Picture description P. A

Picture description P. A
Picture description P. A

The genre scene from the life of a poor official, which occupies a small position reflects a very small painting picture Fedotov "Fresh Cavalier", which was written can be said in caricature style in 1847.

And so, this official was awarded the first to the first award for him - the Order - and now he is already treated in his dreams on the service stairs to the very top, representing himself, then the Governor, then the governor ...

Probably in dreams, a newly connected Kowaler, at night, having grown in Pastels at night, could not fall asleep, all the time remembering his "triumph" at the time of delivery of this expensive award, becoming an envy of His surroundings of the Order of the Order. I barely cut the morning, the official has already jumped out of bed by throwing a huge silk bathrobe and taping the Order at him. He proudly and arrogantly accepted the pose of the Roman senator and inspects himself in the mirror-frozen mugs.

Fedotov depicts his hero somewhat caricature and therefore, looking at the picture, we cannot resist the light smile. A small official, having received the award, already marked that now he will have another life, and not the same, which has been so far in this is not famous in this room.

The comicness of the image arises due to a sharp contrast between dreams and reality. Employed to the hole coat is worth a barefoot and in papillotes on the head, but with the Order. He brags them before the maid, who brought him surveillance, but old boots. He is already time to get into service, but he really wants to extend the pleasure of contemplating himself and fruitless fantasies. The servant looks at him condescendingly and mockingly, not even trying to hide it.

A terrible mess reigns in the room, all things are scattered. On the table covered with a bright tablecloth with a bright red pattern, you can see the sliced \u200b\u200bsausage, Lying not on a plate, but on the newspaper. Nearby paper squeezes and tongs for hair curling, which indicates that the hero tries to look in the fashion of their time.

Under the table fell bones from the herring, which a man probably ate for dinner. There are shards from broken dishes. Unidir in the evening was thrown on the chairs. At one of them, the worst sliced \u200b\u200bred cat is perhaps to finish the rubbing upholstery.

On the picture "Fresh Cavalier", you can judge the life of small employees in the first half of the XIX century. She is full of irony. This is the first finished cloth of an artist written by oil. According to Fedotov, he portrayed a poor official in his picture, who receives small content and constantly experiencing "scarce and deprivation". This is clearly visible in the picture: Difficult furniture, boardwalk, a worn bathrobe and rubbed boots. He shoots a cheap room, and the maid, most likely, master.

The artist with explicit sympathy depicts the maid. She is not afraid, quite young and tidy. She has a pleasant rounded milk person. And all this emphasizes the contrast between the characters of the picture.

Official ambitious and swing. He accepted the position of noble Roman, forgetting that she was a bathrobe, and not Toga. Even his gesture that he points to his order is copied from some magazine. His left hand rests in the side, also showing his imaginary "superiority."

Imitating Greek-Roman heroes, an official stands, leaning on one leg, and the head proudly lean back. It seems that even his tag sticking on the head resemble a victorious laurel wreath of a commander. He really feels magnificently, despite all the wretchedness of its environment.

Today, this miniature picture Pavel Fedotov "Fresh Cavalier" is located in the exposition of the State Tretyakov Gallery. Its size is 48.2 by 42.5 cm. Oil, canvas

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov (1815-1852) Fresh cavalier (or "Morning official who received the first cross", or the "consequences of a pirushki"). 1846 canvas oil. 48.2 × 42.5 cm Tretyakovskaya Gallery, Moscow

On the painting "Fresh Cavalier" - The wedgent nobleman who received a third-sensitive order. But what is the abyss of importance! In the morning, with curly newspaper hair, I really can't succeed after the break, he puts on the Order on the felling robe and, pushing in front of the maid, inflates like turkey! The servant is not inclined to admire them. She mocking the boots abandoned by him behind the door, and under the table - the owner yesterday awakens with flicks.

The film "Fresh Cavalier" Fedotov sent to the court to his idol Carrylov Pavlovich. A few days later was invited to him.

The sick, pale, the gloomy trousers sitting in the Voltair chair.

- What is not visible for a long time? - was his first question.

- I did not bother to disturb ...

- On the contrary, your picture gave me great pleasure, and, it became, and relief. And I congratulate you, you overtook me! Why did you ever show anything?

- I still studied little, I still did not copy anyone ...

- That's what they did not copy, and your happiness! You opened a new direction in painting - social satir; Russian art before you did not know.

Appeal to completely new topics, critical attitude to reality, a new creative method, - Fedotov raised genre painting to the level of social significance! The Council of the Academy of Arts unanimously recognized Fedotov Academician.

Nina Pavlovna Boyko. The stories of famous Towelnapoten: essays about Russian painting. Perm, 2012.


