Educational portal. The abstract of the literary reading lesson and the presentation which is the most famous fairy tale

Educational portal. The abstract of the literary reading lesson and the presentation which is the most famous fairy tale
Educational portal. The abstract of the literary reading lesson and the presentation which is the most famous fairy tale

1 part

Rides sieve in the fields,
And the cereals in the meadows.
Behind the broom of the broom
Along the street went.
Axes, axes
So roll from the mountain.
Frightened goat,
Embedded eyes:
"What? Why?
I do not understand anything. "

2 part

But, like a black iron leg,
Boiled, rowed a kocherga.
And rushed along the street Knives:
"Hey, hold, hold, hold, keep, keep!"
And saucepan
Screamed the iron:
"I run, run, run,
I can not resist! "
Here and the kettle behind the coffee pot runs,
Tarantor, taraturt, rattles ...
Irons run smoky,
Through the puddles, they jump through the puddles.
And behind them saucer, saucer -
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!
Along the street rushing -
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!
On the glasses - Dzin! - stumbled,
And glasses - Dzin! - broken.
And runs, branded, knocking frying pan:
"Where are you going? where to? where to? where to? where to?"
And for her forks,
Glasses yes bottles
Cups yes spoon
Jump along the track.
The table fell out of the window
And I went, went, went, went, went ...
And on it, and on it,
How horse horse riding
Selfish sits
And comrades shouts:
"Leave, run, Sauceed!"
And in the iron tube:
"Boo Boo Boo! Boo Boo Boo!"

3 part

And behind them along the fence
Rides Grandma Fedor:
"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!
Cutting home! "
But answered trough:
"I am angry with Fedor!"
And she said Kocherga:
"I am Fyodor not servant!"
And porcelain saucer
Over Fedoro laughs:
"We never
Do not torment here! "
Here Fedorins cats
Rafuffered tails
Ran into all acumes.
So that the dishes to gut:
"Hey you, stupid plates,
What do you download like proteins?
Do you run behind the gate
With sparrows of boasts?
You fall into the ditch,
You drown in a swamp.
Don't go, wait
Cutting home! "
But the plates are climbed,
Fedore are not given:
"Better in the field is missing,
And I will not go to Fedor! "

4 part

Past Chicken Bezhala
And saw the dishes:
"Kud-where! Kud-where!
Where are you from where and where?! "
And answered dishes:
"It was for us to witely,
She didn't love us
Bila, she beat us,
Drank, squeezed,
She ruined us! "
"Ko-ko! Ko-ko!
It was not easy for you to live! "
"Yes, said copper pelvis,
Look at us:
We are broken, beaten,
We are in the mouth.
Ploy-ka you're in the pitch -
And you will see a frog there.
Ploy-ka you are in the ears -
Cockroaches are sishe
Because we are from women
Ran away from toads
And walk around the fields
On the swamps, in the meadows,
And to Narina - Zamarai
Do not torment! "

5 part

And they ran the flattering
Stressed in stumps and bumps.
And the poor woman is alone
And crying, and she cries.
Would love Baba at the table
Yes, the table per gate went.
Would baba soup
Yes, saucepan, look, look for!
And the cups are gone, and glasses,
Some cockroaches remained.
Oh, Mount Fedore,

6 part

And the dishes are forward and forward
In the fields, the swamps goes.
And the kettle whispered the iron:
"I can't go further."
And cried the saucer:
"No better to return?"
And buried trough:
"Alas, I'm broken, broken!"
But the dish said: "Look,
Who is there behind? "
And see: Behind them from the dark boron
Founded by Fedor.
But the miracle happened to her:
Became Fedor Goody.
Quietly goes
And sings a quiet song:
"Oh, you, my poor orphans,
My irons and pans!
You are a trip, unwashed home,
I am a key to the water.
I clean you with a sand
Will be boiling to boil
And you will be again
Like sun, shine,
And I boiled cockroaches,
Prussakov and Spiders I think! "
And she said the rolling:
"I'm sorry for me Fedor."
And she said the cup:
"Ah, she is a poor thing!"
And the saucer said:
"I should come back!"
And the irons said:
"We are Fedor not enemies!"

7 part

Long for a long time kisses
And she caught them,
Watering, washed.
She rinsing them.
"I will not, I will not
I offend dishes.
I will, I will be dishes
And love and respect! "
Laughed pots
Samovar wink:
"Well, Fedor, so be,
We are glad to forgive you! "
Yes to Fedore right to the oven!
Began to fry, steel oven, -
Will, Fedor and Pancakes and Pies will be!
And the broom, and the broom - cheerful -
I dug, played, was offended,
Nor dust from Fedor did not leave.
And the saucer was delighted:
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!
And dance and laugh -
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!
And on a white stool
Yes on the embroidered napkin
Samovar is worth
As if the heat is burning,
And puffed, and looks at the Babo:
"I good for Fedorushka,
Sweet tea treats.
Kushai, Kushai, Fedor Egorovna! "

The fairy tale about Granny-dirty from which the furniture was killed, dishes, home appliances. And the grandmother Fedor was alone. The fairy tale is called "Fedorino Mount". Interestingly, what did Chukovsky come to write such a story? What did he guide? You can find the answer to this question at the bottom of the page. And we also have large and high quality illustrations for this work. If you use the content, you will significantly save time on finding the necessary information.

