End of letters in Russian. Personal letter in English: Etiquette correspondence

End of letters in Russian. Personal letter in English: Etiquette correspondence

Surely many friends who have left different cities or countries are not exchanged on social networks every day short messages, and occasionally write each other about their lives with letters. Someone writes ordinary postal, someone - electronic. Writing the letter itself is simple, but how to finish the letter? For many problems. Today we will talk about how to complete the letter correctly.

A letter to a friend

To correctly finish the letter to a friend, to start, re-read the entire text, at the same time and check errors. Perhaps you missed something that you can finish at the time of checking the letter.

For yourself, you need to clearly know: you want to get an answer instantly or count on what you will be answered when the opportunity appears? Before you write something at the end of the letter, decide on the logical bundle so that there is no such feeling that the letter is not completed if you, of course, do not want to intrigue the recipient.

But how to finish the letter to a friend completely, leaving only a small phrase? It's not worth goodbye to say goodbye, because you probably do not forgive so much in life. When you edited your letter, the end turned out to be meaningful and thought is over, at the very end of the letter you can add such phrases as:

  • Your girlfriend / friend (name);
  • \u003e Waiting for an answer;
  • I want to see soon;
  • See you;
  • Wait for a visit;
  • Come soon;
  • Whole (name);
  • Good luck;
  • Best regards, your friend / girlfriend (name).

Business letter

Upon completion of the business letter, it is necessary to check it even more carefully for errors and literacy of the design of the text so that everything is clearly set out so that there is nothing superfluous, naturally without such words as "what", "yes without problems" and the like. Your tone should be quite confidential and fairly simple in understanding.

Approaching the end of their narration, you must finally be something to interest the recipient, because the end of the letter is more remembered. But this does not mean that at the beginning you should not reveal all the cards. Gradually, you need to increase interest and at the end already open completely so that your letter remains in memory.

Before thinking about how to finish a business letter, you must enter a list of documents attached to the letter, if any. The list must be numbered, and documents must be embedded in the order in which you previously indicated. The last phrase that is used in a business letter may sound like this:

  • With respect (name);
  • I hope for cooperation;
  • With reverence (name);
  • Thank you for responding to my offer.

Farewell to English in letters

When you communicate with friends or rewrite with your beloved person, you do not need to observe certain framework. Somewhere you can hang or write such a word, whatever in the business letter you cannot consume. This allows you to more openly communicate.

Now young people have a different Slang, which is incomprehensible to the older generation. One of these slang is the replacement of Russian words for foreign. How to finish a letter in English is no different from previous tips. Any letter should be checked in order not to hit the face to the dirt and not to send it with a bunch of blots and unfinished thoughts. Just at the end, you can add such a highlight as a farewell to English. For example, we will provide you with several suitable phrases:

  • WITH LOVE (Name) - with love (name);
  • Talk to You Later - Talk later;
  • Good Cheers! * - Good mood! *;
  • Best Wishes (Name) - Best Wishes (Name);
  • See You Soon - Soon See you;
  • Yours, (Name) - Your / Your (Name);
  • All The Best - Best Wishes;
  • Thanks in Advance - Thanks in advance for the answer;
  • Good Luck - I wish good luck;
  • Say Hi To Everyone - Let's pass hello to everyone;
  • Truly Yours (Name) - with respect (name);
  • Sincerely Yours (Name) - Your sincerely / yours (name).

Pulling politeness may look exclusively impolite. How to avoid this? We share advice from experts in the field of etiquette.

Enough to write "Best Wishes!" At the end of the letter. Yes, this signature looks harmless. You really want a respondent only good. But times are changed, and similar formulas of courtesy have become redundant.

According to researchers from the University of Pennsylvania, who studied the issue since 2003, the social norm has changed relatively recently. Now only 5% of electronic letters ends with such wishes. More often attributed "Thank you!" Or "Regards!" .

Email was widely distributed in the 90s, and most users immediately left formalities - and the formula of courtesy at the end of the messages. According to the coach for the Barbara Patcher business etiquette, "it was more like notes." On Los Angeles webpage Times Sociologist of the University of California Neil Shmegler predicts that with the development of electronic technologies, the paper correspondence will finally go to the past.

