Experience and mistakes of literary heroes. The cooking "Psychological saturation of the novel" The hero of our time

Experience and mistakes of literary heroes. The cooking "Psychological saturation of the novel" The hero of our time

Since 2014-2015 of the school year, a final graduation essay is present in the program final certification of schoolchildren. This format is significantly different from the classic exam. Work is uncommitable, based on the knowledge of a graduate in the field of literature. The writing is aimed at identifying the ability of the examiner to argue on a given topic and argue its point of view. Mainly, the final composition allows you to assess the level of graduate speech culture. For the examination work, five topics are offered from the closed list.

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part - thesis and arguments
  3. Conclusion - output

The final essay of 2016 involves the volume from 350 words.

Time allocated for examination work - 3 hours 55 minutes.

Topics of final essay

The issues offered for consideration are usually addressed to the inner world of man, personal relationships, psychological peculiarities and the concepts of universal morality. So, the topics of the final essay of the 2016-2017 academic year include the following directions:

  1. "Experience and mistakes"

Here are the concepts, to disclose which is to be examined in the process of reasoning, contacting the program from the world of literature. In the final essay of 2016, the graduate should identify relationships between these categories based on the analysis, building logical interconnections and the use of knowledge of literary works.

One of these topics is "experience and errors".

As a rule, works from the course of the school program on literature - the etobol gallery of various images and characters that can be used to write a final essay on the topic "Experience and errors".

  • Roman A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin"
  • Roman M.Yu.Lermontova "Hero of our time"
  • Roman M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita"
  • Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"
  • Roman F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
  • Tale A.I.Kuprina "Pomegranate bracelet"

Arguments for the final essay of 2016 "Experience and errors"

  • "Evgeny Onegin" A.S. Pushkin

In the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", the problem of irreparable mistakes in human life is clearly demonstrated, which can lead to serious consequences. So, the main character of Evgeny Onegin his behavior with Olgaive the house of Larina provoked the jealousy of his friend Lensky, who called him a duel. Friends agreed in the deadly fight, in which Vladimir, alas, was not such a promnial shooter as Eugene. Unworthy behavior and sudden duel of friends, thus, turned out to be a big mistake in the Hero's life. Also here is to turn to the love story of Eugene and Tatiana, whose recognition of Onegin cruelly rejects. Only years later, he understands which fatal mistake committed.

  • "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky

The central question for the hero of the work f . M.Dostoevsky becomes a desire to understand his ability to act, to finish the fate of people, neglecting the norms of universal morality - "Creator I tremor, Ile I have the right?" Rodion Raskolnikov commits a crime by killing the old-year-older, and later aware of the gravity of the perfect act. The manifestation of cruelty and inhumanity, a huge mistake that caused the suffering of Rodion, became a lesson for him. Subsequently, the hero becomes true, due to the spiritual purity and compassion of the Sonchiki marmalade. The crime committed remains a bitter experience for him.

  • "Fathers and children" I.S.Turgenev

An example of writings

On his life path, a person has to take a large number of vital decisions, choose how to enroll in a particular situation. In the process of experiencing various events, a person acquires a life experience that becomes his spiritual luggage, helping future life and cooperation with people and society. However, often we fall into difficult, contradictory conditions when we cannot guarantee the correctness of your decision and be sure that what we consider faithful now will not be a big mistake for us.

An example of the influence of the human life of the person committed by him can be seen in the Romana A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The work demonstrates the problem of irreparable mistakes in human life, which can lead to serious consequences. Thus, the main character - Evgeny Onegin his behavior with Olga in the house of Larina provoked the jealousy of his friend Lensky, who called him a duel. Friends agreed in the deadly fight, in which Vladimir, alas, was not such a promnial shooter as Eugene. Unworthy behavior and sudden duel of friends, thus, turned out to be a big mistake in the Hero's life. Also here is to turn to the love story of Eugene and Tatiana, whose recognition of Onegin cruelly rejects. Only years later, he understands which fatal mistake committed.

It is also worth contacting the novel by I.S.Turgenev "Fathers and Children", where the problem of errors in the unshakability of views and beliefs is revealed, which can lead to deposits.

In the work of I.S. Turgeneva Evgeny Bazarov is a progressively thinking young man, a nihist, which deny the value of the experience of previous generations. He says that he absolutely does not believe in feelings: "Love is Belibard, an unforgivable fool." The hero meets Anna Odintsov, in love with and afraid to admit even to himself, because it would mean a contradiction with his own beliefs of universal denial. However, later he is fatally ill, not conscious of this native and loved ones. Being seriously ill, he finally realizes that he loves Anna. Only on the outcome of the life of Evgeny is aware of how much it was mistaken in his attitude to love and nihilistic worldview.

Thus, it is worth talking about how important it is to correctly evaluate your thoughts and actions, analyzing actions that can lead to a big mistake. A person is constantly in development, improves his way of thoughts and behavior, and therefore he must act deliberately, relying on life experience.

