One day Ivan Denisovich Main points. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" - history of creation and publication

One day Ivan Denisovich Main points. Solzhenitsyn
One day Ivan Denisovich Main points. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" - history of creation and publication

The story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" Solzhenitsyn wrote in 1959. For the first time, the work was published in 1962 in the magazine "New World". The story brought Solzhenitsyn world fame and, according to researchers, influenced not only on the literature, but also on the history of the USSR. The initial author's name of the work is the story "Sh-854" (the sequence number of the chief hero of Shukhov in a correctional camp).

main characters

Shukhov Ivan Denisovich - A prisoner-work camp, bricklayer, "on the will" wife and two daughters are waiting for him.

Caesar "Prisoner," not that he is Greek, not the Jew, not that Gypsy, "I shot pictures for the cinema."

Other heroes

Triurin Andrey Prokofievich - Brigadier 104th prison brigade. It was "dismissed from the rows" of the army and got into the camp for the fact that he was the Son "Kulka". Shukhov knew him from the camp in Ust-Izhme.

Kildygs Jan. - prisoner, which was given 25 years; Latvian, good carpenter.

Fetukov - "Shakal", prisoner.

Aleshka - Prisoner, Baptist.

Gopchchchik - Prisoner, cunning, but harmless parenchy.

"At five o'clock in the morning, as always, the rise was hammered - the hammer of the rail at the boarama." Shukhov never wake up the rise, but today it is "illuminated" and "broken." Due to the fact that the man did not get up for a long time, he was taken to the commandant. Shukhov threatened the Cake, but he was punished only by washing the floors.

For breakfast in the camp there was a balanter (liquid chowder) from fish and black cabbage and porridge from Magar. The prisoners were slowly fished, they spoiled the bones on the table, and then linked to the floor.

After the breakfast, Shukhov went into the Sunchast. The young Feldsher, who was actually a former student of the literary institute, but on the patronage of the doctor fell into the Sunchast, gave a thermometer man. Showed 37.2. Feldscher suggested Shukhov "at his own fear of staying" - wait for a doctor, but he advised how to go to work.

Shukhov went to the Barack for soldering: bread and sugar. The man split bread into two parts. One hid under the degree racing, and the second in the mattress. Immediately read the gospel Baptist Aleshka. The guy "This little book is so sucking for a clever thing in the slot in the wall - I have not yet found anything on a single buck."

The brigade came out. Fetukov tried to reclaim the cigarette from Caesar, but Caesar was more willing to shake with Shukhov. During the "shmona" of prisoners forced to unbutton clothes: checked if anyone who had a knife, food, letters did not hide. People frozen: "Cold under the roaring came, now you will not fade." The column of prisoners moved. "Due to the fact that without soldering, there was a breakfast and that I ate everything cold, I felt shukhov today with a rich."

"The year began a new one, fifty-first, and had the right to two letters in it." "From the house of Shukhov left the twenty-third of June forty-first year. On Sunday, the people from the bedroom came from dinner and says: War. " House Shukhov waited for the family. His wife hoped that on his return home, the husband would deal with a profitable business, build a new home.

Shukhov and Kildags were the first in the brigade by masters. They were sent to warm the machine room and lay the walls with slag blocks on the CHP.

One of the prisoners - the gopchik reminded Ivan Denisovich his deceased son. The gopchik was planted "For the fact that the Benders in the forest milk wore."

Ivan Denisovich almost served his term. In February 1942, "in the north-western surrounded by their army all, and from the aircraft they did not throw anything, but there were no aircraft. They reached the fact that he had plasted hooves from the horses of the occasional. " Shukhov was captured, but soon escaped. However, "their own", learning about captivity, they decided that Shukhov and other soldiers are "fascist agents". It was believed that he sat down "for betraying his homeland": surrendered to German captive, and after he returned "because he carried out the task of German intelligence. What a task - neither Shukhov could not come up with no investigator. "

Lunch break. The workers did not give food, got a lot of "six", good foods took the cook. For lunch was the porridge oatmeal. It was believed that this is the "best porridge" and Shukhov even managed to deceive the cook and take for themselves two portions. On the way to Construction, Ivan Denisovich picked up a piece of steel hacksaw.

The 104th Brigade was, "like a big family." Work again work: stalked slag blocks on the second floor of the CHP. Worked until the sunset. The brigadier, joking, noted the good work of Shukhov: "Well, how to let you go free? Without you, the prison will cry! "

Prisoners returned to the camp. Men again "Shmona", checking whether they did not take anything from the construction site. Suddenly, Shukhov spoke in his pocket a piece of hacksaw, which was already forgotten. From it it was possible to make shoe goggles and exchanged products. Shukhov hid the hacksaw in the mittens and a miracle was checking.

Shukhov took Caesar the place in the queue to receive the parcel. Ivan Denisovich Parcel himself did not receive: he asked his wife not to take into children. In gratitude, Caesar gave his dinner on Shukhov. In the dining room again gave the Balant. Having unscrewing a hot fat, a man felt good: "So he, MiG short, for which ZEK lives!"

Shukhov earned money "from private work" - to whom the slippers will fly, to whom the degree bridge. On the revenue money, he could buy tobacco, other necessary things. When Ivan Denisovich returned to his Barack, Caesar was already "walked over the parcel" and gave shukhov also his breads of bread.

Caesar asked Shukhov's knives and "again Shukhov owed". The check has begun. Ivan Denisovich, realizing that during the inspection, Caesar's parcel can steal, he said that he was attached to the patient and went out the last, shukhov will try the very first to run after checking and trace food. In grateful to Caesar gave him "Two cookies, two pieces of sugar and one round slice of sausages."

Talked with Alesh about God. The guy spoke about what you need to pray and rejoice that you are in prison: "Here you have time to think about the soul." "Shukhov silently looked into the ceiling. I didn't know himself, he wanted will or not. "

"Fucking shukhov, quite satisfied" "I did not put it in the Cake, the brigade was not kicked out, he scored porridge at dinner, the brigadier closed the percentage, the wall of the shukhov put fun, did not get caught with a knife, she didn't get cazing with a knife on the tambacco evening. And did not get sick, swing. "

"A day was passed, nothing was overshadowed, almost happy.

There were three thousand six hundred and fifty three of these days from calling to call.

Due to leap years - three days of superfluous ... "


In the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", Alexander Solzhenitsyn portrayed the life of people who fell into the Gulag's Correlation and Labor Camps. The central theme of the work, by definition of the Tward, is the victory of the human spirit over the camp violence. Despite the fact that in fact the camp was created to destroy the personality of prisoners, Shukhov, as many others, manage to constantly lead the inner struggle, to remain people even in such difficult circumstances.

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Almost a third of the imprisoned period - from August 1950 to February 1953 - Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn served in the Ekibastuz special camp in the north of Kazakhstan. There, in general works, and flashed a long winter day the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story about one day of one Zec. "It was just such a camp day, heavy work, I dragged the stretcher with a partner and thought it would be necessary to describe the entire camp world - by the day," said the author in television interview with Nikita Struve (March 1976). "Of course, you can describe your ten years camp, there is the whole history of the camps," and in one day it is enough to collect, as in a sparrow, it is enough to describe only one day of one average, no noticeable person in the morning and before the evening. And everything will be. "

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Story "One Day Ivan Denisovich" [see On our site, his full text, a summary and literary analysis] was written in Ryazan, where Solzhenitsyn settled in June 1957 and from the new school year became a teacher of physics and astronomy in high school No. 2. Started on May 18, 1959, completed 30 June. The work took less than a year and a half. "It always turns out that if you write from a thick life, the life of which you excessively you know, and not what you do not need to guess something to something, something to try to understand, but only fight off from excessive material, just not too much I climbed, but accommodate the most necessary, "said the author in the radio interview for the BBC (June 8, 1982), which led Barry Holland.

Introducing in the camp, Solzhenitsyn to save himself in secret and with him himself, memorized at first some verses, and at the end of the term dialogues in prose and even a solid prose. In the link, and then rehabilitated, he could work, not destroying the passage for a passage, but should have been buried to avoid a new arrest. After reprints, the manuscript was burned. Burned and manuscript of the camp story. And since the typewriter had to be hidden, the text was printed on both sides of the sheet, without fields and without spaces between the lines.

Only two more than two years, after a sudden fierce attack on Stalin, undertaken by his successor N. S. Khrushchev At the XXII Party Congress (October 17 - 31, 1961), A. S. darked to offer a story to print. "Cave-type" (from caution - without author name) On November 10, 1961, R. D. Orlova, the wife of the prison friend A. S. - Lion Copelleva, was transferred to the Journal of the New World magazine, Anna Samoyovna Berzer. The typicalists rewrote the original, at the editorial office of Lion Copelleva Anna Samoilovna asked how to name the author, and Copellev proposed a pseudonym at his place of residence - A. Ryazan.

On December 8, 1961, the editor-in-chief of the "New World" Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky after a monthly absence appeared in the editorial office, A. S. Berzer asked him to read two difficult for passing a manuscript. One did not need a special recommendation at least for herself about the author: it was the story of Lydia Chukovskaya Sophia Petrovna. Other Anna Samoyovna said: "Camp with the eyes of a man, a very popular thing." Her Twardovsky and took with him until the morning. On the night of 8 to 9 December, he reads and reread the story. In the morning, the chain is called before the same Copelleva, asks about the author, recognizes his address and in the day of the telegram causes to Moscow. On December 11, on the day of his 43th anniversary, A. S. received this telegram: "I can possibly urgently come to the editorial board of the new World CPT expenses will be paid \u003d Tvardovsky." And Copellev, on December 9, telegraphed in Ryazan: "Alexander Trifonovich admired the article" (so former zeks agreed with each other to encrypt the unsafe story). For myself, the Tvardovsky recorded in the working notebook on December 12: "The strongest impression of the last days is the manuscript of A. Ryazan (Solonzhitsyn), with which I will meet today." The real name of the author Tvardovsky recorded from the vote.

December 12, Tvardovsky received Solzhenitsyn, convening to dating and conversation with him the whole head of the editor. "Wagonovsky warned me," notes A. S., - that printed firmly does not promise (Lord, yes, I was glad that I did not give it to CCGB!), And the deadline will not indicate, but will not regret the effort. " Immediately, the chief editor ordered to conclude a treaty with the author, as A. with ... "on the highest rate adopted (one advance is my two-year salary)." Teaching A. S. earned "sixty rubles a month."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn. One day Ivan Denisovich. Reads the author. Fragment

The initial names of the story - "Shch-854", "one day of one zeka". The final title is described in the editorial office of the New World in the first arrival of the author at the insistence of the Tarodovsky "transit to the table with the participation of Copelleva."

For all the rules of the Soviet Hardware Games, Tvardovsky began to prepare a multi-part combination so that in the end, to enlist the support of the main apparatus of the country of Khrushchev - the only person who could allow the publication of the camp story. At the request of the TWARDOVSKOGO for transmission to the top Written reviews about Ivan Denisovich wrote K. I. Chukovsky (his note was called "Literary Miracle"), S. Ya. Marshak, K. G. Powesty, K. M. Simonov ... The Tvardovsky himself amounted to Brief preface to a story and a letter addressed to the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR N. S. Khrushcheva. On August 6, 1962, after the nine-month editorial suffering, the manuscript of "One day Ivan Denisovich" with the letter of the Twardowski was sent to Khrushchev's assistant - V. S. Lebedev, who agreed, having won the favorable moment, to acquaint the cartridge with an unusual writing.