But over time, emails took on the functions of paper, and people returned to familiar standards of business correspondence. Patchter says: "There was a whole hierarchy of the final signature." So what to choose? "Yours faithfully"? Bad stamp. "Hello hello"? Obserch emotionally. "Thank you"? A good option, but it is often chosen there where gratitude is not required at all. "Sincerely, yours" - are you really sincerely attached each of these files?

The problem of "all the best" is that it does not say anything to the respondent at all. Consultant on Business Ethics Judith Calos believes: "This is a meaningless formula of speech, used when nothing to say." Other experts are not as categorical: they call it "harmless", "correct", "decent" or "no". Liz Sunzico, Director in PR Agency NPR. He says: "Recently," all the best "expressed, as a rule, polite inattention - but now it can mean veiled offense or threat."

The best wishes are made by letters written several centuries ago. In the Anglo-Saxon tradition, the stamp appeared in 1922. According to Oxford English Dictionary, Francis Scott Fitzgerald contributed to this, who wrote the literary criticism Edmond Wilson "Zelda Schlet to you best wishes." The formula was widely widespread and completed its life only at the end of 1968, when Larry King received an official message, ended "all the best, Billy." Such letters strained even then, and even sharp in Larry King said that it was too familiar.

Formulas of courtesy have rooted in tongues. In 1922, Emily Post, one pillars of the science of etiquette, wrote:

"The British began to get rid of decorations in letters back in the XVIII century. They limited to "sincerely yours". "

In the era of the Internet, the tradition is preserved. People avoid both familiarities and attachment expressions and use as much as possible. neutral Formulations in the end of the letter. According to the survey, 75% of people prefer "Thank you!" or "good luck!". However, many recognize that this is not the best choice - but forced to comply with a new social norm.

If not "with the best wishes", how?

Yes, no Do not use polite formulas at all. With the distribution of Slack services, and email has become similar to messengers. Barbara patch believes: "E-mails have become less formal." Now in letters to friends or good friends, the final formulas do not use - it is believed that this is the same archaism as voice messages. Formulas of courtesy only slow down the correspondence. Liz Dunzico comments: "People do not speak so." She herself at the end of emails - business and personal - puts the point. Without a signature.

Correspondence is one of the most important ways to communicate people around the world. With it, you can solve any question: working, commercial, personal. This often saves time, because we do not need to expect a person to talk to him (let the better letter waiting for him in the box).

Fortunately, today we do not have to wait a long time, and the letter can be sent to lightningly thanks to the Internet. However, to avoid shame, it is important to know how to write it right in English. We will throw off the official and let's talk about pleasant - today we write a letter to a friend.


Thank You for Your Letter! I "M Glad to Hear That You" VE Passed Your Driving Test! Congratulations!

I "M Sorry I Haven" T Written for Such A Long Time. I "Ve Been Really Busy with My New Project. By The Way, Thank You for Your Brilliant Idea. I Really Had The Best Presentation Last Time. I Really Appreciated Your Advice.

As for Your Question, I Think All You Have to Do Is Just Regular Exercises. Don "T BE Lazy and Try to Find At Least 20-30 Minutes for Your Health Every Day. There Is a Rule Of 30 Minutes a day: if you do someething at least 30 minutes a day you Will Have A Result at the End Of The Week. For example, if you Read 50 Pages During This Time, At the End of the Week You "LL Have Total of about 350 Pages. If We Say That WE DON "T WE USUALY DO) We Have 0 Result at the End of the Week. Besides, They That It Takes 21 Days to Form a New Habit. SO ALL You have to Do IS to take the Bull by The Horns and Try It for Just 3 Weeks.

Unfortunately, I Need to Come Back to My Project. I Hope My Advice Was Helpful.

Hope to Hear from You Soon.

