NASA nose: Before flying shuttle, a special person sniffs. Superstitious traditions of astronauts and astronauts that is missing in big tennis

NASA nose: Before flying shuttle, a special person sniffs. Superstitious traditions of astronauts and astronauts that is missing in big tennis
NASA nose: Before flying shuttle, a special person sniffs. Superstitious traditions of astronauts and astronauts that is missing in big tennis

For reading 3 min. Published 08/26/2017

Today's game "Who wants to become a millionaire?" Consisted of three parts, the third part was a repeat of a very long-time game, judging by the appearance of the leading television program - Dmitry Dibrova. Today, players took part in the game: Tatyana Vasilyeva, Larisa Verbickskaya and Vladimir Korenev, Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Dobrovinsky.

Questions for Tatiana Vasilyeva

Tatyana Vasilyeva (100 000 - 100 000 rubles)

1. What does spinningist usually do with glittering fishing?

2. How ends the saying of Maxim Gorky: "Love the book - source ...?

3. What do you call sharp muscular pain?

4. What determination give an expanded scoundrel or villain?

5. How did the Soviet and Village called the Soviet press?

6. How not to call marine robbers?

7. What character "Hamlet" can be found in the table of chemical elements of Mendeleev?

8. Who in 2016 became the owner of the Nobel Prize in Literature?

9. What is the name of the race of monkeys?

10. What feature was a tour of the agricultural exhibition in the movie "Penag and Shepherd"?

11. What products are made to give on the 65th anniversary of living together?

12. What country to Nikolai Gogol called "his homeland of his soul"?

13. Monuments to the representative of which profession is in Vladimir, Belgorod, Moscow, Ufa, Tyumen, St. Petersburg?

Questions of the second pair of players

Larisa Verbicky and Vladimir Korenev (400,000 - 200,000 rubles)

1. Which key is on the computer keyboard?

2. What makes the mistress in a frying pan?

3. What is the name of the legendary ghost ship?

4. What animals Vysotsky called in a song pick-up?

5. What is missing in big tennis?

6. In which movie Tarkovsky, Margarita Terekhov played the main role?

7. In which coffee does not add milk or cream?

8. The name of which coin comes from the word "hundred"?

9. What animal in medieval Europe considered fish and therefore ate in the post?

10. What work of Fedor Dostoevsky is a novel in letters?

11. What does George Aldrich do with the things of astronauts before flying into space?

12. Where was Napoleon's Coronation I?

Questions of the third pair of players

Lolita Milyavskaya and Alexander Dobrovinsky (200,000 - 200 000 rubles)

1. Who seeks to get rid of their tail?

2. What approval is right in relation to fabulous Emeli?

3. What do you suggest to knock, advise to make?

4. Who is often part of the government?

5. Which TV show compared his apartment Mom's uncle Fyodor in the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino"?

6. At what age on Russian legislation, each man can qualify for old age?

7. What mathematical sign sang in one of my songs Zemfira?

8. What is the sauce prepared by the traditional recipe, not a dairy color?

9. How does Peter I hold at the famous monument "Copper Horseman"?

10. The premiere of which play to music Alexei Rybnikov forbade 11 times?

11. What is the name of the first Chinese moonport?

12. What was not in the passenger plane "Ilya Muromets"?

Answers to questions Tatiana Vasilyeva

  1. throws out
  2. knowledge
  3. lumbago
  4. cheated
  5. schock
  6. conquistore
  7. Polonia
  8. Bob Dylan.
  9. cappuchins
  10. she was in verse
  11. iron
  12. Italy
  13. january

Answers to the questions of the second pair of players

  1. space
  2. shovel
  3. "Flying Dutchman"
  4. konya
  5. times.
  6. "Mirror"
  7. ridertto
  8. beaver
  9. "Poor people"
  10. nyukhet
  11. in the Cathedral of the Paris Name

