Description of the overgrown pond. Picture overgrown pond

Description of the overgrown pond. Picture overgrown pond
Description of the overgrown pond. Picture overgrown pond

, Competition "Presentation to the lesson"

Presentation to the lesson

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Type of lesson: Speech development lesson using ICT.

The purpose of the lesson: learn to write an essay-description in the picture.

  • introduce the work of V. D. Polenova;
  • develop the ability to accurate words in oral and written speech;
  • learn to perceive the beauty of nature and emotionally respond to it.


  • multimedia projector;
  • screen;
  • a computer;
  • computer presentation.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Look, do you have everything ready for the lesson of the Russian language? And now who is quieter sitting in place - girls, boys? Well, proceed to the lesson.

2. Preparatory work.

Sounds Music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. Barcarol " (Application).

W.- Guys, you have listened to music. What kind of mood did you have? This is a feeling of peace, peacekeeping caused you Music P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons. Barcarol. " And now look at the screen (Slide 2). Let's read the written lines.

"It seems to me that art should give joy and happiness, otherwise it is worth nothing." What do you think who could say such words?

D.- musician, poet, artist.

W. - Yes, it could say a creative person. These words belong to the outstanding Russian artist V. D. Polenov. He dreamed that the Russian people knew Russian art, their artists.

What does it mean to give joy and happiness?

That's right, and today we are experiencing these feelings, admiring the pictures of Polenov, because he managed to confirm his words with creativity.

3. Acquaintance with the work of the artist V. D. Polenova.

W. - Look at the screen (Slide 3).

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov was born on June 1, 1844 in St. Petersburg. Father, Dmitry Vasilyevich, was also a historian, and an archaeologist, and a bibliographer, participated in the preparation of reforms helped free the peasants. Mother, Maria Alekseevna, was a daughter of a famous architect, in his youth he wrote portraits, as well as children's books. The atmosphere that reigned in his hometown, pushed Polenov to hobby with sciences and paintings. Systematic painting began for him in 12 years. Performing the will of the Father, Polenov entered the University of St. Petersburg, but in the evenings he was engaged in the Academy of Arts.

After the October Revolution, the artist was engaged in educational activities, created decorations for performances.

In 1924 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

W. "When I studied at school, we walked on a three-day trekking on the oke river." On the shores of this river there is a Museum-Manor Polenovo, where he spent the last years of the life of V. D. Polenov. We visited this amazing museum. Look at the screen, that's what we saw there (Slide 3).

(Slide 4) . Now get to know some pictures of this outstanding artist.

"Moscow Dvorik" in 1878 brought the author fame, "Babushkin Garden", "Golden Autumn", "Christ and sinner". Here is just a small part of the rich heritage of the artist.

4. Acquaintance with the picture "In the overgrown pond".

W. - Look at the following picture (Slide 5). How would you call her?

And now choose from 6 titles most, in your opinion, suitable, accurate. Comment on your choice.

Before you Reproduction Pictures V. D. Polenova "In the overgrown pond"

5. Consider the picture V. D. Polenova "Ingrown Pond".

W. "To talk about the picture, it must be read, that is, carefully consider and think about. (Children carefully consider the picture on Slide 5.).

W. - What genre of painting can be attributed to this picture?

D. - I think this is a landscape.

W. - We turn to reference materials (Dictionary S. I. Ozhegova). Landscape is a general view of some terrain. Yes you are right. Polenov - Master of the Landscape, He would like life in this genre, brought new opportunities to the picturesque transfer of nature.

W. - What mood appeared at your first acquaintance with the picture?

D.- rest, silence. Light, remembered the warm summer, vacation.

W.. - Let's try to understand why the picture causes such a mood. What did you notice? What attracted you?

Light and air is the main thing that brought the pins in the landscape painting. He was a wizard of a plenary painting. Let us turn to the dictionary: plenuer - "open air", transmitting in painting color changes, colorful wealth of nature, manifested in natural conditions under the influence of light and air. Plennery painting involves the work of the artist in the air, not in the workshop.

