The designation of the German swastika. Types of Swastika Slavs and their meaning

The designation of the German swastika. Types of Swastika Slavs and their meaning
The designation of the German swastika. Types of Swastika Slavs and their meaning

In his autobiographical and ideological book, Mein Kampf Hitler said that it was him that he belongs to the brilliant idea to make a swastika with a symbol of the national-socialist movement. Probably, for the first time, a small adolf swastika saw on the wall of the Catholic monastery near the town of Lambakh.

Sign of the Swastika - Cross with curved ends - enjoyed popular from ancient times. He was present on coins, household subjects and coat of arms from the VIII millennium to the Nativity of Christ. The swastika personified life, the sun, well-being. Hitler could see this archaic solar symbol in Vienna on the emblems of the Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

His Hakenkreuz in Hakenkreuz (Hakenkreuz is translated from German as a hook-cross), Hitler assigned to himself the fame of the discoverer, although the swastika as a political symbol in Germany appeared before him. In 1920, Hitler, who was a non-professional and talentless, but still an artist, allegedly developed a party logo design, which is a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which was a black swastika with predatory hooks.

The red color, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in the imitation of Marxists. Seeing the one-sighted deduction of the left forces under Alaya banners, Hitler noted the active impact of a bloody color on a simple person. In the book Mein Kampf, the Führer mentioned the "great psychological meaning" of characters and their ability to powerfully influence a person. But it was precisely using the emotions to manage the crowd Hitler managed to an unprecedented way to introduce the ideology of his party into the masses.

By adding a swastika red to red, Adolf gave a diametrically opposite value to the favorite defense identity. Attracting the attention of the work acquaintances in the color of the posters, Hitler, as it were, "fluttering" them.

The red color in the interpretation of Hitler personified the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement, white - heaven and nationalism, a hoo-like swastika is the work and anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Constructive work mysteriously interpreted as a sign of anti-Semitism.

In general, to name Hitler by the author of the national-socialist symbolism can not be, contrary to its allegations. He borrowed the color from Marxists, a swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearrangement of the letters) - in the Viennese nationalists. The idea of \u200b\u200busing symbolism is also plagiarism. She belongs to the oldest member of the party - Dantistist named Friedrich Cron, who submitted a memorandum back in 1919 by party leadership. However, in the Bible of National Socialism, the Book of Mein Kampf, the name of the smart dentist is not mentioned.

However, the crowns put a different meaning in these characters. Red Color Steag - Love for Motherland, White Circle is innocence for the unleashing of the First World War, the Black Color of the Cross - Sorrow for Losses in War.

In the decoding of Hitler, the swastika became the sign of the Aryan struggle with "Neochoralovka". Cross claws seem to target the Jews, Slavs, representatives of other peoples that do not belong to the race "Blond Bestiy".

Unfortunately, an ancient positive sign was discredited by national socialists. Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbolism. The ban hit both the swastika. Recently, it is somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, in April 2015 acknowledged that the demonstration of this sign outside the propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although the "reprehensive past" do not cross out, and today the swastika is used by some of the organizations of the racist direction.

There is one graphic sign that has an ancient history and the deepest meaning, but which is not very lucky with fans, as a result of which he was discredited for many decades, if not forever. This in this case is about the swastika, which occurred and separated from the image of the symbol of the cross in a deep-deep antiquity, when it was interpreted as an exceptionally sunny, magic sign.

Solar symbols.

Sun sign

The word "swastika" is translated from Sanskrit as "welfare", "well-being" (Thai greeting "Savatdy" comes from Sanskrit "Su" and "Asti"). This ancient solar sign is one of the most archaic, and therefore one of the most effective, since it is captured in the deep memory of mankind. Swastika is a pointer of the visible movement of the Sun around the Earth and dividing the year for the 4th season. In addition, it includes the idea of \u200b\u200bfour sides of the world.

This sign was associated with the cult of the Sun in many nations and is already found in the era of the upper Paleolithic and even more often - in the era of Neolithic, previously in Asia. Already from the VII - VI centuries BC e. He enters Buddhist symbolism, where he means the secret doctrine of the Buddha.

Even before our era, the swastika is actively used in symbols in India and Iran and falls into China. This sign was used in Central America at Maya, where symbolized the sun cycle. Approximately during the bronze century, the swastika falls into Europe, where it becomes particularly popular in Scandinavia. Here it is used as one of the attributes of the Supreme God of Odin. Almost everywhere, in all corners of the earth, in all cultures and traditions swastika Used as a sunny sign and a symbol of well-being. And only when she fell into ancient Greece from Malaya Asia, it was changed so that it was changed and her meaning. Turning someone else's swastika for them counterclockwise, the Greeks turned her as a sign of evil and death (in their opinion).

Swastika in the symbols of Russia and other countries

In the Middle Ages, the swastika somehow subsided and remembered closer to the beginning of the twentieth century. And not only in Germany, as it would be assumed. For someone, it may be surprising, but the swastika was used in official symbolism in Russia. In 1917, new cash bills were issued in April with advantage of 250 and 1,000 rubles, on which there was a swastika image. A swastika and Soviet banknotes at 5 and 10 thousand rubles and former in the course of 1922 were present. Yes, and in some parts of the Red Army, for example, in Kalmyk formations, the swastika was an integral part of the drawing of the disturbance sign.

During World War I, the swastika was applied to the fuselaces of the aircraft of the famous American squadron "Lafayette". Its images were also at the R-12 briefings that were in service with the US Air Force from 1929 to 1941. In addition, this symbol was depicted on the Chevron of the 45th US Army Infantry Division from 1923 to 1939.

It is especially worth talking about Finland. This country today is the only one in the world in which the swastika is present in the official symbolism. It is part of the presidential standard, as well as included in the military and naval flags of the country.

Modern flag of the Finnish Air Academy in Quahawa.

According to this defense forces on the defense forces of Finland, the swastika as an ancient symbol of happiness of the Finno-Ugric peoples was adopted as a symbol of the Air Force of Finland in 1918, that is, before it began to be used as a fascist sign. And although, according to the conditions of the Peace Treaty, after the end of World War II, Finns had to abandon its use, was not done. In addition, in clarification on the website of the Defense Forces of Finland, it is emphasized that, unlike the Nazi, the Finnish swastika is strictly vertical.

In modern India, the swastika occurs everywhere.

Note that there is one country in the modern world, where the images of the swastika can be seen almost at every step. This is India. In it, this symbol is used in Hinduism no longer one millennium and it is not forbidden to prohibit it for any government.

Swastube of the Nazis

It is worth mentioning a common myth that the fascists used an inverted swastika. Where he went completely incomprehensible because german swasta The most common - along the sun. Another thing, which was depicted at an angle of 45 degrees, not vertically. As for the inverted swastika, it is used in the Bon religion, which many Tibetans follow in our time. Note that the use of an inverted swastika is not such a rare phenomenon: its image is found in an ancient Greek culture, in the pre-Christian Roman mosaics, medieval coat of arms, and even in the Logo of the Reddard Kipling.

Inverted swastika in the Bon Monastery.

As for the swastika Nazis, it became the official emblem of the Hitler's fascist party in 1923, on the eve of the "beer coup" in Munich. Since September 1935, it becomes the main state emblem of Hitler's Germany, included in its coat of arms and the flag. And for ten years, the swastika was associated directly with fascism, turning from the symbol of good and well-being into the symbol of evil and inhumanity. It is not surprising that after 1945, all states, with the exception of Finland and Spain, in which the swastika was in symbolism until November 1975, refused to use this symbol, as compromised by fascism.

Today, many people, having heard the word "swastika", immediately represent Adolf Hitler, concentration camps and horrors of World War II. But, in fact, this symbol appeared before the new era and has a very rich story. He received great distribution in Slavic culture, where there were many of its modifications. Synonym with the word "Svaistics" was the concept of "solar", that is, sunny. Have any differences in the swastika of Slavs and Fascists? And if yes, what are they expressed in?