Answers to the questions of the third pair of players

  1. student
  2. traveled to the furnace
  3. flush from the head
  4. minister without portfolio
  5. "What where When?"
  6. 60 years
  7. infinity
  8. bolognese
  9. left hand
  10. "Star and Death of Hoakin Muriet"
  11. "Jade hare"
  12. refrigerator

George Aldrich - Astronaut Bodyguard

And now one more example of an unusual profession. What is NASA, you know - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They launch satellites and spacecraft - "Shuttles". Among the masses of "eggs" (that is, highly subsided) employees - five Nyukhach. They sniff everything that should fly into space with the crews of astronauts.

One of the reasons for the appearance of this profession was not a very successful flight of the Soviet crew Boris Volynova and Vitaly Zholobov on the Soyuz-21 spacecraft in 1976. Some time after the staffing of the orbit, the ship commander reported that a foreign smell appeared in the cockpit. At first, they did not pay attention to the annoying interference, and more than a month, our astronauts spent in the atmosphere of increasing Woney either because of the fuel seeping somewhere, or because of the smells of plastic sheathing ... an unforeseen equipment failure forced to minimize the program and the crew returned to the ground. But it does not happen an emergency situation, the flight would still have to stop out of the smell. In space, you will not open the vehicle for venting ...

One of Nyukhachy Nasa named George Aldrich told about his amazing profession. He received her enough unexpectedly. 18-year-old George served in the fire protection, without even suspecting that he had a unique "nose." On the announcement of the set of volunteers in the "aromatic" department of NASA, he filed a statement and took part in control testing. To his surprise, he passed a medical examination and all the tests.

Aldrich correctly determined bottles with smelling substance (he was offered ten flasks, of which three were with clean water). It was distinguished and allocated from the proposed bouquet of aromas seven main - musky, floral, ethereal, camphor, mint, sharp and grinding.

George was credited to work. Since then, for three decades, he participated in more than seven hundred preparations for launch. And every four months he with colleagues passes strict sense of smell. A good smell specialist should have not only a unique sense of smell, but also a good associative and rapid memory, as well as ... fantasy.

Together with other Nyukhachi, he spoils absolutely everything on the booth, from the installation boards to the clothes of astronauts and pasta in the fountain pen. The fact is that some items that have no smell in the Earth's atmosphere, in space suddenly become gas sources and smell ...

Nyukhachi estimate odors on a scale from 0 - invisible, then barely or easily detectable - this is 2, then it goes unwanted - 3 and, finally, 4 is aggressive. If the estimate is above two and a half points, the odorless object without conversations is covered from the spacecraft. All personal belongings of astronauts are checked (so, one of the first female astronauts Sally Ride Nyukhachi selected ... Mascara, too, was too soul). And when preparing for other flights, Lotion after shaving was rejected, a small album with domestic photos and even someone's laptop (Portable baby-computer IBM) ...

"I feel like a bodyguard of astronauts," says Aldrich, "although I have only a very good nose."

On his business card, the shuttle and skuns are depicted nearby and there is an inscription with small letters: "If something smells something in the space program, I have to sniff it."

From time to time they sent a car that was rare in those years. She dressed up, importantly and mysteriously told us what was "invited to examination", and left. Grandmother laughed and somehow changed: "At Connie a very sensitive nose, and she is invited by an expert. - Then, having spoiled, added: - But you do not tell anyone, and if they ask where it works, say: in the factory of spirits ... "

At that time, much for some reason was secret. Then, when I enhanced, I understood: aunt Koney worked by Nyukhach. I do not know if you heard about such professions. So called people with a very sharp smell. Grandmother said that this is a rare gift that you need to protect, and I all descended my sister. The aunt also took care of her nose: I was afraid of drafts, and when the neighbors were burning at the communal kitchen, went to bed and put a cold compress on the forehead. He said that she had a headache.