- Describe the pond, park, coast, sky, which artist showed them.
- What would you feel if they were in this corner of nature? What would you wanted to do?
- What day did the artist depicted? Compare the color gamut and the mood of the picture.

6. Reflecting on the picture.(Slide 6)

Children answer questions printed on the screen. Specify and deepen your impressions of the picture. They come to the conclusion that an essay will write - description.

W. - Yes, guys, you will make text - description. Description is a text that describes items, phenomena, people ... In this case, we will describe the picture. Such an essay should be saturated with adjective, comparisons, figurative expressions.

7. Selection of the epigraph.(Slide 7)

W. - Read the excerpts from the poems I. Bunin and A. Feta. What lines, in your opinion, are more suitable for the painting "overgrown pond"? Explain your answer. Write down the epigraph liked in his draft.

8. Drawing up an essay plan.(Slide 8)

W. - Why should we start writing an essay?

D.- In joining, we must write about the artist V. D. Polenov.

W. - What did the artist depicted in the foreground? What is the main in the picture?

D. - overgrown pond.

W. - What does the artist written in the background? Not so detailed durable, but still very expressive?

D. - Old park.

D. - With his impression and attitude to the picture.

(Pupils record the work plan on drafts.)

9. Lexical and spelling preparation.(Slide 9)

W. - Our speech should be rich in content, correct in shape, figurative. It is necessary to be attentive to speech, to accurately use words, avoid repeats.

- Look at the screen. You see the table. To make it easier for you to work on an essay, let's add it adjective, figurative expressions, comparisons.

(Pupils express their options, complementing the table, and write down the suggestions.)

W. - Choose synonyms for the words:

The artist is a painter, a landscapeist, master brushes.

Creates - writes (but does not describe and does not draw)

Picture - canvas, reproduction.

Amazes - surprises, amazes.

10. Oral essay.(Slide 10)

W.- Who wants to try to tell a friend about the picture orally? Do not forget to adhere to the work plan.

11. Independent written work.

W.- We looked at the reproduction of the painting V. D. Polenov "overgrown pond." Now it's time for writing an essay. Do not forget about paragraphs. If you have questions about spelling, raise your hand. Good luck!

(Students write an essay in drafts. Ends the work of checking the composition from the point of view of spelling, structures and completeness of the text disclosure. After watching the teacher, they rewrite the text in the notebook.)

12. The result of the lesson.


  1. S. I. Ozhegov "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language"; Ekaterinburg, 1994.
  2. O. V. Polenov"IN. D. Polenov and his house - Museum "; Moscow, 2004.
  3. N.V. Getashvili"500 masterpieces of Russian painting"; Moscow, 2010.

The real landscape of Polenov is one of three paintings, which are a lyric-philosophical trilogy, created in 1878-79, which includes the following paintings of Babushkin Garden, Moscow courtyard and overgrown with a pond.

The summer of 1877 of the poles spends in the village of Parsley near Kiev. Here was written by an etude, which became the basis of the picture.

Etude lay until the autumn of 1878. At this time, the polenov moves from Arbat to the then Moscow outgrowth, in Khamovniki. A little later, Lion Tolstoy settled here, having bought the estate nearby. Many who know about the fatal ideas that were so in the soul of Polenov, call it a coincidence of prophetic. But they met significantly later.

Khamovniki, with the beauty of the old garden, struck the imagination of the artist. These impressions were displayed in the picture.

Old bridges with a nostalgic squeeze, wipe alternating a path, dodge. The model for the figure of the woman served as a sister of the artist, V. D. Khrushchev.

The academic tradition makes itself felt in the compositional construction of the painting. In accordance with this tradition, the artist builds two plans - the rear, written quite "approximately", and detailed front.