Fairy Tale "Fedorino Mount" roots Ivanovich Chukovsky

1 part

Rides sieve in the fields,
And the cereals in the meadows.

Behind the broom of the broom
Along the street went.

Axes, axes
So roll from the mountain.
Frightened goat,
Embedded eyes:

"What? Why?
I do not understand anything. "

2 part

But, like a black iron leg,
Boiled, rowed a kocherga.

And rushed along the street Knives:
"Hey, hold, hold, hold, keep, keep!"
And saucepan
Screamed the iron:
"I run, run, run,
I can not resist! "

Here and the kettle behind the coffee pot runs,
Tarantor, taraturt, rattles ...

Irons run smoky,
Through the puddles, they jump through the puddles.

And behind them saucer, saucer -
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!

Along the street rushing -
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!
On the glasses - Dzin! - stumbled,
And glasses - Dzin! - broken.

And runs, branded, knocking frying pan:
"Where are you going? where to? where to? where to? where to?"

And for her forks,
Glasses yes bottles

Cups yes spoon
Jump along the track.

The table fell out of the window
And I went, went, went, went, went ...

And on it, and on it,
How horse horse riding
Selfish sits
And comrades shouts:

"Leave, run, Sauceed!"
And in the iron tube:
"Boo Boo Boo! Boo Boo Boo!"

3 part

And behind them along the fence
Rides Grandma Fedor:

"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!
Cutting home! "

But answered trough:
"I am angry with Fedor!"
And she said Kocherga:
"I am Fyodor not servant!"

And porcelain saucer
Over Fedoro laughs:

"We never
Do not torment here! "

Here Fedorins cats
Rafuffered tails
Ran into all acumes.
So that the dishes to gut:

"Hey you, stupid plates,
What do you download like proteins?
Do you run behind the gate
With sparrows of boasts?

You fall into the ditch,
You drown in a swamp.

Don't go, wait
Cutting home! "

But the plates are climbed,
Fedore are not given:
"Better in the field is missing,
And I will not go to Fedor! "

4 part

Past Chicken Bezhala
And saw the dishes:
"Kud-where! Kud-where!
Where are you from where and where?! "

And answered dishes:
"It was for us to witely,
She didn't love us
Bila, she beat us,
Drank, squeezed,

She ruined us! "

"Ko-ko! Ko-ko!
It was not easy for you to live! "

"Yes, said copper pelvis,
Look at us:
We are broken, beaten,
We are in the mouth.

Ploy-ka you're in the pitch -
And you will see a frog there.
Ploy-ka you are in the ears -
Cockroaches are sishe
Because we are from women
Ran away from toads
And walk around the fields
On the swamps, in the meadows,
And to Narina - Zamarai
Do not torment! "

5 part

And they ran the flattering
Stressed in stumps and bumps.
And the poor woman is alone
And crying, and she cries.
Would love Baba at the table

Yes, the table per gate went.
Would baba soup
Yes, saucepan, look, look for!
And the cups are gone, and glasses,
Some cockroaches remained.
Oh, Mount Fedore,

6 part

And the dishes are forward and forward
In the fields, the swamps goes.

And cried the saucer:
"No better to return?"

And buried trough:
"Alas, I'm broken, broken!"

But the dish said: "Look,
Who is there behind? "

And see: Behind them from the dark boron
Founded by Fedor.

But the miracle happened to her:
Became Fedor Goody.
Quietly goes
And sings a quiet song:

"Oh, you, my poor orphans,
My irons and pans!

You are a trip, unwashed home,
I am a key to the water.
I clean you with a sand
Will be boiling to boil
And you will be again
Like sun, shine,
And I boiled cockroaches,
Prussakov and Spiders I think! "

And she said the rolling:
"I'm sorry for me Fedor."

And she said the cup:

"Ah, she is a poor thing!"

And the saucer said:
"I should come back!"

And the irons said:
"We are Fedor not enemies!"

7 part

Long for a long time kisses
And she caught them,
Watering, washed.
She rinsing them.

"I will not, I will not
I offend dishes.
I will, I will be dishes
And love and respect! "

Laughed pots
Samovar wink:

"Well, Fedor, so be,
We are glad to forgive you! "

Yes to Fedore right to the oven!
Began to fry, steel oven, -
Will, Fedor and Pancakes and Pies will be!