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"Pechorin, returning from Persia, died ..." Did you think at what circumstances could it happen?
The death of Lermontov was instant - Pechistan, who died on the road for an unknown reason, apparently, was intended to fully experience the flour "Moving Death". Who was next to him in this hard moment? His "proud" lacquer?
And if this happened to him not on the road? What would change? Most likely nothing! Not a single alive, caring soul nearby ... But after all, he loved him and Mary, and faith. Maxim Maximach at any minute is ready to "rush to him on the neck." Even Werner at a certain point would have done the same if Pechorin "showed him the slightest for this desire." But all connections with people are drowned. Non-free challenges are not implemented. Why?
According to Gregory Alexandrovich, Werner - "Skeptic and Motherist." Healthy Pechorin refers to the number of people believers. In any case, in the "fatalist", written on the face of Pechorin, read: "They reasoned that the Muslim belief, as if the fate of a person was written in heaven, finds and between N-A-M-and, X-R-I -Th-and-ah-ah-M-and, many fans ... "It is like a person who believes, in the story" Taman "the Pechorin exclaims:" On the wall there is a single image - a bad sign! " In Tamani, the hero quotes the book of the Prophet Isaiah, albeit inaccurately: "On that day, silent and blind will penetrate." In the "Princess Mary" (recording from June 3rd) Grigory Alexandrovich without any irony argues that only "in the highest state of self-knowledge of a person can appreciate God's justice."
At the same time, in the famous fragment, "I returned home to empty alleys of the village ..." ("Fatalist") Pechorin can not resist laughter, remembering that "there were no time the people who were thinking that heavenly take part in our insignificant disputes For the block of the Earth or any fictional rights, "people who are convinced that" the whole sky with their countless residents looks at them with participation, although silent, but unchanged! .. "The above quotes show that the soul of Pechorina is tormented by doubts. In the same fragment, the reason for his doubt is "involuntary fear, a compressive heart with thought about the inevitable end." That "longing of death", which torments Balu, causing rolling, knocking down a dressing. This is a sharp, painful sense of the limb of being can be familiar not only in dying. The abstract idea of \u200b\u200bthe immortality of the soul in such minutes may well seem blunt and unconvincing. It can be assumed that Pechorina has to worry about such doubts because of his faith weakened under the influence of a secular lifestyle, acquaintance with different new-fashioned currents, etc. However, a deeply believer, who did not dry about any "mothers" Bal did not escape this flour "longing of death". So dependence here is rather reverse: the fear of death leads to the weakening of faith.
To overcome their doubts, Pechorin is trying through the mind. "I have long lived not with heart, but a head" - this recognition of the hero is fully confirmed by the content of the novel. And this is despite the fact that in the work there is an irrefutable certificate of the truthfulness of the voice of the heart - the history of the tragic death of the voyol. Why does this story convince Pechorin in the need to listen to her heart? The voice of the heart is "illegal", is not founded on any material arguments. "Printing death on a pale face" of the lieutenant is too Zyibko, indefinitely. On this you will not build any little more convincing theory. And therefore, "metaphysics" is discarded to the side. Moreover, it follows from the context that this term is used by Pechorin in the value that the "dictionary of foreign words", for example, is defined as "anti-scientific fabrications of" spiritual origin "of being, about objects inaccessible to sensory experience" (1987, p. 306). Is it possible to remain a man believer, leaning on one naked reason?
To answer this question, it is necessary to place a story in the chronological sequence and trace the development of the character of the hero.
No one is in doubt that from a chronological point of view the first in the chain of the line is located "Taman". In this story we see full energy and thirst for the knowledge of the life of the hero. Only one shadow flashed on the floor, encourages him to meet the adventure. And this despite the obvious danger: descending on the same side for the second time, Pechorin notes: "I do not understand how I did not break my neck." However, the danger is only a wonderful stimulus for active actions, for the manifestation of an inflexible will.
In addition, the adventures of Pechorin rushes "with all the power of youth passion." The kiss of the stranger, which the author of the magazine estimates as a "fiery", causes just as hot response: "I darkened in my eyes, my head was spinning."
Completely in Christian Gregory Alexandrovich exhibits mercy, discovers the ability to forgive their enemies. "What happened to the old woman and with the b-e-dn-y-m blind - I don't know," he crushes about the fate of man, who was robbed him a few hours ago.
True, the reasoning of Pechorin on the blind boy in particular and about "all the blind, curves, deaf, silent, gloomy, nozzles, humpbacks" generally encourage the reader to remember the lines A.S. Pushkin on the unfortunate Germans from the "peak lady": "Having little true Faith, he had many prejudices. " Subsequently, it turns out that to prejudice against people with disabilities, it is necessary to add "an irresistible disgust" of Pechorin to marriage, based on the fact that once in childhood, a certain old woman predicted to him "death from an evil wife" ...
But is it fair to reproach Pechorin in the fact that he has "little true faith"? In Tamani, there is almost no reason for this. The only thing that is alarming in the behavior of Pechorin in this story, "he does not give will his good feelings - mercy, repentance; Trying to drown out the voice of the heart arguments of reason: "... what a matter to me to the joys and disasters of human, me, a wandering officer, and even with a kind of treason! .."
In the "Princess Mary" this feature of the hero's behavior is repeatedly enhanced. Gregory Alexandrovich not only laughs at the feelings in conversation with Mary, he just draws before him (or possible readers of the "magazine"?) The ability to manipulate people by controlling their own feelings.
Thanks to the "system", he gets the opportunity to meet alone with faith, seeks love Mary, suits so that the Pereshnitsky chooses him in his attorneys, as was planned. Why does the "system" work so badly? Not least, thanks to an extraordinary artistic data - the ability at the right moment to accept the "deep-touched species". (How not to remember Pushkinskoye: "As his eyes were fast and gentle, // shame and bold, and sometimes // brightened to the obedient tear! ..") And most importantly, such artistry is possible because the hero of the novel is fully neglecting their own feelings.
So Pechorin goes to the princess to say goodbye before leaving Kislovodsk in the fortress N. By the way, was it really necessary for this visit? Surely, it was possible, referring to the suddenness of the departure, send a note with apologies and wishes to "be happy and so on". However, Gregory Alexandrovich is not only for the princess with his own person, but also insists on a date with Mary alone. For what purpose? Tell a deceived girl, what plays her eyes "the most miserable and garde role"? And then she herself did not guessed it!
"As I searched for my chest at least a spark of love for a cute Mary, but my efforts were in vain," says Pechorin. Why then "the heart blew strongly"? And the irresistible desire to "fall to her legs" why? Lukavit Grigory Aleksandrovich! "Eyes wonderfully sparkled," this is a remark of a person in love, not a cold cynic, whose role he plays in this episode.
The feelings and behavior of the hero in the episode of the murder of Hushchnitsky are just as far away from each other. Yes, and his role in this story is not less "pathetic and ugly."
"Like all the boys, he has a claim to be an old man," Gregory Alexandrovich is ironic (recording from June 5th), which means Pechorin and older, and more experienced his friend. He is not difficult to make a toy from a young friend. However, the threat appears that the behavior of "toys" will be released from under control. To destroy!
Pechorin turns out of his rival a few minutes before the beginning of a duel: "... In the soul, he could wake up a spark of generosity, and then everything would have arranged for the better; But the pride and weakness of the nature of Dr.-Ls-zh-n-s
B-'L-and triumph ... "peaceful version of the development of events is undesirable! The expected, demanded option is the second ... "I wanted to give myself a full right not to spare it if fate pardon me." In other words, "I want to kill him if it works out" ... But at the same time, Pechorina has to risk his life ...
Grigory Aleksandrovich is a subtle psychologist, he knows perfectly well that Grushnitsky is not from those people that they cool the unarmed opponent in his forehead. And indeed, "he [Pereshnitsky] blushed; He was ashamed to kill a man unarmed ... I was sure that he would shoot the air! " I am confident to such an extent that, seeing a gun aimed at himself, comes into rage: "Funhalled rabies boiled in my chest." However, the expectations of Pechorin were completely justified: only the captain's shock: "Coward!" - Makes the Pereshnitsky to lower the trigger, and he shoots it into the ground, no longer aiming.
It turned out ... "Finita La Comedia ..."
Is the Pechistan's Pechistan? "I had a stone on my heart. The sun seemed to me dimly, the rays were not racing me, "this is his mental state after a duel. But no one forced you, Grigory Aleksandrovich, shoot in this stupid, miserable boy!
But this is not a fact. This is exactly what the feeling arises that in these episodes, and not only in them, Pechorin does not act in their will.
"But there is an immense pleasure in possession of a young, barely blossomed soul!" - reveals Pechistan in his "journal". You just think: how can a mortal man have an immortal soul? A person cannot ... But if you agree that "there is a deep spiritual connection between Pecherin and the demon between the way" (cedars, 1974), then everything becomes on its place. But it is difficult to agree, when so many coincidences were revealed: and the place of action (Caucasus), and the love plot ("demon" - the story "Bal"), and concrete episodes (the demon looks at the dancing Tamar - Pechorin and Maxim Maximych come to visit the Father Bail; The meeting of the demon and Tamara is the last date of Pechorin and Mary).
In addition, it is certainly not by chance that the Roman practically ends with reference to this instentive character: "Damn him to talk at night with drunk! .." exclaims Maxim Maximych, after hearing the story of Pechistan about the death of Volich.
So the Pechorin playing people - only the obedient toy in the hands of an evil spirit, besides, feeding it (evil spirit) with spiritual energy: "I feel this insatiable greed, absorbing everything that occurs on the way; I look at the suffering and joy of others only in relation to myself, as for food that supports my mental strength. "
Pechorin and himself feels that some power manages his actions: "How many times I played the role of an ax in the hands of fate!" An unenviable role that does not bring anything, except suffering. The trouble is that the Great Psychologist Pechorin with his own feelings and with his own soul can not understand. He has on one page of the "magazine" of reasoning about God's justice - and recognition, like: "The first is my pleasure - to subjugate my will, everything that surrounds me." A religious feeling has long been lost, the demon settled in the soul, and he continues to consider himself a Christian.
The murder of the Grushnitsky did not pass without a trace. What did Grigory Aleksandrovich thought about something, when after a duel "drove for a long time" alone, "throwing reins, lowering his head on the chest."
The second shock was the departure of faith for him. It is impossible not to take advantage of Valery Millon's comment on this event: "The circumstance is one secondary in the Roman Lermontov unexpectedly getting a deep meaning: the only genuine, the incredit love of Pecherin is called faith. He parted with her forever, and she writes him in a farewell letter: "No one can be so truly unhappy as you, because no one tries to assure themselves in the opposite."
What is it - "assure nasty"? Pechorin wants to assure himself that he has faith (consequently hope). His desperate chase for the beloved beloved - the amazing power of the metaphor ... "(Milldon, 2002)
Before the peopist, the path to salvation was opened - sincere repentance and prayer. That did not happen. "Thoughts came to normal order." And, leaving Kislovodsk, the hero leaves not only the corpse of his horse behind his back, but the very possibility of revival. Return point is passed. Onegin resurrected love - the "disease" of Pechorina was too launched.
The further life path of Pechorina is the path of destruction of the personality of the hero. In the "fatalist" he "jokingly" makes bet with the welfare, in fact, provoking suicide, and it does not confuse "imprint of the inevitable destiny" on the face of Lieutenant. Just Pechorin really need to know if there is a predestination. Unbearable to think that only then he came to the light to "play the role of an ax"! I could not not be interested in this question and the author of the novel, who knows that he is waiting for his grave "without prayers and without a cross." However, the question remained open.
The behavior of Pechorin in the story "Bal" cannot but cause a reader of bewilderment and compassion. What made Gregory Aleksandrovich decided to abduct the sixteen-year-old girl? Absence in the fortress pretty daughter of the ledge - Nastya? Or insane love, sweeping all the obstacles on your way?
"I, a fool, thought that she was an angel sent to me compassionate fate," his deed explains his hero. As if it was not herrified in the "magazine" above poets that women "called the angels so many times that they really were in the simplicity of spiritual, they believed this compliment, forgetting that the same poets for the money were Nero Hedgehog ..." Or Grigory Aleksandrovich thought, before that, K, T-o pushed him to the murder of the Pereshnitsky? And drowning, as you know, grabs and for the straw. However, the feelings of the hero were cooled faster than he expected it. And were they? And he really does not feel anything, looking at the dying bala!
And how before Grigory Alexandrovich loved his enemies! They worried his blood, stimulated the will. But what is not the enemy who killed Balla Cazbich?! However, Pechorin and finger did not move to punish the criminal. He is generally in "Bale" if and does anything, then exclusively in other people's hands.
Feelings are atrophied. The will weakened. Soul emptiness. And when Maxim Maksimach began to console his friend after the death of Balla, Pechorin "raised his head and laughed ..." From the experienced man "Frost ran his skin from this laughter ..." Is the devil himself laughed in the face of his headquarten himself?
"I have one tool: travel. ... maybe somewhere die on the road! " "It turns out a twenty-five-year-old hero, whoever recently considered that" worse than death will not happen. "
During the last meeting with the Pechorin (the story "Maxim Maximach"), we see the "neglected" (\u003d haired) man who lost interest in his own past (the fate of his "magazine" is indifferent to him, although Once Grigory Alexandrovich thought: "Everything, What I will bother to him, will be with time for me with precious memories "), who does not expect anything from the future, not only with people, but also from the homeland.
In conclusion, it should be noted that in the "Book of the Prophet Isaiah" directly before the quoted pectorist line contains a warning that encourages reflection: "And the Lord said: since this people approach me with their mouths, and his tongue honors me, his heart will be far away From me, and the reverence of their prettier is the study of human commandments, then here, I will still be unusually done with this people, wonderful and wildly, so that the wisdom of the wise men will die, and the mind will not become reasonable. "

1. Cedars Constantine. PhD Thesis "The Epic Forement of the Russian Realistic Roman of the 1st Half XIX century." (1974)
The tragic epic of Lermontov "Hero of Our Time"
2. Mildon Valery. Lermontov and Kirkegore: Pechorin Phenomenon. About one Russian-Danish parallel. October. 2002. №4. p.185
3. Dictionary of foreign words. M. 1987.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov - a brilliant poet, a lyrics and a true romantic. Creativity M.Yu. Lermontov is still relevant, it attracts a deep meaning in each word, phrase. His creativity was studied by many linguistic scientists, but some mysteriousness remains in it.

In his first lyrical works, he is truly a Russian poet, in his works we see the disadvantageous strength of the Spirit, but he surprised strange without carelessness in them. He ruthlessly condemns the youth of his time. Poetry is his torment, but his strength. Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov belongs to the poem "Duma", "and boring and sad", "Farewell, unwashed Russia ...", "death of the poet" and many others, as well as the famous true Russian, who retains popularity among Russian and foreign readers. V.G. Belinsky wrote: "In this novel ... there is something unsolved" and he was right, because he remains.

Roman has an unusual way of travel notes, which sets us on a brief description of the journey, as we learn later, the wandering officer, but we later come back at the notes of another person. In addition, the chronology of the events of the novel is broken: first we see everything that the young man meets on the way, we see his acquaintance with Maxim Maksimimovich, get acquainted with the stack captain story, then travel notes of the character of the storyteller are replaced by the Journal of the Guards officer Grigory Pechorin, which violates the composition of the novel.

All the novel contains the inconsideration and defaults, and the character of the main character is very complex and "multi-storey", he is also full of riddles that each reader has its own special opinion about him.
So what actually Pechorin? When the novel was published, he caused many responses and completely opposing estimates. Someone believed that the novel moral, someone - that the novel does not contain a deep meaning, someone was delighted with the novel, and someone severely criticized him.

Everyone understands it in different ways, all the image of the hero is going from his actions that can be condemned, and can be understood. Pechorin said: "Some worship me worse, others are better than I really ... Some will say: he was kind small, others - a bastard! Both will be false. " It seems that the hero himself does not know who he is and what is his goal in life, but one clearly immediately - the main character belongs to the young people of the time that disappointed in life.

He has both good and bad qualities, because a person should not become the subject of unambiguous and straightforward assessment, his soul is multifaceted, which showed us M.Yu. Lermontov. Pechistan's personality is really very controversial that we see in his actions, in the manner of communication with people.

Gregory Aleksandrovich is a very smart and reasonable person, he knows how to admit his mistakes, but he wants to teach others to aware in his, as, for example, he all tried to push the Hushnitsky to recognize his guilt and wanted to resolve their dispute in peaceful way. But then the other side of Pechorina is also manifested, he, after some attempts to discharge the situation on a duel and urge the Grushnitsky to conscience himself suggests shooting at a dangerous place to kill any of them. At the same time, the hero is trying to draw everything in a joke, despite the fact that there is a threat of both the life of young pearshnitsky and his own life.

After the murder of Grushnitsky we see , As far as the mood of Pechorina changed: if he notices on the way to a duel, as far as the day is beautiful, then after the tragic event, he sees in black colors, his soul is a stone. I'm sorry to Pechorin, because, despite my bad actions, she takes his mistakes, in his magazine he is very frank, frank before himself. Pechorin understands that he sometimes plays the role of an ax in the hands of fate, because he himself interferes with the peaceful life of people and turns her down on his head.

No wonder in the work of the chapter are not in chronological order, M.Yu. Lermontov shows us the person and soul of Pechorin from different sides, with each chapter we are increasingly immersed in the novel, we find in Pechorin what the novel actors did not notice. The author as it would make us judges gives us the most important information about him so that we can make your own decision.