Take Care

An example of a letter to a friend

Thank you for your letter!
I am glad to know that you have passed on rights! Congratulations!
Sorry that I did not write for a long time. I was very busy with my new project. By the way, thanks for the excellent idea. I really had a wonderful presentation last time. I really appreciated your advice.
As for your question, it seems to me that all you need to do is just regular exercises. Do not be lazy and try to find at least 20-30 minutes a day for your health. There is a rule of 30 minutes a day: if you do something at least 30 minutes a day, at the end of the week you will have a result. For example, if you read 50 pages during this time, by the end of the week you will have already 350 pages. If we say that we have no time for this (as we usually do), we will have a zero result at the end of the week. In addition, they say, you need 21 days to form a new habit. Therefore, everything you need to do is take a bull for the horns and try for 3 weeks.
Unfortunately, I need to return to my project. I hope my advice was useful.
I hope for a quick answer.

What is an informal English letter?

Such a letter is also used to ask some information, congratulate on the holiday, ask for advice / give advice. A friendly letter can be written both to the old friend and a new one, an unknown friend. The letter tone must show your love and care of each other.

How to start an informal letter?

Like any other type of writing, the unofficial contains certain mandatory parts. Of course this is a greeting and farewell. Start with the words Far. (Dear) + the name of a person who is written. Also (especially in E-Maleh) can be started with the words HI + Human name.

For example: Dear Bob, or Hi Bob. Do not contact a person by last name or MR, MRS.. It sounds too formal and even ridiculous in combination with Far..

In an unofficial letter, they often put a comma after the name, and the text of the letter itself begins with a new line. In this case, it is important to keep the style, that is, if you used the comma at the beginning, you will repeat this technique at the end of the letter, saying goodbye.

What to write in an informal letter?

  • How Are you you? - How are you?
  • How Is Your Family? - How is your family?
  • Thank You / Many Thanks For Your (Recent / Last) Letter / Postcard. - Thanks / Premature thanks for the (recent / last) letter / postcard.
  • I Hope You Are Well.- I hope you are well.
  • I Was So Surprised To Hear That ... - I was surprised to hear that ...
  • IT Was Good / Nice / Great to Hear from You Again. - It was good / nice / wonder to get the news from you again.

If you did not communicate for a long time, the following phrases are suitable:

  • IT "S AGES SINCE I" VE HEARD FROM YOU. I Hope You "Re Well / You and Your Family Are Well. - For a hundred years I did not hear anything from you. I hope you're fine / you and your family is fine.
  • I "M Sorry I Haven" T Written / Haven "T Been in Touch for Such A Long Time. - I'm sorry that I did not write / did not support the connection so long.

Examples of phrases and letters in English

If a friend wrote about the news:

  • Glad to Hear That ... - I am glad to hear that ...
  • Great News ABOUT ... - Great news about ...
  • Sorry To Hear About ... - It's a pity to hear about ...
  • I Thought You Might Be intended to Hear About / Know ... - I thought you could be interested to hear about / to find out that ...
  • Listen, Did I Tell You About ...? You "LL Never Believe What ... - Listen, I told you about ...? You will never believe that ...
  • By The Way, Have You Heard About / Did You Know that ...? - By the way, did you hear about / you knew that ...?
  • Oh, And Another Thing ... This is just to let YOU KNOW THAT ... - Oh, and one more ... just that you know that ...


  • I "M M Really Sorry That I Forgot to Send You a Birthday Card But I Was Busy with My New Job. - Sorry, I am very sorry that I forgot to send you a birthday card, but I was busy with new work.
  • I "M Writing to Apologise for Missing Your Party But i" M Afraid I Was With Flu. "I am writing to apologize to missed your party, but I'm afraid I had a fun."

We invite:

  • Could You Let Me Know If You Can Come / You "d Like to Join US? - Could you give me to know if you can come / would you like to join us?
  • I Was Wondering If You "D Like to Come on Holiday With us. "I wonder if you would like to go with us on vacation."
  • I "M / WE" RE Having A Party on Saturday 13th and I / We Hope You "LL Be Able to Come. "I / we arrange a party on Saturday's 13th and hope you will be able to come."

Respond to the invitation:

  • Thank You Very Much for Your Invitation. I "D Love to Come. - Thanks a lot for the invitation. I would love to come with pleasure.
  • Thank You for Inviting Me To ... But i "M Afraid I Won" T Be Able to ... - Thanks for the invitation to ... But, I'm afraid I can not ...