And the broom, and the broom - cheerful -
I dug, played, was offended,
Nor dust from Fedor did not leave.

And the saucer was delighted:
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!
And dance and laugh -
Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!
And on a white stool
Yes on the embroidered napkin
Samovar is worth
As if the heat is burning,
And puffed, and looks at the Babo:
"I good for Fedorushka,
Sweet tea treats.
Kushai, Kushai, Fedor Egorovna! "

History of writing "Fedorino Mount"

Once in the summer, when Chukovsky was at the cottage, he wandered into the wilderness and spent 3 hours there. Nearby in the stream, the children and the roots of Ivanovich died with pleasure to them. It is worth noting that Chukovsky loved the society of children and spent a lot of time. He liked the children's immediacy, carelessness, an introduction to infectious childhood happiness.
Together with Children, Chukovsky was sculpting from clay and dirt of men and hares, threw a bump in the streams and even walked to tease turkey.
He returned home happy, rested, he was not even embarrassed by dirty pants, about which the children wiped their hands when laying.
Inspired by the roots began to write a fairy tale, which he began to write still in the summer. Suddenly in his thoughts appeared dirty glasses, irons, troughs, saucers, forks that began to run away from the house. Chukovsky recorded all images, rhyme and sound on paper.
As you already guessed - this is a fairy tale "Fedorino Mount."

Illustrations for the Fedorino Mountain fairy tale Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky

Fedor Church

Fedor has changed, became kinder and gentle

The table runs away from Fedor with a samovar

Irons, pans, teapots leave the house Fedor

Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount"

Fedorino Mountain - looking for his belongings

Fedorins Things in the Forest

Cats are hissing on dirty plates

Fedorino Mountain and dirty dishes

Dirty copper pelvis, kettle Fedora

Goat stacked her eyes on a sieve, axes, broom

Fedorino Mountain, only cockroaches remained

Fedorino Mountain, grandmother has changed

Fedor gives purity

The dishes ran away from Fedor

Fedor runs along the fence

Fedor at the table drinks tea

Fedorino Mountain, Chukovsky Fairy Tale

The table and samovar run away from Fedor

From Fedor all run

Dirty samovar, cups, kettles

Illustration To Fairy Tale "Fedorino Mount" Chukovsky

Fedorino Mountain, there were alone cockroaches

The broom rushed to the dance

Fedor is trying to catch up with dishes

In a barrel of frogs, dirty farm Fedor

The dishes run away from Fedor

From the house of Fedor leaves the table and samovar

Running sieve, axes

Changed Fedora

Fedorino Mount Chukovsky

Samovar and cups

Scheme of the technological card lesson

Date of implementation: 01/25/2017

Class: 2 "A"

Educational program: School of Russia

Topic: K.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount"

Type of lesson: mastering new knowledge and ways of action (study of the new material)

Planned Subject Results:


    Continue the acquaintance of students with the work of K.I. Chukovsky.

    To form a reader's horizontal student, skills of meaningful and expressive reading.

    Develop a figurative and associative thinking.

    To form a careful attitude to the word, be able to confirm your opinion by excerpts from the text.

    Educate on the example of the work of K.I. Chukovsky responsibility, accuracy, desire for purity and order.


1. Cognitive: To introduce students with the author's fairy tale "Fedorino Mountain", improves such qualities of reading, as correct, fluency, flexibility and expressiveness.

2. Educational:develop and enrich students spending, develop figurative and associative thinking, train the skill of meaningful and expressive reading, arguing about read.

3. Educational:brief interest in reading, love, good and joy of communication based on the works of the author, responsible attitude towards work.

Planned metap loat results:

Cognitive: the ability to characterize the hero using antonyms, explain the lexical meaning of some words, the ability to predict the content of the work according to its name, the ability to relate an illustration with the content of text

Regulatory: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, to perform training actions in oral form in accordance with the installation of a teacher and the guideline on the correctness of their implementation, to independently evaluate the actions performed and make adjustments.

Communicative : the ability to formulate its point of view on the content of the read job, the ability to express their attitude towards the characters of works and evaluate the statements of the partner.

Planned Personal Results:

1. Develop interest in literary reading lessons.

2. To be able to form their emotional-evaluative judgments, bring up the moral consciousness and sense of empathy.

3. Take care of things around us, accuracy.

Teaching methods:Valid, visual, practical.

Used Resources: Tutorial, Workbook,computer, projector, audio and video tales.

p / P.

Stage lesson


Purpose of stage


Formulated Wood



Organizational stage

greeting, fixation of missing;

Checking the preparedness of the classroom;

Organization of the attention of the SK-OB; - disclosure of the general purpose of the lesson and its plan

Let's check if you are ready for a lesson. Hello guys, my name is Christina Sergeyevna and today I will spend your lesson of literary reading. Let's be active today in the lesson, we will open new secrets with great desire. And now I will ask you to look at each other and welcome the smile. I wish you a good day and a good mood.

