Charming Russian autumn. Russian artists about this situation

Charming Russian autumn. Russian artists about this situation
Charming Russian autumn. Russian artists about this situation

Painting 11/16/2015

Dear readers, today I suggest everyone a little rest from the fuss of life, filled with autumn flavors. And these will be the aromas of autumn in the paintings of the artists. I invite you to penetrate the paints of autumn painting, a little fixed from our car outside the window and just a pleasant time.

I love to compare some time of the year with a musical instrument. And for me, autumn is a violin. If you are familiar with our magazine "Fragrances of happiness", probably remember my words. There is something elusive delicate, piercing - a deeper, deep and very important both in the autumn and the violin. We will not be sad, I suggest you under the accompaniment of music to see pictures of artists, read some poems and my thoughts. Perhaps many of them will be consonant with you.

For the picture viewing background, I chose music from the Irish-Norwegian SECRET Garden Duet. The theme of the violin will complement the keyboards. Here is a classic combination. In the hands of these talented performers, true magic is born. Let the composition "Poem" accompanies such a journey through the autumn. Put only music not so loud so that she does not distract you. I was lingering with the theme of autumn, so carefully pushed every picture, just now, closer to winter (I smile ...) We will remember the autumn paints of the real golden autumn.

Fall. Pictures of artists. Autumn painting

Probably, you all noticed how painters love autumn. For the same paints, for its shades and amazingly different mood. Someone is very warm, someone has a little more dusk and restraint, someone's work is permeated by light.
To begin with, I want to introduce you to the amazing works of the Moscow artist Oleg Tyomin. Some works of the artist we took for the design of our magazine flavors of happiness. I always seek so long that I touches me, and here much coincided in mood.

Oleg Timin. Light attraction

Oleg Timin. Willing autumn

Oleg Timin. Autograph

Oleg Timin. Paints of autumn

And here is the line Evgenia Renar, consonant with this mood ...

Autumn - time to dream and watch multicolored dreams,
Drink cold the best jasmine tea,
Do not experience a splin or a false sense of guilt
From the fact that the rain is not upset by Niskolachko!
Autumn - the time of umbrellas, which long ago stagnated in the corner.
Time of new raincoats, boots in a multicolored cell -
To personally find out the depth and number of puddle,
And not sadly sigh and miss youthful fly.
Autumn - time of poems with the inevitable presence of phrases
About sad pore, leaf fall, weather popsicles ...
Autumn - reason to think, feel "here" and "now",
And, of course, love contrary to all the laws of nature!

How I love wise quotes. And here is my favorite Elchin Safarley with autumn themes. Each time you are amazing how it can and finely convey the mood and all shades of autumn.

"In the fall, the memories are rising to the surface of the mind. There is in this and good: looked around the past, otherwise you look into the future. In vain illusions are scattered, sinceum immunity is strengthened. Some reassessment of values \u200b\u200b... Autumn - the only time of the year, which teaches. Ensure from the past, do not put sorrowfully hands, look for love and wait. Autumn is endowed with a gift of healing ... "

Artist Sasha Yazhzh

Autumn is always a holiday. Look at least as it is bright and colorful! Can it be another time of the year to afford such liberty in the colors? And after all, miracles happen, right? They want us to believe in them ... and wait for us in the most unexpected places: in the fairytale morning forest, or on a bench in the park, or in a tiny boat, while tied to the shore. They are waiting, and we are waiting for them. In the fall, especially easy to see excellent in everything. It is easy to open your eyes and look back. Here it is, you see?

Efim Efimovich Volkov, Autumn

Love is born from the rain droplets.
She looks like a fragment of the sun.
She is not taken, leaving,
It does not leave it where you have to.
She goes on the rainbow sliding
Dressed in clothes from dawn ...
It can not be touched or taken, -
You, thank God, you understand that.
Large and little love can not be.
She is love! Without - strong or weak!
It does not keep it, do not hide, do not get around neither to the left and neither right.
Once, in the heart knocked quietly,
She will go to it to stay.
Morning will come. Dissolving sadness
Love will fill the time and space.

Sima Valiko. From the cycle of poems: love poems

Artist Leonid Afremov.

Autumn will not deceive. She knows who we really are, and shows us it. In bright leaves, on water strokes, on narrow paths and large highways - everywhere we see our reflections. Who is this, me? Beauty!

Creative Association Artemis, Summer Garden. Sculpture "Night"

In the autumn forest it is impossible to get lost. After all, the soul lives here. And she always knows the way home. And will definitely lead to the goal. Everything that remains is to just trust the flow, and follow the heart, leaving the path in the distance, from myself the past to yourself the real, living and sincere.

Vladislav Viktorovich Osipets, Autumn Square.

