Very brief content of the story My Motherland Svtain. Children's fairy tales online

Very brief content of the story My Motherland Svtain. Children's fairy tales online


1. To know with the story of M. Privina "My Motherland"; Help children to analyze this story.

2. Wear reading skills: a runa, conscious, expressive through a variety of tasks and exercises.

3. Wear speech, the ability to work with the text.

4.Rews of the horizon and the vocabulary of children.

5. Recompret the love of homeland. Teach children, relying on the text, arguing, draw conclusions about what they feel and experience the heroes.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school №2"

Literary reading lesson

In 4th grade

M. Prishvin "My Motherland"

UMC "Harmony"


Primary school teacher

Litvinova A.Z.

february, 2013

S. Alexandria

Subject: M. Svavin. "My Homeland" (from memories)


1. To know with the storyM. Svavina "My Motherland"; Help children to analyze this story.

2. Wear reading skills: a runa, conscious, expressive through a variety of tasks and exercises.

3. Wear speech, the ability to work with the text.

4.Rews of the horizon and the vocabulary of children.

5. Recompret the love of homeland. Teach children, relying on the text, arguing, draw conclusions about what they feel and experience the heroes.

Equipment: 1.Kubasova O.V.Lube Pages.

Grade 4 textbook on literary reading.

Part 3.-Smolensk: Association of XXiVek, 2006.

2. Print card with text-story about life


3. Test on the work.

4. Presentation.

During the classes:

I. Organization moment. Slide-saver

Hello. Today we have guests at the lesson. Let's mentally wish everyone a good mood.

Inhale ... how good we are together. We are all happy and healthy. We help each other. We complement each other. We need each other. Let this day be joying the joy of communication, fill the heart with noble feelings. Surfaches each other. With such a mood, we will begin our lesson of literary reading.

II. Determination of the lesson topic. Setting educational tasks.

1 Self-determination to activities. Slide

  1. And I want to start him with the words of one French writer - Philosopher Denis Didro :. "People cease to think when they cease to read"

- Do you agree with this showing?

Indeed, people who read a lot, know a lot, know how to think, reason.

What do you think for what we need a literary reading lessons?

What would you like to get from today's lesson? (Get acquainted with a new writer, work, get a good mark.

What will required you to perform the tasks? (attention, intelligence, activity,desire to get new knowledge.)

In today's lesson, I wish you a cheerfulness of the Spirit, creative jerks, attention limit, good, deliberate answers and only excellent marks.

2. Actualization of knowledge. Slide

Guys, the motto to today's lesson are the words of A.P. Chekhov. Read. Explain the meaning.

"If every person in a piece of his land would have done everything that, as the earth is beautiful, our Earth would be." A.P.chekhov

What kind of piece of land goes about?

What is the name of the land on which we live?

What is homeland? Name the emerging associations. (compiling a cluster together with the teacher: children call orally, the teacher writes on the board)

Choose the most beautiful in your opinion and read (teacher emphasizes)

Slide. - Slovar Ozhegova gives such an explanation for this word. Read about yourself and try to remember.

Motherland is a fatherland, the native side, the place of birth of someone.

What does it mean "would everything that can?"

And if a person does everything that can for someone or for anything, he means ......... complete my offer. (Loves)

So let's make a conclusion: so that our planet is the earth is beautiful ............ (everyone should love and take care of their homeland)

What is the name of our homeland?.. Oversia,

Every person has his own small homeland, the place where he was born. What is the name of our small homeland? Slide: from Alexandria

III formulation of a learning task

Guys, you can already assume what we will talk about the lesson?

1. - You had a creative homework (drawings)

- Look, what a beautiful exhibition we turned out. But it is interesting, the topic was alone, and the drawings are different. Why? But if you look at the other hand, what is common between them?

As one word to name everything that you were depicted in the drawings? (Motherland, the nature of the native land). What will we conclude? (Nature and Motherland are very closely interrelated).

