Note to configure the guitar. Camerton online for guitar

Note to configure the guitar. Camerton online for guitar
Note to configure the guitar. Camerton online for guitar

All novice guitarists and even more experienced sooner or later face a problem, but how to set up a guitar? There are several ways to adjust the guitar. All of them give a good result, with the right approach.
But the choice, of course, for you. In addition, the results of the settings for different methods differ - a little, but experienced guitarists may well hear the difference.
It is possible only to adjust the guitar with sufficient accuracy - sufficiently so that the students consider the system quite harder.

Ways to adjust the guitar:

1.Setting using a guitar portable tuner.
2.Setting up using the software and online tuner.
3.Setup using the phone.
4.Tuning on the Tambleton.
5.Setting up the guitar along the fifth rud.
6.Setting on flags.

1. Guitar portable tuner

Guitar tuner It is an electronic device, which using the microphone analyzes the frequency of the oscillation of the string and helps the guitarist quickly and very accurately adjust the guitar.

The principle of his work:

Pressing the buttons on the tuner it loses the sound is a benchmark for each string. Next, you pull the string, and the tuner will show the difference (on the scale or screen), tighten you need a string or weaken.
If the arrow went to the left, then the string is not shown, if you left the right - reverse, stopped in the middle - the string setting is complete.
Split the rings until the sound of the string is in unison with the sound of standal.

To set up a guitar using a tuner, you need to know the letter designation of the strings.
Each string on the guitar has its name.
The first, it is the thinnest, called "E (MI)", then in order: b (SI), G (salt), D (re), a (la), and the sixth, as the first, is also called "E (mi). " In brackets indicated a note that the letter corresponds.
Of course, the more seriously the tuner, the sound is more close to the reference.
It is convenient for this way that you are pretty quickly and accurately configure your tool in almost any conditions, and also does not require good hearing.

2. Software and online tuner

With this tuner, you can configure both acoustic and electric guitar. To adjust the acoustic guitar there is a built-in microphone, for the electric guitar you can use the line input for the tool cable.

The principle of his work:

When you extract the sound of a string Tuner shows a note that matches the string fluctuation frequency.
Thus, you can easily set up all the strings. The tuner shows you a note, and what needs to be done with a string, down or raise.
Crane the flashes until the indicator stands exactly in the center of the notes you need and stable green LED lights up.

To configure a guitar with the help of online tuner you need only a minimum of knowledge, namely, the letters are indicated by strings.

Here are notes that match these strings:

1 string - notes mi (lat. E)
2 strings - notes SI (Lat. B)
3 strings - note Salt (lat. G)
4 strings - note re (lat. D)
5 strings - note la (lat. A)
6 strings - notes (lat. E)

And to configure the guitar online, use this. It is suitable as novice, so professional guitarists.

3. Setup using the phone

If you are in the field where there is nothing at all, the cell phone will help you to set up the first string. We recruit the number on the phone and put on a loud connection.
Cottages published while waiting for an answer should sound in unison with the 1st string shed at 5 Lada)
After the first string is configured, set the rest:
The 2nd Stone, clamped on the 5th Lada, sounds in unison with the 1st twisted;
The 3rd Stone, clamped on the 4th Lada, sounds in unison with the 2nd Out;
The 4th Stuna, clamped on the 5th Lada, sounds in unison with the 3rd twisted;
The 5th Stuna, clamped on the 5th Lada, sounds in unison with the 4th twisted;
The 6th Stunt, squeezed on the 5th Lada, sounds in unison with the 5th twisted.

4. Standard method for adjustment by rumor using tuning

If you do not have the ability to use a guitar tuner, that is, several more ways to adjust the guitar, but they are more complex. For example, using Kameton.

Fork - This is a small portable device, accurately and clearly the sound of a certain height with weak harmonic pride. Standard Tambleton publishes the sound of the 1st octave sheet notes, with a frequency of 440 Hz.

Camertons are 2 types: brass charter and fork tanktone.

Setting up the guitar on the wind chalkton (whistle)

Duhovah Tameton - This is a simple device that acts on the principle of an ordinary whistle. The device is designed in such a way that at the moment you blow it, it makes a certain note. On this sound, one of the strings of the guitar is adjusted. The next string is configured on it, etc.