Tvardovsky wrote:

"Dear Nikita Sergeevich!

I would not consider it possible to encroach on your time on a private literary case if it were not for this truly exceptional case.

We are talking about the strikingly talented story of A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". The name of this author has not yet been known to anyone, but tomorrow it can become one of the wonderful names of our literature.

This is not only my deep conviction. The votes of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the voices of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the voices of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with my joining this rare literary find.

But due to the unusualness of the vital material covered in the story, I have a strong need for your advice and approval.

In a word, dear Nikita Sergeevich, if you find the opportunity to pay attention to this manuscript, I will be happy as if it were about my own work. "

In parallel with the promotion of the story through the Supreme Maze in the journal, a routine work with the author above the manuscript was going. July 23, a discussion of the story on the editorial board took place. Member of the editorial board, Soon the closest employee of the Twardovsky Vladimir Lakshin recorded in the diary:

"Solzhenitsyn I see for the first time. This is a man of forty years, ugly, in a summer suit - canvas trousers and a shirt with an unbalanced gate. The appearance is rustic, the eyes are planted deep. On the forehead scar. Clear, restrained, but not confused. Says well, folded, intent, with an exceptional sense of dignity. Laughs open, showing two rows of large teeth.

Tvardovsky suggested him - in the most delicate form, unobtrusively - to think about the comments of Lebedev and Chernukhan [employee of the Central Committee of the CPSU, to whom the Tvardovsky gave the manuscript of Solzhenitsyn]. Let's say, add a righteous outraged by Kavievna, remove the shade of sympathy to the Bandera, give someone from the camp authorities (the warden at least) in more recurrent, restrained colors, not yet there were villains.

Dementiev [Deputy Chief Editor of the New World] spoke of the same sharp, straightforward. Yaros stood up for Eisenstein, his "Potmkin's armadiole". He said that even from an artistic point of view, he does not satisfy the conversation pages with a Baptist. However, it does not confuse his art, but hold the same fears. Dementiev also said (I objected it) that the author is important to think about how his tale of the former prisoners, the remaining and after camp, persistent communists.

It hurts Solzhenitsyn. He replied that she did not think about such a special category of readers and does not want to think. "There is a book, and I am. Maybe I think about the reader, but this is a reader in general, and not different categories ... Then, all these people were not in general works. They, according to their qualifications or a former position, were usually arranged in a commandanttry, on bread cutting, etc. And it is possible to understand the position of Ivan Denisovich, only working in general works, that is, knowing this from the inside. If I were even in the same camp, but I watched it from the side, I would not write it. I would not write, I did not understand what kind of saving work ... "

I went a dispute about the place of the story, where the author speaks directly about the position of Kaväntly, that he is a thinly feeling, a thinking person - should turn into a blunt animal. And here Solzhenitsyn was not inferior: "This is the most important thing. The one who does not care in the camp will not get off her feelings - dies. I myself only saved. I'm scary now to look at the photo, how I left there: then I was older than now, for years for fifteen, and I was stupid, the thought worked awkward. And only therefore saved. If, as an intellectual, internally rushing, nervous, worried everything that happened, it would probably die. "

During the conversation, the Tvardovsky carelessly mentioned the red pencil, which at the last minute could either strike out from the story. Solzhenitsyn was alarmed and asked to explain what it means. Can the editors or censorship remove something without showing him the text? "I was the integrity of this thing more than her printed," he said.

Solzhenitsyn carefully recorded all comments and suggestions. He said that divides them for three discharges: those with whom he could agree, even believes that they are beneficial; those that he will think difficult for him; Finally, impossible - those with whom he does not want to see the thing printed.

The Twardowski offered his amendments timidly, almost embarrassed, and when Solzhenitsyn took the floor, looked at him with love and immediately agreed if the author's objections were founded. "

The same discussion was written by A. s ..:

"The main thing that Lebedev demanded is to remove all the places in which the Kavengengen seemed to be a comic figure (according to Ivan Denisovich), as he was conceived, and emphasize the party's party of Kaväntly (it is necessary to have a" positive hero "!). It seemed to me the smallest of the victims. I removed the comic, it remains as if the "heroic", but "insufficiently opened," as critics were later found. A little will be taken out by the Cavenman's protest on a divorce now (the plan was - what the protest is ridiculous), but the camp pictures are probably not disturbed. Then it was necessary to easily use the word "ass" to the convoy, I reduced from seven to three; Portage - "Gad" and "Gady" about the authorities (it was nusto); And to at least not the author, but the Kavengeni would condemn the Bandera (I gave the register to Kavuportu, but in a separate edition later he threw it: she was natural, but they were too thickly rented by and without that). More - to nine in the Cames some hope of freedom (but I could not do this). And, the most ridiculous for me, hatering Stalin, - at least once it was necessary to name Stalin as a disaster culprit. (And indeed - he never was in the story mentioned by anyone! This is not by chance, of course, I got it: I saw the Soviet regime, and not Stalin one.) I made this concession: I remembered the "swelling of the mustache" once ... ".

On September 15, Lebedev handed over the TVDovsky that "Solzhenitsyn (" One day ") approved by N [IKITA] with [Ergeyevi] than" and that in the coming days the chief will invite it to conversation. However, Hrushchev himself found it necessary to enlist the support of the party top. The decision to publish the "One day of Ivan Denisovich" was adopted on October 12, 1962 at a meeting of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee under the pressure of Khrushchev. And only on October 20, he accepted Tvardovsky to report a favorable result of his hassle. He noticed about the story itself: "Yes, the material is unusual, but I will say, and the style, and the language is unusual - I did not suddenly go. Well, I think the thing is strong, very. And it does not cause, despite such material, feelings of hard, although there is a lot of bitterness. "

After reading the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" before the publication, in the car painting, Anna Akhmatova, describing in " Requiem"Mount of" Stomilion People "For example, the side of the prison shutters, with pressure spoke:" This story is about-bia to do and learn by heart - every citizen From all two hundred million citizens of the Soviet Union. "

The story, for the existence named by the editor in the subtitle of the story, published in the magazine "New World" (1962. No. 11. P. 8 - 74; signed to print on November 3; the signal copy was delivered to the editor-in-chief on the evening of November 15; according to the testimony of Vladimir Lakshin, mailing Started on November 17; on November 19, about 2,000 copies. They were brought to the Kremlin for the participants of the Plenum of the Central Committee) with the note of A. Tvardovsky "instead of the preface." Circulation 96 900 copies. (By permission of the CPSU Central Committee, 25,000 were printed additionally). Reprinted in Roman-Gazeta (M.: Gichl, 1963. No. 1/277. 47 p. 700,000 Ex.) And a book (M.: Soviet writer, 1963. 144 p. 100,000 copies). On June 11, 1963, Vladimir Lakshin recorded: "Solzhenitsyn gave me a" Soviet writer "on the ambulance hand" One day ... ". The publication is really shameful: a gloomy, colorless cover, gray paper. Alexander Isaevich is joking: "released in the publication of the Gulag" ".

Cover of the publication of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" in Roman-Gazeta, 1963

"In order for its [Talk] to print in the Soviet Union, it was necessary to host incredible circumstances and exceptional personalities," said A. Solzhenitsyn in the radio interview to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC (June 8, 1982 G.). - It is absolutely clear: if there were no TVandovsky as the chief editor of the magazine - no, this story would not be printed. But I will add. And if there were no Khrushchev at that moment - either would not be printed. More: if the Khrushchev did not attack Stalin at this moment once again - he would not have been printed. Printing my story in the Soviet Union, in the 62nd year, like a phenomenon against physical laws, as if b, for example, items began to rise from the ground up or cold stones would heat themselves, to heat up to fire. It is impossible, it is absolutely impossible. The system was so arranged, and in 45 years she did not release anything - and suddenly such a breakthrough. Yes, and Twardovsky, and Khrushchev, and the moment - everyone should have come together. Of course, I could later send abroad and print, but now, according to the reaction of the Western Socialists, it is clear: if it were printed in the West, and these very socialists would say: all the lie, there was nothing of it, and there was no camps, and there was no There was no destruction, there was nothing. Only because everyone had tongues that it was printed with the permission of the Central Committee in Moscow, that was shocked. "

"Do not happen [serving the manuscript in the" New World "and the publication in the homeland] - another would happen, and the worst, - recorded A. Solzhenitsyn fifteen years earlier, - I would send a photo film with camp things - abroad, under the pseudonym Stepan Hlynov how she was already harvested. I did not know that in the most successful version, if in the West it will be published and noticed, it could not happen the hundredth of the stake of that effect. "

With the publication of the "one day Ivan Denisovich" is connected by the return of the author to work on the "Archipelago Gulag". "I still had a" archipelago "Ivan Denisovich," said Solzhenitsyn in CBS television interview (June 17, 1974), which Walter Kronkight led, - I felt such a systematic thing, the overall plan of everything that was and in time, as it happened. But my personal experience and experience of my comrades, how much I asked about camps, all the fates, all episodes, all stories, was little for such a thing. And when "Ivan Denisovich" was printed, then from all over Russia, how letters exploded to me were exploded, and in letters, people wrote that they survived what she had. Or insisted to meet me and tell me, and I began to meet. Everyone asked me, the author of the first camp story, write more, more, describe the whole camp world. They did not know my idea and did not know how much it was already written, but carried and carried me the missing material. " "And so I collected an indescribable material, which in the Soviet Union can not be collected, - only thanks to Ivan Denisovich, - summed up A. S. in the radio interview for the BBC on June 8, 1982 - so it became like a pedestal For the "Gulag Archipelago" ".

In December 1963, "one day of Ivan Denisovich" was nominated for the Leninist Prize of the New World and the Central State Archive of Literature and Art. According to the "Truth" (February 19, 1964), selected "for further discussion." Then included in the list for secret ballot. Premium did not receive. Wires in the field of literature, journalism and journalism were Oles Gonchar for the Roman "Tronka" and Vasily Peskov for the book "Steps on Russia" ("True", April 22, 1964). "Already then, in April 1964, in Moscow, they rumored that this story with the voting was the" rehearsal of the coup "against Nikita: would you succeed or would not be able to remove the book approved by himself? For 40 years it never swares. But osmellie - and managed. It hovel them, which is not strong. "

From the second half of the 60s "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" was made from circulation to the USSR along with other publications A. S. The final ban on them was introduced by the order of the Main Directorate for the Protection of Public Secrets in the press, agreed with the CPSU Central Committee, of January 28, 1974 . In a specially dedicated to Solzhenitsyn, the Order No. 10 of February 14, 1974 is listed from the libraries of the magazine "New World" to be seized from the libraries of the magazine "New World" with works of the writer (No. 11, 1962; No. 1, 7, 1963; No. 1, 1966) and Separate editions of the "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", including the translation into Estonian and the book "for the Blind". The order is equipped with a note: "Also foreign editions are also subject to withdrawal (including newspapers and magazines) with the works of the said author." The ban was removed by the record of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU of December 31, 1988

Since 1990, "one day Ivan Denisovich" is published again in his homeland.

