The image and characteristic of Vladimir Dubrovsky in the story of Dubrovsky Pushkin essay. On the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky"

The image and characteristic of Vladimir Dubrovsky in the story of Dubrovsky Pushkin essay. On the creation of the novel
The image and characteristic of Vladimir Dubrovsky in the story of Dubrovsky Pushkin essay. On the creation of the novel "Dubrovsky"


The story behaves narrative about the life of two families - Troots and Dubrovsky. Once Cyril Petrovich Troekurov and Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky were colleagues, so Andrei Gavrilovich is the only one in the district who is not afraid of the power of a rich neighbor. Dubrovsky has a son Vladimir, who serves in St. Petersburg, and the daughter of Masha's daughter, and Troceurov himself dreams of marriage children. But unexpectedly neighbors quarrel and distort from each other. Moreover, Troekurov really does not like the independent behavior of Dubrovsky, and he decides any paths, even if I am illegal, to take away the estate. Soon, Dubrovsky is caused to court and read him a court decision, according to which his kyscenaries now belongs to Troekurov.

After the court, Dubrovsky is seriously ill, and the serf peasant writes a letter to St. Petersburg Vladimir, in which it reports what happened. Vladimir arrives in a kisteration and sees the serious state of the Father. Trocery is tormented by conscience, and he rides to Dubrovsky to make up. But at the time of the meeting of the former friends, the hatred of Dubrovsky is so strong that he happens paralysis. Vladimir persecutes Trocery from the house, and his father dies.

Soon after the death of Andrei Gavrilovich, bailiffs arrive in the kysterovka, reporting that Troekurov wants to take possession of his property. Peasants want to kill bailiffs, but Vladimir does not give them it. At night, he stops the blacksmith of the archup, who has fully coming into the house with the same intentions. As a result of all these events, Vladimir decides that it will be better if he leaves the estate. He tells to collect all people, bring them out of the house and set fire to the house. The blacksmith archup performs everything as Vladimir says, with the exception of one - he locks the doors of the house, and all the officials are dying during a fire. Curl Vladimir accused of murdering baits.

And at that time in the province declared the robbing gang, which robs all landowners, not touching only one - Trocery. Rumors appear that the leader of the robbers - Vladimir Dubrovsky.

A French deporter comes to Troekurov's house, which Troceurov invites Sasha as a teacher for his son. The definer is conquered by the beauty of Masha, but it does not pay attention to him. Troshekurov decides to "check" the French by the same way as it is usually having fun with the guests - makes teachers in the room where the hungry bear is located. The definer kills the bear. Masha is impressed by such courage, and friendship is installed between young people, gradually turning into a more tender feeling.

In the house of Trocerys guests. Sitting at the table, one of the landowners, Spitsyn, tells that he lied at the court against Dubrovsky. After the dinner of the Spitsyn, who had a lot of money with him, decides to spend the night in the French room, as he is heard about his courage. At night, he wakes up from the fact that someone tries to take his money, and sees a definer with a gun near his bed. The definer tells him that he is Dubrovsky. In the morning, Spitsyn, leaving home, not told anything to anyone. Masha Taik meets with a deforem, and he admits to her that in fact he is Vladimir Dubrovsky. After that, the Frenchman disappears from the house. And just in time - a fixer comes to the house, who says he has disappeared Dubrovsky.

Troceurov is going to give Masha married to Prince Veresky. Masha asks the Father not to do this, but that inexorable. Then Masha asks for help from Dubrovsky, passing him with Sasha Ring, which the boy should hide in the dub's dub. But Dubrovsky does not come for Masha in the house of the Father, nor in the church, where the wedding took place. Only when the coach with newlyweds is going from the church, it stops a group of people with Dubrovsky at the chapter, which says Masha, that it is free. The prince shoots in it and wounds, the people of Dubrovsky want to kill the prince, but he does not tell them to do that. Masha tells Dubrovsky that he was late. Dubrovsky loses consciousness, and he will be taken away. Soon the place where the robbers are located, soldiers surround. During the battle, the robbers win. But a few days after that, Dubrovsky announces his associates that he leaves. After that, no one sees him - they say he left abroad.

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Description of the work:

It is interesting that the novel was named publishers in 1841, when his first publication took place, because Pushkin himself in the manuscript instead of the name wrote the date of commencement of work on the novel "October 21, 1832".

Read the brief content of Roman Dubrovsky.

In his estate, Pokrovskoe lives rich and notable Barin Kirila Petrovich Troshekurov. Knowing his steep temper, he is afraid of all the neighbors, except for the poor landowner Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, retired lieutenant Guard and the former colleague Trocery. Both are widows. Dubrovsky has the son of Vladimir, who serves in St. Petersburg, and Troekharov has a daughter Masha, living with his father, and Troshekurov often talks about their desire to marry children.

The unexpected breaking is quarreling friends, and the proud and independent behavior of Dubrovsky gives them apart even more. Self-collened and all-powerful trowecors to indiscriminate irritation, decides to deprive Dubrovsky estates and orders the meeting of Shabashkin to find the "legitimate" path to this lawlessness. The judicial hooks fulfill the desire of Trocery, and Dubrovsky causes to the Zemsky judge to solve the case.

In the judicial meeting, the decision performed in the presence of heavy, the decision performed by legal incidents, according to which the estate of Dubrovsky is becoming the ownership of Trocery, and the madness fee happened to Dubrovsky.

The health of Dubrovsky deteriorates, and Egorovna writes a letter to St. Petersburg to St. Petersburg Vladimir Dubrovsky with a notice of what happened. Having received a letter, Vladimir Dubrovsky prohibits vacation and go home. Dear Kucher tells him about the circumstances of the case. At home, he finds the patient and the dyeing father.

Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky slowly dies. Troykurov's torrenting conscience rides to put up with Dubrovsky, whom the enemy breaks paralysis. Vladimir Melith convey Troekurov to be cleaned out, and at this moment old Dubrovsky dies.

After the funeral of Dubrovsky, judicial officials and correction came to the kysterpenevka to introduce a trocker in the rights of ownership. The peasants refuse to obey and want to deal with officials. Dubrovsky stops them.

At night, the house of Dubrovsky cares for the Blacksmith Archka, who decided to kill ordinary, and dissuade him from this intention. He decides to leave the estate and orders to bring all the people to set fire to the house. Archka He sends the door to unlock the doors so that the officials could get out of the house, but the archup violates the Barin order and locks the door. Dubrovsky sets up a house and quickly leaves from the courtyard, and in the ridiculous fire is dying.

On Dubrovsky there is a suspicion of arson and killing officials. Troceurov sends a report to the governor, and a new thing is tied. But here another event distracts the attention of everyone from Dubrovsky: the robbers appeared in the province, which robbed all the landlords of the province, but did not touch only Trocerys. All are confident that the leader of the robbers is Dubrovsky.

For his extramarital son Sasha Troceurov, the French Teacher, Monsieur Deforget, who produces a great impression of the beauty of seventeen-year-old Maryi Kirovna Trocery, but it does not pay any attention to the hiring teacher. Definage is subject to testing, pushing into a room with a hungry bear (an ordinary joke with guests in the house of Trocery). Not confused teacher kills the beast. His determination and courage produce a great impression on Masha. There is a friendly rapprochement between them, which becomes the source of love. On the day of the temple holiday, guests go to the house of Trocery. At lunch, it comes to Dubrovsky. One of the guests, a landowner named Anton Pafovich Spitsyn, admits that he at his time gave false testimony against Dubrovsky in favor of Kyril Petrovich. One lady reports that a week ago, Dubrovsky had dined with her, and tells the story that her clerk sent to the mail with a letter and 2000 rubles for her son, the Guards officer, returned and said that Dubrovsky robbed him, but he was troubling Lies by a person who came to visit her and called the former colleague her late husband. The called Clap tells that Dubrovsky really stopped him on the way to the post office, but by reading the letter of the mother to his son, did not rob. Money was found in the chest in the clerk. The lady believes that the man who issued himself for her husband was Dubrovsky himself. But according to her descriptions, she had a man of 35 years old, and Troekurov is known to be known that Dubrovsky 23 years old. This fact confirms the new fixer who documenso in Trocery.

The holiday in the House of Trocery is completed by the ball, on which the teacher also dances. After dinner, Anton Pafoothich, having a large amount of money with him, sees a wish to spend the night in one room with a deforem, as he already knows about the Frenchman's courage and hopes for his protection in the event of a robber attack. The teacher meets consent to the request of Anton Pafoothich. At night, the landowner feels like someone trying to pick up his money hidden in the bag on his chest. Opening his eyes, he sees that the definer with a gun is worth it. The teacher reports Anton Paftychuch that he is Dubrovsky.

How did Dubrovsky hit the house of Trocerys under the guise of a teacher? On the post office he met the Frenchman, he gave him 10 thousand rubles, having received a teacher's paper in return. With these documents, he came to Troekurov and settled in the house where he loved him and did not suspect who he really is. Once in the same room with a person who was not without reason he could consider his enemy, Dubrovsky could not resist the temptation to take revenge. In the morning, Spitsyn leaves the house of Trocery, nor the word without changing the night incident. Soon the rest of the guests were left. Life in Pokrovsky flows in ordinary. Marya Kirilovna feels love for the deform and annoy himself. The definer keeps with her respectfully, and this calms her pride. But one day the definer sees the note to her, in which he asks for a date. At the appointed time, Masha comes into an agreed place, and the definer informs it that he is forced to leave soon, but before that I must say something important to her. Suddenly, he opens Masha, who he really is. Soothing frightened Masha, he says she forgave her father. What it was she who saved Kiril Petrovich that the house in which Marya Kirilovna lives, is sacred for him. During the recognition of Dubrovsky there is a quiet whistle. Dubrovsky asks Masha to give him a promise that in case of misfortune it will resort to his help, and disappears. Returning to the house, Masha caresses there, and his father informs her that the definer, according to the fellowship, not anyone else, like Dubrovsky. The disappearance of the teacher confirms the validity of these words.

The next summer in his estate Arbatov, located in 30 versts from Pokrovsky, returns from other stairs to Prince Veresky. He makes a visit to Troekurov, and Masha amazes him with his beauty. Troceurov with daughter apply a retaliatory visit. Veresky suits them a wonderful reception.

Masha sits in his room and embroiders. In the open window, the hand is stretched and puts the letter to her on the hoop, but at this time Masha is called to the Father. She hides the letter and goes. She cares of Veresky, and Kirila Petrovich tells her that the prince woves her. Masha freezes from surprise and pale, but his father does not pay attention to her tears.

In his room, Masha thinks about marriage with Veresky and believes that it is better to go beyond Dubrovsky. She suddenly recalls about the letter and finds only one phrase in it: "In the evening at 10 o'clock in the same place."

During the night date, Dubrovsky persuades Masha to resort to his patronage. Masha hopes to touch the heart of Father's Molubas and requests. But if he is inexorable and forced her to marriage, she invites Dubrovsky to appear behind her and promises to become his wife. For goodbate Dubrovsky gives Masha ring and says that if trouble happens, she will be enough to lower the ring in the hollow of the specified tree, then he will know what to do.

A wedding is preparing, and Masha decides to act. She writes a letter to Veresky, begging him to abandon her hand. But it gives the opposite result. Having learned about the letter of Masha, Kirila Petrovich in Rioti appoints a wedding the next day. Masha asks him to not give it to Veresky, but Kirila Petrovich inexorably, and then Masha declares that he would resort to the defense of Dubrovsky. I locked Masha, Kirila Petrovich removes, ordered not to let her out of the room.

Sasha comes to the rescue Marya Kirilovna. Masha charges him to attribute the ring in the hollow. Sasha fulfills her order, but seeing this some tricky boy is trying to take possession of the ring. A fight is tied between the boys, a gardener comes to help Sasha, and the boy lead to the Barsky courtyard. Suddenly, they meet Kiril Petrovich, and Sasha under threats tells him about the instruction, which he gave him a sister. Kirila Petrovich is recognized about the intercourse of Masha with Dubrovsky. He brings to lock the caught boy and sends for corrector. The correction and trowecors agree about something and let go of the boy. That runs to the kysterception, and from there the secretly sneaks into the Kistsenis grove.

In the house of Trocerys go cooking for the wedding. Masha is being taken to the church, where she expects the groom. Wedding begins. Hope Masha Na Appearance of Dubrovsky evaporates. Young ride in Arbatovo, how suddenly the armed men are surrounded on the carriage road, and the man in the half mask is abuse of doors. He says Masha that she is free. Hearing that this is Dubrovsky, the prince shoots and wures it. Prince enough and intend to kill, but Dubrovsky does not tell him. Dubrovsky again says Masha, that it is free, but Masha is responsible that it is too late. Due to pain and excitement, Dubrovsky loses consciousness, and the accomplices will take him.

In the forest, the combat strengthening of the robbing gangs, behind a small shaft - somewhat salars. An old woman comes out of one slag and asks the Karaowchik, singing a robbery, silence, because the barin is cleaned. In the slash lies Dubrovsky. Suddenly, anxiety appears in the camp. Rogues under the Dubrovsky team occupy certain places defined. Road guardians report that soldiers in the forest. The battle is tied, in which the victory is on the side of the robbers. A few days later, Dubrovsky gathers his associates and reports their intention to leave them. Dubrovsky disappears. There is a rumor that he disappeared abroad.

You have read the brief content of the Roman Dubrovsky. We invite you to visit the section Brief content to familiarize yourself with other presentation of popular writers.

Dubrovsky - the protagonist of the novel - the son of the poor landowner Andrei Dubrovsky. He is very brave, serious, his appearance is pretty attractive, at least at first sight and not very strongly distinguished among the nobles. I had pretty pale face, straight nose and blonde hair. It is especially worth noting his voice. It is very sounded and charming. All this makes his appearance very noble.

It is also worth noting other than its equally important good qualities: kindness, honesty, generosity, manners, generosity, courage. But they were in it and some drawbacks, such as: waste, gambling. While in St. Petersburg, he lost a lot of money in the card. But the most important thing and good quality is humanity. He loved her father very much and worried about his health, also his undoubted spiritual kindness shows the fact that he loved the fortress father very much. The fact that Dubrovsky is really good also speaks the fact that he loved Maria, although her father - Trookeur Kirill Petrovich and was his sworn enemy. Vladimir was ready to forgive any resentment related to money, if only the car heart belonged only to him.

For this person, it was not difficult for this, he learned French with ease, he gave himself to the teacher, he was engaged in Maria and singing for a long time. He also was engaged in learning the son of Trocery - Sasha, he taught his geography and arithmetic.

The case when Dubrovsky was thrown into the room with a bear (such cases loved to produce trowecors, he liked the fear of people) also shows his courage, instead of shouting and calling for help he kills the bear. But do not forget that he was all - who was vengeful. After all, it was he who came up with this cunning plan, how to take revenge on Troshekurov, from whom the love of Love Vladimir is saved to his daughter.

Dubrovsky was a man who wise and cleverly not over the years. After all, any business associated with a discrepancy and crime is very difficult to do not leave the traces. It is also worth noting that Vladimir knew the human psychology well. He knew how to negotiate with a real teacher, how to undergo confidence in Trocerov so that he would not even understand what she was dealing with Dubrovsky. In many affairs, he can overcome himself and it is very good absolutely for any person.

I believe that Vladimir Dubrovsky is a real man who has invaluable qualities and skills, having a huge stock of wisdom, kindness and knowledge.

Option 2.

Vladimir Dubrovsky was the son of a poor landowner. Young man aged twenty-three years, medium height, big brown eyes and blond hair. Typically Slavic appearance. There are many such men in Russia. Well delivered voice, knows how to give an appearance majesty.

This is hiding a little boy who remained early without a mother. And the father, not knowing what to do with him, gave it to learn to the military case in the Cadet Corps. He was located in St. Petersburg. Then he was released in the guard and served in the Guards Regiment. At last, fate smiled at the poor boy. And he is waiting for a brilliant military career.

Balls, beauties, champagne until morning. He loses and descends all the money that his father sends him. It seems to him that such life will always be.

But it was not there! Fate decided to experience Vladimir for strength. Father dies suddenly, and he was forced to leave military service and move to living in a generic estate. But this fate did not stop. Because of the quarrel with the father of the long-time neighbor, Troceurov through the court selects the estate. Dubrovsky sets up a house so that he does not get a controversy, dissolves the servants and becomes on the path of the scope.

Filled the surrounding estates. He robs everyone on the roads. But not in a state of blind rage. Here is the money that was intended to the Guards officer, he returned back. But the estate of Trocery is worth a whole and unharmed. Vladimir is developing a plan. He decides severely to abuse the offender. For this, he is looking for a teacher of French and penetrates the house of Trocery. What is interesting, did he want to do? But did he think that he would fall in love with his daughter of his enemy - Masha.

The feeling was mutual. Young decide to run abroad. And again, fate is experiencing to the strength of Vladimir. His note, intended by his beloved girl, is not appointed. Maria is forcibly married to the unloved person - the old prince. For Trocery, its further fate is not important. After all, the prince will pay for Masha big money.

And with Dubrovsky what to take? He is poor and not a landowner, and not a military man. Yes, even if he was rich, Troekurov would still not give out her daughter for him.

More in the native edge of Dubrovsky does not hold anything, he dismisses his gang and forever leaves his native places. Robbery and discourse ceased. The remaining without a leader, the peasants dismissed who where. If you believe rumors, then he leaves abroad. No one will pursue him there.

Dubrovsky - Nature contradiction. On the one hand, honest, kind, bold, on the other hand, stood on the path of the mismune, once the legitimate ways of struggle do not help. Such here are Russian people. Therefore, foreigners cannot understand our person.

Essay about Vladimir Dubrovsky

Vladimir Dubrovsky is one of the main characters of the work, which throughout the story from the young Hard turns into a noble and honest young man.

At the beginning of the story, Vladimir is described by the author as a young officer, a leading idle lifestyle, not concerned about the presence of funds, recklessly confident that money will always give him a father. He carelessly holds his days in entertainment, playing cards, without thinking about the future life and dreaming of a rich bride.

In one of the moments, Vladimir learns that his father is at death and without hesitation, throwing buddies and reckless life, hastily rides in his native estate.

Returning to the father's house, Vladimir realizes that he loves himself and worries for a sick father, terribly missed a gentle nanyushka, familiar from childhood places in the district - the most trembling and beautiful.

Dubrovsky learns about the reason for the painful state of his father and about the disadvantaged act of the neighboring landowner, Trocery, who decided to take their generic estate. A young and fearless person decides to take revenge on the death of his father and becomes on the path of a mismune and robbery.

However, Vladimir does not become a robber in the literal sense of the word, since it pursues and punishes solely perpetrators, from his point of view, people who, because of their greed, are kingdom and nonsense are devoid of ordinary human qualities and principles. By selecting money from rich and influential people, Dubrovsky does not assign them to themselves, but distributes coins to those in need of peasants.

Announces Dubrovsky and friendly feelings, learning that the money selected in one of the attacks is intended for the Guards officer. Vladimir returns their mother of the military, admitting that he made a mistake and did not want to offend the officer's comrade.