If you have not read the last issue of the magazine "Fragrances of happiness", it's time to give yourself moments of inspiration! For registration of the magazine, the amazing paintings of the Belarusian artist Alexander Dmitrievich Khodukov were used.

A. Kameukov. Autumn bouquets.

A. Kameukov. Old city

In the rustle of the leaves, the melody of light sorrow.
In slow dance losing a sucker shawl
Maple and birch, but the wind will hear hardly
How they whisper: sorry ... very sorry ... oh, like a sorry ...
Quietly pegs the air, the linkballball,
Soon, the cold will come very soon.
Ivushka stretches, touching the sun piece,
What reflected on a cloudy pond.
Slob's sky muffled farewell paints,
Thin yarns light lights.
Only love, not passionate, but still still
Delicious breathe last warm days.

Valentina Riga

Artist Yuri Obukhovsky

The artist wanted to draw a wind
And painted the leaves,
That flew in the confused branches of autumn,
As if the sparks of the raging fire.
He wanted to draw the wind
And painted like, wading,
Running grass in the meadow.
The artist wanted to draw the wind -
And he always saw that he paints another ...

Vladimir Nabokov

Fall. Watercolor Great Princess Olga Aleksandrovna.

see also




    12 Sep 2018. at 14:40


    25 Feb 2018. at 14:12








    In the ledge of bright bears and quiet joy. The rare case of the riot of paints in the middle lane for the artist is a reason to add warm tones on canvas. Red rowan leaves, bright yellow - birch, golden yellow lime and yellow-brown oak. Even larch in the fall suggests a general mood and burns with a canary against the background of the blue sky. If you are lucky and the golden autumn will be wound and affectionate. We consider paintings about the most romantic time of the year along with Natalia Statnikova.

    Isaac Levitan. Golden autumn. 1895. GTG

    The canvas from the "major series" Isaac Levitan. "I would passionately stretched to work, I got carried away, and now I have been a week, as I do not break away from the canvas every day ..." - wrote the artist to his friend Vasily Polenov, working on the autumn cloth. I saw a pysterious yellow and barely giving the greens of the landscape of the painter in the Tver province on the banks of the river Cowing near the estate of the hill, where he had heart interest. Not because his "Golden Autumn" is like a smile of nature. The brightest of hundreds of autumn paintings Levitan.

    Stanislav Zhukovsky. Fall. Veranda. 1911. TRM

    The cozy corner of the country house, where you can be with the Autumn Park "Eyes in the Eyes". It seems to be a top of the top, it seems, you can get a hand and, if you wish to rip out one lemon yellow leaf from birch. See the horizon and, inhaling the cool clean air, go down on the bench under the sliding rays of the autumn sun. Stanislav Zhukovsky gently loved autumn and ancient Russian estates. Century ago, the assembled bouquet did not lose his bright colors and only emphasizes the autumn unity - the inhabitants of the house and his environments.

    Boris Kustodiev. Autumn in the province. Tea drinking. 1926. GTG.

    Pumping in the autumn interior. The favorite theme Boris Kustodiev diluted with warm colors. Fire-red maples and a yellow garden at provincial houses make autumn especially cozy. The ladies summer, which for a while reconciles with beautiful, but, alas, inevitably flipping leaves. In the transparent air, the fragrance of foliage, watermelon and fresh bread made of small bakery. And, of course, no autumn is terrible if the cat is nearby. Along with a samovar.

    Ilya Ostrochov. Golden autumn. 1886. GTG

    Isaac Brodsky. Golden autumn. 1913. Museum-Apartment I.I. Brodsky

    Rustic hassles for the bright violet of paints saw the future representative of the socialism of Isaac Brodsky. It is famous for his Lenanian student Ilya Repin has already become much later, and in 1913 the artist preferred romantic landscapes in 1913 by paintings from the revolutionary life. Framed by autumn foliage, as if on the palm, the villages spread out. He lives with his fussy life - threatening with wagons, rings with voices. Only paints are changing - from red gold, through the white winter landscape - to the riot of greenery and again to the gilding.

    Peter Petrovic. Boring Garden. Fall. 1905. Private Assembly

    The corner of an unbearable garden permeated with the bright sun looks like an autumn day uncomfortable. Although moving in the desert park is only slow water rivers and long gray shadows that the sun commands. The fact that the park is inhabit, his view is informed by the house on the hill. And you can't tell you that this is part of the noisy Moscow. The artist Petr Petrovichev came to the capital from the Yaroslavl province on foot - to learn paintings from Levitan and write Kuskovo, Kuzminki, a misfortune ... Find a privacy in the metropolitan city of Master of lyrical landscape a hundred years ago was much easier.

    Konstantin Somov. Versailles in the fall. 1898. TRM.