To begin with, we recall how the swastika looks like. This is a cross, each of the four ends of which is bent at right angles. And all the angles are directed in one direction: right or left. Looking at such a sign, it creates a feeling of its rotation. There are opinions that the main difference between the Slavic and Fascist Swastik is to send this very rotation. The Germans have a right-hand movement (clockwise), and our ancestors have left-hand (counterclockwise). But this is not all that distinguishes the swastika Arya and Aryans.

Also an important distinctive feature is the constancy of color and form at the sign of the army of the Fuhrer. The lines of their swastika are quite wide, absolutely straight, black. The background is the white circle on the red canvas.

And what about the Slavic Swastika? First, as already mentioned, there are many welder signs that differ in shape. As the basis of each symbol, of course, a cross is adopted with straight corners at the ends. But the cross can not be four ends, but six or even eight. On the lines, additional elements can appear, including smooth, rounded lines.

Secondly, the color of the swastor signs. There is also a variety, but not so sharply pronounced. Red color symbol over white background. Red color is not accidental. After all, he was the personification of the Sun in Slavs. But there are blue, and yellow colors on some of the signs. Thirdly, the direction of movement. It was previously said that it was the opposite of the fascist. However, this is not quite true. We meet and right-sided swastika from Slavs, and left-sided.

We reviewed only the external distinguishing attributes of the swastika of the Slavs and Swastika Nazis. But much more important facts are the following:

  • Approximate time of the sign.
  • The value that was attached to him.
  • Where and under what conditions this symbol was used.

Let's start with Slavic Swastika

Time when she appeared at the Slavs, it's hard to call. But, for example, the Scythians, it is fixed in the fourth millennium BC. And since a little later, the Slavs began to stand out from Indo-European community, then, for sure, they have already been used by them then (the third-second millennium to the new era). Moreover, Praslavyan, they were fundamental ornaments.

Swasting signs were overcome in use of Slavs. And therefore it is impossible to attribute the same value to all. In fact, each symbol was individual and carried its semantic load. By the way, the swastika could be as an independent sign, and to enter more complex (at the same time, it was most often located in the center). Here are the main values \u200b\u200bof Slavic Wastic (solar characters):

  • Sacred and sacrificial fire.
  • Ancient wisdom.
  • Home.
  • Unity of the kind.
  • Spiritual development, self-improvement.
  • The patronage of the gods in wisdom and justice.
  • In the sign of ValkikiChariya is a wisdom of wisdom, honor, nobility, justice.

That is, in general, we can say that the meaning of the swastika was some kind of sublime, spiritually high, noble.

Archaeological excavations gave us a lot of valuable information. It turned out that in ancient times the Slavs applied similar signs to their weapons, embroidered on a suit (clothes) and textile supplies (trenches, towels), cut out on elements of their home, homemade ego (dishes, bark and other wooden devices). All this was mainly to protect, in order to save themselves and their home from evil forces, from grief, from fire, from a bad eye. After all, the ancient Slavs were very superstitious in this regard. And with such protection felt much more protected and confident. Even mounds and settlements of the ancient Slavs could have a swastic shape. In this case, the ends of the cross symbolized the definite side of the world.

Swastube of the Nazis

  • Adopted this sign as the symbol of the Socialist Movement Adolf Hitler himself. But, we know that he came up with it. And in general, the swastika was used by other nationalist groups in Germany before the emergence of the National Socialist German Workers Party. Therefore, take the time of appearance for the beginning of the twentieth century.

An interesting fact: a man who offered Hitler to take a swastika as a symbol, initially presented a left-sided cross. But the Führer insisted on replacing it to the right-hand.

  • The value of the swastika in the fascists is diametrically opposite to such in the Slavs. According to one of the versions, it meant the purity of German blood. Hitler himself said that the cross of black color symbolizes the struggle for the victory of the Aryan race, creative work. And in general, Führer considered the swastika an ancient anti-Semitic sign. In his book, he writes that the white circle is a national idea, a red rectangle is the social idea of \u200b\u200bthe Nazi movement.
  • But where was the fascist swastika used? First, on the legendary flag of the Third Reich. Secondly, the military she was on the belt buckles, as stripes on the sleeve. Thirdly, the swastika "decorated" official buildings, captured territories. In general, she could be on any attributes of the fascists, but these were the most common.

So in the way, the swastika of the Slavs and the swastika of the fascists has tremendous differences. This is expressed not only in external features, but also in semantic. If the Slavs have this sign personified something good, noble, high, then the fascists were a truly Nazi sign. Therefore, it is not necessary, having heard something about the swastika, immediately think about fascism. After all, the Slavic swastika was brighter, more humane, more beautiful.

The four-beam swastika is a twenty-brittle, with axial symmetry of the 4th order. The correct-gear swastika is described by a point symmetry group (Schienglis symbolism). This group is generated by rotation and reflection in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation - the so-called "horizontal" plane in which the drawing lies. Due to the reflection operation, the swastika ahiral and has no enantiomer (that is, the "twin" obtained by reflection, which cannot be aligned with a source figure by any rotation). As a result, in the oriented space, the right-and leaving swastika does not differ. The right and leaving swastika differ only on the plane, where the figure has a purely rotational symmetry. At even there is an inversion, where - the rotation of the 2nd order.

You can build a swastika for any; With the figure, such a sign of the integral. For example, symbol borjugali (See below) is a swastika with. The swasti-like figure will generally work if you take any area on the plane and propagate it with rotation of times relative to the vertical axis that does not lie in the vertical plane of the symmetry of the area.

Origin and meaning

Illustration of Esbe.

The word "swastika" is a composite of two Sanskrit roots: सु, su., "Good, benefit" and अस्ति, asti, "Life, existence", that is, "welfare" or "well-being". There is also a different name of the swastika - "Gammadion" (Greek. γαμμάδιον ) Since the Greeks have seen a combination of four letters "Gamma" (Γ) in the swastika.

Swastika - symbol of the sun, good luck, happiness and creation. In the Western European medieval literature, the name of the Sun of the Ancient Prussians Pikectix (Svaixtix) for the first time is found in the Latin-speaking monuments - internally the XVII century: "Sudauer buchlein" (Ser. XV century), "Episcoporum Prussiae Pomesaniensis Atque Sambiensis Constitutions Synodales" (1530), "DE SACRIFICIIS ET Idolatria Veterum Borvssorvm Livonum, AliaRumque Uicinarum Gentium" (1563), "De Diis Samagitarum" (1615) .

Swastika is one of the ancient and archaic solar signs - a pointer of the visible movement of the sun around the Earth and dividing the year to four parts - four seasons. The sign fixes two solstice: summer and winter - and annual movement of the sun.

Nevertheless, the swastika is considered not only as a solar symbol, but also as a symbol of fertility of the Earth. It has the idea of \u200b\u200bfour sides of the light, centered around the axis. The swastika assumes the idea of \u200b\u200bmovement in two directions: clockwise and counterclockwise. Like "Yin" and "Yang", a dowel sign: Rounding clockwise symbolizes male energy, counterclocky - female. In the Ancient Indian Scriptures, the male and female swastika distinguish, which depicts two female, as well as two men's deities.

On the meaning of the swastika Encyclopedia of Brockhaus F. A. and Efron I. A. writes as follows:

This sign from time immemorial is used by the brainists and Buddhists of India, China and Japan in the ornament and writing, expressing Hi, the wish of well-being. From the east, the swastika passed to the West; Its images are found on some of the ancient Greek and Sicilian coins, as well as in the painting of the ancient Christian catacombs, on medieval bronze tombstones, on the priesthoods of the XII - XIV Art. Having granted this symbol in the first of the above forms, called the "Hammated Cross" ( crux Gammata.), Christianity attached to him the meaning, similar to what he had in the East, that is, he expressed them the grace and salvation.

The swastika happens "correct" and reverse. Accordingly, the swastika of the opposite direction symbolizes the darkness, destruction. In antiquity, both swastics were used at the same time. It has a deep meaning: the day replaces the night, the light replaces darkness, the new birth is replaced by death - and this is the natural order of things in the universe. Therefore, in antiquity there were no "bad" and "good" swastik - they were perceived in unity.