Foreign feature film on "One Day Ivan Denisovich"

In 1971, the Anglo-Norwegian film was shot at the "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" (director Casper Harm, in the role of Shukhov Tom Courtney). For the first time, A. Solzhenitsyn was able to see it only in 1974. Speaking on French television (March 9, 1976), he answered the question of this film:

"I must say that the directors and actors of this film came very honestly to the task, and with great penetration, after all, they did not experience it, did not survive, but were able to guess this dedicated mood and were able to transfer this slowdown pace, which fills the life of such a prisoner 10 years, sometimes 25, if, as often happens, he will not die before. Well, very small reproaches can be made, it is mostly where the Western imagination simply cannot submit the details of such a lifetime. For example, for our eye, for mine or if my friends could see former zeks (will they ever see this film?) - For our eye, the tag is too clean, not torn; Then, almost all the actors, in general, dense men, and after all, there are people in the camp on the very verge of death, they have no shoes, there are no strength. On the film, in the barrack so warmly, that the Latvian sits there with naked legs, hands, is impossible, you will freeze. Well, these are small comments, and in general, I must say, I am surprised how the authors of the film could understand and sincere soul tried to convey our suffering to the Western viewer. "

The day described in the story falls on January 1951

According to the materials of Vladimir Radzishevsky.

Where in June 1957, Alexander Isaevich finally settled on returning from the eternal reference. The work took less than a year and a half.

I'm in the 50th year, in some long camp winter day tuskled stretcher with a partner and thought: how to describe all our camp life? In fact, it is enough to describe the same day in detail, in the smallest details, while the day of the simplest workers, and there will reflect our whole life. And do not even need to push some horrors, it is not necessary that it was some kind of special day, and - ordinary, that is the very day from which the years have been folded. I decided so, and this idea remained in my mind, nine years I did not touch him and only in 1959, in nine years old, sat down and wrote. ... I wrote him for a long time completely, only forty days, less than a year and a half. It always turns out that if you write from a thick life, the life of which you excessively you know, and not that you do not need to guess to something, something trying to understand, but only you fight off the excessive material, just not climb but accommodate the most necessary.

In 1961, a "lightweight" option was created without some of the most sharp judgments about the mode.

In the editorial office of "New World"

On December 11, the TVard telegram asked Solzhenitsyn to urgently come to the editorial office of the "New World".

On December 12, Solzhenitsyn arrived in Moscow, met with Twardovsky, Berzer, Alexey Kondratovich, Boris Zaks, Alexander Dementiev, in the editorial office of the "New World" (Copellev attended the meeting). The story that was originally called "Sh-854. One day of one zacka, "it was proposed to call the story called" One Day of Ivan Denisovich ". Between the editors and the author was concluded a contract.

First reviews. Editorial work

In December 1961, Tvardovsky gave the manuscript "Ivan Denisovich" to read K. Chukovsky, S. Marshaku, K. Fedina, K. Poist, I. Erenburg. At the request of the Tvardovsky, they wrote their written reviews about the story. Tvardovsky planned to use them when promoting manuscripts for printing.

Chukovsky called his review "Literary Miracle":

Shukhov - the generalized character of the Russian simple person: a life-in-law, "malicious", hardy, master on all hands, crazy - and kind. Native brother Vasily Turkina. Although it is referred to here in the third person, the whole story is written by his tongue, full of humor, colorful and fault.

At the same time, "Ivan Denisovich" began to spread in handwritten and typewritten copy lists.

Members of the editorial board of the "New World", in particular, Dementiev, as well as high-ranking CPSU figures, which the text was also presented to familiarize themselves (head of the artistic literature sector of the Cultural Cultural Culture Department), a number of comments and claims expressed the author. Basically, they were dictated not aesthetic, but political considerations. Offered and corrections directly to the text. As Vladimir Lakshin indicates, all offers were carefully fixed Solzhenitsyn:

Solzhenitsyn carefully recorded all comments and suggestions. He said that divides them for three discharges: those with whom he could agree, even believes that they are beneficial; those that he will think difficult for him; Finally, impossible - those with whom he does not want to see the thing printed.

Solzhenitsyn later with irony wrote about these requirements:

And, the most ridiculous for me, hatering Stalin, - at least once it was necessary to name Stalin as a disaster culprit. (And indeed - he never was in the story mentioned by anyone! This is not by chance, of course, I got out: I saw the Soviet regime, and not Stalin one.) I made this concession: I remembered the "Bat of the Used" once ...

"Ivan Denisovich", Tvardovsky and Khrushchev

In July 1962, Tvardovsky, feeling the censorship obstruction of the story in political reasons, was a brief preface to the story and a letter addressed to the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers N. S. Khrushcheva with a brief assessment of the work. On August 6, Tvardovsky handed the letter and Manuscript "Ivan Denisovich" Assistant (referent) Khrushcheva V. Lebedev:

<…> We are talking about the strikingly talented story of A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". The name of this author has not yet been known to anyone, but tomorrow it can become one of the wonderful names of our literature.

This is not only my deep conviction. The votes of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the voices of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the voices of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with my joining this rare literary find.
<…> Nikita Sergeevich, if you find the opportunity to pay attention to this manuscript, I will be happy, as if it were about my own work.

In September, Lebedev at the rest hours began to read the story of Khrushchev. Khrushchev was excited and ordered to provide in the Central Committee of the CPSU 23 of the instance of Ivan Denisovich for the leading figures of the CPSU.

On October 12, 1962, under the pressure of Khrushchev, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU decided to publish a story, and on October 20, Khrushchev declared the Tvardovsky about this decision of the Presidium.

In the period from 1 to 6 November, the first magazine stories proofreader appeared.

In 1982, in the radio interview to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC Solzhenitsyn recalled:

It is absolutely clear: if there were no Tvardovsky as the chief editor of the magazine - no, this story would not be printed. But I will add. And if there were no Khrushchev at that moment - either would not be printed. More: if the Khrushchev did not attack Stalin at this moment once again - he would not have been printed. Printing my story in the Soviet Union, in 62nd, like phenomenon against physical laws<…> Now, according to the reaction of Western socialists, it can be seen: if it were printed in the West, but these very socialists would say: all the lie, there was no choice, and there was no camp, and there was no destruction, there was nothing. Only because everyone has tongues that it is printed with the permission of the Central Committee in Moscow, this shocked.

Ivan Denisovich was published

The stream was given Solzhenitsyn letters of readers:

... when "Ivan Denisovich" was printed, then from all over Russia how letters exploded to me, and in letters, people wrote that they have survived what she had. Or insisted to meet me and tell me, and I began to meet. Everyone asked me, the author of the first camp story, write more, more, describe the whole camp world. They did not know my idea and did not know how much it was already written, but carried and carried me the missing material.
... So I collected an indescribable material, which in the Soviet Union can not be collected, - only thanks to Ivan Denisovich. So he became like a pedestal for the "Gulag archipelago"

On December 28, 1963, the editors of the New World magazine and the Central State Archive of Literature and Art put forward the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the dement to the Lenin Prize in literature for 1964. The extension on such a high premium of the literary work "small form" was perceived by many "literary generals" at least as a blasphemy, such a thing in the USSR has never happened. Discussion of the story at meetings of the Prizes Committee took the form of harsh disputes. On April 14, 1964, when voting in the Committee, the candidacy was failed.

During the years of stagnation

After the resignation of Khrushchev, the clouds over Solzhenitsy began to thicken, the estimates of Ivan Denisovich began to acquire other shades. Noteworthy, the response of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP of Uzbekistan Rashidov, expressed in the form of a note in the CPSU Central Committee on February 5, 1966, where Solzhenitsyn is directly named with the slander and the enemy "our wonderful reality":

His story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" under the guise of the debate of the cult of the personality gave food to bourgeois ideologists for anti-Soviet propaganda.

Finally Solzhenitsyn has been edited by the text in April 1968.

In 1971-1972, all the publications "Ivan Denisovich", including the magazine, were seized from public libraries and were destroyed. From the magazine of the page with the text of the story, they simply pulled out, the name of the author and the name of the story in the table of contents were shuffled. Officially, the Main Directorate for the Protection of Public Secrets In the Soviet Council of Ministers of the USSR, in coordination with the Central Committee, the CPSU decided to remove the works of Solzhenitsyn from the libraries of mass use and the book-selling network on January 28, 1974. February 14, 1974, after the expulsion of the writer from the USSR, a specially dedicated to Solzhenitsyn Order of Chief Mulita No. 10 was published, where the issue of the new world magazine was listed from the libraries of public use (No. 11, 1962; No. 1, 7, 1963 ; No. 1, 1966) and individual editions of the "One day of Ivan Denisovich", including the translation into Estonian and the book "for the blind". The order was supplied with a note: "Also, foreign editions are also subject to withdrawal (including newspapers and magazines) with the works of the said author." The ban was removed by the record of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU of December 31, 1988.

Again, "one day of Ivan Denisovich" is published in his homeland since 1990.

On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the story of the story, it was reprinted in the form of a two-volume one: he himself entered the first book, and in the second - letters, half a century who had twisted under prior in the archive of the New World.

Talks about one day from the life of the prisoner Ivan Denisovich Shukhov:

Ivan Denisovich, from the very beginning I understood that he should not be such as I am, and not any developed especially, it should be the most ordinary loophoder. I told me the Tvardovsky: if I put the hero, for example, Caesar Markovich, well, there is some intellectual, arranged somehow in the office, then there was no quarter. Not. He had to be the most middle soldier of this Gulag, the one on whom it lifts everything.

The story begins with the words:

At five o'clock in the morning, as always, pierced the lifting - the hammer of the rail at the boarama.

and ends with the words:

Passed a day, no darling, almost happy.

There were three thousand six hundred and fifty three of these days from calling to call.
Due to leap years - three days of superfluous ...

Almost all heroes have their prototypes. So, the main character, Ivan Shukhov, is written off in part from the author himself, partly from his friend, the soldier Ivan Shukhov (never sitting). The image of Captain Buinovsky was collective - his prototypes were Captain Boris Vasilyevich Burkovsky and a maritime officer, Athlete Georgy Pavlovich Tanno. Feldscher Kolya Widowshkina in reality was called Nikolai Borovikov, and Caesar Markovich was written off from the director of Leo Alekseevich Grosman.

Criticism and reviews

A sharp controversy unfolded around the publication.

The first review, written by Konstantin Simonov, "On the past in the name of the future," appeared in the newspaper Izvestia literally on the day of the publication of Ivan Denisovich:

<…> Laconic and honed prose of large artistic generalizations<…> The story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" is written by a hand of a mature, a universal master. In our literature came strong talent.

The rejection of the story "literary generals" was marked in the allegorical poem of Nikolai Gribachev "Meteorite", published in the newspaper "Izvestia" on November 30.

In November, under the appearance of the "one day Ivan Denisovich", Vamlam Shalamov wrote in a letter to the author:

The story - like poems - everything is completely in it, everything is advisable. Each line, each scene, each characteristic is so laconic, smart, thin and deep that I think that the "new world" from the very beginning of its existence is nothing so solid, so strong did not print. And so necessary - because without an honest solution to these very questions, no literature, nor social life can go ahead - everything that happens with no diligence, bypassing, to deception - brought, brings and bring only harm.

There is another huge dignity - it is deep and very thinly shown the peasant psychology of Shukhov. So thin highly artistic work I have not yet met, admit, long ago.
In general, details, details of life, the behavior of all heroes is very accurate and very new, burning new.<…> Such details in the story - hundreds - other, not new, not accurate, not at all.

All your story is that the long-awaited truth, without which the literature cannot move forward.

On December 8, in the article "In the Name of the Future" in the Moscow Pravda newspaper, I. Chicherov wrote that Solzhenitsyn was unfortunately chosen as the main character of the story of the peasant Shukhov, it would be necessary to strengthen the "line" of Buynovsky, "real communists, party leaders." "The tragedy of such people for some reason was little interested in a writer."

Unofficially Solzhenitsyn said that the story would have become much better if he did his shhukhov not innocently by the victim of the collective farmer, but innocently affected the secretary of the regional committee.