Morning after painting on the occasion of the obtained Order. The new cavalier did not suffer: the light knocked his update on the bathrobe and proudly reminds its significance of the cook, but she mockingly shows him the only ones, but also stopped and the well-shredded boots that she carried to clean.

Pavel Andreevich Fedotov (1815-1852) Fresh Cavalier, 1846 fragment

On the floor, smokers and fragments of yesterday's feast are lying around, and under the back plan table, the awakening is visible, probably remaining on the battlefield, also a cavalier, but from those who stick to the passports to visitors. Waist The cook does not give the right to host the guests of the best tone.

Fresh cavalier (morning of the official who received the first cross) is the first painting by oil, which he wrote in his life, the first finished picture.
Many, including the artistic critic of Stasov, saw a despot, bloodsucker and Mtzompot in the depicted official. But the hero Fedotov is a small tsha. The artist himself, who called him the "poor official", and even the "worker" "with a small content," and the "constantly scarcity and deprivation" experiencing "worker" was persistently. It is too frankly applied from the picture itself - from a diverse furniture, mostly "white wood", made of agraulic floors, a drain robe and mercilessly rubbed boots. It is clear that the room has only one - both the bedroom, and the office, and the dining room; It is clear that the cook is not his own, and the master. But he is not from the latter - here and the orders grabbed, and broke into a feast, but he is still poor and pity. This is a small person whose whole ambition is enough only to put on in front of the kitchen.
The cook Fedotov gave the famous share of his sympathy. Nearby, a neat woman, a nicely rounded milk person, which is the opposite of the Overlistan owner and his behavior, looks at him from the standpoint of a third-party and challenged observer. The kitchen is not afraid of the owner, looks at him with a mockery and stretches his torn boot.
"Where a bad connection was started, there is a great holiday dirt" - wrote about this picture of Fedotov, hinting, apparently, the pregnancy of the kitchen, the waist of which is suspiciously rounded.
The owner strongly lost something, which makes it possible to take any pleasure anything. He was flooded with Chvania and anger, she was silent. Ambitiosity of Hama, who wants to put the cook in place and rushing out of it, disappearing, the right, very naughtless features of his face.
A miserable official stands in a pose of an ancient hero, a gesture of the speaker, bringing his right hand to the chest (to the place where the ill-fated order is hanging), and the left, drooling in the side, deftly picking up the folds of the spacious robe, as if it was not a bathrobe, and Toga. Something classical, Greco-Roman is there in his very pose with a body support for one leg, in the position of the head, slowly turned to our profile and proudly folded back, in his naked feet, hanging out from under the robe, and even shreds of papillotock stick out of His hair like a laurel wreath.
It should be thought that it was such a winner, majestic and proud to the arrogance of an official felt. But the ancient hero, which ascended among the broken chairs, empty bottles and shards, could only be ridiculous, and it was humiliating - all the poverty of his ambitions got out.
The mess, reigning in the room, is fantastic - the most disadvantaged rampage could not produce it: everything is scattered, tromed, turned over. It is not enough that the smoking tube is broken - both the guitar is torn off strings, and the stool is frozen, and the herring tails are lying on the floor near the bottles, with the shards from the crushed plate, with a revealed book (the name of the author, Faddeya Bulgarin, diligently written on the first page, - Another reproach to the owner).

In our new rounding, we will tell and show the most significant picturesque web for the events of our history and do not try to decipher the colorful details, well-understandable artist contemporaries, but also to show that the paintings often live for a very long time and reflect the problems well acquaintances in our day. Let's start with the eternal theme - Russian officials. It is not perfect and often comes across various abuses. 170 years ago, at the time of Emperor Nicholas I.The disadvantages of officials were largely the same as the supervisory artist Pavel Fedotov showed in their unstarying picture.

Ironic realist

He lived at all long ago, but managed to become the famous Pavel Andreevich Fedotov (1815-1852) for the first time in the Russian household genre tried to give a critical analysis of everyday life. The painter's father was a military man, and Fedotov himself passed military service in St. Petersburg, where the evening classes of the Academy of Arts visited. In 1846, he created his first significant picture - "Fresh Cavalier". In 1848, no less famous "Major Watch" was written. For the webs of the first years, the irony and the sharpness of the plots are characterized, and in the future Fedotov masted and the art of the psychological drama, an example of that later paintings "Widow" (1851) and "players" (1852). Images of the artist fell to the point - at the end of the 1840s there were a lot of painters who have imitated Fedotov.