The plus of wind chalktones for the guitar is that by means of them, it is possible to extract not only one, but also three or even all six musical sounds corresponding to each string.
To do this, three or six holes are provided in the design of the device (depending on the model).
This greatly simplifies the process of setting up and checking the guitar.
In order to use the Camerton, a good rumor is needed, but compact sizes and a low price make it almost indispensable. In addition, in contrast to the electronic tuner, the tuning across the challenge is well developing a rumor.

Adjusting the guitar on the fork tank

Fork Chalton - It is a metal plug, which, when hitting the sound of a certain note, is mainly a "la" needle of the first octave, which corresponds to the 5th Lada of the 1st string of the guitar. Its frequency is 440 Hz.

Forklifts are 2 types:

Camerton, issuing a sound standard in a note A "la" (fifth open string), very popular, as well as challenges in a note e "mi" (first string).

In general, fork tunes in practice are less common than brass. They are not very comfortable. In order to customize the guitar, you need one more free hands.

Method for adjusting the guitar forklift tape:

Hit the Cameton with anything, at the time of publication of the sound, lean to the guitar deck, pull the string and compare its sound with the sound of the standard.

To configure the 1st string you need to unison with the sound of the camera, pressing it on the 5th Lada. Those. You need to pull up the string, turning the slices, until the time when the tape and the strings begin to sound the same, with the same frequency.

After setting up the 1st string, the remaining strings can be configured on it as follows:

Clear the 2nd Stunu on the 5th Lada and stay it so that it sounds exactly as 1st.
Then you clash the 3rd Stunu on the 4th Lada and stay it so that it sounds just like the 2nd.
Then you clash the 4th Stunu on the 5th Lada and stay it so that it sounds just like the 3rd.
Then you clash the 5th Stunu on the 5th Lada and stay it so that it sounds just like the 4th.
Then you clash the 6th Stunu on the 5th Lada and stay it so that it sounds just like the 5th.

If the sound of the string varies - it means you need to adjust the 5th string by adjusting the ring to a height at which two sounds will sound like one. Before that, it is necessary to determine if it is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe 5th open string sounds below or higher than the 6th string, pressed on the fifth rud.

If the 5th open string sounds lower than the 6th, pressed on the fifth rud, then you need to pull the 5th string with the corresponding ring. It is necessary to do it carefully and slowly until the sound of the fifth open string is impossible to distinguish from the pressed 6th. If the 5th open string sounds higher than the 6th, pressed on the Fifth Lada, then the tension of the fifth string should be loosen, that is, to twist the flake in the opposite direction.

This classic method of setting up the guitar is most common among novice musicians due to its relative simplicity and visibility.

6. Setting the Guitar by Flagolets

And so we approached the most difficult way to set up a guitar. It is used, mainly only by professional guitarists.

Flagole - This is the reception of the game on a musical instrument, which consists in extracting sound-obhton, that is, sound with a twin frequency.

Flagole sound makes it possible to hear barely noticeable discrepancies in unison. Therefore, the adjustment of the guitar with flags is the most accurate.

The best flags are extracted on the 12th, 7th and 5th freak.

Natural flagelli - This is a way to extract the sound from the string without pressed it to the Lada clamor, and only with a slight touch of the pillow of the finger to the place of division of the string to 2, 3, 4, and others. Parts.

To remove the flag need a slightly touch the tip of the finger to the sixth string over the fifth beetle. Then the sound is then removed, after which we immediately remove the finger of the left hand from the string. It is impossible to remove the finger ahead of time, as it turns out the sound of an open string. Next, immediately remove the flag over the seventh Lada of the fifth string. The sounds of both flags should be smooth.
This way is reasonable to use as an edge after the standard method of adjusting the guitar.