The Emigrant Printing and Criticism responded to the historical literary event: on December 23, Article Mich appeared in the "New Russian Word". Koryakova "Ivan Denisovich", and on December 29, "one day Ivan Denisovich" was published for the first time abroad in Russian (in the newspaper "New Russian Word"; the newspaper published a story with parts, until January 17, 1963). On January 3, 1963, Adamovich wrote an article about Solzhenitsyn under the heading "Literature and Life" in the newspaper "Russian Thought" (Paris).

In January 1963, Articles of I. Dr. "On the courage and dignity of man" appeared (in the journal "Friendship of Peoples", No. 1):

A small story - and how spacious it became in our literature!

For external restraint there is a huge moral power of the author

in March - V. Bushina "Great Bread of Truth" (in the magazine "Neva", No. 3), N. Gubko "Man wins" (in the magazine "Star", No. 3):

The best traditional features of Russian prose XIX century were combined with the search for new forms that can be called as polyphonicity, syntheticism

In 1964, the book of S. Artamonov "Writer and Life: Historical and Literary, Theoretical and Critical Articles", where the article "On the story of Solzhenitsyn" was promptly included.

In January 1964, an article V. Lakshin "Ivan Denisovich, his friends and enemies" was published in the magazine "New World".

If Solzhenitsyn was a smaller scales and alike, he would probably chose the most difficult day of the most difficult pore of the camp life of Ivan Denisovich. But he went to another way, it is possible only for confident in his power of a writer who is evident that the subject of his story is so important and harsh, which eliminates the vigor sensationality and the desire to terrify the description of suffering, physical pain. So, putting himself as if in the most difficult and unfavorable conditions in front of the reader, who did not expect to get acquainted with the "happy" life of the prisoner's life, the author guaranteed the full objectivity of his artistic testimony ...

On April 11, under the title "High-demand" "True" published a review of letters of readers about the story "One day ...", at the same time from the "New World" (No. 4) a selection of letters of readers "Once again about the story of A. Solzhenitsyn" was seized One day Ivan Denisovich ".

From December 1962 to October 1964, Solzhenitsyn's stories (including "one day ...", "Matrinin Dvor", "The case at the station of a nochetovka", "for the use of the case") more than 60 reviews and articles were devoted to periodic press.

The nature of the disputes around the story is marked by Chukovsky. In her diary, published many years later (in 1994), Ivanovich's roots recorded on November 24, 1962:

In the autumn of 1964, anonymous (written by V. L. Teushem) began to be distributed in Samizdat (written by V. L. Teushech). This analysis was very accurately appreciated by the "civilian literators":

In an anonymous document, the author seeks to prove that the story "one day of Ivan Denisovich" is important, since it reveals not only the life of a particular correctional and labor camp, but is essentially a reflection of one day of the life of Soviet society. He conducts a direct analogy of relationships, on the one hand, between the heads of the camp and prisoners, and on the other - between the leading leaders of the country and the population; Between the situation of the prisoners and the lives of Soviet people, the unbearable work of prisoners and "slave" labor of Soviet workers, etc. All this is masked under the image of the person's cult, although in fact there is an obvious criticism of the socialist system.

The writer in response to the publication received a large number of letters of readers:

When the former zacks from the tube launches of all immediately newspapers learned that some kind of story was released about the camps and her newsletters should be praised, "they decided unanimously:" Sharp again! They prompted and here to lie. " What our newspapers with their conventional excerpts suddenly want to praise the truth - after all, so, nevertheless, it was impossible to imagine! Others did not want to take my story in the hands. When you began to read, it would have broken down as a common fusion moan, a moan of joy - and moan pain. Letters flowed.

A significant amount of research and memoirs appeared in 2002, to the 40th anniversary of the first publication.


Due to the large number of publications, the list of which significantly affects the volume of the article, only the first or other editions are given here.

In Russian

In other languages

In English

It is known at least four translations into English.

  • English One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. With an introd. By Marvin L. Kalb. Foreword by Alexander Tvardovsky. NEW YORK, DUTTON, 1963. - Translation of Ralph Parker. US Congress Library: 63012266
    • Penguin Books, (1963) 1968, ISBN 9781405924986. 1970, ISBN 9780140020533. 1974, ISBN 9780141045351. 1995, ISBN 9781857152197 (The Authorized Translation of The Restored Text By H. T. Willetts). 2000, ISBN 9780141184746. 2003, ISBN 9780099449270. 2009, ISBN 9780141045351 (REPRINT 1970).
    • Victor Gollancz Ltd, 1963 (First UK Edition)
  • English One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich / Translated by Max Hayward and Ronald Hingley; Introduction by Max Hayward and Leopold Labedz. NEW YORK: PRAEGER, 1963. - Translation of Max Heyuord and Ronald Hingley. US Congress Library: 6301276
  • English One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich / Alexander Solzhenitsyn; Translated by Gillon Aitken. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1971. - Translation of Hillon Aitken. US Congress Library: 90138556
  • English Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich: A Screenplay, by Ronald Harwood From The Translation by Gillon Aitken. London, 1971. ISBN 0-7221-8021-7 - Scenario of the movie. The scriptwriter is Ronald Harwood, on the translation of Hillon Aitken.
  • English One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich / Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Translated by H.T. Willetts. 1st ED. NEW YORK: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991. ISBN 0-374-22643-1 - Translation of Harry Willets, authorized Solzhenitsyn.
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich \u003d One day Ivan Denisovich (English) / H.T. translation Willetts. - M.: Center of the book, 2008. - 304 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-9697-0730-6.
In Bulgarian
  • Bulge. Alexandr Solzhenitsin. One Den to Ivan Denisovich: PRESENT: Стали. - Sofia: Interprint, 1990.
In Hungarian
  • Weng. Alekszandr szolzsenyicin. Ivan Gyenyiszovics Egy Napja. Ford. Wessely László. - 2. Kiad. - Budapest: EURópa, 1989. ISBN 963-07-4870-3.
On Danish language
  • dates. Solzjenitsyn, Aleksandr. En Dag I Ivan Denisovitjs LIV. GYLDENDAL, 2003.. ISBN 87-02-01867-5.
Yiddish In Spanish
  • Span. . Versión de Ismael Antich. Herder, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1963
  • Span. Un día de iván denísovich . Ediciones Era, S.A. 1963.
  • Span. Un día en la vida de iván denísovich . Traducción de J. Ferrer Aleu. Plaza & Janes Editores, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1969. ISBN: 9789203216678
  • Span. Un día en la vida de iván denísovich . Traducción de J. A. Mercado Y J. Bravo. Círculo De Lectores, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1970
  • Span. Un día en la vida de iván denísovich . Con Proslogo de Mario Vargas Llosa. Semblanza Biográfica de Jesús García Gabaldón. TRADUCCION DE J. A. Mercado, J.A. BRAVO, M.A. Chao. Círculo De Lectores, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1988. ISBN: 9788422625667
  • Span. Un día en la vida de iván denísovich . Traducción y Prólogo de Enrique Fernández Vernet. Tusquets Editores, 2008. ISBN: 9788483831076
In Italian
  • Italian. UNA GIORNATA DI IVAN DENOSOVIČ. Traduzione Di Giorgio Kraiski, Collana "Romanzi Moderni", Milano, Garzanti, Gennaio 1963.
In German
  • it. EIN TAG IM Leben Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Erzählung / Alexander Solschenizyn. - Berlin-Grunewald: Herbig, 1963. - Translation of Wilhelm Lösera, Theodore Friedrich and others.
  • it. EIN TAG IM Leben Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Roman / Alexander Solschenizyn. - München - Zürich: Droemer / Knaur, 1963. - Translation of Max Heyuord and Leopold Labdenzy under the editing of Gonda Kurtz and Siegloglite Zumer. I endured at least twelve publications.
  • it. EIN Tag Des Iwan Denissowitsch und Andere Erzählungen / Alexander Solschenizyn. Mit E. Essay von Georg Lukács. - Frankfurt (Main): Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1970. ISBN 3-7632-1476-3. - Translation of Mary von Holbek. Essay Dierd Lukach.
  • it. Ein Tag Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Erzählung / Alexander Solschenizyn. - HUSUM (Nordsee): Hamburger-leehefte-Verlag, 1975 (?). ISBN 3-87291-139-2. - Translation of Kaya Borovski and Gizeli Reichert.
  • it. Ein Tag Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Erzählung / Alexander Solschenizyn. DT. von Christoph Meng. - München: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1979. ISBN 3-423-01524-1 - Translation of Christopher Menga. I endured at least twelve publications.
  • it. EIN TAG IM Leben Des Iwan Denissowitsch / Alexander Solschenizyn. Gelesen Von Hans Korte. Regie Und Bearb.: Volker Gerth. - München: Herbig, 2002. ISBN 3-7844-4023-1. - Audiobook for 4 CDs.
In Polish
  • Polish. Aleksander SOłzenicyn. Jeden Dzień Iwana DenisOwicza. Przekł. Witold Dąbrowski, Irena Lewandowska. - Warszawa: Iskry, 1989. ISBN 83-207-1243-2.
On Romanian language
  • Room. Alexandr Soljeniţîn. O Zi Din Viaţa Lui Ivan Denisovici. În ROM. De Sergiu Adam şi Tiberiu Ionescu. - Bucureşti: Quintus, 1991. ISBN 973-95177-4-9.
In Serbohorvatsky language
  • Serbohorv. Aleksandar Solženjicin. Jedan Dan Ivana Denisoviča; PREV. SA RUS. Mira Lalić. - Beograd: Paideia, 2006. ISBN 86-7448-146-9.
In French
  • Fr. UNE JOURNÉE D'Ivan Denissovitch. Paris: Julliard, 1969. US Congress Library: 71457284
  • Fr. UNE Journée D "Ivan Denissovitch / Par Alexandre Soljenitsyne; Trad. Du Russe Par Lucia et Jean Cathala; Préf. De Jean Cathala. - Paris: Julliard, 2003. ISBN 2-264-03831-4. - Translation of Lucy and Jean rata.
In Czech
  • Cache. Alexandr Solženicyn. Jeden Den Ivana děnisoviče. Praha: Nakladatelství Politické Literatury, 1963.
  • Cache. Alexandr Solženicyn. Jeden Den Ivana Děnisoviče a Jiné Povídky. Z rus. Orig. Přel. Sergej Machonin A Anna Nováková. - Praha: LID. NAKL., 1991. ISBN 80-7022-107-0. - Translation of Sergey Makhonin and Anna Novakova.
In Swedish
  • Swede. Solzjenitsyn, Aleksandr. En Dag I Ivan Denisovitjs LIV. Arena, 1963, Översättning AV Rolf Berner. Trådhäftad Med Omslag AV Svenolov Ehrén - Translation of Rolf Berner.
  • Swede. Solzjenitsyn, Aleksandr. En Dag I Ivan Denisovitjs LIV. Wahlström & Widstrand, 1970. NYÖVERSÄTTNING AV HANS BJÖRKEGREN. Limhäftad Med Omslag AV Per Åhlin - updated translation of Hans Bjerkegeren.