In the image of an old park, solemn in its monumental magty, prevails an elevated-dreamweight mood. It is emphasized by the fragile still-thoughtful figure of a woman, lonely standing out against the background of dark trees, spreading the mighty tent and as if serving a reliable shelter. Lyrics of the landscape motive becomes more pronounced thanks to the uniform mood of the mysterious world of nature and the world of the female soul, their peculiar dialogue.

One of the critics of the Moscow Vedomosti wrote about the picture: "Polenov perfectly owns the art and technique of the image of nature, the perfect center for him is still a person, and his presence is felt everywhere. So in the picture "In the overgrown pond", this is not a pond at all ... This pond has its own story ... In the picture, a romantic said this again. It would be very difficult to determine with accuracy to the category for which the picture of Polyenova should be supplied ... Polyenova's picture is that the Germans are called StimmungSbild, such pictures are designed to give you, first of all, the mood and make up in Painting is approximately the same thing that poetry is an elegance. "

The landscape is noticeably the desire of Polenov to emotional and visual contrasts. Bright green, with detail discharged daisies in the foreground, the solar lawn is adjacent to the mysterious depth of the dark masses of the trees. Through an air chickered trees, blue sky with white clouds opens, protruding dark trees of the park. A variety of scenery, his romantic mysteriousness, a diversity of landscape, his romantic mystery, the surprise of the combinations of light solar and shaded parts, had a copy of the pleasing painting, developed by the artist in the park in the park still in the park, built to the finest nuances. (1876).

Sweatshops, as well as the details of the coast, are spelled very carefully; These everyday images are contrastingly complement the solemn image of the park, leaving outside the picture. At the heart of the painting is the virtuoso-famous gradation by the same green color. In the finest nuance of the Polenov, the unsurpassed Master-Colorist speaks again.

The picture was shown in 1879 on the 17th mobile exhibition, the audience were delighted. A student Polenova Isaac Levitan wrote a similar picture by calling her the same way.

Pearl pond

1 Option Writing Description

Painting V. Polenova "The overgrown pond" carries a peacefulness, harmony and tranquility. When it is created by the artist, dark tones were used, but it does not make it gloomy, rather, on the contrary, alive and open. Most of the canvas is green.

But what is shown in this picture? What does she attract your eyes? The plot is pretty simple. The old pond, with lilies floating in it and leaving the bridge to which the path leads. From all sides, it is surrounded by high, thick and green, crowns of trees.

But what conclusion can be done, arguing about the "overgrown pond" depicted in the picture? What time of year wanted to show the author? What is the meaning of this cloth? An tempting pond pond smoothly, and manits a random passerby. Judging by the raw flowering greenery, it can be concluded that now the very beginning of summer or the end of spring. It is at this time that nature reaches the apogee of his heyday. Most likely, this is a cute heart, calm, quietly shavoring foliage, summer evening. The picture of the Russian nature, the very that surrounds us from the childhood, is close to every person and brings him deep reasoning about life and naive, romantic dreams of the future.

2 Options for Essay 6 and 5th grade.

In 1879, the Great Russian artist Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov drew a picture of the "overgrown pond". And so far she is considered the most popular work of this author. Most of all in this picture amazes amazingly definitely transmitted beauty and peace of pristine nature. For a moment it may seem that you are now there: inhale fresh air, you feel warm from the sun, listen as birds sing and enjoy the incredible beauty of this place.

In the foreground of the picture is drawn the coast covered with a young green grass and white flower. Next to it is drawn with a reservoir with dark green opaque water. This is an old pond. And on its surface, a lugs with already blurred flowers are growing. If you look closely, you can see how the smooth surface of the water as in the mirror reflects the reeds, trees, bridge and even the blue sky. Amazing with what accuracy the author transmits the beauty of nature.