Flash setting method:

The flag on the seventh Lada the 1st string should sound in unison with the 2nd string on the Fifth Lada.
The flag on the twelfth of Lada the 3rd string should sound in unison with the 1st string pressed on the third Lada.
We configure the open 3rd string along the 2nd string pressed at the eighth Lada.
Flagolete on the seventh Lada 3rd string should sound in unison with a flag of the 4th string on the Fifth Lada.
The flagset on the seventh Lada of the 4th string should sound in unison with the 5th string on the fifth rud.
The flagset on the seventh Lada of the 5th string should sound in unison with the 6th string on the Fifth Lada.

Now, the musicians are almost always used to configure the guitar. This is a convenient device that has different modifications. Using it, the process of setting up the instrument is carried out very easily. But earlier, the configuration of all tools was carried out using Tameton. The classical execution of this device is the like fork.


He was invented in 1711 by John Shur from England, who was a trumpet of the queen. If you hit the charton, then it begins to fluctuate and make sound. The sound of the chamberon assigned the sound of the notes to the first octave. Its frequency is 440 Hz. It became, so let's say, the benchmark of the sound, from which you can determine the sound of other notes.

Tambleton has become an indispensable subject for numerous people, ranging from all the musicians and ending with professional tool adjusters.

Conducting choirs give vocalists to the setting with the help of Kameton (in our time in the choir are made absolutely).

The sound of classic chalkton is quite quiet. Therefore, the resonator is used to enhance its sound. This is a small wooden box without one wall. Charpeter itself is installed on it. Due to the specially selected length of the drawer, the sound from the camera is enhanced.

There are also tunes for guitar in the form of a small brass device.

The principle of their work is next. You see that there are six holes with an indication of the number of the guitar string, as well as its corresponding note. You blow in one of the holes and get the exact sound of the desired note. The advantage of such a tune in front of the classic is that it reproduces the sounds of several notes. Easy to use specifically for guitars.

On this page you can listen sound music piano. Sooner or later, but there are such situations when the need appears listen to pure sound. For example, if you need to configure the guitar using a guitar tuner, or aktarton. If these tools are not, here it is quite suitable for the computer music studio FL Studio, load any synthesizer and sound notes, si, salt, re, la, mi configure all six strings of the guitar. Someone needs hear notes To prepare for the dictation, or for training for the development of absolute hearing, well, one way or another ... it does not always happen that the studio of type FL Studio is installed on the computer. And then I noticed that there are such online applications that are not very bad imitate the sound of real piano.

Virtual Piano - Play notes online

To help you will come here online piano. You can click on the keys, listen to the sound of noth piano, Or even play some simple melody. If you have no live piano nearby, or another tool, but there is at least a mobile phone, then consider the problem solved. You can even configure the guitar, or even happier just invented melody, record notes And you can already be calm that you will not lose your masterpiece. Eh ... how many interesting melodies and motifs I lost due to the fact that there was no internet before the Internet and there was nothing in proximity.

I remember however there was one only trick, I knew that a simple beep in the phone was sound wave at a frequency of 440 HzWhat is a nota for the first octave. And so you could configure one string of the guitar, and pushing out from one string - set up the rest.

it virtual digital piano Five octave is available online at any time of the day, it will not be very difficult to master it. Press the mouse and hold the key to hear the sound. When you press each key on the housing, the Latin note of the note appears, for example, A is a note la, b - si, C - to, d - re, e-mi, F - Fa, G - salt. A number appears next to the letter, for example, C1, D1, ... A1 - Digitle 1 indicates a small octave, number 2 - the first octave, etc.
Go to the menu and click "Enable Tips" and all the keys will be signed by characters from your computer keyboard. Pries on it online piano can be played directly from the computer keycha..
By pressing the recording button, you can even write to the memory all you play alive, then click the Play Song button - and your game will be played, i.e. can hear notes Piano, and left all recorded notes will be displayed. In general, the thing is not at all bad, and I think to place on our website, but suddenly someone will come in handy - I will only be happy.

About the note of la and spine

"I will play flute today

On your own spine "


The Pythagoreans first nominated the idea of \u200b\u200bthe harmonic device of the whole world, including not only nature and man, but the whole cosmos. According to Pythagoreans, "Harmony represents the internal connection of things, without which space could not exist."

