Description on the picture Portrait of Mila. Essay in the picture V.I. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" (4 option)

Description on the picture Portrait of Mila. Essay in the picture V.I. Khabarova
Description on the picture Portrait of Mila. Essay in the picture V.I. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" (4 option)

Khabarov - Portrait of Mila, Grade 7

Essay 1 option

Draw a portrait is not just heavy, but also responsible occupation. Therefore, for artists drawing a portrait, a kind of challenge to their skill.

V. Khabarov in his picture "Portrait of Mila" is trying to transfer not only the appearance of a pretty teenager, but also its inner world. The picture is drawn in dark tones, but Mila itself is in bright.

So the artist shows that the girl is better than most of the same age: pupil and inquiring. A large chair is in the corner. This V. Khabarov transmits loneliness of Mila, which is due, most likely, with the fact that it prefers the world described in the books, real.

7th grade.

Essay 2 option

Valentin Khabarov is one of the best Russian portrait artists. He very skillfully passes the features of his models, thanks to which the viewer can guess their thoughts, understand their feelings and emotions.

Drawing his paintings by V. Khabarov pays a lot of attention and surrounding. Looking at the situation in which the artist places people, you can penetrate the spirit of the epoch, during which a portrait was written.

In the picture "Portrait of Mila" brave portrayed a girl who reads a book. It is hard for us to understand this, but if you give to look at the reproduction by our parents or grandparents, they will understand that the picture was written in the 70-80 years of the last century. They are familiar and wallpapers that are placed walls, and parquet, let not the highest quality, but attractive. From the furniture, we see fashionable at that time the chair, which the owners of the apartment was undoubtedly difficult to get. Behind the little girl lamp brain. Such can still be found in dachas, where they often take things that are not necessary in the city.

We have no longer found such a situation, but it can be seen in Soviet films that have already managed to become a classic of cinema. It is so beloved by adults "Moscow does not believe in tears", "Irony of Fate", "Afonya".

Mile, the main character of the painting, about 13-14 years. She is dressed in simple home clothing. On her legs, she has soft slippers - probably the floor is cold, and therefore she shoes them not to freeze. These are still skates that lie under the chair, they say that in the street Winter.

But this harsh time is not able to bring inconvenience to Mile. In the picture you can understand that it is cozy. She is not distracted by either blizzard outside the window, nor the sounds that come from other rooms, where their homework is busy with their affairs. Mila is passionate and focused, it can be seen, she came across a very interesting book.

Blond girl most likely loves to read. The chair stands in the corner so that no one can hurt him accidentally. Rear on the wall weighs the sconce, the light from which falls exactly on the book. All this creates the best conditions in order to sit in the winter evening with a book.

The face and pose of the girl expresses extreme guilt of the book. Her mouth is slightly awarded, probably she moves his lips and silently pronounces the words written in the book when reading.

I really like this picture. Looking at the clear face of the main character, unwittingly understand that in the evening you can spend time not only at a computer or TV. To harm that in our time no one reads with such a launch as Mila.

7th grade.

