Unconventional drawing for kids. Unconventional graphic techniques for preschool children

Unconventional drawing for kids. Unconventional graphic techniques for preschool children
Unconventional drawing for kids. Unconventional graphic techniques for preschool children

All children love to draw. But sometimes the child does not work out as I want. Or maybe he is not enough familiar ways for self-expression? Then you can inspire it for experiments with different techniques, among which you will definitely find a favorite. After that, your child probably wants to invent something new.
Patterns from the point

First, I draw the simplest rogulin. Then, with the help of cotton sticks and paints (gouache or acrylic), we make intricate patterns as the soul will fall. The paints are better pre-mixed and slightly breed with water on the palette.


Since childhood, familiar and beloved by many techniques. We put a piece of paper under a sheet of paper with a slightly protruding relief and paint it with a pastel, a small or not sharpened pencil.


Saving a sponge into a thick gouache, the child can draw landscapes, flowers bouquets, lilac or animal branches.


One option: drop paint onto a sheet and tilt it in different directions to make any image. Second: the baby is dipping a brush into the paint, then puts a bliss on a sheet of paper and folds the leaf twice so that the blots are imprinted on the second half of the sheet. Then turns the sheet and trying to understand who or what is similar to the drawing.

Other drawings by the method of klyasography can be viewed

Hand and foot prints

Everything is simple: you need to soak the foot or palm in the paint and make a print on paper. And then put into the course of fantasy and draw a couple of details.

Read more about the method of drawing with palms you can see

Patterns in paint

For such an applique, you need to put paint on paper with a thick layer. Then the opposite end of the brush on another damp paint sprinkle patterns - a variety of lines and curls. When driving, cut the desired shapes and paste on a tight sheet.


The name speaks for itself. You need to paint your finger with a thin layer and make a print. A pair of strokes felt-tip pen - and ready!


On a flat smooth surface (for example, glass) paint drawing is applied. Then the paper sheet is applied, and the imprint is ready. So that it turns out more blurry, the sheet of paper must be pre-wet. When everything dries, you can add details and outlines if you want.


The highlight of the work is that the drawing must be scratched. The cardboard sheet is tightly shaped by spots of multi-colored oil pastels. Then the black gouache must be mixed on the palette with soap and paint the whole sketch. When the paint is completely dry, flush the pattern toothpick.

Air paints

To prepare the paint, you need to mix the tablespoon of "self-submission" flour, a few drops of the food dye and a tablespoon of salt. Add some water to consistency thick sour cream and mix well. Paint can be placed in a confectionery syringe or in a small package. Tightly tie and cutting the corner. We draw on paper or ordinary cardboard. The finished pattern is placed on 10-30 seconds in the microwave to the maximum mode.

"Marble" paper

Sheet of paper stain with yellow acrylic paint. When it fills, paint the dilute pink paint again and immediately cover the food film. The film must be minimized and assembled in folds, since they will create us the desired pattern. We wait for a complete drying and remove the film.

Drawing water

Watercolor draw a simple shape and pour it with water. So far, I do not dry, put colored blots on it, so that such smooth transitions are mixed and formed.

Prints with vegetables and fruits

Vegetable or fruit need to be cut in half. Then you can cut on it some kind of pattern or leave as it is. Macaus in paint and make prints on paper. For prints, you can use an apple, potatoes, carrots or celery.

Fingerprints from leaves

The principle is the same. Leaves with smear paint and make prints on paper.

Drawings with salt

If you sprinkle another wet watercolor pattern with salt, then it is soaked in paint and when drying will create a grain effect.

Brush instead of a brush

Sometimes for the purpose of the experiment, it is worth trying something unexpected. For example, a shopping brush.

Ebru, or drawing on the water

We will need a water tank. The main requirement is to coincide with its sheet of paper. You can use a roaster for an oven or a large tray. Also need oil paints, solvent to them and brush. The essence is to create patterns of paint on the water, and then to dip a sheet of paper in them. How it's done: www.youtube.com.

The effect of cracked wax

Wax pencils draw on fine paper. In our case - flower. The background should be completely shaded. Quote ferment and then lay a sheet with a pattern. We paint it dark paint so that it enters all the cracks. We rinse the drawing under the crane and dry. If required - smoothed iron.

