Noise MS What happened. Singa Sasha Sokolova, Noize MC Parliament on the Jordan clip, died of cancer

Noise MS What happened. Singa Sasha Sokolova, Noize MC Parliament on the Jordan clip, died of cancer
Noise MS What happened. Singa Sasha Sokolova, Noize MC Parliament on the Jordan clip, died of cancer

Ivan Alekseev is a Russian singer and composer, working under the noise MC pseudonym. In his music combines two styles - hip-hop and rock. The name of the group comes from the English word noise - "noise", this is the concept, according to Ivan, most accurately characterizes the style of his team.


Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) was born on March 9, 1985 in the small town of Yartsevo, located in the Smolensk region. The artist's father was associated with art, engaged in music, and his mother worked at the chemical enterprise. At the nine-year-old age, Ivan survived the divorce of the parents and wrote his first poems. The first musical hobbies appeared in the ten years, then Ivan Alekseev entered the local music school (classic guitar class). In 1997, together with his mother went to Belgorod. It was there that the performer received his first awards in the musical sphere - in 1998 and 2000 at the Competition of the performers in the class of classical guitar.

Ivan made his first steps to create their own group Ivan at 13, self-collected the musical team. At the age of 15, the musician joins the Rychigy Mashyn group as a bass guitarist and back vocalist. According to Ivan himself, a popular influence group Prodigy has a huge impact on his work. Track Diesel Power pushed Noize MC to writing rap. Later, together with Odnoklassnik, Ivan Alekseev created a popular Face2face group on the Internet space.

After graduating from the secondary school, Ivan moved to Moscow and entered RGGU. In connection with his relocation, Face2Face group broke up.

Student. First serious steps

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), whose biography is rich in interesting facts, lived in a university dormitory and engaged in solo execution. In the first courses, the musician organized his Protivo Gunz group playing alternative directions, and it was then that most texts are written in popularity now. At the senior courses in the life of the singer there were many club hip-hop contests with prizes, Ivan's group performed in the suburbs on various venues.

At 20, the musician became the leading project "Snikhers Urbania". This right he earned a victory over the MS young in Battle Hip-Hop performers. The next two years, Ivan traveled with a new team with touring throughout Russia, and the material was able to record its material in the studio. In 2006, in the summer, the RESPECT PRODUCTION concluded a contract with a musician as a solo performer.

In May of the same year, Ivan Alekseev moved from the dorm to a removable apartment on the old Arbat, arranging improvised concerts in the city center.

First video clip

In September 2006, the Respect Production group wins in the All-Russian Competition Urban Sound and as a prize is able to remove the first video clip. After long disputes, one of the early compositions of Ivana was chosen - "Song for Radio". The clip hits the MUZ-TV channel and on the DFM radio station, where it will last for four months.

Six months later, by decision of the channel, the video was rented, and Hindrere Maasik, who worked with Bandera and Disco Crash teams and the director. In the frame of the clip throughout the song there are semi-nailed people who have intimate places covered with signs with the inscription "Noize MC", and this video reaches the fifth place in the Top Chart Channel Muz-TV.

Signing a contract, first album

In the symbolic date, Friday 13, in 2007, Ivan Alekseev concluded a contract with Respect Production and a UNIVERSAL GROUP division in Russia. At the same time, Noize Mc won the competition on the Internet portal, bypassing about three thousand Russian-speaking performers from all over the planet.

A few months later, in the summer of 2007, Ivan was invited to one of the main roles in the film "Raffle", where Vanya had to play a young guy from the eleventh grade, who fonds music and moved to Moscow after the death of his parents. Ivan was also responsible for soundtracks in this picture.

Second video

The second clip Noize MC was removed on the song "behind the closed door". The track contains the motives of the song Chizh - "Eternal youth", elements of black humor and characteristic of the artist Irony. According to the plot, this is a story about a group playing in the rock direction and suddenly become popular. The video came to the top ten songs of the MTV 2007 channel, and the song came to the rotation of such radio stations as "Next FM", M-Radio.