We ask:

  • I "M Writing to Ask for Your Help / You (If You Could Do Me) A FAVOUR. - I write to you to ask for help / (I could tell me) about the service.
  • I Wonder If You Could Help ME / Do Me A Favour. - I wonder if you could help me / provide a service.
  • I "D BE VERY / REALY / TERRIBLY GRATEFUL IF YOU COULD ... - I would be very / really / terribly grateful if you could.

Thank you:

  • I "M Writing to Thank You for Your Hospitality / The Wonderful Present. - I am writing to you to thank you for the hospitality / wonderful gift.
  • IT WAS SO Kind of You to Invite Me to Stay WITH YOU. "It was so nice of you invite me to stay with you."
  • I Really AppReciated All Your Help / Advice. - I really appreciate your help / advice.

Congratulations / Wish good luck:

  • Congratulations on Passing Your Exams / Your Excellent Exam Results!- My congratulations on successful exams / your excellent results!
  • I Wish You Good Luck / Good Luck In / With Your EXAMS / Your Interview. - I wish you good luck / good luck in / on exams / interview.
  • Don "T Worry, I" M Sure You "LL DO WELL / PASS. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will succeed / hand."
  • Why don "t you ...? - Why do not you…?
  • Maybe You Could ...? - Maybe you could ...?
  • How about ...? - What about…?
  • You can "T Leave Moscow Without ... (Doing Sth) - You can't leave Moscow without ... (Having done something)
  • I "M Sure You Will Enjoy ... (Doing Sth). If You Like, We Can ..."I'm sure you like it ..." (do something). If you want, we can ...

How to finish an unofficial letter?

Of course, after we shared everything, they told about everything, they answered all questions, you need to logically finish the letter, it is impossible to just break it. For this, we also have some billets, traditional phrases.

Tell me why you finish the letter:

  • Unfortunately, I Need to / Have to Go. - Unfortunately, I need / I have to go.
  • IT "S Time to Finish. - It's time to finish.
  • Anyway, I Must Go and Get On With My Work! - In any case, I need to go and cope with the work.

Pass Hi or tell me about the next meeting / letter:

  • Give My Love / Regards to ... / Say Hello To ... - Give my regards to...
  • Anyway, Don "T Forget to Let ME Know The Dates of the Party. - In any case, do not forget to inform me of dates of the party.
  • WE MUST TRY AND MEET UP SOON. - You need to try to meet soon.
  • I CAN "T Wait to Hear from You. - I can not wait for the West of you.
  • Look Forward to Seeing You Again. - I look forward to meeting with you again.
  • Hope to Hear from You Soon. - I hope I'll hear soon.
  • See you Soon. - See you soon

And in conclusion, do not forget about the traditional wishes from the new line

  • LOVE, / LOTS OF LOVE, - With love,
  • All The Best, - All the best,
  • Take Care - Take care of yourself,
  • Best Wishes - Regards.
Useful Word-Bundles

- then
after IT / That - After that /
though. - although
sO. - So, therefore
that "s why - Therefore, that's why
besides. - Moreover
anyway. - in any case, anyway
fortunately. - Fortunately
unfortunately. - Unfortunately

Do you want to start yourself an English-speaking friend who can write in English, and then meet him personally and chat at all? And it doesn't matter from where you are from Mariupol, Nikolaev, Lviv or Krivoy Rog! Thieves English with EnglishDom and discover new horizons!

Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

Did you share fate with a friend, scattering different cities, albeit at the time? You can keep the connection by communicating by phone, using computer programs using a microphone headphones.

You can even see the interlocutor, and not just hear it if you have a webcam. However, the option is better than a live letter, have not yet come up with. After all, one thing is to dial a pair of phrases on the keyboard in the Mail agent or Skype, and another - write a letter from hand on a piece of paper, seal and send a destination. But first you need a letter correctly finish. So, how to finish the letter to a friend.