About drawing on crumpled paper

Cardboard with shift cardboard

Cut the cardboard into small strips, about 1.5 × 3 cm. The edge of a piece of cardboard is loose in the paint, press vertically to paper and evenly move aside. Wide lines will be obtained, from which the drawing is created.

Prints cam

For such a drawing, the child will have to squeeze his hands in the cams. Then to dip the back of the fingers into the paint and put prints, creating the desired shape. Fish and crabs can be created using fingerprints.

The material on the page will constantly update!

We all know that the kids will know the world through the sensations. Here is a color panel to pass the child and cause delight from the transformations that come from touch with their own hands!
- Paints
- White cardboard or canvas on cardboard
- film

Drawing with unconventional ways is very fascinating children. It is unusual, interesting and opens a whole field for experiments. In addition, classes using non-traditional drawing techniques contributes to the removal of children's fears, develops a small motility of hands, strengthens confidence in its own opportunities, develops spatial and figurative thinking that encourages children to freely express their ideas, look for creative ways to solve it. Children learn to work with a variety of texture and volume material, have the ability to fantasize and show independence.
Below are simple techniques, affordable and interesting children of pre-school and younger school age.

The game "Photorobot" or "Draw" almost like Pablo Picasso.

Technique "Pointelism"
(Fr. Pointillisme, literally "point", Fr. Point - Point) - This is the direction in the visual art, which is the French artist Neoimpressionist Georges Syra. Syra wrote pictures using instead of ordinary smears and solid painted sections tiny multicolored dots. He sought different shades, placing the points of clean colors close to each other. The most famous picture of Syra is called "Sunday walk on the island of Grand-Zhatt".
Usually, when children are offered to draw a picture in the technique of Pointilism, instead of a tassel use a cotton wand. We want to offer you try to draw molten wax pencils.

Technique "GRUTAZH"

A color background is applied on a sheet of paper. When the paint dries, the sheet needs to grasp wax or candle. In the shampoo or liquid soap pour mascara. This mixture cove your entire sheet. After the leaf is driving, a pointed wand needs to scratch the drawing. It can be space, trees, a vase with flowers, in general, everything that tells the imagination.

Technique "Foam Oron"

Add shampoo or soap to the water, squeeze a sponge for the formation of thick foam, assemble a sponge foam on the glass, add a paint, put a sheet of paper from above. Smooth it and raise it. Background ready. Approximate subject: "Visiting the Mermaid", "The Magic of Nature", "where it is cold or hot."

Technique "Photocopy"

(Drawing with wax pencils, fatty pastel, candle.)
A drawing is applied on paper with a candle and wax fine. Then the entire sheet poured watercolor.

Technique "Draw a palm and fingers"

Instead of brushes - palms and fingers. Cut the brush hands in the paint, give her a drain, and attach a palm to a sheet of paper. Finger paint on the resulting fingerprint, strips - on every finger - drawing of another color. For miniature design, the drawing is convenient to use a thin brush. Field for fantasy is limitless!

Technique "Diatipia and Monotypia"

Diatipia - tampon of fabric Apply a light layer of paint on the smooth surface of the cardboard. Top to put a sheet of paper and draw something with a pencil or just a wand. On the side that was pressed to the cardboard, it turns out an impression.

Monotype - on one side of the sheet to pour paints of different colors. Bend the sheet in half, smooth your hand, deploy. Exemplary topics: "Frog", "Flower", "like in the mirror they look birch", "in the edge of wonderful butterflies."

Technique "Mosaic painting"

Apply a simple pencil image of a subject. Split the drawing on the part. Fill out with colored pencils, wovers or paints, individual parts of the pattern, select combinations and beautifully harmony colors; Think out the background color.

Technique "Plasticine Painting"

On dense cardboard make a pencil sketch of the future picture. The objects are "painted" with plasticine - smear in small pieces.

Sprinkle appliances

On the end of a toothbrush or brush, dial a little paint, tilt the brush over the sheet and
Hold a wand on the pile. The splashes will scatter on the sheet. Sprinkle can be used as an additional effect of the image already created, or overlapping cut out of a certain silhouette. The arrogant spray, as shown below, gives an interesting volume effect.