After having experienced a pure and elevated feeling for the daughter of Trocery, Mary, Dubrovsky understands that his love is much more important than the feeling of mystery and decides to stop their robbing activities, realizing that it is unreasonable and useless.

Sample 4.

This magnificent work is included in the collection of stories, which represent such a goal, thanks to which the reader will have the opportunity to understand how people lived at the time, and that, even despite the generalization of concepts and images, there are still such cases due to which one can say As individualization is an integral part in the literature. This applies to the image of Dubrovsky, which initially belonged to the class of the nobility, however, due to the fact that he lost his estate, and having ceased to be such, managed to gather and take the right and rational solutions that only adequate and honest people could take.

It is worth noting that the childhood at the hero was good and he grew up a very bald child, but despite all this, he was not an evil, selfish and insidious man. When he learned that his father was ill, then immediately hurries to help him. Arriving to him in his native estate, he finds that a quarrel with a neighbor in the name of Troceryov, who actually brings him to the nervous breakdown, from which the father happens a heart attack, from which he eventually died. For Dubrovsky, this man is declared by the enemy, and he considers the current goal of his life to take revenge on him, and to do everything possible that the father's estate remains still from him. However, by the court decision, it goes into the hands of the neighbor.

Then Vladimir becomes embittered from these life circumstances, and decides to become a robber, but with its own philosophy in this case. That is, he robbed only those who, at its own discretion, considered bad and corrupt people who actually do not have the right to have such large financial savings. However, when he falls in love with Masha, he almost immediately refuses to revenge anyone, since the girl itself becomes the purpose of his life. Then he decides to get a job to work at the same manor, even though he never ceases to hate Trocery. He does it exclusively to be closer to his beloved. Also, it is worth noting that when he learns that the girl decides to arrange his own marriage with an unloved man, he accepts her decision, and does not choose the idea of \u200b\u200brevenge, leaving her alone. The work is very realistic, bright and relevant, it shows the basics of what decisions must be taken, despite the fact that the choice can be extremely difficult.

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    Chapter I.

    Several years ago, in one of his places, ancient Russian Barin lived in one of his places, Kirila Petrovich Troceurov. His wealth, noblence and communications gave him a big weight in the provinces where his estate was. The neighbors were glad to please the slightest pleasures; provincial officials trembled at his behalf; Kirila Petrovich took the signs of subrange as a proper tribute; His house was always full of guests, ready to teach his boric idleness, separating noisy, and sometimes the violent envelope. No one daring to give up his invitation or in well-known days not to be with due respect to the village of Pokrovskoye. In home, Kirila Petrovich showed all the vices of a man uneducated. I am spoiled to all that only surrounded him, he was accustomed to to give a complete will to all the impulse of a fervently inquiries and all the arrogance of a rather limited mind. Despite the extraordinary power of physical abilities, he suffered two times a week from the increment and every night was visiting. In one of the fliges, sixteen maids lived at home, engaged in needlework peculiar to their floor. The windows in the flole were fenced by a wooden lattice; The doors were locked with castles, from which Kirila Petrovich was kept from Kirila Petrovich. Young closers in the laid clock went into the garden and walked under the supervision of the two old women. From time to time, Kirila Petrovich issued some of them to marry, and the new ones came to their place. He managed with peasants and yard, it was strictly and wayward; Despite the fact that they were committed to him: they vassed the wealth and glory of their Mr. and in turn allowed themselves a lot in relation to their neighbors, hoping for his strong patronage.

    The everlasting classes of Trookeecarov consisted of roads around his extensive possessions, in long peaks and leprosy, every day, more than a new acquaintance, who was invented and the victim of which was commonly acquainted; Although the old people did not always have always avoided them with the exception of one Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. This Dubrovsky, retired guards Guard, was his nearest neighbor and owned the semestend souls. Troceurov, assigned to the people of the highest title, respected Dubrovsky, despite his humble state. Once they were comrades in service, and Troekurov knew the impatience and determination of his character from experience. Circumstances separated them for a long time. Dubrovsky with a frustrated state was forced to resign and settle in the rest of his village. Kirila Petrovich, having learned about whether he offered him his patronage, but Dubrovsky thanked him and remained poor and independent. A few years later, Troyekurov, retired General-Annef, arrived in his place; They moved and delighted each other. Since then, they have ever been together every day, and Kirila Petrovich, who did not honor anyone with his visit, who came easier in Domishko his old comrade. Being the same age, born in one class, educated the same way, they were inevitable in part and in characters, and in inclinations. In some respects, their fate was the same: both married love, both soon widdled, both remained a child. Dubrovsky's son was brought up in St. Petersburg, the daughter of Kirila Petrovich grew in the eyes of the parent, and Troekurov often used to the Dubrovsky: "Listen, Brother, Andrei Gavrilovich: if you will be a way in your Volodya, so I will give Masha for him; For nothing that he goes like falcon. " Andrei Gavrilovich shook his head and answered usually: "No, Kirila Petrovich: My Volodeka is not the fiance of Maria Kirilovna. Poor nobleman, what is it, it is better to marry a poor nobility yes to be glad in the house than to deal with the withdrawal of the spoiled woman. "

    Everyone envied the consent to the reigning between the arrogant Trocery and poor neighbor, and the courage of this last was surprised when he at the table in Kirila Petrovich directly expressed his opinion, without worrying about whether it was contrary to the owner's opinions. Some tried to imitate him and get out of the limits of proper obedience, but Kirila Petrovich was soaming them that he was hit by their hunt for those attempts, and Dubrovsky one remained out of the general law. An unexpected case was upset and changed.

    Once at the beginning of the fall, Kirila Petrovich was going to depart the field. The day before, an order was given to Psaryam and the strive to be ready for five o'clock in the morning. The tent and the kitchen were sent forward to the place where Kirila Petrovich had to dare. The owner and guests went to the Crashyard, where more than five hundred hounds and greasy lived in contentment and warmth, glorifying the generosity of Kirila Petrovich on her dog. Immediately there was a lazareret for sick dogs under the supervision of the headquarters of Timoshki and a branch where noble bitches were silent and fed their puppies. Kirila Petrovich was proud of sim with an excellent institution and never missed the case to boast of him in front of his guests, from which everyone looked at him at least twenties. He packed in Crane, surrounded by his guests and accompanied by the Timoshka and the main copies; Stayed before some coneers, asking for the health of the patients, then making comments more or less strict and fair, then looking for familiar dogs and gently talking to them. Guests honored the duty to admire Cyrian Petrovich. One Dubrovsky was silent and frown. He was a hot hunter. His condition allowed him to keep only two hounds and one of the greyhounds; He could not resist some envy at the sight of this magnificent institution. "What are you frowning, brother," Kirila Petrovich asked him, - or do you not like my dog? " "No," he answered severely, "a wonderful dog, hard to live, such as your dogs." One of the psares was offended. "We are on our lives," he said, "thanks to God and Barina do not complain, and that truth is, the truth is, a different and nobleman would not hotherly exchange the estate on any local cape. He was b and date and warmer. " Kirila Petrovich laughed loudly at the bold remarks of his hull, and the guests were walked for him, although they felt that the joke of Psary could take them to them. Dubrovsky turned pale and did not say a word. In this time, it was brought in Lukovka Kiril Petrovich newborns puppies; He took up them, chose himself two, others ordered to drown. Meanwhile, Andrei Gavrilovich disappeared, and no one noticate the devil with guests from the Crash, Kirila Petrovich sat down to dinner and then only, without seeing Dubrovsky, had enough about him. People responded that Andrei Gavrilovich went home. Troshekurov ordered immediately catch it up and turn it away. He did not go to the hunt for hunting without Dubrovsky, an experienced and subtle connoisseur of the dignity and an errorless determiner of all sorts of hunting disputes. The servant, rushed after him, did, as she was sitting at the table, and he reported to his Mr. that, they say, Andrei Gavrilovich did not obey and did not want to grind. Kirila Petrovich, as usual, his heated with liquor, was worn out and the second time he sent the same servant to Andrei Gavrilovich that if he would immediately come to spend the night in Pokrovskoe, then he, Troceurov, would fall back with him. The servant jagged again, Kirila Petrovich, I was getting away from the table, let go of the guests and went to sleep.

    The next day, his first question was: Is Andrei Gavrilovich? Instead of the answer, he filed a letter folded by a triangle; Kirila Petrovich ordered his writer to read it out loud and heard the following:

    "My premium sovereign,

    I still do not intend to go to Pokrovskoye until you send me a Psary Parampoch with Meal; And there will be my will punish him or pardon, and I endure jokes from your Khopiev does not intend, and you can not squeeze them from you - because I am not a jelly, but an ancient nobleman. - for the sim remain submissive to services

    Andrei Dubrovsky. "

    According to the current concepts of etiquette, this letter would be very indecent, but it became angry with Kirila Petrovich not a strange syllable and location, but only his essence. "As, - Troceurov stuck up, jumped from Bosa's bed, - to send my people with the obey to him, he is free to kindly punish! - What he really conceived; Does he know who is binding to? Well, I'm his ... He will say with me, finds out what to go to Trocerys! "

    Kirila Petrovich dressed and drove up with an ordinary breath, - but the hunt failed. At the whole day they saw the hare alone, and whether they were spent. Lunch in the Pattoid field was also failed, or at least was not to taste Kirila Petrovich, who nailed the cook, crushed guests and on the return path with everything with his hunt for his hunt for the first to go to the fields of Dubrovsky.

    Several days have passed, and the female between the two neighbor was not thrown. Andrei Gavrilovich did not return to Pokrovskoye, Kirila Petrovich missed him without him, and his annular expressions were loudly in the most offensive expressions, which, thanks to the diligence of the local nobles, reached Dubrovsky fixed and supplemented. A new circumstance destroyed the last hope for reconciliation.

    Dubrovsky clogged once a small ownership; Approaching the birch grove, he heard the blows of the ax and a minute of a crash of the treasured tree. He hurried to the grove and hit the Pokrovsky men who calm the forest fear. Seeing him, they rushed to run. Dubrovsky, with his Kucher, caught two of them and led them to his courtyard. Three enemy horses got immediately in the prey to the winner. Dubrovsky was canceled angry: Before this, the people of Trocerys, famous robbers, did not dare to stitch within his possessions, knowing his friend's friend with their lord. Dubrovsky saw that they had now used the gap, and decided, contrary to all the concepts of the right of the war, to learn their prisoners with rods, they stored in his own grove, and horses to go to work, attributing to the Barquet Cotot.

    Rumor about seven incidents came to Kiril Petrovich. He walked out of himself and in the first minute of anger wanted to teach the attack on the kyscente with all his yard (the village of His neighbor was called), to ruin her soot and deposit the landowner himself in his estate. Such feats were not in the dickey. But his thoughts soon adopted another direction.

    Having touched with heavy steps back and forth along the hall, he looked inadvertently in the window and saw the top three at the gate; The little man in the leather Kartuze and Frisova Schinel came out of the cart and went to the outgun to the crate; Troceurov recognized the meeting of Shabashkin and ordered him to call him. A minute later, Shabashkin was already standing in front of Kiril Petrovich, having a bow for a bow and with a reverence awaiting his orders.

    "It's great, as you call your name," Troekurov told him, "why did you complain?"

    "I went to the city, Your Excellency," Shabashkin replied, "and I went to Ivan Demyanov to find out if there would be any order from your Excellency.

    - Very by the way I drove your name is; I have a need for you. Drink vodka yes listen.

    Such affectionate reception is pleasantly amazing the assessor. He refused vodka and began to listen to Kirila Petrovich with all sorts of attention.

    - I have a neighbor, - Trojeurov said, - Small Publubyan; I want to take my estate - how do you think about then?

    - Your Excellency, if there are any documents or ...

    - Do you need a brother, what documents do you. That's decrees. That's the power to take away the estate without any right. Wait however This estate belonged once to us, was purchased from some kind of spikes and was sold by the father of Dubrovsky. Is it possible to complain about this?

    - wise, your high movement; Probably, this sale is done by lawful order.

    - Think, brother, look good.

    - If, for example, your Excellency could neither have a record from your neighbor or bumping, because of which he owns his estate, then of course ...

    - I understand, yes, I have trouble - he has burned all the papers during a fire.

    - How, your excellency, paper burned out! Why are you better? - In this case, if you should act according to the laws, and without any doubt, get your perfect pleasure.

    - You think? Well, look. I rely on your diligence, and in gratitude my you can be sure.

    Shabashkin bowed almost to the ground, came out, from the same days it began to bother on a plump case, and thanks to his progress, in an even two weeks, Dubrovsky received an invitation from the city to deliver immediately appropriate explanations about his ownership of the villager Kistyevko.

    Andrei Gavrilovich, amazed by an unexpected request, on the same day he wrote a rather rough attitude in response, in which he declared that the village of Kistyevka got him in the death of his parents, that he owns them on the right of the inheritance that Troekurov did not have anything to do it and that every extraneous claim on this property is a Jabed and fraud.

    The letter of this was made a very pleasant impression in the soul of the meeting of Shabashkin. He saw, in 1) that Dubrovsky knows little a sense in affairs, in 2) that a person is so hot and inconsistent will not be easy to put in the most disadvantage.

    Andrei Gavrilovich, having considered the consistency requests, saw the need to respond more. He wrote a pretty petty paper, but later the time was insufficient.

    The case began to reach. Confident in his rightness, Andrei Gavrilovich worried about him little, did not have a hunt, neither the opportunity to pour money about himself, and even though he happened, always the first drow out over the selling conscience of the ink tribe, but the thought to make a victim of the Yabeda did not come to his mind. On his part, Troshekurov cared as little about the winnings of them, Shabashkin had troubled for him, acting on his behalf, steering and bribing the judges and attending lifting and brightening all sorts of decrees. Be that as it may, 18 ... years of February 9 days, Dubrovsky received an invitation through the city police to appear to ** Zemsky judge to listen to the decision of this in the case of a controversial estate between them, the lawyer Dubrovsky, and General-Annef Troekurov, and to subscribe their own Pleasure or displeasure. On the same day, Dubrovsky went to the city; On the road overtook him Troceurov. They proudly looked at each other, and Dubrovsky noticed a malicious smile on his opponent's face.

    Chapter II.

    Arriving to the city, Andrei Gavrilovich stopped at a familiar merchant, spent the night and the next day came in the presence of a county court in the morning. No one paid attention to him. Following him came and Kirila Petrovich. The writer got up and laid feathers for the ear. Members met him with the expansions of deep subdigue, moved him a chair from respect to his rank, years and atrocities; He sat down at open doors, - Andrei Gavrilovich standing leaning against the wall, "there was deep silence, and the secretary was a calling voice to read the court's definition.

    We put it quite, believing that any pleasant will be pleased to see one of the ways, in Russia we can lose the estates, which we have an undeniable right.

    18 ... years of October 27 days ** The county court considered the case of the wrong ownership of the guard by the guar Andrei Gavrilov son by the Dubrovsky estate owned by General-Anhafu Kiril Petrov's son Trocerov, consisting ** province in the village of Kistyevka, Magazine Paul ** souls, yes earth with meadows And land ** ten. From which the case is seen: the one-year-old Annef Troceur General of the past 18 ... of June 9 went to this court, the deceased Father, College Assistor and Cavalier Peter Efimov Son Troceurov in the 17th ... August 14 days, which served at Time in ** governor to the provincial secretary, bought from the nobles from the office of Fadey Egorova Son Spitsyna estate, consisting ** Counties in a challenge to the village of Kistyevka (which the village then, by ** revisions were called Kiysterevsky Vysels), all signs of the 4th revision of the Mushroom Paul ** Souls with all their peasant property, estate, with a fatty and nipplenly earthy, forests, hannels, fish fishing on a river, called a kisterevka, and with all those belonging to the village and the Lord's wooden house, and the word everything is without a balance that after his father, from the nobility of the Hydra Terentyev's nobility, he was inherited by inheritance and in possession of him was, not leaving no one's souls from people, but from the ground there is a single ferechka, the price s And 2500 r., To which having bope on the same day in ** the House of Court and the reprisals were committed, and his father at the same time on the 26th day ** the Zemsky court was introduced to possession and was committed to the refusal. - And finally, 17 ... in September 6th, the father of his will of God, God, and meanwhile, he served in the military service in military service, and in large part, was in military service, why he was in the hikes beyond the borders why he and He could not have information as his death of his father, equal to the remaining after his estate. Now at the exit, it is completely from the resignation and on returning to the estate of his father, consisting ** and ** provinces **, ** and ** counties, in different villages, just 3000 souls, finds that from among those estimates of the above ** souls (koih in the current ** revision aims in the ruler total ** souls) with earth and with all races owns without any fortifications the above-mentioned Guard Lieutenant Andrei Dubrovsky, why, presenting this father to the right biphant, this father The seller of the spokesman, asks, by foaming a marked estate from the wrong ownership of Dubrovsky, to give a person to his full, Trocery, an order. And for the unfair assignment, with which he used the receiving incomes, to learn about these proper inquiry, put from him, Dubrovsky, the following for the laws of recovery and it, Trocery, satisfy.

    According to the learning of the studies, the Zemskiy Court of Research opened: that a marked current owner of the controversial estate Guard Lieutenant Dubrovsky gave an explanation on the spot to the noble assessment that now the estate, consisting in the village of Kistyevka, ** shower with earth and land, got He is inherited after the death of his father, the artillery of the companion Gavril Evgrafova's son of Dubrovsky, and he came to buy from the father of this friend, before the former provincial secretary, and then the College Assistor of Trocerys, by proxy given from him in the 17th ... year August 30 days, Celebrated in ** county court, the Titular adviser to Grigoru Vasilyev Son Sonatev, according to which he should be bought from him to the estate, because he was saying that he, Troceurov, all the estate of the knitzenist, * * shower with earth, sold his father, Dubrovsky, and the following money, 3200 rubles, all right from his father without returning Olchil and asked for a trusted Sobolev to issue his edited fortress. Meanwhile, his father in the same power of attorney on the occasion of the full amount of the amount to own the estate and disposal to the fulfillment of the fortress, as the present owner, and to him, the seller of Troshekurov, henceforth and to anyone at that estate. But when it was and in what a physician attendant, the Father, Andrei Dubrovsky, is not known, for him, because he was in perfect young at that time, and after his father's death could not find such a fortress, but it believes that Whether he did not burn with other papers and the estate during the former in 17th ... in the house of their fire, about which it was also known to residents of that village. And what is the estate from the date of sale by Trocery or issuance of the Sobolev of the power of attorney, that is, from 17 ... years, and on the death of his father from 17 ... years and today, they, Dubrovsky, undoubtedly owned, in Tom testifies to the district inhabitants, which, total 52 A person, on a survey under the oath, showed that indeed, as they can remember, a refined estate began to own a marked gg. Dubrovsky back at least from 70 years without any dispute, but what exactly is the act or fortress, they are unknown. - Mentioned in this case, the former shopper of this estate, the former provincial secretary Peter Troshekurov, who owned the sim spent, they will not remember. House of the city. Dubrovskiy back in this year 30 from what happened in their village at night the fire burned down, and third-party people admitted that the income said controversial estate could bring, believing from that time in difficulties, annually not less as up to 2000 p.

