. At first glance it may seem that you simply indicate anyone who does not need the necessary programs. But in reality it is not at all.

After all, today everyone is trying to negotiate through various kinds of applications. So, it is worth specifying in a resume Knowledge ICQ, Skype, [Email Protected] etc. In fact, it will help you contact with customers. For example, hold consultations. Most often, of course, "Skype" is used.

In principle, you can not specify specific programs. Sometimes it is enough to write "Means for communication on the Internet." Nevertheless, then you did not ask the details later, it will be better to specify the names of these applications.

Sony Vegas Pro.

Well, and here is another program that can be specified in the resume. True, it also serves to handle graphics. After all, we are talking about Sony Vegas Pro. This application is the most real universal video studio on the computer.

Here you can easily and simply make a video from slides, mount the video, process it, prepare for the show and so on. In general, this application is simply necessary for those who decided to work with graphics in principle. For an ordinary user, the knowledge of Sony Vegas Pro is just a small "plusing" in the direction of the offer of your candidacy for one position.


Well, if you do not know what else you can specify computer programs for a summary, then you must write about the knowledge of antiviruses. In fact, the issue of data protection is usually very important. Especially in the workplace.

Write a few antivirus programs - NOD32, Avast, Dr.Web, Kaspersky. After that, specify additional applications, such as Spyhunter, CCleaner and so on. In general, this list is enough to show your data protection skills.


So today we learned computer programs for a resume. In fact, our list can be continued. After all, there are a lot of applications in the network.

However, if you specify the listed list of programs in your resume regardless of office, you can hope for success. After all, the more the user knows, the more needed and "universal" in the workplace. The list of computer programs for resume (most popular) you already have. You can safely master them and use them.

We are confident that communicate with the technique of "you"? If you have not heard at least one of the following items, it means that you have not yet rustled.

1. There is no need to click two times

Double click you open the necessary things in "Windows". However, in the browser, for example, a double click will be already overwhelming: you can accidentally archive or add twice. If this is not about you, it is definitely about someone from your acquaintances.

2. Put the "slash" or "Backsleshi" in the right situations

Let's say right: "/" is a slash, and "\\" - Backslesch. The latter are often used to specify Windows file addresses (C: \\ Program Files \\ something), and the slash appear in Internet addresses (http: // www. Whatever.com/nonsense.html).

3. Record the exact error message

When your PC flies, it often tries to inform you why it happened. In general, you will see a message with natural, although not always understandable, set of letters and numbers. Write everything carefully (you can make a screenshot) so that you can "break through" this error in Google or send it to your support service. If you are still "disturbed", go to the control panel and check the archive messages or error reports.

4. Return erased files to "life"

When you delete files from a computer or memory card, they are actually not completely removed from the hard disk. You simply erase index information that prompts the PC location of the file. After such an "erasure", the computer, of course, considers the released place as a new field for activity. If you erased something unwanted, such utilities like Recuva will help you find these files again, provided that you did not get the file with something new. Never leave your personal data on your old PC hard drive!

5. Clean the hard drive before getting rid of it.

Since your computer does not immediately get rid of the files you delete, simply format the hard drive before selling or replacing the computer will not be enough. Why? Yes, because someone can use the application to restore erased files and restore your "secret" data. Options for the final "erasure" is enough, we will advise you to try the CCleaner application. A simple interface and understandable functionality will help you get used at times.

6. Do not hurry to put "checkboxes" when installing

Many useful applications offer us to install additional toolbars and other "bonuses". It happens one of them "insist" on their utility (they automatically want to install), so you need to manually remove the "tick" already set by someone. In such cases, it is better to think twice. Especially if you have no idea what information generally transmits or accepts the "add-it" offered to you. Very often, such additions come complete with the "main" program only because they bring additional money to developers, and not because they are super-useful. In general, see what "subscribe" during installation.

7. Fear viruses living in Office documents

More experienced Microsoft Office users can use the built-in Visual Basic to support applications to automatically solve all complex issues with macros. However, malware developers may well use the same techniques to create viruses that interferefully work to work with you or your colleagues. By default, Office disables all macros and warns when the document you read contains (to activate this setting, select in Word -\u003e Word Options -\u003e Trust Center -\u003e Trust Center Settings -\u003e Macro Settings), so in this regard you Still protected.