Technique "Stamp with autumn leaves"

The fallen maple leaf, for example, the soft movements of the brush to cover with gouache paints, impose on a prepared sheet of paper painted side down. At the top to apply paper and press the hand.

Technique "Drawing with crumpled paper"

A thin sheet of paper to minimize and omitted into the paint, and then a lump of clouds to a dense paper sheet in a certain place - where you want to portray lace clouds, a lush crown of autumn tree or salute, it all depends exclusively from your design.

Technique "Crystal Texture"

Threads 25 cm long. Pain in different colors. Dispatch in any way on a sheet of paper. Ends of threads withdraw out. From above to impose another sheet of paper and smooth your palm. Hold out all the threads one by one, remove the top sheet.

Technique "Drawing through wet marla"

A moistened march is superimposed on a sheet of paper and a drawing is applied with a gouache. When the paint snacks a little, the gauze is removed. Details are described by a thin brush (images of fluffy animals, picturesque landscapes, etc.)

All-Russian competition of pedagogical skills "Methodical piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher"

Municipal pre-school educational institution No. 200

Master class "Non-traditional drawing techniques"


Pedagogue of the first qualified category

Malyshko Alena Igorevna

Kemerovo 2017.

Master class "Non-traditional drawing techniques"

Purpose: Expand the knowledge of teachers through acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques, as a means of developing the interest of preschoolers for visual creativity.


Introduce teachers with unconventional drawing equipment - milk, shaving foam;

Teach practical skills in the field of visual activities using several non-traditional methods in drawing;

Increase the level of skill of teachers.

Methods and techniques: Reproductive, practical, verbal, visual.

Equipment: didactic means - drawings performed in the technique of non-traditional drawing; Tables, chairs for teachers; Material for practical activity - gouache, jars with water, brushes, landscape sheets, shaving foam, PVA glue, transparent plates, toothpicks, wet napkins for each teacher; AudioSpenings - Presentation "Non-traditional drawing techniques", CD - player, projector, laptop, Flash - carrier.

Preliminary work: Studying Internet resources on this topic, preparation of equipment.

Master Stroke - Class:

The urgency of the selected master class theme:

In drawing classes, the tasks of the comprehensive development of children are solved, which is necessary for successful schooling.

In the process of work, children are formed by mental operations, the skills of working in the team, the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of peers.

Children from early age are trying to reflect their impressions of the world around their visual creativity. Observations on drawing efficiency in kindergarten lead to the conclusion about the need to use non-traditional techniques who will create a situation of success in pupils, will form a sustainable motivation to drawing.

Drawing with unconventional methods, fascinating, fascinating activity, which surprises and admires children. There is a lot of techniques of non-traditional drawing, their unusual is that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, what kind of child will not be interesting to draw with fingers, draw a drawing with his own palm, put on paper blots and get a funny drawing. The child loves to quickly achieve the result in his work.

An important role in the development of the child plays a developing environment. Therefore, when organizing an objectory environment, it is necessary to take into account the content to be developing in nature, and was aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with its individual capabilities available and relevant to the age characteristics of children. At home, each of us has unnecessary things (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, foam, coil of threads, candles, etc.). Walking down the street or in the forest you can find a lot of interesting things: sticks, bumps, leaves, pebbles, seeds of plants, fluff of dandelion, thistle, poplar. All these objects it is possible to enrich the corner of productive activities. Unusual materials and original techniques attract children to what you can draw than you want and how you want and you can even come up with your unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and by emotions, you can judge the mood of the child, that he pleases that he is sad.

Using non-traditional techniques:

Promotes the removal of children's fears.

Develops self-confidence.

Develops spatial thinking.

Teaches children to express their ideas freely.

Encourages children to creative search and decisions.

Teaches children to work with a variety of material.

Develops a feeling of color perception, a sense of texture and volumetric.

Develops a fine motor skill.

Developing creative abilities, imagination and flight of fantasy.

While working, children receive aesthetic pleasure.

Allow me, I will tell you a little about them.

With children of junior preschool age, it is recommended to use:

Drawing with fingers;

Prints from potatoes, carrots, foam;

Drawing with palms.

drawing on wet sheet paper

Middle preschool children can be acquainted with more complex techniques:

Stick of hard semi-dry brush.