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Picture of the artist V. I. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" Very interesting in your decision.
The central picture figure is a cute girl. The girl, obviously, school age, comfortably settled in a deep chair. She pressed his feet with himself and faded in a book. Mila even forgot that her legs were shods in slippers, and in the shoes got into the chair. It can be assumed that the heroine finally took a book that he had long dreamed of reading. Pose Heroine Picture suggests that the girl compets characters, she is passionate about reading. Obviously, the story is already coming to completion, and therefore the face of the heroine expresses such a concentration and immersion in the event of the plot. I will test the heroine. Mila has thin features. Her blond hair neat strands falls on the shoulders. For some reason, it seems that the face of this girl rarely expresses such concentration.
Over the head of the girl you can see a small white lamp.
Probably the evening came, and the girl rests with a book on his knees.
The composition of Khabarova's painting composition is very interesting. Rectangular canvas, the central part of which occupies a round chair. It was the chair with a girl sitting in it, is the center of the composition of the painting. It is distinctly highlighted by the artist - cozy, large, deep, in which you can get a job with your favorite book and have a pleasant evening, competing heroes. The blue tone of the courtyard of the chair also testifies to the desire of the artist to portray the peace of mind. The framing of the chair is bright beige wallpapers on the walls and heat-brown, slightly reddish floor, presumably wooden or parquet. Paul sparkles in the rays of electric light, shaking the matte blue chairs. Almost amber color Thin legs of the chair emphasize the "sunshine", the dentusion of the mood of the picture. Khabarov managed to portray a relaxed passion for the girl, vacationing with a book in his hands.
An interesting detail in the picture is white curly skates lying next to the chair, in the lower right corner of the picture. This item is curious and from the point of view of the plot of the paintings, and composite. Skates as if reflected by their white color shown in the upper left corner of the wall lamp. Two white stains emphasize the heat-amber color solution and a dark saturated blue chairs. From the skates to the lamp you can spend a diagonal trait.
As for the plot of the picture, in it, skates also play not a latter role. If you give the will of fantasy, you can imagine how a girl of Mila after school rushes on a skate rink in his hands. And consequently, on the street Winter, Frost, ice frozen and turned into a sparkling crystal mirror. Mila with friends riding on the ice. Probably, she rides well, and skates are frequent satellites. After all, otherwise they would lay in the closet and covered with dust. But no wonder the artist portrayed curly skates next to the chair in which the girl settled. In addition, Mila sits in a chair in sports pants. So, Mila after school visited the rink with friends, after which he returned home. Perhaps the blizzard rose, the winds are raging, the snow flakes fall onto the ground with a snow-white bedspread. And the girl, removing the upper clothes and carelessly throwing skates, took the book and comfortably settled in the chair.
I liked the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila." A girl sitting in a chair with a book in his hands seems like a fond of nature. She likes sports, but also books too. No wonder on her face such enthusiasm. Mila completely plunged into the lines of the book. It becomes interesting what she reads. And it seems that the pages of the book describe adventures, traveling to distant countries.

The story of the artist about the girl is a nile What image in the picture is central? How is the girl in the chair? Why? What can tell the viewer Sportswear Mila? Why is a girl sitting in a chair with his legs without removing his home shoes? What are the skates, abandoned by a girl under the chair?

What can tell about the mile her face? What does a Mila look like? Hair: blond, reddish, sandy color, smooth, long, briefly marked, smooth, combless, curly, disheveled, painted, laid in the hairstyle, luxurious, thick, braided, thin, assembled in the node ....

Let's talk about color. Artists very carefully pick up paints for their paintings. Often the combinations of color in the picture helps us, viewers, understand the attitude of the author's painting to what he portrayed. What colors chose an artist? What color is more? What kind of natural image is this color?

A little about the form of a sweet sits in a round-shaped chair on long ray-like legs. Why is this shape of the chair chosen by the artist? It can be argued that Mila, along with the book and his cloud-chair, was carried away away from ... .. What kind of semantic load carries the lamp at the head of Mila?

Let me read the resulting story about a mile using the recorded, let's voice the result. The story plan Where was Mila before arrival home? Why was she rushing? What did the girl do, as soon as he returned? Is it possible to distract cute from reading? What do you see her eyes? Why?

Essay 1.

Many artists painted portraits. Someone chose as a model of famous people of their time, while others simply asked to pose a random passersby, but the value of any portrait for the descendants is very large. Through portraits we see our past, distant and close, which is approaching - and becomes native and understandable.

Pretty interesting it seems the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila". The picture shows a plain girl who enthusiastically reads the book. The process completely absorbed all the attention of Mila, so she climbed into a chair with his feet. Next to the chair casually lie skates, which indicates that the girl has recently returned from the walk. She just managed to part with skates - and immediately sat down for his beloved book. From above above the chair hangs a small lamp, which illuminates the light rays of the book.

The artist drew a girl with lighter paints, but the surrounding items tried to highlight the dark. This technique helps to fully pass the point of cute, its defenselessness.

I really liked the picture with my originality, but here is a girl with a book in hands - this is already exotic. Today we are more often reading books on the monitor, so the usual book is a little impressive.

Essay 2.