Many notice the similarity of Evgenia Onegin A.S. Pushkin and Grigory Pechorin M.Yu. Lermontov, because they lived at about the same time, they are both of the noble family, do not take a lot of secular life, negatively and negatively belong to hypocrisy in a secular society. They both suffer from Handrea, like many young people, only there is a significant difference between them from the rest - Onegin and Pechorin is not a victim of "fashion" on. They are alone among the motley secular crowd, try to find themselves in art, go travel. Pechorin and Onegin thought completely differently than their contemporaries thought.

Heroes are also a slopes to the irony, which played a sore joke with them. Despite many similarities there are differences. Throughout the novel, the "Hero of Our Time" we see that Pechorin strives to find themselves, he wants to subjugate the circumstances, awaken the thirst for life, love, fear. Onegin does not seek to all this, he is inherent indifference to the world, people. We see that the heroes are quite similar, but there are differences. Pechorin and Onegin - every hero of its time, but in the Roman A.S. Pushkin Onegin is presented from the social side, and Pechorin - with the philosophical.

Let us turn to the events that have happened to the Pechist after his meeting with the Pereshnitsky on the waters. The main character met his former love - faith there, made friends with the Grushnitsky, Princess of Ligovsky and Prince Mary. Pechorin knew that the Grushnitsky was in love with Mary, and therefore he tried to wake jealousy in him, he played on the guy's feelings with all possible ways, manipulates the feelings of Mary, consciously gives her hope for reciprocity from him, but at the same time she knows what shamelessly and Egoistically.

In this chapter, he is due to his character, he turns to society as a destructive force. Pechorin says: "I love enemies, although not in Christian. They amuse me, Blood Blood. " As a result of his "Game", he did not entertain, but only ruined the life of the pear, Mary and faith. He understood it only when Grushnitsky called him a duel. Pechistan tried to correct the situation, but moreover, he did not retreat from his principles: "I decided to provide all the benefits to the pear; I wanted to experience it; In his soul, he could wake up the spark of generosity, and then everything would have tripled for the better. "

But nothing came out. Innocently, according to Pechorin, the game turned against him. He lost his friend, love and broke his heart into any unhappy girl who fell in love with the young Junker of the Pereshnitsky. I agree with B.T. Udodov, who wrote: "The peas and wine of Pechorin is that his independent self-knowledge, his free will is moving into direct individualism."

Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" will always attract the attention of readers, it will always be studied, because in the novel there are so many defaults, secrets. The main character of Roman Grigory Pechorin is the most controversial and complex hero, he causes enough ambiguous assessments of critics and literary critics. Pechorin is often considered as one of those whose future is described in the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Duma". But Pechorin is really similar to the contemporaries of Lermontov: "... and we hate, and we love we by chance, without sacrificing neither malice, nor love ...".

At that time, the brighter was the individuality of a person, the deeper the suffering of the contradiction between the life of secular society and the environment. Pechorin was a real hero of that time, he stood out of the "water" society, he was himself, although he severely condemned himself in everything. It seems that Pechorin is two different people: one - "He who lives, acts, makes mistakes, and the second one who brutally condemns the first » .

At the same time, his self-esteem often does not coincide with the fact that others think about him on the basis of his actions. Roman teaches us on the example of Pechorin, shows how to do, and how it is not worth it. We see that you need to learn to analyze your actions as a hero of the novel, but you need to learn from your mistakes, try to repeat them. Pechorin also teaches us prudence in his actions, but he likes to ironize situations that is not always appropriate.

Pechorin is very attractive attention hero, he himself learns, mistakes, thinks he is honest, lives and comes as he thinks necessary, and this confirms that Pechorin is really a hero of his time.

In the novel "Hero of our time" M. Yu Lermontov shows the Russian society of the thirties of the nineteenth century. The author wanted to show the most characteristic type of its time. The best people of the thirties were forced to clicter in their inner world, exposing their minds and sensations thoroughly analyzing. The political response of the thirties suspended the history of the development of not only the formed class, but also the "whole people". Meanwhile, the movement of life continued, but as if in the souls of progressive people - in their search,

Self-analysis, merciless criticism of the vulnerable reality.

In an effort to comprehend the social laws of the era, Lermontov focused not on the events, but on the inner experiences of the hero.

The main hero of Roman M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time" is Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. Pechorin - nobleman. It rotates in the highest aristocratic circles of Moscow and St. Petersburg, rich and independent.

Let us turn to the portrait that, according to the execution and saturation of psychological details, does not have I

equal in the Russian literature of the XIX century. Portrait details


So that already on them can be judged on the uncomplication and controversy of Pechorin's nature. His gait "Careless and lazy", but "He did not swing his hands" (a sign of hidden nature); At first glance, the hero can give no more than twenty-three years, later - all thirty. Despite the bright color of his hair, his mustache and eyebrows were black, - a sign of breed in man, as a black mane and a black tail

at the White Horse. " Special attention draws by the author

Pechorina: "... They didn't laugh when he laughed ... This is a sign or evil in the same way, or deeply permanent sadness."

Pechorin smart, educated, received brilliant education in St. Petersburg. Its figurative, acknowledgment is a kind of weapon, which he punishes self-satisfied vocals. From the Pecherina's diary, it can be seen that he is thinking about the issues of being, the peculiarities of human consciousness, psyche, analyzes its drawbacks. Pechorin stretches to nature, seeing in it a bright element capable of reminding the power and beauty of the human spirit. The hero despises vulgarity in humans, the lack of self-esteem, the worship of the Mishury Life, mercenary benefits of service. This is his attitude towards the Pepper, the Dragun captain and other representatives of the "Water Society", outlined in the novel with exceptional accuracy and satirical sharpness. Hero himself does not seek career, although not official and not very rich.

Pechorin is well versed in humans. He immediately sees those "empty" and stupid people who live with one goal - to be rich: have a lot of money, getting high posts, add your children to "paradise", where they do nothing, but they get a lot, in life The hero came acrwept very few good people, those who would serve the cause, would be very good and loyal friends. The best friend of Pechorina was faith, the woman so hot and passionately loves our hero - faith was Pechorin the closest man, the best friend and the advice. Although the paths of Pechorin and Faith diverge, the hero believes in the future meeting, dreams of her. After the departure of Faith, Pechorin rushes into pursuit and, without giving, crying as a child, he understands that he lost the most expensive in his life - love and friendship. The hero loves faith, but at the same time cannot marry her. He did not find his place in life, and live without a goal for the hero - it means not to live at all.

Pechorin - a victim of his hard time. But does Lermontov justify his actions, his mood? In a sleepless night, on the eve of a duel with a Hushnitsky, the hero of the novel seems to bring the results of the lived life. Pechorin feels in itself "the forces are immense" and understands that the appointment was high: "I run in my memory all my past and ask myself unwittingly: why did I live? For what purpose did I born? .. And rightfully, she existed, and rightly, it was a high appointment, because I feel in my soul of my power immense ... But I did not gues this destination, I was fond of bait of passions of empty and unfavorable passions; From the burning of them, I came out firm and cold, like iron, but lost forever of noble aspirations - the best color of life. "

The peculiar character is complicated and contradictory. The hero of the novel speaks of himself: "In me, two people: one lives in the full sense of the word, another thinks and judges him ...". What are the causes of this splitness? "My colorless youth flowed in the struggle and light; The best my feelings were afraid of mockery, I buried them in the depths of the heart: they died there. I told the truth - I did not believe me: I began to deceive; Having learned the light and springs of society, I became skillful in the science of life ... "- the Pechorin is recognized. He learned to be secretive, became a moral, iron, envious, ambitious, was made, according to him, moral crippled.

Pechorin - Egoist. But another Pushkin Onegin Belinsky called the suffering egoist and the egoist to unwittingly. The same can be said about Pechorin. About Onegin Belinsky wrote: "... the forces of this rich nature remained without an application, life without meaning, and a novel without end ...". About Pechorin: "... The difference in the roads, and the result is one."

Dear price, in difficult conditions, Pechorin miners an important conclusion for the Russian public that the struggle for happiness, human dignity, freedom is not only possible, but also necessary. To the endless spaces of the sea, the last hopes of Pechorin are directed to the noise of the waves. Comparing himself with a sailor, born and grew up on the deck of a robbery brig, he says that he misses and languishes along the shore. It walks through the coastal sand around the coastal sand, listens to the rake of the incoming waves and is peering into the distance, covered with fog. What does he expect? What are his eyes looking for? "... Will not flashed there, on a pale drawing, separating the blue puchin from the gray Tuchkin, the desired sail, first like the wing of the marine seagull, but little, alone, distinguished from the foam of boulders and smooth running approaching the desert pier ...". Neither for Lermontov, nor for the hero of his novel, this dream came true: did not hear them into another life, to other shores the saving sail ...

The mind of Pechorin is combined with the power of will. The hero is extremely cold-blooded in conflict situations, exhibits greater perseverance in achieving the goal, for example, in the history of relationships with Mary. However, with all its outstanding abilities, Pecherin, like Onegin, did not do anything significant in life. People he brings some trouble, often playing the "role of the ax" of unfavorable destiny. Pechorin is the type of "excess person" of the thirties of the XIX century. What was the typicity of Pecherin, which hero appears in the novel? With all his deposits, he exhausted himself and his time. He did not enter the front line of combating social vices, could not be released alone from under the gigantic suffocating vice of his environment. But the socio-political significance of the gusts and the suffering of Pechorin does not diminish with this. At the time of the general princess and celebration of the proud mediocrity, Pechorina's insurgence, his skepticism was not allowed to fade with dreams about another life performed by high content.

Pechorin - "extra person" in the sense that he was ahead of his noble environment and broke away from her without having no support in it. He is the hero of his time without any quotes, because he is looking for a way out of stagnation, which turned out to be Russian society during the reaction period.

Pechorin calls himself and his generation "a pitiful descendants who wandered on earth without beliefs and pride, without pleasure and fear ... who are not more than great victims for the good of humanity, nor even for our own happiness ...".

Before Lermontov, a specific task was rising, as he himself explained in the preface to the novel: to draw "a portrait made from the vices of all our generation." Express "caustic truths" to modern society. That is why the image of Pechorin dominates the novel. Through his throwing, mistakes, disappointment disclose bitter experience, the search for the best representatives of the noble intelligentsia of the 30-40s. Lermontov clearly points to the main reason, made Pechorin and other thinking people of his time unhappy. He saw her in "insignificant disputes for the block of the Earth or for any fictional rights," in disputes that have separated people to the Lords and slaves.

Belinsky speaks of challenging, egoism, cold calculation in the nature of Pechorin. Belinsky does not justify these features, but explains their emergence of social conditions: "This person is not indifferent, does not apatically carry his suffering: he is mad for life, looking for her everywhere, Gorko accuse himself in his delusions. Internal questions are inexorable in it ... and he is looking for their permission in reflection ... " That is why Belinsky believed that spiritual and moral quest and gusts of Pechorin reflect the "riddle of a representative of his time" - an important and "necessary moment in the development of humanity or society."