Stamp foam rubber;

Printing corks;

Wax crayons + gouache

Candle + watercolor;

Print leaves;

Pictures of palm;

Drawing with cotton chopsticks;

Magic ropes;

Monotype subject.

In a senior preschool age, children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

Drawing salt, sand, semolina;

Drawing with soap bubbles;

Drawing with crumpled paper;

Cleaxography with a tube;

Monotype landscape;

Printing on stencil;

Cleaxography is usual;



Drawing using non-traditional techniques fascinates and fascinates children. This is a free creative process, when the word is not present can not, but there is a possibility to violate the rules for using some materials and tools. Humanity does not stand still, we are constantly developing and invent something new. So in the field of amusement, many new non-traditional techniques appeared, about which today I want to tell you.

1. Receiving a food film.

Did you know that the film also knows how to draw? It is enough to lay it on the wet watercolor and move. Get ice crystals or other genus abstractions.

2. Drawing on foil.

Drawing on foil is very different from paper. First, it is clearly visible how colors are mixed, secondly, the paint greatly slides. Suitable for the development of sensory sensations in kids. You can draw with fingers, tassels, cotton wands.

3. Drawing toothpicks on PVA glue.

Pour the PVA glue on paper and draw on it the divorces with toothpicks or cotton wand. If you use a transparent plastic cover as the basis, for example, from under sour cream, then after the drawing is driving, it can be cut out of it, for example, a heart and on the rope on the Christmas tree.

4. Drawing on milk.

For bold creative experiments, very simple and safe ingredients will be needed:

- whole milk, it is important that it is not degreasing, better if homemade;

- diluted food dyes in water;

- Flat plate or shallow tray;

- Liquid soap or dishwashing agent.

To begin with, we pour a little milk into a plate and give a child a jar with paints, of which it should be on several drops of paints of different colors for milk. The resulting drawing will already be very interesting. But that's not all. In our container you need to drop a little liquid soap or dishwashing agents. And further only to observe what is happening in a plate wonderful transformation and movement. Each drop, falling on the surface, launches a fantastic dance of flowers. The process and its unexpected results will like the child insanely. Observe the amazing transformations very interesting and very instructive. In addition, this amazing transformation series can be photographed and, printed interesting abstract photos, decorate the results of joint creativity with children interior. Photos can work out a lot, because the movement and conversion in a plate will continue for a long time. After conducting such an interesting experience, next time you can offer the child to participate in the process itself and try to form a drawing. For this, the preparatory stage will be the same, but the dishwashing liquid does not pour into milk, and make ordinary cotton sticks in it and give a child. When it drops them into milk, the process of transformation will begin, and the baby will be able to participate in the creation of patterns.

I offer you another non-traditional type of technology - it is drawing in kefir, this type of technology is called Ebru. Pour kefir to a plate. We drip on a few drops of paint in kefir. Suffoil two cotton wands into liquid soap and immerse them in a plate with kefir. We observe how paints begin to create beautiful patterns. You can also get an impression on a sheet of paper, for this you need to take a sheet of paper to put it on the milk drawing and then pull it out for drying.

5. Glue to create a 3D effect.

Very interesting drawings of another plan are obtained with PVA glue. Its or hot glue can be used to make a drawing of volume and relief.

6. Salt drawing.

The drawing is applied by PVA glue, sprinkle with salt and let dry. Then, with the help of brushes, pick up paint and drip it on a salt base. The paint herself spreads and is beautifully mixed.

7. Drawing for shaving foam.

Drawing for shaving foam is a fascinating and interesting process. The foam is pleasant to the touch, gives new tactile sensations and a pleasant smell. Easily washed off with hands, clothes and any surface.

Creativity using such non-traditional drawing techniques creates a positive motivation to drawing, relaxes, wakes up fantasy and gives a lot of positive emotions!

"Volume" paints

You will need: 2 pieces of shaving foam + 1 part of PVA + paint glue.

First you need to mix glue and paint, then add a shave foam. Mix everything thoroughly. Paints are ready, they can be applied to the finished circuit or (and) to show fantasy - come up with a drawing yourself.