In the background, the painting shows another shore. He zaros reed and it is impossible to approach him. It is drawn with a thick and dense forest. When you look at him the first thing that rushes into the eyes - this is an old and mighty poplar that grows away from other trees. Next to the poplar is the bridge. He was made very skillfully and immediately shows a person who, who made his master on all his hands. Probably, in those times, when the pites were not growing in the water, and the pond was clean and did not be abandoned here, the children had to swim and jumped from this bridge.
The only man depicted in the picture is a girl. She sits on a bench, and in her hands she has a revealed book. Probably, the girl wanted to retire with her thoughts and therefore came to this abandoned place. Or she just wanted to admire the nature. Or maybe this is a meeting place for a romantic date, and she is waiting for someone. In this, the charm of this painting every itself comes up with its description.

When you look at the picture "In the overgrown pond", you involuntarily begin to feel calm and pacification. Probably, this is what the author of the painting was sought. And that is why it uses so many green. The author with this picture is trying to show his feelings: delight from the landscape, love for nature, thirst for life.

I really liked this picture. This is exactly the work of Polenov, for which you want to watch for hours. What incredible accuracy, the author transferred the beauty of this place and makes this picture on a special beautiful.

6, grade 5.

  • Writing on the picture of Custodian Maslenitsa 5, Grade 7 Description
  • Writing on the picture of thick flowers, fruit, bird grade 5 (description)

    The picture of the Russian artist and Graph Fyodor Tolstoy "Flowers, Fruits, Bird" by the genre is still life. Famous artist wrote his work in St. Petersburg

Vasily Polenov. Furious pond. 1879.Holst, oil. 80; 124.7 cm
State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

The canvas struck with his lyricism and a sense of sincere love for Russian nature, silence and peace. The picture "The overgrown pond" was written by the Great Russian artist Vasily Polenovyov in 1879 and was then demonstrated at the seventeenth mobile exhibition, having loved to all connoisseurs of true art.

Mysteriousness and calm is inherent in a pond, overgrown with gentlewaters and green tentacles of algae. You look at the landscape and imagine how late at night about midnight on a wooden carriage are sitting by mermaids, lowering the scaly tails in the dark water, slow smooth movements combed their long silky hair and patiently waiting for a missing passerby.

Another beragets, although overgrown with high grass and modest field florals, lit by bright rays, made through the crown of high trees. There is an insurmountable desire, to get out and walk on the grass, feeling inseparable communication with his native land.

The depth is visible a bright female figure. The girl sits on a bench, and in his privacy does not notice anything around, leaving for his memories of the past, and maybe already reflects on the future. What does it bear it? Who knows? What whispers her a quiet breeze, quietly slipped between the trees, in this corner of the park near the overgrown pond?

The place really has to reflement: a custody is tightly and only a slightly audible splash of fish, left to the depth, or a soft biddle of picheeks easily woven into the sensitive silence. Even the light breeze does not disturb this peace. There are no ripples on the water, neither leaflets nor the edification will be laughing. Everything seemed to froze.

Looking into the corner of a perennial shady park, as if he was penetrating the feeling of harmony of life, admiring the beauty and greatness of nature. The dreamed mood is conducive to the soul. This mood corresponds to the woman's figurine in a light dress, which like a ray looks on the background pattern. Century trees, who as if surrounded by her, as if she was offering her asylum from the sad everydays. Lyrics of the picture are expressed in the unity of nature and the female soul, their silent inner dialogue.

Polenov was engaged in the web before went to the Russian-Turkish war. Summer 1877 of the Polenov spends in the village of Petrushki near Kiev, it was here that the etude was created, which became the basis of this canvase. Etude lay down to the fall of 1878, it is at that moment the Polenov moves from Arbat to the then Moscow outgrowth, in Khamovniki. A little later, Lion Tolstoy settled here, having bought the estate nearby. Many who know about the fatal ideas that were so in the soul of Polenov, call it a coincidence of prophetic. But they met significantly later.