B.V. Gladkov, exploring the interaction of spheres, writes that it is due to its "dimensions" (the length of the spine), each person is configured to natural, divine vibrations. Camerton for us is the sound of "La" - they know all the musicians.

The amazing commitment of the musicians to the audio signal, in which the frequency of the oscillations of the main tone is equal to 440 Hz (or close to it). This signal is elevated to the rank of standard international chamberon, designed to configure all musical instruments. Standard Tambleton Puts Value Notes "La"in the first octave of the musical skewness. So why exactly this sound, and not any other?

G.E. Shilov: "... There is a legend that in the time immemorial times near the ancient Egyptian city of the hair every morning at dawn this sound has published a huge statue, known as the Colossus of Memnon, she held in her hands Eolo Arfa.Arf published the sound of la! Each morning, at dawn, the harp published the sound of "la", according to which the FVAN musicians set their tools. Several thousand years served to people this miracle, until it was destroyed.
View of eologic harp

Elava Harp, a peculiar musical instrument consisting of a wooden box or a plate with several housing strings stretched on it, which are listed in the vibration of the wind. Due to the uneven thickness of the strings and the unequal tension, they are published from the touch of a jet of air a number of overtones forming the chords of the unusual, gentle voice. With weak wind, sometimes nonaronons are formed. The invention of the etho harp is lost in ancient times. Some rebirth and increasing interest in E.A. took place by the beginning of the 19th century in the epoch of the so-called. romanticism; in the present Time interest in this primitive tool is lost.

Colossossose Memnon stopped sounding at the beginning of our era, and it is impossible to check the truth of the legend now. "There are some reason to believe that this legend reflects the level of scientific knowledge of the ancient Egyptian dedicated.

But, how, the ancient masters learned the proximity of this note man?
After all, humanity has become relatively sound waves.
Recently, thanks to the efforts of scientists - from Guiggens to Wood. The impact is simple.

It was relatively recently found that the first cry of a newborn, hearing the "place of residence", was almost the same in its height (or frequency of the sound signal) in all individuals regardless of gender and race. "With a scatter of order -3%, the value of the signal on the frequency scale corresponds to 440 Hz". In particular, the Bulgarian Foniatre Ivan Maximov writes about this. Probably, this sound began to perform the role of reference, since corresponds to the first cry of the newborn. But then the question remains, and why the newborn makes this sound? Maybe it is the first pronom? :))

... from the physical side from the ratio (1), the trivial calculation shows that with a CZB \u003d 343 m / s (the value of the wave speed of sound in the air under normal conditions),

λ ≡ 0.78 m.

It turns out that averaged distance h between The end points of the spinal column of an adult man!

And the newborn is four times less at the same distance! In relation to the wavelength of the chamberon, the spine of an adult is a full-wave vibrator (antenna), and the spine of the newborn - compliance with the quarter-wave. Using radiotechnical terms, it can be said that the newborn acts as a transmitter, and his mother is in the role of the receiver. There is a complete approval of the transmitting channel of communication.

With an external dimension, this distance practically coincides with the eye height above the seating plane, when a person is located in a sitting position with a straightened spine, Fig.2. According to research by B.F. Lomova and his employees This height is 0.769 m with a standard deviation of 0.03 m, and for women 0.725 m with a standard deviation of 0.028 m. This means that for 50% men, this size is in the range of 0.789 - 0.749m, for 90 % Men 0.818 - 0.72m, for 95% of men 0.83 - 0.71m. At levels of 50% and 90% for women, the eye height over the seating plane is somewhat less than that of men, but at levels 95% and 99% this size is practically included in similar intervals for men . This gives the base to consider a beep with a frequency of 440 Hz anthropometric constant. Of course, each person has its own individual Tam. This is what we are talking about the average value. And this is not all.

This sound is the lowest of the overtones in the spectrum of any sound signal reproducible. Thus, a steady sound bond between the mother and its children, as well as between brothers and sisters (according to the mother), is preserved forever.

And further. Tracking the process of the development of the human body, one can clearly fix the main stages depending on the effective size of the spinal column. Namely.