Check availability.

Greet teachers.

Personal Wood: Self-determination, sense formation, moral and aesthetic estimation.

Regulativeu .

Stage verification of homework

1. To establish the correctness, completeness and awareness of the implementation of the d / s all students.

2. Reveal gaps in knowledge and ways to work and determine the causes of their occurrence.

3. Remove the discovered spaces during the check

At the last lesson, you studied the poem of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky "Joy", and now we will answer questions about this poem.

What do you think the poem is called joy?

What word is repeated several times?

What mood it creates?

Let's look at the poem and try to find the consonance at the end of the poetic words (Nr, Birch Roses)

Guys, I prepared the words for you (SL. 1) And you will need to think of a couple of words with repeating sounds at the end. Please write down these words to yourself on the leaves, and after you do everything, we will check with you who picked up what couples words.

Well done guys, you coped with the task, and now I will check how you learned this poem by heart. I will call you one person, and the rest with me will listen and evaluate the speaker.

Guys, whose performance you liked the most and why?

K. Chukovsky so called his poem, because all the events occurring in it are coming from joy. And the poem itself is not just cheerful, it is joyful.

In this poem, the word "Rada" repeats several times

This word creates a joyful mood.

Preparation of students to work at the main stage of the lesson

1. Follow the motivation to the teachings of schoolchildren, the adoption of the objectives of the lesson

2. Actualization of subject experience treatment (personal meanings, reference knowledge and methods of action, value relations

Guys, in front of you, a portrait of a children's poet, (Shot. 2) With his work, we will get acquainted today at the lesson, and who we will learn this poet, guessing the lines from the works.

Guess the work

(Slide 3.4)

Boots creak

Heels are knocking, -

Will, there will be moshcar

Have fun until the morning:

Today ___________

Birthday!(Fly Tsokotukha)

(slide 5,6)

And came running Zhenichikha

And screamed: "Ah, ah!

My bunny fell under the tram!

My bunny, my boy

Hit under the tram!(Aibolit)

(slide 7.8)

Fish on the field walk,

The toads fly across the sky

Mouse cat caught

I planted in the mousetrap.(Confusion)

(Slide 9, 10)

My, my pipeline

Pure, pure, purely!

Will, there will be a pipeline

Pure, clean, clean. (Moydodyr)

Well done boys!

Tell me, what works of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky have you already read? And what of their works do you like most? Why?

Cognitive UUD: to identify significant:

aware of the informative task;

establish causal relationships, make generalizations, conclusions

Personal Wood:

Communicative Wood:

. To prepare perception, understanding and primary consolidation of the studied material:

Essential signs of concepts, signs, theories, etc.;

Rules and based on their basis algorithms.

2. The assimilation of the teaching methods that led to a certain conclusion (generalization)

3. Create the meaningful and organizational conditions of assimilation using the method of reproduction of the material being studied.

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky was born on March 19, 1882. The poet and the storyteller of the roots Ivanovich Chukovsky. This is his name - no real, he chose him as a poet. And in fact, his name was Nikolai Vasilyevich Korechukov. The roots of Ivanovich was a happy man! After all, he loved the children, and the children loved him. When Chukovsky was aged, the children began to call his grandfather roots! And he rejoiced this and joked: "My grandfather will soon at three years old, and he is the same pistol!"

2. Today we will meet with the new product of K.I. Chukovsky

Listen to how the fairy tale k.I. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount". Once the roots of Ivanovich Hour Three loined with children from clay different shapes. The children wiped their hands about the pants of the rooting Ivanovich. Home was far away. Pants from clay were severe, and they had to hold them. Passersby with surprise looked at him. But Ivanovich's roots were cheerful, he had inspiration, poems were complicated free. So "Fedorino Mount" appeared.

And now I will read the fairy tale, and you listen carefully and then tell me why the fairy tale "Fedorino Mount" is called

Personality ( .

Cognitive Uud.

Stage of primary testing of understanding studied

1. Install the correctness and awareness of the material studied

2. Adjust the gaps of the primary understanding of the material studied, the incorrect ideas of accounting

3. The correction of the identified gaps in comprehension is learned by the studied material

And so, we read the skate with you, I hope you all listened carefully and you can answer my questions.

Tell me, what was this fairy tale, why is this fairy tale so called?

What do you think for Who was written this fairy tale?

Why was she written, what do you think?

And now we will analyze the words that are incomprehensible to you. What strange words did you meet in the text?

Poker- Thick iron rod with a curved end for mixing fuel in the furnace;

Tub- bucket;

Sieve- flour sifting device;

Prudak- red cockroach;

Trough- Large oblong open vessel for washing;

Dropphyryli -Shoco uncovered;

Kadushka - wooden barrel pulled by metal hoops;

Silently-- Many cockroaches move;

Ran through all acumes - Very quickly, struggling.