On the scene and screen

Dramatic theater in the dramatic theater In the musical theater In concert programs In movies and on television



  1. Solzhenitsyn A.I. . - ISBN 5-7415-0478-7.
  2. Solzhenitsyn reads "One day Ivan Denisovich" (Neopr.) . Archived on November 5, 2012.
  3. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Collection of works in thirty volumes / ed. - Compiler Natalia Solzhenitsyn. - M.: Time, 2006. - T. first. Stories and croches. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4.
  4. Lydia Chukovskaya. Notes on Anna Akhmatova: at 3 t. - M., 1997. - T. 2. - P. 521. Breakdown by syllables and italics - Lydia Chukovskaya.
  5. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Stories and Crochetoty // Collected Works in 30 tons. - M.: Time, 2006. - T. 1. - P. 574. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4.
  6. The manuscript of the story burned. - Solzhenitsyn A.I. Collected Works in 30 tons / [Comm. - Vladimir Radzishevsky]. - M.: Time, 2006. - T. 1. Stories and crumbots. - P. 574. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4.
  7. Alexander Tvardovsky. Workbooks of the 60s. 1961 year. Record from 12.xii.61 // Banner. - 2000. - № 6. - P. 171. Twardovsky writes the author's surname from the voice, for rumor, distorting it.
  8. Friends agreed at the correspondence to call the story "Article" for conspiracy.
  9. At the insistence of the Tvardovsky and contrary to the author's will. Solzhenitsyn's biography (S. P. Zaligin, with the participation of P. E. Spivakovsky) Archival copy of September 28, 2007 on Wayback Machine
  10. They offered me for the weight to call the story story ... I went in vain. We wash off the boundaries between genres and impairment of forms. "Ivan Denisovich" is, of course, the story, albeit a big one. ( Solzhenitsyn A.I.
  11. ... Title Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky offered this, the current title, his own. I had "Sh-854. One day of one zack. " And he suggested very well, it fell well ... - Solzhenitsyn A.I. Radio interview, given Barry Holland to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC in Cavendis 8 June 1982 // Publicistics: in 3 tons - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1997. - T. 3: Articles, Letters, Interviews, Preface. - ISBN 5-7415-0478-7.
  12. ... Not allowing objections, Tvardovsky said that with the name "Sh-854" the story would never be printed. I did not know their passion to mitigating, separating rename, and also did not defend. The transfer of assumptions through the table with the participation of Copelleva was composed together: "One day of Ivan Denisovich". - Solzhenitsyn A.I. I booted a calf with oak // New World. - 1991. - № 6. - P. 20.
  13. <…> According to the highest rack they have (one advance - my two-year salary)<…> - A. Solzhenitsyn. A calf was beamed with an oak. Essays of literary life. - Paris: YMCA-Press, 1975.
  14. L. Chukovskaya. Notes on Anna Akhmatova: at 3 t. - M.: Time, 2007. - T. 2. - P. 768. - ISBN 978-5-9691-0209-5.
  15. Vladimir Lakshin. "New World" in the time of Khrushchev: Diary and passing. 1953-1964. - M., 1991. - P. 66-67.
  16. A. Solzhenitsyn. The calf was beamed with oak: essays of literary life. - M., 1996. - P. 41.
  17. Tsxd. F.5. Ophm30. D.404. L.138.
  18. Cyt. by: // Continent. - 1993. - № 75 (January-February-March). - p. 162.
  19. A. Tvardovsky. Workbooks of the 60s // Banner. - 2000. - № 7. - P. 129, 135.
  20. Do not politburo, as some sources indicate, in particular, brief explanations for the work at the end of each publication. Politburo at that time has not yet existed.
  21. Solzhenitsyn A. Radio interview to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC [Cavendish, June 8, 1982] / Solzhenitsyn A. I. Publicistics: 3 t. T. 3: Articles, letters, interviews, preface. - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1997. - P. 21-30. - ISBN 5-7415-0478-7.
  22. Solzhenitsyn A.I. One day Ivan Denisovich // New World. - 1962. - № 11. - P. 8-71.
  23. Alexander Tvardovsky wrote a special article "Instead of Preface" for this issue.
  24. According to Vladimir Lakshin, mailing has begun on November 17.
  25. Print. November 13, 2012 (Culture News)
  26. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Collected Works in 30 t / comm. V. Radzishevsky. - M.: Time, 2006. - T. 1. Stories and crumbots. - P. 579. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4.
  27. June 11, 1963 in his diary, Vladimir Lakshin recorded: "Solzhenitsyn gave me a" one day ... "of the Soviet writer, the edition is really shameful: a gloomy, colorless cover, gray paper. Alexander Isaevich jokes: "released" in the publication of the Gulaga "" "- Lakshin V. "New World" in the time of Khrushchev. - P. 133.
  28. Plotnikova A. "Ivan Denisovich" - 50 years ago and today. Book formed generation views "Ivan Denisovich" - 50 years ago and today. Book formed generation views Archived on February 26, 2013.
  29. Niva J. Solzhenitsyn / lane. With Fr. Simon Markish in collaboration with the author. - M.: Hood. Lit, 1992. Archival Copy of July 20, 2011 on Wayback Machine
  30. Gul R. B. Solzhenitsyn and social identity: "One day Ivan Denisovich" // TDUKON: Soviet and emigrant literature. - New York: Bridge, 1973. - P. 83.
  31. Teleinterview Walter Kronkite for the company from teleinterview of CBS (June 17, 1974) // Publicistics: 3 tons - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1996. - T. 2: Public statements, letters, interviews. - P. 98. - ISBN 5-7415-0462-0.
  32. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Radio interview, given Barry Holland to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC in Cavendis 8 June 1982 // Publicistics: in 3 tons - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1997. - T. 3: Articles, Letters, Interviews, Preface. - P. 92-93. - ISBN 5-7415-0478-7.
  33. Possed by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP of Uzbekistan S. R. Rashidova on the punishment of A. Solzhenitsyn on February 5, 1966 - Tsxd. F.5. OP.36. D. 155. L. 104. CIT. by: Documents from the archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the case of A. I. Solzhenitsyn // Continent. - 1993. - № 75 (January-February-March). - pp. 165-166.

The work took less than a year and a half.

I'm in the 50th year, in some long camp winter day tuskled stretcher with a partner and thought: how to describe all our camp life? In fact, it is enough to describe the same day in detail, in the smallest details, while the day of the simplest workers, and there will reflect our whole life. And do not even need to push some horrors, it is not necessary that it was some kind of special day, and - ordinary, that is the very day from which the years have been folded. I decided so, and this idea remained in my mind, nine years I did not touch him and only in 1959, in nine years old, sat down and wrote. ... I wrote him for a long time completely, only forty days, less than a year and a half. It always turns out that if you write from a thick life, the life of which you excessively you know, and not that you do not need to guess to something, something trying to understand, but only you fight off the excessive material, just not climb but accommodate the most necessary.

In 1961, a "lightweight" option was created without some of the most sharp judgments about the mode.

In the editorial office of "New World"

On December 11, the TVard telegram asked Solzhenitsyn to urgently come to the editorial office of the "New World".

On December 12, Solzhenitsyn arrived in Moscow, met with Twardovsky, Berzer, Kondratovich, Zaksz, Dementiev, in the editorial office of the "New World" (Copellev attended the meeting). The story that was originally called "Sh-854. One day of one zacka, "it was proposed to call the story called" One Day of Ivan Denisovich ". Between the editors and the author was concluded a contract.

First reviews. Editorial work

In December 1961, Tvardovsky gave the manuscript "Ivan Denisovich" to read Chukovsky, Marshak, Fedina, Powest, Ehrenburg. At the request of the Tvardovsky, they wrote their written reviews about the story. Tvardovsky planned to use them when promoting manuscripts for printing.

Chukovsky called his review "Literary Miracle":

Shukhov - the generalized character of the Russian simple person: a life-in-law, "malicious", hardy, master on all hands, crazy - and kind. Native brother Vasily Turkina. Although it is referred to here in the third person, the whole story is written by his tongue, full of humor, colorful and fault.

At the same time, "Ivan Denisovich" began to spread in handwritten and typewritten copy lists.

Members of the editorial board of the "New World", in particular, Dementiev, as well as high-ranking CPSU figures, which the text was also presented to familiarize themselves (head of the artistic literature sector of the Cultural Cultural Culture Department), a number of comments and claims expressed the author. Basically, they were dictated not aesthetic, but political considerations. Offered and corrections directly to the text. As Lakshin points, all proposals were carefully fixed by Solzhenitsyn:

Solzhenitsyn carefully recorded all comments and suggestions. He said that divides them for three discharges: those with whom he could agree, even believes that they are beneficial; those that he will think difficult for him; Finally, impossible - those with whom he does not want to see the thing printed.

Solzhenitsyn later with irony wrote about these requirements:

And, the most ridiculous for me, hatering Stalin, - at least once it was necessary to name Stalin as a disaster culprit. (And indeed - he never was in the story mentioned by anyone! This is not by chance, of course, I got out: I saw the Soviet regime, and not Stalin one.) I made this concession: I remembered the "Bat of the Used" once ...

"Ivan Denisovich", Tvardovsky and Khrushchev

In July 1962, Tvardovsky, feeling the censorship obstruction of the story in political reasons, was a brief preface to the story and a letter addressed to the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers N. S. Khrushcheva with a brief assessment of the work. On August 6, the Twardovsky gave the letter and manuscript "Ivan Denisovich" Assistant Khrushcheva V. Lebedev:

<…> We are talking about the strikingly talented story of A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". The name of this author has not yet been known to anyone, but tomorrow it can become one of the wonderful names of our literature.
This is not only my deep conviction. The votes of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the voices of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the voices of other prominent writers and critics, who had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with my joining this rare literary find.
<…> Nikita Sergeevich, if you find the opportunity to pay attention to this manuscript, I will be happy, as if it were about my own work.

On October 12, 1962, under the pressure of Khrushchev, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU decided to publish a story, and on October 20, Khrushchev declared the Tvardovsky about this decision of the Presidium.

In the period from 1 to 6 November, the first magazine stories proofreader appeared.

In 1982, in the radio interview to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC Solzhenitsyn recalled:

It is absolutely clear: if there were no Tvardovsky as the chief editor of the magazine - no, this story would not be printed. But I will add. And if there were no Khrushchev at that moment - either would not be printed. More: if the Khrushchev did not attack Stalin at this moment once again - he would not have been printed. Printing my story in the Soviet Union, in 62nd, like phenomenon against physical laws<…> Now, according to the reaction of Western socialists, it can be seen: if it were printed in the West, but these very socialists would say: all the lie, there was no choice, and there was no camp, and there was no destruction, there was nothing. Only because everyone has tongues that it is printed with the permission of the Central Committee in Moscow, this shocked.

Ivan Denisovich was published

The news about this publication flew around the whole world. Solzhenitsyn immediately became a celebrity.

On December 30, 1962, Solzhenitsyn was adopted by the USSR Union of Writers.

After a fairly short time - in January 1963 - the story was reissued by Roman-newspaper (No. 1/277, January 1963; a circulation of 700 thousand copies) and - in the summer of 1963 - a separate book in the Publishing House "Soviet writer" (circulation of 100 thousand instances).

The stream was given Solzhenitsyn letters of readers:

... when "Ivan Denisovich" was printed, then from all over Russia how letters exploded to me, and in letters, people wrote that they have survived what she had. Or insisted to meet me and tell me, and I began to meet. Everyone asked me, the author of the first camp story, write more, more, describe the whole camp world. They did not know my idea and did not know how much it was already written, but carried and carried me the missing material.
... So I collected an indescribable material, which in the Soviet Union can not be collected, - only thanks to Ivan Denisovich. So he became like a pedestal for the "Gulag archipelago"

On December 28, 1963, the editors of the New World magazine and the Central State Archive of Literature and Art put forward the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the dement to the Lenin Prize in literature for 1964. The extension on such a high premium of the literary work "small form" was perceived by many "literary generals" at least as a blasphemy, such a thing in the USSR has never happened. Discussion of the story at meetings of the Prizes Committee took the form of harsh disputes. On April 14, 1964, when voting in the Committee, the candidacy was failed.