One of the oldest swastika forms is Multi-Kazia and is an ideograph of four sides of the light in the form of a figure with four cruciform curls. The swastika was understood as a symbol of four fundamental forces, four sides of the world, elements, the seasons and the alchemical idea of \u200b\u200bthe transformation of elements.

Use in religion

In many religions, the swastika is an important religious symbol.


Other religions

Widely used by Jainists and followers of Vishnu. In Jain, the four hands of the swastika represent four levels of existence.

Use in history

The swastika is a sacral symbol and is found during the upper paleolyte. The symbol is found in the culture of many nations. Ukraine, Egypt, Iran, India, China, Maverannova, Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Maya State in Central America is the incomplete geography of this symbol. The swastika is represented in oriental ornaments, on monumental buildings and at home utensils, on various overalls and orthodox icons.

In the ancient world

The swastika was found on the clay vessels from Samarra (the territory of modern Iraq), which are dated to the V Millennium to our era, and in ornaments on the ceramics of South Ural Andronovsky culture. Levo and right-sided swastika meets in the Mohenjo Daro deary culture (Ind) and ancient China river basin about 2,000 years before our era.

One of the oldest swastika forms is Multi-Kazia and is an ideograph of four sides of the light in the form of a figure with four cruciform curls. Back in the VII century BC, images similar to the swastika, consisting of four crucifically arranged curls, were known to be a rounded ends. Interesting coincidences in the image of Indian and low-immiginal swastik (points between the branches of the swastika, gear thickening at the ends). Other Early Forms of Swastika - Square with Four Planting Roundings At the edges of the Earth's sign, also of low-ancient origin.

In Northeast Africa, Stela of the Kingdom of Mero, was discovered, which existed in the II-III centuries. e. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering the afterlife, the swastika is also painted on the clothes. The rotating cross decorates the gold weights for the scales belonging to residents of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, and the carpets of Persians. The swastika is often found on the chambers of the Slavs, Germans, Pomorov, Kurys, Scythians, Sarmatov, Mordvay, Udmurts, Bashkir, Chuvash and many other nations. The swastika is found everywhere where there are traces of Buddhist culture.

In China, the swastika is used as a sign of all the deities who worshiped at the lotus school, as well as in Tibet and Siam. In the ancient Chinese manuscripts, it included such concepts as the "region", "country". Known in the form of a swastika two curved interconnected fragments of a double helix, expressing the symbolism of the relationship "Yin" and "Yang." In marine civilizations, the motive of the double spiral was an expression of the relationship between the opposites, the sign of the upper and lower waters, and also meant the process of becoming a life. At one of the Buddhist swastik, each cross blade ends with a triangle pointing to the direction of movement and the arched arch of the flawed moon, in which the sun is placed in the Floor. This sign is a sign of mystical arba, a creative quader, also called the thorah hammer. A similar cross was found to be found in the excavation of the Troy.

The swastika was depicted in the pre-Christian Roman mosaics and on the coins of Cyprus and Crete. Known ancient tapered swastika from plant elements. Maltese cross in the form of a swastika of four converging in the center of triangles - Phoenician origin. It was also known for Etruscs. According to A. Ossendovsky, Genghis Khan wore the ring with the image of the swastika, in which Ruby was in advance. This spark Osendovsky saw on the hand of Mongolian governor. Currently, this magical symbol is known, mainly in India and Central and East Asia.

Swastika in India

Swastika in Russia (and on its territory)

Various types of swastika (3-beam, 4-beam, 8-beam) are present on the ceramic ornament of the Andronov archaeological culture (Southern Ural Bronze Epoch).

Rhby-Meandrol Wasticulture ornament in Kostenkovskaya and Mezino cultures (25-20 thousand years before N. E.) studied V. A. Gorodets. So far there are no reliable data about where they first began to use the swastika, but its earliest image is not registered in Russia.

Swastika was used in rituals and construction, in a housecloth production: in embroidery on clothes, on carpets. The swastika was decorated with homemade utensils. She was present in the icons. Embroidered on clothes, the swastika could have a definite coast value.

The symbol of the swastika used as a personal sign and a symbol-charm of Empress Alexander Fedorovna. The images of the swastika are found on the hand drawn postcards of the empress. One of the first "signs" was put by the empress after the signature "A." On the Christmas card owned by it, sent on December 5, 1917 from Tobolsk Rodruge Yu. A. Den.

I sent you at least 5 drawn cards that you can always learn in my signs ("swastika"), invent a new one

The swastika was depicted on some monetary bills of the temporary government of 1917 and on some "Kerenok" printed with the clichés, which had bought from 1918 to 1922. .

In November 1919, the commander of the Southeast Front of the Red Army V. I. Shorin was published, in which a distinctive vicious sign of Kalmyk formations was approved using a swastika. The swastika in the order is denoted by the word "Lyngtn", that is, the Buddhist "Lungt", meaning - "whirlwind", "vital energy".

Also, the image of the swastika can be seen on some historical monuments in Chechnya, in particular on ancient crypts in the ITUM-KALIN District of Chechnya (t. N. "City of the Dead"). In the pre-Islamic period, the swastika was a symbol of the Sun god at the Chechens-pagans (maid-small).

Swastika and censorship in the USSR

On the territory of modern Israel, the image of the swastika was found during excavations in the mosaics of ancient synagogue. So, the synagogue at the site of an ancient settlement of Ein-Gedi in the Dead Sea area dates back to the beginning of the II century, and the synagogue on the site of the modern Kibbutz MaOh Him in the Golan altitudes acted in between IV and XI centuries.

In North, Central and South America, the swastika is found in Maya and Aztec art. In North America, Navajo tribes, Tennessee and Ohio used the swastika symbol in ritual burials.

Thai greeting Svatdy! Comes from the word shatdika (swastika).

Swastika as the emblem of Nazi organizations

Nevertheless, I was forced to reject all countless projects sent to me from all over the young supporters of the movement, since all these projects were reduced only to one topic: they took old colors and on this background in different variations were drawn a hoot-like cross. [...] After a number of experiences and alterations, I myself am a complete project: the main background of the banner is red; White circle inside, and in the center of this circle - black moth-shaped cross. After a long alteration, I finally found the necessary ratio between the size of the banner and the size of the white circle, and also stopped completely at the size and shape of the cross.

In the presentation of Hitler himself, she symbolized the "struggle for the celebration of the Aryan race." In such a choice, the mystical occult meaning of the swastika, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe swastika as a "Ariyan" symbol (due to its prevalence in India), and already approved by the use of a swastika in the German highly right tradition was established: it was used by some Austrian anti-Semitic parties, and in March 1920 G. During the Kappov Putch, she was depicted on the helmets of the Erhardt Brigade entered Berlin (here, perhaps was the influence of the Baltic States, since many soldiers of the Volunteer Corps faced with a swastika in Latvia and Finland). Already in the 20s, the swastika has become increasingly associated with Nazism; After 1933, she finally became perceived as a symbol of Nazi, as a result,, for example, was excluded from the emblems of the scout movement.

However, strictly speaking, the Nazi symbol was not any swastuby, but a four-way, with ends directed to the right side, and rounded by 45 °. At the same time, it should be in a white circle, which in turn is depicted on a red rectangle. It was this sign that was at the State Banner of National Socialist Germany from 1933 to 1945, as well as on the emblems of civil and military services of this country (although in decorative purposes, of course, used, including the Nazis, and other options).

Actually, the Nazis for the designation of the swastika served by their symbol used Hakenkreuz. ("Hackenkroitz", literal "Hook Cross", translation options are also - "crooked" or "arachnid") that is not synonymous with the word swastika (it. Swastika.), also having a walk in German. We can say that "Hackenkroitz" - the same national name of the swastika in German, as Sol Coat or "Kolovrat" in Russian or "Khakarista" In Finnish, and is usually used precisely to designate the Nazi symbol. In Russian translation, this word was translated as a "Moth-shaped Cross".

On the poster of the Soviet chart of Moore "All on" G "(1941), the swastika consists of 4 letters" G ", symbolizing the first letters written in Russian the names of the leaders of the Third Reich - Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Geering.