About how the dishes ran away.

About how the grandmother is not soaps of dishes and she ran away from her.

About how grandmother persuaded the dishes back and the dishes still returned

For children and adults who do not like to wash dishes.

For anyone who does not like to get out in the apartment.

For kids.

Personal Wood: Make a teaching meaningful, linking them with real life goals and situations.

Signing Wood:

Communicative Wood: They provide cooperation opportunities: the ability to hear, listen and understand the partner.


And so guys, and now we will spend a small game. I will show you pictures if the picture is depicted in the picture, then you slap in your hands, and if the items are depicted, then you are writing your legs.

Well done guys, you all coped with the task.


Consolidation of new knowledge and ways of action

1. Fight consolidation in the memory of the knowledge and ways of action that they need for independent work on the new material

2. Fix in the course of consolidation increase in the level of reflection of the material studied, the depth of its understanding

Repeated reading students.

And now we will read the fairy tale with you again to answer questions.

Tell me why the dishes ran away from Fedor?

Find in the text what types of dishes ran away?

Let's find and read the lines in which the answer to the question is: what

Fedor was at the very beginning, why Fedor comprehended Mount?

What kind of you imagined it?

And now find in the text, what she got at the end of the fairy tales, how did she change? Why did the dishes come back to her?

Guys, look at page 13 and tell me what is depicted on this illustration? Find a fragment in the text suitable for this illustration.

Now look at page 14-15, what is shown on these illustrations? Find a fragment in the text suitable for this illustration.

Now look at page 16, what is shown on these illustrations? Find a fragment in the text suitable for this illustration.

Now look at page 19, what is shown on these illustrations? Find a fragment in the text suitable for this illustration.

Well done!

View cartoon.

Guys, I have a cartoon that is removed on this fairy tale, now we will look at it, and then you will tell if the illustration of Fedora from a fairy tale is like a Fedor from the cartoon. Let's compare Fedor from the fairy tale and from the cartoon. What are they similar and what are different?

We represented a Fedor in a fairy tale, and in the cartoon completely different Fedor. When the author writes the work, he presents his heroes, he has his own idea of \u200b\u200bheroes, and when the illustrator artist draws an illustration, he has his own idea of \u200b\u200bheroes when you read the work, you have your own idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero, when the director shoots the film, He has his own idea, so there is always a work regardless of whether you watched a movie or cartoon, always the work is better to read to get your idea of \u200b\u200bthe hero, then everything will be clear.

And how do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

Is this proverb coming to the Fedorino Mount fairy tale? Prove your opinion.

The dishes ran away from Fedor, because she was not soap dishes, broke her.

Pan, kettle, coffee pot, saucer, glasses, frying pan, plugs, spoons, cups, samovar.

"She did not love us,

Bila, she beat us,

Drank, squeezed,

She ruined us! "

"Oh you, my poor mother-in-law,
My irons and pans!
You are a trip, unwashed home,
I am a key to the water.
I clean you with a sand
Will be boiling to boil
And you will be again
Like sun, shine,
And I boiled cockroaches,
Prussakov and Spiders I think! "

Rides sieve in the fields,
And the cereals in the meadows.

Behind the broom of the broom
Along the street went.

Axes, axes
So roll from the mountain.
Frightened goat,
Embedded eyes :.

Depicted cats

Here Fedorins cats
Rafuffered tails
Ran into all acumes.
So that the dishes to gut:

Depicted chicken.

Past Chicken Bezhala
And saw the dishes:
"Kud-Where! Kud-where!
Where are you from and where?

Depicted Fedor.

And see: Behind them from the dark boron
Founded by Fedor.

Similar to the fact that both were sludge. Different appearance, clothing, etc.

The meaning of the proverb is that if

D. ears is what reflects the state of a person. And as of the soul, you can find out what is happening with a person. Each of us surrounds a lot of different cases, and on how we cope with them, the result of these cases depends. If there is order in the affairs, there is no disorder, then everything is quickly obtained. Any business must be made to the end. Guys, teach yourself to the order and let Fedor serve you as an example, how to behave, as you need to behave, so that things and the soul are in order.

Personality ( Self-determination, sense formation, moral and aesthetic estimation).

Cognitive Uud. (general educational universal actions, logical universal actions, formulation and solving problems).

Regulativeu (goaling, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation).

Total lesson .

1. The advent of the quality and level of learning of knowledge and methods of action

2. Adjust flaws in knowledge and methods of action

3. Install the causes of identified deficiencies

4. Follow the development of schoolchildren's ability to evaluate actions

What does this fairy tale teach us?

Tell me, what mood did you have a fairy tale?

Do you think you need to do not get into such an unpleasant situation?

Of course you guys, you need to always follow yourself to be clean and neat, as well as for your own things.