During the years of stagnation

After the resignation of Khrushchev, the clouds over Solzhenitsy began to thicken, the estimates of Ivan Denisovich began to acquire other shades. Noteworthy, the response of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP of Uzbekistan Rashidov, expressed in the form of a note in the CPSU Central Committee on February 5, 1966, where Solzhenitsyn is directly named with the slander and the enemy "our wonderful reality":

His story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" under the guise of the debate of the cult of the personality gave food to bourgeois ideologists for anti-Soviet propaganda.

Finally Solzhenitsyn has been edited by the text in April 1968.

In 1971-1972, all the publications "Ivan Denisovich", including the magazine, were seized from public libraries and were destroyed. From the magazine of the page with the text of the story, they simply pulled out, the name of the author and the name of the story in the table of contents were shuffled. Officially, the Main Directorate for the Protection of Public Secrets In the Soviet Council of Ministers of the USSR, in coordination with the Central Committee, the CPSU decided to remove the works of Solzhenitsyn from the libraries of mass use and the book-selling network on January 28, 1974. February 14, 1974, after the expulsion of the writer from the USSR, a specially dedicated to Solzhenitsyn Order of Chief Mulita No. 10 was published, where the issue of the new world magazine was listed from the libraries of public use (No. 11, 1962; No. 1, 7, 1963 ; No. 1, 1966) and individual editions of the "One day of Ivan Denisovich", including the translation into Estonian and the book "for the blind". The order was supplied with a note: "Also, foreign editions are also subject to withdrawal (including newspapers and magazines) with the works of the said author." The ban was removed by the record of the ideological department of the Central Committee of the CPSU of December 31, 1988.

Again, "one day of Ivan Denisovich" is published in his homeland since 1990.

Brief analysis

For the first time in the Soviet literature, readers were truthfully, with huge artistic skills showed Stalinist repressions.

Talks about one day from the life of the prisoner Ivan Denisovich Shukhov:

Ivan Denisovich, from the very beginning I understood that he should not be such as I am, and not any developed especially, it should be the most ordinary loophoder. I told me the Tvardovsky: if I put the hero, for example, Caesar Markovich, well, there is some intellectual, arranged somehow in the office, then there was no quarter. Not. He had to be the most middle soldier of this Gulag, the one on whom it lifts everything.

The story begins with the words:

At five o'clock in the morning, as always, pierced the lifting - the hammer of the rail at the boarama.

and ends with the words:

Passed a day, no darling, almost happy.
There were three thousand six hundred and fifty three of these days from calling to call.
Due to leap years - three days of superfluous ...

Criticism and reviews

A sharp controversy unfolded around the publication.

The first review, written by Konstantin Simonov, "On the past in the name of the future," appeared in the newspaper Izvestia literally on the day of the publication of Ivan Denisovich:

<…> Laconic and honed prose of large artistic generalizations<…> The story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" is written by a hand of a mature, a universal master. In our literature came strong talent.

The rejection of the story "literary generals" was marked in the allegorical poem of Nikolai Gribachev "Meteorite", published in the newspaper "Izvestia" on November 30.

In November, under the appearance of the "one day Ivan Denisovich", Vamlam Shalamov wrote in a letter to the author:

The story - like poems - everything is completely in it, everything is advisable. Each line, each scene, each characteristic is so laconic, smart, thin and deep that I think that the "new world" from the very beginning of its existence is nothing so solid, so strong did not print. And so necessary - because without an honest solution to these very questions, no literature, nor social life can go ahead - everything that happens with no diligence, bypassing, to deception - brought, brings and bring only harm.
There is another huge dignity - it is deep and very thinly shown the peasant psychology of Shukhov. So thin highly artistic work I have not yet met, admit, long ago.
In general, details, details of life, the behavior of all heroes is very accurate and very new, burning new.<…> Such details in the story - hundreds - other, not new, not accurate, not at all.
All your story is that the long-awaited truth, without which the literature cannot move forward.

On December 8, in the article "In the Name of the Future" in the Moscow Pravda newspaper, I. Chicherov wrote that Solzhenitsyn was unfortunately chosen as the main character of the story of the peasant Shukhov, it would be necessary to strengthen the "line" of Buynovsky, "real communists, party leaders." "The tragedy of such people for some reason was little interested in a writer."

The Emigrant Printing and Criticism responded to the historical literary event: on December 23, Article Mich appeared in the "New Russian Word". Koryakova "Ivan Denisovich", and on December 29, "one day Ivan Denisovich" was published for the first time abroad in Russian (in the newspaper "New Russian Word"; the newspaper published a story with parts, until January 17, 1963). On January 3, 1963, Adamovich wrote an article about Solzhenitsyn under the heading "Literature and Life" in the newspaper "Russian Thought" (Paris).

In January 1963, Articles of I. Dr. "On the courage and dignity of man" appeared (in the journal "Friendship of Peoples", No. 1):

A small story - and how spacious it became in our literature!

in March - V. Bushina "Great Bread of Truth" (in the magazine "Neva", No. 3), N. Gubko "Man wins" (in the magazine "Star", No. 3):

The best traditional features of Russian prose XIX century were combined with the search for new forms that can be called as polyphonicity, syntheticism

In 1964, the book of S. Artamonov "Writer and Life: Historical and Literary, Theoretical and Critical Articles", where the article "On the story of Solzhenitsyn" was promptly included.

In January 1964, an article V. Lakshin "Ivan Denisovich, his friends and enemies" was published in the magazine "New World".

If Solzhenitsyn was a smaller scales and alike, he would probably chose the most difficult day of the most difficult pore of the camp life of Ivan Denisovich. But he went to another way, it is possible only for confident in his power of a writer who is evident that the subject of his story is so important and harsh, which eliminates the vigor sensationality and the desire to terrify the description of suffering, physical pain. So, putting himself as if in the most difficult and unfavorable conditions in front of the reader, who did not expect to get acquainted with the "happy" life of the prisoner's life, the author guaranteed the full objectivity of his artistic testimony ...

On April 11, under the title "High-demand" "True" published a review of letters of readers about the story "One day ...", at the same time from the "New World" (No. 4) a selection of letters of readers "Once again about the story of A. Solzhenitsyn" was seized One day Ivan Denisovich ".

From December 1962 to October 1964, Solzhenitsyn's stories (including "one day ...", "Matrinin Dvor", "The case at the station of a nochetovka", "for the use of the case") more than 60 reviews and articles were devoted to periodic press.

The nature of the disputes around the story is marked by Chukovsky. In his diary, published many years later (in 1994), the roots of Ivanovich recorded on November 24, 1962:

... met Katava. He is outraged by the story "one day", which is printed in the "New World". To my amazement, he said: the story is fake: it does not show a protest. - What protest? - Protest the peasant sitting in the camp. "But in the same way, the whole truth of the story: the executioners created such conditions that people have lost the slightest concept of justice and under the threat of death do not dare and think that there are conscience in the world, honor, humanity. A person agrees to consider himself a spy to the investigators do not beat him. In this, the whole essence of the wonderful story - and Kataev says: how he dares not to protest at least under the blanket. How did Kakaev himself protested during the Stalinist regime? He made the slave hymns, like all (we).

In the autumn of 1964, anonymous (written by V. L. Teushem) began to be distributed in Samizdat (written by V. L. Teushech). This analysis was very accurately appreciated by the "civilian literators":

In an anonymous document, the author seeks to prove that the story "one day of Ivan Denisovich" is important, since it reveals not only the life of a particular correctional and labor camp, but is essentially a reflection of one day of the life of Soviet society. He holds a direct analogy of relationships, on the one hand, between the heads of the camp and prisoners, and on the other - between the leaders of the country and the population; Between the position of the prisoners and the lives of Soviet people, the unbearable labor of prisoners and the "slave" labor of Soviet workers, etc. All this is masked under the image of the person's cult period, although in fact there is an obvious criticism of the socialist system.

The writer in response to the publication received a large number of letters of readers :.

When the former zacks from the tube launches of all immediately newspapers learned that some kind of story was released about the camps and her newsletters should be praised, "they decided unanimously:" Sharp again! They prompted and here to lie. " What our newspapers with their conventional excerpts suddenly want to praise the truth - after all, so, nevertheless, it was impossible to imagine! Others did not want to take my story in the hands. When it began to read - it would have broken as if a common fusion moan, moan joy - and moan pain. Letters flowed.

A significant amount of research and memoirs appeared in 2002, to the 40th anniversary of the first publication.

On the scene and screen


Due to the large number of publications, the list of which significantly affects the volume of the article, only the first or other editions are given here.

In Russian

  • A. Solzhenitsyn. One day Ivan Denisovich. - M.: Soviet writer, 1963. - The first edition of the story of a separate book. US Congress Library: 65068255.
  • A. Solzhenitsyn. One day Ivan Denisovich. - London: Flegon Press ,. - The first pirate publication in Russian abroad.
  • Solzhenitsyn A. Stories. - M.: Center "New World" - 1990. (Library of the New World magazine) ISBN 5-85060-003-5 (reprint edition. Printed by the text of the composition of the writings A. Solzhenitsyn, Vermont-Paris, YMCA-PRESS, T . 3. Recovered authentic domestic texts, re-tested and filled by the author). Circulation 300000 copies. - The first edition of the book in the USSR after a long break caused by the expulsion of the writer in 1974.
  • Solzhenitsyn A. I. Collected Works in 30 volumes. T. 1. Stories and croches. - M.: Time, 2006. ISBN 5-94117-168-4. Circulation 3000 copies. - Text, verified by the author. (With careful comments by Vladimir Radzishevsky).

In other languages

In English

I endured at least four translations into English.