The Union of Ivan Alekseeva and Universal Group lasted a little less than a year, in May 2008 Noize MC terminates the contract and begins to promote its label independently. After a month, the debut album "The Greatest Hits Vol. 1 ", which leading printed publications noted as an" album of the year. "

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) and his wife met in the same 2008.

The artist did not leave his usual street performances and continues to perform on Arbat. Noize MC also performs a tour of the city of Russia.

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) Photo with his wife thoroughly hides, only single pictures made in the network, made several years ago before the birth of children.

Further successes Noize MC

Ivan's second album went out two years after the first, in May 2010. It is called the "last album", songs from which Noize MC performed in eleven cities throughout the country.

According to the Russian version of Forbes magazine, Ivan's annual income for 2009 amounted to 0.9 million dollars, and together with the number of search queries in Yandex, it put it for 41 rows in the "Star and Money" chart.

Fame of senior people have brought socially-directed songs, such as Mercedes S666. The track was written on the topic of the accident that took the lives of two people, and Andrei Barkova, the musician presented as an "Angel in the flesh", whom the people unreasonably admitted guilty of incident.

Peak popularity

In the winter of 2012, Noize MC announced the release of two plates at once next year - in honor of the Ten-year anniversary of Protivo Gunz with a reissue of old tracks and an album with rap tracks. On April 10, they were released into the rotation of the "Swimming pool" video clip, and the next day the albums were available on iTunes.

April 2013 was filled with a concert tour. The 6th and 7th took place two concerts in Minsk, the 25th - in Kiev, then there were concerts in Russia - in Krasnodar, Moscow, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, Abakan and Kazan.

The fourth album is "confusion," came out the day before the official date - October 28. On the Internet, the songs from the album have become available for download for four days earlier - October 24.

In November 2013, Ivan was a special guest in freestyle-fight "Word".

At the end of 2013, on New Year's Eve, MTV TV channel showed a forty-minute segment from a concert dedicated to the decade of Noize MC.

In September 2014, Ivan Alekseev released the sixth album. It is called "Hard Reboot" and includes tracks performed together with the American artist Astronautalis.

In the fall of 2014, Ivan Alekseeva's MTV canal at the top five nominated

In November of the same year, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC), whose personal life remains a mystery, played in the musical "Juliet and Romeo" according to the novel. The performer got the role of a drug police that sold a magical elixir, bringing happiness to a person who will drink it. Despite the fact that Ivan has no acting education, the director of the musical noted his acting data by visiting the concert Noize MC.

2015 year

In January 2015, a new clip was released for the song "Pouring Leash". This track was recorded as a soundtrack for the film "Shaggy Christmas Trees". All money collected from the sale of this track on the Internet was sent to the Sunflench Charitable Foundation.

March 9, 2015, Ivan was 30 years old. He celebrated his birthday with two large concerts in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. The day after the birthday, a clip was published on the track "Robots".

On March 20, a new reprinted album was released, which included such songs like "Jordan" and "breaking the leash." The album also included several new mixes and rewritten old songs.

In April, Ivan Alekseev took part in Total Dictation, where he acted as a speaker. Dictation was held in the native Institute of the Contractor.

In June 2015, a new clip was released on the "Talking Heads" track. The video was filmed in an unusual place - in the "House-Transporter" at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The premiere showed on the A-One TV channel.

In August, Noize MC showed a new format of performance. The concert was held in Moscow, in the Museon Art Park, in the open sky. In September, the team again supported the charitable Foundation "Sunflower", performing a concert that was broadcast on the AFISHA.RU website.

In October, the film "Save my speech forever", which tells about the life of the poet of Osip Mandelstam. The main soundtrack for the film was the song Ivan "Save my speech", which combined poetic poems and the text Noize MC.

In November, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the premiere of the concert program "Make Noyz himself" was held, the main single of which was the same track.

On November 13, a new collection "Kostik" was released, consisting of selected songs in acoustic performance. To select songs, the group fans were involved, which for a month voted on social networks for their favorite songs Noize MC. Together with selected songs, the single "Merin" was released.