Recognize from whom the letter

Despite the fact that you write your last name and initials on the envelope, in the letter you need subscribe. If you are writing just a friend, the approximate sample of the signature will look like this: "Your friend Katya" or "Waiting for a meeting, Katya." Wring the best friend? Then you can afford something like this: "Your best girlfriend Katyushka. Look forward to meeting!" Or "do not miss, see you soon. Katyusha. " Finally, if your letter is addressed to your guy to the army, boldly write "I love, kiss and really miss. Your Katenka "or" I really missed, come soon! Your Katenka. " As for the diminutive-laxed suffixes in the names, this is how you decide how to write. It all depends on how your friend calls you.

The ending of the letter is not only a signature

Finish the letter to a friend from the girl should not just with one line with the name of the name and request to come or not to be bored. First read your letter, highlight the main thoughts.that you set out on paper. In the end of your message remind what was said in the letter. For example, you know that your friend comes tomorrow-day after tomorrow, and in the course of writing, they mentioned that they certainly want to meet him. Summing up, write what you want to see at such a time and in such a place.

Write in the end about all the way I forgot to write

If you remember that forgot to write something, put a combination of P.S characters. it latin abbreviation, denotes literally "after written". You can then set all what else you want to add to the letter.

Check your letter for errors

Of course, if you wrote your message on a computer to send later by e-mail, you can easily make corrections. But while writing a living letter better carefully monitor the errors. Otherwise, it will be necessary or rewrite the message anew, or to do blots. And the latter is extremely undesirable. You write not to someone, and your good friend or even a guy.

Latest strokers

Here you wrote a letter, it remains to seal and send. But do not hurry with it. One of the charms of paper letters is that you can leave on paper imprint of your kiss, silence a message to your perfume or put your joint photo, which was done on your dating day or another cute heart of your friend a small subject.

Friends have friends but the family should be each. If you do not have a person who would like to spend the rest of his life with you, find it on

« The last phrase is remembered"Thus, the words of the famous Kinoheroya from one Soviet television series sound. The replica went "to the people" and now is a common aphorism. After all, indeed, the last words affect all the impression of the conversation. Therefore, making up a business or personal correspondence, it is necessary to thoroughly think about how to finish a letter in English and politely say goodbye to the interlocutor. The ability to tactically and appropriately use standard phrases-cliché at the end of the letter and today's material will be devoted.

The official letter requires increased attention to courtesy standards. With successful business communication, the end of the letter allows you to strengthen the effect from the above text.

The ending in a business letter should be a favorable impression: there should be no obsessiveness, excessive emotion, flattery, bias, and even more so rudeness and ill-advantage. Therefore, the business correspondence is made to use an impersonal speech cliché. The table below presents standard phrases often participating in the completion of the business letter in English.

Should You Need Any Further Information, Please Do Not Hesitate to Contact Me. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me.
We Would Appreciate Your Cooperation In This Matter. We will be grateful for your cooperation in this matter.
Thanks for Your Extremely Helpful Attention to this Matter. Thank you for your extremely useful attention to this problem.
Thanks Again for Your Attention, Consideration, and Time. Thank you again for your attention, manifested interest and time spent.
We Look Forward to Building A Strong Business Relationship in The Future. With the expectation of the establishment of a successful and strong cooperation in the future.
WE Take this Opportunity of Thanking You for Your Assistance. Taking advantage of the ability to express you for gratitude for the assistance rendered.
We Are Looking Forward To Your Confirmation. We expect your confirmation.
We Look Forward to Hearing From You Soon. We hope to get a quick answer.
IT's Always A Pleasure Doing Business Wit You. It is always nice to deal with you.
Assuring You of Our Best Attention AT All Times. At any time, we are ready to listen carefully.

These expressions will help beautifully complete the text of the message. But this is not the whole ending, because No letter in English does no signature. Typically, this short replica expresses his respect or wishes of success. The translation of many such phrases to the Russian coincides, and when switching to English, they are used almost interchangeably, except with very small emotional differences.