The first doubling of the effective size of the spinal column compared to the initial fixes the end of the childhood period and usually corresponds to age for about 6 years. The voice range is expanding to a gap, limited by the original beep (averaged 440 Hz) and a beep, whose frequency is twice as smaller (220 Hz averaged). From this point, a person comes in a period of adolescence.

The tripling of the effective size of the spinal column in relation to the initial fixes the end of the adolescence, which, as a rule, coincides with 13-year-old age. The range of votes is expanding compared to the initial 3/2 times. Well familiar process breaking voice, mutations. A difficult age! Man comes in time of youth.

The configuration of the effective size of the spinal column compared to the initial fixes the completion of adolescence and shows that the formation of the human body is mainly completed.The voice range expanded 4 times. Amazing and great meaning is laid in human chain. A person is born with this sound, the same sound essentially controls the formation of the body in the process of growing up, since the human growth occurs until the physical dimensions of its body are established in accordance with the conditions of resonant radiation and absorption. The same sound controls the sound recovery apparatus, being present as an overlook in any sound published. It will not be an exaggeration to call the chamber by a human anthem.

The question remains regarding the colossus of Memnon. It is difficult to give an evidential answer. But the hypothetical exists. From the darkness of ancient times, which closes the achievement of scientific knowledge of the thinkers of ancient Egypt, as a revelation, a bright star littered the name of Hesi-Ra, who was once the Supreme Priest (the head of the tens of major priests), personified the spiritual sphere and the highest scientific achievements of their time. Not a gift for his name means "Divine", "lightly". After all, the word Ra means the sun. Architect from St. Petersburg I.P. Shmelev made painstaking work on the study of this wonderful scientist who had reached this day, which in a conceptual plan is represented by eleven wooden panels found in the tomb of Hesti-RA.

So I.P. Schmelev did the assumption that the occupation that was recorded on one of the wooden panels, where Hesi - RA is depicted in a sitting position with a demonstratively straightened vertebral post and the touching someone squeezed in the right hand to a certain eight petal device, there is nothing more than the adjustment of the camera. In addition, I.P. The shmelev drew attention to the fact that at the level of the eye of the hives - it is clearly not accidentally depicted by a relief point. It is reasonable to assume that the title point marks the level of the eye over the seating plane, fixing the size that determines the wavelength of the beep, which is adjusted by the tape.

And one more observation. We are talking about an image on one of the panels, where Hesi - RA can be said demonstratively pressed the measured rod to his body so that one of his ends was at the level of the eye, and the other at the level of the lower end of the spinal column. It can be assumed that thereby the great scientist of antiquity, being also a great architect, shows Main linear measureThe use of which for practical needs provides anthropometry of constructions. But, this is another topic.

It looks like ancient
Egyptians really knew the basic sound of the sound of human

Interesting Facts

Everything, that
talking about harmony, first
queue associated with sound
com. Sound is something that man
The age is configured immediately, unobvious
SIMO from his culture, education
The level and level of intelligence.

In this regard, it should be noted
A number of curious circumstances:
The first of them is that the first cry of a baby appeared
on light, regardless of the timbre of its voice, volume, as a rule,
Sounds at the frequency "La". On the other hand, it was found that people with
With absolute hearing, the setup is again on this sound. Not random
But it is the sound "la" is a reference oscillation.
It is also known that the average distance between the
Planned membranes of the hearing system of man multiple the length of
Lya sound "La". The wavelength of the sound "La" \u003d 78 cm; Us 78 to 4, half
Chim is the distance

All n our body: Kolkoe and Pair
Ice, hearing snail (ratio of lengths of turns), structure
Skeletal frame - average is the all "golden section".
Even the dynamics of neural structures in certain mental
The modes are subordinate to this pattern.
Really, this is an accident or property inherent only
century? No, this principle is subordinated to the periods of circulation of planets
Solar system, it built a key, chemical system
elements - and in general everything is associated with natural systems,
Subordinated to this pattern.