On November 14, 2015, Noize MC was heated at the city of Orenburg. November 19 Noize MC won the nomination "Hip-Hop of the Year". The premium presentation took place within the framework of the Music Box 2015 on the state scene

Personal life

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) and his family try not to cover their personal life. It is known that Ivan got acquainted with his wife Anna Alexeeva in 2008 at a concert. Two years later, the couple played a wedding. In 2010, the first son of Vasily, the second son, Ivan, in two years, was born. There is no information about the spouse, except that it is engaged in the house and raising children. A woman is trying not to fall under the sight of photodigaphs.

Undoubtedly, Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC) and his family, the photo of which the performer hides so carefully, all free time spend together. The artist does not know what he knows what to live without a father, so he tries with all their might not to deprive his sons attention.

The brutal, causing, hard and uncompromising Noize MC tells about its usual day: "Morning begins with the fact that I am Taja Vasily Ivanovich (son, - aut.) On the pot. Then we play, then prepare my mom's breakfast. "

The scandalous, using an abnormative vocabulary in texts, jumping into the scene in his nude, in his personal life - an exemplary husband and father of two children.

Mystery covered with darkness

Ivan Alekseev, like many public people, hides their wife from the press, the public and does not like to discuss her. He rigidly negatively belongs to the characters that turn their family relationships to the teleproject "Dom-2". About his wife know quite a bit, and this information has to learn from the tag of the numerous interviews of the musician.

Photos from the site of a wonderful wedding photographer - Lilia Gorlaneova

It is known that the wife of Noize MC is called Anna AlekseevaShe is my mother of two beautiful sons and aquarius on the sign of the zodiac. Around the rest in the press there is a lot of discrepancies and just incorrect information. For example, from the article in the article, the story of the story was acquainted with the concert, although in one of the interviews Alekseev on a direct question: " Where did you meet my wife", Answers:" In the campus».

With his wife, Anna, he met in a hostel RGU, where he studied at the Faculty of Informatics. She sat in the room of their common acquaintances, tried to print an abstract, and nothing had nothing. He went.

Consequently, it is possible with a lot of probability to assume that the wife of Alekseeva finished the same university as the Noize MC himself. Given that Ivan moved to Moscow, and began to be entered the university, in 2002, their acquaintance took place before before the musician came fame And all attributes associated with it.

Alekseev's music was engaged in childhood, and always saw himself as a musician, but earned a loved one became much later. It can be said that the beauties Anna passed along with her beloved all the burden of Ivan's formation as a musician.

Muse and first critic

In 2010, a couple born the son of Vasily, and in 2012 - Mikhail. The artist, despite his big employment, tries all his free time to give a family, because he grew up without a father and in no case would not like to repeat this childhood for his favorite boys.

Most often they are chosen from the house somewhere with the whole family, or several families, because at home, as the musician itself says " hands scratch something to write something, or escape to the rehearsal».

However, both ideas come to the rest of the restless worker. So, during the journey in India, they removed the main part of the video of the clip to the song "Bryn-Bryn-Bryn", and the video it had to shoot Anna!

In an interview, he calls his wife a lovely, muse and first criticism. All his lyrical compositions musician draws from personal experience - and mostly, he is connected with him, of course, with Anna.

Being a man himself formed and nelluem (school, he, for example, graduated with a gold medal), he also chose his own satellite. From rare threads interviews it becomes clear that their family is from reading peopleAnd the wife discharges a lot of interesting children's books for their children.

They are also similar and musical tastes, the spouses together attend concerts of the same performers and teams. And when Ivan on the tour, Anna goes to the concerts alone.

Anne does not occupy and patience - not every woman can live with a man like Ivan Alekseeva. For example, when she gave birth to a second child, the future father was arrested for 10 days For insulting the police.

The provocative composition "Kuri Bamboo" did not understand the Volgograd police officers, and Zagrebani under the white handle hooligan and the Buntar Noize Mc. As a result, Ivan could not pick up his wife from the maternity hospital, which very regrets!

Nearby Rapers

Here they are with us, Russian rappers. There are no steep wheelbarrows, chicks, cocaine and full bags of dough. Favorite wife, sons, and apartment in Lyubertsy.