We will learn about Pechistin from his diary, from the stories of other actors, it causes a dual feeling for him. We cannot but condemn the Pechorin for his attitude to Bale, Mary, to faith, to good Maxim Maxim. But we can not sympathize with him when he barely rizes the aristocratic "Water Society", breaks the peeks of the Grushnitsky and his buddies. We can't not see Pechorin on the head above the people around him, that he is smart, educated, talented, brave, energetic. We are repelled indifference to Pechorin to people, his inability to real love, to friendship, his individualism and egoism. But Pechorin carries us thirst for life, the desire for the better, the ability to critically evaluate their actions. He is deeply incomplicted to us "the sickness of action", an empty waste of his forces, those actions with which he brings suffering to other people, but we see that he himself deeply suffers. As a social, the type of Pechorin has moved into the past, in a psychological plan, this nature remained the inception of the XIX century. But there is something in the Lermontov Hero, which will still attract our attention for a long time. High culture of intelligence, energy, the depth of the soul and a variety of sensations is now perceived in Pechorin as a sign of the inexhaustibility of human nature.

Those and the roads are Roman Lermontov, that he is directed against the dark forces of evil - augment, enmity, malice, hatred, - all that urgent, cripples and overshadows life on earth.

  1. Writing "Experience and Error".
    As the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero said: "It's a mistake to make a mistake." Indeed, it is impossible to live life without making a single mistake. Errors can ruin a person life, even break his soul, but they can give a rich life experience. And let us be mistakenly mistaken, because everyone learns on their mistakes and sometimes even mistakes of other people.

    Many literary characters make mistakes, but not everyone is trying to fix them. In play by A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" Error commits Ranenevskaya, as she refused proposals to save the estates that she offered a whip. But still it is possible to understand Ranevskaya, because agreeing, she could lose the heritage of the family. I think the main mistake in this work is the destruction of the cherry garden, which is the memory of the life of the past generation and the consequence of this is a breaking of relationships. After reading this play, I began to understand that you need to keep the memory of the past, but this is only my opinion, everyone thinks in his own way, but I hope that many will agree with the fact that we must protect everything that our ancestors left us.
    I believe that every person must pay for his mistakes and try to correct them at any cost. In the novel F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" character errors cost two innocent lives. The erroneous plan of Raskolnikova took the life of Lisa and not born child, but this act radically influenced the life of the chief hero. Sometimes someone can say that he is a murderer and should not be forgiven, but reading his condition after the murder, I began to look at him with a different look. But he paid for his mistakes from himself and only because of Sona he could cope with his mental torments.
    Speaking of experience and mistakes, I come the words of the Soviet Philologist D.S. Likhacheva, who said: "Admiring the skill of the skaters to correct mistakes during the dance. It is an art, huge art, "but in the life of the mistakes much more and everyone needs to be able to correct them, immediately and beautiful, because nothing teaches that as aware of your mistakes.

    Reflecting on the fate of different heroes, we understand that it is the perfect mistakes and their corrections, eternal work on themselves. This is a search for the truth and the desire for spiritual harmony leads us to the acquisition of this experience and to gain happiness. Folk wisdom reads: "Only one who does nothing" is not mistaken.
    Toucan Kostya 11 b

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    Why do you need to analyze the mistakes of the past?
    Let the Introduction to my thoughts be the words of Haruki Murakov that "mistakes are like punctuation signs, without which in life, as in the text, there will be no sense." I saw this statement for a long time. Many times reread. And only now thought. About what? About my attitude to committed errors. Before, I sought to never be mistaken, and I was very ashamed sometimes when I still gotten. And now - through the prism of time, - I loved every opportunity to make a mistake, because then I can fix it, which means I will receive a invaluable experience that will help me in the future.
    Experience is the best teacher! "True, it is expensive, but explains intelligibly." It's funny to remember how a year ago I am a child! - Just praying heaven that I was doing well: less suffering, fewer mistakes. Now I (although I remained a child), I do not understand: whom and why I asked? And the worst thing is that my requests come true! And here is the first answer, why you need to analyze the mistakes of the past and think: everything will be shattered.

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  2. Turn to the literature. As you know, in the works of classics there are answers to questions, exciting people at all times: what is real love, friendship, compassion ... But the classics are also the seats. On the literature once they said that the text is only the "Ausberg Top". And these words somehow responded strange in the soul after a while. I reread many works - under a different angle! - And instead of the former swearing misunderstandings, new pictures were opened in front of me: there are philosophy, and irony, and answers to questions, and reasoning about people, and warning ...
    One of my favorite writers became Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. For that, I love it that the works of tiny volumes, but the capacious content, besides any vital case. I like the fact that the teacher in the literature lessons is present in us, students, the ability to read "between the lines". And Chekhov, without this, the skills, well, no way read! For example, the play "Seagull", my favorite Piez Chekhov. I read and re-read the trouble, and every time I came to me and come new insights. Piece "Seagull" is very sad. There is no usual happy end. And somehow suddenly - comedy. For me, the puzzle is still a mystery, why the author determined the genre of the play just like this. Some strange bitter aftertaste left me reading "Seagulls". Many heroes sorry. When I read, I was so I wanted to shout some of them: "Pee down! What are you doing?!" Or maybe therefore comedy, what mistakes of some characters are too obvious ??? Take at least Masha. She suffered from undivided love for Treplev. Well, why did she get married for an unloved person and suffer doubly? But she will carry this load until the end of life! "To drag your life with a wolf like an infinite loop." And immediately the question arises "And how would I ...?" How would I do on the site of Masha? It can also be understood. She tried to forget his love, tried to leave his head to the farm, devote himself a child ... But it does not mean to escape from the problem. Unfallen love needs to be realized, survive, reassee. And all this alone with me ...

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  3. Who is not mistaken, he does nothing. "Not wrong ... This is the ideal to which I sought! Well, I got my ideal! And what's next? Death in life, that's what I got! Greenhouse plant, here Who I almost did not become! And then I discovered the work of Chekhov "Man in the case." Belikov, the main character, all the time he created his "case" for a comfortable life. And in the end he missed this very life! " Kaba did not happen! "," Belikov said. And I wanted to answer him: Your life did not come out, that's what!
    Existence is not life. And I left nothing after myself Belikov, and no one will remember it through the century. And many now such Belikov? Yes, Pond Prudi!
    Story and cheerful and sad at the same time. And very relevant in our XXI century. Funny, because Chekhov uses Ironia when describing the portrait of Belikov ("Always, in any weather, I wore a hat, a boat, helos and dark glasses .."), which makes him comic and causes laughter from me like the reader. But sad becomes when I think about my life. What have I done? What have I seen? Yes, even account nothing! Exculsions of the story "Man in a case" I find out in myself now ... It makes me think about what I want to leave after myself? What is the ultimate goal of my life? What is this life in general? After all, to be dead in life, become one of these Belikov, people in a case ... I don't want!

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  4. Along with Chekhov, I fell in love with I.A. Bunin. In it, I like the fact that in his stories Love is a multi-faceted. It is a love selling, and love-flash, and love-game, as well as the author talks about children growing without love (the story "Beauty"). The end of Buninsky stories is not similar to the brought "and they lived for a long time and happily." The author shows various faces of love, building their stories on the principle of antithesis. Love can burn, hurt, and scars will whine for a long time ... But at the same time, love is painted, forces to act, morally develop.
    So, Bunin stories. All different, unlike each other. And all the heroes are also different. Who I especially like from Buninsky heroes is Olya Meshcherskaya from the story of "Light Breathing".
    She really burst into life, tested a bouquet of feelings: both joy, sadness, and oblivion, and grief ... in it there were all the brightest beginnings in her, and in her blood, a wide variety of feelings boiled ... And here they broke out ! How many love for the world, how much children's purity and naivety, how much beauty carried this Olya! Bunin opened my eyes. He showed what a girl really should be. No theatricalness in the movements, words ... no mannerity and welcoming. Everything is simple, everything is natural. Indeed, light breathing ... depending on myself, I understand that often I can cry with a soul and I wear the mask "perfect ourselves." But the perfectly, they are not there! In naturalness, beauty. And the story "Light breath" confirms these words.

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  5. I could (and I would like to!) To reflect on many works of Russian and foreign, as well as modern classics ... You can talk about it forever, but ... the possibilities do not allow. I just say that I am infinite, because the teacher has grown in us, students, the ability to selectively approach the choice of literature, tremendous to the word and loving books. And the books laid an age-old experience, which will help the young reader to grow a man with a capital letter, who knows the history of his people, do not become an ignorant, and most importantly, to be a thoughtful person who knows how to foresee the consequences. After all, "if you committed a mistake and did not realize it, it means you made two mistakes." They, of course, punctuation signs, without which it is impossible to do, but if there are too many, in life, as in the text, there will also be no sense!

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      What a pity that above 5 is not an assessment ... I read and think: my work responded in children ... many, many children ... You have grown. highly. Yesterday I wanted to tell you by contacting the last name (it was by the names, because you are never nervous, and it's so fucking it! Why do you have a beautiful surname: all the intelligence and vowels, which means harmful!): "Smolina, you are not Only beautiful, you are also smart. Smolina, you are not only smart, you are also beautiful. " In the work I saw a thinking, deeply thinking!

  • As they say, "a person is studying on errors." This proverb is known to everyone. But there is also another famous proverb - "smart studying on other people's mistakes, and stupid - on their own." Writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries left us a rich cultural heritage. From their works, from the mistakes and experience of their heroes, we can learn important things that will help us in the future, having knowledge, not to commit unnecessary actions.
    Each person strives in his life to happiness at the family hearth and is looking for his "soul mate." But often it happens that feelings are deceptive, not mutual, not constant, and a person becomes unhappy. Writers, perfectly understanding the problem of unfortunate love, wrote a large number of works that reveal various facets of love, real love. One of the writers, discontinued this topic, was Ivan Bunin. Collection of stories "Dark alleys" contains stories whose stories are vitality and are relevant to consider their modern man. I liked the story of "Light Breath" most. It reveals such a feeling like nascent love. At first glance, it may seem that Olya Meshcherskaya ¬ - Incovering and a proud girl, who in his fifteen years wants to seem older and therefore falls into bed with a friend of his father. The boss wants to form it, prove to her that she is still a girl and should dress and behave in accordance with.
    But everything is not really wrong. How is Olya, who loves younger classes, can be arrogant and arrogant? Children will not be deceive, they see the sincerity of Oli and her behavior. But how to be with rumors that she is windy, what is she in love with a gymnasian and changeable with him? But these are only rumors that bloom girls who envy the grace and natural beauty of Ol. Similarly, the behavior of the head of the gymnasium. She lived a long, but gray life in which there was no joy and happiness. Now she looks like a boys, with silver hair, and loves to knit. She is opposed to rich events and bright, joyful moments the life of Ol. Also, the antithesis is the natural beauty of the Meshchersk and "Bowland" of the boss. Because of this, the conflict begins between them. The boss wishes Olya to remove his "female" hairstyle and behaved more worthy. But Olya feels that her life will be bright that in her life will definitely be happy, real love. She does not respond to the boss rudely, and keeps himself elegant, in aristocratically. Olya does not notice this female envy and does not want anything bad boss.
    The love of Olya Meshcherskaya was only born, but never managed to reveal because of her death. For myself, I made such a lesson: it is necessary to develop love in itself and manifest it in life, but carefully monitor not to cross this face that will lead to sad consequences.