    In contrast of this, General-Annef Kirila Petrov Son Troceurov of the 3rd Genwar of this year, ascended to this court, that although the guards of the guards Lieutenant Andrei Dubrovsky and presented to the actual heaven to the deceitful adviser to his father, the power of attorney on the spot His estate, but ato not only with a genuine bug, but even for the commission of any clear evidence on the strength of the General Regulation, 19 chapters and declaration of November 17, 29 days did not provide. Consequently, the most powerful is now for the death of the dignity itself, his father, by decree of 1818 in May ... of the day, completely destroyed. - And on top of this - the controversial estates to give in possession - serfs along the fortresses, and fastened wanted.

    At what the estate belonging to his father, it was already presented from him in the proof of the serf act, on which it follows, on the basis of the meaningful legal entities, from the wrong ownership of a memorable Dubrovsky, to give him to the right of inheritance. And as the target landowners, having in possession of the estate belonging to them and without any strengthen, and used it wrong and they do not belong to the income, then on calculation, as such to be due to the power ... To recover from the Dubrovsky landowner and his, Trocery, they satisfy . - By consideration of this case and the statements committed from this and from the laws of statements in ** county court it is determined:

    How, from the case of this, it is clear that General Anhaff Kirila Petrov Son Troceurov on the sensational estate now in possession of the Guard of Lieutenant Andrei Gavrilova, Dubrovsky's Son, consisting in the village of Kistyevka, according to the current ... revision of the entire Music of Paul ** shower, with earth, and landed, presented a genuine bunching for the sale of the late father of his father, the provincial secretary, which was then the College Assistor, in 17 ... year from the nobles by Chaselyant Fadeeyewe Spitzina, and that in the top of this bidder, Troshekurov, as from the inscriptions-based inscriptions Was in the same year ** Zemsky court was introduced into possession, which the estate was already denied for him, and although, opposite this, from the guard of Lieutenant Andrei Dubrovsky and presented a power of attorney, given by the deceased buyer of a Trocery titular adviser to Sobolev to commit a bug in the name of his father , Dubrovsky, but according to such transactions not only to approve serfdom estate, but even temporarily owning by decree .... It is prohibited, to the most powerful power of the submerity of the dotter, is completely destroyed. But in addition to this, there was indeed in this power of attorney, where and when, on the sensitive disputed estate, by Dubrovsky, no clear evidence from the beginning of production, that is, from 18 ... years, and in this time it is not represented. Therefore, this court believes: the meaningful estate, ** of the souls, with earth and landmarks, in which current position will be, to approve the bugs presented on this for General Annef Troceryov; On the removal from the disposal of the Guard of the lieutenant Dubrovsky and about the proper introduction to possession of him, Troceryov, and the refusal for him, as inherited him, prescribe ** Zemsky court. And although in the end of this General-Annef Troshekurov and asks for recovery from the guard of the lieutenant Dubrovsky for the wrong ownership of his hereditary estate of the extension from this income. - But as the estate, according to the testimony of the old-timing people, was in the GG. Dubrovsky for several years in indisputable possession, and from the case of this is not visible, so that from the city of Trocerys there were any time of the petition about such an incorrect ownership of Dubrovsky estate, to ensure it was ordered, if someone else's land falls or the estate cares , and on the wrong excretion will be a bit of brow, and it will be correctly redeemed about it, then right to give it to the land and with sown bread, and the city, and the structure, and therefore Antshafu-General Trocerov in an exposed to the Guard of the lieutenant Dubrovsky lawsuit refuse, because belonging His estate returns to his possession, not a conclusion from it. And that when you enter it, it may be possible to refuse everything without a balance, while General-General Trokeurov, it has any clear and legitimate evidence, can ask for such a clear and legitimate evidence, can ask for anything that should be particularly. - What a decision was to declare as the plaintiff, equal to the defendant, on a legitimate basis, appeal order, koi and to bring to this court to listen to this decision and subscription pleasure or displeasure through the police.

    What a decision was signed by all those present by the court. -

    The secretary cleaned, the assessor stood up with a low bow to Troekhurov, inviting him to sign the proposed paper, and the tried troweco, taking his feather from him, signed his own pleasure under the court decision.

    The queue was for Dubrovsky. The secretary brought him the paper. But Dubrovsky became immobile, wipe the head.

    The secretary repeated him his invitation to sign his full and perfect pleasure or explicit displeasure, if the wake of the aspiration feels on the conscience, that it is right, and intends to request it on the laws to ask for an appeal. Dubrovsky was silent ... Suddenly he raised his head, his eyes climbed him, he trampled the village, pushed the secretary with such a power that he fell, and grabbing the inkwell, let him go to the assessment. Everyone came terror. "How! Do not read the Church of God! Away, Hamovo tribe! " Then, turning to Kiril Petrovich: "The case, your Excellency, continued," Psari introduce dogs to God's Church! Dogs run through the church. I'll have a teach of you ... "Stores fled to the noise and the nation was mastered. He was taken out and sat in Sani. Troshekurov came out after him, accompanied by all court. The sudden madness of Dubrovsky strongly worked on his imagination and poisoned his celebration.

    The judges, hoping for his gratitude, did not receive a single friendly word from him. He went to Pokrovsky on the same day. Dubrovsky meanwhile lay in bed; The county doctor, fortunately, not perfect ignorance, managed to put blood to him, put leeches and the ScPs. In the evening he became easier, the patient came into memory. The next day was lucky to the kysterovka, almost not belonging to him.

    Chapter III

    Several time passed, and poor Dubrovsky's health was still bad; True, the seizures of madness were no longer renewed, but his strength noticeably weakened. He forgot his former classes, rarely came out of his room and thought about the whole day. Egorovna, a kind old woman who once walked for his son, now she became nurse. She looked behind him, as for the child, reminded him of the time of food and sleep, fed him, stacked to sleep. Andrei Gavrilovich quietly obeyed her and except her did not have anything to interchange. He was not able to think about his affairs, economic orders, and Egorovna saw the need to notify everything of the young Dubrovsky who served in one of the Guards Infantry Regiments and at the time in St. Petersburg. So, having granted a leaf from the expenditure book, she dictated to the cook Hariton, the only Kyscense diploma, the letter that was the same day and sent to the city to the city.

    But the reader's time to introduce our story with the real hero.

    Vladimir Dubrovsky was brought up in the Cadet Corps and was released in the guard; Father did not gently gentle anything for his decent content, and the young man got out of the house more than had to expect. Being wasteful and ambitious, he allowed himself luxurious whims, played the cards and entered the debts, without worrying about the future and anticipate himself a sooner or later rich bride, the dream of poor youth.

    Once in the evening, when several officers were sitting on his sofas and smoking from His Amber, Grisha, his Campner, filed a letter, who the inscription and the seal immediately struck the young man. He hurriedly printed him and read the following:

    "The sovereign you are ours, Vladimir Andreevich, - I, your old nannik, decided to report on the health of Patenkin. He is very bad, sometimes speaks, and the whole day is sitting as a child stupid, and in the abdomen and death of God Vain. Come to us, Sokolik my clear, we will send you horses on the sandy. Hears, the Zemsky Court goes to us to give us under the beginning of Kiril Petrovich Troekurov, because we, they say, they are, and we are caviar with yours, - and did not hear the outgrowth. "You could, living in St. Petersburg, to report on that Kingu-Batyushka, and he would not give us offense." - I stay your faithful slave, nurse

    Orina Egorovna Buusarev.

    I send my maternal blessing Grisha, is it good for you? - We have rains come here's a week of a week and a shepherd baby died near Mikolina of the day. "

    Vladimir Dubrovsky Several times, Siai has reread enough stupid lines with extraordinary excitement. He lost his mother from the youngster and, almost not knowing his father, was brought to St. Petersburg on the eighth year of his age; With all of them, he was nomanically tied to him and especially loved his family life, the less time he had time to enjoy her quiet joys.

    The thought of losing his father's fatherfully tormented his heart, and the position of the poor patient, who guess him from his nanny letter, horrified him. He imagined his father left in a deaf village, in his hands a stupid old woman and a courtyard threatened by some disaster and fading without help in the torment of bodily and spiritual. Vladimir reproached himself in criminal negligence. He did not receive a long time from the father of the letters and did not think about him to inform him, believing him in roads or economic concerns.

    He decided to go to him and even retire if the painful state of his father would require his presence. Comrades, noticing his anxiety, gone. Vladimir, remaining alone, wrote a request for his vacation, - lit the tube and plunged into deep reflections.

    The same day he began to bother about vacation and three days later was on a big road.

    Vladimir Andreevich approached the station with which he should have been torn on a kisteration. His heart was fulfilled was sad premonitions, he was already afraid not to catch his father alive, he imagined a sad way of life, waiting for him in the village, wilderness, unwitting, poverty and troubles on business, in which he did not know anything. Arriving at the station, he entered the caretaker and asked free horses. The caretaker was inquired where it was necessary to go, and announced that the horses sent from the kysterpenevka expected him for the fourth day. Soon came to Vladimir Andreevich, Anton Kucher Anton, who once drove him on the stable and looked at his little horse. Anton was pretended to see him, bowed to Zemdom, told him that his old barin was still alive, and ran to bargain horses. Vladimir Andreevich refused to break the breakfast and hurried to go. Anton took his country roads, and the conversation began between them.

    - Tell me, please, Anton, what is your father with Troekurov?

    "And God knows them, Batyushka Vladimir Andreevich ... Barin, heard, did not reveal with Kiril Petrovich, and he sued himself, although he had a suddy himself. Not our hopier is to disassemble the Barsh Will, and by God, in vain, your father went to Kirila Petrovich, you can't hurt the breadfire.

    - So, it can be seen, this Kirila Petrovich does what you want?

    - And Vestimo, Barin: The assessment, hear, he does not put in a penny, he has a fixer on parcels. The gentlemen go to him on the bow, and that would say, it would be a trough, and there will be pigs.

    - Is it true that he won your estate?

    - Oh, Barin, heard and we. The other day, the Pokrovsky Ponoloire said in the christening from our headmart: you are full for you to walk; So I will also save you to the hands of Kirila Petrovich. Mikita Kuznets and told him: and Full, Savelich, not sadness Kum, not Muti guests. Kirila Petrovich himself, and Andrei Gavrilovich himself, and we all lady yes sovereign; Why, in someone else's mouth, you do not find buttons.

    - Therefore, you do not want to go to the possession of Trocerov?

    - in possession of Kiril Petrovich! The Lord to Escape and Robby: He has His hard and his own, but it will get a strangers, so he is not only a skirt with them, and the meat will take away. No, God forbid to live Andrei Gavrilovich for a long time, and if God will pick it up, so we do not need anyone, except you, our feeder. Do not give us us, and we will become for you. - While the words, Anton waved the whip, shook the winds, and his horses ran a large trot.

    The touched loyalty of the old kucher, Dubrovsky fell silent and looked back to reflections. It took more than an hour, suddenly Grisha awakened him as an exclamation: "Here is the Pokrovskoe!" Dubrovsky raised his head. He was driving the shore of a wide lake, from which the river flowed down and dreamed between the hills. On one of them, the green roof and Belvedere of a huge stone house rose over the gusts of the grove, on another, the five-winged church and ancient bell tower; Near the scattered were rustic huts with their gardens and wells. Dubrovsky found out this place; He remembered that he played at the hut itself with a little Masha Trocery, who was two years younger and then promised to be a beauty. He wanted to inform him about Anton, but some shyness kept him.

    Having arrived at the Lord's house, he saw a white dress flasher between the garden trees. At this time, Anton hit the horses and, obeying ambition, general and rustic Kuchersh, as well as cabespers, was started in the whole spirit across the bridge and past the village. Having left the village, they rose to the mountain, and Vladimir saw the birch grove and left in an open source house with red roofing; Heart in it clogged; In front of him, he saw a kisterevka and a poor house of his father.

    Ten minutes later he drove into the Barsky courtyard. He looked around himself with an excitement indescribed. Twelve years did not see his homeland. Birchings, which, with it, have just been planted near the fence, grown and became now high branched trees. The courtyard, once decorated with three right flower beds, between which there was a wide road, carefully swept, turned into a suicited meadow, on which an entangled horse grazed. The dogs were blocked, but, having learned Anton, silent and snapped with cosmatic tails. The courtyard poured out of the human isob and surrounded the young Barin with noisy withdrawals of joy. Nasil could turn through their diligent crowd and ran into the dilapid porch; In Seine, he met His Egorovna and hugged his pupil with crying. "Great, great, nanny," he repeated, pressing a good old woman to heart, - What is the father, where is he? What is he? "

    At this moment I entered the hall, by nation moving my legs, the old man of high growth, pale and thin, in a bathrobe and cap.

    - Hello, Volodya! He told him a weak voice, and Vladimir hugged his father with fervor. Joy produced in a patient too strong shock, he weakened, legs under him were sinking, and he would have fallen if the son did not support him.

    "Why did you get out of bed," Egorovna said to him, "you don't stand on my feet, but you also strive, where and people."

    The old man was transferred to the bedroom. He rushed to talk to him, but the thoughts prevented in his head, and the words had no connection. He fell silent and fell into sleep. Vladimir was amazed by his condition. He is located in his bedroom and asked to leave him alone with his father. Homemade obeyed, and then everyone turned to Grisha and led themselves in human, where they treated him around and rustic, with all sorts of raining, writing him with questions and greetings.

    Chapter IV.

    Where the table was insens, there is a coffin.

    A few days after his arrival, young Dubrovsky wanted to do business, but his father was not able to give him the necessary explanations; Andrei Gavrilovich did not have an attorney. Viewing his papers, he found only the first letter of the assessment and a draft response to ONE; He could not get a clear concept of litigation and decided to expect consequences, hoping for the right thing.

    Meanwhile, the health of Andrei Gavrilovich an hour from one came worse. Vladimir foresaw his ambulance and did not move away from the old man who fell into perfect childhood.

    Meanwhile, the deadline passed, and the appeal was not filed. Kisterevka belonged to Troekurov. Shabashkin appeared to him with bows and congratulations and a request to appoint whenever he would be His high-speed to join the possession of the newly acquired estate - he himself or who would free to give a power of attorney. Kirila Petrovich was embarrassed. From nature, he was not korestolobiviv, the desire of revenge was too far, the conscience of His Roptala. He knew in what condition his opponent was, the old comrade of his youth was, and the victory did not please his heart. He looked at Shabashkin, looking for something to be attached to choose it, but not found sufficient to the pretext, he told him angrily: "I went out, not up to you."

    Shabashkin, seeing that he was not in the spirit, bowed and hurried to retire. And Kirila Petrovich, remaining alone, began to pace back and forth, wasting: "Thunder won the victory", which always meant an unusual excitement of thoughts.

    Finally, he ordered to damage his running trees, dressed warmer (it was already at the end of September) and, right, left the courtyard.

    Soon he roared the house Andrei Gavrilovich, and the anti-fallen feelings filled his soul. Satisfied melting and power dried up to some extent feelings are more noble, but the latter finally trembled. He decided to reconcile with the old her neighbor, destroy the traces of a quarrel, returning him his heritage. Having facilitated the soul of the sim good intention, Kirila Petrovich was broken by trotting towards the manor of his neighbor and drove right on the courtyard.

    At this time, the patient was sitting in the bedroom by the window. He learned Kirila Petrovich, and the terrible confusion was pictured on his face: the crimson blush passed the place of an ordinary pallor, the eyes climbed, he pronounced the vague sounds. Son His, who was sitting immediately for household books, raised his head and was amazed by his condition. The patient pointed his finger to the yard with a view of horror and anger. He hastily pick up the floors of his robe, going to get up with his chairs, raised ... and suddenly fell. The son rushed to him, the old man lay without feelings and without breathing, paralysis hit him. "Early, you will soon be in the city for Lekarem!" - Vladimir shouted. "Kirila Petrovich asks you," said the entered servant. Vladimir threw a terrible look at him.

    "Tell Kiril Petrovich, so that he would rather be cleaned until I told him to drive out from the courtyard ... I went! - the servant happily ran to execute the order of his Barin; Egorovna splashed his hands. "The father you are," she said with a squeaky voice, "you will destroy your head! Kirila Petrovich will eat us. " "Silent, nanny," said Vladimir with the heart, "Now Antona went to the city for Lekarem." - Egorovna came out.

    There was no one in the front, all people fled to the courtyard to look at Kirila Petrovich. She went out to the porch and heard the response of the servant that comes on behalf of the young Barin. Kirila Petrovich listened to him sitting on the trees. His face was gloomily at night, he smiled with conjunction, she looked at the pagant and went near the courtyard. He glanced in the window, where in front of the sim sit the Andrei Gavrilovich, but where it was not. Nanny stood on the porch, forgetting about the orders of the Barin. The courtyard was noisily interpreted about the seven incident. Suddenly, Vladimir appeared between people and said, said: "It is not necessary to Lekary, the father died."

    There was confusion. People rushed into the old Barin room. He lay in the chairs that Vladimir suffered; The right hand hung him to the floor, the head was lowered on his chest, there was no sign of life in the sect, not yet chilled, but already disfigured death. Egorovna sawed, the servants surrounded the corpse, left for their care, washed him, dressed in the Mundir, stitched back in 1797, and put on the same table, followed by so many years they served their Mother.

    Chapter V.

    The funeral was made on the third day. The body of the poor old man lay on the table covered with Savan and surrounded by candles. The dining room was full of yard. Preparing for carrying out. Vladimir and three servants raised the coffin. The priest went ahead, the decesed accompanied him, having funful prayers. The owner of the kisterevka was the last time for the threshold of his house. The coffin suffered a grove. The church was behind her. The day was clear and cold. Autumn leaves fell from the tree.

    When leaving the grove, they saw the China Wooden Church and the cemetery made by old lips. There was the body of Vladimirova Mother; There is a grave of her on the eve of the fresh pit.

    The church was full of Kystrene peasants who came to give the last worship of Mr. His. Young Dubrovsky became a closer; He did not cry and did not pray, but his face was scary. The sad ritual ended. Vladimir first went to say goodbye to the body, behind him and all the yard. Brought the lid and swollen the coffin. Baba loudly died; The men occasionally rubbed tears to fist. Vladimir and the same three servants suffered him to the cemetery accompanied by the whole village. The coffin was lowered into the grave, all those present threw in her handful of sand, the pit fell asleep, bowed to her and diverged. Vladimir hastily retired, all ahead and disappeared into the Kyscense grove.

    Egorovna on behalf of him invited the ass and all the reach of the church on the funeral dinner, announcing that the young Barin did not intend to attend it, and so the father of Anton, Popads Fedotovna and Dyachka went on the Barsky courtyard, arguing with Egorovna about the virtues of the dead man and about that, apparently, expecting his heir. (The arrival of Troceraz and the reception, he rendered, was already known to the whole near, and local politicians foreshadowed an important consequences).

    "What will happen, then will be," said Popads, "and sorry, if not Vladimir Andreevich will be our master." Well done, nothing to say.

    "And to whom, as not to him and be a Mr.," Egorovna interrupted. - in vain Kirila Petrovich and hot. Not on a timid attacked: my Sokolik himself will stand for himself, and God will give, benefactors will not leave him. Painfully Speksiv Kirila Petrovich! And I suppose the tail when my mushka shouted him: Won, old dog! - Down with the courtyard!