From the depths of memory involuntarily there are lines from poems Pushkin A.S. - "My sorrow is light."
I am sad and easy; sorrow my light;
My sadness is full to you,
You, one of you ... My sadness
Nothing tortured, not disturbing
And the heart is on again and loves - because
What not to love it can not.
Researcher of Creativity Polenova, art historian Tamara Yurova wrote about this picture:

"Painting paintings detects high mastery of Polenov-Colorist. The picture is almost entirely built on the gradations of one green color. The green gamma is finely designed in shades. It is characterized by the exceptional beauty and richness of the nuanxation. It seems that there are no two absolutely identical tones in the landscape. Neutral paint, which completely covered individual slices of canvas in the Moscow courtyard.
The picture "In the overgrown pond" completed a certain stage of Polenov's creativity, marked the offensive of creative maturity. "

And art historian Eleonora Paston wrote in his monograph on the work of Vasily Polenov:
"In another scenery of Podenova, 1879" In the overgrown pond "the elevation-dreamy mood of the artist found an expression in the image of an old park, solemn in his monumental magty. This mood is emphasized by a motionlessly thoughtful figure of a woman whose white dress is lonely standing out in the dark trees depth. Mighty trees Park , Shatter surrounding a fragile female figure, serve as a reliable refuge. Lyrics of the landscape motive outlines more brightly thanks to the unity of the mood of the world of nature and the world of the female soul, their peculiar dialogue. Care of reality in the world of nature - the topic, the embodiment of which we see in this landscape - Later will receive development and in the work of the most Polenov of the end of the 1880-1890s ..


I completely agree with the previous reviewer - you help to see the works of the artists so deeply, so delightfully - perhaps, and so often from talented people - even the author on the subconsciously wrote what I did not fully understand and myself ... you are sensitive and surprising A creative look, and, that also has a special important meaning - a beautiful literary word, - set out the essence and depth, ideas and ideas of the author, reminding both the biography, and historical conditions, and even the mood of the artist ...
As if in a lively volume - in front of the viewer and the reader, the images, stories and authors of work and their models are getting up, affecting the mind and heart of the reader with their extraordinary destinies ... Looking at us with crafts with radiant eyes and trying to tell something unknown ...
With your surprisingly tactful and professional, in the best and present sense of the word, the ability to reveal the riddles and the secrets of the best creations of world art, and, which is also very valuable - truthfully and without suitable multi-disimed fudges, which many art historians often sin, - so multifaceted and rosy The world of the inexhaustible wealth opens the most sublime manifestations of human culture ...
Thank you so much for your work, and for the fact that you generously share with your talent reader! This is a huge painstaking work, even despite the presence of the Internet - this can be called the gift of God! I am very glad that on this site you put your work and gave the opportunity to get acquainted with them!
With sincere appreciation, with deep respect and the wishes of further creative inspiration, health, the joy of grateful findings, success in all your business! - God's help to you! - With warm and gratitude, Larisa.

Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback. For me, this is like a balm on the soul.
Larisa, you have a real literary talent. I am pleased that I have such responsive readers.

Alina, dear! This is such an unexpected pleasant joy !!!
I want to jump on one leg and how the famous hero of the favorite cartoon fun exclaim: "This is my favorite color !!! This is my favorite size !!!" These are my favorite flowers !!!
Golubushka, cute Alina! I am very happy with your warm attention, you can't even imagine, what a surprise was your unusual parcel! Especially from you, whose reverent reader I am with great pleasure.
Health to you, happiness, fortresses of strength and creative inexhaustible inspiration!
God to help you, and the guardian angel can be with you for many prosperous summer!
With appreciation, with the warmth of the soul and sincere respect - Larisa.

Writing in the picture V. D. Polenova "In the overgrown pond"

Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov is known as a talented artist, an outstanding painter, author of paintings that have received world fame. According to one of the critics of that time, "Polenov perfectly owns the art and technique of an image of nature ...". A versatile gifted, who received a good education could be both a historian, and a musician, but chose an artist's field. I wrote pictures on historical topics, panoramic views, portraits and, of course, landscapes. The picture "The overgrown pond" was written in 1879 on the etude, made in 1877 near Kiev in the village of Parsushki. The plot with a pond, a reservoir and near the growing trees was often used by the full-time in writing of the canvas.