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  • Another writer who revealed the topic of love - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. I would like to consider his work "Cherry Garden." Here I can share all the characters into three categories: Ranevskaya, Lopahin and Olya with Peter. Ranenevskaya personifies in the play of the noble aristocratic past of Russia: it can enjoy the beauty of the garden and not think about whether he brings to her benefits or not. It is inherent in such qualities as mercy, nobility, mental generosity, generosity and kindness. She still loves his chosen one who betrayed her once. For her, the cherry garden is a native source, memory, communication with generations, memories of childhood. Ranevskaya does not care the material side of life (it is wasteful and does not know how to conduct business and make decisions of pressing problems). For Raneneskaya characteristic sensitivity and mental. On her example, I can learn mercy and soulful beauty.
    The blades, which personifies in the work of modern Russia, is inherent in love for money. He works in a bank and tries to find a source of profit in everything. It practiced, working and energetic, achieves his goal. However, the love of money did not disguise human feelings in it: he was sincerely grateful, understanding. He has a gentle soul. For him, the garden is no longer a cherry, but a cherry, source of profit, rather than aesthetic pleasure, means for obtaining material benefits, not a symbol of memory and communication with generations. In his example, I can learn to develop first mental qualities, not love for money that can easily ruin the human beginning in people.
    Anya and Petya personify the future of Russia, which scares the reader. They say a lot, but they are not fond of anything, strive for an ephemeral future, shining, but barren, and beautiful life. They easily let go what they do not need (in their opinion). They are absolutely not bothered by the fate of the garden, not anything. Their with confidence can be called Ivanov, who do not remember the kinship. In their example, I can learn to appreciate the monuments of the past and storing the connection of generations. I can also learn that if you are trying to a bright future, then you must make efforts, and not engage in boltology.
    As you can see, from the works of writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, you can extract many useful lessons in the life and gain experience that in the future burns us from errors that can deprive us joy and happiness in life.

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  • Each of us makes mistakes and receives a life lesson and often a person regrets and tries to correct what happened, but, alas, it is impossible to reverse time. To avoid further, you need to learn to analyze them. In many works of world fiction, classics affect this topic.
    In the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Yevgeny Bazarov by nature - a nihist, a person with completely unusual views for people who denies all the values \u200b\u200bof society. He refutes all the thoughts of his people around him, including his family and the Kirsanov family. Repeatedly, Evgeny Bazarov also noted his beliefs, firmly believing in them and not taking the attention of drawing words: "A decent chemist is more useful than every poet", "Nature of trifles ... Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker." Only on this and built his life path. But is everything true what the hero thinks about? This is his experience and mistakes. At the end of the work, everything that I believed so believed, in which he was strongly convinced, all his life views were refuted by him.
    Another vivid example serves as a hero from the story of Ivan Antonovich Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco". In the center of the story, Mr. from San Francesco, who decided to reward himself for his long work. In 58 years, the old man decided to start a new life: "He hoped to enjoy the Southern Italy, monuments of antiquity." All the time he spent only to work, moving towards many important parts of life, heading the most valuable - money. He delivered pleasure every day to drink chocolate, wine, taking baths, read newspapers, so he made a mistake and paid for this at the cost of his own life. As a result, equipped with riches and gold, Mr. dies in the hotel, in the worst, small and cheese room. Thirst to saturate and satisfy your needs, in the desire to rest after the years lived and start life at first, turn out to be a tragic end for the hero.
    Thus, the authors through their heroes show us, future generations experience and mistakes, and we are readers, should be grateful for the wisdom and examples that the writer puts the writer. After reading these works, pay attention to the outcome of the lives of heroes and go along the right path. But, of course, personal lessons of life, much better affect us. As the proverb known to all says: "Learn about errors."
    Mikheev Alexander

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  • Part 1 - Osipov Timur
    Essay on "Experience and Error"
    People tend to make mistakes, so our nature. Smart not the one who is not mistaken, but the one who extracts the experience of his misses. Errors, this is what helps us move on, taking into account all past circumstances, every time developing more and more, accumulating more experiences and knowledge.
    To the great happiness, many writers affected this topic in their works, deeply revealing it and passing our experience. For example, refer to the story I.A. Bunin "Antonovskaya apples." "Noble nests cherished alleys", these words of Turgenev perfectly reflect the content of this work. The author recreates the world of Russian manor in his head. He is sad about those who have gone. Bunin so really and closely conveys his feelings through the sounds and smells that this story can be called "scented". "The scented smell of straw that focused foliage, mushroom dampness" and of course the smell of Antonovsky apples that become a symbol of Russian landowners. Everything was good in those days, contentment, home adherence, well-being. The estates were built reliably and forever, the landowners hunted in velvet pants, people went to clean white shoes, disadvantaged boots with horseshoes, even the old men were "high, large, white, like Lun." But all this fades over time, ruin comes, everything is not so beautiful. From the old world, only the thin smell of Antonovsky apples remains ... Bunin is trying to convey to us that it is necessary to maintain the connection between the times and generations, to keep the memory and culture of the old time, as well as to love our country, as much as he himself.

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  • Part 2 - Osipov Timur
    I would also like to touch on the work of A.P.hekhov "Cherry Garden". It also narrates about the landlord life. Active persons can be divided into 3 categories. The older generation is Ranenevsky. They are people of the leaving noble era. They are inherent in mercy, generosity, soul subtlety, as well as waste, nestlessness, inability and reluctance to solve pressing problems. The attitude of the heroes to the cherry garden shows the problem of all the work. For Ranevskaya, this legacy, the origins of childhood, beauty, happiness, connection with the past. Then there is a generation of the present, which represents the lopakhin, a person is practical, enterprising, energetic and working. He sees the garden, as a source of income, for him he is rather cherry, and not cherry. Finally, the last group, generation of the future - Petya and Anya. They are typical of the desire for a bright future, but their dreams are mostly fruitless, words for words, about everything and nothing. For the Ranevskaya Garden - all of Russia, and for them all Russia is a garden. This shows the very accuracy of their dreams. These are the differences between the three generations, and again, why are they so great? Why so many disagreements? Why should the cherry garden dying? His death is the destruction of the beauty and memory of the ancestors, the ruin of the native focus, can not chop the roots of another blooming and live garden, will certainly be punished for it.
    It can be concluded that it is necessary to avoid mistakes, because their consequences can be tragic. And after making mistakes, it is necessary to use it for yourself, to extract experience from this to the future and transmit it to the rest.

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  • For a leopard (present), the cherry garden is a source of income. "... the wonderful thing in this garden is that he is very big. Cherry will be born once every two years, and there is nowhere to delete. No one buys ... " Ermolay looks at the garden in terms of enrichment. He delvito offers Ranenevskaya and Gayev to break the estate into the country sites, and the garden cut out.
    Reading the work, we involuntarily ask questions: is it possible to save the garden? Who is to blame for the death of the garden? Is there any bright future? The author himself gives the answer to the first question: you can. The whole tragedy is that the owners of the garden are not capable of warehouse, save, and continue the garden to bloom and fiercely. On the question of guilty, the answer is only one: everything is to blame.
    ... Is there no bright future? ..
    This question is asked by the author to readers, which is why I will answer this question. The bright future is always a huge work. These are not beautiful speeches, not the presentation of the ephemeral future, and this is perseverance and solving serious problems. This ability to bear responsibility, the ability to respect the traditions and customs of the ancestors. The ability to fight for what is expensive to you.
    The "Cherry Garden" play shows the unforgivable errors of the heroes. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov makes it possible to analyze that with us, young readers have experience. This deplorable error in our heroes, but the appearance of understanding, experience of readers to save a fragile future.
    The second work for the analysis I would like to take Valentina Grigorievich Rasputin "Female Conversation". Why did I choose this story? Probably because in the future I will become a mother. I will have to grow from a little man - a man.
    Still now, looking at the world with children's eyes, I already understand that there is good, but what is bad. I see examples of parenting education, or the absence of such. As a teenager, I must file an example for younger.
    But previously written by me, this is the influence of parents, family. This is the influence of education. The influence of compliance with traditions and, of course, respect. This is the work of my loved ones who will not pass in vain. Vicky does not have the opportunity to learn love and significance for their parents. "In the village of Grandma in the middle of the Wika, it turned out to be no goodwill. In sixteen godiekkov had to make an abortion. Contact your company, and with a company at least to Lesme to the horns. I threw the school, I began to disappear from the house, twisted, twisted ... I was already enough, I snatched from the carousel already granted, Kryul Krcchi. "
    "In the village is not in their will ..." It's a shame, unpleasant. It's a shame for Vika. Sixteen years, this is still a child who needs the attention of parents. If there is no attention to parents, then the child will look for this the most attention on the side. And no one will explain the child, is it well to become another link in the company, in which only "to Lesmet to the horns." It is unpleasant to understand that Vika exiled to her grandmother. "... And then the father is harnessed his old" Niva ", and until he came to the grandmother to the grandmother on the expulsion, for re-education." Problems committed not as much as a child as their parents. They did not see, they did not explain! After all, the truth is easier to send Vika to Grandma to not be ashamed of his chad. Let all liability for what happened will arise on the strong shoulders of Natalia.
    For me, the story "Female conversation" first shows what kind of parents can in no case be. Shows all irresponsibility and carelessness. It is scary that Rasputin, looking through the prism of time, described what is still happening. Many modern adolescents lead a rampant lifestyle, although there are not even fourteen.
    I hope the experience made from the Wiki family will not be the basis for building her own life. I hope that it will become a loving mother, and then a sensitive grandmother.
    And the last, the final question I will ask myself: is there a connection between experience and mistakes?
    "Experience - the son of difficult mistakes" (A. S. Pushkin) does not need to be afraid to make mistakes, because they temper us. Analyzing them, we become smarter, morally stronger ... or, in morestally, we acquire wisdom.

    Maria Drozhkna

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  • Each person puts goals. All my life we \u200b\u200bare trying to achieve these goals. It happens difficult and these difficulties people are transferred in different ways, someone cannot immediately leave everything and give up, and someone poses new goals and achieves them taking into account their past mistakes and possibly mistakes and experience of other people. It seems to me that in some part the meaning of life is the achievement of its goals that you can not surrender and need to go to the end considering your mistakes and others. Experience and mistakes are present in many works, I will take two works, the first is Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden."

    I think that you need to analyze the past errors in order to prevent the same errors once again. Experience is very important and even "on errors learn." I do not consider it right to make mistakes that someone already allowed, as it can be avoided and come up with how to make it so as not to commit the same that our ancestors did. Writers in their stories are trying to convey to us that the experience develops on mistakes, and so that we receive experience without committing the same mistakes.