    "Soti, Egorovna," said Dyacchka, "yes, as Grigoria has turned his tongue; I rather agree, it seems to be barking on the lord, than to look at Kirila Petrovich. As you will see him, fear and trembling, and the craplet sweat, and the back and the sam and the spin itself and bends ...

    - Justa fuss, "said the priest," and Kiril Petrovich will send eternal memory, everything is both Andrei Gavrilovich, how will the funeral be treated and the guests will be created more, and God is not all equal!

    - Ah, Batka! And we wanted to call all the nearby, and Vladimir Andreevich did not want. I suppose we are only pretty, there is something to treat, but what you can do. At least, if there are no people, so at least you are a touch, our dear guests.

    This affectionate promise and hope to find a lacquer cake accelerated the steps of the interlocutors, and they safely arrived in the Barsky house, where the table was already covered and the vodka was filed.

    Meanwhile, Vladimir deepened into the school, the movement and tired trying to drown out sophisticated sorrow. He walked, not sacrificing roads; The bruises rushed and scratched him, his legs were fucked by the swamp, "he did not notice anything. Finally, he reached the little hollow, from all sides by the forest; Rouhokers wriggled silently near the trees semi-naked in the fall. Vladimir stopped, sat down on a cold turne, and one of the different things were dark in the soul ... He felt his loneliness. The future for him was covered with terrible clouds. Enmunto with Troekurov foreshadowed him new misfortunes. His poor heritage could move away from him in other people's hands; In this case, poverty expected him. For a long time, he was still motionless in the same place, looking at the quiet flow of the stream, carrying a few faded leaves and saw the faithful semblance of life - like such ordinary. Finally he noted that the beginning began to be measured; He got up and went to look for the way home, but for a long time wandered on an unfamiliar forest, until he fell on a path, which led him straight to the goal of his house.

    Towards Dubrovsky caught Pop with all reach. The thought of an unhappy foreman came into his head. He involuntarily went to the party and disappeared behind the tree. They did not notice him and they spoke him between them, passing by him.

    - they succeeded from evil and coordinating, - spoke Pop Popel, - there is nothing to stay here. Not your trouble, whatever it is over. - Poptoh answered something, but Vladimir could not hear her.

    Approaching, he saw many people; Peasants and yard people crowded in the Barsquaries. Missed the unusual noise and talk. Shed had two three. On the porch, several unfamiliar people in uniform stem seemed to be interpreted about something.

    - What does it mean? - He asked angry with Anton, who ran towards him. - Who are these and what is needed by him?

    - Ah, Batyushka Vladimir Andreevich, - answered the old man, choking. - Court arrived. Give us Troekurov, wade us from your mercy! ..

    Vladimir highlighted his head, the people surrounded his unfortunate Mr. "Father you are ours," they shouted, kissing his hands, "we don't want another Barin, except for you, the orders, we will assist, with the court we will help." We will die, but not let out. " Vladimir looked at them, and strange feelings worried him. "Stand younger," he said to them, "and I with ordinary talk." - "Talk, Batyushka, - shouted to him from the crowd, - yes to put it with the dropsy."

    Vladimir approached officials. Shabashkin, with a card on his head, stood taking up and proudly looked at himself. Corps, a tall and thick man of fifty with a red face and in a mustache, seeing the approaching Dubrovsky, shook and uttered by hoarse voice: "So I repeat to you what has already said: by decision of the county court, it is now believed to Kiril Petrovich Trocerov, who is Mr. Sabashkin presents here. Listen to him in everything that will order, and you, women, love and read it, and he is up to you a big hunter. " At this, a sharp joke, the fixer has shocked, and Shabashkin and other members followed him. Vladimir was played by indignation. "Let me know what it means," he asked with a feigned cold-rope from a fun charge. "And this means that - the intricate official was answered," that we came to bring to the possession of this Cyril Petrovich Trocerazov and ask for other other things to disperse. " "But you could seem to consider me before to my peasants, and declare a landowner with a power of power ..." - "And who are you," said Shabushkin with a cuddling eyes. "The former landowner Andrei Gavrilov Son Dubrovsky will disagree God, we do not know you, and we do not want to know."

    "Vladimir Andreevich, our young barin," said the voice from the crowd.

    - Who dared there is a mouth to rave, "said the fear, - what a barin, what Vladimir Andreevich? Barin Your Kirila Petrovich Trojeurov, hear whether, Olukhi.

    - Yes, it is a riot! - shouted by the correction. - Gay, Older, here!

    The headman made forward.

    - Lying the same hour, who rested with me to talk, I am him!

    The elder appealed to the crowd, asking who spoke? But everyone was silent; Soon in the back rows rose Ropot, began to strengthen and in one minute turned into terrible screams. The fixer lowered the voice and wanted to persuade them. "Yes, what to look at him," the yard shouted, "guys!" Down with them! " - And the whole crowd moved. Shabashkin and other members hurriedly rushed to the senses and locked the door.

    "Guys, knit!" - shouted the same voice - and the crowd began to get a drink ... "Stand," Dubrovsky shouted. - Fools! What are you? You go away and me and me. Go across the courtyards and leave me alone. Do not be afraid, the sovereign is gracious, I will ask him. He will not be offended. We are all his children. And how he will be interpreted for you if you rebel and robbing. "

    The speech of young Dubrovsky, his sonorous voice and the majestic species produced the desired action. The people of Uted, went out, the yard was empty. Members were sitting in the Seine. Finally, Shabashkin quietly detachable the door, went out on the porch and with humiliated bonds began to thank Dubrovsky for his gracious intercession. Vladimir listened to him with contempt and did not answer anything. "We decided," continued the meeting, - from your permissiveness to stay here to spend the night; And then dark, and your men can attack us on the road. Make such mercy: order to post us at least in the living room; Than Light, we will go ravoisi. "

    "Do what you want," Dubrovsky answered dryly, "I am no longer the owner." "With this word, he retired his father's room and locked the door."

    Chapter VI

    "So everything over," he said to himself; - I also had an angle and a piece of bread. Tomorrow I must leave the house where I was born and where my father died, the perpetrator of his death and my poverty. " And his eyes stopped motionlessly on the portrait of his mother. The painter presented her smoking on the railing, in a white morning dress with a scarlet rose in her hair. "And the portrait of this one will get the enemy of my family," Vladimir thought, "he will be abandoned in a storage room along with broken chairs or heated in the front, the subject of ridicule and the comments of his psyrai, and in her bedroom, in the room where his father died, his clerk settled Or fits his harem. Not! not! Let them and he will not get a sad house from which he drives me out. " Vladimir squeezed his teeth, terrible thoughts were born in his mind. The Voices of the Syriah came to him, they hosted, demanded that another and unpleasantly entertained him among the sad thinking. Finally everything subsided.

    Vladimir Otper Dressers and Boxes, engaged in writing the papers of the late. They consisted of economic accounts and correspondence on various matters. Vladimir ripped them without reading. Between them fell to him the package with the inscription: letters of my wife. With a strong movement of the feeling of Vladimir, they began to be written in the time of Turkish campaign and were addressed to the army from the kysterpenev. She described him his desert life, economic classes, with the tenderness set up on the separation and called him home, in the embrace of a good friend; In one of them, she revealed him his concern about the health of Little Vladimir; In the other, she rejoiced his early abilities and foresaw happy and brilliant future for him. Vladimir was read and forgot everything in the world, loading the soul into the world of family happiness, and did not notice how time passed. Wall clock struck eleven. Vladimir put letters in his pocket, took the candle and came out of the Cabinet. In the hall, the orders slept on the floor. There were glasses on the table, they were emptied, and the strong Spirit of Roma was heard throughout the room. Vladimir with disgust passed by them in the front. - The doors were locked. No key, Vladimir returned to the hall, - the key lay on the table, Vladimir took the door and stumbled upon a person who was in a corner; The ax glistened with him, and, turn to him with the candle, Vladimir learned the arc-blacksmith. "Why are you here?" - he asked. "Ah, Vladimir Andreevich, it's you," the archite answered the severity, "the Lord is slowed and save! Well, that you walked with candle! " Vladimir looked at him with amazement. "What did you plunge here?" He asked the blacksmith.

    "I wanted ... I came ... to spend everything at home," the archup was squeezed quietly.

    - Why with you with a topor?

    - Top, why? Yes, how without an ax with a latch and walk. These orders such, hang, mischievous - Togo and Look ...

    "You're drunk, throw the ax," seek. "

    - I'm drunk? Batyushka Vladimir Andreevich, God Witness, nor a single drop in the mouth was not ... Yes, and whether wine will go to the mind, whether the thing was happressed, the hellly conceived by us, the fits are driven by our Lords from the Barskaya Yard ... ek they snore Everyone once, and the ends in the water.

    Dubrovsky frowned. "Listen, the archup," he said, silent a little, "you didn't care. Not ordinary to blame. Lock the lantern you, go for me. "

    The archup took a candle from the hands of the Barin, found a lantern behind the pecto, lit up, and both quietly left the porch and went near the yard. The watchman began to beat into the cast-iron board, the dogs were blocked. "Who is a guard?" - asked Dubrovsky. "We, Batyushka," answered a subtle voice, "Vasilisa da Luchery." "Flight the courtyards," Dubrovsky told them, "you don't need." - "Shabash", "the archup proved. "Thank you, the breadwinner," answered the women and immediately went home.

    Dubrovsky went further. Two people approached him; They dug him. Dubrovsky recognized the voice of Anton and Grisha. "Why don't you sleep?" He asked them. "Before you sleep," answered Anton. - What we lived, who would have thought ... "

    - quieter! - Dubrovsky interrupted, - where is Egorovna?

    - In the Barsky house, in his Svetlock, - answered Grisha.

    "Look, bring it here and bring all our people from the house, so that not a single soul in it remains, except for orders, and you, Anton, pickups.

    Grisha left and after a minute came with his mother. The old woman did not undress on this night; In addition to the orders, no one in the house was closed her eyes.

    - Is everything here? - asked Dubrovsky, - Is there anyone left in the house?

    "Nobody, except for the attain," Gray answered.

    "Let's sit here or straw," said Dubrovsky.

    People ran to the stable and returned, carrying the hay in the streets.

    - Place under the porch. Like this. Well, guys, fire!

    The archup opened the lantern, Dubrovsky lit Luchin.

    "Wait," he said the archup, "I seemed to be a secret door to the front, then immediately by their way.

    The archup ran in Songi - the doors were detached. Archka locked them on the key, caught in in a way: how wrong, on-site! And returned to Dubrovsky.

    Dubrovsky brought Lucin, the hay broke out, the flame melted and lit the entire courtyard.

    "Soti," Egorovna shouted plaintively, "Vladimir Andreevich, what are you doing!"

    "Silent," said Dubrovsky. - Well, children, goodbye, I go where God will behave; Be happy with the new Mr.

    "Our father, breadwinner," people answered, "we will die, do not leave you, go with you."

    Horses were filed; Dubrovsky sat down with grisha in the cart and appointed them the place of date Kistsenis grove. Anton hit the horses, and they left the courtyard.

    The wind got stronger. In one minute, the flame grabbed the whole house. Red smoke has risen over roofing. Glasses were shuffled, poured, the flaming logs began to fall, a plaintive scream and screams rang out: "Gim, help, help." "How wrong," said the archup, with an evil smile giving a fire. "Archupushka," Egorovna told him, "God will reward you," God.

    "How wrong," the blacksmith answered.

    In this minute, the orders appeared in the windows, trying to break the double frames. But then the roof with a crash collapsed, and screams subsided.

    Soon the whole courtyard poured on the courtyard. Baba with a scream in a hurry to save their rhocked, the children jumped, admiring the fire. Sparks flew fiery blizzard, hugged out.

    "Now everything is fine," said the archup, "what is it burning, eh?" Tea, from Pokrovsky to watch nicely.

    In this minute, a new phenomenon attracted his attention; The cat ran across the roof of the flaming barn, a perplexed, where to jump; From all sides he was surrounded by its flame. Poor animal with a pathetic meowing call for help. The boys snapped with laughter, looking at her despair. "What is laughing, Babeny," the blacksmith said to them. "God is not afraid of God: the creature is dying, and you rejoice in confourse," and, adding a staircase on a burning roof, he climbed behind the cat. She understood his intention and with the view of a hurried gratitude clinging to his sleeve. Semi-burned blacksmith with its prey climbing. "Well, guys, goodbye," he said a confused courtyard, "I have nothing to do here. Happily, do not remember me with lich. "

    Blacksmith left; The fire raged a few more time. Finally, he suffered, and piles of coal without flame burned in the dark of the night, and near them were rooted by cussiete.

    Chapter VII

    The next day the news about the fire was separated throughout the nearby. All interpreted about him with various guesses and assumptions. Others assured that the people of Dubrovsky, drunk drunk at the funeral, lit the house from negligence, others accused the orders who stepped onto the states, many assured that he himself burned down with the Zemsky Court and with all the yard. Some guessed the truth and argued that the culprit of this terrible disaster was Dubrovsky himself, driven by malice and despair. Troyekurov came on the other day to the place of the fire and made a consequence himself. It turned out that the fixer, the assessment of the Zemskoy Court, the Strangy and Cheric, as well as Vladimir Dubrovsky, Nanny Egorovna, the yard man Grigory, Kucher Anton and the Blacksmith Archka, are unknown where. All yard have shown that the ordinaries burned while the roof fell; The burnt bones were separated. Baba Vasilisa and Luchery said that Dubrovsky and Archka-blacksmith saw them in a few minutes before the fire. The blacksmith archup, according to the general indication, was alive and, probably, the main, if not the only, fire culprit. On Dubrovsky lay strong suspicions. Kirila Petrovich sent a detailed description of the entire incident to the governor, and the new thing was ridiculous.

    Soon, others guessed another food to curiosity and the faith. The robbers appeared in ** and spread horror on all surroundings. The measures taken against them by the government turned out to be insufficient. The robbing, one of the other is wonderful, followed one after another. There was no security on roads or in the villages. Several triples filled with robbers were traveled in the afternoon throughout the province, stopped travelers and mail, came to the village, robbed land in the house and betrayed them fire. The head of the gang was famous for the mind, braveness and some generosity. Miracles told about him; Dubrovsky's name was in all lips, everyone was sure that he, and not whoever was leading to brave villains. Surprised to one - the place of the Trocery was spoken; The robbers did not robbed in him a single barn, did not stop a single war. With an ordinary title, Troceurov attributed this exception to the fear that he knew how to inspire the whole province, also excellently a good police, he was headed in his villages. First, the neighbors laughed between themselves over arrogance of Trocerys and every day expected uninvited guests to visit the Pokrovskoe, where it was for them than to get used, but finally, they were forced to agree with him and confess that the robbers have provided him with incomprehensible respect ... Troceurov tried and every The new robberies of Dubrovsky crumbled in ridicule about the governor, corrections and road commanders, from which Dubrovsky left always disadvantaged.

    Meanwhile, the 1st of October came - the day of the temple holiday in the village of Trocery. But before we proceed to the description of this celebration and further incidents, we must introduce the reader with the people for him with new or about which we were slightly mentioned at the beginning of our story.

    Chapter VIII.

    The reader was probably already guessed that the daughter of Kirila Petrovich, about which we only told a few words, there is a heroine of our story. In the era, we described, she was seventeen years old, and her beauty was in full color. Father loved her to madness, but he did with her with her his characteristic to him, then trying to please the slightest pleasures, then scaring her harsh, and sometimes a cruel appeal. Confident in her attachment, he could never achieve her power of attorney. She was accustomed to hide his feelings and thoughts from him, for she could never know probably how they were accepted. She did not have girlfriends and grown in solitude. Wife and daughters of neighbors rarely went to Kiril Petrovich, who ordinary conversations and pleasures demanded the partnership of men, and not the presence of the ladies. Rarely, our beauty was in the middle of guests who pour from Kyril Petrovich. The huge library, compiled by the biggest part of the writers of the French writers of the XVIII century, was given at its disposal. Her father, who has never read anything, except the "perfect cooks," could not guide it in choosing books, and Masha, naturally, a break of the compositions of all kinds, stopped at the novels. Thus, she made her upbringing, which began once under the leadership of Mamzel Mimi, which Kirila Petrovich provided a great power of attorney and the favor and, which he was forced, finally, to send quietly to another place when the consequences of this friendship were too obvious. Mamzel Mimi left the memory is quite pleasant. She was a kind girl and never in evil did not use the influence, which apparently had over Kiril Petrovich, in which it was different from other inaders, and he alternately changed. Kirila Petrovich himself seemed to love her more than others, and a black-eyed boy, Shalun, nine years old, reminiscent of the midday features of M-Lle Mimi, was brought up with him and was recognized was his son, despite the fact that many bare kids like two drops of water similar Cyril Petrovich, ran before his windows and were considered yard. Kirila Petrovich wrote out of Moscow for his little Sasha French teacher, who arrived in Pokrovsky during the incidents, we are now described.

    This teacher liked Kiril Petrovich his pleasant external and simply appeal. He introduced Kiril Petrovich his certificates and a letter from one of the relatives of Troecarov, who he lived in Gutener for four years. Kirila Petrovich, all this revised and was dissatisfied with the one youth of his Frenchman - not because it would have believed that this kind lack of incompatible with patience and experience, so necessary in the unfortunate title, but he had his doubts that immediately and decided to explain him. For this, he ordered to call Masha (Kirila Petrovich in French did not speak, and she served him by the translator).

    - Come here, Masha: Tell you this Musoe, that and being, I accept it; Only so that I don't dare for me for my girls, I'm wrong, a dog son ... Translude it to him, Masha.

    Masha blushed and, turning to the teacher, told him in French that her father hopes for his modesty and decent behavior.

    The Frenchman bowed to her and replied that he hoped to earn respect, even if he would refuse him in favor.

    Masha Word in the word translated his answer.

    "Good, good," said Kirila Petrovich, "neither favor or respect for him." The case to go for Sasha and teach grammar yes geography, translate it to him.

    Marya Kirilovna softened in his translation of the rude expressions of the Father, and Kirila Petrovich let go of his Frenchman in the Flegel, where the room was appointed.

    Masha did not pay any attention to the young Frenchman, brought up in aristocratic prejudices, the teacher was for her the Russian servant or a master, and the servant Il Master did not seem to her a man. She did not notice the impressions, it produced on the M-R of the definer, nor his embarrassment, nor his trembling nor the changed voice. Several days later she met him quite often, not having greater attentiveness. An unexpected way she received a completely new concept about him.

    In the yard, Kirila Petrovich was brought up by usually several cubs and made up one of the main fun of the Pokrovsky landowner. In the first of his youth, the cubs were brought daily to the living room, where Kirila Petrovich rose to the whole clock with them, waging them with cats and puppies. Mattening, they were planted on the chain, waiting for the present harassment. Occasionally was removed before the windows of the Barskoye house and drove them the empty wine barrel, stuck with nails; The bear sniffed it, then quietly touched her, coluop his paws, herself pushed her stronger, and the pain became stronger. He entered the perfect rabies, rushed to the barrel, until he was wondering from the poor beast of the subject of his vigorous rage. It happened that a couple of bears were injected in the cart, the will and the unheard were put in her guests and allowed them to ride them into the will of God. But I better than a joke, I was revered by Kirila Petrovich the next one.

