Olga Fedorovna Berggolts. Biographical reference

Olga Fedorovna Berggolts. Biographical reference
Olga Fedorovna Berggolts. Biographical reference

Department of Education Mountains. Moscow

State educational institution

secondary vocational education

College of Automation and Information Technology No. 20


under the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech"

Poetess Olga Berggolts.

Witness of the Great Patriotic War.


student Groups P-21

Borodavkin O.M.



Aleukhina O. V.

Introduction ......................................................................... ... 3

Biography of Olga Berggolts .................................................... ... 3

Poetess during the Great Patriotic War ........................... ... 5

The value of creativity in Russian literature ...................................10

Bibliography ...................................................................... ..1.1.1.

Appendix 1. Olga Bergholts, photos of military years ............ ..12

Appendix 3. Basic works of Olga Berggolts ................14

Appendix 4. A complex plan ................................................ ... 16


Olga Berghol was a bold woman who survived the blockade of Leningrad,

death of daughters. He was the famous poetess "Muse of the Blockade City", which wrote a lot of works that were allocated in the heart of people and helped live.

"No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten"

Biography Olga Berggolts.

Russian writer, poetess. Olga Fedorovna Bergholts was born on May 16 (according to the old style - May 3) of 1910 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a factory doctor who lived on the working outskirts of St. Petersburg in the Neva Oblast area. Mother - Maria Timofeevna Berggolts, younger sister - Maria.

In 1924, the first verses of Olga Bergholts were published in the factory wall page. In 1925, Olga Berggolts entered the literary youth group "Change", and in early 1926 he met Boris Petrovich Kornilov (1907-1938) - a young poet, shortly before that came from the Volga Town and adopted in the group. After a while they got married, the daughter of Ira was born. In 1926, Olga and Boris became students of the highest state courses of art history at the Institute of Art History. Boris was not delayed on courses, and Olga several years later was translated into the University of Leningrad. In 1930, Olga Bergholts graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Leningrad University and went to Kazakhstan in distribution, where he began to work as a traveling correspondent of the Soviet steppe newspaper. At the same time, Berggolts and Kornilov divorced ("did not compare the characters") and Olga married Nikolai Molchanov, with whom he studied together at the university. (Collection of articles "Remembering Olga Berggolts") Returning from Alma-Ata to Leningrad, Olga settled together with Nikolai on Rubinstein Street, 7 - in the house called "a tear of socialism". Then she was adopted as the editor of the Komsomol Page newspaper of the Elektrosila plant, with which she collaborated for three years. Later he worked in the newspaper "Literary Leningrad". A few years later, the younger daughter Olga Bergholz - Maya died, and two years later - Ira. In December 1938, Olga Berggolts entered into prison on false charges, but in June 1939 released to freedom. Pregnant, she spent half a year in prison, where a dead child gave birth to a dead child after torture. In December 1939, she wrote in his carefully hidden diary: "The feeling of prison is now, after five months of will, arises in me sharper than at first after liberation. Not only I really feel, I smell this heavy smell of a prison corridor to a large house, The smell of fish, damp, onions, knock steps on the stairs, but also the mixed state ... doomed, hopelessness with whom there was interrogations ... reversed the soul, digging in it with smelly fingers, they spoiled in her, they gazed, then they jumped her Back and say: "Live". (S. Schulz, "Main Street of St. Petersburg"; "Science and Life", 2001). In the years of the blockade of 1941-1943, Olga Bergoltz was in the besieged by the Nazis Leningrad. In November 1941 her Heavy sick husband had to evacuate from Leningrad, but Nikolai Stepanovich Molchanov died and Olga Fedorovna remained in the city. "V.K.Ketlinsky, who led in 1941 by the Leningrad branch of the Writers' Union, recalled, as Olga Berggolts came to her, Olga Berggolts, Olenka, as it was then called it, the view is still very young, pure, gullible creature, with shining eyes , "The charming alloy of femininity and sweeping, acute mind and childish naivety," but now - an agitated, collected. asked where and how it can be useful. " Ketlin directed Olga Bergolts at the disposal of the literary and dramatic editorial office of the Leningrad Radio. After a short time, the quiet voice of Olga Bergholz became the voice of a long-awaited friend in frozen and dark blockade Leningrad homes, became the voice of Leningrad himself. This transformation seemed hardly to be miracle: from the author, few well-known children's books and poems, about which they said "it was cute, nice, nice - no more," Olga Berggolts suddenly became a poet that the resistance of Leningrad. "(Recalling" remember Olga Berggolts "). In the house of the radio she worked all the days of the blockade, almost daily by radio broadcasts, later the Leningrad says in her book. Olga Bergoltz was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Labor Red Banner and Medals. Died Olga Fedorovna Bergholts on November 13, 1975 In Leningrad. He was buried on the literal walkways. Despite the lifetime request of the writer to bury her at the Piskarevsky memorial cemetery, where her words were carved "Nobody forgotten and nothing forgotten", "Chapter" Leningrad G. Momanov refused the writer. In 1936 b .P. Kornilov was excluded from the Writers' Union, and on March 19, 1937. The official date of death of the first husband Olga Berggolts is considered to be November 21, 1938 But the place of its burial is unknown. "On February 20, 1938, the Departure Session of the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR, chaired by Corvoenyurist Matulevich Kornilov, was sentenced to exceptional punishment. The verdict contains the following wording:" Cornilov since 1930 was an active participant in the Anti-Soviet, Trotskyist organization, which had its task terrorist struggle methods. against the heads of the party and government. "The verdict is carried out on February 20, 1938 in Leningrad." (Konstantin Lateev, "Shot on a limit. Myths and the truth about the tragic death of Boris Kornilov"; "Literary Review", 1993) 20 years The name of the poet Boris Kornilova was banned. His books brought to the list to be withdrawn, and only the "song about the counter" ("We are going to cool the morning, we are moving the river with wind. .. "), written by him in the Commonwealth with Dmitry Shostakovich to the movie" Counter ", continued to live, but the name of the poet, the" enemy of the people "was not reported. January 5, 1957, Boris Petrovich Kornilov was rehabilitated (" absence of the absence of a crime ").