Many poets and writers as well as you, children love nature and always notice something unusual, interesting in it. Today we will get to know an amazing person, passionately loving nature. He described it as if she sang a solemn song in her honor. His last name you will learn, solving the cipher.

Slide: E f p r and z w in n

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 code 3457859

The name of this writer - M. Privine and his work, very close to the topic of our conversation: "My homeland"Slide

III. Work on the lesson.

Slide Konstantin Powesta wrote.

"If nature could feel gratitude to the person for penetrating her life and felt it, then, above all, this gratitude would fall out to Mikhail Svavina."

What can already be said about this man, reading these lines. (Loved nature)

2. Independent work

To better understand the work, his plot needs to get acquainted with the author. And now I suggest to make it it, but on my own. (Working in groups.)

Text for 1 group:

What did you find out about the life of the privine?

Text for 2 groups:

Text for 3 groups

Where did Svarvin M.?


Mikhail Mikhailovich loved the hunt from childhood, but his hunt was special.

What was her feature? More about this hunt you will learn from the work" My motherland"

  1. Wordwork. Study of reading skills.

We will meet long and difficult words. To read them unmistakably, let's practice.

Read smoothly, in syllables, then, whole words.





Read all words: covered, boiled, getting up.

  1. Work on the work.

Listen carefully, watch.

Check the primary perception of text.

What is the feature of Hunt M. Pryshvin?

From whose name is the story?

What is the product on the genre? Prove.

The story of this species is essay. What does this word mean, read in the sensible dictionary.

Slide: "Essay is a small documentary about life, people, homeland, nature, art, music, etc.".

Fizminutka (Slide) Look at the slide. What is the work of M. Prishvin he reminds you? (Golden meadow)

Imagine that you are sitting on the lawn. Warm gentle sun warms you. Sangered. Raise your chin, breathe smoothly. The sun is so bright that even through closed eyelids is visible bright light. Look too much eyes, repeat several times. Put the nose sun. Butterfly flies by, chooses, on whose nose to sit down. Corn your nose, hold your breath. Butterfly flew away. The muscles of the face are relaxed, deep breath - exhale. Look, listen, what kind of sounds, feel the smell, what is the smell. Flowers, what they are - color, shape, large - small - smell.

Go, go around the meadow. Do you go on the way, what is this road - narrow - wide, winding - straight? Everyone imagines its own. Well, and now they opened their eyes, looked at each other, smiled and sat down quietly. What did you pretend the meadow?

VII Secondary fixing

Teacher: Why did the Motherland begins for a small province?
Students: For the small Svarvina, the Motherland began with his mother.
Teacher: What did the mother of the future writer treated?
Students: "Mother treated me with milk tea."
Teacher: Why did tea with milk solved the life of Privina in a good direction?
Students: I learned to get up early, to the sun.
Teacher: How can I call the first part of the essay?
1. "Delicious tea".

Teacher: Is it always Privhanin lived in the village?
Teacher: In the city, people usually get up later than in the village.

Have you preserved the habit of getting up early? Read.
Students: "Then in the city I got up early, and now I am always writing early when

The whole animal and vegetable world awakens and too

It starts to work in its own way.)
Teacher: He awakened along with animals and a floral world.

What does it say?
Student: He loved her nature very much.
Teacher: What value does he give early lifting?
Students: "No matter how many people come to people,

Joy of life and happiness! "
Teacher: How can I find the second part?
2. "Sunrise".

Teacher: Where did you leave the send after tea?
Student: "After tea I went hunting."
Teacher: What was the Hunt of the Writer?
Students: "My hunt was then and now - in Nakhodka."
Teacher: What is this find?
Students: "I tried to find in nature what I have never seen."
Teacher: How can I unlease this part?
3. "Finds".