The reading girl is drawn on the picture of V.Habarov "Portrait of Mila". Mila sits in a chair, picking up his legs, and looks at the book with interest. Varnishes in her face. It is concentrated, thoughtful. Nose at readers of a beautiful form. Lips are slightly open. Blonde hair scattered on shoulders. Mila sits in a round blue chair, near which skates lie. She probably came from the rink. Dressed girl in a white t-shirt with yellow and blue stripes on the sleeves. Blue pants. Having considered the portrait of Mila, I felt warmth and comfortably at home. Undoubtedly, it is interesting to friends, because she has been reading a girl. I even wanted to make a poem about it:

Mila daily managed everything
After all, it is smart:
Made friends with a cat sima,
I sat at the window.
Called to all girlfriends
Invited to dance
Play, have fun
And at all not to get tired.
House to take, cook dinner,
Pop with mom wait.
Do not forget our Mila
Book take and read.

Essay 3.

I went to visit my girlfriend with one Sunday Winter Day. Opening the door to her room, I saw that Mila sits in an unusual pose. I even unwittingly froze, looking at the girlfriend. She was sitting in a large, completely round, dark blue chair on four wooden legs.

Next to the chair lay curly skates of Mila. On the wall on the left of the chair, the included sconce was turned on, and his soft light reflected in the dark-brown portrait of the room in the dark-brown portrait, fell on the light-yellow walls of the room, betraying her warmth and comfort. Mila, high and slender girl, in brown jeans and a white T-shirt, completely placed in a huge chair. She sat, bent his legs in her knees. On her knees lay an open book, and Mila seemed completely immersed in reading. Her blond hair was not as usual collected in the tail, and loosely lay on the shoulders. Mila's face with subtle correct features was slightly rooted on the right, towards the book, and the look of large brown eyes was fixed on the open page. She was so absorbed by reading that he did not even notice my arrival. It seemed an amazing thing that Mila, usually mobile, who could not sit in one place for a long time, now as if he was in a chair and not noticing anything around. I became very curious that I could be interested in a girlfriend in this book that she does not even notice anything around. I greeted her: - Hello, Mila! - BUT? What? - She looked like a person who was awakened among the nights. I never saw that my girlfriend was so deeply leaving.

Mila looked at me, smiled, postponed the book and said: - Hello! Sorry, I thought a little. Good thing you came. - I wonder what you thought about what you do not notice anything around, if not a secret, of course. - Of course, it's not a secret. I read the poem by A.S. Pushkin "Flower". The poem reflected the author's meditation about the meaning of human life, about happiness and love, as well as about the frequency of time. The flower found by the poet between the pages of the book presents me with human life. I think that a person who is talking about this poem has lived life not in vain. And Mila read me the lines of the poem of A.S. Pushkin "Flower". I agreed with my girlfriend, that this is really a good poem, and said that there are many beautiful poems. We spent the rest of the day for reading a collection of poems A.S. Pushkin. This lesson was very exciting. Alexander Pushkin flower flower dried, tough, forgotten in the book I see; And now the sink of a strange soul was filled with: where was the bloody? when? What spring? And a long time bloom? And begging by whom, someone else familiar with his hand?

And it's why? For the memory of the gentle date, or separation of fathers, Ile is a lonely walking in the silence of fields, in the shade of the forest? And is he alone, and that alive? And now where are their corner? Or have they already faded like this unknown flower?

Portraits are a special genre. Often through them you can very clearly see the past - far or close. They transmit one moment of a person's life, and with him and a whole era. This can be said about all the works of Valery Josefovich Khabarova, who painted not one dozen portraits. Most of the heroes of its works are not politicians or artists, but ordinary people.

The confirmation of this is the picture of Khabarov on it is usually written in grade 7. The task for 12-year-old adolescents is quite interesting, since they have to describe their peer, only from the distant 1970s.

It is beautiful even in ordinary things - a picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" teaches this. The essay will help in a different look at the world. Also the canvas encourages to develop observation and focus on the details that complement the composition.

Picture "Portrait of Mila" (Khabarov): an essay (plan)

  1. The biography of the artist.
  2. The main heroine paintings.
  3. Composition.
  4. Color solution.
  5. Your impressions of the canvas.

Using this plan and information filed below, write an essay in the picture V. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" will not be very difficult.

