"Oh, how many discoveries to us are wonderful to enlighten the spirit." Pushkin in English: Eugene Onegin and the son of difficult mistakes

"Oh, how many discoveries to us are wonderful to enlighten the spirit." Pushkin in English: Eugene Onegin and the son of difficult mistakes

"Oh, how many discoveries are wonderful

Prepare the Enlightenment of Spirit

And experience, the son of the mistakes of difficult ... "

These lines from the poem of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are a kind of accomplishment for people and make them think about the role of experience and mistakes in their lives. What is the experience? Experience is knowledge accumulated throughout life. Is it possible to accumulate experience without making mistakes? Practice shows no. You can learn from other people's mistakes, but it is impossible to live without doing our own. Each person, appearing on the light, begins to gain experience, making mistakes to become better than they are. "Experience and errors" can be called relatives, as experience appears from the errors. These two concepts are very close and one is the continuation of the other. What role is the experience and mistakes in the life of people play?

These and other issues are a reason for long reflection. In fiction, the topic of choosing your own path, in the course of making mistakes and receiving experience, is addressed very often.

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How to become an expert?

Let us turn to the novel by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". This work tells about the unsuccessful love of Eugene Onegin and Tatiana Larina. Onegin at the beginning of the work is presented as a frivolous nobleman who has lost interest in life, and throughout the novel he is trying to find a new meaning of its existence. Tatiana seriously refers to life and people, she is a dreamy nature. For the first time, she met, Onegin, she immediately fell in love with him. When Tatyana writes Eugene a love letter, it shows courage, and puts all his love for him into him. But Onegin rejects a letter to Tatiana. It happened because then he was not yet in love with her. Feel in love with Tatiana, he sends her a letter, but then she could no longer accept his feelings. She learned on his mistakes and did not repeat them again, now she knew that she had fallen in love with such a frivolous man, she made a big mistake.

Another example, where the experience of experience from errors is traced is the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children". Evgeny Bazarov was a nihilist's whole life, he denied everything, all the feelings that could be born in man, including love. His nihylistical views were his biggest mistake. Having loved one, his world begins to collapse. He could hardly tell about his feelings that he was so Ryano denied. And alone, though Eugene loved, but still chose a quiet life and refused to him. Before the death of Bazarov, the covenant is that because of whom his world was destroyed, his love did not disappear. Before his death, he understood his mistake, but, alas, he could no longer fix anything.

So, mistakes are what allows people to accumulate life experience. And it is not so important whose mistakes are, a person must learn from his mistakes, as well as on the mistakes of others. Only so people will be able to improve and form as a person.

Updated: 2017-04-02

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It is impossible to be young and experienced. Experience - there is knowledge accumulated during the passage of life path. It is purchased not only with the last years, but also with the events that these years were filled. And these events should be accompanied by the use of practical skills. As a rule, overcoming vital difficulties. In other words, experience is the knowledge that a person acquires, correcting the consequences of his own mistakes.

New perception of the phrase "Experience - the son of difficult mistakes"

If it were not for the task to write essay in Russian and literature On a given topic, it probably would probably not soon appear such perception of the concepts of "experience" and "error". Reflections on this topic are a little different forced to look at this topic, which is also a classic example of the acquisition of everyday wisdom.

Is it possible to learn any other way

The most valuable will be the science acquired on their own burns. In other words, if it is not familiar with the feeling of pain from the consequences of a mistake, it is quite difficult to prevent it as soon as this possibility is presented. Not just to resist the temptation of Sumagovyov: "This will never happen to me."

The main purpose and value of erroneous actions

Independent mistakes give the knowledge base about how to avoid them, or from how to overcome the difficulties they caused. Such knowledge has experience. Experience is a priceless luggage, which in skillful hands turns into a powerful life tool that helps not only in personal affairs, but also gives the right to send and instruct people, such knowledge of not having.

How to use the error to turn into experience

First of all, it is necessary not to allow the error to kill your own life aspirations. So that she did not make their hands and lose life guidelines. The attitude to the error only as an important, inevitable educational life milestone will help to get out of the situation that she led to the dignity. This is my personal opinion.

Thoughts inspired by writing

On the one hand, I would not like to allow critical vital mistakes. On the other hand, by writing and analyzing this essay, you begin to understand that the careful avoidance of errors brings suffering - it will not be able to achieve this anyway. But the useful and important experience that they bring can have once a good service. It should probably simply be balance between their quality and quantity.

Entry to the story

The so-called "First Arzrum" Notebook Pushkin: Paper binding, 110 blue sheets, and on each - red gendarme number (by the death of the poet notebook viewed Third branch).

Chernoviki "Travel to Arzrum". Drawings: Circass, still some head in papakh. Again draft lines: "Winter, what to do to me in the village ...", "frost and sun; Wonderful day ... "Outline of the last chapters "Onegin":

1829 year. Youth ended, from under the pen there are no too fun lines:

On the turn of the 18th and at the beginning of the 19th Sheet of the same notebook - a small, difficult to disassemble the draft.

Only in 1884, the grandson of the Decembrist Vyacheslav Evgenievich Yakushkin already familiar to us, Vyacheslav Yakushkin published two and a half. And when - already in our time - the full academic meeting of Pushkin was prepared, a turn and all the others came ...

At first Pushkin wrote:

Thought is not immediately given, the poet apparently finds that Mind and work - Too simple, defiating images. Gradually, they are displaced by others - "Bold Spirit", "Hard errors".

And suddenly appears "happening":

And the case, the leader ...

Later - a new image: "Case - blind":

Then more:

And you are blind inventor ...

And the case, God is inventor ...

Poems are not finished. Pushkin moved only two and a half row and for some reason left the job.

This text for the full academic collected works by Pushkin was preparing Tatiana Grigorievna Tshekovskaya. She said that she was sorry for her wonderful lines in TU, the final part of the third volume, which was intended for non-core, rough options: after all, the poems will become less noticeable and because they are less known ... In the end, the editors decided to put among the main texts of Pushkin Two and a half white lines published by V.E. Yakushkin, and two more and a half lines, which Pushkin did not consider the final, but who still became the "last will of his will":

*** 1829.

The first asteroids and Uranus are already open, Neptune's turns. But the distance is not yet measured to one star.

Already from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt walks a steamer, referred to as "Piroskaf", but did not hear the steam locomotive in Russia.

The scientific departments of thick magazines are already expanding, and one of the journals even takes the scientist name - "Telescope". But no one else knows where the origins of the Nile and that Sakhalin is the island.

Some poets even before (for example, Shelley) were taken seriously to find the exact sciences, but others (John Kitts) - condemn Newton for the fact that that "Destroyed all the poetry of the Rainbow, decomposing it on its prismatic colors."The Frenchman Dagger at that time is close to the invention of photography, but in all the writings of Pushkin only twice the word "electricity" is used (he reasoned that the phrase: "I can't let you start writing poems" Not good - more correct, "Write poems", And notic further: "Is it really an electrical force of a negative particle should pass through all this chain of verbs and respond to a noun?").

Finally, such important people already live in that world, like Father Mendeleev, Grandpa Einstein and Praparadyashki and Praprababushki almost all today's Nobel laureates ...

So it is special that Pushkin admires science and is waiting "Discoveries wonderful", - Who does not admire? Onegin and Lensky discussed "Fruits of science, good and evil." Even the last man of Faddia Benediktovich Bulgarin printed exclaims:

"Do you think about what I thought was sitting on a steamer? .. who knows how high science will rise in a hundred years, if they rise in the same proportion, as they have a job! .. Maybe my grandchildren will be on To ride the car to the gallop over the waves from St. Petersburg to Kronstadt and return through the air. All this, I have the right to assume, sitting on the car, invented in my time, being separated by iron bluff from the fire, and the water planning; By car, conquered two opposite elements, water and air and wind! "(Journalistic enthusiasm Faddey Benedictovich seems to be no less deep than exclamation and "meditation" of many newsrians who were published throughout the hundred thirty subsequent years about the steam locomotives, glisers, airships and jet passenger liners ...)
In the seventh chapter of "Onegin" Pushkin is mocking over the utilitarian - on the Bulgarian manner - a view of "scientific and technological progress":

So discussed about science at the end of the 20s of the XIX century.

But, moreover, at that time he looked at science even romantically, suspecting her a little in witchcraft. MemoMist, whose name almost no one will say anything now, so recalled about the famous scientist P.L. Shilling:

"This is a Caliostro or an approaching one. He and an official of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and says that he knows Chinese, which is very easy, for no one can contradict him ... He plays two parties in Chess Suddenly, without looking at the chessboard ... He composed For the ministry such a secret alphabet, that is, the so-called cipher that even the Austrian so skilled secret office and in half a century will not have time to read! In addition, he invented the method of pleasing distance by means of electricity to produce a spark for the litigation of mines. In the sixth - that very little is known, for no one has a prophet of his land, - Baron Schilling invented a new image of the telegraph ...