  • english One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. With an introd. By Marvin L. Kalb. Foreword by Alexander Tvardovsky. NEW YORK, DUTTON, 1963. - Translation of Ralph Parker. US Congress Library: 63012266
  • english One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich / Translated by Max Hayward and Ronald Hingley; Introduction by Max Hayward and Leopold Labedz. NEW YORK: PRAEGER, 1963. - Translation of Max Heyuord and Ronald Hingley. US Congress Library: 6301276
  • english One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich / Alexander Solzhenitsyn; Translated by Gillon Aitken. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1971. - Translation of Hillon Aitken. US Congress Library: 90138556
  • english Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich: A Screenplay, by Ronald Harwood From The Translation by Gillon Aitken. London, Sphere, 1971. ISBN 0-7221-8021-7 - Scenario of the movie. The scriptwriter is Ronald Harwood, on the translation of Hillon Aitken.
  • english One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich / Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn; Translated by H.T. Willetts. 1st ED. NEW YORK: Farrar, Straus, Giroux, 1991. ISBN 0-374-22643-1 - Translation of Harry Willets, authorized Solzhenitsyn.
In Bulgarian
  • bulge. Alexandr Solzhenitsin. One Den to Ivan Denisovich: PRESENT: Стали. - Sofia: Interprint, 1990.
In Hungarian
  • weng. Alekszandr szolzsenyicin. Ivan Gyenyiszovics Egy Napja. Ford. Wessely László. - 2. Kiad. - Budapest: EURópa, 1989. ISBN 963-07-4870-3.
On Danish language
  • dates. Solzjenitsyn, Aleksandr. En Dag I Ivan Denisovitjs LIV. GYLDENDAL, 2003.. ISBN 87-02-01867-5.
In German
  • it. EIN TAG IM Leben Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Erzählung / Alexander Solschenizyn. - Berlin-Grunewald: Herbig, 1963. - Translation of Wilhelm Lösera, Theodore Friedrich and others.
  • it. EIN TAG IM Leben Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Roman / Alexander Solschenizyn. - München - Zürich: Droemer / Knaur, 1963. - Translation of Max Heyuord and Leopold Labdenzy under the editing of Gonda Kurtz and Siegloglite Zumer. I endured at least twelve publications.
  • it. EIN Tag Des Iwan Denissowitsch und Andere Erzählungen / Alexander Solschenizyn. Mit E. Essay von Georg Lukács. - Frankfurt (Main): Büchergilde Gutenberg, 1970. ISBN 3-7632-1476-3. - Translation of Mary von Holbek. Essay Dierd Lukach.
  • it. Ein Tag Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Erzählung / Alexander Solschenizyn. - HUSUM (Nordsee): Hamburger-leehefte-Verlag, 1975 (?). ISBN 3-87291-139-2. - Translation of Kaya Borovski and Gizeli Reichert.
  • it. Ein Tag Des Iwan Denissowitsch: Erzählung / Alexander Solschenizyn. DT. von Christoph Meng. - München: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, 1979. ISBN 3-423-01524-1 - Translation of Christopher Menga. I endured at least twelve publications.
  • it. EIN TAG IM Leben Des Iwan Denissowitsch / Alexander Solschenizyn. Gelesen Von Hans Korte. Regie Und Bearb.: Volker Gerth. - München: Herbig, 2002. ISBN 3-7844-4023-1. - Audiobook for 4 CDs.
In Polish
  • polish. Aleksander SOłzenicyn. Jeden Dzień Iwana DenisOwicza. Przekł. Witold Dąbrowski, Irena Lewandowska. - Warszawa: Iskry, 1989 . ISBN 83-207-1243-2.
On Romanian language
  • room. Alexandr Soljeniţîn. O Zi Din Viaţa Lui Ivan Denisovici. În ROM. De Sergiu Adam şi Tiberiu Ionescu. - Bucureşti: Quintus, 1991. ISBN 973-95177-4-9.
In Serbohorvatsky language
  • serbohorv. Aleksandar Solženjicin. Jedan Dan Ivana Denisoviča; PREV. SA RUS. Mira Lalić. - Beograd: Paideia, 2006. ISBN 86-7448-146-9.
In French
  • fr. UNE JOURNÉE D'Ivan Denissovitch. Paris: Julliard, 1969. US Congress Library: 71457284
  • fr. UNE Journée D "Ivan Denissovitch / Par Alexandre Soljenitsyne; Trad. Du Russe Par Lucia et Jean Cathala; Préf. De Jean Cathala. - Paris: Julliard, 2003 . ISBN 2-264-03831-4. - Translation of Lucy and Jean rata.
In Czech
  • cache. Alexandr Solženicyn. Jeden Den Ivana děnisoviče. Praha: Nakladatelství Politické Literatury, 1963.
  • cache. Alexandr Solženicyn. Jeden Den Ivana Děnisoviče a Jiné Povídky. Z rus. Orig. Přel. Sergej Machonin A Anna Nováková. - Praha: LID. NAKL., 1991. ISBN 80-7022-107-0. - Translation of Sergey Makhonin and Anna Novakova.
In Swedish
  • swede. Solzjenitsyn, Aleksandr. EN DAG I IVAN DENISOVITJS LIV [ÖVERSÄTTNING AV HANS BJÖRKEGREN]. 1963. .
  • swede. Solzjenitsyn, Aleksandr. En Dag I Ivan Denisovitjs LIV. Arena, 1963, Översättning AV Rolf Berner. Trådhäftad Med Omslag AV Svenolov Ehrén - Translation of Rolf Berner.
  • swede. Solzjenitsyn, Aleksandr. En Dag I Ivan Denisovitjs LIV. Wahlström & Widstrand, 1970. NYÖVERSÄTTNING AV HANS BJÖRKEGREN. Limhäftad Med Omslag AV Per Åhlin - Translation of Hans Bjerkegren.

The name of the story is a decoding of English-speaking ditloida -ACroniem ditloid \u003d one D.aY. I.n. T.he. L.iFE O.f. I.van. D.enisovich.

see also


  1. Solzhenitsyn reads "one day Ivan Denisovich". Russian BBC service. Archived from the original source on November 5, 2012. Checked November 3, 2012.
  2. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Collection of works in thirty volumes / ed. - Compiler Natalia Solzhenitsyn. - M .: Time, 2006. - T. first. Stories and croches. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4
  3. Lydia Chukovskaya. Notes on Anna Akhmatova: at 3 t. - m., 1997. - T. 2. - P. 521. Breakdown by syllables and italics - Lydia Chukovskaya.
  4. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Stories and croches. // Collected Works in 30 volumes. - m .: Time, 2006. - T. 1. - p. 574. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4
  5. Solzhenitsyn A.I. // Publicistics: 3 t ISBN 5-7415-0478-7.
  6. The manuscript of the story burned. - Solzhenitsyn A.I. Collected Works in 30 volumes. T. 1. Stories and croches / [Comm. - Vladimir Radzishevsky]. - m .: Time, 2006. - P. 574. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4
  7. Alexander Tvardovsky. Workbooks of the 60s. 1961 year. Record from 12.xii.61. // Banner. - 2000. - № 6. - P. 171. Twardovsky writes the author's surname from the voice, for rumor, distorting it.
  8. Friends agreed at the correspondence to call the story "Article" for conspiracy
  9. At the insistence of the Tvardovsky and contrary to the author's will. Biography of Solzhenitsyn (S. P. Zaligin, with the participation of P. E. Spivakovsky)
  10. They offered me for the weight to call the story story ... I went in vain. We wash off the boundaries between genres and impairment of forms. "Ivan Denisovich" is, of course, the story, albeit a big one. ( Solzhenitsyn A.I. Callel booted with oak // New world. - 1991. - № 6. - P. 20.
  11. ... Title Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky offered this, the current title, his own. I had "Sh-854. One day of one zack. " And he suggested very well, it fell well ... - Solzhenitsyn A.I. Radio interview, given Barry Holland to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC in Cavendis 8 June 1982 // Publicistics: 3 t. - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1997. - T. 3: Articles, Letters, Interview, Preface. - ISBN 5-7415-0478-7.
  12. ... Not allowing objections, Tvardovsky said that with the name "Sh-854" the story would never be printed. I did not know their passion to mitigating, separating rename, and also did not defend. The transfer of assumptions through the table with the participation of Copelleva was composed together: "One day of Ivan Denisovich". - Solzhenitsyn A.I. Callel booted with oak // New world. - 1991. - № 6. - P. 20.
  13. <…> According to the highest rack they have (one advance - my two-year salary)<…> - A. Solzhenitsyn. A calf was beamed with an oak. Essays of literary life. - Paris: YMCA-Press, 1975.
  14. L. Chukovskaya. Notes on Anna Akhmatova: at 3 t. - m .: Time, 2007. - T. 2. - P. 768. - ISBN 978-5-9691-0209-5
  15. Vladimir Lakshin. "New World" in the time of Khrushchev: Diary and passing. 1953-1964. - m., 1991. - P. 66-67.
  16. A. Solzhenitsyn. The calf was beamed with oak: essays of literary life. - m., 1996. - P. 41.
  17. Tsxd. F.5. Ophm30. D.404. L.138.
  18. Cyt. by: // Continent. - 1993. - № 75 (January-February-March). - p. 162.
  19. A. Tvardovsky. Workbooks of the 60s // Banner. - 2000. - № 7. - P. 129.
  20. Do not politburo, as some sources indicate, in particular, brief explanations for the work at the end of each publication. Politburo at that time has not yet existed.
  21. A. Tvardovsky. Workbooks of the 60s // Banner. - 2000. - № 7. - P. 135.
  22. Solzhenitsyn A. Radio interview to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC [Cavendish, June 8, 1982] / Solzhenitsyn A. I. Publicistics: 3 t. T. 3: Articles, letters, interviews, preface. - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1997. - P. 21-30. - ISBN 5-7415-0478-7
  23. Solzhenitsyn A.I. One day Ivan Denisovich // New world. - 1962. - № 11. - P. 8-71.
  24. Alexander Tvardovsky wrote a special article "Instead of Preface" for this issue.
  25. According to Vladimir Lakshin, mailing has begun on November 17.
  26. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Collected Works in 30 t / comm. V. Radzishevsky. - m .: Time, 2006. - T. 1. Stories and crumbling. - pp. 579. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4
  27. Niva J. Solzhenitsyn / lane. With Fr. Simon Markish in collaboration with the author. - m. Hood. Lit, 1992.
  28. Gul R. B. Solzhenitsyn and social identity: "One day of Ivan Denisovich" // Odoukon: Soviet and emigrant literature. - New York: Bridge, 1973. - P. 83.
  29. June 11, 1963, in his diary, Vladimir Lakshin recorded: "Solzhenitsyn gave me a" Soviet Writer "" one day ... "The publication is really shameful: a gloomy, colorless cover, gray paper. Alexander Isaevich Judit:" released "in the publication of the Gulag "" "- V. Lakshin. "New World" in the time of Khrushchev. - P. 133.
  30. Teleinterview Walter Kronkite for the company CBS on June 17, 1974 in Zurich. - Solzhenitsyn A.I. From television interview company CBS (June 17, 1974) // Publicistics: 3 t. - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1996. - T. 2: Public statements, letters, interview. - P. 98. - ISBN 5-7415-0462-0.
  31. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Radio interview, given Barry Holland to the 20th anniversary of the output of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich" for the BBC in Cavendis 8 June 1982 // Publicistics: 3 t. - Yaroslavl: Upper Volga, 1997. - T. 3: Articles, Letters, Interview, Preface. - P. 92-93. - ISBN 5-7415-0478-7.
  32. Possed by the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP of Uzbekistan S. R. Rashidova on the punishment of A. Solzhenitsyn on February 5, 1966 - Tsxd. F.5. OP.36. D. 155. L. 104. CIT. by: Documents from the archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the case of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. // Continent. - 1993. - № 75 (January-February-March). - pp. 165-166.
  33. Tsxd. F.5. Op.67. D.121. L.21-23. - Quote. by: Documents from the archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU in the case of A. I. Solzhenitsyn. // Continent. - 1993. - № 75 (January-February-March). - P. 203.
  34. Arlen Blum. Forbidden books of Russian writers and literary critics. 1917-1991: Soviet censorship index with comments. - St. Petersburg. , 2003. - P. 168.
  35. Solzhenitsyn A.I. Collected Works in 30 volumes. T. 1. Stories and croches / [Comm. - Vladimir Radzishevsky]. - m .: Time, 2006. - P. 584. - ISBN 5-94117-168-4
  36. Simonov K. about the past in the name of the future // Izvestia. 1962. November 18.
  37. Baklanov G. That never happened // Literary newspaper. 1962. November 22.
  38. Yermilov V. In the name of the truth, in the name of life // True. 1962. November 23.
  39. Varlam Shalamov. New book: memories; Notebooks; Correspondence; Investigative. - m., 2004. - P. 641-651.
  40. Chicherov I. In the name of the future // Moscow Pravda. - 1962. - 8 dec. - P. 4. - Quote. By: G. Yu. Karpenko. Literary criticism of the 1960s on the story of A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich"
  41. Dusse I. About the courage and dignity of a person // Friendship of peoples. 1963. No. 1.
  42. Kuznetsov F. Day, equal to life // Banner. 1963. № 1.]
  43. Gubko N. Man wins. // Star. 1963. No. 3. P. 214.
  44. Lakshin V. Ivan Denisovich, his friends and enemies // New World. 1964. No. 1. P. 225-226.
  45. Marshak S. Truthful Tale // True. 1964. January 30.
  46. Kuzmin V. V. Poetics of the stories A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Monograph. Tver: TVGU, 1998, 160 s, without ISBN.
  47. Chukov's roots. Diary. 1930-1969. - m., 1994. - p. 329.
  48. Possed by the Prosecutor's Office of the USSR and the KGB in the SM of the USSR on measures in connection with the dissemination of anonymous document with the analysis of the story A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich" dated August 20, 1965 - Tsxd. F.5. Op.47. D.485. L. 40-41. Cyt. by: Continent, No. 75, January-February-March 1993, p. 165-166.
  49. Read "Ivan Denisovich" (review of letters) - Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Collected Works in six volumes. Tom Fifth. Pieces. Stories. Articles. - Frankfurt / Main: Possev-Verlag, V. GORACHEK KG, 2nd Edition, 1971.
  50. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Archipelago Gulag. Volume 3 (parts 5, 6 and 7). YMCA-Press, Paris, 1973. - part of the seventh. Chapter 1.
  51. "40 years as one day Ivan Denisovich" Interview with Natalia Solzhenitsyna. // Russian newspaper, 11/19/2002
  52. Directed by Daniel Petri, the story was prepared for stage on stage by Mark Rogers. Duration - 60 minutes.
  53. And longer than a century last day Ivan Denisovich // New Gazeta, November 17, 2003
  54. Camping readings // Kommersant - Weekend, 10/06/2006
  55. Heroxin V. One trans "Ivan Denisovich". In the "Practice" theater, the text "Ivan Denisovich" read the actor Alexander Filippenko. View: Business newspaper (October 31, 2008). Archived from the original source February 21, 2012. Checked on December 13, 2008.
  56. Gaikovich M. It happened! World Premiere of Opera "One Day Ivan Denisovich" in Perm // Independent newspaper. - May 18, 2009. - P. 7. (Checked May 21, 2009)
  57. RALPH PARKER (1963); Ron Hingley and Max Hayward (1963); Gillon Aitken (1970); H. T. Willetts (1991,) - Authorized Solzhenitsyn