Geographic objects in the form of a swastika

Forest Swastube

Forest swastika - forest stitch in the form of a swastika. It is found both on an open area in the form of an appropriate schematic landing of trees and in the territory of the forest massif. In the latter case, as a rule, a combination of coniferous (evergreen) and deciduous (deciduous) trees is used.

Until 2000, the forest swastika existed north-west of the settlement of Cerenov, in the area of \u200b\u200bUkkermark, in the world of Brandenburg in the north-west of Germany.

On the hillside near the village of Tash-Bashat, in Kyrgyzstan, on the border with Himalayas there is a forest swastika "Eki Narin" ( 41.447351 , 76.391641 41 ° 26'50.46 "p. sh. 76 ° 23'29.9 "in. d. /  41.44735121 , 76.39164121 (G)).

Labyrinths and their images

Swastika buildings

Complex 320-325 (eng. COMPLEX 320-325) - One of the buildings of the naval base of the landing in Koronado (English. Naval Amphibious Base Coronado ), in the Gulf of San Diego, California. The base is under the direction of US naval forces and is the central training and operating base of special and expeditionary forces. Coordinates 32.6761, -117.1578.

The complex building was built between 1967 and 1970. The original project was two central buildings for the installation of the installation and the relaxation zone and a triple repetition of the rotation at an angle of 90 degrees to the central buildings of the L-shaped building of the barracks. The finished building got the form of a swastika, if you look at it from above.

Computer symbol of swastika

In the Unicode standard symbol table there are signs of Chinese characters 卐 (U + 5350) and 卍 (U + 534D), which are swastikov.

Swastika in culture

In the Spanish TV series "Black Laguna" (Russian version of the "Closed School") Nazi organization, developing in the depths of the secret laboratory under the boarding school, had the coat of arms in which the swastika was encrypted.


  • Swastika in European culture
  • Swastika in Roman mosaic 2 century AD

see also


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  16. Kuftin B. A. Material culture of the Russian Meshchera. Part 1. Women's clothing: shirt, pony, sundress. - M.: 1926.
  17. U. Shirer. Take up and fall of the Third Reich
  18. quote from the book R. Bagdasarova "Mystic Fire Cross", M., Veche, 2005
  19. Discussion of terms Hakenkreuz and Swastika in the Live Journal Community "Linguaphiles" (in English)
  20. Adolf Hitler, "Main Campf"
  21. Kern Hermann. Labyrinths of the world / trans. from English - St. Petersburg: ABC-Classic, 2007. - 432 p.
  22. Azerbaijani Carpets (English)
  23. Lee Hongzhi. Zhuan Falun Falun Dafa


In Russian

  1. Wilson Thomas. Swastika. Ancient famous symbol, his movement from the country to the country, with observations of the movement of some remodes in prehistoric times / Translation from English: A. Yu. Moskvin // History of Swastika since ancient times to the present day. - Nizhny Novgorod: publishing house "Book", 2008. - 528 p. - P. 3-354. - ISBN 978-5-94706-053-9.
    (This is the first publication in the Russian language of the best fundamental work on the history of the Swastika, written by the curator of the Prehistoric Anthropology Department of the US National Museum Thomas Wilson, and published for the first time in the collection of the Smithsonian Institute (Washington) in 1896).
  2. Akunov V. Swastika - the oldest symbol of mankind (selection of publications)
  3. Bagdasarov R. V. Swastika: sacred symbol. Ethnorebical essays. - ed. 2nd, corrected. - m.: White Alva, 2002. - 432 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 5-7619-0164-1
  4. Bagdasarov R. V. Mystic Fire Cross. Ed. 3rd, extra. And fixed. - M.: Veva, 2005. - 400 p. - 5000 copies. - (Labyrinths of Tyolyology). -

The word "swastika" on Sanskrit means the following: "Swali" (स्वस्ति) - greeting, wish of good luck, "Su" (सु) in translation means "good, good", and "asti" (अस्ति), which means "there is, to be "

Few people remember that on Soviet money from 1917 to 1923, a swastika was depicted as a legalized state symbolism; that the soldiers and officers of the Red Army soldiers and officers in the same period also had a swastika in a laurel wreath, and inside the swastika there were letters R.S.F.S.R. There is even such an opinion that the Golden Swastika-Kolovrat, as a party symbol, Adolf Hitler gave himself Comrade I.V. Stalin in 1920. So much legends and speculations have accumulated around this ancient symbol that we decided to tell the oldest solar cult symbol about this ancient on Earth.

The swastor symbol is a rotating cross with curved ends directed by or counterclockwise. As a rule, now all of the world all the swastor symbols are called in one word - the swastika, which is incorrectly incorrect, because Each wastuchy symbol in ancient times had its own name, purpose, guarding force and figurative value.

The swastor symbolism, as the most ancient, most often occurs during archaeological excavations. More often than other symbols were found in the ancient mounds, on the ruins of the ancient cities and settlements. In addition, depicted on various details of architecture, weapons, and household utensils in many nations of the world. Swastacious symbolism everywhere meets in ornamenty, as a sign of light, sun, love, life. In the West, even the interpretation appeared in the West, that the symbol of the swastika must be understood as an abbreviation from four words beginning with the Latin letter "L": Light - light, sun; LOVE - Love; Life - Life; Luck is fate, luck, happiness (see the postcard below).

English-speaking greeting card early XX century

The oldest archaeological artifacts with the image of a welcoming symbolism are now dating approximately 4-15 thousand years BC. (Below is a vessel from the Scythian kingdom of 3-4 thousand to our era). According to the materials of archaeological excavations, the richest territory for the use of the swastika, both religious and cultural and domestic symbol are Russia and Siberia.

Neither Europe nor India nor Asia can compare with Russia or Siberia in the abundance of welcoming symbols covering Russian weapons, steaks, national costumes, homemade utensils, objects of everyday life and agricultural purposes, as well as homes and temples. Excavations of the ancient Kurgans, cities and settlements speak for themselves - many ancient Slavic cities had a clear form of a swastika oriented in four parties of light. This can be seen on the example, Vendogard and others (below is the plan-reconstruction of the arcama).

Plan-reconstruction of Arcaim L.L. Gurevich

The swastika and the wastobile-solar symbols were the main and, you can even say, almost the only elements of the oldest Praslavyan ornaments. But this does not mean that Slavs and Aria were bad artists.

First, the varieties of the image of the swastor symbols were a great set. Secondly, in antiquity, no pattern was applied to any item simply, because each element of the pattern corresponded to a certain cult or security (faithful) value, because Each symbol in the pattern had its mystical power.

By connecting together various mystical forces, white people created around themselves and their loved ones a favorable atmosphere, in which it was easier to live and establish. These were carved patterns, stucco, painting, beautiful carpets, woven with hardworking hands (see photo below).

Traditional Celtic Step Pattern Carpet

But not only the arias and the Slavs believed in the mystical power of the swastor patterns. The same symbols were found on clay vessels from Samarra (the territory of modern Iraq), which are dated to the V Millennium to our era.

Swastile symbols in the left-hand most advocating form are found in Mohenge-Daro Poary culture (Indus River pool) and ancient China around 2000 BC.

In Northeast Africa, archaeologists have found the funeral stele of the Kingdom of Meroz, which existed in the II-III centuries of our era. The fresco on the stele depicts a woman entering the afterlife, a swastika in the paddle's clothes.

The rotating cross decorates the gold weights for the scales belonging to residents of Ashanta (Ghana), and the clay utensils of the ancient Indians, beautiful carpets woven with Persians and Celts.

The man-made belts, created by Komi, Russians themselves, Latvians, Lithuanians and other peoples, are also filled with swastor symbolism, and now even the ethnographer is difficult to understand, to which peoples include these ornaments. Judge for yourself.

Sweet symbolism from ancient times was the main and dominant almost all nations in Eurasia: Slavs, Germans, Mariers, Pomorov, Skalvov, Kurys, Scythians, Sarmatov, Mordvov, Udmurts, Bashkirov, Chuvash, Hindu, Icelanders, Scots and many others.