Joint drawing with pedagors for shaving in the technique of "volumetric" paints on a free topic.

"Volume" paints to put in a dense food package (or tube). Cut off the tip of the package with scissors, it turned out a kind of confectionery syringe. Pressing on the package with paint, create a drawing.

For the preparation of mass for the modeling, we will need:

400 grams of starch + 100-200 grams of foam + paints

Mix well with your hands before receiving lumps (the material is similar to cottage cheese of grains or wet sand). After the game, do not throw out the mass for the modeling, and pour it into a regular package or make a toy for the development of shallow hands.

To create a toy you will need a mass for modeling, an air ball, a funnel, a wand for pushing the sticky mass.

8. Pointelism for children.

One of the most interesting and unusual directions of painting. This is such a manner of writing patterns with separate strokes of the right, point or rectangular shape. Artists, causing clean paints to canvas, counted on the optical mixing of flowers in the eye of the viewer, and they managed it. For children, such a technique is difficult, and therefore I offer you an unconventional pointelism for children.

The name of the flow in painting Pointelism occurred from the French word Pointiller, which means "writing points." Artists who worked in the style of pointelism were applied to the canvas clean, not mixed at the paint palette. Optical mixing of paints occurred at the stage of perception of the picture by the viewer.

The optical mixing of three pure primary colors and several pairs of additional allows you to get quite large brightness than by mechanical mixing pigments.

I suggest you to master the technique of "Pointelism" using not quite traditional materials for it - color markers (markers). Preschool children love to experiment with visual materials. The proposed image method by points with the help of felt-tippers allows not only to develop a small motility of preschoolers, their perishability, color perception, but also to increase the emotional background, since the image with the help of felt-taps (color markers) does not require drying, screaming of paints or inaccurate mixing.

10. Grizail (Franz. Grisaille from GRIS - Gray) - A view of a monotonous (monochrome) painting performed in different colors of the same color. That is, all the work is performed solely paint one or two colors, but of different tones (somewhere pale, somewhere darker, brighter).


Technique application drawing on paper, fabric. For the appearance of the figure, a relief surface is used, which is located on the back of the paper (tissue, this relief surface is displayed on the front side of the paper (tissue) by friction of the coloring material (for example, a pencil).

One of the most popular objects are the leaves of trees.

Fresh leaves are suitable for work, and dry. You should decide on the form, the size of the leaves and collect the composition. Very often in the skill use many surfaces of one copy.

The dense material is not suitable for firotage. It is better to work with writing paper, apply pencils of various softness or wax crayons, pastel. However, this does not mean that the more tenderly - the better. A completely soft pencil, rather, closes what the relief shows. You can try to stroke in different directions - the effects can differ significantly. Rubbing is made with caution: you should keep a paper sheet, not shifting the silhouette under it. The second option: so that the leaves do not move, they can be glued to the paper (on the back of the picture, and then draw in small color in small colors. Tones that shaper the plane to obtain an artistic result are complemented and covered each other.

12. Zentahl and Dudling.

A combination (sendling) - drawing techniques, recently gaining great popularity. Interest in them is connected with the fact that they are a good way to relax, enjoy, show their creative abilities, even if you do not know how to draw in the classical understanding of this word.

These technicians are well suited for adults, and for the youngest children who only learn to keep drawing accessories.

Dudling (from the English doodle - the unconscious drawing) is drawing using simple elements (circles, rags, rhombic, dots, sticks, etc.). This consists of ease. However, complicated compositions affecting the imagination may be made of these simple elements. But mostly, this is the unconscious drawing, allowing you to "turn off the brain", which opens the road with pure creativity, not cited by the rules. To such drawing, many of us indulged in boring school lessons. About what happens in the end, we do not know and do not think about, the hand draws in itself. There will be a variety of plants, non-existent worlds or just geometric shapes - no matter. The main thing is to enjoy the drawing process

Zentngle (from Zen - equilibrium, calm and rectangle - rectangle) is a combination of meditation and drawing. Traditionally, 9x9 cm squares are used for the drawing of the ZentNagle. Square is placed any drawing, or it is randomly divided into segments, which, in turn, are filled with various single-type elements (dots, circles, diamonds, which is enough fantasy). The zentangle helps to increase the collence, concentration, contributes to psychological unloading, inland soothing, improves visual coordination and fine motor skills, and also develops creative abilities and creativity. A mixture of these two techniques - Zendudling (Zendoodling) - is ideal for classes with children. The easiest option is to take advantage of the coloring or contour of the animal, flower, birds (anything, drawn by stencil, and offer the child to fill it with simple elements, and then paint them. You can complicate the task - to break the drawing on the part and fill the resulting segments with different patterns. More Option - Suggest a child to fill the same images of animals, objects, etc.

