Olga Ushakova TV presenter Biography Personal life husband. Olga Ushakov: "Favorite was my mentor

Olga Ushakova TV presenter Biography Personal life husband. Olga Ushakov:
Olga Ushakova TV presenter Biography Personal life husband. Olga Ushakov: "Favorite was my mentor

Olga Ushakova - TV presenter of the "Channel One", the union of the program "Good morning", the owner of the prestigious TV show "Tafi 2015".

From this article, you will learn the main events of Olga Ushakova, and also learn interesting facts from TV presenter.

So, in front of you a brief biography of Olga Ushakova.

TV presenter Olga Ushakova

Biography Olga Ushakova

Olga Ushakova was born on April 7, 1982 in the Crimea. Since her father was a military personnel, the family had to change the place of residence.

According to the TV host itself, she never experienced discomfort or stress due to numerous moves. On the contrary, she liked to get acquainted with new people and establish relationships with them.

Childhood and youth

As a child, Olga Ushakova had a lot of cases when she had to stand for herself using fists.

Sometimes the teacher raised her parents to school so that they had explanatory work with her daughter. Nevertheless, the girl has always managed to use the authority among classmates.

All these difficulties in this period of biography only have ordered Olga and helped her to acquire the qualities necessary for the future profession.

Interestingly, as a child, Ushakova liked to take any thing that resembles a microphone, and comment on different events.

Already then she dreamed of becoming a famous speaker on television. She also loved to read and recognize any interesting information.

At the 16th age, Ushakov graduated with honors from high school. After that, she continued his studies at Kharkov University. Having received a diploma, she began to develop his own business with a guy.

At 23, Olga was already the head of the branch of one trading company engaged in the promotion of large brands.

Soon in the biography of Ushakova there was a sign event: she went with the beloved in.

It was there that Ushakova remembered his children's dream of television, but she felt uncertainty in their own power. To believe her young man helped her.

TV presenter Olga Ushakova

In 2004, the biography of Olga Ushakova change dramatically, as she successfully passed the casting on the "First Channel", after which she was hired intern.

The girl who did not have journalistic education had to work a lot to get a speaker's place. For a long time she produced the right diction and got rid of the accent.

Olga eventually entrusted the news transfer "News". Every day she had to memorize many important information and behave directly.

In 2014, Ushakov became the TV presenter of the Morning Transmission "Good morning." She helped people tune in for the working day, and also charged them with their positive mood. Olga coped so superbly with his work that in 2015 the program she was led was awarded the "Teffi" award.

In his interview, TV presenter Olga Ushakov repeatedly admitted that before the depths of the soul in love with his profession. Today, she can not even imagine how her biography without television developed.

Personal life

By nature, Olga is a very versatile and cheerful man. In his free time, she likes to care for the garden and. In addition, she loves to go to different museums and theaters.

Ushakova prefers not to talk about his personal life. It is only known that she has two daughters - Daria and Oksana, but there is practically no information about their father.

In any case, TV presenter Ushakov always responds with a spouse that is already worthy of respect.

Olga Ushakov with her husband Adam and daughters

In 2017, the press began to appear about the fact that Olga Ushakova has a new chosen one. According to some sources, a man does not live in and works in the field of restaurant business.

In the summer of the same year, it became definitively known that young people officially legalized their relationships.

Olga Ushakov today

To date, Olga Ushakov is one of the most popular and popular TV presenters, as evidenced by her whole biography.

In 2017, she was trusted for the fifth time to lead the "straight line" with. According to the girl, she has long been accustomed to working live, as a result of which it is ready for various kinds of changes and force majeure situations.

Periodically, Olga, together with his family, travels to the resorts. Having been in a particular country, she posts their photos on the Internet, thanks to which her fans can follow the personal life of the TV host.

It is safe to say that we will again see Olga Ushakov in rating TV projects.

Photo Olga Ushakova

Below you can watch the best photos of Olga Ushakova. According to many of her fans, she has a very unusual female beauty. Is it really - you can check, looking at the proposed photos of Ushakova.

Olga Ushakova (in Instagram - @ushakovao) - Russian TV presenter on the first channel. Born in Crimea on April 7, 1982. Dad was a military man, so the family did not stay anywhere for a long time, but she didn't even like it: she quickly learned to decorate in an unfamiliar city and conquer authority, even if it was necessary to defend their interests by force. After school, she entered the university in Kharkov, after which it was engaged in business with his young man. But since childhood she dreamed of going to television and become leading.