Teacher: What does it mean to "protect nature"?
Students: "Protect nature - means to protect their homeland."
Teacher: We have repeatedly spoken with you that without plants and animals, life on earth is not possible.
How can I unlease part?

4. Appeal to young friends.

Teacher: Who does the writer turn to?
Students: The writer appeals to children who read his books.
Teacher: What does the "Storeroom Sun" mean?
Students: TAfigurative Privine calls nature. It is the sun - the source of life, and its "pantry" - nature - allows you to exist for everything.
Teacher: What does Privhanin "Treasures of Life" call?
Students: "Treasures of Life" Privine calls plants and animals.
Teacher: What does Privan call for?
Students: Privain calls to guard their homeland.

Teacher: What words are the main in this work? What is the main idea?
Students: "Protect nature - means to protect their homeland."

Guys, how do you understand the word "guard", let's select synonyms for it.Slide: guard

Watch, take care, take care, help, enrich, love.

What can each of you do to protect nature?

It is necessary to preserve the surrounding nature: flowers, bushes, trees, birds, animals, plants and animals.
Conclusion: the writer not only shows the beauty and originality of nature, he calls us to carefully study it and take care of everything. For, protecting nature, alive, we save our homeland.

Please note how it very accurately describes and calls nature. How well it is necessary to know nature, be very attentive, observant. (Nature in Latin - Nature). The writers who studied nature, that is, nature, and callnaturalists.


What tasks put to study?

(- The biography of Privina is the works of the work, which we will study.)

We achieved their execution (yes).

Test execution.

Independent work.

Topic: Sv'evin M.M. Testing. (Distributed to each child)

Testing will show how accurately you remembered some phrases and figurative expressions that met in the text.

1. Mother treated me ...

a) tea;

b) coffee with milk;

c) tea with milk.

2. Then in the city ...

a) I got up at the dawn;

c) I got up early.

3. After tea ...

a) I went hunting;

b) I went to work;

c) I went to bed.

a) with precious stones;

c) with great wealth.

5. I read (a) ...

a) a fairy tale;

b) story;

c) essay.

6. Essay ...

a) Svavina MM;

b) paustovsky k.g.;

c) Charushina E.I.

  1. Check your job with answers on the screen.

Homework. Slide

  1. To "3" read expressively.
  1. To "4" read expressively, answer questions in the textbook.
  1. On "5". Retell text, learn the last paragraph.
  1. Ministers
  2. Guys, now in the sketch, we met the author's position. And now you have the opportunity to express your position in your own words, your idea of \u200b\u200byour small homeland.


The teacher reads, the disciples are walking, and then perform movements.

  1. In the hands of a person, which means that in your hands the beauty and wealth of the native land - our homeland. remember this! "Stop! Side! Came! And under the legs look! Live alive will surprise, they are akin to you ... "

- Before you "Target", appreciate your work at the lesson.

Topic: Sv'evin M.M. Test.

Testing will show how accurately you remembered some phrases and figurative expressions that met in the text.

1. Mother treated me ...

a) tea;

b) coffee with milk;

c) tea with milk.

2. Then in the city ...

a) I got up at the dawn;

b) I got up with the first roosters;

c) I got up early.

3. After tea ...

a) I went hunting;

b) I went to work;

c) I went to bed.

4. We are the owners of our nature, and she is a pantry for us ...

a) with precious stones;

b) with great treasures of life;

c) with great wealth.

5. I read (a) ...

a) a fairy tale;

b) story;

c) essay.

6. Essay ...

a) Svavina MM;

b) paustovsky k.g.;

c) Charushina E.I.

My mother always got up early. I also needed to get up early to put traps on birds. Together we drank tea with milk. Tea was extraordinary taste. The aroma attached a foiled milk in a pot. I specifically woke up with sunrise to drink this tea. Lifting with the sun entered my habit. Every day I saw how the luminaries rises. If every person woke up with the sun, how much beautiful on earth would be added.

