New wonderful French group "Circus.

New wonderful French group "Circus.

In the fall of 2013, the new Music Group "Circus" will introduce its first stage show in Paris, created a year earlier by no young, novice musicians. The original project in the style of Fellini-Rock was born by the forces of a popular author and composer of Covero, famous musicians of Philip Uminsky and Stanislas, as well as violinists Karen Brynon and Guitarist Elza Furlon.

The group includes 5 musicians, but not young and beginners. Many members of the group in France are no longer needed in any ideas. Some authors of the first songs of the new group "Circus" need even less.

The new "musical-circus" group arose at the initiative of the famous French author-composer-performer Caspero (Calogeno). Shoulder to shoulder with him got his close friends and music co-authors Stanislas (Stanislas) and Philippe Uminski (Philippe Uminski). Finally, the group "Circus" was decorated with a violinist Karen Bunnon (Karen Brunon) and guitarist Elsa Furlon (ELSA Fourlon). And among the co-authors of the songs of the young, but the classic of the French pop-rock Jean-Jacques Goldmann and the chanson Marc Lavuan turned out to be the classic of French pop rock.

The Album of the Circus group was released in November 2012. He opens the song "What is it for the circus?"

In the group "Circus" sing all five of its participants and participants - without exception. In addition, everyone plays on one or more musical instruments. Covero performs the batch of bass guitar or lifting harmonic, keyboard batch performed by Stanislas, Philippe Umein and Elsa Furlon make up a guitar duet, and the violin sings Karen Brynon in the hands. This musical alignment is observed and in the song "Friendly Sadness". This song "Chagrin D" AMI ", as well as 5 more texts for the group" Circus "wrote a well-known and popular French chanson Mark Lavuan. The song" Friendly Sadness "has become the second single and hit first album.

It is difficult to deny it that it is difficult to deny that the growing success of the "Circus" group is largely obliged to his personal success and fame in France. However, the composer does not get tired of repeating that this is not his solo project, but the creation of all members of the Quint. "I have united not just with the musicians, but with artists, creators," - emphasizes Kaskino. His close friend Stanislas has gained success in 2007 by a solo album "Unstable balance" (L'équilibre Instable). Philippe Umeinsky has an arguer's solid career, who worked with Johnny Halldiem, Julien Kler and Covero. In the solo career of the author-composer-artist, the real success came to the Uminsky last year: his album "My First Love" became an event in the new French song.

If we talk about the "beautiful half" group, the violinist Karen Brynon and Guitarist Elsa Furlon, their role is also not reduced to a simple accompaniment. In one of the songs, the Vocal Party is fully given. Female duet Karen Bunnon and Elza Furlon in the song "Suicide Love" (L "Amour Suicide) of the first album of the" Circus "group.

Critics often remember the American rock band Beach Boys popular in the 1960s -70s. No, no Yes, and a remote comparison will sound with Beatles. On the legendary "Liverpool Four" recall the participants of the French project. So, in one of the interviews, Quaspero defined the spirit and character of his "music-circus" project: "We can play both in a small salon and on a big stage - for us indifferent. We like Beatles who sang "Get Back" on the roof of the house. "Little group", as McCartney used to say. "

The album of this "small" French group "Circus" perfectly listens as a disk of pleasant pop music. His melody someone resembles the work of the French composer Michel Legran, someone is the work of the Italian Nino Rota. Well, the musicians themselves define their own style as "Fellini-Rock". Their music would probably go to the films of the Italian classic - enchanting, then circus, then nostalgic, then philosophical. To the world of Federico Fellini in the album of the "Circus" group, including the song Roman Nights (Les Nuits Romaines).

Circus Maximus (Group) Circus Maximus (Group)


The group was founded in 2000, when the keyboard player Espire Storo and the bass guitarist Glen Kato Molon invited musicians to create a project in the style of progressive metal, which later received a name Circus Maximus.. At first, the band was playing only a cover version at various festivals and in clubs, accumulating experience from lost materials such as Dream Theater and Symphony X. But after the recording of two demo discs, the European Label Frontiers Records became interested in the skill of their execution, the originality of the sound and offered a contract.