In 2004, Olga Ushakov came to the samples and passed, but without journalistic education could not immediately be allowed to ether. At first, she was in danger in different departments, learned to write the plots, worked out the diction, and after all this she began to news, where she worked for 9 years. In 2014, she fell on the first channel, to the program "Good morning", and a year after her arrival, the transfer first received the Thafi Prize.

For the first time, Olga Ushakov married at a young age, but some sources argue that it was a civil marriage. From the first husband, she gave birth to two children: a senior daughter Dasha and younger Ksenia. The eldest daughter is sick of autism, but Olga, as soon as he learned about it, began to do everything so that this disease does not progress. As a result, now she goes to a regular school and even more: she has a photographic memory, it is fond of different themes, constantly reads books and encyclopedia about stars or dinosaurs (depending on what is enjoyed at the moment), also teaches languages \u200b\u200bin dictionaries And dreams of becoming a translator.

The youngest daughter Ushakova discovered other talents - she loves to draw and create images with the help of clothes and accessories, so it is quite logical that her dream is to become a designer. The host herself in July 2017 married again. On the second husband, Olga Ushakov does not like to tell, so it's almost nothing unknown about it. The wedding of the TV presenter was very romantic: in Instagram Olga Ushakov, there are some photos from the bacheliness and the ceremony itself - the newlyweds held it on the seashore.


As in the program and on the official website, Instagram Olga Ushakova promotes the positive always in everything. She often lays out photos from work, and on them it looks perfect, despite the fact that every day she has to get up at 02.30 am to arrive in place by 5 in the morning.

Also in Instagram Olga Ushakova often appear the photos on which it is engaged in yoga. It helps her to keep himself in shape. In general, judging by the posts in Instagram, she is engaged in sports at home. One post in Instagram was completely devoted to the fact that it is not necessary to look for justification, if it is not possible to go to the gym: you just need to take a rope and go to do.

How did you meet my husband?

We met about four years ago in London. I stood with a friend in a queue in the wardrobe of the popular restaurant, and Adam did not notice the line with the other and came on the other side. Frequently hungry and irritated by the non-historicalness of the wardrobe, I called "the height". They are hot and long apologized. And then, according to her husband, he watched me from the side all evening and, when we were put up home, I realized that I could not give me to leave ... And now we are already a husband and wife, although it was initially difficult to imagine that We basically may have at least some relationship. We are both too complex people, besides, all the circumstances were against us, the most important of which is the distance.

How did Adam make you a sentence?

For several years, we rushed between the two cities, arranged a date on the neutral territory. And on one of them, in Vienna, Adam made me an offer. In principle, we have long discussed the further development of our relations and came to the opinion that it is enough to fly in heaven and in the literal, and in a figurative sense, it's time to create a family, a hearth, a nest - in general, something earthly and tangible, and I It was not particularly thinking on the topic of engagement. At first, Adam had to ask for my hand in children, then - at my dad. And it was all so touching and important to me, which would seem more and no need. But the beloved chose a moment when I had the least expected suggestions, and got on one knee in the royal scenery - in the park of the Belvedere castle.

How many guests were?

We decided to invite only the closest relatives: parents, brothers and sisters with families - only 18 people. Although the initial plan assumed a big wedding. So wanted the bride, and I didn't seem to be against. I love big holidays and with pleasure they arrange them. But this time I wanted another. Starting the organization, I realized that this wedding would not be about us. I wanted something soulful, chamber to slowly enjoy every moment.

Why did you decide to make a wedding in Cyprus, and at the hottest time?

In one of our first travel, we went to Cyprus and stopped at a very beautiful place - in the private complex of villas with a beautiful garden. In the evenings we sat in a gazebo overlooking the sea. And somehow everything was so perfect, exquisitely and romantic, that I involuntarily slipped the thought: it would be great to play a wedding here.

As for the date, everything is much less romantic here - we lined the wedding in our work schedules and combined with a short summer holiday. But already in the framework of the resulting gap chose a beautiful date 07/17/17. Adam has the birthday of the 17th, and I have the 7th. Thought it would be symbolic. But really, at this time on the island is hot, so we appointed the ceremony for the evening, literally one and a half hours before sunset. It's funny that at first we chose 16:00. Then, a few days before the wedding, I came to the place and went to the beach every day at a certain time: first at four o'clock, then five, in a half-time - and finally, I found out that at six o'clock in the evening it would be perfect.

What were the decor, floristry, music, food, entertainment?