Poetess during the Great Patriotic War

Olga Bergolz called and called the "Museum of the Bloodstock City". This is very high and honorable certification. And quite well-deserved. Berggolts blockade poems appeared in a thin collection of "Leningrad Poem" still in blockade. It was since then a string piercing in their simplicity:

Was a day like a day.
Came to me a friend
i do not cry, told that yesterday
the only one sorted a friend
and we were silent with her until the morning.
What could I find words?
I am also a Leningrad widow.
We ate bread
what was postponed on the day,
in one handkerchief, they wrapped together
and quietly became quietly in Leningrad.
One, stued, worked in the metronome ...

From these lines and now frost on the skin. Everything recognizable, everything was it - except for one, perhaps, the details: metronome. The value of this detail of the blockade life is perhaps exaggerated in later memories. No metronome in apartments of ordinary Leningrad residents did not hear. Most home radio cells were requested or at least disabled. Somewhere they, of course, persisted - including probably the permanent employee of the Blockade Radio Radio of the poet Olga Bergholts: It was not a privilege, but a production need. By the way, with all the time, the broadcasts themselves flew into the air is not in vain: heard somewhere at work, on duty, then passed from the mouth to the mouth, retelling, helped to live.

And poems remembered by heart:

I got up the dawn Baltic Clear,
when the horn was appealed:
"We are terrible danger over us.
Take the gun, Leningrad! "
And the gate was in the doser
gray mother of two fighters,
and trembled her face
and ran the fire in the gaze.
She said: "I hear Marshal.
You add to me.
Already at the front my senior son,

and the average also in war.
And the youngest son with me near
he is seventeen in total
but on the defense of Leningrad
i now give him ...

Burgold blocked poems can be quoted infinitely. But in them - not all Bergholts. In other, "Thaw" years, people read each other, passed completely other verses from mouths:

No, not from the books of our scanty,
sima's Suma,
learn how difficult
as impossible we lived.
As we loved - bitterly, rude.
How did we deceive, loving
as in interrogations, grieved teeth,
we replaced themselves.

And indifferent our books,
and three times climb their praise.

And maybe the most striking line - in italics by italics Date: 22.V - 24.V. 1941. "We are about many things in the empty Litavra stuck, we are much difficult for a lot and have long silent," Vladimir Lugovskaya wrote, the poet is also wonderful. And the poem from which these lines are taken, "in the rural school" - one of the best during his last creative take-off. Still, it is 1956, "thaw". And the poems of Berggolts are written long before all "thaws" and even more rebuilding. On the eve of war. A month was passed - and escaped from under the pen completely different lines, now they are printed nearby, on the turnover of the same book list:

We predicted the Hifth
Of this tragic day.
He came. Here is my life, breath.
Motherland, take them from me! ..
I love you with new love,
bitter, all-friendly, alive,
My homeland in the Crown of Ternov,
with a dark rainbow above the head ...

Comrade young, brave and cheerful,
you call you the Great War, -
so be faithful to Komsomol's tie
and his two beautiful orders ...
And home - unshakable - loyalty
an invincible party of yours.
At the first call of her, on the very first
forward for her, always ahead for her!

The quality of the poems, the level of their literary finishes may be different - one consumed, perhaps for months and years, the other splashed on the paper spontaneously, in response to the requirement of moment. But there is no feeling that one was written "for myself," and the other is "for the newspaper", "for the censor" or just "because it is necessary." Even imagined this against Bergholts would be unthinkable cynicism. It was time. It experienced not only blockade cold and hunger. It literally experienced a soul on the gap. And each writing experienced this test in its own way. Someone adapts, someone silent, someone continued to work, chasing "uncomfortable" thoughts, fearing not only of real everyday troubles, but also - instinctively - destructive inner split. Berggolts split, the collapse of the person is not felt. The mutually exclusive, it would seem, verses do not cross each other, on the contrary: some incomprehensible way even the most rhetorical, hopelessly, it would seem to be obsolete for today, the lines are acquired in this opposition some new drama and sharpness. The word "Kolyma" we remembered much earlier than they realized that it was originally a river, although very far in the north. But it seemed that all this was completely different matter, not related to today's holiday of the creation and transformation of nature. But Berggolts itself knew what he wrote. Including when he applied to a motor ship, which will soon pass from Don to the Volga:

Hold a calmly unprecedented way!
On each gateway, any berths
be proud and leveled, but not forget
about ordinary builders of the channel ...

It would seem that all here is expertly correctly. As in the then-known poem about the simple Soviet person, who "in the pole proudly walks, changes the movement of rivers." Where then is this plea to the one who will be "proud and bright": not forget! Is there who forgets? And it was not an Esopov language, there was no Cook in his pocket. It was an honest desire to cover the time as a whole, with his greatness and horror. And the word "tragedy" was suitable here most:

Friends say: "All means are good,
to save from the malice and attack
at least part of the tragedy,
at least part of the soul ... "
And who said I am divided into parts?