Pavel Fedotov, "Major Watch" (1848)

Oco censorship

Picture Fedotova, written in 1846, wearing several names at once: "Fresh cavalier," or "Morning of the official who received the first cross", or the "consequences of a pirushka". Now it is kept in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

The first sketches of the future masterpiece appeared in the early 1840s. On the advice of the Basinista, Ivan Andreevich Krylova Fedotov decided to develop the plot and recycle outline in a full-fledged canvas. After the picture was ready, the artist presented it at the Academy of Arts, where it was highly appreciated. In 1847, "Fresh Cavalier" was presented to the court to the public and called the real Furior, bringing fame to his creator. But the censor immediately paid attention to the picture: the lithograph of lithographs from it was forbidden due to ... an irrevocable image of the Order.

Gloomy Morning

All three picture titles tell about her plot. We see the usual average official in the morning after receiving the first orders and celebrate such an important event. He himself who had the censorship of the Order of St. Stanislav 3rd degree was younger in the hierarchy of state awards and was often used to distinguish officials.

Such a small reward contrasts on the canvas with the appearance of a new cavaller: a proud and quilting facial expression, the Pose of the Roman senator, wrapped as if in Togu, and not a bolded robe, and the Order, attached not to the uniform, and the same bathrobe - all this should Call the viewer with a sense of contradiction and inconsistencies of the event and his perception by the main character.

But the irony of the maid depicted on the left completely coincides with our audience. A simple maid, in front of which the cavalier puts his bathrobe, looks at him with an undisguised mockery and, demonstratively holding the old elast hostep boots. The comicness of the Officer's image, which brought himself an important bird after receiving a small award, is emphasized by papillotes in his head (maybe, with a hangover of a hero, they turn into a laurel crown?) And his bare feet.

Pavel Fedotov, "Fresh Cavalier" (1846)

The situation around also shows the contrast between the cavalier attitude towards himself and harsh reality. In the room of the order, diverse furniture, the terrible mess reigns everywhere, things are scattered. On the table we can see the remaining sausage, which is not on a plate, but on the newspaper, and not easy, and at the Vedomosti St. Petersburg City Police. The table skeletons of the seryl and shards of broken dishes are lying. A guitar with torn strings leaned against the chair. Skinny, noble cat torments the upholstery of the chair.

All this together is taken - the spectacle is miserable, but it does not prevent the newly minted cavalier to cherish his ambitions. He dreams of being not worse and keeping up with the metropolitan fashion - we are talking about it lying on the table for curling hair, the mirror and razor accessories. Fashionable and book - a moral romance close to the power of Faddeya Bulgarin "Ivan Lyzhikin". But the book is lying under the chair - it seems, our hero could not master it.

Pattern Pavel Fedotov is incredibly saturated with speaking details (which is generally distinguished by the household genre in painting). "Fresh Cavalier" allows you to judge the life of St. Petersburg officials of the 1840s, capable of getting an order, but really living poorly and spiritually living. Today, by the way, the Order is much more difficult to get than in 1846, but the morals, self-conceit and manners of the bureaucrats have not changed very much. Those even interesting to us the deceased 165 years ago the artist Fedotov.

Pavel Fedotov, "All cholera is to blame!" (1848)

Some paintings like me that sincerely with humor shows life from the side. So artists take on the duty to teach young inexperienced generations to all the intricacies of psychology. One of these canvases belongs to P.A. Fedotova. What brightly illustrates the image of the main character and his environment? What attracts me in the work of the famous painter?

The light falls on a young man who received the on the day before the order, having fun, and so that his room is now reminded by the wretched shawa of a drunkard. Guitar with torn strings, empty bottles lying on the floor, all these attributes have passed a fun holiday, indicate the correctness of my assumptions. The servant who came, laughs at him, speaks for mess and shows him holes in his boots. The main character does not pay attention to her words. Having received the Order He was caught. In childish, putting the lower lip, he shows his robe with his finger, where his reward hangs on his chest. That he said everything. And it does not intend to go down to paying its precious attention to such a low person. Neither the decree is it to him.

The appearance of the official says that this person is interested only as he looks like. No matter how drunk it was yesterday, but I did not forget to "decorate" my head with papillotes. The presence on the table of the mirror, forceps for curling, combs and other hygiene products also tests about this character. Immediately on the newspaper a sliced \u200b\u200bsausage and a decanter with something alcohol.

The entire room is littered, like confetti by fragments of a bat plate, parts of a broken chair. It is not clear how a cat and a cage with a bird appeared in this bustle. But they also completed the interior of the close room. Another figure explains the scope of the holiday and the personality of the chief character of the painting - the colleague of our official who fell asleep under the desktop. The artist's satire is always relevant. And even look at the picture fun, but it is only worth thinking about that such a hero lives at all times, and it can be found in any millennium, it immediately becomes sad.