When you celebrate the wedding on the beach, the most obvious seems to use the marine theme. But this, I just did not want categorically - no marine stars, ropes and anchors. The only sequel to the sea was seashells, in which the calligrapher brought the names of guests to seating. To describe the style, in a conversation with the decorator ultimately brought such a definition: a wealthy fishing village. This concept was perfectly fit real boats, which now served the garden decoration. Children, we dressed in blue linen overalls and loose white shirts, and threw the image of straw caps. For the rest of the guests, the dress code was limited to a certain color scheme - there was a ban on bright shades. I wanted the most bright colors became a natural blue smooth of the sea, olive trees and a pale pink sunset. And in general, we tried to use natural scenery at the maximum. So we abandoned the classic altar.

I initially knew that I did not want a floral arch - I always madly sorry for flowers that remain to die immediately after the march of Mendelssohn subsides. We chose two trees that form a natural arch, and a little decorated them with a white bougheniviere - she just blooms at this time. The remaining flowers ordered from Israel - all within our pastel-powder gamma. Although I must say that local florists know their business and all the compositions pleased us a few more days after the wedding. By the way, the team we got international. Who will be my photographer, I knew even before I got married. Alina and I got acquainted with the shooting for Wedding - I was filmed as a bride's girlfriend. The photographer, in turn, recommended a video device. The organizer I found in Moscow, too, on the recommendation. It was important to me that we were on the same wave and not far from each other. In Cyprus, its criteria for a good wedding: the main thing is to invite as many guests as possible and feel good everyone. They do not pay special attention to the details. Therefore, even Cypriot contractors are our former compatriots. Only musicians were indigenous Cypriots. We invited the duet of violinists for the solemn part and jazz band for dinner.

Little not the most important question: how did you choose a dress?

Another emphasis in a common stylist brought a dress. I chose him shortly before the appointed wedding day completely accidentally. It was buried in the pile of other lush dresses. I saw only a piece of lace and immediately understood - this is what I was looking for. Present magnificent wedding dress with corset and loop. But at the same time it did not look at the pathetic. The lace in the Cyprus style perfectly fits into the concept of the wedding and even gave her a new on the wreeling. We added lace to the decor and ordered for guests for guests registered napkins from the famous Lefkaria Lace. This is an ancient local fishery, which is even under UNESCO's defense. Guests also prepared lace umbrellas from the Sun and Wooden Waiter with our initials.

We left no more than one and a half hours to create an image, and I was ready even before the groom. True, the force majeor happened right before the exit: one of the bride's girlfriends clinched the heel for my dress. From the sound of a cracked fabric I had a heart frozen. The hole in the upper layer of Lace turned out to be huge. But I decided for myself that it was fortunate. We rushed to sleep right on me, and, in fact, no one noticed anything. Someone from the organizers later made a compliment of my excerpt, they say, some would postpone the wedding after that.

What was the most important thing at this wedding?

Atmosphere! She was perfect, exactly the way we wanted. Everything was in moderation solemnly, but nevertheless very family. Absolutely everyone felt comfortable.

What was the most touching and emotional moment?

Our first with a future husband meeting eyes. He stood at the "Altar", and I went to him through the garden at hand with my father. At this point, the violinist ruptured the heart of our favorite melody of the ColdPlay group. It was a fabulous moment.

What is remembered most?

Honestly, it is difficult to allocate something one. It was like one melody, well played from beginning to end. At first-very touching solemn part, oaths, rings, congratulations close. Then a short romantic photo session at sunset. At this time, the guests were treated with drinks, fruit and light snack in the lemonade bar, which we organized on real very heavy barrels. I remember how many work was worth it to drag them there. Then we all got at the table, speeches and toasts began. With a sense of humor, both families are all right, so we laughed to tears. Because we have an international family, then the wedding turned out to be an edible mix of European and Russian traditions. Due to the fact that the company was small, any games went with a bang, since everyone was involved, - the battle of the shoes, dance buttles and other entertainment kept mood at an altitude to the very end. Naturally, and without the first dance of newlyweds. It was a subtle moment as we had no opportunity to rehearse. Therefore, on the eve I showed the groom literally several movements. And to disguise our clumsiness, mounted a slideshow, which together with music brought to a large screen during dance. As a result, we were surprisingly good everything turned out, and even it was a little offensive that the photo pulled out part of the attention, while we were very famously sent. The final chord, of course, became a cake and a small firework. But even after that, no one wanted to diverge, and we were still sitting on the beach and chatted.