Procitized lines - the beginning of one of the "five appeals to the tragedy" - dated 1949. The poetic tragedy of Olga Bergolz "Loyalty" was devoted to the defense of Sevastopol. "If Paphos of the Leningrad Epopea was patience, then the Paphos of the Sevastopol tragedy was a frenzy," Berggolts said, at the same time, in the fifties. - But with all the difference in the fate of two heroes cities, there was something in common. Therefore, I turned to Sevastopol theme ... "This is general, as it was possible to understand - genuine tragedy, the" limit "situation. The poet attracted people living at the limit of their capabilities: what are they, these limits, what is the margin of safety, including moral? Is it sufficient to get through all the obstacles and tests in a bright future, which should be finally coming? Olga Fedorovna believed as idealist, and doubted how realism. On the question of the "Berggolts" question, it is possible to say the most general and hypothetical way: it is also based on the scale of the personality, the power of character, frantic maximalism in everything. In one of the appeals to the Motherland (the very, where "you are wild, you are not with evil") there is a remarkable word:

Don't know how big arrogance
the love of my unprofitable.

No wonder and in verses about human, she sounds the same maximalist, "iron" intonations:

Neither to silver and nor to gold
everyone is clear, I do not live with you.
But we had iron was -
on the edge of death in the war passed.
All gold will not be given it:
everything is just like in Iron, love ...

After all, she was like this: an uncompromising maximalist. Even at the party accounting for many years, stubbornly considered its duty to consist not in the writer organization, but in the working team "Electrosille". Today, this will seem to many almost fad. But it was not fad. Well, and that before the price, a lot has been said about this in the current book. And the merciless, frankly everything - in the mentioned "Triptych":

Lie and tremble: what if - not so litter?
And immediately - the humiliating car.
Not. I don't want anymore and I can not.
Herself will perish.
Delo - wait for the blow!
Not female to take - drink wine,
by the kabakov wander alone ...
But I drank.
I still got anyway:

whether the shameful delay will last ...

It would seem, all the limit. After all, there were ten years before:

All that will be sent: an unexpected misfortune,
fierce art, fiery happiness, -
i will carry everything out and through everything will go.
But do not deprive and fate.
As if they score the window then
shield iron, dusk and rusty ...
Suddenly in this alienation wrong
will death come - suddenly will become anyway?

And so - "I've ever equal." But after all, after the gloomy "Triptych" there were another quarter of a century of life and creativity, the inner struggle, the echoes of which are heard even in scattered, unfinished, first published fragments of the most recent years. One of them is printed directly by autograph - Big, Chernovoy, left on the cover of one of the annual collections "Day of Poetry":

And I confirm -
I go
on this beautiful way
on rabid roads Don Quixote

But the internal content of the poetry of Olga Bergolz, its tragic internal conflict remains alive and relevant. In the former times, the "wide reader" knew only one side of the poet's creativity: a lot was written "in the table." Today I might have a temptation to present it exclusively as a "poet of the underground". "And who said, what am I divided into parts?" - again might be angry with Berggolts. The non-conformist poems themselves would lose in their depth, having lost the "counterway". In paradoxical integrity, in the compound of incompatible - the tragic uniqueness of its phenomenon. However, is such an absolute uniqueness? The times are changing, ideas change, but the time does not cease to experience human souls on the gap. And never, probably, will never cease. Hope it would be an unforgivable illusion.

The value of Creativity Olga Bergoltz in Russian literature

Berggolts literary debut (lyrical poems, incl. First collections of poems, 1934, and song book, 1936, with inspiration and sincerity telling about the "Republic, work and love", a happy Komsomol family, and stories for children and young people - Sat . As Vanya quarreled with the rams, 1929, the story of Uglich, 1932, and others) with approval met S. Ya. Marshak, K.I. Bukhukovsky, A.A.ahmatova, M. Gorky. Olga Bergolz called and called the "Museum of the Bloodstock City". Days and nights, she was sitting in the room, from where the verses of this bold woman sounded on the whole city, these works were instilled courage and hope in the heart of people. Collection "Olga. Forbidden Diary ", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the legendary Leningrad poetess Olga Berggolts and includes her previously not published diaries, materials from the FSB archives, rare photos and documents will be released in Russia at the end of April, the director of the publishing house" ABC "Olga Chumicheva said.

One hundred years since the birth of Olga Bergolts marks on May 16, 2010. The diaries that poetess led for many years, with her life were not published, and after the death of Bergholts in 1975 was confiscated by the authorities. "In addition to the Berggolts diaries of 1939-1949, letters, photographs and documents, the book includes the materials of the investigative work Berggolts 1938-1939 from the Archives of the FSB. These materials were considered lost and became accessible only in the fall of 2009, "said Chumichev.

In 1938, Olga Bergholts already known to the poetess on charges "in connection with the enemies of the people." She spent a year in conclusion where the dead child gave birth to a deadly child. And in July 1939 it was freed and fully rehabilitated. According to Chumicheva, in the collection "Olga. Forbidden diary »Invited elected poems and poems Berggolts, as well as fragments of the second, and not the end of the prosaic book" Daystime ", which she wrote in 1959 and dedicated to the fate of his generation. Olga Berggolts studied at the highest courses at the Institute of Art History, where her teachers were Tynyanov, Eikenbaum, Shklovsky, there, young poetess listened to the speeches of Bagritsky, Mayakovsky. Poetic fame to Berggolts came at the beginning of the 30s of the last century, then her essays "years of assault" were released, a collection of stories "Night in the New World", a collection of "Poems". In the years of the Great Patriotic War, remaining in a besieged Leningrad, the poetess worked on the radio. During the blockade, her second husband, literary critic Nikolai Molchanov died of hunger. At this time, Bergholts created its most famous poems dedicated to Leningrad defenders: "February diary" / 1942 / and "Leningrad Poem". After the war, the book "Says Leningrad" about the work on the radio during the war. Berggolts also wrote a play "They lived in Leningrad", put in Tairov's theater. In the mid-1950s - early 1960s, several poems of Bergholts were distributed in samizdat. In the 1960s, her poetic compilations "Knot", "Testing", in the 1970s - "loyalty", "Memory" were released.