The fairy tale takes us to the fact that you should always follow yourself and for your own things, you need to keep everything clean and tidy.

You need to follow your own things, contain them clean.

Personal Wood: Make a teaching meaningful, linking them with real life goals and situations.

Signing Wood: general educational universal actions, logical universal actions, setting and solving problems.

Communicative Wood: They provide cooperation opportunities: the ability to hear, listen and understand the partner.

Stage of information about the homework

1. Inform

roving about d / s

P. 13-22, expressive reading.

Signing Wood: general educational universal actions, logical universal actions, setting and solving problems.


1. Correct the identified gaps in the knowledge and methods of actions are accepted as part of the topic

Guys, and now raise your hands those who managed to handle all the tasks in the lesson.

Well done boys.

And now raise your hands, who had difficulties today in the lesson?

Nothing terrible, next time will be better.

Who today in the lesson did you work actively?

And what would you advise those students who worked not actively?

Regulativeu (goaling, planning, forecasting, control, correction, assessment, self-regulation).

Rides sieve in the fields,

And the cereals in the meadows.

Behind the broom of the broom

Along the street went.

Axes, axes

So roll from the mountain.

Frightened goat,

Embedded eyes:

"What? Why?

I do not understand anything. "

But, like a black iron leg,

Boiled, rowed a kocherga.

And rushed along the street Knives:

"Hey, hold, hold, hold, keep, keep!"

And saucepan

Screamed the iron:

"I run, run, run,

I can not resist! "

Here and the kettle behind the coffee pot runs,

Tarantor, taraturt, rattles ...

Irons run smoky,

Through the puddles, they jump through the puddles.

And behind them saucer, saucer -

Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!

Along the street rushing -

Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!

On the glasses - Dzin! - stumbled,

And glasses - Dzin! - broken.

And runs, branded, knocking frying pan:

"Where are you going? where to? where to? where to? where to?"

And for her forks,

Glasses yes bottles

Cups yes spoon

Jump along the track.

The table fell out of the window

And I went, went, went, went, went ...

And on it, and on it,

How horse horse riding

Selfish sits

And comrades shouts:

"Leave, run, Sauceed!"

And in the iron tube:

"Boo Boo Boo! Boo Boo Boo!"

And behind them along the fence

Rides Grandma Fedor:

"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Cutting home! "

But answered trough:

"I am angry with Fedor!"

And she said Kocherga:

"I am Fyodor not servant!"

And porcelain saucer

Over Fedoro laughs:

"We never

Do not torment here! "

Here Fedorins cats

Rafuffered tails

Ran into all acumes.

So that the dishes to gut:

"Hey you, stupid plates,

What do you download like proteins?

Do you run behind the gate

With sparrows of boasts?

You fall into the ditch,

You drown in a swamp.

Don't go, wait

Cutting home! "

But the plates are climbed,

Fedore are not given:

"Better in the field is missing,

And I will not go to Fedor! "

Past Chicken Bezhala

And saw the dishes:

"Kud-where! Kud-where!

Where are you from where and where?! "

And answered dishes:

"It was for us to witely,

She didn't love us

Bila, she beat us,

Drank, squeezed,

She ruined us! "

"Ko-ko! Ko-ko!

It was not easy for you to live! "

"Yes, said copper pelvis,

Look at us:

We are broken, beaten,

We are in the mouth.

Ploy-ka you're in the pitch -

And you will see a frog there.

Ploy-ka you are in the ears -

Cockroaches are sishe

Because we are from women

Ran away from toads

And walk around the fields

On the swamps, in the meadows,

And to Narina - Zamarai

Do not torment! "

And they ran the flattering

Stressed in stumps and bumps.

And the poor woman is alone

And crying, and she cries.

Would love Baba at the table

Yes, the table per gate went.

Would baba soup

Yes, saucepan, look, look for!

And the cups are gone, and glasses,

Some cockroaches remained.

Oh, Mount Fedore,

And the dishes are forward and forward

In the fields, the swamps goes.

And cried the saucer:

"No better to return?"

And buried trough:

"Alas, I'm broken, broken!"

But the dish said: "Look,

Who is there behind? "

And see: Behind them from the dark boron

Founded by Fedor.

But the miracle happened to her:

Became Fedor Goody.

Quietly goes

And sings a quiet song:

"Oh, you, my poor orphans,

My irons and pans!

You are a trip, unwashed home,

I am a key to the water.

I clean you with a sand

Will be boiling to boil

And you will be again

Like sun, shine,

And I boiled cockroaches,

Prussakov and Spiders I think! "

And she said the rolling:

"I'm sorry for me Fedor."

And she said the cup:

"Ah, she is a poor thing!"

And the saucer said:

"I should come back!"

And the irons said:

"We are Fedor not enemies!"

Long for a long time kisses

And she caught them,

Watering, washed.