In many ancient beliefs and religions, the swastika is the most important and brightest religious symbol. So, in ancient Indian philosophy and Buddhism (below the Buddha stop). The swastika is a symbol of the eternal cycle of the universe, the symbol of the Buddha law, which is subject to everything. (Dictionary "Buddhism", M., "Republic", 1992); In Tibetan Lamaism - a security character, a symbol of happiness and a talisman.

In India and Tibet, the swastika is depicted everywhere: on the walls and gates of temples (see the photo below), in residential buildings, as well as on the tissues that all the sacred texts and signs are wrapped in. Very often, the sacred texts from the Book of the Dead, which are written on the funeral covers, before goding (cremation).

At the gate of the Vedic Temple. Northern India, 2000

War ships on the raid (in the domestic sea). XVIII century

The image of a set of swastik, you can observe how on the old Japanese engraving of the XVIII century (at the top of the photograph at the top) and on the non-unobed mosaic floors in the halls of the St. Petersburg Hermitage and other places (a snapshot below).

Hermitage Pavilion Hall. Mosaic floor. year 2001

But about this you will not find any messages in the media, for they have no idea what a swastika is what an oldest figurative meaning it carries in itself that it meant throughout the Millennium and means now for Slavs and Ariii and many Peoples inhabiting our land.

In these, alien for Slavs, the media, the swastika are called either a German cross or a fascist sign and reduce its image and meaning only to Adolf Hitler, Germany 1933-45, to fascism (national socialism) and the Second World War.

Modern "journalists", "historians" and obscereristic accommodation workers seemed to have forgotten that the swastika is the most ancient Russian symbol that in previous times representatives of the highest power to enlist the support of the people, they always did a swastika with state symbols and placed her image on money.

Covers in 250 rubles of a temporary government. 1917

Covers in 1000 rubles of the Provisional Government. 1917

Covers in 5,000 rubles of the Soviet government. 1918

Covers in 10,000 rubles of the Soviet government. 1918

So they did the princes and kings, the temporary government and the Bolsheviks who captured them later power.

Now, few people know that the matrices of cash bills are worth 250 rubles, with the image of a steastal symbol - Kolovrat - on the background of a double-headed eagle, were manufactured at a special order and sketches of the last Russian king Nicholas II.

The Provisional Government used these matrices for the issue of cash bills worth 250, and after and 1000 rubles.

Since 1918, the Bolsheviks are introduced into appeal new bills with advantage of 5,000 and 10,000 rubles, which depict three swastiki-Kolovrat: two colvos are smaller in lateral veins intertwined with large numbers 5000, 10,000, and large Kolovrat is placed in the midst.

But, unlike 1000 rubles, the temporary government, whose referral to the State Duma was depicted, a double-headed eagle was placed on denunciation of the Bolsheviks. The money with the Swastika-Kolovrat was printed by the Bolsheviks and were in everyday life until 1923, and only after the appearance of the USSR dennaunations, they were derived from the appeal.

The authorities of Soviet Russia in order to receive support in Siberia, created in 1918. Watching stripes for the fighters of the Red Army of the South-Eastern Front, they were depicted a swastika with Abbrevia R.S.F.R. Inside.

But also came: Russian Government A.V. Kolchak, calling for the banners of the Siberian Volunteer Corps; Russian emigrants in Harbin and Paris, and then the National Socialists in Germany.

Created in 1921 according to the sketches of Adolf Hitler party symbolism and the NSDAP flag (National Socialisttic German Workers Party) subsequently became government symbols of Germany (1933-1945).

Few people now know that in Germany, National Socialists did not use the Swastika (Swastika), but similar to it by drawing the symbol - Hakenkreuz, having a completely different figurative value - a change in the world and the world's worldview.

For many millennia, a powerful impact on the lifestyle of people had a powerful impact on the lifestyle of people, on their psyche (soul) and subconscious, combining representatives of various tribes for the sake of some light goal; Gave a powerful tide of bright divine forces, revealing the domestic reserves in people for comprehensive creation for the benefit of their birth, in the name of justice, prosperity and well-being of their fatherland.

At first, only the priests of various generic cults, religions and religions used, then began to use the weld symbols of representatives of the highest state power - princes, kings, etc., and after them, all sorts of occultists and politicians turned to the swastika.

After the Bolsheviks were completely captured by all levels of power, the need for the support of the Soviet regime by the Russian people disappeared, because it is so easier to withdraw the values \u200b\u200bcreated by the same Russian people. Therefore, in 1923, the Bolsheviks from the Swastika refused, leaving the state symbolism only a five-pointed star, sickle and hammer.

In ancient times, when our ancestors used, the word swastika was translated as he came from heaven. Since Rune - SPE meant heaven (hence and Svarog - Heavenly God), - C - Run directions; Runes - Tika - movement, coming, flow, running. Our children and grandchildren still utter the word to tick, i.e. Run. In addition, the shape - teak and now meets in the daily words of the Arctic, Antarctic, Mystic, Homiletics, Politics, etc.

Ancient Vedic sources tell us that even our galaxy has the form of a swastika, and our system of Yaril-Sun is in one of the sleeves of this heavenly swastika. And since we are in a galactic sleeve, then our whole galaxy (its ancient name - Svastie) is perceived by us as the Purunov path or the Milky Way.

Anyone who loves to look at the night painted stars may seek the Leeper of the Constellation of Makoshi (B. Medveditsa) Constellation of the Swastika (see below). It shines in heaven, but it was excluded from modern star cards and atlases.

As a cult and household solar symbol, bringing happiness, good luck, well-being, joy and prosperity, the swastika was initially used only among white people of the Great Rassa, confessing the old faith of the first-enders - inglishes, Druidical cults of Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia.

The legacy of the ancestors was informed of the news that for many millennia, Slavs used the Slavs. They were 144 species: Swastika, Kolovrat, Satorov, Saint Dar, Svasti, Swor, Solntserat, Agni, Faha, Mara; Inglia, Sunny Cross, Saltard, Jedar, Sleeping, Flower Fern, Perunov Color, Wati, Race, Conversation, Welsh, Svatok, Yarovrat, Legebra, Rodimich, Charov, etc.

It would be possible to list, but it would be better to consider further briefly somewhat solar playful symbols: their drawing and figurative value.