1. O. Berggolts. Loyalty: poems and poems - l.: Ots. Writer, 1970.- 358C.

2. O. Berggolts. Daystime. - M.: OV. Russia, 1977.- 206C: Il ..

3. O. Bergholts. Leningrad Poem: Poems, Poem / Preport.

4. M. Dudina - L.: Hood. lit., 1976.- 204c.: Il.

5. O. Berggolts. Poems and poems / art. G.A.V. Pedugot - L.: OV. Writer, 1979.- 463C.: IL.

6. Russian writers and poets. Brief biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

7. Stanfish of the century. Anthology of Russian poetry. Cost. E.Evtushenko. Minsk-Moscow, Polyfact, 1995.

Appendix 1. Photos of Olga Bergolts during the years

Great Patriotic War .

Olga Fedorovna Berggolts was born 3 (16) May 1910 in St. Petersburg, on the old St. Petersburg Ocena - Nevskaya Zavtop, in the family of the factory doctor. In 1930 he graduated from the Philology of the University of Leningrad, he worked as a correspondent of the Kazakh newspaper "Soviet step", the editor of the Komsomol page of the newspaper of the Leningrad Plant "Electrosila" (the impressions of these years were reflected in the book Essays of the Depth, 1932, Sat. Stories Night in the "New World" 1935, reports of journalists, 1934; grains, 1935). Berggolts literary debut (lyrical poems, including the first collections of poems, 1934, and song book, 1936, with inspiration and sincerity telling about "republic, work and love", happy Komsomol family, and stories for children and young people - Sat . As Vanya quarreled with the rams, 1929, the story of Uglich, 1932, and others) with approval met S. Ya. Marshak, K.I. Bukhukovsky, A.A.ahmatova, M. Gorky.

In 1938, the first husband Berggolts, the famous Komsomol poet B.P. Kornilov, repressed on false accusation; She himself is imprisoned, where it was from December 1938 to June 1939. TRAGISM notes appear in verses of the late 1930s, most of which were published in the Sat. Knot (1965, incl. It may not be that we lived in vain! ..), and the most acute, dedicated to those who "deceived ... Loving" his country and the ideals declared by it, - no, not from the books of our scanty (1939) - only in 1987. During the Great Patriotic War, Berggolts, remaining all 900 days of blockade in his hometown, worked on the Leningrad Radio (speeches entered the book. Says Leningrad, 1946, 1st ed. Was seized in Connections with t. N. Leningradsky, after the defeat of the magazines "Star" and "Leningrad"). Often, exhausted from hunger, spent the night in the studio, but never lost the strength of the Spirit, supporting his appeals to the Leningrad trust and courageous verses (letters for Kama, a conversation with a neighbor, the poems of the February diary, Leningrad Poem, both 1942; Defender's memory, 1944, Your way, 1945; Collections of Leningrad Notebook, 1942, Leningrad, 1944, in which the pictures of a blockade city are adjacent to thinking about heroism, loyalty and love, defeating suffering and death). Among other works of Bergholts - the Heroic-Romantic Poem of Primorrosi (1950; USSR State Prize, 1951), dedicated to Petrograd workers, in 1918, the communes sent to Altai to create there; Book of lyric-confessional prose Daytime stars, 1959 (not completed), written together with A.G. Makoronenko Plays They lived in Leningrad (1944) and we have on Earth (1947), Leningrad Symphony (1945), cycle of poems about Stalingrad (1952), tragedy of loyalty (1954) - On the days of the defense of Sevastopol in 1941-1942. Lines O. Buggolts are carved on the granite wall of the Piscares Memorial Cemetery: "No one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten." Berggolts died in Leningrad on November 13, 1975.

Appendix 3. Basic works Olga Brggolts


"Indian summer"



"Blood swallow"

"In Stalingrad"

"Evening station ..."

"I took a nonlaskaya, sullen ..."

"In the name of the best word ..."

"That sages, calms ..."

"Two poems of daughters"

"Children's Park"

"There must be young enough ..."

"Road to Mountains"

"Friends say: all means are good ..."

"More book editor does not leaf ..."


"I know, I know - in the house Stone ..."

"From a notepad of forty-first year"


"To the song"

"How much has been experienced in these summer ..."

"As on the lake farm ..."

"What a dark winter ..."

"When you feed, when ..."

"Lullaby to a friend"

"Swallows above the cliff"

"Leningrad - Stalingrad - Volga-Don ..."

"List Fall"

"March of tin soldiers"

"International Avenue"

"My house"


"We anticate the hifume ..."

"On Ivan Putting"

"At the collected whole day sat ..."


"Not a son, no younger brother ..."

"I do not hurt you sadness ..."

"No, not from the books of our scant ..."

"No, reconciliation will not come ..."

"Neither to silver and nor to the golden ..."

"Nothing will return ..."

"On the potters"

"Oh friend, I did not think that silence ..."

"Oh, where you sing ..."

"Oh, if a clear, like a flame ..."

"Oh, probably, he will not return ..."

"Oh, do not look back ..."


"Appeal to the poem"

"Lake District"

"Autumn forty first"

"Heart to Heart..."

"Where is such silence? .."

"Daughter's Song"


"Pick up fomes and lays ..."




"I lost the word in the evening ..."




"Six months old silence ..."

"Journey. Travel ... "


"Romance of persistent tin soldier"



"Today the souls are again set ..."

"Now everything seems to you ..."


"Poems about yourself"

"Poems about the Chersonese horseshoe"

"Third zone, dacha fires ..."