13. "Print" we will draw dandelions, but we will not draw in the usual way. This method is called "imprint." We need to take a leaflet from the flower and put on it the paint of a green color, then take this sheet to turn over and imprinted it on a blank sheet of paper.

Then we take the flower myself as applied to it only yellow colors on it and we also make prints with flowers or filming a paper napkin into a napkin, dip in yellow paint and put a print on paper.

14. "Drawing by soap bubbles" Put the gouache spoon in a glass, pour liquid soap mixed with water. We take the capetail straw and begin to die the solution so that bubbles rose in the cup. When the foam rose, we take a dense paper and lean it to the soapy foam. Thus, you can walk with one sheet of paper in all colors. For creativity it is better to take dense paper. The resulting prints can be drawn and make a picture,

15. Drawing by a fork "Hedgehog on the forest edge" We will start work. The sheet of paper should be arranged horizontally. In the center of the sheet, with the help of a brush and brown paint, we draw an oval, without waiting for it to dry, lengthen it on one side, highlighting the nose. Next we need a fork and green gouache, draw the grass while our hedgehog dries. The plug is completely lowered into the paint and with the help of applying technique, we leave prints. Also, it is also possible that the prints came to the hedgehog, it will give an idea of \u200b\u200bmultipleness (hedgehog in the grass). Thoroughly wash the plug, then we need a red and yellow gouache in our work. On some blades using the same technique with a fork and paint, plant flowers. Now it is necessary to make hedgehog needles. Repeating the same actions, just using the black gouache draw the hedgehog needles. Go to the completed stage of our work. Testing our hedgehog with the help of brushes and black guaishes Glazik and nose.


Children like unconventional drawing methods. This contributes to the development of creative thinking, imagination, creativity, expanding the ideas about the world around and, like usual drawing, develops a small man's hand, trains the muscles of the brush hand, prepares a hand to the letter.

Nontraditional classes

Include many ideas.

Sometimes provocative,

But interesting for children.

They are unusually combined

Material and tool.

And everything is fine,

And indifferent not exactly!

Outcome: Dear Colleagues! Our master class came to an end. I see wonderful work in an unusual technique. And now I suggest everyone together to take pictures on the memory of today's meeting.

Thank you all for your attention!

Valentina Kurgana
Abstract Classes on non-traditional drawing technique "Soon Summer"

purpose: To acquaint children with drawing technique with crumpled paper, Development of artistic and creative abilities and perceptions.


Development of creative thinking, imagination.

Development of small motility.

Call an emotional response to a new image method.

Relieve careful attitude towards nature.

Relieve accuracy.

Material: Toned paper, gouache different colors poured into small plates, paper sheets of different sizes.

Travel course:

Educator: Guys what kind of years do you know? (children's responses).

Summer's soon, and how you learned that summer? (children's responses).

Behind the spring comes summer. He is waiting for people and plants.

All fields, meadows in colors

Like in the little scarves.

We love very much for it

Our sunny ... (summer) .

Educator: Guys guess puzzles:

You warm the whole world

And you do not know fatigue.

Smile in the window

And your name is everything .... (The sun)

Fluffy horse

And maybe hippo

And maybe just a robe

Above us in the distance floats. (Cloud)

What happens the summer sky and the sun? Who of you was in summer in the meadow and what did you see there? What flowers did you see there? (Children's responses).

Fingering game:

Multicolored flowers reveal the petals

(Folded fingers in the fist are slowly straightened)

Breeze slightly breathe, pegs pegs

(fingers smoothly leans right left).

Multicolored leaflets cover petals

(the fingers slowly fold into the cam).