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    "Errors does not happen, events that invade our lives, whatever they are needed in order for us to learn what they should learn" Richard Bach
    Often, we admit mistakes in certain situations, small or serious, however, do we often notice it? It is important to notice them, in order not to step on the same rake. Perhaps, each of us was thinking about what would happen if he did otherwise, is it important that he got stuck if he would remove the lesson? After all, our mistakes are an integral part of our experience, life path and our future. One question is wrong, but completely different try to fix your mistakes
    In the story of A. P. Chekhov "Man in the case" teacher of the Greek Language Belikov appears before us as a rug of society and a lost soul from in vain lively life. Stloritude, closeness, all those missed moments and even their own happiness - a wedding. The boundaries, which he created himself, were his "cage" and the mistake he made, "a cell" in which he shut down himself. Fearing "No matter what happened," he did not even notice how quickly his full loneliness, fear and paranoia life passed.
    In the play A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden" is a play in the world for today. In it, the author reveals us all the poetry and saturation of the Baroic life. The image of the cherry garden is a symbol of a leaving noble life. Chekhov not in vain tied this work with a cherry garden, through this connection we can feel a certain conflict of generations. On the one hand, people like lopahin, who are not able to feel the beauty, for them this garden is only a means of extracting material benefits. On the other Ranevskaya - the types of a truly noble lifestyle, for which this garden is a source of memories of childhood, hot youth, communication with generations, something bigger than just a garden. In this work the author is trying to convey to us that morally moral qualities are much more valuable than Srebrolubie, or dreams of the ephemeral future.
    Another example you can take the story of I. A. Bunin "Light Breathing". Where the author showed an example of a tragic mistake, which a student of gymnasium fifteen-year-old Olga Meshcherskaya was allowed. Her short life resembles the author of the butterfly life - short and easy. The story uses the antithesis between Olga's life and the head of the gymnasium. The author compares the lives of these people, which, but saturated in every day, full of happiness and childishness Olya Meshcherskaya, and a long, but boring life of the head of the gymnasium, which envies the happiness and welfare of Oli. However, Olya made a tragic mistake, she lost his innocence with a friend of his father and his brother Alexei Malyutin's brother, her innocence and frivolous. Without finding an excuse and peace, she forced her officer to kill her officer. In this work I was struck by the insignificance of the soul and the complete absence of the male moral morality of milyutin, she is just a girl he had to defend and instruct the true path, because this is your friend's daughter
    Well, the last work that I would like to take this "Antonovsky apples," where the author warns us that we do not allow one mistake - they forgot about our connection with generations, about our homeland, about our past. The author transmits that atmosphere of old Russia, life in prosperity, landscape sketches and musical evils. The well-being and domicility of rustic life, symbols of the Russian focus. The smell of rye straw, having fun, fragrance of foliage, mushroom damp and lime colors.
    The authors are trying to convey that life without errors is impossible, the more of their mistakes you realize and try to correct, the greater the wisdom and life experience you will accumulate, we must remember and honor Russian traditions, protect the monuments of nature and the memory of the departed generations.

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  • But the future generation does not at all instigate optimism in Chekhov. "Eternal Student" Petya Trofimov. The hero is inherent aspiration for an excellent future, but everyone can learn to say beautifully, but to reinforce their words by the actions of Trofimov not in power. The cherry garden is not interesting to him, and this is not the worst thing. It scares the fact that he imposes his views also "clean" ane. The attitude of the author to such a person is definitely "incoming".

    This wastefulness and inability to accept, solve the problem of the last generation led to a loss of a key to beauty and memories, and on the other hand, the durability and perseverance of the present generation pushed to loss of an amazing garden, to the care of the entire noble era, What this era was kept on. The author warns us, because with the change of generation a wonderful feeling of seeing beauty weakens, and then disappears at all. The degradation of the soul occurs, people begin to appreciate material values, and less and less something elegant and beautiful, less and less value of our ancestors, grandfathers and fathers.

    Another remarkable work - "Antonovsky apples" I.A. Bunin. The writer tells about the peasant, noble life and all possible ways fills his "fragrant story" in various ways to transfer the atmosphere, those unique smells, sounds, colors. The narration comes from the face of the Bunin itself. The author shows, reveals our homeland in all its paints and manifestations.

    The prosperity of the peasant society was demonstrated by the reader in many aspects. Village evicted - excellent proof of this. Those old men and old women who lived very long, whites and high like Lun. The atmosphere of the native focus, reigned in peasant homes, with a heating sinking samovar and trample in a black stove. This is the demonstration of the satisfaction and wealth of peasants. People appreciated and enjoyed life, unique smells and sounds of nature. And under the age of old people were also houses built by the grandfathers, brick, durable, for centuries. And what's the guy, pumped apples and who ate them so juicy, with a crackle, famously, one after one, and then he carelessly carelessly, it will be nice to lie on it, look in the starry sky, feel an unforgettable smell of tar in the fresh air and, Perhaps the smile will fall on the face.

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      The author warns us, because with the change of generation a wonderful feeling of seeing beauty weakens, and then disappears at all. Soul degradation occurs, people begin to appreciate material values, and less and less something elegant and beautiful, less and less value of our ancestors, grandfathers and fathers. Bunin teaches us to love their homeland, in this work it shows all the indescribable beauty of our Fatherland. And it is important for him that through the prism of time the memory of the departed culture did not disappear, and preserved "Seryozha, an essay of a wonderful! It opens up good knowledge of the text to you. But !!! The writing on the exam would have an obstacle, because neither the problem is clearly formulated, Neither withdrawal, clearly formulated, no !!! I specifically allocated those parts of the essay. Because it is here "grain". Question in the topic - "Why?" So write! Need .... to save ... learn to appreciate ... do not lose ... not turn ...

  • Required entry and conclusion.

    Introduction: The book is a invaluable source of wisdom of unique writers. Caution and prevention of us, modern and future generation, through the mistakes of their heroes, was one of the main statements of their work. Errors are characteristic of absolutely all people on Earth. Everyone is mistaken, but not everyone is trying to analyze their missions and extract the "grain" of them, and because thanks to this understanding of their own mistakes, a way to a happy life opens.

    Conclusion: In conclusion, I would like to note that the modern generation needs to appreciate the creation of writers. Reading works, thoughtful reader draws and accumulates the necessary experience, acquires wisdom, over time the piggy bank of knowledge about life is growing, and the reader must transmit the accumulated experience as the rest. English Scientist Kalridge calls such readers "diamonds" because they are actually very rare. But it is thanks to this approach that society will learn from the past mistakes, extract the fruits from the past mistakes. People will make less mistakes, and more wise people will appear in society. And wisdom is the key to a happy life.

  • Noble life was significantly different from the peasant, the serfdom was still felt, despite the cancellation. In the manor, Anna Gerasimovna, bye, first of all, to hear various odors. They do not feel, but hear, that is, recognized by the sensation, amazing quality. The smells of the old red trees medal, dried lime color, which from June lies on the windows ... The reader is difficult to believe it is capable of truly poetic nature! The wealth and wealth of the nobles manifests itself at least in their dinner, an amazing lunch: the whole pink boiled hamper with a peas, stuffed chicken, turkey, marinada and red, strong and sweet-premium kvass. But there is a launch of the manor life, cozy noble nests disintegrate, and such estates, as Anna Gerasimovna is becoming less and less.

    But in the arms estate seed atmosphere is completely different. Mad scene: Borzoy closes on the table and begins to devour the rest of the hare, and suddenly leaves the cabinet of the manor and releases a shot in his pet playing eyes, with shiny eyes, with Azart. And after in the silk shirt, velvet balls and long boots, which is a direct evidence of wealth and prosperity, goes hunting. And the hunt is the place where you give the will of emotions, you are covered by excitement, passion and feel merged with a horse almost together. Returning the whole wet and trembling from the tension, and on the way back you feel smells of forest: mushroom damp, overloading leaves and wet wood. Smells Overcome ...

    Bunin teaches us to love your homeland, in this work it shows all the indescribable beauty of our Fatherland. And it is important for him that through the prism of time the memory of the departed culture did not disappear, and preserved, and I remembered for a long time. The old world goes irretrievably, but only the slim smell of Antonovsky apples remains.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that these works are not the only options for demonstrating the culture, the life of the last generation, there are other creations of writers. Generations are replaced, and only memory remains. Through such stories, the reader learns to remember, honor and love his homeland in all its manifestations. And the future is built on the mistakes of the past.

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  • Why do you need to analyze the mistakes of the past? I think many think over this question. Each person is mistaken, a person cannot live a life without making a mistake. But it will be necessary to learn to think about the mistake and not to make it in the future life. As the saying goes in common: "You need to study on errors." Everyone must learn and on his own mistakes.

    In conclusion, I want to say that a person can be very bad because of the mistake committed by him, he may think about committing suicide, but this is not an option. Each person is simply obliged to understand what he did wrong or someone did not do so that in the future he did not repeat these mistakes.

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      finally. Seryozha, add joining, since the answer is not formulated "Why?". In this regard, the output is necessary. And the volume is not sustained (at least 350 words). In this form, the essay (whether it is an exam) will have an outcome. Please find time and completion. You are welcome...

  • An essay on the topic "Why should I analyze the mistakes of the past?"
    Why do you need to analyze the mistakes of the past? I think many think over this question. Each person is mistaken, a person cannot live a life without making a mistake. But it will be necessary to learn to think about the mistake and not to make it in the future life. As the saying goes in common: "You need to study on errors." Everyone must learn and on his own mistakes. After all, if a person does not learn to think about all the mistakes perfect, then in the future he will, as they say, "step on a rake" and will constantly make them. But, because of the mistakes, each person can lose everything, starting from the most important ending with the most unknown. You always need to think about it, to think about the consequences, but, if an error is done, you need to analyze and never make it anymore.
    For example, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his play "Cherry Garden" describes the garden image - a symbol of a leaving noble life. The author is trying to tell that the memory of the past generation is important. Ranevskaya Love Andreevna tried to preserve the memory of the last generation, the memory of her family is a cherry garden. And only when the garden did not, she realized that with the cherry garden, all the memories of the family were gone, about her past.
    Also, A.P. Chekhov describes a mistake in the story of the "man in a case". This error is expressed in the fact that Belikov is the main hero of the story, closes from society. He is like in a case, is a rougom society. His closeness does not allow to gain happiness in life. And thus, the hero lives his lonely life in which there is no happiness.
    Another product that can be brought as an example - "Antonovsky apples" written by I.A. Bunin. The author from his face describes all the beauty of nature: odors, sounds, colors. However, a tragic mistake allows Olga Meshcherskaya. The girl fifteen years old was a frivolous, flying in the clouds a girl who does not think loses innocence with a friend of his father.
    There is another novel in which the author describes the error of the hero. But the hero understands in time and corrects his mistake. This is the novel Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace". Andrey Bolkonsky makes a mistake in what incorrectly understands the values \u200b\u200bof life. He only dreams of glory, thinks only about himself. But at one point, on the Austerlitz field, his idiot Napoleon Bonaparte becomes nobody for him. The voice is no longer great, but as a "buzz of flies." It was a turning point in the life of the prince, he still realized the main values \u200b\u200bin life. He realized the mistake.
    In conclusion, I want to say that a person can be very bad because of the mistakes performed by him, he may think about committing suicide, but this is not an option. Each person is simply obliged to understand what he did wrong or someone did not do so that in the future he did not repeat these mistakes. The world is so built that as if we do not want, whatever we do, there will always be mistakes, you just need to accept it. But they will be less if you think about the actions in advance.