At first glance, it seems that the picture is performed only in the green color of all sorts of shades. The predominance of the green in the landscape was such a feeling of the artist when writing etude. So it happened at that moment: the position of the Sun, the falling shadow, the abundance of greenery, the viewing point. The lyrical mood, the scenery treated, was created by a poetically tuned author. Romantic artist was able to convey his love for the beauty of nature, an elegic mood, the charm of a sunny summer day. All Polyenov's landscapes are connected by the presence of a person, valid or possible. So, in this picture, a small part of the pond, a forest on the shore, walkways and in the depths of the picture - a bench with a girl sitting on it. In the hands of the girl opened book. This detail adds the romanticism to the plot. Once the pond was clean, well-groomed, adults and children came here. Protane, running out of the forest, sandy walkway, a bench for recreation, wooden packers for tosing boats and for diving, the remains of some kind of design in the form of a crossbar. But without proper care, the pond began to overgrow and now nobody wants to swim in it.

Once a favorite place of rest comes to be launched. But for privacy it is comfortable here, so the girl is alone on an old bench in an abandoned park, she reads the book and gives him dreams. Perhaps she came to swim for the summer, walking, wandered as shore of the pond. Perhaps this place is familiar with her since childhood, here she bathed and walked once. It is known that I posed the artist his sister.

In the foreground of the picture - part of the shore of the reservoir with carefully drawn items. Each blade, every flower, every daisy petal scrupulously discharged in detail by the artist. Next, the water surface of the old pond. On the surface of dark, opaque water, green, yellow, reddish leaves of water lishes with blossomed flowers, islands Ryaski, Tina, near the shore banging logs. Water lilies are perfectly drawn on all the plans of the picture to emphasize the contrast of dark water and light colors. Far Beach Zaros Ramysh (more precisely, this is not a reed, and Air is a swamp root) so that there is no approach to it at all. The surface of the water is so calm and smooth, which in it, as in the mirror trees, reed, grass, a slice of the sky and even the walkways are reflected. In the background of the painting - a dense forest with old trees, which in time turned the park. A mighty dumpy poplar grows next to the walkways, around which a young poplar sharp grow up. The trees have so rummaged that it becomes closely, growing on the shore bowed to the water, as if the forest array pushes them. Elements of this plan are vague, the image of completely distant trees is blurred. The image is real, because from afar it is impossible to see the details, the details merge, and reflected the artist seen. Using different shades of the green, the artist skillfully put the lights that form the outlines of the trees. For the contour of the forest, a piece of blue sky can be seen, on which white clouds float. Summer Day Summer is hiding between the crowns of trees. Polenov used blue and purple colors as transition from blue to green. The air chimicle of the bluette color is sprinkled between the branches, playing blue foliage from sunlight. Sunlight is saturated with grass on the shore, it casts emerald. The canvas is saturated with air, Polenov managed to fill the picture with light and freedom of space. Looking at the canvas, I want to take a deep breath and feel the charm of fresh air and sunlight. Sounds hidden in canvas are echoed by bird singing, a trip to the tree, the rustling of foliage, the buzz of insects, quacking frogs. They can be heard, admiring the wonderful picture of Polenov.

The landscape breathes as a pacification and peace. The day seems to be created for relaxing and enjoying the beauty of nature. A woman immersed in reading, and the park with a pond becomes a single whole, in which the mysterious world of nature and the world of women's soul are intertwined. At the same time, keeping his personal secret, they harmoniously complement each other, the forest under the green cover protects a fragile woman, takes it as his part.

Later, the pole was written another cloth "Pond in the Park", similar to the subject with the "overgrown pond".

Picture is exhibited in the State Tretyakov Gallery in the city of Moscow.

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