I myself had a nose in my childhood too - be healthy, what a sensitive one. Bring from the store a sausage (rarely it is, however, it happened), so I used it before our dog snatch ...

Profession aunt was not just rare, but unique. In the factory, she did not work, but in difficult cases traveled to the examination. The fact is that it is good if there is one person who can distinguish between several thousand odors, a few million.

Profession - Nyukhach

Today, professional Nyukhach (not geniine severity, but simply people with a very acute sense of smell) need much more than before. We live in the world of synthetics, and the whole synthetics smells. Many people do not tolerate some odors. And therefore, even at factories producing products, it would seem not related to smells, Nyukhachi specialists.

I recently read the article in which the Renault Automobile Plant. So they have a whole brigade, a person eight, experts on smells. Let the experimental workshop of the new car. Everyone is good, but now the last examination: eight "noses" (so in France they call "Nyukhach") in white coats begin to sniff it ... and their conclusion, for example: "This seat upholstery publishes not very pleasant smell" or "from the gearbox pulls The smell of oil ", unconditionally. An excellent experienced copy with a magnificent chassis, the engine and the body is sent to refinement.

And imagine a submarine. There is plastic, too, even debt. But if the car's salon can be ventilated, then for a submarine, which has left for a long trick, is a problem.

Or a very close example of us: tap water. They take it from rivers and first sent on the water station to the water purification laboratory. This is understandable - in our rivers they do not merge ... At the same time, a lot to clean either do not want, they say, expensive, unprofitable, may not notice, or (it is already very bad) cannot clear. Therefore, it is clear that the profession of "Water Nyhacha expert" is very important at water stations. And imagine what scent it should have? Well, try to smell the shock from the crane yourself: water and water - how does it smell?

In general, Nyukhachi are different. They, as a rule, specialize in some one industry. There are experts on technical smells, there are "Nyhathachi" -conditioners, there are specialists, finely feel smells of good wines, cheeses, sausages ... Some people with a subtle smell specialize in the flavors of medicinal plants, and Nyukhachi-Parfumes create perfumes ...

George Aldrich - Astronaut Bodyguard

And now one more example of an unusual profession. What is NASA, you know - National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They launch satellites and spacecraft - "Shuttles". Among the masses of "eggs" (that is, highly subsided) employees - five Nyukhach. They sniff everything that should fly into space with the crews of astronauts.

One of the reasons for the appearance of this profession was not a very successful flight of the Soviet crew Boris Volynova and Vitaly Zholobov on the Soyuz-21 spacecraft in 1976. Some time after the staffing of the orbit, the ship commander reported that a foreign smell appeared in the cockpit. At first, they did not pay attention to the annoying interference, and more than a month, our astronauts spent in the atmosphere of increasing Woney either because of the fuel seeping somewhere, or because of the smells of plastic sheathing ... an unforeseen equipment failure forced to minimize the program and the crew returned to the ground. But it does not happen an emergency situation, the flight would still have to stop out of the smell. In space, you will not open the vehicle for venting ...

One of Nyukhachy Nasa named George Aldrich told about his amazing profession. He received her enough unexpectedly. 18-year-old George served in the fire protection, without even suspecting that he had a unique "nose." On the announcement of the set of volunteers in the "aromatic" department of NASA, he filed a statement and took part in control testing. To his surprise, he passed a medical examination and all the tests.

Aldrich correctly determined bottles with smelling substance (he was offered ten flasks, of which three were with clean water). It was distinguished and allocated from the proposed bouquet of aromas seven main - musky, floral, ethereal, camphor, mint, sharp and grinding.

George was credited to work. Since then, for three decades, he participated in more than seven hundred preparations for launch. And every four months he with colleagues passes strict sense of smell. A good smell specialist should have not only a unique sense of smell, but also a good associative and rapid memory, as well as ... fantasy.

Together with other Nyukhachi, he spoils absolutely everything on the booth, from the installation boards to the clothes of astronauts and pasta in the fountain pen. The fact is that some items that have no smell in the Earth's atmosphere, in space suddenly become gas sources and smell ...