Business letter in English can complete the signature of the following type:

  • Yours. FaithFully. * - with sincere reverence;
  • Respectfully Yours *with respect;
  • Sincerely. Yours. -Yours sincerely;
  • With Appreciation - sincerely grateful;
  • With gratitude - sincerely grateful;
  • Thanks and Regards.- with gratitude and wishes of good;
  • Best Regards.with best wishes;
  • Kind. Regards. - with good wishes;
  • Best Wishes. - With wishes of success.

* These expressions are used only if the writer is not personally familiar with the addressee of your letter.

Giving tribute to adopted courtesy standards, put a comma and with a new line write personal data of the signatorie: the name, surname and the referred position. This letter finished.

So, we dealt with official messages and learned them to be beautifully finished. But another important question remained unseasured: how can I complete a letter to a friend in English or an appeal to foreign relatives? Talk about this in detail in the next section.

English phrases farewell in friendly correspondence

Informal correspondence also adheres to polite tone, but provides incomparably more opportunities to express emotions and underlining the proximity and heat of relationships. Therefore, to the question of how to finish a letter in English in personal correspondence, there is a very large number of answers.

Let's start with the fact that informal text should also have a logical conclusion: a kind of last notch or final trait. And sometimes it is at the finish stage and a stupor happens: you write about the latest news and events, and the beautiful completion of the letter does not come to mind.

Of course, the writing style of letters from everyone, but even in a friendly correspondence, template phrases are often found. Do not know how to finish your English letter? Boldly choose and write one of the expressions below. In our material they are also highlighted in a separate table.

WELL, GOT TO GO NOW. Well, on this, perhaps, everything.
Anyway, I Must Go and Get With My Work. One way or another, but it's time for me to go and engage in your work.
I Must Finish My Letter Because I Must Go to Bed. I have to finish the letter, because I have to sleep.
Do Keep In Touch! We will be in touch!
I'm Sorry I Must Go To ... Sorry, but I have to go now ...
I Have Much To Work to Do. I have a lot of unfulfilled affairs.
Hope to Hear from You Soon. I hope to hear the news from you soon.
WELL, I MUST FINISH NOW. Well, it's time for me to build.
Write Back Soon! Answer quickly!
Write Soon and Let Me Know all the news. Mostly write the answer and let me know about all the news.
CAN't Wait to Hear From You! I can not wait for a new news from you!
DON'T FORGET TO WRITE! Do not forget to write!
Please, Tell Me More about ... Please tell me more about ....
Let ME Know What Happens. Let me know what's going on.
DROP ME A LINE WHEN YOU ARE FREE When you are free, write me a couple of lines.
Bye for now! Now goodbye!
Have a Nice Day! Have a good day!

Using these cliches, you can give a beautiful and meaningful view of any letter.

It remains only to deliver the polite formula and its initials. Signature options for an informal letter is simply mass, but we selected the best and frequently used examples from it. So long reflecting on how to sign a letter, you also do not have to.

If the addressees of your message are relatives or good acquaintances, it will be appropriate to use such forms of farewell as:

  • Yours Cordially. - Cardigo yours;
  • Yours Ever always yours;
  • Eternally Yours. - invariably yours;
  • Your Loving Brother. - Your loving brother;
  • You Friend. Your friend;
  • Your Very Sincere Friend - your devotee friend;
  • Best Wishes. Regards;
  • Give My Regards To - Transfer greetings ...;
  • All. Their Best Best wishes.

If you are with the interlocutor very close friends or you have warm romantic relationships, then the following wishes will come to the rescue:

  • Affectionately. - With tenderness;
  • Lots Of Love. - I love very much;
  • Lots of Kisses. Kisses;
  • Hugs. - I hug;
  • WITH LOVE AND KISSES - Love and kisses;
  • All MY LOVE - with all love;
  • Passionately Yours. Passionately yours;
  • Always and Forever - Your forever centuries;
  • Missing. You. Missing You;
  • Send. MY. Love. to. - Pass my attracts ...;
  • Take Care. Take care of yourself;
  • TILL Next Time. - Until the next time;
  • See You. SOON. See you soon;
  • See Ya. - See you;
  • Cheers.Until ;
  • Ciao. - Chao!

And after expressing their feelings, do not forget to put a comma, and from a new line to sign your name.