"You will wait until you fall back ..."

"You sent me to the desert ..."

"You have got my life ..."


"Strank-Alienin, the evening passerby ..."

"This is not all true. You love ... "

"I love the signal green ..."

"I will never write this ..."

"I never gent my heart ..."

"I'm secret and bitterly jealous ..."

Appendix 4. Complex Plan

I. Introduction

II. . Life poetess

    Family Olga Berggolts

    Report \u003e\u003e Physical Education and Sport

    Considered 60 poetic options. Won poetess Olga Golubva Music The hymn was written ...

  1. Answers to exam questions in literature 11 class 2006.

    Cheat Sheet \u003e\u003e Literature and Russian

    The keeper. What is it Olga Ilinskaya? Olga "Smart, proud, proud ... answers Ilya." - Oblastovshchyna! "Tragedy Olga and Oblomov becomes the final sentence ..., and it was united to young poetess Confidence in your strength. In particular...

  2. Answers to exam questions in literature grade 11 2005.

    Cheat Sheet \u003e\u003e Literature and Russian

    Answers to exam questions on literature grade 11. For ease of use, questions and answers are placed in chronological order. This list combined questions from two collections: 48 and 57 Responsions, some of the questions (18) coincided, and this list ...

  3. Tickets 2003 year literature

    Writing \u003e\u003e Foreign Language

    Watching the "hawk hot ok". Poetess He reflects on his beloved homeland, about Russia ..., considers the dependence "Love Oblomov. Olga Ilinskaya and Agafia wheat. And it was ... the poetic ideal of the wedding ... Oblomov "frightened" OlgaHe was afraid of that responsibility ...

May 16 marks 108 years since the birth of the famous Soviet poets Olga Berggolts. She was called the "Blocade Madonna" and "Muse of the besieged Leningrad", since during the world she worked in the House of Radio, and her voice instilled hope and faith in salvation. It belongs to her lines carved on a granite of the Piskarevsky Memorial: "No one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten." The poetess happened to survive the death of loved ones, repressions, blockadas, war and leave life in peacetime, in full solitude and oblivion.

Olga was born in 1910 in St. Petersburg in the family of a surgeon. She began to write poems in childhood, and from 15 years actively published. When Chukovsky's roots for the first time heard her poems, said: "Well, what a good girl! Comrades, it will be a real poet with time. "

In the literary association of working young people "shift" Olga met with the young poet Boris Kornilov and married him, and soon they had a daughter Irina. After the end of the Philological Faculty of the University of Leningrad University, Olga worked as a correspondent in the Sovetskaya Steppe newspaper in Kazakhstan, where she was sent by distribution. At the same time, her marriage was collapsed with Cornilov. And in the life of Bergholts, another man appeared - a classmate Nikolai Molchanov. In 1932 they got married, and they were born Maya daughter.

And here the family collapsed unfortunately, which since then, as if persecuted Olga Bergholts. In 1934, Maya's daughter died, and after another 2 years - Irina. In 1937, Boris Kornilova declared the enemy of the people in a ridiculous occasion, and Olga, as his former wife, "For contact with the enemy of the people", were excluded from the Writers' Union and fired from the newspaper. Soon Boris Kornilov was shot, only in 1957 recognized that his business was falsified. Lydia Chukovskaya wrote that "troubles went on her heels."

In 1938, Olga Berggolts arrested on a false denunciation as a "participant of the Trotskyist-Zinoviev organization and a terrorist group." In prison, she lost another child - her constantly beat, demanding recognition in involvement in terrorist activities. After that, she could no longer become a mother. Only in July 1939, it was released for the lack of a crime.

Several months later, Olga wrote: "I have not returned from there. Staying alone at home, I speak out loud with the investigator, with the Commission, with people - about prison, about the shameful, compressed "my business." All responds to the prison - poems, events, conversations with people. She stands between me and life ... took out the soul, they fell in it with stinking fingers, they spoiled in her, gadili, then jumped her back and say: "Live". The prophetic turned out to be her lines:
And the path of generation
That's how simple -
Carefully look:
Behind the crosses.
Circle - the graveyard.
And more crosses - ahead ...

In 1941, the Great Patriotic War began, and in early 1942 her husband died. Olga remained in a blockade Leningrad and worked on the radio, becoming a vote of a besieged city. It was then that her poetic talent manifested itself in full force. For many people, she gave hope, supported and saved. She was called the poet, personifying the resistance and courage of Leningraders, "Blocade Madonna", "Museum of the Blockade Leningrad". It was the author of the strings about the "one hundred and twenty-five blockade grams, with fire and blood in half."

But after the war, the poetess was again in the opaire: her books seized from libraries due to the fact that she communicated with the unwanted authorities Anna Akhmatova, and because of the "author's dynamics in the already solved parties on repression issues." Olga felt broken and broken, in 1952 she even fell into a psychiatric hospital because of the alcohol dependence that appeared before the war.

The poetess Olga Bergoltz fell a terrible fate. She had to go through everything that he was seen only in the most difficult nightmares. And she survived all these tests with honor. No wonder it was called the voice of a blockade Leningrad.

Throughout the blockade of Leningrad, Olga Berggolts appeared almost every day to the citizens on the radio: he picked up, convinced the need to continue to live and fight, inspired faith in a victory. She was definitely a hero and a man of his time. With the help of cruel lessons, power inspired her game rules. And Olga Fedorovna knew how to play on them.

Gifted by nature

It is difficult to imagine a hassle of life and career than Olga Berggolts. She was born in 1910 in the family of a doctor-surgeon of German origin. Nature gave her with unprecedented generosity. Berggoltz belonged to the type of women who like very many men: medium height, with blonde thick hair, okay folded, round, with clear eyes and a wonderful smile. In addition, she from nature possessed a good taste in clothes and a sense of style.