It seems unavailable, but over time and improvement, it will replace our present telegraphs, which, with foggy unclear weather, or when the dream attacks the telegraphians, which is as often as fogs, are made silent "(telegraphs then were optical).

Academician M.P. Alekseev writes that at the end of 1829, Pushkin communicated with Shilling, watched his discovery, was going to and with him to China and, perhaps, under these impressions and sketched the line "About how many discoveries of wonderful ...".

But still unusual - Pushkin and science ... True, friends and acquaintances testified that the poet regularly read in magazines "Useful articles on the sciences of natural" So what "None of the sacraments of science they were not forgotten ...".

But in that notebook, where "scientific lines" discovered, everything else - about poetry, history, soul, literature, village, love and other quite humanitarian objects. So was a century. Following the shitubrants it was assumed that

"Nature, excluding some mathematicians-inventors ... condemned them[That is, all other representatives of the exact sciences] on gloomy unknown, and even this genius inventors are threatened by oblivion if the historian does not adopt the world about them. Archimeda owes his glorious Polybia, Newton - Voltera ... A poet with several verses no longer dies for offspring ... The scholar, barely known for life, is already completely forgotten on another day of death ... "
As is known in the memoirs of classmates Pushkin in the Tsarsko Selo Lyceum,
"Mathematics ... In general, they studied only in the first three years; After, when moving to the highest area, it is deadly all tired, and at the lectures of Kartseva, every one ordinaryly was engaged in something else ... in the whole mathematical class there was a lecture and knew what was taught, only Walkhovsky was taught.
What is important to say Pushkin about science? Apparently, no more, but no less than was able to say about Mozart and Salieri, without knowing how to musitize, or about a stingy, never stumbling ...

The poems "How many discoveries to us are wonderful ..." remained unfinished. Perhaps the science that only "began", did not open the poet to the end. And maybe Pushkin simply distracted something, he sent the idea of \u200b\u200b"severly" to return to him later - and did not return ...

Meanwhile, the 1830s began, and with them one story, a strange, funny and instructive, which is now the time to tell it in Pushkin biography, which is now time to tell. It seems almost nothing in it in common with those reasoning about the science and art, which we just had speech. But internally, deeply this connection is available, and since the story we're going to tell, not quite "serious", it is likely to help us in the affairs of the most serious.

So - the story of "Copper and unfit" ...

Copper and unsuitable


Puskly, I ask your Excellency again to forgive me my mind.

My Bride's great-grandfather once received permission to put in his estate the Linen Plant Monument to Empress Catherine II. The colossal statue, cast on his order from bronze in Berlin, was completely failed and could not be erected. For more than 35 years, she is buried in the bodle of the estate. Money merchants offered 40,000 rubles for it, but the current owner, Mr. Goncharov, did not agree to this. Despite the uglyness of this statue, he prevented her, as a memory of the great sovereign blessings. He was afraid, destroying her, lose the right to the construction of a monument. Suddenly, the decisted marriage of his granddaughter found him surprise without any money, and, except for the sovereign, unless his late August grandmother could bring us out of difficulty. Mr. Goncharov, although reluctantly, agrees to sell a statue, but fears to lose the right to which values. Therefore, I feel more. I ask your Excellency not to refuse to work out for me, firstly, permission to smell the named statue, and secondly, gracious consent to preserve Mr. Goncharov's right to erect, - when it will be able to do this, - a monument to the benefactor His families.

Take, general, assurance in my perfect devotion and high respect. Your Excellency Nearby and Polar servant

Alexander Pushkin".

Somewhat later Pushkin admits: "My intercourse with the government is like rainy weather: remember then the rain, then the sun."And if you keep this comparison, so the sun harvested in the spring of 1830.

In fact, in the 1828th poet only four times applied to the second person of the state (and through it through it - to the first); In 1829 - even less: reprimand from Tsar and Chief gendarmes - and the answer of the perpetrator; From January to May 1830, seven letters of Pushkin to the chief and five answers of Benkendorf was preserved.

Just a month and a half before the letter about "Cossal Statue" sun Standing almost in the zenith.

Pushkin: "I get married to Mr. Goncharova, which you probably saw in Moscow. I received her consent and the consent of her mother; Two objections were made to me at the same time: my property condition and my situation regarding the government. As for the state, I could answer that it is enough, thanks to His Majesty, who gave me the opportunity to love with his difficulty. Regarding my position, I could not hide that it was false and doubtful ... "

Benkendorf: "As for your personal position, in which you are delivered by the government, I can only repeat what you told you many times: I find that it fully complies with your interests; It can not be anything false and dubious if you yourself do not make it like that. His imperial majesty in the father about you, the gracious sovereign, the care deigned to entrust me, General Benkendorf, is not the chief of gendarmes, and the person who he honors his trust, - watch you and instruct you with his advice; There was never any police orders to have supervision for you. "

Since General Benkendorf allows him to consider it simply by General Benkendorf, Pushkin seems to be the only time enjoys this right and allows himself some jog in a letter addressed to (according to Gogol classification) is not just significant, but the person is significant. And Benkendorf probably smiled, after reading: "In addition to the sovereign, unless his late August grandmother could bring out of difficulty ..." And the August grandson, probably laughing.

Indulgent mockery of three enlightened people over a fussy old old century ( "Vintage people, father!"), above his accounts with the late empress and its copper-ugly copy: the heroic refusal of 40000, which was given for the statue, but moreover, the august incorruptible grandmother has long been imprisoned in the basement - but seey sacrificed to her granddaughter, but more than 80 years "No means" The owner still hopes to erect another monument, but attended, probably, he remembers that thirty years before his birth is not that blasting - an inadvertent fall in the mud of coins with the August image was awarded to the whip and Siberia.

Laugh enlightened people.

Alexander Sergeevich plays delicate comparisons: Grandfather Goncharov - Grandaughter's granddaughter; Grandma (and Statue) Catherine - Grandson of Grandma (Nicholas I). The poet, probably, recalls his recent trip to the Laldy Plant near Kaluga, where a remarkable acquaintance with the grandfather and a unique conversation about the royal grandmother took place.

Unfortunately, unfortunately, of the conversation and Pushkin replicas at the appearance of a copper empress. Later will write about one more friend, atten to visit the grandfather: "Imagine it in TETE-A-TETE plants with a deaf old man. Izvestiya rushed us to fear. "

The chief, laughing, continues to the poet that supervision that - "Never a police ..." (Recently, it was revealed that formally secret supervision of Pushkin was canceled ... in 1875, 38 years after death. Just forgot to manage it in time!).

The sovereign, laughing, does not notice the request, not very hiding in the middle of a Pushkin joke: if the money for the wedding you need to extract the mirror of a bronze statue, whether Benkendorf is easier to be told or someone else - to give the right amount, which was often done and there was also a moral rules. quite decent?

The king did not notice, but in general - the most favorable ...

40 000 - This amount would have walked the case at first. Natalia Nikolaevna has no dowry, Pushkin to give a damn, but the Goncharov will not be announced one of their idlers; And Pushkin would be happy to lend them a round sum, thousand ten "redemption" so that this money returned to him (or not returned) in the form of dowry; I would be glad, yes the goal itself - and it is necessary to urgently get thousands of forty to inhibition.

paper No. 2056.

"Your Majesty

Alexander Sergeevich!

The sovereign of the emperor, lifelieving myself to your request, about which I had to report to His Imperial Majesty, Highestly expressed his entertainment on the melting of the Blessed Statue of the Blessed Memory of Empress Catherine II, with the provision of Him, G. Goncharov, the right to erect when the circumstances will allow him to fulfill this, another decent monument to this august chariter of his last name.

Notifying about this, the gracious sovereign, I have the honor to be with perfect reverence and sincere devotion,

your Majesty,

your humble servant. "

"Your Majesty

I had the happiness to receive a letter of your high-speed from the 26th month. I owe your favorable petition to the all-consumption of the sovereign to my request; You and I offer familiar, heartfelt thanks. "

So the story began, nowadays more and more popularity.

The playwright Leonid Zorin issued a "copper grandmother" in the title of his interesting plays about Pushkin, set in Mkate.

Researcher V. Rogov finds about "grandmother" Interesting details in the archive ...

The recent dynasty of recent landing, later millionaire breeders and new gonlard nobles. The elderly founder of the Afanasy Abramovich dynasty ("Prapradishka") NIC falls to Catherine II plants.

"Stand up, an old man," she said, smiling.

The owner: "I am before your Majesty, not an old man, but seventeen years old".

Soon, the Goncharov ordered the statue of the Empress; In 1782, the very thing that knocks out on another copper monument, put by Peter the first Catherine second. Maybe this is a coincidence and not by chance: Mother gives the honors to Peter, but who will give her?