Pouring tea, I went hunting on different birds and insects. I did not need a weapon. I did not want to kill anyone, most importantly, find some interesting event. What could surprise. The quail female should be the best tissue, and the male is the best singer. I had to feed the ants to the sunshine. And try to do it! I have an immense farm, and the paths in it are countless.

Dear young friends! Mother - Nature folds the treasures of life in the crust for us, and we as the owners should manage it. But we should not hide them. We must carefully and carefully use them. Fish needs to live in pure water bodies, it means you need to create and protect reservoirs. For animals, we need steppes, mountains and forests. We will save the habitat for them. Keeping nature for our smaller brothers - we beat our depression. The story teaches love for homeland.

Picture or drawing my homeland

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    All actions described in this magnificent novel read in the deaf province, where the whole life takes place slowly and very boring. All things are going on their own man on and on the background of this, complex psychological changes in the character of the heroine begin occur.

The protagonist of the story of Mikhail Privina "My Motherland", on behalf of which is a story - a writer who is fond of hunting. Remembering youth, he talks about how he learned to get up very early, with the dawn of the sun.

The first in the house was always wanted by the mother of the main character. Once he also got up early to go on hunting, and her mother was drinking it with a fucked milk. The treat was so liked by the story that he began to wake up every day until dawn to drink delicious tea. And even moves to live in the city, he retained this habit of starting his working day early.

The main passion of the writer was hunting. But he hunted not so much for the sake of trophies, but in order to find something new in the forest, with which she did not come across. And even an unusual hunter liked to catch the most volatile birds in the sinks and feed them with bird delicacy - ant eggs so that the birds sang better. For this, I spent a lot of time in search of anthills and smeared ants from their dwelling to get a delicacy for birds.

The main character of the story appeals to readers with a call to study the native nature and protect her wealth - forests, reservoirs, steppes and mountains. For narrator, careful attitude towards nature, to forest inhabitants, means a careful attitude towards the Motherland.

This is a summary of the story.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story of the promsion "My Motherland" is that a person should take care of the world around him, because this world is his homeland, his homeland.

The story teaches to protect the natural wealth, which the protagonist calls the "great treasures of life."

In the story I liked the main character, the writer, who learned early to start his work day. He believed that the early start of the day brings human health, happiness and joy. I also liked how carefully, with good, the writer refers to nature, to his homeland.

What proverbs are approaching the story of the privilence "my homeland"?

Who gets early, God givesover.
Native land - Heart of Paradise.
One person has a mother, one and his homeland.

My mother got up early, to the sun. I once stood up, too, to the Sun, in order to put the sink on the ducklock at the dawn. Mother treated me with milk tea. Milk it was boiled in a clay pot and on top was always covered with a ruddy foam, and under this foam it was unusually tasty, and tea was woven from him.

This treats decided my life in a good direction: I started to get up to the sun to get drunk with my tasty tea. Little, I got used to this morning getting up so used that I could not sleep the sunrise.

Then in the city I got up early, and now I am always writing early when the whole animal and the plant world awakens and also begins to work in its own way. And often, often, I think: if we were so for our work climbed with the Sun! How many then people have health, joy, life and happiness!

After tea, I went hunting for quails, starlats, nightingales, grasshoppers, ruling, butterflies. The guns then I have not had, and now the gun in my hunt is not necessary.

My hunt was and then now - in Nakhodka. It was necessary to find in nature such what I have not seen, and maybe, and no one else in his life did not meet with it ...

My farm was large, the trails are countless.

My young friends! We are the owners of our nature, and it is for us a storage room with great treasures of life. Not only that the treasures are protected - they must be opened and show.

For fish, clean water is needed - we will guard our reservoirs.

In the forests, steppes, the mountains are different valuable animals - we will guard our forests, steppes, mountains.

Fish - Water, Bird - Air, Beast - Forest, Steppe, Mountains. And man needs homeland. And protect nature - it means to protect their homeland.