Berggolts began to be published at the age of 15. Prints and poems, and prose. The first works, of course, were created in the spirit of time - about the "exemplary Komsomol family." But they were written not without a spark of talent. Its path was common for the era, which had to grow up the future of the Big Poet. The girl from the family of devout St. Petersburg intellectuals turned into a pioneer, and then to the Komsomol activist.

In 1926, Olga became acquainted with the young poet Boris Kornilov at the meeting of the literary association of young people "Change". He was 3 years older and arrived in Leningrad from the Volga "Learn Poetry". Cornilova considered the most promising writer of a new generation. The union of two poets - young, beautiful and talented -mained as a poster arguing for power, with the slogan "We have every young one in our wonderful, beautiful country." In 1928, the daughter of Irina was born in the family ...

But already in 1930, the spouses divorced - they did not agree with the characters. No politics. In the same year, Berggolts, who made an irresistible impression on men, married the literator Nikolai Molchanov, with whom he studied at the Philological Faculty of the University. Another daughter was born - Maya.

Until the early 1930s, life as if only did what I gave Olga a gift for a gift. The poetess, thank God, did not know what fate it was waiting for her.

Courage and ... duplex

Molchanov did not live with his wife and the year when he was taken into the army. During the service on the border with Turkey, Nikolai was captured to Basmach. After torture, which had to be transferred, he developed a severe form of epilepsy, from which he suffered before death. Her husband's disease became grief for the family. But remained a private problem. Then everyone was thinking about the construction of a young fair state ...

Career Bergholts walked to the mountain: poems and prose were printed in children, and in adults. Her talent was recognized by Marshak, and Chukovsky ...

The next blow was worse: Little Maya died, which just learned to utter the word "mother". And in 1936, the eldest daughter Irina from some incomprehensible disease died.

In 1937, the first husband of poetess-Boris Kornilov was arrested. In 1938 he was shot. By the time Bergholts have been married to another man for several years. But it did not prevent it from grabbing her, accusing in relations with the enemies of the people. This story ended for Berggolts relatively successfully. For those times - certainly. She was released in 1939. In prison she had a dead child. Olga Fedorovna had no children.

Berggolts even rehabilitated, recognizing the arrest of the error. But Boris Kornilov was recognized as innocent only in 1957 - almost 20 years after death.

After a prison in the character and image of Olga's thoughts, significant changes have occurred. The illusions in relation to power, it never fifth. But at the same time, Berggolts felt part of the country and her people and sincerely worried all the troubles together with compatriots. The second lesson learned from prison experience was the fact that Olga Fedorovna learned to duveni. When it was necessary, I gave a conjunctural lie to the public. And the terrible truth wrote on the table, in fear of searches, carefully hiding written.

Gorough days

This is how she wrote about her feelings in a secret diary: "The feeling of prison is now, after five months of will, arises in me sharper than at first after liberation. Not only really feel, I smell this heavy smell of a prison corridor to a large house, the smell of fish, damp, onions, a knock of steps on the stairs, but also the mixed state of the doomed, hopelessness with which there was interrogations ... reset the soul, digged in It smeared with stinking fingers, wept in her, then jumped her back and say: "Lives" ... I returned to our house (both my daughters died before my arrest). The soul wound of the gyped and sick in Nesterpimo. We have not had time to feel our loss and their pain, as the Great Patriotic War batted. "

The war brought new losses with him. In 1942, Nikolay Molchanov was died from hunger in a deposited Leningrad. After this loss, Berggolts decided to stay in his hometown. She now had nothing to lose. And she began to support compatriots with their performances on radio and verses.

Comrade, garbye days fell out,
Fantasy troubles threaten
But we are not forgotten with you, not alone -
And this is already a victory.

Her voices were waiting. Olga knew about it, so, even by flying in 1942 in Moscow, she returned home - to the exhausted hunger of Leningrads. In memory of them, she remained mainly like a blockade voice. And this voice was sincere - it felt and knew everything.

War and blockade have become the main themes of Berggolts creativity for the rest of his life. This topic is dedicated to her main book "Daytime Stars".

Secret diary

The most intimate thoughts, she still recorded in a secret diary. At the beginning of the war there was an entry: "How was brought to the fact that Leningrad is besieged, Kiev is besieged, Odessa is besieged ... I don't know what in me more - hate to the Germans or irritation, a mad, tight, mixed with wild pity, - To our government ... It was called: "We are ready for war." Oh, bastards, adventurers, ruthless bastards! "

In 1953, when Stalin died, Olga Fedorovna broke out a heartbreaking quatrain:

The heart is poured with blood ...
Our favorite, our dear!
Grasing your headboard
Crying homeland over you.

And in the secret diary, poetess on the same topic appeared something completely opposite in meaning:

Oh, not your pipes sobbed
Four nights, four days
From the fifth of March in the column hall
Over the rush, with a lifetime of me ...

Even after all the horrors, which fell into her share, Olga Fedorovna did not lose his female glamor. In 1949, she married the third time - for George Ma-Kogonenko, Philologist, a specialist in Russian literature. About their marriage and the personality of the third husband Berggolts Contemporaries responded in different ways. Some said that Macogonenko married a generally accepted poetess from career motivations. Others argued: the spouse was very tormented with Olga because of her all the challenge every year addiction to alcohol. Alcohol on
which time drowned mental pain.

Great Anna Akhmatova called on everyone to regret Olga. He considered her a martyr who says goodbye.