While they were cast, the monument was taken - from Berlin to Kaluga, - Catherine II managed to die, and the new owner of Afanasy Nikolaevich - at that time, the young, hot, but already eldest in the family and the full owner, - Athanasiy Nikolaevich made the statue hiding in the basements from the wrath of motensenvittle Paul I.

Five years later, when the beloved grandmother's favorite grandmother Alexander appears on the throne, the third "political movement" occurs around the copper figure:

Athanasius Goncharov asks permission to erect her in its limits, he gets the highest consent, and ... and then thirty years old - all the Board of Alexander and the first years of Nikolai - there was a larger to free from the dungeon of Pavlovsk Uznitsa: the loyalty is manifested, in St. Petersburg know about the fact that Kaluga Chtutu Augusta grandmother, and pretty.

For the fourth time, the statue awakens no high politics, but a low life: no money!

The colorful passages of the "Goncharovsky Chronicles" are preserved - letters, diaries, memories for those years that the grandmother is waiting for her hour ...

300 people palace; orchestra from 30-40 musicians; Orangery with pineapples; One of the best hunting departures in Russia (huge forest hikes for several weeks); The third floor of the Barsky House - for Favorite; Folk Memory - "Lovely lived and a good gentleman was, merciful ...".

But here is the balance of pleasures and losses: "The decisted marriage of his granddaughter found him surprise without any funds."

For Afanasiya Nikolaevich and a half million debt.

The draft of the Pushkin Epistle preserved, from which our narration began.

The most interesting difference between it from the final text - the price: "Copper traders offered 50,000 for it, - Pushkin began, but then corrected - “40000”, - Obviously, showing proper skepticism to the brave memories of the grandfather (then we will see, how much were the statues in 1830-1840!).

Forty thousand -

"Think you older; To live for a long time, - I am ready to take your sin to your soul. Open me only your secrecy. Think that the happiness of a person is in your hands; What is not only me, but my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will bless your memory and will honor her like a shrine.

The old woman did not answer. "

There were no three cards. There was a money. In writings and letters Pushkin - a whole encyclopedia of monetary worries: Attempts to bring ends meet, live by their work, build your small house, "Temple, Fortress of Independence."

His business - rhymes, stanza; However, among them - despicable prose, light laugh, epistolary curse, tedious refrain:

"Draw, damn it!"

"Money, money: the main thing, they came to me. And I will tell you thank you. "

The first letter of the copper statue is May 29, 1830, and about a week before - to a friend, the historian Mikhailus Pogodinu:
"Make a favor, tell me if I hope to have 5000 p. per year 10 percent or 6 months. 5 percent. - What fourth action? "
The last phrase is not about money - about inspiration, the new play of the buddy. But do you remember about the fourth action in such circumstances?

Every other day:

"Make your dealers, help. By Sunday, I need money certainly, and you have all my hope. "
On the same day as Benkendorf, May 29, - once again they will be:
"Rescue, if possible - and I will pray for you with my wife and with small detours. Tomorrow will you see you and is there anything ready? (In the tragedy, it is understood). "
And in the next weeks months continuously.

Let's go:

"Two thousand better than one, Saturday is better than Monday ...".
Let's go:
"Glory to the High God, and on Earth you, kind and respectable! Your 1800 r. Issigns received with gratitude, and the other than you would rather get, those let me beat. "
Let's go:
"I feel that I get bored for you, but there is nothing to do. Tell me, make a favor when I can hope to get the remaining amount. "
Let's go:
"I heartily thank you, kinds of Mikhail Petrovich, get a borrowed letter the other day. How do you think the letter of Chayadaev? And when will you see you? "
The last phrase is again a breakthrough to the sublime: "Philosophical letter" Chaadaeva is discussed.

Cash ghosts are bizarre - sometimes in poetic, sometimes ominous - connect with others.

Uncle Vasily Lvovich dies:

"The troubles for this sad occasion upset again my circumstances. I did not have time to get out of the debt, as it was forced to overall. "
In Moscow, cholera, and the costly friend Nachichokin is sent to Pushkin order, "That was certainly alive":
"First, because he owes me; 2) Because I hope to be; 3) What if he dies, who will not be in Moscow to call the words of living, i.e. Smart and friendly. "
The "Golden Gate" of the future house-fortress erected tightly, between those who are once friendly, but with the jealous, warning female voice:
"I'm afraid for you: I am scared by the prose face of marriage! In addition, I always believed that only complete independence gives genius, and the development of it contributes to a number of misfortunes - that full happiness, durable, long and, in the end, a little monotonous, kills the ability, adds fat and turns the middle Hands than in the great poet! And maybe it is precisely this - after personal pain - I struck me most at the first moment ... "
Loving, left Elizabeth Khitrovo challenges: happiness kills the great poet. Pushkin is responsible as it should be answered by a lady on a similar message:
"As for my marriage, your considerations would be completely fair, if you were less poetically judged about me. The fact is that I am a man of the middle hand and do not have anything against adding fat and be happy - the first lighter than the second. "
With all the secular polishing response, the interlocutor is still noticed that "PREPARATION OF FAT" and "Addition of happiness" - Things different. "Ah, what for the damned thing Happiness! .."

Another lady, more sincere and disinterested, will write a little later:

"We sympathize with unhappy from peculiar egoism: we see that, in essence, we are not alone unhappy.

Only a very noble and disinterested soul can sympathize with happiness. But happiness ... This is great "perhaps", as Rae or Eternity said. In the matter of happiness, I am an atheist; I do not believe in it, and only in the society of old friends I get a little skepticm ".

Old friends, however, in those days it is written:
"I taught Katerina Andreevna[Karamzino] About my engagement? I am confident in her participation - but give me her words - they are needed by my heart, and now not quite happy. "
"Baratsky says that only a fool is happy in the grooms; And a man is disturbing and worried about the future. "
"If I'm not unhappy, - at least not happy."

"Perhaps ... I didn't have the right, it believes that happiness was created for me."

Old friends strive to turn "Atheist of happiness" - in the believer, and what is at least the encouragement of Uncle Vasily Lvovich, sent hardly a month before his death:
"Cute Pushkin, I congratulate you, finally you formed and join decent people. I wish you to be as happy as I am now. "
Delviga is still released with happiness and life smoothly for eight months.

Feast and plague approach.

"Here is a letter from Afanasiya Nikolayevich ... You can not imagine what it makes me a predicising position. He will receive a resolution that is so achieved ... worse than just that I will forestain new deferments, it can truly take out patience. I am little in the world. You are waiting there with impatience. Lovely ladies ask me to show your portrait and can not forgive me that I have no. I consoles the fact that I stand for hours in front of the blonde Madonna, like two drops of water; I would bought it if it were not worth 40,000 rubles. Athanasia Nikolayevich should endure an unsuitable grandmother on her, once so far he failed to park her. Seriously, I'm afraid that it will delay our wedding, if only Natalia Ivanovna * will not agree to entrust me for care for your dowry. My Angel, please, please. "
* Natalia Ivanovna - Mother of Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova.
Bronze queen, without having come out of the basement, becomes characteristic. It depends on the happiness of young, but it persists, does not give up forty thousand, unsuitable, is jealous of Blond Madonna.

At a distance of 800 versts from each other, the creation of the Berlin Master Wilhelm Christian Maeier ("Grandma") and the work of the Brush of the Italian Peerzhino (Madonna) participate in the fate of Pushkin's poet, who laughs, grumbling - but revives, revitalizes canvas and bronze.

By the way about metals ... With all the difference of copper and bronze (that is, the alloy of copper and tin) is the difference that influenced the whole millennium of ancient civilizations (copper century - not at all what bronze!) - for Pushkin and his readers (from "Iron Age") there is no special difference:

"Copper", "Copper" - these words of Pushkin loved. In writings - 34 times, a little less than "iron" (40 times); Copper - ringing, loud, shining ( "Copper praises of Catherine Orlov", "The radiance of the caps of these copper", "and guns of the Copper Light Stroy"); But there is a copper forehead, and "Copper Venus" - Agraphen Zakrevskaya, that is, a monumental woman statue. *

* After finishing the book and preparing it for printing, I met an interesting study by L. Eremin, where it was proved that, no matter how diverse the use of Pushkin words copperStill, compared to bronze, this is some "humiliation", and the poet knew what he did when he replaced the more noble bronze less poetic copper. Observation is very interesting and requiring new reflection ...
Meanwhile, selecting the best metals and alloys for epithets, the poet has at least three grandmothers in front of him:

Unreal "The one of the bronze" ...

The real, tsarist - Catherine the second, to which the turn will soon reach in the "History of Pugacheva", "Captain Daughter", articles about Radishchev.

True, Goncharovskaya: not the divorced wife of Grandfather Afanasiya (who walked from the factories from the man's grinding for another twenty years ago, moved crazy, but all the cursing "fool in Athos"), - We mean the grandmother Petersburg on the maternal line, and what!

Natalia Kirillovna Zaglyazhskaya, 83-year-old (however, and Pushkin will survive), remembering, and quite well, Empress Elisaveu Petrovna, Peter III, Orlovy.