    The reversed bear was damaged, it happened, in an empty room, tieding it with a rope for a ring screwed into the wall. The rope was almost in the entire room, so the alone of the anti-fallen angle could be safe from the attack of a terrible beast. They brought usually a beginner to the doors of this room, inadvertently pushed him to the bear, the doors were locked up, and the unfortunate sacrifice was left alone with a cosmatic wilderness. The poor guest, with a dangling bang and duck up, soon I was looking for a safe corner, but I was sometimes forced to stand for a whole three hours. To stand clinging to the wall and see how the enraged beast was roaring from him, jumped, I got up, rushed and rushed to It will reach out. Such were the noble functions of the Russian Barin! A few days later, after the arrival of Teacher, Troekurov remembered him and treated him to treat him in a bear room: for this, having called him once in the morning, he led him with his dark corridors; Suddenly the side door opened, two servants pushing the Frenchman into her and lock it into the key. Friendly, the teacher saw a tied bear, the beast began to snatch, made a sniffing of his guest, and suddenly, rising to the hind paws, went to him ... The Frenchman was not embarrassed, did not run and waited for an attack. The bear approached, the definer took a small gun from his pocket, put it in the ear hungry beast and shot. The bear fell. Everything comes out, the doors opened, Kirila Petrovich entered the amazed junction of his joke. Kirila Petrovich wanted by the explanation of the whole case: who did the definition of the joke, for him pre-prepared, or why he had a charged pistol in his pocket. He sent for Masha, Masha came running and translated the French Father's questions.

    "I didn't hear about the bear," the definer answered, "but I always wear pistols with him, because I don't intend to endure offense for which, in my title, I can't demand satisfaction."

    Masha looked at him with amazement and translated his words to Kiril Petrovich. Kirila Petrovich answered nothing, ordered to pull the bear and remove the skin from him; Then, turning to your people, said: "What are well done! Not a string, she, God, not Stroyl. " From that minute he loved the definer and did not think to try it.

    But this case made an even greater impression on Mary Kirilovna. Her imagination was struck by: she saw a dead bear and a definer, calmly standing on him and calmly with her talking. She saw that bravery and proud pride were not exclusively belonging to one class, and since then began to provide a young teacher respect, which an hour from the hour became more attentive. Some intercourse was found between them. Masha had a wonderful voice and great musical abilities; The definer volunteered to give her lessons. After that, the reader is already not difficult to guess that Masha fell in love with him, herself still not admitting himself.

    Tom two

    Chapter IX.

    On the eve of the holiday, the guests began to move, others stayed in the Mer Primary House and in Flygelov, others from the Clauseer, the third of the priest, the fourth in the prosperous peasants. The stables were full of road horses, yards and sheds are cluttered with different crews. At nine o'clock in the morning he was heard to dinner, and everything reached for a new stone church, built by Kiril Petrovich and annually decorated with his offering. Such a lot of honorary mantis gathered that ordinary peasants could not fit in the church and stood on Parity and in the fence. The dinner did not start, I was waiting for Kirila Petrovich. He came to the stroller with a gear and solemnly went to his place accompanied by Marieu Kirilovna. The eyes of men and women turned to her; The first was surprised by her beauty, the second with attention was examined by her outfit. Lunch began, home sawing sang on the Kryrozé, Kirila Petrovich himself pulled up, prayed, not looking to the right, neither to the left, and with Gordy humility bowed to the ground, when Deacon loudly mentioned and about the conjugater of the temple of this.

    Lunch ended. Kirila Petrovich first approached the cross. Everyone moved after him, then the neighbors approached him with respect. Ladies surrounded Masha. Kirila Petrovich, leaving the church, invited everyone to her lunch, sat in the stroller and went home. Everyone went after him. Rooms were filled with guests. The new faces came down and the nation could get to the owner. The barynie sat the chiny semicircle, dressed in late fashion, in the worn and expensive outfits, everything in pearls and diamonds, men crowded near caviar and vodka, with noisy disagreement talking between them. The table was covered with eighty appliances. The servants fussed, exposing the bottles and decanter and adjusting the tablecloths. Finally, the butler proclaimed: "The evacon is delivered," and Kirila Petrovich first went to sit at the table, the ladies moved behind him and it was important to take their places, watching some seniority, the young ladies struggled between themselves as a timid flock of goats and chose a place alone. Men fit against them. At the end of the table, a teacher fell near the little Sasha.

    The servants began to dismiss the plates according to the ranks, in case of bewilderment, guided by lacter guesses *, and almost always unmistakably. The ringing of plates and spoons merged with noisy talk of guests, Kirila Petrovich had fun overwhelmed his meal and well enjoyed the happiness of the boss. At this time, drove into the yard of the stroller, harboring six horses. "Who is this?" - asked the owner. "Anton Paftych", "answered several votes. The doors opened, and Anton Pantyovich Spitsyn, a fat man of 50 years old with a round and rowful face, decorated with a triple chin, fell into the dining room, bowing, smiling and already going to apologize ... "Device here, shouted Kirila Petrovich, - Milicia, please, Anton Paftynich, sit down, yes, tell us what it means: I was not at my dinner and I was late for dinner. It doesn't seem to you: you love you and you love. " - "It's guilty," Anton Paftyovich answered, tieting a napkin in the Pea Kaftan's napkin, - to blame, Batyushka Kirila Petrovich, I was early put on the road, but I did not have time to drive off and ten miles, suddenly the tire at the front wheel in half - what do you do? Fortunately, it was not far from the village; So far, they dotted to it, yes, they found a blacksmith, and everyone went aslady, went exactly three hours, there was nothing to do. I did not dare through the Kystenevsky Forest to go through the Kystenevsky Forest, but went into a detour ... "

    - Ege! - Interrupted Kirila Petrovich, - Yes, you know, not the brave dozen; what are you afraid of?

    - How - what I'm afraid, Batyushka Kirila Petrovich, and Dubrovsky; Togo and looked in the paws. He is not small, it does not lower anyone, but with me, perhaps, two skins will cut down.

    - For what, brother, so difference?

    - How for that, Batyushka Kirila Petrovich? And for the hardness of the dead Andrei Gavrilovich. I'm not the pleasure of yours, that is, according to conscience and in justice, it has shown that Dubrovsky owns a kisteration without any rights, and the only one to condescensize yours. And the dead man (the kingdom he heavenly) promised to translate with me in its own, and the Son, perhaps, will hold back the word Batyushkino. Delighted God formed. Just-on-all looted with me alone, and that and looked to the estate.

    - And in the estate, it will be Razzheh, - said Kirila Petrovich, - I am tea, the red box is full of full ...

    - Where, Batyushka Kirila Petrovich. It was full, but now completely empty!

    - Fully lie, Anton Paftych. We know you; Where you spend money, you live a pig pig, you do not accept anyone, you will wear your men, know you can copy and only.

    "You all love to joke, Batyushka Kirila Petrovich," murmured with the smile Anton Paftych, "and we, by God, ruined," and Anton Paftych began to love a boring joke of the owner with a bold piece of couch. Kirila Petrovich left him and turned to a new fixer, for the first time to visit him who came to visit the teacher at the other end of the table.

    - And what, you catch at least Dubrovsky, Mr. Corp.?

    Favorus Strestil, bowed, smiled, picked up and finally said:

    - We will try your excellency.

    - GM, try. For a long time, they have long been trying, but there is still no proc. Yes, truth, why and catch it. Thought Dubrovsky grace for corrections: connectors, investigations, training, and money in his pocket. How such benefactor lime? Is it not true, Mr. Pupi?

    "Delatful truth, Your Excellency," the completely embarrassed fixer answered.

    Guests walked.

    - I love myself for sincerity, "said Kirila Petrovich, - and sorry to the deceased of our fixer Taras Alekseevich; Kaba did not burn him, so it would be quieter. What is heard about Dubrovsky? Where did they see him for the last time?

    "I have, Kirila Petrovich," a thick ladies' voice registed, "he had dined with me last Tuesday ...

    All eyes turned to Anna Savishna Globov, quite a simple widow, everyone's beloved for a kind and cheerful temper. Everything with curiosity was prepared to hear her story.

    - It is necessary to know that I sent the clerk for the mail with money for my Vanyushi to that three weeks. My son is not a balloon, and not able to indulge, at least I wanted; However, ourselves ignite themselves: the guard officer needs to contain himself in a decent way, and I share with Vanyusha as I can do my october. So he sent two thousand rubles, even though Dubrovsky had repeatedly came to my mind, yes I think: the city is close, only seven miles, God will carry. I watch: in the evening, my clerk returns, pale, clouded and traveled - I so ash. - "What? What did you do with you? " He me: "Mother Anna Savishna, robbers robbed; I almost killed himself, Dubrovsky himself was here, I wanted to hang me, and I cleared, and let go, but everything was absorbed, took away the horse and the cart. " I measured; King My Heavenly, what will happen to my vanya? There is nothing to do: I wrote a letter to my son, told everything and sent him my blessing without a penny.

    Week passed, the other - suddenly drives me to the yard stroller. Some General asks me to see: please melt; A man of thirty-five years old, dark-haired, in a beach, in a beard, a decent portrait of Kulnev, is recommended to me as a friend and colleague of the late husband Ivan Andreevich; He was driving past and could not not call him widow, knowing that I live here. I treated him than God sent, talked about the fact of Sez, finally about Dubrovsky. I told him my grief. My general frowned. "It's strange," he said, "I heard that Dubrovsky attacks not on any, but on the well-known rich, but it is divided with them, and not robs the even for the murder, and no one blames him in the murder; Whether Plotnie is there, order-ka call your clerk. " Went for a cuddy, he appeared; Only saw the general, he was so dumbfounded. "Tell me, brother, how Dubrovsky robbed you and how he wanted to hang you." My clarity shoved and fell into my legs. "Batyushka, to blame - Sin Sin - Litgal." "If so," the general answered, "so pleased to tell the lady, as it all happened, and I will listen." The clerk could not come to his senses. "Well," General continued, "tell me: where did you meet with Dubrovsky?" - "Two pines, father, two pines". - "What did he say to you?" - "He asked me, whose where are you going and why?" - "Well, and after?" "And after he demanded a letter and money." - "Well." "I gave him a letter and money." - "And he? .. Well, he?" - "Battyushka, to blame." "Well, what did he do? .." - "He returned me money and the letter yes said: go to himself with God, give it to the mail." - "Well, what about you?" - "Battyushka, to blame." - "I am with you, the darling, manage," said Grozno, - and you, madam, order the chest of the chest of this fraudster and give it to my hands, and I will teach him. Know that Dubrovsky himself was a guards officer, he won't want to offend his comrade. " I guessed who was His Excellency, I had nothing to interpret with him. Coucher tied the clerk to the goats of the stroller. Money found; The general I have led me, then I immediately left and taken away with my clerk. My clerk found the other day in the forest tied to the oak and encouraged as a sticky.

    Everyone listened to silently the story of Anna Savishns, especially the young lady. Many of them secretly benevoled him, seeing the Hero Hero of the Romanic, especially Marya Kirilovna, a dusty dreamer, a Radcliffe's mysterious horrors.

    "And you, Anna Savishna, believe that you had Dubrovsky himself," Kirila Petrovich asked. - I really mistaken. I do not know who you were visiting, but not Dubrovsky.

    "Like, a father, not Dubrovsky, but who, if not he, will leave on the road and will stop passersby but inspect them.

    - I do not know, but really not Dubrovsky. I remember his child; I do not know, the hair has been handled him, and then he was a curly bloc months boy, but I probably know that Dubrovsky is five years older than my Masha and that he investigates not thirty five years old, but about twenty-three.

    "Excellency," Your Excellency, "the fixer proclaimed," I have in my pocket and signs of Vladimir Dubrovsky. " They are exactly said that he is from the birth of the twenty-third year.

    - BUT! - said Kirila Petrovich, - by the way: read, and we will listen; No badness to know his signs; perhaps in the eyes will come, so it will not turn out.

    The correction fell out of his pocket a rather taped sheet of paper, deployed him with importance and began to read the chance.

    "Signs of Vladimir Dubrovsky, compiled on the fairy tales of the former yard people.

    From the genus of 23 years, the growth of the stern, the face is clean, the beard shaves, the eyes have a brown, the hair is blond, the nose is straight. Signs are special: there were no such. "

    "And only," said Kirila Petrovich.

    "Only," Correspondent answered, folding paper.

    - Congratulations, Mr. Corp. Ay yes paper! According to these signs, it will not be wise to find Dubrovsky. Yes, who is not medium height, who has no blond hair, not a straight nose and not brown eyes! I bet on the mortgage, you will talk three hours to talk with Dubrovsky himself, and you can not guess, with whom God is breathing you. There is nothing to say, the smart tender head!

    Fauxer humbly put his paper in his pocket and silently began to goose with cabbage. Meanwhile, the servants have managed to around the guests several times, pouring his glass. Several bottles of Gorsky and Tsimlyansky were loudly deposited and adopted favorably under the name of champagne, the faces began to get acquainted, the conversations became a call, incoherently and more fun.

    "No," Kirila Petrovich continued, "I don't see such a fixer to us, what was the deceased Taras Alekseevich!" This was not a slip, not a distribution. It is a pity that you have burned down, but I would not have left any man from the whole gang. He would have been transferred to all to one, and Dubrovsky himself did not turn himself without bought off. Taras Alekseevich money would take money from him, and he himself did not release: she was the custom from the dead man. There is nothing to do, it can be seen, I will enhance this matter yes to go on robbers with my homemade. For the first time there is twenty man, so they clean the thieves grove; The people are not cowardly, everyone alone walks on the bear, they will not pay away from the robbers.

    - Is your bear, Batyushka Kirila Petrovich, said Anton Paftych, remember the words about his Cosmoda to know and about some jokes, koi and he was once a sacrifice.

    "Misha ordered to live long," answered Kirila Petrovich. - Died nice death, from the hand of the enemy. Won Winner, "Kirila Petrovich pointed out the definition," replacing the image of my Frenchman. He dismissed yours ... with the permission to say ... remember?

    "How not to remember," said Anton Pafoothich scratching, "I remember very much." So Misha died. Sorry Misha, sorry for her! What a kind of a baby! What a clever! Edovy bear of another you will not rally. Why did Musse kill him?

    Kirila Petrovich with great pleasure began to tell the feat of his Frenchman, for he had a happy ability to vain everything that only he was surrounding him. Guests with attention listened to the story of the Mishina Death and looked at the definity, which, without knowing that the conversation was about his courage, quietly sat in his place and made moral remarks to the riser than his pupil.

    Lunch that lasts about three hours ended; The owner put a napkin on the table, everyone got up and went to the living room, where they expected their coffee, cards and continuation of the drip, so nicely begun in the dining room.

    Chapter X.

    About seven o'clock in the evening, some guests wanted to go, but the owner, overwhelmed by the punch, ordered the gate to locate and announced that until the next morning, no one would release anyone from the courtyard. Soon the music was rapidly, the door in the hall was discouraged, and the ball rose. The owner and his approximate were sitting in the corner, drinking a glass behind a glass and admiring the cheerfulness of young people. Old women played cards. Cavalier, as elsewhere, where there is no apartment brigade, it was less than ladies, all men suitable on that were recruited. The teacher between all was different, he danced more than everyone, all the young ladies chose him and found that it was very clever to walt. He twisted with Marya Kirilovna several times, and the ladies were mockingly behind them. Finally, about midnight, the tired owner stopped the dances, ordered to give dinner, and he went to sleep.

    Lack of Kirila Petrovich gave the society more freedom and liveliness. Cavalers dared to take a place beside the ladies. The girls laughed and twisted with their neighbors; Ladies spent loud through the table. Men drank, argued and laughed, "in a word, dinner was extremely fun and left a lot of pleasant memories.

    One person did not participate in general joy: Anton Pafoothich was sitting overcast and silent in his place, ate absently and seemed extremely worried. Talk about the robber excited his imagination. We will soon see that he had a sufficient reason to fear them.

    Anton Pantyovich, calling the Lord in the witnesses that his red box was empty, did not lie and did not sink: the red box was definitely empty, the money, once in it stored, moved to the leather Suma, which he wore on his chest under his shirt. I only reassured the precaution with the precaution of all and eternal fear. Being forced to stay spending the night in someone else's house, he was afraid that he did not take the night somewhere in a secluded room, where thieves could be climbed, he was looking for a reliable comrade and chose, finally definition. His appeal, implanting force, and the forever bravery, rendered to them when meeting with the Bear, which poor Anton Pafnich could not remember without shudder, they decided to choose from. When they got up because of the table, Anton Paftych began to spin around the young Frenchman, smoking and flipping off, and finally addressed him with an involving.

    - GM, GM, it is impossible, Musoe, spend the night in your horse, because if you please see ...

    - QUE DÉSIRE MONSIEUR? (What do you like? (Fr.)) - asked the definer, parting him by bowing.

    - Ec trouble, you, Musoe, in Russian has not yet learned. Ve, Mua, She Wu Koshe (I want to sleep with you (FR.)), Do you understand?

    - Monsieur, Très Volontiers, - answering the definer - Veuillez Donner des Ordres en Conséquence (Make a favor, sir ... please contact respectively (FR.)).

    Anton Pafovich, very pleased with his information in French, went immediately to dispose.

    Guests began to say goodbye among themselves, and everyone went to the room, he was appointed. And Anton Paftyrich went with the teacher to the outhouse. The night was dark. The definer covered the road with a lantern, Anton Paftych walked behind him pretty cheerfully, pressing occasionally to the chest hidden Suma, in order to make sure that it was still with him.

    Came to the Flegel, the teacher lit up a candle, and both began to undress; Meanwhile, Anton Paftych walked around the room, inspecting the locks and windows and shaking his head with a disappointing inspection. The doors were locked by one valuple, the windows did not have even double frames. He tried to complain about the deform, but his knowledge in French was too limited for such a complex explanation; The Frenchman did not understand him, and Anton Paftych was forced to leave her complaints. The beds were stood alone against the other, both lay down, and the teacher put out the candle.

    - Purkua Wu Tush, Purkua Wu Tashe? (Why are you tasty? (Fr.)) - shouted Anton Paftych, hiding with a sin in half a Russian verb carcass to the French way. - I can't Dormir (sleep (Fr.)) In dotmakes. "The deforent did not understand his exclamation and wished him good night."

    "Damned bassman," Spicely grumbled, wrapped in a blanket. - He needed to stew a candle. He is worse. I can't sleep without fire. - Musoe, Musoe, - he continued, - same vesa Wu Pale (I want to talk to you (FR.)). "But the Frenchman did not answer and soon walked."

    "The Frenchman snoring the Frenchman," thought Anton Paftynich, "I'll sleep so much and in mind." Togo, thieves will enter outdoor doors or fit into the window, and he, beast, and can not be tricky. "

    - Musoe! A, Musoe! The devil will be defeated.

    Anton Paftych was silent, fatigue and wine couples had a little glad overwhelmed his fearlessness, he began to darish, and soon the deep sleep took possession of them completely.