In 1962, the divorce of Bergholts with the last husband took place. Now the main interlocutor at her loneliness for Olga Fedorovna was the secret diary, which she frankly admitted:

At the collected whole day sat -
that voted, then Lgal ...
How did I not get from the longing?
How did I not dream of shame? ..
Long from the street did not go -
only there was itself.
In the gate - with the janitor smoked,
vodka in the eatery saw ...

Olga Fedorovna Berggolts, a woman who was called "Blocade Madonna", died in full solitude in 1975.

Today, May 16, marks 100 years since the birth of Russian writer and poetess Olga Fedorovna Berggolts.

Russian writer, poetess Olga Fedorovna Bergholts was born on May 16 (according to the old style - May 3) 1910 in St. Petersburg in the doctor's family. The family lived on the working outskirts of St. Petersburg in the Neva Oblast area, where the child's future poeteles passed.

In the 1920s. Olga Berggolts studied in a labor school. Her first poems were published in 1924 in the factory wallpaper, and a year later, Olga Bergholts entered into the literary youth group "Change".

In 1926, she became a student of the highest state courses of art history at the Institute of Art History, and in a few years he was translated into the University of Leningrad.

In 1930, Berggolts graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Leningrad University and went to Kazakhstan in distribution, where he began to work as a traveling correspondent of the Soviet steppe newspaper, as told in his book "Depth" (1932).

Returning to Leningrad, Olga Berggolts worked as an editor in the Militail of the Electrosil Plant. Later he worked in the newspaper "Literary Leningrad".

In 1932-1935 The first collections of Olga Berggolts came out from which her fame like poetess. Among her works of that time - poems, poems, stories, stories, plays, journalism: the story "Uglich" (1932), a collection of essays written in Kazakhstan "Depthint" (1932) Collection of lyrics "Poems" (1934), Tale "Journalists "(1934), Collection of stories" Night in the "New World" (1935), Tale "Grain" (1935), Collection "Book of Songs" (1936).

In December 1838, Olga Berggolts arrested, accusing that "that she was an active participant in a counter-revolutionary terrorist organization who prepared terrorist acts over Zhdanov and Voroshilov" (of the case). She spent half a year in the conclusion where the dead child gave birth to a dead child as a result. In July 1939, he was released "for the unprove of the composition of the crime."

Creative maturity comes to Bergholts during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. During the blockade of Leningrad, Olga Bergholts was located in the besieged by the fascists of the city. In November 1941, her with a seriously sick husband had to evacuate from Leningrad, but the husband died and Olga Fedorovna remained in the city.

Staying in a besieged Leningrad, she worked in the Radio House of Radio all days, almost daily radio broadcasts, later the Leningrad says "says". These days, Bergholts became truly a popular poet, dividing all the horrors of "mortal time" with Leningraders, instilling in them hope with their verses.

Olga Bergolz was awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the Labor Red Banner and Medals.

Having survived the blockade of Leningrad, Berggolts devoted the heroic defense of the city of the work "February Diary", "Leningrad Poem" (1942), "Leningrad Notebook" (1942; Collection), "Memory of Defender" (1944), "They lived in Leningrad" (written Together with George Macogonenko in 1944 and put in the theater of Alexander Tairov), "Your way" (1945), the Leningrad Symphony filmceneuria (1945; together with Macogonenko), the play "We have on Earth" (1947).

In 1950, she wrote a heroic and romantic poem about the Petrograd workers, built in 1918 in Altai, the commune city - "Priorossiysk", for which in 1951 was awarded the USSR State Prize.

After a trip to the liberated Sevastopol Olga Bergholts created the tragedy of "loyalty" (1954). In 1959, her autobiographical book of lyric prose "Daystock Stars", in 1968, was removed the same film.

In 1960, her poetic collections "Knot", "Test", in the 1970s came out. - "loyalty", "Memory".

The diaries that poetess led for many years, with her life did not see the light, the archive after death was confiscated by the authorities. Fragments of diaries and some poems appeared in 1980 in the Israeli magazine "Time and We". Most of the Heritage of Berggoltz, who did not publish in Russia, entered the third volume of the collections of its writings, published in 1990.

Personal life poetess did not work out. The first husband, Boris Kornilov, has lived with it for no more than two years, they divorced in 1928 ("did not agree with the characters") and Olga married Nikolai Molchanov, with whom he studied together at the university. Nikolai Molchanov fell ill with epilepsy and in 1942 he died.

Olga Bergolts had to be survived not yet one tragedy: she had a daughter alone: \u200b\u200bin 1933, the youngest Maya, and three years later - the older Irina. The third child Berggolts lost in prison. Together with his death Olga Fedorovna lost the ability to be a mother.

The third husband, St. Petersburg philologist Georgy McOnenko, in 1959 left Berggolts.

For the last sixteen years, "pain, wine, loneliness" (according to her sister, Maria Fedorovna, who died in 2003), surrounded the poetess, but did not pay a song darus in it. In the last year of life, she said: "I live through pain, I am writing through pain ..."

Olga Fedorovna died on November 13, 1975 in Leningrad and was buried, contrary to his wish, not at the Piskarevsky cemetery, but on the literal walkways of the Volkovsky cemetery.

The name of Olga Bergholts is called the street in the Nevsky District of St. Petersburg. On Rubinstein Street, 7, where she lived, a memorial plaque was opened. Another bronze bas-relief of its memory is set at the entrance to the radio.

Rows of Olga Bergholts are carved on the granite stele of Piskarevsky memorial cemetery: "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."

On October 3, 1994, the President of Russia Boris Yeltsin issued a decree "On the perpetuation of the memory of O. F. Bergholts", according to which a monument to poetess should have put on her grave in the first half of 1995, but Olga Berggolts sister did not want to change anything on the grave.
And on May 3, 2005, on the literal view of the Volkovsky cemetery, the poetess was installed on the grave of the poetess, a sculptural composition in granite and bronze, which is marked by the window contour, resembling the four-stented cross (the work of the St. Petersburg sculptor Vladimir Grief).