"You need to tell you about my visit to Natalia Kirillovna: I come, they are talking about me, she takes me for his toilet, as a very pretty woman of the last century.

- Do you marry my grandchildren's niece?

- Yes, madam.

- That's how. It surprises me very much, they did not notify me, Natasha did not write about it, (she meant not you, and Mama).

I told her that my marriage was decided quite recently that Afanasia Nikolayevich and Natalia Ivanovna, etc. etc. She did not accept my arguments:

Natasha knows how I love her, Natasha always wrote me in all the circumstances of his life, Natasha will write me, - and now that we have come down, I hope, sir that you will often visit me. "

Three years later, in the "peak lady":
"Countess ... kept all the habits of his youth, strictly followed the mods of the seventies * and dressed as long as long as a diligence, like sixty years ago."
* Pushkin implies the 70s of the XVIII century.
Five years later, the priesthood conversations will be recorded about those times when "Ladies played in Pharaoh", when in Versaille was invited au Jeu De La Reine * And when the late grandfather argued grandmothers that "For half a year, they kept half a million, that under Paris there are neither near Moscow, nor Saratov."
* Queen game ( franz.).
A.A. Akhmatova will record:
"... at the direction of Pushkin himself, the old Countess in the" peak lady "- KN. Golitsyn (and in our opinion Zaglyazhskaya) ".
Many events, hopes, grandmothers ...

Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Linen Plant, to lead from Paris about the revolution, the overthrow of Bourbon, some fun madness is a special prebodinian summer of 1830. Vyazemsky reports his wife from the capital:

"Here you find that[Pushkin] Very fun and generally natural. Well, if I had to return to Moscow with him. "
And Pushkin wants just to Petersburg, for in Moscow quietly, tedious.
"And among these Orang-Uthanov, I was convicted of living at the most interesting time of our century! .. My marriage is postponed for another and a half, and God knows when I can return to Petersburg."
However, the bronze lady and the factory grandfather do not give all the money, and the path to the wedding lies through Boldino, and meanwhile will approach the time in which "Manifold profitable" Another hero, a neighbor's neighbor in Nikitskaya Street Underman Adrian ...

*** From Boldin - Bride:

"Now I will write Athanasia Nikolayevich. He, with your permission, can withdraw from patience. "

"What are you going now? How are things going and what grandfather says? Do you know what he wrote to me? For her grandmother, according to him, they give only 7,000 rubles, and there is nothing to disturb its privacy because of this. It was worth raising so much noise! Do not laugh at me: I'm in rabies. Our wedding is exactly running from me. "

A month later:
"What grandfather with his copper grandmother? Both are alive and healthy, isn't it? "
"I will tell you (for a secret) that I wrote in Boldin, how long ago I did not write."
Finally, Grandfather Goncharov:
"Gracious Sovereign Grandpa

Athanasius Nikolayevich, I hurry to inform you to be greasy and prepute yourself to your fatherland, like a husband of the invaluable grandchildren of yours, Natalia Nikolaevna. Our duty and desire would be to go to the village, but we fear you to concern and do not know whether our visit will be at all. Dmitry Nikolayevich * told me that you still worry about the dowry; My strengthened request is that you are not upset for us already upset estimates; We are able to wait. As for the monument, then, being in Moscow, I can't take it for the sale of it and give it all this thing for your favor.

* Brother Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharova.
With the deepest reverence and sincerely sons devotion I have happy to be, the gracious sovereign grandfather,

Your humble servant and grandson

1831 Moscow.

Among cholera, off-road, panic, ingenious poems and prose, expectations of happiness or gap - grandmother, which is suddenly, not worth forty thousand: this is what symbol!

And from the very beginning, it seems, - deception: V. Rogov found that Goncharov's great-grandfather paid 4000 sculptor; "Pricing" from here is already visible - four, seven, from the strength of ten thousand! As for grandfather forty, fifty, one hundred thousand - so it can't a former millionaire confess the shameful cheapness: it's like new gloves that sometimes buy instead of lunch ...

Instead of a forty-fighter grandmother - 38,000 for Boldino: "Gorryukhinsky" lands and souls are poor, minor, and between the latest heads of Onegin, small tragedies, the agents of Belkin for the same Bolden table, on the same paper is trusted by the fastened painter of Kireev, to make it 200 shower lay and get:

"... I laid my 200 souls, took the 38000 - and here it was the distribution: 11,000 who certainly wanted her daughter to be with dowry - writing gone. 10,000 - Nastokhin, for revenue from bad circumstances: Money is true. It remains 17000 on the origination and life of a year. "
This money is not for long, but the courtesy of grandfather, in order for Alexander Sergeevich himself, the grandmother of the Moscow breeders deviates.

Instead of accessing with the factory empress, Catherine Alekseevna Pushkin prefers to seem with the Gorrychinsky landowner Ivan Petrovich Blokin.

"Nothing to do; You will have to print my story. I will first go to the second week, but to the holy and tess. "
With grandmother - farewell, grandfather - forgiveness.
"I do not think and do not complain - for my chaison is not one of the outside, and I do not consider the donation of what I had to do."
It's time, my friend, it's time ...
"I am married - and happy; One desire is mine, so that anything in my life has not changed - I will not wait better. This condition for me is so new that it seems I was reborn. "

"My business is better than I thought."

"Now it seems to everyone and I will have to live slowly without the mother-in-law, without a crew, in effect without high costs and without gossip."

Away from Moscow aunts, grandmothers, debts, mortgages, orang-utanov - everywhere bad, but ...

I prefer to miss differently ...

So things are immersed, and the belated worst Athanasius Goncharova: "Throughout the circumstances will correct and accept the best turn ..."

Moreover, from a linen plant, the old Zerekomodnik seems to be Alexander Sergeevich, if the Minister of Finance, Benkendorf, the Sovereign, will immediately regret the new benefits, will give money, and it seems that no citizens of the Russian emperor presented the court connections of Alexander Pushkin so strong as Ex-millionaire from under Kaluga.

But from the capital to the cholera, military, the Buntov summer of 1831 to the factory basements are completely far from:

"Grandfather and mother-in-law chopped up and glad that God sent them to Tazhenka man of such humble."

"Grandfather Either Gugu."

"I'm afraid, so that Grandfather Hercule praised" (On one friend).

Meanwhile, moreover, the circumstances are increasingly serious. Pushkin are waiting for the first child, and after a short break in the stamps of the poet, old motives appear - "There is no money, we are not up to holidays" - And thousands, tens of thousands of debt.

About the old friend Mikhail Sudyenka informs his wife:

"He has 125,000 income, and we, my angel, is ahead."

"Grandfather Pig, he gives his concubitant to marry 10,000 dowry."

And then, at the beginning of cloudy days, the obsertic ghost is again.

*** Pushkin - Benkendorf:


Two or three years ago, Mr. Goncharov, grandfather of my wife, much needing money, was going to melt the colossal statue of Catherine II, and it was to your Excellency that I was addressed about this permission. Assuming that it is just about the ugly bronze stick, I did not ask for anything else. But the statue turned out to be an excellent work of art, and I advised and regretted destroy it for several thousand rubles. Your Excellency with the usual kindness filed the hope that I could buy my government; So I ordered it to bring her here. Facilities of individuals do not allow neither to buy nor keep it in themselves, however, this beautiful statue could take her place with her either in one of the institutions founded by the Empress or in the royal village, where her statues lacking among the monuments erected in honor of the Great The people who served her. I would like to receive 25,000 r. What constitutes the fourth part of what she cost (this monument was cast in Prussia by the Berlin sculptor).

Currently, the statue is located in me, Furshtatskaya Street, Alimov House.

I stay, General, Your Excellency The Nearie and Polar servant

Alexander Pushkin".

The case is simple: the grandfather is going to die (and in two months will die). Debt one and a half million. And here - the secular conversation, obviously recently held by Pushkin with the chief of gendarmes: the continuation of those vintage smiles-jokes about the resolution on the smelting, "What except the Empress itself could help."

So guess the question of the chief about the statue; Maybe caused by Pushkin hints on a small salary, requests for the publication of the magazine.

"Your Excellency ... I sued the hope that I could buy my government."
And grandfather breaks up with grandmother. On several carts - with the corresponding escort - the monument moves from the Kaluga to the courtyard of one of the Petersburg houses.
"Empress in the Roman military shell, with a small crown on the head, in a long, wide dress, with a tower for a sword; in a long tower falling from the left shoulder; With a raised left hand and right, based on low, raised by tax, which lies the detailed book of laws, it has been published, and on the book of medals, marking the great things. "
This time the letter to Benkendorf is completely business and diplomatic.

The first diplomacy - as if Pushkin had not previously watched the statues and only now saw her. Maybe, although at the meeting two years ago in the factories, - did the grandfather do not boast before the groom's granddaughter's bronze benefactor? And Surely the groom refused so bizarre spectacle as a great grandmother in the basement?