She rinsing them.

"I will not, I will not

I offend dishes.

I will, I will be dishes

And love and respect! "

Laughed pots

Samovar wink:

"Well, Fedor, so be,

We are glad to forgive you! "



Yes to Fedore right to the oven!

Began to fry, steel oven, -

Will, Fedor and Pancakes and Pies will be!

And the broom, and the broom - cheerful -

I dug, played, was offended,

Nor dust from Fedor did not leave.

And the saucer was delighted:

Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!

And dance and laugh -

Dzin-la-la! Dzin-la-la!

And on a white stool

Yes on the embroidered napkin

Samovar is worth

As if the heat is burning,

And puffed, and looks at the Babo:

"I good for Fedorushka,

Sweet tea treats.

Kushai, Kushai, Fedor Egorovna! "

Full name: Ivanova Elena Sergeevna (primary school teacher)
Subject: literary reading
Class: Grade 3
Technological card lesson
Theme of the lesson: work with the work of L.Pateleeva "Honest word"

Objectives for a student
1. Analysis of the work, conclude that
How it is important to have a Will power for a person,
make yourself come correctly;
2. Develop the ability to competently speak and build your answers. Defend your opinion and be able to listen to your classmates.
3. To negotiate and solve joint tasks.
Goals for teacher
1. Had to understand the depth of the content of the work of Leonid Panteleeva and its main thought.
2. Work on the development of speech, thinking.
3. To promote the formation of ideas about an honest person through the creation of images of the main characters.

Educational: - continue to learn to analyze the text;
- work on expressive reading;
- to form the ability to search in the text the necessary information;
- Teach children to transmit when reading and staging of various intonation.
Developing: - Wash students speaking, the ability to retell text;
- Watch the ability to emotionally respond to the read.
Educational: - to educate citizenship and patrioticity;
- Good attitude to each other;
- Responsibility for the entrusted business.

Planned results:
- with whole words, expressive
-anwser the questions
- enter the answer in the text
-the study learning to motivate their actions;
-Evo receiving the norms of behavior, express readiness to properly do;
-Products in certain situations the best human qualities.
-Freate the result of the Opel activities with the aim of and evaluate it;
- The emotional assessment of all students in the lesson.
- Breeding - to find answers to questions using the textbook text, personal experience;
-Logic-draw conclusions as a result of collaboration class, group.
- Award your position to others, owning a confusion of monologic speech.

Type of lesson

Form of work in the lesson
frontal, individual, steam room, group

Supporting concepts, Terms
Kindness, responsiveness, honesty.

New concepts
Honor, honesty

Formulated Wood
Regulatory URU: Determine and formulate with the help of the teacher the goal of activities in the lesson; It is an assumption based on working with the text of the story and additional sources, plan your actions.
Communicative Wood: to form the ability to listen and understand others;
form the ability to build a speech statement; To form the ability to jointly negotiate the rules of communication and behavior in accordance with the tasks assigned;
to form the ability to draw up your thoughts in oral speech.
Cognitive UUD: navigate in your knowledge system; find answers to questions; Make answers to questions, establish a causal relationship.
Personal: Assess the actions of the heroes of the story, life situations from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values; To express your attitude to the heroes of the read story, to their actions.

Equipment for lesson: L.A. Efrosinine textbook "Literary reading" 3 CL. L.A. Prosinina Literary reading: Workbook for students 3 KL.I. Obgov Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Publisher: Onyx, 2010
Additional sources (task cards,)
Computer presentation.

Stage lesson
Teacher's activities
Activity student
Used methods, techniques, forms
Result of interaction (cooperation)

1. Organization project.
Stage motivation.

Organizes students' activity

Greet teachers
Read a poem on the slide
Slide 1.
The book is a true friend of children,
With her living fun!
Let the books come to friends,
Read all your life, gain your mind.

The ability to negotiate with the teacher about the rules of behavior and follow them (Communicative Wood).

Understanding the role of reading for solving cognitive and communicative tasks (Personal Wood)

Check your homework.
- Guys, what did I read yesterday? Determine the genre of the work. At home you prepared the models of the covers.
Show what you did?
- This is a story, because the events follow in consistently with each other and they could occur in real life, from the story we can recognize the experiences of the hero.

Check is performed

(Communicative Wood)

2. Actualization. Work with text.
Organizes the formulation of the topic of the lesson by students.

Answer teacher's questions, make conclusions.

With the help of the teacher, formulate the subject and objectives of the lesson.

Read assignments in research form (Appendix number 1)
Conducts a frontal conversation with students.
Slide 2.
- What do you see on the slide? (Boy, author, Major).
-What can you combine them? What work will we work on the lesson? Slide 3.
What are the goals in front of yourself in class?
- Your work today will be to find and prove answers to the questions asked and express your thoughts. We will work in pairs.