    Strange prepared awakening him. He felt through the dream that someone quietly slowed him at the gate of the shirt. Anton Paftych opened his eyes and with the pale light of the autumn morning he saw a definition in front of him: the Frenchman kept a pocket gun in one hand, and the other disgusting the cherished sutu. Anton Paftych is measured.

    - Cee Bez, Musoe, Keie Bee? (What is it, sir, that this is (FR.)) - He uttered by a trembling voice.

    - Sushch, be silent, - answered the teacher with a clean Russian language, is to be silent, or you disappeared. I am Dubrovsky.


    Now we ask the reader of the permission to explain the last incidents of our previous circumstances, which we did not have time to tell.

    At the station ** in the house of the caretaker, we have already mentioned, sitting in the corner of passages with the type of humble and patient, implanting the difference or foreigner, that is, a person who does not have a voice on the mail path. Brica stood on the yard, waiting for the dressing. A small suitcase lay in it, the skinny proof is not a very sufficient state. The passage did not ask for any tea or coffee, glanced in the window and dismissed to the great displeasure of the handy, who was sitting per fever.

    "That God sent a whistle," she said in a low voice, "Ec I wise himself, so that he burst, the dropped bassurman.

    - What? Said the caretaker, - what a misfortune, let yourself be fistilized.

    - What trouble? - objected the angry spouse. - Do not you know the signs?

    - What are the signs? That whistling is survived. AND! Pakhomovna, we have something like that no: but there is no money as not.

    - Yes, you let him go, Sidory. Hunt for you to keep it. Give him horses, but it fell to hell.

    - wait, Pakhomovna; The stable is only three troops, the fourth rests. Togo and looked like a good passage; I do not want your neck to answer for the Frenchman. Chu, so there is! Won jump. E-ge-gay, yes as chibko; Isn't the general?

    The stroller stopped at the porch. The servant jumped off the goat, opening the door, and a minute later, a young man in the military overcoat and in a white cap entered the caulier; Following him, the servant made a casket and put it on the window.

    "Horses," said an officer with an imperative voice.

    "Now," the caretaker answered. - Sick the Greazhnaya.

    - No, I have a zapanese. I'm going aside ... Don't you know me?

    The caretaker has drove and rushed to rush the yamchikov. The young man began to pace back and forth along the room, went for the partition and asked quietly at the look: who is such a passion.

    "God knows him," the Jerky answered, "some Frenchman." For five hours for five hours how horses are waiting for the horses. Tired, damned.

    The young man spoke with a passing French.

    - Where are you pleased to go? He asked him.

    "In the near city," the Frenchman answered, "I go to one landowner from there, who hired me for his eyes to teachers. I thought today to be in place, but Mr. The caretaker seems to judge otherwise. In this earth it is difficult to get horses, Mr. Officer.

    - And to whom you have determined from the local landlords? - asked an officer.

    "To Mr. Troekurov," the Frenchman answered.

    - To Trocerov? Who is this tricker?

    - MA FOI, MON OFFICIER ... (Law, Mr. Officer ... (Fr.)) I heard little good about him. It is believed that he is a Barin proud and wayward, cruel in contact with his homework, that no one can get along with him that everyone trembled with his name, he will not ceremony with teachers (Avec Les Outchitels).

    - Mile! And you decided to decide on such a monster.

    - What to do, Mr. Officer. He offers me a good salary, three thousand rubles a year and everything is ready. Perhaps I will be happier than others. I have an old mother, half of the salary I will send her to food, from the rest of the money for five years I can skip small capital, sufficient for my future independence, and then bonsoir (Farewell (Fr.))I'm going to Paris and let go to commercial speed.

    - Does anyone know you in the house of Trocery? - he asked.

    "No one," teacher answered. - He wrote from Moscow through one of his buddies, who was a cook, my compatriot, recommended me. We need to know what I was preparing not in the teacher, but in confectioners, but I was told that in your land the title of teacher is not an example more profitable ...

    The officer was thinking.

    "Listen," he interrupted the Frenchman, - that if instead of this future offered you ten thousand clean money with the same hour they went back to Paris.

    The Frenchman looked at the officer with amazement, smiled and shook his head.

    "Horses are ready," said the entered career. The servant confirmed the same.

    "Now," answered an officer, "you will follow for a minute." - The caretaker and servant came out. "I'm not kidding," he continued in French, "I can give you ten thousand to you, I only need your absence and your papers." - While this word, he was the box with a box and took out several boils of assignments.

    The Frenchman stared his eyes. He did not know what to think.

    - My absence ... My papers, - he repeated with amazement. - Here are my papers ... But you joke: Why do you need my papers?

    - You have no business before. I ask, do you agree or not?

    The Frenchman, still without believing his ears, handed his young officer who quickly revised them.

    The Frenchman stood as the inspected.

    The officer has grown.

    - I forgot the most important thing. Give me a honest word that all this will remain between us, an honest your word.

    "Honest word," the Frenchman answered. - But my paper, what should I do without them?

    - In the first city, announce that you were robbed by Dubrovsky. You will be delivered and will give the necessary evidence. Goodbye, God forbid you to get to Paris and find Mother in good health.

    Dubrovsky came out of the room, sat in the stroller and crushed.

    The caretaker looked into the window, and when the stroller went, turned to his wife with an exclamation: "Pakhomovna, do you know what? After all, it was Dubrovsky. "

    The look gladly rushed to the window, but it was too late: Dubrovsky was far away. She began to scold her husband:

    "You are not afraid of God, Sidorych, why didn't you tell me before, I would even look at Dubrovsky, but now wait for him to wrap again." Happy you, right, shamelessly!

    The Frenchman stood as the inspected. A contract with an officer, money, everything seemed to him a dream. But the hips of the appliances were here in his pocket and eloquently told him about the materiality of an amazing incident.

    He decided to hire horses to the city. The yammer was lucky by his step, and he dotted to the city at night.

    Without reaching the outpost, which instead of the hourly there was a broken booth, the Frenchman ordered to stop, got out of the bright and went on foot, explaining the signs of the yammer that the Bick and the suitcase gives him a vodka. The pump was in the same amazement from his generosity, like the Frenchman himself from Dubrovsky's proposal. But, having concluded from the fact that the German was crazy, the thing was thanked by his diligent bow and, without judging for the blessing to enter the city, went to his famous entertainment institution, who was very familiar to him. There he spent the whole night, and the next day in the morning on the empty Troika went ravis without a brush and without a suitcase, with a chubby face and red eyes.

    Dubrovsky, mastered the secrets of the Frenchman, boldly appeared, as we have already seen, to Troekurov and settled in his house. What were his secret intentions (we find out after), but nothing represented in his behavior. True, he did little by upbringing the little Sasha, gave him full freedom to hone and not strictly charged for the lessons asked only for the form, but he followed the musical success of his student with great arrival and often sick with her for the piano. Everyone loved the young teacher - Kirila Petrovich for his bold agility on the hunt, Marya Kirovna for unlimited diligence and timid attentiveness, Sasha - for indulgence to his shadows, home for kindness and for the generosity, which has been incompatible with his condition. He himself seemed to be tied to the whole family and read herself a member of it.

    It took about a month from his entry into the rank of teacher to the memorable festival, and no one suspected that a formidable robber was buried in a modest young Frenchman, which was horrified on all surrounding owners. At all this time, Dubrovsky was not left from Pokrovsky, but his rumor about the scatteries did not subside him thanks to the inventive imagination of rural residents, but it could have been the fact that his shaky continued his actions and in the absence of the head.

    Outside in the same room with a man who could have honored his own enemy and one of the main culprits of his disaster, Dubrovsky could not resist temptation. He knew about the existence of a bag and decided to take possession of it. We saw how he was amazing poor Anton Pafovich unexpected turning from teachers in robbers.

    At nine o'clock in the morning, guests staying in Pokrovsky gathered one after another in the living room, where Samovar was already boiling, which in the morning dress was sitting by Mary Kirilovna, and Kirila Petrovich in the Bike Sultuka and drank his wide cup like a riser. The latter came Anton Paftych; He was so pale and seemed so upset that the appearance of him struck everyone and what Kirila Petrovich was asked about his healthy. Spitsyn answered without any sense and looked at the teacher with horror, who immediately sat like anything. After a few minutes, the servant entered and announced to the Spitzin that his stroller was ready; Anton Paftych was in a hurry to spare and, despite the guarantee of the owner, he left hastily from the room and immediately left. They did not understand what was happening to him, and Kirila Petrovich decided that he was laughing. After tea and a farewell breakfast, other guests began to touch around, soon Pokrovsky was empty, and everything went into ordinary order.

    Chapter XII.

    Several days have passed, and nothing has happened. The life of the inhabitants of Pokrovsky was monotony. Kirila Petrovich daily traveled to the hunt; Reading, walking and music lessons occupied Marwe Kirilovna, especially music lessons. She began to understand her own heart and admitted, with the involuntary annoyance, that it was not indifferent to the advantages of the young Frenchman. He on his part did not leave the limits of respect and strict decentness and thus reassured her pride and childish doubts. She with a greater and greater gullibility indulged in an exciting habit. She missed without a definer, in his presence he was remembered by him, he wanted to know his opinion about everything and always agreed with him. Maybe she was not still in love, but at the first random obstacle or non-persecution of fate, the Flame of Passion should have broken into her heart.

    One day, came to the hall where her teacher expected, Marya Kirovna, with amazement, noticed embarrassment on his pale face. She opened the piano, lost a few notes, but Dubrovsky apologized under the pretext of the headache, interrupted the lesson and, closing the notes, filed her writing note. Marya Kirilovna, did not have time to dress, accepted her and repented at the same moment, but Dubrovsky was not already in the hall. Mary Kirovna went to his room, launched a note and read the following:

    "Be today at 7 o'clock in a gazebo at the stream. I need to talk to you. "

    Her curiosity was very excited. She had long expected recognition, wishing and fearing him. It would be nice to hear the confirmation of what she guessed, but she felt that she would be indecent to hear such an explanation from a person who, as of his condition, could not hope her hand ever. She decided to go on a date, but hesitated in one thing: how will she accept the recognition of the teacher, with aristocratic indignation, with the admission of whether friendship, with fun jokes, or with silent participation. Meanwhile, she survenously looked at the clock. Murmed, came candles, Kirila Petrovich sat down to play Boston with visitors. The dining hours struck the third quarter of the seventh, and Marya Kirilovna quietly went to the porch, looked around in all directions and ran into the garden.

    The night was dark, the sky is covered with clouds, in two steps it was impossible to see anything, but Marya Kirilovna was in the dark on familiar tracks and after a minute he found himself at the gazebo; It stopped here, in order to translate the spirit and appear before the deformity with the view of indifferent and leisurely. But the defortion stood before her.

    "Thank you," he told her a quiet and sad voice, "that you did not refuse to me in my request." I would be desperate if you did not agree.

    Marya Kirilovna answered the phrase blank:

    - I hope that you do not make me reassure in my indulgence.

    He was silent and, the Casual, gathered with the Spirit.

    "Circumstances require ... I have to leave you," he finally said, "you will soon be, hear ... But before separation I have to explain myself with you ...

    Marya Kirovna did not answer anything. In these words she saw the preface to the expected recognition.

    "I am not what you intend," he continued, the head of his head, "I'm not a French deforent, I am Dubrovsky."

    Marya Kirilovna screamed.

    - Do not be afraid of God, you should not be afraid of my name. Yes, I am the unfortunate, whom your father deprived a piece of bread, drove out of the father's house and sent robbery on big roads. But you are not needed to be afraid - no for himself, no for him. Everything is over. I forgave him. Listen, you saved it. My first bloody feat was to be accomplished over him. I walked around his house, appointed where to break down the fire, where to enter his bedroom, how to stop him all the way to escape, at that moment you went past me like heavenly vision, and my heart was humbled. I realized that the house where you live are sacred that neither a single creature associated with the blood bonds is not subject to my curse. I abandoned vengeance, as from madness. Whole days I wandered around the Pokrovsky gardens hoping to see from published your white dress. In your careless walks, I followed you, jumping from the bush to the bunker, happy thoughts that we are guarding you that there is no danger to you where I am present secret. Finally the case has introduced itself. I settled in your home. These three weeks were for me days of happiness. Their remembrance will be a ribble of sad life ... Today I received news, after which I am impossible to stay here. I part with you today ... the same hour ... But before I had to open you, so that you did not curse me, did not despise. Think sometimes about Dubrovsky. Know that he was born was for another destination that his soul knew how to love you, that never ...

    There was a light whistling, and Dubrovsky silent. He grabbed her hand and pressed against the flaming mouth. Whistle repeated.

    "Sorry," said Dubrovsky, "my name is, a minute can destroy me." "He walked out, Marya Kirovna stood motionless, Dubrovsky groved and took her hand again." - If someday, he said to her with a gentle and touching voice, - if ever unfortunately fell in and you will not wait for any help, no patronage, in this case, are you promise to resort to me, demand from me Total - for your salvation? Would you promise to reject my devotion?

    Marya Kirilovna cried silently. The whistle rang out for the third time.

    - You ruin me! - shouted Dubrovsky. - I will not leave you until you give me a response, do you promise or not?

    "I promise," Poor Beauty whispered.

    An excited meeting with Dubrovsky, Marya Kirovna returned from the garden. It seemed to her that all people were scattered, the house was in motion, there were a lot of people in the yard, the porch had a triple, they left the voice of Kirila Petrovich and hurried to enter the room, fearing, so that no she was noticed. In the hall he met her Kirila Petrovich, guests surrounded by the correction, our acquaintance, and trembled him. The correction in the road dress, armed with the legs to the head, answered them with the type of mysterious and fussy.

    "Where have you been, Masha," Kirila Petrovich asked, "did you meet M-R defores?" - Masha Nasil could respond negatively.

    "Imagine," Kirila Petrovich continued, "the fixer came to grab him and assures me that it was Dubrovsky himself."

    "All signs, your Excellency," said respectfully.

    "Eh, Brantz," Kirila Petrovich interrupted, "you wonder, you know where, with my signs." I will not give you my Frenchman to you, I will definitely disassemble the case. As you can believe the word Anton Paftyuchu, a cowel and a liar: he gave himself that the teacher wanted to rob him. Why did he at the same morning did not tell me about the word?

    "The Frenchman put it up, Your Excellency," Correspondent answered, "and took an oath from him to be silent ...

    "Lon," Kirila Petrovich decided, "now I will bring everything to clean water." Where is the teacher? He asked the entered servant.

    "Will not find it anywhere," the servant answered.

    - So find him, - shouted Troceurov, beginning to suit. "Show me your praised signs," he said to recruitment, who immediately filed his paper. - GM, GM, twenty-three years ... it is so, but it does not prove anything yet. What is the teacher?

    "Will not find," was again the answer. Kirila Petrovich began to worry, Marya Kirovna was neither alive was dead.

    "You're pale, Masha," said her father, "you frightened.

    "No, papidka," Masha answered, "my head hurts."

    - Look, Masha, in his room and do not worry. - Masha kissed his hand from him and went back to his room, there she rushed to the bed and buried in a hysterical seizure. The servants were escaped, stripped it, raped-nasil had time to calm her cold water and all sorts of alcohols, she was laid, and she fell into sleep.

    Meanwhile, French was not found. Kirila Petrovich walked back and forth along the hall, Groznyly Walking Thunder Victory. Guests whispering between themselves, the fixer seemed in fools, the Frenchman did not find. Probably, he managed to hide, Being warned. But who and how? It remained secret.

    Bened eleven, and no one thought about a dream. Finally, Kirila Petrovich said angrily by recruitment:

    - Well? After all, it's not to the light here to stay here, my house is not Harchevnya, not with your agility, brother, catch Dubrovsky, if this is Dubrovsky. Send-ka ravoisi yes, be a stop. And it's time for you to go home, "he continued, turning to the guests. - Tell lay down, and I want to sleep.

    So thoughtle broke up Troceurov with their guests!


    It took several times without any wonderful case. But at the beginning of the next summer there was a lot of change in the family life of Kirila Petrovich.

    Thirty versts from him there was a rich place of Prince Veresky. Prince for a long time was in foreignates, he was ruled by the retired major, and there was no intercourse between the Pokrovsky and Arbatov. But at the end of May, the prince returned because of the border and came to his village, which did not see the oppression. Having used to scattered, he could not bear privacy and for the third day she went to dine to Trocerov, with whom he was once sign.

    The prince was about fifty years old, but he seemed much olde. The excesses of all kinds were extended his health and put their indelible printing on it. Despite the opportunity, his appearance was pleasant, wonderful, and the habit of being always in society gave him some courtesy, especially with women. He had an unceasing need in scattering and missed the tightness. Kirila Petrovich was extremely pleased with his visiting, adopting a sign of respect for a person who knows the light; For usually, he began to treat his sight of his institutions and led the Craigner. But the prince almost suffocated in a dog atmosphere and hurried to go out, clamping the nose with a handkerchief, spruce spirits. An old garden with his short linden, he did not like the four-digit pond and the right alleys; He loved English gardens and the so-called nature, but praised and admired; The servant came to report that the evan was delivered. They went to dine. Prince laughed, tired of his walk and already repenting in his visit.

    But in the hall, they met the Mary Kirilovna, and the old Volokita was struck by her beauty. Troshekurov put a guest beside her. The prince was enlivened by her presence, he was cheerful and managed to attract her attention to the curious of his stories several times. After dinner, Kirila Petrovich proposed to ride, but the prince apologized, pointing to his velvet boots and joking over his gout; He chose a walk in the line, so as not to be separated from a cute to his neighbor. The line was laid. Old men and beauty sat down threesome and drove. The conversation was not interrupted. Marya Kirovna gladly listened to the flattest and fun greetings of a secular man, how suddenly Veresky, turn to Kiril Petrovich, asked him, what does this persecute structure mean and does it belong to him? .. Kirila Petrovich frowned; Memories, excited in him by the convoluted estate, were unpleasant to him. He replied that the Earth is now him and that she previously belonged to Dubrovsky.

    - Dubrovsky, - repeated VEREYSKY - How, this glorious robber? ..

    - his father, - answered Troceurov, - and the father was a decent robber.

    - Where did our rinaldo go? Has he live, did he grasp?

    - and alive, both in the will, and shim by us will be fixes at the same time with the thieves, until it will not be caught; By the way, the prince, Dubrovsky visited you in Arbatov?

    - Yes, last year, he seems to be something burned or plunged ... Is it really, Marya Kirilovna, what would be curious to get acquainted with this romantic hero?

    - What is curious! - Trojeurov said, "she is familiar with him: He taught her music for three weeks, but thank God did not take anything for the lessons. - Here Kirila Petrovich began to tell the story about his French teacher. Marya Kirilovna sat on the needles. Veresky listened to deep attention, found it all very strange and changed the conversation. Return, he ordered to serve his carriage and, despite the effort of Cyril Petrovich's effort to stay spending the night, left immediately after tea. But before, I asked Kirila Petrovich to come to visit him with Marya Kirilovna, and proud Troceurov promised, for, taking the princely dignity, two stars and three thousand souls of the generic estate, he read the prince of Virus myself to some extent.