If Pushkin really did not see it before, it means that the words about the colossal and ugly statue borrowed the poet two years ago, and it gives all the old history with the delivery of the monument from Berlin to the Castle of Goncharov special funny (ordered, watched drawings, They paid - and acquired, in their opinion, "the colossal urba"!).

Diplomacy The second - one hundred thousand paid once for the mother-grandma: probably the legendary number, easily composed by a grandfather, is just as easily turned into 40000 and then falling six times ... Pushkin, however, it could hardly distinguish the truth, and who could hardly Could you say, how much was the statue in 1782 and how much fell in price for the attachment?

The third diplomacy is the image of Catherine.

There is no Monument to the Queen in St. Petersburg (now that now on Nevsky Prospect is put in half a century). Two monuments Peter argue: "Peter first - Catherine Second. 1782 ", and Mikhailovsky castle: "Pradeda - great-grandfather. 1800 " (Underlined by Pavel direct relationship: what compared to this the right of Catherine, who she is Peter?).

But here there are delicate circumstances.

Of course, officially, externally, Nikolai I honors august grandmother, and loyal Alexander Pushkin affectionate to the former Queen; Even throws an implicit one in the letter, but a well-visible reproach: different in the capital "Empress-based institutions"; In the royal village - from the lyceum days familiar marble characters of the XVIII century, "Catherine Eagles" (And among them the cousin grandfather Ivan Hannibal), the very same Queen somehow went around.

However, the formula of the court polishes - the husk: what is the grain, what is really?

And if neither the utilitarian goal is to get money, please correct the case at the expense of the statue, - but after all, the theme of the monument arises ... Just during these months, 1832, Ekaterininskaya time is increasingly invaded in paper, important reflections of Pushkin (History of Suvorov, smoothly and disguised in the history of Pugachev; Radishchevsky motives). Statue, Copper Grandma, - Of course, a random coincidence, an episode - but the episode "By the Word", "to the case". And if you have to get to the bottom, then I must say this: Nicholas I grandmother (not copper, of course, his own) dislikes; Members of the surname, even the heir, does not allow reading her scandalous memories - "disgraced the genus!" *.

* Pushkin, by the way, was a list of this super-recreat, frankly cynical document, and the poet gave the Great Princess Elena Pavlovna, the wife of the royal brother, and she "Comes from them crazy", And when Pushkin perits, in the list belonging to him manuscripts, the king will see the notes of Catherine II and write: "To me", Removes, confiscates.
Former king, Alexander I, according to the official and even adopted in the royal family of terminology - "Our Angel";but internally, about myself, Nikolai believes that the older brother is the culprit, the "dissipant", which caused and who did not stop the rebellion on December 14 ...

Alexander I, as opposed to Father, Paul, usually and constantly connected, tied in words-thoughts with grandmother: Alexander - Catherine; Liberal grandson is an enlightened grandmother. Nikolai I grandmother did not know (she accepted him during childbirth and four months old died). He is much more interested in his father, Paul (whom, however, also does not remember), - looking for romantic, knitting roots ...

But what does Pushkin think about the old queen?

It's easy and quickly not to say, but if we try, we note a constant duality: Catherine gave the relaxation (compared with Biron and other sinister persons on the throne or in the throne); She encouraged the enlightenment:

This is in the free, lawlessness "message censor". And at the same time (1822) - in another free essay:

"But over time, the history will evaluate the influence of its reign on the moral, it will open the cruel activities of its despotism under the larger of meekness and tolerance, the people opposed by governors, the treasury, crueling with lovers, will show important mistakes of it in political economy, insignificance in legislation, disgusting phlebism in intercourse with The philosophers of her century - and then the voice of the seduced Voltaire will not save her glorious memory from the curse of Russia. "
A little later in unfinished naughty verses poet "sorry the great wife", which lived

Here the look is mocking, which is constantly coming to the views serious. Moreover, the real assessment seems to be impossible without mocking seasonings.

And the copper grandmother from the cellar is not a good reason; This figure so naturally stacked in the old jokes, the diffilams and the audacity of the "Great Wife", as if Pushkin knew about her ten years ago. And even if with Benkendorf and the king on this subject, it is possible to take a slightly to be treated, then friends and friends, right, were not shy:

"Congratulations to a cute and charming wife with a gift and heavy ... Have a headset Catherine Great - whether a joke? The thought of buying a statue has not yet completely matured in me, and I think and you do not sell it to them, she does not ask for food, and meanwhile, my deeds will correct, and I will be able to obey my whim.

How I remember, in a conversation with me about this purchase, you did not tell any amount, you told me - I will sell you by weight Catherine; And I said, and the filed to her, she and started at the court without one(Baise Maine).

I have no intention to overflow it in the bell - I have no bell tower - and in my village, siling Orthodox to dinner, the amount of Orthodox is used. And they immediately converge. "

The famous Ivan Ashov ("Ishka") Matlev, the author of Madame Kurdyukov, famous in his time, and Sickle Kalamuburi: baise Maine. Hand kissing, court etiquette, and heartless * - Scales, subject trade; By the way, the Pushkinskaya "speech", uttered, is visible, with a joint inspection of the statue: "I will sell you by weight Catherine" (and, it seems, it is added that you can pour bells from it).
* Both words, Russian and French, are pronounced almost equally.
So, Catherine - by weight (again, the pun: "by weight" and "hang"), and at the same time, this is a statue that "lacks among monuments" either in the capital or in the royal village.

Jokes-additives, "split" history on "important" and funny.

In addition, the question of the monument is extractive memory - Pushkin in general over the years is more and more interesting. To whom the monument? What to remember?

Most of all reflections, of course, about another copper monument. Even in Poltava, four years earlier, it was said:

Madly galloping Peter-Fighter, the pursuer, forcing the poet to stop, think, worry, frighten:

And where do you lower your hooves?

But on the way from Petrovsky Times in Pushkin - Big "Century Catherine", whose not to avoid.

It was in the "year of the copper grandmother" began a Pushkin journey from St. Petersburg to Radishchev, Pugachev, the rebellion of the times of Catherine, without which neither grandmother or her time to understand.

To the "double" grandmother, the poet now seems to be indulgent than ten years ago; He looks attentively to some serious features of her time, responds somewhat better; still it is quite possible "Sell by weight", and at the same time "This wonderful statue should take the place-like place."


"In Mr. Honored Rector of Martos, Galberg Academicians and Orlovsky note is the following. The greatness of this statue, the casting is one and thorough treatment, or the chasing one in all parts, not to mention the importance of the person depicted, and, therefore, about the dignity of the work, as a monumental, which it would be unforgivable to use any destination for another purpose, deserves attention Governments; As for the price of a statue of 25 thousand rubles, we find it too moderate, for one metal, it is possible to believe, there is at least twelve thousand rubles in it and, if you can order this statue now, then she is of course It would cost three or four times more expensive prices, asking for G. Pushkin. With this, we must declare across all justice that the work of this is not alien to some visible deficiencies in relation to the writer of drawing and style; However, if you take a century for the consideration, in which the statue of this is done, it can not scratch the weakest of the works at the time in Berlin. "
Monuments have their own destiny. Academician himself and honored rector Martos, who arguing about Bronze Catherine, first put his famous monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square thanks to a somewhat strange circumstance. The Ambassador of the Sardinian Kingdom of Count Joseph de Mestra king sent different projects of the monument to two historical persons, which a foreigner, according to his own admission, did not hear anything. Count de Ment, as a brilliant stylist and too brilliant, as well as the reactionary Catholic thinker, knew a lot about elegant arts and gave his voice to the best ...

Now, many years later, Martos himself, along with two colleagues, decides the fate of the creation of the long-dead German masters. Phrase from Reviews Academics - "If you take into the consideration of the eyelid, in which the statue of this is done" - It will not leave us, the inhabitants of the 20th century, indifferent: that's how it is good and the fortresses were the century, XIX, - stability, Quality, inviolability, reasonable faith in progress! We, near 2000, we doubt that when evaluating the work, you must make a discount on "The age in which it is done", We argue whether the art goes ahead or moves on some sly spirals.

Where is the art perfectly - in the sculptures of Rodin or in the portrait of Nefertiti? In the ultra-city city of Brazilia or in Acropolis? It is clear, Martos stated the obsolence, the non-modeity of the German statue - this conclusion was done and will do in any century; But it is unlikely that the most authoritative master, appreciating the shortcomings of the creation presented to the title, would add naive, unshakable in its conclusion, of course - "If you take a thought mind ...".

However, whether the phrase was not stopped by the penis of the Minister of Finance, the German German, Fruz Fartsevich Kankin, who was able to reduce without a deficit even the fret of the Budget of the Nikolaev Russia; Or - in the hidden form slipped the abnormality of the August grandson to the August grandmother - and the "fitting place" for Catherine II in this reign was not foreseen?