    Center of Moscow or the Royal Park near Paris. Golden autumn is good in any place, where foliage in the package of autumn changes its color. New picture from day to day - as a spectrum of shades. Knowing bothering on the palette: linen, Dijon, mustard ... And now the alley is twisted with rust, and the color of the Tuscan sun overshadows Parisian sadness. But the canvas will retain the "fabulous pane, all open to the review" ... as if not left until the winter rest was donated. And glow foliage, and shine the sky, not knowing the autumn winds and the coming chairs.

    Autumn in painting, today I have not exactly an ordinary topic. I suggest you today simply take a break from bustle, worries, problems. Now there is a wonderful time - autumn. One of my most favorite days of the year. Autumn for each of us is so different, for someone sad, with rains and penetrating winds, and for someone autumn - golden time. In the fall, you can assemble yellow and red leaves in the rain, inhaling the autumn coolness, wander through the woods, collect mushrooms, enjoy the beauty of fallen leaves, sit with a cup of hot tea in your hands and admire the window on the beauty of the autumn. Waving through a cozy park with benches among false foliage, listen to the sound of autumn rain.

    For me, autumn is one of the most beautiful and romantic seasons. Autumn mysterious, mysterious, romantic, lyrical, thoughtful time. Unusually bright paints that autumn gives us is a space for creativity. Autumn is such a generous and bright time. Only in the fall on our table such an abundance of fruits and vegetables, the leaves on the trees are as if painted by nature in bright colors, and in the autumn you can endlessly admire the beauty of chrysanthemums ...

    Autumn is the most picturesque time of the year, this is a whole palette of bright, warm colors from light yellow to the darkest gray shades, and in terms of emotions, these are the transitions joy, sadness, smile, sadness ...

    Since I have autumn in painting today, I will say a few words about what painting is. Painting is a type of visual art, which is associated with the transmission of images by means of applying paints to a flexible or solid base. Painting can be on any basis: canvas, silk, paper, leather, etc. Technique of painting: oil, gouache, watercolor, acrylic ... painting is created by our nature, man and time. Painting as other types of art performs a cognitive, philosophical, aesthetic, socio-educational function.

    M. Gordeyev. Autumn Park.

    V. Chicanov. September morning.

    A. Khodayukov. Autumn light.

    O. Alimova. Autumn Park.

    E. Panov. Autumn still life.

    V. Nesterenko. Autumn leaves.

    E. Volkov. October - Landscape Bereza.

    E. Bharhatkova. Apple tree in autumn.

    V. Chernakov. Autumn landscape.

    T. Deri. Girl collects leaves.

    Mark Kitley. Scenery.

    O. Didyk. Autumn Park.

    O. Shcherbakov. Park after rain.

    A. Coslix. Reflection of autumn.

    A. Coslix. Autumn forest.

    A. Belich. Autumn landscape.

    A. Bolotov. Fall rain.

    R. Romanov. Autumn palette.

    I. Orthukhov Autumn Forest.

    O.Karavaev Autumn Park.

    "List Fall"

    Ivan Bunin

    Forest, exactly led painted,
    Purple, gold, crimped,
    Cheerful, Moto Wall
    It is standing over a light polar.

    Birches yellow thread
    Shine in blue lazuries,
    Like tower, Christmas trees are darker,
    And between maples blue
    Then there, then here in the foliage
    Summets in the sky, that shell.
    The forest smells oak and pine,
    For the summer he dry he from the sun
    And autumn quietly widow
    It comes into the motley timer ...

    Autumn does not repeat when it brings, every year she brings something new glad and admiring us. I suggest you relax and see the autumn videos, gentle, touching and very beautiful. I have this video called a smile, harmony in the soul, admiration. I wish you all good mood, health, joy, warmth, a sea of \u200b\u200bsmiles, let you surround everything only good.

    Let this autumn become for you the most unforgettable!

    Autumn in the painting of Russian artists is common enough. This is not surprising, because the beauty of autumn nature is very picturesque, combines many bright colors and has a special mood.

    As mentioned above, autumn nature, which begins to transform, paint in shades of yellow and red, looks very picturesque. It would be really strange if the greatest Russian painters-landscape players did not turn to the transformation of the autumn nature of their attention. To our happiness, artists try to pass in their work all the facilities of nature - snow-white winter, green spring, roast summer and colorful autumn. It is also worth noting that the famous artists, the pictures of which you can see here, have become so famous not only at the expense of the fact that they could accurately and realistically transfer landscapes on their canvases, but also due to the fact that they could display in their works Weather and even mood.

    Autumn, as you know, this is the time of happy sadness, a peaceful mood, when summer heat is replaced by cool and rains, when the trees begin to change colors, and on the brightest coloring, when the leaves begin to fall on the ground, there is a pleasant smell of foliage in the air when there is The feeling of the upcoming cold weather, but still there is a time to enjoy the last warm days.