"When the daughter was coming a year old, our cheerful kid stopped talking, although before that I had already experienced the joy of the cherished word" mother "," recalls Olga. - four years passed before the daughter spoke again. "

I gave birth to Dasha in 24 years. Just three months after its appearance, Ksyusha became pregnant. Two children in a row were not planned, but this is the happiest chance that could happen to me. Thanks to God for the fact that it happened, because after the older daughter had neurological problems manifested themselves, it would not have decided to give birth to a second child, probably for a long time and would never have learned what happiness was to be a mother of two girls.

She planned to return to work in six months (Olga from 2005 to 2014 led news on the first channel. - Note "Antennas"), but during the second pregnancy, a strong toxicosis began, understood: it is pointless now. He agreed with the leadership and from the first decree went to the second. While sat at home, implemented with a friend the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a charitable foundation for children with "unpopular" neurological diagnoses. Worried that such babies do not pay due attention. It's one thing when people collect money to the child's operation and then see how he got up, went, and completely different - to ask for help for those who need long-term rehabilitation, their successes are often unnoticed by strangers. Immersed in the problem with his head, studied diseases, modern methods of treatment, medical centers. Later it turned out that my child has problems ...

When Dasha was one year old, our intelligent cheerful kid stopped talking, that is, there is no sound, although before that I have already experienced the joy from the cherished "mother." There were other words appropriate to age. Aven the year was waiting that it would be about to come back and everything will be fine. But nothing has changed. We have passed a thorough examination, and it was raised by a differential diagnosis, which involves spreading diseases from not the most pleasant, but not terrible to really serious and dangerous.

I managed, of course, read the information on the Internet, and the terrible forecasts did not go from the head. A few weeks could not look at Dasha without tears and anxiety. It was the most terrible period in my life. The daughter's re-examination passed abroad, the doctors reassured, but the answer to the question "What's wrong?" not allowed. Said: "Wait, everything will work out." Thus, we practically missed the most important period in life up to three years, when competent classes could help to help. Intuitively felt that nothing would work by itself, you need to act somewhere. Unfortunately, in our country an early diagnosis of the diseases of the autistic spectrum in children at an extremely low level. How many families lose precious time! We have long reassured that Dasha is just a delay in speech development, recommended classes with a speech therapist and a standard set of any chemistry.

The youngest, Ksyusha, by the year earned all the standards - went, began to speak, and Dasha, all that other children were given by nature, reached hard work. After it was discovered, almost four years have passed before the word "mother" again heard. Even the first spoken sound "A" was the result of a long work with speech therapists. Now in his nine years, this is a completely independent girl with character, plans for life, interests and hobbies. In addition to love and other warm feelings, it causes me more and tremendous respect. Contrary to all the difficulties of Dasha dancing, sings, plays the piano. Thanks to its efforts, like all the children, went to school on time!

Yes, I considered the correction classes, but psychologists in one voice said: "With intelligence, it has a full order, try usually school." Indeed, in two years the daughter already knew the alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors and information absorbed as a sponge. So the first class we prepared. Here, Ksyusha said that he also wants to learn, there will be no one at home. As a result, I chose a small private school for them near the house.

I was not sure to at first, I will take Ksyusha, because she was only six years old and the month, but the daughter was tested and said: "We take!" So the wool with Masherochka went together in the first class. Both quickly adapted, did not perceive their studies as torture. This year I had to change school: there are only initial classes. Translated girls to another educational institution, where we also accepted well.

Problems, of course, happen. Not every teacher is ready to study the technique of working with special children to help the whole child in the class. I do not require teachers jump around Dasha with a tambourine, on the contrary, I prefer it to be on an equal footing with everyone. But it still is much more difficult for her than the rest. I confess, sometimes thinking about what it would be better to move there, where children with the features of development are successfully energized not only schools, but also universities, and then find the work. Always I want to give your child the best, and in our case the best is very far away. Need to turn the whole life from the legs on the head.

My daughters just adore each other, can not divide them, even to leave the older for several days to some examination. Both girls are benevolent, non-conflict. But if at home someone begins to strictly count the nahuli Ksyusha, Dasha immediately takes: "Do not talk so with my sister." Protects it. And always crying for the company.

Hobbies at the daughters are different. Dashi has a photographic memory, she all the time walks with dictionaries under his arm. When I forget some English word or simply do not know him, because I have not seen before, I ask, and she immediately answers as an online translator. Collects the most complex designers without instructions. Ksyusha from small years has excellent taste. Just sitting learned, I have already become my jewelry to wear. Helps mom gather, spins around and comments: "These shoes and ring can be added here." If Dasha dreams of becoming a translator, and another film and a paratrooper, then Ksyusha at the moment it was clearly determined - wants to be a designer.