"Man is a sounding charter

The basis of the functioning of any system is the wave processes. Try
determine which frequencies of oscillations are closest to human
The body as a living dynamic system. It is known that if the length of some
That bodies coincides with the entire wavelength, then such a body in relation to it -
A full-wave vibrator and absorbs this wave. It is crucial
With phenomena of resonant isomorphism.
If the body coincides with a half wavelength - then it is
Halfighter vibrator: and absorbs and emits it. If a quarter of length
Waves, then the quarter-wave - he only radiates.
It is known that all the tunes are absorbed and emit one note - "la."
Why? Obviously, the whole thing in the wavelength of the sound. We define it.
To find out the wavelength, it is necessary to divide her speed to
Frequency. Sound speed in air at + 25o with normal atmospheric
pressure (760 mm. Mercury pillar), equal to 343 m / s. We divide the frequency of 440
Hz. Thus, the "La" sound wavelength:
343/440 Hz. \u003d 0.77954 m.
Consequently, a full-wave vibrator, in relation to it, must
Approximately 78 cm. But this is the average length
Adult spinal column. And, therefore, man is
Chainton, in itself. Little of. The width of his chest equals
Half of the length of this wave, and the distance between the ear sinks is a quarter!
That is, at least three people are configured to a note.
"La" like a vibrator.

Interesting theory

"Universal Einstein Painting of the World Formulated in
The form of the notorious "Queen of the formulas" XX century E \u003d ms2
imposed by us with
inexorable perseverance, deprived of even the shadow of the presence of a person,
Lovely measure of abstract space, under the cutter of research
Lee Gladkov survived the Pygmalion transformation of an animation and
Help. And transformed into the formula XXI century R \u003d N
increment of volume), where the universe is considered through a person, for
A man, such and the universe. From this identity, on the judgment of the author,
It is necessary to start any scientific reasoning (research). Without creating
The world, which reflects and blooms the world, is not the world itself. And became
Therefore, and the law of propagation of sound, and coordinate systems. Laws harmony
Research into the law of consciousness: they are, what are the properties of the most
Nanya. " (From the article by Yu.G. Shishina "Formula Century". Cited by the CN.
Space security problems).
Spherodnamics as a scientific and theoretical direction reveals
Principles of constructing a human sensory space as the main information
String cognition. Sensory Space - Sensual Space
perception by a man of the surrounding world. The structure of this space is
the system of spherical - equal concentric
EMOV (CRCO). The basis of this structure is the scale of natural music
Salted sound (SCNM), the interval relations of which correspond
Each of the 240 volumes of this system. Essentially, CRCO is
Volume model reflecting the seminicity of the surrounding space
(Peace) in which he lives and which is creatively converting a person.
Being within this space, Man is
Pulsar - an energy generator creating a harmonious resonance (ideally) with
Nature and space.
Source of harmonious resonance of man and
Birth and space is the sound - carrier of information and energy. Thanks
ry the exchange of sound information (frequency, intonational, verbal
semantic, etc.) there is a process of communication as a act of reproduction and
Perception of the created information and energy flux.
the tic pattern ensures distribution, or rather - filling
space sound information. Any process has its own configuration.
The circuit and the required indicator. This indicator is Indian
Vidal Charton, determined by anthropometric parameters
Rami of the human body is more accurate than the length of the spine. Source frequency
reference camera - a
(The sound of the first octave - from Greek. Octa - 8) \u003d 440
Hz. Wavelength of this sound (with T
20 C) and at a speed of 343 m / s \u003d 760 -780
n / m or mm., which is the average length of the spine
Logo man.