    On the paintings of great artists who paid their attention to the autumn nature, in particular, and the emotional state in the midst of autumn. The viewer may feel familiar sensations, be outside the window fall or other time of the year. This is the skill and high art of Russian painters. Next, you can see 15 paintings, which today are considered the present property of Russian and world art.

    Pictures of great Russian artists about autumn

    Stanislav Zhukovsky - Autumn. Veranda

    Incredible, exciting, charming and delightful - all these epithets about autumn. More beautiful time of year is impossible to imagine and imagine. So many paints can be on the same tree that the Spirit sometimes captures. It is clear why all talented people draw inspiration from nature. No exception and autumn in painting artists. Autumn landscapes have long been considered one of the most popular topics for drawing.

    There are so many famous canvases dedicated to autumn topics, which is difficult and count. And everywhere autumn is different: from warm and sunny to late, with the first frosts, that tweaked hands. But there are several artists who particularly felt autumn and passed it in their paintings.

    Autumn in cities in the pictures of Richard McNela

    One of the talented artists dedicate their paintings of the Autumn is Richard McNeill ("In the Central Park", "Walk in the rain"). This artist is a very closed person, and there is little little about him, which is known. But, oddly enough, it is his paintings that hang in the White House in the office of American presidents.

    "In Central Park", Richard McNeill

    One view of the autumn paintings of Richard McNelah transfers you to the autumn atmospheric New York or. His works are incredibly beautiful and serene. It remains only to guess why autumn inspired the artist.

    Autumn landscapes of Thomas Kinkade

    One of the most sought-after artists of recent years is Thomas Kincade. His paintings are so popular that it is incredibly difficult to buy them. All of them are in private collections, and people are very rare and reluctantly part with them.

    And all thanks to the send. The author was so believed in love, the celebration of good and the bright side of mankind that he tried to portray it in every way. His autumn landscapes transmit all this as it is impossible.

    It is interesting! Read more about biography and creativity in our separate article with many pictures of the artist's work for inspiration.

    "Mastichain Autumn" Afremova

    - An artist-impressionist, which creates its paintings not by an ordinary brush, but a knife-blade. From this smear on the canvase itself have a characteristic view.

    The most famous paintings "Solar Autumn", "Meeting in the rain". Autumn Afremova is one of the most structural and clear. It seems to be worn out of small rays that fill it all the cloth.

    On a note! Understatell, read more detailed article about on the pages of the "Wings of Inspiration" project.

    Realistic autumn Luspine

    Another famous artist of modernity is Evgeny Lucipin, who writes pictures in the genre of realism. Apparently, so they are often taken for photographs.

    Peer in the cloth "Silent Evening" or "Tram Desire". They are permeated with autumn inspiration. Incredibly live autumn as if looking at you from the window and smiles, sad together with you for the outgoing summer, but still pleases with warmth.

    Golden autumn Charles White

    Another world-famous artist who depicted autumn in painting is Charles White. His paintings "Golden Autumn" breathe as peacefulness, tranquility and quiet happiness.

    They can not be admired, they are impossible not to love. That is why they are now on the weight of gold and almost everyone is in private collections. The artist himself received a well-deserved recognition during life.

    Autumn in chinese painting

    But this is only a small list of artists around the world that they worked out their masterpieces, inspiring the golden sometimes. There are excellent works about autumn in Japanese painting, and in Chinese.

    For example, Chinese artist Tian Haibo. His work transmit an incredible game of the light of the autumn sun. Very realistic and incredibly alive. They inspire and leave no one indifferent.

    Liu Maoshan is an artist from China, in whose paintings you can also see interesting autumn landscapes. This is the most real autumn in modern painting.

    On the canvas, Liu Mouseman combines industrialism and oriental color. It is most noticeable in the works of "Autumn Waters" and "Excursion to Washington".

    Autumn in the pictures of famous artists

    Also there are canvas about autumn, which have incredible popularity written by the most famous artists. For example, "Autumn in Argente" Monet. It is very sensual and breathing with autumn inspiration canvas. It can be happy with happiness and peace.

    Boat Studio (1876), Claude Monet

    "Autumn in Argenthe", Claude Monet

    Van Gogh also addressed inspiration for autumn. His brushes belongs to the "Top Color Alley Autumn". It conveys the mood of the artist himself, a little sad and dumpy.

    "Topolina Alley in the fall", Van Gogh

    The famous painting "Autumn" Shishkin is rightfully considered a masterpiece about the autumn in Russian painting. The author was very realistic of the mood in Russia.

    "Autumn" Shishkin

    You can talk endless about the autumn in painting, because this theme is inexhaustible as a source for inspiration.

    Any canvas of a variety of artists dedicated to this situation will always enshore and inspire humanity. Nature, in turn, will be an inexhaustible source for inspiration of all artists around the world for a very long time.