Be able to extract information from illustrations; We form the ability to generalize, compare, allocate the main thing.
(Cognitive Wood)
To be able to make up your thoughts orally, be able to listen and understand others.
(Communicative Wood)
To be able to formulate theme of lesson, cognitive tasks with the help of a teacher.
(Regulatory Wood)

3.Tap the opening of new knowledge. Working with textbook text, additional sources.


Conducts a frontal conversation with students
- Pick up related words to the first word.

How does the word "honesty" understand? -

Let's see what the interpretation of this word is given in the dictionary of the Ozhegov. I made the meanings of this word on the slide.

In order to check how carefully you read the work of L. Panteleev, work in groups. Organizes and controls the activities of children
- Check.

Choir for the whole class
- Honestly.

Honesty, honor, honest

(Children offer their answers)

If you gave the floor, despite everything to keep it!

Read the text Slide

The boy gave an honest word and kept him, and this is worthy of respect for the quality of man.
In the 1st meaning: decent respect and pride of moral qualities of a person.

Students work on blanks with tasks.

Choir for the whole class
Read the name of the work again.

On Slide 4.
Honor - worthy of respect and pride of moral qualities of a person;
Honor, good, unpeiled reputation, good name (family honor; take care of honor);
Honor-honor, respect (honor in labor).

Attachment 1

Frontal check.

Again we have Fizkultminutka,
Leaned, well, well!
Straightened, stretched,
And now back flashed.
(Tilt forward and back.)
Knead the hands, shoulders,
To sit we were easier,
To write, read, count
And not to get tired at all.
(Rod hands before breasts.)
Head is tired too.
So let's help her!
Right and left, once and two.
Think, think, head.
(Rotation head.)
Although charging is short,
We rested slightly.
(Children sit down for the parties.)

To be able to accompany your thoughts orally, listen and understand the speech of others, form the ability to work in groups. (Communicative Wood)

Be able to navigate in your knowledge system. (Cognitive Wood)

Be able to predict
and plan your actions in accordance with the task (to make a plan). (Regulatory Wood)

Be able to extract information from illustrations, texts;
To be able to convert information from one form to another: draw up answers to questions. (Cognitive Wood)

4. For a reinforcement. Working with text and additional literature after reading.

I suggest you remember the sequence of events in the story and restore it. Let's now look together every part of the story and select the episode of the text to the pictures on the slides.
- Well done! You all coped with the task, which means that you carefully read this work very carefully.

Find and read the episode that comes to illustration.

Slide 5 with confused pictures.

(Communicative Wood)

Formation of cognitive activity. To be able to transform information from one form to another: make answers to the question, be able to draw conclusions based on reading analysis;
Be able to navigate in your knowledge system. To be able to find and highlight the necessary information about the heroes and their actions in the textbook, and others. Sources (Cognitive Wood)

(Regulatory Wood)

To be able to show your attitude towards heroes, evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation (Personal Wood)

5. Summary with self-test

I suggest you remember the proverbs and from words on your cards to make them.
What are these proverbs, how do you understand them?
Children collect the words of the proverb, write on the sheets.
Answer to the question, try to give an explanation of the meaning of each proverb.
Appendix 2.
Slide 6 (check.)
And I want to ourselves.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A bargain is a bargain.
Resolving the word, hold on, and not giving, fastened.
Take care of the dress dream, and the honor of the Smalod.
There is a patience for every hotty.
The word is not a sparrow, crashes - you can't catch.
Honor goes on the road, and dishonor on the side.

To be able to draw up your thoughts orally, listen and understand the speech of others.
(Communicative Wood)

Be able to navigate in your knowledge system.
(Cognitive Wood)
Be able to convert information from one form to another. (Cognitive Wood)
Be able to plan your action in accordance with the task.
(Regulatory Wood)
Be able to draw conclusions based on the analysis;
(Cognitive Wood)
Mastering the moral and ethical norms of behavior through the detection of moral content. (Personal Wood)


- Let's answer the main question: why did the writer write this story? What we enriched by reading the story?
- Why do you need to study this work?

You are invited to evaluate your independence and evaluate your work.

Run in the working notebook Task No. 3 and No. 4 in the "Working Trend" on page 68
or write a continuation of the story.
So that we were good, responsive, honest.

This story helps to educate resistance and courage, honesty.

Self-assessment of work is responsible for questions and draw conclusions about the benefits of the lesson.

Choose homework
show slide 7.
In life, every person chooses his way. What it will be depends only on it. And since childhood, you need to form some traits in yourself and so that it does not happen in life, you should always remain a person.

Let the books of friends
Go to home.
Read all your life
Cancel mind.

Slide: Thanks for the lesson!
To be able to exercise cognitive and personal reflection.

Used sources:
L.A. Efrosinin. Literary reading. Toolkit. Grade 3. M., "Ventana-Count", 2013

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