The father of girls, of course, participates in their upbringing, helps in everything, spends a lot of time with them. I am not a careerist, but a person, more family-oriented. If life will put in front of the choice, sacrifice the career without thinking. This does not mean that I don't rush to your work, I adore her, worked for a long time to achieve what I have, and I do not plan on it. I would like my example to help and children to understand how important it is to have a favorite business. Being a public person, I hope that they will hear me and can at least affect the attitude in our country to special kids and adults. Now Dasha has parents, it is in a comfortable environment, and what will happen next, it is difficult to predict. We live in a rather closed society: school, our favorite cafe, where everyone knows everything, the store next door, where Dasha enters every week for many years. It is terrible to think that it will be when she is blind in the big world. Will the seller or passerby listen to her, whether the employer will appreciate the mental abilities of a girl who cannot establish emotional contact, will there be friends who will not be shying for her ... everyone heard the story of Natasha Vodyanova's younger sister - this is a big world, in Which the child looked out, and his boom on his head, and he, like a turtle, hid back. After several such unsuccessful attempts, a person will simply decide that it is easier and safer not to stick out, and will clicked finally.

Our society for some reason considers such children abnormal, wonderful. And I have a wonderful daughter, cheerful, kind, she never lies. We do not understand how such amazing children see, feel peace. We can only guess. Sometimes it seems that Dasha feels stronger than most of us. We arrive, for example, to the sea, come to the beach. We are all first of all come on to look for chaise lounges, raise towels, fuss. And she will put the barefoot on the sand, closes his eyes and smiles, as if every ray, every breeze blows up the skin. Dasha taught us to keep your word by anything. It is impossible to calmly look at bewilderment in these blue eyes: "But you promised!" She does not understand how you can say one thing, and to do another. It is difficult for her to take our world with double standards and hidden meanings, how can I say "coming to the track" and sit on the sofa?!

I do not complain about fate, I believe that my child is a blessing. Dasha made me better, wiser, tolerant and stronger. Everyone who knows her says: "She is a sunshine." Most parents of the same kids are positive people. And this despite all the difficulties faced. Almost everyone has to be untied with teeth, demand, seek or do it yourself without being able to hire specialists.

What will advise other parents? Do not hide children, do not close at home, unite and together at various levels to defend their rights. In all countries where comfortable conditions for the lives of people with autism are created, the parent lobby continues to play a huge role. For the most part, the problems in children arise not from the ambulation of people, but from the lack of information.

In fairness it should be noted that the attitude is gradually changing. And at the state level, issues rise. But children cannot wait, they grow, and they need help here and now. We, fortunately, can afford tutors, speech therapist and psychologist. But not everyone has the opportunity to pay for it on their own. Well, while global processes go slowly and with the creak, the principle of "help yourself, no one has canceled.

Better than a native mother, no one will understand the child. I know the parents who mastered English so that some new techniques be available to them, not yet coming to Russia. In general, there are rather appropriate here (after all, parents who collided with such a problem can already protect the theses themselves, besides there are no two similar autists, everyone needs an individual approach), and wishes. I want to wish the strength and patience to all parents of special kids, good good people on their way and health to the kids!

The leading program "Good morning" on the first channel Olga Ushakov the other day married his beloved Adam. A beautiful wedding celebration was decided to spend on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea, in Cyprus. According to the organizers, the preparation was carried out on days and nights for a month. Wedding photos of Olga and her team of assistants shared on the social network.

07/17/17. Thanks to all our stunning international team, which made this day unforgettable, "Olga wrote.

Olga almost does not talk about his chosen one, the name and its activities does not disclose, however, it often publishes joint romantic pictures in Instagram. It is known that Adam is a restaurant and does not live in Russia.

Wedding Olga Ushakova and Adam
Olga Ushakov with daughters

This is the first marriage of Olga Ushakova. With a former boyfriend, whose personality she also does not disclose, the TV presenter lived in a civil marriage. From him, Olga had two daughters - Dasha and Ksyusha. A year after birth, Dasha diagnosed neurological problems, after which Olga began to study the existing methods of raising children with the peculiarities of development. Now for the age of 11, and according to Olga, it has uncommon abilities, photographic memory. The girl dreams of becoming a translator, and is already actively exploring foreign languages.

Recalted candles, everything is right - 11! How hard we found us on this day in 2006 and how cool all the next 11 years! I do not cease to thank heaven for this child! - Written Olga on Dasha's birthday.

Olga Ushakov with the daughter of Dasha
Olga Ushakov with daughters