By the way, Ivan has no car at all, and there is no driver's rights, as, however, and his wife. He goes to the subway, and no one breaks it on the flap, only occasionally treat a request to take a picture. And with all this once the Magazine "FORBS" called him the highest paid rap-performer of the year, which was very surprised by Alekseeva.

Of course, there is no problems with money now. On clips, studio, life and traveling with your favorite people is enough. And more, he apparently does not need.

- Do you feel how the musical world is changing around you?

He became extremely diverse. Previously, there were usual sources of information, now it fell out so much that you carry out the helplessly. People are no longer ready to listen to the same group for 10 years, they constantly need something new. But those who have long become popular, it no longer concerns - and they will not go anywhere, they travel on another train.

Did you have changed any guidelines in this? Conditionally speaking, six years ago it was necessary to write a three-minute song with the chorus for the radio, and now it is not necessary, because instead of radio for all the Internet.

Landmarks are all the same - as far as it resonates with my small circle. These are the living people who I play a song in the kitchen or put in a small column at the airport while we are waiting for the flight: "Look, dudes, what I did."

- What expectations are associated with the new album "King Mountains"?

It seems to me that this is a very hat plate. She is concise, there is no song in it, in which I doubt it is made in a short time, on the road - it turns out, the midi keyboard can be put on the table in the plane and write something. Approximately half of the album is already performed at concerts. This is a good test drive for the material to understand how to bring it to mind and subsequently fix it. In general, it seems to me that this is a very good and one-piece album.

- What of your albums does it look like?

On the first two plates, only communicated to a more compact state. Here we have a lesser degree Kaleidoscope and Vinaigrette. Although there is also a wide genre palette, and the acoustic ballad can be coherent with the Drum-n-Base-militant.

When you started, the listeners of rap were enthusiastic in that the artist arose in the genre, who ruins stamps and combines everything - from grunge to electronics. And more than years, this combination itself turned into a stamp.

Although I still try new colors, there is a set of expressive tools that have already become my own style. Many artists fulfill one song in different variations. I don't have one, I have seven them. That in itself is not bad. But I always try to play the eighth.

Track "Peter Roofs" enters the tracklist "Tsar Mountain"

- How did you sign up with a coin?

Contact up "VKontakte". I listened to her album, I liked it, we began to communicate. It turned out that this is an up-to-date, modern, living person who has no boundary between himself and his scenic way.

- It is surprising that other famous artists still did not appeal to her.

And they treated, I just lucky more than others.

- Is there an album a key topic?

This album is that, playing in someone else's game according to the rules that someone came up with, you are not involved in the competition. The fact that the value is the creation of its own world. And what, let's say, all third-party and apparent is very violently, so you need to twist less head on the sides and focus on your own and present.

The vast majority of your listeners are unlikely to go to ultra-industrial creative work. Do they have such a message?

This is not the only promise plate. But if we talk about this line, that estimated judgments from the side still should be filtered, then this is a message that in the world of social networks concerns each.

- Is there any story about how you came to this?

My career is this story. About me for many years someone thinks something and says. And if all this is passed through yourself, then you can go crazy. I don't do this anymore. I remember the notorious 2010, when everyone had an opinion on who I am what I do and how good it is or bad. It was a hard time, I gave it too much meaning. All this hype is insane in the end ascended, and the 2011 album remained - and, it seems, remained for a long time.

Probably nice to be the center of attention. And from this certainly some kind of superostudy feeling arises. Despite the whole negative.

This sensation exists in its pure form, without impurities. In the "Stadium" I go to the scene, in front of which 5 thousand people gathered. And I understand that I am not just here and now there will be something very cool here. And when the 115th journalist comes to you from the "Volgograd Truth" and asks why you wrote a song "Mercedes S666", in advance knowing the answers to all your questions - such attention does not help feel better.

"Make Some Noize" - the first single with the "Tsar Mountain"

- I understand, but it is difficult to believe that it was not quite pleasant in this attention. Especially when the 115th journalist came from "Volgograd Pravda", but the intelligent Andrei Horsk.

There was a different feeling. If we speak specifically about the case with Mercedes S666, there was a feeling that such actions can be reversed the course of this sad story. I thought about it. Was it a pleasant one? It was nice to realize that the strength I possess can help people. And endorphine from the fact that, as cool, I take interviews - most of these interviews were attempts to remove me on clean water. Maybe remember how I went to Oleg Kashina on an interview?