Nyukhachi estimate odors on a scale from 0 - invisible, then barely or easily detectable - this is 2, then it goes unwanted - 3 and, finally, 4 is aggressive. If the estimate is above two and a half points, the odorless object without conversations is covered from the spacecraft. All personal belongings of astronauts are checked (so, one of the first female astronauts Sally Ride Nyukhachi selected ... Mascara, too, was too soul). And when preparing for other flights, Lotion after shaving was rejected, a small album with domestic photos and even someone's laptop (Portable baby-computer IBM) ...

"I feel like a bodyguard of astronauts," says Aldrich, "although I have only a very good nose."

On his business card, the shuttle and skuns are depicted nearby and there is an inscription with small letters: "If something smells something in the space program, I have to sniff it."


Remember how Sherlock Holmes explore the crime scene? He considered them carefully, collected evidence, and happened, and sniffed, that is, he was engaged in odorology. This is the name of the section of criminology, whose task is to establish the personality of the criminal at the smell left.

Criminalistics - it's quite complicated. First, as we have already been convinced, the smell is a very subtle substance, and it is difficult to catch it. Secondly, crooks and fraudsters are also not fools. Having committed a crime, they struggle with all their mights. But, as you remember, each person accompanies his own individual smell. And today there has already been a laboratory installation on identification (that is, identifying or determining the coincidence) of the odor of the suspect today. According to his invisible remnants on clothing or on the floor, even after washing or thorough cleaning, it is possible to find material evidence, and on them - to identify a true criminal. Square traces are saved for a long time.

Crocodile conflict. Since 1968, the main Space Center NASA is the Kennedy Space Center - is based on Merrit Island in Florida. However, only 9% of the space of the cosmodrome is used for its intended purpose, and the rest of the territory occupies a wildlife reserve. This means that the guests of the Space Center are sometimes becoming residents of the National Park. All such "tourists" do not deliver problems to NASA employees, except for one American alligator. Local reservoirs are an excellent source of food for reptile, and from time to time they love to not sleep in the sun near auto parks, runways or pedestrian zones. In addition to the fact that the Alligator is a danger to visitors of the cosmodrome, the crocodiles themselves may suffer: at the moment, scientists are studied whether the NASA technologies are damaged to the environment and its wild inhabitants. And on the video, by the way, the alligator filmed by tourists during the tour of the Space Center of Kennedy.

Songs performed by land.In 2012, NASA released an audio recording called "EarthSong" ("Song of the Earth"), which "sang" the planet itself. The record was made by two NASA spacecraft studying the Earth's radiation belts (RBSP, also known as Van Allen Probes). Earth sounds are a consequence of an electromagnetic phenomenon caused by plasma waves in the radiation belt of the planet. Scientists poetically called this phenomenon "Choir". According to Craig cells from the University of Iowa, who participated in the creation of an Emfisis receiver to collect signals, that way we would hear the radiation belt, be in our ears built-in radio antenna.

Perfect swimsuit from NASA. Remember the scandalous story with swimming suit on the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008? Unprecedented results showed swimmers dressed in Swimwear LZR RACER: Athletes beat many world records and won 33 Olympic medals. After the Olympiad and the next European Championship, the International Footage of Europe has changed swimsuit requirements, in fact, prohibiting LZR Racer. Speedo sports brand Speedo suits were developed in conjunction with NASA: the purpose of scientists was the maximum reduction in resistance, for which the knowledge of the aerodynamics of NASA staff was useful. More than 60 samples of the fabric were tested in aerodynamic pipes, and as a result, a LZR Racer swimming suit was created, which instead of the traditional seam were "sewn" by the method of ultrasonic welding. In general, just space, not a swimsuit.