8. Do not forget about the security of your PC!

Any newcomer in working with a computer should immediately assimilate one simple rule: any computer that has any connection with the "external" world is subject to the threat of infection. Even the usual flash drive (when contacting other computers) can hone unpleasant surprises in the form of viruses and trojans. What to say about "How many discoveries of wonderful" prepares the Internet. Especially the worldwide cowar network in relation to inexperienced users, naively trusted with bright call-up advertising and dubious content sites.
Our advice is not to check the fate of strength and one solution to get rid of many potential problems immediately. Just install the antivirus. Fortunately, in the market these days there are enough high-quality developments that have the status of free software. And this means that it does not have to pay for its use. We recommend downloading Avast Antivirus for free! - One of the best of your way.

9. Remove the "outstanding" programs

If you constantly download and install new programs, you should not be engaged in unnecessary collecting - clean the useless or old programs. To do this, go to the control panel and program, go through the huge list and uninstall your applications. You may have to look at C: / Program Files / to track another couple of unused applications. The smaller all the "junk" you have on your PC, the more reliable it will work.

10. Take care of your PC or laptop from spilled drinks.

If it's too late and it happened, do not panic! You can still save data from "Caput", and your motherboard from combustion. Quickly and confidently pull the power cord and remove the battery. Do not wait until Windows turns off myself. Then disconnect everything connected to the PC (network cables, USB devices) and remove all "removed" components, such as an optical disk. Tilt your PC so that the liquid flows there, where it came from. But be careful: you do not want to "drive" it even deeper. If the moisture is on the surface of the computer, remove it with a towel. At this stage, you have two options: 1) independently disassemble the PC and rub electronics or 2) to give it to the "Special" inspection. The choice is yours.

11. Turn off user account monitoring feature

And Vista, and Windows 7 provide this feature: you darken the screen and "throw out" the window when installing applications or changing system settings. Although this feature can be useful, not allowing spontaneously to establish any incomprehensible applications, it can and annoy. In any case, the function settings can be corrected in the user account management panel. Click User Accounts -\u003e Change control parameters and can make you warned, but did not darken the screen.

12. Do not work in Admin Account

Many of us are accustomed to doing their affairs on a PC as an administrator. Of course, it is much more convenient when installing new programs - do not harm and log in, working under the usual account. However, work in the "admin" also makes a system of more supportive viruses and unfinished software. So avoid such practices.
Convenient to add the user to the "Experienced Users" group and use it for regular pastime on the network, switching to the administrator for serious system settings.

13. Keep the control panel in the form of "icons"

Categories and section panel sections may be very useful at any time. Select a classic view (in Vista) or large icons in the View menu (in Windows 7), and get quick access to all panel features.
Arrange the chaos of your system string, putting all the icons of pairs.

14. Clean the notification area

Very often, applications are placed in the field of notifications (a number of icons in the right bottom of the taskbar) and remain there without your knowledge. Pay attention to them. Open the control panel -\u003e All items -\u003e Notification area icons and decide which of the icons you need to contemplate while working, and which is better to turn off. In the latter case, the memory of your PC can even tell you "Thank you."

15. Adjust the power consumption settings

Those who use the laptop will always use the battery charge level. Open the power settings in the control panel and select the appropriate settings. There you can also choose your own power plan, which most will satisfy your "computer needs".
You can configure a laptop for maximum performance when you connect to the power grid and make it automatically switch to power saving mode when reading a book on the sofa or in a cafe.

The computer firmly penetrated into all spheres of our life. We have prepared a list of computer skills that will help in work and will reduce the execution time of a task.

Before looking for work.

Tens of resume view recruiters every day, and most of them do not differ originality. Templates downloaded from the Internet, similar phrases, such as the "confident PC user", "I can work in Word and Excel" do not surprise anyone.

We recommend even before the interview to show a high level of PC ownership - to create a landing page with a portfolio. This can be done, for example, on WordPress or SquareSpace. To do this, you have to register a domain.
Place the presentable photo on the landing page, specify the contact information, describe your skills, experience, skills and place examples of work - Analytical tables (for economists and analysts), examples of articles (for journalists and copywriters), drawings (for designers), etc. . Link to the Personal Page Place in a resume with a note "My Portfolio" or send an e-mail to the employer.