"I, apparently, forgot about it."

I also often remember this. Just once we touched all these events.

- He tried to press you?

Well, yes, and after a few months I made another interview, the same unpleasant. Without this, everything is much easier. The condition of the unrestrained Haip, when everyone around is inclined your name, maybe someone brings pleasure, maybe someone consciously goes to it. I was always interested to write songs, create some kind of worlds. See, the Die Antwoord group appeared, I saw them - and I immediately have a feeling of the world created by them. They are unique, they are cool, despite that actually I do not listen to such a mulzo. But it truly touches me. I am completely uninteresting at the same time to pick up in some details, where, what and to whom they said.

Or the idol of my youth, Kurt Cobain. It is clear that there were drugs. Nevertheless, the brains for themselves hersic, in my deep conviction, because too seriously perceived what they were talking about. I read many biographies and in general literature related to Nirvana. There was a case when he ran through the mansion from Courtney with a selection of magazines, where there were derogatory articles about him. She tried to throw them out, because he constantly reread them and experienced some kind of Mazochist Kaif. Although it is possible to call it a buzz?

In 2010, many people had the feeling that words could influence something that the song could change something. And in 2011, after marsh mood in society changed. In this sense, the story with your rather innocent phrases about Ukraine was indicative - "was there, Bandera did not see," which did not cause anything except hate here.

It was a very strong experience and disappointment. I felt absolutely helplessly, trying to reach people, but the principal possibility of dialogue was completely absent. Whatever you say, you will not hear you, everything is clear about you in advance. Therefore, I mental on the "Kuban": go ... You still do not want to listen anyway (at the Kuban festival, Noize MC turned off the microphone when he began to talk about Ukraine, he left the scene and returned to her naked; afterwards several Dozens of Russian concerts were canceled under various pretexts. - Approx. ed.).

- Did you have thoughts to leave the country?

I perceive emigration only as the last way to avoid prison or physical violence. And I do not want to leave.

This year, Noize MC released such a video for the song about the rebel Lenin "Lenin Has Risen" - this is part of the English-speaking album, which was actually planned at the end of 2016, but it turned out to be shifted on "After the Tsar Mountain"

It is necessary to go to some more life-affirming theme. Let's remember another story from 2010, as you quarreled and recalled with Sergey Shnurov.

We recalled very cool, yes. If we were not quarreled, we would not make friends.

- And you continue to support contacts?

We communicate, yes. We occur periodically when I am in St. Petersburg, but Sergey has such a schedule that it happens infrequently.

- Can I remember the circumstances?

The song "Khimkinsky Forest" was released that all these songs on social and political topics are insincere. A separate line about the devilish "MERS" sent to Mercedes S666. I always treated "Leningrad", so it hurt me so sharply. Well, I also composed such a song-parody, taking as a basis not the most famous hit "Leningrad". And if you do not know the original, then such an answer could seem very dirty.

Many have not perceived it as a parody. Nevertheless, it was my answer for the Sergey himself, and not for wearing people around. Well, no continuation did it, he was simply silent, and then on his birthday in 2011, after six months after this clip, suddenly called me and began to find out the relationship. We had enough ambiguously talked, and although some points of mutual understanding found, but our conversation, I remember, ended on "Well, I can't hear apologies" - "You are what ... apologies." After that, we saw with him within a few months on the "Steppe Wolf" awards, where we introduced Vasya Oblomov. Sergey Vladimirovich was a subeer, so communication began with some bulls, and it ended in that at 6 am we drunk on the fountain, near his house. The gathering was colorful - constantly approached some people, the cords took the Viskar in the store with the words "write down on my account."

Clip "Punning Star", shot in 2010 at a concert, Noize MC was pretty boldly joined confrontation with Sergey Shnurov, answering his song "Himkinsky Forest"

On the picnic of "Posters" -2015 you met Zemfir and tried to rise. I understand it, nothing happened?