Vedic Symbols of Slavic Arhev and their meaning

Swastika - symbol of the eternal cycle of the universe; It symbolizes the highest heavenly law, which is subject to everything. This fiery sign people used as an overlap, which protected the existing law and order. Their life depended on the unicked if they were dependent.
Sustain- Symbol of movement, cycle of life on Earth and rotation of Midgard-Earth. The symbol of the four northern rivers dividing the ancient sacred Darary into four "areas" or "countries", in which four kinds of the Great Race initially lived.
Agni. (Fire) - symbol of the sacred fire of the altar and homely hearth. The overagic symbol of the highest gods, guarding housing and temples, as well as the ancient wisdom of the gods, that is, the ancient Slavic-Aryan Vedas.
FASH(Flame) - symbol of protective coast of spiritual fire. This spiritual fire purifies human spirit from egoism and low-lying thoughts. This is a symbol of the power and unity of the military spirit, the victory of the bright forces of the mind above the forces of darkness and ignorance.
Altarnik- Heavenly all-generated symbol of the great unity of bright births, inhabiting welding, the precho, the pains and the abode in Javi, Slav and Right. This symbol is depicted on an altar stone, near the altar, to which gifts are brought and demands of the genus Great Race.
Mattle - Hergeless symbolism, which is applied to the sacred covers and the towers. The sacred covers block the demand tables for which gifts bring and demand for consecration. Sacred trees and idols are tied up with the pushniki.
Bogodar - symbolizes the constant patronage of the celestial gods, which give people an ancient true wisdom and justice. This symbol is especially reading in priests-keepers, which the heavenly gods trusted to protect the highest gift - heavenly wisdom.
Wati. - Heavenly symbolism, transmitting an external structural image of our native Stati Star System, also called Perunov The Way or Heavenly Irium. The red dot at the bottom of one of the sleeves of the star System of the Wati symbolizes our yaril-sun.
Vaiga - Solar natural sign that we personify the goddess of Tar. This wise goddess protects four higher spiritual paths, by whom there is a man. But these paths are also open to four great winds, which seek to prevent a person to achieve their goal.
Valkyrie - Ancient charm, guarding wisdom, justice, nobility and honor. This sign is particularly reading in warriors protecting native land, your ancient genus and faith. As the security character was used by priests for the preservation of the Vedas.
Vedaman. - The symbol of the Guardian Priest, who keeps the ancient wisdom of labor of the race of the Great, for the traditions of communities, the culture of relationships, the memory of the ancestors and the patron gods are preserved in this wisdom.
Eden. - The symbol of the priest-keeper of the ancient faith of the first-enders (drop-inglengling), which keeps the shining ancient wisdom of the gods. This symbol helps to know and use ancient knowledge for the benefit of the prosperity of childbirth and the ancient faith of the first.
Velesovik - Heavenly symbolism, which was used as a protective charm. It is believed that with his help, it becomes possible to protect your loved one from natural bad weather and every misfortune when the beloved is away from home, on hunting or fishing.
Radine - Obserich sky symbol. I was depicted on the cradle and cradle, in which newborn children slept. It is believed that the Radinee gives small children joy and peace and confusion, and also protects them from the evil eye and ghosts.
Alslavs. - Fiery Crested symbol, preserving residents and dwellings from fires, family unions - from hot disputes and disagreements, ancient childbirth - from quarrels and between gravestics. It is believed that the symbol of the Allwall leads all the birth to the harmony and universal glory.
Ognevian - Fiery Crested Symbol, which gives from the Heavenly Virgin Mary all kinds of assistance and the effective protection of married women from the dark forces. It was embroidered on the shirts, sundresses, soak, and very often a mixture with other solar and oversized symbols.
Slavoless - Heavenly solar symbol that protects the health of maidens and women. He gives all the girls and women health, and married women helps to give birth to strong and healthy children. Women, and especially the girls, very often used the Slavs in embroidery on their clothes.
Garuda - The Heavenly Divine Sign, symbolizes the Great Heavenly Fire Chariot (Waitmar), on the leading god, the highest sovereign. Figurative garuda is called a bird flying between stars. Garuda is depicted on the objects of the worst of God.
Grobood - Fire symbolism, with which the natural elements of the weather became possible, as well as a slope was used as an overlap, which protects against the bad weather and temples of the Great Rating Children.
Gromovnik. - The Heavenly Symbol of God Indra, guarding the ancient heavenly wisdom of the gods, that is, the ancient Vedas. As an overlap, I was depicted on military weapons and armor, as well as over the entrances to the repository, in order to be accomplished in them with evil thoughts, they were amazing thunder.
Dani - symbol of the connection of the earth and heavenly living fire. His destination: to maintain the paths of permanent unity of the genus. Therefore, all the fiery altars for the pebble of the Burnless demand, brought to the glory of gods and ancestors, was built in the form of this symbol.
Heavenly Vepr - the title sign on the navigation circle; The symbol of the patron saint of the drawing - Rakhata. This sign indicates the connection of the past and future, earthly and heavenly wisdom. In the form of a guard, this symbolism was used by people who were inserted on the path of spiritual self-improvement.
Spiritual Swastube - Using the greatest attention from Kudesnikov, Magi, leads, she symbolized the harmony and unity: Teles, souls, spirit and conscience, and taskless power. Magitis used spiritual power to manage natural elements.
Soul swastust - used to concentrate the highest healing forces. The soulful swastika had the right to include in the ornament of clothing only priests, rising to a high level of spiritual and moral perfection.
Dukhobor - symbolizes the initial inner fire of life. This Great Divine Fire destroys all the kores and soul diseases and spirit in man. This symbol was applied to the fabric, which was covered by a sick person.
Bunny - Sunny symbol, characterizes the update in the life of the genus. It was believed that if the belt with the image of the bunny, guess his spouse during her pregnancy, then she will give birth only boys, successors of the kind.
Spiritual strength - The symbol of the constant transfiguration of the human spirit, was used to strengthen and concentrate all the spiritual domestic forces of the person necessary for creative work for the benefit of the descendants of their ancient kind or their great people.
Dhata - Divine fiery sign, symbolizing the inner and external human structure. Dhata denotes the four main elements, which are given by the creators of the creators, of which every man is created by the Great Race: Body, Soul, Spirit and conscience.
Znosny - symbolizes the fiery heavenly god, guarding the sacred restless living fire, which is revered in all kinds of Orthodox older ingling, as an eternal sorry source of life.
Inglia - symbolizes the primary life of the divine fire of creation, from which all the universes and our Yaril-Sun system appeared. In the faithful source, Inglia is a symbol of the initial divine purity that protects the world from the forces of Mraka.
Kolovrat - Symbol of the ascending Yarily-Sun symbol of eternal victory of light over darkness and eternal life over death. Color of Kolovrat also plays important: fiery, symbolizes the revival of Heaven - the update is black - change.
Charovrat- It is an overlooking symbol guarding a person or an item from guiding the Black Char. Charovrat depicted in the form of a fiery rotating cross, believing that the fire destroys dark forces and various spells.
Satisfied - the symbol of the setting, that is, leaving on the peace of the Yaril-Sun; Symbol for the completion of the creative work for the benefit of the kind and the Great Race; Symbol of spiritual perseverance of man and peace of nature.
Call - symbol of fiery update and transformation. This symbol used young people who joined the Family Union and waiting for the appearance of a healthy offspring. A wedding bride was given decorations with Colert and Solore.
Solaard- symbol of the magnitude of the fertility of the mother of raw land, receiving light, warmth and love from the Yaril-Sun; The symbol of the prosperity of the earth. The symbol of fire, giving prosperity and prosperity of childbirth, creating for their descendants to fame light gods and multi-sorts of ancestors
Source - symbolizes the initial pranodine of the human soul. Heavenly draws of the goddess of Jiva, where unconcerned human souls appear on God's light. After the formation on the kilt, the path of spiritual development of the soul goes to Earth.
Colokhort. - symbolizes the dual system of the worldview: the constant mutual existence of light and darkness, life and death, good and evil, truth and krivdy, wisdom and stupidity. This symbol was used when they asked the gods to resolve the dispute.
Molinka- A wubble symbol that protects every person from the birth of a great race: from an evil, bad word, from the evil eye and generic curse, from the statement and tissue, from the naval and favor. It is believed that Molvinets is the great gift of God's god.
Navennik - symbolizes the spiritual pathways of a person from the birth of the Great Race after death on Midgard-Earth. Four spiritual pathways are created for each representative of the four clans of the Great Race. They lead a man in his native heavenly world, from where the soul-Naja came to Midgard-Earth.
Narayana - Heavenly symbolism, which denotes the bright spiritual path of people from generic races of the Great. In the Ingliaise Narayan not only symbolizes the spiritual development of a person - this is also a certain way of life of the believer, his behavior.