  • Seryozha, read what I wrote: "Another product that can be brought to an example -" Antonovsky apples "written by I.A. Bunin. The author from his face describes all the beauty of nature: odors, sounds, colors. However, the tragic mistake allows Olga Meshcherskaya. The girl of the fifteen years was a frivolous, flying in the clouds a girl who does not think loses innocence with a friend of the Father "- these are two different (!) Works and, Bunin:" Antonovskaya apples ", where it is about smells, sounds, and" Light breathing "About Oly Meshcherskaya !!! Does it get it like one? There is no transition in reasoning, and it seems that Malash porridge in the head. Why? Because the proposal begins with the word binder "however." Very weak job. No output full, only weak hints. The conclusion on Chekhov is not worth chopping the garden - this is the destruction of the memory of the ancestors, the beauty of the world. This will lead to the internal empty of man. Here is a conclusion. Burgle's mistakes is the experience of rethinking yourself. And the ability to change. Here is a conclusion. and so on and so on .... 3 ------

  • PART 1
    Many say that the past must be forgotten and everything that happened there: "They say that it was, it was" or "why remember" ... but! They are mistaken! In previous centuries, centuries, a large number of different types of figures made a huge contribution to the life and existence of the country. Do you think they were not mistaken? Of course, they were mistaken, but they studied on their own mistakes, something changed, taken, and everything turned out. The question appears: since it was in the past, then you can forget about it, or what to do with all this? NOT! Thanks to various types of errors, actions in the past, now we have a present and future. (Perhaps, not as a real, but it is, and it is, because there is a lot of stay behind. The so-called experience of past years.) You need to remember and respect the traditions of past years, because this is our story.
    Through the prism of the time most writers, and they are foreseen that there will be little to change over time: the problems of the past will remain similar to those with real, in their works they try to teach the reader to think deeper, analyze the text and what is hidden under it. All this in order to avoid similar situations and gain life experience, not passing it through your own life. What mistakes make in themselves somewhat read and analyzed by me works?
    The first work, start from which I would like is the play of A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden". It can be found in it quite different problems, but I will stop at two: the rupture of communication of the generation and the life path of the person. The image of a cherry garden symbolizes the noble era. It is impossible to chop the roots of another blooming and beautiful garden, for this will certainly follow the payback - for infamous and betrayal ancestors. The garden is a tiny subject of memory of the life of the last generation. You might think: "Found because of what to get upset. Delivered to you this garden "and so on. And what happened, if instead of this garden, the city was equalized, the village with the Earth ?? According to the author, the cutting of the cherry garden means the collapse of the birthplace of the noble. For the main hero of the play, the love of Andreevna Ranevskaya, this garden was not only a garden of beauty, but also memories: childhood, native focus, youth. Such heroes like the love of Andreevna have a clean and bright soul, generosity and mercy ... The love of Andreevna was: both wealth, and a family, and happy life, and a cherry garden .. But at one moment she lost everything. My husband died, son drowned, two daughters remained. She fell in love with a person who was clearly unhappy, because knowing that he used it, he will return to him to France again: "And what to hide or silent, I love it, it is clear. I love, love ... This is a stone on my neck, I go with him to the bottom, but I love this stone and I can not live without him. " Also, she carelessly waste all his state "she didn't have anything left, nothing .." Yesterday there was a lot of money, and today there is very little. Poor my cooking from savings feeds all milk soup, and I spend so meaningless ... "Her mistake was that she was not able to, and the desires did not have to solve pressing problems, stop from spending, did not know how to manage money, did not know make them earn. Care is needed behind the garden, and the means for this did not become, as a result, the payback came: the cherry garden was sold and cut. As you know, you need to properly dispose of money, otherwise you can lose everything to the last penny.

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  • "Why should I analyze the mistakes of the past?"

    "A person learns about mistakes" - I think this proverb is familiar to everyone. But few of us wondered how much content and how much vital wisdom in this proverb? After all, it is really very true. Unfortunately, we are arranged in this way that so far we will not see themselves until they themselves will not fall into a difficult situation, we will almost never make faithful conclusions for themselves. Therefore, making a mistake to make conclusions for yourself, but you can not be mistaken in everything, so you need to pay attention to the mistakes of others and draw conclusions, following their errors. Experience and mistakes are present in many works, I will take two works, the first is Anton Chekhov "Cherry Garden."
    Cherry garden is a symbol of noble Russia. The final scene when "sounds" the ball of the ax symbolizes the collapse of the noble nests, the care of Russia is nobles. For the Ranevian knock of the ax as the final of the whole life, since this garden was her roads, it was her life. But also the cherry garden is a wonderful creation of nature that people should keep, but they could not do that. The garden is the experience of previous generations and the lopahin destroyed it, the payback will be followed for it. The image of a cherry garden involuntarily connects the past with the present.
    Antonovskaya apples The work of the Bunin, in which a similar story is like in the work of Chekhov. Cherry garden and an ax Czech, and Antonovskaya apples and an apple smell at Bunin. The author of this work wanted to tell us about the need to communicate the times and generations, the preservation of memory of the departed culture. All the beauty of the work displaces greed and thirst for profit.
    The two of these works are very close in content, but at the same time very different. And if we learn how to use works, proverbs, folk wisdom in your life. That we will learn not only on our own, but also on other people's mistakes, but at the same time live by your mind, and not to rely on the mind of others, everything will be better in our lives, and we will easily overcome all life obstacles.

    This is a rewritten essay.

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    Anastasia Kalmutskaya! PART 1.
    An essay on the topic "Why should I analyze the mistakes of the past?"
    Errors are an integral part of the life of any person. Whatever it is prudent, attentive, painstaking, each admits various errors. It can be like a randomly broken mug, and incorrectly said word at a very important meeting. It would seem why there is such a thing as "error"? It brings people only trouble and makes them feel stupid and inconvenient. But! Errors teach us. Thought life, learn who to be and how to do, teach everything. Another thing, as every person individually perceives these lessons ...
    So, what about me? On errors can be studied both on your own experience, and watching other people. I think it is important to be able to combine the experience of your life, and the experience of observing others, because the great many people live in the world, and judge only from their actions - very stupid. Another person could do something completely different, right? Therefore, I try to look at different situations at various angles, so that I get a versatile experience from these mistakes.
    In fact, there is another way to get experience based on mistakes. Literature. Eternal man teacher. Books transfer the knowledge and experience of their authors in ten- and even a century so that we, yes, it is we, each of us, has passed that experience in a couple of hours of reading, while the writer has gained him in his entire lives. Why? And so that in the future people do not repeat the mistakes of the past so that people finally began to learn and not forget these knowledge.
    To better reveal the meaning of these words, turn to our teacher.
    The first work I would like to take is the play of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Cherry Garden". Here all events unfold around and about the cherry garden Ranevskaya. This cherry garden is family heritage, a storehouse of memories from childhood, youth and adulthood, a treasury of memory, experience of past years. What will take different attitude to this garden? ..

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  • Anastasia Kalmutskaya! PART 2.
    If, as a rule, in artworks, we often meet two conflicting generations or a break of one on "two fronts," then the reader is observed in three absolutely different generations. The representative of the first is the Ranev's love of Andreevna. She is a nobleman of an already outgoing landlord; According to the nature of incredibly good, merciful, but this is not less than noble, but very wasteful, slightly stupid and completely non-dealer in relation to urgent problems. She personifies the past. Second - Lopakhin Yermolai Alekseevich. It is very active, energetic, working and enterprising, but also understands sincere. He personifies the present. And the third - Anya Ranevskaya and Peter Sergeevich Trofimov. These young people are dreaming, sincere, with optimism and hopefully look at the coming and reflect on the affairs of the urgent, while ... absolutely nothing to do anything. They personify the future. The future, which has no future.
    As various ideals of these people, they are also different to their attitude towards the garden. For Ranenevskaya, he, that neither there is, thereby cherry garden, a garden planted for cherry, a beautiful tree, blooming unforgettable and beautiful, which is written above. For Trofimova, this garden is already cherry, that is, it is planted for cherries, berries, for her collection and, probably, further selling, a garden for money, a garden for material wealth. As for Ani and Petit ... For them, the garden does not mean anything. They, especially the "Eternal Student," may be infinitely beautiful to argue about the purpose of the garden, his fate, his meaning ... Only they are deeply spitting, whether something with a garden or not, they just would die from here. After all, "All Russia is our garden," right? You can easily leave every time you get bored or be on the verge of death, the fate of the garden is completely indifferent to the future ...
    The garden is the memory, the experience of past years. The past values \u200b\u200bthem. This tries to use in favor of money or, to be more accurate, destroy. And the future is still.

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  • Anastasia Kalmutskaya! Part 3.
    At the end, the cherry garden is cut down. It is distributed like a thunder, a knock of the ax ... Thus, the reader makes the findings that the memory is an indispensable wealth, that Zenitsa Oka, without which a person, the country, is waiting for the void.
    I would also like to consider Antonovsky Apples Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. This story is the story of images. The images of the Motherland, the Fatherland, the Peasant and landlord life, between which almost and there were no special difference, the images of wealth, spiritual and material, love images and nature. The story is filled with warm and bright memories of the main character, the memory of the lucky peasant life! But we know from the courses of history that most of their peasants lived in the most best, but it was here that I see real Russia in the "Antonov Apples". Happy, rich, hard, cheerful, bright and juicy, as fresh, beautiful yellow bullry apple. Only here ... the story ends on very sad notes and a dreary song of local men ... After all, these images are just a memory, and far from the fact that the present is sincere, clean and bright. But what could happen to the present? .. Why is life not so joyful, as before? .. This story in the end brings no relation and some sadness for the already departed. But it is very important to remember this. It is very important to know and believe that not only the past can be wonderful that we can change the present for the better.
    So, we come to the conclusion that you need and it is important to remember the past, remember the mistakes performed to not repeat them in the future. Only here ... Can people really learn from their mistakes? Yes, it is necessary, but are people really capable of it? I asked such a question after reading classical literature. Why? Because the works written in the XIX-XX centuries reflect the problems of that time: immorality, greed, stupidity, egoism, depreciation of love, laziness and many other defects, but the point is that after a hundred-two hundred and three hundred years ... nothing has changed. All the same problems are standing on society, people are amenable to the same sins, everything remained at the same level.
    So, does humanity really be able to learn from their mistakes? ..

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  • The subject of the essay is
    "Why should I analyze the mistakes of the past?"

    I would like to start my essay from the quotation of Lawrence Peter "To avoid mistakes, you need to gain experience in order to gain experience, you need to make mistakes." It is impossible to live a life not mistaken. Each person lives life in his own way. All people have different characters, certain upbringing, different education, different living conditions and sometimes that one seems to be a big mistake, for another quite normal phenomenon. That is why everyone learns to their own mistakes. Bad, when you do, something without thinking, relying only on the feelings that take you at the moment. In such situations, you often make mistakes that will be regretted.
    Of course, it is necessary to listen to the advice of adults, read books, analyze the actions of literary heroes, draw conclusions and try to study on the mistakes of others, but alas are more convincing and most of all learn from their own mistakes. Well, if you can fix something, but sometimes our deeds lead to serious, irreversible consequences. What would not have happened to me, I try to comprehend, weigh everything in and against, and then only make decisions. There is such a statement "the one who does not do anything is not mistaken." I do not agree with this, because idleness is already a mistake. In confirmation of my words, I want to turn to the work of A. P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden". The behavior of Ranevskaya seems to me strange: it dies that she is so expensive. "I love this house, without a cherry garden I do not understand my life, and if you need to sell, then sell me together with the garden ..." But instead of taking something for the sake of rescue the estate, she indulgesed sentimental memories, drinking coffee. , gives the last money to passing, crying, but nothing wants and cannot do anything.
    The second work, to which I want to turn the story I.A. Bunina "Antonovsky apples." Having read it, I felt the author sad about the previous times. He really liked to stay in the village in the fall. With what delight he describes everything that sees around himself. The author notes the beauty of the surrounding world, and we, readers in his example, learn to appreciate and protect the nature, to rush with ordinary human communication.
    What a conclusion can be concluded from all above. All of us in life are wrong. A person thinks, as a rule, learns not to repeat his mistakes, and a fool will occur once at once on the same rake. Passing through life tests, we get smarter, more experienced and grow as a person.