Not at all anything. We in collaboration wrote a few songs. In the form in which we wrote them, they cannot be heard. She was responsible for the musical part, and I am for texts. Texts did not go anywhere, I just wrote another music for them, and they entered the album.

- Why is that?

Well, we did something, but all the time was lowered. And at some point they stopped communicating. For certain circumstances. But this is in any case an interesting experience. I respectfully treat Zemfire, she composed a lot of steep songs, she is an interesting melody, a cool composer, a straight and sharp person. And among other things, also a steep bitmaker. Zemfira makes cool bits.

- You say "Interesting experience." What, for example, such an experience can teach?

I was very inspired by this acquaintance, composed a few songs that I really like. Do not be this acquaintance, these texts would not be.

- Today, to some extent interested in the world of Russian rap?

Russian rap is OK, I remember that before it was a genre in which it was very difficult to find something truly clinging and not causing any questions. Now with this simpler.

- Does this music often give you a feeling "I am too old for this shit"?

No, not too. I repeatedly said, I like the album of Oxymon - I expected that it would be a Battle Rap and humiliation of an imaginary opponent, but what heard I was pleasantly surprised. The scriptonite album is very original, and, although his value system is not close to me, I admit that this is a sign entry for Russian rap. ATL Well done, I like how he has electronics works, and everything is very praising his liva.

Some things like the same Claud Rap, I'm not interested in not as music, but as a social phenomenon, like something new that we can learn about the world. Our bassist talks about it that the new generation understood that in the list of Sex, Drugs & Rock-N-Roll Rock and Roll - the item is absolute superfluous. And he passed, so to speak, immediately to the bottom. They rather broadcast a certain lifestyle, where sexual objectification is maximum, where a woman is equal to a whore, and already boring and not very interesting. Neither love nor longing nor pity.

- What happened to you on Battle "Versus"? You looked as if with you ...

As if something happened to me. My life was falling apart in pieces. I will not talk about it. Just believe that it was .... And this Battle himself ... - It was a cherry on such a cake! That in comparison its size is simply ridiculous. I never revised it. I only remember that I was freestyle there and it was even unnecessarily frankly.

With a crac, the lost Battle Versus took place at the end of 2013 - Battle movement in Russia at that time did not score a move; Noize MC was almost the only artist, collecting five-tailed clubs and risking to go to Versus

When you were younger, you could pour themselves funny and bold attacks on or Andrei Malakhov. And now you will be attached.

Some things are forced to think about karma. I am not as aggressive as before. Even if we take some kind of early period, until 20 years inclusive, I, as a rule, still concentrated on unpleasant creativity, and not on person. As for the examples mentioned ... My then actions were answered by someone's rudeness and so on. That is, getting some time from the outside, I rushed to answer immediately, this is such a motive I had, now it is not. Just uninteresting. It is necessary to do what you are inspired. If you are not inspired, do not do.

- You have been the manager for the past few years, right?

I have a manager, I never wanted administrative affairs, and it is simply impossible for volume.

Yes, but now this is your employee, and before your management was engaged in your producer. Could you reflect if the producers are needed in the future, where did we all suddenly be?

By and large, the artist needs a team. A good SMM manager, a good designer, a good buoy that taxes concert activities. Even better, if there is a manager who can negotiate a more serious level. However, there are artists who themselves lead all things, and they are so more convenient. And for me it is uncomfortable.

I love to give examples of the same cord or Oxymon, who turned their social networks into popular media, which provide contact with the audience without intermediaries. Why do you ignore the social network?

I understand how powerful tool they can be. But for this they need to be done in due measure. If I have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow the world is arranged, I will rather try to turn it into a song. To be honest, in the current state it is much more comfortable than 5 years ago. Because I finally do music much more time without being distracted by a solid husk. And it is great. And much less extra people around, which much more superficially perceive this music. When in your concert half of the public just came to visit the exhibition Oslov - "Oh, it's cool now" - I passed it. Of course, it flatters a pride. But much cooler when the people who came to you know where they came.

I recently seen you from the Sokol subway on the way to Twenty One Pilots concert - and scared the number of people who literally pounced to take a picture. Did you at all come to the concert then?