Sunny cross - Symbol of the spiritual power of the Yaril-Sun and the prosperity of the genus. Used as a native charm. As a rule, the solar cross emphasized the priests of the forest, gridney and whims, which were portrayed on clothes, weapons and cult accessories.
Heavenly cross - Symbol of the heavenly spiritual strength and power of generic unity. It was used as a native charm, guarding the one who wears him, giving him the help of all the ancestors of his ancient kind and help of the kind of heavenly.
Novorodnik - symbolizes the heavenly force that helps to achieve the transformation and multiplication of the ancient genus. As a mighty coast and fertile symbol, the Novorodik depicted in ornaments on women's shirts, soaked and belts.
Ryzhik - Heavenly symbol of pure light emanating from our luminaries, Yaril-Sun. Symbol of terrestrial fertility and good, abundant harvest. This symbol was applied to the entire agricultural tool. The Ryzhik was depicted at the entrances to the resident, on the barns, Riga,, etc.
Ognevich - Fire symbol of God's god. His image is found on the idiot of the genus, on the platbands and "towels" on the rods of the roofs at home and on the shutters of the window. How the guard was applied to the ceilings. Even in the Temple of Vasily Blessed (Moscow), under one of the domes, you can see the fire.
Yarovik - This symbol was used as an overlap for the preservation of the harvest assembled and in order to avoid the case of livestock. Therefore, it was very often portrayed over the entrance to the barns, lining, sheepskin, riga, stables, cowshes, oxins, etc.
Leb neck - This symbol was the main faith for protection against various diseases. The people believed that sickness per person was satisfied with evil forces, and a double fiery sign could burn any birth and illness, clean the body and soul.
Fern flower - a fiery symbol of the purity of the spirit, possesses powerful healing forces. In the people, it is called Perunov color. It is believed that he is able to open the treasures hidden in the ground, execute desires. In fact, he gives a man the opportunity to reveal spiritual forces.
Rubeble - symbolizes the universal line, dividing the earth's life in the world of Javi and a posthumous life in the higher worlds. In everyday life, the bubbers was depicted at the input gates to the Kapieche and the Sanctuary, pointing out that these gates are the frontier.
Rysich - Ancient charging generic symbolism. This symbolism was originally depicted on the walls of the Kapple and Sanctuary, on Alatyrous stones near the altars. Subsequently, the Ryx began to be depicted on all buildings, as it is believed that there is no better overaga from the dark forces than Rasic.
Rodovik - symbolizes the light strength of the kind of generator, helping the peoples of the Great Race, has a permanent support for the ancient multi-sorts of ancestors to people who work for the benefit of their kinds and creating their descendants.
Bhognal - personifies the eternal power and the patronage of the bright gods to a person who has become the path of spiritual development and perfection. Mandala, with the image of this symbol, helps a person to realize the interpenetration and unity of four first elements in our universe.
Rodimich - The symbol of the Ecumenical Power of the kind of generator, preserving in the Universe in the original form the law of the continuity of the knowledge of the wisdom of the kind, from old age by the beast, from the ancestors to descendants. The chalk of the chart that reliably retains generation generation to generation.
Welmer - The symbol of the heavenly power of the god of the Svarog, which preserves the entire variety of life forms in the universe. A symbol that protects various existing reasonable forms of life from spiritual and spiritual degradation, as well as from complete destruction as a reasonable look.
Sonon. - An ancient sunny symbol of a man protecting and his goodness from the dark forces. Depicted as a rule, on clothes and household items. Very often, the image of Soloni is found on spoons, pots and other kitchen utensils.
Yarovrat - The fiery symbol of the Yaro-God, which controls yarre flowering and all the graceful weather conditions. The people were considered mandatory, to obtain a good crop, draw this symbol on agricultural workers: plows, braids, etc.
Svetom - This symbol personifies the connection of two great fiery flows: earth and divine. This compound generates an universal swirl of transformation, which helps a person to reveal the essence of being through the light of knowledge of the ancient basics.
Switwit - A symbol of the eternal relationship between the earth's waters and heavenly fire. From this connection, new pure souls are born, which are preparing for the incarnation on Earth in the obvious world. Pregnant women embroidered this charm on dresses and sundresses to be born healthy children.
Colladnik - Symbol of god carriages, which makes updates on Earth and change for the better; This is a symbol of victory of light over darkness and a bright day over night. In addition, giving pupins of power in creative labor and in the battle with a loudest brace.
The Cross of the Lada-Virgin - The symbol of love, harmony and happiness in the family, in the people they called Ladynets. How he was worn in mostly a girl in order to have protection from "bad eyes." And so that the power of the power of the Ladinz was constant, he was fitted into the Great Colo (Circle).
Svora - symbolizes the endless, permanent celestial movement, called - the Swag and the eternal cycle of the vitality of the universe. It is believed that if the Swor is depicted on the subjects of home utensils, then in the house there will always be wealth and happiness.
Svaor Solntserat- symbolizes the constant motion of the Yarily-Sun in the sky. For a person, the use of this symbol meant: purity of thoughts and acts, goodness and light of spiritual insight.
Saint Dar - symbolizes the ancient sacred northern pranodine of white peoples - Daria, called now: Hyperborea, Arctic, Severia, the Paradise Earth, which was in the Northern Ocean and died as a result of the first Flood.
Sadhana - Solar cult sign, symbolizing the desire for success, perfection, achieving the target target. According to the symbol, the Old Believers denoted the system of ancient rites, with which communication with the gods was achieved.
Ratiboret - Fire symbol of military valor, courage and courage. As a rule, he was portrayed on military armor, weapons, as well as on routine bargains (tags, signs) of princely druzes. It is believed that the symbol of the ratiper blinds the eyes of enemies and makes them run from the battlefield.
Marica - The Heavenly Symbol of Divine Light descending by Midgard-Earth, that is, the sparks of God. This light people from childbirth races are great for the day from Yaril-Sun, and at night from the stars. Sometimes they call the "incident star".
Symbol of race - The symbol of the Universal Union of the Four Great Peoples, Arya and Slavs. The peoples of Ariyev united together childbirth and tribes: Da'ary residents and X'ary residents, and the peoples of Slavs - Svyatarusus and Rassell. This unity of four peoples was marked by the symbol of Inglia in heavenly space. Solar Inglia crosses a silver sword (raus and conscience) with a fiery handle (pure thoughts) and the directed edge of the sword blade down, which symbolizes the preservation and protection of the ancient wisdom of the Great Race from the various forces of Darkness.
Rasic - The symbol of power and unity of the Great Race. Inglia, inscribed in a multidimensione, the sign is not alone, but four colors, in the color of the Iris eye of the childbirth race: Silver in Da'ary residents; Green in x'ary residents; Heavenly from the Svyatarusov and Fiery at the Rassell.
Dop - The symbol of the spiritual revival and insights of the Great Race. This symbol combined: Fire Kolovrat (Revival), moving in a multidimensione (human life), which joined the divine Golden Cross together (illuminating) and Heavenly Cross (spirituality).
Stribersich - Symbol of God, managing all winds and hurricanes, - Stroboga. This symbol helped people protect their homes and fields from bad weather. Sames and fishermen gave a calm water surface. Melniki built windmills that resemble the sign of the streakogo, let the mills would not stand.
Wedding - The most powerful family charm, symbolizing the combination of two births. The merger of two echiguous welder systems (body, souls, spirit and conscience) into a new single life system, where the male (fiery) beginning is connected with female (water).
Symbol of kind - Divine heavenly symbolism. The chimpets of the family were decorated with a carved knage, as well as charms, amulets and frets. It is believed that if a man is wearing a symbol of kind on his body or clothes, then no force can overcome it.
Svadcha - Heavenly fiery symbol, which is depicted on the walls of a stone altar, in which the negascique live fire burns in honor of all the heavenly gods. Svadcha is a fiery key that opens the heavenly gates to make gods brought to them.
Svarga - The symbol of the heavenly path, as well as a symbol of spiritual ascent through many harmonious worlds of spiritual perfection, through multidimensional terrain and reality, located on the golden path, to the end point of the soul, which is called the world of rules.
Casman - Star inglia, connected to a solar symbol in the center, which our ancestors were originally called the Bulletin, brings health, happiness and joy. The Custain is considered an ancient symbol that protects happiness. In the spacious people call him Mati-Gota, i.e. Mother ready.
Ostinetse - Heavenly Coast Symbol. In folk use and everyday life, he was originally called not otherwise, as the messenger. This charm was protective not only for people from the race of the Great, but also for pets and birds, as well as for a home agricultural tooth.
Star Rus - This skeleton symbol is still called the square of the spawth or the star of Lada-Virgin. And the name like has its explanation. The goddess of Lada in Slavs is a great mother, a symbol of the beginning, source, that is, origin. Other gods went from the Lady Mother and Svoraga. Each, coming to the descendants of the Slavs, has a complete right to possess a similar guard, speaking about the many-sided cultural culture of their people, around the world and always carry the "Star of Russia" with you.