At this time, for successful employment, it is necessary to be able to work in several specialized programs. For each profession there is its own "corona" program that you need to know thoroughly.
- Excel - for financiers, analysts, economists;
- "1C Accounting" and "Sail" - for accountants;
- Adobe Illustrator - for designers;
- Adobe Photoshop - for photographers, etc.
Many specialists need to know several programs at once. A vivid example of this is Excel, whose knowledge is needed today not only to economists and financiers, but also managers for sales, marketers, accountants.
We recommend to explore 20-30 vacancies on job search sites and make a list of programs that most often require employers. If suddenly you are not sure about your knowledge, it makes sense to go through online learning or sign up for courses.
"Advanced" search online.
As practice shows, many people do not know how to correctly look for information using Google, Yandex and other search engines. As a result, a lot of time is spent, there are several tens of pages, before there is what interests.
We recommend using simple lifehaki for quick and convenient search on the Internet.
- Take the text in quotes to find the exact coincidence of the phrase, for example, the site about vegetarianism;
- To find a quote with the missed word, simply replace this word on "*", for example, "after the dark * always comes";
- To search on a specific site, use the Site statement, for example "Site: Job.ru work for young mothers";
- To narrow the search, use the ampersand - it will allow you to quickly find two words that will stand in one sentence, for example "Flowers & Interior";
- To exclude the word from the search, it is enough to put in front of him. Request "Prices for Oil-Made" will issue prices in different currencies except Russian;
- For example, you need to find the Samsung tablet cost from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles - put the price "...", for example, "SAMSUNG 10000 ... 20000 tablet";
- If you need to find a file in a specific format, add the fileType statement and specify the format, for example "Ray Bradbury Wine from Dandelions FileType: FB2";
- To quickly translate phrases, use Translate and Into with a language, such as "Translate I love the creativity of INTO Spanish."
It is enough to remember non-slip techniques for the search engine that you are used to using, and any information will be quick and easy. Many of them are versatile, and are suitable for different search engines.

Blind decade set.
Learn to print, without looking at the keyboard, the fingers of both hands are not as simple as it seems. Usually it leaves from two to three weeks to several months. For this there are special online simulators and programs. Some people are trained independently, without passing the same type of tasks and lessons that offer training programs.
Of course, it is possible to print quickly and efficiently and without using the "blind" method, however, people who have mastered it begin to dial the text much faster and make less typos. Such skill is an important advantage for journalists, editors, copywriters, secretaries.


To increase the speed of work and do not pull the mouse without a end, you must remember the main key combinations. It is very convenient and easy. It is enough to use a combination a couple of times, and it will remember. Perhaps the most famous keyboard shortcuts - "Ctrl + C" and "Ctrl + V" (copy and paste), they work in all programs.
Windows is often used:
- "Ctrl + N" - opens a new window;
- "Win + E" - launches the file manager;
- "Win + D" - turns and unfolds open windows;
- "Alt + Tab" - allows you to switch between running applications;
- SHIFT + DELETE - deletes files without moving to the basket.
In fact, there are hundreds of key combinations in different programs, so we recommend learning those that will help in work. You can learn combinations for a particular program on the Internet.
Work with mail.
With the mail you have to work constantly, and many from reading new letters and answers on them begins a working day. For convenience and speed, you need to be able to customize mail, in particular:
- Sort letters to different folders. In Outlook, you need to create rules for this, and in Gmail - to establish categories, create shortcuts;
- configure automatic sending messages, i.e. autows;
- create mailing with a large number of recipients;
- put outgoing letters for the timer so that the addressee gets them at the right time
Synchronization of work.

An important computer skill includes the skill to synchronize work. There is a huge number of options as it can be done. Very often you need to use a shared folder for multiple computers to quickly exchange information - for this you need to create a local network and open sharing in the required folder. In the shared folder you can create files in which several people can work at once.
Another option to synchronize work is to use "Google Documents", including a text, tabular editor and service to create presentations. In one document, several people can work in either. This eliminates the need to send each files by mail.