Yes, everything is fine. On the way, I found out that it's not in vain. Twenty One Pilots like - the audiences are strongly intersect.

Hip-Hop performer Ivan Alekseev, better known as Noize MC, infrequently talks about his personal life and especially shows his children press. So when the next day the musician and his sons of Vasily and Mikhail became the guests of the attraction of the virtual reality "Mission Mars", which opened in Artplay, we decided to see the guys better.

Noize MC with sons Vasily and Mikhail

Ivan was not against - gladly posed with the sons of photographers, told about how time with children spends time.

The new attraction of the virtual reality "Mission Mars" is valid in the framework of the interactive Space Space of Solaaris. In order to feel like the first person on Mars, you just need to wear special glasses. Effects adds the fact that the space on "Mars" allows you to explore it - to wander, consider the details.

We most liked the planet with increased gravity and a mirror corridor, - shared the impressions of Noize MC. - And, of course, the planet, where you can create your own animals. I painted them together with the children and could not break away. And I did not take a risked in the 18 -th-Timest hole in the attraction "Mission Mars".

Sasha Sokolova, the soloist of the popular St. Petersburg group Atlantida Project, known to many of the joint work with Noize MC "Jordan", died after a long fight against cancer. The girl struggled with the disease all the last year of his life, trying to various methods of treatment, but the efforts were in vain. Sasha died at the end of September, two weeks after the premiere of the Jordan clip. About this on his page in "VKontakte" reported The organizer of the concerts of the staff of Praskovya Shishkhedov.

"Sasha gone. Guys, Sasha left. Favorite my girl. You are a spark. And for life with me, "she wrote.

34-year-old Sasha recognized about his diagnosis during the tour in Israel. She was diagnosed with a fourth degree cancer. Every day, information about the health of Sasha appeared on social networks. Friends and fans gathered money for expensive treatment: the daily portion of drugs accounted for a singer in 25 thousand rubles. The girl was a course of chemotherapy, and also studied other treatment techniques - the virtuality course was held, protein therapy, was treated with heat shock and in other ways.

"Thank you very much to everyone who is next to us, to everyone who was next to Sasha and supported her and us all these months. In the spring of 2014, we had a tragedy and a miracle at the same time. Daily diagnosis of Sasha. And suddenly it turned out that there were thousands of non-indifferent people, for whom her music is important to which she needs. We were perceived by the Spirit, "Praskovaya wrote.

As Shishkoedova writes, Sasha was "a brilliant girl, in whose head amazing words and melodies were born."

"With a closer acquaintance, it turned out to be such an injury, almost a child, with dreams - bright and very clear, emotional, controversial. And - very close. Sasha loved contrasts, sometimes loved to be rude. This is such protection against the world, which makes being strong. She always knew - her destiny to sing, write, create, "says woman.

The condolences to friends and native Sasha Sokolova brought the musician Noize MC, with whom the singer recorded the Jordan's Joint Song shortly before death.

"We met a year ago. Sergey Zyazin, Guitarist, Composer and Sound Producer Atlantida Project, sent me a letter with several ready songs and chorus "Jordan". It was a night, I drove home after a whole day in the studio, the tired of just, but this music revealed me that I had forgotten about a dream. Sasha's voice broke through like a scanner. I had goosebumps, I sat in a taxi and cried. The letter was mentioned about her health problems - from this, too, of course, was shocked. I remember my mother at the 4th stage of cancer. The fact that a person is able to sing, compose and act with such a diagnosis (even if you are remission), is a clean force of mind, it is contrary to everything, "wrote Noize MC on his page in VKontakte.

"Unfortunately, remission at some point ended. Already in May, on the set of the clip, Sashino state was far from normal. In the summer, the disease has progressed, but the guys continued to play, we performed together in St. Petersburg at the student festival. After that, we did not have time to see - I was in eternal travel and matters ... Already in September, when I was in America, Sergey wrote me a laconic letter that Sasha was very bad. According to our subsequent correspondence, it became clear that we are talking about the last days and a complete impasse. Unfortunately, it came out. The best of people is given to a minimum of time. Eternal memory to you, Sasha Sokolova. Cosmos spoke your mouth, "the musician added.