Different variations of swastor symbols with no less different values \u200b\u200bare found not only in the cult and facing symbols, but also in the form of runes, which, like letters in ancient times, had their own figurative value. For example, in ancient X'ary karun, i.e. The runic alphabet, there were four runes with the image of the welded elements:

Rune Fash - had a figurative value: a powerful, directional, destructive fiery flow (thermonuclear fire) ...

Runa Agni - had figurative meanings: the sacred fire of the home of the hearth, as well as the sacred fire of life, located in the human body, and others. Values \u200b\u200b...

Rune Mara - had a figurative meaning: an ice flame guarding peace of the universe. The rune of the transition from the world of Javi into the world of light Navi (Slavov), incarnation in a new life ... Winter and sleep symbol.

Rune Inglia - had a figurative value of the primary fire of the creation of the universe, from this fire there were many diverse universes and various forms of life ...

Swastile symbols carry a huge secret meaning. They laid a huge wisdom. Each wastuchy symbol opens up a great picture of the universe.

The legacy of ancestors states that the knowledge of ancient wisdom does not accept a stereotypical approach. To the study of the ancient symbols, and the ancient legends it is necessary to fit with an open heart and a clean soul.

Do not be a corner for, but knowledge for!

Scheduled symbols in Russia, for political purposes, all who did not laziness were used for political purposes: monarchists, the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, but much earlier their swastika began to use representatives of black hundreds, then the Russian fascist party in Harbin seized the relay. At the end of the 20th century, the swasting symbolism began to use the Russian national unity organization (see below).

A knowledgeable person never poursid that the swastika is a German or a fascist symbol. So miserable only the essence of unreasonable and ignorant people, for they reject the fact that they are not able to understand and know, and also try to give the desired for the real one.

But if ignorant people reject any symbol or any information, it still does not mean that this symbol or information does not exist.

The denial or distortion of truth in the please of some violates the harmonious development of others. Even an ancient symbol of the greatness of the fertility of a mother of raw land, called in ancient times, Sollard, some incompetent people rank with fascist symbolism. The symbol that appeared for many thousands of years before the emergence of National Socialism.

At the same time, it is not even taken into account that Sollard at the rne is combined with the star of Lada-Virgin, where the divine powers were together (a malicious field), primary fire (red), heavenly forces (blue) and the power of nature (green). The only difference between the initial symbol of mother nature and the sign that is used by the pne, is the dementary of the initial symbol of mother nature and two-color among Russian national unity.

Simple people had their own names of the swastor symbols. In the villages of the Ryazan province, she was called "Kovylm" - the embodiment of the wind; On the Pechora - "Bare", here the graphic symbol was perceived as a part of the sunlight, a ray, a sunny bunny; In some places, the solar cross was called the "horse", "horse naked naked" (horse head), because a long time ago, the horse was considered a symbol of the Sun and Wind; They were called swastiki-solar and "fires", again, in honor of the Yarily Sun. The people really felt the fiery, flame nature of the symbol (sun), and his spiritual essence (wind).

The oldest master of Khokhloma painting Stepan Pavlovich Cheerful (1903-1993) from the village of Mogshino, the Nizhny Novgorod region, observing the tradition, painted on the wooden plates and the Swastika's bowls, calling her "Ryzhik", the sun, and explained: "This is the wind blasting wheezing, mechanical."

In the photo you can see the welder symbols even on a carved cutting board.

On the village to this afternoon, girls and women are delightful, and shirts, and men - splashes embroidered with savory symbols of various shapes. Bake lush caravas and sweet cookies, decorated with on top of Kovovrat, Ambassadine, Sunflow and Other Swasty Patterns.

As mentioned earlier, before the afternoon of the second half of the 20th century, the main and almost only patterns and symbols that have existed in the Slavic embroidery were welded ornaments.

But in the second half of the 20th century, in America, Europe and the USSR began to decisively eradicate this solar symbol, and eradicated it in the same way as previously eradicated: the ancient People's Slavic and Aryan culture; ancient faith and folk traditions; The true legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the legacy of the Slavic people, the carrier of the ancient Slavic-Aryan culture.

Yes, and now they are trying to prohibit any kind of rotating solar crosses in many ways the same people or their descendants, but using other pretexts: if earlier it was done under the pretext of class struggle and anti-Soviet conspiractions, now it is a struggle with the manifestation of extremist activities.

For those who are not indifferent to ancient native Great Russian culture, several typical patterns of the Slavic embroidery of the XVIII-XX centuries are given. On all enlarged fragments, you can see welcoming characters and ornaments yourself.

The use of welcoming symbols in ornaments on Slavic lands is simply inchange. They are used in the Baltic States, Belarus, Volga region, Pomori, Perm, Siberia, the Caucasus, Urals, Altai and the Far East and other regions.

Academician B.A. Fishermen called the solar symbol - Kolovrat - the link "link between the Paleolithic, where he appeared for the first time, and modern ethnography, giving an innumerable number of examples of welder patterns in tissues, embroidery and weaving."

But after World War II, in which Russia, as well as all Slavic and Aryan peoples suffered huge losses, the enemies of the Aryan and Slavic culture, began to sign equality between fascism and swastika.

Slavs used this solar sign throughout its existence

Flows of lies and fictions relative to the swastika overwhelmed the cup of the absurd. "Russian teachers" in modern schools, lyceums and gymnasiums of Russia teach children that the swastika is a German-fascist cross, compiled from four letters "g", denoting the first letters of the leaders of Nazi Germany: Hitler, Himmler, Gering and Goebbels (sometimes replaced by hessom ).

Listening to the teachers, you might think that Germany at the time of Adolf Hitler used exclusively Russian alphabet, and not the Latin font and the German mechanic at all.

Is it in the German surnames: Hitler, Himmler, Gering, Gebels (Hess), there is at least one Russian letter "g" - no! But the flow of lies does not stop.

Swastile patterns and elements are used by the peoples of the Earth over the past 10-15 thousand years, which is confirmed by even scientists-archaeologists.

Ancient thinkers not once said: "The development of a person is prevented by two troubles: ignorance and ignorance." Our ancestors were knowledgeable and vivid, and therefore used in everyday life of various welded elements and ornaments, considering their symbols of Yaril-Sun, life, happiness and prosperity.

In general, the swastika was called only one character. This is an equivalent cross with a curled short rays. Each beam has a 2: 1 ratio.

Only not far and ignorant people can displaced everything clean, light and expensive, which remained from the Slavic and Aryan peoples.

We will not be like him! Do not paint the same swastor symbols in the ancient Slavic castles and the Christian temples, on and images of multi-dimensional ancestors.

Do not destroy the same, in the whims of ignoramus and sall and naughty, the so-called, the "Soviet staircase", the mosaic floor and the ceilings of the Hermitage or the domes of the Moscow temple of Vasily bliss only because they have already drawn various swastika options for them.

Everyone knows that the Slavic Prince Prudeless Oleg nailed his shield on the gates of Tsargrad (Constantinople), but few people are now known that it was shown on the shield. However, the description of the symbols of its shield and armor can be found in the historical chronicles (drawing of the shield of the Oleg's thing below).

True people, i.e. possessing the gift of spiritual foresight and the victims of the ancient wisdom, who left people, endowed with the priests with diverse symbols. One of these most notable people was the Slavic Prince - prophetic Oleg.

In addition, he was a prince and a magnificent military strategist, he was also a high-level priest. The symbolism, which was depicted on his clothes, weapons, armor and the princely tie, tells about it in all detailed images.

The fiery swastika (symbolizing the land of ancestors) in the center of the nine-pin stars of Inglia (the symbol of the Faith of the First Persons) was surrounded by the Great Colo (the circle of patrounds of patripes), which radiated eight rays of spiritual light (the eighth degree of priesthood) to the navigation circle. All this symbolism spoke of a huge spiritual and physical strength, which is directed to the protection of the native land and the Holy Old faith.

The swastika believed, as in the talisman, "attracting" good luck and happiness. In ancient Russia it was believed that if you draw Kolovrat on my palm, then you must be lucky. Even modern students draw a swastika on the palm of the exams. The swastika drew on the walls of the house, so that happiness reigned there, it exists in Russia, and in Siberia, and in India.

For those readers who wish to get more information about the swastika, we recommend the ethnorebical essays of Roman Vladimirovich Bagdasarov "Swastika: a sacred symbol."

One generation is replaced by another, government systems and regimes are crumbling, but until then, until the people remember their ancient roots, honor their great ancestors, retains their ancient culture and symbols, until that time people are alive and live!

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