In 2004, the Group began working on a debut album and already in May 2005 recorded a full-format CD called "The 1st Chapter", which was released under the Frontiers Records label. In the same year they went to tour in support of the album, where along with other concerts were performed at the Progpower USA festival. But after six months, in November 2005, the keyboard player and one of the founders of the Espen Storm group said that he would leave the team for personal reasons. After some time, it was replaced by a fincoten lass. In early 2006 became the official member of the group.

In the first half of 2007 Circus Maximus. Time spent time in the studio, recording your second studio album. The new CD entitled "Isolate" was released on August 7, 2007 on the same label. The album enjoyed great success. Albums also included various festivals in Europe and the United States, such as Progpower USA, Progpower Europe, Progpower Scandinavia, Sweden Rock and MetalHear. Also in 2008, the team performed at the "warming up" from the Symphony X group in their tour in support of the Album "Paradise Lost".

On November 18, 2008, the Group published a message on its website that the pre-production of the new album "Nine", which is planned to be released in 2010 under the Frontiers Records label. But the plans were not realized on time, and the release date was postponed until 2012. The team members said that the album would be more melodious and bright than the two previous ones. The official release in Europe took place on June 1, 2012, and in the United States as of June 5, 2012. The tour in support of the album began with a concert in Oslo (Norway), where the network sheet consisted mainly of the compositions of the album "Nine". September 14, 2012 was officially announced the participation of the team at the Progpower USA XIV festival.


Current Makeup

  • Michael Erixen (Norh. Michael Eriksen) - vocals
  • Lasse FinBroten (Norv. Lasse Finbråten) - Keyboard
  • Mats Haugen (Norv. Mats Haugen) - Guitar
  • Truls Haagen (Norv. Truls Haugen) - Impact
  • Glen Kato Millain (Nor. Glen Cato Møllen) - Bass Guitar

Former participants

  • Espire Storo (Norv. Espen Storø) - Keyboard (2000-2005)


  • - The 1st Chapter
  • - Nine
  • 2016 - Havoc.

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Excerpt characterizing Circus Maximus (group)

When they led to the prince Andrei Nikuliushka, frightened on his father, but not crying, because no one cried, Prince Andrei kissed him and, obviously, did not know what to talk to him.
When Nichiushka was taught, Princess Marya approached his brother, kissed him and, unable to hold more, cried.
He looked at her.
- Are you about Nichochka? - he said.
Princess Marya, crying, approved the head.
- Marie, you know Evan ... - But he suddenly fell silent.
- What are you saying?
- Nothing. No need to cry here, "he said, looking at her with the same cold look.

When Princess Marya was crying, he realized that she was crying that Nichushka would stay without his father. With great effort on yourself, he tried to go back to life and moved to their point of view.
"Yes, they should seem sorry for them! He thought. - And how easy it is! "
"Heavenly birds are neither sow, nor zaughty, but your father nourishes them," he said himself and wanted to say the same princess. "But no, they will understand it in their own way, they will not understand! This, they cannot understand that all these feelings they value, all our, all these thoughts that seem so important to us that they are not needed. We can not understand each other. " - And he fell silent.

Little son of Prince Andrei was seven years old. He barely knew how to read, he knew nothing. He survived a lot after that day, acquiring knowledge, observation, experiment; But if he would have left all these after the acquired abilities, he could not better understand the whole meaning of the scene he saw between his father, Prince Marya and Natasha, what he understood her now. He understood everything and, not crying, left the room, silently approached Natasha, who left him, shyly looked at her thoughtful beautiful eyes; The raised ruddy upper lip turned him down, he leaned against her head and cried.
From that day, he avoided Desala, avoided his countess her caught and either she sat alone, or she approached the princess Marya and Natasha, whom he seemed to love even more his aunt, and quietly and shyly caught him.
Princess Mary, coming out of Prince Andrew, understood quite all that Natasha's face told her. She did not speak more with Natasha about the hope of salvation of his life. She alternated with her in his sofa and did not cry more, but it was indisputable, turning to the soul to the eternal, incomprehensible, whom the presence was so sensitively over a human man.