    Silin Evgeny 11 "b" class

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    Zamina Anastasia! Part 1!
    "Experience and errors." Why do you need to analyze the mistakes of the past?
    Each of us makes mistakes. I ... often make mistakes, do not spare about them, not king herself, not crying in the pillow, although sometimes it happens to be sad. When at night, in insomnia, you are lying, you look at the ceiling and remember everything that was ever done. At such moments you think, no matter how well, I do it differently, without committing these stupid, inextentive mistakes. But I will not return anything back, you will get what I got, - and this is called experience.

    The tragic end of the girl is destined in early, because the author began a work from the end, showing the Olyody of the place in the cemetery. The girl was unwillingly lost innocence with a friend of his father, his brother of the gymnasium, a 56-year-old old man. And she now didn't have any other exit, as a leaving from life ... With ordinary ease, she substituted the Cossack, plebeian species, officer, forcing it to shoot her.

    Who ever was wrong - he did not live. Through the prism of time, most writers are trying to teach the reader to think deeper, analyze the text and what is hidden under it. All this in order to avoid similar situations and gain life experience, not passing it through your own life. Writers seemed to foresee that, over time, little will change: the problems of the past will remain similar to these. What mistakes make in themselves some works?
    The first work, start from which I would like is the play of A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden". It can be found in it quite different problems, but I will stop at two: the rupture of communication of the generation and the life path of the person. The image of a cherry garden symbolizes the noble era. It is impossible to chop the roots of another blooming and beautiful garden, for this will certainly follow the payback - for infamous and betrayal ancestors. The garden is a tiny subject of memory of the life of the last generation. You might think: "Found because of what to get upset. Delivered to you this garden "and so on. And what happened, if instead of this garden, the city was equalized, the village with the Earth ?? According to the author, the cutting of the cherry garden means the collapse of the birthplace of the noble. For the main character of the play, the love of Andreevna Ranevskaya, this garden was not only a garden of beauty, but also memories: childhood, native hearth, youth.
    The second problem of this work is a human life path. Heroes, like the love of Andreevna possess clean and light soul, generosity and mercy ... The love of Andreevna was both wealth, and a family, and happy life, and a cherry garden .. But at one moment she lost everything. My husband died, son drowned, two daughters remained. She fell in love with a person who was clearly unhappy, because knowing that he used it, he will return to him to France again: "And what to hide or silent, I love it, it is clear. I love, love ... This is a stone on my neck, I go with him to the bottom, but I love this stone and I can not live without him ... "Also, she looked at all his state" she had nothing left, nothing. . "," Yesterday there was a lot of money, and today there is very little. Poor my cooking from savings feeds all with a dairy soup, and I spend so meaningless ... "Her mistake was that she did not know how, and the desire was not to solve pressing problems. She could not stop from spending, did not know how to manage money, did not know how to earn them. Care is needed behind the garden, and the means for this did not become, as a result, the payback came: the cherry garden was sold and cut. As you know, you need to properly dispose of money, otherwise you can lose everything to the last penny.

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    After analyzing this story, we can change your attitude to loved ones, keep the memory of the leaving and already departed culture. ("Antonovskaya apples") therefore, and entered the tradition that Samovar is a symbol of a homely hearth and a family coziness.
    "This garden was not only a beauty garden, but also memories: childhood, native focus, youth" "Cherry Garden"). I quoted from your essay, from arguments. So maybe here is the problem here? The question is why in the subject !!! Well, formulate the problem and make a conclusion !!! Or do you order me to redo you ??? Read the recommendations of Nitard S., who also completed the work, only made it mobile, reacted seriously to the writing. I get the impression that you are doing everything. As if there is no time to deal with any nonsense like essays ... There are things and more hard ... In this case, the opposite and ... Everything ...

    In fact, all people make mistakes, no exceptions. After all, each of us at least once failed a test at school, because I decided that he would all succeed, not being taken to prepare, or offended by him at that moment of a person with whom communion turned into a huge quarrel, and Thus, he said goodbye to him forever.
    Errors are trifling and large-scale, disposable and constant, age-old and temporary. What errors did you, and from which an invaluable experience was removed? What did you get acquainted in the present time and what we swept up to you through the century? A person learns not only on his mistakes, but also on strangers, and in many problems, a person finds a fellow in the books. Namely, in the classic, mostly, literature.
    The play of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Cherry Garden" shows us Russian Bar life. Pieces characters are especially interesting to the reader. All of them are associated with a cherry garden growing near the house and each of them has their own vision. For each of the heroes, this garden is something with its own. For example, Lopahin saw this garden only as a means of extracting material profits, without seeing nothing "light and beautiful" in it, unlike another heroine. Ranevskaya ... For her, this garden was something big than just cherry shrubs, from which profit can be extracted. No, this garden is all her childhood, all her past, all her mistakes and all her best memories. She loved this garden, loved the berries that they grew there, and loved all her mistakes and memories that were lived with him. At the end of the play, the garden is cut down, "he is heard like a thunder, a knock of the ax ...", and all the past Ranevskaya disappears with him ...
    As opposed to Ole, the author showed the chief of the gymnasium in which the main heroine studied. Boring, gray, with silver hair you have a two-way lady. All that was in her dyewoman of life is only knitting for their beautiful table in a beautiful office, which so liked Ole.
    The tragic end of the girl is destined in early, because the author began a work from the end, showing the Olyody of the place in the cemetery. The girl was unwillingly lost innocence with a friend of his father, his brother of the gymnasium, a 56-year-old old man. And she now didn't have any other way out of life ... She substituted the Cossack, Plebee, officer, and he, in turn, shot her in a crowded place, without thinking about the consequences (all this was on emotions).
    This story is a story warning for each of us. It shows how to do it impossible and what should not be allowed. After all, there are mistakes in this world for which, alas, you have to pay a whole life.
    In conclusion I would like to say that I, yes, I, too, make mistakes. And you, all of you, also commit them. Without all these errors there is no life. Our mistakes are our experience, our wisdom, our knowledge and life. Should I analyze the mistakes of the past? I'm sure! After reading, revealing errors (and most importantly, analyzing) from the works of literature and the life of other people, we ourselves will not allow this and will not survive everything that they experienced.
    Who ever was wrong - he did not live. The first work, start from which I would like is the play of A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden". It can be found in it quite different problems, but I will stop at two: the rupture of communication of the generation and the life path of the person. The image of a cherry garden symbolizes the noble era. It is impossible to chop the roots of another blooming and beautiful garden, for this will certainly follow the payback - for infamous and betrayal ancestors. The garden is a tiny subject of memory of the life of the last generation. You might think: "Found because of what to get upset. Delivered to you this garden "and so on. And what happened, if instead of this garden, the city was equalized, the village with the Earth ?? And for the main character of the play, the love of Andreevna Ranevskaya, this garden was not only a garden of beauty, but also memories: childhood, native hearth, youth. According to the author, the deforestation of the cherry garden means the collapse of the birthplace of the nobles - a leaving culture.

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  • conclusion
    Through the prism of time, most writers are trying to teach the reader through their works to teach the reader to avoid similar situations and gain life experience, not missing him through their own life. Writers seemed to foresee that, over time, little will change: the problems of the past will remain similar to these. We learn not only on your mistakes, but also on mistakes of other people, other generation. It is necessary to analyze the past in order not to forget its homeland, the memory of the leaving culture, to avoid generation conflicts. It is necessary to analyze the past in order to go the right road in life, trying not to step on the same rake.

    Many successful people, when they committed mistakes, and it seems to me if these are not these mistakes, then not to be successful. As Steve Jobs said, "there is no such thing as a successful person who never stumbled and did not allow mistakes. There are only successful people who made mistakes, but then changed their plans based on these bugs. " Each of us has committed mistakes, and received a life lesson from which everyone has extended life experience, by analyzing committed errors.
    Many writers who affect this topic, to great happiness deeply revealed it and tried to give us life experience. For example, in the play A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Garden", the author is trying to convey to the current generation that we are obliged to maintain monuments of past years. After all, it is in them that the history of our state, the people and generation is reflected. Keeping historical monuments, we show our love for our homeland. They help us through time to keep in touch with our ancestors.
    The main heroine of the Plays Ranevskaya, he tried to keep the cherry garden with all their might. He was more than just a garden for her, first of all it was the memory of her generic nest, the memory of her family. The main error of the heroes of this work is the destruction of the garden. After reading this play, I realized how important the memory is.
    I.A. Bunin "Antonovsky apples." "Noble nests cherished alleys", these words of Turgenev perfectly reflect the content of this work. The author recreates the world of Russian manor. He is sad about those who have gone. Bunin so really and closely conveys his feelings through sounds and smells. "Easy smell of straw, fallen foliage, mushroom dampness." And of course the smell of Antonovsky apples, which become a symbol of Russian landowners. Everything was good: contentment, home suit, well-being. The estate was securely built, the landowners hunted in velvet pants, people went to clean white shoes, even the old men were "high, large, white, like Lun." But all this goes with time, it comes to ruin, everything is not so beautiful. From the old world, only the thin smell of Antonovsky apples remains ... Bunin is trying to convey to us that it is necessary to maintain the connection between the times and generations, to keep the memory and culture of the old time, as well as to love our country, as much as he himself.
    Each person, passing through the life path, makes certain errors. It is intended to be mistaken to a person as soon as the miscalculations and misses he gains experience and becomes wiser.
    So in the work of B. Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet." In the distance from the front line of the foreman of Vaskov and five girls distract the German landing before the arrival of help to maintain an important transport artery. They honor the task with honor. But having no military experience, they are all dying. The death of each of the girls is perceived as an irreparable mistake! The foreman of Vaskov, fighting, acquiring military and life experience, understands what kind of monstrous injustice, the death of girls: "Why is it so? After all, they do not die, and they give birth, because the mother they are! " And every detail in the story, starting with wonderful landscapes, descriptions of the road, forests, roads, says that it is necessary to extract lessons from this experience that the victims are not in vain. These five girls, and their foreman stand in the invisible monument, who, inserted in the middle of Russian land, as if poured out of thousands of similar fate, feats, pain and strength of the Russian people, reminding that the unleashing of war is a tragic mistake, and the experience of defenders is invaluable.
    The main character of the story A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" worked all his life, copied the money, increased his condition. And so he achieved that he dreamed, and decided to rest. "Until this pore, he did not live, but only existed, however, very thoroughly, but still imposing all the hopes for the future." And it turned out that life was already lived, that he was left for a few minutes. Mr. thought he was just beginning his life, but it turned out that he was already finished. Mr. He himself, who died in the hotel, of course, did not understand that his whole path was false that his goals were erroneous. And the whole world around him is false. There is no true respect for others, there are no close relationship with his wife and daughter - all this myth, the result of what he has money. But now he is swimming downstairs, in the scenar sawmed box of soda, in the hold, and at the top everything is also fun. The author wants to show that such a way is waiting for everyone if he is not aware of his mistakes, will not understand what is serving money and wealth.
    Thus, life without errors is impossible, the more of their mistakes we realize and try to correct, the greater the wisdom and life experience we accumulate.

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