  • Fomenko L.. Large expectations: Notes on artistic prose of 1962 // Literary Russia. - 1963, January 11th.
  • Sergovandsev N.. The tragedy of loneliness and "solid life" // October. - 1963. - № 4.
  • Tvardovsky A.. The conviction of the artist // Literary newspaper. - 1963, August 10.
  • Chalmaev V. "Saints" and "demons" // October. - 1963. - № 10.
  • Pallon V.. "Hello, Kaven," Izvestia. - 1964, January 15th.
  • Lakshin V. Ivan Denisovich, his friends and enemies // New world : magazine. - 1964. - № 1.
  • Karyakin Yu. F. Episode from the modern struggle of ideas // Problems of peace and socialism. - 1964. - № 9. The article is reprinting in the "New World" (1964, No. 9).
  • Geoffrey hosking. BEYOND Socialist Realism: Soviet Fiction Since Ivan Denisovich. - London etc.: Granada Publ., 1980. - ISBN 0-236-40173-4.
  • Latin A.. Wheel of the ideological. From "One day of Ivan Denisovich" to the "Archipelago of the Gulag" // Literary Review. - 1990. - № 4.
  • Murin D. N.. One day, one hour, one man's life in the stories of A. I. Solzhenitsyn // Literature at school. - 1990. - № 5.
  • From the history of the social and literary struggle of the 60s: Tvardovsky, Solzhenitsyn, "New World" on documents of the Union of Writers of the USSR. 1967-1970. Publication prepared by Y. Burtin and A. Vozdvizhenskaya // October. - 1990. - № 8-10.
  • Lifshits M. On the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich"; About the manuscript A. I. Solzhenitsyn "In the first round" / Publ. L. Ya. Renahardt. // Questions of literature. - 1990. - № 7.
  • Scientific conference "A. Solzhenitsyn. By the 30th anniversary of the publication of the story "One day Ivan Denisovich" "// Russian literature. - 1993. - № 2.
  • Many A.. The story of A. Solzhenitsyn "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" in the lesson of literature // Studying the literature of the XIX-XX centuries on new school programs. - Samara, 1994.
  • Muromsky V.P.. From the history of literary controversy around the story of A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". // Literature at school. - 1994. - № 3.
  • Yachmenieva T. Camp Prose in Russian Literature (A. I. Solzhenitsyn and V. Shalamov). // Literature. Annex to the newspaper "First September". 1996. No. 32.
  • Karpenko G. Yu.

Among the works of Russian literature there is a whole list of those that were devoted to modern authors of reality. Today we will talk about one of the works of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn and imagine his brief content. "One day of Ivan Denisovich" is a story that will serve as a topic of this article.

Facts from the author's biography: Youth

Before describing the summary of the story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", I want to stay in some information from the writer's personal life in order to understand why a similar work appeared among his creations. Alexander Isaevich was born in Kislovodsk in December 1918 in a conventional peasant family. His father was educated at the university, however, his life was tragically: he took part in the Bloody World War II, and on returning from the front in a ridiculous accident, he died, not even the birth of the son. After that, the mother, who originated from the "Kulack" family, and the little Alexander had to join the corners and removable harslers for more than 15 years. From 1926 to 1936, Solzhenitsyn studied at school, where he was injured due to disagreement with some provisions of the communist ideology. At the same time, he first seriously carried away literature.

Permanent persecution

Study at the correspondence department of the Literary Faculty at the Institute of Philosophy interrupted the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Despite the fact that Solzhenitsyn passed her all and even reached the title of captain, in February 1945 he was arrested and sentenced to 8 years in camps and a lifelong link. The reason for this was the negative assessments of Stalin's regime, totalitarian system and Soviet literature, impregnated with false, served as a reason for this. Only in 1956 the writer was released from the reference to the decision of the Supreme Court. In 1959, Solzhenitsyn created a famous story about a single, but not the last day of Ivan Denisovich, the brief content of which will be discussed below. He was printed in the Periodic edition "New World" (Issue 11). For this, the editor, A. T. Teddovsky, had to enlist the support of N. S. Khrushchev, the head of the state. However, since 1966, the author was subjected to a second wave of repression. He was deprived of Soviet citizenship and sent to West Germany. Solzhenitsyn returned to his homeland only in 1994, and only from that time, his creations began to be assessed. The writer died in August 2008 in the 90th year of life.

"One day Ivan Denisovich": tie

The story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich", which could not be represented without analyzing the critical moments of the life of its creator, tells the reader about the camp existence of a peasant, a worker, front-line, which because of the stalital policies was in the camp, in the exile. By the time of dating the reader with Ivan Denisovich, he is already an elderly man who has lived in such inhuman conditions for about 8 years. Lived and survived. Such a share went to him for the fact that he was captured by the Germans, from which he fled, and after was accused by the Soviet government in espionage. The investigator who defeated his work, of course, could not be installed, but even think of what he could have concluded, and therefore he wrote a "task" and exiled to the hard work. The story clearly eats up with other works of the author to a similar subject - this is "in the first round" and "Gulag Archipelago".

Summary: "One day of Ivan Denisovich" as a story about a simple person

The work opens with the date of 1941, June 23 - it was at that time the main character left the native village of Tegenevo, left his wife and two daughters in order to devote himself to protecting the Motherland. A year later, in February, Ivan Denisovich turned out to be captured, and after a successful flight to his homeland, as mentioned above, it turned out to be ranked with spies and exiled to the Soviet concentration camp. For the refusal to sign the compiled protocol could be shown, and so the man had the opportunity to at least live in this light.

8 years old Ivan Denisovich Shukhov spent in Ust-Izhme, and the 9th year sits in Siberia. Around - cold and monstrous conditions. Instead of a decent food - frustrating chowder with fish residues and frozen cabbage. That is why Ivan Denisovich, and those surrounding his secondary characters (for example, the intellectual Caesar Markovich, who did not have managed to become a director, or the maritime officer of the 2nd rank of Buynovsky on nicknamed Kavengengen) are occupied by thoughts about where to extradite food to stretch at least Another day. Half teeth at the hero no longer, the head of obruit is a real convict.

A certain hierarchy and a system of relationships were lined up in the camp: some respect, others disliked. The latter belongs to Fetukov - the former office head, which avoids labor and survives begging. Shukhov, as well as Fetukov, parcels from the house, unlike the same Caesar, do not come, as the village is starving. But Ivan Denisovich does not lose his dignity, on the contrary, on this day he tries to forget for the construction work, only diligently gives himself to the case, not overjugging and at the same time without refund. He manages to buy tobacco, successfully hide a piece of hacksaw, get an additional portion of the porridge, not to please into the Cake and not to be sent in the social town to work in Cracious frosts - the results of the hero leads at the end of the day. This one day of life Ivan Denisovich (a summary will be supplemented with the analysis of parts) can be called truly happy - this is also the main character himself. Only here are the "happy" camp days on his account already 3564. On this sad note and the story ends.

Nature of the main character

Shukhov Ivan Denisovich is, in addition to the above, the person's word and business is. It was at the expense of Labor that the leaving of the simple people does not lose in the current conditions of his face. Rustic wisdom dictates Ivan Denisovich, how to behave: Even in such exhausting circumstances, it is necessary to remain an honest person. To humiliate in front of others, lick the plates and make denunciations on the fellows on the misfortune for Ivan Denisovich seems low, shameful. The key plants for it are simple folk proverbs and sayings: "Who knows two things with their hands, he also picked up." These are mixed with the principles acquired already in the camp, as well as Christian and universal postulates, which shukhov really begins to understand only here. Why exactly such a person created the main character of his story Solzhenitsyn? "One day of Ivan Denisovich", the summary of which was disassembled in this material, is a story that approves the author's opinion that the driving force of the development of the state, one way or another, was, and there will always be the usual people. Ivan Denisovich acts just one of his representatives.


What else allows you to install the reader as complete and summary? "One day Ivan Denisovich" is a story, the analysis of which cannot be considered finished without parsing the time component. Story time motionless. Doves replace each other, but the end of the deadline does not bring it closer. Monotonicity and mechanical life of life were yesterday; They will be tomorrow. That is why one day accumulates the entire camp reality in itself - Solzhenitsyn did not even have to create a volume for its description, a huge book. However, in the neighborhood with this time coexist - metaphysical, universal. There are no longer crumbs of bread, but spiritual, moral and moral values, unchanged from the century to the century. Values \u200b\u200bhelping the person survive even in such harsh conditions.


In the space of the story, a clearly traced contradiction with spaces described by the Writers of the Golden Age. Heroes of the XIX century loved liberty, wide, steppes, forests; XX century heroes prefer them close, stuffy cameras and barracks. They want to hide from the eyes of the guards, go away, run away from wide expanses and open locality. At the same time, this is not all that allows you to determine and complete, and summary. "One day of Ivan Denisovich" is a story in which the boundaries of the conclusion remain extremely blurred, and this is another level of space. It seems that the camp validity absorbed in itself the whole country. Taking into account the fate of the author himself, it can be concluded that it was not too far from the truth.