Heads are swing, quietly fall asleep.

(cams slowly and smoothly sway from side to side).

Educator: Let's look at the picture of the summer. What summer bright, warm. As the sun shines brightly, white clouds float across the sky, and different flowers bloom in the meadow.

Let's draw summer! We take several sheets of paper of different sizes and ferment into lumps. Suffoil lumps in plates with paint and press lumps to a sheet of paper, leaving the handprints in the form of a sun, clouds, herbs. Then draw multicolored flowers.

Guys, see what wonderful drawings we got!

Publications on the topic:

The abstract of integrated classes on unconventional drawing techniques, the RETEY stamp tasks: 1. Remind the kids content familiar.

Software content: 1. To introduce children with a new drawing technique - Groatage (scratching); 2. Fasten and summarize the knowledge of children.

Objectives: 1. To acquaint children with a new drawing technique "cotton on velvet paper." 2. Develop the creative abilities of children. Z. Call.

An abstract of open classes on unconventional drawing techniques in the second youngest group "Sunny that shines me" Purpose: Continue to acquaint with an unconventional way to draw palm. Tasks: develop color perception and visual-motor.

An abstract of classes on artistic creativity in unconventional drawing techniques (toothpaste) "Winter landscape" Purpose: Teach children draw winter landscape in unconventional equipment toothpaste. Tasks: Educational: introduce students with unconventional.

Abstract Classes for non-traditional drawing techniques Lesson for the younger group: "Multicolored palms" Objective: To form ideas about the world of love and good feelings; Develop in children a desire.

Abstract Classes on non-traditional drawing techniques in the first youngest group "Hedgehog" An abstract classes on non-traditional drawing techniques. In the first younger group. Topic: "Hedgehog." (drawing with cotton chopsticks) Purpose: 1. Continue.

Drawing lesson for schoolchildren

Non-traditional drawing at school. Painting "Colors of Summer"

Master class on drawing flowers in mixed technique: watercolor painting "raw" and wax color pencils.

Kokorina Elena Yuryevna, teacher of fine art, MOU Slavninskaya secondary school, Tver region, Torzoksky district.
Appointment of work: The master class is designed for students of grades 6-8, teachers of visual art and teachers of the additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation. The drawing can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift.
Purpose: Creating a drawing with a flower arrangement of bright watercolor spots.
1) to work out the skills of working with watercolor paints in the "raw" technique;
2) develop a feeling of color, abstract thinking and creative imagination;
3) bring up patience, accuracy in work.
Materials: White tight sheet of paper (better than watercolor), watercolor (I use artistic semi-dry in the cuvetch, set "Studio" 24 colors); Pony brushes or protein number 2; Glass-unpleasant for water.

We will continue to familiarize with watercolor painting in the technique of "raw raw". This non-traditional drawing technique implies paint to the pre-moisturized surface of the paper, which can be moistened with water or layer of still low paint, as a result of the watercolor effects being created cannot be reproduced by any other means. In The process of work is necessarily detected by any uncontrolled element that allows the means to "perform" on the paper on paper. And it is precisely this gives the technique of "raw raw" charm and freshness. It is perfect for landscapes, but I propose to use the effects of this technique for Basics in the summer flower composition.
Summer behind us Manilo
The world is magical, dissolving the window ...
Rainbow, the paints gave us,
And we have become, draw it! (Valery Gulians)

When painting "raw" there are several rules that you need to know.
1) Paper for such work will have to be mixed on both sides, so the table must be protected from moisture. For this prepare a workplace: you can put a piece of glass or oil.
2) I still need to remember that when the "in raw" work, the paint will be spread as it will do it, it does not need to catch it, let him break. Do not strive to copy photos, let me happen to a new product.
3) You can wet the paper in a wide basin with clean water, just plunging the sheet completely, do not forget about the places under your fingers. And you can simply moisten the sponge first the side that will fall on the table, and then go through the sponge from above. Wet paper needs to be consolidated for the most tips, because, hidden it can be sworn. In my case, I stick a sheet of scotch.

Tell me what color
Our affectionate summer?
And what color paint
Pick up for a summer fairy tale?
For your work, I take the following cuvettes with watercolor: red brilline, shaggy, pink, yellow, orange, purple, green, yellow-green and turquoise.