    Two days after this visit, Kirila Petrovich went with her daughter to visit the prince of Veresky. Handing to Arbatov, he could not not admire the pure and cheerful hollows of the peasants and the Stone Lord's house built in the taste of English castles. A dense-green meadow was spread in front of the house, the Swiss cows were grazing, linking his bells. Pretty park surrounded the house from all sides. The owner met guests at the porch and gave her hand with a young beauty. They entered the magnificent hall where the table was covered with three instruments. Prince summed up to the window, and they opened an adorable appearance. The Volga proceeded in front of the windows, there were loaded barks under the rigged sails and fishermen flashed boats, such expressively navenly shielding. The hills and fields stretched behind the river, a few villages revived the surroundings. Then they were engaged in consideration by gallery of paintings purchased by the prince in other regions. The prince explained Marya Kirilovna to their different contents, the history of painters, indicated the advantages and disadvantages. He spoke about the paintings not on the agreed language of the pedantic congestion, but with feeling and imagination. Marya Kirilovna listened to him with pleasure. Let's go at the table. Troekurov gave full justice to the wines of his amphitrion and the art of his cook, and Marya Kirilovna did not feel either the slightest confusion or coercion in a conversation with a man whom she saw only the second time. After lunch, the owner offered guests to go to the garden. They drank a coffee in a gazebo on the shore of a wide lake, destroyed by the islands. Suddenly heard musical music, and the scenery boat moored to the gazebo itself. They went on the lake, near the islands, attended some of them, on one found a marble statue, on another, a secluded cave, on the third monument with a mysterious inscription, who excluded Mary Kirovna, a virgin curiosity, not quite satisfied with the courtesy of the prince; Time passed unnoticed, the beginning began to try. Prince under the pretext of freshness and dew hurried to return home; Samovar expected them. Prince asked Marwe Kirilovna hosting in the house of an old bachelor. She poured tea, listening to the inexhaustible stories of the courtesy govorun; Suddenly he was shot, and the racket illuminated the sky. The prince filed Marie Kirilovna Shal and called her and Trocery to the balcony. In front of the house in the dark, multicolored lights flashed, handled, rose up with ears, palm trees, fountains, sprinkled with rain, stars, fade and flared out again. Marya Kirilovna has fun as a child. Prince Veresky rejoiced her admiration, and Troekurov was extremely pleased with him, for he took Tous Les Frais (All expenses (FR)) Prince, as signs of respect and desire to please him.

    Dinner in his dignity did not disappoint dinner. The guests went to the rooms, for them allotted, and the next day parted to the kind owner in the morning, giving each other promise to see again.

    Chapter XIV

    Marya Kirilovna sat in his room, embroidering in the chambers, in front of the open window. She was not confused with silks, like the mistress of Conrad, who in love abutation embroidered with a rose with green silk. Under her needle, Kanva repeated the unmistakable patterns of the original, despite her thoughts did not follow work, they were far away.

    Suddenly a hand stretched quietly in the window, someone put a letter on the hoop and disappeared before Marya Kirovna managed to form. At this time, the servant went to her and called her to Kiril Petrovich. She hid a letter with a thrill and hurried to his father to the office.

    Kirila Petrovich was not alone. Prince Veresky sat from him. With the appearance of Maryia, Kirovna, the prince got up and silently bowed to her with confusion for him extraordinary.

    "Come here, Masha," said Kirila Petrovich, "I will tell you the news that, I hope you will please." Here you are the bridegroom, the prince watches you.

    Masha is dumbfounded, the death pallor covered her face. She was silent. The prince approached her, took her hand and asked with the view: whether she agreed to make his happiness. Masha was silent.

    "I agree, of course, I agree," said Kirila Petrovich, "but you know, the prince: a girl is difficult to push this word. Well, children, kiss and be happy.

    Masha stood motionless, the old prince kissed her hand, suddenly the tears ran along her pale face. The prince frowned slightly.

    "I went, I went, went," said Kirila Petrovich, "you dare your tears and turn to us funny." They all cry when engaging, "he continued, turn to the Veresky," they have so established it ... Now, the prince, let's talk about the case, that is about the dowry.

    Marya Kirilovna greedily took advantage of the permission to retire. She ran into his room, locked and gave the will his tears, imagining himself with the wife of the old prince; He suddenly appeared to her disgusting and hated ... The marriage scared her as a plate, as the grave ... "No, no, she repeated in despair," it's better to die, better to the monastery, I'd rather go for Dubrovsky. " Then she remembered the letter and greedily rushed to read it, sighing that it was from him. In fact, it was written them and imprisoned the following words: "In the evening at 10 o'clock. In the same place. "


    The moon Siyala, the July night was quiet, occasionally risen the breeze, and a slight rustle ran throughout the garden.

    Like a light shadow, young beauty approached the place of scheduled date. No one could see anyone, suddenly, because of the arbors, Dubrovsky found himself before.

    "I know everything," he told her a quiet and sad voice. - Remember your promise.

    "You offer me your patronage," Masha answered, "but not angry: it scares me." How will you help me?

    - I could save you from a hated person.

    - For God's sake, do not touch him, do not dare to touch him if you love me; I do not want to be a wine of some horror ...

    - I am not the throne of him, the will is yours sacred for me. He is obliged to life. Never evil will be committed in your name. You must be clean even in my crimes. But how do you save you from a cruel father?

    - There is still hope. I hope to touch it with my tears and despair. He is stubborn, but he loves me so much.

    - Do not wear empty: In these tears he will see only ordinary fearfulness and disgust, with all young girls, when they are married not by passion, but from a prudent calculation; What if he takes himself to make your happiness, contrary to you; If forcibly lucky you under the crown, so that forever betray your fate to the power of the old husband ...

    - Then, then there is nothing to do, come after me, I will be your wife.

    Dubrovsky fluttered, the pale face was covered with a Baghrovsky Rumyant and, and at the same moment it became pale former. He was silent for a long time, through his head.

    - Gather with all the power of the soul, begging my father, bend to his legs: imagine all the horror of the future, your youth, fading near the sick and depraved old man, Decide on a cruel explanation: Tell me that if he remains inexorable, then ... then you will find a terrible Protection ... Tell me that wealth will not take you and one minute of happiness; Luxury comforts one poverty, and that with unaccustomed one moment; Do not lag behind him, do not be afraid of his anger, nor threats, until the shadow of hope remains, for God's sake, do not lag. If there is no other means ...

    Here Dubrovsky closed his face with his hands, he seemed to be littered, Masha cried ...

    "Poor, poor my fate," he said, sighing bitterly. - I would give life for you, to see you from afar, touch your hand was to be applied. And when it opens for me the opportunity to press you to the worried heart and say: Angel, I will die! Poor, I have to beware from Bliss, I have to give it with all my might ... I do not dare to fall to your feet, thank the sky for an incomprehensible undeserved reward. Oh, as I should hate that, but I feel now in my heart there is no place of hatred.

    He quietly hugged her slim camp and quietly attracted her to her heart. Gruply bowed her head on the shoulder of a young robber. Both were silent.

    Time flew. "It's time," said Masha finally. Dubrovsky as if he woke up from the showlown. He took her hand and put her ring on her finger.

    "If you decide to resort to me," he said, "then bring the ring here, lower it in the hollow of this oak, I will know what to do."

    Dubrovsky kissed her hand and disappeared between the trees.

    Chapter XVI

    Watching Prince Veresky was not already secret for neighborhood. Kirila Petrovich took congratulations, the wedding was preparing. Masha's day from the day made a decisive announcement. Meanwhile, his appeal with the old fiance was cold and forced. The prince did not care about that. He did not care about love, pleased with her silent agreement.

    But time went. Masha finally decided to act and wrote a letter to the prince of Veresky; She tried to excite a sense of generosity in his heart, frankly admitted that he did not have the slightest attachment to him, begged him to abandon her hand and defend her from the power of the parent. She quietly presented a letter to the prince of Veresky, he read it alone and Nimalo was not touched by the frankness of his bride. On the contrary, he saw the need to speed up the wedding and so much desired to show a letter to the future test.

    Kirila Petrovich whisked; Nasil Prince could persuade him not to show Masha and the form that he was notified of her letter. Kirila Petrovich agreed to her, but decided not to spend time and appointed to be a wedding on the other day. The prince found this very prudent, went to his bride, told her that the letter was very saddened, but that he hoped over time to earn her attachment that the thought would lose too much and that he was unable to agree to his death sentence. For Sim, he kissed her hand respectfully and left, without telling her a word about the decision of Cyril Petrovich.

    But barely managed to leave the courtyard, as her father entered her and straight told her to be ready for tomorrow. Marya Kirilovna, who was already agitated by the explanation of the Prince of Veresky, was flowing with tears and rushed to the legs of the Father.

    "This means," Petrovich said Grozno, "so far you have been silent and agreed, and now that everything is decided, you upheld you to capricious and renounce. Not pleased to fool; With me, you will not win anything.

    "Do not ruin me," Poor Masha repeated, "why drive me away from myself and give a person to the unloved?" Are I tired of you? I want to stay with you is still. Pateka, you will be sad without me, still sad, when you think that I'm unhappy, Patek: Do not forced me, I do not want to marry ...

    Kirila Petrovich was touched, but hid his embarrassment and, pushing her, said Surgovo:

    - All this is nonsense, you hear. I know your best that you need for your happiness. Tears will not help you, the day after tomorrow will be your wedding.

    - The day after tomorrow! - screamed Masha, - My God! No, no, it is impossible, this is not to be. Patenka, listen if you already decided to destroy me, then I will find a defender that you do not think, you will see, you will be terrible, what you brought me.

    - What? what? - Trojurov said, - Threats! Me Threats, Cutting Girl! Do you know that I will do what you do what you do not imagine. You dare me to suffer a defender. Let's see who will be this defender.

    "Vladimir Dubrovsky," answered Masha in despair.

    Kirila Petrovich thought that she was crazy, and looked at her with amazement.

    "Good," he said to her, after some silence, "wait for yourself who wants to get riders, and Xi's shim in this room, you will not get out of her wedding." - With this word, Kirila Petrovich came out and locked with the door.

    For a long time I cried a poor girl, imagining everything that I expected her, but the stormy explanation facilitated her soul, and she could calmly argue about her fate and that she had to do. The main thing was for her: get rid of a hateful marriage; The fate of the robber spouse seemed to be a paradise in comparison with the lot, she was deepened. She looked at the ring left to her Dubrovsky. She wanted to see alone with him alone and once again before a decisive minute to consult for a long time. The premonition brought her that in the evening she would find Dubrovsky in the garden near the gazebo; She decided to go to expect him there as soon as it would be tortower. Murmed. Masha was prepared, but the door of her locked on the key. The maid answered her because of the door that Kirila Petrovich did not order her to release. She was under arrest. Deep offended, she sat down under the window and was sitting to deep night without undressing, motionless looking at the dark sky. At dawn, she tried up, but her thin sleep was alarmed by sad visions, and the rays of the rising sun had already woke it up.

    Chapter XVII

    She woke up, and with the first thought she was presented to her all the horror of her position. She called, the girl entered and she answered her questions that Kirila Petrovich went to Arbatovo in the evening and returned late that he gave strict orders not to let her out of her room and watch no one with her say that, however, not It can be seen any special preparations for the wedding, except that the ass was ordered not to be removed from the village under any pretext. After that, the news of the girl left Marwe Kirilovna and re-locked the doors.

    Her words were faster than a young gate, her head was boiling, the blood was worried, she decided to give a job about all Dubrovsky and began to look for a way to send a ring in the hollow cherished oak; At this time, pebbles hit her window, the glass rang, and Marya Kirilovna looked at the courtyard and saw a little Sasha, making her secret signs. She knew his attachment and delighted him. She opened the window.

    - Hello, Sasha, "she said," Why are you calling me? "

    - I came, sister, learn from you, is you not necessary for anything. Pateku is angry and forbade all the house to obey you, but tell me to do what you want, and I will do everything for you.

    - Thank you, my dear Sasha, listen: Do you know the old oak with a hollow that gazebo?

    - I know, sister.

    "So if you love me, run there quickly and put this ring in the hollow, but look, so that no one sees you."

    With this word, she threw him a ring and locked the window.

    The boy raised the ring, in the whole of the spirit it was set to flee and found himself at the cherished tree at three minutes. Here he stopped choking, looked back in all directions and put the ring in the hollow. Having graduated safely, he wanted to convey the same hour about Tom Mary Kirovna, as suddenly the redhead and oblique boy flashed from behind the arbors, rushed to the oak and launched his hand in the hollow. Sasha faster than the protein rushed to him and clinched behind him with both hands.

    - What are you doing here? - he said Grozno.

    - Do you care? - Boy answered, trying to free him from him.

    "Leave this ring, red-haired," Sasha shouted, "or I will teach you in its own."

    Instead of the answer, he hit him a fist in his face, but Sasha did not release him and shouted in all her throat: "Thieves, thieves! Here, here ... "

    The boy risen to get rid of him. He was, apparently, by two years old Sasha and much stronger, but Sasha was delighted. They fought for a few minutes, finally a red boy overwhelmed. He fell to Sasha near and grabbed him for the throat.

    But at that time, a strong hand clutched in his red and bristly hair, and the gardener Stepan raised him to half Arshri from the ground ...

    "Oh, you are redhead," said the gardener, "how you dare beat a little barin ..."

    Sasha managed to jump and recover.

    "You grabbed me under the Silka," he said, "and then I would never have threw me." Give now the ring and get out.

    "No way," answered the redhead and, suddenly turning over in one place, freed his bristles from the hand of Stepanova. Here he was set out to run, but Sasha caught up with him, pushed him in his back, and the boy fell from all his feet. The gardener grabbed him again and tied to Kushak.

    - Give the ring! - Sasha shouted.

    "Wait, Barin," said Stepan, "we will bring it to crate to crate."

    The gardener led the prisoner on the Barsky Dvor, and Sasha was accompanied by his concern, with anxiety, looking at her sharovar, torn and laneed with greens. Suddenly, all three found themselves in front of Kiril Petrovich, walking to inspect her stable.

    - What's this? He asked Stepan. Stepan in short words described all the incident. Kirila Petrovich listened to him with attention.

    "You, Haid," he said, turning to Sasha, "for what you contacted him?"

    - He stole a ring, papida, order to give a ring.

    - What a ring, from what a hollow?

    - Yes, I Marya Kirovna ... Yes, then the ring ...

    Sasha was embarrassed, descended. Kirila Petrovich frowned and said, shaking his head:

    - Marya Kirilovna was mixed here. Feature in everything or so to drive you rogue that you will not know yours.

    - By God, Patek, I, Papyk ... I didn't order anything to me, Paint.

    - Stepan, stepping, yes, eat my pretty fresh birch row ...

    - Wait, Patek, I'll tell you everything. I ran around the yard today, and the sister of Marya Kirovna opened the window, and I ran up, and the sister did not delibe the ring, and I hid him in the hollow, and - and ... This redhead boy wanted to steal the ring ...

    - No deliberately dropped, and you wanted to hide ... Stepan, go behind the rogging.

    - Patenka, wait, I'll tell you everything. Sister of Mary Kirovna told me to run away to the oak and put a ring in the hollow, I fished and put a ring, and this bad boy ...

    Kirila Petrovich turned to a bad boy and asked him terrible: "Whose are you?"

    "I am the yard man Lord Dubrovsky," the redhead boy answered.

    Kirila Petrovich's face was dying.

    "You seem to do not recognize me, good," he answered. - What did you do in my garden?

    "Malina Crall," the boy answered with a big indifference.

    - Yeah, servant in Barina: What is the pop, such and the parish, and Malina is growing on my oaks?

    The boy did not answer anything.

    "Papnyka, order him to give a ring," said Sasha.

    - Silent, Alexander, - answered Kirila Petrovich, - Do not forget that I am going to divided with you. Go to your room. You, scythe, you seem like a small one for me. - Give the ring and go home.

    The boy opened his fist and showed that there was nothing in his hand.

    - If you confess to me in everything, so I do not heat you, let me give another fiction on nuts. I don't do something with you what you do not expect. Well!

    The boy did not answer a word and stood, through his head and taking on the type of real fool.

    "Good," said Kirila Petrovich, "to locate him somewhere yes, so that he did not escape, or from all over the house the skin will come down.

    Stepan took the boy to the pigeon, locked it there and pinned to watch him the old poultry Agafia.

    "Now go to the city for the correctioner," said Kirila Petrovich, holding the boy with his eyes, "yes as soon as possible."

    "There is no doubt. She kept intercourse with damned Dubrovsky. But in fact, she really called him to help? - thought Kirila Petrovich, having grooming around the room and angrily having mastered the thunder of victory. "Maybe I finally found it on his hot traces, and he will not confline from us." We will use this case. Chu! The bell, thank God, this is a correction. "

    "Gay, bring a boy caught here."

    Meanwhile, the trolley drove into the courtyard, and a friend already entered the room all stuffed in the room.

    "Nice news," Kirila Petrovich told him, "I caught Dubrovsky."

    "Thank God, your Excellency," said the correctioner with the view is delighted, "where is he?"

    - That is, not Dubrovsky, but one of his gangs. Now will lead it. He will allow us to catch the most Ataman. Here it was led.

    The correctioner, who was awaiting the Terrible Robber, was amazed, seeing a 13-year-old boy, rather weak outdoor. He looked at Kiril Petrovich with a bewilderment and waited for explanations. Kirila Petrovich has immediately to tell the morning incident, not mentioning, one, about Marya Kirovna.

    The correctioner listened to him with attention, clinging at a small villain, who crashes a fool, seemed to have paid any attention to everything that was done near him.

    - Allow your Excellency, talk with you alone, - finally, fixer.

    Kirila Petrovich led him to another room and locked up the door.

    After half an hour, they came out again in the hall where the slave was expected to solve his fate.

    "Barin wanted," He said to him, "to put you in urban progress, to get out of his whip and squeeze into the settlement, but I came up for you and raised you forgiveness. - Unleash it.

    Boy unleashed.

    "Thank you Barin," said Corp. The boy approached Kiril Petrovich and kissed his hand.

    "Go home to myself," Kirila Petrovich told him, "yes, I'm not the corpus of the raspberry on Duples."

    The boy came out, having fun jumped off the porch and got a run, without looking around, through the field in a kisteration. Defending the village, he stopped at a dilapidated hut, first from the edge, and knocked into the window; The window rose, and the old woman seemed.

    "Grandma, bread," said the boy, "I didn't eat anything in the morning, I dying with hunger.

    "Oh, that's you, Mitya, yes, where you disappeared, Beshen," the old woman answered.

    - After telling, the grandmother, for the sake of god bread.

    - Yes, enter the hut.

    - Once, grandmother, I need to run back in one place. Bread, for the sake of Christ, bread.

    "Ecoo fidgets," the old woman grumbled, "there is a lobster to you," and put a broken black bread into the window. The boy eagerly bites him and chewing MiG went further.

    It began to be frozen. Mitya made their way with ramps and gardens in Kyscense grove. Rest up to two pines standing in front guards of the grove, he stopped, looked around in all directions, whistled whistling shrill and abruptly and began to listen; Easy and long-lasting whistle heard him in response, someone came out of the grove and approached him.