The life and creativity of the artist

Valery Iosifovich was born in the suburb of Michurinsk (Tambov region) in 1944. Father lost early, mother and grandparents were engaged in upbringing. The boy's art abilities noticed at a young age and therefore gave to engage in a circle with the house of pioneers. After school, Khabarov entered the Ryazan Art School. He graduated from him in 1963. Next was the graphic department of the Moscow Art Institute named after V.I. Surikova and creative workshop E.A. Cybrika. In 1982, Valery Josefovich was counted to the Union of Artists of the USSR and honored the medals of the Academy of Arts. These biographical data can be included in the writing in the picture V. Khabarova "Portrait of Mila."

Although for the years of training, Valery Iosifovich tried himself in many genres, but he chose a portrait artist's path.

And, of course, he succeeded on this field. All-Union fame brought him portraits Karpov, Guryanov, Shatov.

But what kind of work is considered the most significant? This is a "portrait of Mila", written in 1970.

main character

The writing on the picture "Portrait of Mila" is usually starting with the description of the girl. It is depicted in the center of the canvas, and in appearance she is twelve. A model for Khabarova served Mila Holdowevich, so the heroine cannon can be called by name. Although the artist accent did not at all on the identity; Most likely, he wanted to portray the moment from the life of an ordinary girl from the 1970s. She hardly differed something special among his peers. On the other hand, the ordinary girl also won't call, judging by her hobbies.

So, Mila sits in a soft chair and reads a book. Her face is oval. Light hair with smooth strands fall on the shoulders. The correct features of the face and the high forehead make her appearance noble, emphasize the intellect and rich inner world of the girl. The view of it is directed down, pupils run away from the lines to the line. Lips are slightly open. It can be seen that it is completely absorbed by the reading process.

Apparently, the book is quite interesting. In addition, the story or the story is already coming to an end, since only a few pages remained a mile, and the young reader can not wait for the plot of the plot. The girl is so fascinated that the world around now stopped existing for her.

But Mila is clearly not from those "nerds" who do not have other hobbies except books. Skates lying near the chair, most likely, just slid on the ice. With the same passion with which she reads now, Mila made Salto and Pirouettes on the rink. But the book does not tolerate deposits. Therefore, tapering home and hasting a lace, it sit down in a favorite comfortable chair.

Each schoolboy, writing a "Portrait of Mila", in its own way interprets lying on the floor skates. Someone thinks that with the help of them the artist wanted to show that Mila was so captured the story of books that she didn't even remember the rink. So the author gives the will for fantasy.

Picture "Portrait of Mila" (Khabarov): an essay (composition)

She is laconic enough. On the one hand, everything is simple here: a girl on an armchair with a book in his hands. Indeed, placing it in the center of the canvas, the artist wanted to focus all the attention on it. The action takes place in the evening, because the lamp is turned on. In the yard of winter, otherwise the skates would be kept in the closet. Mila is in his comfort zone: this is evidenced by her posture, and a comfortable soft chair of a rounded form. Additional attributes - skates - talk about her life and hobbies outside of this room.

Color spectrum

If you write an essay in the picture "Portrait of Mila", then it is necessary to analyze the interesting combination of shades. Khabarov competently built the entire composition on the contrast of blue and beige. White skates downstairs and lamp on top. Underline the dark shades of the picture. Amber-yellow legs of the chair are remarkably contrast with deep blue upholstery and make the setting in the room cozy. The very same mila in the frame of the dark tones turned out to be bright, and this is more touching and fragile.

Excursion in childhood 1970s

If you write an essay in the picture "Portrait of Mila", then it is necessary to convey your impression from her. Yes, it was wonderful times when schoolchildren stood in queues in the library; When the book had to be passed on time, and read it, contrary to the ban of parents, under a blanket with a flashlight; When skates for figure skating were considered the best gift. Now fashionable brands of clothing are important for the peers of the Girls of Mila, all sorts of gadgets have long supplanted books, and computer games prefer sports. And it becomes slightly sad.

But modern schoolchildren writing an essay on the picture of Khabarov "Portrait of Mila", unlikely to be scented with nostalgia by years, in which they did not live. But, on the other hand, the message of the artist is obvious here: he wanted not just to draw a cute girl, but to tell about the values \u200b\u200bof his era. This is characteristic of all his work.

Well, write an essay by the picture of Khabarova "Portrait of Mila" for everyone. It is only necessary to try to peel into its essence, and not only to grasp what lies on the surface.