Now proceed to work. Moisturize sheet from two sides and fasten it on the smooth surface of the glass. To create colors, you can pre-think about the composition and follow a predetermined plan, and you can randomly apply bright stains, from which in the future we will invent flowers. I choose the second option - it is not predicted and, it is interesting.
Collapse red dark and make a tissue imprint on paper. We look at how paint spreads.

Then on the sheet of paper, in any order, put six more such stains.

Now we take the "Aluu" watercolor and add to the already available stains. Paint will begin to mix.

Next Stage: Pink Watercolor. In random order, I apply a brush with paint to each stain. I try to create a shade around the edges.

Flower stains are ready. Create the background of our drawing. Since we draw summer flowers, I propose to use warm tones: I add yellow watercolor to free from red spots.

Now we take orange. "Watercolor and introduce it into various sections of yellow paint.

Looking at the resulting plot, I decided to introduce purple watercolor in the middle of the red spots. So it seems to me the flowers will be more interesting, it will be possible to draw the core or stamens in the future.

We draw summer flowers, so you can not pass by green shades. We start creating the basis of our future leaves. Green watercolor outlined contour in random order. (Follow your intuition).

In the middle of the green circuit, we introduce the yellow-green watercolor, and we see how colors begin to stir.

On the edge of green spots, a thin brush is carried out an irregular line of turquoise watercolor. The same color is planning accommodation in future leaves.

We look at what happened and let dry paints.

If, after drying, the paper is deformed, do not be discouraged. Put the face of the face on the smooth surface of the table or glass. Lightly moisture the leaven side of the sheet and cover the press (I often use heavy books as a press), most importantly, watch the sheet be covered completely. After about 12 hours, remove the job, and you will see that the sheet straightened.
Now the look carefully in the drawing on the sheet and imagine future flowers. Screw the leaf horizontally and vertically, and select your favorite option. The form of colors can be different.

It seems to me that my drawing needs to be turned out like this ...

Let's finish the drawing with colored wax pencils. My flowers will resemble gladioluses. I will start with the upper spots.
In order to be clearer what flower I draw each stain to circled with ovals of different colors: Let's start with a stain in black oval, then in red and finally, in yellow.

For the stroke of the contour of the petals Take a black wax pencil. Starting work, remember the rule that all petals converge in the center. As a result, there was a dropped flower that looks at us.

With the help of hatching, give the movement of petals.

In the hatching I enter burgundy color.

One flower is ready.

We proceed to the flower in red oval. Near it looks like this.

I will start with the bottom lobes.

Let's finish the drawing of the top petal and immediately appline a black hatching.

As in the first flower, we introduce a burgundy wax pencil.

We look at what happened.

We start drawing a third flower with burgundy wax pencil.

In the center of the flower, draw the black pencil of the stamens.

Lettering petals burgundy and brown pencil.

And now add black color: without pressing a pencil to get a transparent line, we will discuss the upper deployed petals and the inner edge of the right petal.

Now let's see how they look together.

Let's go down our drawing, there we can clearly see three red spots - these are also our future flowers. Let's start the drawing of the stain in black oval, then come up with a flower in a red oval, and the last flower will be in yellow oval.

The principle of drawing colors is the same as described above. Therefore, we look at the result.

Now I will definitely consider our figure entirely to determine further actions.

Let's start working with greens - form leaves. After analyzing the shape of the stains, I understand that they are little similar to the leaves of gladiolus, as they have a round shape. Well, okay, we are not a hindrance. Using a dark green wax pencil, emphasize the outline of the leaves and hatching rice.

Again, let's look at our drawing as a whole and we define the remaining front of the work.

Carefully engaged in the drawing, you can see the void in the center of the composition. There is a pale violet spot. This will also be a flower. For him, I will take a purple pencil, the tone is darker than the stain itself, and drawing his petals.

The same pencil draws a similar flower on an orange free plot on the right side of the picture.

Here is our drawing and ready. You can insert it into the frame.
Proud, slim, elegant,
Poured delight of the spacing.
Frak with a sudden satin.
My maestro is gladiolus! (Galina Abdelaziz)