"But over time, history will assess the influence of its reign on the moral ..."

"... I will like to make a gram. I still did not sell my statue, but I will sell for anything. By the summer there will be troubles. "
Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkin - Minister of the courtyard (Alexander Sergeyevich is awkward once again to write, but with money so bad that you have to use the last chance; since the appearance of a copper grandmother in St. Petersburg, the Pushkin, by the way, have already managed to change the apartment, then they will move even yet, Leaving the monument to the courtyard decoration near the house of Alomov on Furshtatskaya Street):

I intended to sell the imperial court a bronze statue, which, as I was told, cost my grandfather in a hundred thousand rubles and for which I wanted to get 25,000. Academicians who were sent to inspect her, said she was worth this amount. But, not receiving any more news about this, I take courage, prince, resort to your indulgence. Do you want to purchase this statue or the amount that my husband appointed for her seems too big? In this latter case, it is impossible to at least pay us the material value of the statue, i.e. The cost of bronze, and pay the rest when and how much you want. In favor of accepting, prince, assurance in the best feelings of the devotees to you Natalia Pushkin. "

Minister - Natalia Nikolaevna:
"Petersburg, February 25, 1833.

Sleeping sovereign,

I received a letter that you were so kind to send me ... Regarding the statue of Catherine II, which you suggested selling the Imperial Yard, and with the greatest regret I have to report that a very cramped position in which the Imperial Dvor is currently Allows it to spend the amount so significant. Allow you to assure a freeing sovereign, in the greatest readiness, with which without this annoying circumstance, I would petition for His Majesty about permission to satisfy your request, and accept the respectful feelings with which I have the honor to be, a challenged sovereign, your respectful and submissive servant.

Prince Peter Volkonsky. "

"Statue ... Food does not ask."
He's a year later:
"My paper is ready and awaited - when you order, we will get a job. Ready in thoughts and exemplary commemorations - but you can't do anything to feed the soul, is there any of the second volume of Korekovitsky? Is there anything as interesting? Is there anything a great wife? - I expect your order. "
"Ishka Petrovich" did not bought the statue, but in the form of compensation supplies Pushkin some materials about Pugacheva, Catherine Time and expects something "As interesting" pro "Great Wife" (Again a hint of Pushkinsky mischievous lines "I'm sorry for the great wife"). Not one Matlev, many are waiting for Pushkin to cut out, will catch his monument to Queen; Sensitive historian and journalist Pavel Petrovich Svignin is already convinced that the monument will be gold:
"I imagine how curious will be to see the Great Queen, our Golden Century, or, Better to say, mythological reign under the pen is yours! Right, this subject is worthy of your talent and work. "
Pushkin also sometimes imagines themselves with a sculptor, metallurgist and suddenly writes to his wife:
"Do you ask me about" Peter "? It goes ample; I collect Motherly - I'm put in order - and suddenly the catch of a copper monument that cannot be dragged from one end of the city to another, from the square to the square, from the alley in the lane.
It is written on May 29, 1834, exactly four years after the first phenomenon of the copper grandmother.

A few months before these lines - the second Boldin autumn.

Solar and prohibited "Copper Horseman" (Pushkin will record - "Losses and troubles").

Composed and issued to print more grandmother - "peak lady."

New approach and attack "Powerful Lord of Fate", For what you need to plunge into the archives.

But the archives and Peter the Great almost elude:

Pushkin almost rummates with the palace, where he is readily reading his intercepted letters to his wife. Before rows about the "copper monument", in the same letter dated May 29, 1834, were such:

"Do you really think that the Pussy Petersburg is not fat to me? What do I have fun in it to live between pascvilles and denunciations? "
But still think about the lengths of Peter just given: "Monument ... which can not be dragged ..."

We are not quite clear to us, but Pushkin-Goncharova, probably, easily guessed, because Alexander Sergeevich did not make it difficult for her complex historical and literary arguments and, if so, wrote about a copper monument, - obviously, it is a szvuk some conversations, jokes, both understandable.

"Copper rider" is almost a year, as finished, but after reading the lines from the letter about the monument, "from the square to the square, from the alley in the lane," do not remember -

The rider is medical, but still forbidden ... There is another copper monument, high in 4.5 ARSHIN; It is her, copper and unfit, while standing in immobiles in Furshtatskaya, have previously drags them out of one province to another and now, maybe it will be possible - "From the square to the square, with the alley in the lane."

Two copper gigans, which, with all the huge difference of their destination, "drag", move or must move, but to them in a row, maybe you will comply with another Prasrat, which "It will not be dragged": Peter - in the "Stories of Peter" ...

Do not hold imagination to the poet: I wished - and are hundreds of Russian and foreign heroes -

But the will of the verse is stronger than Napoleonic and Tamerlanovskaya: he wants - and the ghosts will go, how much please!

The statue of the Commander moved in the fall of the 1830s.

The copper rider rushed in autumn of the 1833rd.

Peak grandmother - at the same time.

And in fairy tales of what only does not happen - the demon, the Golden Cockerel, the White Swan, the Gold Fish, - but we are not about fairy tales: about real living ghosts.

Time, what is it?

Gogol comes to life Portrait; Nose walks along the capital; Venus Illyskaya Suschard an inconspicuous well done in the story of Proster Merim.

Time - what? "Romantic Peak" passed. In the XVIII-early XIX century, ghosts, perfume, the statues came to life easily and usually (however, the parodies for mysterious, romantic incidents were also quite common).

The literature of the past, admissal times "on the part of mystical" - about spirits, ghosts - a lot was allowed.

Now the reader opened, for example, the "peak lady".

After the title it follows the epigraph to the whole story:

"Peak lady means a secret ill-witness. "The newest gadetan book". "

First look: in the epighet, nothing special, the illustration to the fact that it will happen - Troika, seven, lady, her ill-witness for the hero ... The second look will delay in the word "Newest": The newest courted book, that is, the latest word released by the metropolitan printing house, "the last word" ... Pushkin does not impose thoughts - only a fast smile, which we are free to notice or not to notice, - but what is the load on the word "newest"! "The newest" means the best, the most intelligent, most advanced - or no one? Specifications of "dense old old" - a lady of peak and its threats - suddenly supplied with a super-modern label.

It is about the same as if today the existence of ghosts and demons justified with references to the latest works on quantum physics or cybernetics.

The time of "peak ladies" - enlightened ... But did the world be smarter than, freely or ghosts are overcome even more? After all, if the book is "the newest one," hence, before it was "new", "not very new", "long-standing", "old" ... But the main thing - Gaden book went out, comes out, will go out; The market, the need for it is. All this, obviously, need to be very much ...

Of course, Pushkin was far from the task that the modern lecturer would call the "struggle with superstitions". It is known that they were not alien to him. He may be trying to understand why the hell is trying to understand the best, enlightened people. By the way, we note that Hermann is an engineer, a representative of one of the most modern professions ...

That's how many associations can appear with a slow reading of one epigraph; Maybe ... although all this is not necessary. Pushkin does not insist: in the end, he created a story about the peak lady, and the epigraph of the story is also about her, that's all ...

Pushkin, Merim ... Did they really mystics, creators of ghosts and horrors? Direct emitting of spirits and the revival of monuments is still ridiculous, it is impossible. It would be the first to grow out ... But the copper rider, the commandor, the peak lady is not at all funny.

How to be?

Here you need to bring some apologies.

In the courtyard of the house on Furshtatskaya there is a bronze Catherine, about which Pushkin probably remembers not often, and if recalls, then with a joke or monetary prose ... everything is so; But moreover, the grandmother, compared with very important and famous his copper, stone, disembodied contemporaries and contemporaries - grandmother begins to speak in their choir.

As inserted, from the wind that blows in November from the Gulf of Finland, suddenly, it turns out, breaking happiness, love, the benefit of a small man; but not because some Lord of Fate I decided sometime "Here will be the city laid"?

Different, extremely distant, prior to the term invisible circumstances are connected, define fate - and "There is no protection of the protection."

Engineer Hermann could think about the fact that even before he hears the story of Tomsk about the three cards, longly even before his birth, the events were already taking place for his life: Grandmother Anna Fedotna Tomsk, her loss, meeting with Saint-Germain - And if the Countess then did not end the money, if ... if ... (Happiness is great "may be"!), Then three cards would not appear on Herman's path, nothing would happen; And if so, it turns out, fate plays with him - you need to play with it with it; at least for a short time, on the moment to become the Lord of Fate, - like the rider as the other - "This husband of fate, this wanderer's broken, who was humiliated by the kings, this rider, a wedded papier", - Napoleon; And the poor engineer has noticed Napoleon's profile ...

Pushkin imagination: it sometimes sets the hard puzzles to the reader. For example, "Pushkin Ghosts"; They are not, and they are. The hero must go crazy (Eugene) or get drunk (Hermann) to see the ghost, but the heroes go crazy, fall into ecstasy, suddenly noticing, feeling the terrible elusive "lines of fate", which, having fallen on them, come to some kind of Form, figure: rider, commander, lady peak ...