Survival course for NASA astronauts- Mandatory point in preparing for flight into space. Yes, to survive in outer space is Polwy, it is necessary to die yet and on Earth, if, when landing, something went wrong and the astronaut turned out to be much further from the planned landing site. Survival skills in the wildlife of astronauts are trained from the 60s on air bases in Nevada and Panama. True, so far in the history of NASA, the strongest deviation from the course during the landing occurred with the pilot of the Aurora-7 spacecraft by Malcolm Carpenter: the capsule was at a distance of 400 km from the point where it was expected. Astronauts discovered for several hours. In this, he was lucky much more than the Soviet cosmonauts Alexei Leonov and Pavel Belyaev, who had two days to spend heroically in the taiga.

Vibration test, or Test on shaking, all NASA spacecraft pass. Strong vibrations during the launch of the rocket should not be a hindrance, because even one conditioned poorly fixed screw can lead to a disaster. Modern rockets are tested on a powerful vibrationboard, 7 m wide and weighing 25 thousand kg, at the Plum Brook station in the world's largest terminal vacuum chamber (SPF). Each module is subjected to dozens of tests before it is allowed to fly. But in the 60s, testing technology was, to put it mildly, simpler: in fact, the rockets were shaken by manually by the "Tanya-Pull" method. However, it is better to see once - before you recording the first similar test.

The weather in the house in NASA is created independently. NASA develops and builds one of the largest devices in the world. For this, respectively, they require huge and high facilities. For example, the building of the vertical assembly (Vehicle Assembly Building, Vab), where cosmic ships are going, is the fifth in height of the building in the world. The internal volume of VAB is 3.7 million cubic meters. Because of the sizes of the VAB and the wet climate, Florida NASA faced an unexpected problem - sometimes the clouds begin to form in the building itself. When assembling spacecraft, the cost of billions of dollars, every detail is important, and similar climatic quirks could become a serious interference for NASA. To overcome this phenomenon, I had to create a special system of air conditioners, weighing 10 thousand tons.

Unpaid fined for garbage releasewaiting for its own 30 years. Skylab, the first and only national orbital station of the United States, descended from the orbit and collapsed in 1979. The drops of falling not burnt parts of the station have shifted from the intended course and fell in the area of \u200b\u200bthe shores of Western Australia. The Australian County Esperance presented the NASA account of $ 400 for the release of garbage, but the fine was paid only to 30 years later, after the story was told on the California radio.

Question of bioethods In space has always been a problem for NASA. Today, astronauts enjoy high-tech restrooms, but it was not always. The situation with cosmic toilets perfectly illustrates the case during the "Apollo-10" mission. Captain of the spacecraft Thomas Stafford found excrement floating over the air. This story was published after decrypting conversations on board. Filming up who from astronauts belonged to such an unpleasant flying object, almost eclipsed the test flight itself to the moon. By the way, none of the crew members admitted, and the mystery still remains unsolved.

Nyukhach is a position for NASA. Meet: George Aldrich, officially his work position is called a specialist in chemicals. Essentially George is the main nose in NASA: he must sniff everything that NASA is going to send to space. The closed space and heat amplify the smells, and the ability to open the window and ventilate the room at astronauts will not. Therefore, Nyhatcha's task is to save crew members from unpleasant odors during the flight. George Aldrich is not the only one: the NASA serves a whole snuff. His employees every four months have a special test for professional benefit - they need to determine the smell content of ten cans.

Riot on the ship. Space ship!In 1974, the SkyLab 4 crew spent in space 84 days - this is quite a long time for the team, and the non-good stress resistance is required to go smoothly. So, about a month before the end of the mission, the crew made a kind of rebellion: the astronauts took a unplanned day off, disabling all means of communication with the center of flight control and, instead of the habitual hard work, admired fantastic landscapes. Of course, the CUP was not delighted with such a scenario, but this flight became an important milestone in the study of the influence of space flights to the human psyche. Since then, NASA, planning a mission, especially closely relates to resting cosmonauts.