Prince Andrei not only knew that he would die, but he felt that he was dying that he had already died half. He experienced a consciousness of alienation from the whole earthly and joyful and strange lightness of being. He, not in a hurry and not disturbing, expected what he had to do. That terrible, eternal, unknown and distant, the presence of which he did not cease to feel in continuation of his whole life, now it was close to him and - for the strange ease of being, which he experienced is almost clear and experienced.
Before he was afraid of the end. He twice has experienced this terrible painful feeling of fear of death, end, and now I have not understood it.
The first time he experienced this feeling when the pomegranate with a wolf spoiled in front of him and he looked at the stall, on the bushes, on the sky and knew that he had death before him. When he woke up after the wound and in his soul, it instantly, as if liberated from his opposite life, this flower of love, eternal, free, independent of this life, was no longer afraid of death and did not think about her.
The more he, in those hours of suffering privacy and the half-breed, which he spent after his wound, was thoughtful to the new, the beginning of the beginning of eternal love, the more he himself, who did not feel that, renounced earthly life. Everything, to love everyone, always sacrificed for love, there was no one to love anyone, it meant not to live it in life. And the more he penetrated with this beginning of love, the more he renounced from life and the more perfectly destroyed that terrible barrier, which stands between life and death without love. When he, this is the first time, recalled that he had to die, he spoke to himself: Well, the better.

In the fall of 2013, the new Music Group "Circus" will introduce its first stage show in Paris, created a year earlier by no young, novice musicians. The original project in the style of Fellini-Rock was born by the forces of a popular author and composer of Covero, famous musicians of Philip Uminsky and Stanislas, as well as violinists Karen Brynon and Guitarist Elza Furlon.

Good evening. In the Studio RFI Dmitry Gusev and Elena Gabrielyan.
- Hello. This is the program "French Music Podcast". A program of modern music and a song in France, about French stars and hits, musical mods and trends.

And in this issue of the "Music Podcast" we will arrange you a circus. More precisely, we are not, but a new French musical group that has arisen last year.

- This is a team called "Circus" - the Latin word "Circus" sounds in French pronunciation. The group includes 5 musicians, but not young and beginners. Many members of the group in France are no longer needed in any ideas. Some authors of the first songs of the new group "Circus" need even less.

So, the new "musical-circus" group arose at the initiative of the famous French author-composer-performer Covero(Calogeno). Shoulder to shoulder with him got his close friends and musical co-authors Stanislas. (Stanislas) and Philippe Umeins (Philippe Uminski). And finally, the group "Circus" decorated the violinist Karen Brynon (Karen Brunon) and guitarist Elsa Furlon (ELSA Fourlon). And among the co-authors of the songs of the young, but the classic of the French pop rock was the group of the group Jean Jacques Goldmann and chanson Mark Lavian.

The Album of the Circus group was released in November 2012. He opens the song "What is it for the circus?"

The founder of the group "Circus" Covero - Figure is a well-known and popular on the music scene of France.

He began his way in music in the late 1980s - as part of the Les Charts Group, in the early 1990s, the group released successful albums and singles. And solo success came to the composer-author-to-executive gradually in the first half of the 2000s, when the circulation of his albums became millions. What made a successful soloist take up the creation of the group, and not continue his career next author's album?

In an interview with the TV and RTL television company, Covero tried to explain the motives of his experiment: "To sing alone is wonderful, but to return to the stage with a group, with buddies - there is something family and something circus." Here in such a family, festive-circus atmosphere, the first album of the Circus group was recorded. In which songs combines circus topics ... so the very first single album is the song "On Wire" (SUR UN FIL) - Sends to circus routine, whose risky art becomes a metaphor of our life. Life that "holds only on a thin wire", in which every whiff makes a person unstable to balancing and fluctuate in indecision. "On the wire, we go on a wire, stupid rope".