And then suddenly it may seem that the copper rider is not falconed, not a city, not the state, but - he himself created this city, the state, flood.

Copper Catherine was not brought by old potterovy, hidden, issued, not a family of Pushkin and their guests was examined, discussed, but the devilish dewilders themselves: hiding, goes out, promises big money for his copper body, deceives, mocks, pursues, sold - and does not want Sold ... From the city to the city, in the squares, the alleys followed by the new beloved, so much knowing about her age and about her enemies.

Joke, fairy tale ... "Fairy tale lies, yes in it hint" ...

All this, it is necessary to assume, had an indirect, implicit, maybe a subconscious connection with his grandmother and her like; Looking at the Statue, Alexander Sergeevich thought mainly about how from her copper to get the appliances ...

*** Pushkin:

"If the Count Cankrin drives us, then we have a graph of Yuriev."
From business paper:
"Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - bill of exchange for 9000 rubles, Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkin - bill of exchange for 3900 rubles Guards people No. 1 of the company Mr. Wasil Gavrilovich Yuriev for a period of February 1, 1837."
Pushkin - Alimova:
"Sleeping sovereign

Love Matveevna,

Puskly, I ask you to stay Mr. Yuryev to take your statue of your copper from the courtyard, there.

With true reverence and dedication, I have the honor of being a free sovereign

Your funeral servant Alexander Pushkin. "

The last letter, as V. Rogov proves, applies about the same time (autumn 1836), when "Count Yuriev" I gave money to the poet Pushkin; I gave out before February 1, i.e. Until the term exceeded by three days the remainder of Alexander Sergeyevich's life.

The copper rider lies in the office without the right to exit.

The copper lady stands in the courtyard in Alyomov with the right to sell, the smelter - anything; But, like his peak contemporary, at the last moment deceives, winks ...

Hermann, as you know, put for the first time, on the top three, 47 thousand rubles (Pushkin has a calculation: first, he supplied Hermann 67 thousand, but then it probably decided that this was a bit: because, judging by the German accuracy amount - not 45 , not 50, namely, 47 thousand - it can be seen that Germans put all his capital to a penny!). On the second card, Seven, stood 94 thousand; At the Aces - 188 thousand. If successful would have formed capital in 376 thousand banknotes ...

Alexander Sergeevich duty at the time of his death, the debt to friends, the treasury, bookseller, merchants, "Count Yuryev" accounted for 138 thousand.

For the copper grandmother, according to the confidence of the late Afanasiya Nikolayevich, was given 100 thousand.

"We are positively known- reports forty years later, a multi-rival gunner and a historian Peter Bartenev, - that A.S. Pushkin sold the breeder to beard a large bronze statue of Catherine for three thousand banknotes. " Obviously, from Yuryev, the monument went to Berd ...

The price is small, but about this was the "order of numbers" and then when the grandfather threatened to give 40 thousand, and they gave seven ...

APGYE MESSAKHMAN, TO PETERBURG Misty, Radiant Absurd, who so well felt Gogol, Dostoevsky: for some reason the copper statue in some kind of yard, for some reason, the chamber-user uniform, for some reason, family letters are revealed - and another reprimand for Ropota this occasion; For some reason, the giant power of the Spirit, thoughts, creativity - and never was so bad.

In the autumn of 1836, a six-year history of the relationship of the Pushkin family with a copper empress is completed.

How the life of Alexander Sergeyevich's life after several months is completed.

For the epilogue of history, it is impossible not to note the appearance of the "copper rider" in the first posthumous book of the "Contemporary" (with the seizure of some places). As for another bronze giant, then the preserved information, as almost everything connected with the Pushkin, acquire a value that goes beyond the limits of a simple chronicle.

Ekaterinoslav landowners Brothers Korostovtsev reveal the statue in the courtyard of the Foundry Plant Berdy, among all the trampoline and scrap, appointed in the melting for casting bas-reliefs of St. Isaac's Cathedral. The thoughts comes to the brothers that the city of Yekaterinoslav is a suitable place for the empress. It turned out that Nicholas I, visiting the plant in order to promote metallurgy, notifies the statue, "I learned to inspect her, admired and found a great similarity with the original"(that is, with portraits known to him). The admiration did not cause desire to buy - grandmother all in opal.

However, Berd, feeling important buyers, told Korostovtsev a lot of interesting: and that the statue was brought by the once bright prince Potemkin (and in fact - nothing like that!); And that the hand did not raise melted, although 150-200 pounds of copper are not a joke (so finally the grandmother's weight); and that the sale of a monument to England can take place; And that if there is a buyer in Russia, the price will be 7,000 silver or 28,000 assignments. About Pushkin - Not a word ... It is unlikely that the owner did not know about the origin of the figure. But, obviously, the version of Potemkin is more profitable for sales: none of his life, nor after death, the poet never learned to sell copper monuments

The empress examines two very important specialists - the Count of Vorontsov and Count Kiselev. In their letters, approve of sending grandmother to the south, there is also no Pushkin, and it is possible that they did not report. But both are the old acquaintances of the poet on his young southern years; And Pushkin, imagining this scene, would certainly have been "satired" (there was such a verb at that time) - after all, both graphs and an adjutant general were already immortalized. One - not very flattering:

Another column is not at all flattering:

Half-liter, half-cup ...

One way or another, but two large generals examined the grandmother; And these were the most important participants of her fate, after King and Benkendorf were smiling at her occasion.

The new price of the old woman was quite acceptable. There was a subtle moment, because, say, for too cheap price, 3 thousand banknotes (750 silver), buy a statue for the decoration of the provincial city was indecent. So - 28 thousand ...

The monument of 4 and a half Arshina height is delivered at the Cathedral Square of Ekaterinoslav.

After 1917

the city changes the name and monument. In Dnepropetrovsk, the statue is overthrown, buried to the ground, after dirty; Finally, it turns out in the courtyard of the historical museum, among democratic stone women - monuments of the era that neither metal nor kings knew.

From the captured by the fascists of the city, the trophy team takes the statue. Three tons of metal will go to Germany, to the "place of birth" and the Empress itself, and her bronze similarity - to war against Russia and its allies.



Puskly, I ask your Excellency again to forgive me my mind ...

Keepingly I ask your Excellency not to refuse to work out for me, firstly, permission to smell the named statue, and secondly, - gracious consent to preserve Mr. Goncharov's right to erect when he will be able to do this, monument to the benefactor of his family .

... I stand for hours in front of the blonde Madonna, similar to you, like two drops of water; I would bought it if it were not worth 40,000 rubles. Athanasia Nikolayevich should endure an unsuitable grandmother on her, once so far he failed to park her.

... for the grandmother, according to him, give only 7,000 rubles to her, and there was nothing to disturb her privacy because of this. It was worth raising so much noise!

... I will sell by Weight Catherine.


... The statue turned out to be an excellent work of art ... I would like to get 25,000 r.

... whether it is impossible to at least pay us material value, i.e. The cost of bronze and pay the rest, when and how much you want.

... Puskly, I ask you to stay Mr. Yuryev to take your statue from the courtyard, there is located.

... And suddenly the catch of a copper monument, which cannot be dragged from one end of the city to another, from the square to the square, from the alley in the alley.

Random photo captured the image of a copper grandmother in 1936.

The lines dedicated to her prove her presence in Pushkin biography. Pushkin thoughts and images - about science, art, state, about the world secrets, the discoveries of wonderful, - all this rushed nearby, concerned, threw, invited to complicity.

The thing is animated in the brilliant owner.

No owner, no things - an extractor forever ...

About how many discoveries are wonderful ...

A.S. Pushkin:

About how much discoveries wonderful

Prepare the Enlightenment of Spirit
And experience, the son of difficult mistakes,
And genius, paradoxes friend,
And the case, God is inventor ...

In Soviet times, four lines of Pushkin vecisage served as a screensaver in the TV show, the Cupitsa "Obvious - incredible", and the fifth line was omitted, as not fit in a temporary context - because of the words "God" or for another reason. This fifth unimposed line suggests ...

Wonderful discoveries (new knowledge, revelations) are preparing:

- Enlightenment Spirit
Pro-Cup (h) - what shines, illuminates. Spirit of Light. Wave of light. The Spirit of Light replaced the "Holy Spirit". The word "SPE" on Sanskrit means "his", "own". Sveti himself, enlighten, do not wait for miracles from "holiness", and the result will not slow down!

- Experience, the son of difficult mistakes
O-Pytt (attempt) is always associated with the difficulty of overcoming - the ancestors could be mistaken, and you are not an exception, before you learn a lesson, you have a lot of cones (o-shib, y-shib). The joint experience of previous generations, former incarnations is in parallel with the Spirit of Enlightenment.