In the spring of 2010, the collection "Olga. Forbidden Diary", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the poet Olga Berggolts, was released in the publishing house "ABC". The collection includes first-collected prison and blockade diaries, excerpts from and not addressed the second part of the book "Day Stars", previously not printed letters to the Father, sent by the authorities from Leningrad during the blockade, rare photos and documents from the archives of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In addition to the Berggolts diaries, 1939-1949, letters, photos and documents, the book includes the materials of the investigative work Berggolts 1938-1939. From the archives of the FSB. These materials were considered lost and became accessible only in the fall of 2009.

The material is prepared based on RIA news and open sources.

Olga Berggolts name knows every resident of our huge country, especially Petersburgers. After all, she is not just a Russian poet, it is a living symbol of Leningrad blockade. Much had to survive this strong woman. Her brief biography will be covered in the article.

Childhood and youth

Berggolts Olga Fedorovna was born late in the spring of 1910 in St. Petersburg. Her father Fedor Christforovich was a surgeon. Olga was also the younger sister Maria. After the revolution, the Bergholtsev family moved to Uglich, because in Petrograd was restless. Father of the family participated in hostilities. Mother Maria Timofeevna, along with daughters, two more than a year lived in the former Epiphany Monastery. Already in old age, Olga with the mental warmth recalled those times and that concern, with which they left back to Petrograd after the return of the Father from the War.

Bergholtsy lived on the very outskirts of the Nevskaya Oblast. In 1926, Olga graduated from the labor school. A year before that, Boris Kornilov, poet and his future husband met in one of the literary associations. Together with him she studied at the Institute of Art History.

It is with Kornilov that is connected one of the tragedies of the difficult life of poetess. In 1928, they got married, after a few months, the spouses were born daughter Irina. The girl died at the age of eight years from heart disease. Boris himself in February 1938 was shot on a filmed charge.


Since 1930 he studied at the Philfak of the University of Leningrad. I went to practice in Vladikavkaz, where he held half of summer and autumn, working in the newspaper "Power of Labor".

In the same year, she divorced B. Kornilov and married Nikolai Berggolts, whose biography was filled with tragic events, survived her second husband. He died in 1942 in Leningrad from hunger.

After graduating from the University of Distribution goes to Kazakhstan, where it works in the newspaper "Soviet step" by a correspondent. After returning to Leningrad until 1934 he worked in the newspaper "Elektrosila".

In 1932, Olga and Nikolai had a daughter Maya, but this motherhood turned out to be tragic. Baby died in a year.

In 1934, the poetess took into the Union of Writers, where they excluded several times, and then restored again.

In December 1938, Berggolts Olga was arrested on charges of ties with the enemies of the people. At the time of the detention she was pregnant. But this did not prevent her torturers torture. After all the beatings of the poetess in the prison hospital gave birth to a dead child.

Six months after arrest, she was released and fully rehabilitated.

Years of the Great Patriotic War

In 1940 he joined the WCP (b). The news of the beginning of the war found Olga in Leningrad. She immediately came to the local branch of the Writers' Union and offered their help. V. Ketlin, Head of the Department, sent Berggolts Olga to Radio. Throughout the blockade, a quiet voice poeses supported a victorious spirit in Leningrads, her poems instilled hope.

Berggolz became the personification of the stubborn durability. In November 1941, her together with a pretty husband prepared for evacuation, but Molchanov died, and Olga decided to divide the fate of the citizens, remaining in Leningrad. Her best works were born here. The "Leningrad Poem" Olga Berggolts is dedicated to the defenders of the city and the courageous residents.

At the end of 1942, she was able to visit Moscow. In those days of the poetess desperately missed his hometown and the whole soul was striving back. No good food, bath and other things could stop her.

Berggolts Olga Fedorovna reported to Leningrads in 1943, the joyful news of

In the summer of 1942, the poetess received after the end of the war it was her words that were carved on the granite plate of the memorial cemetery: "... no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten."

last years of life

In 1949 he married the third time. The chief of Olga became Georgy McOnenko, literary critic and critic. In the post-war time of the poetess worked a lot, went on a business trip. After the trip to Sevastopol wrote the tragedy of "loyalty".

In 1951, Bergholts Olga was awarded the USSR State Prize. Gorky verses met the death of I. V. Stalin.

In 1962, she divorces Macogonenko. The last years of life, in fact, passed alone. Nearby was only her sister Maria, who helped in everything and always.


He was buried on although it was originally planned that the coffin with the body will take place to Piskarevsky. Many citizens did not work out to say goodbye to his beloved poetess, because the necrologist was printed in the newspaper only on the day of burial.

The authorities did so that there were no many people in the coffin, they were afraid of speeches, because so much evil they caused Bergholz. As a result, achieved what they wanted. E. Sererovskaya, which Olga could not endure for meanness and permanent denunciations on writers and poets. D. Garnin, remembering the bottom of farewell from Berggolts, said that it was a cowardly funeral, instead of sorrow and grateful memory of the poetess got only anger of her ill-wishers.


The first poetic work was printed in 1925. Initially, Olga Bergolz, whose biography is quite tragic, positioned himself with a children's poet. She received praise from K. Chukovsky.

War years have changed in her life. It was then that she found himself and went on the right creative path. Olga Bergolz, poems about the war of which gave hope and faith, became a symbol of invincibility.

Among its best works "February Diary", "Leningrad Poem", "Day Stars". After death, the poetess diaries were published, which represent tremendous value and keep a lot of happy and painful memories.