The individual charton determining the uniqueness of the sound
portrait of any person (timbre, intonationalism of the voice) should be considered
Nude Pevical Formant (PVF - FV
), the numeric value of which is determined
as fv \u003d 440 a
\u003d 2734.4 Hz.
In the "pure" form, considered B.V. Powdered by a human voice of the upper form
Mantu is impossible to reproduce. However, with proper sound recovery
Formant is heard in every sound of a human voice that acquires it
The case "metal" shade is perceived by rumor as "ringing".
It is the presence in the sound of a characteristic ring and determines the quality of its source and
Environmental determinant - the effectiveness of the technology applied to it
(source - vocal voice, brass instrument) formation. According to mine
anthropometric properties, PVF is the energy core of a spheroid in
System of equal concentric volumes (CRCO, see Fig. 1). She represents
a pulsating spheroid providing a dynamic nature of the process
the formation of the SRCO and any living, developing system (including creative
Individual abilities). This is the essence of spherodynamics in theoretical
SKOM and its practical meaning.
Fig.1 Anthropometric model of the system of equal concentric volumes
(CRCO) as a structural and meaningful basis (methodological) construction of the program
We, where: R is a radius of a spherical surface; R 1 - the radius of the surface of the sphere
(volume) adopted for the start of reference in the deployment of subsequent spherical volumes
MOV (R 2; R 3 and Further); G - critical volume layer.
A similar model makes it possible to trace qualitative changes.
the properties of the individual formed as a result of its creative-cognitive activity
(from a child to a senior schoolboy) and produce systemic analysis
These changes. At the heart of building a similar model for sound
spaces lie two main factors of spherodynamics (at the level of the law): 1 -
Pulsing spheroid (as a sound-energy core of sound-information
Environments and base of the developing system) and 2 - the increment of volumes in the structure
CRCO, determining the multidimensionality of the human sensory space,

F \u003d A; where: f \u003d 1,618 ... - the number of fidiya or the "golden kernel";
A - 240,2402 ... The value of the maximum critical volume of pulse
(2/3) - mathematical (volume) characteristic of relative
spheroid top, and
- This is the index (number) of the kernel layer.
The interpretation of this formula in its practical meaning is: if f (number
Fidia) is a reflection of the gold proportion as a symbol of stability, known
from ancient times, and a, in his numerical terms represents
Permanent permanent. Consequently, built on the basis of the above formula
Dynamic model, has absolute stability (in its development) and
maximum efficiency.
In a practical sense, the use of the principles of sprouxing when
work and the use of creative development technologies allows significant
increase their efficiency and provide the possibility of entering the level of creating
Self self-realization in directions:
- mastering bulk singing skills at any age and regardless of
natural voice data;
- Mastering the skills of creative musication on the piano from the first
classes and without knowing the letters;
- mastering the playback skills of high-quality sound (with a ringing,
one hundred hissing, bitching pride) on any of the wind instruments from the first
Tool classes without excessive effort and time costs.
Thanks to the listed features, the conditions of accumulation are created
life energy and health promotion, as opposed to the depletion of resources
Ganism with the traditional - "power" (labor and ill-sensory) approach,
leading to the operation of natural potential without proper recoil
CE Musical Education at all his steps. I think here is there anything
Consider parents and tortured teachers to musicians. In this case,
The scientific approach opens up new perspectives, not only in the development of musical
creative opportunities for children and adults, strengthening their health, but also
High-quality - environmentally friendly sound information environment

Details in the book."B.V. Hladkov, spherodnamics. Mathematical principles of volumetric thinking. St. Petersburg

The material was going on the disk of the network :))) Links

Online Tunner (Camerton) is designed to set the guitar for rumor. With it, you can hear how the configured guitar should sound and configure your respectively.

Important! Do not forget to turn on speakers or headphones before using this tuner!

Online tuner-tuning

Buttons on the tuner correspond to the sounds of six open (not pressed) the strings of your guitar. From right to left:

  • 1 string - E (note "Mi")
  • 2 strings - b (note "SI")
  • 3 strings - G (Note "Salt")
  • 4 strings - D (note "re")
  • 5 strings - a (note "La")
  • 6 strings - E (note "Mi")

That is, from the thinnest, to the tolstoy.

Guitar tuning

Press the tuner switch and listen to how the open string should sound. Next, on your guitar, turning the ring on the grid head. Tune the string so that the string on your guitar sound in the same way as in the tuner. For more accurate settings, use.

  • If the tuner is not displayed on the page of your browser, install on your computer Adobe Flash Player.
  • Turn the slices gradually to accidentally do not drag and do not break the string.
  • If you have new strings, then after setting up all the strings from the first on the sixth (or vice versa), I recommend checking their sound in reverse order. The fact is that new strings stretch under tension and need to be installed more than once.
  • In order not to spoil your musical rumor, set up your guitar before each occupation. In order not to spend your time in search of the tuner, add a page to bookmarks or save it to social. networks.
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