Now we are familiar with the rules for registration of all types of correspondence. But still, it is better to see a full sample letter once than to read the theory distracted from practice several times. At the end of the Material, we suggest you view examples of English letters of various characters with Russian translation.

How to finish a letter in English - samples and excerpts from correspondence

In this section, you will find a few examples, clearly showing the design of letters in English, as well as the correspondence of their styles and forms of courtesy.


Dear Daniel and Dear Sarah,

Please Accept Our Warmest Congratulation On Your Silver Wedding Anniversary!

IT Sems Like You Joined Your Fates Only Yesterday. Yet Twenty-Five Years Have Passed Since That Wonderful Day.

With Great Pleasure We Wnt To Wish Such An Ideal Couple All The Best: A Lot Of Love, Much Healthy, Eternal Youth and Long and Happy Life Together! IT's a Delight to Be Your Friends!

Best Wishes ON Your Anniversary


Dear Daniel and Sarah,

Take our most heartfelt congratulations on the silver anniversary of your wedding!

It seems that you have connected your destinies just yesterday. But there have been as many as 25 years since the wonderful day.

With great pleasure, we want to wish such an ideal pair of only the best things: a lot of love, good health, eternal youth and long and happy life together. Being your friends is an honor and pleasure!

Best wishes on your anniversary day,

Jonathan and Elizabeth Livingston.

Letters to a friend

Hi, Emily!

I'm Still Waiting For The Book Which You Promised to Send Meeting. You don't Write to Me Since Then But Obviously You Have a Lot On Your Plate Right Now.

Anyway, I`m Going to Visit You in A Week and We Have a Chance to Meet. What do you think about it? Drop Me A Line When You are Free.

Hello, Emily!

I'm still waiting for the book that you promised to send me to our last meeting. Since then, you have not written to me, apparently, you are very downloaded by affairs.

Whatever it was, I'm going to visit you online again, and we can meet. What do you think about that? Cherkani a couple of lines when you are free.



I Must Apologize for Not Writing Earlier. I WORKED VERY MUCH AND DIDNT Any Free Time. But Now I Can Tell You About My News.

SINCE YESTERDAY I'M ON VACATION. My Boss Let Me Go On Vacation For a Month. I Am Very Glad, Now I Can Go to Spain, Finally! I SAVED MONEY FOR THIS TRAVEL FOR TWO YEARS, AND YESTERDY I Have Boughta round trip. ticket to Barcelona.. I'll Spend Two Weeks in Barcelona. You cannotimagine How MuchI DREAMED ABOUT IT! I am Just in Seventh Heaven!

Later, When I'll Return Moscow, I'LL Go to My Parents. THEY LIVE IN SANKT-PETERSBURG. I SPENT MY CHILDHOOD IN THE CITY OF SANKT-PETERSBURG, SO I Have Many Friends There.I Will Be Very Pleased to Meet Wild. After this Trip To the City of My Childhood, I'll Return Moscow Again and Write You All My Experiences.

WELL, I MUST FINISH NOW. Hope to Hear from You Soon!


Dear Jack,

Thank you so much for your letter! Very nice to get a news from you!

I must apologize for not writing before. I worked a lot, and I did not have a minute of free time. But now I can tell you about my news.

From yesterday I'm on vacation. My boss allowed me to go on vacation for a whole month. I am very glad, now I can go to Spain, finally! I saved money for two years on this journey, and yesterday I bought tickets to Barcelona there and back. I will spend two weeks in Barcelona. You can't even imagine how much I dreamed about it! I'm just on the seventh heaven from happiness!

Later, when I return to Moscow, I will go to my parents. They live in St. Petersburg. I spent my childhood in St. Petersburg, so I have a lot of friends there. I will be very pleased to meet with them. After this trip to the city of my childhood, I will come back to Moscow again and I will write you all my impressions.

Well, I'm time to spin. I hope to get a news from you soon.

Love and kisses,

Excerpts from business letters

Please accept our sincere apologies for recent problems. Be sure that we will take all the necessary measures to do not happen in the future. In compensation, we issued a 30% chateen on your order.

Once again we apologize for the inconvenience.

All the best,