The first single of the group "Circus" came out long before the appearance of the entire album - in June last year. The words of this song for the team of Covero wrote a classic French pop-rock Jean-Jacques Goldman.

In the group "Circus" sing all five of its participants and participants - without exception. In addition, everyone plays on one or more musical instruments. Covero performs the batch of bass guitar or lifting harmonic, keyboard batch performed by Stanislas, Philippe Umein and Elsa Furlon make up a guitar duet, and the violin sings Karen Brynon in the hands. This musical alignment is observed and in the song "Friendly Sadness". This song "Chagrin D" AMI ", as well as 5 more texts for the group" Circus "wrote a well-known and popular French chanson Mark Lavuan. The song "Friendly sadness" became the second single and hit the first album.

It is difficult to deny it that it is difficult to deny that the growing success of the "Circus" group is largely obliged to his personal success and fame in France. However, the composer does not get tired of repeating that this is not his solo project, but the creation of all members of the Quint. "I have united not just with the musicians, but with artists, creators," - emphasizes Kaskino. His close friend Stanislas has gained success in 2007 by a solo album "Unstable balance" (L'équilibre Instable). Philippe Umeinsky has an arguer's solid career, who worked with Johnny Halldiem, Julien Kler and Covero. In the solo career of the author-composer-artist, the real success came to the Uminsky last year: his album "My First Love" became an event in the new French song.

If we talk about the "beautiful half" group, the violinist Karen Brynon and Guitarist Elsa Furlon, their role is also not reduced to a simple accompaniment. In one of the songs, the Vocal Party is fully given. Female duet Karen Bunnon and Elza Furlon in the song "Suicide Love" (L "Amour Suicide) of the first album of the" Circus "group.

And what do the musicians and critics tell themselves about the style of the new French Quintet "Circus"?

Critics often remember the American rock band Beach Boys popular in the 1960s -70s. No, no Yes, and a remote comparison will sound with Beatles. On the legendary "Liverpool Four" recall the participants of the French project. So, in one of the interviews, Quaspero defined the spirit and character of his "music-circus" project: "We can play both in a small salon and on a big stage - for us indifferent. We like Beatles who sang "Get Back" on the roof of the house. "Little group", as McCartney used to say. "

The album of this "small" French group "Circus" perfectly listens as a disk of pleasant pop music. His melody someone resembles the work of the French composer Michel Legran, someone is the work of the Italian Nino Rota. well and musicians themselves define their own style as "Fellini Rock". Their music would probably go to the films of the Italian classic - enchanting, then circus, then nostalgic, then philosophical. To the world of Federico Fellini in the album of the "Circus" group, including the song Roman Nights (Les Nuits Romaines).

The album of the new French group with the name "Circus" - a risky project ...

These are noted by critics, and the musicians themselves recognize. Will their "musical-circus" idea and their project in the style of "Fellini-Rock" successful? Does the "Circus" group continue to exist or stop at the first and only album?

In anticipation of the "long-term" public reaction from the "Circus" group, there are still further plans. By the fall of 2013, Queintta musicians prepare their way out - a musical performance that is sometimes represented as "Circus Opera Pop" (circus pop opera). Some details of the future performance revealed Capero. To 13 songs of the album of the group on stage, another 8 new compositions will be added. Quintet Musicians will be released on the forefront as an ordinary rock band, but Covero promises as a surprise theatrical and circus action. "No one has not yet done this," the leader of the Circus group is mysteriously. The performance will be shown, perhaps on the stage of the Paris Mariny Theater.

In anticipation of this music and circus show, we complete our program about the French group "Circus" by the song from their debut album. It is called "source" (L'Origine). And the refined in this song sounds the philosophical phrase that "we are all returning to the origins, we return much more than our ourselves."

It was the program "French Music Podcast".
- In the Studio RFI with you were Dmitry Gusev and Elena Gabrielyan. Bina Essayan - for the director's console.
- Bye.
- See you live.