    Chapter XVIII

    Kirila Petrovich walked back and forth along the hall, louder than an ordinary wasting his song; The whole house was in motion, the servants ran, the girls fussed, in Sarah Kuchera lay the carriage, the people crowded on the yard. In the restroom of the young lady in front of the mirror of the lady, surrounded by the maids, cleaned the pale, still Marry Kirilovna, her head languidly kneaded under the severity of the diamonds, she slightly shuddered when a careless hand died, but was silent, meaninglessly looking into the mirror.

    "I'm a minute," the lady answered. - Mary Kirovna, stand up, look, is it good?

    Marya Kirilovna got up and did not answer anything. The doors opened.

    "The bride is ready," Dame said Kiril Petrovich, "order to sit in a carriage."

    "With God," Cyril Petrovich answered and, taking an image from the table, "come to me, Masha," he told her with a touching voice, "I bless you ..." The poor girl fell into his feet and buried.

    - Patek ... Papnya ... - She said in tears, and her voice fell. Kirila Petrovich hurried to bless her, it was raised and almost suffered in the carriage. With her sat down, planted mother and one of the maids. They went to church. There, the groom expected them. He went to meet the bride and was struck by her piltiness and a strange view. They together entered the cold, empty church; Behind them locked the doors. The priest came out of the altar and immediately began. Marya Kirilovna did not see anything, did not hear anything, he thought about one, at the same time she waited for Dubrovsky, hope for a minute she did not leave her, but when the priest appealed to her with ordinary questions, she shuddered and measured, but he was still idle ; The priest, without waiting for her response, said non-refundable words.

    The rite was over. She felt the cold kiss of the unwetur spouse, she heard the fun congratulations of those present and still could not believe that her life was trampled, that Dubrovsky did not flew to free her. The prince appealed to her with affectionate words, she did not understand them, they left the church, the peasants from Pokrovsky were crowded. The gaze quickly fished them and again had former insensitiousness. Young sat down together in the carriage and went to Arbatovo; There was already set off Kirila Petrovich, in order to meet there are young. Alone with young wife, Prince Nimalo was not confused by her cold look. He did not bother her with cerebral withdrawals and funny delights, his words were simple and did not require answers. Thus, they drove about ten miles, the horses rushed quickly along the bugs of the country road, and the carriage almost did not swing in their English springs. Suddenly there were screams of the chase, the carriage stopped, the crowd of armed people surrounded her, and the man in the half mask, calling the doors from the side where the young princess was sitting, told her: "You are free, exit." "What does it mean," the prince shouted, "who are you? .." - "This is Dubrovsky," said Princess.

    Prince, without losing the presence of the Spirit, took out the road gun from the side pocket and shot in the masked robber. The princess screamed and closed her face with horror with both hands. Dubrovsky was injured in the shoulder, the blood seemed. The prince, without losing a minute, took out another gun, but he did not give time to shoot, the doors were dissolved, and several strong hands pulled him out of the carriage and pulled out a gun. The knives spoke above him.

    - Do not touch him! - Dubrovsky shouted, and his gloomy accomplices retreated.

    "You are free," Dubrovsky continued, turning to the pale princess.

    "No," she answered. - Late, I am notable, I am the wife of Prince Veresky.

    - What do you say, shouted with Dubrovsky despair, - No, you are not his wife, you were priestaled, you could never agree ...

    "I agreed, I gave an oath," she objected with hardness, "the prince is my husband, ordered to free it and leave me with him." I did not deceive. I waited for you to last minute ... But now, I tell you, now late. Let us.

    But Dubrovsky had no longer heard her, the pain of the wound and strong unrest of the soul deprived of his strength. He fell from the wheel, the robbers surrounded him. He managed to tell them a few words, they planted him with riding, two of them were supported, the third took a horse for the coziness, and everyone went aside, leaving the carriage in the middle of the road, people connected, horses were dug, but not a prolonged anything Drops of blood in ignition for the blood of their Ataman.


    In the midst of a dense forest on a narrow lawn, a small earth strengthening, consisting of a shaft and the Riva, was elevated, behind which there were several salars and earthlings.

    In the courtyard, many people, which for a variety of clothing and for general armediation, could be immediately recognized for the robbers, linen, sitting without hats, near the fraternal boiler. On the shaft beside a small gun, a guard was sitting, pushing his legs; He inserted a patch into some part of his clothes, owning a needle with art, implanting an experienced tailor, and glanced at all parties.

    Although some bucket came several times from hand to hand, strange silence reign in this crowd; The robbers have submitted, one after another I got up and prayed to God, some were separated by chalays, and others dispersed in the forest or lay down, in Russian.

    The guard boy finished his work, shook his rhylad, loved by the need, jacked to the sleeve needle, sat down on the gun on the gun and sang in all the throat the melancholic old song:

    Not shumi, Mati green dubrovka,
    Do not bother me wellman Duma Duma.

    At this time, the door of one of the chasis was opened, and the old woman in a white chepts, hesitated and sadly dressed, appeared at the threshold. "Full up to you, Stepka," she said angrily, "Barin is revealed, and you know the horses; You have no conscience or pity. " "It's guilty, Egorovna," Stepka answered, "okay, I won't, let him hesitate, our father, he wakes well." The old woman was gone, and Stepka began to pace on the shaft.

    In the chala, from which the old woman came out, the wounded Dubrovsky was wounded on the fevering bed on a hiking bed. In front of him, his pistols were lying on the table, and the saber hung in the heads. Strank Ustlavan and Oblasca was rich carpets, a female silver toilet was in the corner and a trumulous. Dubrovsky kept open book in his hand, but his eyes were closed. And the old woman looking at him because of the partition, could not know if he fell asleep, or just thought.

    Suddenly Dubrovsky flinched: anxiety was in strengthening, and Stepka glanced to his head into the window. "Batyushka, Vladimir Andreevich, he shouted," our sign is served, they are looking for us. " Dubrovsky jumped out of bed, grabbed the weapon and left the chala. Robbers with noise crowded in the yard; When it appears, there is deep silence. "Is everything here?" - asked Dubrovsky. "Everything except sentinny," answered him. "In places!" - shouted Dubrovsky. And the robbers took every certain place. In this time, three sentries came running to the goal. Dubrovsky went to them towards them. "What?" He asked them. "Soldiers in the forest - they answered," they surround us. " Dubrovsky ordered a gate to locate and he himself went to examine the gun. In the forest, several votes rang out and began to approach; Robbers expected in silence. Suddenly, three or four soldiers appeared from the forest and immediately went back, the shots gave to know the comrades. "Get ready for battle," said Dubrovsky, and robberies became a robber, again everything calmed down. Then heard the noise of the approaching team, the weapons flashed between the trees, the man of the one and a half of the soldier poured out of the forest and rushed to the shaft with a cry. Dubrovsky put the wick, the shot was successful: one turned his head, two were injured. Between the soldiers there was confusion, but the officer rushed forward, the soldiers followed him and escaped in the ditch; The robbers shot them from rifles and pistols and steel with axes in the hands of protecting the shaft, which was climbed by outer soldiers, leaving the man of twenty-wounded comrades in the River. The hand-to-hand fight was started, the soldiers were already on the shaft, the robbers began to give way, but Dubrovsky, rushed to the officer, attached him a gun to his chest and fired, the officer fell swaying. Several soldiers picked him up on his hands and hurried to carry into the forest, others, depriving the boss, stopped. The encouraged robbers took advantage of this minute bewilderment, crushed them, shone in moat, the deposits ran, the robbers with a cry rushed after them. Victory was solved. Dubrovsky, relying on the perfect disorder of the enemy, stopped his and locked in the fortress, ordered to choose the wounded wounded by doubleing the guard and nobody would be led away from anyone.

    The last incidents have already paid the attention of government's attention to daring missing Dubrovsky. Gathered were information about his whereabouts. Posted was the company of soldiers in order to take his dead or alive. Caught a few people from his gangs and found out from them that there was no Dubrovsky between them. A few days after the battle, he collected all his accomplices, declared them that she intended to leave them forever, advised them and change their lifestyle. "You are treated under my bosses, each of you has the appearance with which it can safely get into some distant province and there to spend the rest of life in honest works and abundant. But you are all scammers and, probably, do not want to leave your craft. " After this speech, he left them by taking one ** with him **. No one knew where he was gone. At first they were signed in the truth of this: the commitment of the robbers to Ataman was known. They believed that they tried to save his salvation. But their consequences were justified; Terrible visits, fires and robbery stopped. Roads were free. For other news, they learned that Dubrovsky disappeared abroad.

    About the work

    Tale A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky" could be called the imitation of Walter Scott, if you do not know that the story story suggested to the Russian writer P.V. Nachchokin, one of his friends. He said that in Minsk Ostrog met with a Belarusian nobleman, a certain island, who had a rich neighbor took away the estate and left no roof over his head. The outraged nobleman gathered his peasants and, together with them, began to rob the officials who were guilty of his misfortunes, and then the rest.

    True Pushkin changed the surname of the nobleman on a more courageous and frantic - Dubrovsky. Staff events cover a year and a half and occur at the beginning of the 20s. Pushkin did not immediately come up with the name of the story. During his work, his record was dated October 21, 1832. Most likely this date meant the start of work. The biographer of Pushkin Annenkov writes that Pushkin worked on a Dubrovsky pencil, for speed. Indeed, the story was written in three months.

    From the preserved draft writer, it is known that he planned to continue working on the story and tell about the return of Vladimir Dubrovsky because of the border to Russia in the guise of some Englishman.

    Critics were ambiguously reacted to this story. V. G. Belinsky wrote:

    "Dubrovsky, despite all the skill, which was discovered by the author in his image, still remained the face of melodramatic and not exciting participation. In general, this whole story is very responding to melodrama. But it has wonderful things. The ancient life of the Russian nobility, in the face of Trocery, is depicted with terrifying loyalty. The fits and proceedings of that time also belong to the brilliant parties of the story. "

    However, the famous poetess of the twentieth century Anna Akhmatov unfaithfully responded to Dubrovsky. She thought:

    "Dubrovsky" - the failure of Pushkin. And, thank God that he did not finish him. It was a desire to earn a lot, a lot of money to do not think about them anymore. "Dubrovsky", ended, by that time would be a magnificent "Chivo".

    Frame from the film "Noble Robber Vladimir Dubrovsky" (1988)

    In his estate, Pokrovskoe lives rich and notable Barin Kirila Petrovich Troshekurov. Knowing his steep temper, he is afraid of all the neighbors, except for the poor landowner Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky, retired lieutenant Guard and the former colleague Trocery. Both are widows. Dubrovsky has the son of Vladimir, who serves in St. Petersburg, and Troekharov has a daughter Masha, living with his father, and Troshekurov often talks about their desire to marry children.

    The unexpected breaking is quarreling friends, and the proud and independent behavior of Dubrovsky gives them apart even more. Self-collened and all-powerful trowecors to indiscriminate irritation, decides to deprive Dubrovsky estates and orders the meeting of Shabashkin to find the "legitimate" path to this lawlessness. The judicial hooks fulfill the desire of Trocery, and Dubrovsky causes to the Zemsky judge to solve the case.

    In the judicial meeting, the decision performed in the presence of heavy, the decision performed by legal incidents, according to which the estate of Dubrovsky is becoming the ownership of Trocery, and the madness fee happened to Dubrovsky.

    The health of Dubrovsky deteriorates, and Egorovna writes a letter to St. Petersburg to St. Petersburg Vladimir Dubrovsky with a notice of what happened. Having received a letter, Vladimir Dubrovsky prohibits vacation and go home. Dear Kucher tells him about the circumstances of the case. At home, he finds the patient and the dyeing father.

    Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky slowly dies. Troykurov's torrenting conscience rides to put up with Dubrovsky, whom the enemy breaks paralysis. Vladimir Melith convey Troekurov to be cleaned out, and at this moment old Dubrovsky dies.

    After the funeral of Dubrovsky, judicial officials and correction came to the kysterpenevka to introduce a trocker in the rights of ownership. The peasants refuse to obey and want to deal with officials. Dubrovsky stops them.

    At night, the house of Dubrovsky cares for the Blacksmith Archka, who decided to kill ordinary, and dissuade him from this intention. He decides to leave the estate and orders to bring all the people to set fire to the house. Archka He sends the door to unlock the doors so that the officials could get out of the house, but the archup violates the Barin order and locks the door. Dubrovsky sets up a house and quickly leaves from the courtyard, and in the ridiculous fire is dying.

    On Dubrovsky there is a suspicion of arson and killing officials. Troceurov sends a report to the governor, and a new thing is tied. But here another event distracts the attention of everyone from Dubrovsky: the robbers appeared in the province, which robbed all the landlords of the province, but did not touch only Trocerys. All are confident that the leader of the robbers is Dubrovsky.

    For his extramarital son Sasha Troceurov, the French Teacher, Monsieur Deforget, who produces a great impression of the beauty of seventeen-year-old Maryi Kirovna Trocery, but it does not pay any attention to the hiring teacher. Definage is subject to testing, pushing into a room with a hungry bear (an ordinary joke with guests in the house of Trocery). Not confused teacher kills the beast. His determination and courage produce a great impression on Masha. There is a friendly rapprochement between them, which becomes the source of love. On the day of the temple holiday, guests go to the house of Trocery. At lunch, it comes to Dubrovsky. One of the guests, a landowner named Anton Pafovich Spitsyn, admits that he at his time gave false testimony against Dubrovsky in favor of Kyril Petrovich. One lady reports that a week ago, Dubrovsky had dined with her, and tells the story that her clerk sent to the mail with a letter and 2000 rubles for her son, the Guards officer, returned and said that Dubrovsky robbed him, but he was troubling Lies by a person who came to visit her and called the former colleague her late husband. The called Clap tells that Dubrovsky really stopped him on the way to the post office, but by reading the letter of the mother to his son, did not rob. Money was found in the chest in the clerk. The lady believes that the man who issued himself for her husband was Dubrovsky himself. But according to her descriptions, she had a man of 35 years old, and Troekurov is known to be known that Dubrovsky 23 years old. This fact confirms the new fixer who documenso in Trocery.

    The holiday in the House of Trocery is completed by the ball, on which the teacher also dances. After dinner, Anton Pafoothich, having a large amount of money with him, sees a wish to spend the night in one room with a deforem, as he already knows about the Frenchman's courage and hopes for his protection in the event of a robber attack. The teacher meets consent to the request of Anton Pafoothich. At night, the landowner feels like someone trying to pick up his money hidden in the bag on his chest. Opening his eyes, he sees that the definer with a gun is worth it. The teacher reports Anton Paftychuch that he is Dubrovsky.

    How did Dubrovsky hit the house of Trocerys under the guise of a teacher? On the post office he met the Frenchman, he gave him 10 thousand rubles, having received a teacher's paper in return. With these documents, he came to Troekurov and settled in the house where he loved him and did not suspect who he really is. Once in the same room with a person who was not without reason he could consider his enemy, Dubrovsky could not resist the temptation to take revenge. In the morning, Spitsyn leaves the house of Trocery, nor the word without changing the night incident. Soon the rest of the guests were left. Life in Pokrovsky flows in ordinary. Marya Kirilovna feels love for the deform and annoy himself. The definer keeps with her respectfully, and this calms her pride. But one day the definer sees the note to her, in which he asks for a date. At the appointed time, Masha comes into an agreed place, and the definer informs it that he is forced to leave soon, but before that I must say something important to her. Suddenly, he opens Masha, who he really is. Soothing frightened Masha, he says she forgave her father. What it was she who saved Kiril Petrovich that the house in which Marya Kirilovna lives, is sacred for him. During the recognition of Dubrovsky there is a quiet whistle. Dubrovsky asks Masha to give him a promise that in case of misfortune it will resort to his help, and disappears. Returning to the house, Masha caresses there, and his father informs her that the definer, according to the fellowship, not anyone else, like Dubrovsky. The disappearance of the teacher confirms the validity of these words.

    The next summer in his estate Arbatov, located in 30 versts from Pokrovsky, returns from other stairs to Prince Veresky. He makes a visit to Troekurov, and Masha amazes him with his beauty. Troceurov with daughter apply a retaliatory visit. Veresky suits them a wonderful reception.

    Masha sits in his room and embroiders. In the open window, the hand is stretched and puts the letter to her on the hoop, but at this time Masha is called to the Father. She hides the letter and goes. She cares of Veresky, and Kirila Petrovich tells her that the prince woves her. Masha freezes from surprise and pale, but his father does not pay attention to her tears.

    In his room, Masha thinks about marriage with Veresky and believes that it is better to go beyond Dubrovsky. She suddenly recalls about the letter and finds only one phrase in it: "In the evening at 10 o'clock in the same place."

    During the night date, Dubrovsky persuades Masha to resort to his patronage. Masha hopes to touch the heart of Father's Molubas and requests. But if he is inexorable and forced her to marriage, she invites Dubrovsky to appear behind her and promises to become his wife. For goodbate Dubrovsky gives Masha ring and says that if trouble happens, she will be enough to lower the ring in the hollow of the specified tree, then he will know what to do.

    A wedding is preparing, and Masha decides to act. She writes a letter to Veresky, begging him to abandon her hand. But it gives the opposite result. Having learned about the letter of Masha, Kirila Petrovich in Rioti appoints a wedding the next day. Masha asks him to not give it to Veresky, but Kirila Petrovich inexorably, and then Masha declares that he would resort to the defense of Dubrovsky. I locked Masha, Kirila Petrovich removes, ordered not to let her out of the room.

    Sasha comes to the rescue Marya Kirilovna. Masha charges him to attribute the ring in the hollow. Sasha fulfills her order, but seeing this some tricky boy is trying to take possession of the ring. A fight is tied between the boys, a gardener comes to help Sasha, and the boy lead to the Barsky courtyard. Suddenly, they meet Kiril Petrovich, and Sasha under threats tells him about the instruction, which he gave him a sister. Kirila Petrovich is recognized about the intercourse of Masha with Dubrovsky. He brings to lock the caught boy and sends for corrector. The correction and trowecors agree about something and let go of the boy. That runs to the kysterception, and from there the secretly sneaks into the Kistsenis grove.

    In the house of Trocerys go cooking for the wedding. Masha is being taken to the church, where she expects the groom. Wedding begins. Hope Masha Na Appearance of Dubrovsky evaporates. Young ride in Arbatovo, how suddenly the armed men are surrounded on the carriage road, and the man in the half mask is abuse of doors. He says Masha that she is free. Hearing that this is Dubrovsky, the prince shoots and wures it. Prince enough and intend to kill, but Dubrovsky does not tell him. Dubrovsky again says Masha, that it is free, but Masha is responsible that it is too late. Due to pain and excitement, Dubrovsky loses consciousness, and the accomplices will take him.

    In the forest, the combat strengthening of the robbing gangs, behind a small shaft - somewhat salars. An old woman comes out of one slag and asks the Karaowchik, singing a robbery, silence, because the barin is cleaned. In the slash lies Dubrovsky. Suddenly, anxiety appears in the camp. Rogues under the Dubrovsky team occupy certain places defined. Road guardians report that soldiers in the forest. The battle is tied, in which the victory is on the side of the robbers. A few days later, Dubrovsky gathers his associates and reports their intention to leave them. Dubrovsky disappears. There is a rumor that he disappeared abroad.