- Genius, paradoxes friend
Among the Russian words, Pushkin has only one Greek origin - a paradox (from other-grade. Παράδοξος - an unexpected, strange from Dr.-Greek. Παρα-Δοκέω - I seem). What can exist in reality, but does not have a logical explanation.
Prefix "Couple" means "outside", "outside", "Doks" - "Doctrine" (Wed. With Lat. Doctrina Teaching is a scientific, philosophical, religious, etc. System of views). If "orthodoxia" is "the right opinion, the doctrine that I am confessing, the Slav" (ὀρθός - "straight", "correct" + Δόξα - "Opinion", "Glory"), then paradoxes - out-doctrine. Here is my genius and friend!

But what happened to the eyes: the only "foreign" word of paradox strongly resembles the Russian word of the speech-dock (well, the "parade" derived from it). By Ra Dok. (Latin alphabet, as is known, comes from Etruscan).
What do we get?
According to RA, scientists (according to Ra Mni (thoughts) on Ra Slav).

Genius is the spirit of home, genus genes, the legacy of previous lives and incarnations. Genius is friendly with paradoxes. The genius lives at Ra to the hell, it opens space (the order of things in a row, golden chain of life).

- Case, God inventor
From the usage agent is not the one who at-acquires, but the one who receives knowledge from the outside - (for example, having studied the poultry wing, builds an aircraft). Inherent often thanks to the tips from the outside (a solution comes in a dream).

What is the tea? (Did tea have heard tea? Word tea!)
The word "case" refers to the tree of words behind the root under: (First of all, the verb is heard (from him - glory, hear (hearing), word, syllable, case, thought, village, universe, etc.)

The second part of the word - tea (see dictionary of Fasmer: from Dr.-Russk. Caiaty "Expect, hope," St.-Slav. Chaѩthi, Chaѭ (Wed with Bulgaria. Tea Sea "Person, I go where to look", Serboorv . Chajati, Chajem "Waiting", Sloven. ČAJ "Wait", Polish. Przyczaić Się, Dr.-Polsk. Czaić Się "Arrange an ambush, truded, sneak up." Praslav. * ČAJATI "Praslav. * Čajati fears. "
In the dictionary of the Ushakova, examples are interesting: "I didn't have a challenge, stupid, remain orphan" (Nekrasov). "I didn't care, as well as waiting for such joy!" (A.OSostrovsky). "And how are you happy to make your people?" (Wings). "Souls do not care" (common. Expression). "Moving on a narrow path to the Elizavtian source, I overtook the crowd of men of Stat and Military, who, as I learned after, was a special class of people in between water movements" (Lermontov).

What do we get in the end? The case is a causing word (word of meaning), what is heard (sounds in the universe). Rumor is associated with sound, with the word. That is a person and the lyrics with the gift of words and hears. He ties (waiting) from the Universe Tips and God of Inventions The case is here like here!

Nothing supernatural. Have only developed rumor, flair, patience. Error you will understand distorted - you can throw your unsuccessful invention, your bike on square wheels. You will understand the hint right - you will gain good luck, and, thanks to the occasion, you will make a discovery, you will acquire useful for development, you will become an assistant to life, a member of the universal game, and others come to her!

Genius Pushkin begins with Oh, opening an endless space for discoveries ...


A.S, Pushkin:

"Providence is not an algebra. Mind<еловеческий>, according to an ordinary expression, not a prophet, but a guess, he sees a common course of things and can bring out of it deep assumptions, often justified by time, but it is impossible to anticipate the case of a powerful instantaneous tool of providence. "

According to the Fascue, the case comes from the verb to be racing

Iru.-Russian. Lucky (UKR. Lucity "Metty, Find", BLR. Lauche "happen, getting,", St.-Slav. Louchi τυΓάάάειν, Bulge. Bulch "IS IS IS IS," SERBEKHORV. SUCH CHE "CONTACT, COMPLETEMENT", SLELNED. LUČíTI "Throw, throw", Cesh. Lučiti "throw, getting", Polish. ɫuczyć "Metty, getting."
Origin. "Watch for something, wait", From here," Metty, get, throw, getting, "relatively lit. Láukiu, Láukti" wait ", Suláukti" wait, live, get, "Susiláukti is the same, Dr.-Prusska. Laukīt" Search "; on the other step vowel alternations: lit. Lūkiù, Lūkėti "wait", LTSh. Lũkât "Look, trying", Nùolũks "goal, intention", dr.-ind. LṓStē "sees, notes", LōSaM "Eye", Greek. λεύσσω "I see, notice";
II rays
ray I., for example Send, divide, HAVE, UKR. Lucky "Connect", BLR. Lamci is the same, St.-Slav. Lѫchiti χΩριεειν, Bulgarian. Lsha "separating, separating", Serboorv. Ray, Lȗchi "separate", Slane. Lǫčiti "divide, separating", Cesh. Loučiti, FIGHTS. Lúčit "Reliable", Polish. ɫączyć "Connect".
Praslav. * Lǫčiti, original., Probably, "bending, to bind," received in additions with Ot's consoles (see to overcome), * ORZ sign. "divide"; cf. Lit. Lankýti, Lankaũ "visit", Lánkioti "Combine", Lankúoti "bending, do flexible", LTSH. Lùocît, Lùoku "Tilt, Direct".

And again Pushkin. It seems that the genius of Russian poetry can be quoted for all occasions. He was so accurately captured in his immortal poems of feelings and thoughts that every one of us is going on, that further, it seems, nothing to add better. Everything is written about what awaits us as fully, which remains only just to live it. Birth, baptism, mature, teaching, work, marriage, birth of children, work, old age, Birth of grandchildren, Death - "Life in matters and exclamations" A.P.hehkhova confirms the weightless life forecast.

But no, the most irrepressible "Enlightenment of the Spirit" pushes us to new accomplishments and "discoveries". And in this phrase, it seems to me, contains a key understanding of the meaning of life: treat it as an amazing journey, full discoveries and adventures, or as a boring monotonous flow of time, where you constantly have something. On the one hand, knowledge is a huge work that does not always bring human happiness. Another Russian classic A.S. Griboyedov in his well-known work "Woe from Wit" clearly illustrated the biblical quotation of King Solomon: "In many wisdom, a lot of sorrow; And who multiplies knowledge, multiplies grief. " We are not always ready for the discoveries that require change from us. And we do not always recognize the "good news" in the lifetime of the carrying it to us. "You know less, fast sleep" - the motto of the inaders who protect the right to serene existence in the ignorance of the real state of affairs.

On the other hand, enlightenment is the constant and widespread distribution of knowledge and culture - can change the life of a person for the better. Knowledge is able to make a person free from the way of ignorance. Greek philosopher Socrates argued that "there is only one good - knowledge, and only one evil is ignorance." He came to the idea that "I know that I don't know anything," but I added, "but others do not know that". He did not just prove the need to enlighten, but also endowed him with a huge moral force capable of giving joy from his works and a sense of self-importance in this world.

The main thing is that discovering new horizons, we are morally improving. Cultural self-development and self-realization is not easy, but the necessary way for each of us, wearing the proud title of "man". Moreover, in the 21st century, when the long-long millennium civilization. Thousands of the most intelligent people of the past recognized the quotation indicated in the essay theme, immutable true for themselves."SAPERE AUDE" (with Lat.yaz. "Dare to know") - the slogan for all scientists and educants for all times. They followed this motto of enlightenment, making a real life more interesting and diverse, but not, it is not easier.

Who is, as not we, Teachers, should this be aware of the children on the way of enlightenment?! Our debt is not to give in to a momentary little malignancy, not to look guilt in your troubles - and to be always to remain an example, the "burning heart" in the eyes of children. Patus, but who, if not we today! Otherwise, the culture of millennia, like a dam, breaks through, giving way to all-perky ignorance and, as a result, evil.

For me, this truth opened when studying the genealogy of a kind of nature by the specialty "History". When I began to collect information about all my relatives from grandmothers and in writing sources, I am amazed to the world that opened in front of me. Like the iceberg, the number of relatives increased, who somehow lived, worked - and all in order, ultimately, so that the top was tiny. The deeper I "kopal" information about my own, the more fortunate a sense of debt to all the ancestors of the genus of my. Having reached the fifth knee, to Prapraded Maxim Demyanovich Argenova, a peasant of Smolensk province, 1852 years of birth, I understood how insignificant our desires and actions sometimes sometimes. I am simply obliged at least to keep the achieved level of culture of my parents, and as a maximum, to multiply it for your son Dimoch. And this opening is not for me, but, on the contrary, the joy of a sense of involvement with a huge family clan of Malakhov.

Education is not always voluntary, but it does not make it not mandatory for each of us. Personally, I perceive my activities as a teacher not as daily work, but as a service of high ideals. In the end, "no bread is alone." I believe in the highest justice of knowledge. How my mother taught me if a person is a smart professional, it will be sooner or later and rewarded.